#it can defo blossom into a romantic one
firstsecret · 1 year
OTP: barchie!! my loves, they were my fav for a long time and i kinda lost them later on but i still love them a lot!
Favorite canon pairing: other than barchie defo choni they're seriously the cutest and i am very happy that they got their endgame in season 7 even if it was in a diff universe.
Worst pairing ever: b*ghead. i just can't, sry sara 🫂(also toni and fangs, a literal travesty)
Guilty pleasure pairing: defo toni and archie. i think i saw it on insta once and was like yep this is my secret ship that only a few ppl know about but i go crazy over when they even say one word to each other. (i also kinda like hermoine and fred...)
A pairing you want(ed) to see more: i loved the barchie beggie rarchie love triangle in s7 and i wish we saw more of that (beggie and rarchie that is).
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: if not bughead, then i guess varchie (sry sara again), but i don't think they're that loved anymore tbh. maybe, veggie (my lesbian!veronica is jumping out) but that's all i can think of haha.
Favorite non-romantic pair: cheryl and archie. archie got switched out with jason for the blossoms at the hospital and no one can tell me otherwise.
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heartc0ffin · 5 months
*sees an ask game* Allow me to jump on the opportunity~
📝,💞,💘 and 💌 for your Black Butler s/i!
By the way, I remember sending you a similar ask about the lore behind your selfship with Undertaker… about a year ago, during summer. I don’t think I ever saw the reply… Did you answer it and I somehow missed it, or did it get lost in your drafts?
– villain-in-love
Yes, I definitely received it! It's been in my drafts on my old account, still about halfway through being answered :'3 Then I went through a weird life change and a bunch of my interests changed for a while. But now I'm slowly focusing on my Black Butler insert again sometimes, I still want to get around to answering it! I was just struggling for a while to answer it because I wasn't as fixated on them as I used to be. But I will defo get around to posting them because you brought up a lot of great points and questions!
Also little sidenote, this does contain some manga spoilers, specifically with certain events that are on-going.
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📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
It's a bit of a WIP because I haven't totally figured that out yet, and it subject to change as the manga progresses! This manga's plot is so massive at this point, but I really want to fit my s/i's arc in with canon as much as I can. I can see it being shown in two ways... One being their place in the overall story (working with Undertaker and his plans) and the other perhaps being a look into their backstory before they met Undertaker, and how they came to be (which is still so messy and needs a lot of work bc I'm unhappy with it :'D). Kind of like with Finny, Mey-Rin and Baldroy got.
But yeah... As I said, it's complicated rn because of how massive the plot of Black Butler has gotten. But I think my s/i does have stronger roles in certain arcs, like the Book of the Atlantic, the school arc, ect. There, they might start showing how they have a hand in Undertaker's plans.
If I had to grossly generalise it right now for the sake of this question, they're heavily involved with the 4 Stars/Lords. Particularly, they work as a sort of guardian for Lord Vega, similar to how Undertaker is like a 'guardian' for Lord Sirius/R!Ciel.
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💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
This is quite interesting, I've never thought about this before! I had a relationship chart with my s/i and the other Kuro characters that I don't think I ever posted...? (Maybe I can update it and post it). But I'm looking through it because I think it would be quite helpful for this particular question...
While I don't see my s/i being exactly interested in anyone else romantically besides Undertaker in their story, if I had to look at it from a purely fandom perspective... I would say perhaps they'd be shipped with other grim reapers, Ran-Mao, or maybe even Gregory Violet.
I say this because in the grim reapers case, it's pretty self-explanatory. Chances are my s/i would have to have common run-ins with the other grim reapers since they're working with Undertaker. And this way, I think there's bound to be a chance of her building some sort of relationship with the other grim reapers, whether it be platonic, or more than that. Or in a most-likely case... rivalry.
I actually had an on-going inside joke with an irl friend about Ronald in particular. Basically, for a long time I didn't like Ronald for some reason, I can't remember why *shrugs*. But it started this joke about Ronald perhaps flirting with my s/i or showing interest in her, but it's completely one-sided. My s/i can't stand him tbh lmao, she'd shut him down completely.
As for Ran-Mao and Gregory... My s/i does admire Ran-Mao for her strength and skills, so this could blossom at some point into a small crush on my s/i's end - but I don't think Ran-Mao would necessarily return the same feelings or even know about my s/i's crush on her. And while in my s/i's 'canon' story they never like Gregory Violet in a romantic sense, they both share a lot of common ground and build a platonic friendship in the school arc at some point. I think I could see a fanbase dubbing that as 'shipping material,' but again, I wouldn't consider it ever actually being anything more than friends.
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💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
I think people would be very split on the topic. On one side, I can see people perhaps liking it because my s/i represents hope, and new start for Undertaker. He's been amongst humans for so long, and working on his reanimated corpse plan for decades. I think he's actually very miserable despite his cheery facade... He's been isolated, not just from most people, but from supernatural forces as well (like the other grim reapers). So when my s/i comes into his life and they eventually start seeing him past this wall he's built for himself... his vulnerability, his past, what motivates him, ect... I think they'd really start to build a connection, even if Undertaker denies it himself. It would lead to an internal conflict where Undertaker might start questioning his plans, and want to focus on building a new life for himself with my s/i.
I think Undertaker wants to believe that my s/i is more like a tool in the grand scheme of his plans. Another person he is indifferent towards and will discard once he achieves his goal. But there would be little moments that contradict this. Like him rescuing them in extreme moments of danger, refusing to abandon them by a split-second, even though it might have looked like he was going to, and even if it put him at great risk. Because in actuality, even if he himself doesn't want to acknowledge it, they're becoming more and more important and valuable to him. And I think those moments would be what people might find interesting about their relationship. Because on one hand you've got an antagonist/grim reaper who is old enough to think he's seen it all, and who probably thinks hardly anything can get to him now. And on the other hand, someone who has extreme abandonment issues and relies on him, and could perhaps bring out those 'human' emotions in him that he thought he'd forgotten long ago.
But as for the other side... I think I can see people disliking the ship too, of course, for a few reasons. But I think the main complaint would be that it 'gets in the way' of the Undertaker x Claudia Phantomhive ship. And I've actually had run-ins with actual fans like this since being in the fandom for the last 10 years. People who are mean to self shippers/oc x canon for this exact reason (not naming names ofc but... *coughs*).
Listen, I totally get the reasoning behind this theory and if you ship them, that's cool. But you know what? IMO Undertaker deserves to be happy and have a new relationship. Why should he have to obsess over an old relationship that led to his misery, destruction and the countless deaths/sacrifices of other people? Why should he stew in his own self-hate and do nothing think over this past relationships mistakes? The answer is... he doesn't have to. There are literally no rules saying he can't. Him being in a relationship and building something new with someone else doesn't take away anything from his past relationship with Claudia.
Anyways, sorry, I'm getting heated so I'll leave this can of worms to be opened for another day. I just have a lot of feelings about this topic because of run-ins with toxic fans in the past lol. It's still something that agitates me.
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💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
I think they're dynamic shifts through the course of the story, and is often messy and lop-sided tbh. With Undertaker, you can expect anything but a linear relationship.
I think in the beginning, it very much starts off with my self insert relying on him and needing him to survive (abandonment issues go hard). But as the story progresses, it will gradually switch around between them needing him, to him needing them.
I think misconceptions would pop up because this change would be subtle and might not be noticed by some. My s/i would grow more confident, but I think it would be like a 'blink and you'll miss it' kind of way since they're naturally mostly passive and quiet. If that makes any sense. They don't suddenly become out-spoken or an unbeatable force. But they pick up on Undertaker's vulnerabilities and traces of humanity in him that are still left as they grow a deeper connection to him. I think they'd actually be smarter than most give them credit for, especially when picking up on the emotions of others. Undertaker would perhaps have moments where he reaches out to them, and seeks out them for help, instead of the other way around. But because it would be subtle, people might think that my s/i just constantly relies on Undertaker throughout their entire character arc, which isn't true.
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jrwiyuri · 2 years
Also btw I have not been seeing Binx and andhera as explicitly romantic and I am truly trying to figure out if everyone is just hyping the buildup to it or if there is some shit I am not seeing cause 😭😭
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espship18 · 4 years
Kpop ship for Soo Anon
Hey y’all! I got a bunch of school work done and decided to take some time to write! Today’s ship is for an anon who goes by Soo! I hope you’re out there Soo anon, and I hope you like it!
Based off of your request I learned these things about you: 
You’re a major introvert
But you love to give and receive affection if you love me i will love you back ps that goes for anyone, i’m a lover
Can be cold at first glance, but actually sensitive and insecure 
Enjoying cooking and caring for others 
You’re also the fearless leader and dad of the friend group i love that
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with BTS, NCT, and Pentagon! I’m excited, LET’S GO!!
BTS: Yoongi
Okay, so my shipping senses tell me that you two would be a power couple! I thing you and Yoongi counter act each other quite well, so there’s always harmony between you two! why do I sound like a psychic? When I think of how you two would meet, I think Yoongi would be attracted to your demure personality. I don’t think he would want to pry you open like a paint can and learn everything about you immediately, but he would be drawn into you, interested to know more and see if you’re always that shy around people. And trust me, as soon as Yoongi would see your sensitive and shy side, Yoongi would bulk up on protective juice and he’d wanna watch over you and protect you from anything and everything in this world(honestly a whole sweetie!)! There’s always a state of Zen between you two, and just because Yoongi wants to protect you, don’t mean he’s gonna smother you and not let you have a life unless you’re into that, then that’s okay! As someone who knows what it’s like to carry personal burdens and insecurities within himself, I feel like Yoongi would pay the most attention to your insecurities and help you overcome your struggles so you feel great about yourself and have a clear mind. You also return the favor by taking care of Yoongi. You work with the fellow BTS members to get him to take breaks, or if comeback season is around, to take time for himself- eat, take some naps- OH MY GOD L I ST E N. You’re the queen of surprises! Okay, okay, after you’d see how Yoongi works near comeback season, you would want to help make his work space more livable and comfortable(also hoping to give him more inspiration)! You’d get little blankets and all kinds of fuzzies, essential oil infusers, the freaking works, dude! Yoongs of course would love it, and to be honest, he wouldn’t realize how much he would need you for stress relief. I love needy Yoongi, I don’t know about you, but omg, do NOT be surprised if you’re cuddling him and he wants extra snuggles! You would have more spontaneous and non-traditional date nights. I think if you two would bake for date nights that would be hilarious. Yoongi suddenly has two left hands and he can not properly execute the steps-and here y’all thought Joon was bad, lol. PDA. P.D.A! I know Yoongi is already a soft boy, but prepare for the softest Yoongs ever! He’s definitely more snuggly in private, but don’t be surprised if Yoongi eagerly tries to hold and keep your hand held in public, as well as stealing all kinds of kissies! 
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NCT: Xiaojun
So, when I do NCT ships, I randomly select between the four units, and WayV happened to be the unit, I hope you don’t mind! I really really like you and Xiao together! When I think of you two, I see harmony and balance, and I get chameleon vibes. Of course I don’t mean the bug eyed reptiles, but you and Xiao would really blend nicely together! Since I mentioned you having a more demure type of personality, I would like to make a little point on you and Xiao based off of looks. I LOVE the idea of you and Xiao looking like one of those stoic couples you see in a store. I mean let’s face it, Xiaojun’s eyebrows make him look intimidating. Then when you’re normally shy and there’s some PDA here and there, you’re in a comfortable position. But when you two get home, OMG you TWO ARE THE CUTEST BUBS WHO EVER WALKED THE EARTH AND I L O V E! You can really feed off of each other, and I’ll elaborate further as we go along! In the relationship, I honestly like to think that Xiao’s hyper personality will help you blossom in the relationship. It’s gonna be hard not to see him being a clumsy goof and not help but fall in love, ya know? Xiao definitely is your little happy bug, and he will always take care of you. I also know that Xiao is going to be head over heels in love with you. You wanna know how I know? Xiao is the type of boyfriend that if you two were just chillin out on the couch, if you were to bling, I shit you not dude, this boy would start going on a tangent, lasting TWO HOURS on how much he loves your eyelashes, adores your eyes, and how you’re one of the prettiest persons he’s ever met. You mentioned insecurities with this lad as your man? Try again, sis! Date nights with Xiao are always surrounded by food. You have options: take out, going out, cooking- options. Another part of date night for you two would be movies. In my real life, I live in a small town, and lemme tell you and underrated part of a movie date: getting something to eat afterwards! I can not tell you how much fun it is to go to a little restaurant or drive thru and just eating in a nearby parking lot. You also get to talk about how good(or bad) the movie was, and evaluate the characters and talk about the ‘what ifs’ too! Lastly, PDA with this sweetheart is hugs, hugs, and more hugs! I can confidently say be prepared to get yeeted into that brick wall because Xiao is a hugger! He also loves to give you forehead kisses, as well as whisper sweet nothings in your ear! *heart eyes*  
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Pentagon: Hongseok 
Last and certainly not least, is Pentagon! I honestly knew this was gonna be a no brainer, I really enjoy the thought of you two together! Having a caring and compassionate counter part like Hongseok is exactly what the doctor ordered! You two are a very loving and caring couple for one another, and you’re definitely one of those couples where your significant other makes up in spots where you’re not the best in- which is of course a good thing because you thrive so much as a couple! You’re more of a quiet couple, which is so sweet! You two aren’t super hyper and go lucky, which leaves you to having more somber and chill moments, which sometimes there will always be this comfortable silence while you’re snuggling up together and it’s very sweet. Very much when actions are stronger than words! Then sense you tend to be more to yourself, I can defo see you being one of the more observant ones. Which by the way, when I mention things like this, you two have amazing communication and you are treated and cared for like a princess- don’t ever get it twisted! And since you are observant, you like to take in new activities for you and Hongseok to try, to which you also get involved in a lot of Hongseok’s activities as well! You two are definitely a cooking couple- don’t doubt that or a minute! It’d be so cute if you two did meal preps, and you’ll draw little pictures and little love letters on the Tupperware containers in the morning before you slip it into each others bags. I also wanna say, that you are Hongseok’s little flower and he will take care of you and literally treat you like a queen. Hongseok CHUGS respect women juice, and be prepared for his mannerisms to make you blush. Don’t be surprised if he lays one of this favorite jackets on the ground so you can step over a puddle- he’s romantic like that I guess ;) And when you two feel spontaneous to go out and have fun, Hongseok always has this smile and loving look in his eyes. I wish you could see it through my eyes, but seeing Hongseok being a love sick puppy for you is such a visual. Date nights are his specialty. He loves to pamper you and make date nights intimate. He’ll kick everyone out, it’d be so cute if he even bought a do not disturb door hanging thing to make sure no one comes in. Heh, sometimes you’ll get an eyebrow wiggle from Kino, but legit all you do is snuggle and sometimes play video games! PDA, so sweet! Hongseok will snuggle you anywhere and everywhere, he loved to hold your hand too! And he’ll even rub this thumb on the top of your hand and it’s honestly precious!! 
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