#it also makes it pretty fucking easy to say 'yup. that's bad. not gonna bother me though'
Let's Rewind! Toasts watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 9: A Pretty Spy
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Y'know I would've thought this was the Bokar episode, but obviously it's not Oooh maybe it's the Hunk version of it, I know that doesn't make sense but if it is then you'll understand soon
Looks like some not so friendly fire on a doom ship in Arus space, it really might be this one then!
Keith just effortlessly predicting how the ship is going to crash-land, what a good tactician Hunk runs off to go check for any survivors
Was it really easier to go on a horse to the desert because I feel like using yellow to explore the wreckage would've been better
A slave girl has been found, Hunk recognizes the brand she because it's the same as his Obvs she's alive so she gets taken to medical to get her help
The team minus Hunk doubts she actually escaped, yup this is the episode I was thinking of!
She's explaining her backstory but had so weirdly long pause before the flashback started Apparently Twila was only recently brought to Doom with her brother and while the guards were distracted with beating him she ran back into the ship that brought them there and bolted
I like how last episode it was established that Lance was the one with the lie detector abilities but when it's a seemingly innocent girl all that power is out the window and gets attached to Keith More discussing if attacking Zarkon with Voltron is worth it instead of just waiting for his attacks before they form up It's shot down for fear of losing their jobs
Hunk is immediately pissed at Keith because she went through that escape by herself and Keith still thinks it was too easy Justifiable but I wish it was Lance who thought it was weird for some continuity
Also for some reason they're in the dark while outside, it's probably for drama but like that castle is huge literally go to the complete other side of it and you should be fine guys
And now all the boys share a room for some reason, one of my mutuals headcannoned that Lance is superstitious about things ending with zero being bad and after prince Bokar he was proven right so I'm just gonna take that and say the boys aren't convinced and slept in the room to prove him wrong lol
Twila has weird glowy eyes and goes to check if the boys are sleeping, and after she leaves Keith gets up to check what the noise was before going back to bed
I'm sorry the castle has a MISSILE ROOM?? MAYBE THAT SHOULD BE UNDERGROUND OR SOMETHING GUYS Apparently Twila has weird electric powers, she's a robot, but I'm just going to refer to her as a person anyway, and uses them to open the door
Is she an antenna or something lmao oop she's setting off a bomb in the missile room, that's actually pretty smart for the bad guys this time around I like it when they're competent lol
Oh Kova is back with Haggar So is Twila not a robot? Haggar said she's under her spell, so maybe I'm just mixed up
The mice bother Pidge, but he doesn't care, but Keith notices and gets worried, so he gets the team to follow One of them also wake up Allura and tell her what's up, queue horrified gasp
Coran fell asleep while on watch duty, why put the old guy there I feel like that was a bad decision period They see Twila planting a bomb, Hunk is disappointed because he stood up for her
The team is worried that they can't do anything in time but Coran just sends out the time bomb because it was attacked to a missile they could fire, the castle is saved!
I feel bad for Hunk because he really trusted her, but he goes off chasing her anyway
NOT THE HORSE WHY USE LASER BEAMS ON THE HORSE THEY ARE INNOCENT IN THIS Hunk finds Twila at a cliff, now it's a stand-off
Hunk asks why she'd work for Zarkon, and she gives the regular sob story of being promised something greater than Zarkon would ever let go of, freedom for the slaves Then her says her brother volunteered to be turned into a robeast as part of that deal, the coffin flies overhead
Man absolutely everyone gets fucked over in this war, I mean I didn't expect anything less but still
The brother robeast is called the Poison BugBlade! Weighing at 4100 short tons, this guy is definitely dying
She's supposed to be yelling at him to complete their mission, but her voice sounds like she's whispering really goes to show how much voice acting has improved in modern days
Oh hey the shot of running people is reused from a few episodes ago too I think, I feel pretty good about spotting that lol
The horse is alive lets go, Hunk gives up on Twila and goes to get his lion The rest try to fight him off for Hunk to join up
Again not really liking how much Allura screams and yells, like I do understand that this is her second robeast battle, technically first while as a lion, but c'mon girly pop! It's probably the 80s treating girls as if they were still fragile while they're put in tough roles for little girls to look up to
Allura gets back up only to be manhandled by the robeast again sdovinsdv, saved by Keith of course Hunk comes in after she gets up again
The voltron preamble is super close to the final product, I'd give it a few more episodes for it to finally be the iconic phrase most fans know
Twila still isn't backing down on her beliefs, she wants Arus GONE, but instead she watches her brother die in front of her :P
Apparently Twila went back to her home planet to plan another way to get her people back Keith really thinks that she'll be able to do it this time because they'll help her out when it comes down to it
Episode end! I don't think I'll be doing any episode reviews this Labor Day weekend mostly because I'm going home and probably won't bring my laptop which is where I usually do my blogging from
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Wild Child
Characters: Miguel Galindo x black!reader
Summary: Miguel can’t control his free spirited wife.
Warnings: Its filthy. I tried to put some plot in it but its barely there lol.
WC: 4.1K
A/N: I hit a couple of birds with this one stone. First its a request from @darlingcherrybomb-Can I have 11 & 15 w/ Miguel Galindo plz??? thank you :) and this is also my submission for my 2K Follower Celebration and Bad Bitch Challenge. The song I’m using is Hood Rat Shit. Also shoutout to @starrynite7114​ for indulging me!
Prompts are bolded
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When Miguel Galindo started dating you no one really batted an eye. They simply thought the businessman/cartel boss was going through a mid-life crisis and wanted some young pretty thing on his arm. But when he slipped that engagement ring on your finger and made an honest woman out of you, everyone had questions. You were Santo Padre’s resident wild child.
If it wasn’t the Mayans causing trouble, then it was you. Growing up the Reyes family was your next-door neighbors and that instantly made EZ and Angel your best friends. Even as a child Angel was charismatic and that easily made you look up to him. Everything he did, you tried to do. That earned you the nickname, Angelita. If you could’ve joined the club, you would’ve.
So how you ended up married to Miguel was a mystery. Sure, you cleaned up nice and despite your wild ways you had a respectable job, but you still were considered as riff raff, nothing but a damn troublemaker.
Where everyone saw a crazy party girl, Miguel saw an independent uninhibited woman. Someone unafraid to speak their mind and can hold their own in this cutthroat world. Someone who could handle all of him. Someone who humbled him and made him enjoy the simpler things in life.
Although, he loved you, you were a fucking headache. Your free spirit didn’t sit well with the confines of his lifestyle. Any chance you got you ditched the bodyguards. Upscale lounges? Nah, you loved the dive bars. There’s a Mayans party? You’re there. Dress like you’re a powerful businessman’s wife? Nope can do. You were allergic to designer and preferred jeans and leggings.  Being driven around town? No thank you, you were a speed demon. As you and your friends love to say, “You’re ain’t nothing but a hoodrat hoodrat, hoochie mama.”
Like tonight, he specifically told you he didn’t want you hanging out at the clubhouse because he heard some rumblings of trouble with another MC. But of course, you didn’t listen. It was EZ’s patch party and you were gonna celebrate with your boys.
“Run me my money, Medina!” You folded your hand in the ‘gimme’ motion.
“Aren’t you already rich?” He asked, slapping the twenties in your hand.
Angel busted out laughing and nudged Medina with his shoulder. “We told you not to play her. I told you she’s vicious. Don’t ever fall for the puppy dog eyes.”
Everyone joined in at Medina’s lost. At this point most Mayans in the Santo Padre charter and other charters knew not to play pool with you or at least not to underestimate you, so finding someone not privy to to your skills was delightful.
Throughout the night, your goal was to set EZ up with Gabby and not just for a one-night stand. He desperately needed someone else to focus on instead of Emily. Currently, you were outside at a table with your crew: Coco, Gilly, EZ, and Angel.
“Just go talk to her.” You urged your best friend.
“Yeah, for some crazy ass reason she likes you.” Angel slapped the back of his brother’s head.
Tracing your finger along his arm, you pointed out the evidence. “It’s this damn vein that always making an appearance.”
Coco sat back in amazement. “That shit really turn y’all on? Simple stuff like that? One time I had a chick obsessed with my fingers. She got turned on whenever I held a cig. I thought she was into some freaky ass shit.” The whole table erupted into laughter. For Coco to be so experienced, he was clueless.
Taking his hand in yours, you began tracing his fingers and inspecting. “Oh ok, I see you Coco Cruz. These shits are veiny, long, and thick as fuck. Yeah, homegirl was obsessed!”
“But why, chiquita?” Coco flicked you on the nose.
“Do you not finger bitches, Cruz? These are prefect candidates for fingering. Like dude, when I see, Miguel’s fingers wrapped around a glass, I get all wet and tingly inside.”
If you were paying attention, then you would’ve noticed how quiet all the guys gotten. It wasn’t until Coco slyly slipped his hand out of your grasp that you felt a presence. “He’s behind me, isn’t he?”
“Yup, Angelita!” Angel hooked his arm around your neck and ruffled your hair. A gesture that didn’t bother Miguel. He understood the familial dynamic you had with the Reyes brothers.
“Hey babe!” You smiled at him like you didn’t just disobeyed him by showing up at this party.
Miguel gave you a small smirk. It was his way of telling you he was pissed off, but he wasn’t going to show it in front of company. “Sweetheart,” he kissed you on top of your head. “I’m going to talk to Obispo and then we’re leaving.” His tone told you there was no room for arguments.
Miguel left you to go to talk to Bishop and give you some time to tell your friends goodbye. Marcus stood by you as he watched boss leave. “Angelita, do you ever stay out of trouble?” He patted your back and kissed your temple.
You held your chin as if you were in deep thought. “Mmm, nope. Its too much fun not to.”
“We should’ve nicknamed you little Diabla.” Gilly joked.
“Screw you, Gilly!”
“No, that’s your husband’s job and by the way you’ll be walking like Bambi for the next week will be proof enough.” You slapped Angel upside the head, but the only further his laughing. They all loved to tease you when you got in trouble with Miguel.
You didn’t have time to quip back, because Miguel came back done with his conversation with Bishop and from the looks of it, Bishop got some bad news. Hopefully, none of it had anything to do with you.
When you got in the car the partition was already rolled up, a big red flag that you were in trouble. “Sooooo, what did you talk to Bishop about? He looked upset.”
Miguel cut his eyes to you before he looked back out the window. “That other MC was on the way to the clubhouse to shoot up the place. I handled it when I was on the way. Just dumb luck we stumbled onto them.”
“Wowwww,” you blew a raspberry and widen your eyes as saucers. You hated when he was right, it knocked down all your objections. “Lucky that you were on the way then, huh?” You gave him a nervous smile and scratched the back of your head.
“Lucky?” He repeated the word with venom. “You could’ve died!”
“But I didn’t!”
“You disobeyed me!”
It was true, you didn’t listen, but everything worked out in the end. “I know but-”
One of Miguel’s hand grasped your throat hard enough to make breathing a little harder, but not enough to hurt you. He pressed his face against to the side of yours, harshly breathing against your ear. “No buts- you deliberately disobeyed me and if it wasn’t for me coming to get your bratty ass, you would’ve been dead!”
“Miguel, I’m sorry.”
With his other hand, Miguel shoved his hand down your pants. “Oh, you’re about to be sorry, mi vida. I’ll show you what these fingers can do.” His fingers pushed your panties to the side and explored all your wetness. “Shit! You’re loving this, you dirty little slut. I bet if I wanted to, you’d let me finger you in front of all your little Mayan friends.”
You began riding his fingers as he fucked into you. It was too much not to move. Miguel was an expert in your pleasure and knew how to set you off in minutes if that’s what he wanted, and it appeared he wanted you to suffer. “Miguel, pleaseeeeee.” You pleaded with him, grabbing onto his wrist for support.
“Hmm, please what, querida?” He licked the side of your face then pulled your earlobe in between his teeth. “Dime que quieres. (Tell me what you want.)”
“I want to cum. Please Miguel.” You pecked at his lips giving him the chance to devour your lips. “If you want to cum, you’re gonna have to do it yourself.” Miguel murmured against your lips.
Miguel kept his fingers still as you rolled your hips. It wasn’t the same as him pumping his fingers in and out, but you knew there was one way you could get him to participate once again. Keeping your eyes on Miguel, you wet your fingers and let them find your clit. Not even one rub in and Miguel had his hand around your wrist. “Who told you that you could touch what’s mine?”
You bent down and whispered by his ear. “If it was yours, I would be cumming by now.”
Miguel growled and began furiously fingering you and rubbing your clit with his thumb. “Fucking brat! I better not hear any crying from you tonight talking about its too much. You’re taking everything I’m giving you.”
He wasn’t taking it easy on you anymore. Miguel pumped into you as fast as he could while suckling kisses along your shoulder up to his neck. “Te amo, mi vida. But if you ever do something that stupid again, I won’t have any problems locking your ass up.”
Your lips met Miguel’s for a searing kiss. “I love you too, Miguel.”
Taking some of your hair, Miguel moved it to the other side and kissed your neck. “Now cum all over my fingers.”
Your body immediately responded to Miguel’s command, making you leak onto the seat. That sight almost made Miguel unhinged, but he contained himself. The things he had planned for you couldn’t be executed in the back of a car. So, he allowed you to rest until you got back home, where he could teach you a lesson or two about obedience.
The thing about certain lessons with you was that they weren’t long-lasting. There was something that always drew you back to your rebellious ways. Tonight, was girl’s night and you were on your way out the door when you heard Miguel’s voice. “Go change.”
You stopped in your tracks and looked back at your husband sitting with Marcus and Nestor. “Excuse me?” Nestor rubbed his hand over his face and Marcus lowly chuckled. Looks like it was about to be an interesting night in the Galindo household.
Miguel put down the report he was reading and focused his eyes on you. “I said go change, mi amor.”
You knew this was a risqué outfit, but you thought if you walked fast enough, Miguel wouldn’t notice. “What’s wrong with this?” You asked, pretending like you damn well didn’t know what was wrong.
The chair scraped against the floor as Miguel backed out of the chair. He surrounded you as a predator inspecting his prey. A lion chomping at the bits to get to his meal. “You are not wearing that out. I will rip it off you. Now go change or you won’t see your friends until the next girls’ night.” He pulled the strap of your top, letting it slap against your skin. As you turned to go up the stairs, Miguel smacked your ass for his victory. It wasn’t very often that he easily won your compliance.
When you came back down, Miguel was much more appeased with your outfit. A simple flowy black tank top replaced the corset bodysuit you had on earlier. He genuinely wished you a good time as you left. Miguel knew that with a couple of drinks in you, you would be primed for some nasty sex later. Little did he know that you had your original top in your purse and had plans to ditch the bodyguards.
A little later that night, Miguel, Nestor, and Marcus went out to a restaurant to take a break from the tedious work. Nestor excused himself from the table when he got a call from the security team. Miguel flagged the waitress down when he saw Nestor pinched the bridge of his nose. It was the same thing he did when he heard you were up to no good. “She ditched the bodyguards?”
Nestor pulled out his phone to show Miguel a video. “Yeah and is having the time of her life.” Miguel grimaced as he fixed his suit jacket. “Let’s go get my wife before I have to fill my church pew.”
The lounge you and your girls went to was nice at first, but after the first round of expensive watered-down drinks all of you were ready to go. Especially, since the music wasn’t danceable to. It was $2 everything at one of your old haunts, so that’s where you went. They had the best mix of current and old hits, having everyone vibing.
With all the drinks being $2 and very strong, you were easily drunk enough not to have a care in the world. Unsurprisingly though you were the most coherent (drinking with bikers would do that to you). So, you knew that you shouldn’t have gotten on top of the bar, but you couldn’t give one flying fuck. What was Miguel gonna do? Put you on his church pew? Please, one bash of these eyelashes and you’d be out of trouble.
The dj began playing a set of Megan thee Stallion and you were in your zone. You and your friends were providing entertainment as y’all screamed the lyrics out.
I want to do it ‘cause it’s fun
It’s fun to bad things
(Hood rat shit)
Drive into a car (Ahh)
Didi you know you could perhaps kill somebody?
Yes, but I wanted to do hood rat stuff with my friends.
Instantly, you and your friends got into your Megan squats and twerked just like the song told y’all. Its been so long since you did it that you almost got scared that your knees would buckle.
Hood rat shit (Huh) with my hood rat friends
Everywhere we go (Ayy) we be drinking Hen
Shake that ass, shake that ass, bitch, bounce that shit (Ayy, yeah)
If you weren’t so caught up, you would’ve felt the air in the room change. You would’ve felt the oxygen leave the room, making it harder to breath. You would’ve stopped making random people drive the boat while they had a great view of your cleavage due to your corset bodysuit that you secretly changed back into.
It wasn’t until you felt that overwhelming presence that you noticed your husband next to you. He rested his elbow on the bar and held his chin in his hand smiling up at you. “Oh, hi honey. Funny seeing you here.” You greeted him. Miguel couldn’t reach your hand, so he started rubbing on your ankle. “No, its funny seeing you here in that,” he nodded at your corset. “What happened to your other shirt?” There was no good answer, so instead you bent down and rapped the lyrics to Miguel, playfully having your fingers in his face.
You ain’t from my hood (Huh)
What you doing round here? (Hey)
Asking all them questions (Huh)
You must be the Feds (Ayy)
Better get from round here
Before you wind up dead (Yeah)
The corner of Miguel’s mouth quirked up as he patiently waited for the song to be over. Despite how mad he was, he enjoyed seeing you have fun with just the simple things. And it wasn’t from youthfulness, but from a good heart. That’s what made him love you. The only things you needed was your friends, family, and good times, and you reminded him that was important.  
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“Yup,” you took his offered hand and jumped down from the bar. He draped your leather jacket over your shoulders and zipped it up. “Really?” Your eyes dipped down to your chest. Miguel cupped your cheek before he kissed it. “Yes, really. Now let’s leave before I have to shoot someone for ogling you too long.” Quickly, you exited the bar. There was no need for anyone to die because of you.
On the way back to your house, Miguel didn’t reveal how pissed he was. He just kept a possessive hand on your denim clad thigh and discussed his plans for the week. He didn’t go into gory detail, but just enough to prepare you for how busy he would be. That was practically a warning. With him being pissed about your activities tonight and pair that with his busy schedule, let’s just say your glad you’ve been focused on your flexibility and stamina.
Finally, at home, the both of you told Nestor and Marcus good night. You headed for your room, but Miguel gripped the back of your neck tightly and steered you to the playroom down the hall. Miguel specifically used this room when he planned to fuck you for hours. Dear lord, this was gonna be a long night.
You knew better than to speak as he sets up the room. Standing stark still you watched as he lit candles, turned on the fairy lights, and set the LED lights a mix of blue and purple. Miguel loved how the blue hue reflected off your brown skin. It highlighted every single thing he loved about you.
When he was finished setting the ambiance, Miguel circled around you until he was standing directly behind you. He said nothing as his hands went to the button of your jeans. His warm breath caressed your neck like a hug, his hands setting fire to your skin as he pulled down your jeans.
A yelp escaped your lips when you felt Miguel’s teeth scrape against your ass. Done with what you were for sure knew were gonna leave marks, Miguel ran his nose along your ass until he reached the crook of your neck. He dug his fingers into your ass while his teeth dug into your shoulder. The pain was welcoming, making you quiver all over.
“Hands behind your back.” Miguel ordered. Soon, you felt the cuffs around your wrists and then the sensation was felt around your ankles as well. “Stay here.” He whispered against your ear.
You watched Miguel swagger to what you called the ‘sex couch’, it was curved to accommodate your bodies, specifically for adult activities. He sat down, legs all wide and inviting while he loosened his collar. Crooking his fingers, he told you to come here.
The heels you were wearing made you the perfect height that Miguel’s face was directly at your navel. He pressed a light kiss there, then he reached up to your shoulders to push you down on your knees.
Unzipping his pants, he pulled out his cock and you were instantly hypnotized. Honestly, Miguel should just whip it out all the time when he wants you to do something. You’ll listen to him…momentarily.
“Aren’t you gonna take off your clothes?” You inquired.
Miguel wrapped his hand around your hair. “No, at least one of us needs to know how to dress. Now, suck my dick. It ain’t gonna suck itself.” Out of nowhere, he pulled out a cigar, lit it and began smoking it, his way of dismissing you.
There was no way you were gonna tease him. From the tension in his body you knew he would snap at any moment. Your mouth engulfed his length, only getting a couple of bobs in until Miguel roughly pushed your head into his crotch and pummeling your mouth with his cock. All of him took up the room in your throat, but it didn’t bother you. You loved that it was you making those moans come out of Miguel’s mouth.
He granted you a little reprieve and let you up for some air. He took one more puff of his cigar before putting it out. His hands went to your corset to pull your breasts out and for a moment he fondles them with interest until he slapped them and twisted the nipples. “Dressed like a fucking whore! Letting everyone see your tits. I should’ve fucked you right on that bar. No one would’ve stopped me.” Miguel’s hand was now around your throat and he pulled you towards his face. “Would you have let me fucked you there? Hmm, be my little whore?”
“Yes daddy! Whatever you want to do to me, you can.”
His other hand found your hair again. “Huh, you’re giving me permission? I know I can do whatever the fuck I want to you because you’re mines. The only one who seems not know this is you. Can’t follow simple fucking instructions. Is it that hard to listen to me?”
“Then why don’t you listen?”
The brat in you just had to jump out, you smiled up at him like a madwoman before responding. “Because it’s fun and I enjoy doing hood rat shit.”
Miguel finally snapped. With unknown strength he ripped your bodysuit off your body and threw you onto your stomach on the couch, securing your ankle cuffs to the locks on the couch. Miguel didn’t bother to take off his clothes, you could feel the fabric of his Armani slacks as he pushed into you.
Even though it was about Miguel’s pleasure, it was about yours as well. Every one of his thrust got you closer to your end, but you wanted more. You wanted to touch your husband, you wanted your lips to leave the same marks he was leaving, you wanted to look him in the eye as he called you a slut, whore, and everything in between. “Daddy turn me around. I want to look at you.” You pleaded.
Miguel hips stuttered a bit, he couldn’t believe what his ears just heard. Leaning forward, his clothed chest was against your naked back. “Did you just give me an order? You think you can just get what you want?”
He couldn’t see your doe eyes, but he could hear the sickeningly sweet babied tone you use on him whenever you want something. “Yes, because I’m your baby girl.”
“Be careful what you wish for, baby girl.” Miguel flipped you over, his hand flew to your throat as he thrusted into you. He loved how you tightened around him when his hand found its permeant place on your neck. “So, fucking responsive to me. Tell me how much you love this cock.”
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“I love it so much, daddy. I wish you could be in me every minute of the day” you gasped in between thrusts.
Miguel hovered over you and smoothed your hair. “How sweet, kitten.” He mocked you, then spat in your mouth and smeared it over your face, before shoving four of his fingers in your mouth. He chuckled at how your eyes widen. “What? I thought you wanted to look at me?”
You tried to say something, but your words were muffled by his fingers. “Hmm, what was that whore?” Miguel took his fingers out so he could hear you clearly. “Can I cum, daddy? Pretty please.”
Miguel couldn’t deny you anymore. “Since you asked so nicely, you can.” His thumb reached for you clit and rubbed on it until your legs were shaking and your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, but Miguel wanted your eyes on him. He grabbed the back of your neck and rested your forehead on his. “Look at me when you cum!” Once your eyes connected, Miguel reached his own orgasm and coated your walls with white hot cum.
In an instant, Miguel released the cuffs and carried you to the bed while giving you reassuring kisses and declarations of love. Despite your protests, he left to go get the both of you some water and towels to clean up. While he was gone you reached out for your phone that Miguel conveniently placed for you.
You: Sorry, guys I won’t be able to make it to our ride tomorrow. Raincheck?
Angel: I told y’all! I knew Galindo was gonna fuck her up for that outfit.
Coco: Damn! He broke you off that bad?
You: No, he broke me off that good!
You: Blame Dumbass #1 and Dumbass #2. Now am I gonna get a raincheck?
EZ: Yes, you will, Angelita. GN.
Knowing that the guys weren’t going to be mad at the fact that you weren’t going tomorrow, you silenced your phone, ignoring whatever argument they would no doubt get into. Instead you waited for your husband to return to continue breaking you off for the rest of the night.
Tagging: @starrynite7114​ @marvelmaree​ @thickemadame​ @woahitslucyylu​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @chaneajoyyy​ @angrythingstarlight​ @sadeyesgf​ @teakturn​ @dearsamcrobae​ @strawberrywritings​
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 73 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch and co. are still stuck in China and Xingke’s flipping out because the Chinese assholes are gonna kill the Empress and go with someone less problematic for their political marriage to Britannia’s creepily overaged prince. However Lelouch pulls out a Knightmare that’s basically the Twink version of the Gawain and busts everyone up as well as pulling a Father Cornello on them and letting the people know they’re all elitst 1% assholes that don’t care about them, which I suspect all countries probably know about their leaders but it sucks to hear it in a recording so riots show up all over China and CC Geass Flashes Anya to take her out so Britannia has to back out because the Chinese Hierarchy are now the least popular people in the world. So Xingke gets to be with his Empress and joins the Black Knights but Dietard wants the Empress to marry someone on their side so they can basically do the asshole move Britannia just tried to do but for them. All the girls are like ‘hey no’ and Lelouch is like “Oh hey Tamaki buddy, let’s go talk and get me the fuck out of here” so before Lelouch actually has to give Tamaki more lines and elevate him beyond the Black Knight’s Yamacha Shirley calls and Lelouch just straight up asks Shirley about love in a weirdly forced series of circumstance. But Shirley’s like “Yeah don’t fuck with love, don’t you love anyone?” and Lelouch is like “Yeah I do, Nunally!” and I don’t think that’s at all what Shirley meant but it does mean Lelouch sees that fighting for something beyond politics is powerful and agrees to not marry off the twelve year old girl, so that’s good. Lelouch decides to return home while they hunt down the Geass cult which is in China for some reason despite that being one of the like two places on earth Britannia doesn’t control and the Geass Cult largely being a Britannian affair. Meanwhile Sayoko is basically a Lelouch Vtuber at this point with her insanely accurate Lupin III mask of Lelouch and kisses Shirley so Shirley’s a little bit more gay than she was before and is not sure how to feel about that. When she’s about to tell the real Lelouch he kisses like a girl, Anya and Gino show up because we’re retreading the whole ‘sleeping with the enemy at school’ thing from the first season except with way less interesting enemies. Also the preview for the next episode is Lelouch dramatically talking about enemies finding out he’s Zero overtop footage of Shirley and Milly absolutely naked in a batthouse scene so I think we know what kind of episode that’ll be.
Inuyasha: The Panther Demon filler concludes with everyone meeting at the site where the Panther Master is being revived behind a strong barrier, if only someone just got a barrier upgrade to their sword, oh wait. But yeah everyone manages to free the hostages so even though Kagome’s jewel shards revives the Panther Master he’s still a zombie without a sacrifice which is weird since Naraku managed to completely revive the Band of Seven with one jewel shard each from skeletons and the Panther Lord has three shards so idk the rules here but yeah he steals the souls of his own men to revive and is Wind Scar Proof because he just is. It’s pretty cool to see him shooting his claws and lightning and shit but he’s too big and slow for it to be much of an interesting fight. Sesshomaru’s about to go full demon which would be interesting since we haven’t seen his full demon form since he lost his arm but in a neat bit of character development, Tenseiga calms his rage and tells him to use it instead. You get the feeling Sesshomaru only goes full demon when he flies off the handle and forgets about speed and strategy so him opting to not repeat the mistake he made against Inuyasha is pretty cool. Anyway Tenseiga heals the souls of the Panther Demons and drains their energy from the lord so he’s back to Zombie Cat Man which Inuyasha can Wind Scar because that’s what happens to villains on this show, all Wind Scars all the time. The Panthers don’t wanna fight anymore since their boss just killed them and tell Inuyasha to tell Sesshomaru the feud is over and they’re going back to the West. Honestly this is basically the same backstory they gave Kirinmaru in Yashahime so it’s funny for them to say they’re going back to the same place Kirinmaru is from, wonder if it’ll ever come up in Yashahime since most filler seems canon there.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke and Kuwabara continue the assault on Tarukane’s compound and basically plow through the lower demons easy since they’ve been fighting minor deities up to this point. It’s always pretty cool in Shonen to just have a few rounds to show how much power creep the heroes have had where certain things just don’t bother them anymore. Toguro murders a Chimera which has an oddly similar backstory to Nina from FMA and he seems really bummed about it but he’s like “Hey we’re both monsters made by humans telling us to do shit, so sorry for killing you bro”. And Tarukane basically sees Toguro is the next boss and is like “Yup time to scam some people off of this” and he sets up a betting ring for how far Yusuke and Co will get into his compound. This is kinda neat because it puts Tarukane in the weird position of betting against his own guards and hoping Yusuke will make it all the way to Toguro and then lose after everyone else has seen how awesome Yusuke is and bets on him. And funnily enough Sakyo’s in on the betting and he’s watched anime before so he knows to bet on the plucky teenagers with weird powers. So yeah Yusuke and Kuwabara finish plowing through the demons while Hiei kinda stalks them and remembers getting his eye surgery and wanting to help his sister but it’s kind of against spirit world rules for demons to just go plow through humans even if they’re scumbag humans so now Yusuke and Kuwabara have to go fight the Triad of boss demons Toguro has under him before Hiei busts in and just murders everyone for kidnapping his bird-loving jewel-crying little flower of a sister.
Fate Zero: So Kiritsugu can break Kayneth’s Terminator 2 Gaara defenses with rib bullets that just say ‘no’ to using magic and fucks his arrogant ass up. Saber and Lancer do some combo shenanigans to stab Caster right in the book and disrupt all his hentai tentacle demons but the book heals so idk why he can’t just make more. Kirei fucks up Maiya and Iris but didn’t double tap Maiya and DID double tap iris but she’s got Saber’s bullshit healing scabbard on her which no one knows about so Saber’s like “uhhh why are you healing” and Iris can’t tell her so she’s basically “Uhh internet?” Lancer comes in to save Kayneth’s worthless ass and tells Kiritsugu to stop being a dick to Saber because she’s pretty dope. But as usual for an early Fate encounter, no one dies and nothing of terrible consequence happens despite it being teased a couple times. I’ve noticed a trend with Fate that it really doesn’t like killing characters early so you’re basically guaranteed to have the first 2-3 major battles have a zero net gain/loss. Rider in UBW was probably the subversion to that since it happened crazy fast and anticlimactic but even that wasn’t till like ten episodes in.
Konosuba: So we finally meet Wiz the big booby Lich and Kazuma learns a new skill, both fun things. Also the gang gets a house to stay in after escapades with an army of haunted dolls and the most “I need to pee” in a horror setting since Corpse Party. But yeah, good progress this time honestly, the living in a stable gag was getting kind of old so Kazuma’s a bit stronger now and they have a home base so that’s pretty cool. Also Wiz is a Demon General or some shit but no one cares cause there ain’t no money in murdering busty zombie waifus.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So turns out Minako is Princess Serenity, except everyone who knows anything about Sailor Moon or indeed plot structure knows Sailor Moon is Princess Serenity, that’s like the Luke I Am Your Father of this series. But still turns out Minako has been guiding everyone with the power of video games but also thinks the power of friendship sucks and she’s gotta go do everything alone. This makes things super awkward because Mamoru’s pretty sure he was in love with the Princess but likes Usagi, now instead of running with this interesting thread of a reincarnation falling in love with someone new we’re gonna do the reveal that Usagi’s the princess and the whole ‘till death do us part’ part of marriage was just a metaphor and you’re stuck with one person no matter how many times you reincarnate. But yeah, Minako fights the bad guy on top of the tower but he has Naraku’s Barrier now and Minako doesn’t have the Red Tessaiga upgrade yet so she needs the power of friendship but this barrier is friendship-proof and this fight is basically a bunch of kids on the playground making up increasingly stupid powers that negate the other powers the other guy just made up. Anyway Tuxedo Mask shows up and is like “Holy shit Sailor Moon I love when you kiss me and kick ass, go get em sweetie I’ll hold your flower” and they kiss and Usagi has learned that if she just pretends she got this the power of her confidence will beat the bad guy. Unfortunately she does not got this and Tuxedo Mask has to pull a Piccolo and throw himself in front of the blast.
Durarara!!:  So now that we’ve had our climax for the arc we have a six month timeskip and everyone’s just kinda living life, Mika and Seiji are being clinically insane together, there’s cops harassing Celty to the point of mental breakdown (normal cop stuff) Shinra’s dad’s in town, Namie’s become Izaya’s secretary for blackmail shit, you know, normal stuff. Also there’s a katana-wielding maniac going around slashing people and Anri’s being bullied and sexually harassed to the point of mental collapse, normal stuff.
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georgescatcafe · 4 years
gonna be around
rating: t warning/s: blood mention, and an unconscious person is kissed pairing/s: dreamnotfound genres/tags: realistic minecraft au, potions, bad ideas word count: 4603 summary: In which Dream and George do not listen to Sapnap, a run-in with a witch goes wrong, and what the heck is ree-tuh-velo? (Or is it reh-too-velo?)
For all intents and purposes, it should be easy. All they have to do is cross a swamp biome to get to the stronghold containing the End portal, and voila! They’re done. And it is easy, for a time. George ignores the weight-gain of his jeans as the ends of them fill with water, and Dream ignores the tiring of his arm from holding his shield for so long. Sapnap ignores the squelch of his leather boots in the mud. They’re fine. It’s all easy; it’s all good.
And then Dream comes to an abrupt stop, leaving George to run into him, and Sapnap to almost stumble if it weren’t for how firmly his feet were in the mud. “What?” George asks, as the trio stare ahead of them. “What is it?”
Dream points a finger directly ahead. “There’s a witch’s hut over there.”
Sapnap sighs. “See, we should’ve just gone around. Maybe if you two listened to me more often—”
“Do you think there’s anything in it?” George asks, turning to Dream with wide eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.
Shoving down his irritation at getting cut off, Sapnap crosses his arms over his chest. “Everybody knows there’s nothing useful in there, just trouble. So why don’t we just keep going, keep our heads down, no one gets hurt, no one gets killed—”
“Maybe,” Dream says, and with that, the two take off towards the hut, leaving Sapnap to follow, though he finds himself stuck in the mud. With wide eyes, he watches as Dream and George head further into the swamp. Concern inflates like a balloon in his chest, but until he’s out of the mud, out of his boots maybe, he’s unable to help. His gaze drops to his feet, though he can’t even see them, so covered in gunk they are. He’s sunken a fair amount, and when he tries to move, he swears he only gets deeper. He gets his hands around a leg and pulls, trying his best to make some progress in getting unstuck.
“Seriously,” he grumbles to himself as nothing seems to work, “they really couldn’t’ve thought for one minute. One minute. Like, hey, maybe we shouldn’t go inside the scary witch’s house that literally everyone knows only has a little table and mushroom in it? I don’t know. Just an idea. But hey! I’m sure that days-old water is great! So refreshing!” He’s still muttering to himself, working on getting his other leg free, when he hears the sound of footsteps, and sees Dream running towards him at a near-full sprint. Honestly, forget whatever monsters they’ve fought. Having Dream running straight at him full-speed might be one of the most terrifying things he’s seen.
His shield is obviously banged up now, and it shines with some unknown substance that drips down it and onto the ground below, though some flies off behind Dream while he runs. What is also flying off, apparently, is his mask. Sapnap, out of strange respect (he’s really not sure), finds himself looking away from the other’s face, however, to instead inspect the rest of his person. He’s got red staining his front, and Sapnap is pretty sure some of it spreads onto his back too, from his shoulder. His hands, too, are bloodied, but Sapnap doesn’t care when they get a grip around his arms to help pull him the rest of the way out of the mud.
“George,” Dream is saying when Sapnap is finally out of the mud, the name choppy with how hard Dream is breathing, “left him, he—”
This is the most panicked Sapnap has ever heard Dream, and he reaches out a hand to steady his friend when the other turns to go back towards the hut and stumbles. When Dream looks back at him, Sapnap accidentally gets a clear look at his face, and it’s almost his turn to stumble at the sheer fear on it.
“What happened?” Sapnap asks, brows furrowing, that concern from before back in full, no, doubled, tripled now, as Dream falls into an explanation, something about a fight with the witch, it using some kind of potion on George, one Dream’s never seen (one Sapnap has definitely never seen), then using a basic harming one on Dream, resulting in his current state, Dream having managed to only hurt himself worse when on his way to Sapnap.
“So George is still back at the hut?” Sapnap asks, all caution thrown out the window out of worry for his friend, ready to turn and run into danger himself.
Dream nods. “The witch, it’s gone. It—”
“Not an invisibility potion,” Sapnap groans, looking back to Dream with wide eyes.
Dream only shakes his head, and Sapnap is ready to sigh in relief, though also that means a witch still has George , but then Dream continues: “I killed it.”
Dread fills Sapnap whole. “What?”
“I was panicked; I wasn’t thinking; I was dumb,” Dream looks at Sapnap, one hand with its knuckles turning white from how tight it grips the end of his sword, “we need to go back.”
“Uh, yeah,” Sapnap agrees, finally deciding to just say fuck it and head off in the direction of the witch’s hut. “So the witch is really gone?”
Dream makes an affirmative noise from behind him, and Sapnap sighs, continuing on through tall grass and murky water.
When they reach the hut, the sun has started to set, and Sapnap’s muscles burn as he pulls himself up onto the porch of the hut. He bites back a wince of sympathy when Dream makes a small noise as he follows, and Sapnap is fully able to see the blood that’s begun to stain his shirt down the back. Unable to fight the caring instincts he has, Sapnap kneels down to help Dream get fully on the porch and catch his breath. “Come on, big guy,” he says, placing what he hopes is a comforting hand on the other’s uninjured shoulder, “we’ve got a George to save.”
He’s about to turn and go in when Dream’s hand on his wrist stops him. “Wait,” Dream gets out, “George is—”
“Are you sure George isn’t dead?” Sapnap can’t help the way his voice pitches as he stares at the eldest’s body laid out on the ground, looking definitely worse for the wear, his glasses no longer even on his face, instead lenses-down on the ground next to him.
“He’s not dead,” Dream says, and this time the voice comes from slightly above Sapnap, so he knows the other has managed to push himself up to stand. “He’s breathing.”
“Must be pretty barely,” Sapnap murmurs, moving to go inspect George. His eyes are shut, and ignoring the rest of his body, bruised and slightly bloody, probably from the fight and him falling to the floor, he almost looks peaceful, expression blank, brows relaxed. “What did that potion do to him, dude?”
There’s the sound of scraping and then the hut brightens, making the mottled marks on George’s skin more obvious, the lack of color in his face definitely moreso. But it also makes the slight rise and fall of his chest visible too. “Yup,” Sapnap says, “still breathing.” There’s a soft thunk as Dream sets down the lantern on the crafting table before he’s coming to sit next to Sapnap.
“There’s got to be some notes here or something,” he tells the other. “There’s no way that potion’s been used before. That witch made it, I know it.”
Sapnap looks around at the mostly barren room. True to what he thought, it’s just got the crafting table and a cauldron, and when he glances to one of the windows, there sits a flower pot with just a single mushroom in it. There doesn’t seem to be any secret room, no place to hide any confidential information. It’s just an empty hut, its original owner and all their knowledge now gone.
“Okay,” Sapnap says more to himself than anyone else, though the only other people there are an unconscious man and a desperate man frantically tugging at rotting wood planks, “this is fine. We can handle this. This is fine.”
“Not fine,” Dream says, making Sapnap look over at him. “Come on, dude, we need to search for something.”
Sapnap nods before looking down at George just one more time; his face is still relaxed, his body still awkwardly bent from his fall. Sapnap, for as much as he pokes fun and does his best to annoy the other, doesn’t actually dislike him, so he readjusts George, making it to where he’s laying there flat on his back, arms over his chest, legs stretched out pointing towards the door, minimizing the possibility of unnecessary soreness.
When Sapnap rises, Dream is paused, staring down at George. “Dude,” he says, “don’t make him look dead.”
“He’s going to be more comfortable this way,” Sapnap argues. “Have you found anything?”
Dream flashes him his empty palms, and Sapnap grits his teeth, joining the other in the search. When he can’t find anything either, Sapnap glances up only to see Dream looking over at George. His mask, which had fallen off completely some time on their way back to the hut, Sapnap spies shoved haphazardly into his pocket, as if Dream couldn’t be bothered to put it back on, as if he couldn’t care less if it were to fall out either. This is the most open Sapnap has seen Dream, and he’s not sure he likes it.
Considering their friend is lying unconscious on the floor, the pair of them with zero certainty that he’ll ever wake up again, Sapnap becomes sure he doesn’t like it.
“I’ll check outside,” Sapnap tells the other, making Dream look away from George. His eyes glint in the candlelight, and Sapnap swallows, turning away as he heads to the door. When he pokes his head out, he sees no threat, despite the sun being down, so he makes his careful way out of the hut.
He gives a small grunt when he lands on the ground in front of the hut, the impact worse than it should be because of how tired he is. Nevertheless, he continues the search. It is when he’s starting to fear that he’s walked too far that Sapnap smells sulphur and burning. Dream had killed the witch around here. Sapnap looks around, though the swamp is full of shadows that stretch endlessly no matter which way he looks, even with the dim light coming from the hut, even with the pale moonlight that tries to break through the trees.
Despite this, he pushes forward, reaching out to see if he can feel anything the witch might’ve dropped that Dream didn’t pick up. With the way Dream had been when he reached Sapnap, he doubts Dream picked anything up at all.
Sapnap pauses. Dream is usually the type to roll with the punches, his brain faster than anyone’s Sapnap has ever met, having solved the problem before he’s even faced it—a quality Sapnap has always admired him for. He’d never throw it all out if he weren’t truly afraid. Sapnap’s hand catches on something lodged in the mud. He gives a tug.
A notebook, muddied, maybe, likely, probably illegible. But a notebook no less.
He’s quick to get back to the hut.
When he gets back inside, it’s to find Dream sitting with his back against the wall, the window with the flower pot above his head. He’s got his eyes shut, but Sapnap spies his sword flat on the ground next to him, his hand covering the hilt, ready to wrap around it and spring into action if necessary.
“I found it,” Sapnap says. “You really weren’t thinking today, huh?” It’s supposed to be a joke, meant to lighten the mood, but it falls flat as he tosses Dream, who’s now got his eyes open and on him, the notebook.
“Didn’t know what to do,” Dream replies. “Thanks, man.”
“It’s fine. It’s George,” he says. “I’d do it for you too.”
To that, Dream just hums, working on peeling the pages apart.
“So?” Sapnap asks when a minute has passed and Dream has managed to flip through most of it. “Anything?”
Dream begins to shake his head, and Sapnap’s hands curl into fists at his side, anger rising in him—at Dream, for being so reckless; at the witch, for doing this to George; at himself, for not stopping them; at George, for being the one to suggest such a stupid thing anyway—the anger turns to hate at the last one. But this time, it’s all directed at himself. He’s ready for… something, a fight, a rest, a fucking break, maybe, but then Dream gives a shout, and Sapnap turns to him faster than lightning.
“What is it?” he asks.
Dream shoves the notebook out towards him, and Sapnap steps around George to take it from him, moving closer to the candlelight to better see what’s written.
Base + [Ghast tear + Phantom membrane + Blaze Powder] = RETUVELO
Underneath that, there’s something else, but even with the lamp right there, it’s still hard to read.
Sapnap frowns. “Uh… great. But what is ree-tuh-velo?”
Dream gives a shrug, though it’s distracted, and Sapnap allows himself a smile hidden behind the notebook. Distracted is good. Distracted means he’s thinking. Distracted means he’s thinking the way he normally does.
“A Ghast tear added is regeneration,” he says, making Sapnap lower the notebook. “Membrane, slows down falling.”
“Blaze powder is strength.”
“So what do those combined do?” Dream asks it aloud, but Sapnap knows he’s talking more to himself than him.
That doesn’t mean Sapnap doesn’t have an idea though. “Well,” he says, “the Ghast tear might be what makes him… like this,” he gives a pathetic wave towards George. Dream nods, fingers drumming against the floor.
“What about the strength? When he wakes up will he be like a golem or something?” Dream’s got his eyes locked on George’s face now, staring at it like it’ll somehow hold the answers.
“He doesn’t look any stronger,” Sapnap says. He chews his lip before looking at the notebook again. “Were you able to read whatever is underneath that? What if it’s like… some fine print?” At Dream’s furrowed brow, Sapnap hands the notebook back to him.
“I tried, but…,” he holds up the notebook, making a sputtering noise, lips pursed, cheeks puffed. It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.
“Give me that,” Sapnap orders, taking the notebook back, sick of not having anything. Even with the recipe, it’s like they’re no closer than they were an hour ago. He holds it as close as he can to the flames without it burning and squints, doing his best to read the words. Then his eyes drift back up to the name of the potion, and he gives it another good stare, and then he looks at the ingredients, and looks at the name, and the ingredients, and the name, and then he looks over his shoulder at Dream and George, then he looks at the page as a whole, and oh.
“So…,” Sapnap says, “I think I know what the problem is. And also that that witch is braver than all three of us combined. It was still fighting a losing battle, though. And it lost. I guess we’re just that good.” He gives the notebook back to Dream. After he does, he makes his way over to Dream under the pretence of looking out the window. When he turns around to lean against the wall, standing while Dream is sitting, he glances down at the other. “You can thank me later for this, by the way. You’re going to hate me at first, though.”
“Why?” Dream asks. “What’re you—”
Sapnap puts his hand on the other’s head.
“Dude, stop. What the f—”
“Only know that I’m doing this because I care deeply about you both, and that I think this will be better for all of us. Also, I’m doing this because if I tell you to, you’ll say no.”
“Do what?”
“Dream,” Sapnap says, “kiss him.”
“What? No!”
“See?” Sapnap cries. “I knew you’d say that.”
“He’s unconscious, man! That’s weird.”
“I should’ve gone with my original plan,” Sapnap mutters. “Okay, then I’ll do—”
“Your original plan?” Dream stares up at Sapnap with wide eyes. “Dude, what are you thinking? And, wait, don’t get closer, stop!” Sapnap, who had gotten on his knees to sit next to George, moves in closer, glancing at Dream innocently. “No,” Dream says. “Whatever. Fine. I’ll do it.”
Sapnap bites back the yes he wants to give, instead simply scooting back so Dream can instead be the one to hover over George. He’s sure Dream’s about to do it, their faces barely an inch apart, when Dream sits back up and looks over at Sapnap.
Sapnap holds back a groan. “Because it’s the only way to wake him up, idiot!” He stretches to get the notebook off where he left it on the table. He points at RETUVELO. “True love!”
Dream gives him an incredulous look. “How do you know?”
“Okay,” Sapnap begins, and Dream straightens, “look. No. I know what I’m talking about. At first, I wasn’t sure, yeah, but then I saw ‘reciprocated,’ see?” He points at one of the words beneath the recipe. “Here. And it, like, clicked.”
“You were going to kiss him,” Dream says, accusatory.
Sapnap could bang his head on the table then and there. Maybe the cauldron, even. “Because I know it’d make you do it instead! I love George, but not like that!”
“Then how’d you know I—”
They stare at each other, Dream’s hands have come up to cover his mouth.
“Ignoring the fact that I’ve known you eight years,” Sapnap says, the bitterness in his words (mostly) playful, “it’s kind of obvious. Your mask came off and you didn’t even care.”
“You’ve seen my face,” Dream replies, as if he hadn’t put the mask on one day and just… never took it off. As if the one time Sapnap saw him without it after that moment Dream hadn’t immediately slapped it back up against his face until Sapnap turned back around.
“You didn’t think, man,” Sapnap says.
“I thought my friend had died!” Dream argues.
“Uh-huh,” Sapnap says, “like you’d be half as frantic if it were me.”
“I would,” Dream frowns, “seriously. I love you too, man.”
“Not the way you love Goerge,” Sapnap sing-songs. And then he gets tired of this because the information given on the potion was still really bare bones so for all they know George could actually be actively dying and not just… in a coma. “Just… don’t believe me? Fine. Do it and prove me wrong.”
Dream stares at Sapnap, gaze piercing even in the dim candlelight. Sapnap stares back, refusing to back down on this. He’s had his dumb moments, sure, but this is one thing he’s certain of. Not to mention (and not to brag), but Sapnap has always been the best out of all of them with the potions. Just saying.
“Fine,” Dream says, and then he’s ducking down to press perhaps the most pathetic kiss Sapnap has ever seen onto George’s lips, sitting back up less than a second later, eyes wild, cheeks flushed in a way Sapnap’s never gotten to see with the way he’s always wearing his mask. “There,” he continues, “I did it.” And then he looks at Sapnap, almost smugly, which is funny because that means he’d be smug about not curing George.
And then George gasps.
“You’ve got to be joking me,” Dream groans, while Sapnap lets out a yes! that was probably most definitely louder than necessary.
“I told you,” Sapnap says. “I told you.”
“Told him what?” George’s voice is hoarse, and he winces with every word.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dream snaps before Sapnap can get a word in. “How’re you feeling?”
“Like I’ve fallen down a ravine,” George replies, not even trying to get off the ground. Granted, there’s nowhere much else he could go. Not while it’s night and he’s still weak from the potion. Dream feels round his pockets then, and both Sapnap and George watch as he pulls out a new potion, one that glows a hot pink.
“The witch dropped it,” he says. “Here.”
When George doesn’t take the potion, Sapnap is about to take it from him, but then both he and Dream seem to realize why he’s not taking it.
“Your mask,” George says. It comes out like a whisper. Sapnap looks over Dream’s head out the window. It's night, sure, but it’ll be morning soon. The shadows dance on the wall as George places a hand on Dream’s face; Sapnap considers sitting out on the porch. “Should’ve kept it on,” George suddenly continues. “You look like trash.”
“Oh my god, shut up.” George’s hand falls from Dream’s face as Dream ducks his head to laugh. George is smiling as he finally takes the potion. Sapnap steadies him when he tries to sit up to take it.
“I tried it on you earlier,” Dream admits. “It didn’t work.”
George is slightly flushed with the effects of the potion working their way through him, and his eyes are bright even in the darkness as he looks up at Dream, who’s still hovering just slightly over him. “What was that stuff?”
Dream looks over at Sapnap, who looks back before dropping his gaze to George. He still feels Dream’s eyes on him, but he doesn’t say anything. What can he even say? The truth will have to come out some time, but it shouldn’t be him to say it.
“Potion,” he says anyway, just to… get the ball rolling, that’s all. “Something new.”
“When I killed the witch,” Dream continues, “it dropped a healing potion. I managed to catch it and come back, see if it worked, before going to get Sap.”
“It didn’t work,” George repeats.
“You were out cold,” Dream replies. “Sapnap thought you died.”
“For, like, a second,” Sapnap cuts in, leaning back on his heels and crossing his arms. “It’s a fair assumption. You were just… laying there.”
“I was unconscious!” George replies. “I can’t exactly get comfortable.” His voice is still scratchy, though less so. Even then, Sapnap’s hand is back on George’s shoulder, and Dream is reaching for the potion, though George shrugs off Sapnap’s hand and smacks away Dream’s. “‘M fine.” He takes a breath then sits up properly, the shadows on his face changing as he moves, though his eyes still shine from the potion. “Is the potion all it dropped?” he asks Dream.
Sapnap should go now. He really should go now.
“A notebook,” Dream answers. “Sapnap went back and found it.”
“You didn’t get it right away? I could’ve been awake a lot sooner!”
“You’re awake now,” Dream snaps back, brow furrowing, “isn’t that enough?”
“I was in fucking limbo, man!”
George glares at Dream, and Sapnap bites back a laugh. “I’m the one who was unconscious, me, so don’t even—,” and then his free hand comes up to his face and his eyes widen as when they touch the skin beneath his eyes and not the plastic of his sunglasses.
Sapnap shakes his head as he picks up George’s glasses and hands them to him. “They’re probably all scratched up now,” he tells the other. “Sorry, dude.”
“It’s,” George slides them on, “whatever. Thanks.”
Sapnap gives him a smile before glancing back out the window, where it’s definitely either close to sunrise or the sun is already over the horizon. He pushes himself up off the ground. “Well, I’m going to go look for something we can eat. Don’t forget to tell him about ree-tuh-velo, Dream.” Because knowing them, they’d probably get distracted and end up having that conversation when Sapnap is in a room with them with no quick escape route. At least now he has the excuse of doing something. He gives the pair a wave as he heads out the door, not bothering to look back and instead looking out into the swamp, hoping for just about anything other than mushrooms.
By the time he’s done, he is covered in a new layer of mud, though he’s got a bucket of clean water with him to wash that off this time, and the mess is worth it, if the raw pork he carries with him is anything to go by. When he reaches the foot of the hut, he pauses at the sound of voices.
“... was a dud,” George is saying. “It can’t detect emotion.”
“That’s not true and you know it,” Dream replies. “I tried the healing potion on you at first, and absolutely nothing happened.”
“Because that reh-too-velo shit overpowered it!” George argues.
“You saw the recipe!” The sound of paper. Sapnap leans against one of the posts holding the hut up. “None of that stuff should’ve hurt you.”
A pause.
“Why can’t you just admit it?”
“Because it’s not true.”
“On your side maybe.”
“Dream, what—”
Sapnap looks at the cloth he wrapped the pork in. He’ll need to start a fire. Best not to do it in a wooden hut. He focuses on Dream and George’s conversation one more time. Just to be safe.
“Since when?”
“Since—I don’t know! I just kind of… noticed!”
“Like I believe that—”
“Well, what about you?”
Setting the bucket down then readjusting his grip on the pork, Sapnap moves away from the post, deciding to find somewhere else to start a fire. Hopefully they’ll have figured it all out before he gets back.
Returning to the hut what should be a conversation later with cooked pork chops, Sapnap is happy to find his bucket has remained untouched, and he sets it up onto the porch before following.
“Hey, guys,” he says as he enters, showing off the pork, “I got food.”
“You didn’t mention Dream having to kiss me!” George immediately shouts, near causing Sapnap to drop the pork.
“Uh,” he says, and then, “nope. Figured it’d be better if he did. Since he’s the one that… y’know. Kissed you and all.”
“I can’t believe this,” George says, though he accepts the pork chop Sapnap offers him.
“He wouldn’t have had to if y’all had just listened to me,” Sapnap replies, unable to help it. He’s right, anyway. They could have avoided this whole fiasco if Dream and George had just… not gone to the witch’s hut. Simple as.
“Dude,” Dream says.
“Like you were going to confess anytime soon.” Sapnap raises his brows as he takes a bite of his own pork chop. Dream makes a face and that’s when Sapnap realizes—“You’re still not wearing your mask.”
Dream looks down to where it’s still stuffed in his pocket. He gives a shrug. “Don’t really need it right now.”
Sapnap takes another bite of his pork chop before leaning his head back against the wall. “Guess not.” And then he muffles a laugh behind another bite. “So does this mean I need to look for another room when we stay in villages?”
“Oh my God,” Dream laughs while George just throws his hands in the air, “I didn’t even say anything!”
“Didn’t even have to,” Sapnap replies. “I’m just that good.” And also he’s willing to eavesdrop just a little. But still. Considering he’s the one who figured out the Retuvelo potion, he’s pretty good.
“But seriously. Am I going to have to stay in another room?”
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repulsivepangolin · 4 years
SEAL Team Whumptober 16/31 -Trent, Full Metal, Clay
No 16. A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY Forced to Beg | Hallucinations | Shoot the Hostage
It had started out like any other spin up. But they had barely been out there for two hours when stuff started going downhill, fast.
The spin up was already bad enough before it started spiraling. Clay didn’t feel so hot. He couldn’t really pinpoint anything being wrong, but he didn’t feel good. Nowhere near the point where it was alright to say home, but he felt tired and worn out. Probably needed a good night’s rest once that was a possibility once again.
But nothing was ever simple, and the only easy day was yesterday. About two hours into the mission when they started taking fire, and were forced to dive for cover.
*    *    *
He wasn’t able to focus like he usually did when he returned fire. It was hard enough to balance his weapon in front of him. So he figured he’d just do his best and hope that he hit some of those shooting at them.
Bullets were crashing into tree trunks, the ground and rocks. It felt like forever, like it always did. Seconds felt like minutes.
Luckily for them, the enemies stopped just as suddenly they had started. They saw some of their enemies  
“Everyone okay?” Jason asked from where he had hunkered down.
A couple of versions of ‘yeah’ sounded from the rest of the team, Clay included.
“Mostly…” Full Metal shrugged as he let he head fall against the boulder he was leaned up against. Taking a few slow breaths.
“No.” Trent frowned, cradling his right arm.
“You alright there, Trent?” Sonny who was closest to him asked.
“No…” Trent shook his head a little, “Think I broke my wrist. -Or sprained the hell out of it…”
“Ouch…” Sonny sympathized.
“And you Metal?” Jason asked, “What does ‘mostly’ mean?”
Metal looked back at him before he started getting to his feet, like many of the other team members, “Twisted ankle… And kneed a rock or something… Nothing to worry about.”
“Kneed a rock?” Sonny tilted his head, “Don’t you have kneepads on?”
Metal nodded once he was standing. He stood for a couple of seconds before a frown started spreading across his face and he bent down at his hips and pulled up one leg of his pants.
“Whoah-kay…” Sonny grimaced, “Your knee is bleeding!”
Metal hummed a short agreement, before he let the leg of his pants fall back down.
“You had kneepads on, right?”
“Yeah.” Metal nodded, slight confusion expressed on his face.
“Then why is your knee bleeding?”
“Don’t bother about it…” Metal shrugged, “I think Trent needs your attention more than I do.”
“Oh, yup… Sorry…” Sonny frowned as he turned towards Trent, who was still supporting his right arm.
*    *    *
Metal sensed Sonny and Ray helping Trent out while he tried to figure out why the heck his own knee was bleeding enough to soak his boot.
He found an inch-wide hole in the outer fabric. He pressed his middle finger inside, and prodded against the kneepad. Found a slit there as well. Something had sliced straight through his kneepad.
He glanced around, looking for what could be the culprit.
*    *    *
“Can you wiggle your fingers?” Sonny asked as he demonstrated what he wanted Trent to attempt.
“You know I’m usually the one who makes you goons do the finger wiggling!” Trent scowled, “No. I can’t. Already tried.”
“Copy that.” Sonny scrounged up his nose, “What do you recommend?”
“Splint it and sling it.”
“Sling as well?”
“My elbow and shoulder won’t be doing me any favors if I don’t support my arm…” Trent sighed, “The old injury really acts up whenever I hurt my arm a little.”
Sonny nodded, “SAM-splint?”
Trent nodded.
“Hey, Sonny… Toss me some sutures, will you?” Full Metal called out. Sonny did like he was asked, and Metal caught the small package in mid-air.
*    *    *
“I’ll be last man…” Full Metal announced as they prepared to get going once more.
“Like hell you will!” Trent scowled, “Didn’t you say you twisted your ankle? We can’t have the possibly slowest guy last.”
“My ankle is fine.” Metal set his jaw and leaned onto his busted ankle, “Just had one of those half minute stingers. All good now.”
“-And your knee?” Sonny asked.
“Just a small laceration. Two or three rough stitches and it was all good.”
Trent scowled at him, trying to act like he was in the process of looking straight through Metal.
“I won’t need to, but If I start falling behind, I can just say so… Or whistle, or key my mike…” Metal shrugged.
“Alright! Alright!” Jason threw his hands up in the air, “Trent, if Metal says he’s fine, he’s fine! Let’s get going!”
*    *    *
Many hours later, the sun was about to dip down below the horizon.
He hated to admit it, but he was struggling to keep up. Hadn’t it been for Clay being a ridiculous lot slower than usual, he would’ve fallen behind. The other guys adjusted their speed a little to Clay. The kid didn’t look too good. He looked like he was running a fever or something.
Full Metal was edging on desperate to get off his right leg. He had of course lied when he insinuated that his ankle was all good. His knee wasn’t that much better.
He was constantly chewing at the inside of his chin in order to distract himself from the pain in his leg.
*    *    *
They set up camp for the night and tried to get some sleep. One man keeping watch at all times.
Full Metal didn’t sleep much. At best he tried to look like he was sleeping most of the night.
His ankle was throbbing violently, and he knew it would’ve been smarter to actually do something about his ankle. It was badly sprained, but right now it throbbed and cut like it was broken instead.
He should’ve iced his ankle, kept it elevated, given it rest. But instead he had trekked through a jungle-landscape for ten more hours.
He just hoped it wouldn’t be worse tomorrow. But he knew it would. It always was, and the way he had treated his damn leg ensured it definitely would be worse by daylight.
*    *    *
Clay felt like absolute shit the next morning.
His head hurt, his shoulders hurt, his hips and knees hurt. Even his hands hurt. And his face felt funny.
He groaned as he opened his eyes. He felt feverish. Felt like hell.
“What’s that kid?” Sonny drawled as he rubbed his eyes.
“I feel like shit…”
Sonny took one look at Clay before he started laughing. “What did you do to your face?”
“You look like someone slapped you!” Sonny choked out as he tried not to laugh. “And like your face gained 30 pounds!”
“Shhh…” Clay frowned, “My everything hurts…”
“You really don’t look good…” Trent chuckled, “But you do look hilarious.”
“Fuck you guys…”
“Do you have a fever?” Trent asked starting to sit up.
“Feels like it.” Clay groaned.
Trent leaned closer, careful not to jostle his right arm, and reached out for Clay’s forehead with his left.
“Damn, you’re burning up…”
Clay nodded a little.
“You’re getting a Tylenol breakfast.” Trent frowned, “Or anything fever reducing I can find…”
“Can I just stay here…?”
“No, sorry kid…” Trent shook his head, “Think we’ll need to keep an eye on you.”
“I don’t think I can…”
“We’ll figure something out…” Trent shrugged a little, “Worst case, Sonny, Brock or Metal will have to carry you…”
“Huh?” Brock stirred a little at the mention of his name, “What are you volunteering me for now?”
“Clay’s sick.” Sonny shot in before Trent could get around to it, “Looking and feeling like shit. Probably won’t keep up with us today.”
Brock shifted his gaze to Clay, and literally snorted a laugh, “Sorry. You’ve gotta feel awful… But someone needs to take a picture of your face before that passes.”
“Not funny.”
“-From an outside point of view, it is…” Trent tilted his head a little.
“We should probably wake the others as well…” Sonny yawned, “Is Ray the watch right now?”
Brock checked his watch and nodded.
Poked Jason awake first, not surprised when he couldn’t keep from laughing at how ridiculous and beat Clay looked.
“It’s not like Full Metal to sleep through this much noise…” Sonny frowned, looking over at the greying man.
“Think he had trouble falling asleep tonight…” Brock shrugged, “He was awake when I went to relieve Jason, and when I came back after Ray came to relieve me.”
“Yeah?” Trent frowned, “That man can sleep anywhere. Anytime.”
“Wake him.” Jason nodded to Brock.
Brock did as he was told, and shook Metal’s shoulder.
“Wai- What?” Metal frowned as he blinked awake.
“Wake up sleepy-head…” Brock smirked, earning himself a tired scowl from Full Metal, “Sleep well?”
Metal only groaned in return.
“That means: Not enough, and get me some coffee before you speak to me again…” Trent translated helpfully, “There’s also a threat of what’s going to happen without coffee… But that’s hard to describe verbally.”
“Thanks, I speak fluent morning-caveman myself…” Brock winked, “But yeah, we’ve gotta see if Bravo-2 fixed us some coffee while being on the last lookout of the night.”
*    *    *
He did not know how he was going to be able to keep up with the others today. His ankle felt like it had knives inside of it. And he was pretty sure that it was so swollen that he would’ve had problems with getting his right boot back on, if he had taken it off the evening before.
Luckily he hadn’t.
“Here… Peace offering…” Brock said as he returned from where Ray had been lookout the last hour or so with a kettle of fresh brewed coffee.
Full Metal and the others found their respective coffee mugs and held them out so Brock could fill them up.
Metal warmed his hands on his cup for a couple of minutes before he was ready to take a sip.
He savored the first sip. Savored it while he tried to work out in his head how he was going to work around his leg that day. He didn’t even know how he was going to get up.
“What’s with Clay’s face…” he frowned after a while, it had taken him a bit of time to see it.
“Can we not talk about my face, please…” Clay pretty much whined, “I don’t feel good.”
“I can see that…” He smirked, taking another sip of coffee, then he focused on Trent, “How’s your wrist?”
Bravo-4 offered up a slight grimace, “Let’s just say it’s gonna be good to have some pictures taken of it when we get home…”
Metal nodded.
“And you, how’s the leg?”
“Not too bad…” Blatant lie, “Feels like it might’ve stiffened up a bit overnight.”
He nodded. “But, nothing to worry about. I’ll just be limping a bit the first hour or so. But looking over at Clay, I don’t think I’ll be the one to slow anyone down today.”
“I’m tryin’ to convince them to just leave me here…” Clay muttered into his elbow.
“That’s not gonna happen…” Sonny smirked.
*    *    *
Ray chuckled a bit when he first saw Clay that morning, but quickly composed himself. “You don’t look so hot…”
“I feel like I’ve been dragged through the grinder and hung up wet.” Clay winced as he sat and tried drinking some coffee one of the guys had put in front of him.
“That’s sooo many mix-ups I’m not even going to try to break it down…” he frowned, “You kinda look like my daughter did when she had this disease last year.”
Clay barely hummed a questioning tone.
“Ever had the fifth disease before?”
“The fifth what?”
“The fifth disease…” Ray repeated, “Has a long fancy medical name. But I’m not going to try to remember that. She had those slapped looking apple-cheeks as well. Although it looks like you got it worse than she did.”
“I feel like death…”
“Should we have called in medevac for him?” Trent asked, looking up at Ray.
“I don’t think that should be necessary…” Ray scrounged up his nose, “But I think it’s like chicken pox… Like, it’s no big deal when you’re a kid, but believe me… You don’t want chicken pox when you’re 32.”
“Speaking from experience?”
Ray nodded.
“I’m kinda hesitant about dragging him along…” Trent admitted, “He’s got a pretty bad fever.”
Ray nodded, “He’d sure slow us down.”
“We pass this point headed for exfil as well.” Jason shrugged, “Could leave him here, have Trent stay back and watch over him.”
“Best idea ever!” Clay shot in.
Trent didn’t argue. He knew the reason for it being him and not Metal who would stay behind. Metal could still hold his own in combat, he on the other hand couldn’t even aim his rifle at the moment. And even though he had the most experience with first aid, and usually was the team’s medic, all the other guys were skilled as well. Every tier-one operator was. And neither him or Clay would be fit for a fight right now.
“No one’s arguing?” Jason asked. No one did. “Okay, then it’s set. We’ll be two men short for the main portion of the mission, but…”
“Well just be in the way and slow you down if we continue.” Trent nodded.
“Yeah.” Jason nodded, “If Clay’s situation takes a turn for the worse, feel free to call in medevac…”
“No, I just need rest…” Clay winced, “This is A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY…”
Trent nodded at Jason.
*    *    *
It was much harder to mask how bad his leg hurt today. But he managed to get out from under the tarp without anyone noticing, and once he was outside it was just a matter of not walking while anyone was looking at him.
*    *    *
They had walked for almost two hours in rough terrain, and he was seriously struggling to keep up. Seriously struggling not to sound his discomfort as well.
“Take five!” Jason called, signaling them all to stop.
He had probably never been as relieved to have a short break before.
“Scotty… You’re looking a bit…” Jason shrugged, “That ankle bothering you?”
“A little…” he had to admit it. He was slowing them down, putting weight on his foot was increasingly painful, and he was pretty sure it was more than sprained by now.
“Do you need to sit the rest of the mission out?”
“No. I can deal with it.” He sighed, “But it’s gonna be nice to get this one done.”
Jason nodded.
“Feels like this mission is cursed…” Sonny frowned, “Clay is sick. Trent and Full Metal hurt.”
“Hey. Ain’t that bad.” Metal shrugged, looking like he actually meant it.
“Anyway, I’m not liking it!”
“None of us do…” Ray shrugged.
*    *    *
Sometimes things has a peculiar way of going from bad to worse. And this mission truly followed Murphy’s law to the point.
He had been on his way to sneak out to a position when he suddenly heard the telltale sound of a pump action shotgun being cocked behind him.
“Damn it…” he muttered to himself.
“Drop weapon!”
There was no way he would be fast enough to do anything other than what they guy behind him ordered. So he did as he was told.
“Alpha-1, see you’ve got some company.” Sonny’s voice whispered into his ear through the coms.
He nodded a little.
Then he guy behind him said something in a language he didn’t understand and all of the sudden four pairs of arms wrapped around his arms.
He knew he didn’t have an option.
*    *    *
They made it down to a building. He was tied up against a pillar.
And then time stretched on.
He didn’t know how much time had passed before he saw Brock’s camo-grease covered face behind a few leaves.
“SHOOT HOSTAGE! SHOOT HOSTAGE!” the same voice as earlier started screaming all of the sudden. And that’s when the air exploded with gunfire.
His instinct to get down and make himself as small as he could was overruled by the ropes which tied him to the pillar. But he didn’t get hit.
The gunfire died down. A couple of seconds passed, then Sonny and Brock stepped out of the bushes.
“We got what we came for…” Brock winked as he tapped his earpiece to indicate that Ray or Jason had said something over the radio. “How are you?”
“Tired of standing.”
“Understandable…” Sonny nodded as he cut the ropes.
He couldn’t disguise it anymore once he was free to walk once more.
“How bad is that ankle…”
“Right now?”
Brock nodded.
“Bad.” Metal shrugged as he prepared for another tentative step. Grimacing as pain shot through his ankle.
“We should take a look at that.”
“If that boot comes off, it’s not going back on for a few days…” Metal admitted.
“Hey, Bravo-1… What’s the status on that guy we were sent here to get?”
“Probably a couple bruised or broken ribs. Many lacerations.” Jason answered, “Probably a mild concussion.”
“You think we could trick them into sending a medevac for him? -Toss Metal in there with him?”
“Is everything okay?”
“Remember that ankle?” Sonny smirked, “Sure hasn’t gotten any better.”
“Yeah, we could probably work something out.” Jason chuckled, “Tell him it’s a case of beer.”
Sonny smirked and looked up at Full Metal, “Case of beer, and you might fly out of here.”
“Deal.” Metal chuckled, “We’re stopping to pick up Trent and Clay as well?”
“No.” Sonny shook his head, “Trent already made that call.”
“Clay got worse?”
“No, not necessarily worse…” Sonny shrugged, “Just decided it was inhumane to keep him out there.”
“Oh. Okay.”
*    *    *
24 hours later, most of them were sitting in couches and chairs in the room next to their cages.
There were two cases of their favorite beer under the table, and everyone except Clay were there. He was at home, sleeping.
Everyone had at least some scrapes and bruises, but the two only real injuries were on Trent and Full Metal.
Trent had a cast up above his elbow, and had his arm in a sling. The x-rays had proved that he had broken his radius right above the wrist.
Full Metal had a walking boot on his right leg, which held his ankle stable enough until the swelling went down enough for the doctors to put his fibula back together with some new hardware and reattach a tendon which had said sayonara.
Most of the team had scolded him for not telling them how bad his ankle had really been, but in a way they had been understanding about it as well.
That being said, they contemplated putting up a 24hour watch to make sure he rested and kept his ankle elevated until the surgery.
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kawaiijellymonster · 3 years
So I’ve got a note in my notes app called “Fanfic lines that should be in a hall of fame” and it’s gotten pretty long so I figure I’ll toss it on here so yall can enjoy it, most of them are: mha, zukka, miraculous ladybug, harry potter, and I think one is from a comment on a hannibal amv, But here you go:
Stain sold papers because he just had an aura about him that drew people in, like people who slow down to look at car crashes.
“The Rumor Come Out: Does Todoroki Shoto is Gay?”
Izuku spent the next week going to his normal martial arts classes, studying, and drinking gallons of coffee. Not healthy but he could deal with it. His body was never meant to be permanent.
So no one was watching when Mei placed her forehead against his, breath fanning across his face as she spoke. "Wake up Loki… the world needs you."
“No probs ‘lil listener!” Hizashi said, striking a dramatic pose. “I’ll be your DJ all through the night, bringin’ you such rockin’ hits as safety, security and sweet dreams!”
“This is stupid! Screw the waiting and screw these stupid butterflies. They're not paying rent, the little shits--”
Experimenting with unstable genetic mutant abominations is more of an art than a science, really."
Several looks pass across both their faces. “No flying for a month,” Sirius declares. That sucks, actually. But he’s also a hundred percent certain he can get them to cave on that in two weeks tops. “Okay. Is that for the breaking into the Ministry, destroying the Department of Mysteries, making a bargain with Voldemort, or bringing all my friends with me?” “It’s for recklessly endangering your own life again,” Remus says, “and while the punishment very much doesn’t fit the crime, we’re a bit at a loss for what else to do.” “It wasn’t reckless!” he protests. “We had a plan and everything, and we even brought an adult! An adult Order member! Also what else were we supposed to do, let Snape die?” Sirius takes a deep breath, but Remus steps on his foot before he can put it in his mouth. “Which is why you’re only getting flying privileges taken away and not thrown in a cell in Azkaban for our sanity and your safety.” As if any cell could hold him. “I accept your terms.”
“Who’s Theophania?” Sirius asks. Harry hesitates. Perhaps bringing her up was his smartest decision, strategically speaking. “If I tell you you’re not allowed to throw me in Azkaban. Or ground me.” “This isn’t a negotiation,” Sirius repeats. If Blaise has taught him anything, it’s that everything is a negotiation. “She’s a friend.” “And?” Sirius repeats. Remus suddenly grabs onto Sirius’s shoulder, “Wait. Petrifying - during your second year - is Theophania - she’s not the basilisk.” “No, they killed it,” Sirius says automatically. Harry remains silent. “Harry!” He rubs his nose. “It turns out I’m not that good at killing things. Unkilling things, however? My specialty.”
“It’s okay,” Nanaia says, “you don’t know. What do you do when you don’t know something?” “Try something you do know and hope it doesn’t make everything worse?” For some reason, Horace looks sad at that answer, and Dumbledore shifts from one foot to the other. “No,” she says, “you ask for help.” Oh.
“It’ll piss off your son,” he answers bluntly. “Fuck that kid,” Riddle Sr. says
“You played me!” “Like a cheap kazoo”
Batman sighed, before speaking in a voice that was so unlike his usual growl that most of the other League members almost fell out of their chairs. Diana and Clark seemed to be used to it. “Damian,” he started. His voice was still deep, but a regular-deep, instead of I-just-swallowed-six-buckets-of-gravel deep.
“She loved James too,” she assures, and the confidence she says that with allows him to breathe, like someone has let go of his lungs. “It is possible to love more than one person at the same time. She loved your father with the type of love that’s – that was like a shooting star, burning and bright and touching everyone around them. Her love for Severus was different, and in the end it wasn’t the type of love either of them could handle.”
You’re better at it now then many people are after leaving a full apprenticeship, and you’ve only had a year of lessons a couple of times a week instead of years of intensive study. Do you know why that is?” “Luck?” he offers weakly. For some reason, he doesn’t like the direction this is going in. “No,” she says. “To be good at healing, the way you are, the way I am, you need a certain combination of things. Intelligence, power, control, but more than that. Stubbornness, a tricky balance of flexibility and inflexibility, and a constant, brutal assessment over your own skills. And something else.” “A propensity towards poor life choices?” he suggests. Poppy shakes her head, not taking the bait. “No. You have to care. You have to care about everyone, even people you dislike, and you have to care so much that if feels like it’s killing you, you have to care and that care has to hurt, until the only thing that hurts worse than caring is not caring. To be good at this, you have to let it hurt you.”
“You two shouldn’t have bothered dressing formally for Albus, he’s a bitch.” Harry doesn’t have any idea what’s going on, but he’s loving it.  
“It was on the syllabus,” Zuko whispered conspiratorially to his mother. Sokka gasped. “You know I don’t read those!” “This is your own fault then.” “I like to be surprised. The procrastination keeps me humble.”
sometimes you remind me of the stars youre gorgeous and happy and can always brighten me on the darkest days and even when youre dampened you can guide me home
“imagine you are the only person who loves to play chess more than anything but nobody else in the world has ever heard about chess. and then you see a person holding a chessboard. it’s like your whole world was reborn”
"I wanted to be a stripper in middle school," Izuku said. Yup, that's a good cover.
What you’re asking for isn’t fair or right. You can’t ask a person for more than they’re willing to give
In Mei’s words, “You have about five minutes of ‘fuck that one thing in particular.’ Make them count.”
“Mei, let me introduce your new best friend. This is Momo. She has a Quirk that lets her make anything as long as she knows its composition inside and out. All you have to do is buy her dinner,“ Izuku said,
The cameras were looped. The bots were hacked. It was a good day to be a villain.
“None. The alarm never left the building.” “Really? Why is that?” “Mei finished first and decided to do you a favor. However, you've got the fire alarm just starting to go off and that's on a different circuit. Take a fast way down.” “Understood,” Hitoshi drawled. A moment later he was looking back at the crew. “Ladies and Frenchman. We take the express.”
Quinn is talking like that actually answers his question when it really, really doesn’t. “If you don’t start making sense, I’ll cry.”
“You’re one of my best students,” ze says. “You should understand the importance of timing. Speaking of, you’re late for your next class.”
Fuck, he totally is. “Thank you for that very confusing answer. I’ll think of you while crying myself to sleep.”
He’d wondered if that was what bravery was, to be quiet even when you were hurting so much you wanted to scream.
maybe bravery was also running screaming at the thing that nearly killed you, to keep it from killing someone else.
“Apologies are not difficult. Good apologies revolve around three basic points. One, I acknowledge what I did was wrong. Two, I regret that you were harmed. Three, this is how I plan to make sure it does not happen again. That’s all. Apologies are easy.” Then she’d glanced at them all again, evaluating. “And if you become very, very good at your job... they will be the absolute hardest thing you ever do.”
“Even though we’re a bunch of migraine-inducing hellions who are smart enough to know when something is a bad idea and stupid enough to still do it?”
“You’re like the nice china that Al only brings out for Christmas. Except Bruce just realised that I stole it, and chipped it. Maybe it’s time I give it back before I shatter all the pieces.”
she won’t co-parent my perfectly reasonable and well-behaved children.” Clark snorts. “Damian’s trying to stab Tim, right now.”
"Oh, my knight in shining armour. What would I do without you?" the teen droned, placing a dramatic hand on her head. 
"I think you mean 'knight in shining leather', M'Lady. And without me, you would be left alone in this kingdom of lies.”
"It's a kingdom, alright. It'll topple sooner or later." "That's the spirit!" Adrien laughed.
Here’s something that a harbinger of tragedy would never find the courage to admit: there are moments in between the bitter self-hatred and the visceral, tangible consequences of your sins in which you almost think you’re worthy of forgiveness; of second chances; of a life beyond your greatest regrets. It’s a unique brand of pain,
“Go directly to horny jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.”
“You can’t wait around for him to be sorry,” Izuku says. He’s quiet now. This isn’t something that’s meant to be shouted. “Maybe he’ll never be sorry. Maybe he doesn’t know he did anything wrong, or he doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter.” Cautiously he takes a step forward. “You can’t depend on the people who hurt you to be the ones to make it better, or it’s never going to get better. They’ll only disappoint you, or hurt you even worse, and then they’ll be gone and you’ll be waiting forever.”
Midoriya may be strong as hell, but that just means looking out for him has to be a team effort.
How would his new adoring fans react if they knew he raised a villain? He's no All-Might. His pillar's made of toothpicks, and it's not gonna take much to crack it.”
Tensei approaches Rei, “Okay, this plan is childish, unprofessional, and a discourtesy to this school's reputation. That being said, when do we nail the little twat?
Hinata is dead. Deceased. Passed away, laid to rest with a headstone that reads Here Lies Hinata Shouyou, Killed By A Wink And A Blown Kiss.
It’s dangerous to be a bad father when you have life insurance
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rational-mastermind · 5 years
Chzo Mythos Headcanons: Chris x Claire / Quinnvoyant
I’m sure Chris must’ve pursued Trilby for a bit of time, be it for serious reasons or shits and giggles but regardless if he ends up with Siobhan (like I headcanon) Chris would probably respect that and just...agree to move on. He doesn’t like to make things complicated. Just keep it to friends. It won’t stop his antics, but he understands Trilbs’ bounds.
Meanwhile, Claire’s been kinda just there. And while she and Chris are just happy for Trilby, happy that he’s got what he’s wanted, and that he’s doing well with life and..
Claire: ... You wanna..?
Chris: ... Platonically fuck?
Claire: Yeah?
Chris: Yeah, why not?
Claire: Cool.
And they kept it to that for a while. No strings, no emotional attachment, nothing personal, just.. two co-workers, letting off some steam- Just friends with benefits. Just a couple of fuck buddies. Yup. Absolutely...not...feeling anything more.
Claire may try to get him into talking about something more but Chris likes to keep things simple. Cause then you get into a relationship, like a serious relationship and it’s quick to get messy and feelings could be hurt and she’ll probably get tired of him anyways, and then she’ll wanna leave him and then it’s like, “Well who gets the dog??”
Cause the thing is... Chris isn’t unaware of himself. He knows he’s messed up..in some way or another. He kinda just knew Trilby would put up with him, cause that’s the kind of guy he is, but it’s not a guarantee for everyone. He knows he’s a bit of a manic, a bit sadistic, and that’s really not gonna be easy on Claire. And the truth is he actually has enjoyed being with her more than most anyone else.
But being in a more “serious relationship” always comes with those expectations of “Well now you‘ve gotta be serious” and suddenly you should treat them differently and then he’ll mess up, and she’ll leave him, and it’s like “Well what was the point?” and why bother saying “I want this” if you don’t actually want everything that comes with it?
But this is Claire. Spending a little time with him, just reading his vibes, she knows what she’s getting herself into. And it’s not like she doesn’t understand crazy. She’s a psychic. Crazy’s kinda always been a part of her life.
To which Chris rebuttles with how cool and amazing being psychic is, cause you know he digs it. But regardless, she may be a little absent-minded, but she knows what she’s getting herself into.. She wouldn’t want him to change
But if it makes things easier on Chris, they take it slow.
And just like that they immediately go from fuck buddies to just the fluffiest fluff nuggets you could possibly fluffin’ imagine
Everything from holding hands to cuddling and all the sweet little things that make a relationship so wonderful, it’s all new and tentative and they love every single minute of it
Chris actually has a hard time putting more complicated emotions into words. Claire’s solution to this is to sit together and rummage through his brain a bit.
Which can be taxing, so Chris is always happy to make up for it by doing whatever to help her feel better. Even if it means giving her space.
This is how they first say “I love you”.
Cause you know Chris wouldn’t half-ass something important like that. It’s LOVE. He’s not gonna throw it around willy-nilly. But actually acknowledging that kind of emotion for her is probably one of the more intimidating things he’s experienced (which tickles Claire to know)
So they end up cuddling on the couch while she probes his mind, and can feel his love and it’s one of the most romantic moments she’s ever experienced <3
And fucking? You better believe it’s a whole another ballgame.
Which unfortunately doesn’t make things so easy on Trilby. Between listening to Chris’ insisting need to OVERSHARE and Claire projecting too many vibes, it’s a miracle he didn’t just seclude himself into a closet for the whole day.
And as if that wasn’t bad enough, nor the fact that Trilby has to use everything in his power to not question Claire’s sense of self preservation, they’re just...embarrassingly sweet.
Now the thing about dating a psychic is, they are going to get tired. And poor Claire already goes through so much it’s a miracle she doesn’t collapse some days.
But Chris has actually been paying attention to all her psychic talk and has helped come up with a solution. Rather than probing his mind and having to filter through all his manic energy, he tries to take it more relaxed. He tries, so very hard, to keep as still, and calm, and relaxed, as possible, and let her just feed off those vibes
Which surprisingly helps a lot and quickly becomes their new favorite thing to do. Especially Chris’. (Just, Otp “Vibe-Check”)
What’s especially fun is that Chris, like Trilby, is pretty tall. Like, 6′3″. And Claire, unfortunately, is very short. Like.. 4′10″. So it makes vibing even more fun.
For Chris at least. Sometimes it’s really really frustrating being the short one in Claire’s mind.
“Whoa, Claire, are you okay?”
“Yeah just a little morning sick.”
“What? Why??”
“Well cause I’m pregnant. Duh.”
“.......OH WAIT CHRIS-”
“Well I guess this means I have to marry you.”
“Well I mean- If you want. Wait, do you wanna marry me?”
“Well yeah but-”
“Awesome! Wait, shit, I have to get a ring. I have to ask this right.”
(*audible confusion*)
After the initial...moment passes, the excitement is really there
Maybe Chris was a little too excited some weeks...
“Do you think it’s going to be a psychic?”
“...Would you still love it if it wasn’t, Chris?”
“Well yeah, of course. You can’t hate babies. But like.. What do you think?”
“Hell yes.”
Maybe Claire shouldn’t have encouraged such enthusiasm..
Maybe she still would’ve had the child..
To be fair, Chris didn’t actually get to hurt her. He snapped out of it. But the stress still got to Claire
She may have hit him
It would’ve been a huge strain on their relationship..
Chris would get real help and tried harder than ever to set himself straight after that. If for no one else, than for Claire.
Eventually, with time, patience, love, and careful, careful steps...they’re back to where they were
They have one daughter
Her name is Hope
You better believe Chris was in fucking tears, holding that child
And you better believe that baby is psychic (that’s what Chris likes to believe).
This child is going to grow up learning how to kick ass and probably concern some other parents with how proud she makes her dad for doing so
Also it’s always so much fun to visit Uncle Trilby
As far as keeping each other safe while working a horrible government issued job that involves cults and demons and ghosts and shit, yeah you better believe Chris is gonna be keeping Claire as safe as possible
But when it comes to everyday assholes? Claire’s got it covered. And it’s about the hottest thing Chris has ever seen her do.
If Claire ever ended up dying, Chris... would never be the same.
He would try to laugh it off...at first... But it wouldn’t be the same. He can’t laugh it off. It’s too...real.
Suddenly pain isn’t funny. It’s very real. And very scary. And he’s very much, alone. He would be hollow, depressed, stoic, and serious. Not even Trilby could cheer him up.
If Chris died and Claire was left behind, she wouldn’t take it easy either.
She doesn’t cry. She doesn’t fall into depression. She doesn’t rage. Or go into denial. She just...accepts.. But you know she’s hurting.
She withdraws away from everyone. She’s not chipper anymore. She doesn’t rearrange her cats anymore. She doesn’t make a fresh pot of coffee for everyone anymore. She doesn’t do all the cute quirky things around the offices because why bother?
It’s not a first time a guy she fell in love with died, and that’s what really hurts.
Trilby can’t talk her out of it, and neither can anyone else around the office...
Except Jim Fowler. From the morgue. Who just so innocently, gives her some comfort food, in consolidation. He talks about it. She mentions it’s not a first. He consoles her, telling her it’s okay to still hurt.. It’s okay if this still hurts.
“That’s how you know you love him.”
And she finally bursts into tears.
And after helping her cry it out, she goes home, drained, exhausted, nauseated, and worn.
She collapses on the couch.
And wakes up the next morning, with a blanket from the closet pulled over her.
Okay, I’m done now. XD;; Over all I just see these two as this weird “your crazy matches my crazy” kinda couple and it’s wonderful.
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raendown · 5 years
Commission for @cassieeeeanne.
Pairing: KakashiSakura Word count: 3792 Rated: E Summary: Kakashi proposes a naughty little challenge inspired by something he read in Icha Icha and Sakura takes to this new game just a bit better than he expected.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Icha Icha Made Me Do It
It seemed like such a good idea, very sexy and very risqué in all the right ways, right up until they were both standing on the front porch in a pool of brilliant sunshine and it finally hit home that he was going to have to walk through public like this. That was about the point Kakashi started questioning his life decisions.
For instance: what in the world had possessed him to fall in love with a smart, strong-willed, deliciously attractive woman whose personality managed a uniquely perfect blend of good work ethic and flexible fun? The only thing that had gotten him – besides several years of blissful happiness, of course – was a flushed face that was probably visible even over the edge of his mask and a raging hard-on he probably could have used to give directions to one of the lost old ladies who always seemed to accost him. Not that he was going to. Even he had some boundaries when it came to this stuff.
“How did I let you talk me in to this?” he mumbled while he waited for Sakura to lock the door behind them. She sounded just as breathless as him when she answered, which was at least a small consolation.
“It was your idea.”
“Oh yeah.” Kakashi frowned. “You really need to stop letting me talk you in to things that I find in Icha Icha.”
Her single eyebrow spoke volumes when she raised it in his direction but Kakashi judiciously chose to pretend he had no idea what she was trying to get at. Instead he very carefully shifted his weight to make sure the toy buried inside of him was still in a good position, nothing that would cause any undue gasping when he started to walk. Of course, things would get a lot more difficult once Sakura set her thumb to the remote control she had in her pocket but as soon as she did the game was on and he would be wasting no time retaliating with the remote control he was carrying himself for the vibrator buried deep inside of her.
Something in him wanted to point out how unfair it was that his vibrator had a chance of getting a good run at his prostate to cause extra embarrassment while hers had no chance of going anywhere near her clit but really it was too late for that. He was already lubed and stuffed and so hard his cock probably counted as another weapon. Now was the time to live up to the challenge he himself had proposed.
“Ready?” Sakura’s cheeks were a very pretty shade of pink, as they had been since she first lay back and let him work the vibrator inside her a few minutes before they left the house. Kakashi took a moment to admire how well she was holding herself together before nodding.
“Yup. One romantic evening walk around town coming right up.”
“At least you let me talk you out of going to work like this. Can you imagine me trying to see to my patients like this?” She very carefully stepped over to his side and slid her arm in to his. “Can you imagine trying to sit through official meetings with your council like this?”
“No and also please do not make me imagine the council and sex toys in the same situation.”
Sakura laughed at him but Kakashi shuddered as they stepped out together.
In retrospect he truly was more grateful than he could say that she had talked him out of going to work like this. Only halfway down the street he was cursing himself for this latest ‘brilliant idea’. The toy inside of him was solid and warm and it rubbed in all sorts of interesting ways with every step. By the end of their street he was glad he’d thought to put on an extra pair of underwear because he was already leaking with excitement.
And then the toy began to vibrate unexpectedly.
Rather than swear like a particularly aroused pirate as he wanted to Kakashi bit his tongue and went stiff, bearing up under his wife’s laughter until the sensation stopped, then he turned his hand over in his pocket and went for his own control. He was equal parts proud and disappointed that Sakura’s reaction was as controlled as his own. A part of him had been hoping for a loud squeal.
They walked together for more than an hour, both of their fingers on and off the controls at random times and with no discernable pattern, each trying to push the other farther towards the edge while also clinging to sanity by a thread themselves. For each deserted street Kakashi chose to wander down Sakura laughingly steered them towards a busier one just to torture him for his own poor decisions. Never had he been so glad that the new model of flak vests hung low enough for the shadow to make an excellent disguise for any wetness that was sure to bleed through his clothing eventually.
After the first hour Kakashi was beginning to wonder if he might actually have to pause and bend over to lose himself in his pants in some random back alley and despite their halting attempts to keep up a steady conversation he found his mind was filled with little more than filthy desires and fantasies he hadn’t entertained in quite some time. If their game didn’t end soon he was getting dangerously close to tapping out first because clearly he was the only one struggling with this challenge.
Or he thought he was until, to his great surprise, Sakura pushed him in to an alley and buried her head against his shoulder to muffle a scream in the material of his vest.
“I think that’s all the acting skills I have in me,” she panted against his chest. Kakashi blinked down at her.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“Yes, yes, oh my god I can’t take it anymore. I’m done.”
“But you’ve been holding it together better than I have this whole time!” He cried.
She lifted her head to glare at him and only then did he see what he had been too distracted to see until now. It made so much more sense now why she had so stubbornly kept her eyes straight ahead and ducked her chin whenever they passed someone else too closely on the street. Her cheeks were still flushed, which could have been attributed to the heat of a long summer day, but her eyes were desperate and feral in a way he only ever saw in the bedroom. She looked ready to be devoured.
“Acting skills indeed,” he said in wonder. “I never even heard your voice shake once.”
“Yeah, great, I’ll get a day job acting. Please take me home and fuck me. Kakashi, please. I need to come so bad.”
It was a rare occasion indeed when he could get a strong woman like Sakura anywhere close to begging. Kakashi wrapped both arms around his wife and brought his hands together for a body flicker.
They were gone from the alley in an instant and as soon as they landed in their bedroom he could not have said what alley they had been in or what roads they had travelled in the time since they had left. Extended pleasure had left his brain mush and his body vibrating as surely as the toy buried within him. Both of them collapsed against each other with a gasp as soon as they were sure they had arrived somewhere private, their eyes closed and their bodies quaking together for want of the explosive orgasm dangling just out of reach.
“I don’t even care what you choose for your prize,” Sakura growled, “just let me come, I am begging you.”
“Okay…so here’s the thing.” Kakashi swallowed thickly and twitched, holding back a mewl of want when Sakura scrambled for the remote she appeared to only just realize she had left on.
“You better not have just come in your pants!”
“No, although I am man enough to admit that I had a couple close calls.” Kakashi pulled his mask down to give his wife a considering look. “I was just going to say that, ah, I know that you won but I don’t think we’ve ever talked about what I was going to ask for my prize. After all this I’ve got…a craving.”
Sakura eyed him carefully, impatience humming under her skin. “Go on.”
“Have you ever pegged anyone before?”
“Oh. Um, no I haven’t. I imagine the mechanics of it are fairly easy to figure out though and, well, you’re already all…open. Or however you say it.” To his relief she didn’t seem put off by the idea, only a little thrown by the unexpected request. It had been a while since Kakashi had given much thought to being on the receiving end of anything but a blowjob, not since the two of them started dating a few years back, and suddenly he very much regretted not bringing this up earlier.
Apparently he could have been satisfied in a whole other host of ways this entire time.
Casting his eyes over towards his half of their shared closet he murmured, “I still have the harness you would need and the straps are adjustable…”
“You’re not going to tell I can’t get myself off after, are you?” Her question made him squirm and Kakashi may have been blushing a little when he ducked his head and peeked up at her through his drooping fringe.
“No I wasn’t gonna tell you to do anything. Actually, I was sort of hoping it would be you telling me what to do.” Hopefully she got his meaning from that because while he had never been ashamed of his own tastes before that didn’t make it any easier to request his wife of two years dominate him for the first time. Change was never easy for him.
Even when that change sounded delicious and promised to end with satisfaction on both sides.
Still, Sakura looked genuinely intrigued by his suggestion. Her eyes roamed down his body and Kakashi didn’t bother hiding the shiver as his own imagination took off trying to figure out what filthy things were going on in hers. He was so distracted thinking about it he almost didn’t notice when she slipped one hand in to her pocket for the same remote control that had been driving him wild since they left the house before.
The sensation was so unexpected after he had finally allowed himself to stop anticipating it that the short burst of vibration shocked a cry out of him and folded his legs, leaving him kneeling on the floor at Sakura’s feet. When she smirked he could only swallow thickly and thank the gods he’d been smart enough to marry this amazing woman.
“Well, well. How kind of you to get in to position without being asked. If you want your own satisfaction, Mr. Hatake, I’m afraid you’ll have to earn it with mine.” She lifted that single eyebrow again and he didn’t need to follow what her hands were doing to guess what she wanted.
“Yes mistress,” he breathed.
“Mistress, huh? I think I like that. You may please your mistress now, Kakashi.” Sakura beckoned him forward with one finger but Kakashi was already reaching for the hem of her skirt.
Her clothing fell away easily enough and Kakashi had his tongue circling her clit almost the instant she was exposed to the air. Sakura gasped above him and slid her fingers in to his hair with a firm grip, though she allowed him to move as he wished and offered no other commands but a breathy, “More!”
So more is what he gave her. With his tongue already hard at work Kakashi slid both hands up the inside of her thighs to wrap his fingers around the toy he himself had worked inside her not too long ago. She was dripping wet, the underwear he had just removed for her soaked through, and that made it deliciously easier to grip the toy to slowly pull it out. Her moan of pleasure was cut off when he slid the toy back in at just the right angle, becoming a sharp cry as her hips rocked in to the motion unconsciously to grind against his face.
With how worked up she was already it was no surprise that it didn’t take very long. Kakashi moaned each time the hand in his hair tightened to bring him closer but never once did his tongue let up and his fingers refused to pause in working the toy until Sakura was shuddering and breaking, the other hand on his shoulder the only thing keeping her from falling over. She never let go of his hair, however, and Kakashi had dabbled in this kind of play enough times to know that it wasn’t for him to decide when he should stop, although he doubted that was really at the forefront of his wife’s mind in that moment.
He stopped only when Sakura pushed him away and demanded in a shaking voice that he pull the toy out of her completely, which he did with agonizing slowness for no reason other than to tease her with the fact that she hadn’t been very specific. After she had gathered herself enough to speak properly she slid one hand under his chin and lifted it to meet her gaze. Kakashi quivered under the heat in her eyes.
“Now would be a good time for you to fetch that harness, pet.”
Feet slipping and limbs suddenly clumsy in their haste, Kakashi all but flung himself towards his side of their doublewide closet and dug deep in to the back where he had shoved all the boxes from his old apartment that never got unpacked. The harness jingled merrily when he pulled it out of the box, leather supple against his skin, and already he could feel his body clenching in anticipation.
Sakura was the very vision of a dominatrix as she took a firm power stance and ordered him to put the harness on for her. In that moment Kakashi could think of nothing else he would rather do. He nearly shook with anticipation as he fitted the straps to her body and secured one of the toys he only ever used when she wasn’t home in the front. He almost expected his wife to take a moment to get used to the new addition but it only took one look for him to see he was wrong.
“Bend over the foot of the bed,” Sakura commanded. “And spread your legs for me.”
“Yes mistress!” He was there in an instant, twitching with need and more eager than he could ever remember being for any of his previous partners. A whimper escaped his lips when he felt her take a good grip on his hair again to pull his head back for a filthy kiss.
“Good boy,” she murmured against his lips.
There was no time for another whimper as a deep groan was torn from him when she took hold of the electric toy that had been driving him insane for the past hour and more. The flared base pulled at his entrance in a way had him making fists in the bedsheets and breathing hard until finally it was sliding out and he was woefully empty. Even before Sakura got her hands on his hips Kakashi was arching his back and presenting, begging to be filled again, desperate in a way he’d almost forgotten he could be.
Certainly he’d been desperate for Sakura’s touch before; their sex life was anything but boring. But there was a different kind of excitement in fucking his wife up against a wall than there was in bending over to let her fuck him instead. This was a whole new world of things for them to explore together. He only wished he’d thought to suggest these things earlier in their relationship.
At the first touch of something slick and blunt Kakashi gasped, wondering how he could have possibly let his mind wander far enough that he hadn’t noticed her grabbing the lube to apply to her new toy.
“How much can you take, hm pet? Would you like me to tease you?” Sakura rolled her hips to torment his entrance until he whined softly. “Oh, but you’re already open for me, aren’t you? I’ll bet you’d rather I just get straight to fucking you hard like you so obviously want.”
“Please fuck me, mistress,” he gasped, barely able to squeeze the words out.
“That’s what I thought. So eager.”
Sakura pet his hair a couple of times and, like a cat, Kakashi felt his body melting under the soft touch until her hips pressed forward without warning and he was arching again at the sensation of a thick head breaching him. It wasn’t quite the full thrust he might have expected from someone with more experience who understood what he could take but he understood Sakura’s hesitance and refrained from anything other than begging her to fuck him deeper, harder.
And she listened, of course. The moment she had drawn her mental boundaries was clear as Kakashi felt two tiny hands taking a firm grip on either side of his thighs and then it was all his could do to hold on tight to the bedding, riding the cock fucking him from behind, high on the voice that murmured praise and encouragement above him. All he could think – besides how incredible it felt and how close he already was to coming – was that he hoped she was enjoying this as much as he was because they needed to do this again sometime. Very soon.
That’s what he was thinking right up until the moment he realized that his wife was a medical professional, she would know better than anyone where the prostate was, and that she must have been deliberately avoiding it this whole time. She was edging him; and if he knew his wife then he could guess that she wanted him to beg before she let him finish.
Which he was not above doing. Kami but this woman was perfect for him.
“Please mistress, may I come?” Kakashi clenched around the toy as it slid in again and paused for Sakura to shiver against his back.
“Of course pet. You may come now since you’ve been so well behaved.” Her hips rolled back and Kakashi knew that when she thrust forward her aim would be true. Before she could move again he hurried to turn his head and babble out one last request.
“Wait! Could- could you pull my hair again? Please?”
“Anything you like,” she purred.
Fingers slid in to his hair and Kakashi’s eyes were already rolling back in pleasure at the pull against his roots even before she pressed him down over the end of the bed and began to fuck him in earnest, each stroke drawing out helpless cries of pleasure until finally the angle shifted ever so slightly and he saw stars, ecstasy ripping through him on the first hit. His orgasm rolled through him like wildfire, heat rushing through his veins and leaving him breathless.
Not until he was truly begging for mercy did Sakura stop fucking him, letting her hips come to rest with the toy buried deep inside and the leather of her harness pressed up against his overheated skin. It took several seconds of gulping air like a drowning man before Kakashi blinked and realized he was staring sightlessly at nothing and seeing only the white noise inside his own head. When the room came back in to focus he realized that he had actual torn the sheets with both hands. Some part of him absently mourned the loss of the expensive bedding he had only just bought a few months ago but most of him was concentrating on the feeling of Sakura’s palms skimming up and down his back.
“Thank you mistress,” he mumbled and then smiled when it startled a laugh out of his wife.
“It truly was my pleasure,” Sakura admitted. “I don’t think I would mind trying this again some time. Maybe revisit the bits where you called me mistress and follow my orders without question. That part I liked.”
Kakashi chuckled weakly. “I am not surprised.”
Getting cleaned up afterwards was interesting. After so long being filled in one way or another it was strange when Sakura pulled her hips away very slowly and he was empty once more, fidgeting while she used a few wipes to clean away the excess lube around his entrance. She laughed brightly when he called her solicitous.  
Watching Sakura struggle with the harness and fighting her way out of the straps without bothering to remove the toy from it first was more funny than sexy and by the time Kakashi was able to pull her down in to the bed for a much needed nap before dinner her found that he was in higher spirits than he could remember in the past little while. Things had been tense for both of them at work lately, part of the reason he had proposed this game as a way to relieve a bit of tension, but now he was little more than a puddle between the sheets with Sakura’s warm weight curled around his side.
“I’m glad you talk me in to weird stuff,” she told him in a thoughtful voice.
“Maa, I’m glad you let me.”
“Let’s do something else weird soon. You’ve probably got all sorts of stuff in that closet, don’t you?”
“I do,” Kakashi admitted. Turning his head, he pressed a kiss against Sakura’s hair. “And I would be very happy to show you a few new tricks. Thank you for not laughing me out of the house when I suggested this.”
After a bit of shuffling she was in a good position to push herself up and press a light kiss against his cheek. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” he said in return.
He closed his eyes, determined to get at least an hour of sleep before one of them had to get up to cook dinner. Those plans changed, however, when Sakura pressed another kiss against his cheek and he opened one eye to find her peering across the room at their closet with the bright light of adventure in her gaze.
It looked like maybe he would get to pull out his box of tricks a little earlier than expected.
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 211 Review
Ummm, Early chapter this week. But were on break next week soooo... I guess this is fine. (Note: there has been an edit made to this review to respectfully not spread any misinformation) 
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So w e oddly start this chapter with a little character background from Monoma. Apparently he always wanted to be a hero, but due to the fact that his quirk can only copy others, he will have to depend on others which is not what an active hero should have to do. I actually really like this cause its something we ever got from any other 1-B student, the motivation behind their path. It always made them feel a bit more shallow, so I appreciate Monoma getting a scene like this.
Also he now compares himself to Shinsou. How the two are the same is the fact that their heroic aspiration were denied based on their quirk. The difference though is Monoma still made it into the hero program and not Shinsou.
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Now this scene, of Monomaa saying that doing unhero like things to those who are more gifted is okay, is likely reflective on the fact that being a hero is also a popularity contest in this world. To stand out and inspire, you’ve gotta be the best, and sometimes to do that, you do some things you might not be proud of. And with a mentality like that, its easy to see why someone like Stain is so pissed at society when it churns out heroes that will willing do un-heroic things. But then you can’t blame Monoma and Shinsou who are just trying to do their best, but given their genetic lottery they have to work harder than most.
But enough of this flashback, we need to cut back to the present where Deku is slowly losing control.
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So Deku’s new black energy is emerging from his arm and Deku is quite literally fighting back against is. Monoma wonders if this is a new power to which I’m gonna save my thoughts on this till later.
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Yeah Deku, its almost like the plot decided to fuck you over for the sake of this twist that I’m pretty sure no one wanted and that we could just keep to the usual flow of this arc, but no, we had to veer off in this direction because-Okay okay, I’ll save that for later too. I should really speed this up.
So its turns out that black stuff isn’t actually lightning, but more tendrils. Yeah cause that’s what One for All needed, tentacle hentai. Actually with theses black tendrils, now every fan fic writer who made a Deku as Venom AU (yes those exist) has just been justified.
Anyway, Deku releases what looks to be a beam of energy (I honestly can’t tell) and fires it off at Monoma who Deku at least warns to run.
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Okay so, first off, good job Monoma. I’m glas we did make a joke out of Monoma being arrogant enough to think he could handle this. Second, what the fuck is wrong with class 1-A. I’m not saying they should act like they just watched a puppy get shot, but their classmate literally seems to be destroying everything. Now you could say that Todoroki did the same thing when he cranked up the heat, but the difference is that fire is a part of Todoroki’s quirk. Black tendrils has never been apart of his power. I know that not every kid in a classroom has to know or care about all their classmates, but I’d be concerned.
Third thing, So it seems OfA really is sentient as its jittering and moving around like it has some sort of self awareness. And finally, Yup. Can’t control your power. After we had come such a long way, you somehow are forced back to square one. I’ll talk about it later as the darkness begins to overflow.
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Gotta feel bad for 1-B who just came here for an exercise, now they might die by black energy.
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We see the darkness start sticking to objects (wow it really is Venom) and hoists Deku into the air. Yeah, I don’t now is this is something a user of one for all cold do, but boy its a little goofy. Uraraka and Shinsou seems to be the only people who now gives a shit about how this darkness is surging.
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We now see this darkness is actually fighting against Deku, smashing him into a wall. All Might, makes a good fucking call and wants Aizawa and Vlad to shut this down. Which I’m sure Aizawa is perfectly fine with. Vlad has also had like no lines this round, like I’d love to hear his commentary.
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(Yes, I realize there is an eye looking thing in the darkness, but it took me so long to find that I’m honestly might not even be sure that it is an eye.)
This scene... Breaks my heart. This in a nutshell was why I’m so opposed to this twist. After 200 chapters, Deku finally, FINALLY, doesn’t have to worry about hurting himself. He can now catchup with everyone else and it was finally time to show it off, but now. Now its fighting back. One for All is literally making him lose control when there should be no reason for him to. Has Deku master One for All? No. So there was still a chance things would go wrong, but not like this. Why? did it have to be the moment when finally the first year is coming to an end does One for All show that Deku is still not ready.
And Deku’s reaction to this is perfect for this. He’s not thinking about how he should be strong enough to resist this, showing he grew to arrogant and this is teaching him a lesson. No, Deku is sad. He’s upset that after all this time people didn’t have to worry for him. He was now strong enough to fight like Bakugou and strong enough to make 1-B actually consider him a threat, but now... Now he’s lost control.
Now it is possible that this is do to quirk singularity a topic that I’m doing a post on later, but in short it was brought up about like 50 chapters ago and its when a quirk becomes something that humans can’t control anymore. But again, talking about that later.
I’ve heard the possibility that, this darkness is actually One for All in a sentient state. Much like the previously mentioned before quirk singularity. That this is like genes being passed down so long and growing complex enough to the point that they are no longer controllable. Now there have been plenty of theories that have come out about this, but out of all of them, in general they likely relate to this. The darkness is literally fighting back against Deku as sign of his lack of more than 20% control and thus the quirk seems to quite literally be swallowing him whole. It feels like if this is the case, then Horikoshi realized that he made it so Deku was now fully protected from damaging himself thanks to his quirk. But he could just make it seem like Deku was just arbitrarily growing stronger without having any difficulty, so he developed a way for Deku to quite literally fight himself in his struggle. It was no longer limb destruction, Deku is literally fighting so that he has the right to use this quirk to its fullest extent.
If that is the case, I can’t say I agree with it. Look, I’m sure anyone could say that this doesn’t bother them. That this makes it so Deku and One for All are like Naruto and the Nine-tails, Ichigo and the hollow, Asta and the demon, etc. And those aren’t things I’m opposed to and are things that I enjoyed. But this isn’t the same. The monster inside that gives you more power worked for those series because that was their power system and world allowed for that. But MHA, quirks are more similar to Goku and Luffy. Their abilities are what is to be heightened and their second release: Super saiyan and gear two, are derivative of their competence of their biology and their power. And Deku was like that. He has a quirk that has nine generations worth of power in it and to use that power he had to learn how to take more in. His super saiyan was him at one million percent. It would destroy his body, but for a time he could use all that power. But I guess this new problem has occurred and we’ll have to see where it goes.
Anyway, the chapter isn’t done as Uraraka floats up to him.
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So Uraraka is holding down darkness Deku and calls out to Shinsou and that’s where our chapter ends. Now, if people remember my FT reiewing days, they’re probably to call this a BS ship moment that defies reality and serves to pander a single fanbase. Well, no. Cause that’s not what this is. Uraraka is doing what a hero should do. She’s trying to save someone in danger, and this isn’t presented as this overtly romantic moment like say Sakura hugging curse mark sasuke, no this is actual danger that isn’t stopping so Uraraka is at risk of getting hurt here.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t take this romantically, I mean there is a lot of evidence that the two like eachother, I’m just trying to say, power of love, isn’t what’s stopping this madness, hell its evident that Uraraka needs Shinsou and his power to try and stop it. So this trope is still being done, but there is some logical weight to the solution.
Post Chapter Follow Up: So I wanna first say, this chapter is really short. Like its about 13 pages and it has very, very little dialogue. I did almost felt like I was reading a Bleach Chapter, but in fairness, this had a lot more detailing and was clearly used more as a way to show the sheer scale and weight of what the hell this thing is. Plus more detailed art, so I don’t thing the bleach comparison is entirely fair.
I am disappointed with the page count, given the break next week, I would’ve really appreciated we ended on more of bang than this. All its done is left me wanting more, but not in a very good way.
In terms of negatives, this chapter has pretty much confirmed team Deku vs team Monoma has gone off rails and that our conflict is going to actually be how do we solve this darkness. Last week, I talked about my thoughts on why I’m not a fan of that as this seems like a transparent way to make deku lose as well as seems to imply that Horikoshi had no real intent on making this fight actually work with their combatants. This not only makes this exercise feel like it will ultimately be pointless, but as I said, it screws Deku out of getting to go plus ultra while everyone else got to show how far they’ve come.
One could say that seems like bias and that the point was to get shinsou to help with the vestiges, but that doesn’t fully work cause there had to be other ways than this to make it so Sjhinsou would have to work. I mean, this was that same problem I had with the overhaul arc at the end. It was gong fine until Ryukyu dropped in with a powerup for Overhaul and then deku had to use Eri like a power-up and it just became a cluster fuck. I’m not against twists mind you, all arcs need them, the one he did with Gentle was great in my opinion, but these twists overall hurt the story cause the story was going great up till now and we’ve entered cluster fuck land.
Now look, I’m not gonna let my own opinions impede my objective view point. This twist was built up to. As we saw with the mark on Deku’s hand as he used One for All in his sleep. The fact his quirk has been feeling funny, and the fact that All Might seemed curious about this. So I can not in all good conscious call this a bad twist, but it is still one I don’t agree with.
Other positives are definitely the characterization. Aside from us getting Uraraka getting to act like a savor, we get some great development for Monoma. My only issue would have to be the timing of it. He doesn’t do much this chapter. You’d think that this would’ve been used before Deku went all darkness on us.
So what will the final verdict be. Initially I was thinking of giving this a below average, but maybe because the more chew on to this, and the more I see others reactions to this, it seems this hits that uncomfortable spot of being up to the reader to tell if they liked it or hated it. And those are always hard because there is a fair amount of good and nothing I can call really bad, but that good really isn’t enough on its own so there is an enjoyment factor that can’t be accounted for. Kinda like Aquaman. So where do I stand on this? well I have to be honest with myself as this is my review and I gotta say.
Final Verdict: 5/10
This is something you need to experience yourself to really tell if you enjoy this twist or not
There is some good action and good character development
The pacing feels rushed and there isn’t enough time to fully show this off satisfyingly
I do like the ending
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k-renne · 6 years
Random headcanon but.... I lowkey feel like Clyde would have a impregnation kink
ummm yes, which is why i’ve written it - here’s some more, also if this isn’t your thing please don’t read…this is a lot
clyde wants nothing more to be a dad, at first his kink starts off with just enjoying to cum inside you and he doesn’t think anything of it. then he starts to enjoy the way that it drips out of you, likes making a mess out of your cunt and sometimes seeing that makes him want to go for another round
clyde can be surprisingly kinky, and he starts to have these filthy thoughts about getting you pregnant, it doesn’t help that he actually wants kids. he gets horny just thinking about seeing your belly swell, knowing that it was because he knocked you up
it feels like he starts to notice babies and pregnant women wherever he goes, and you take notice. he always rests his hand over your abdomen, rubbing it when he thinks your asleep and just imagining what it could be like
you’re on birth control and you’ve told him that you’re not just ready to have kids yet, clyde is okay with that but he can’t help but fantasize of having an ‘accident’ with you. 
the first time he lets it slip it’s when he’s about to cum, too turned on to realize what he’s saying, “darlin’ im gonna fill your pretty cunt with cum and make that belly nice and big,” he’ll grunt, adding “so big you’ll be waddlin’ and need mae to help ya, with tits all swollen,” he spills inside you at that, resting his head between your breasts
you don’t bring it up at first, but you kind of like it when he talks like that, and it starts to turn you on as well
clyde does get what he wants, somehow you get pregnant while you’re on the pill, though you and clyde go at it like rabbits so it’s no surprise that it was bound to happen eventually
clyde is overjoyed when you first happen, but when he starts to see the signs of your changing body he goes nuts, lucky for him all the hormones seem to be making you even hornier than usual
he loooooves eating you out while you’re pregnant, says you taste sweeter, and sometimes you’re feeling a little too tired for sex. he loves to have his face between your thighs, his hand rubbing circles on your belly
clyde is extra affectionate and cuddly during pregnancy, always coming around behind and wrapping his arms around you, pressing his half hard cock against you. “Clyde again? really?” you’ll shake your head. you can’t believe how easily turned on he gets by you. course he’ll just grin and say, “i can’t resist my honey, not when you’re so fuckin’ perfect.”
clyde won’t let you worry about your weight even for a second, and he’s more worried if you’re not eating enough. you tell him you don’t actually need to eat that much more, but that doesn’t stop him from getting all sorts of treats for you
he’s so damn proud of getting you pregnant, people will talk and he’s like “yup, that’s mine” a grin on his face. clyde doesn’t smile much, but this makes him real happy (and horny). nothing like showing you were with him than knocking you up, and you’re glowing too - its a very happy time for the two of you
if you ride him while you’re pregnant (not too far along), he fucking worships you, he’s touching all over - so eager, and cums a lot faster than he normally would. 
his favorite is when you wake him up by grinding your ass against his morning wood, whining about how horny you were and how you wanted it, you couldn’t get more pregnant as it is. queue clyde lazily fucking you from behind on your side, grunting and panting as you mewl for him, then clyde will make you a nice hearty breakfast and maybe you’ll take a bath together. he kind of likes it when you smell like sex, so he’s in no hurry for you to get washed up, but he doesn’t want other people to smell it on you - they don’t deserve that
oh god if you take him clothes shopping with you, it’s bad…he’ll always be sneaky and smack your ass, eyes going dark when you try on something tight. you just sigh, knowing you’d have to give your husband a discreet blowjob just so that he’d calm down, because you weren’t looking to get fucked in a dressing room
you always end up having to have date night at home because you’ll wear a dress and clyde will just get himself all hot and bothered, thinking how easy it would be to stuff you full with his fingers and get you to cum, it’s like the honeymoon phase all over again, the two of you just become insatiable
and you’re just is bad, you know just how to work him up and sometimes you tease him purposefully, rubbing your hands over your belly and showing it off. you’ve sucked him off more times while you’re pregnant than you ever have, and while clyde likes that you’ve seem to develop a craving for the taste of his cock, he always prefers to sink it into your pussy
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chasholidays · 7 years
a piece of ice held fast in the fist - bellamy pov
Original fic here!
Bellamy doesn’t have any particularly deep reason for liking the girl from the writing workshop, but then again, it’s not as if he really needs one. She’s smart and honest and cute, and he’d like to get to know her better. And while there have been times in his life where he wouldn’t have had the confidence to just flirt with a pretty girl he’d only met once, he’s a senior in college, and she seemed receptive, and it’s very low-stakes flirting.
At least, he thinks it is, until he has to skip out on doing it again on Thursday, like he planned.
“You have to stop doing this, O,” he tells his sister, only partially because he’s annoyed about his life.
Her arms are crossed over her chest in the passenger seat, all defiance. “You didn’t have to come out.”
It’s true, so he ignores it. “Do you have any idea how good we have it right now?”
“God, Bell, spare me your in my day, we walked uphill both ways to school bullshit. Yeah, I know. It doesn’t mean that everything is perfect now. Just because Tre is cool doesn’t mean Mom and I suddenly have no issues.” She slumps further down in the seat, like she’s trying to sink out of sight of passing cars. “You didn’t have to come,” she says again.
“Yeah, that’s why you called me. I wouldn’t come.”
“Maybe part of getting over being an overprotective asshole is learning to say no.”
“That sounds fake.” He sighs. “Look, you know I don’t–I get it. Mom’s not always easy to live with. Especially for you. But you’re almost done. Can’t you survive another four months?”
“It’s not like I try to pick fights with her. We just don’t get along. It sucks that we’re related, but–”
“It’s not always going to be like this,” he says. “Mom and I didn’t always get along either. Once you go off to school–”
“Once I go off to school, you’ll be there,” she teases, and he grins.
“And you can fight with me instead.”
“That’s the plan.”
She sighs. “Seriously, I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?”
He thinks of the cute writing tutor, Clarke, who almost certainly doesn’t remember he exists, and if she does probably just figures he doesn’t need any more help with his paper. Which, to be fair, he doesn’t really think he does. It’s pretty great. But he would have appreciated her validation on that one.
“Nah,” he says. “Nothing important.”
“So, this Monty guy is who again?” Bellamy asks on Saturday. The writing workshop is almost entirely out of his mind, and he’s looking forward to some drinking and debauchery.
“From my philosophy class. But we saw him at that queer thing last semester too, so I think he likes guys. I think we’re flirting.”
He grins. “If you can’t tell–”
“Fuck you, you never know what’s happening.”
“I do when I’m flirting with girls. Ever since I started dating guys, girls feel like easy mode. They’re statistically way more likely to fuck me.”
Miller snorts and passes him a joint. “If you’re saying shit like that, you’re not high enough.”
He inclines his head. “Can’t argue with that.”
By the time Monty shows up, he’s pleasantly warm, buzzed on pot and alcohol, loose and a little horny with, sadly, no prospect of getting laid and no real energy to find one. At least, not until Monty comes with Clarke, from the writing workshop, and his life suddenly gets way better.
It helps that the first thing she witnesses is him totally crushing Miller at Mario Kart.
Miller just rolls his eyes, like he’s not the sorest loser in the world. “Whatever, I’m getting more beer. You want anything?”
“Yeah, I–” He’s pretty sure they both notice the newcomers at the same time: Clarke, just as cute as he remembers, in another low-cut top that makes him feel like a very shallow person, and a vaguely familiar Asian kid who’s focused on Miller. “Clarke!” he says, grinning. “Hey! You want in on this? Miller’s leaving.”
She hesitates for a second, apparently checking if her friend needs backup, but after a bit of shuffling Clarke ends up next to him on the couch, snuggled into his side because Murphy is the kind of asshole who never makes room. But Clarke doesn’t seem to mind snuggling, so he puts his arm around her, smiles.
She smiles back. “Hi.”
“Was that Nate?” she asks, looking for where Miller and her friend have disappeared to.
As always, it takes him a second to pull up Miller’s actual name, and another second thanks to the illicit substances. “Nathan Miller, yeah. Monty?”
“Awesome. So, is it weird if I apologize for not showing up on Thursday?” he adds, with another smile.
Clarke grins. “I just assumed your paper still sucked and you were too embarrassed to show me.”
“Good guess, but no. I was actually really happy with how it turned out. You helped a lot.”
Murphy reaches across the couch to swat his head. “Dude, you gonna play or flirt? Pick your character.”
Clarke doesn’t look uncomfortable, so he says, “Flirt. Unless you want to play,” he adds, offering her the controller.
“Are you going to be offended if I say yes?”
“Nope. Go ahead.”
He honestly thinks it’s going pretty well, until Raven shows up. Not that Raven showing up is generally a bad thing–Raven is one of his favorite people–but Clarke gets immediately awkward, and gets even worse once Murphy mentions that he and Raven slept together. It’s not something that embarrasses him, not something he considers anything to not tell people. But Clarke and Raven are friends, and he can acknowledge that it’s weird to find out the guy you’re currently flirting with fucked a friend of yours.
“Should I not be hitting on her?” he asks Raven, once Clarke is gone. “I thought she was–”
“No, you’re fine. Don’t worry about it.”
He worries his lip. “Can I go after her?”
“I’m not going to stop you,” she says, but when he glares at her, she repents. “It looked like she liked you, I doubt she’s going to be pissed. Just–” She huffs. “Whatever. Go have fun.”
It’s not the most encouraging statement in the world, but if Raven wasn’t here, he’d definitely be following, so he might as well follow his instincts. He frets; that’s how he is.
It isn’t hard to find her, even though she’s not actually in the kitchen. He can see her hair in the back. She doesn’t look up when he opens the door, but she also doesn’t tense when he clears his throat, so it evens out.
“Sorry, I just wanted to check on you, but I’ll leave,” he offers. The last thing he wants is for her to think he can’t take a hint. “I–
"It’s okay,” she says, and it sounds like she really means it.
“So,” he says, joining her looking out over the yard and realizing he’s not sure what to say. “Uh, I can stop hitting on you. But if it’s about Raven, it was one time, three years ago. She’s awesome,” he adds. “Don’t get me wrong, but–”
She shakes her head. “I’m not supposed to be looking for anything.”
It’s an odd statement, and one he’s not really sure how to interpret. But it’s much closer to a no than it is to a yes, which means there’s only one response. “Okay. That’s cool. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
But she shifts, leans into his side, and he does like her. More than he expected. She’s gorgeous and smart and kind of hilarious when she’s playing video games, and he’d really like to see what she looks like naked.
“I would have told you to stop,” she tells him. “Raven just reminded me that–I’m not looking. Monty definitely texted her to come make fun of me.”
“So–okay.” He lets out a breath. Honesty is the best policy, and it’s not like she hasn’t noticed he’s hitting on her. She clearly has. “I think you’re awesome, I like you, I want to make out, or be friends. Or make out and be friends. Thoughts?”
After a long pause, she asks, “This is your house, right?”
“So, you have a room?”
His heart rate picks up. “Yeah.”
“Want to show me?”
It’s such a relief that he actually laughs. Apparently he really, really wants to fuck her. “Definitely, come on.”
“So I’m not looking to date right now,” she tells him, as he leads her in, and it’s not a surprise, but it is a disappointment.
“Yeah,” he says. “I got that. But making out is on the table, right?”
She doesn’t bother with a response, just pulls him down, and he goes, willingly, happily, even.
It’s not exactly what he was hoping for, but he’ll take it.
“So, uh, your friend Clarke.”
Raven doesn’t look impressed. “Yeah, I know, you like her, she’s awesome, you want to date her, but she said some fucking bullshit about how it’s not you it’s her or whatever and now you’re heartbroken. Jesus fucking Christ, it’s like I’m the only smart character in a fucking Shakespearean tragedy.” She pauses. “Except maybe you. But, fuck, this is ridiculous.”
He sits down next to her. “Yeah, something like that, but maybe dial everything back a couple notches. I’m just curious. She said she’s not dating right now, I don’t want to mess with that. But I had fun and I like her. Does she do casual, or should I just back off?”
Raven considers him, and he looks back, steady. As far as he’s concerned, he’s good here. He’s been upfront, honest, and respectful. He and Clarke had pretty awesome sex, which she seemed to enjoy, and he’d like to do it more, but he doesn’t want to push. Asking Raven is probably kind of weird, but–he really likes Clarke.
“I don’t think you should back off,” she says. “Just–be careful. She thinks she doesn’t like dating, but I’m pretty sure she’s fine with it. And she definitely likes you, so just–” She shrugs. “Whatever you’re doing? It’s working. Hang out, be cool, make out with her if she wants. I’d never tell you to hit on a girl who’s not interested, but I’m pretty sure you’re not doing anything she doesn’t want you to. If she says you’re good, you are. Just check in, be honest, and–she’s worth it.”
He has to smile. “Yeah?”
“You’re not bad either. I’m rooting for you guys.”
He ducks his head. “Cool. Me too.”
Continuing to do what he’s doing really isn’t that hard. He stops by the writing workshop during her shifts and hangs out. He finds out about her dating history, the exes who did numbers on her, and shares his own past. It’s one of those odd things that comes with liking a new person, his investment strangely out-of-proportion to how well he actually knows her. But everything he learns makes him like her more, makes him want to get to know her better. He’s doing his best to not get too carried away, but he really does like her. He really does want this to go somewhere good.
He’s halfway through a rant about Murphy, who texted hey which of our plates do you like the least, which is really not something Bellamy ever wants to answer, when Clarke says, out of nowhere, “I’m going to be in Chicago next year too.”
It’s not actually news to him. “Yeah, I heard from Miller. Monty mentioned it.”
She frowns, as if the fact that he knew this already is a personal slight. “That was my excuse for not dating. Replacing I’m busy with school.”
He really tries, but he can’t actually figure out what the fuck she’s talking about. “Now you lost me.”
“Getting into a relationship with less than two months of school left just seemed stupid to me,” she says, with a little laugh. “Not much future. I told everyone how stupid it was.”
He shrugs. “It doesn’t need much future to be fun. But, sure. That makes sense.”
“But we’re going to be in the same place,” she says.
He doesn’t let himself get his hopes up. “Yeah.”
“So, um.” She looks down, tucking her hair behind her ear, and the hope surges in spite of his best efforts. “You want to get dinner sometime?”
They’re alone, in private, and no one else is paying attention to them at all. Its just a big moment for him, and he lets himself lean in and kiss her. “Yeah. I’d really like that.”
“Cool. Sorry I’m–” She smiles. “I guess this could have been a lot easier, right? It’s not like you weren’t–”
He leans in for another kiss, not quite able to get enough. “Don’t apologize. I don’t mind. But I have no idea when we can get dinner. I’m kind of busy this week.”
“What about now?”
“I already had dinner.”
“Assume dinner is symbolic. Can I come home with you?” Her eyes sweep over him, hot and dark, and somehow it hadn’t even occurred to him that he’d also be getting laid in this scenario. “Not to be shallow, but I haven’t stopped thinking about last time.”
“Neither have I.” He captures her mouth for a much hotter kiss. “When are you done here?”
She bites her lip. “No one’s going to know if I leave early.”
“Definitely not.” She offers her hand. “Want to get out of here?”
A week later, Octavia texts while he and Clarke are making out. He misses the first notification, but the second gets his attention, and he turns his attention to it, frowning. “Shit.”
Clarke blinks like she’s coming out of a haze. “What? Everything okay?”
He sighs. “It’s my sister. Let me just–”
She pecks his jaw. “Sure.”
The text is standard, I can’t wait to get the fuck out of this house, seriously, and he stares at it for what feels like a long time, but can’t be more than a few seconds, really.
Clarke wraps her arms around him, rests her chin on his shoulder. “Do you need to go? I get it if you do.”
Me: On a date, sorryTurning off my phoneGood luck with that
O: Holy shitMust be the best date ever
Me: YupBye, O
As promised, he turns the phone off and pulls Clarke back into his lap.
“Best date ever?” she teases, clearly pleased, and he kisses her again, long and slow.
“Yeah,” he says. “No contest.”
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Do all the asks! Hope you had a good Christmas!! <3
In ausOkay here goes, all the asks from the end of 2020
1. How many lockdowns did you go through until now? 
I actually can’t remember if I was in one or two in the UK, because I barely changed my habits, I stayed in my house throughout lockdown and non-lockdown. But either 2 or 3.
2. Ever been quarantined? (contact person, waiting for test result or positive test result) 
Yep, right before the start of UK lockdown one because of possible symptoms in my household and once in Austria now. 
3. Ever taken a Corona test? 
Yup, I took one, a gargle test.
4. Have you lived together with someone during lockdown?
Yep, lockdown in the UK with my dad and sister, in Austria with my flatmate.
5. Something you enjoyed about lockdown? 
Spending more time with my sister and also seeing my puppy grow up.
6. What bothered you most about lockdown? 
Not being able to hug my mum when we lost our rabbit and not being able to hug friends.
7. Which change, e.g. home office, would you like to keep once it´s all over? 
Teaching from home wouldn’t be bad to keep, also normalising wearing masks and distancing when ill.
8. Been to any Corona related demonstration? 
9. On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (completely), how well do you stick to government´s rules? Explain. 
In the UK I would say 10, and I did more than stick to them, I rarely left the house except for walking the dog. In Austria 7 or 8, we don’t really have the concept of bubbles here but through lockdown we had our friend in our bubble. I did also accidentally break curfew at one point.
10. Favorite lockdown activity? 
Sleeping, frankly.
11. How did the lockdown affect your work/education? 
The end of my year at uni was done at home, with take home exams and now my work is going to be distance teaching again. And of course masks and distancing at in person teaching.
12. Any new hobbies you tried out during lockdown? 
I taught myself to sew and cross-stitch!
13. Any new subscriptions you made due to lockdown? 
Disney plus!
14. Anything new you tried to learn during lockdown? 
Sewing, a few new recipes.
15. Any old hobbies you took up again during lockdown? 
I started writing a lot more again and did a lot of crafting.
16. How did you keep in touch during lockdown? 
Zoom calls, skyping, postcards.
17. Favorite mask you own? 
My rainbow one!
18. Favorite online conferencing tool? 
Teams for teaching.
19. Any new technologies and technological tools you tried out due to lockdown? 
Zoom, google meet, MS teams and a few online games.
20. Have you been able to go on any holidays this year? 
21. Are Christmas markets allowed in your country? 
Sadly not:( It was part of what I was looking forward to about my year abroad and I’m genuinely gutted about it.
22. How are you going to spend Christmas in this situation? (or whatever you are celebrating!) 
I spent Christmas with my flatmate, we did polish dinner on the 24th, British Christmas on 25th and then called my family on Christmas day. I managed to make all of Christmas dinner all by myself which I was really chuffed with.
23. Any small business you support? 
Yeah, plenty of local shops.
24. Any small artist you support? 
When I find people on instagram or tumblr i try yeah! 
25. Favorite online shop?
I am in a very bath having mood so bomb cosmetics.
26. Dumbest impulse buy? 
My terrible Christmas hat.
27. First thing you bought when the shops reopened? 
Quite literally no idea, but I would assume something food related.
28. Been to the hair dresser this year? 
Nope, but I’ve been cutting my own hair for 2 or 3 years so that’s not unusual.
29. Got a new tattoo or piercing this year? 
30. What did you only start to appreciate because lockdown took it from you? 
How easy it was to meet new people.
31. Favorite book that was released this year? 
Contacts by Mark Watson or Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh.
32. Favorite book you read that year? 
The same as above.
33. Favorite movie that was released this year? 
uhhhhh bold of you to assume that I paid attention.
34. Favorite movie you watched this year? 
101 dalmatians, a classic but gave me a lot of comfort. 
35. Favorite series that was released this year? 
Staged or the Goes Wrong Show.
36. Favorite series that you watched this year? 
Same answer.
37. Favorite podcast that you listened to this year? 
Cryptid Cape or I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buddha.
38. Favorite artist this year? 
Taylor Swift.
39. Total minutes on Spotify this year? 
I don’t have spotify!
40. Favorite album that was released this year?
I can’t separate folklore and evermore.
41. Favorite album that you listened to this year? 
Again, folklore and evermore.
42. Favorite song that was released this year? 
I’m gonna go with dorothea.
43. Favorite song you listened to this year?
dorothea or rainbow by dodie or Sad Girl Summer by Maisie Peters.
44. Favorite Corona related song? 
So Will I - Ben Platt.
45. What do you do to prevent yourself from going insane during lockdown? 
Sat outside and watched the stars at night listening to songs, took my dog for a walk, did some writing.
46. Describe a typical lockdown day of yours. 
I mean I’m in a kinda weird position of living with/being a kind of key worker. When I was in the UK, I would wake up at 9 to look after the pup, take her for a walk, do uni work or plan for my year abroad. Cook or help my sister cook dinner, play as a group with the puppy, then chill in the living room with family, play animal crossing. In Austria It’s been waking up half an hour before my first class, teaching, cooking and chilling.
47. Something you did during lockdown that you´ve been putting off for way too long? 
Had some proper heart to hearts with my sister and organised my year abroad.
48. Trying new baking recipes or new cooking recipes? 
Yeah! I made profiteroles and some new curries.
49. Netflix or Amazon Prime? 
Prime because you can buy stuff too, it would be netflix but my dad keeps forgetting to tell me his password.
50. Did you get Disney+? 
Yeah, I share it with a few friends.
51. Any new social media you started using during lockdown? 
Not sure actually!
52. Any trends you fell for? 
Not that I can think of?
53. Did you achieve more or less than in a normal year? Explain. 
Frankly, since November 2019 life has been utter hell so if it was less I wouldn’t be shocked but I think the tail end of the year has been pretty successful, I moved countries, signed my first rent contract and am supporting myself for the first time. But it’s kind of a mixed bag.
54. Did you start therapy this year? 
55. Books or audio books? 
Both but I find reading really relaxing but hard to get into. I’ve read a shit ton of fanfic though.
56. Audio books or podcasts? 
Podcasts mostly.
57. Twitch or Youtube? 
58. Attended any online concert? 
Tessa Violet’s “the something to look forward to” tour
59. Favorite stream/streamer this year? 
I really enjoyed Mark Watson’s Watson-A-Thon and also Broadway Jackbox, the Evan Hansen one.
60. Most used social media this year? 
Either twitter or tumblr.
61. Yoga or long lone walks? 
Long lone walks.
62. Did you get a pet this year? 
Yeah! My puppy!
63. Did it snow where you live this year? 
Yeah It snowed in Vienna for one day.
64. What were you doing when you found out about the announcement of the first lockdown? 
I think I was in quarantine, looking after the dog.
65. Did you panic buy anything? 
No, I don’t think so.
66. Ever ran out of toilet paper? 
67. Favorite lockdown comfort food? 
Something with gravy. 
68. Selfcare tips for lockdown? 
Be gentle with yourself. Try to give yourself structure but don’t feel guilty for not being productive.
69. Did you use delivery services this year? For what kind of food? 
God yes, supermarket a few times. And also meals, kebabs a fair bit.
70. Any weird coping techniques you developed during or after lockdown? 
Not especially I don’t think.
71. Favorite game you played this year? 
Animal Crossing!
72. Favorite drink this year? 
Pornstar martinis.
73. Favorite food this year? 
Christmas Dinner.
74. Favorite App this year? 
Puzzle Page! I’ve enjoyed doing crosswords and stuff a lot.
75. Favorite memory of this year? 
Drunk dog walk with my sister in the pouring rain.
76. Any plans you had for this year that you could realize? 
Wait what does this one mean?? Any plans I COULD do? My year abroad I guess. Any plans I couldn’t - interrailing.
77. Do you even plan anything for next year? 
I still have the rest of my year abroad plan.
78. Did you find new (online) friends this year? 
Yeah - one at my uni who I didn’t know so that was nice!
79. Did you go through a break-up this year? 
80. Did you get into a new relationship this year? 
81. Did you do something creative this year? Tell us about it. 
Yeah, I cross-stitched a bee, a snake and a butterfly and I also did lots of writing and a few doodles on my writing blog (lovenliterature).
82. Favorite blog you found on tumblr this year? 
A bunch of wolfstar or ballum ones - I really like @aeternumregina and @shanastoryteller too.
83. What did you buy way too much of this year? 
Take out and alcohol.
84. Did you win anything this year? 
85. Did you drastically change your diet this year? 
Not especially, I tried to have more fruit though and I started drinking coffee.
86. Did you move to a new home this year? 
Yeah! I now live in a flat in Vienna.
87. Did you do something this year that you never did before? 
Signed rent and work contracts in another country. Also got corona.
88. Celebrity crush of the year? 
Ben Platt or Andrew Scott.
89. Most expensive thing you bought this year?
My phone!
90. Been abroad this year? 
Yep, I moved abroad.
91. Favorite tumblr trend of this year? 
Just fucking waiting for more Destiel news.
92. New Years Resolutions you broke this year?
I didn’t make any this year tbh.
93. NYRs you kept? 
Same answer.
94. NYRs you have for next year? 
Just be nicer to myself and remember to renew prescription/make doctor’s appointments sooner.
95. How are you going to spend New Years Eve? 
Drinking with my flatmate in my flat.
96. Will you get your fortune told in any way around NYE? 
No I don’t think so.
97. Any new shops (online or real) you discovered this year? 
Billa, our supermarket lol.
98. Any food you tried out for the first time this year? 
Polish Christmas food!
99. How did you celebrate your birthday this year? 
It was in Feb so had friends round and had drinks.
100. Was this ask game better or worse than 2020? 
0 notes
spectrumscribe · 8 years
Your Heart’s Desire
a very late submission to @tmntflashfic‘s valentine’s day prompt thing, since it got insanely long, and has to be broken up into parts. I’ll post the next part within a few days.
Master Post of Chapters.
In which Casey makes a lot of bad decisions, buys more groceries than he wants to, deals with his own mistakes, makes a bad drunk decision, almost dies more than once, falls in love, and summons a demon.
Not in that order.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One. 
Casey heard his alarm sound, and he rolled over to slap the snooze. However, his had made contact with something… not plastic.
Casey grumbled, refusing to open his eyes yet. Too early, it was way too early… too much hangover, not enough sleep…
He slapped the thing again, trying to find his alarm clock.
“Quit it before I bite your hand off,” Someone growled.
Casey’s eyes snapped open, and he yanked his hand away so fast it smacked the wall behind him. Tangling his legs in his sheets as he did, he scrambled into sitting position.
There was someone in his room. Sitting by his bed. A pair of acidic green eyes glared back at him, standing out against the man’s darker skin.
“Wha- what the hell’re you doing in my house?!” Casey yelped.
The man glared harder, sneering at Casey. “You’re the one who brought me here!”
Casey frantically tried to recall if he’d brought a dude home with him last night, and failed.
“Shit- did I really?” He said, wincing apologetically. “God, I was so smashed last night, I can’t remember anything.”
The man gave him a look of disbelief. “Wha- seriously?! You can’t remember anything?”
Casey shook his head, again wincing, this time from the budding headache there. “Not a thing. It’s all blurry and blacked out. Dude, I’m so sorry, you weren’t waiting too long for me right? You should’ve just woken me up.”
The man stared at Casey, mouth gaping, and hey those were some real sharp incisors right there-
“Oh fuck,” The man said, putting his face in his hands. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Hhhhh…. I should have listened to Leo about accepting summons like that…”
“Summons? Heh, you’re not some kind of ‘call guy’ or something, right? I mean… no way I was that drunk…” Casey trailed off, staring at something lashing across the floor.
Was that…? No not a snake, it had a bunch of fluff on the end, and was attached… to…
“TAIL!” Casey shouted, pointing at the thing on the floor. He took a closer look at the man’s head, Casey’s own head finally cleared of all cobwebs, and- “HORNS!”
The man took his hands away from his face, and gave Casey a deeply annoyed look. “What did you expect, idiot? I’m a demon for crying out loud! You  knew that.”
To further prove his point- the man’s skin darkened with scales, and his green irises filled his whole sclera. A long forked tongue slithered out of his mouth and the man- the demon, hissed at Casey.
Casey let out a strangled laugh, and then screamed.
Somewhere between flying out of bed, knocking over his sketchbook stack by the door, his baseball bat collection also beside the door, and slipping on a salt pentagram-thingy on his living room floor- where the fuck did his carpet go- Casey managed to calm down a bit.
He tried to assess the situation.
There was a huge ass, old ass book bigger than his chest on the coffee table. That probably explained the salt on the floor, if the candles surrounding the book and the diagrams inside were anything to go by.
The demon-man-person had not disappeared yet. This was still not a dream. He was still looking at Casey like he was an idiot and/or was regretting ever setting foot in Casey’s tiny shithole apartment.
Casey still couldn’t find his carpet. Where the ever living fuck did he put his carpet.
Casey scratched his head a bunch, did ten loops around the whole of his living room/kitchen area, checked ten times if the demon-person-dude was still there, and managed to calm down.
Just enough to sit the guy-demon-whatever down on the couch, and try to sort things out.
“So let me get this straight,” Casey said, standing in front of his couch and guest. “I summoned you, and you’re a demon, aaaaaaand I accidentally made a contract with you?”
“You can’t make contracts on accident, but somehow, I think you managed,” The demon guy drawled, slouching on Casey’s couch. His tail- holy fuck- was still lashing back and forth in annoyance, the fluffy tip of it disturbing the scattered salt on the floor. He glared at Casey, showing a bit of fang as he sneered. “Congrats, you managed to fuck up like no one else ever has.”
Had it been anyone else saying that to him, Casey would have snapped back at them, but the inhuman nature of his house guest gave him pause.
A lot of the guy was very human like, but his less than human bits gave him away. Badly so.
The tail for starters. Longer than the guy’s legs, and fairly thick. It was dark enough that Casey couldn’t see were the fluffy bits started, and the scales ended. And the horns. God damn the horns.
Set on either side of his head, with a spiky dark hair sticking up in between, the two black horns stood out prominently. Tips aimed at the ceiling, and a slight curve against the skull. They sort of looked like goat’s horns, but with smoother ridges. A few inches tall each.
The scales were gone again, receded… wherever they’d gone/come from, but Casey thought he could see a hint of them around the corners of the demon’s eyes.
Wow those were some green eyes.
“You’re staring,” The demon guy growled.
“Can you blame me?” Casey quipped automatically.
The demon sneered again.
Nice teeth too. Sharp.
How far into shock was he, by this point?
Pretty far.
“So like,” Casey coughed awkwardly. “Do you know what happened to my carpet, man? I kind of liked it.”
“You threw it off the balcony,” The demon replied, jerking his thumb at Casey tiny excuse for a balcony. “Right after you summoned me. You had to make some room, so you tossed out ‘the least breakable thing’. Your words not mine.”
Casey opened his mouth, closed it, and ran to open his sliding doors.
He looked over the wrought metal railing of the balcony, and- “-aw FUCK!”
He’d thrown his carpet outside alright. Right onto the communal trash bins area below. It also looked like it’d rained last night, since there were huge puddles all over the place.
Casey put his hands to the sides of his face. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck, man. I’m never gonna get the smell out of it now!”
“If that’d been your desire when you summoned me, I could fix it easy.”
“What?” Casey turned around, looking at his guest. “‘Desire’? What??”
“You summoned me with a desire,” The demon guy said, leaning onto the arm of the couch. “I can’t leave until I fulfill it.”
“Um- what?”
“Desire. It means to want something or someone or whatever. Donnie’s better at the details,” The demon waved his hand dismissively. “Whatever, anyways it means that you had an intention that needed fulfillment when you summoned me, and you wanted me to grant it. You were supposed to tell me what it was when I appeared, but instead, you went off on a rant about how much space I was taking up, tossed your carpet out the window, and then passed out. Not exactly informative.”
“Um.” Casey floundered at the description of ‘desire’. “Yeah. Uh. I don’t remember even summoning you, dude, so I sure as fuck don’t remember why I summoned you.”
“I was starting to get that idea,” The demon said in a deeply annoyed tone.
“Uh- also, why would I toss my carpet outside?” Casey asked, stepping back into the room and shutting the doors behind him. He’d deal with his forsaken floor cover later. “Why would I need extra room? I mean, like, no offense man- but you’re kinda short.”
It was true. When they’d been standing, the demon guy hadn’t even made it to Casey’s nose.
The demon guy bristled- literally, his tail’s end poofed up and everything- and he spat, “Ex-fucking-s’cuse me for being below average demon height! And besides! This isn’t even my real size, asshole. I shrank down for the sake of your stupid mortal ceiling. You’re fucking welcome.”
Casey blinked, vaguely noting he was so far into shock he wasn’t even bothered by the tone of the demon. “Well, how big are you really, then?”
The demon guy smiled for the first time since Casey had woken up. It wasn’t a nice smile.
“Let me to s͠how͡ ̨y͡oư.”͝
Maybe asking had been a bad idea.
The demon on Casey’s couch turned pitched black all over- then into smoke, and the smoke cloud increased in size and swirled through the air like ink, until-
-bad idea bad idea bad idea-
-the smoke solidified into an enormous shape, big enough its back and head brush against Casey’s ceiling, and its tail snaked through his kitchen space.
The demon sort of looks like a dragon, Casey’s hysterical mind supplied, but not quite.
The demon’s horns knocked against the ceiling plaster, and two luminous green eyes stood out against the sheer darkness of his skin.
He smiled, wide and sharp, showing off the rows of long fangs in his mouth.
“̀My͘ r͘eal ̀ńame͘ is̛ ùn̕pron͜o̧u҉nc̡eab̢le in y͝o̷ur̨ l̛an̷guage, ́a͏n͢d͢ ẁoúld͏ ̢pr͡ob̸a͘b͝ly ̴ḿelt yo͜ur mind ̸an̶ywa͝ys,͜ ͠s҉ò-” ̵He grinned wider, vicious and terrifying. “̀-ćall m̷e Ra̵ph͠ąȩl. ̵I̶’̵m the͘ d̨em͏on ̢you̴ ̵sòme͞how͠ mąn̵age̡d͏ to ̵summ̕on̴,͠ ͠a͢nd ̵Ì’m̀ n̶òt ̸góing͡ ̢a̴n͠yw͝h҉er̢e͠ ̛until͢ yo̴u reme͢m̨b҉e̕r wh҉y,̢ ơr-̕” ̨His long tongue snaked out, and he took a step towards Casey. “-̷uńt̴i͘l ýou ̢die.͏ Undeŕs̡t́o͟o͠d?͘”
Casey looked up at the demon’s teeth, then at the huge claws on his hands, and then at the gouges Raphael was leaving in his ceiling.
Yup. Such a bad idea.
Casey whirled around, yanked his sliding door back open, and scrambled out of his apartment.
He heard growling behind him, and swore there was hot breath blown on his back as he escaped.
He grabbed the railing of his balcony, got his feet up on it, and jumped over the gap between his and his neighbor’s balcony. Narrowly, he avoided landing on any of the plants there- he did not want to hurt those plants again, not after the scolding he’d gotten last time.
And- oh thank god- she’d left her doors unlocked again.
Casey pulled open the sliding door of his neighbor’s apartment, bursting in and almost tripping over the pile of clothes in the living room. “APRIL! APRIL HELP I HAVE A PROBLEM!”
No answer, so he scrambled through the rest of the apartment- identical to his own excluding the contents- and headed for April’s bedroom.
“APRIL!” He shouted, nearly kicking in her door.
“-jESUS CHRIST- Casey!” April exclaimed, fumbling with the book in her hands and almost dropping it on her face. “What did I say about coming into my apartment without permission?!”
“Yeah hi sorry about that but you have to come with me right now,” Casey said, grabbing April’s arms and trying to pull her out of bed. “I have a problem and it’s kinda huge and wrecking my apartment and I know you hate going anywhere on Sundays but please-”
“Oh for- fine. Just stop yanking on me!” She kicked him lightly in the gut, and untangled the rest of herself from her covers. “I swear- you better not have come in through the balcony again.”
A few seconds later, after Casey physically pushed April out of her apartment - “No we don’t have time to get dressed, this is an emergency!”- they ended up in front of his apartment’s shut door.
April, arms crossed in front of her faded sleep shirt, glared up at Casey in all her bushy Sunday morning glory. “If this is some animal you brought home while you were drunk last night-”
“It’s not a dog! I learned my lesson with that one,” Casey defended. “This is- uh, well, I’m not really sure what to call it. It’s a problem, that I know for sure.”
April glared at him, and blew her mussed bangs away from her eyes. “Alright, show me this ‘problem’ of yours. I want to get back to my novel sometime today.”
Casey jerked a nod, and reached out to turn his doorknob.
It was locked.
“It’s, uh, It’s locked,” He said.
“You forgot your keys-”
“I forgot my keys.”
“I- just give me a moment,” He put his ear to the door, listening for the demon guy. There was a sound that suspiciously sounded like his CD collection being knocked over. Casey rapped on the door. “Hey- hey Raphael? I’m sort of locked out. Could you open the door?”
Did demons even know how to do that?
Wait was he even going to let Casey back inside? He had sort of literally run out on him-
The door’s deadbolt and handle clicked, and the door opened slightly.
“You brought a guy home last night? That’s your big problem?” April asked, giving him a look. “Casey, usually that’s the opposite of a problem.”
“Uh, you’ll understand it if you see it,” Casey gestured at the door. “I can’t really explain it properly in words.”
April rolled her eyes. “And yet, half of your major is in literature, which is literally describing things with words.”
“Just take a look already.”
Casey’s brain caught up with him right then, as April reached out to fully open the door, and he realized there was a chance this was just going to get them both killed.
Uh, whoops-
April opened the door, and the same time as she saw it, Casey also saw-
The whole of Raphael's mass, still crammed into the tight space of Casey’s living room. Raphael’s teeth were still bared, and he was facing the doorway.
The demon let out a rolling snarl at them both, and April slammed the door shut.
“What- what the fuck is that, Casey?!” April hissed, putting her back to the door as though it would keep the huge demon inside it contained. “What the actual. fuck.”
“I might’ve summoned a demon,” Casey said. “Mostly on accident.”
“How- how do you even manage that?!”
“I have no idea. I sort of was too drunk to remember.”
Raphael didn’t end up eating them. Or killing them either. He just huffed in their faces when they’d been brave enough to open the door again, blowing hot smelly demon breath and everywhere, and changed back into his mostly human form.
“You’re both terrible hosts,” He’d said tetchily. “The humans a few centuries ago would have been groveling on the ground for my favor. You haven’t even offered me food and drink yet.”
April had turned very pale by that point, and said very quietly, “He has a tail. And horns.”
Raphael had rolled his eyes at them both, and demanded Casey remember what he’d summoned the demon for, so he could “Get the hell back to hell and be done with this shit-show.”
Casey, naturally, had questioned what hell was like.
Raphael had responded, “It’s a figure of speech where I come from. ‘Hell’ isn’t that singular. There’s a lot of them out there. You humans are just too stupid to perceive them.”
April, at that point, had gone inside and helped herself to Casey’s stash of energy drinks. Chugging a full can before she did, she then proceeded to rant at Casey for irresponsible (drunk) decisions, his choice in parties, getting her up on a Sunday of all days, always dragging her into nonsensical misadventures and making it her problems too, and the state of his house.
Also that he’d brought an actual flipping demon onto their plain of existence, but it’d seemed like she was trying to focus on normal things for the sake of her composure.
Raphael had watched, and smirked, the whole time April ranted at Casey. Prick.
After she’d calmed down, April had pushed her hair out of her face, and asked Raphael if he was planning on razing their apartment complex to the ground at all that day.
“I don’t have much interest in that sort of thing,” Raphael had said, studying his longer than safe nails. “That’s more my brother’s area.”
“Good enough for me. Don’t eat him, he still owes me fifty bucks,” April had said, handing the empty drink can to Casey and patting him on the shoulder. “Good luck with this one, Casey. I have no advice to offer, and I promise I’ll check in later to see if you’re still alive. Excuse me though, I have to go rearrange my understanding of mythos and legend and possibly question my whole reality for a bit. Bye.”
And then she’d left, slamming the door behind her, and leaving Casey with an amused demon in his kitchen, eating the last of his already wimpy fruit bowl.
That’d been a few hours ago, and now Casey was sitting on his carpet-less floor with his eyes closed and a throbbing headache.
Hangovers were a real hassle unless you gave them time to ease off. Raphael hadn’t given Casey that time.
Slave driver.
“You’re not thinking about the right things, again,” Raphael chastised.
“Fuck off,” Casey snapped, opening his eyes and glaring at the lounging demon on his couch. “I’ve been at this for hours, man. It ain’t comin’ no matter how many times I try.”
Raphael’s tail lashed out, knocking an empty energy drink can at Casey.
Casey caught it, and chucked it to the side. “Look. Dude. I know you’re some kind of interdimensional terror-thingy-whatever, but I’m hungry as fuck and have grocery shopping to do. Can we give it a rest for at least a few hours?”
Raphael turned another page of the thick book that had summoned him. “I want to go home. Keep at it.”
Raphael ignored him.
Raphael turned another page of the huge book.
“Pal. Compadre. Brosif. Duderino. Bruv. Dude-”
“What?” Raphael finally snapped.
“You already ate, like, everything in my kitchen, and I haven���t eaten anything today,” Casey said, gesturing sharply at his dilapidated kitchen, and then at his wounded ceiling and tossed about furniture. “You also made a huge fucking mess of my house, and been a real asshole in general. We’re going shopping for dinner shit, and I’m not gonna do anymore meditating until we do.”
“Big words for a little man,” Raphael growled, curling his lip.
“Look who’s talkin’,” Casey shot back.
He honestly was past caring that Raphael could triple- quadruple?- in size and squash him flat. Casey was hungry and his head hurt like a bitch. He wanted food, rest, and some time to chill.
If he had to risk getting his neck snapped for that, he was willing to. Besides, it’d been pretty fricking awesome to see a real live demon in his living room; even if said demon was an asshole who tromped on peoples’ CD’s without apology. Not a bad way to go out, honestly.
Raphael stared Casey down, and the narrow green eyed glare only made Casey sweat a little bit.
Another drawn out moment, and Raphael shut his book and stood up to stretch. “I could eat, I guess. I’ll let you get away with that insolence for now, but don’t try your luck again. Also, we’re getting meat. I need a steak to sink my teeth into.”
Casey watched Raphael yawn, flashing sharp canines, and figured that was fair.
He was getting the cheap stuff though.
Casey only realized, about halfway to the store, that the person he was walking with didn’t look exactly human.
Oddly enough, no one said anything about the tail, or the horns, or the teeth, or the general aura of vague terror and anger…
“Can’t they see you?” Casey asked as they entered Safeway.
“Hm? Oh. Nah, I’m mostly invisible to them unless someone in the know points me out,” Raphael shrugged. “That human, April? She could only see me because I wanted her to. Plus you sort of told her to look for something, namely me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been seen.”
“Huh, nifty trick,” Casey said, grabbing a basket from the stack.
“I know a lot more impressive ones, but I guess so.”
A woman and her five kids, varying between toddler and teen, passed in front of them, forcing Casey and Raphael to pause.
Casey noticed one of the youngest kids looked at Raphael, and smiled as he pointed at the demon’s tail.
“Mom! Look!”
“Don’t point at strangers!” The child’s mother snapped, tugging her child along with the rest.
Casey chuckled softly. Looked like Raphael’s ability to be invisible wasn’t full proof.
Then, the hair on the back of his neck stood up, as a wave of something flowed over him.
The child’s smile crumpled as he was led away, and he started crying loudly.
Casey turned to look at his companion, and found Raphael sneering at the child while emanating some sort of invisible field. It was making the air around them feel unsettling, and caused goosebumps to spread up Casey’s arms.
“Dude,” Casey said shortly, watching the sobbing kid get dragged off. “Not cool.”
Raphael gave him a look, then rolled his eyes and stopped doing whatever he was doing to cause the field. “What? It’s just some human kid. I have to get my kicks somehow. You’re all lucky I don’t just burn this place down…” He trailed off, wandering away as he did. “Come on. I smell meat this way.”
Casey looked after the sobbing kid, and then after Raphael, and wondered for a moment what he’d gotten himself into.
It took a bit of doing, and fighting about what to buy, and fighting to keep Raphael from messing with any other innocent customers, but eventually they made it the checkout area and Casey only had to buy an extra four packages of raw meat for his guest.
Where the hell the guy was putting it all, actual size being huge or not, was a mystery to Casey.
“I’m not fulfilling your whatever-desire, so I’m not getting any energy,” Raphael explained grudgingly, and only after Casey had pushed him to. “I could eat someone, but… eh, it’s not really my thing. And our contract still stands right now, so whenever we finish it, I’ll have plenty.”
“You, uh, you eat people?” Casey asked.
“Not usually. Gets stuck in my teeth.”
“Mmmmkay… then…” Casey replied, inching a smidge more space from Raphael.
He’d probably need to keep his fridge well stocked, however long this lasted. For the sake of his neighbors.
April sent him a text on the way home, asking if he was still alive, and if she needed to call an exorcist yet.
Casey replied that she was a total flake out, and that he was never coming to her for help ever again.
She’d replied with “thems the breaks”, and a shrugging emoji.
“This is so cool,” Casey whispered to himself, watching Raphael devour a whole package of uncooked meat in one go. He was mostly past the fact that Raphael was a demon, and now more stuck on the fact that Raphael was a demon and holy shit was that ever cool.
Even if he was an asshole.
He wondered if he’d get a chance to sketch the guy before he left. Raphael’s full demon form would make a sickass mid-term painting presentation, if Casey could get the colors and anatomy just right…
Wait, maybe that was why he’d summoned Raphael in the first place. For inspiration.
“Hey Raphael,” Casey said, making the demon at his tiny kitchen table pause in his eating. “Maybe I called you up or down or from whatever for inspiration? I’m a little stuck on some projects right now.”
Raphael’s long forked tongue slithered out, and he licked away a drop of meat juice from his lips. “Maybe. Humans do that a lot with my summonings. Get desperate with their work, turn to higher powers for help, and usually lose their soul in the process. Let’s give it a shot.”
Raphael raised his hand, a glowing circle of runes appearing in front of it as he did.
“Hey wait, what was that about losing my soul-?”
Another magic circle appeared in front of Casey, and-
-it made a bunch of sparks, and disappeared.
Raphael sighed, and slouched in his chair. “Nope. Not what you summoned me for. Try again.”
Casey put his hands on his chest, feeling where the circle had been.
“Okay. That was really fucking cool,” Casey said, glancing up at Raphael. “But seriously. The soul thing. What’s that about?”
“What did you think I got out of this?” Raphael said in a bored tone.
Casey opened his mouth, shut it, and said, “-mmmmmmnot that?”
Raphael gave him a look. “I think humans somehow got even more stupid while I was gone.”
“Man, fuck you,” Casey said. He chose to throw one of the eggs he was holding at Raphael, because fuck him. Raphael caught the thing easily, popped it in his mouth, and ate it with a single crunch.
Casey blinked, and then grinned. “So cool.”
“Just hurry up and remember why you summoned me. I want to go home.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get right on that…”
Casey didn’t get right on it. He ate dinner, and went to bed. How he got away with that, he wasn’t sure. It probably had to do with Raphael discovering his television set and DVD collection.
Casey woke up again the next day, rolled over to slap his snooze alarm, and came face to face with Raphael again.
Casey stared at his demon guest for a moment, and then groaned. “Oh god. You’re still here.”
“Yep,” Raphael said, equally grumpy about things.
“Get up and start thinking again. I want to go home.”
“I have school, asshat. That’s the only thinking I’ll be doing today.”
“No, you won’t. You’re going to complete the contract, and send me home.”
“Uuuuh… no?”
They glared at each other.
“I could just eat you and be done with this,” Raphael said, flashing his long canines.
“You said you didn’t like eating people,” Casey replied evenly.
“I’d make an exception for you.”
“I’m not doing the contract thingy today. I’ve got real work to do.”
“You’re going to do it, or you’re going to lose some limbs.”
Casey never claimed to have the best self-preservation instincts, so he picked a fight with the interdimensional demonic being invading his home.
There were words exchanged. Strong words.
Then there were fists exchanged.
Someone punched someone first, and pretty soon, they were tussling around Casey’s apartment spitting curses.
Literally on Raphael’s part, since something red glowing and hot flew by Casey’s ear, and set his countertop on fire.
Raphael waved his hand, and the fire vanished. The counter remained blackened though.
“Okay, so, neat trick,” Casey admitted, lowering his voice from yelling. Then he punched Raphael in the nose. “You’re still a prick.”
April strolled into Casey’s apartment right around then, holding her school bag in one hand and a spritzer bottle in the other. She watched Casey and Raphael grapple at each other with a bored expression. “Casey, we’re going to miss the bus.”
“I’m-” Raphael’s fist socked him in the chest, and Casey let out a stunned “oof”. “-kind of busy at the moment!”
She sighed, raised her spritzer bottle, and shot a few squirts of water at them.
Casey reeled from the cold water, while Raphael straight up yowled.
The liquid had hit Raphael’s bare skin, and started smoking.
One second Casey was being held in a lock by two thick arms, the next he was stumbling to find his balance again, and there was the sound of something thudding against his wall.
Casey pushed his shaggy hair out of his face, and realized Raphael had sunk his clawed hands and feet into the wall and ceiling.
Raphael snarled wordlessly, tail lashing and eye flashing dangerously.
In the back of his head, the image of an irate cat came to Casey’s mind. Also the Exorcist movie.
April spritzed the demon again, and Raphael leapt across the room to get away. He left huge holes in the plaster as he did.
“Go get ready, I’ve got this,” April said calmly, eyeing down the furious demon with her spray bottle at the ready.
“Is that holy water?” Casey guessed.
“Yup. Visited the local church this morning. They’re actually very accommodating for this sort of thing. I stocked up.”
Raphael curled back his lips, crouching on all fours and partially changed into his full demonic form. The patches of skin where the water had hit were red and angry looking, sort of like the demon himself. He snarled again. “I ̨c̀u̢r͡s҉e̡ ̀your̸ ͝chil҉d͡re͞n͜ ͟t͘o ͡ha̶ve̴ ̀p͢ítíf̕ul an̸d p̡àinf͡ul͢ ͘l̴iv̷es,̢ ͢mo̕rt̷a̡l ̀wòm͏an̶.”̢
“Good thing I’m not having any,” April replied plainly.
Raphael hissed, and April sprayed the floor in front of him threateningly.
“Pants. Now.” She instructed Casey.
Casey listened.
“Thanks again,” He said gratefully as they headed for the bus stop. “I was actually sorta wonderin’ if I’d make it to class today.”
“You’re welcome,” April said loftily.
“And you said you weren’t going to help me out with this.”
“You still owe me fifty bucks, and I expect it before this fiasco is over.”
Casey nodded. Yeah, he could do that at least. “You’re taking this whole ‘demon’ thing really well, you know.”
“Don’t under estimate my ability to give no shit, Casey. It won’t do you any good.”
“Fair point.”
“I still want my money.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
The passed the alley behind their apartment complex, and April pointed into it. “Weren’t you going to do something about your carpet?”
“I gave up and admitted defeat,” Casey sighed. “The smell wouldn’t have come out anyways.”
April patted his shoulder sympathetically, while saying unsympathetically, “You do these things to yourself, Jones.”
“Shut uuuuuup…”
“Yo… Casey?”
“‘Yo’ what?” Casey asked, still intent on the piece he was sketching.
“There’s like, a dude in the tree. He’s glaring at you.”
Casey fumbled his pencil, and spun around to face the window.
There was indeed a dude in the tree, glaring daggers at Casey.
Raphael, like some oversized cat, was perched in the branches of the tree outside the studio. Looked like the burns had cleared up, since he was back to normal.
If you could call a demon that.
“He someone you know?” Casey’s classmate asked, leaning around his easel to stare at Raphael.
Raphael’s tail lashed around, exactly like a cats would, and he bared his teeth at Casey. Apparently Casey’s ordinary classmate couldn’t see the actions, since he didn’t start screaming “monster!” or anything.
Small blessings.
“Nope. Ignore him.” Casey said, getting up and going over to the window. He shut the curtains on Raphael’s pissy expression, and felt exactly zero guilt.
“Yeah okay Case’. He an ex or something?”
“He’s an asshole, that’s what he is.”
“Want me to call campus security?”
Casey thought wistfully about calling the renta-cops on the demon, but shook his head. “Nah. Would go badly for everyone. I’ll deal with him later.”
Namely, it would go badly because there’d probably be blood everywhere, and people very much dead on the ground. Cool as that imagery was in a heavy metal music video or an art piece; it was less cool when it involved real actual people.
Casey would have to settle for stealing April’s spritzer bottle- if she’d let him- and telling Raphael off for bothering him at school.
Raphael dropped out of thin air soon as Casey was alone- somewhere between the arts wing and the science wing, headed to meet April for lunch- and scared the bejeezus out of Casey.
Same message as that morning from the guy, “Send me home, I could devour you, I’m such a big bad demon, blah blah blah…”
Casey responded something along the lines of “Fuck you” and that there were strawberry muffins available in the cafeteria that day, and like ‘hell’ was he missing that. The fact that he used that expression during a conversation with a literal demon wasn’t missed on him, and from Raphael’s expression of quiet fury, it wasn’t missed on him either.
He bought the guy off with a few of those muffins- they were probably the best thing around that was affordable to college students- and managed to get Raphael to leave off until he finished his classes.
When Casey got home, dumping his bag and jacket at the door, he was surprised to find his whole apartment restored to how it’d been, prior to Raphael’s appearance.
“Yooooo… what the heck, dude. How’d you do all this?” Casey asked, observing that all the holes and scorch marks were gone. Even his carpet was back.
“You gave me food,” Raphael said in a grumpy tone. He was finishing off a muffin as he perched on the couch arm. “The food yesterday, and the food today. Equal exchange. I had to do something in return, or it would be Wrong.”
“Wrong how?” Casey asked, vaguely wondering if this demon magic thing would work on some of his old sports equipment.
“Wrong with a capital double-u’, and would’ve given me indigestion,” Raphael licked his lips of crumbs, and Casey watched the action with vague awareness. “Can’t have things being unequal, or it gets unpleasant for me. So yeah, if you’re still worried about the whole ‘in exchange for you immortal soul’ thing, whatever you’re getting out of the contract will be equal in worth. Food was enough to get your apartment back to normal, and souls are worth a heck of a lot more. So hurry up with remembering, and you can have your riches and fame or whatever.”
Casey looked around again at the restored, original shittiness of his apartment, and figured he’d have to ask more about the equal exchange stuff later. “Sure. You want to eat and watch the game first though?”
Raphael seemed to consider the offer, narrowed green eyes, and eventually nodded. “Fine. I get first pick of food though.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do.”
They glared at each other.
“No you don’t.” Casey said again.
“Yes I do.” Raphael said again.
They glared harder.
Casey ended up having to give Raphael first pick anyways, but only so the demon would patch the hole he put in the wall with a fire ball. The hole that went clear into April’s apartment, and brought her exhausted wrath down on both of them.
Casey might not have gotten first degree burns from the water gun like Raphael, when April had upgraded he didn’t know, but it sucked anyways because- “Jesus woman, did you fill it with ice water or something?!”
“Cold, April, real cold. Literally.”
“Fix my damn wall, Jones. I don’t have time for this.”
“You sure you’re not a demon?”
She sprayed him right in the face for that comment.
The third day went basically the same way.
Casey rolled over, tried to hit the snooze of his alarm clock, and almost lost a finger in the process.
April marched in, same as the morning before, and rescued him from the demon holding him in a chokehold. She threatened death to them both if they made her late for her seminar.
They only just caught the bus, and the look April had given him for that told him exactly how lucky Casey was. Though, he felt someone watching him the whole way to school, and all through his morning seminars.
When he glanced out the second story studio’s windows, he got his answer.
“Who’s the dude in the red tank top?” One of his classmates asked, also staring out the window.
“Oh hey, it’s the guy that was bothering Casey yesterday,” The one who already knew Raphael answered. “Man, I didn’t know you could get fire to work like that.”
Raphael, probably with demonic magic of something equally annoying, had burned “Asshole” in perfect calligraphy onto the campus lawn. It was in big enough font that it could have been seen even from the top levels of the school, and maybe even higher.
Casey opened the window, and leaned out to shout, “WHY DO YOU HAVE NO CHILL?!”
Raphael, standing on the edge of his handiwork, flipped Casey off with both hands.
Casey had yelled wordlessly, and flipped him off back.
“Ha ha… I do not envy you, Casey.”
“Hhhhh… fuck off.”
Raphael cornered Casey again, halfway between buildings, and told him if Casey didn’t remember soon, he was going to start getting angry.
“As opposed to what?” Casey asked, zero shits to give about the demon losing his temper.
“I could burn this whole school down, with everyone inside it,” The demon growled, magic runes appearing in his hands.
“If you do that, I’ll never tell you why I summoned you,” Casey said, because that was the one thing he still had over the demon.
Granted, Raphael could just kill him, but oddly enough the demon hadn’t followed through with the threat quite yet. Maybe souls were just worth that much.
Raphael bristled at Casey’s threat- the short hair between his horns standing up straight and spiky- and the demon spat licks of fire at Casey.
Casey’s eyebrows felt a bit toasty afterwards, but Raphael backed off again.
However, he came home to a ruined apartment that looked like a huge cat had shredded it, a smug partially transformed demon in the middle of the chaos, and spent the next few hours fighting with Raphael to fix it again.
He ended up having to text April to bring her water gun.
Casey took pity of the demon though, after Raphael spent a good hour sulking in the corner while his burns healed, and tried to remember why he’d summoned the demon in the first place.
He consulted google, the huge and stupidly useless book, and his good old method of slapping street hockey balls around in the alley.
Nada. He didn’t remember anything. Even with all the new-age mind tricks he looked up, he couldn’t remember a thing. Drinking blackouts were just too strong for them.
Casey called it a night, and resigned himself to having a demon squatting in his apartment for a bit longer.
The semi-murderous look Raphael gave him, as Casey slunk off the bed, told him that time was running down.
Day four came, time ran down, and Raphael snapped.
At least Casey had made it to his one class that day, even if he’d come home to a furious demon. And even after Casey had started trying to remember again, the guy still snapped.
“It. has been. four DAYS. YOU MISERABLE. FLESHBAG.” Raphael yelled, kicking Casey already severely abused coffee table. “Why can’t you just remember already?!”
“I’m trying!” Casey snapped back. He shut the huge book, which had been zero help so far, and stood up from the couch. “And do you think this is any easier for me? You’re a fucking terrible houseguest, and an enormous wad about literally everything!”
“I wouldn’t be, if you just SEND ME HOME ALREADY,” Raphael shouted. “I don’t care if it’s hard for you, use your stupidly tiny brain to remember why you summoned me, and we can be DONE.”
“Why can’t you just leave if you want to so badly?!” Casey yelled, gesturing sharply. “I don’t want you here either, so feel free to fucking go already!”
“BECAUSE IT’S AGAINST THE RULES!” Raphael yelled back.
“I CAN’T!”
Casey punched Raphael, right in the nose.
The demon reeled, blinking at the sudden attack. Then he snapped back to awareness, and sent a look of pure murder at Casey.
Casey ignored the look and jabbed again, only for his fist to be caught in Raphael’s grip.
“̨T̷ḩat’͡s it,͟”͏ Raphael growled. He shoved Casey back hard enough he stumbled, and then started to grow.
Raphael doubled in size, black creeping over his brown skin and changing it to mostly scales. His shoes disappeared, and long claws extended from his toes. His tail whipped out, and again knocked over Casey’s CD collection. He looked like he was between being bipedal and quadrupedal; caught between his demon form and human form.
Lastly, as he grabbed Casey by the collar and opened his scarily toothy mouth, a pair of wings popped into existence on his back.
Casey was distracted from his anger for a moment. “Dude, you have wings?”
Raphael visibly stuttered, which looked sort of hilarious on such a scary face. “I-  ͡of̵ ̴cour̡s̡è I̡ ̸d̨o! I show͞ed ̡y͟ǫu ̀th͝e̷m ͠t͝he ͟f́i̶r̢s͏t̸ d͝a̷y here͝!҉”̴
“Uh, was it when you got big and ruined my apartment? Because like, I couldn’t see jack except for your fat head.”
Raphael growled, low and rolling, and opened his mouth again.
“͏I͠ ̷CO͜U̸LD ̀D̵E͢V̸O͜U̢R ̵Y͝OU̡,̀ MǪRTÀL͜.”͘ ͏He roared, right in Casey’s face.
Naturally, Casey socked him in the nose.
“Fucking try!” Casey spat.
Raphael reeled from the shot, and he gave Casey a confused and offended look.
“͘Wh̀y͡ a̕r͠en’t̡ ̸ýo̷u̷ şcár͞e͜d̵?̀” Raphael asked, sounding actually confused.
Casey didn’t respond, other than attempting to knee the guy in his gut.
Raphael growled again, and he punched Casey. Hurt like a motherfucker, but he’d had worse.
Someone tripped someone, and they ended up wrestling on the floor. Casey managed to sock Raphael in the face again, feeling his knuckle split on a tooth.
Somewhere along the way, Raphael had reverted to his mostly human form, and Casey got a clear look at the rage in his expression.
The demon’s fist met Casey’s chest, and a whoosh of air left his lungs.
Casey was stunned, but he managed to kick the guy off, and send Raphael skidding across the floor.
Raphael rolled right back onto his feet, and maybe just for spite, knocked Casey’s coffee table into the wall with his tail.
Casey met the guy head on as he charged, and narrowly avoided goring himself on Raphael’s horns.
They tussled back and forth for a long while, knocking over everything they came into contact with. Casey thought he heard some of his dishes hit the floor when Raphael threw him into the cabinets. The kitchen table got thrown to the side as he dodged one of Raphael’s kicks. Someone put long claw gashes in the couch cushions and it definitely wasn’t Casey.
His plants from April, his DVD stacks, his sports equipment, some of his art projects- it all got knocked over and mildly trampled. Casey was too busy punching a demon to care though.
End result of the fight, Casey and Raphael sitting against the couch on the floor. Panting and a bit blood splattered.
Casey’s blood, not Raphael’s. He hadn’t managed to even make a dent in the guy.
Casey swiped his hand under his nose, feeling the hot red fluid smear on his skin. His right hand was a mess of already darkening bruises, and his face stung like hell. Probably would have a black eye soon.
Raphael sighed, and leaned his head back against the couch. His horns stabbed the fabric again, and Casey didn’t even care that a ripping sound followed the motion.
“…well that was pointless,” Casey muttered.
“Fuck you,” Raphael muttered back.
Casey wiped his smarting nose again. The blood was already starting to congeal. “You wanna watch the game?”
“…whatever. Sure.”
Casey reached across the floor, and grabbed the remote from where it’d been tossed. He turned on his boxy old TV, and sat against the couch again.
“You put a hole in my wall again,” Casey commented, thinking about the foot sized hole in his kitchen wall. “And broke my table too.”
“I’ll fix it later,” Raphael grumbled. “I’m tired right now though, so shut up and let me watch your pathetic human sports.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you.”
They watched the rest of the game in silence, excluding Casey blowing blood snot into tissues.
Before he went to bed, Casey traded the rest of his meat products in the fridge for some insta-healing, because as much as he wanted to avoid Raph at that moment, he still needed his hands for schoolwork the next day.
The ache was still there, because not even magic could undo everything, but it was bearable with painkillers. Casey had the good type too, prescription even.
He and Raph exchanged no words as they separated for the night.
The next morning, when Casey rolled over to slap his alarm, he actually did without any issue.
He blinked, trying to remember why that was weird.
Oh yeah, demon in his apartment. Where’d Raphael get to?
He found his not-so-friendly neighborhood demon sitting in the early morning sunshine, legs crossed in a lotus position. With the light shining on him, the spiky ends of Raphael’s hair flashed red, and made his thin horn tips nearly glow.
Casey stopped for a moment, staring at the stark difference between the belligerent, snarling demon he’d been dealing with lately, and the peaceful, collected individual in front of his windows.
Casey leaned on the wall beside his bedroom door, examining his houseguest.
Besides the horns and tail and weird blood-red hair tips, Raphael seemed like a normal-ish guy in that moment.
Casey’s fingers itched for his sketchbook and pencils. He kind of wanted to capture the scene.
Raphael turned his head right then, glancing over his broad shoulder. He stared at Casey for a moment, and then said, “Hey. Good morning.”
“Uh, yeah. Good morning,” Casey replied, a little surprised by the sudden lack of hostility.
Raphael turned back to the window, and seemed to be done with the conversation already. Casey raised an eyebrow at the sudden one-eighty.
“What, no ‘send me home already’? No, ‘fear me mortal’? No nothing?” Casey questioned.
“Nope,” Raphael said, not turning around.
“What’s with the sudden attitude change?”
“I did some thinking, and figured what we’ve been doing wasn’t working. So. I’m trying something else.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” Casey asked, genuinely curious.
“Patience,” Raphael said, sounding annoyed by the very idea.
Casey’s laughter burst out of him before he could stop it.
“Oh bugger off,” Raphael grumbled, shooting a look over his shoulder. “It’s only because I’m tired of fixing your stupid apartment.”
“Sure, sure,” Casey chuckled, failing to smother his laughter. “Does this mean I can go to school without you hounding me all day?”
“Today? Yes. But don’t think I’m letting you off the hook for our contract. I’m not leaving until we complete it.”
“Like I didn’t hear you the first eighty times you told me…”
Raphael growled, flashing some teeth. “Just go to your pointlessly expensive mortal education already, and fuck off.”
Casey rolled his eyes. There was the Raphael he knew and hated. “Yeah, whatever. I’m going, I’m going…”
Raphael didn’t bother Casey once the whole time he was getting ready. He even had a chance to make breakfast for the first time in days. By the time April strolled in, using the key he’d given her months back, Casey was actually ready to go.
“Oh. No need for this today, huh?” April asked, lowering the huge water gun she’d been carrying.
Raphael turned around to acknowledge her, and raised an eyebrow at the gun. “Overkill much?”
“What can I say,” April shrugged. “I’m having a little fun with this.”
Casey laughed, and grabbed his current favorite sketchbook off the pile. “I’ll be out in a minute, okay?”
“Right on.”
As April started to leave, Casey caught movement in the corner of his eye, and glanced back just in time to see Raphael bring up a spell circle in his hand.
A circle appeared in front of Casey again, and a flash of light around April told him she had one too. Then, before he could react, it shorted out and disappeared, the same time that April left the apartment.
Casey spun around and looked at Raphael in horror. “Dude! Did you just try to magic April?”
“I was just checking if that was what you desired,” Raphael said, no signs of guilt in his expression.
“I- what??”
“You know. Sexually.” Raphael said, gesturing vaguely. “Isn’t that a thing for most humans? Like, especially between men and women?”
“Not with April!” Casey exclaimed. “I mean. She’s not even in to that sort of thing. And I’m- I don’t like her like that. She’s my friend. Best friend. Nothin’ more.”
“You’re oddly offended by this,” Raphael commented.
“Yeah, well, it’s not cool to try forcing people into shit they don’t want,” Casey said, crossing his arms. “I don’t like it, and I know for sure April doesn’t either. Don’t try that again.”
Raphael looked at Casey a moment longer, and then shrugged. “Alright, nothing involving that type of desire. Got it. Now get going, I’m tired of listening to your voice.”
“It’s my apartment…” Casey reminded under his breath, but he let the subject go. He shut the door behind him, leaving the demon in his apartment alone for the day. His undamaged apartment for the first time in a long while.
It wasn’t a bad feeling, but he sort of missed Raphael’s presence stalking him all through the day. It was weird, but he’d already gotten used to the guy hanging around him.
Casey took the peace and quiet, and put it towards his projects.
By the end of the day, he’d somehow finished a bunch of gesture sketches that looked a lot like a certain individual.
His professor questioned the sudden change of model; since until then, Casey had been sketching female figures. Casey didn’t have much of an explanation for the horns or tail in his drawing, other than he’d been having a weird few days.
His professor seemed to accept that, and complimented the way he’d captured the fluid movements on the paper. Especially the tail.
“I’ve been seeing a lot of them lately,” Casey explained, taking his papers back. “I’ve had a cat hanging out in my apartment the last while.”
“Oh? Is your kitty friendly?”
“Nope. He’s kind of awful.”
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aykimra · 8 years
Color Me Surprised
Chapter 3 [2] [1]
Word Count 2.2k
Rating Mature
AO3 Link [x]
Summary Jeremy’s hair color changes based on his emotions, and Ryan is more than a little intrigued.
Jeremy wasn't usually the type of person who minded silence while at work. They talked almost continuously for multiple hours every day, so any little break in between filming was actually always welcomed with open arms.
Needless to say, he could understand why Ryan might have a headache after a live podcast. However, that didn't stop him from feeling concerned for the man. He much preferred when they could talk and jeer as loud as they pleased, and Ryan wore a wide grin to show how much he truly enjoyed it.
With a huff, he pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt, tightening the strings just enough to where it wouldn't slide off his head with the slightest movement. Jeremy would much rather the others didn't notice the mix of lilac and grey that he caught a glimpse of from his reflection in the monitor.
He was worried, and while there was nothing wrong with that, he didn't want anyone asking any questions.
Well, there actually weren't many people around who paid attention to the little nuances of his hair color. Only Ryan seemed to notice the subtle shifts, and act according to each one. Unfortunately though, he was the one causing the change at the moment, and if he saw, then he would certainly want to do something about it.
To be truthful, Jeremy hadn't really noticed it at first. It was obvious to tell if someone was avoiding a certain subject because it had previously made his hair blaze red. But, it was more difficult when the action was as slight as Ryan continuing to run his mouth about something because a slight orange had overtaken the strands.
But now that he'd seen it, Jeremy couldn't seem to stop. And he was astonished about how much he had apparently been missing, just because he wasn't paying attention enough. And what was even more amazing, was how much he craved seeing those little acts. He couldn't do anything about his emotions, of course, but he'd never been more grateful to be human with a heart at the mercy of his surroundings.
It was just that Ryan was incredibly kind. Even more so off camera than on. That is, when he wasn't playing the part of some madman. The fact that he'd take time out of his day, or switch up his routine just because of a silly emotion seemed crazy, but maybe that was just because nobody had ever done it before.
It had always seemed in the past that people would use Jeremy's hair to their own benefit, rather than his. They'd talk cautiously whenever he was angry, and even more so when he was sad. They'd offer generic, sympathetic words that held no real emotion, and he'd long since learned that they were only spoken as a safeguard; they could say 'hey, I tried,' if his mood didn't improve.
He supposed that he was thankful he didn't shift to blue too often. In fact, he didn't think that color had overtaken his head since before he began working for Achievement Hunter. Jeremy didn't think he could take it if Ryan saw him that way.
What would the man do? Would he be just the same as everyone else, unable to deal with that rare change?
He was a bit frightened to find out. At least he was pleased with his life at the moment. It didn't seem like something he would have to deal with anytime soon.
But, then again, emotions were always unpredictable.
"Jeremy?" came a quieter than usual voice from the other side of the room. Ryan's headache must not have completely left yet. "Is your computer still working? Everything look okay?"
He looked up from the screen to meet the man's eyes, and he didn't miss the strange expression Ryan was wearing, although everyone else probably would have. He knew that wearing his hoodie up was a bit strange, since he usually didn't bother in the office, but he ignored the gaze's meaning in favor of answering the actual question posed to him, rather than the silent one.
"It's great. Thanks for fixing it, Ryan," he said with a genuine grin, and that seemed enough to make the man nod, smiling back slightly before looking down at his own work once again.
He sighed to himself, reaching one hand up to tug at the fabric over his head, making sure it remained in place. Ryan cared too much, the bastard.
A loud clang drew his attention to his right, and he looked to see Gavin fiddling around with the mess on his desk, and a controller now resting on the floor behind him.
"What the hell, man?" Michael spoke first, asking what Jeremy was sure they were all wondering.
"Leaned too far back in the damn chair," the man muttered, spinning around to grab what he'd apparently dropped as he saved himself from falling backwards. Well, it was his own fault for leaning back in a chair with wheels, and Jeremy scoffed a laugh at the thought.
"Are we filming anything today?" Michael asked in an effort to change the subject, after letting out a long suffering sigh that was surely directed towards the man on his right.
"Not much to do in GTA or Minecraft without Geoff or Jack," Ryan hummed.
"We could do VR the Champions or something," Gavin suggested, but Jeremy shook his head.
"We don't have any games right now that we haven't already done a video in," and at Ryan's agreement on that matter, he continued, "We should do something new if we're gonna through with setting that shit up."
While that was a large factor in his not wanting to film a VR game, Jeremy couldn't deny the fact that he was also still concerned about Ryan's headache. Something fun and more laid back would be easier on him, rather than having to stand and move around. Besides, a lot of the fans ate up those types of casual videos. "Let's just do something easy and fun, where we can just fuck around," he finished.
The were thoughtful noises from around the room as the others considered their options, and Michael actually opened up Steam to look through his games list. "Fun and easy, fun and easy," the man muttered to himself as he scrolled. And then, a victorious chuckle. "Ah, what about we golf with our friends? We're friends, right?" he laughed.
"I would assume so," Ryan replied dryly, although if Jeremy looked around his monitor just right, he could see a little smile of amusement tugging at the man's lips that betrayed his tone.
"Well, we could film something in that? I mean, I'm sure we can pull something entertaining out of our asses for a video," Michael hummed with a scoff.
"Yeah, I'm fine with that," Jeremy agreed quickly, and as the other two did the same, they all began setting up to film.
"How's your head, Ryan?" he asked the man after a few minutes, when he stood up to do some adjustments to his mic stand.
Glancing over only once as he fiddled around with his microphone, the man gave a short nod. "It's better. Although, I'm still glad I don't have to stand around in that hot as hell headset." And, when he finally stood up straight again, the smile he gave looked so much like a thank you that Jeremy couldn't help but to offer his own grin in reply.
"Facecams or not?" Gavin questioned the room then, and they all paused for a moment before shrugging.
"I don't think we need to," Michael said, and Ryan agreed with a "Nah," and a shake of his head.
"Alright," the British man said, leaning back in his chair. "Then I'm ready."
"Yup, same here," Jeremy agreed, starting his audio and capture and then syncing before they stated the video as officially started.
"So uh, what kind of video is this? Are we just golfin' like friends, or is there gonna be some sort of competition here?" Ryan questioned as they looked through the game's setting, choosing the course number, and their golf balls.
"Oh, there's always competition in golf, Ryan," Michael said with a little breath of laughter.
"Alright, that's true, I guess. Any particularly special rules, then?"
"Losers each give the winner ten bucks," Gavin suggested instantly.
"You wanna lose ten bucks that bad?" Jeremy teased, which earned him a chuckle from all of them.
"Eh, it's just ten bucks," the man said with a shrug, although that wouldn't be picked up by his audio recording.
"How about last place buys lunch tomorrow?" Michael suggested instead, ignoring Gavin's words as the first hole loaded up and they began aiming their shots. It was a relatively simple one, so it only took one hit to get close to the hole.
"Can they choose where to go?" Jeremy asked, easily following along with what he knew wouldn't come to fruition. It was one thing to accept a bet of two dollars from Gavin, but forking over the cost of lunch for four was going a little far.
"As long as it's somewhere good," Michael laughed.
"Deal," Ryan agreed after only a second's thought, and Jeremy looked at him in surprise.
"Seriously?" He asked, eyebrows raised, ignoring the game for just a moment. "You'll really buy the three of us lunch if you lose?"
"I might not lose."
"Ryan," Michael said with another laugh. "Remember 3D Ultra Mini Golf? You lost pretty fucking badly there."
"Listen, the one round fucked me, alright? I think I did okay in the other parts," he replied in a jesting affronted tone.
"This is only one round. If you lose you lose," Jeremy cut in to remind him.
"Oh, I know. I'm agreeing to the terms. Lunch is on me tomorrow, for those in this room right now, if I lose."
"Well, fine. I guess I'll agree too, if Ryan and Michael do," Jeremy muttered as he finally looked back to his screen. it appeared as though he was the last to take the final shot, and he sunk the ball in with one hit.
"Well, we're all tied at par with that hole. I'll fucking do it," Michael said. "So, Gav, are you in?"
"Yeah, I mean, chances are, I'll get a free lunch."
"Or you'll just fucking lose horribly," Jeremy laughed.
"Or that," the man murmured, sounding mildly worried.
"Well boys," Jeremy declared suddenly, "We've got ourselves a competition." And then, they began seriously, and put in as much effort as possible while still being sure that the video would be entertaining once it came out.
Ryan couldn't exactly say that he was surprised to find himself sitting in last after their decided eight holes, with a wonderful score of +19. He'd certainly done worse in less time before, yet he still managed to lose to the others this round.
Though, he also couldn't say that he was upset. After all, he'd been the first to agree to buy lunch, so having to do so wasn't really a problem. In fact, it was almost the opposite.
"So what are we having to eat tomorrow, Ryan?" Gavin asked with a wide grin once the recordings were all stopped and saved, ready to go for editing.
As if in thought, he hummed for a moment, but never really had any plans to chose the place he'd be buying from in the first place. "Jeremy, what do you want for lunch tomorrow?"
"Huh?" the man looked up, confusion clear across his face. Ryan smiled lightly at the sight. That was exactly what he wanted. "You're asking me? You get to choose, y'know."
"Yeah, but I don't wanna. Pick for me, Lil J."
A bright green could just barely be seen as it bloomed underneath the man's hoodie, and Ryan caught sight of a bit peeking out from the front, the color vibrantly noticeable. Jeremy was silent for a while, obviously thinking over the question he'd been posed. Eventually, he looked back towards Ryan. "Torchy's," he said with a sure tone.
"Tacos it is then," he agreed with a nod, and Jeremy looked almost pleased enough to melt, although unfortunately, he didn't stay still quite long enough for Ryan to truly see the emotions cross his face.
He liked doing things that made the man happy, and kept his hair the positive colors that showed he was in a good mood. Little acts like this - asking him what he would like to eat, for one example - were simple and easy, and Ryan had never minded doing them, if only to see Jeremy so pleased.
"Good choice, Jeremy," Michael applauded the man, and he received quiet thanks in reply.
In a good mood, despite his loss in the game and the impending doom that awaited his wallet, Ryan joined the other three in finishing up for the day before they all left the office to head home. Tomorrow he'd keep his promise and buy Torchy's for Michael, Gavin, and Jeremy, but the thought running through his mind was that he was really only doing this for one of those men.
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sionainnshaycora22 · 7 years
HeyI hate myself omg
**Still not feeling well?
I think i'm just not cut out to have friends.I told Marina happy birthday. and i just wanted to see what she said back, i wasn't gonna open the message but it said 3 so I opened itthen I typed "your welcome " and was like fuck she's going to take the heart as sarcasm. This was on my old account. I hate myself on top of that she's probably mad at me that i got morgan to say happy birthday to leyshka.I'm not sure what to say...i'm not fit to have friends
**Why would she be mad about that?
because Leyshka hates me and wants nothing to do with me."If you keep trying to talk to her then she'll never come back."frankly if that stupid 16 year old shit face sits there and thinks"OH MY GOD SHE SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME EVEN THOUGH I TOLD HER TO LEAVE ME ALONE AND SHE HAS BEEN FOR MONTHS NOW I'M NOT COMING BACK"she's kind of a shit headand not worth it
**Ohhh... Why would you wish her a happy birthday is she didn't want anything to do with you???
because i still love her as a nice unfortunately, she hates me, and yeah i hate her too but that's not what my heart is saying. Dude It's pretty shallow if she thinks "OMG I'M NEVER GOING BACK!!!!11" over a fucking happy birthday when i haven't seeked her out in months.
**Just, stop messaging her.. it's not healthy...
**Ah, than don't bother wishing people happy birthday or whatever through another person...I wouldn't 
I'm sorry i care about people.even though they hate me. 
I spent 7 years of my life with that piece of shit KIND OF HARD NOT TO CARE
**Ah, true Still, it ain't healthy 
So sorry i'm having trouble healing after losing the people i connect to the most 
**How old is that person who had a birthday?
I just said16Ah..she's a little brat Then YUP 
**Dude.. just blast her away like team rocket..until she matures
Yeah time changes people she may make shitty decisions now "OMG SHE SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HOW HORRIBLE I'M NOT GOING BACK." now but that'll probably change when she's older.Marina is probably pissed at me for asking morgan to do that but she can fucking blast off too
**Yes..plus just think about how you are 10 years older...it's probably difficult having lil kids as friends
It's not too hard when they're awesome, Like Wonderland She's lovely!
**I have one kinda friend who is 15.. but she's mature for her age
 Guess what? Leyhska was like thatShe acted super mature for her age But never really knew how to handle me  and still had stupid insecurities She basicly left me because i told her uncle she tried to committed suicide, and the fact she couldn't handle how upset I got when she didn't listen to me. Ah..But I mean, when you're yelling at me that you hate talking about your feelings, and saying I betrayed her instead of REALIZING WHY i did what I did, and not even caring why i did what i did That's being an immature brat and she was suffering from depression Like jee i'm sorry i didn't want your mother finding you dead"You should of tried to help me find help instead" ???? I'M IN CANADA WTF CAN I DOUhh..
** not sure what to say to that,Sounds almost like she just wants attention
While I know it's all her fault, she never really listened to me and never took what I was saying properly, and we butted heads so much on so many subjectes*not all her fault we had fun but we never really jived too well aside from me being a listener but tbh it was both parties.If you wanna take feeling betrayed over feeling loved that i cared enough to tell someone thenI meanthat's her choice
**So Anything good happen today? 
No, but i'm feeling insecure cause you're not agreeing with some of the stuff i said if i'm gonna be honest >>
**Well I think ya Should try to let it go and let her go...I'm not really a comforting person..
I have been trying, it's really not easy when these people were litterally your life
**I had to let go of a friend after she hurt me... Took a couple years but now we kinda just check in with eachother like aqquintances 
Me and Leyshka didn't end on good terms and this is me letting my ENTIRE group go. The people i gamed with, the people i did projects with litterally everything without them i'm litterally left with the people who just want to text chat which is understimulating for me 
**Yeah.. that would be hard.. but look at it this way, give them a break, and maybe they'll seek you out next time
I guess but i keep fucking up, it probably was a bad idea to say happy birthday to leyshka but i'm so fucking ingrained to feel for them because it's been SO LONG I felt bad that I didn't, same for marina
**Let them cool down.. don't talk to them, don't talk about them and let them chillI get it, Painfully
And you know what i fucking thought of?There is a double standard going on Why was it so wrong for me to say happy birthday to leyshka... yet I GOT BLAMED when Kevin said happy birthday to ME and i had him REMOVED?He even had Janica tell me happy birthday Why was what -I- did wrong in Marina's eyes but what Kevin did was totally okay????????
**My best friend of like 20 years doesn't remember me, because of a disease that's slowing killing her and I can't ever hear her voice unless it's a recording
.........OW.... I'M SO SORRY..
**I do get what you mean and feel, painfully... Just, these people that you talk about seem cruel to you 
Do you see what i mean by double standard?One could argue leyshka didn't want anything to do with me but I didn't want shit to do with kevin so why is what he did right and what i did wrong?
**So yeah, I would cut them out, I won't agree with ya if I don't agree.. I'm not that 'kind'..He sounds like a brat too
Oh he's a straight A asshole I snapped at him and apologized for it afterwards.he continued to mock me after i apologized 
**I mean you could point that out to them but that totally piss them all off
Oh I'm not pointing it out, i'm pointing it out to you and asking if you see what i mean I'm not saying anything to them
**Yeah, I get it..And good
was i really wrong to get morgan to say happy birthday to her?
**Don't think about them or talk to them, Yeah, I think so.. but you did have your heart in the right place.. just, learn from this 
why is it so wrong to say happy birthday to someone ugh
**Because they don't want to talk to you
I didn't want shit to do with morgan and she kept sending me cards and stuff and no one yelled at her or thought she was wrong, it's frusterating because i never know what's right and wrong to fucking do
**She could just want to start something..and doing so passive aggressively I also have a hard time with that . I usually just ask my friend about it 
but then i do what my friend says and someone else says it's wrong I DON'T KNOW 
**You seem to have shitty friends who are very passive aggressive
No I got upset with morgan for moving and cut her off because i felt abandoned, i wanted 0 to do with her, and she kept sending me cards like oh i miss you and happy birthday and stuff like that yet when i do that to leyshka everyone is like NO YOU'RE WRONG 
**Just.. try to get them out of your mind.. when you want to message them...say out loud 'No' and look at video game videos or something. Wait, she moved and you got upset? 
I bearly play video games,i don't actively seek them out to message them shannon, i just messaged marina for her birthday and then got nervous and fucked up, and then i asked morgan to say happy birthday to leyshka for me and that's all i've done in the last month for marina and 6 for leyshka, yeah morgan moved and i got really upset because at the time i felt abandoned.i cut her off and wanted 0 to do with her and everyone was like BOO HOO POOR MORGAN and no one thought it was wrong what morgan was doing that she was sending me cards and happy birthday when i wanted nothing to do with her
**Dude, she can't control where she lives
yeah she can, she's in her 20's and could of stayed here. But my point still stands i wanted 0 to do with her and she kept messaging me it wasn't wrong for her to do but it was wrong for me to do for leyshka?i don't get these stupid social fucking shitty rules 
**My close friend of 20 years wants to move to Halifax soon, and like I am very attached to her but I cant control her
that's not my POINT SHannon, I came around after awhile and let morgan back in so that isn't even an issue my issue is, why was it wrong? why was it wrong for me to do to leyshka but not wrong for morgan to do to me I wanted nothing to do with morgan 
**Because, your friend wanted to move, did you ever ask her why she was moving? Was there a job opportunity or did she need a change??
She wanted to follow her mom that was it And no, in my eyes that's a double standard i wanted 0 to do with morgan, i did not want her in my life 
**Because she abandoned you?
I felt abandoned, yes, but i still did not want her in my life anymore
**Did you explain clearly that to her?
She knows all about it, yep. she remembers. She's in my life now, but like i said i don't understand why what morgan did was right and what i did was wrong i messaged leyshka to say happy birthday morgan messaged me all the time when i wanted nothing to do with her yet what i did was wrong?I just don't get it shannon i need to go somewhere I can learn how to socia
**A  lot of people do 
i'm not understanding
0 notes
The System was Shit but i,m thankful for that !
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  Often in the world of mental health we hear of so many folks disliking even hating the system of psychiatry and being so full of negativity towards it & i wonder, does everyone always feel this way & if so why?  What makes this system so bad?  Is it entirely the system itself or is it our attitude & beliefs towards it? In all honestly during my own time of unwellness, i openly admit it i hated it. I disliked everything about it. Though in reflection now some years later i now realise that at that time of my life, i hated everything. Including myself. I hated the world back then. I was unwell and deeply unhappy. I hated living every minute of everyday. So it makes sense that i hated the system then as i was unwell/unhappy i wanted to die and i hated having people trying to save me. I was miserable. I hated being in hospitals and i hated being labelled.
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That was my reasoning for hating the system back then but like everything in this world everything on this planet things have changed. My life has changed I have changed .   I,m not in that place anymore. I am no longer stuck there the past has been it,s gone i,ve learned you have to
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Why did it change? It changed because i chose for it to.  I chose to. Yes that’s right i chose to, despite having a diagnosis of schizophrenia. I still chose to change it. to change my life. Not possible?
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We don’t have to live the diagnosis and we don’t have to be angry forever about our time in the system. Things change . Infact with time we can even have lots of laughs about it once we learn to let it go. It,s a label. Labels are for clothes not people. That’s how i see it things now and why i,m writing this down as ‘ my ‘ own experience. 
I think we just have to keep focusin on being who we actually are. That’s always been the key for me in my own recovery. Anything else is just a Diagnoistical Bolloxupification at the end of the day as my good friend in Toronto describes here. 
Schizophrenia for me is just a ‘ label ‘ it describes of a lot of different symptoms for sure but most of which can be ‘ changed ‘ if you chose to change em. I ain’t saying it,s easy. I ain’t saying there’s a magic cure either but i am saying that we do have a choice. Ain’t saying making that choice is easy either. Nor quick.
In fact, is it feck!
It’s one hard graft getting back on your feet again in the world after a breakdown/psychosis, blip , fuck up whatever ye wanna call it. Along with the stigma of labels/mental health in tow blah blah blah. All of these mentioned make it hard, simply, hard as feck. Though the way i saw it was nothing was ever gonna change for me if i didn’t get off my own miserable ass and start to change it..
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Not everything was psychiatry’s fault. Nor the fault of the schizophrenia.A lot of the shit going on in my life was infact ‘ my own ‘ fault or through other faults but these were faults that only ‘ i myself ‘ could fix. At the end of the day i had a lot of mental loose bolts. I came to realise that i have to make the effort and
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Yup i got to realisin that there was never gonna be a magical pill that would clean my house or shave me. No pill that was going to go to the shops for me or pay my bills no magic pill was going to make me friends or get me out the house. Nope only i could do that.
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I chose to have my SchIziophrenia . NOT for it to have me !
I had to change my attitude to everything. To my entire life. I had to.
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I started to see that it wasn’t everything in the world that was negative or full of hate and dark. I started to see that, that was actually ‘me’ and that it was in the main my attitude to it all. It was my own thinking that was causing most of pain. I had to change my entire attitude to my life & to my entire thinking, It sure didn’t, happen overnight. In fact 6 years on from my last breakdown i still work on it now. 
It took me years of medications. Hospitalisations. Support workers. Psychiatrists. Psychologists, Dieticians. Gps. etc etc to realise that the system hadn’t actually been out to harm me> Looking back now i see clearly that ‘ it was out to help me’  In the best way it could.
I was unwell at the time and i couldn’t see it then, at that time in my life.. Things were pretty
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I’m not saying that it means the system was all glamour.. It was hellish at times but let’s face it, it isn’t meant to be fun. No good doctor or psychiatrist would tell you going into hospital is pleasant or that it would be easy. They know it,s not already.Truth is most of em don’t even want us in there if it can be helped. But that’s the only tools they got. Maybe we should cut them a little slack perhaps? The way i see it now is. They kept me alive. I,m thankful for that.
In my experience most of the times i was unwell i was treated at home in the community. Psychiatry despite what folks say. Provided me with care. They gave me support workers. They made sure i had a roof over my head and they always made sure i had benefits.
As shite as that may be and not much fun at least when we are unwell it puts food in the fridge and provides us with some stability.... It pays the bills. It gives us a home. It means we can eat and that’s always a bonus.
The rest then is up to us then i guess...  It took me two years or so to realise this myself when i came out of hospital.. Psychiatry had actually given me some building blocks. Some foundations to build on.
Once i stopped playing so much of the blame game and started seeing things as they actually were in the present moment ‘ in the reality ‘ I was able to start laying the first blocks on what was and still is the house of my recovery as i kind of see it. I have to keep on building. Keep on maintaining what has broken in order to secure and provide that space i call my life. The one where i am just myself. Me. Not any of my labels. Just me.  Living independently & as well and safely as i can. Thanks to psychiatry & along with the help of many others from the HVM. Sure i still have loads of symptoms at times. Though now thanks to accepting my diagnosis, time and learning. I am now able to manage them with relative ease most of the time and i am fully aware of what to do should i end up in crisis. Places to go, folks to phone making sure i eat and rest in the main. get up each day and just do something, anything that makes me feel happy or that works as a distraction. I just get on doin what i need to do. I understand lots of folks have really bad experiences in the system. I had lots myself. Though for me personally i find being angry about it just doesn’t help. I suppose i just try to maintain my own scottish version of the information below. This is something my friend Egan Bidois in New Zealand told me of some time back. I hope you to find it useful..
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Where Tapa Wha
We gotta look after these things? Feck the label.. Who needs it and most folks ain,t as bothered as you would think about it, once you get talkin to em. Most good psychiatrists, docs , cpn’s etc will tell you the label is BOLLOCKS not that it doesn,t matter but just that it is only a word to describe a whole host of symptoms, BUT IT AIN’T YOU !!
Anyway at the end of the day my life had been chaotic with me never being in one house for long or being homeless, drinking myself to death, losing jobs,, getting into trouble with the law, suicide attempts etc etc both myself and my life were out of control and at the end of the day psychiatry helped me to regain some control. In truth they kept me alive.. They gave me a path. Perhaps not a path i would have chosen personally but a path none the less. One where i when stood at the beginning i could at least see an end goal. The end goal being getting to a place i had never been before. A place and time where i could be STABLE.  Where i could actually be more responsible for both myself and my health. In psychiatry as shit as it was i gained a control that i had never ever had. That i never ever ever thought i was able to have.
Now I,m thankful for that.  I truly am!
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I was suicidal a lot., I self-medicated. I was psychotic when i arrived at psychiatry for the first time. They didn’t give it to me.  Sure they gave me the label and well yeah that’s shit. It doesn’t help it lots of ways but i now also know it lots of ways it actually does... Back then when i look back there was no else around to help me? Who would have been there if psychiatry hadn’t? This is a question i ask myself often. The answer is. No one.  No one else would have been able or capable of controlling my crazee behaviours. Where else could i have stayed who else could have kept me down. Kept me sane. Kept me fed and watered. Clothed and with shelter in the condition i was in.I know who. No one.  Psychiatry ain’t fun sure it can be hellish at times but it ain’t always half bad either. Does anyone ever talk about all the good things they do? Cos despite what folks say and things not being perfect with the system. It still does plenty of good.. Sure it has flaws and faults, What in this world feckin doesn’t?
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There’s plenty other feckers out here in the that would see you do without. Who wouldn’t care if you had a home or a steady income, not even whether you were alive or dead. So does everyone really really see the system as that utterly and entirely entirely flawed. Really? I know first hand there are sure a lot worse things out here in life. Folks always shout abolish the system, systems don’t work. Ban psychiatry and all the other shite but at the end of the day is some kind of system not better than no system at all? I know in my own experience, in reality i would have been dead without it. If it were not for our psychiatric & police systems would infact not many of us be dead already? I know i would most likely be. There was once a time i would have shouted FeCK THE SYSTEM with the best of them.
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Though NOT anymore. I have moved on from that hated & bitterness and from the past. I don’t think anyone can truly move forward until they do & at the end of the day in the grand scheme of things. Does it really matter? I decided to
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Sure things need changing. Old systems always do. Does your toilet system not malfunction and need replaced from time to time or your heating. Nothing in this world is perfect , everything has flaws
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Yeah everything in life needs modernising and improving and that is happening in both psychiatry and also in toilet systems. Either way both are improving with time and without either of them, i would ask myself. Where then we would all off load our shit..  Is a system not better than no system at all? Is being angry at the system really gonna help to change it?  Would you listen to someone who shouted and ranted at you?  In my own experience and looking back now. Despite it being a crap time of my life i,m glad it was there. It may not have been perfect. 
 ‘ It may have been shit but i,m thankful for that ’ 
Why ? As now thanks to psychiatry i live my life fully independent. I am living a life . I have a loving family. I am engaged to be married. I have children. I have a future. I have been back working full time. I have friends I have a car and i have a stable home. I have a stable income i don,t earn me much but i am rich i have a beautiful partner and children who run into my hands when there is nothing in them. That in itself makes me rich. RIcher than i have ever been. I have loads of interests now i have my motorbike and my car & i,m enjoying mainting them and learning as i go. I love to go walks in the country with my family. I love to read and to write. I love listening to music. I love D.I.Y and doing stuff around the house. I love cooking and going out and doing the garden. I guess i just love ‘ normal shit ‘ lol but it,s great. I have had NO more suicide attempts. I no longer drink or use hard drugs. I have not slept on the streets ever since. I have not been in any trouble with the law nor have i had renter mental health services since my discharge. I think my living in recovery will always be an uphill journey but as long as i,m still climbing everyday i,m happy with that.
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Thanks to psychiatry & of course many others i am able to go to my doctors with a new confidence in them. My GP’s are fully aware that at this present moment in time i am not on any medications. We discuss my mental health regularly and they are pleased that i am maintaining it so well,  being responsible about it. Making the correct choices and utilising other solutions. They know that i know i can and would go them if need be for medication should i require it. I have my staying well plan and lots of support now and that is all down to learning coping mechanisms/strategies etc taught to me back in the beginning by psychiatry. My support workers and also the HVM. The combination of them all has brought me to where i am now. Living independently.  In my own experience without psychiatry giving me the foundations. how else could i have rebuilt my life? How else could it have changed? What other system would work? I would never have been referred on to get support and would most likely never have sought it myself.  I have been blessed with all of this which i could never had before i was diagnosed. Labels are shit yup most docs will tell you that but they don,t need to be forever and they sure as hell ain’t you! I would never have been stable nor responsible enough to manage any of it. I am in a far better place now in my life and now i say regardless of whether i upset the angry masses.
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& things don’t always have to remain
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