#is she not showing her face™️? she's come a long way they both have something something if you never bleed you're never gonna grow 🍀
bcolfanfic · 6 months
Mollie I’m sitting on my knees with my hands out begging for the young veteran au HC’s with Gale and John’s adopted daughter 🤲🏻
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(modern) young vets au - josie cleven-egan’s version™️
they talk about it once not long after they get back to the states- but that conversation ultimately comes down to deciding to revisit it when bucky’s ptsd is more under control.
and if it just isn’t something that works out for them- or bucky doesn’t feel ready ever then that’s okay too.
but bucky wants it. which takes some work, and time and tears and gale wanting to fire every single person at the sheridan VA office.
he gets there though, and gale is so damn proud of his husband.
when they revisit the kids thing they consider going to the infant adoption route but ultimately decide to go through an agency that places waiting kids in the foster system whose parental rights have already been terminated. surrogacy isn't something either of them really bring up except to bypass it.
it’s a smidge because bucky is intimidated by literal babies. just a smidge. 
they eventually get a call about a four year old little girl named josie and the information the social worker sends over about her breaks their sweet hearts. 
they both have their own shit from the war, but they’re grown men and trying to wrap their minds around a four year old having trauma that almost rivals their own makes them sick. 
damn taking a few days to call back like her social worker offers, they call back by the end of the night to ask when they need to be ready. 
sweet little josie shows up with a hello kitty suitcase at 8pm on a tuesday. gale and bucky love her instantly in a way that they struggle to really articulate. 
it just makes sense, her little face looking up at them when she’s sitting on the floor pulling her shoes off. she’s home. 
she clicks with bucky immediately, who takes to calling her jojo which she rolls with happily. but gale freaks himself out about suddenly actually being a parent and takes a little longer to find his footing. 
which makes him a little insecure when she seems more hesitant around him than she does bucky. it doesn’t necessarily help that bucky is the one home all day- and the one time he has to leave for an evening and isn’t there for bedtime poor josie absolutely flips out. 
her and gale both end up in tears by the time she’s actually clonking out, bless their hearts. 
she tuckers herself out and falls asleep in his arms. but man does poor gale feel like he’s absolutely useless having spent the past couple hours listen to her scream for daddy to come home like he’s just some babysitter. 
it hurts bucky’s heart when he’s home and gale is venting about it. he knows that man was born to be a dad and that their baby loves him, they just maybe need a little more one on one time. and gale needs to get out of his head about becoming his own father because, as bucky puts it- he’s nothing like that sack of shit and never will be. 
they spend more one and one time together, gale bringing her to the school he substitute teaches at when he’s just going in to plan over the weekend. she’s content to color on printer paper while he works, parking herself on his knees. it’s the first time she does that, and bucky beams at the photo he texts him. 
my buddy, at last! 👍🏼
the first time she calls gale daddy as opposed to “um, mis-ter cle’n” he cries. bucky cries. everyone cries. 
then raises the issue of figuring out how to differentiate between the two of them. they land on gale being daddy and bucky being papa. 
bucky jokes that it makes him feel he’s on little house on the prairie, but it’s fine. he’d let his darling jojo call him anything she damn well pleased. 
the day they make it official at the courthouse, as many of the guys as are free fly in to be there and celebrate with them. crosby brings his herd of kids and watching them run around with the newest little cleven-egan makes him emotional. 
“you cryin’ croz?”
“thinkin’ about when we were overseas. didn’t know if we’d be alive by the end of the week. but now look at our lives,” he says, swiping at his eyes. bucky smiles and rubs his shoulder, feeling choked up for about the fifth time that day. 
“it all worked out, huh?”
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angelagiarratana · 8 months
Anon Writes 1
You’re at a Smosh meet and greet at a con and when you and Angela lock eyes there’s just something™️ there. Later you’re on the con floor and you’re not really paying attention to where you’re walking, too busy looking at all the cool merch in the booths. You walk right into Angela. You basically become a stuttering mess. She flirts and you walk away with her number (ooorrrrr you walk with her to the nearest bathroom 😉)
Vidcon was something you both loved 
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Angela came into the living room carrying Spork wearing her Vidcon hoodie. You paused the show and looked at her in the kitchen cooing at Spork. “I like your hoodie.” She looked at you, “Hm I wonder why?”
Some people from Smosh were over for a game night and Angela insisted on bringing Spork to play. Courtney put her phone down, "Wait is Y/n the girl from vidcon you wouldn't shut up about all week?" Angela scoffed, "Why would you expose me like that!" Shayne laughed loudly. Keith demanded, "Okay now I need to hear this story."
“Have a good day!” You told the guy who just bought a t-shirt from you at Vidcon. The floor was packed with people from different fandoms trying to get to their creators before they sold out of what they wanted. A couple people who didn’t know of your work stopped by, the sticker table catching their attention. You weren’t paying any mind to it until you heard a laugh that was too familiar to you. You turned around to see Angela and a few of the others from Smosh at the table next to yours. The panic set in when she looked at you and you made eye contact. Her face lit up, “Oh my god! Y/n! I love your work!” Your face started burning, you knew you got some traction but Smosh knowing you existed? You were a fangirl at heart. “Hi! I also love your work. Huge Smosh fan.” She approached your table and set her full attention on you. Angela was transfixed by your features. The way your cheeks moved when you smile, how your eyes lit up when you talked about your upcoming projects. 
The 10 minute conversation felt like 10 seconds. Amanda walked over and grabbed her arm, “Hate to interrupt but we have a panel to get to.” Angela frowned, “Can I get your number or something so we can talk again this week?” Your heart stopped and you had to take a calming breath, “Of course, just text me!” She left you with the promise of getting drinks one night. The next night, your sitting at the hotel bar waiting for your friends to come down to walk to the party. Your phone buzzed on the bar and you set your glass down. 
Going to the party?
Your cheeks lit up bright red. You picked up your phone and shot her back a text,
Yeah! I’m waiting for some friends to walk over together, be there soon
See you then pretty girl 
Time frozen, and before you could fully process it your friends came around the corner. You were pulled from your seat and dragged out the door, still speechless. It was a bold move from her end. Unless she saw right through you, she had no way of knowing what your feelings or intentions were. You mind raced as the elevator doors to the roof opened and flashing lights caught your attention. After a shot of liquid courage and a song belted with your friends, you opened your phone, 
Hey, I’m here. Are you here yet? 
One sec, I think I see you, don’t move
You looked around hoping to find her too. Faces you recognized, random influencer, DJ, Chanse, Angela, your friends, wait. You snapped your head back around to see her waving at you, dodging and weaving through the crowd. She was more dressed up than usual, but still in her dirty white shoes. When she reached you her mouth fell open, “You look amazing.” You smiled and thanked her, “You also look fantastic.” You didn’t hesitate to check her out, but regretted it when you met her eyes, a knowing look on her face. “Do you want another drink?” You simply nodded and grabbed her arm, making her slightly chuckle. 
A few more drinks in and the drinks have been long forgotten as you and Angela sat in a corner of the room on a couch, side by side, but face to face. Your legs thrown over hers. The corner was quiet enough to hear each other without others hearing. Angela swirled her glass of a watered-down vodka tonic, her attention fully on you, once again astonished at you. Angela could barely feel her legs but she wouldn’t dare say a word. “Actually moved to L.A. alone and just figured it out as I went. I had a plan but no real way to make it happen. I met a guy at a coffee shop because I complimented his mug and he gave me my first permanent job here.” Angela was awestruck, “That’s fucking awesome. That’s like the most Indie movie moment I have ever heard.” She put her hand on your knee, squeezing it. A jolt ran through you. Angela noticed how your breathing changed and you couldn’t look at her. “What’s so interesting over there beautiful?” She was laying it on THICK and you loved every second of it. 
“I really think that smaller theatre production companies make some of the best work and it rarely gets any recognition purely because of the lack of A-list cast members-“ “Hey Ang!” Chanse yelled as he jogged/drunkenly stumbled over, “We’re all heading out and you know the rules.” Angela sighed, “Come together, leave together.” She looked at you, a genuine pout on her face. “You’re so precious.” It came out so smooth and warm, you couldn’t believe it left YOUR mouth. Angela smiled and looked down at her lap. You put your hand on hers, “Go, I would do the same. I’ll text you tomorrow?” She nodded, “Let me know when you get back?” Your turn to nod. She lifted your hands pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. You moved your legs as Chanse dramatically gagged. “You fucker,” Angela stood from the couch and smacked his arm, “I’ll see you Y/n.” You waved and watched them as they danced over to the rest of the group and Courtney hugged Angela. 
You then stood looking for your own friends only to never find them. You checked their location to see them at the hotel, leaving you to walk back alone. You sighed and started back. You turned the corner into the hotel lobby and shivered from the AC. The lobby was still bustling with people drinking, playing games, filming, and getting extra pillows. As the elevator doors closed, you thanked the universe for the silence. 
"And that's when I found her in the elevator, by herself, tipsy. I was absolutely gut-wrenched that they left her by herself four blocks from the hotel." Angela squeezed your hand. "I remember rambling about how much I wish I had just asked her to walk with us." Courtney immediately sat up, "That is the best YouTube love story I have ever heard." Amanda raised her hand, "Yeah I agree. That was straight romcom." Courtney hugged Amanda and they dramatically cried. You chuckled at them. "No that's just fanfiction." Spencer chimed in, "I would know, I did the research for fanfic theatre." The group chuckled and Angela looked at you. 3 months later and she can’t focus when she looks at you.
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munsonfamilyband · 2 years
I was swarmed by thoughts yesterday, mostly about Steve Harrington learning that Boys can be Pretty too™️. It started as just a little thing and turned into a big thing and i need to get it out.
Main thoughts about this topic though:
After the upside down is gone and everyone moves back to Hawkins, Steve starts getting to know the Hopper-Byers kids better. Will through Eddie and Dustin, El through Max.
Hellfire has two weekly sessions, one with everyone on Saturdays at Steve’s house (the corroded boys are still weirded out by this, but Steve’s cooking/baking has warmed them to him a lot), and one on Thursdays for the kids at Eddie’s place.
Side note: i think Eddie and Wayne decided it was time for him to get his own space after everything that happened (Wayne also sees how his boy looks at the Harrington kid and decides that it’s better for them to have a private space) so they both get their own trailers. They place them right next to each other, with Max’s there too. The three trailers make a sort of u shape, all facing inward.
On Saturdays everyone goes to Steve’s house, even if they aren’t playing. They refuse to miss out on Steve’s cooking, and he gets more company is his big ass house. But on Thursdays, Robin and Nancy have date night so Steve is on his own, until Max calls him and asks him to join her and El for girls night. He immediately says yes and now, when he drops the kids off at Eddie’s for Hellfire, he walks over to Max’s trailer and hangs with Max and El.
They are the ones who introduce him to make up, because they pester him until he lets them practice on him. He gives token arguments at best, but always concedes and as they keep practicing, he finds he likes it more and more. He starts discretely writing down product names and buying them for himself to practice at home, until he suddenly has to drag his mother’s old vanity down from the attic to put in his room for all the make up he’s collected.
He gets pretty organizers and brushes for himself, setting it all out proudly on the vanity in his room. Robin is the only one who ever really goes in there so it’s not a big deal.
He talks to Robin about it, because he knows he’s a boy but he like girly things, and she assures him that it’s okay, they have definitely seen weirder things than a boy who likes make up. After that talk she starts shopping with him, and eventually (after she begs him to loop her in) Nancy joins them and now Steve has two people to help him.
His vanity now has make up and pretty hair clips and bows, necklaces and bracelets on a little tree, clip on earrings in a bowl (he’s still too nervous to get his ears actually pierced). Then, he asks Rob and Nance to help him buy some new clothes. Nancy digs out Steve’s mother’s sewing kit and they measure him, figuring out what sizes he would be, and then drag him out to the stores. When he comes home with some new soft shirts in pretty colors and a couple honest to god skirts, he feels lighter than air.
Of course, because his children have no manners, his secret doesn’t stay secret for long. It’s a lazy day for Steve. It’s a Friday in August and he has no work today, so he decides to indulge himself a bit. He does his make up the way he likes, puts a couple clips in his hair the way Nancy showed him and pulls out one of those skirts. He’s in the kitchen, feeling happy and comfortable in his skin as he dances along to the radio when he hears a crash behind him.
All of his idiot children are there. Max and El are beaming at him, so excited to see their work led to something. Mike looks constipated (not too unusual for him), Lucas looks confused for about 10 seconds before he shrugs and tosses an arm around Max’s shoulders, seemingly deciding that he doesn’t care. Will won’t look Steve in the eye, and he can see on blush under that horrible bowl cut (Steve had figured out Will since they started talking and he’s been meaning to have a chat with him, but that’s a later thought). Dustin looks like Steve is a puzzle, but he’s missing the picture. And then Steve realizes who is with them.
Eddie is standing there, looking like someone slapped him across the face. Suddenly, Steve is twice as nervous because, though he won’t admit it to anyone but Robin and Nancy, he really really likes Eddie. Thankfully though, Eddie snaps out of it pretty quickly and smiles at Steve as he pushes his way through the sea of teens to give Steve a hug. He whispers in his ear as he does this, telling him it’s okay and he looks very pretty.
Eventually the kids stop freaking out so much and, after many many questions, decide that this isn’t the weirdest thing in the world, just like Robin said.
And, if Eddie leaves Steve’s that day and speeds to Robin’s house to beg her for advice on asking Steve out because “i just saw Steve in a skirt, I cannot control myself anymore and I need to do something immediately.” Then that’s his business. But when, a week later at the Saturday Hellfire session, Eddie grabs Steve’s hand on his way back to the kitchen after dropping off snacks, and presses a kiss to the back of it, then it’s everyones business.
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digimonloving · 1 year
Ficlet: Out of instinct, LadyDevimon tends to hide her injuries and ailments, but her tamer Knows™️ and refuses to let LadyDevimon go on without letting them take care of her
Injuries | LadyDevimon and her Tamer
CW: none, aside from LadyDevimon being a bit much when it comes to her wounds. Tamer threatens to spritz her with a water bottle at the end.
Put under read more for length cut purposes!
"I told you, I'm fine!" She spat. Her words weren't full of malice or hatred, more annoyance at how adamant her Tamer was that they let them look her over.
You knew that LadyDevimon was just like this. She hated others seeing her in such a vulnerable condition, having to put up such a face despite being hurt because she hated relying on others and feeling weak. It was an instinct most dark Digimon had as to not seem easy targets. Even if you were her Tamer, she still refused to let you help. That still didn't stop you from trying to when she clearly needed it.
She never spoke up when she was injured, always retreating to herself and relying on only herself when she was hurt in some way, keeping it secret from you as best she could even though you could tell. You made it your damned mission to let her know she could come to you when she needed to. It was okay to ask for help.
And you were determined when you noticed her injury, not letting her get away with her usual quietness. For that was unusual for such a Digimon like LadyDevimon.
"Just let me look at your injuries!" You countered as she quickly hid, curling up like a feral cat in a corner. You both decided to sit and take a break for a bit, resting in a small cave you had found, having just gotten away from a horrible encounter with a few of the wilder Digimon in the Digital World. LadyDevimon had protected you and gotten a nasty injury in the process, one she wasn't letting you look at as she claimed it was fine.
Which it wasn't.
"I'm fine," she growls out again, the shadow on her shoulder pulling the same scowl that rested on her ashen face, as if to double down on it.
You held the first-aid kit out, your other hand resting palm-up and outstretched just as well, treating her like an injured animal and just trying to show you wanted to help.
It hurt you to see her like this because you'd known her for so long. She was your best friend, as much as she enjoyed teasing you and playfully mocking you - you just mocked her back and she loved when you played along with her. It was a dynamic you grew to enjoy despite how you'd normally act. So, to see her in such a state just made your heart tighten in your chest in pained sympathy. You gave her a determined look, not backing down.
"No, you're not... come on, LadyDevimon. Just let me take a look, okay? You know I won't judge you. And you know I'm not going to be letting you move anywhere until you're patched up."
She continued to look at you, glaring, as if to challenge you. And you just stared back, determined and not backing down from her. Her red eyes were always piercing... she never looked at you with anger. Even now, you could tell she wasn't actually angry, just being protective of herself and her injuries. LadyDevimon trusted you to such a degree... you just wished she'd trust you when it came to her ailments and wounds, for she'd fret like a mother hen (which she always quickly denied doing) over you if you ever were the injured one in question.
And it seemed your determination to help finally got to her after a good few minutes of the stand off.
For she was the one who lost the little staring contest between the two of you as she unfurled herself from the tight ball she curled herself into. You could see the large bruise and gash on her side, now that she wasn't treating it like something she had to keep hidden lest the world crumble around her.
You were thankful that the wound didn't seem too deep and wouldn't take much to patch it up, your look softening and growing more sympathetic now. That bruise no doubt hurt from how bad it looked. The swirls of dark blue and purple mixing together truly stood out on her grey skin.
"Thank you, LadyDevimon. I know this type of stuff you don't like to show..." you speak softly, shuffling closer to the Digimon as she only scoffed and glanced away, the shadow-like creature copying her motion and shutting its eyes as it also stuck up... well, its whole body moved with it as it pulled a pout similar to the Digimon it was attached to.
"Whatever..." she spoke, but she sounded less spiteful and more quiet. Gentler than anything.
"I get it, y'know? You don't like to rely on others. You are a strong Digimon - I know you are - but you don't have to hide this type of stuff from me, okay?" you hum as you get to work. Wounds on Digimon were different than on people; it wasn't so much blood as it was data that could repair itself steadily if she rested long enough. You still treated it like a wound on a person - cleaning it and being as gentle as you could. "I promise I won't judge you."
"..." She remained quiet, not even flinching when you tended to her wound. Just keeping herself in a position that gave you the best access to the wound. She brought up her longer clawed arm, and with the gentleness you never expect - but always get - from her, she patted your head, keeping her palm flat so her claws didn't touch your skin as she smirked as she spoke your name before continuing with that smirk still present, "I can't make any promises about that."
You only laughed at her gesture, wrapping her middle with bandages once you were done tending to it since there wasn't much "blood" to clean up. It wasn't needed exactly, but you still wanted her to feel like she was cared for. You only shot a playful smirk back up at her when she removed her hand from patting your head.
"I know you can't. Don't worry, I'll just bother you until you let me help you the next time I'm pretty sure you're injured. You can't hide this stuff from me!" You laughed, playful and sincere at the same time, "because I can assure you, you're not leaving this cave until you're fully healed, too. I'm making sure of it!" You placed your hands on your hips, nodding. Fully intending your words as true.
LadyDevimon only rolled her eyes at your gesture, sticking one of her fingers on her right hand into your chest, knocking you almost off-balance with the unintended strength the Ultimate level Digimon possessed since you were kneeling and sitting on your calves.
"Oh? and what would you do to stop me?" She challenged, clearly wanting to tease and play around now. You just grinned wide.
"You know... I do recall you still flinching at the spray bottle filled with water I carried when you were a BlackGatomon it's still in my bag..."
"You wouldn't dare!" She gasped, as if offended, placing her hand to her chest. Whether her reaction was one of playful offense or actual worriment just made you laugh.
You wouldn't actually use it on her! Not unless she acted up like she did back then, which she was worse than she is now. It was just a joke, but you might as well have done it if she tried to get you both to start moving before she was better.
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shizukateal · 2 years
Do you think the characters designed by Ume Aoki in the Madokaverse suffer from same face syndrome? Back in my Reddit days, I asked the r/mendrawingwomen subreddit what they thought of the girls in both the original anime and the Madokaverse, and they said that the Ume Aoki characters were victims of that syndrome, even the Holy Quintet. Tbh while a lot of Ume Aoki designed characters do share the same face but not all of them, I think the quintet have distinctive enough faces to tell each other apart.
I mean... yeah, but also... Ugh, you opened the gates to a rant.
See, "same face syndrome" is one of those Internet Media Criticisms™️ that gets flattened into a label you can put on something to make it seem like you do have a point against it, even when the label itself is the most surface-level take you can think of. And applying it to Madoka feels particularly shallow when 90% of anime does the same, but oftentimes even worse. Hell, even anime that portrays more nuanced humans tends to have a base for what attractive, lead-type people look like (think One Piece, Cowboy Bebop, or Gurren Lagann).
That's not to say that I am a fan of this fact. As someone who has been irrevocably influenced by Steven Universe in her artstyle, I find a lot of appeal in media that goes out of its way to not only have very distinct faces but also bodytypes within its cast. But while I don't necessarily want to defend it, that doesn't mean that pointing out Same Face Syndrome as gotcha to call an aesthetic "bad" and leaving it at that counts as valid, insightful criticism.
Like ok, you know Sword Art Online? The anime world's favorite dead horse to beat? Absolute shit of a show, no one should watch it. All the women that are part of the cardboard protagonist's harem have the same plastic figurine body and face, only in different colors and bust size. The most unique variation among them is that 1 (one) of them has freckles, and she is the loser friendzoned one that is clearly meant to not be as appealing as the others, including the pedo and incest baits.
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HOWEVER. Individually, all of the character designs ARE appealing. The colors are good, the line art and the ratio of detail are balanced, the hairstyles make sense even if they have some flair of exaggeration and I am sorry to be the one to say this, but the outfits are excellent -at least for the seasons I regrettably watched-, with a clearly defined aesthetic that makes sense, and all the girls have different outfits and just... it looks good, I'm sorry! Have you seen the character designs in other harem anime?
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Now, that doesn't make all of that other stuff I said above any less true, nor does it mean that Same Face Syndrome is justified so long as it's pretty*. It just means that for all its flaws, at least SAO put some effort in that area. It was never going to be an effort that would allow for, say, a fat woman to be part of the harem -although no self respecting woman would ever want that- or anything else that would deviate from that base, but the effort was made nonetheless; and as much as I don't like SAO, ignoring the things it does right just to needlessly berate it a little more is disrespectful to the staff members who actually PUT IN THE WORK towards delivering a good product. And it's also, you know, just a bad, counterproductive attitude in general! It's on the same vein as cancelling any piece of media for being "problematic" regardless of how minimum the offense. It's petty spite trying to disguise itself as righteousness.
Now, FINALLY going back to Madoka, YES, Ume Aoki also has a base. And it is fine not to like it. It's fine to want more variety beyond tereme or tsurime eyes, or to just straight-up not like this artstyle where even the adults have this weird big baby-head-and-face above their mostly realistically proportioned bodies. But good media criticism comes from meeting it at its own terms.
I have talked about how good the character designs are individually -and can probably even say more if I have the chance-. I have talked about how well they work as a group. On a general artstyle sense the contrast between the moe cutseyiness but with mostly grounded anatomy works well for the tonal shift, and the animators did well at drawing sad and shocked expressions that don't take the audience out of the action just because it's happening to ridiculously cute girls, at least in my opinion. Everyone is just simple enough to have silhouette that can be replicated with general ease, while being just detailed enough to be memorable. Save for Madoka herself, who is deliberately styled to look archetypical, no other characters in anime look quite like the holy quintet, even taking the clichés they represent into account. I have seen blonde, sisterly anime women with big boobs, but none of them really look like Mami. Same with tomboyish best friends, or fiery redheads, or standoffish, mysterious cool rival girls, none of them have what Sayaka, Kyoko, and Homura have.
My point is YES, PMMM has same face syndrome, but it's fallacious to undermine Ume Aoki's artstyle by ganging on that fact alone. Every piece of media has problems that contribute to a wider net, which means that we can't really interact with anything "pure". Before you dismiss something you really gotta ask what the magnitude of its flaw is: is the same face syndrome here a stain that overshadows everything else, is it one amongst other problems that make the character designs unappealing, or is it just something that is ultimately minimal but should still be taken into account because of how it contributes to a general issue?
*This being said, it is not a failing of moral character to like an artstyle with same face syndrome because you find that base appealing. I mean, like... there's better things to do and worse issues to resolve, right? We all acknowledge that?
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thoughts-reasons · 2 years
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sugawarassoulmate · 3 years
kuroo x time to love 💔 plis
soooooooo....i kinda went a lil off on this one 🥴 you didn't specify loser!kuroo but i did it bc i love him. and uhhhhh reader is kinda Evil™️ but we stan
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words: 1k (whoops 🥴)
cw: fem!reader, jealousy, bully!reader, loser!kuroo, manipulation, cheating, implied humiliation kink, minors dni
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when kuroo told you he was starting to show interest in someone else, you shockingly didn’t flip on him
instead, you laughed at him, body shaking at his stupid statement. “do whatever you want, loser” you said before slamming the door in his face
but what kuroo didn’t know is that you had no intention of letting him go but you couldn’t be too obvious about it. where’s the fun in that?
the next day in class, you don’t acknowledge him—not even looking in his direction, even though you can feel his eyes on you.
to get under his skin even more, you started asking someone else for class notes. that’s his job. he’ll try texting you after class only to get left on read or his phone calls go straight to your voicemail
when he finally gets your attention (“why are you ignoring me? ☹️”) you laugh at him again “think i’m going to waste my time with you now?”
and it hurts but kuroo decides to not let it get to him. maybe the two of you were just never meant to last longer than you did. and this girl he met at his club seems really sweet! something really good could come from it.
what an idiot
you loosen your hold on him and let him get close to this stupid girl. she’s so nice to him, so sweet. she never has a mean word to say to him and she’s into the same things as he is, eagerly listening to him ramble without ever interrupting
it seems so…boring.
but they look so happy together, it’s actually kind of cute
who would get in the way of that?
“why do you do this to me?” he asks, cock plunging into your sinful cunt over and over. you had innocently texted him, asking if you could head to his door to get some of your stuff back. “it’s weird to still have my shit here while you’re dating someone else, don’t you think?” you told him. the fact that you came over wearing the skimpiest tank and those “fuck me” shorts that he loves so much was simply a coincidence.
kuroo tried to ignore how fucking perfect your ass looked as you reached for something in his closet. he’s over you, he’s with mai and he’s happy. incredibly happy, if he’s being honest. the fact that you’re half-naked means nothing to him. he hasn’t fucked his hand to the thought of your body at all.
“hey, loser, make yourself useful,” you snapped at him, pointing to something on the top shelf. it was disgusting how his heart skipped a beat when those words left your mouth. think about mai, he told himself as he crossed the room, but as he got closer to you, feeling the heat of your body, the only thing rattling in his head was mine, mine, mine.
the two of you don’t even make it to the bed, kuroo shoves you to the floor and pounces on you. he sees the smug look on your face as he’s ripping off both your clothes, you knew what you were doing and he doesn’t care. “why do you do this to me?” he asks again, teeth sinking into the soft skin of your neck.
“because you let that girl walk around with something that belongs to me,” you bite back, fingers tugging his black strands. your harsh words go right to his cock. it’s sick how much he’s missed you. mai is so sweet to him, never raising her voice and calling him “honey” and “baby” but kuroo kept finding himself thinking about you—longing for you in ways that he never thought about her. “missed this, didn’t you, loser?”
kuroo digs in his fingers into your hips, trying his best not to blow his fucking load but he’s so weak for you. “call me that again,” he begs, practically sobbing every time he sinks deeper inside you.
your ego can’t possibly get bigger with the way kuroo whines in the crook of your neck. “god, you really are a loser, huh?” purposely squeezing around him just to feel his body shake on top of you. “my loser, yeah? fuck—your cock feels so good. you’ll never do that to me again, idiot.”
“never,” kuroo agrees, pushing your thighs up so they meet your chest. watching your eyes roll back to your head as he fucks you makes him feel so proud. all he wants is to be good for you. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry…”
“it’s okay,” you gasp, legs locking around his waist. “make me cum and i’ll forgive you, yeah?”
something primal awakens in him and kuroo snaps his hips, eager to get you off. this is going to break mai’s heart, but kuroo can’t find it within him to feel guilty, not when his special girl needs to cum. “tetsu!” you cry, gripping his shoulders as your walls spasm around him. the both of you cum together, how kuroo was able to stave off his release this long is incredible but as soon as he feels you start to unravel he’s quick to fill you with his seed.
kuroo stays on top of you, both of you gasping for air. he can feel your fingers running through his hair, getting the strands off his face. you’re also so gentle with him after he makes you cum. he’s missed you so much.
it’s when his phone lights up that kuroo feels the gravity of the situation—he just cheated on his girlfriend and he doesn’t feel an inch of guilt. “mai’s calling,” is all he says. rolling your eyes, you grab the phone from him and he doesn’t even fight you.
in fact, kuroo watches you answer the call, looking him in the eye when you say, “tetsu’s breaking up with you,” you said bluntly, hanging up and tossing his phone to his bed. the smug grin on your face is so evil. such a cruel girl you could be, but it doesn’t stop kuroo from leaning in and kissing you.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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themand0lorian · 3 years
How does impression, sunrise Marcus handle the reader getting hurt on the job? How do the kids react?
Oooh an interesting question anon!! I purposely moved reader to cyber crimes because it would be a position mostly done from a desk, meaning relatively safe (like art theft I imagine would be) but let’s see
This ended up much longer than I thought so I guess this is my first head cannon for this universe lol
Also I’m on mobile so I apologize in advance for typos, weirdness, etc.
also also spoilers for impression, sunrise below the cut if thats not immediately apparent
Grace is a baby, and I honestly think would not even recognize anything unless it was like, an injury to your face. She’d be a little alarmed by the bandages, leaning into Marcus and balling her fists into his shirt but the second she figured out it was you under there she’d be like “oh cool it’s mom” and just be normal about it (babies have no sense of object permanence though so depending on how long you’re hurt this may be a daily occurrence until she learns, and then when the bandages are off she has to relearn what your normal face looks like. basically Gracies whole life is just this emoji 😳)
She would also absolutely get her grubby fingers up in any bandages, casts, etc because babies always have sticky fingers and are insistent on shoving those sticky fingers anywhere they can, ESPECIALLY if you respond “ow,” that’s like baby kryptonite and she will find that spot that hurts every single time she’s near you from then on
If you hurt your hand or your arm or something and couldn’t do her hair Marcus would make extremely pitiful attempts at throwing it up into her little sprout, but it would fall out after 3 minutes of baby toddling because he never made the elastic tight enough (he’s afraid he’ll hurt her head)
he then attempts to watch YouTube tutorials on elaborate hair styles that will literally never work because her hair is like 3 inches long and super fine but you let him try the braids and twists anyway because their little daddy-daughter hair time actually melts you into a puddle
Eli would be peak worried™️ he knows someone hurt his mom and dad and that’s how he ended up with you and Marcus, so if he even heard you got hurt he would basically shut down into terrified mode (Marcus would try to keep it from him but the kid is nosy and the second he heard the word or sensed Marcus’ uneasiness he’d turn to panic mode)
Once he worked out whatever was going on in his little head he would constantly be asking if you were coming home, when he could see you, etc
If you were noticeably banged up (cuts, bruises, bandages) he would be scared, but not in the same way as Gracie—he understands it’s you under there but that scares him more because parents are supposed to be superheroes??? And he’s already lost some??? He can’t lose these ones too??? (Wow the big sad comin in here)
He vows to become a police officer too so he can catch whatever bad guys hurt you (he still has no concept of the fbi vs. police but you know what he means and you think Marcus will have an aneurism out of worry if that actually happens)
He absolutely gives you Wilbur (the stuffed rabbit) to cuddle with but then also ends up back in bed with you cuddling into your side, Wilbur between you both pretty much 24/7 if you need rest
He’s a little rough with you because he doesn’t understand that what he’s doing can hurt (hitting your injury as he snuggles, bending you the wrong way, etc) but the second Grace tries to touch or do anything he immediately tells her you’re hurt and she needs to be REALLY careful (that rule does not apply to him) and will show her how to touch nicely (it’s still too hard but you appreciate the sentiment and also you would let them re-injure you if it meant they were happy/you were still here with them)
Basically he’s a terrified boy which is heart breaking but also he is really trying and will be very sweet and draw you pictures and stay glued to you once he knows you’re okay and probably insist that you never go to work again until you can calm him down
Ah yes, sweet boy Marcus
Essentially, when he finds out, his only reaction is sheer terror
Carson agrees to take the kids immediately and sends him to you, but he’s basically an autopilot until he sees you’re alive (doesn’t matter how severe the injury was, he automatically goes to worst case scenario every time after Stanford almost shot him)
As soon as he sees you bandaged up or bruised or whatever, panic very briefly subsides into relief and he checks you over himself as if he’s making sure all your arms and legs are still attached, like the he thinks he will find something the doctors didn’t
Basically you are very precious to him and so as soon as he counts ten fingers and ten toes attached to your body he immediately goes into guilt mode, like he should have been there to help you or protect you or to do something because he would gladly take every ounce of pain you have to make it so you were fine
Somehow you end up comforting him because 1. It’s very obviously not his fault and 2. You don’t even work on the same team anymore so why would he have been there and then he feels even worse because HE should be comforting YOU
Essentially, mans a wreck, and then you smile at him and he gives that crooked half-smile back and it’s like you’re the only people in the hospital
Of course, you’re not—Eli heard Carson tell his partner you were hurt and threw a tantrum until Carson brought him to see you, so as usual he barges in at that moment
After you get home Marcus won’t let you do anything for yourself. Thirsty? He’s bringing you three types of water/tea/soda. Hungry? You bet he’s already cooked. Lean over the bed for the phone charger? No ma’am you need to ask him and he will get it for you (after he saw your acrobatics to reach it without getting up he bought a ten foot cord and mounted it to the wall)
The man would literally carry you to the bathroom if you’d let him, so you have to draw a line somewhere, and it seems to pain him to see you back up and at it before he thinks you should be
He tries to do everything around the house, with the kids, etc for you so you don’t have to lift a finger but in turn ends up wiped out by 7 most nights from running himself ragged
BUT he’ll wake up in the middle of the night to watch you breathe, thinking about how much all this makes him love you even more because you’re HERE, and you do so much for him and the kids that being tired feels like a small price to pay for having you with him
Little does he know he’s making you love him more for all his concern and care and doting and just being typical soft protective Marcus, the only reason you got through it was to see him and the kids again—
—but he does try to convince you to somehow find an even safer job and you tell him “I will when you will” and give him a big ole kiss because both of you know it’s never going to happen
wow I am soft
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