#it could get OVER 110 degrees here
imwritesometimes · 1 year
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I'll believe it when I see it
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erensangel444 · 11 months
hey this had been playing on my mind so i was wondering if i could request a eren x fem reader. so what do you think about a scenario where eren is tutoring the girl and she is sitting on his lap while they study but she accidentally keeps shifting around and he gets hard and then things progress from there …
anonnie. you're killing me. tutor eren = my dream man
okay lemme stop losing my mind n here you go....
content warnings: unprotected sex(WRAP IT BEFORE U TAP IT!!!), degradation, praise, choking, creampie.
word count: 6.2k
edit: so this actually turned into a whole fic ummmm my bad. i heard tutor eren and got a little carried away.....
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if anyone asked you, chemistry was the thing you hated most in this world. frankly, in your opinion, it was unnecessary and it made no sense! no matter how much you studied, the material seemed like another language to you.
inevitably, and much to your dismay, you were forced to get a tutor. you had never struggled so much in a subject before, so this was a first to you.
you needed a tutoring session as soon as possible, hoping to boost your grade in the class. when you had gotten the notification on your school email that you were assigned a tutor, you quickly opened it.
to: y/n5411@edu
from: chemistrydepartment@edu
Thank you for contacting us about enrolling with a tutor. This email is meant to notify you of your assigned tutor and provide you with their contact information. If you have any questions or are unable to view any contents of this email, please email us back or contact this number 913-470-8999. If you have any trouble getting in contact with your tutor, please also refer to the contact information just stated. Thank you!
URL to tutor information
you quickly opened the url, navigating the chemistry department website. once you logged in, your eyes widened when you read the name.
Tutor: Eren Jaeger
Contact Information: Phone - 913-875-9022
Email - erenjaeger4113@edu
this was just your luck. of course your tutor was the TA that you couldn't take your eyes off of when you were in class.
eren was a TA for your class section, so you saw him every monday, wednesday, and friday. for some reason, those were always the days you decided to ditch the sweatpants and put on light makeup.
eren was....hard not to notice. with his height and sea-green eyes, you couldn't help but glance over at him about 100 times throughout each class.
maybe that's why you were failing chemistry.
if he was your tutor, how were you meant to focus? you were convinced the universe was playing some sort of sick joke on you. either way, you had no choice but to play with the cards you were dealt. your next exam was at the end of this week, and there was no way they'd assign you a new tutor before then.
also, what reason were you meant to give them? you couldn't exactly send the chemistry department an email saying you had the hots for the tutor they assigned you, so you needed a new one.
you decided you could be civil enough to control yourself, and really focus on the material. you were here to get your degree, not to get heart eyes over some stupid boy.
you quickly drafted an email to eren,
to: erenjaeger4113@edu
from: y/n5411@edu
Hi Eren, my name is Y/N L/N. You were assigned as my tutor for chemistry 110, and I was wondering if you'd be open to go over material sometime this week? I'm really hoping to clarify some of the content before the exam on Friday, so it'd be great if you'd be free for a tutoring session. If not, I completely understand. Either way, thank you so much and have a great rest of your night.
you sent the email before you could stop yourself, and quickly shut your laptop. god, what were you getting yourself into?
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when you had woken up next morning, eren had emailed you back.
to: y/n5411@edu
from: erenjaeger4113@edu
Hi Y/N! I'm actually free tonight at 6 if that works for you? Would you be okay with meeting at my dorm? I live in Mckee Hall. We can study in the common room. You can come with some example questions of what's been confusing you. Take some practice problems from the lecture slides that you didn't understand and we'll work through them together. Let me know if tonight works. Have a great rest of your day!
Sincerely, Eren Jaeger
you had to stop yourself from blushing at his message. he was simply being polite and doing his job but for some reason you were smiling. you quickly drafted a reply thanking him and letting him know that tonight works and you'd see him then.
you shook your head, chastising yourself for getting all worked-up from a simple message. you closed your laptop and got ready for the day.
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you don't know why you were so nervous. it was 6pm, exactly, and you were standing outside the main door of Mckee Hall, where eren had told you to meet him.
the door opened, and there he was, a pretty smile on his face. "y/n, right?"
you nodded your head, unable to form words. eren had on a simple brown sweater with a white shirt underneath, and khaki pants. his hair was done up in a half up, half down style, a bun tied at the back of his head.
"here, come on in, s'cold," he said, holding the door open for you. you thanked him, walking inside. eren led you to the study room, asking if you were able to find the dorm alright, to which you said yes. you thanked him for "being able to schedule so soon," to which eren smiled, saying it was no problem.
once the two of you were settled in to the study room, eren asked if you had gone through the lecture slides. you stuttered out a "y-yeah," pulling your notebook out of your backpack, opening up to the page where you had written down the problems.
eren stood up abruptly, startling you slightly. he laughed softly, grabbing his chair and moving it to your side of the table, directly next to yours. "sorry, just thought it'd be easier if we were next to each other," he spoke, looking right at you, "is that alright?"
"yeah s'alright m-makes sense," you said, smiling softly before looking back down at your notebook. your cheeks felt so hot, and you felt embarrassed getting nervous simply due to his proximity.
as he got closer, a vanilla, woody scent waved by your nose. it must be his cologne. god, he was pretty, he could dress, and he smelt good! how were you supposed to focus for the next two hours?
"mmkay," eren mumbled, looking at your notebook, "you have really nice handwriting," he said, smiling over at you. you gave him a quiet, "thank you," as eren read the first problem.
"okay, okay, so walk me through this first one. how would you start it?"
you grabbed your pencil and started by writing out the variables you knew, "mhm, good," eren assured you as you continued. you made a mishap with your first calculation, and eren stopped you.
"okay, hold on," he said softly. "d'you mind if i steal your pencil real fast?" he asked. "oh-oh! yeah yeah of course," eren laughed at you softly. your fingers brushed his as you handed him the pencil, and you swear your heart skipped a beat.
"okay so when we have heating curves like this one, it's important to recognize which equation we need to use." you nodded your head.
"you already started off really well, by writing what variables you have, that was really really great," he said smiling. you swear your cheeks were growing hotter by the second.
"so there's 3 possible equations we can use and we can find the right one based on the variables we know we have. first, deltaH minus the specific heat capacity...."
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the two hours with eren seemed to go by in minutes. you were surprised that you were actually seeming to grasp some of the content. it helped how encouraging eren was, smiling and praising what you did correctly, and helping you re-route when you did something wrong.
he actually cheered when you did the last question correctly without any help from him, getting a "shh!" from another person in the study lounge. you giggled softly at his embarrassed face.
as you began to pack up, eren's voice caused your ears to perk up, "did you want to meet again this week to go over the study guide? and i can help with any questions you have as you work through it."
"u-uhm, yeah! that would be great, thank you so much," you smiled at him, eren returning an even bigger smile.
"does tuesday at 7 work?" eren asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "that's perfect," you said, zipping yours closed. "o-okay, i'll see you then," he said, an almost shy demeanor taking over. "see you then," you copied, eren grinning at that. he held open the study lounge door for you, letting you walk out first.
you both paused, "well, uhm, thank you again, eren, this was really helpful,"
"of course, anytime, and i'll see you on tuesday," eren said. "tuesday," you smiled. "tuesday." eren said in a joking-serious tone causing you to giggle softly, his grin widening at the sound.
you started to walk away, giving eren a quick wave. eren gave you one back, smiling before he turned to walk up the staircase.
you couldn't help but grin the whole walk home.
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tuesday came, and at exactly 6:58pm you were walking towards the main door of Mckee Hall, surprised to see eren sitting outside on the bench, waiting for you.
he looked up from his phone, smiling when he saw you. he stood up, putting his hands in his pockets, "hey," he said softly, "hi," you said back, in the same tone.
"ready to get your chemistry on?" eren joked, causing you to laugh softly. "please never ever say that again," you joked, eren giggling.
eren scanned his id card to get the two of you into the building, holding the door open for you.
it was cute that he had waited outside for you, backpack on and everything. the two of you walked to the study room, eren asking about how your day had been.
your conversation came to an abrupt end when the two of you entered the study room, to see there were no tables open. you looked at each other with a sort of "what now?" look.
eren's cheeks flushed slightly pink, "well uhm, w-we could study up in my room, o-only if you want! i-i just figured since we're already here, and like if you don't want to that's completely okay because.." he began to ramble on, unable to hear your "eren," as you smiled. "i-i only suggested it because the lounge s'full, n like n-no funny business or anything, like obviously! and i uh..." you began to laugh, eren's rambling coming to a pause as he looked over at you.
he smiled, thinking to himself how pretty you were when you laughed. "eren," you said, once you had caught your breath, still smiling. "i'm more than okay with studying in your room"
"yeah?" he asked, his cheeks still a pretty pink. "yeah," you smiled, eren smiling softly before looking down at his shoes.
"u-uhm okay, alright, follow me," he said, leading you out of the study lounge and up to his room.
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eren's room was nothing like you expected. being in his room let you take a little peek inside his brain. in looking at eren, you wouldn't expect it, but he was actually quite the nerd.
the top of his desk was lined with books, and funko pops from different animes. you smiled softly at the little nanami kento funko pop.
his walls were lined with posters and canvases. "you watch cowboy bebop?" you said, smiling at the poster.
"yeah, s'one of my favorites," he said. "me too," you replied turning to look at him with a soft smile.
eren watched as you explored his room, smiling at the way you were so intrigued. "these canvases," you started, "did you paint these?"
"uhm yeah," he said, coming to stand next to you, "my mom's actually an artist, so i kinda get it from her i guess."
"they're beautiful, eren," you complimented, eren trying to stop his cheeks from getting any redder.
eventually after you had your fill, you had asked eren where you should sit. "uhm, you can take my bed, o-or the desk if you want! whichever one you prefer."
you plopped up on his bed, eren laughing softly at your jump. he grabbed your backpack for you, setting it next to you on the bed. "thank you," you said, eren smiling at you with a "mhm".
eventually, the two of you had gotten into the content of the study guide, eren helping you work through problems you were confused on, and explaining them to you.
at around 10pm, you guys had finished the study guide. "eren, i actually understand chemistry, it's a miracle," you joked, eren laughing softly. "seriously though," you continued, "thank you, you don't understand how big of a help you've been."
"well, you're a great student so s'not hard," eren smiled, and there came that fluttering feeling in your stomach again.
"have you eaten?" eren asked, catching you off guard. "i-i just realized, we kinda spent dinner time studying, and i was gonna go down to the kitchen n make some mac n cheese if, uh, if you want some?"
"y-yeah, i could go for some mac n' cheese."
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"i'm convinced you're gordon ramsey or some shit," you said as you took another bite of mac n cheese. eren laughed, "don't boost my ego like that."
as the two of you ate, you continued to converse about random things. the conversation initially started with you asking eren what his major was, which you found out, was biology. you laughed asking him why he TA'd for chemistry and not biology, and eren was quick to joke,
"i guess i'm just that multi-faceted, you know it's a struggle just having so much genius in my head," "oh shut up," you giggled, eren smiling over at you.
the conversation eventually drifted into anime, which the two of you bonded over. you were ranting about jujutsu kaisen,
"and i just don't get how people are complaining about this season's animation! like i'd like to see you do it, mr. i live in my mom's basement," eren snorted at that, causing you to laugh loudly.
it was a dinner filled with laughs and smiles, and that warm feeling in both of your chests that just would not go away.
and to be honest, neither of you wanted to let go of that feeling.
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since eren was a TA, he was also a proctor for the exams. he smiled when you came to the front to grab your scantron. he handed it to you, with a soft whisper of, "you're gonna do great, don't stress."
you smiled at him, walking back to your seat. and for the first time this year, the questions on your exam didn't look like a child's scribbling. you still struggled on some questions, but you mostly understood what you were doing.
for once, you finished the exam with a feeling of hope instead of impending doom.
and when you got your score back the next day, you had gotten an 85!
your first thought was that you couldn't wait to tell eren.
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"an 85!" he yelped. you nodded, biting your lip with a big smile. "holy shit, y/n!" he cheered, his arms wrapping around you in a big hug.
it caught you off guard, but you quickly melted into his embrace, hugging him back. after 10 seconds, eren pulled away, awkwardly putting his hands at his side.
"s-sorry!" he apologized, "just got really excited," he said softly, his cheeks that pretty shade of pink that they often turned.
"s'okay," you smiled, "thank you," was all you could say.
"i'm....i'm really proud of you," eren said softly.
that sentence had you on top of the world.
" i couldn't of done it without you, eren."
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december had quickly approached, and with it so had snowstorms and finals week. eren had continued to tutoring you, helping you cover content that had confused you during lectures, and providing you with weekly quizzes to help test your knowledge on each chapter.
now that finals week was here, you and eren had been in cram-mode. eren was intent on helping you ace this final, and he knew you could do it.
the two of you were in his room, as you usually were. after that first study session in his room, you asked eren if you guys could keep studying in his room. you said, "s'just nice in there. feels comfortable, i think it helps me focus," and who was he to say no?
if anything, the image of you on his bed, pencil in between your teeth was more than enough motivation for you guys to have your study sessions in his dorm room.
like now, you were sitting on his bed, in spandex and a big T-shirt. you had came in sweats and a sweatshirt, with your big winter coat over you.
when you had asked eren if you could take your sweats off, he was at a loss for words, just looking at you with wide eyes. "i-i have shorts on underneath," you promised, eren sputtering out words, "uhm, uh yeah, of course! s-sorry,"
when you had said shorts, eren wasn't expecting spandex that clung to your figure. he was trying his best to respectful, but, oh my god, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
and then your sweatshirt came off, revealing your big T-shirt, and he couldn't help but imagine how you'd look in one of his shirts. how you'd put it on in the morning, and the way it would drape over your figure. that combined with the image of you sat atop his bed, had him shifting in his pants.
he was doing his best to not pop a boner right now.
regardless, he was here to help you study! and that's what he was trying to do, but...you seemed distracted. your pencil was between your teeth as usual, but your eyes were glazed over with something he had never seen in you before.
you hadn't written anything in your notebook for the past 5 minutes. eren cleared his throat, causing you to shake your head slightly and let out a shaky breath.
"you good?" he asked, to which you gave a simple, "mhm."
eren didn't believe you.
"c'mere," he said, causing you to look at him, with raised eyebrows. "y/n, c'mere," he repeated. you listened, getting down from the bed.
he pushed the chair he was sitting in back from the desk slightly, "sit," was all he said. "h-huh?" you spoke softly, trying to stop your thighs from clenching together.
"y/n, you seem distracted up on the bed, so just sit n' i'll keep you focused. you can't do good on the exam if you spend our whole study session chewing on your pencil."
your cheeks were getting hotter, "o-okay," was all you said, sitting down on eren's lap.
eren was convinced he like to torture himself because the second you sat down on his lap, he was trying his best not to run his hand over your thighs.
eren let out a soft, shaky breath. "a-am i too heavy? m'sorry i-i can get up," you said, lifting yourself up from eren's lap. eren's hands came to your waist, pulling you back down, "mm mm s'not it, jus hot n here s'all."
"o-okay," eren stuttered, "walk me through problem 6," he said referencing to his open binder on the desk. "u-uhm" you said, your voice shaking, "so it's asking a-about dihedral angles."
you could feel yourself getting wet and you were beginning to curse yourself for wearing such thin spandex.
eren listened as you spoke, "so it's either psi, phi, or omega." "mhm, keep going," he said, voice low.
eren's eyes widened as you continued to speak. he doesn't think you notice how you're slightly rocking your hips over his lap.
fuck. he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. his dick was starting to twitch in his pants, getting thicker as your pretty hips started to rock over him. the slightest whimpers were slipping out in between your words and eren swears he must of died and gone to heaven.
was it okay to put his hands on you now? could he? god, he wanted to so badly. would you be okay with it? fuck, if the way you were moving over his dick had anything to say about it, he thinks you'd be okay with it.
fuck it. eren brought his hands to your thigh, humming as you continued. you paused what you were saying, hips stuttering in their movements. "s'this okay?' eren asked. "y-yeah," you said, cringing at the whimper that accompanied your words.
"okay, keep working through the problem for me," eren sighed, his hands resting on your thighs. "uhm, so the psi angle is from the alpha carbon to the carbonyl carbon, and the, uhm.." you words began to drift off as eren's hands began to trace over your thighs.
"c'mon y/n, focus," eren said, resting his chin over your shoulder as he watched your hand shake as you held the pencil. "m'trying, i'm sorry," you said voice shaky, your hips still rocking over eren's lap.
"don't apologize, pretty girl. just finish the problem for me and then we can take a break," eren promised, his hands rubbing over the inside of your thighs now.
pretty girl. he was trying to kill you.
"o-okay, ren', i-i'll focus," you said softly. "u-uhm this angle, though, is from the alpha carbon to the nitrogen, w-which would uhm," eren's fingers were lightly rubbing over your clit through your spandex.
"c'mon baby spit it out. what would it be, you're s'close," eren hummed softly. "i-it would be t-the phi angle, p-please eren,"
eren was grinning at how desperate you had gotten, your hips were rocking with fervor now, and you had thrown your head back to rest on his shoulder, leaning your body into his as he rubbed over your clit.
"mmm good job, baby, so smart, hmm?" eren's dick was throbbing, you just looked so pretty for him. he couldn't take his eyes off of your face, the way your eyebrows scrunched together, your pretty lips open in an o-shape.
"c'mon baby tell me how smart you are," eren said, rubbing over your clit more intensely now. "i-i'm smart," you said breathlessly, rocking your hips into eren's hand. "yeah you are, angel," eren said, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder.
"n i think you deserve something for being so good, huh? whaddya' think?" "yes, yes, please ren', need it," you whined.
eren laughed at you softly, removing his hand from over your clit, and tapping at your thigh, "stand up, baby," he said lowly.
you whimpered at the loss of his touch, but listened nonetheless, standing up and turning around to face him. eren sat up straight, bringing his hands to your thighs once more. "so, so pretty," he murmured to himself. "wanna take this off for me, angel?" eren said, tugging at your shirt. "mhm," you hummed, lifting your shirt over your head.
"fuck me," eren sighed. you had on a pretty, lacy pink bra. eren was convinced he was the luckiest man on earth. "shorts too, baby," he said, and you were more than happy to oblige.
eren swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. pretty pink underwear with a little bow in the middle. you were pure perfection. "oh my god, c'mere," he said pulling at your waist, having you straddle him. you giggled as he pulled you on top of him, the both of you smiling at one another.
your hands looped around his neck, and eren's hand came up to your face softly stroking your cheek. "you're so pretty, y'know that?" he said, his eyes entrapped with yours.
you couldn't take the attention, looking down. "mm mm, look at me," he said, his hand falling to your chin to force your eyes back on his. "so so pretty," he repeated, pulling you in for a kiss.
it was everything you had imagined and more. the way eren's lips moved against yours had your hips rocking in his lap once more. the soft sounds the both of you were making being muffled by the other's lips.
eren's tongue slipped in to your mouth, brushing against yours. eren pulled away, lips slick with spit. you were breathing heavily, pouting as you looked at eren.
"w-wanna see you too," you said, your hand bunched into his shirt. eren smiled at you, "yeah? help me take it off.""
your hands came to the bottom of his shirt lifting it up, eren grabbed at the neckline of his shirt to pull it over his head, but not before it got stuck slightly, causing the two of you to laugh.
he finally got it off, grinning at your pretty smile. your hands came to trace over his abs, looking back up at him and back down at them.
"let's get on the bed, hmm?" eren said, his hand coming back to rub softly at your cheek. you looked up at him, nodding. eren wrapped his arm around you, standing up. eren tossed you softly on to the bed, before joining you atop it.
you were laying down, head propped up on his pillow. eren hovered over you, leaning down for a kiss. what started off soft and slow, quickly became more desperate.
eren's hands were running over your body, yours arching into his. he took the chance to reach for the clasp of your bra and undo it. after feeling it come undone, you slid the straps over your arms and let it fall down slightly.
eren pulled away from your lips, grabbing your bra and tossing it down onto the floor. he looked down at your breasts, moaning at the sight. your nipples were stiff from the cold air.
eren didn't know what he wanted to do first, but he knew he had to have his lips on you. he kissed you once more, moving to your cheek, then your neck. he kissed down your shoulder, to your collarbone, finally landing one on your breasts.
he looked up at you before sucking a nipple into his mouth, evoking a soft whimper from you. his right hand began to tweak at your other nipple, rubbing the bud between his fingers, pinching and twisting softly.
he loved how reactive you were, the way you moaned and whimpered at each touch. he needed to taste you.
eren kissed down your stomach, right to the bow on your panties. his hands came to the hem of your panties as he looked up at you. "s'this okay?" he asked, wanting to make sure you were comfortable.
"s'more than okay, please touch me," you begged so sweetly, eren couldn't help but smile. he landed one more kiss right below your belly button before pulling your panties down your legs.
your panties were left dangling around your left foot as eren spread your thighs apart. you were dripping, your arousal evident as he took his fingers and spread you apart.
you were hiding your face in your hands when eren looked up at you. "getting shy on me now?" he asked, voice low. "there's no reason to be," he said, breathless as he watched you clench around nothing.
"s'so perfect," he muttered, before landing a kiss on your clit. his lips quickly wrapped around your clit, suckling softly at the bundle of nerves.
you were a mess, legs kicking, thighs trying to shut close around eren's head. he just put a hand around each thigh, and kept you spread open for him.
"ren', ren!" you whine, sounding like a broken record. eren was in heaven. there's no way he was letting you go anywhere after this.
he brought a finger down to your entrance, softly licking at your clit as he slid it in. his finger was reaching depths that yours never could. he curled it slightly, feeling that gummy, sensitive spot that had you losing your mind.
your hips bucked when he first touched it, eren laughing softly at your reaction. he continued to push his fingers against that spot, and you were going dumb, whining absolute nonsense, "mm oh my! oh e-eren oh fff-please!"
eren needed you to cum on his face, needed to see how pretty you looked when you reached your peak. he hadn't taken his eyes off of your face as he analyzed your every reaction and expression.
"r-ren', i-i'm gonna! gonna-oh!" you were trying to tell him you were close. eren understood, and sucked at your clit even harder, lightly grazing his teeth against it. you were so loud, he knows his dorm neighbors probably hated him.
"c'mon baby," he said, words muffled by his face pressed into your clit. your hips were grinding into his face now, your hands coming down to grab onto his hair. eren moaned at the feeling, the vibrations making you haywire.
you were so, so, so close, and with one final press of his fingers, your orgasm was washing over you, juices pooling out of you and into eren's mouth.
"mmmm" he hummed as he worked you through it. eren pulled away, his chin wet with your arousal. "ren', p-please kiss me," you said softly, your hands coming to his cheek as you pulled him up towards you.
his lips were on yours once more and you could taste yourself on his lips. "taste s'good, huh?" eren grinned at you. "w-wanna make you feel good, too," you said, your hand coming down to softly palm at eren's cock through his boxers.
"oh, fuck," he sighed, his forehead resting against yours. " can i, ren?" you asked so sweetly, your eyes boring into his. "y-yeah," he choked out.
you told him to sit back as you two swapped positions.
you were on your knees in front of eren, who had spread his legs enough to make room for you in between them. you pulled his boxers down along with his shorts, eren helping as he lifted himself off the bed so you could get them off.
his cock sprung out, hitting his stomach softly. he was so big, your mouth started to water. the tip was a blush red, his cock curved slightly. he was so thick, you didn't know how he was going to fit inside of you.
the second you wrapped your hand around his cock, eren was a goner. he was watching you so intently, and when your pretty lips opened to take his tip into your mouth, eren threw his head back with a soft groan.
he looked back down, watching as you sucked softly on the tip. when your eyes looked up to stare into his, eren whimpered. "d-doing so good, baby," he praised you, his hand coming to softly rest on your head.
you took his cock out of your mouth, looking up at him ever-so-innocently, "what do you wanna do to me, ren?"
you were stroking his cock, the pre-cum leaking from his tip helping you as your hand slip up and down. "f-fuck, oh my god," he whined.
"want you to use me however you want," you said, your pretty voice sweet and soft. "f-fuck, however i want?" eren said, voice breaking.
god, what were you doing to him?
"mhm," you hummed, kissing the tip softly. "c'mon ren," you pouted, "don't you wanna use my throat?" eren groaned, both of his hands coming down to rest on your cheeks now. "f-fuck, c'mon open up," he ordered, the change in his tone making your clit throb.
eren's hands move to your hair, wrapping around it. you opened your mouth, lips around eren's cock once more. "yeah just like that," eren said as he pushed your head down softly, forcing more of his cock down your throat.
"god, you take it so good," he sighed, his hips bucking at the feeling. you gagged softly, eren groaning at the feeling before pulling you off his cock.
you were breathing heavily, eyes watering slightly as you looked up at eren. "m-more, please," you whined, eren's thumb coming to play with your bottom lip.
"you're such a slut for it, hmm?" he said, his words causing you to whimper. "you like that too, don't you?" he spoke, voice gravely as he stared down at you.
"wanna be a good slut for me, yeah?" he asked, to which you nodded. eren softly slapped your cheek, "c'mon use your words for me,"
"y-yes eren wanna be your good slut."
eren was smirking down at you now, "then be good n choke on it," he said, bringing you back down to his cock. eren was moaning as you took him deeper, his hips bucking.
"f-fuck, oh y/n," he sighed, his hands falling from your hair. you took the chance to wrap your hand around his cock, stroking and sucking at the same time.
eren thinks he was starting to lose his mind. "g-god baby! go-gotta stop m' gonna cum," he was saying, his voice breaking in between the words.
you took his cock out of your mouth, still stroking him slowly. you looked up at him, smiling, and eren knew that image would forever be engrained in his brain.
"baby c'mere," he said, his hands coming to your cheeks as he pulled you in for a kiss. eren was smooth as he flipped your bodies over, hovering on top of you now.
"needa be inside you, pretty girl," eren said, his cock resting over your stomach. "h-hold on," he said, "i n-needa grab a condom."
your hands braced against his shoulders to stop him. "wanna feel you," you said, eren's eyes widening. "n, n i'm clean and i'm on birth control," you rationalized, as if eren needed a reason to be inside you raw.
"fuck, baby, are you sure?" "mhm," you nodded, pulling him in for a kiss. eren's hand wrapped around the base of his cock as he stroked the tip of his cock in between your folds. "f-fuck," eren moaned at the feeling of your wetness coating his tip.
every time his tip nudged your clit, you jolted, causing eren to smile devilishly. eren brought the tip down to your entrance, softly pushing inside. when the tip slipped in the both of you let out a soft sigh.
as eren pushed further in, you were whining. there was so much of him, so much to take. "you can do it, pretty girl," eren said softly, slowing pressing himself in further and further.
when he was fully inside, he just sat there, giving you a moment to adjust. he watched your face scrunch, getting used to the feeling of him inside of you.
he watched as your facial expression then relaxed, eyes opening to look at him. "s-so full," you whimpered, "p-please move," you whined, eager to feel eren more.
eren was quick to listen, pulling out till just the tip was in before thrusting back inside of you roughly. you both were reeling at the feeling, you from how deep eren was hitting, and eren from how wet and warm you felt around him.
"f-fuck, such a good fucking girl," eren moaned, his hand drifting up to rest on your neck. you took your hand and wrapped it around his rest, signaling you wanted more.
eren just grinned down at you before wrapping his hand around your neck. he couldn't help but think how pretty you looked being fucked stupid.
"god, the way you're squeezing around me baby, trying to milk me for all m'worth huh?" eren groaned. your legs were wrapped around him tight now, not wanting to let him go.
"please, please ren' want you to cum, w-want you to fill me up," you begged. if eren thought he was close before, he was right on the edge now, his hips stuttering as he spoke, "f-fuck, you want it inside?" eren asked, his eyes raking over your body, hand still wrapped around your pretty neck.
"p-please!" you whined, eren thrusting even faster now. "fuck, gotta cum for me then angel," eren said, taking his hand that was wrapped around your neck and bringing it down to your clit, his thumb rubbing circles on the bundle.
"f-fuck ren!" you were moaning loudly now, hips having a mind of their own, your wetness creating a squelching sound with each of eren's thrust.
"that's it baby, c'mon cum for me," eren was moaning too, so close, but he needed you to cum first. "show me how good you are," eren groaned, that being the final thing to tip you over the edge.
your orgasm triggered eren's, his warm cum filling you up as he moaned your name loudly, hips stuttering as pumped you full. "f-fuck" he sighed, as he came down from his high, looking down at your dazed-out expression.
"did so good for me baby," he said softly, pulling out of you. "t-thank you, ren," you said, your voice so soft.
"think after a shower n some food you'll be able to focus now?" eren joked. "mmm, i don't know," you said, turning to him with a smile, "think you may have to help me focus again."
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thank you for reading! i sincerely hope you enjoyed the fic<333
also for anyone who's watched the finale can we talk about cabin eren. oh my lawd i am feral over him!!!
if you would like to, reblog or leave comment if you liked the fic! my requests are also open:D
also if there are any spelling/grammar errors, let me know!
sending you all lots of love, and happiness - angel (*o*)
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thestalkerbunny · 2 months
So truly as his song proclaimed, on one sunny day (A heat index of literally 97 degrees and climbing) I once again met with our old friend Bill Cipher by purchasing The Book of Bill.
And I gotta say.
It was like a WAVE of nostalgia.
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I had forgotten how GOOD and WITTY Gravity falls had been. Not to mention the book in itself is SMART. We as a community were ENTHRALLED with the evil tortilla chip-an absurd thing to vote Tumblr's most sexy man 2013-and the book knew that and was like 'here is more of the chip man.' Like obviously there's codes and treats and what have youse for the smarter folks. But just the energy of the whole book, the fake ADS, the amazing design work, the missing pages, GATSBY, the LORE Bill gives that fills in so many blanks for us while callously poking more holes with a pencil at the same time. You read it perpetually bouncing back and forth questioning how reliable a narrator Bill is and more importantly, how much of it do you REALLY want to believe in?
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It's a narrative that explores Bill as a person-at least how Bill Perceives it and with missing journal pages from Ford, how FORD perceived Bill.
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The whole book in itself is a BREAK UP story, between a Man and the Monster who he unknowingly let into his life. A monster that pushes him to the brink, that makes the possession trope EXCITING AND NEW to me as he is horribly aware and actively communicating with the monster who is actively threatening his very LIFE if not given obedience and compliance. And it's not one sided yelling into the void convos-they can actually communicate and it makes the disregard so much more terrifying. It both makes you empathize with our favorite villain while not cheapening it so much to redeem him.
Reading this book validates the mania we see Ford with when we get the flash back episode of the Portal Incident. The sick sort of Paranoia that he's developed because every waking moment of his life has been ruined by someone he let in, trusted and opened up to.
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The Book of Bill doesn't pull punches. There are parts in this book that go from 'comical horror' that jacks it up to 'Jesus fucking christ'
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The Book of Bill does what the original show was not allowed to do-which is go further with how DAMAGING a relationship Ford had with Bill. How it was an addiction, feeding off each other. Ford in finally having someone who could in essence-REFLECT his own intellect back at him and Bill, a creature that demanded an audience to be witnessed by constantly.
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Regardless, this was a FASINATING read. 110/10 totally work the trip in the 97 degree heat I made to 3 towns over JUST to get the Barnes and Noble EXCLUSIVE Copy that will now sit very proudly on my shelf. Go Buy it, Go Read it, It is WORTH it.
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ronearoundblindly · 8 months
Heat Tank
Johnny Storm x ghost!reader from the Phantom Pleasure series
One of my Valentine's Fics for 2024. Prompt: A kiss in relief. WC 782
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Summary: Though you've grown closer, Johnny has spent months unable to touch you. As a spirit, you are attracted to heat, so there's a chance his energy can actually offer you a form--if only temporarily--for him to see and feel. This is Johnny's first chance to test the Heat Tank.
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The science of the structure makes no sense to Johnny, but he knows he has permission to go supernova while inside. The venting and dispersion will work for a prolonged period, and as an unexpected bonus, Richards was able to channel the energy to heat the entire block.
Johnny doesn’t care about that.
Why he needs the Tank is vague, but the Four know Johnny rarely asks for technology unless absolutely necessary. If it can help prevent any direct damage to the brownstone or the neighborhood, Reed and Sue are on board.
The apparatus is simply a more powerful version of the original assessment chamber in the Baxter Building, less the flaw where his maximum temp can melt the walls.
Johnny does the song and dance, listens to the explanation of controls—door stays locked until a specific sensor reads below 110* F—and then dismisses Reed and his sister to go out to dinner or whatever it is they do. He doesn’t pay attention after the necessities. 
He contemplates inviting you in verbally, but instead lights his hand. That’s your ghost-equivalent of an attractive offer: concentrated heat. If this works at all…
As soon as the thick door shuts, its pitch black save for his hand, and Johnny stokes the fire. He gets more and more nervous, letting the smooth, gradual increase boil atmosphere like a frog in the pot, until the first shapes of you lick through the distortion.
You’re here.
You’re really here—right there within reach—and he pushes for more, more heat, more pressure, more you.
There’s not one whole part of you that becomes clear first; it’s wisps of a hip, a curve of a jaw, leg. He simply watches intently, unable to hear over the roar of flame around him—around you both.
But he can hear your voice in his head so clearly, joking, poking fun at his needless intensity, his perpetual impatience.
I’m always here.
I’m not going anywhere.
You aren’t though. He wants more. For once in his constantly un-alone life, he wants just one thing: to see you, to be with you physically.
Then you’re there.
Suddenly, the nuance of oranges curve over every inch of you, and Johnny’s body feels hotter than it’s ever been, in pain or pleasure, in fear or safety. He’s on fire inside and out.
He hardly imagines what your skin will be like in his palm because the burnt clay undertone of it seems hard. If Johnny’s learned anything about you, “hard” would describe none of it. You’re malleable like amber and fragile as rust.
The shared presence of blood-red is the most you and Johnny have ever had in common to date, and yet he feels a connection in the destruction, the dispersion of his life-force. If only he could truly give himself to you…
His bare foot steps forward in a cloud of plasma and smoke, sliding through the blaze.
He is the only source of oxygen now. There is nothing but Johnny to galvanize life within the Tank, and he has a goal.
Touch her.
That’s all he has to do: suffer and incite thousands of degrees for a corporeal taste.
Just one. Just one touch. Just touch her.
But Johnny Storm has never settled for the bare minimum. He steals the whole show. He shoots all the way to the stars. He can’t be held back, and there’s no one who cares to hold him back.
Before he can close the distance between you, your arm raises, a palpable hand resting on his chest which he greedily covers with his own and continues. Onward to you. Nearer. Hotter. Sooner. Until he arrives, lips kissing the beautiful, pouting plume of your lips.
To his utter delight, you feel…cool like fog rolling over his molten skin, and his lungs fill with the contradiction, veins opened wide to the shock of dopamine injected by new.
Johnny’s power makes him impose on others—on the world—because he controls the climate around him. Climate never fights back.
You do. You can affect him, and he’s instantly addicted.
He’ll fuse straight to your soul if you let him. He’s that far gone in seconds. The chain reaction simply floods through him, and he pumps more and more heat out to keep you tangible.
He’ll die without friction. He can’t imagine living without.
He presses, smelting your essence into his memory and hoping.
Stay, he thinks. Stay even when I burn out.
The hand on his heart squeezes, a cool rock to rest his sweating skin upon.
You’re a balance. You can keep him grounded even after all the hot air of this life floats away.
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A/N: well, I'm really praying that read as interesting rather than confusing because I've had to come up with odd ways to describe how Johnny and a ghost can interact. Had this idea for Reader to be attracted to heat (i.e. her consciousness gathers around that energy which is the only time she can kinda really *think*) for a while, and it struck me that it would be novel to have a cold kiss be more tantalizing for the Human Torch. Anyway, I overthink everything, so yep, all is fine here!
Jake Jensen and a kiss to distract ⬅️➡️ Ransom Drysdale and a kiss as a yes
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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midnightstar-90 · 1 year
Eddie Diaz x Fem! Reader
Taglist | Request | Wattpad
Main Masterlist | 9-1-1 Masterlist
Request from Ella: Reader either dating Eddie, best friends with Hen or a member of the team. Reader faints and whoever you choose helps out. They’re okay just a scare. Maybe some home cooked food and juice afterwards? Hurt/comfort please. Thank you.
Summary: After fainting, Eddie looks after the reader.
Warnings: Angst, Fainting, Fluff
A/N: My Buck and Eddie fluff and angst fanfics are some of my favorites to write. It’s a shame that there isn’t a lot out there.
Words: 1.1K Words
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I walked into my apartment after a long HOT day at work. L.A. had recently been hit with a heatwave, and the office building where I had worked’s AC didn’t help with the 110-degree weather.
I placed my purse on the kitchen counter, along with my keys, before getting a cup out of the cabinet. Before I could even get a drop of water into my cup, I heard a knock at the door. Annoyed, my head fell back as I released a loud groan. With each step I took to open the door, a clicking sound from my heels, meeting the hard flooring, echoed through my apartment.
“Who is it?” I asked, now at the door. 
I heard a male voice call out, “It’s Eddie.” I looked through the peephole, finding that the name and voice matched the face. I opened the door finding Eddie in jeans and a button-down shirt. In his hands, he carried groceries from my local supermarket. 
He looked at me with a smile before his eyes met my face. My face was red, with sweat pouring down my face. “Are you okay?” He asked as I let him in. I went to close the door, stumbling over myself, as I heard the click of my door shut. “Yeah, I’m alright,” I said with a slight slur.
Eddie swiftly placed the groceries down on my kitchen counter, next to my keys and purse, before making his way to me. “Y/N, are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale,” He said. Eddie placed his hands on each side of my face, observing me to see if I was alright. I nodded my head, “yes,” but Eddie didn’t believe me. “Y/N, your eyes are dilated, your skin is pale, and you’re sweating like crazy. I think you should sit down.”
“Here,” Eddie directed, pulling me over to my couch. He helped me sit down before he said, “I’m going to get you some water.”
I felt myself become dizzy. Black spots took over my vision, and soon it became hard to breathe. “Eddie,” I mumbled loud enough for Eddie to hear. He turned around, and his eyes went wide before all I saw was black.
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“She’s going to be just fine, Mr. Diaz,” I heard a voice say, but everything was still black. I tried to open my eyes, but it was no use. Nothing happened. ‘Am I in a coma?’ I asked myself frantically. “Your wife suffers from dehydration, which is common on days like this. She should wake up soon, but we want to keep her a little longer after she wakes up to make sure that nothing else is wrong with her,” the mystery man said.
I heard some shuffling and a door open and close before my eyes began to flutter open. A bright light took over my vision, causing me to groan in discomfort. “Y/N,” I heard next to me. As soon as I was fully conscious, I turned my head to face the voice, only to see Eddie staring down at me in a slight panic. I felt his hand tightly grip mine. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” He said, giving me a sad smile.
“Where am I,” I spoke groggily.
“Well, you passed out, so I brought you to the hospital. You’ve been out for a few hours, but the doctor said that you were fine. You’re just suffering from a case of dehydration,” Eddie said, leaning down to kiss my hand. “I was so worried,” he added.
“This is payback for all those times you’ve almost died on me. This is nothing compared to when you got shot,” I state, earning a small laugh from Eddie. 
“I’m so happy you’re okay. When we get home, I’m going to make that dinner I was going to make earlier, and we can binge any show you want tonight.” I beamed up at Eddie’s words, knowing exactly what we were going to watch tonight.
“Supernatural?” I asked, looking up at Eddie with a gleam of hope in my eye. 
“Sure,” Eddie chuckled at my child-like behavior and nodded his head.
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Eddie and I sat in the hospital room for about half an hour before my doctor came back. He took a sample of my blood to make sure everything was fine, and when he came back, he gave me the all clear to go home.
When I got back home, I flopped on the couch. “Ahh,” I moaned. “It feels so good to be home!” I exclaimed, earning a laugh from Eddie.
From the kitchen, Eddie began to speak, “I’m glad you’re happy because I’ve got a very special dinner planned tonight.”
Standing up from the couch, I walked into the kitchen. I went over to Eddie, who was putting pasta into boiling water, and wrapped my arms around his waist. I turned my head and placed my face against his back. “I love you, my husband,” I joked, feeling his muscles tense.
“You heard that?” Eddie asked, his voice shaky.
“I heard what the doctor called me. I assumed you told the doctor that,” I said smugly. 
“They wouldn’t let me back unless we were immediate family, and I panicked,” Eddie spoke as he stirred the pasta.
“Hmm. I like the sound of that,” I mumbled against his back.
“Mrs. Diaz,” I responded.
“Maybe one day,” Eddie said, putting a gleeful smile on my face.
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When Eddie was done cooking, he made both of our plates and sat them on the table across from each other. He had made spinach and chicken alfredo with garlic bread. I sat at one of the seats where a plate was placed, and Eddie made his way back into the kitchen.
“They didn’t have that supper fancy wine that you like, so I got apple and grape juice,” He said, walking out of the kitchen with two juice containers and two wine glasses.
“Apple,” I said with a laugh.
He poured apple juice into both of our cups before sitting down across from me. My head shook up and down as I spoke with an amused smile. “I’ve got to give it to you, Eddie. This is the most special dinner I’ve ever had,” I said as I sipped my juice.
“Well, I hope so because Chris is gonna be pissed,” He said, sending us into a frenzy. Our laughs echoed through the apartment.
When the laughs began to calm down, Eddie calmly stated, “I love you, Y/N. And I’m glad you’re okay.”
“I love you too, Eddie. And I’m also glad I’m okay, so I can do this.” I stood up. Leaning over the table, I gave Eddie a small kiss on the lips and sat back down. “Now, when can we watch our show?”
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If your user is in red, it means that I couldn't find you. Please let me know if you would still like to be added to my taglist.
Taglist: @mrspeacem1nusone @girlnred @okiegirl24 @babypink224221 @iamasimpingh0e @Virginia @alexxavicry @kaitieskidmore1 @vanessaw05 @bellarkeselection @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @icemansgirl1999 @esposadomd @buckysmainhxe @sunwardsss @ineed-myspace-blog @their-love
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everywherea11thetime · 7 months
Education, Calculation, Exploration💙
mathprofessor!max x student!reader
warning: student teacher relationships, smut,bad smut writing(srry) part two with actual smut bc there trying to stop me:[, oral, google translate
It was Friday and your grades had just came out, you re loaded the website and they popped up 100, 105, 99.8, 110, 89, 65 your heart dropped you and your father had one deal hed pay for everything to do with college as long as you pass you classes. You weren’t even bad at math but you had a new professor and it was really hard to concentrate when he’d walk around with his three buttons off and deep blue suit. he had a way of talking like he knew that your thighs were clenched and dripping you were deep in your thought about how professor verstappen would teach you how to do anything and every thing when you heard ringing you looked down at your phone and saw your dads name “h-hey dad” you stuttered trying to shake the thoughts out of your head you’re dad spoke “you grades, i saw them. You need to fix that grade by the end of this week or get a job” “but dad it’s Wednesday!” you knew he wouldn’t care but still tried to protest “get it done.” and he hung up. It was 6pm you were hoping that professor verstappen would still be in his class, you threw the on a coat over your night gown, put on some shoes and practically ran down stairs. His class was only about a three minute walk, you barged into his class with out a second thought but when he looked up you suddenly felt small, remembering that you were only wearing a night gown that was incredibly short, his voice brought you out of your head “what are you doing in here” you walked to the front of his desk “i need my grades fixed” silence “if i don’t get my grades up my dads gonna take my money and then i’m gonna be homeless with no degree please sir” he chuckled “do you know how many people have to work for their place here? I’m done grading now, should have come earlier” you stared in silence for about ten seconds thinking of what to do, you knew that you were pretty and had a good body and sometimes used it to get what you want but never with school, yea sometimes for a free drink at a bar, or a new hand bag, sometimes even new shoes but never for school. This could go three ways 1. give great sex and he fixes your grade 2. give great sex and nothing happens 3. he says no you get kicked out. Fuck it it’s college. you walked around his desk and took off your coat letting it drop to the floor you were only about a step away from being in between his legs “I really need that A” you whispered as you went down onto your knees and looked up at him and began to trace his clothed cock and brought your hand all the way up to his chest, he grabbed your hair turning it into a make shift pony tail. you took his belt off and took him out of his pants he was big but you could take him, you grazed his tip with your thumb then licked him from base then swirled your tongue around his tip, you could feel every vein he had as you took him in you mouth he threw his back and started to whimper as his tip hit the back your throat. You sucked and twisted until you felt him twitch in your mouth, he was a groaning mess you felt his cum reach the back of your throat. You pulled off him “do i get my A” he let out a soft breath “yes schat” you got and bent down trying to grab your coat when you felt hands wrap around your waist and pull you onto his lap he pulled your hair to one side and whispered in your ear “you didn’t really think i would give the A that easy did you love”
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in-omni-scientia · 11 months
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] — Hey. Pssst. VOLITION — ... COMPOSURE — ...You've been staring at the wall above your little desk completely motionless for what can't be more than about two minutes straight now. I think Authority is getting weirded out.
You turn your head to where Authority has, also, been standing and staring at you completely motionless for two minutes. He tilts his head back and to the side a small amount.
COMPOSURE — Almost... inquisitively, I think.
"Just gathering myself. I'm okay." Involuntarily, your body tacks on a (rather awkward) thumbs up. He huffs and turns away.
COMPOSURE — Give him five seconds maximum, and he'll turn back again. I don't think he wants to let you out of his sight right now.
Shifting your gaze back to the notepad in front of you, you run your eyes over the list of allocated duties once more.
Claims to be: "what I should be"
Currently useless.
Allocated job: Prevent Authority from speaking.
Allocated job: Stay quiet.
Claims to be: "joy"
Currently useless.
Allocated job: Perceiving.
Claims to be:
Be dumb and stupid forever, haha. With love, Authority.
Allocated job: Do what we are supposed to.
Claims to be: Social cues, knowing how to act, culprit of the Suggestion Anonymo
Allocated job: Making us *appear* normal to the others.
Allocated job: Just generally keeping our shit together?
Do *not* allow to speak under ANY circumstances.
Allocated job: Movement.
VOLITION — Good. A rather rough draft, though I'm sure we can continue to allocate roles as we find them necessary. ENCYCLOPEDIA — A rather poor effort for categorization by your standards. PERCEPTION — Come *on*, why do I have to be Perception just because I do the seeing? I'd be far better suited for Ele... VOLITION — You both have *new* jobs now, stay quiet unless you can contribute something of use.
Flipping your notepad to a new page, you start to write:
ENCYCLOPEDIA — A good place to start. Theoretically, all reactions are reversible... VOLITION — What can you recall about our affliction? Anything at all.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Trivial: Success] — Obviously, this happened after the Whale communicated with us. We were experiencing its effects prior to that interaction, but to a minimal degree; the pain inflicted upon its response to us prior to this beginning is not negligible. Causation can be assumed here. COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] — I have to point out -- well, look at Authority.
You cast a side glance in his direction. Even with your blurry vision, you can see him pacing back and forth, occasionally throwing a glower your way.
COMPOSURE — He’s fine, even after communing with the Whale. A little bothered by all this, obviously, but that’s natural. VOLITION — Yes -- it’s unusual. Charmer is fine as well.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] — There’s a logical explanation for it. We just have to find one.
[Encyclopedia - Challenging 12] Do we know why you could have been impacted so adversely compared to your colleagues? (WHITE CHECK)
HIGH - 72% +1: Know about the Whale. +1: Savoir Faire’s fragmentation. -1: No Logic subskill. +1: Authority is here.
CHECK SUCCESS (Challenging: 12 vs. Your Total: 14)
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Challenging: Success] — If *they* have not been impacted by a pale anomaly to the same degree as you have, you can only assume it has to do something with mental fortitude, or something similar. VOLITION — …Are you saying the Psyche skills know Volta do Mar? ENCYCLOPEDIA — No. Well – you could always ask, but I don’t know if you would get a good response. What I’m saying is, it may have something to do with your level. VOLITION — Go on…
ENCYCLOPEDIA — Recall the average pulses per minute for each attribute as studied by the Turtle -- [110 for Intellect, 150 for Psyche, 70 for Physique, and 50 for Motorics]. This lines up fairly well with the base levels for them, 4-5-2-1 (though some individual skills *have* been levelled beyond this via Thoughts). ⠀⠀Remember, too, the Turtle’s studies into the neurons. They made sketches of them – but some neurons had a strange pale sheath on them that was slowing their communication. (The fact they selected a Motorics neuron for that diagram is significant, too, as it evokes Savoir Faire’s current state).
ENCYCLOPEDIA — We know that it is unnatural for neurons to have that sheath on them. What I am trying to say is, I believe that perhaps the Pale Whale has given us pale exposure, and the skill’s levels afford certain Skills protection from being affected by the pale exposure.
ENCYCLOPEDIA — The effects of pale exposure for us seem to follow a pattern: high-levelled Skills, such as Authority, Suggestion and Empathy, receive no visible afflictions. Medium-level Skills such as yourself, Drama, Composure, Rhetoric, Pain Threshold and Interfacing have their abilities to communicate affected, and low-level skills experience partial fragmentation. ⠀⠀I am unsure of *how* this fragmentation exactly occurs, considering our and Savoir Faire’s presentations are very different. Though I believe we have the resources to figure this out.
VOLITION — Hmmm… ⠀⠀This theory may have some flaws in it. I will begin with smaller flaws. First of all, cop radio was affected with a similar presentation to Skills from medium levels. How do you explain this? ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] — Esprit De Corps was the first to contact the Whale, of course; perhaps their initial contact overcame the natural protection their level afforded them.
VOLITION — *How* were we affected by the pale? The closest origin point is in Martinaise, and we have not been there for some time. ENCYCLOPEDIA [Heroic: Failure] — Admittedly, I have no rebuttal for that. Perhaps the theory that Harry has one in his own head is correct. Perhaps the Whale has the power to reach beyond the bounds of where pale ordinarily can.
VOLITION — Savoir Faire’s affliction was caused *prior* to the Whale’s first contact. ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] — Remember, the incident occurred after you had explained the Pale, when they claimed to ‘backflip into Rodionov’s trench’. While that is completely ludicrous to believe they could actually pull that off six thousand kilometres from the nearest point of even porch collapse, I do believe the Pale has something to do with their presentation. ⠀⠀Furthermore, the Whale claimed in its contact with you that ‘Mother Nature’ is disgusted by us, that ‘the verdict’ had already been made. Perhaps it has had its eye on us for some time now, and Savoir Faire’s affliction is another case of pale exposure, simply occurring before we were aware of the Whale’s presence. VOLITION — So it wasn’t me… PERCEPTION — It wasn’t you.
VOLITION — Okay. And finally… ⠀⠀We have six points. Not that far off from the Psyche skills. This fragmentation is *not* a low-level presentation, unlike what you said. PERCEPTION [Easy: Success] — Actually… I’m so sorry. VOLITION [Formidable: Failure] — ? PERCEPTION — You are at two points currently. VOLITION — What? Why?
ENCYCLOPEDIA — Minus-two from No Wedding Bells Chime in this Church Anymore. Minus-one from Brilliant Bibliolater’s Blues. Minus-one due to the lost morale. (Normally that last one wouldn’t be an issue, but I think the fact you’ve been proclaimed Volition is doing that…) ⠀⠀They’re distributed among us, but they add up to minus-four overall for Encyclopedia, the construct.
VOLITION — You’re kidding me. ⠀⠀*Thinking about the concept of marriage* caused this? Made me more prone to it? ⠀⠀And I’m even more prone now because Authority yelled at me?? PERCEPTION — I’m sorry. IN MEMORIAM — Until pale do our atoms part. VOLITION — We… we have to forget those thoughts *now*. Do we have the points? ENCYCLOPEDIA — No. VOLITION — *Shit*. We need to—to ask someone what to do. Who do we talk to about this? Can Volition do something?
PERCEPTION [Medium: Success] — Are you sure you want to do this?
VOLITION — Of course I am!! I’m going to be *completely torn apart* if this goes on! PERCEPTION — If you forget those thoughts, you will never be able to think about them again.
VOLITION — Yes, well… ⠀⠀… ⠀⠀Never? PERCEPTION — Never ever. VOLITION — Well, I can’t get married or have favourite facts if I’m dead. PERCEPTION — Don’t you want to take the chance? VOLITION — Empathy wouldn’t want me to. I’d leave them all alone.
IN MEMORIAM [Godly: Success] —
⠀⠀‘Tis better to have loved and lost Than to never have loved at all.
PERCEPTION — Yes, exactly -- it will hurt them far, far more knowing you saved yourself but doomed yourself to never wanting more, than to know you risked yourself to finally put a name to what you are. You *talked* about that.
VOLITION — …Uhm. ‘Exactly’ to what? PERCEPTION — Uh. I don’t remember…? ⠀⠀But seriously, please. Just take the chance. It’s irrational, it’s irresponsible, it’s impossible. ⠀⠀But… give it a try.
VOLITION — ...Sigh. ⠀⠀You… *people* are terrible. Fine, I’ll leave them for now. But the *moment* any funny business happens, we’re dragging Authority with us over to Volition’s zone and demanding they give us the points to get rid of them.
AUTHORITY [Challenging: Failure] — You want me to do something?!?! VOLITION — Not *you*. I don’t call you Authority by choice, it’s simply because it is convenient at the moment. AUTHORITY [Legendary: Failure]— (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
VOLITION — So… what do we do now? ENCYCLOPEDIA — Actually, can I try to figure out what exactly is causing fragmentation to occur? It’s a rather big step up from language difficulties. This could be important to figure out. COMPOSURE — You should tell Authority what you have worked out. Just to let him know this hasn’t been a waste of time. PERCEPTION — If you want to regain a level, you need to heal that morale you lost; I would recommend finding Empathy. It’s been a little while since you last saw them. AUTHORITY — Definitely *do not* do that; not in your current state. They’re already far too stressed. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Finally, something reasonable from that one.
[Encyclopedia - Legendary 14] Do we know how this fragmentation could be occurring? (WHITE CHECK)
About going to talk to Empathy…
“Authority, I think I’ve worked out what is happening with all of us.” (Finish thought.)
[Encyclopedia - Legendary 14] Do we know how this fragmentation could be occurring?
LOW - 28% +1: Know about the neurons. +1: Know about Savoir Faire. -1: Holes in your theory.
CHECK SUCCESS (Legendary 14 vs. Your Total: 14)
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Legendary: Success] — It has to be the pale sheath that’s doing it. ⠀⠀The sheaths are slowing the action potential of the neurons they are attached to. Theoretically, if the neurons that make up *you* could not communicate fast enough to keep you together... VOLITION — …they’d start dissociating from one another. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Yes, like the turtle proposed. And each one may begin to function as separate entities. Perhaps it would get to the point where they disconnect entirely. VOLITION — Lord. Is-- is it reversible? ENCYCLOPEDIA — I don’t know.
You gaze down at your notepad unseeingly, half-filled with a near-unintelligible frantic scrawl that has barely kept up with the pace of your thoughts.
AUTHORITY — Unintelligible?! I’ve been doing my best! PERCEPTION — OG, we can find out. Heal that lost morale, get that one point back; see what it does for you. VOLITION — But… that’s not going to do anything. Losing it hasn’t actually done anything in regards to how this… condition is presenting itself. AUTHORITY — Wrong again, worm. Look up. COMPOSURE — I think you meant bookworm? AUTHORITY — Irrelevant. Look up.
You do – and gaze directly into a near-identical copy of your own face, with the notable exception of two pinprick lights flashing at you from the abyssal shadows.
With a yelp, your stool clatters to the ground – but as soon as you’ve jumped up, it’s gone.
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luckystarchild · 1 year
Sometimes I get a little... frustrated... by the reactions to Lucky Child.
(No one is doing anything wrong. This isn't a callout post.)
Fiction that is serialized one chapter/installment at a time over a long period of time suffers from "No Instant Answers Disease." In a book, if you have a question about something that occurs midway through the narrative, you can read to the end and (most of the time) get your answer unless the author forgets the plot thread or something. But with serial fiction that is incomplete, you can't keep reading. You just have to sit with whatever the plot point is, wondering.
Sometimes LC (and most ongoing work probably) gets comments that express frustration over something that I, the author, know will get resolved eventually. But on a few specific topics, folk consistently will write comments that accidentally imply I'm like... writing about pointless stuff?? And I KNOW they don't mean to imply that, and that they're just giving an emotional response to the drama I MYSELF CREATED, which means it's impacting them emotionally and that means my writing of the subject was successful, BUT it's still a little frustrating on my part when people seem to imply that I'm wasting time/words/story on something "useless" or "pointless" or something that "doesn't matter." FRUSTRATING that they think I'm just wasting words!
But it's not frustrating in a "they're wrong" kind of way, mind you. It's frustrating in a "I can't give them any assurances without dropping massive spoilers and now I'm caught between a rock and a spoilery place" kind of way!
Big LC spoilers if you haven't read past chapter 110 or so. Click to keep reading.
Specifically I'm talking about the "None of this is real" plotline. For those who need a refresher, Hiruko implied that the world/people around NQK may not be "Real" by some obscure definition, and NQK spends a lot of time agonizing over what that means in both a practical and philosophical sense, and if it means anything at all.
In chapter 109, NQKagome reacts super emotionally to this whole idea, insisting that the people around her MUST be real. She loves them, and she feels they love her, so the idea that they're "philosophical zombies" that are basically just really good fake people makes her have an anxiety attack. And a lot of readers SWIFTLY sided with NQKagome, and/or they argued "It doesn't actually matter if they're real or not."
It's that last argument I find really frustrating. The implication that "this topic they're spending time on doesn't matter and they shouldn't even worry about it" is, unintentionally, kind of implying that the time we're spending talking about the concept itself doesn't matter, which is in turn an implication that it has no bearing on the plot/story/characters, which is kind of a sideways comment about my writing/storycraft itself. It's implying I'm spinning my wheels on useless crap.
And I know that's not what's intended by those comments, which are instead likely just emotional reactions to a heavy concept, but like... "Hey author, this thing you've devoted thousands of words to doesn't actually matter or have a point, I think it's useless for the characters to care about it" is a frustrating thing to hear.
Because it does matter.
I wouldn't be writing about it at such length and in such detail if it didn't matter.
But I can't like... explain why it matters, or even the DEGREE to which it does or doesn't matters, because even hinting at how big (or small) of a deal it may be could be SUPER spoilery if you're even a LITTLE good at deducing metanarrative. So I just have to sit here nervously laughing to myself going, "Heheh, yeah, uh, it toooootally doesn't matter at all, noooo... (*nervous fidgeting*)" and feeling frustrated that the reader doesn't trust me to write about things that "matter."
Oh god, this is a trust issue. I just figured that out now while writing this.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if LC were complete, you could just read to the end and figure out why/how it matters instead of implying it's a useless waste of time, but LC isn't complete, so...you can't. BUT I also know that the impassioned responses to the "Is this Real?" question show just how deeply the topic gets under people's skin, and that's great for me as a writer, because it shows me where I can focus to get people emotionally invested. Even the most hostile "this sucks and this topic shouldn't matter" responses show me I've struck a nerve, which is a GOOD thing in the end. I should take those comments as compliments.
But all in all, I GUESS those frustrating responses and my reactions to them indicate how much I need to finish the damn story, so maybe this frustration is a good thing in the end... but please, for the love of fanfic, please TRY and trust that if I spend a long time talking about something in the story, it's probably because I'm laying the groundwork for plot later. Don't fall prey to "No Instant Answers Disease."
"Just trust the process and let me cook." That's the moral (antidote?) here.
And that's my rant. Thanks for reading.
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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Goodness gracious I am tired. Today was a pretty perfect day off. I am feeling really happy but I also just really on to go to sleep.
I slept okay. I woke up early and was feeling nice. I would scroll on my phone for a few minutes. But then j would get dressed and felt cute in my new outfit. I also felt like my hair didn't feel nice. I would brush it later but I knew I would be out in nature this morning so I wasn't to concerned about it.
James suggested we go out on the lake early so we can avoid the worst of the heat. My husband is so smart. We would wear our bathing suits and got ice water and our kayak and we're in our way.
When we got there we got a good parking spot. I was in a great mood despite it already being 90 degrees. I put together the oars and inflated the seats while James inflated the boat itself.
It was much more sturdy this time. James did a good job. I would bring an umbrella on the boat with me and it was such a good move.
Almost as soon as we got in the water I decided I didn't want my seat. And took that down and uninflated it storing it in the front. I would end up just laying side ways with my feet in the water and my umbrella in my hands. James was paddling us all over. They were sweating and having the best time exercising. And I was living my best life luxuriating and just hoping everyone who saw us got a little laugh about the dynamic. We were both just really happy. I told James stories from living on Playwicki and swimming throughout my teens and just how much I loved living there.
We were out on the water for more then an hour. We would get a little stuck at times
And I tried to take over rowing but in being silly I was doing it to make the boat go to the side. We were giggling and being silly. And I was really happy.
I could have stayed down there all day honestly. Even when the sun was to bright and I needed my umbrella. I was having a blast. You aren't supposed to swim there though. To deep, not safe. So no swimming today. And once James was out of water it was time to head back.
Getting out of the water was a little dangerous. I was a little wobbly. But we did it and while James's water bottle fell in the water they were able to get it and no one lost anything. Excellent.
When we got back to the car I took apart the oars and uninflated the seats. I would take off my bikini bottoms and changed back into shorts. James would get dressed too. I got my phone from the car and had a missed call from my dad.
I would call him and we chatted for a bit. About health and how there are no natural lakes in Maryland. It was nice to hear his voice.
Me and James would go to lunch at Pepe's. James breakfast and I got a grilled cheese. They told me about the tour de France and different types of football. I asked about timezones. It was a nice time.
We would make a stop at Canton crossing before we went home. We went to Michaels for me to get a double glass frame to try my stained glass paint. And then we went to target to get James something. We would accidently lose eachother in the store but James found me and we would pay and go home.
When we got back here it was very hot. I would spend some time cleaning the frog tank and tidying up the turtle tank. Moving some stuff around and moving the dirt. Giving him some enrichment.
We would clean the house a bit. Ruby was sent upstairs to vacuum. We would clean the floors downstairs and put away things around the first floor. It was nice. I love when the house is out together.
I would work on my stained glass project while James went to do laundry. I put a piece of paper between the glass and did the "leading" first. And would wait a few hours for that to dry before I would start filling the shapes with color.
I would have a snack on the couch and work on my knitting. I got 3 squares done and when I counted I have 55 squares now! Amazing. And since they are double sided it's actually 110! I am making great time honestly. It's a long process.
James would come home and worked on hanging out dried flowers in the kitchen and I'm so happy. They look so good. I love how our living room and kitchen space is. I can't wait the get more of our projects done.
James would go to the grocery store. And would make me pasta for dinner. Which was beautiful and tasted great. I did add more sauce because I wanted to dip my bread and also it was very hot from being baked so the cold sauce brought it to a more reasonable temperature. And it was very very good. I appreciate that they changed the way they cook the noodles to the way I like them. They love me so much and I love them so much.
After dinner we're just chilling in the couch. Eventually Brandon would come over to watch House of the dragon. And they set up their projector and sheets up and that's where they are now.
I would come upstairs and packed some clothes for the week because I'm trying to stay the majority of the week. Even thought I don't actually want to. I think I will benefit because of the sewing project. But I am still anxious about it.
I am going to take a shower soon. And get ready for bed. I am fighting closing my eyes. And I have a long week at camp starting tomorrow!!
It will be a good day. I will get rest. And I hopefully not be to overheated. It's going to be very hot the next few days.
I hope you all sleep well. Take care of eachother. Goodnight!!
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machinavocis · 8 months
we will be moving to tucson arizona sometime this year around late april/early may
but i'm not buying a house yet. gonna start out in an apartment with a six-month lease, mostly just so that roommate can first Experience the Summer™
(we spent a week there in november & he REALLY loved it, was totally 100% raring to get out there asap, but i mulled it over for like another day before coming back with "alright. ok. see. in order for me to trust that this is truly an Informed Consent Choice, i feel like i need us to be there for Death Heat Season, & once we're in the middle of the 6 straight weeks of 110+ degree temperatures, if you can THEN, in THAT MOMENT, look me in the eye and say again YES I WOULD LIKE TO CONTINUE TO LIVE HERE--at THAT point we are GOOD & i am FULLY BACK ON BOARD.")
i do hate the idea of dealing with more rental nonsense, landlords, etc for another most-of-a-year, but like...this is objectively the smarter, more responsible path to take here. since my number one priority is to make super extra certain that roommate doesn't experience quality-of-life-worsening health complications from the climate & such. not to mention it WILL be WAY the fuck easier to house shop locally vs. from another state, plus i'll have time to scope out neighborhood vibes, read up on + get prepped for the whole ADU construction process, find a good realtor, etc.
i'm...actually lowkey hella optimistic about it. which has taken me a bit by surprise.
i had a lot of little experiences on that november trip that i just felt stack themselves up in my mind both logically &...almost spiritually..? & coalesce into this weird broad sweeping sense that This Choice Would Be a Correct One.
(not THE Correct One. i feel like--at least just for me--there are a couple different paths i could take that would feel Equally Correct. tbh if it was just me alone i'd probably be heading to either denver or seattle or chicago. (vetoed by roommate for being respectively Too High, Too Wet, & Too Cold--which, fair on all counts lol.)
more thinking-out-loud (via-blogging-in-silence) on this to come in the next couple months probably. all of january & the first half of february are Mini Death Work Blitz Time this year, so i have been & am still doing that. but one month from yesterday i will have launched TWO BIG OL WEBSITE PROJECTS & then i get paid ALL THE MONEY AT ONCE & then i'll probably sleep for like three days straight & THEN i'll have the headspace to start thinking about how many things need to get done in order for moving to successfully happen. :D fuck. :D :D
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mit · 1 year
How are cities managing record-setting temperatures?
Professor of urban and environmental planning David Hsu explains what municipal governments are doing as climate change accelerates.
Peter Dizikes | MIT News
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July 2023 was the hottest month globally since humans began keeping records. People all over the U.S. experienced punishingly high temperatures this summer. In Phoenix, there were a record-setting 31 consecutive days with a high temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit or more. July was the hottest month on record in Miami. A scan of high temperatures around the country often yielded some startlingly high numbers: Dallas, 110 F; Reno, 108 F; Salt Lake City, 106 F; Portland, 105 F.
Climate change is a global and national crisis that cannot be solved by city governments alone, but cities suffering from it can try to enact new policies reducing emissions and adapting its effects. MIT’s David Hsu, an associate professor of urban and environmental planning, is an expert on metropolitan and regional climate policy. In one 2017 paper, Hsu and some colleagues estimated how 11 major U.S. cities could best reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, through energy-efficient home construction and retrofitting, improvements in vehicle gas mileage, more housing density, robust transit systems, and more. As we near the end of this historically hot summer, MIT News talked to Hsu about what cities are now doing in response to record heat, and the possibilities for new policy measures.
Q: We’ve had record-setting temperatures in many cities across the U.S. this summer. Dealing with climate change certainly isn’t just the responsibility of those cities, but what have they been doing to make a difference, to the extent they can?
A: I think this is a very top-of-mind question because even 10 or 15 years ago, we talked about adapting to a changed climate future, which seemed further off. But literally every week this summer we can refer to [dramatic] things that are already happening, clearly linked to climate change, and are going to get worse. We had wildfire smoke in the Northeast and throughout the Eastern Seaboard in June, this tragic wildfire in Hawaii that led to more deaths than any other wildfire in the U.S., [plus record high temperatures]. A lot of city leaders face climate challenges they thought were maybe 20 or 30 years in the future, and didn’t expect to see happen with this severity and intensity.
One thing you’re seeing is changes in governance. A lot of cities have recently appointed a chief heat officer. Miami and Phoenix have them now, and this is someone responsible for coordinating response to heat waves, which turn out to be one of the biggest killers among climatological effects. There is an increasing realization not only among local governments, but insurance companies and the building industry, that flooding is going to affect many places. We have already seen flooding in the seaport area in Boston, the most recently built part of our city. In some sense just the realization among local governments, insurers, building owners, and residents, that some risks are here and now, already is changing how people think about those risks.
Q: To what extent does a city being active about climate change at least signal to everyone, at the state or national level, that we have to do more? At the same time, some states are reacting against cities that are trying to institute climate initiatives and trying to prevent clean energy advances. What is possible at this point?
A: We have this very large, heterogeneous and polarized country, and we have differences between states and within states in how they’re approaching climate change. You’ve got some cities trying to enact things like natural gas bans, or trying to limit greenhouse gas emissions, with some state governments trying to preempt them entirely. I think cities have a role in showing leadership. But one thing I harp on, having worked in city government myself, is that sometimes in cities we can be complacent. While we pride ourselves on being centers of innovation and less per-capita emissions — we’re using less than rural areas, and you’ll see people celebrating New York City as the greenest in the world — cities are responsible for consumption that produces a majority of emissions in most countries. If we’re going to decarbonize society, we have to get to zero altogether, and that requires cities to act much more aggressively.
There is not only a pessimistic narrative. With the Inflation Reduction Act, which is rapidly accelerating the production of renewable energy, you see many of those subsidies going to build new manufacturing in red states. There’s a possibility people will see there are plenty of better paying, less dangerous jobs in [clean energy]. People don’t like monopolies wherever they live, so even places people consider fairly conservative would like local control [of energy], and that might mean greener jobs and lower prices. Yes, there is a doomscrolling loop of thinking polarization is insurmountable, but I feel surprisingly optimistic sometimes.
Large parts of the Midwest, even in places people think of as being more conservative, have chosen to build a lot of wind energy, partly because it’s profitable. Historically, some farmers were self-reliant and had wind power before the electrical grid came. Even now in some places where people don’t want to address climate change, they’re more than happy to have wind power.
Q: You’ve published work on which cities can pursue which policies to reduce emissions the most: better housing construction, more transit, more fuel-efficient vehicles, possibly higher housing density, and more. The exact recipe varies from place to place. But what are the common threads people can think about?
A: It’s important to think about what the status quo is, and what we should be preparing for. The status quo simply doesn’t serve large parts of the population right now. Heat risk, flooding, and wildfires all disproportionately affect populations that are already vulnerable. If you’re elderly, or lack access to mobility, information, or warnings, you probably have a lower risk of surviving a wildfire. Many people do not have high-quality housing, and may be more exposed to heat or smoke. We know the climate has already changed, and is going to change more, but we have failed to prepare for foreseeable changes that already here. Lots of things that are climate-related but not only about climate change, like affordable housing, transportation, energy access for everyone so they can have services like cooking and the internet — those are things that we can change going forward. The hopeful message is: Cities are always changing and being built, so we should make them better. The urgent message is: We shouldn’t accept the status quo.
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weather-usa · 4 months
The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Life-Threatening Heat Returns to the West as Florida Faces Heavy Rain
Start your day with the latest weather news: A second dangerous heat wave is scorching several states in the West this week, while Florida swaps its heat for tropical rain that may result in flooding.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Missouri:
Weather Missouri
Welcome to the Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather. It’s Monday, June 10, 2024, and National Iced Tea Day. Get ready for today's weather and catch up on national, regional, and local forecasts with the FOX Weather Update podcast.
Flooding Threat Replaces Extreme Heat in Florida After a scorching heat wave over the weekend, Florida is now bracing for heavy rain from tropical moisture expected to inundate much of the state. Some areas could receive up to a foot of rain by the end of the week, heightening the risk of flooding.
Weather Forecast For New Jersey:
Round 2 of Dangerous Heat Aims for the West Before summer officially begins, the West is confronting its second potentially lethal heat wave. Heat advisories are in effect for areas of Arizona, California, and Nevada. Las Vegas is projected to reach a high near 110 degrees, with Phoenix expected to climb even higher.
See more:
Before You Go Here are a few more stories you might find intriguing:
Wyoming mountain pass highway suffers 'catastrophic failure' due to landslide
Giant 7-foot sunfish discovered on Oregon beach identified as a new species
Study reveals California wildfires' pollution claimed 52,000 lives in a decade
For more weather updates, check your local forecast and 3D radar on the FOX Weather app. You can also stream FOX Weather on foxweather.com/live or your preferred streaming service.
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chirpq · 5 months
110+ Best Graduation Wishes to Write in Graduation Card 2024
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Best Graduation Wishes
It's inspiring to hear that you achieved something incredible! 😃 Hoping to have another fantastic year together. You did it! Congratulations on graduating! 😄 Hoping your future will be filled with many fantastic opportunities and adventures. Congratulations on your efforts. 🥳 I know how challenging it has been for you. May the new and bright page of your life only be the beginning. Bravo on graduating! 🎉 May all of your dreams and ambitions soar in the sky now. Cheer yourself today and see what myriad things you are going to do tomorrow. Finally, all your hard work pays off - life is now like an open oyster. Looking forward to watching you grow after graduation. Go forth and conquer! 💪 Best of luck as you move forward from this graduation day. Now you're ready to deal with any challenge after studying the whole night. Well done! 👏 The future is yours. Wishing you each & every best as your voyage continues. 🚀 Congrats grad! Your bright future starts there and then. Endless possibilities await. May your graduation day be just the beginning of a lifetime filled with success and happiness. 🌟
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Your portfolio is ready, and it's payback time now. Hope the graduation gifts you receive mark the start of many more achievements. I sincerely wish you all the best and big successes ahead 💯
Formal Graduation Wishes
Congratulations on your graduation success. May your journey ahead stay happy and prosperous. Well done on completing the exam, which is the most significant phase. With your superb efforts, you can make it big in life. Remember, it's time to celebrate your grad, and always remember, you're ready to take on the world! All your efforts and those hours spent at the library have finally resulted. Hope you continue to stay successful in all your future technologies. You have shown that you are a hard-working individual. Taking a degree is a sign that you are a person with values. The future and your dreams are close, so forge your way to success! It would help if you were pleased with achieving your goal. This is just the first step- burnishing things will follow. Happy graduation! The fact that you have finished your studies is a mighty accomplishment. May live happily and be proud of your achievement in the next phase of your life. All that you have overcome to get here will be invaluable as you move forward into the future. Congratulations on your graduation. Through your efforts and persistence, you finally arrived today. I understand that awesome things await you as you journey further into the future.
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It is over - you made it with hard work and fun. Hoping that your future will be as shining as your dreams. Never stop chasing them and make the most of this extra special time to celebrate. Your degree is something to be proud of after. The stage is set - let's make it happen!
Funny Graduation Messages
Be happy you made it out alive. Your student loans are just the start... But remember, the education and experiences you've gained over the past four years are priceless. You did it! Here we go, ladies and gents, conquering... reality. Good luck! We were confident that you could manage it. Now that you are on your own and have to pay us for all those years of study. ;) Wahoo! So, one down, millions to go! Well done, graduate! You are an adult now and are educated too. Pretend to wipe away my tears and say proudly:) (And relieved it's over...) Bravo! The college has ended! Now, the final exam—to become an adult. Congrats on your stage as a rockstar graduate! Congratulations on your graduation! From now on, you can launch your career as a professional couch sleeper and live with your parents. Just kidding, it's actually your time to take the world after these past four years! You made it! Finally, it came time to use that degree. This had to begin with job hunting. Good luck. You will all make it! I’m excited to see how each of you takes on the world after graduation.
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Kind of you :) You stuck it through all those sleepless nights and sleepless mornings. Try something yummy today! A massive reward for years of difficult trying! Now, you have to pay for all the interest you owe. But remember, the investment in your education is worth every penny as you grad. Just kidding, kind of. You made it. We’re proud of you!
Inspirational Graduation Wishes for a Family Member
Congratulations! I'm very impressed with your work and the effort you made. I wish you all the best in starting your new chapter. Always remember, graduation is not the end; it's just the beginning. You did it! Being graduated is a great one. I am seeing you win the world as I cheer for you. Go forth and conquer! Those constant nights attending class have been a reasonable remuneration. Today is your day of celebration; I congratulate you. It's time for jubilation your hard-earned success and look forward to the future. I hope you do very well and are consistently successful. That stage is just a point of the beginning. The future is yours - run for your dreams, don't just dream them. You did well, kid! We believed in you, and you succeeded us. The victory is yours, but wait and get lazy. Exciting things await! After endless effort, it's finally time to have fun! You owed it to yourself, having done incredibly well and feeling astoundingly good. Congrats, graduate! You have made us so proud from your very first day to graduation. Consistently, I wish you the best as you build your next chapter. You've got this! We sure are cheering loud and proud for you today and every day. It's the turn of the future - catch up with passion! Congrats on graduating.
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After having worked, it is time to enjoy now! Celebrate your achievement, but remember that it can take you much longer. Best of luck on your next chapter. The sky's the limit! We always sensed that you are up to some big things. This is day one of even greater success. Welcome to the world - it's your oyster, so go for it! Congrats, graduate!
Wishes for a Younger Graduate
Congratulations on your graduation! I am wishing you all the best, especially during this new journey. The world has no time to see your subsequent achievements. You did it! You made me proud of your hard work and dedication! I hope your smile will always be as bright as it is on this memorable occasion. Graduation is just the beginning, but your potential is unrestricted. I wish you all the joy and excitement of exploring the new horizons this trip brings you. Studying late nights all these has paid off! That is you, you are fantastic. All the best wishes for this exciting new beginning. Mark today as a good memory while you plan for what else you can do tomorrow. You are done - well done, graduate. Four years went by, and your graduation will live forever. Hope this will be your day of happiness, love and starting fresh as you mark the end of this one. You have come far on this journey and should be very happy. Excited to watch your progress as you achieve even more.Congrats, graduate!
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Good luck with your future ahead. It's an extra special moment as we celebrate your graduation party. Enjoy! The best is yet to arrive - you’ll be great! Congratulations on your grad! May God bless you with opportunities and adventures in 2024 and for years to come. So, I am very proud of you for what you have achieved. Anxiously waiting to discover where your commitment and skills will lead you further. It's been incredible to watch you graduate and grow over the four years. Congratulations, graduate!
Graduation Messages of Encouragement for the Future
You did it! Happy that your efforts are paying off. The future is bright, so step up and make your mark! Congrats on graduating! This is the beginning of the whole process. Confidence and bravery are the keys to success. Celebrate your achievements! But don't rest long. Doors to new adventures ahead of us open out there. Graduation is the beginning. A lot can t, therefore, be spared. Pursue learning and dream big every day. Cheer for your willpower and endurance. You are bound for a fine future. The future is yours! I'm proud of all the progress you made! Keep becoming better and brighter as you journey.
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That is you - well done! Proven that it is possible with the work. You can always turn your setbacks into great things. We are honouring your hard work today. However, now it is fun! The path to success is through courage and persistence. Graduation is only the tip of the iceberg of learning in real life! Believe in what lies before the greatness of your heart. Well done for the super job you've undertaken. Go ahead- it is time to take centre stage!
Wishes For Graduating During a Difficult Time
Sending my best wishes to you along your journey as you leave this part behind and head on to new adventures, challenging or not. You've got this! You did an excellent job sticking to your plan. This milestone will also grant you happiness and hope despite the hardships of today's life. Even though the future might seem vague, remember yourself with a lot of pride. One should toast to the next bright point in the big puzzle: graduate! Let's make this grad party special as we celebrate your achievements. Notwithstanding how different the celebration is this year, your success can’t be put out by that. We wish you strength and success as you embark on this exciting new journey. However, you can't see the way entirely because you are still full of a promise. Huge kudos on grad and moving on to an even more fantastic opportunity. I hope you write a happy ending with this one, although you didn't quite get it right this time. You've got this. Indecision in the world by no means implies potential denial. Congratulations on your grad - please, keep your light shining! I pray that this happy moment brings you joy and guarantees that you believe that even the thorny roads will have a place where good things will happen. Happy graduation day! You did it! You got my love and all the best! Different from the past, celebrations have their tradition, and your labour and enthusiasm are difficult to hold back. Hope you put on your confidence and amazement while moving ahead. You might not have achieved what you dreamed of today, but the shining future is not meant to be lost. Congrats, grad - trust that love and opportunity will find you as you go farther and deeper into realizing your dreams and who you are supposed to be.
Graduation Wishes and Congratulations
Great to see your efforts finally being rewarded! All the best as this new chapter begins. Congratulations and best wishes for your future endeavors. You did it! How proud I am of your continuous endeavours and hard work. Here's to the promising future that is yet to come!
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Eventually, those lonely nights of studying became meaningful. I’m happy for you. It's been a joy to watch you graduate and I'm looking forward to seeing all the extraordinary things you will do next. Wishing you continued success! Feel on top of the world - you deserve it. I can't wait to witness all of your fantastic achievements in the future. Bravo! The commencement stage is just the beginning. Keep moving on towards your aspirations. Well done, graduate! Your unforgettable trip has come to an end. I hope you will grow on this new path in your life. You've got this! That's the door to a life of chance and fortune. Fly high,The world will always understand your skills better. Good job with overcoming all the obstacles. Make sure you are high as a kite right now. The future is yours! Celebrate your strength and courage. This is merely the beginning of what is to come. So proud! All the late nights were a resounding success! Enjoy this milestone achievement. You'll do amazing things. Congratulations!
Funny Messages for Graduation Cards
You did it! And so, finally, I am in the real world. Good luck!🎓 To begin with, how have you been through the intense late-night study sessions? The future is yours!🥳 Your aim as a student was to get an education. Now that you have reached your goal, you are a graduate. Well done!🎉 We already know you are brilliant, so graduating is a formidable achievement. Color us impressed. Way to go!🤓 And then, after all those school years, my high school days ended for good. Welcome to the rest of your life, my friend!🥳 You have gained the awareness you didn't have after four years. Bravo!🎊
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The student debt also starts wetting their shoes...well Done!🎓😅 We're proud! Alright, now quit lingering there. Go and find a job so you can pay your outstanding student debts. Kidding!Sort of.🥳😉 You did it! Time to live in a world where nobody knows the ratio of your grades. We are very thrilled with you!🎉 May you live on, brother! Er, we mean graduating. You did great!👨‍🎓
Wise Words for Graduates
🎓 Be a learner - It is not the end when you finish schooling, so keep learning daily. Congratulations on your graduation day! 🤝 Help others - Live by the principle of paying it forward; help humans whenever you can. We are all in it together. 💪 Think positively - Whatever the challenge, you can tackle it. Believe in yourself. 💸 Money is not everything, so do something you like, and the money will follow. Don't chase money alone. 💭 Think logically- Question everything and use your mind. Your mind is your biggest asset. ❤️ Trust your inner compass - Walk the path you were meant to take, not the one others chose. And may this graduation be a reminder of how far you've come. You have your own life. Make it yours. 🤗 Surround yourself with pals – your perfect pals will lift you when the going gets tough. Value the people who are essential in your life. 🌏 Feel the world - Get out of your comfort zone and embrace different cultures. The best gift given is open-mindedness. 📚 Always learn something new - You are always learning, even at an old age. The truth is that learning keeps your mind active and doors wide open. 🥳 Embrace the route - Since the pace of life is tremendous, do not forget to look out and cherish the small things around your way.
Sentimental Sayings for Graduation
🎓 The best place to begin a new chapter is right here. The future belongs to you to invent it! 🎊 Acknowledge all the accomplishments you've made and the knowledge you have gained. The real trip lies ahead!🥳 It’s been quite a journey, and you’ve worked very hard and surpassed the hurdles. Be proud of yourself!🤗 💭 Pursue every dream that you have visualized in your mind. Trust your talents; you might go as far as you can imagine.🌟 Congratulations and best wishes on your graduation journey. However, it's okay to have a little nostalgia, but try not to look back too much. More opportunities present themselves on the way ahead if you keep going!👣 Always remember, never stop exploring and taking on new challenges. 🙏 Thank everyone for your support and encouragement throughout this journey. You didn't cross the ocean by yourself.🫂 🤞 Hoping you will enjoy the following chapter with all the happiness you can have from new adventures. You've got this!💪 🔥 Congratulate yourself on achieving today's goals and remind yourself of the feelings when you get closer to your future goals. This is the time for jubilation your journey and never stop pursuing your dreams. You have got that within you!👩‍🎓 💕 Treasure the friends you made who end up like a family. May this bond be the strongest of all other ties.👯‍♀️ 🎉 The start of a new chapter and new opportunities! Take full ownership of your power and fully illuminate yourself. Congratulations! It is time for the next move!🌟
Inspiring Graduation Quotes for Graduates
"The road to the future could be foggy, but begin with courage and believing in yourself." "Education offers you a precious asset – the ability to learn and grow. You decide what the purpose of this gift will be." "Instead of worrying about where you will end up, value the lessons, growth, and people you have encountered during the journey." "Stumble blocks will appear, but you have already embarked on such a long journey. You possess the courage, fortitude and a reason to keep moving forward - believe in it." This chapter closes, but your story continues. Go ahead and write it as well as you can, with as much passion, purpose and openness of heart.
What is the best graduation message?
Here are some ideas for positive graduation messages: - It was impressive to know that you did it, so congratulations! It was a dream come true. Your efforts to attain it paid off. I hope you succeed in this new stage of your life journey and achieve great things! - As a result, I'm proud of you. You Read the full article
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drritamarie · 11 months
Hormone & Heart-Healthy Nutrient-Packed Vegan & Gluten-Free Pumpkin Seeds
Are you ready to embark on a delicious and heart-healthy culinary adventure? Look no further than our Spicy Pumpkin Seeds recipe. Creating these delectable pumpkin seeds is a breeze, and the rewards are immense. Picture this: fresh, crunchy pumpkin seeds kissed with the fiery charm of chili powder or cayenne. They're a savory, crispy delight that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also pampers your heart.
These little seeds themselves are packed with nutrients that support cardiovascular health, from magnesium and potassium to heart-healthy fats. Plus, the optional use of olive oil brings a touch of Mediterranean magic to the mix. So, don't wait any longer. Get your hands on some pumpkin seeds and give this super-simple yet incredibly nutritious recipe a try. Your heart—and your taste buds—will thank you!
What Are Spicy Pumpkin Seeds Made Of?
Spicy Pumpkin Seeds are a simple yet scrumptious snack that combines fresh pumpkin seeds with a touch of olive oil, chili powder (and/or cayenne for an extra kick), and a dash of unrefined sea salt. These ingredients come together to create a flavorful and nutritious treat. This is the perfect healthy snack to make after pumpkin carving!
Customizing your Spicy Pumpkin Seeds is as easy as it is delightful. Besides the classic spicy seasoning, there are numerous ways to tailor this recipe to your taste buds and dietary preferences. 
Love Italian flavors? Add an Italian seasoning mix for a Mediterranean twist. Craving some Mexican flair? Sprinkle your seeds with a zesty Mexican blend. For those who prefer an exotic touch, go for a curry or Thai seasoning.
Think of all of the spicy and aromatic combinations you could use! You could add garlic powder, smoked paprika, ground cumin, or even fresh herbs. All of these aromatic herbs and spices add their own anti-inflammatory goodness.
If you have a sweet tooth, consider coating the seeds in a little stevia extract or another liquid sweetener, then dust them with aromatic cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice. It's a delightful contrast to the spicy kick! 
For a gluten-free alternative to salt, try wheat-free tamari. It's a flavorful substitute that's sure to tickle your taste buds. If you're looking to boost your nutritional profile, sprinkle some powdered kelp or other sea vegetables over your seeds. These nutrient powerhouses will give your snack an extra health punch. 
Finally, for those seeking a savory, cheesy flavor, nutritional yeast is your go-to. This versatile ingredient adds a cheesy, umami richness that's perfect for elevating the taste of your pumpkin seeds. It's high in protein and B-Vitamins. Just make sure to check the ingredients and find a nutritional yeast that doesn’t have added synthetic folic acid. I prefer the unfortified brands.
With these customizable options, you can turn your Spicy Pumpkin Seeds into a truly unique and personalized snack that suits your cravings and dietary needs. Enjoy pumpkin recipes with the freedom to experiment and discover your perfect flavor combination! 
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How Do You Make Spicy Pumpkin Seeds?
Making these irresistible Spicy Pumpkin Seeds is as effortless as it is rewarding. Begin by generously coating fresh pumpkin seeds with a touch of olive oil, ensuring each seed glistens with flavor potential. Then, here comes the fun part – add your preferred seasoning. If you crave a spicy kick, opt for chili powder; for those daring souls, a dash of cayenne will ignite your taste buds. Give them all a good, hearty mix to infuse every seed with tantalizing flavors. 
Now, the magic unfolds: lay these seasoned seeds gracefully on a dehydrator tray in a single layer where they'll leisurely bask at a cozy 110 degrees. Let them soak up the warmth overnight, perhaps a bit longer if your surroundings are humid. 
The result? Exquisite, perfectly crispy Spicy Pumpkin Seeds, ready to elevate your snacking game or become the star ingredient in delightful recipes like pumpkin seed brittle spread pumpkin seeds. Or use them in place of croutons!  So many people are looking for gluten-free options for a crispy, crunch on their salads and wraps, this may do the trick!
 Prepare to embark on a mouthwatering journey where simplicity meets flavor explosion!
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How Do These Ingredients Help with Blood Sugar Balancing and Heart Health?
Spiced Pumpkin Seeds can play a role in maintaining cardiac health while balancing blood sugar due to their nutrient composition. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of heart-healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants. 
The addition of olive oil further enhances the heart-protective properties, thanks to its monounsaturated fats. Plus, these seeds can help manage cholesterol levels, another essential factor in cardiovascular well-being. The absence of unhealthy trans fats makes them a heart-smart, healthy snack option.
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of essential minerals like zinc and magnesium, which are involved in hormonal regulation and overall health. Olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fats, supports heart health, reducing the risk of heart-related hormonal imbalances. Moreover, the choice of seasoning, like chili powder or cayenne pepper, has metabolic benefits, aiding in weight management and hormone regulation.
Each ingredient in this delightful recipe plays a unique role in supporting hormone balance, especially concerning blood sugar hormones.
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Pumpkin Seeds Are Packed With Nutrition For Heart Health And Hormones
Raw pumpkin seeds are rich in dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber. Soluble fiber has a unique ability to slow down the absorption of sugar in the digestive tract. By doing so, it helps to prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar levels after meals. This is especially beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those with insulin resistance.
Several components of pumpkin seeds, including magnesium and antioxidants, have been linked to improved insulin sensitivity. Magnesium, in particular, is involved in various insulin-related processes within the body. Therefore, consuming pumpkin seeds can support better insulin function and help manage insulin resistance.
The nutrient composition of pumpkin seeds makes them a heart-healthy addition to your diet, as well. These small but mighty seeds are packed with a variety of nutrients that can positively impact heart health in several ways.
Raw pumpkin seeds are a rich source of magnesium, with just one ounce providing nearly half of the recommended daily intake. Magnesium is crucial for heart health as it helps regulate blood pressure and supports normal heart rhythm. Adequate magnesium intake can reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to keep blood pressure within a healthy range.
Another mineral abundant in pumpkin seeds is potassium. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It counteracts the effects of sodium, helping to relax blood vessel walls and reduce the strain on the heart. A potassium-rich diet, which includes foods like pumpkin seeds, can contribute to lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of stroke.
Pumpkin seeds are a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin E. Antioxidants combat oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to inflammation and damage to blood vessels. By reducing oxidative stress, antioxidants like vitamin c in pumpkin seeds contribute to heart health.
Zinc, a vital trace mineral abundant in pumpkin seeds, plays a significant role in promoting heart health through various essential functions. One of its primary functions is bolstering the body's antioxidant defense system. By mitigating oxidative stress and inflammation within blood vessels, zinc helps maintain a heart-healthy environment.
Furthermore, zinc contributes to the regulation of blood pressure. It actively supports the production and release of nitric oxide (NO), a molecule responsible for relaxing blood vessels and subsequently reducing blood pressure. This vasodilatory effect eases the workload on the heart and helps maintain optimal blood pressure levels.
Zinc also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, crucial for heart health. Chronic inflammation is a leading factor in the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases. Zinc's ability to mitigate inflammation in blood vessel walls aids in preventing atherosclerosis, the accumulation of plaque in arteries.
In addition, zinc supports immune function, fortifying the body's defenses against infections that might lead to cardiovascular inflammation. Finally, zinc is essential for overall cellular health, as it maintains cell membrane integrity and facilitates DNA replication, all of which contribute to the proper functioning of heart cells.
Balancing zinc intake is key, as excessive amounts can lead to adverse effects. Pumpkin seeds offer a healthy dose of zinc, along with a wealth of other heart-healthy nutrients, making them a valuable addition to a heart-conscious diet.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is a nutritional powerhouse that offers numerous benefits for heart health and blood sugar regulation. Rich in monounsaturated fat, particularly oleic acid, it has been a dietary staple in Mediterranean cultures, which is associated with lower rates of heart disease and diabetes.
First and foremost, olive oil's monounsaturated fats are renowned for their heart-protective properties. These healthy fats help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol, in the blood. Simultaneously, they elevate levels of HDL cholesterol, or “good” cholesterol. This balance promotes healthier arteries by reducing the buildup of plaque and inflammation, thereby lowering the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
Additionally, olive oil is a potent source of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenols, which combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Oxidative stress can damage blood vessels and contribute to heart disease. The polyphenols found in olive oil have also been linked to improved blood vessel function and reduced blood pressure, further supporting heart health.
In terms of blood sugar regulation, olive oil has a low glycemic index, meaning it has a minimal effect on blood sugar levels when consumed. This quality is particularly advantageous for individuals with insulin resistance and those aiming to prevent blood sugar spikes.
Olive oil also contains compounds that enhance insulin sensitivity, making it easier for cells to respond to insulin and regulate blood sugar effectively. By promoting better insulin function, olive oil contributes to balanced blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and related heart complications.
Incorporating olive oil into your diet can be a delicious and health-conscious choice. Its nutrient-rich profile not only supports heart health but also aids in maintaining steady blood sugar levels, making it a valuable ally in overall well-being.
Chili Powder or Cayenne Pepper
Chilies and cayenne peppers, with their fiery heat, not only add a burst of flavor to your dishes but also offer several potential health benefits related to hormones, blood sugar, and heart health.
Chilies contain capsaicin, a phytochemical responsible for their heat. Research suggests that capsaicin impacts hormones, particularly in areas like weight management. Capsaicin can stimulate brown fat, which helps burn calories and regulate metabolism.
Chili peppers, including cayenne, have demonstrated potential in helping manage blood sugar levels. Capsaicin can improve insulin sensitivity, making cells more responsive to insulin. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. Some studies suggest that capsaicin may also reduce blood sugar spikes after meals.
Capsaicin also aids in increasing the breakdown of LDL cholesterol, the “bad” cholesterol, in the bloodstream. This can contribute to lower levels of LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
Capsaicin has been associated with improved endothelial function, leading to better blood vessel dilation and reduced blood pressure. Lowering blood pressure is crucial for heart health and reducing the risk of heart disease.
Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for heart disease. Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system.
Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for heart health. Capsaicin can increase metabolism and reduce appetite, which aids in weight management and, subsequently, heart health.
It's important to note that while chilies and cayenne peppers have potential health benefits, the concentration of capsaicin varies between pepper varieties, so the effects can differ depending on the type and quantity of pepper consumed.
Unrefined Sea Salt
The minerals found in unrefined salt can have various effects on heart health and hormone regulation.
Unrefined salt contains more than just the sodium and chloride found in table salt. It contains magnesium and potassium mentioned above, and it is also loaded with other minerals.
·      Calcium is necessary for the contraction and relaxation of muscles, including the heart muscle. It also helps with blood clotting. Adequate calcium intake may contribute to overall heart health.
·      Selenium is an antioxidant mineral that helps protect cells from oxidative damage. It has a role in reducing inflammation and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Selenium is also associated with thyroid hormone metabolism, which affects metabolism and overall hormone regulation.
·      Iodine is crucial for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism. Proper thyroid function is important for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing metabolic disorders.
·      Zinc plays a role in insulin storage and release in the pancreas. It also contributes to insulin sensitivity, which can help control blood sugar levels. Zinc deficiency may impair glucose metabolism.
·      Chromium, although typically found in very small amounts, chromium is involved in insulin signaling and may enhance the action of insulin.
·      Copper is essential for the formation of collagen and elastin, which are important for blood vessel health. Adequate copper levels may contribute to maintaining the elasticity and integrity of blood vessels.
Unrefined salt, which contains these minerals in small amounts, can support heart health and hormonal balance. However, it's essential to consume these minerals from a variety of food sources as well, as relying solely on salt for mineral intake may not provide sufficient amounts for optimal health.
Now that you're well-acquainted with the fantastic health benefits that our Spiced Pumpkin Seeds offer, it's time to dive into the kitchen and whip up this tantalizing treat. Imagine the irresistible aroma wafting through your home as these seeds slowly dehydrate, becoming perfectly crunchy and flavorful.
Whether you're craving a nutritious snack or a unique addition to your culinary repertoire, these seeds have got you covered. Don't miss the chance to savor a delightful combination of savory, spicy, and wholesome goodness.
So, let's embark on this culinary journey together, where taste and well-being harmonize in every bite. Grab those fresh pumpkin seeds and let's get cooking!
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Spicy Pumpkin Seeds 
Fresh pumpkin seeds
1 teaspoon olive oil per 2 cups seeds (optional)
1 teaspoon chili powder and/or 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon unrefined sea salt per 2 cups seeds (optional)
1. Use clean pumpkin seeds.
2. Toss the pumpkin seeds with olive oil, sprinkle with seasonings, and mix well.
3. Spread the seeds on the mesh tray, Teflex sheet, or even parchment paper on a tray of your dehydrator and set it to 110 degrees.
4. Dehydrate for 12 – 24 hours or longer, depending on how moist your environment is, stirring occasionally.
Seasoning Options 
Add your favorite seasoning mix: Italian, Mexican, curry, Thai. Try to coat the seeds in stevia or another liquid sweetener and sprinkle with cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice. Use wheat-free tamari instead of salt. Sprinkle with powdered kelp or other sea vegetables for extra nutrition. Use nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor.
If you don’t have a dehydrator, you have 3 options.
1. One is to just pumpkin seeds in a conventional manner, at 350 degrees for a total cooking time of about 20 minutes. Because the pumpkin seeds are high in omega-3 fats, which are very sensitive to heat, this is not the best option.
2. Second is an option if you have a convection oven. Simply set it to 110 degrees put the seeds on a cookie sheet and let it run until the seeds are dried and crunchy.
3. Third option: if you have an oven with a digital temperature setting, you can usually set it as low as 100 or 120. Do that. In a standard oven set to warm and open the oven door a bit periodically throughout the drying process. 
Where Can You Find This and other nutritious and delicioyus recipes like it?
You can find this fantastic Spicy Pumpkin Seeds recipe in the book, available on Amazon, “Dr. Ritamarie's Healthy Halloween Treats: Quick Nourishing and Delicious Recipes and Rituals to Delight Kids of All Ages.” This pumpkin seed recipe, along with many other nourishing and delightful treats, can also be accessed in the recipe vault of the Empowered Self Care Lab. It's a great snack that's the perfect addition to your collection of healthy and tasty snacks for any occasion.
Try this collection for additional ideas for preparing nutrient-dense greens and other phytonutrient-rich veggies.
Body Freedom Nutrition Lab
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melhiggs2 · 1 year
Day 14:
8/10/23- slept in a little today before getting ready to head out into the heat on the hottest day here- just over 110 degrees. Went for our last round of churros con chocolate and my favorite tortilla tostada. On the way this guy kept staring at me on his bike and crashed into a motorcycle which was hilarious and I suppose flattering 😂 took another bike ride to nervion to get Vince a new shirt from his favorite Spanish store- pull and bear. We biked around the neighborhood and then went to lunch and shared some new types of tapas. Dragged out lunch a bit since we checked out of our hotel this afternoon and then did some last minute souvenir shopping. We also got to stop by the parasol one last time which was nice. We went to a flamenco show this afternoon which was really exciting! The men danced a lot more this time than when I’ve seen it before which was interesting and it was a little less authentic in the theatre setting but still very fun! We grabbed an afternoon drink at a bar that me and my friends used to go to along the river and took a nice walk through there afterwards. Our hotel let us back upstairs to the pool area to shower before we headed off towards the bus. Grabbed one last dinner and enjoyed the views on the River before leaving. It was definitely a bitter sweet moment! The bus was super late and we were so exhausted but we finally made it on with barely any AC and lots of loud smelly people but at least we could relax.
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christmascocos2023 · 1 year
Thursday 10th August
Well woke to another beautifully warm and breezy day. The temperature only changes by a few degrees between day and night (26 to 23) humidity this morning is 80% but the trade winds are making it feel pleasant and are gentle not howling. I kept the aircon on overnight mainly because of the humidity, used earplugs to avoid noise distractions and had a generous glass red with dinner. Result was an excellent sleep and I am back on track😁. It is so relaxing sitting on my balcony/veranda looking at the sea in such lovely weather. Although not sure I would enjoy the wet when Chris told me it is 110%humidity and average 2 metres rain (last year they got 5 1/2 metre!)
Yesterday I asked about playing golf (the course is lovely and worth just walking if don’t play). You can hire clubs and pay course fee at Tourist bureau but there is no buggy. I was too tired yesterday to follow it up but will go back today and feel what the weight of the bag is and use that to determine if I play. Will hopefully also go and spend some time at a couple of the places Chris showed me yesterday and get some photos. Today I am on a Nature walk with Chris and some others for about 4 hrs which will make up for my rather sedentary past few days. They do get mossies here but they don’t carry any of the usual tropical diseases they do on the tropical mainland. No snakes I think he said but lots crabs!
COMMENT: although this is an island and hence you would expect lots beaches there is in fact very few due to the land dropping off in vertical limestone cliffs to the ocean. There are 2 beaches on one side but very rough this time year and best swim is near the main settlement at Flying Fish Cove. It is not a particularly inviting area surrounded by the working harbour and reef. It has a fairly high salt content I was told so floating is easy😁.Although it is a snorkelling paradise and fairly shallow. The other surprise for an island is that fish is not available in large amounts as it can only be caught by line fishing. There is no professional fisheries.
Other surprising thing was NBN which I mentioned earlier. I am going to make the most of internet and mobile coverage here (no data on your mobile though as apparently it is only 2 or 3g here). Once at Cocos (this Tuesday) there is no mobile coverage and only odd Wifi hotspots on the island. So no posts etc!
Also if you think Australia Post is slow on the mainland it is diabolical here. The tourist bureau told me a postcard posted Priority post from here will take 3 weeks to Perth and 6 weeks normal post if you are lucky😏.
Water here is fine to drink but the calcium levels must be high as you can see the build up on everything and very quick build up. Also like all seaside places they are always chasing metal and wood damage from salt.
You could be living in Asia with a few expatriates around rather than an Australian territory. Everything about the place is Asian influence from the style of shops, food, product,odd roads tha run in strange places with potholes and dust and hearing Asian languages.
Apparently the average age of visitors is mid 60’s which they hypothesise is because it is expensive to come and to live, there are no adventurous sport or activity beloved of younger people other than diving and snorkeling both of which can be expensive and no real beaches or surfing etc that would justify the expense. No clubs or night life .Also most people haven’t heard of the islands.
PM(I wrote a lot but lost it to the universe so here we go again)
Just got back from the Nature Tour. We had over 4hrs walking in the forrest at different locations and seeing and hearing about the fauna and flora. Specifically blue,red and Robber crabs(called coconut crabs some places), various birds,scorpions (whose bite can cause extreme pain for 3hrs to 3 weeks I think he said. We didn’t see them just heard but scarily they have been found in shoes and laundry baskets so not always in the forrest). I also need to correct a couple of erroneous pieces of info I gave. There is one venomous snake but can’t bite humans as it can’t get its mouth open enough to inject venom. Also the bird with the split tail is a Frigate bird.
We also went on a great board walk that took us view what seemed to be an endless coastline of blowholes. Pretty scary when you hear this sudden huge roar and then the geyser even when you know they are there. Just unpredictable. When I can I will download a whole lot of photos but even here with some WIFI I am not able to reliably load photos. All other nature related information has gone out of my head! I don’t seem to remember it as well as I do social history😁.
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