#is this post ablesist??
beautiful-detective · 2 years
I wonder if there's any story where the MALE character goes crazy/insane and evil because they can't have children or their children were basically illusions the whole time(Like it was in the case of Wanda/Scarlet Witch). I can't think of a single one but perhaps I just haven't read that many stories
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I genuinely can't get over that post "it's a ableist to expect people to learn and do better"
"if you think people are morally inferior for not being willing to learn you're ablesist"
I think if you're white and American you should shut the fuck up before you suggest ANYTHING about what needs to be normalized cuz I PROMISE you it's coming from the worst ignorance.
"it's ableist if you think I'm morally inferior for choosing to watch SU instead of a video on mutual aid"
You thinking I'm ableist is the LEAST of my problems. Do y'all get that? Like I know a PoC didn't write that post because we have REAL fucking problems. And I personally am very secure in my belief that making you feel guilty about watching cartoons isn't systemic oppression or keeping you from accessing resources you might need either soooooo?
Nice reach, try harder next time.
And personally, I think if you're this dedicated to not improving then you're a white supremacist.
And unlike the guilt I cause, the ignorance you choose is systemically harmful and oppressive.
"you're ableist"
And you're a white supremacist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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valtsv · 2 months
bro what the fuck are all those people on?????? "ai generated style" "ablesist when you talk like that" good god. i for one have been here since before you got into that hermitcrab minecraft stuff and your writing style is relatively unique and neat! why are these people suddenly crawling out of the woodwork??? like your posts and such are always so neat and there is a REASON so many people like them. even when they r not just outright silly. but now that you're passionately writing on main this is cringe and lame? i've been too anxious to send you an ask before ever but this broke the camel's back. all that to say the point of this ask isnt to suddenly complain abt them its to say ive been a long-time fan of your stuff and style and i felt like it was overdue i said some positive things that nobody else seems to have in them. i hope you have a good day!!
thank you, this is really kind and lovely to hear <3 don't worry about me though, i'm not going to let a few people not liking the way i write for nothing but my own personal enjoyment and that of anyone else who decides to engage with it get me down
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jewishdainix · 8 months
We laugh a lot at tik tok for doing this but I occassionally see tumblr doing this too and I dont know how to desceibe this but I can give some exemples the first being that people on tumblr saw other users posting intellegent disscussions about how the us military is bad so they said "ok got it. Lets purposefully trigger their ptsd because theyre in the military so theyre evil" and users posting intellegent disscussions were like "WTF" so they explained how its actually an asshole move and very ablesist to purposefully trigger someone's ptsd and then they introduced the nuance about how the us military prays on minority groups to recruite them and what the people not making intellegent nuanced conversations got is "ok so people in the us military are actually The Victims, got it". A similar thing you see with how some tumblr users will look at a woman complaining/talking about mysoginy from men and decide its a red flag for her being a terf, or will look at a jewish person complaining about antisemitism and decide its a red flag for them holding zionist believes. Like what are we doing guys why
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imqueerandadeer · 2 months
Okay it's time again for rants and personal stories no one fucking asked for. Todays topic: How fucking rampant and normalized ableism is, with comments from @pansgoobernonsense as usual.
Really long post ahead guys you've been warned.
The reason it has been featured in the last post and now this one is because it's also ND and Asian and I wanted to get other peoples experiences with ableism.
It also said that I can interview it for practice because journalism sounds cool to me and I might want to be a journalist.
Anyways obligatory disclaimer/reminder. I don't speak for all mentally disabled people because we are not a monolith!! For example I am great at masking my ADHD and Autism (I'll get into that with more context later) and it's somthing I've picked up subconsciously. Other people with my same conditions may not be good at masking.
Also this post will mostly center around mental disabilities, specifically ADHD and autism because thats what we have and know most about. Neither me nor my friend are physically disabled (to my knowledge) so I won't speak much on it because It's not my place.
Alright with that out of the way lets add some context.
Hi, if you don't know me or haven't seen my blog before (most of you probably have though in some shape or form) I'm Ollie or Cupid. I have ADHD, self diagnosed (and peer diagnosed) autism, and possible dyscalculia. Theres also a millon other things I'm suspicious about having but I won't get into those.
Lets start with this, imagine (or don't idc) that your back in *gasp* middle school. Terrifying. Now since this is tumblr I'm gonna assume most of you have autism and/or ADHD so y'all most likely know what it's like to be in middle school and be ND. But still I wanted to talk about my experiences with ableism in school.
Okay I've noticed that the difference of how I get treated because I mask and those that can't mask for whatever reason is wildly different. I have instructional support which is technically special ed and no one has ever called me "Sped" or the R-slur. Versus the the kids who visibly have support needs and their disabilities are present. They get called those things all the fucking time.
The hypocrisy of it all is what really gets me. Kids at my school will really stand there and call these other kids dehumanizing things while I stand there as a person with ADHD and autism having to akwardly laugh it off and pretend it doesn't effect me. Yes of course I tell them off but it doesn't work, because they have been taught that what they're saying is fine and people who have higher support needs are not human, which is wrong and ablesist.
Thats not even their fault really it's what they were taught. Although if they weren't taught it and they know It's wrong but still do it then it's their fault
It genuinely got so bad that me and my friends wrote a letter to the office telling them about the ablesist language at our school, I don't think the letters ever got sent but yeah it was that bad.
On another note I don't think my schools very wheelchair accessible at all, although I wouldn't know really because I don't use a wheelchair.
Now heres @pansgoobernonsense experiences woth ableism as a whole, while mine were mostly about school its are more personal
"My personal experiences with ableism are mostly from my parents, and since I have not one but two neurodevelopmental disorders I’ve experienced it a lot. The most notable of these experiences come from my parents reaction to my autism.
A notable example was the time I was crying because I didn’t want to go to a party (I had had a panic attack at another similar party at the same place with similar people) and my dad had said I didn’t need to go but my mom made me.
I tried to explain (through tears) that I didn’t want to go and my dad angrily called me “autistic”. I’ve also been told to just “act normal” in social situations (despite the textbook definition of autism being essentially “I can’t act normal in social situations”). My parents have also neglected to tell me about my diagnosis for basically my entire life.
I was diagnosed when I was 2-3 and only found out this year. The reason behind this decision was “if I knew I’d tell everyone and use it as a get out of jail free card”.
They seem to treat my diagnosis as a label rather than an actual disability. It makes sense, since historically mental disabilities haven’t been treated the same as physical disabilities, but it’s still an awful experience."
While my experiences with things like this haven't been as severe as Nicks experiences I do have some of my own.
One time I was talking to my mother and she said that they suspected I had ADHD but didn't get me tested until I was 12 because she didn't want me on meds that early, which yes is a semi fair point but still why would you keep your suspicions a secret until I startes to notice and suspect it myself. That seems so weird to me and it could have saved me a lot if trouble if she had just told me.
Anyways thats it, sorry if it's not cohesive or coherent it's 1:00 am for me, I need to sleep
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hissuicide · 2 months
Get to Know Me
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⌜ ⌝ ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; Fourth of July 1:07 ——◦———— -4:39
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
⌞ ⌟
Hi. This is my blog. Stay a while but respect my boundaries and dni list. I'm mentally ill and disgustingly suicidal. Don't want to be here. Don't know why I'm here but upset that I am. This isn't my only blog. I was tired of suppressing my true thoughts on my first account so I made this one to be more raw and open with no judgement.
Content warning: self harm and suicide
About me:
black woman (she/her)
dark pieces of literature
books that end in tragedy
Feel free to message me. Always willing to talk
I hate men (men can still follow and interact but if you're gonna be offended with certain posts/try to argue with me I'll block you)
if you're not pro Palestine
bigots, terfs, transphobes, homophobes, ablesists
nsfw accs that get off on self harm
anti recovery
bots and blank accounts
ed accounts
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(This is a better self-promo than the one I had on here.)
Hi am TC, I am 20 and a Biromantic Asexual and go by she/her pronouns. This is my Selfship side blog. My actual blog is @tc-is-mcfrickin-dead, but knowing me, I'm probably going to be much more active on here. If you couldn't tell, I love the color pink. I have Aspergers, Adhd, and very socially awkward, but I would love to talk.
Stuff is down below
Here I'll draw, do asking games, gush, reblog, stuff with my F/Os.
Key for them:
🌟: Super hyperfixated on
⭐️: Hyperfixated on
✨️: Special to me
👍: Okay, with sharing
🚫: Not okay with sharing
❓️: Ask before interacting
Jake English 🚫🌟 ✨️
Related Tags:
💀Skulls n' Guns🔫: Posts that just them
🪽Hope and Breeze🍃: Ship tag
Main (Romantic) F/Os:
Tomatoredd ✨️👍
Related Tags:
🍅Teddy Bear🍅: Posts that just them
🍅Tomato Sandwich 🥖: Ship tag
Spamton 👍🌟
Related Tags:
💲Tonnie💲: Posts that just them
📰Fake News📰: Ship tag
Medic 👍
Related Tags:
💉Dove💉: Posts that just them
🖊Pens and Syringes 💉: Ship tag
Warning about those tag(s): Potential g0re and bl00d, posts would be tagged accordingly with drawings being under cut. Block the trigger warning tags if that makes you feel iffy.
Louie ❓️
Related Tags:
👑King of Bugs🐛: Posts that just them
💙Loomi❤️: Ship tag
(I literally could think about a creative ship tag, so here's you just get this)
Secondary (Romantic F/Os):
Callie 👍
Related Tags:
💓Pinky💓: Posts that just them
🦑Bomb Rush Crush🐙: Ship tag
Elliott 👍
Related Tags:
🔴Pomegranate🔴: Posts that just them
🐚Hermit and the Farmer👩‍🌾: Ship tag
Flippy 👍
Related Tags:
💚Sergeant Snookums💚: Posts that just them
🌸Dice and Crafts🧶: Ship tag
Warning about those tag(s): Potential g0re and bl00d, posts would be tagged accordingly with drawings being under cut. Block the trigger warning tags if that makes you feel iffy.
Pastel Meringue Cookie❓️
Related Tags:
🎀Meringue🎀: Posts that just them
🪡Cream and Chocolate🍫: Ship tag
Timekeeper Cookie ❓️
Related Tags:
🕑Clockwork🕑: Posts that just them
🧶Yarn of Time⏳️
If you are Pr*ship/C*mship. This blog isn't for you.
If you are AntiAnti Pr*ship.
If you are racist, LGBT Phobic, Ablesist, you know just generally just a bigot.
If you are anti Selfship, this one is kind of a given, considering this blog is a self-ship blog.
If you are a P*dophile
You know, the standard stuff that people put on their DNI.
This blog is mostly SFW, but I will curse if that makes you feel iffy, don't follow.
I don't condone any wrong actions that my F/Os has done. (I.e. I don't condone the fact that Spamton gave the thorn ring to Kris in the weird route or condone Medic's methods of healing.)
Please let me know if I interact with anyone problematic! I do try to read people's DNI and BYF, but sometimes I don't, and/or they don't have one. I want this blog to be a safe place for people.
I self ship with Self-insert, so here they are with their respective Tags for them (My Adhd did get the best of me, so some do have references while others don't unfortunately, but I still do show them, and they will get proper art for them soon).
Self-inserts (main):
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🗒Extra! Extra!🗒: Posts that's just them
📰Fake News📰: Ship tag
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🧁Cupcake🧁: Posts that's just them
🍅Tomato Sandwich 🥖: Ship tag
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🖊Sketch🖊: Posts that's just them
🖊Pens and Syringes 💉: Ship tag
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🎮Pink Mouse🎮: Posts that's just them
🪽Hope and Breeze🍃: Ship Tag
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❤️Rookie❤️: Posts that just them
💙Loomi❤️: Ship Tag
Self-inserts (Secondary):
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🌰Fashion Student🍫: Posts that's just them
🪡Cream and Chocolate🍫: Ship tag (1)
🧶Yarn of Time⏳️: Ship tag (2)
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🌊Seashell🌊: Posts that's just them
🐚Hermit and the Farmer👩‍🌾: Ship tag
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🐙Neo 3🐙: Post that's just them
🦑Bomb Rush Crush🐙: Ship tag
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🍪Chip🍪: Posts that's just them
🌸Dice and Crafts🧶: Ship tag
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estellefrostwind · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to my blog! ♠️💫
i will probably use a lot of blinkies/dividers, but I don’t remember where I got any of them 😭 so if you do know, pls message me so I can credit whoever made them! I will try my best to remember to reblog all the ones I use tho!
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alright! PFP credits!
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Now for Identities and pronouns page!!
I don’t update these super often anymore, but I mean I try to remember sometimes </3
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DNI: (NO)MAPs, “Yandere”s, TERFS, transmed/truscum, transid, paraphilliacs, queerphobes, aphobes, proships/anti-antis, discourse blogs, DDLG/CGL(RE) (coping mech agere is totally okay!!), mainly or completely NSFW blogs, “transplural”, ablesists, anti-xeno, anti-neopronouns, ppl who romanticize true crime, DDLG/CGL(RE), cringe/flop blogs, “anyone can interact”
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Uh whenever I remember, I will try to sign off posts and messages with -♠️, ♥️♥️, -💫, -💠, or -⚠️ (really just depends on how I’m feeling at the time lol)
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Tags that I will use:
idfk☢️ silly squad⚠️ identities💠 blinkies☣️ (this will also be used on dividers because I said so :3)
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iluvgerardwayy · 4 months
Haii!! My name is Milo and I'm new to Tumblr and idk how it really works yet lmao. Im a minor. I have autism, adhd, and maladaptive daydreaming. I am a hellenic pagan (I worship persephone and selene) I'm a aroace, gay? (Idk im still trying to figure out my sexuality) trans man and I use he/him pronouns. My special interest is MCR and my current hyperfixation is falsettos.
Dni if you are racist, homophobic, a terf, or ablesist (basically all just bad people)
Please don't flirt with me it makes me uncomfortable :(
If you are a Christian don't try to "convert" me bc you'll just get blocked
Please be nice to me or I will cry at you.
And that's all for now I think :3
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gluekaiju · 2 years
I just found out how to do pinned posts lol
Hi im W247 / GlueKaiju (i change my screen name often)
Flight Rising: GlueKaiju
NewGrounds: GoldenOatmealss
Im 22 years old and i go by He/They or no pronouns and im autistic and transmasc
Don't ask personal questions I will not answer them
I love talking about my special interests of things i find important or interesting
Let me know if I reblog from a bad source and I will delete it!
I draw on mobile/desktop with ibispaintX or Mspaint (whichever one I like at the moment)
My art tag is # my art doodles
Any tag with #Michigan mentioned is any state related topics!
I tag for scotophobia as its somewhat startling to have people stare at me
Dont interact if you are homophobic/transphobic, racist, ablesist, or a pedo or any other kind of nasty
Ask me for other social media accounts!
edit 2023: posts that make me nervous/personal triggers get the #dread warning tag
edit 2023: blank blogs will be blocked! I will assume you are a spam account!
edit 2023: removed direct access to NSFW blog, now you must go directly to me to gain access.
edit 2024: no more NSFW blog, I deleted because I didn't use it very often. I'm also lurking on Tumblr as of now; im still active, but might not post as much. If your looking for my art, look on newgrounds!
Thxz for reading!
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animegirlgorefest · 2 years
DNI mori defenders maps endogenic systems south park syns!? tsukasa yugi defenders racist homophobictransphobic anti-xenogenders anti-semetic says slurs u cant recclaim transmed doesnt use pronouns ablesist dsmp!? cishet?! over 18 ybc !?=exceptions can be made
(higlighted is bigger interests) bsd danganronpa tbhk gyaru fashion ghost eyes given nyan neko sugar girlsroblox everskies marvel fanfictionblack butler banana fish haikyuu pyschology demon slayer devilman crybaby history bee and puppycatsteven universe adventure time yuri on ice omori art dreamcore gothcorescenecore nirvana mitski
i have psychosis and experience psychotic episodes and delusions of grandeur. i mainly post memes, oc content, or anime content. i rarely post about things that arent in my interests section. i also have bpd and experience mood swings. i will occasionally say slurs i can reclaim (f-slur, t-slur, r-slur, d-slur.) so keep that in mind. i do swear a little. please use tws if your talking about a sensitive topics.
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drukkaris-blog · 3 years
"El doesn't know what love is."
Also El:
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Love comes in different forms as well. Her relationships with her friend's and family.
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A little rant in the hashtags. That's all I have to say for now.
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ramune-moved · 6 years
what is flying witch/what is it about? it looks so cute
It’s a slice of life manga/anime about a witch named makoto and her cat chito who moves in with some relatives and her little adventures with learning abt becoming a better witch!! There’s a sorta random one shot as well with another character that’s also a fun read.
Overall, it’s super sweet and funny and it’s the the good heartwarming pick me up kind of sweet too!! I just love it a lot and I’m looking forward to maybe watch the anime soon and I think the manga is ongoing too :0
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blindedveil · 2 years
rules + dni list‼️
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fem aligned dni on male fics
absolutely no fem readers (sorry!)
ill write gn, male, trans male, non-binary, etc, basically anything that's not fem-aligned
poc reader blog! this means ill include different hair types, especially black curl types and hairstyles, race-neutral, so no things described like blush or anything, but pls specify hair type tho or else ill just use loose curls bc thats what i have 🧍‍♂️
race-neutral is by default but if ud like a hispanic, middle eastern, se or e asian or black reader, etc that's totally chill with me just specify
no smut since i literally dont know how to write it and im lowkey kinda uncomfy w it
for male readers im not v good with writing for twinks sorry 💔 i can try tho
i don't rlly write for billy hargrove bc hes a racist pos sorry ik hes hot but it's a no from me
anyways ask away ill get to them when i can!
as of now im only writing for stranger things but ill expand someday i just dont know when lol, or with female characters other than robin
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writing for robin but only platonic, no romance (even for gn sorry ‼️) just feel like it's not my place to write romance for her
if ur a proshipper (this is NOT a safe space for you)
homophobes, transphobes
ablesists, racists
r*pist apologists
if you feel attacked by any post i make or reblog being anti just know my blog is not a safe space. you should feel uncomfortable. please block me🤗
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the-phantom-cupcake · 4 years
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Rosie Cake's daily outfit post 🎂 Me and the other island girls went to #harvsisland for a photo session 📷🌙🌈 #outfitoftheday #kawaiilife #ootd #fashionista #mahoushoujo #anime All items found in game play! . . #animalcrossing #ablesisters #acnh #acnhdesigns #animalcrossingnewhorizons #nintendo #nintendoswitch #gamer #gamergirl #iamshortandgeeky #videogames #omg #kawaii #clothes #kawaiibitch #cuteclothes #kawaiivibes #bigmood #magicalgirl #sailormoon #witchvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDQEcrjGH2/?igshid=1n9956rl2m0n1
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idiotphobic-archive · 4 years
rottable replied to your post “ik i just said im gonna go design my island but like. *handz u this*...”
ik another cancer sun aqua moon we should start a club 
ablesisters replied to your post “ik i just said im gonna go design my island but like. *handz u this*...”
cancer sun aquarius moon... i feel like those two cancel each other out emotionally wtf  
you're probably in tune with other people's emotions but not your own
well. ok. i mean..... u arent wrong holy shitdfjgkdhfkgjfgd
ritsmao replied to your post “ik i just said im gonna go design my island but like. *handz u this*...”
cancer sun... im so sorry
zenzili replied to your post “ik i just said im gonna go design my island but like. *handz u this*...”
We have the same venus sign!!!!
SAME VENUS SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!
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