#isreal attack
saidaslan1 · 11 months
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Özellikle masonların hiç sevmediği merhum Üstad Kadir Mısıroğlu şöyle anlatmıştı o sapkın zihniyeti;
“Yahudi inancını tanımalı.
Bu inancın kendi hayatları ile başkalarının hayatları arasındaki farkı bilmeli.
Özet şu; kendilerini bütün insanlıkla kardeş kabul etmiyorlar. Onlara göre, Hazreti Âdem efendimiz ile Havva annemizin münasebetinden ‘goyim’ler (yahudi olmayanlar) dünyaya geldi.
Onlar (hâşâ) Havva annemiz ile şeytanın münasebetinden Yahudilerin dünyaya geldiğine inanıyor.
İnançlarına göre; ilk Yahudi Habil’i öldüren Kabil’dir. İnsanlık tarihinin ilk cinayetini işleyen, kardeşini öldüren Kabil’le iftihar ederler.
Şeytan’a ise “nur-i ziya” derler.
Mason derneğinin Beyoğlu’nda bulunduğu sokağın adı Nur-i Ziya Sokağı’dır.
Çoğu kimse bunun şeytan olduğunu bilmez.
Hâlbuki bu Yahudilerce şeytan demektir.
Şeytan’ı ataları görürler.
Ataları gördükleri şeytan cin soyundandır.
Ateşten yaratılan şeytanı topraktan yaratılan Âdem’den (aleyhisselam) üstün görürler.
Bütün insanlığın kendilerine hizmet için yaratıldığına inanırlar.
Dünyadaki bütün mallar Yahudi için yaratılmıştır, dolayısıyla onun gasp edilmiş malıdır, nasıl alırsa alsın, çalınmış malını kurtarmış olarak görürler.
Çalma, öldürme onların kendi arasında günahtır, diğer insanlar için hak bilirler.
Ellerindeki bozuk Tevrat (İki nehri ‘Fırat ile Nil arası’ alacaksın, orada yaşayan yedi kavmi yok edeceksin ‘Arz-ı Mevud’. Nefes alan veren hiçbir varlık bırakmayacaksın) diyor. Onların inancı bu emri veriyor.
Bahsettikleri hudut Kayseri’ye kadar dayanıyor.
Yahudi görünmez bir dünya devletidir. Gördüğünüz bayraklar milletlerin, ancak güç yahudilerindir.
Cihan hâkimiyeti kurmak için nüfusları yeterli değil. Bunun için Masonluğu kurmuşlar.
Milletlerin zayıf karakterli insanlarını mason yapıp menfaatlendirerek, kendilerine hizmetkâr yaparlar. İhanet edeni öldürürler. Avrupa’da, Amerika’da gazetelere, borsalara, sendikalara, bankalara nasıl hâkimdirler, bilseniz aklınız durur.
Bu anlatılanları okuyan kişi ümitsizliğe düşer.
Oysa Yahudi’nin geleceği nedir? Hadis’te bildiriliyor; o gün gelecek ve her taş, arkasına saklanan Yahudi’yi haber verecek, sadece Gargat Ağacı müstesna.
O yüzden hem inanmazlar, hem de her Yahudi evinin bahçesine bu ağacı diker.
Unutmayın ki, yahudinin asıl hedefi biziz.
Ama dayağı da bizden yiyecekler. Biiznillah!
- Mehmet Önder
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catholike · 8 months
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For all the intentions of the united Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
May peace come into our land and homes.
Hail Mary
Full of Grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
And Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb
Holy Mary
Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
And at the hour of our death.
(Ask me to pray for you, I will in whatever way you ask)
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ghostingghosty · 6 months
Iran has launched a retaliation against Israel for the attack on a diplomatic iranian building, and therefore Iranian soil, in Damascus, Syria. The attack got little mentions in the news, and media will use this lack of information to favour Israel, as headlines are where most people stop reading. Be aware and stay informed; Israel started this, NOT Iran OR Palestine.
Israel's, with the full support and weapons of the US, ongoing genocide on palestininians, their multiple attacks on land outside their colonisation "mission", and their general military mindset of being in the right are the fault of this. This is a retaliation from Iran, and all further escalations from this situation will be due to the unhinged evilness and ego of the USA, Israel, and the West. All blood will be on the hands of the oppressors; both those who are directly feasting on the meat of their victims, those who refuse to use a leash and those who ignores the blood.
I am afraid of the prospects of the situation escalating by the US's military force being sent to, not only, "Israel" and Palestine but also, now, Iran. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured in the "war against terror" and millions were affected. Not only that, but the prospects of the war reaching outside the region are also getting increasingly more of a reality, and I hope all who, before, could ignore the terrors by turning of their tv's, now will finally look, even if it is for own self-interest.
Stay informed and keep informing those around you – remember, the Western medias are zionists and many will fall for their propaganda. Stay safe. Free Palestine.
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imatiya · 11 months
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based on the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum’s statistics, this is true, the rate of child killing in Gaza has outpaced the Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Camp
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miqdadsworld · 1 month
We all failed Gaza 💔
Ten months have passed, and we have been unable to stop the massacre.
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cimerran-714 · 10 months
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sarrah · 11 months
‎‏Israeli Minister of Internal Security, Ben Gavier, with his extremist supporters, singing a song expressing joy over the killing of Gaza’s children. Here are some of its lyrics: “Gaza! Gaza! Gaza is a graveyard. No more schools for children because there are no longer children in Gaza. They will soon be extinct”!!
وزير الامن الداخلى الاسرائيلي "بن غافير "مع أنصاره المتطرفين و هم يغنون أغنية تعبر عن الابتهاج بقتل أطفال غزة هذه بعض كلماتها " غزة! غزة! غزة مقبرة. لا مزيد من المدارس للأطفال لأنه لم يعد هناك أطفال في غزة. سينقرضون قريبا "!!
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itsdanyy · 1 year
"Why don't Palestinians just evacuate?"
Do you hear yourselves? They can't, and even if they could, the questions that should be asked: Why doesn't the Israeli occupation stop its bombs? Why doesn't the world sanction the occupation? Why doesn't it step in to dismantle apartheid?
How, in the midst of a televised genocide, are you scapegoating and putting the burden on people who have been oppressed in ways you cannot even imagine for 75 years? In Gaza where the past two decades has been massacre after massacre under blockade with nowhere to go then too?
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zachthoughtstm · 1 month
I hate the whole argument of “It didn’t start on October 7th.”
Look up The Hebron Massacre of 1929.
But they’re right it hasn’t started on October 7th. But this WAR did. This is where we are right now and if you’re going to sit and complain wa wa it didn’t start on October 7th. Maybe if you truly cared about the Palestinians you wouldn’t be supporting Hamas.
Who started the war?
Who is hiding in civilian infrastructure instead of militant zones?
Who is holding 100+ hostages?
You guys are always so quick to blame Israel but don’t look at the bigger picture.
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userboxezz · 7 months
this user does not support genocide and stands with Palestine
if you are unaware, Isreal has been bombing Palestine and the Gaza strip for over 75 years. they do not plan to stop. educate yourself on the situation, boycott, and donate what you can. you are bound to find information in the #Palestine tag among other palestine related tags on tumblr and twitter.
userboxes are under the cut:)
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this user does not support genocide and stands with Palestine.
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this system does not support genocide and stands with Palestine.
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this user does not support genocide and stands with Palestine.
thank you for looking! from the river to the sea 🇵🇸
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mohammed-123 · 3 months
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vocaloid-enthusiast · 3 months
Dear friends and supporters,
I write to you with a heavy heart but also with hope. My name is Hala, a child from Gaza, born in 2010. I have witnessed all the wars in my city.
Now I live in a tent with my mother, brother and sister. We live in constant fear of death and miss our school days, my classmates, and my education.
I am sharing my story to get your support and help in my campaign to evacuate from Gaza so that I can live in peace and continue my education.
Please share this post with your friends, family, and anyone who can help.
Let's work together to achieve this simple dream of living a safe life and going back to school.
Thank you for your support and care.
with your donation, you can be the light that lights up my life and the life of my mother, brother and sister, and this small donation can make a big difference in our lives.
Of course. I cannot donate, but I can spread it around. I hope you and you family make it out safe and that you can continue your education.
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gryficowa · 5 months
And if you want to watch performances, I recommend bootleg recordings from Broadway, even in the quality of old YouTube videos, they will give you better fun than Eurovision in HD
Well, sorry, but there are many more interesting options that do not involve supporting Israel
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imatiya · 11 months
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They have bombed the life out of every living things in Gaza.
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miqdadsworld · 3 months
Do you still support Israel?
Look at what they are doing to children in Gaza.
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cimerran-714 · 7 months
Hey, Hamas supporters. I know that you love to shriek about how Israel is "zionist" and a "terrorist" country, but are you aware that it had repeatedly offered peace deals with Hamas which were always rejected?
Since the beginning, Israel has always wanted to co-exist peacefully.
Israel accepted the UN resolution of making Jerusalem an international city without it being controlled by either nations. Palestine did not, which lead to the Arab-Israeli war.
The Peel Commission Plan of 1937. It was offered by Israel, but rejected by Palestine.
The Oslo Accords of 1993: Well, Palestine agreed to accept it, but did not fully implement their commitments, but it's essentially the same thing.
At the Camp David Summit in 2000.
The Trump Administration Peace Plan in 2020.
Oh, and they rejected a cease-fire literally three days ago or so.
But yeah, according to bigots like you, it's Israel that is fault at here. So much for liberals claiming to fight for "human rights" and "equality".
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