#it doesn’t help that I am also sick so yAy
snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
uhhh gimme,, opinion on ryukyo,, pleaseee
OOoooooOOOo this is one I like talking about brACe youRseLF
Don’t ship it
Why do I not ship it?:
I’ve kinda went back and forth on this one a couple times, but I settled on the conclusion that Ryuga and Kyoya just make better friends (???) than a couple. Like I can understand where the ship comes from. They’ve both been through a lot, and on some level with how they express and hide their emotions from others IS something that they could connect with on a deeper level and maybe relate to each other about, but personally I’ve never seen that as going past being platonic. I do headcanon that when Ryuga is trying to process big complicated emotions and isolates himself without giving a lot of fight, one of the people who would seek him out and actually try and try to get him to talk about his problems is Kyoya. Just the idea of Kyoya recognizing and saying ‘You’re a jerk— I couldn’t like you even a little bit— but this isn’t you. This isn’t how you react. What’s going on?’ Is very— for lack of a better word— tender to me. It’s a concern for each other based on the mutual respect they have for each other’s strength that only shows it’s face on rare occasions, but other than that, they just annoy the shit out of each other and it would probably lead to a lot of fist fights that have no indefinite end. I also head canon that Kyoya might help him out with explaining romantic feelings and how to navigate those (or the lack of those emotions as for the most part I canon Ryuga as Demi/aromantic) as he is the KING of BOYFRIENDS and probably has a lot of experience with romantic attachments and emotions.
What would have made me like it more?:
Personally, I’m a sucker for headcanons, art and fanfiction. I think if the right fanfiction came along with the two of them growing up and healing and maturing I might consider standing by this ship, but so far I’m just comfy with the whole platonic relationship.
Despite not shipping it, is there anything positive I can say about the ship?:
Again, I DO really love the idea of them coming to each other for help for complicated and sometimes painful issues based on mutual respect. I think if both of them learned to control their anger and aggressive feelings then it might work out, but I feel both of them are too chaotic to be paired together and they need a more calm counterpart to help them be their best selves.
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vodika-vibes · 17 days
i love the love for the relatively obscure corries on this blog, personally i love stone bc the episode with him is so damn funny.... he was kicking ass and protecting jar jar but he wasn't having any of his loony tunes nonsense, he's rlly a perfect man!
It Will Be A Privilege
Summary: Stone loves you. You know this. You’ve known this since the day you first met him, and he looked at you like you hung the stars. But stress and poor health have aged you prematurely, and you can’t help but be worried.
Pairing: Commander Stone x F!Reader
Word Count: 988
Prompt: Whiskey, Grey hair, and warm hands
Warnings: Some insecurity, but mostly just fluff
A/N: Confession, I am very, very sick and have been for the last three days, but I wrote this, and the other store I wrote today, because I needed to focus on that and not how bad I feel. Anyway. I don't think this was a request, but I turned it into one anyway. Yay for the Corries! I love them so much~
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 The home you share with Stone is filled with soft music and warmth. There’s a fire crackling in the fireplace, and it is easy to forget about the snowstorm raging outside when everything is so warm and inviting inside.
You know that if you were to leave the bathroom and head into the main part of the house, you would see Stone stretched out on the couch, dressed down in lounge pants and an old tee shirt while nursing a small glass of whiskey that your father gifted him when the war ended.
In fact, if you close your eyes, you can even see the scene.
Stone stretched out, peaceful and relaxed, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach with how he’s stretched out. His foot bouncing in time to the music, while he holds a datapad in his free hand and reads the most recent draft of your latest mystery novel.
The fire in the fireplace paints him in a warm light, and, in your mind’s eye, he looks like a deity.
And, as soon as you leave the bathroom, you can see him for yourself. You can drape yourself over him, steal a sip of his drink, and tuck your head under his chin. Stone will wrap his arms around you, and kiss the top of your head…and the both of you will be happy.
You will.
And yet—
And yet, you can’t seem to bring yourself to leave the bathroom.
Your gaze darts across your face in the mirror, picking out flaws that you know Stone doesn’t see, and then your gaze moves up to your hair. There, glittering under the harsh fluorescent lights, are grey hairs.
You can’t hide them anymore.
And it makes you want to cry.
You’ve been sick for years now, and the stress of your illness and trying to make a living while also battling your health has taken its toll on you. And while a part of you is sure that Stone won’t mind, the large majority of your mind is screaming that he won’t want you anymore now that you’re showing signs of aging.
And losing him might actually kill you.
You jump when you hear a light knock on the door, “Cyare?” You press your hand over your racing heart, “Everything alright? You’ve been in there for a bit.”
“Oh, um…yeah. Everything’s fine,” You take a deep, silent, breath and then walk over and open the bathroom door, “Sorry for worrying you.”
Stone smiles down at you, his gaze warm and adoring, a look reserved for you and you alone. “I always worry about you,” He replies, his hand coming up to cup your face and then sliding into your hair. 
You smile up at him, “I know you do, and I love you for it.” His hands are warm, he’s clearly been lounging in front of the fireplace, and you don’t stop yourself from leaning into his sturdy frame. “You’re warm.”
“You could be warm too if you came to cuddle with me on the couch.” Stone points out with a quiet laugh as his free arm slides, securely, around your waist, “I have some comments on your story?”
“Good comments, I hope?”
He presses his nose into your hair, “I think you’re plucky lady detective needs a handsome partner to help her.” Stone pulls away for a moment to look you in your eyes, “In other words, she needs a me.”
You laugh softly, “Finish the story and then come back to me on that.” You tease lightly, and his arm tightens around your waist.
“Ah, there it is.”
You tilt your head, curious.
“You weren’t happy. That’s illegal, didn’t you know?”
Honestly, you don’t know why you’re surprised. He can read you better than anyone, so of course he can tell that you aren’t happy. “Well,” You start, “If Commander Stone says so, then it must be true.”
Stone lightly kisses you and then guides you from the bathroom and out of the bedroom, until you’re standing in the middle of the living room.
“What’s bothering you, cyar’ika?” Stone asks as he slides his hands to settle on your waist.
Without your permission, your lips turn down into an unhappy frown. Though the frown fades slightly when he starts swaying with you to the music. “My hair—” You start, though you don’t finish the sentence.
Stone doesn’t stop dancing with you, even as his sharp gaze moves to examine your locks, “It looks the same as ever.” He finally announces, “Perfect, just like you.”
You shake your head, “My hair is going grey, Stone. That’s not perfect.”
His smile doesn’t waver, “Is that what’s bothering you?”
You frown at him, though you’re not annoyed with him. You just don’t understand his question. Of course it’s bothering you. Your hair is what makes you…you.
“Let me be clear,” Stone murmurs, his voice warm and quiet, “I will love you no matter what. I don’t love you for your hair, I love you for you. Whether it’s black or white or you shave it all off. I’ll love you all the same.”
He stops you with a gentle finger pressed against your lips, “It will be a privilege to grow old with you.”
You stare at him, shocked at his words, “Stone,” His name is a breathy whisper on your lips.
“I will be here, for as long as you’ll have me.” He promises, and you believe him.
You smile up at him, tears in your eyes, “That almost sounds like a proposal, Stone.”
Warm hands slide up your sides to cup your face, and he leans in and kisses you, slow and deep. “Nothing would make me happier than becoming your husband.” He whispers against your lips.
And finally, a real smile crosses your face as the last of your fears vanishes as though they never existed, “Yes, Stone. I’ll definitely marry you.”
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@imabeautifulbutterfly @n0vqni
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
An Attempted Explanation of Andrew’s “Manic Pills”
One of the things that bothers me about AFTG is Andrew’s medicine. The way most of the characters talk about court-mandated psychiatry and sobriety and mania is a questionable and often harmful representation of what it’s like to experience mania/hypomania — which like, it’s fiction, that’s fine, but it’s also something that I take a lil personally. So I’ve decided to try to legitimize the whole thing for myself, just because I can!
Necessary to note: I’m not a medical professional, a lawyer, etc. I’m usually a pretty good fact-checker, but I could definitely be wrong abt stuff, and I’d love for you to tell me if I am. I ran a lot of this by the lovely @the-greater-grief, who does have a medical background and also inspired me with this analysis they did on Andrew’s mental health. They were really helpful in explaining a lot of the more technical drug information, so they’re largely responsible for most of the theory that makes sense lol. But, they are also not responsible for me saying things that are wrong, lol! Alsooooo, I’ve been in the fandom for less than a year so it’s possible I’m saying stuff people have said before. Idc. I’m having fun reinventing the wheel lmfao. Okay, onwards!
The post has two parts: 
Lovingly dismantling a lot of the bullshit Neil tells us in the books
Setting up a more realistic version of Andrew’s mental health situation
Apologies in advance, this got long-winded. Let’s do this! 
Dismissing Neil’s framing
AFTG is told from Neil’s perspective, so we as readers are limited to the things he knows and understands. We know that Neil is often unreliable, and as perceptive as he can be, he makes a lot of questionable assumptions that he internalizes as fact. 
This is what he tells us, rather crudely: 
Andrew tried to kill some guys, because he might be a psychopath/sociopath.
Rather than being sent to prison, he was court-mandated to take drugs that make him “manic”/less likely to kill other people. 
The manic pills make him crazy and also make him sick, to the point where the characters refer to him as “sober” when he is unmedicated.
The withdrawal is severe enough that his psych wants him to be hospitalized to come off them. 
We learn all this about Andrew’s treatment from three sources: Information Neil read before he even joined the Foxes, Nicky’s exposition dumps, and Andrew’s actual behavior. The bullshit mostly comes from the first two items on this list, because Andrew never cares to explain much of his situation to Neil. And we can actually brush all of it off pretty easily. 
Neil builds most of his perception of Andrew’s treatment on top of information from articles he read about Kevin’s transfer to Palmetto State. These articles were unkind — the Exy world was upset that Kevin was leaving the Ravens, and Andrew was painted in a cruel and probably inaccurate way. Neil mentions an article headlined “The Prince & the Pauper”... I personally would not take anything from that article seriously.
Some of this bullshit is corroborated by Nicky, a 20-something year old jock majoring in marketing. When Andrew was sentenced, we can guess that Nicky (still basically a teenager himself) was very scared that his cousin, who he is responsible for, was going to get sent to prison. Based on the way he talks about mental health in general, I wouldn’t consider him to be an expert on the nitty-gritty of psychiatry. He just saw the outcome of the trial, which was not prison, yay! and instead involved some kind of pills that made Andrew way more social. Also, as much as I think Nicky tries, he doesn’t really get Andrew — he thought Andrew was straight, and then he thought he was hate-fucking Neil. He’s not a reliable source when it comes to judging how Andrew’s brain works/how he is affected by his treatment. 
This leaves Andrew’s behavior, because he never talks about his mental health except to say that he’s “crazy” and that he is not a sociopath. When he’s on the medicine, his behavior includes an elevated mood, a short attention span, and trouble curbing his impulses. When he doesn’t take his medicine on time, he experiences withdrawal (nausea, fatigue, etc), and feeling ill seems to curb some of his mood elevation enough to let him think with more clarity. When he’s off it, he is able to shut down his emotional reactions to things, though he still exhibits flashes of the rage, depression, and zingy one-liners from his behavior in the first two books.
Also, the only people who actually seem to understand Andrew’s mental health treatment are Andrew himself, Bee, and probably Wymack. Aaron might also have a better handle on it all because he’s pre-med, and also he understands Andrew enough to clock that he is gaga for Neil lol. 
Okay. Bullshit? Gone. 
A proposed alternate story
Once upon a time, some homophobes started beating up Andrew’s cousin and the only legal guardian that didn’t treat him like utter shit, so he went feral on them. 
He gets arrested, and somewhere along the line the courts determine that his violence stems from mental illness. Rather than being sentenced to prison, he gets some kind of probation that mandates he engage in mental health treatment. The psychiatrist he sees at the time determines that he has depression — which, like, they’ve definitely seen his self-harm scars, so this is a fair assumption — and he is prescribed an antidepressant. 
Now’s a good time to mention that no one would ever intentionally prescribe something to induce mania in a patient. Mania is a supremely dangerous state. People get hospitalized to get out of a manic episode. Whenever I even inch toward it, my therapist and psych are like, “CALL ME!!!!” It also would do nothing to curb violence — the opposite, actually, if the manic person often has a hard time holding themselves back from hurting themselves and others. If you look at Andrew’s behavior in the first two books, I don’t think it would even qualify as full-blown mania. He sleeps, he fulfills his responsibilities, he doesn’t seem to have any delusions of grandeur. His symptoms align better with hypomania, which is less severe and accounts for the things we noted before (mood elevation, short attention span, irritability, impulsiveness). I also think a lot of the stuff Andrew does that is attributed to his medicine is probably just Andrew being Andrew — because as Aaron once said, “it wasn’t the drugs that made him crazy.” (I wrote more about this once in an Andrew character study I did.)
So, the antidepressants would’ve been prescribed to treat the depression, which hypothetically could’ve made Andrew so hopeless and full of rage that he was constantly on the verge of flipping his shit on people. There are plenty of antidepressants that will make you sick/be less effective if you fuck with your dosing schedule, and all the alcohol he drinks probably doesn’t help either. Still, the medicine would just treat depression. HOWEVER! If Andrew actually has bipolar disorder (:D!!!), then some antidepressants do have a risk of inducing mania/hypomania!  
It should’ve been obvious that Andrew’s antidepressant was not working as intended. But I doubt Nicky, Andrew, and Aaron had great health insurance before they enrolled at Palmetto, so Andrew’s court-mandated mental health provider was probably like, “cool, not trying to kill people anymore, we’re good.” A good provider like Bee would clock that Andrew had been misdiagnosed, and she’d want to adjust his medicine. But this leads to the final part of the theory — actually suggested by the brilliant Grimm — which also could explain how Andrew came to trust Bee.
If Bee diagnosed Andrew with bipolar, she would want to switch him over to lithium, which is the most common bipolar medicine. I’ve never actually been on lithium, and while I’ve heard it can be really effective, it definitely has a bad reputation — some people say it makes them feel like a “zombie.” Fatigue/dizziness/drowsiness are known potential side effects, especially when you’re adjusting to changed doses — and anyone who’s ever been on a psych med knows that it takes a while to get the dose right. I’m guessing (justified) control freak Andrew Minyard would not be down to risk feeling like a zombie.
(Sidenote: people with bipolar II also get put on lamotrigine, which specifically manages low moods, but from what I can tell it wouldn’t have been common in the mid-2000s. it was only approved for bipolar treatment in 2003.)
Maybe Bee made him a deal: He can stay on the antidepressant, which is not working but is also not the most dangerous thing, as long as he fully commits to their talk therapy sessions so that he can learn how to cope with his symptoms. This is similar to the deal Wymack struck with Andrew. He tends to trust the small handful of people who have given him agency. 
Alright, that’s the theory! Andrew has bipolar disorder. He’s not on the right meds. The courts are not doing silly illegal things (well, not in this case anyway), and the jocks of PSU are the real stereotypes here.
Because at the end of the day, this is a tale as old as time: People with mental illness are easily made out to be the villain.
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More champion headcannons because I haven’t posted in a while and my Wally draft is gone (thx tumblr)! Yay! These are more on the platonic side.
Most of my champion head cannons don’t really include Steven all that much. He’s too busy with playing with rocks to hang out with the others. Steven’s like that one friend who hangs out with you, but they barely talk at all. I should know, because I am that friend.
Wallace and Lance talk shit about Leon all the time. It’s because of his cape. Leon is too oblivious to know. They don’t talk to Leon unless it’s necessary. They sit on the other end of the table during Champion meetings too. They just sip their tea and judge silently. One time, Cynthia and Diantha came to Wyndon Stadium just to see Wallace and Lance stare at Leon. They 100% saw Lance and Wallace stare at Leon with murderous intent.
Wallace is trans no one can tell me otherwise. Wallace is mid-transition at the time of the games. I think Lance is intersex. There’s no logic to it, it just tickles a part of my brain. I don’t know much about intersex people, so I don’t want to go too in depth about it. Wallace definitely told Lance to get HRT because they both hate periods.
Cynthia is that one meme: “in the winter I like to wear a nice cozy black jacket. In the summer, I wear the same exact thing because I look good in black, and I’m willing to suffer.” And because Lance is everyone’s big brother, he tries to convince Cynthia to wear something white. It doesn’t work out. Diantha told Cynthia that she’d look good in white. Since Cynthia cannot say no to Diantha, Cynthia wore a white blouse with a floral skirt. Diantha went feral that day. Lance almost jumped off a cliff that day.
Wallace invites Diantha and Cynthia to have tea with them. He made mouth-watering sweets, and the two Champions devoured them in two minutes.
Lance is notorious for his hatred of the cold, and for some sick reason, Arceus made his birthday on the coldest day in the whole entire year. He hates it. He is big spoon until it gets colder, then he’s little spoon.
Steven is afraid of Gyarados, which is ironic since his closest friends have a dumb fuck amount of them. Wallace had to wait for two fuckin years to get a Feebass. Lance’s Kingdra keeps adopting magikarps, so Lance has no choice to catch them, so now he has 20% of the Gyarados population.
He also hates serpentine pokemon too. He almost never visits Blackthorn because Dratini and Dragonair are everywhere. The first time he visited, one of Lance’s Dratini somehow slithered into the bed he was sleeping in, so he screamed like a girl bloody murder. Lance came running in, finding Steven curled up in the corner of the room with a Dratini slithering closer and closer. Lance reminds Steven of it all the time.
When Wallace challenged Steven for the Champion title, Steven just gave him the title after Wallace sent out Milotic. Whenever Wallace says he wants to be Champion, he brings Milotic out to scare Steven into giving it to him.
Clair and Lisia like to torment Wallace and Lance for fun. Clair is Lisia’s best friend and partner in crime. Iris sometimes joins in too. Sometimes Iris enlists Zinnia’s help to include Steven in the torment.
Cynthia has a Lapras. I don’t know why I think this way. I just do.
Lance and Cynthia have this conspiracy theory that Will and Lucian are the same person. Turns out their distant relatives.
Sycamore had to grow up with two sisters: Diantha and Cynthia.
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dogtiber · 5 months
journal update because I haven’t done one of those for a hot minute!!!
vet stuff: vet has Tiber back on a prescription diet following a lack full of improvement in his stools after his last tummy bug treatment.
he’s been on it for like a week and is already doing so much better tho! definitely happy even if getting the food is a pain in the ass and expensive. vet is trying to get us discounts for the food but there have been issues with getting that to go through, so that’s on hold for now much to the dismay of dadtiber’s wallet.
he’s been protesting the Sidewalk Snack Stopper. we did training to make sure he we comfy and happy with the muzzle but he has opinions lol. he’s happy to put it on and wear it around but I get pouty sits and dirty looks every time it actually prevents him from eating trash and poop.
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he just sits down and makes the most affronted faces lol.
he’s also got a new lump we’re keeping an eye on this week, but vet thinks it’s benign and just some inflammation around a possible bruise. unfortunately she couldn’t prescribe the usual anti-inflammatory since last time Tiber had it, it made him sick. and she said he’s a bit young for her to want to put him on steroids. but he doesn’t seem to be in any pain, so just slower recovery time and monitoring for now.
she’s also got him trying a little natural anti-anxiety medication. tbh I’m a little frustrated at having to do the otc options first, since we’ve tried various sprays and calming treats already, but I get that she wants us to try all our options first before SSRIs. and she seems concerned also about introducing a new med to his system while we’re still sorting out the Tummy Troubles.
I am mostly just worried since we’re moving overseas spring of next year, and I think starting anxiety meds will really help with his home alone training, which will help in case we need to transport him via cargo.
I am starting the process of sorting out all his travel paperwork and vaxxes and also looking into options for cabin travel and boy oh boy are they expensive.
he’s just a tad heavier than where most airlines cut off for pets as carry ons, so having to look into either boutique airlines with higher weight limits or booking a private charter. which even if sharing costs with other people flying pets, is still gonna run north of 7k. 😭
the current boutique options are still in the thousands, and looking like I’m gonna have to do some road-tripping with him down to Europe and then fly from there to the states and then road-trip from NJ to wherever we end up on top of that.
and that’s IF we’re in the states lmao. dadtiber’s work might also put him in Japan (which he would love to get and is trying hard for) so we’re still going to be up in the air about where we’re moving for a while.
yay me for having to sort out several different moving contingencies for puppy lmao. it would be so much easier and affordable to send him via checked baggage or cargo, but god I know it would probably traumatize him. and we’d prefer to be able to choose to just pay the expense for the best option for *him* over us. but goddamn. 7-10k$ is. tough.
but I’ve got a year to work on it so fingers crossed either I find a more affordable option or can get his separation and confinement anxiety managed. (realistically trying to find a cheaper travel option is gonna be more feasible even if it’s near impossible let’s face it lmao Tiber is like 17 anxieties and a bad tummy in a dog-shaped trench coat :’))
but!!! time for fun update stuff!!!
he has been learning to bring the ball back reliably when we play fetch! I figured out finally that throwing the ball again was a better reward for him than treats, but I’m too slow to throw it again for him to make the connection that bring-to-me equals ball-goes-again-asap until I tried using two balls that I could throw immediately once he dropped it. such a simple solution lol but he finally got it! we’ve been having much more fun at the park now. I think he’s liking having the high energy activity, and I like that throwing a ball takes less energy out of me than longer walks.
he is learning to be a better snuggler! 🥰 finally figuring out how to cuddle up instead of sitting on you in the most inconvenient and uncomfortable ways. he does still come to sit on you though sometimes. his favorite way of comforting me if I seem tired or upset is still to put his butt on my head.
his recall has been improving lots too, and he’s consistently polite on the lead now too. still having trouble being *neutral* about other dogs, but he’s being much more polite now, and won’t run over without permission. very proud of him! it’s also kind of funny to watch the gears turn in his brain too. he will usually sit down like “mom I’m being so good and calm see sitting down very calm PLS PLS PLS can I go play with other dog now????? if I stay extra still and make good eye contact with you I can go play??”
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reintroducing his crate is going nicely too. I haven’t worked up the bravery on my part yet to do more than just close the door and immediately reopen it on him, but he goes to hang out there frequently and happily now. so glad that at least he seems to feel consistently positive about it now.
it’s just been so nice watching him grow up into himself and spending lots of time hanging out with him and doing Tiber things. I’m loveb him so much. he is the silliest goose.
these last few weeks have been a bit rough since dadtiber and I have both been sick, so we’ve been exhausted by him. but even when we’re run ragged he really is just a good little companion. just the neatest little guy! in my home! licking my knees! dogs are great man. Tiber is best puppy.
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Bored, so here's a list of some of my favorite Gravity Falls fics, in no particular order. (Note: these are all about the Stan twins)
-per aspera by parsnipit (a collection of hurt/comfort. Each chapter has content warnings at the very start. Stan O War II era.)
-Sea Grunk Dump by Zeragii (I will admit, the title is a little misleading, as this is actually a oneshot. Hurt/comfort. Stan has a bad time with a wound caused by an anomaly. Stan O War II era)
-I Think I Saw You by Fordanoia (Ongoing fic with lots of angst. There is some violence. Summary: "Stan comes to Gravity Falls, but when Ford doesn’t show up he has to go looking for him. Amidst, a strange house and a mysterious presence he tries to figure out what exactly is going on and where Ford disappeared to." Bill betrayal era)
-The entire Salad Fruit AU series by Elisheva67 (Ford turns into a dragon. Sometimes. Stan is also there. Fluff, but also angst. Also, no Bill! Yay! Gravity Falls pre-Bill era. Cause. Again, no Bill.)
-Haul Away Bro by scribefindegil (Ford and Stan get trapped inside a crashed spaceship. Sea shanties save the day. Fluff. Stan O War II era)
-A Little Bit Lost by impish_nature (Feral! Ford AU. Ford's having a rough time and Stan helps him. Hurt/comfort. Post-portal era)
-Jump In Front of Trains All Day and Stay Alive by Voidfish (Ford has a rough time with his injuries and self-depricates. Stan tries to help. Hurt/comfort. Post-Weirdmaggedon era.)
-hide and seek by parsnipit (More Feral! Ford AU. Can you tell I like that one. Mostly Stan's POV. Hurt/comfort. Stan O War II era)
-Better Kept Secret by BadonKaDunk (Oh, wow, look, more Feral! Ford. Hurt/comfort. Both POVs! Stan won't stop harrassing Ford about his time in the portal. Then some other stuff happens. Stan O War II era.)
-Repercussions by impish_nature (Hurt/comfort. Stan has memory lapses. Explores an interesting possibility with Ford. Stan O War II era.)
-Þetta Reddast by GradboidFarmer (Pure fluff. Stan POV. He has a day. Also, Ford is sick. Stan O War II era.)
-Siren Song by azhdarchidaen (Ford has to save Stan from sirens. He's not affected by them because he's ace (aroace, but that's just me). Hurt/comfort? Idk. Stan O War II era)
Everything from untrustworthyglitch really, but specifically:
-none of those phds is an md, you dumb idiot (Hurt/comfort, more Feral! Ford. Ford has a translator, and it breaks. The translator is my favorite headcanon ever. Stan O War II era.)
-who even knows what holiday we're celebrating here (Hurt/comfort. Holiday times with the Pines. Also, Ford has a bad time. Stan doesn't have the best time either. Stan O War II era)
-old man world tour: california edition (hurt/comfort. Stan breaks his arm, so him and Ford head to California to visit the niblings. Stan O War II era.)
Anyway, reminder to read the fic tags for warnings! Because I am apparently very bad at writing good descriptions for these.
I decided not to include some fics because they were a bit too heavy or violent. Let me know if I should make a separate post for those.
I was also considering making a list of my least favorite fics, but I can only think of two.
Also, please feel free to recommend me fics! I'm always looking to grow my collection.
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butchboromir · 10 months
ok so. so. my dorm got renovated over the summer and it has been a Nightmare since then so the stove in the kitchen doesn’t work so they turned off the power on my side of the floor to work on it but also the showers were flooding for Months and i had to go to the other floor to shower and also i had to go to dive practice this am and it was. soooooo cold like 35 degrees maybe? but no snow so basically i am suffering more than jesus rn
also yay max live but also. who is max don’t cancel me for not knowing pls 😔
- j (cold edition)
oh what the hell that sounds so awful. going to a whole nother floor to shower sounds like Hell. i hope that your dorm gets it's shit together!!!! + no snow is good i suppose. md (at least where i am) hasn't had a good snow in years so i am like anxiously awaiting some still LOL. also dive practice :0
+ i don't expect anyone to know who max is LOL. his whole thing is he has an insta account where he sets up a vid like he's gonna explain some sick airplane facts (he is an airplane mechanic) and then he does a 180 into lotr facts. anyways he's been streaming wow on twitch the past week or so and i have been enjoying them :-) (+ i made an emote for the channel and have offered to help with twitch stuff LOL)
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 1 and 2
I took a little break because I am sick and feel like crap rn but I finally have the energy and motivation to watch more so I’m back!
Episode 1
-aw what happened to the sparkly hands in the intro
-fire elf things I’m assuming
-is she in Xadia cause there’s elves but also how would she get there before Callum and Ezran
-“you were looking for another good word to describe me, right? Well I consider myself quite daring” I love her
-I’m serious if he never gots to read Harrow’s letter to him I’m done
-is Ellis gonna be with them from now on because I have no complaints
-well at least Viren doesn’t look like a zombie anymore
-“You’re out of order, Lord Viren. Only a king or queen can call for a summit” I totally forgot her name but this girl is awesome
-Phoe-Phoe is literally so pretty like I want her as a pet
-girl why did you have to TELL THEM THAT why can’t they just eat in peace
-“my duty is to prevent humans from discovering this place” well I gotta say you’re doing a bang up job
-ay Bait’s looking a little jealous
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-if they’re trying to make me feel sympathy for Viren it’s not gonna work
-“save it for someone who cares” she’s so done lol
-Zym is literally so cute I wanna die
-y’all chill out it’s a freaking bush
-this show is literally so pretty oh my gosh
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-going out on a limb here but I think he’s gonna learn magic guys lol
-Note to self: the old elf lady’s name is Lujanne
-ah yes the classic “I overheard someone else’s advice and decided that it also applies to my situation” love to see it
-the Crow Master seems like a cool guy ngl, even the nameless characters are the best
-ok I get that she’s trying to tell him the truth but like I think he knows he’s human you can stop rubbing it in
-I’m sorry but the way she just picked a rose then dramatically passed out was so funny
Episode 2
-yay the sparkly hands are back!
-“are we gonna fight or is this a talent show” HAHAHAHAH
-“I keep telling people, “sweep the leg” is not a thing in sword fighting!” hehehehe
-Gren is so chill about being in this dungeon
-FINALLY some has an appropriate freak out response to Zym’s cuteness
-someone make this a meme
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-Soren feeling really guilty one second and convincing himself he’s doing something good the next is actually really sad I feel so bad for him
-Claudia’s appearance makes her look super cool and dangerous but really she’s just some magic geek who loves cute animals and I love that for her
-she actually has a point like we kill bugs all the time why not get some use out of it
-so like it’s obvious that Callum is gonna learn to do magic on his own the question is does he learn because he finds a way to understand it like Lujanne was saying or does he have some elf in his bloodline or something
-the fact that the main character’s unrealistic crush is usually really cold to them and doesn’t like them but Callum and Claudia are literally besties rn is so refreshing like yes more of this
-has Rayla been just stalking them this whole time they were hanging out like where has she been
-“I can see you believe it. But I’ve known Soren and Claudia for years. You and I don’t have that yet” dang.
-when Soren said “I took no joy in that” after Claudia brought up the zip line and the way he says it sounds like it’s supposed to be funny when really it’s the truth
-“I’m glad my wisdom helped”
“It didn’t, it was wrong”
“Was it? Or was it just differently true?”
Imma start using this whenever someone disagrees with me
-am I supposed to recognize the place in the mirror
-hold up are Callum and Claudia less far in age than I thought cause what was that
-“I know what happened, he’s gone” I knew this was coming so why am I crying
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1d1195 · 1 year
NEW UPDATE WAS AMAZING!!! I can’t believe we got to see her take care of when Harry is feeling sick😭 and this man just causally dropped the L word and doesn’t remember it lol and omg I kinda love for this slow burn because once they finally confess it will be worth it! Plus My babies need to communicate fast bc they are both so helplessly in love with each other. Cant wait for the next part you did so great!!!!
Ahhh! Yay! I'm so so glad you liked it. I am very much a caretaker at heart. I love the idea of being helpful while sick. And yes, I'm also a huge fan of the whole love thing.
I'm glad you're enjoying that slow burn. Keep that energy up for the next part because you may not like me as much :) :)
Thank you so much for reading and sending a message, it really means so much to me!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 😊 ¿como te va? ¿Sigues de viaje? I hope you're having a good time and drinking enough water or tea or both!!
I'm going the farm this weekend because apparently Cocoa is sick, I've been assure that is not serious but I still want to go and see my fluffy girl 😌
The One with the Seashell
I'll try to keep this one short so Tumblr doesn't go 🤯
Maxwell needs to take a chill pill but also I would be the same!! I WANT MY MAVID BACK!!
Nicolas remains grounded!! 😒
Numeri sounds cool but also fuck math 😒
My son has been trying to use warlock math to grow up... Nicolas you are ungrounded 😭😭😭
Yes, I am that easy, so what??
“Helping someone doesn’t mean you have to make yourself uncomfortable,” bapak said softly.
I needed this today 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Does Magnus have super smell?? He cannot possibly know that Max was practicing warlock math just by the smell of magic... or maybe my son's magic has a very particular smell 🤔
Answers I need answers!!!
“The wards are only for shadowhunters. It detects them by their runes. You don’t have runes, right? You’ll be okay. I promise.”
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Maybe Roman and Gigi shouldn't go to Devlin Corp!!! I don't think their plan is going to work!!
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Holy shit it worked!!
There was something about him. She couldn’t put her finger on it.
It was a circle with a red border and there were two smaller black circles, one on either side.
I have SO many questions!!!!
She fought the urge to set the whole damn place on fire.
Stop fighting and let it BURN!!!
Georgia looked at him. “Roman. We have to take it with us.”
TAKE IT!!! Take the seashell and RUN!!!
“It’s very rude to steal someone else’s property,” the boy told her.
First of all... OH FUCK!!! Second of all... that seashell is not yours so shut the fuck up!!!
The tiny device pulsed bluer and louder and harder than Gigi had seen before.
Oh no!! Oh no!!! I feel like this is going to backfire!!
What was that??? What fuck just happened???
“So, we’re not gonna tell him his brother died?”
I HATE THEM!!! I don't really care about the evil twins but that is shitty AF!!
“Stick to the plan. I want you to find Alec Lightwood.”
Dani no!! That was how my nightmare started 🥺🥺
“I will not let your delusional relationship ruin my legacy,” Marcus hissed.
But I am enjoying their fight, go ahead destroy each other!! Muahahaha
This bitch really thinks that Maxwell is going to forget about David... I need a stronger word than delusional!!
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You are both delusional you evil bitch!!!
Oh Max 😭😭😭 this entire scene is hard, I'm glad this is from Mallory's POV and not Max’s because I want scream and cry 😭😭😭 my poor angel!!
M for Mallory.
No! Is an M for Malvada which you are!!
Yay LEXI!!! My twins always make me feel better!!
“Marcus and Mallory?” Lexi asked. “Look, man, I seriously think we should just, you know, be done with it.”
I agree!!!
Ok Achilles has a point but...
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Achilles laughed at that. “I understand this must all be frustrating for you.”
Yes, it is very much!!!
“Too impulsive,” Mallory tutted. “And too arrogant.”
This bitch better not hurt my precious twin or else!!!!
The rings wrapped around Lexi’s ankles and locked her to the ground.
See!!! This why sometimes murder IS the answer!!!
“Daddy!” Lexi screamed and fell to the ground and clutched at her father. “Daddy, no!”
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Danielaaaaaa!!! Why? Why????
"Play time's over," Uncle Magnus said and then looked at the blonde man. "Jonathan, get off the ground. You are ruining a good shirt."
Oh yes!!! Our savior!!
But Mallory pulled the warlock closer by his shirt. “You fucking idiot.”
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“You dumb bitch,” she said. “Alec Lightwood is going to kill you with his bare hands.”
That he will!! And I will help him!!
Dani... this chapter!! OMG!!! The amount of times I screamed!!!! You are amazing!!!
I tried to keep this short and organized but once again I have failed 😬
Thank youuuu!!! I am love you most 💚💚💚💚
okay now thanks to you i am 11% curse and say terms of endearment in spanish hehe.
today's word: mi preciosa ;)
And oh no! I also have the fucking flu since Sunday and i hate being sick! I hope Cocoa is okay and you get to visit her soon x
also if tumblr fucks with us again, i will sue!!!
I am love you the mostest 💚💚
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Comic sans intro for my WIP here we go
Image description under the cut:
A series of powerpoint slides, all with a white background, blue, pink, and purple vapor trails, and the comic sans font.
slide one; The Curse of New Royston [line break] A comic sans PPT about my first novel [line break] Fun fact that’s the font that I do my first drafts in
There are as many main characters as letters in that yay (my workshop thought I was crazy)
They all live in a little cursed town in early 2000s Connecticut
The curse is that however much money you have, that’s how big you are, but only in the borders of that town
So like if you’ve got a big net worth and you’re one of the richest people in town you’d be like 30 feet tall and if you’re living paycheck to paycheck you might be like 6 inches tall
Yeah it’s weird but there’s a lot of world building at the beginning and it’ll answer all your questions I promise
But anyway the main characters all kinda wanna break the curse but they fight about it and also Things Get In The Way
Also there’s ghosts
slide three; FAQ
Why are all 7 of your main characters male
How does ____ work in New Royston
What the fuck are you even on
I transed my gender and am sick of pretending to be Woman and also friendships and queer relationships between boys are nice
If it’s not already answered in the first ~100 pages of the book I’d be surprised
The zeal of life baby!!!!!!!
The next seven slides are character slides; each one begins with their name and has a small picture of the character represented by a Nintendo Mii.
slide four; Gio
Focal character of the odd-numbered chapters
Like 20 feet tallHis full name is Giovanni Violett but he hates it with a passion
Non-lethally drowned when he crossed the curse’s border in the water and Came Back Wrong
Ocean metaphors my beloved
Certified Greek myth nerd
A bit prejudiced but trying his best
Angy boi
Being followed by a mysterious man in a pirate hat who broke his computer once
slide five; Cricket
Focal character of the even-numbered chapters
Like a foot tall
Can chirp like a Cricket
REALLY loves bugs
His parents left town to save up enough money to get him out too so he’s been alone for like a year when the book begins Jewish
13 and 30
Absolute ball of sunshine but will not listen to anything anyone tells him to do
He will drag you kicking and screaming into his house to feed you soup and tuck you into bed
slide six; Fletcher
About 25 feet tall but it changes a lot
Gio’s best friend
Has some serious anxiety problems only matched by some serious memory problems
But we don’t need to get into all that [smile] he covers it up by being loud and obnoxious
Kinda sorta threatened Cricket’s life on the first day of school
May or may not be harboring Secrets
Hopelessly gay
I’m not saying he’s a self insert but I am saying he’s substantially more like me than the others
slide seven; Eneas
Only like seven inches tall
Has a track record of social advocacy (he calls it ‘being annoying until I get what I want’)
Walking spoiler
I literally wanted him to be a focal character but he Knows Too Much
Everybody has something to say about him
Terrifies Fletcher
Terrified of Fletcher
Cares so so much about everyone
Yells at Cricket when he inevitably doesn’t listen to him
slide eight; Caelan
About 17 feet tallHomophobic homosexualWhen he voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party he didn’t expect that a leopard would eat HIS face!!!Carrying on a secret relationship. ShhhhFruity afThe mayor’s sonInto embroidery and being an absolute dipshitReally doesn’t know how to handle things rn ok
slide nine; Auster
About eight inches tall
Cricket and Eneas’ longtime friendA WITCH
Okay he’s a cunning man but he’s very similar to a witch
Transed his gender
An orphan
Helping his chronically ill sister take care of his younger siblings
Is always so so tired
Has a lot of “secrets” (he’s just too tired to talk about them and doesn’t wanna get into all that rn)
Actually very sweet deep down
slide ten; Cameron
About 30 feet tall (the biggest!!!)
But still an outcast in the rich people placeNo one really knows why
No one knows where he came from
No one knows why he’s so weird
No one knows where his weird ass dialect came from
But he seems to be doing okay…?
Basically another walking spoiler
Gio feels every emotion at once toward him
Everyone else really doesn’t know what to do with him
Was the Great Sage in my first Miitopia playthrough
slide eleven; Other Things That Happen
All of the MCs are queer in some way but they don’t all get mentioned in the book so I didn’t include it in their bios [sad face]
The Forest holds Secrets
Gio gets traumatized
Cricket faces literal microaggressions (and also gets traumatized)
But dw the story’s actually kinda optimistic
Someone wields a chainsaw without proper safety measures
People find out things about their families
You’ll learn some things about bugs [smile]
Find more @new-royston-cursebreakers!
slide twelve; Memes
image one; the Spongebob “aight imma head out” meme has been edited to read “Fletcher as soon as anything happens”.
image two; the Kombucha girl reacts negatively to “Making the angry character fire-themed and the kind character light-themed” and reacts positively to “Making the angry character water-themed and the kind character darkness-themed.”
image three; a screenshot reading “Gio knows he’s going to Hell” in comic sans.
image four; the car exiting a highway meme. The car is labeled “Eneas” and the signs are labeled “Explaining why what they did is dangerous” and “Yelling at them some more” with the car angling toward the latter.
image five; the “I love all my children equally meme” has been editing to read “I love all my characters equally” in the first panel and “I don’t care for Caelan” in the second panel.
image six; a girl overwhelmed with eating pancakes that are being handed to her by a lot of people. The pancakes are labeled: “’Normal’ as we define it is impossible to achieve,” “We will never progress while we still hold onto fear,” “The way we as society treat kids is abhorrent,” “Activism happens in small steps,” “Understanding our past is integral to shaping our future,” “Lawful and good are two different things,” “Wow American Christianity kinda sucks ngl,” “You don’t have to understand others to treat them kindly,” and “Capitalism bad”.
image seven; a screenshot in which spellcheck is suggesting that “Caelan’s” be corrected to “Cain’s”.
image eight; Jason Mamoa sneaking up on Henry Cavill. Henry Cavill is labeled “Me, who thinks I have my story structure figured out” and Jason Momoa is labeled “’what if chiastic structure tho’“.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
LMAOOO truly any mention of the Itoshis from us will have that tone HAHA
LMAO Manifesting Mira seabird moment fr!!! Trust you just have to get a sandwich and wave it around on the beach it shouldn’t be hard for a bird to come steal it and then BAM you let fate handle the rest
HAHAHAHA FR like you can’t be TOO nice please because idk I think for me a lot of my close relationships involve a good amount of like friendly banter at least like if I did that with Isagi I’d just feel bad because I could be like “LMAO you’re so dumb” and he’d take it genuinely and be like “omg I’m so so sorry” like NO!!!!
No that’s also my logic HAHA like at least if I forget stupid things I can just stop by a market or something and grab another!
FR first time I saw it I was definitely like wtf this is absurdly funny HAHA but real like especially when they’re the same people deducing villains like Sukuna or geto to “just a silly guy” or “my babygirl” but anyways….
LMAOOOO yeah just some random thoughts yk maybe a teardrop mole….183 cm…..has a regional accent…..just random thoughts…
LMAOOO BRO I was racking my brain trying to come out with something interesting and not overused and inadvertently made some half crack ideas HAHAHAH I’m ngl I’m really sold on the Barou one now because I can just imagine him being like “why the fuck is there snow here I just cleaned it” and maybe his sisters who don’t know better are just like “oh yeah the nice lady next door was shoveling too” and he’s like oh so it’s THAT mf……I can fr just see him ringing the doorbell (not banging on the door because he’s still relatively respectful) and the door swings open and he’s like “why the fuck is YOUR snow on MY driveway” LMAOOOO the Karasu one just came to me in a vision while I was mid typing I think I was just pondering about like lowk bestie yuki and then it hit me….omfg stupid Karasu who ends up playing wingman too I CANT that would actually be such a rollercoaster all the mishaps and misunderstandings that would happen would fr be hilarious….the random dates with others too omg I’m ngl I kinda live for fics that incorporate other characters in sometimes too like I love being immersed in the universe….imagine on top of that at some point Karasu is running out of options like he’s gone through all the main dudes who he’d think have any sliver of rizz like he’s throwing chigiri Otoya Barou and even Isagi or maybe he’s thinks y/n is just playing and that she actually likes yuki…but at some point he’s like there’s no fucking way and you THINK he finally gets the message but he’s like “you like hiori??? Yk he doesn’t touch grass right” Cue the facepalm but y/n goes anyways and ends up ranting about Karasu to hiori since hiori has known Karasu the longest LMAO and they become friends too and y/n gains like, another semi wingman HAHAHAH
Poor Yukimiya I think it’d be so funny to see him like on his knees ripping his hair out of frustration like facepalming every other hour like these two are so fucking dumb…..
AIRPORT TRIP BUT OMGGG NOO MOTION SICKNESS……tbh I think I built up a resistance to motion sickness after kinda just like…brute forcing my way through the ride LOL but I’ve noticed not looking out the windows can help…..maybe take some Advil if you have any? Or eat a mint sometimes I’ve noticed something minty helps too!! but YAY I’m glad you liked them LMAO I leave them in your capable hands….always down to leave more ideas that was fun HAHA
-Karasu anon
facts the ONLY exception is seabird sae he’s bae we love him otherwise we have to keep those boys humble ☝🏻 can NOT cave 😩
HAHAHA PLSSS i’ll start playing seagull calls on my phone beforehand just to really set the mood…a sandwich is a small sacrifice to make for my summer romcom moment ☝🏻 the moment i see a mf from osaka with a smirk that takes up half of his face i’m TACKLING that man idec how many sandwiches it takes i will not let him get away 😟‼️
i love bantering with people i love but ALSO i am such a gossiper about other people!! so like while i can easily envision talking shit w nagi (even though he isn’t exactly the easiest to banter with) isagi just feels too nice he’d be like “let’s not be hateful 😔💔” LMAOAOA
tbh idr mind if people love villains or whatever because sure i see the appeal but when they act like they did no wrong or deserve better THAT’S what gets me!! like yes geto was a product of his environment but also he reacted in an irredeemable way and is by no means a good person for it 😔 what REALLY gets me is when people blame characters like yuki tsukumo for choices that GETO made!! like i’m sorry but her having a scholarly and theoretical conversation with a peer by no means makes her the entire cause of his downfall…SO MANY comments on pi about how they hate yuki because “she’s the reason why geto became evil” it pisses me off so bad because it’s misogynistic honestly!! like the woman who barely knows geto and is not at all responsible for him and was just trying to make conversation (she wasn’t even there to see him she wanted to talk to gojo!!) is more responsible for geto’s behavior than geto himself?? when GETO made the choice??? ughhh tbh i liked geto as a character but there’s a certain kind of fan that he has and they all annoy me sm
THE BAROU SNOW ONE WAS MY FAVORITE I CAN JUST IMAGINE IT BEING LIKE A ONE SIDED PRANK WAR?? like barou thinks reader is fucking w him meanwhile she’s just living her life and being normal 😭 maybe i would have to write some scenes in barou’s pov just to show how he’s like INFURIATED he is whereas reader is just like “my hot but lowkey scary neighbor keeps coming over is he into me 😳”
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING like he starts off w the typical suspects (reo, otoya, barou, isagi) and every time it doesn’t work out he gets more and more desperate…throws nagi and bachira at her but still no dice LMAOAO like bro is absolutely LOST because his analysis skills are saying the reader likes SOMEONE on the team but he can’t figure out who for the life of him?? meanwhile yukimiya is SCREAMING like my man is in PAIN 😔 karasu tries to set him up with the reader and that’s when he finally and truly snaps 😫 i truly think the misunderstandings would be so funny and silly…the bllkers are as confused as the reader about what is going on because why does karasu keep dragging them to hangouts with yukimiya’s childhood bff and then randomly disappearing??
i had some mint gum but tbh it didn’t help 😔💔 i get migraines around my menstrual cycle which make me dizzy and nauseous so even though I don’t normally get motion sick it’s really hitting today 😓 i’m on birth control for that and the ovarian cysts i have and it’s def helping but still not perfect by any means 😪 oh well i will be in switzerland soon and that’s all that matters!! we are boarding in a couple of minutes so i will disappear shortly and then be back once we’ve landed 🤩
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twinstarlovers · 8 months
Finally being alone. It’s been a whole year lol. Time to get back to myself lol but I hope you are good. I’ve been thinking about you here & there. I’m glad I got to live all last year for once in my life or be free. I wanna say it was good karma just coming back to me after all these years but I think this year it’s gonna be REAL good karma. Idk if I told you but I met this stranger at Olive Garden, she was a host but the person I was w asked what book she was reading & it was spiritual book & her & I just start talking or whatever & she was like she’s been looking for a spiritual buddy to go to sound baths w & shit & I’m like girl ME TF. She’s 30 LMFAO but you can tell she’s really in touch w her inner child. She’s also a leo lol. I texted her but we haven’t spoken much probably cus she’s busy or idk & idc but it was awakening that I needed to get back into my spirituality. I’ve also attempted to dye my hair purple. Literally nothing happened but I could see a bit & it was fire. Maybe soon but ima just go black in the meantime again cus whatever this color is I don’t like it. It’s like a brownish/red like nah bruh. Im tired of my natural hair lol. Anyways I have nobody & im here for it. My soul was itching to be alone for a while now. Im sober too yay for me. I’ve been drinking again too which is good. Like my body can handle it cus idk if you remember I told you I would get sick so I just stopped drinking altogether but yeah now I can drink so that’s good. I haven’t been smoking cus no. Mostly because I wanna be more stable emotionally & mentally or I wanna get used to be being alone cus high me intensifies my inner world so if I am not used to being alone or at peace I’m gonna be thinking of the past & the past is what I’m tryna let go of rn. I also stopped w tarot cards because I used them too much & I noticed they would go missing (probably cus of that lol) so I was like well it’s not necessary rn & I should be more present & i don’t care about knowing. I’ve also been itching to go to the gym but I need a push or that right moment but it’s been on my mind like crazy. Maybe tmr (February 1st). I’ve been more disciplined w money too! LMFAOOOOOOO one of my biggest issues lol. Spending is a part of who I am lol. Also I’ve already applied for financial aide cus yes tf cus I already made the decision to get my associates in social work. So idk let’s see if it’s even gonna manifest if not then maybe I’ll make my way around it anyways. I know im not meant to overwork & it’ll all turn out in my favor. I wish I was rich & could not work but volunteer to help people just cus. The whole making money for helping people just doesn’t sit right w me 😭 but I mean I guess it doesn’t matter when that’s my intention in the first place so money is a bonus. Pisces midheaven tingz 💁🏻‍♀️✨. Anyways I feel good tho kinda. In terms of feeling like I’m human or healing. Like not on meds, having good mental & emotional health & energy to be present for a job, having energy to go to school & the gym like idk I thought I was beyond damaged tbh that it wasn’t possible for me. I wanna cry LMFAO. This song in the back tho. I’m listening to my old playlist. I wanna get back into music againnn. But yeah I’m glad I’m doing better. Unfortunately it had to take this long but im glad I can be healthy to enjoy the rest of life. It’s like living for the first time. Being a teenager for the first time, being a kid for the first time, & being an adult for the first time as well. It feels super good to have them all in synch cus I thought I lost my teenage years. I mean I did when I was actually a teenager but at the end of the day those are just numbers & im still in touch w my inner teen so dying my hair & everything feels good like I’m living it now. Im so glad I haven’t gotten my tattoos yet like I’m glad everything is happening at the time it is. It’s not rushed. I wanted everything so early but then I see everyone having everything so early that they get so tired of it so quickly or doing things early that they are tired of it & it’s like not for me!
0 notes
Forever & Always (I’ll Be Yours If You Like)
Elumax short short story, fluff, a little bit of self-deprecation, Max’s point of view. This isn’t my best piece of writing, I’m just trying to get back into it. This is also my first time writing from Max’s pov, so fingers crossed.
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Max was so, so tired. Her legs ached, her eyes burned, and her hands shook. At the beginning of the day she had told Lucas not to pick her up, and, God, was she regretting that decision. Steve and Robin had secured her a job at Family Video (she mostly stocked the shelves. Customer service was not her strong suit.) 
She loved them for it, truly, but trying to reach the top shelf, standing on a rickety stool that felt like it would collapse at any time, was not a very good job for a disabled person. Especially a disabled person who often refused to ask for help. See, the thing is Max knows that Steve or Robin would gladly help if she asked, but asking for help was not something that Maxine Mayfield knew how to do. It made her feel helpless, as if she couldn’t do something as simple as stocking some goddamn shelves.
She huffed in frustration, the movie finally tipping into place with a final shove from Max. She stepped down, grimacing when her legs twinged in protest, and grabbed her crutches. Goddamn Vecna, she cursed under her breath.
“Robin,” Max yelled to the back of the store, “I’m clocking out.”
“M’kay,” Robin responded, her attention caught on Steve who was attempting to haul all five of the boxes of new movies, “see you later.”
Max headed out the door, glaring at the sun for daring to reach over a hundred degrees. The heat was insufferable. She was from California, yes, but that doesn’t mean she was fine with weather as hot as balls. A car sped passed her, going at least ten over the speed limit, and she flipped the car and the driver off both, before realizing it was Mrs. Wheeler’s car and sighing. That woman terrified her.
“Max,” a familiar voice yelled out of a car, idling by the curb, “get in.”
Max grinned, heading toward Lucas’s car, where El was practically hanging out of the passenger side window, strands of her brown hair escaping her ponytail and whisking across her face. Max’s angel.
Max slipped into the backseat, sliding her crutches underneath the seats, “I thought I said i didn’t need to be picked up.”
“Yeah,” Lucas said, a grin in his words as he started the engine, looking back at her, “you did say that.”
“But it was bullshit,” El said solemnly, gifting Max with a kiss to her palm, “your hands are shaking.”
“It was a busy day at work.”
“Did you ask Robin for help?”  Lucas asked, getting back onto the road.
Max made a face that gave all the answer that Lucas needed. He sighed, but gave her a smile anyway. Max was grateful that they understood her, grateful that they didn’t push her too far. She was so, so insanely glad that they loved her enough to stay by her side.
“No,” Max said, interlacing her hand with El’s, “but I’ll try next time.”
“Yay,” El said, leaning back, “we have a surprise for you.”
Max looked at Lucas, her eyebrow cocked, “do you now?”
“Yes, yes we do,” Lucas said, “and I am not telling you anything.”
Max rolled her eyes, but gave him a kiss on the cheek. He laughed lightly, and Max’s butterflies came alive, fluttering in her stomach and making her sick. Oh well, Max thought, at least it’s a good sick.
“Are we going to the mall?” 
“No, Max.”
“To the arcade?”
“No? We don’t have bowling?”
“What else is there in Hawkins?”
“You’ll see,” El said, beaming with excitement.
Max groaned. She had run all her options dry. What else was in Hawkins? She supposed they could be going to one of their houes. But no, they had already passed Lucas’s and Max and El’s were both on the otherside of the town. The only other thing this way was the hiking trails, but they wouldn’t take Max hiking, would they?
Max’s questions continued to be ignored, while the passed the supermarket, the arcade, the mall, the hiking trails. She frowned. Where they leaving Hawkins for the rest of the day? Max was fine with it, but did Hopper or Joyce know? Charles or Sue? Max didn’t think so, but clearly she didn’t know much at the moment.
Lucas stopped the car by an empty field of grass and clover and a random tree, and Max grew even more cofused. Where they gonna do some cartwheels or something?
“Surprise!” El said, basically falling out of the car. Someone needed to teach that girl some car etiqutte.
“An empty field? Are you guys gonna murder me? Or are we all gonna become murders and you guys took me here to tell me so we won’t be overheard?” Max asked, as Lucas headed toward the trunk.
“God, no,” Lucas said, lifting a basket high above his head, “we’re having a picnic, Mayfield.”
“Oh. That makes a whole lot more sense.”
El grabbed the basket from Lucas and ran toward somewhere in the field. Max didn’t really know where she was going. She gasped as Lucas picked her up suddenly, hitting his arm.
“Lucas Sinclair! Do not terrify me like that!”
“Sorry,” Lucas said, not sounding very sorry at all.
He ran toward El, Max’s arms slung around his neck. He did this boy think he is? 
He sat down suddenly, placing Max by the trunk of the tree, her back resting against the bark. El had set out a blanket, one Max recognized from Joyce’s couch. It was big and grey, and made out of a material that Max didn’t know. It was the itchier kind, that was unexpectedly soft. The food was set out, sandwiches and crackers and pink cupcakes with white frosting and assorted sprinkles that Max knew that El made and she loved them.
El plopped down next to her, laying her head full of brown curls in her lap while munching on crackers. Max ran a hand through her hair, just how she knew El liked, not caring if cracker crumbs scattered all over her pants. Lucas kissed her cheek, just like how Max did to him earlier, and, god, did Max love them both so damned much.
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pawjamas · 2 years
No job yet 😭 I only have a month before I’m laid off but honestly we don’t even know what day we’re all getting laid off 😭 I haven’t had time to look for jobs because I’m working 30 hour weeks now (yay!) and then homework + school. I went last Friday just going door to door to shops on the waterfront asking around but I haven’t had time to sit down and apply to anything online yet but when I get up out of bed I’m going to. My coworker found some sort of dog job but she feels like she isn’t qualified because she doesn’t have any experience working with dogs, but I do. Right now my goal is just to find anything to buy me some time to try and keep looking for something I like. I mean I don’t *love* my retail job now but I also didn’t quit after a day like I have with other jobs. My only real goal I think is to work someplace that is accommodating of my not-the-best health which is usually how it is at my store except last night a manager who is mad at all of us saw me sitting down and made me get up and took the chair away from me and when I said I was feeling really sick he told me “there’s medication for that” which is just… yeah the ableism… it stinks… and just also hoping to work someplace where people don’t treat me like that… I don’t want to work someplace where people scream and yell at me and put me in a fight or flight reflex or just bully me etc. in that regard it’s not the worse thing in the world I’m losing my job. I’m stressed because I don’t feel like I’ve had time to really apply to things but I’m hopeful! Managers from other stores around have been coming over and telling us that they’re willing to take us in. It’s really heartwarming to see. How about you? Any word from the pet place or the store you applied to?
noooo i’m so sorry 🤧 that sounds very very stressful ! i’m sorry your manager is such an asshole, you definitely deserve to work somewhere better so this may be mostly a good thing that you’ll have to work somewhere new. i know my wife was very very upset she got fired from her last job she’d been working at but they treated her Horribly there. like no respect or appreciation for her hard work that quite honestly kept their business going as good as it did. fuck that place and fuck the manager/place you’re getting fired at too.
i hope somehow you’re able to find somewhere better! with the accommodations you need and getting treated with the respect u deserve! and that it’s overall just a place you moreso feel comfortable/enjoy working at.
it’s good you’re staying hopeful, and i’m very hopeful for you too ^^
as for me i’m going to look into vocational rehabilitation, for getting a job, i believe every place i’ve interviewed at has fallen through unfortunately. but i’ve gotten approved for vocational rehab once and i’m pretty sure i can get approved again, they’re there to help disabled people successfully find and keep jobs, so it’s a good thing they exist for ppl like me. i am hopeful too that this will all work out in the end.
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Reviews while I watch The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague: Episode 3
And everyone might be getting split up after their trial periods. Sadge.
I keep forgetting about the little snowmen. It makes me so happy every time I see them. 
His sister is defintely a little gay. 
Yay! They’re together! He’s so adorable. And they’re sitting together. And the other two are also in the same department. 
They’re going on a dinner date. 
She is not helping him narrow this down at all. He is doing so much research on it though. 
That is not a massage. That is a torture session. 
Love how you know exactly where he is at all times. Just look for the snow. 
Shmancy restaurant.
Nooo. Not miscommunication. Not allowed. 
Oh god. He passed out. Why does he melt when embarrassed? XD
This man really does get wacked by a lot of snowmen, doesn’t he?
They definitely have a long way to go with their relationship, but it really is a good start. 
And he froze his phone. Why am I not even surprised?
NEW CHARACTER! He looks sick!
----after thoughts----
Still great. Still hella cute. Absolutely loving the development of this relationship. First episode to not end with a sudden crisis.
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