#istg i'm a mess
gimmethatagustd · 1 year
i have a bts cursor chrome extension downloaded which means that my cursor is a cartoon version of this taehyung
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and i did a virtual meeting with one of my student interns this morning where i had to share my screen and i fucking forgot she would see it jshdfjks
and then when i hover over a link the cursor changes to a cartoon version of this yoongi lying on his tummy
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i'm such a bad example of professionalism for these college kids lmfaoo
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venussaidso · 9 months
Punarvasu being Beast and Mula being Beauty will never not amuse me. Punarvasu men unconsciously and specifically chasing Ketu natives will never cease to amaze me actually. I will not support this pairing but it's a nice, intriguing dynamic -- reminds me of the fanfic trope of the pure girl helping purify the bad boy but not in the Sun-Moon dynamic way I've talked about. The man has to prove himself to her that he's willing to change to earn her love and to be helped to further transform etc. It's better than the Moon woman-Sun man dynamic because Ketu women will destroy the man's ego & suck him dry while Moon women usually tolerate the male ego and further boost it.
Idk I like Ketuvians sucking the life out of men. I advocate for this even though Punarvasu men like chasing weird & draining women lmao.
I'm rambling a bunch of shit don't take this observation to heart.
Also not all Jupiter nakshatras can be saved lmao. Lestat and Louis are literally a Punarvasu x Mula pair.
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Lestat being an arrogant, over-indulgent, boundless narcissist is very Jupiter nakshatra of him; and Louis seeing the monstrosity he is --is very Mula of him, I can't unsee it. But their connection didn't last because of Lestat's unwillingness to change wahhh wahhh.
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Ketu natives will not tolerate Jupiter's uncontrolled ego so the success rating of this pair is like at 50/50, knowing how Jupiter men operate.
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shokujin-art · 2 months
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He's the only one who can hype me into playing genshin
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sunnymainecoonx · 3 days
Happy belated birth to Mit.... it's time to get to the nursery home :3
Anyways ya this was honestly rlly fun to make teehee
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[CN] Li Zeyan’s 2024 Birthday: Former Times Date (Eng Translation)
“Perhaps, from the moment we met eighteen years ago, fate had already quietly written our today.”
“Li Zeyan, it was your appearance that made me start to believe in the existence of fate.”
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⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 昔年约会, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
【Subbed Video】
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As soon as I arrive at the main entrance of the Riverside Plaza, I notice a woman in professional attire walking towards me with quick steps.
??: Miss MC, hello. I’m Wang Yi from the Publicity Department of the City Hall.
MC: Hello, Miss Wang.
After shaking hands with each other, I take out a pre-signed agreement document from my tote bag and hand it to her.
MC: I’ve already signed the temporary usage agreement for Riverside Plaza’s venue. Please have a look.
She efficiently flips to the last page, confirms the signatures, and hands me a temporary access ID card along with a map of Riverside Plaza.
Wang Yi: I’ve already taken care of informing everyone involved and have reserved the time you’ll be needing.
Wang Yi: On January 13th, there won’t be anyone bothering you here, except for the patrol staff.
MC: Really, thank you guys so much.
Wang Yi: No worries. Director Chen mentioned you have very important memories here… and besides, you are the main person in charge of the promotional video for Riverside Plaza.
Wang Yi: In terms of both emotions and reason, this little help is nothing.
It’s not until I watch her departing into the distance that I begin to earnestly take in the recently completed Riverside Plaza before me––
The use of minimalist lines sketches out several strikingly modern structures, while in the not-so-distant surroundings, an artificial mountain rises, cloaking everything in front of me in lush greenery.
Such a strong contrast momentarily makes me forget what the park where I first met Li Zeyan looked like.
MC: I wonder what his reaction will be when he sees the drastic transformation here.
Saying this, I lower my head to look at the bag full of birthday gifts I’ve brought, and a smile slowly spreads across my face.
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MC: But no matter what, Li Zeyan, I’ll definitely make you happy~
Just as these words leave my mouth, my phone in my pocket suddenly rings. I take it out, only to see the familiar avatar unmistakably displayed on the screen.
Smiling, I answer the call and start speaking even before he can say anything.
MC: Hehe, I was just thinking about you, and here you are calling. What’s up~?
LZY: A certain dummy hasn’t made a peep all day, and I’m a little not used to such quietness. What are you up to?
MC: Ah~ Turns out someone was missing me.
Grinning, I sling the “gift bag” over my shoulder and head inside, chatting as I walk.
MC: Me?... I’m preparing a birthday surprise for you right now~
The voice on the other end of the line clearly freezes for a moment, followed by soft laughter.
LZY: How come you’re not keeping me in suspense this year?
MC: Because your birthday happens to be on the weekend this year.
MC: Since we don’t have anything else in our itinerary, you must know that I’m planning a surprise for you!
MC: So, there is no point in keeping you in suspense. I just need to work hard to not fall short of your expectations~
My eyes crinkle into a smile, and I halt in my steps. Then, I take out one of the gift boxes and place it under the bench in front of me.
Just as I’m mulling over where to hide the remaining gift boxes, Li Zeyan’s voice sounds once again, his tone neither too soft nor too heavy.
In the winter breeze, this voice inexplicably brings me a touch of warmth––
LZY: Dummy, you don’t need to work so hard.
LZY: As long as you’re around on that day, it doesn’t matter where we go or what we do.
LZY: Because the most important thing has been by my side for a long time now.
【Chapter 1】 
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MC: Happy Birthday!!
Early in the morning, the second I hear the sound of movement coming from the bedroom, I immediately burst in, carrying the cake with Pudding accompanying me.
Li Zeyan, who has risen from the blanket, watches us as we shower rose petals on him, his eyes widening slightly.
After processing the situation, he laughs somewhat helplessly.
LZY: A certain someone disappeared early in the morning; turns out she was preparing a surprise.
MC: Judging by the birthday star’s expression, bet you must have been shocked by my surprise, huh~
Hearing this, a glint of teasing surfaces in his eyes.
LZY: Indeed, you did give me a good scare.
LZY: I even thought someone was “breaking in.” [1]
MC: Well, I’m certainly gonna hijack all your unhappiness today!
He smiles and pulls my randomly flailing arm, hugging me to his side. Then, he glances down at the cake in my hands.
LZY: Looks like my stomach has already been hijacked by you first.
LZY: You squealed me out of bed at twelve a.m. for a bowl of longevity noodles, and now you want me to eat cake?
MC: These are all my blessings~
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At this moment, Pudding suddenly reaches out his paw, lightly smearing a bit of cream on Li Zeyan’s face.
Seeing him momentarily frozen, I can’t hold back and burst into laughter.
MC: Haha, our Pudding is also wishing you a happy birthday~
LZY: After being with you for so long, even he has become more childish.
MC: It’s only natural for a family to become more and more alike~
He nods contemplatively. Then, he bends down and gently nuzzles against me, leaving a cool sensation on my face.
MC: Whoa! Why did you pull a sneak attack on me?
LZY: You said it yourself – it’s only natural for a family to become more and more alike.
Even though his tone is composed, a twinkle of amusement betrays his eyes. The overlapping laughter and soft cream melts and spreads in the sweet-scented air.
After washing up, he slices a piece from the cake and doesn’t forget to put the reddest strawberry in my mouth.
LZY: Your blessing tastes good.
LZY: So, what’s your plan for taking me to do later?
Smiling, I wink at him.
MC: Haven’t you heard? The construction of the Riverside Plaza is already complete~
───── [FLASHBACK STARTS] ─────
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MC: The next time we come here, it will be called “Riverside Plaza.”
Ten months ago, the park where Li Zeyan and I first met when we were kids was slated for redevelopment by the city hall and was soon to be incorporated into a large urban public space – “Riverside Landscape.”
Before the construction began, we returned there once again after several years.
The park, dust-laden in memories, had remained almost unchanged in its original appearance. It beckoned to us from across the long years.
MC: Though, don’t you think the park seems to have gotten a bit smaller…
Holding Li Zeyan’s hand, I repeatedly measured the size of the sandbox with our footsteps and couldn’t help but feel a sense of incredulity.
MC: I can’t believe it only takes a dozen steps to make a circle now. I remember how I could play the whole afternoon in the past.
LZY: It indicates that a certain dummy has been particularly engrossed in playing this game since childhood.
MC: Well, you’d still be next to me and watch me play~
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MC: Speaking of which, thankfully, this little me had big dreams.
MC: That’s how I could become your one and only best friend among so many kids in the entire park!
Hearing my exaggerated tone, he seemed unable to hold back a small laugh.
LZY: That’s your standard for a “big dream?”
MC: Of course! Zeyan gege was so cool back then, and he never seemed to rashly make friends with others. [2]
MC: Mm-hmph, but if I had known you were a kid without dreams, I might not have played with you!
LZY: …who said I didn’t have dreams when I was a kid?
The next second, seeing me immediately cast a curious gaze his way, he seemed to stop talking somewhat regretfully.
I kept swinging his hand, adopting an expression that vowed not to give up until I heard the answer. After waiting for quite a while, I finally got a soft sigh of compromise from him.
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LZY: You can listen, but you have to hear the premise too. It was just a casual remark I made when I was little, not exactly a serious dream.
MC: So, you were playing coy earlier. But if CEO Li doesn’t say it today, he won’t be adorable anymore! Tell me, tell me~
LZY: …Pianist.
My eyes widen for a moment, picturing Li Zeyan playing the piano, and I can’t control my eyes crinkling as I smile.
MC: Hahaha, even CEO Li had such a whimsical dream!
LZY: [extremely helpless laugh]  I told you, it was just something I said without much thought when I was a kid.
MC: But when I imagine how you’d look in a tailcoat, it does quite suit your temperament.
MC: So, when we return home today, will I be fortunate enough to hear the playing of the Grand Pianist Li?~
LZY: Nope.
MC: Oh, c’mon, just play it casually; even just putting on a show would be fine too.
LZY: [helplessly amused tone]  Your current dream is not small at all, I must say.
Our light-hearted, trivial laughter and chatter scattered throughout the park, and in a trance, we brushed past our childhood memories.
We strolled aimlessly, and when the curtain of twilight fell, neither of us uttered a word about leaving.
It wasn’t until we saw the construction vehicles approaching from a distance that we tacitly cast our gaze for one last time at this piece of land.
MC: I wonder what this little park will turn into the next time we see it?
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LZY: If you’re curious, let’s come and check it out together once it’s completed.
His voice was soft, but he spoke with sincerity.
LZY: In any case, its finest appearance has already been preserved in the passage of time.
───── [FLASHBACK ENDS] ─────
[1] It’s a small nod to his 2nd birthday date, where MC “broke into his house” to surprise him LOL, though this time it wasn’t necessary b/c she lives here haha~
[2] don’t think I need to again; still just a reminder–  MC used to address Li Zeyan as “Zeyan gege” when they were kids. For those unaware, when a Chinese girl addresses a boy as gēge (an intimate term of address), if not used to address her own older brother, she’d use it to address her boyfriend~ and the reason it got both Victor and MC flustered the first time they reminisced in Preference SP~ It’s similar to how oppa (in KR) and onii-chan (in JP) works in cases like this haha~ (//∇//) 
You can refer to this post for more details: ♡♡
【Chapter 2】 
In the damp winter haze of the south, two interconnected artificial mountain ranges embrace the brand-new Riverside Plaza.
The lines of modern architecture in the square appear to escape from the shackles of steel and concrete, blending seamlessly with the natural landscape.
I take a satisfying deep breath, allowing the fresh air to instantly fill my nostrils.
MC: Looks so much more beautiful than before.
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LZY: The concepts for this renovation are very new, and the execution on the ground is pretty commendable.
LZY: But I recall that this place will only be open to the public around mid-year.
MC: Yeah, you’re right. But it’s your birthday today, so it’s perfectly normal for magical things to happen~
Seeing my wink that hints at my intention to keep it a secret to the end, he helplessly raises his eyebrows.
LZY: A certain someone seems to be leveraging her personal connections for me a lot recently.
MC: If it weren’t for CEO Li’s help along the way, I wouldn’t even have the small network I’ve built up today.
MC: “Always think of its source when you drink water”-- it’s but a fundamental principle in life.
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LZY: [laughs softly]  Does your fundamental principle also include sweet talk?
MC: This is called the use of some rhetorical devices to convey a heartfelt expression. Every word of mine is sincere~
Amidst the laughter and chatter, as we approach the place where I had placed a gift in advance, even my footsteps gain a little excited spring.
3… 2… 1 –– I silently count as I lead him around the corner, and a delicate gift box appears on a bench not too far away.
I discreetly sneak a glance at the person next to me and see that he seems to be in a daze for a moment. Soon after, he quickly catches on, and a smile of realization spills out from the corners of his lips.
LZY: Looks like a certain someone has already been here in advance.
MC: After all, this place holds very special meaning for us. But more importantly, it’s your birthday today~
MC: Since we have the opportunity to acquaint ourselves with it once again, I want to create some new memories that belong to us~
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With the expectation in my gaze, he opens the gift box–– inside is a bottle of wine labeled with the year he was born.
MC: Hehe, your first gift is a red wine meticulously selected by MC~ It’s the best-tasting one I selected among many wines!
LZY: Does a certain someone’s idea of the best taste mean it’s “very sweet?” [3]
MC: Huh? How did you know…
A barely imperceptible curve graces the corners of his lips, though he doesn’t reply to my question.
LZY: So, did you just say this is the first gift?
It’s only now that I remember something, and, akin to presenting a treasure, I pull out a gift map.
MC: That’s right~ There are still nine more gifts scattered in the streets, waiting for their owner to bring them home.
LZY: You’ve prepared ten gifts for a single birthday? [4]
MC: Uh-huh. After all, my feelings outweigh these gifts by far, but at the very least, the figure gives a hint, right~
Seeing me use my hands and feet to gesture exaggeratedly, he laughs in spite of himself and takes hold of my hand.
LZY: [gives a precious laugh]  Well, let’s hurry up then. I don’t want a certain dummy’s feelings that are lying scattered to wait for too long.
MC: Jeez…
As I watch him retrieve the final gift box straight from the ice cream parlor, my eyes widen in astonishment.
MC: How did you do that?
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LZY: It’s not difficult to guess a dummy’s thoughts.
Noticing a glint of complacency flicker in his eyes, I pout a little, unwilling to resign myself.
MC: If you’re really that good, then take a guess at what’s inside the gift box?
LZY: What if I guess correctly?
MC: In that case, you can put forward any conditions you please~
He lowers his eyes to the gift box, and soon, a hint of interest curls at the corners of his lips. Watching him muttering to himself irresolutely, I swiftly regain my complacency.
MC: I knew it! How could you possibly guess~
LZY: Is it a flipbook comic?
MC: …!
I find myself rooted to the spot in incredulity, falling into serious contemplation.
MC: Seriously? I drew this at the store, so there’s no way I could have accidentally filled in the wrong recipient’s phone number…
MC: And, I intentionally didn’t bring it home… so, there’s no chance you could have seen it beforehand!
MC: Weird, how on earth did you figure it out?
He gives me a playful look, then turns the side of the gift box towards me.
A label reading “Hand-drawn Flipbook Comic” is prominently affixed on it.
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MC: …how could you cheat!
LZY: You said it yourself–– the birthday star has the final say today.
He laughs candidly, opens the gift box, and takes out the comic book.
As he slowly turns the pages, the changing sequence of images gradually brings a story to life.
The soccer ball that came flying knocked down the sandcastle. Faced with the girl’s loud sobs, the boy was flustered and at a loss for what to do. Finally, he quelled her tears with a pudding.
Probably because the girl always had something to say, and the boy was always willing to listen–– as a matter of course, the two naturally became playmates.
Seeing that an unforeseen accident took place and caused the two to lose contact, Li Zeyan slows down his pace of flipping the pages.
During that prolonged separation, the girl, just like him, grew up well in her own world.
When his fingertips turns the final page, a sunshower drizzles down without warning, bearing witness to their reunion on the sidewalk of fate. [5]
With yearning, his gaze lingers on the page for a long, long time, as if he is looking back to that day through the paper.
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MC: It’s a bit of a pity; this was already the thickest book in the store. I originally wanted to continue drawing more into the future.
He looks at me, his gaze deep.
LZY: We already know how the story unfolded after that.
LZY: As for the story that will unfold in the days to come, we will know that, too, as time goes on.
[3] It’s a nod to a term MC often uses for Li Zeyan– “世界第一甜李泽言” (world's sweetest Li Zeyan) and the nickname CN fans have for him 李甜甜 (Sweet Li); which is also discussed in the call for this date that she wanted to choose a wine that fits him the best and apparently drunk texted in the process LOL. 
[4] Guess all Li Zeyan stans know the significance of the number “10” ahah the source of all angst, but in the light of this date, it’s also a nod to Li Zeyan’s age when he and MC first met.
[5] Likely not necessary LOL, but a refresher anyway — it’s the reference to S1 CH 1, the impending car crash and their fated reunion ahah— ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
【Chapter 3】
MC: I hereby declare that the gift-finding mission is a complete success!
Watching me dancing for joy and ticking off the last empty space on the list, Li Zeyan can’t help but break into laughter.
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LZY: Obviously, I’m the one who received the gifts, but you seem even happier than me.
MC: Because once again, your reunion with this land has been branded with my mark!
MC: No matter how that little park’s appearance may change, whenever this place crosses your mind, you will always think of me!
LZY: [laughs helplessly]  Dummy, thinking of you has never had anything to do with time or place.
The next second, as if a realization has struck him, he lifts his gaze to meet mine.
LZY: But how come you didn’t place any of the gifts in that little park?
I scratch my head and unfold the map of Riverside Plaza to show him.
MC: With the artificial mountains they’ve built along with so many public structures, the topography here has changed dramatically.
MC: I couldn’t figure out the location of the little park…
MC: Perhaps it was leveled to the ground, or it might have become a part of the mountains, or maybe we’ve just passed right through it.
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As he listens to my conscientious conjectures, a soft chuckle escapes from the corner of Li Zeyan’s lips.
LZY: As expected, you dummy.
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MC: Does the venue usage agreement also include riding the cable car…
As the cable car slowly ascends, I flip through the thick agreement in surprise.
But before I can find the relevant clauses, my eyes are captivated by the gradually unfolding panorama of Riverside Plaza.
Emerald water and azure stones breathe in and out the refreshing breeze, embracing modern architecture and blending into a highly artistic urban landscape.
MC: It seems like the blessing of the birthday star’s halo really makes things magical, huh?
MC: Then, if I get closer to you, perhaps I can catch some of your magical aura.
As I speak, I snuggle even closer to him, crashing into his gaze fixed on me.
LZY: Even if the halo does exist, it wouldn’t spread through such childish methods.
MC: Well, you never know, and you––
The next second, he leans down and silences my unfinished words with a kiss.
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LZY: [in an adorably serious tone]  The success rate should be higher with this method.
Seeing him making jokes in a deadly earnest tone, I can’t help but burst into laughter.
LZY: If a certain dummy keeps giggling, she might miss the place she’s been yearning for.
MC: Huh?
Seeing him lift his chin slightly, I look perplexedly to the left side of the cable car.
In the next second, I spot the small park within the construction enclosure of the Urban Construction Group.
The sense of familiarity hits me right in the face, leaving me astounded and frozen in place.
MC: I can’t believe it’s still here… is it that they haven’t gotten to renovating this area yet?
LZY: Take a closer look.
With my eyes, I trace over the landscape before me, overlaying it with the images in my memory.
The old soccer field from the past has now taken a brand new appearance, incorporating the previous open space and expanding to at least twice its original size.
Meanwhile, the small sandbox seems to have become the best viewing area to watch the game, nestled inseparably against the edge of the soccer field.
MC: It… has been preserved?
LZY: Mm.
LZY: In the future, whenever you want to visit, it will always be here.
All my uncertainties vanish into thin air, and even the excitement turns into a sense of reassurance.
The unexpected surprise makes it impossible for me to resist turning my gaze toward that small area; I can’t seem to get enough of it no matter how many times I look.
The cable car ascends a bit more, and on the construction barrier previously obscured by tree shadows, an inverted triangle symbol that I couldn’t be more familiar with comes into view.
MC: Huh? Isn’t that the logo of LFG?
In my bewildered gaze, he nods.
LZY: I mentioned to you before about the collaboration between LFG and Urban Construction, and this is the project.
MC: So, you are the one who preserved it?
LZY: I was indeed involved in the decision-making process.
LZY: However, the redevelopment plan originally called for a youth activity area, so we retained the outdoor park and added more activity spaces.
I nod thoughtfully, but as I look at the small sandbox, I can’t shake the impression that it doesn’t really fit in with the surroundings.
Seeming to notice my trance, he speaks first.
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LZY: [extremely softly]  My selfish desire did indeed take part in this.
LZY: Since the soccer field was already being preserved, there was no reason why the sandbox shouldn’t be preserved as well.
MC: Even if it doesn’t quite fit the planning requirements?
He gently lowers his eyes, remaining silent, but the upward curve at the corner of his lips seems to have long declared the answer.
Partiality towards someone that causes a person to break the rules is always a source of joy, and I am no exception.
It’s just that being loved can subtly give rise to greed, making it impossible to resist the temptation to seek more confirmation from him.
MC: But… didn’t you say before letting it be preserved in the passage of time is enough?
The moment my probing gaze meets the light in his eyes, everything is laid bare in his knowing smile.
LZY: Even now, I still believe that time always leaves its traces.
LZY: But you seemed so unwilling to part with this memory.
He pauses for a moment, gazing gently into my eyes.
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LZY: [IN THE GENTLEST POSSIBLE TONE]  So, if you wish to seek the traces of time, I can preserve the entirety of time for you.
【Chapter 4】 
As the sky gradually imbues with darkness, the cable car reaches the end of its journey.
The words Li Zeyan said just now still linger in my ears, filling my entire heart with elation.
His love is omnipresent, allowing me to crash into it and be embraced by it at every turn, no matter where I casually roam in this world.
I want to hurry up and bring him to the destination; I want to present him with my surprise and give him all of my heart; I want to make him as happy as I am in this moment.
With this in mind, I pull him by the hand and start running in small steps.
His question echoes from behind, sinking into the night again, but I don’t say anything, only smiling at him.
We run all the way to the river side and spot the bubble house coming into view from afar. Quietly, I press the light control switch.
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The dreamlike lights embrace flowers, fine wine, swaying candles, balloons and fireworks… At this moment, my innermost feelings seem to spill onto all the existences in the world.
MC: Happy Birthday, Li Zeyan.
Saying this softly, I look up to find his gaze and see his slightly dazed eyes illuminated brightly by the flowing light. But his eyes seem to be infinitely more resplendent than the moonlight.
LZY: When it comes to creating surprises, no one can ever surpass you.
He allows me to lead him by the hand and walk into the “bubble.” Then, he watches me as I take the cake out of the mini refrigerator and light the candles.
The candle flames dance, causing those eyes that have always been fixed on me to become even softer.
Drowning in his eyes, I softly breathe out a relaxed sigh.
MC: To be honest, until I arranged everything here and set up the gifts, I wasn’t entirely sure if this would be a good venue for your birthday celebration.
MC: Upon coming back here again with you today, I suddenly realized…
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MC: Perhaps, from the moment we met eighteen years ago, fate had already quietly written our today. 
MC: We just didn’t know it back then.
We didn’t know that we would lose each other, and then we would meet again after going around in circles.
We didn’t know that we would be so favored by fate, becoming such important parts of each other’s lives.
Li Zeyan, it was your appearance that made me start to believe in the existence of fate.
You’re such an incredible person that all my yearnings and adoration seem to naturally and rightfully find their way to you––
Becoming my unique and unmatched destiny.
I lift the cake towards him, as if holding my heart full of sincere wishes in my hands.
MC: The cake from the morning was pawed on by Pudding, so it could no longer shoulder the important task of making wishes.
MC: I hope this unblemished cake can hold all of your wishes.
He solemnly accepts all of my heart and sincerity, gazing at me for a long time, so long that the candle burns down another inch.
LZY: From the very first second of today, I’ve been blessed by a certain dummy with all of her heart and soul.
LZY: The old place where I met you in the past, today has given birth to new memories, all because of you.
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LZY: Life wasn’t all bad before I met you.
LZY: But it wasn’t until I was constantly thought of, cared for, and loved by a certain dummy day and night that I realized the happiness fate had bestowed upon me was a million times greater than I could have ever imagined.
LZY: Once a person has known happiness, they will naturally want to preserve everything the way they are indefinitely.
LZY: This is my wish.
He gazes at me with an earnest and profound expression in his eyes, and then he blows out the candle.
MC: Hmm… although I really want to promise you this––
MC: But I’m greedier than you. I want every day of yours to be happier than the one before.
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MC: I want to make you the happiest person in the whole world.
He gently lifts my hand and draws me into his arms.
LZY: You already have.
LZY: So, accompany me to an even longer and more distant future, and let’s witness the surprises fate has already written.
In a daze, my memories drift back to the day we first met when we were kids.
Just as I was certain back then that he would show up with a pudding for our rendezvous, at this moment, I am equally sure that I will accompany him to that future.
I gaze at him and nod emphatically.
Beneath the starry sky, we eat cake and drink wine, laughing and making clamors for a while, and then we just cuddle together quietly.
We let time silently slip away before our eyes, because it feels as though as long as we can be just like this, it’s enough to make us happy.
It’s not until the moon quietly shifts its position that the winter night brings with it a nip in the air.
Probably sensing that I’m a bit cold, he enfolds me in his arms, gently rubbing my hands until warmth blooms in them.
But he still appears a little uneasy, his brows creasing into a slight frown as he looks at my light clothing.
LZY: The weather is too cold; let’s go home.
MC: Since it’s a birthday celebration, it’s not considered over until the very last second.
I shake my wristwatch at him; there are still more than twenty minutes until the new day.
Probably because I’m being a bit too insistent, he can do nothing but hug me even more tightly, letting his body heat encase me.
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Vaguely feeling a sound of helpless sighing on the verge of escaping above my head, I hurriedly press my finger against his lips gently.
MC: The birthday star is not allowed to sigh!
LZY: [IN THE MOST ADORABLY PLEADING TONE]  I’m worried that you might catch a cold.
MC: I’ve got a solution.
I stand on tiptoes and kiss him. Then, resorting to my old trick, I take his hand and pull him along for a run towards the outside.
MC: Let’s run around, and we’ll be warm in no time!
But this time, after being taken aback for a split second, he steps ahead and overtakes me, pulling me along and leading me to run forward.
There’s something even more enchanting beyond hugs and kisses, and that is – lovers sprinting through the silent night.
The night is so thick with darkness that it engulfs any sense of direction, and I find myself momentarily uncertain if we are running toward the past or moving forward into the future.
Or perhaps, all along, we’d constantly been running towards each other in every passing moment.
Perhaps fate is not willing to treat such a fervent and sincere love unkindly, and so in the boundless night, a winding piano pathway unfolds before us like some kind of miracle.
We both freeze for a moment, then look at each other with a hint of delight.
LZY: Walking on the same path with a dummy, I guess a person is bound to run into surprises along the way.
Stepping onto the pathway, I hear a “clink” sound, so I hop a few more steps, and suddenly, the air is filled with tinkling noises.
I turn around, smile at him, and pull him onto the pathway.
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MC: The journey to becoming a grand pianist can take various forms, and the one before us right now seems like a pretty good one.
The next second, I feel a force on my lower back, and I fall into his arms.
LZY: [THE OVERWHELMING JOY IN HIS VOICE x1]  Well, in that case, dance with me.
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The entire world resonates with the sounds created by us.
We hold each other tightly in an embrace, stepping on the musical notes flowing from the black and white piano keys.
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As the notes intertwine, I close my eyes. Suddenly, I have the feeling as if I’m in a magnificent concert hall, playing a tacit ensemble with the person I love the most.
MC: How does it feel to have your “dreams” come true, my grand pianist?
LZY: [x2] This moment is far superior to any dreams.
MC: Then, how about allowing this moment to become a little more joyful?
As I speak, I gently lift his hand and twirl around with the dance steps.
The notes that do not form a melody fall into our hearts, giving birth to an unparalleled sense of fulfillment.
I find myself unable to resist looking at the person in front of me, only to find him gazing at me tenderly.
MC: Are you happy?
MC: I seem to only remember wishing you happiness, but I haven’t asked you yet. Are you happy?
Hearing the girl’s question, Li Zeyan is momentarily caught off guard.
Amid the disorderly notes, they dance with steps that keep getting tangled time and again, laughing together like two dummies.
Perhaps as long as she just stands there, her presence alone will make everything in front of him lovely, making it impossible for him not to be happy.
So, he nods.
LZY: [the overflowing joy in his tone here literally broke the last surviving barrier of my tear flood]  Hm, I’m very happy.
Happiness doesn’t seem to be that difficult. After all, thanks to her, it has become a presence that is attainable at his fingertips almost in every second of every day.
It’s just that when a person becomes accustomed to the existence of happiness, they will naturally grow reliant and insatiable.
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“So, hold her hand tightly, until the end of time,” — he thinks to himself.
The girl in front of him checks the time, announcing loudly that the hour hand is about to usher in a new day.
4, 3, 2, 1–– along with the countdown, she leans into him and wishes him “Happy Birthday” for the last time today.
Almost instinctively, he leans down and kisses her.
For all the years to come, may every sunrise and nightfall be as perfect as this moment.
【Anika’s after-notes】 
those of you who know me on twitter/X or are on the official discord server, you guys may have already seen me having multiple meltdowns on this date. so, you can imagine just how much i still have to yell and scream about lmao, but this time, i’m not gonna write a whole essay that’s what my twitter threads are for lol. it’s one of those writing that is very self explanatory, everything is at your face but in the best possible way, and leaves you little to no room for second-guessing. so, hope you enjoy this treat packed with emotions and infinite beauty, and happy crying ahah~ ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ💕
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yujeong · 4 months
It's mostly the fault of @loveliesblood, because of course it is, but we had this discussion yesterday about the thought of Vegas being drunk out of his mind, and instead of being depressed or more self-destructive than usual, he just gets incredibly sappy. Like, imagine him being wasted and cuddling Pete, pinching his cheeks as he frowns in his attempts at seeing his face more clearly because the image is too blurry, all while Pete is trying to move him to the bathroom or to their bedroom. Vegas calls him boyfie or something similar in English, and Pete is so flustered and soooo confused and he has no idea how to handle a Theerapanyakul who won't punish him for being left to drink this much. And of course, there's also Macau behind them, whining and gagging and asking his hia to stop being so cringe, all while helping Pete take care of him. (He honestly wants to cry by how happy he feels seeing his brother like this, but he'd rather die than admit it). AND, obviously Vegas wants to kiss Pete, and keep kissing Pete, but Pete has to stop him because "your breath smells, Vegas," which makes Vegas get upset because "I'm sorry, I kissed you when you hadn't brushed your teeth in days, do you not love me?" Pete can't answer the question, so he just lets Vegas do what he wants. He'll have forgotten about this in the morning anyway.
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thenotsolittlelady · 11 months
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This one took me ages! Mainly because life got in the way. And also cause I don't know what I'm doing and I had to wing it more than I'd like to admit I have been thinking about my new ideas for Syllian's design and decided to draw a more up-to-date version! I actually really like the result and I still think Syllian is very pretty ; v ; I love him so much!
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sso-montana · 8 months
Disco Night ҉( ‘ ω ’ )/҉
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they're going to Fort Pinta Disco with Linda and Justin ( ˙꒳​˙ ) (it's a double date (Montana and Justin don't realize they're on a date together))
Lucy belongs to @mistfallenjoyer transparent version under the cut ^^
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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i've been manually shading this grass and having sai crash so many times in a row i might be going insane :'D
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Azedi in her wedding dress during her forced marriege at just twelve years old...
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thesilverlady · 2 years
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took the fandom few months to realize that nameless backround characters had better hair than literally any targaryen character in [derogatory]
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studentbyday · 8 months
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teaandinanity · 10 months
Any Cult of the Lamb players know if it's possible to make cultists keep doing the jobs I tell them to do? I gave my farmers bonus resource collection necklaces but other cultists who I never told to do farming keep butting in and when I'm telling the farmers to get back in the field half the time the ones I am assigning on purpose trade places and an interloper just stays there. Wasting crops by picking them without the boost. My kingdom for a RimWorld thing where I can tell them what jobs they are permitted to do; I would genuinely rather they do nothing than keep reshuffling like this.
Anyway, am I being an idiot or are they just gonna keep frustrating me like this? Asking here before I say anything in the discord because it is very large and scary.
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inferior-fairy · 11 months
I'm literally so upset about bg3 rn 😂😭 [spoilers]
I got to all The Emperor things in the Astral Prism and when he offered the tadpole I tried investigating it, but it just made me accept- which I didn't want- and now all the companions are judging me for it 😫 like babe!! I didn't want this either!! Don't act like I did!!
(Also my Tav now looks like she's going through a goth phase and trust me, it's not a good look 😂)
I'm almost tempted to restart a save except I've gotten so far that 1.) I am not redoing all that and 2.) I'm pretty sure that save's gone now it's been so long
Time to suffer and kill The Emperor ig 😂😂
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star--anon · 3 months
rereading my I'll Love You Forever fic because I distinctly remember hating it after I wrote it and now, reading it with a fresh eye, I actually kinda like it
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
They played the draw and i was Not expecting this in the slightest..i feel very fragile and vulnerable today so please be gentle
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