art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering what textbooks you would recommend for someone looking to get into mathematical proofs and introductory physics. I don't have physics in my courses this year so any notes would be helpful. Thanks!
Hello there!
I am glad you approached my ask box (or me).
Unfortunately I may not have the answers you might be searching, but I found Keith Devlin's book Introduction to Mathematical Thinking helpful as an intro. (It's neither a textbook nor is it exactly about mathematical proofs.)
Do my fellow math peers here know some good textbooks and want to share? Please feel free to reblog with some infos and references. (I would like to know some good books about mathematical proofs as well.)
As for physics I consider the Feynman lectures merely well-written.
[Caltech has uploaded the Feynman lectures as digital format/website:]
Another source I enjoy is Hyperphysics. [... although it is not a textbook either, but a good website]
It's a very neat and very basic html website with many good javascript boxes to directly play with some equations, as well as it contains well-summarized information and an overall good visualization and explanation of the concepts.
The mindmaps with topics (and sub-topics) are clickable:
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Sub-topics are chunked into well-summarized: boxes:
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And the plain/simple javascript forms are helpful for getting a quick intuitive feeling for the concepts when playing around:
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(It helps me to make it compatible with my imagination. I don't know if other people might find this helpful as well.)
I consider this website merely neurodivergent-friendly, as it's well-summarized, well-structured, well-visualized, chunked, minimalist and quick-to-the-point, while also using very basic design, which makes it quick to load as well as more minimalist to look at - meaning less distraction and more focus for the depicted topics/concepts.
And you have an index window on the side which you can close:
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budugu · 2 years
@ishasideas @bishh-kanya @bookish-alone hey guys! Thank you for checking up on me. I've been busy and sad with my life. It's been hectic few days. I've been getting too many dark thoughts . And today I am sick and have an exam in 2 hours. That's the reason i was not active much over here. Basically I am not okay mentally and physically but I'm trying to come out of that cycle. Hopefully soon. Once again thank you for checking up on me and sorry for worrying you :)
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