#is sending someone a meme a form of gift giving or spending quality time!!!!
bogkeep · 1 year
thank you big joel and if books could kill podcast for digging into the five love languages. truly one of those concepts that are like Yeah Sounds About Right because of course people feel loved and love in different ways!!! but then it turns out it comes from a book written by a fundamentalist priest guy and it's like OK SO HE JUST MADE THOSE CATEGORIES UP HUH.
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prismaticstreams · 2 years
The nine love languages of NFs, empaths and HSPs
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I’ve been thinking more about the five love languages model recently, and decided I wanted to do my own blog post elaborating and adding four extra love languages that many NFs, empaths and HSPs would relate to – creative expression, personal growth, humour and spiritual practices. As well as that, I wanted to add more nuance to the original five love languages popularised by Gary Chapman.
There is a great deal of overlap between the different love languages, and many activities could fit into more than one category. For instance, creating an artwork for someone could be a gift but also a form of creative expression. Cuddling with a partner could be a form of sensual touch as well as quality time. A handwritten letter involves words but also is a gift.
Creative expression:
Personal artistic expression (writing poetry, composing a song/music piece, or creating a visual artwork for someone)
Sharing other’s people’s music or creative works (making a playlist or mix tape for someone, sending them a song that’s very meaningful to you)
Collaborating on a creative project together (being part of a band or choir together, creating a collaborative visual artwork, writing a play with someone)
Religious and spiritual practices:
Praying with or for someone, meditating together, singing or chanting with another person
Participating in private ceremonies or rituals together (celebrating Sabbath with a partner and/or family, pagan seasonal celebrations)
Attending group or public spiritual/religious services or events with another person (going to a meditation group together, attending a church/temple/synagogue service)
Personal growth and healing:
Going to therapy, individually and together (this could include coaching, mentoring and couples therapy)
Attending a personal growth or relationship workshop together
Reading a book, watching a talk or listening to a podcast together and discussing what you are learning
Supporting one another to do inner healing work
Humour and laughter:
Telling jokes to make someone laugh, teasing, flirty banter
Sending funny memes, photos, songs or videos
Creating shared in-jokes or giving each other silly nicknames
Watching something comedic together
Original Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman:
Words and communication:
Words of affirmation (compliments, encouraging words)
Frequent texting/check ins (asking “how are you?” regularly, good morning and goodnight texts)
Handwritten letters and cards
Sharing quotes/articles with someone (usually online but could also include printing an article and sharing with with a friend, lending them a book of interest)
Gifts and financial provision:
Practical gifts (buying someone kitchenware when they move out of home for the first time)
Handmade or sentimental gifts (handmade cards, personalised scrapbooks)
Buying an experience with someone (a holiday/vacation, a hot air balloon ride, etc)
Giving money and financial support
Acts of service:
Helping people with things they need, e.g. assisting someone with illness or disability
Doing acts of service to make someone’s life easier, that are not necessary but a nice bonus (cooking for someone who is healthy and able)
One off favours or help (bringing a meal after someone has an accident)
Ongoing and regular support (driving someone to appointments on a weekly basis)
Quality time:
Spending time together in silence (being the same room doing different things, cuddling in silence)
Quality conversation (listening, asking questions, being emotionally vulnerable)
Doing enjoyable activities together (attending to a concert together, going out for a meal, playing sport with someone)
Physical touch:
Platonic affection (hugs, pats on the shoulder/arm, kisses on the cheek)
Sensual touch (non-sexual cuddles, massage, gentle caressing)
Sexual intimacy (making out, or activities involving genitals/breasts/bottom and sexual arousal)
What love languages are most important to you? Do you prefer giving and receiving in different ways? Do you prefer different love languages with friends or family versus romantic partners? Please share in the comments!
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honeytea8 · 4 years
✨✨La Squadra Boyfriend Headcanons✨✨
[Alexa, play Boyfriend by Big Time Rush]
Guys, I spend an ungodly amount of time thinking about La Squadra, so here are some bf headcanons for the sexiest group of assassins in Naples. No one asked but I am bringing it straight to your dash anyway! (under the cut for length lmao)
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I’m going to start with Prosciutto, who has recently fallen on my radar pretty heavy! 
He’s a good and decent boyfriend, if not a busy one. Not that he doesn’t care about the relationship, but most of his energy was going to Passione things before you waltzed in and so he’ll struggle a bit between his work responsibilities and maintaining his relationship with you, but only in the beginning. 
If you are also a part of Passione, it’s a hell of a lot easier to manage. 
I see Prosciutto as the gift-giving type: lingerie, sweets, perfume, designers, etc. His salary isn’t the best, but he manages it as well as he can just to accommodate you! 
I just can’t get the idea out of my head that Pro was raised by a strict mama, that’s why he can be a bit of a stickler sometimes. He’ll catch you still lounging in bed at nine am, and be like “Why are you still in bed? Get dressed, we’re going out.” Dude!
I’m sorry to say, but Prosciutto is absolutely the ‘lecturing’ type. (He lectured someone in nearly every scene in the anime, Formaggio once and Pesci numerously and Bucci too) 
He will lecture you when you make mistakes, especially because as his s/o, he has high expectations for you and believes you’re capable of so much more. It’s never, ever out of hate. He loves you, and that’s why he chides you a bit lol. 
This does not negate the fact that he doesn't mind when you lean on him for support. He likes when you count on him, because he always comes through especially for you!
Depending on whether you’re in the mafia or not, I totally see him sparring with you, or working out with you in an effort to make you tough. Prosciutto wants you to be able to defend yourself, just in case. If you complain, he’ll tell you, “Better safe than sorry, tesoro”.
Prosciutto will respect you, period.
A good listener, goddamn! He’s up there with Risotto when it comes to who listens to their s/o more! If you have an issue, he’ll hear you out and offer advice if you want it. If you give him advice, he’ll take it into serious consideration. He’s honestly a good partner, can’t stress that enough.
Finally, sex with Pro is an entire event. Romantic dinner, candles lit, wine, the whole nine yards before he gives you nine inches of something else :) (I’m kidding!! Lmao, kinda). 
But as I said, Prosciutto is quite deliberate, and a bit of a perfectionist. He knows what to do and how to do it, you can trust him.
Ghiaccio is next only because he’s my favorite. 
The ice gremlin is probably the most interesting (and hilarious) boyfriend out of the bunch (I say this with only a tidbit of bias). He isn’t funny himself, but funny shit just happens to him. 
Because of this, he will use you as a soundboard when everyone else refuses to listen to him. He’s got a lot to say, so be prepared for his TEDtalks. LMAO!
It will take some perception on your part to notice when he actually expects a response from you, and other times he’s just ranting to get his point out. 
He will correct your grammar when you text, but barely notices when he makes a similar mistake (his brain moves in mph). Please use the proper names like Venezia, Italia, Roma and Napoli when talking to this man; save yourself from the headache.
When it comes to dates, please have mercy on him, he’s a textbook over-thinker! You’ll just have to plan something simple at home for you both to enjoy. 
He isn’t incapable of planning dates, but he’ll want everything to be so absolutely perfect for his s/o and will throw a fit when it ultimately isn’t. 
Contrary to popular belief, I think that Ghiaccio is a pretty attentive partner. He’s super intelligent and I think a part of it stems from his innate ability to read people (I’m referencing the part in the anime where he deduced what Giorno and Mista had come to look for, while going off very little information). 
The more time he spends with you, the better he gets at it. 
His form of affection will be shown through the amount of time you both spend together. When it comes to sex or anything related to that, be gentle and slow as Ghiaccio will likely be a flustered mess. 
As he becomes more comfortable and confident, he will be bolder and just ask out right if you’ll suck him off tonight or not. The man appreciates directness, so don’t bother being coy. “You want me to give you head? Cool, lay down a towel or something.” is what he’ll probably say.
Very practical 👌🏾👌🏾
Melone, good lord, he’s kind of perfect. 
A bit of a doting boyfriend here and there—very much concerned about your health. Expect him to ask if you’ve eaten, or taken your multivitamin. How are your bowel movements?  LMAO
It can become a bit much, but he really genuinely cares. He’s not asking to be intrusive or nasty! If he was, you’d know. 🤣
But I seriously consider Melone to be the one (at least among La Squadra) who is way, way invested in his relationships. He will know every little detail about you; will ask you lots of questions and expects you to ask him just as many. 
This may be annoying to some, but this dude will definitely bring up your horoscope in an argument. He’ll be like “I honestly can’t fathom why you’re being this way, though it’s to be expected from a libra.” 
Peg this bitch so he can shut up.  
Melone is also touchy as hell, but not in a clingy way. He loves touching, and just to tag onto the headcanon about his partial blindness, I want to say that he’s so touchy because that’s how he ‘sees’ you best.
Just know that half the time, he isn’t touching you to be lecherous, even if he genuinely does like the feel of your skin under his fingertips. Melone will even encourage you to touch him back. 
Rub his thigh or back and he’ll be simping.
He is obsessed with your legs, and will paint your toes if you let him. 
LOVES PDA! Melone will also tongue-kiss you in public if you let him!
Notice how I keep saying ‘if you let him’. Give him an inch and he’ll press you for a mile, so if there are boundaries you would like to establish, please do, cuz he sure as hell won’t, just saying!
When it comes to sex, Melone is a dick and coochie sensei. Oral is his favorite thing to do, probably enjoys giving more than receiving to be honest. I’d say he’s pretty much mastered sex for what it is. 
That being said, if he’s ever talking out of his neck, just invite him to put his mouth to better use. He’ll even thank you for your gracious request.
Formaggio is next 💀 
According to my JoJo compatriots from discord, he’s like the Optimus Prime of fuckboi’s so let’s ride that wave for a bit! LMAO
I hope it doesn’t come as a surprise that Formaggio is pretty shameless. He will send you a dick pic on Sunday morning before church and have the audacity to say “Just wanted to bless you real quick”. 
@autumn-kouhai mentioned him giving his s/o sickly sweet pet names and I just have to agree. 
Expect to be hit upside the head with: baby-boo, sugar plum, honey bunches, sweetums. I can imagine them becoming really ridiculous too like “the last piece of red velvet cake” or “cheddar bae biscuits from Red Lobster”
His catch phrase is “Got nudes?”
Send them, and he won’t be afraid to reply with something equally sexy. 
Be warned though, he will stockpile whatever you send him and then be careless with his phone. If you don’t mind Illuso’s snoopy ass seeing your nudes then by all means, have at it. Otherwise, send them through snapchat, so they disappear later. 
As far as La Squadra boyfriends go, he’s the most fun! Y’all don’t even go anywhere because man’s is broke. BUT, Formaggio knows how to have a good time without any need to spend money (my kind of dude tbh) you guys just crank up the tunes, dance, and get lit until the neighbors complain. 
Formi is also the CEO of jokes/memes, and will have you in absolute tears almost always! I literally tell my friends that funny guys are so dangerous, don’t sleep on them! They will make you laugh until your panties drop, it’s magic, I swear. Formaggio has that same energy. 
No matter how bad of a day his s/o is having, rest assured, he will draw the biggest laugh out of you.
Besides his fuckboi tendencies, his most redeeming quality is the fact that he’s super cool and fun to hang with. You’ll literally have a good time, always, because his energy is right! Very good vibes around this man, I swear! It’ll be exactly like dating your best friend, because essentially, he will be your bestie.
Formi has many moments of tenderness that aren’t sexually charged too—moments where the jokes stop and he’ll just rub your back or feet, this is usually when you aren’t feeling well and need some quiet. 
However, Formaggio won’t let you mope all day, he’ll pull out the big guns and call you his “sweetie baby” and when you try to resist he’ll say “What, I’m just tryna show you some love.”
He’s a good dude lmao I’d date a guy like him irl 😭
Pesci stans wya??! Let’s get into this baby boy. 
Pesci is boyfriend material, idgaf what anyone says. 
He is pretty much the least problematic to be with among all of La Squadra, even more so than Risotto (don’t argue with me). 
Pesci is hyper aware of your likes and dislikes and will literally go out of his way to make sure that you’re well and okay. 
Arguments are basically nonexistent and if they occur it ain’t coming from his side. 
I also think that Pesci has a lot of empathy, so when you’re going through something, he’s right there in the thick of it with you. If you’ve seen that meme that goes ‘when my gf is on her period it’s UterUS’ lmao that’s Pesci’s energy 100%. 
Sometimes, he’s more of a lover and not a fight, that is perfectly okay!
However, if someone tries up his s/o, say farewell to Mr. Niceguy. He will defend your honor to his dying breath. And with you in his corner, trust me, he’s not going down. 
A romantic at heart, Pesci will plan little date trips like picnics in the park or boat trips to Capri, actually, I’d like to point out that he excels in the art of date planning. If you’re the adventurous type, he’ll plan outings where you both will be more active, like biking through the city or renting a mop-ed and going sight-seeing. 
Because Pesci has a sensitive stomach, he’s very much considerate of what you both put in your bodies. If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, this guy knows all about it and will cater to you perfectly. 
A true gentleman through and through, he will never force himself on you, ever. In fact, he really doesn’t like engaging in anything sexual when you’re drunk or high, sorry if you’re into that! 
Pesci is the kind of guy who keeps up with your favorite shows.
If ya’ll have similar taste in media or literature, he will immerse himself in it so that he can relate to you all the more.
If there’s anyone who will entertain anime-related discourse, no matter how nonsensical, it’s Pesci. And he isn’t just putting up with it, he’s actively engaging in the conversation so you are always heard and validated. 
He’s an A+ boyfriend, that’s all I gotta say! Haters can stay mad :)
Goddamn Illuso... idk man.
I really feel like you have to have thick/tough skin to handle this guy, for various reasons. 
The first being that Illuso can be a bit mean at first. He’ll push your buttons on purpose just to see what’ll make you tick. Will tease the living heck out of you, always, kind of a bully lmao but not to the extreme, it’s just his brand of humor—and the thing is, he won’t be mad when you dish it right back, so it’s cool. 
Secondly, Illuso has big dick energy!! 
I mean rightfully so, because he is indeed packing! But my word, he ain’t humble about it at all! 
He is not above making jokes about ‘splitting you in half’. In fact all of his jokes have hidden, dirty undertones! 
His affection is shown through speech mostly. Illuso will drop subtle innuendos and provocations, half to see you flustered and half because he wants you to know how much he wants you. 
Illuso isn’t incredibly vocal about his feelings outside of ‘I’m tryna hit that thang’ but you won’t doubt that he loves you because Illuso doesn’t waste his own time. 
If he’s spending his time with you, you can rest assured that it’s because he wants to. 
Illuso is a voyeur and you’ll just have to understand/accept that and move on. 
He loves watching you and will even creep over to your place through the mirror world just to hang or watch you do chores. Loves to surprise you and give you jump scares lmao it’ll make you a tad paranoid but it’s also fun. 
Illuso is prone to random bouts of sweetness; it’s very sporadic, very touch-and-go. 
One day, you’ll wake up to chocolates on your dresser or new shoes, lingerie, or makeup if you wear it. I imagine that if you’re low on funds, he will even help you buy your groceries that week. 
It’ll surprise the hell out of you, but that’s just how Illuso is. He enjoys keeping you on your toes! 
He’s prideful and smug as hell, so he will definitely expect a thank you, because even if he does it out of the kindness in his heart, he also wants to hear that you appreciate him
Same goes for the bedroom scene. Illuso loves making you vocal, it’s his favorite thing in the world, so he’ll make a game out of doing the things that get the biggest reaction out of you. Like I said, it's that big dick energy at work here, smh.
Sorbet and Gelato in a polyamorous relationship with you? Let’s get it! 
We don’t get anything substantial about these two except that Sorbet follows the money, so these are all personal headcanons for how I see and write them. 
Here’s the juice: when it comes to you as their s/o, these two are possessive as hell. You are theirs and that’s that on that! 😭 Don’t ask questions, just go with it.
Sorbet is the chill one of the duo. He can be a bit smug at times, but he’s mostly a laid back dude who doesn’t get bothered by much.
When it comes to you, Sorbet likes to spend quality time with you more than anything, and will ask you to cook for him at your place so he ain’t gotta spend money. Oh? Did I not mention that I kinda think of him as a cheapskate? Lmao cuz I do.
Sorbet will come by your place just to steal your coupons from the mail then head out; you’re not using ‘em so why should he let them go to waste?
Gelato is the complete opposite; personality wise, I headcanon him as a mix between Melone and Formaggio lmao
But it’s not as crazy as it sounds, he’s cute and outspoken like Melone, while maintaining a free-spirit like Formaggio. One quality that I like is that he’s quite devoted to you and Sorbet. If anyone crosses either of you, goodluck to them!
I like to think Gelato’s also just really boujee and high maintenance. He loves to pamper and be pampered. You and him tag-team Sorbet’s wallet and go on spa dates together at his expense (not that he ever really stood a chance)
While Sorbet is cool with just being in the same room as you, Gelato loves hugging/cuddling with you and Sorbet—will definitely fight for the middle spot between the two of you on the couch during movie nights.
He baby, so let him have it lol
In the bedroom, I would salute anyone with the guts to take the two of them on. They both lay down that work, period. 
Sorbet gets his kicks from teasing and edging you (his sadistic side comes out a bit), while Gelato loves when you give him extra TLC. To put it short, they know how to take care of you, so there are no issues there. 
Last but not least, Mr. Risotto Nero himself.
Man, idc on the lowest of keys, he seems a little bit like a grandpa to me
The type to sit at home and do crosswords, has a bird feeder in his yard and plays old Italian hits while washing the dishes. It’s very domestic 💀 (I find it cute, whatever!)
As a boyfriend, I can’t imagine him suddenly being spontaneous or outgoing unless you drag him out of his home/comfort zone.
Be patient with Mr. Nero, and he can come to surprise you
After a while, it won’t be just you dragging him out and about; one day he’ll ask you to come over and you’ll be greeted with a nice, traditional, homemade meal
Pay attention and you will notice him watching your face to see if you like his cooking 🥺
After seeing his fight with Doppio, I must admit that Risotto is very, very observant, almost scarily so.
I can totally picture him pointing out random things about his s/o that even they don’t know
One night, Risotto may come up to you and say “I talked to your neighbor about the dog, they’ll keep it inside now.” And you’re just staring like 😳 how did he know the barking was keeping you up at night????
He’s sweet, and will take good care of you as a boyfriend should.
Very good listener, won’t talk as much but will hang on to your every word, I promise. He could even recite it to you verbatim.
He’s a big dude, that ain’t news, so expect to be swallowed up in hugs and sometimes even picked up (as a tall girl myself, I simp!!!)
Gives A1 piggyback rides, lol
Big dick energy, but on low volume 👏🏾 after all, he doesn’t need to do much talking, because a night with him is more than enough!
Listen babe, you better stretch, do some squats, and prep in whatever way you can before Mr. Nero gives you that work. 🤐
Lowkey a freak, but it’s well hidden behind his ‘quiet giant’ exterior
So, who are y'all dating? Personally, I’m going for Formaggio and Pesci hehe
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Hello! Can I get a matchup for jujutsu kaisen please?
Appearance : 5'4 ace/heteromantic girl ambivert.Dark brown hair/eyes (I wear glasses but they are also sun glasses because bright lights give me a headache) a little chubby/muscled and pale skin+permanent smirk/smile/ neutral face. Plump lips. My style varies a lot (always comfy) but I never wear dresses heels/makeup. I love to imagine outfits with symbols from fandoms or my own drawings so I have a rather unique style (most of the time I wear a NASA jacket and leather boots/sneakers, I also love sleeveless turtleneck) who changes a lot. I have malleable cheeks and tiny hands/fingers/wrist.
MBTI: INTP-T and chaotic neutral/good
Zodiac: Gemini sun, Taurus rising, libra moon
Enneagram : My dominant is type 5 then 8. Quizzes says that I am a 5w6 or 8w7
Personality : .Sarcastic,a little naive but I have a backbone (don't bother flirting with me and if you feel that I am flirting with you which happens a lot then it's just my personality and on the rare occasion I notice they have to confess or I won't believe it) ,calculative,protective,creative,expressive,manipulative,a devil's advocate,prideful,charismatic, smartass, bookworm, daydreamer, a little insensitive/blunt because I'm more on the logical side ,vengeful, mischievous, a huge tease, open minded, very curious, gets annoyed easily, impatient (unless it's in drawing because I am a perfectionist there) so kind of a bad temper, observant but not romantically,sadistic to a point but my conscience prevents me from doing these acts. Indifferent to many things, morally...unique as my moral compass is on the neutral side I don't believe in absolute evil/good.
With my friends I am either laughing, goofing around or annoyed. I love to give bad puns or cursed ideas who are gore/weird and saying I know y all love me. Those who don't talk to me see me as a nerd aggressive smart and blunt person ( even prideful) and strangers as polite and kind. I notice a lot of details because I don't let my guard down even if I daydream plus I have a photographic + sound memory and they work very well in all situations which can be a bother when I try to concentrate which is difficult for me because I get distracted easily. Also I have very weird reflexes so...anyone who approaches me by surprise gets hit, any sudden movement and I already have my leg/arm going their way which got me into a lot of trouble.
Dislikes: I fight for my beliefs. I have trust issues so I never talk about my problems and will use humor when confronted. Bright lights. Cooking. Slow things or people. When I get teased in a mean way (otherwise I actually like being teased it's a fun fight after). People who change side easily and hypocrites. Overly serious people. I tend to be aggressive and expose an annoyed face easily (I am moody), plus I hate orders and love pressing buttons it's funny(in a fun way rarely in a mean one) unless it's a sensitive subject. When I feel that I am unwanted or someone insults me or take me for granted I become very cold and distance myself and the relationship becomes strained the more they take time to ask for forgiveness, something I might give but will never forget.
Likes: I love cats/laughter/sweets/pranks/dark humour/ a true crime and Supernatural enthusiast and I love science especially concerning space, chemistry, robotic and psychology. Books, sleep, drawing and video games too. Cherries. Sushi.Oh and debates I love them. Surprises too I hate routine and runs away from it. I like making character analysis which I often get right but never show to the people around me because I know they will trust me less.
Hobbits : Reading, getting lost in a book, drawing, learning, debating, daydreaming, sports (I practice karate and shooting), art (piano/drawing/writing especially poetry) and video games
I have some bad habits like biting my nails (I just got rid of it by painting them black)/lips and moving my leg up and down because I am always nervous, disorganized room/sleep and eating schedule plus I am lazy. Also I might try to hide it but I am very competitive and a sore loser
Fun fact : I dream a lot and write my dreams. I don't mind nightmares on the contrary I welcome them because I find them to be a nice experience and they give me ideas plus the amount of emotions you can feel is amazing. I also tend to curse while talking.
I rarely get motivated but when I do I give a very good work and put my soul in it, if I don't reach my goal I feel down for a while and become very snappy.
I am a lazy student (hell if I don't feel like writting I don't especially exercises that I understood) but also at top of my class so none says anything (i can befriend people easily if I want to, teachers included). My projects are often done last minute or just improvisation but I get a good mark at them which means that yes sometimes I can become arrogant and I don't really know what it feels like to study really hard and fail sorry. But I know it will bite me later. I often argue my way out of a situation with anyone : I know the exercise why should I write it? If I told you the answer then I know how I got it and you know it too no need for me to write the correction. Mum the brain is a muscle too so I am in fact exercising.
When dealing with an emotional person I don't know what to do I will try to give them words to keep going, it succeed but I am rather harsh plus I try to make jokes to cheer them up.But if a friend breaks down before me I will do my best to cheer them up (ahem jokes and reminding them of all the success they achieved) and if I am comfortable and they want a hug I will give it. I hate people who denies that others helped them.
My love language is gifts, quality time, a little act of service and affection in private if comfortable. I also love to send memes saying it reminds me of us/you and holding pinkies.
Please can you not consider geto,mahito, nanami, todo and junpei as matchups I am uncomfortable with them.
I am stubborn, moody (one day I can be really cold/snappy to the person because I am in a bad mood but I apologize after) and can be perceived as unloving even if it's not the case, well sometimes but I usually love affection despite me never saying affectionate things.
Thank you very much for your time! 😋
AHHH THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST !! this is my first jjk one i hope you like it !!
i won't be answering it in order lol i do it on memory then go back to make sure i got everything i hope that's okay !!
as for your matchup.... ITADORI
so a lot influenced my decision on this, first thing being
your mood, you said repeatedly how you can get moody and we all know itadori our precious bby is a ball of sunshine and very easy going. he would totally understand me give you space if you needed it and just try his best to help you feel better if something is bothering you :)
he would LOVE to link pinkies with you and spend quality time with you
our baby is a resident ISFP so you two def have similar aspects
he would love your pressing buttons/hating orders part of your personality bc i feel like it would lead to several clashes between you and some of the teachers and he would think that's SO FUNNY OMG
he also loves your sense of humor and there is never a dull moment between you two
if you were comfy with it, he would love to hear about your dreams because he thinks it's so cool that you write them down
please let him paint your nails he would love it
he would send you memes too x10 this boy has endless memes in his phone, you're guaranteed a laugh when you text him.
he would totally appreciate your way of cheering people up because it's exactly what he needs
you best invite this boy to anything karate related because he thinks it's SO COOL i mean we all know he has natural abilities but putting it into a martial arts form is s o amazing to him and he really admires you
don't be surprised if he asks you to draw him
he loves your style and think you look so badass
i totally hc itadori somewhere on the ace spectrum, probably demi
going and getting sushi together in the middle of the night low key just sneaking out
nights in watching crime shows or supernatural he absolutely LOVES occult stuff as we know he would probably make the two of you try a ouija board
COOKING DATES you two would make dinner for the first years and gojo every now and then and all the praises go to your cooking it's so good
all in all, itadori is the calm to your storm, you two mesh together very well and he loves you with his whole heart
- cas :)
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sasorikigai · 4 years
All three of your Modern boys for that soft headcanons meme
soft headcanons meme || @sonxflight || accepting 
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send me a character and i’ll tell you: Modern Hanzo 
what they smell like: Gunpowder, well-worn leather, earthy musk, dirt, ferrous tang of blood. 
what their favorite smells in the world are: Motorcycle’s tire burning from the traction, a good-quality liquor (preference to vodka, bourbon, and sake), the polished wood of the Japanese temple, 
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in: He often doesn’t, and opts to sleep naked, especially when he’s with someone (psst Ryou), he runs hot already as enough, and unless the weather’s nippy, he won’t wear anything, lest he may wear boxer briefs and actually bundle himself under the duvet/comforter. 
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: with @sonxflight​, that’s only romantic/sexual ship I have with modern Hanzo as of current. Ryou would probably be the only one who has accepted Hanzo to be himself and have accepted him ever since day one. 
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: with Shinjiro (my Fujin), except Ryou, Shinjiro is an individual who is most in-touch with Hanzo’s psyche for many reasons. Shinjiro is idealistic, sensitive, and empathetic, and as Hanzo’s appointed psychiatrist, he would feel things deeply and take Hanzo’s values seriously. He is very much in tune with Hanzo’s altered state of the world and the feelings of the people in it, and are always thinking about how to make the world a better place. Because both of them share a deep empathy and compassion for each other (and others) and probably make plenty of time in their lives to be of service to your family, friends and communities. They also both enjoy jobs that allow you to help people, in health care, social services, education or the like (Hanzo as a SWAT commander and a police officer, and Shinjiro as a psychiatrist). 
a song that reminds me of them: The Weeknd - Dark Times
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal: The tiger, which is a fierce symbol, commonly associated with the concept of yin, that is feared, while the dragon is an auspicious symbol that connotes prosperity, and is associated with the concept of yang. Neither of the two can defeat the other, and so they remain eternally opposed. Because I find Hanzo’s dualistic nature intriguing, as it is the intrinsic source of his complexity. 
what position they sleep in: Always on his back, with his arms straight down at his side — like he is standing at attention. Or he frequently lies on his back with legs stretched out, with his arms stretched up beyond his head, looking like a starfish on land, or even supporting his head.
their favorite drink: Strong, sludge-like black coffee in the morning. 
a gift i would give them if i could: A streamlined, practical motorcycle helmet such as this.
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send me a character and i’ll tell you: Modern Kuai Liang 
what they smell like: Old cabin, crackling of flame, pine and evergreen, musk of sweat.
what their favorite smells in the world are: The smells associated with hygge: fallen leaves, a hot cup of tea, the night air, fire from the hearth, etc. 
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in: Mostly in boxer briefs, if the weather begins to get nippy, then he will wear plaid pajama pants, always topless. 
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: None as of current. At least not a romantic/sexual ones. 
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: With Hanzo. At first, Kuai Liang found Hanzo’s dark humor to be offensive, harsh, and horrid, yet somehow found the joke is still funny. Only after their few interactions after in their professional crossing that the special profiler found his strange need to have pension for dark humor in order to find it truly funny, and he often returns the reciprocation with his puns, which makes Hanzo cringe. 
a song that reminds me of them: R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal: The Dragonfly, It is an emblem of summer as they overwinter in the form of grubs and their temporary existence in the air can symbolize fleeting moments. It also used to symbolize purity and this makes it a common pairing with the pure, white lotus flower. It was believed in ancient China that the wind gave birth to insects as they seem to come in waves borne by storms.
what position they sleep in: On his side, with legs extended straight and arms in place.
their favorite drink: A cup of cappuccino. 
a gift i would give them if i could: A casual, but structured wool outerwear that could also serve as a jacket during the cold weather. 
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send me a character and i’ll tell you: Modern Fujin (Shinjiro Ishikawa)
what they smell like: Clean cotton and linen, lavender and chamomile, peppermint and rosemary candles. 
what their favorite smells in the world are: Well-brewed latte, a cheap, yet enjoyable bottle of fruity wine, a piece of tiramisu, the ocean breeze. 
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in: Mostly in boxer briefs, and when the weather gets cold, he’ll add more comforters on top. 
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: With Ryou. He will usually attempt to find out which love languages will be best for his partner (without even knowing what the love languages are) - because he usually is highly interested in understanding others. He will naturally search out the best way to make their partner happy, despite him more comfortable and familiar with physical affection and even using it to his advantage. 
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: With Ryou.While Shinjiro often does not care much about gift giving, but can understand if that is someone else’s way of showing love. He simply does not focus much on materialistic things when it comes to intimate relationships. He want deep and sincere connections with people, and spending money just doesn’t seem to be a good way to express ones love, but he will most likely do it with Ryou, because they have such intrinsic connection.
a song that reminds me of them: Massive Attack - Teardrop
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal: The lion, which traditional symbolizes power, strength, and protection. The Japanese animal symbol of a lion is often associated with places of worship, where you often find a pair of lion statues guarding the entrances to shrines or temples. These are often referred to as ‘lion dogs’, and are believed to ward off evil spirits.
what position they sleep in: Alternates between sleeping on his back and side, a mix between Hanzo and Kuai. 
their favorite drink: A smooth, delicate cup of latte in the morning. 
a gift i would give them if i could: An intricate and well-crafted fountain pen. 
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iliketowrite1996 · 6 years
Royal Wedding Series: A Bridesmaid, a Flower Girl, and a New Friend- T’Challa and Reader
Six Weeks Before the Wedding:
    You are exhausted. The end of the week concert is tomorrow, so all of the lessons are completed for your students, but you still have a busy schedule.
    Between grading last minute assignments, sending out wedding invitations, meeting with the caterers and Shuri and Ramonda training you for future duties as queen: how to act, what to say, and what not to say.
    ‘’T’Challa will take care of more of the laws and policies. You will visit children and be in charge of charitable work. You have duties as he does, but with him being kind and Black Panther, more of your duties will fall under the charity categories,’’ Shuri started, doing her best to explain to you.
Ramonda speaks next, ‘’’Although you will more than likely be just as involved with everything as T’Challa is. He values your opinion.’’
‘’Got it,’’ you nod as Shuri brings some books over.
‘’I can nearly guarantee you that the elders will question you on the history of Wakanda. It is best to read up on our history as well as you can. Do not worry, though. I will help you.’’
‘’Thank you,’’ you sign feelin some of the tension leave your shoulders.
‘’I have some more in my chambers. I will go get them,’’ Ramonda speaks, gliding out of the room with grace.
You appreciate the moment, because you have a very important question to ask Siri.
‘’Shuri,’’ you stand, placing the books in a chair, walking over to your soon-to-be sister-in-law.
‘’Yes,’’ she smiles at you, closing the book that she had been researching form.
‘’I need to ask you something.’’
‘’Yes, you and T’Challa should wear matching black outfits.’’
‘’Haha. This is serious. I need to ask you something concerning the wedding.’’
‘’You’re not getting cold feet are you,’’ she asks, her eyes portraying her fierce protectiveness of her brother.
‘’He’s one of the few things I am sure about,’’ you admit, moving to pull the small box out of your bag, ‘’My questions is geared towards you.’’
She's always been wise beyond her years, and preferred to spend her time with people older than her. It is no wonder you grew so close to her, and consider her one of your best friends.
She looks at you with suspicion evident in her brown eyes before untying the ribbon on the box, opening it up to reveal a candy ring and a note:
‘’I can’t believe you just gave me string as a present,’’ Shuri mumbles, doing as the slip of paper said.
Tied to the string was a slip of paper that read: ‘’Tie me!’’
She did, then reached in to the box for the next message, ‘’I can’t tie the knot without you. Will you be my… maid of honor?’’
She looks up at you then, big brown eyes shining bright .
‘’I’d love to,’’ Shuri sniffles, the first time you’ve seen her cry in… ever.
‘’I love you, little sister.’’
‘’I love you, big sister.’’
The sound of the camera taking a picture breaks you both off and you look to the door to see T’Challa, who is staying at the picture that he just snapped.
‘’This will definitely be going in the wedding slideshow that you suggested for the reception, my love,’’ T’Challa explains, pocketing his phone.
‘’I see the sandals are back,’’ Shuri looks at his shoes with slight disapproval.
‘’How can you make fun of my shoes when you just shared a lovely moment with my fiancee’?’’
‘’Her sneakers are on point,’’ Shuri shrugs, flouncing out of the room, carrying her gift with her.
‘’And what where you and my baby sister discussing today,’’ T’Challa asks, pressing a sweet but fiery kiss to your lips.
‘’I asked her to be my maid of honor,’’ you reveal, and T'Challa beams with happiness.
You knew how important Shuri’s opinion of you was to him when you first started dating Shuri and Ramonda are the two most important women in his life, other than Okoye. And Nakia. You feel honored to be apart of that group now.
What you don’t tell him is the private conversation that you had with Shuri this morning. That’s left between two future sisters..
‘’You know,’’ Shuri begins as she puts her braids into two buns, ‘’That man really loves you.’’
You look up from the paper that you are grading, ‘’Who? T’Challa?’’
‘’No, Captain America. Of course T’Challa,’’ Shuri rolls her eyes then, and you roll yours as well.
‘’Well, then, be more specific.’’
‘’I didn’t think that I’d have to specify that I was talking about the man that worships the ground that you walk on,’’ Shuri rolls her eyes before sliding on her denim jacket.
‘’Hush,’’ you laugh, throwing popcorn at her, ‘’I don’t need this from you.’’
‘’You’re so immature,’’ she laughs with you, ‘’I’m gonna find a new best friend to send me memes. Perhaps I can ring Bucky up if he is with Captain America.’’
‘’Shut up, Shuri.’’
‘’Make me.’’
You roll your eyes again, going back to the book you’ve been reading on your rare free time.
There’s more silence until you look up and see Shuri looking at you, a strange and unreadable look on her face.
‘’Shuri, is there something on my cheeks,’’ you frantically wipe at them, hoping you didn’t miss anything from breakfast earlier.
‘’I’m glad he met you.’’
Well, that certainly took you by surprise.
‘’I know that I was a bit wary of you before… especially with that whole Erik Killmonger business. And I did not want T’Challa to get hurt again. But I’m glad he found you. You bring out the best in him, but you also challenge him. I really do consider you one of my best friends,’’ Shuri tells you, and you can see in her eyes that she really means it.
‘’Awww, Shuri-’’
‘’And I like having someone around to look at memes. I’ve mentioned that before, but I think you need to know that it is really how I feel.’’
Right. Because Shuri just couldn’t let the moment be sweet.
You laugh now, thinking about her heartfelt confession and the comment that she immediately followed it up with.
‘’What is so funny, my love,’’ T’Challa asks, gazing at you with love in his eyes.
‘’Nothing. I just can't wait to have a new sister.’’
And so the countdown continues.
    Efua runs up and hugs you, having finished packing away the last of the books.
    ‘’I will miss you next year,’’ she tells you, sniffling a bit.
    ‘’I will miss you as well.’’
    She will be going to a prestigious music school next year, while you may not even be returning to be a teacher. With your new roles as queen, you have a lot to consider within the next few weeks.
    ‘’I’m glad that I at least get to come to your wedding, though,’’ Efua looks up at you, ‘’I can not wait to see your dress. It was all over the Internet about what you may wear.’’
    T’Challa and you both decided to take a break from the internet. At least until after the wedding. And you do mean both weddings, since you are having one in your hometown a week after T’Challa is done meeting with Mr. Tony Stark in New York City.
    ‘’Thank you, Efua. I actually wanted to discuss something with you.’’
    ‘’Yes,’’ your former student looks up at you, brown eyes shining brightly.
    ‘’I was wondering… would you like to be my flower girl?’’
    You have grown very close to Efua over the years, and  this feels like a good idea. Her family approved of it when you asked them at the concert last week, and T’Challa thought that it was a grand idea as well.
    ‘’Yes!,’’ the young girl squeals, wrapping her arms around your middle, ‘’Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N!’’
    You laugh, patting her back gently, ‘’No, thank you! I am so excited! I can not wait!’’
    Yes, this was the right choice.
    Your other students told you they have a surprise for you as well, but you do not know what it is.
    The excitement on Efua face takes you back to the moment, and you’re just fine that you can at least expect one thing: your wedding will have you being surrounded by people that you love and that love you.
    Okoye seemed indifferent towards you. You didn’t think that she hated you, or that you liked you. You two barely talked.
    Still, if you were going to be married to T’Challa, you would be spending a lot of time with Okoye.
    T’Challa and Okoye are important to each other.
    It was important to you to know where you stand with her.
    Which is why you asked her to be the one to accompany you as T’Challa met with the elders and held press conferences and meetings all day.
    ‘’Okoye,’’ you begin, staring at yourself in the mirror, ‘’Might I ask you something?’’
    ‘’Of course, my queen,’’ Okoye responds, back turned to you as you have your last fitting for your gown for the reception.
    ‘’Do you have a problem with me?’’
    You decided that bluntness as the best method, and try not to regret it when she flinches i the mirror, back still tired to you.
    ‘’No, Y/N, why would you think that?’’
    ‘’You seem indifferent towards me. And I know that you are just as fiercely protective of Wakanda and T’Challa as I am, so I wanted to make sure that we are okay.’’
    She seems to be mulling that over, so you change into your regular clothes, giving her a moment to answer.
    ‘’T’Challa is my king, but he is like a brother to me as well. We grew up together. I won’t act like I liked the idea of him dating you when you first got together. IN fact, I hated it. I wanted it to be Nakia. I know her.’’
    It’s understandable.
    It hurts, but it is understandable.
    ‘’He talks about you like your the sun, though. He’s really in love with you. He thinks you have the qualities to help Wakanda thrive. That is good enough for me. I am sorry if my indifference came off as me not liking you.’’
    That’s good enough for you, so you do not press it forward.
    ‘’He came to me when you had your first huge  fight, you know. Told me he thought it was the end. Then he threw himself into his work and being the Black Panther until I begged him to go talk with you. His stubbornness is part of why he is a good king, but it is also very agitating. He froze, didn’t he?’’   
    You think back to that day that he came to make up with you after a fight that was about...who even remembers now?
    You’d been up all night working on song sections and papers when he knocked at your door, dressed in his Black Panther costume after just finishing a mission.
Because, somehow, going on a mission and nearly being hurt despite his vibranium suit, was still less nerve-wracking than coming to talk to you.
    He did freeze at the sight of you, stuttering out a ‘’Y/N...HI.’’, tongue tied and not sure how to apologize.
    You don’t quite remember what he said, but whatever it was, it was enough for you to forgive him as he forgave you.
    Which is why you are standing where you are today.
    ‘’He did,’’ you giggle, remembering that day, ‘’He still does every so often.’’
    ‘’Good. Keep having that effect on him. It is nice to see T’Challa challenged by someone other than Shuri,’’ she laughs then, ‘’Any way, if he loves you, that’s good enough for me. You don’t need my approval anyway. He is so very much in love with you.’’
    And, you’re not quite sure, but you do believe that you’ve made a new friend today.
Please consider sending me imagine requests! I really want to try !
DISCLAIMER- I own no Marvel characters, they belong to their rightful owners.
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scurvgirl · 8 years
Romance meme - 8, 18, 21, and 22 for Serannar?
8. How they respond to an anonymous love letter
(I am sort of writing a thing where Serahlin is trying to fend off someone trying to court her, so this is partially dealt with there but anyways).
If it is truly anonymous, Serahlin is politely flattered but she must decline the person’s affections. If she knows it’s from Adannar (which she always does), she will respond to it with her own letter, perfumed and with just the right amount of flowery wording to express that is very much reciprocating his feelings. 
Adannar of course is ecstatic. He loves receiving mail in general and love letters are the best. His favorites are of course from Serahlin and she’s the only one he sends love letters to. If the letter is not from Serahlin, he is still happy about it because aaah!! Someone  likes him! But he politely tells them he’s madly in love with Serahlin and that they should go be with someone who will love them back as much as he loves Serahlin.
18. How my Muse shows their love for their partner(s) non-verbally/through actions
Adannar makes gifts. Jewelry is his main thing, but he is fairly good at making other things too. He can sketch and paint, and he can even fix things too if that is what she would like. Adannar is a gifter, he loves to give gifts and to spoil his loves with attention. He’s a big fan of gestures as well. That thing that was going to be tedious to do? He’s done it for you! 
Serahlin is also a fan of gestures, though hers are a bit different. She gets you into spas and into appointments she knows you want. She is very good at pinpointing at what it is you want and making it happen. A good way to tell if she is being affectionate is if she has rearranged her schedule to manage to spend more time with you. Lunches, a ten minute walk - anything that deviates from the norm that she either suggested or is happily going along with is a really big indicator. Serahlin shows affection through time spent with you and the quality of that time. 
21. How my Muse would comfort their partner
Adannar: Hugs. Completely physical. He will hold his partner until they are feeling better. He pets hair, holds tight, lets them lean against him, use him as a pillow/blanket/bed. 
Serahlin: Serahlin’s comforting style is hard for me to explain. It’s like…gentle leading questions that help her partner arrive at a good conclusion for whatever is happening. It’s a mind game, but a good one. It’s like therapy but with a lot more praise and some pats, smiles, and maybe even a hug. 
22. How my Muse would tease their partner
Adannar: Very gently. He would never pick on anything that he knows is actually sensitive. 
Serahlin: She wants to be fun, she does, but it will often turn out meaner than she intended. Serahlin grew up with two passive aggressive people who did not like each other, what looks like teasing to her looks brutal to other people. So generally doesn’t tease because she is aware that she’s really bad at it. Now if she completely wants to insult, humiliate, and generally verbally eviscerate someone, she can do that. But not teasing.
EDIT: Above you see an asexual person reading “teasing” as nonsexual. Hahaha, ahem. Sexual teasing is different (darn you asks and your failed labeling!)
Adannar: He writes notes and slips them to Serahlin throughout an evening. Sometimes he’ll even plant them in her clothes. “Look in your sleeve, vhenan.” And there it is, a very sexual act, written right there. It’s a sure way to get Serahlin to blush because one, it’s salacious, and two, this requires thought and planning, both of which she greatly appreciates. Physically, when they are in bed, he kisses/touches everywhere she doesn’t need direct kissing/touching while avoiding places that do. It drives Serahlin bonkers.
Serahlin: She has sex shoes. These are shoes that indicate to Adannar that she is ~in the mood~. These shoes usually accompany some form of sexier clothing. Adannar is a legs man, so Serahlin will often wear skirts or dresses with high slits with these shoes and then cross her legs. Pantyhose drives Adannar wild and she will wear the hell out of pantyhose. While in bed, Serahlin will lightly touch Adannar where he wants. Making him want more. Key places include his butt, hips, genitals, and neck. 
Thanks for the ask!
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/michael-adamthwaite-gets-thoughtful-war-planet-apes-supernatural/
Michael Adamthwaite Gets Thoughtful About ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ and 'Supernatural'
One of the new films that had a presence at Comic Con was "War for the Planet of the Apes," which opened two weeks ago and had a panel showing off the artistic and visual effects of the film. As a long time fan of the entire "Planet of the Apes" series of films (I even read the book by Pierre Boule and loved it), I was excited about the last in the sequel trilogy. The film focuses on Caesar and the war between his quest for revenge and his innate empathy, as well as on the actual fight between humans and apes. It also introduces the de-evolved young human girl Nova, a familiar name from the original series of films and the first group of sequels. The movie tackles deeper themes than might be expected, which makes it even more intriguing to me. So having an opportunity to chat with Michael Adamthwaite, who played Caesar’s lieutenant, Luca, was a real treat. [caption id="attachment_48557" align="aligncenter" width="450"] 20th Century Fox[/caption] Lynn: I was a huge fan as a kid of the original films and even read the book. Michael: Oh, so you’ve got a lot of the lore down, okay! Lynn: What I remember anyway, which makes this new film exciting to me. One of the things that has really evolved as the films have evolved over a long period of time is the portrayal of the apes. There’s just so much expression and emotion imbued in them now, which is amazing. Michael: Yeah, it is a huge thing to behold. The emotionality, the quality of that emotion comes directly from the performance. We’re just so grateful that we have such artistry and such technical wizardry. I can’t even call it anything other than that, to be able to put all this together to convey the raw natural emotion. And a lot of people have been asking me online hey, are we ever gonna see a cut of the movie where there’s no rendering, and it’s just you guys in suits? Some people have been calling for that, but I’m telling you, they’re going to see the same thing. The emotion comes through directly from Steve and Karin and Terry and myself, and it’s a huge privilege to watch it transform that way. Lynn: That’s so fascinating, and actually I do think that would be cool to see. I have no doubt that you’re right, but the whole process is just fascinating. Michael: Oh it’s next level every day. Lynn: So tell me about how you went about the process of really bringing Luca to life. [caption id="attachment_48558" align="aligncenter" width="696"] 20th Century Fox[/caption] Michael: Well, thankfully I have Terry Notary to rely on, probably the best motion choreographer working today. He’s got everything to be porud of. He’s created a tremendous world with characters that – for me, even in the last several years, working on Warcraft and BSG, creating these characters, they’ve come from a place that Terry just pulls out of the actors. You show up in a state and Terry takes you apart and puts you back together, and before you know it, there’s a beautiful sense of self. And you don’t think about anything, you drop in, and you’re not thinking, you’re present. And that’s the gift that animals have, they’re totally biology, so it’s next level for sure. Lynn: Were you also familiar with Planet of the Apes and had you seen any of the original or sequel films? Michael: I am a huge fan in all of its forms. I’m on the younger end of the spectrum, so some of the older properties haven’t been onscreen for a long time, but I really love the world created by this one question: what would it be like if it was a planet of the apes? That to me, it can beautifully be explored. So yes, I’m a huge fan. I was so excited just to get to audition let alone be considered for the role, let alone find myself playing Luca. So this is all a dream come true. Lynn: I think as a psychologist I’m sort of fascinated too by why we find this both fascinating and terrifying. Michael: So true. Lynn: There’s something in us as humans that always makes us question our place among the rest of the animals, and especially those that share like 99% of our DNA. There’s an ambivalence there that makes this extra interesting and maybe has that core of anxiety there to pull from too. Michael: I think that regardless of what species you are, you can achieve some kind of sentience and knowledge, some awareness outside of your biology, then you’re gonna question how long it’s gonna take for something to try to take you out. That’s nature/nurture, right? Lynn: Yeah. Michael: We survive, no matter the language, parents communicate to their children, we must survive. So yeah, it’s a pretty close to home idea for sure. Lynn: What makes this particular film special and appealing, because it seems to be pretty popular? Is it the fight scenes, the story, the way the apes are portrayed? What’s your take on that? Michael: My take is quite frankly that the power of story trumps any visual because we’ve seen films where the money has been tipped towards one area, like the visuals or the fight scenes or the explosions, and there’s no story! And it doesn’t work. Call them bombs or flops or whatever, but people don’t respond. But if you can take a couple of guys and a wonderful lady and put them in pajamas and get this kind of response, I think people should wake up and stop spending their money foolishly just on effects. We’ve seen so much, we’ve been completely desensitized by all the visual exposure, we don’t care anymore. Where’s my narrative? Who do I root for, who do I love, who do I hate? Give me story and give me performance, don’t just blow stuff up and tell me I’m supposed to give a crap! Lynn: Oh, I couldn’t agree more, it’s all about the story. That makes me want to see this movie like yesterday. There has to be something to anchor your emotions around. Michael: Life is often visual first, and if you can find yourself in an audience full of people and you can connect with what you see onscreen even for a moment, you have transcended, and it has transported you, and that is a gift. That’s what you pay your ticket price for. Otherwise, you feel empty afterwards because there was no connection. So you and me are on the same page. Lynn: Agreed. Do you have any behind the scenes anecdotes? I’ve read some things about the comedic aspects of Steve Zahn’s portrayal of “bad ape.” I don’t know what that means, but it sounds interesting… Michael (laughing): I have to say, there were times when Steve just naturally just dropped into his love of play and his love of theater and craft. He really is just someone who almost sometimes forgets where he is for a moment and just has fun, but man oh man, that scene in front of the fireplace, he was Marathon Zahn for sure. I think he got upwards of like 37 takes. Lynn: OMG! Michael: God bless him, he’d be like with legs throbbing, but saying I’m okay I’m okay, just this absolute tour de force of leg strength. He’s a very physical comedian and a talented actor; I love him. Lynn: That’s impressive.  What was your favorite scene to film? Michael: Oh that’s such a hard question to answer! Every scene has such a relevant contribution to the overall arc; it’s hard to pick out one moment. But as a performer I really looked for those times when the frame kinda gets a little blurry, and you sort of forget the world and who you are, what you are, where you are, and you’re just alive in a body in a moment and that moment for me was giving Nova the flower. My wife thankfully was present that day and was able to watch filming, and it was beautiful. At times, I was just a being on a mountain with a girl showing her compassion in what was a really difficult and dangerous and horrific reality. That was pretty big for me as an actor. Lynn: And again, that basic human emotion that comes through, those are the moments we all relate to, that are memorable. Michael: Yeah it definitely was for me. Lynn: Switching gears for a minute, I write a lot about the television show Supernatural, I’ve written five books about the show, so can I ask you a Supernatural question? Michael: Ohhhh you’re a super fan, right on! Lynn: Probably an understatement. Interestingly, you’ve been on the show, and Ty Olsson and Aleks Paunovic have also been on Supernatural and are in this film. Michael: Yeah, we’re fortunate local boys.  We know the rules; if you want to work, get on Supernatural! They are not messing around, and lucky us for having them. Lynn: So you had a scene with Jensen Ackles and with Felicia Day too. And apparently, it became a meme?? Michael: (laughing) It was a wonderful little scene, and of course the rule is there’s no such thing as small characters, only small actors, and this was at the time, it felt like a nice little role, but to see it blow up as a meme and to be part of all this, and asking Jensen Ackles a series of questions was really fun, and Felicia was really great.  I think at one point she was miffed that her video game wasn’t loading on her phone which was really sweet and we all laughed about that. Lynn: (laughing) Michael: She’s a true fan and just an absolute gamer goddess, so it was great to hang out with her, she’s such a huge part of fan culture. We’re just all geeks on the inside trying to have fun. Lynn: Absolutely. Somebody needs to send me that meme! Michael: I think it’s on my twitter, it’s just me and Jensen and Felicia and of course what’s added isn’t dialogue from the show by any means, it’s just this interesting three-way meme by implication. Lynn: I’m so gonna stalk your twitter! And I had no idea you were on another of my favorite shows too, Dirk Gently! Michael: I was very fortunate to be on Season 1 of Dirk Gently, playing a really fun character by the name of Zed, who of course they defended the machine, they sought the kitten, they created havoc, and that was the role. Lynn: I didn’t know who you were then, but that was so awesome! Michael: You have to be invisible for things to work, so I take pride in that. And stepping out with Apes right now, I couldn’t be prouder about that. Lynn: Last question, what was the most challenging part of filming this movie? I can imagine some of it was quite challenging. Michael: Well, of course, I have to acknowledge the logistics of filming and some of the conditions we were in – the snow, the sleet, the rain – all of that was incredibly difficult on the crew and cast. But that wasn’t the hardest part for me. For me it was just letting go and dropping down and doing away with everything that was afraid of things when they happened or commenting on things when they happened or thinking I didn’t want to be vulnerable at this moment, it was really just doing away with myself. Not me as a human but doing away with fear and cautiousness. You have to become an animal, and ape or alligator it doesn’t matter, there are certain behavioral patterns you have to work towards, so you have it give it everything you have.  Finding Luca was a big thing because, in a way, I found myself, and that was the biggest challenge. Lynn: There’s always that need to put your own identity aside to play another character, but is this sort of an extra layer of challenge, putting aside your humanity as well? Michael: Yeah, even devaluing labels and not getting my mind locked in by the titles and names of things and what we call things and how things get fed into a hierarchy, but instead how does this make me feel? Then feel it or trust it or defend it. Regardless of where the emotion goes, it all comes from the same place. There’s this center, your power cell we all operate from, and for me the challenge was doing away with everything that got in the way of that. Lynn: Is a take away message of the film that there are a lot of similarities between the humans and the apes and at the core more is the same than different? Michael: I think it’s a central theme but not the be all end all. The idea that we as conscious creatures, having a higher consciousness in a fictitious world, we definitely blend the line for sure and start to see both the similarities and the differences but really, if it was about any one dynamic, it’s about the self. There’s a very old saying, the lion who conquers a battlefield is not nearly so accomplished as the lion who conquers himself. It’s really about that war within Caesar, that war for humanity and for peace and that sense of mercy. It’s a very complex film; I’m really excited for you to see it. Lynn: Did Andy Serkis do a really kickass job portraying Caesar? Michael: Oh man, kickass is like the greatest understatement ever. If Andy doesn’t get an Oscar, there’s going to be a huge army of pissed off people, me included. At that, we were out of time – our conversation had been so enjoyable I didn’t realize how much time had passed! Lynn: Thank you so much, I can’t wait to see this film! [caption id="attachment_48559" align="aligncenter" width="432"] Kristine Cofsky[/caption] Michael: Thanks so much and hey, look out for the next big thing! Guess what I’m off to see?? If you’ve already seen Battle for the Planet of the Apes, what did you think? And if you haven’t, catch it in theaters now! Oh and somebody please send me that meme!
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