#it already matches up so well it felt like this was more fun :] ty fr the ask smile
t4tpumpkinduo · 6 months
i know u dont go here but c9 owo with ai mizuno.... for meeeee 🥺
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my dear mutual and pal mikey anything for you :heart_hands_emoji: i hope i could do yr girl justice!
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oikawasbread · 4 years
(part 1) Ah, okay for matchup’s, I thought it would be cool to try one of theses because I've never done one before. I’m female, and bisexual. I’m a Scorpio, and I enjoy track and cross country, dancing, which i’m fairly good at, photography and reading in general. I also find myself getting back into drawing and singing oftenly. It said I was a INTP-T. I have relatively short brown hair, which is curly. I’m mixed, more on the tan side and i’m 5′6 (I just checked)
I wear glasses majority of the time, and i’m fairly curvy. I see myself as a ambivert who has a bit of a shy shell, but can easily be broken into revealing a very energetic human being. My friends describe me as scary?? Aka, i’m not afraid to defend myself or state my opinion in many conversations. Along with that, I do get anxiety quiet often and wonder frequently if I accidentally made someone mad or not. With people I trust or like, i’m fairly loud and laugh alot- and its to the point where people have to tell me to calm down lmao. I enjoy engaging conversations almost about anything, and I wish I can have those types of talks more in my life. Alone however, i’m usually quiet and don’t start conversations unless I have too, or someone starts a conversation with me. In relationships, I’m just looking for someone who can make me laugh, while also tying me down when my emotions get the best of me, while respecting who I am. A few negative parts about my life can be simply showed with my zodiac sign with me being able to get jealous really fast and holding big grudges other small things, which are two things i’m trying to work on currently. On the positive note, I will say that I will literally take a bullet to save any of my best friends to be completely honest. I enjoy the rain, snow, and cold temperatures. I love animals and I have a very tiny doggo that I treasure with every ounce of my being. finally the last one im so sorry) I really enjoy reading about Greek gods and fantasy books. Another fact is that I get flustered really easily, which a lot of people tease me about. I don’t exactly like to stand out, which is why my wardrobe has more dark colors, as I don’t own any red/orange/yellow or pink shirts. And finally the last fact I thought I should include randomly is that I play the piano and learning it this year was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.
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Damn, don’t feel sorry for this detailed description, fr. I actually enjoyed so much writing this. As a scorpio, I relate to you so much. I spent so much time on this and you gave me so much info so i had to do a whole character analysis for you and I felt like i was writing about myself. So I enjoyed writing this so much cause I realised new things I didn’t knew about me and it feels good to know that I’m not the only one who is like this.
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Aight, I know that so many people hate him. And i don’t know if you hate or love him , but hear me out : Besides being a cancer and working with a scorpio so well, i feel like Oikawa would be perfect for your character.
 he’s totally in love with the way you style your brown curly hair. 
he says ‘’it’s almost as good as my hair’’
  he’s a total simp he knows your hair is better than his
 has a thing for your tanned skin. tbh u make him wish he wasn’t so pale :’( baby boy wants to get that tanned shiny skin! but it is what it isss
 you being 5’6 makes it easy for him to mock you. 
but he won’t exaggerate, because he knows you’re going to cut him with your sharp glance
 you’re clearly the top in this relationship. i mean you’re a scorpio. are we surprised?
 y’all r going to volleyball matches looking badass asf with your matching glasses but in reality you two are being crackheads in the last row of seats
 he clearly sees through you, but not since the beginning  
 at first, he was totally a bit scared to approach you. he’s always seen you being intimidating and sarcastic
you were like a challange to him, since Tooru himself is pretty intimidating and sarcastic
until he opens his mouth
and i think this is what makes you two so perfect for each other : you just need some time to warm up, then you suddenly become the funniest people of the group
 as a scorpio,  you can be pretty insensitive, having trouble when it comes to expressing your feelings, and when you and Tooru get into a fight, you won’t hesitate to throw some venomous words. sometimes you just can’t control your anger
but he knows you well. he won’t take it by heart since he knows how short your temper is, and he’s willing to step on his pride and put an end to your argument
 you’’re not afraid to step up. you’ve always went too far to defend your beliefs and he’s totally whipped. he thinks you would make a great lawyer haha
he loves how you always have a good argument for everything and how you can beat people in a fight just with your words. it’s truly amazing for him, the power you hold
so he avoids fighting with you
           I JUST KNOW you guys both have struggles when it comes to following rules. it comes with your zodiac sign. even though he’s way softer and innocent than you, you will drag him into your adventures. and he won’t say no :’)
 sometimes you feel like Oikawa is the only person who understands you, who doesn’t think you’re insane
he may not be a genius, but you can’t deny the fact that he’s actually clever
he understands you without even having to hear any words coming out of your mouth
Tooru knows you’re rebellious, stubborn, independent; he knows how you sometimes can feel 29843 emotions at the same time, and he’s here for you
he won’t question you when you don’t feel like talking. Instead, he would make a cup of your favourite tea, add  some ice in it, and watch you reading your favourite book while you’re drinking the tea in which he put his secret ingredient <3 love!!
you love reading about Greek Gods, and he loves aliens : so you slowly became a fan of the universe, the unknown, and he started to love the Greek Mythology
totally in love with your dance moves ; watching you dance is his favourite hobby; the way your body moves amazes him and he tries to dance like you sometimes . he may be the great king but not on the dance floor.
long story short, he’s in love with everything about you : your passion for photography, the things you’re reading (he actually finds your favourite authors quite interesting) , the way you’re singing in the shower or how you’re humming some familiar songs when you’re focused on something
he thinks he’s so lucky, and skipping some volleyball practices to hear you play his fave song at the piano is totally worth it
when he found out you’re an athlete, his brain went poof
watching you run with the sunlight dripping all over you was what he needed to get his mind off the school and vbc stress
having a thing for sports made you even more interesting and hot (he didn’t knew you could get hotter than you already are)
sometimes he can see that you’re needing approval, and he tries his best to let you know that you are the greatest at whatever you do.
you think he’s bluffing just to make you feel good, but you appreciate it so much even tho baby boy actually thinks you’re the greatest. like fr. you are his grand queen
you have a rich inner world, so you’d rather focus your attention on it instead of the external world. 
Oikawa thinks it’s pretty cute, cause you guys sometimes have lazy Sundays when you just lay in bed all day and do nothing but enjoying each others presence and your own thoughts.
Tooru, just like you, hates failure. losing any type of match puts him down, and the same happens to you. 
you feel like you wanna start over and do things the other way around, but you can’t.
the good thing is, you have each other.
 he mocks the hell out of your jealousy. whenever his fan girls are approaching him, you feel your heart stop and the oxygen fading away. you just wanna let out your anger
but he knows it, and he will reassure you that you don’t have any reason to feel that way. 
he’s only interested in his Grand Queen and no one else can change his mind.
he finds it quite fun that you hold grudges over small things, he can clearly see that you’re vengeful, and that makes you two lil partners in crime.
BUT the way you’re willing to do absolutely anything for him or your friends inspires him so much. 
of course, he would take a bullet for you. But your strong spirit is what’s making him be so passionate about everything : you inspire him
 the best days for him are when you two are around the house, and it suddenly starts raining. 
he only has to look at you once, and you both drop everything you’re doing and run outside to just sit in the rain. the feeling of the cold rain on your skin while you’re trapped between his arms makes your heart explode
 little moments like these are making you both fall in love more and more everyday.
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I really really hope you enjoyed this! I tried my best and please feel free to request again whenever you want! <33                                                                                          
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