#it doesn't show up for any games in heaven world. or any shop games
can't wait for when rhythm heaven 5 eventually comes out n i have like. who knows how many new games to memorize the timing for-
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faegoddessog · 1 year
My dirty little, and not so little, stories- Master lists
-cuz like the clit, g-spot and prostate, I want ya'll to find it.
Explicitly mature content, 18+ only
Seventy Two Hours of Bliss- Master list
Series Summary: You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot, then insanely romantic (and still fucking hot). (Finished work.)
Explicitly mature content, 18+ only
Fantasy come True - Masterlist
Series Summary: Breaking into the acting world has been a life long dream. It's been tough, plus your relationship with your partner has some struggles, but who doesn't have struggles. A new guy shows up to your improv classes who seems strangely familiar. He seems rather interested in you and you feel unusually comfortable around him, like he projects calm and reassurance. Once you realize who he really is, and what he really likes... it's game on.
(Finished work- request)
Explicitly mature content, 18+ only
Dripping in Leather
Part 1: "So, leather eh?"
Part 2: Ass over teakettle
No, I hadn't told Austin about my little leather fantasy. I mean, I'd never really explored it myself. I wasn't sure how to bring it up, so I brought a little surprise to Mexico City, where I was meeting up with him. But when I met him on set and he had those tight leather pants on, it was all I could do to keep myself together until we got back to the hotel room. Holy Fuck it was hot! Now if I could just get him to dust off a certain iconic outfit for me....(request by @richardslady121
(Finished work-request)
Explicitly mature content, 18+ only
Woman in Red - Masterlist
-She's a very successful woman who can't seem to find a partner that can keep up with her. He is just wanting to find someone who likes him for HIM, not his fame. Neither of them are prepared for what hits them when she walks into that coffee shop.
(Finished Work)
Explicitly mature content, 18+ only
Years? Really?!
Part 1: Birthday Boy
Part 2: You got me so...
A tipsy car ride home from a birthday outing becomes oh so much more.
(voters decided that this should be more than just a one shot!)
Fun one shots
Daily Meal- Summary: Austin and gf have temporarily moved to New York, work is stressful for her. He has a tried and true solution.
(Finished work-request)
Do me sweet, do me dirty- I'm so stressed, but an unexpected visit from Austin changes all that. Starting sweet and gentle he soon gets intense and domineering. I love it and it's just what I needed.
(Finished work- request)
Not 'till Monday Surgery recovery is no fun. But it's both made easier and difficult when Austin is the one taking care of you. Easy cuz he is on top of everything you'd ever need, hard because the one thing he isn't allowed to be on on top of is you. It' torture not getting to O, not getting his cum on the daily. Your only hope is Monday.
(finished work- inspired!)
Feyd's Gom Jabbar DUNE pt 2 fic. Lady Margot Fenring is on a Bene Gesserit mission: test and preserve the genetics of the Na-Baron Feyd Rautha Harkonnen. She is well aware of his deranged pleasures of choice. Armed with her Pain Box, Gom Jabbar, her Voice and her substantial wiles and wits, she delves into Feyd's world. She is unprepared, however, for her own reaction to his... attentions.
Warning: this one is dark
(Finished work)
It takes three to forget: (one shot)They need to forget from the terrors of the sky. She needs to forget the terrors on the ground. War is hell any way you slice it. But tonight, tonight they are gonna all reach for a little piece of heaven, all three together.
(Finished work)
"You don't think I could be a Dom?" : (one shot) a story crafted from 5 voter polls in celebration of 100 (+) followers. This little gem includes: Our very own Austin Butler, taking control of, dominating, edging and over stimming you, his old friend (now lover).
(Finished work- voter polls)
To Places You'd Never Been: (A pre-Bikerider's One shot ) Benny has two things that balance the violence in his life: the freedom of the road and making women cum. Were you just another in a long line of girls he 'introduced' to your own pleasure? Undoubtedly. Did you care? Hell no. What he taught you about yourself that night changed everything for you.
(finished work)
My favorite Treat: (one shot)- Fantasies confessed to and fulfilled. A Naughty Austin gets what's coming to him, and loves every second of it.
(Finished work)
Upcoming works - all Austin related, cuz I'm a bit of a slut for the man. )
Strangers on a train (one shot)- (this one is just me dreaming big dreams ya'll) It's your birthday and you have treated yourself to a semi private compartment on the train from London to Florence. Who ends up sharing your compartment? Only the subject of all your naughty writing. Blushing, wet panties and hot times all follow.
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rafescoke · 3 years
hi ! i'm obsessed with your work ! <333 can i request a rafe cameron x reader
the reader is always there for rafe when he's sick or in trouble but rafe doesn't really show any reaction or gratitude from the reader's affection - but when reader goes sick (or nosebleed) he immediately begins to worry/make sure reader is okay. basically fluff !
August ; Cupcake! Rafe Cameron
Read Cupcake if you haven't before you start this fic!
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: In which Rafe cares more for the girl he likes rather than himself.
Warnings: Extreme fluff! Mentions of alcohols and drugs, Rafe Cameron being a complete sweetheart
A/N: After a week full of nothing but angst I've decided to give y'all what y'all have been screaming for; fluff. Thank you for all the love over my stories, I love you more than anything else in the world <3
p.s, I'm so sorry @blank-velvet if this isn't what you had in mind :(
"Hello, beautiful."
(Y/N) rolls her eyes, giving him a side smile as she locks her front door. "You're late today."
Rafe pouts, pulling her into a hug as he breathes into her scent. She doesn't smell like cupcakes anymore, thank god, because he can't take another few hours of flashbacks of him whisking the batter.
Turns out, the children's home becomes a fortnight habit for the both of them. They would bring so many cupcakes for the kids and spend the new 2 hours chatting and playing games.
Rafe hates to admit this, having to show the soft side of his, but he likes it. Every single bit of it; children telling him he's the best person in the world and how they like his frosting over (Y/N)'s because his were more 'unique'.
"Are you thinking of another girl?" (Y/N) teases, poking him by his side. Rafe looks down to her height with a shocked expression and shakes his head.
"Yuck," she replies, but she's smiling. She keeps her hands in his, loving the way his fingers are wrapped around hers. His metal rings knock against hers, and she can feel the slight tightening every time the light turns red.
She wishes she can assure him that she'll never leave his side, no matter what happens. She knows how hard his life is for him, dealing with his family and his addiction, and she swears to be in his life until he's okay.
"I don't want you to leave once I'm okay."
"I don't mean it that way, Rafe. I'm just saying that if you decide to find anyone else after this whole bullshit ends, I'll be fine."
Rafe shook his head, "I don't want anyone else, (Y/N)."
"Now you're thinking of a guy," Rafe rolls his eyes playfully, turning into a corner before stopping directly before a fancy restaurant (Y/N) can't roll her tongue to call it. He steps out, helping her to her feet, and proceeds to give his car keys to the butler.
"You don't have to pay 30 dollars for valet parking," (Y/N) rolls her eyes. "I'm perfectly fine with walking a long distance, you know."
"Not in that heels," Rafe answers, pointing to her pink mules. "You'll get your dress dirty too."
Rafe escorts her to their table by the beach with her arms in his, and the couple never looked so beautiful. Rafe's hair is left messy today, since (Y/N) likes it that way, and anything that (Y/N) likes, Rafe will try to obey.
"We can eat at Fraiser's and I'll be happy, Rafe. This is too much."
Fraiser's is Obx's famous burger shop located in The Cut, and sometimes even the kooks would come down to the other side of the island to enjoy the food.
(Y/N) stares at the beach, hearing its calming waves and turns to Rafe. He's still admiring the view, his lips pulled into a charming smile, and (Y/N) has the urge to kiss him.
"I want to," he says. "I'm glad we met."
The candle burns brightly by the side of their table as he gazes into her eyes, feeling himself getting lost in them. Her (E/C) eyes are mesmerizing, and it had struck him.
"Stop. You're getting all mushy mushy."
The dinner is perfect. To (Y/N)'s surprise, Rafe had requested her favorite song to be played by the band earlier. When the starting melody to August by Taylor Swift starts playing, she's basically gaping at Rafe.
"Shut up! You did not!" she hits him on his arms as he laughs.
"I thought you'd like it," he shrugs, stuffing his mouth with the garlic bread. "Do you like it?"
"Are you crazy? I love it, Rafe!"
Before Rafe can process his mind to what she just said, she pulls him into a hug from the other side of the table, and the other diners glance at the sudden sound of a chair scraping against the wooden floor and clanking of cutleries.
Rafe relaxes, "You're embarrassing us."
She pulls away, her face red, but Rafe holds her tightly.
"It's okay. I like it. Embarrass us even more, please."
(Y/N) feels like she's in heaven, soaring high above the clouds with Rafe by her side. Her life can't be more perfect; being in a close relationship with the boy he likes, doing so many things together she feels like they were married already.
Keyword: close relationship. He never proposes her to be his girlfriend, and she's too afraid to bring it up.
But whatever they're having now; she loves it. More than anything else in the world.
"Let's go to the beach."
"Okay," she giggles, gathering her clutch and her forgotten shoes somewhere under the table. She feels like leaving them, but the heels were one of the many presents from Rafe a few weeks ago, and she intends to keep them until the day she dies.
She stops, placing the clutch against his chest. "Have you paid?"
Rafe looks up to her, "Nah."
"Go pay."
"Rafe!" she widens her eyes, closing her mouth with her hands. "They'll catch us!"
"Not if we act like we've paid. Come on, they know me. They wouldn't suspect me of fleeing before paying."
She bites her lips nervously, but her heart is thumping wildly against her chest. Fleeing away from paying is never on her bucket list, but she always likes watching these kinds of scenes on the big screen.
"Okay. Fine."
"Okay, sweet. Come on."
He pulls her hands in his as he walks towards the exit. The waiter close to them bows, giving them his thank you, and when (Y/N) feels like they're safe, a loud voice from behind them shouts.
"Sir! Madam! Have you paid?"
(Y/N)'s grip around Rafe's hands tighten, but Rafe is a natural at lying. She wonders if he ever lied to her before.
"We have, a few minutes ago. This is a very bad moment for me and my wife, we are catching a flight back to Paris in an hour and you're wasting our time."
(Y/N) looks at him, gawking. His wife?
(Y/N) isn't sure if his lie would get them out of this situation, because his fake British accent does not sound anywhere near British and no English couple would spend their summer in a place like Obx.
The manager, (Y/N) assumes takes a step back, bowing down to them. When he looks up at them, he still has the curious glint in his eyes.
"Can I get your name?"
There's a long silence between them, and (Y/N)'s getting more and more nervous. "Coke." she blurts before she can stop herself.
"That's her nickname, right, my love? It's not coke, my dear, it's Cookie," Rafe sighs and turns back to the manager. "I'm sorry. She had had a few drinks tonight."
"Sir," the same waiter that had muttered his thanks to them says, standing beside the stern manager. "They haven't paid."
"Run!" Rafe exclaims, running towards the exit with (Y/N) in his trail. There are shouts behind them, but they don't stop, running for dear life until the music from the band playing sounds a distance away.
Eventually, the gravel turns into sand, and they stop running. (Y/N) is the first one to laugh, throwing her head back and pulling him into a hug.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you, Rafe, that's the best thing that has ever happened in my life!" she exclaims, placing her arms around his neck. The adrenaline from before is still flowing at a fast pace, and she never felt more alive.
Rafe smiles, catching his breath. He let her in his arms, smoothing her locks and lifting her slightly from the ground.
"Let's go in the water!" she says excitedly, pulling him towards the waves.
The cold saltwater pools around their ankles as they stand in the water, intertwining their fingers. (Y/N) looks up at him, watching as he stares at the darkness ahead.
She looks in the direction he's gawking at and sees the silhouette of a huge boat somewhere in the distance.
"What's wrong?" she asks, tugging at his hands.
"Someday, (Y/N), I'll bring you around the world."
She smiles. Always the charmer, that one.
"Rafe!" She suddenly shouts, bending down and letting the water soak her dress. "Something bit me!"
Rafe snaps back to reality, holding her in place and trying to find the mysterious creature in the water. Can a piranha get this far?
"I don't see-"
(Y/N) cuts him off by splashing the water at him, and he steps back with a shock.
"You'll regret doing that."
"I'm not feeling anything."
"Get ready."
"For what?"
Rafe splashes her with a larger amount of water and uses the stalling time as she gasps and tries to get away from him by pulling her down into the water.
"This," he laughs, watching as she screams playfully. She's between his legs now as they sit peacefully, letting the water soak their expensive clothes.
"I'm sorry I'm ruining the dress you bought for me."
"It's okay. It's just Dior. Besides, I'll probably ruin it by-"
"Later," she cuts him off, placing her pointer on his lips to silence him. "Let's just watch the ocean."
And Rafe obliges.
A walk back to your home doesn't take long when you're in love. (Y/N) has Rafe's hands in hers, swaying them back and forth as they skip back to her apartment.
"I'm not going to be responsible for your car if it goes missing, Rafe."
He smiles, "It's okay. I have insurance."
She's on cloud nine; singing along to August and letting Rafe twirl her around under the night sky full of twinkling stars.
"I love this," she whispers, stopping midway. "Thank you, Rafe."
"For what?"
"Being the best."
He kisses her cheeks in response, "Always."
Just before they can continue their walk back to her apartment, a familiar blue mustang pulls up beside her, and Rafe pulls her to his other side in reflex.
He waits until the car window pulls down, revealing a half-drunk boy with his black hair messily slicked back.
(Y/N)'s breath hitches, and she pulls Rafe closer to her.
"What do you want?" Rafe sighs. "Can't you leave her alone?"
"Rafe," she whispers, pulling him in alarm. Out of all the time in the world, her ex-boyfriend decides to surprise them after a good night full of good memories.
Jack ignores Rafe and stares at (Y/N), smiling in a taunting way. "Hey, (Y/N), why are you all wet?"
"Rafe," she pulls him again.
"Come on, I'm just asking," he laughs. "I thought you liked getting wet."
"Fuck off," Rafe says, gritting his teeth. His chest heaves with every breath he takes, and he longs for the moment to connect his fist with his smug face.
"Aw, come on Rafe, you used to be so fun," Jack fakes pout, sighing. "Now you're all up in her ass. Does she feed you bone?"
Rafe steps forward, but (Y/N) quickly pulls him back.
"Does she beg you to go to the some children's shit too?"
Rafe stalks forward again before (Y/N) can help it, and launches Jack's car door open. He topples over from leaning over and not wearing the seatbelt, and Rafe uses the chance to throw him on the road.
"Wanna talk shit again, asshole?" Rafe yells, pushing him as he staggers backward. Jack clutches onto his chest, holding a hand up and moving backward.
(Y/N) cries, waiting for Rafe to come back. As Rafe turns away to go with her, Jack takes the free time to bring him down to the road again and throws a punch against his face.
"Jack! Let him go, please!"
Rafe groans, feeling his bones cracking, but he's too fueled by the snickering Jack had made toward (Y/N). He turns him over and continues his punches against the thrashing boy.
(Y/N) pulls Rafe's arms, not wanting him to get hurt, but the pull is so strong that when he finally lets go of Jack, she topples backward and falls straight on her bottom.
He gushes out beside her, "You're okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you!"
Jack scatters into his car again, muttering a curse word under his breath and saying something along the lines of 'I'll get back at you, Cameron' before speeding off into the night.
(Y/N) groans, rubbing her legs and turns to Rafe. She gasps, holding his face in her hands. "Oh my god! Your nose, Rafe!"
Rafe grunts, pushing her hands away. "I'm fine. It's just a nosebleed. You scraped your thighs!"
"Just the side of them," she mumbles, glancing at the ripped part of her used-to-be beautiful midnight blue dress. "Let me see your nose."
He sighs and lets her examine his broken nose. His eyes are red, and (Y/N)'s sure there's some kind of a broken blood vessel in there, and there are bruises starting to form under his eyes.
To compare with her pain, Rafe is a hundred times worse.
"Jesus Christ, we have to get you to the hospital."
"No!" Rafe exclaims, pulling her hands away from his place. "No, please. I hate hospitals, you know I do. Let's just get home."
(Y/N) sighs, knowing there's no way she can win this fight against Rafe and helps him to his feet. She staggers backward, feeling the sudden pain coursing through her from the gash on her side.
"Oh god, you're losing so much blood."
"No, I'm not. I'm perfectly fine. It's just a scratch," she bites her lips.
"Let me carry you." he stops her.
"No! You're an idiot. If anything, I'm the one who's supposed to carry you," she rolls her eyes and turns to look at him again. "Rafe, you're crying blood. Let's get to the hospital."
"I'm not, I just drink too much red wine."
"It doesn't work that way. Please, Rafe? I'll be there with you the whole time."
Rafe sighs, and after a long time of thinking and weighing his options, he nods.
"If they start telling me to open my clothes, I'll head out. I will only remove my clothes from you tonight."
He can still joke around at a time like this?
(Y/N) bites her lips, "You will do exactly what the doctor says."
"You're my doctor," he shrugs. "Be my doctor?"
(Y/N) decides, with Rafe limping beside her, walking towards the hospital will be the stupidest idea ever. She orders an Uber, and before the driver can ask why they're booking to go to the hospital at 11p.m. on a Friday, he speeds away when he sees the sight of Rafe.
"It's not too late to just go home," Rafe mumbles against her neck. Her hair tickles his nose, but he likes it like that.
He feels safe. Protected.
"We're not sleeping in my apartment tonight."
"Can I still make love to you in the hospital?"
"We'll think about it."
(Y/N) pays the driver, muttering her thanks, and attends to a groaning Rafe again. One of his eyes is shut, and the other is fighting its best to stay awake.
The EMTs grab a wheelchair for Rafe as soon as she pulls him in through the automatic door, and when (Y/N) finally lets go of him, he shouts over the loud orders of the workers.
"She needs to stay with me or I'll die!"
One of the technicians looks at (Y/N), and she sighs. "I'm sorry. We got into a fight, and I think he's just not thinking straight right now."
She nods and asks (Y/N) to wait for him in the waiting room.
Half an hour later, with a coffee from the 24 hours cafeteria near the emergency room in her hands, the doctor finally calls for her attention. She stands up, her dress sticking to her bloody wound, and she winces from the pain.
"Why didn't you tell us!" the doctor sighs, pulling her into the same room he brought Rafe in. Rafe isn't in there, and (Y/N) can't help but search around.
"He's okay. He's sleeping. He's suffering from subconjunctival hemorrhage. It's nothing serious, really, but we decided to keep him under our watch for one day."
(Y/N) nods, slightly relieved, and let the doctor removes her skirt so he can take a better look at her wound.
He clicks his tongue, "What's your name?"
"Okay, (Y/N), we called for your boyfriend's parents and they'll be here in an hour. Do you have any parents I can contact?"
"I'm okay. I'm not suffering from any hemorrhage."
The doctor sighs, "I know. But you just confessed to being in a fight, so I have to get the parents involved. It's protocol."
(Y/N) mumbles out her brother's phone number, and she hopes against hope he's out with his friends and getting drunk so that she wouldn't have to face her family.
"Okay. Do you want to see your boyfriend?"
"He's not my boyfriend. But yes, I want to see Rafe."
(Y/N) holds out his hands as she sits beside his sleeping form. She smiles, grazing her fingers across his soft skin as he breathes peacefully.
"I'm awake now."
She pulls her hands away, gasping slightly at his tired voice.
"Come on, hold me again."
She rolls her eyes, but her fingers are around his again. "We look so corny."
"I know. Wanna know something cornier?"
"Take that thing out of my pocket. No, not that, that's my dick, (Y/N), my pocket, yes, yes, take that box out."
(Y/N) holds out the small box in her hands, letting the white light from above illuminate the box. Her face is still red at the mention of accidentally touching his private part, but she's more intrigued by the box now.
"Open it," he says softly.
(Y/N) hesitates, and pops the box open. She gasps, having a small diamond glinting back at her.
"Do you like it?"
"You did not, Rafe, oh my god."
"Wear it. Wait, fuck, I messed it up. Wait, wait, let me just-" he sighs, trying to sit up, but (Y/N) stops him midway. "Would you like to be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?"
She looks up at him, her eyes teary now, because God, no one has ever done this to her.
"Would you?"
"Of course, asshole, even when you're asking me in the middle of your deathbed."
He smiles, "Okay. Now you can put the ring on."
She slides the ring on her ring finger, holding her hand up and admiring the way the ring compliments her hands.
She loves it. More than anything.
"Oh, and they called Ward and Rose. I'm sorry it's going to be your first time being my girlfriend and meeting them."
She laughs, leaning over him and placing a longing kiss on his lips. He kisses her back, feeling so much better now he can walk out of this hospital.
"You're like a princess. Nursing me back to health. None of these Harvard graduate doctors can compare to you."
"Urgh, shut up," she rolls her eyes. "Now you're pushing it."
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia @alwaysclassyeagle @rottenstyx @wxn-drlst
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animeraider · 3 years
Of all of the strange stories in my lengthy music career, this is one of them.
In the 1980's I was the lead guitarist and occasional vocalist for a band called ASK. We were pretty good after a while. It was me, Kevin Donville (bass and lead vocals), Ed Lee (Keyboards and vocals) and a series of drummers before we finally settled win with Tim "T.J." Klassen. We started off slow but after some rough gigs, including an horrific one where we were the act that followed the famed songwriting team of Holland-Dozier-Holland run through their biggest hits (we sounded nothing like them and the audience was there) we built up a reputation in West L.A. as a solid band and had earned the trust of the famed Esther Wong herself.
We played 20 gigs at Madame Wong's during our run.
In 1989 Kevin had to leave the band. The rest of us tried to soldier on for a bit, recruiting my brother to play bass and trying a few other guitarists to take over lead duties while I took over vocals. None of it really worked, but we did have fun with one song. Back in the ASK days we had a hard rocker called "Run To Me" that featured a riff I stole from Don Dokken. I re-worked the song as a ballad and we worked up a pretty good arrangement. Tim and my brother worked up a solid rhythm section part and we all agreed that this was pretty awesome.
The band fizzled out and that's mostly my fault. But one night Tim and I got some beers and watched a VHS tape of U2's "Rattle and Hum", and when they got to "Bullet The Blue Sky" Tim's air-drumming that slamming part and I'm pretending to be The Edge when Tim asks me if I can play that slide guitar part. I could and I can. He said, "wouldn't that be awesome in Run to Me?"
We had one more practice, jut him, me and my brother and it WAS awesome.
I then got sidetracked by the events that led me to record a song called "Favorite Partner", a dance track that was completely played on acoustic instruments. That song took off in the beach town clubs and I suddenly needed a full demo to shop around - because people were starting to ask who I was. I had two other songs ready to go in the same vein as "Favorite Partner" and I asked TJ and Alex (my brother) to come to a session and we'd record "Run to Me" like we had last practiced it, "Rattle and Hum" bits and all.
In those days I practiced and recorded at a placed called Pendragon Studios. None of us lived close to it, but their engineer - a man named Bill Krodell - was a genius.This of course means that we all have to drive there. On the day of the session Alex's car breaks down, and he can't make it. So now I have to play bass.
TJ and I record a reference track - my guitar and his drums, and then I record the bass. I had never tried to play bass on the song before, so I just copied with Alex had done. It's a pretty good bass line, and later he would be very happy that I had kept it. I record the guitars and when it comes time to do the solo I pull out the slide and do the "Bullet the Blue Sky" bit. It's only a few seconds but Bill claps his hands together and says, "Wait until you hear how I mix THAT!"
It gets time to do the vocals and it takes me a few takes to get the lead down. The harmonies were easy though (that had been my part when it was an ASK song). We're listening to a take and getting to the last chorus when TJ, who's been just sitting and listening for the past couple of hours as his part was long finished yells out, "Knock Knock Knockin' on Heaven's Door" in time with the drum part he played.
Of course, we just HAD to incorporate that. Understand, There were about a dozen version of the old Bob Dylan song making the rounds right around then, including the Guns 'N' Roses one, so it was once again part of the zeitgeist. In the space of a few minutes I came up and recorded with a blistering 4-part harmony of those six words, and then returned to the song as I had written it. It was a fun off-the-cuff moment and I love those.
We mixed the tracks and I suddenly had a 4-song demo. A friend of mine did a photo session for the cover. I'm terrible at those and to try to get me to loosen up she had me balance a small rubber shark on my shoulder. The photo that resulted led to not only the cover but the title of the demo, "Hand Feeding the Hungry Shark".
Tumblr media
God's Teeth I'm young in that photo.
The demo got circulated around and label interest started up, but they wanted to hear more. They wanted live shows and at this point I really didn't have a band. I was getting club play though and I was selling demos, so I decided to record a full album. The result was the first album I released as Jim Christopher, "My World - Welcome To It", named after a television show I barely remembered from my childhood. It's available to this day:
Thing is, if you listen to track Seven you will NOT hear the Bob Dylan Lyrics. You need to remember that this is 1989-90. The world wasn't then what it is now. I hadn't sampled Dylan. I had essentially just used his words, and I realized I was going to need his permission. So I asked.
It took a bit of doing, but I found his agent and sent him a letter outlining what I was doing, and sent him a copy of the demo. I figured that their publishers would want a cut and I was prepared to give it. Instead I got a letter back stating that if I were to release this version of the song with Dylan's lyrics included that they would sue me into the ground and crap on the smoldering remains.
Well, I'm this 24 year-old broke dude and this is Bob Dylan's battery of lawyers. I wasn't going to win this one, so I went to a studio and rented one of their editing consoles and spliced out most of the last chorus (I'm a VERY good editor - most people don't even realize the cut).
That was that. My little tribute to Bob Dylan was left on the cutting room floor. 20 seconds of the song just gone. End of story.
Long after I had left Los Angeles and retaken my own name as a recording artist, Dylan gives an interview about all of the covers of his songs done over the years, and how many musicians quote him. Part of the answer he gives is about how he got overly protective of his catalog at one point and wouldn't let anyone use his music without using the whole song. Guess about when this was? He goes on to say in the interview that he doesn't mind people quoting him - that he does it himself.
In essence, he was giving everyone permission to do the very thing his lawyers had told me not to do. I'm not going to go into the story of how I confirmed this, but I did learn that he actually had never even heard my song (Hugh Hefner did, but that's another story). The ultimate response I got? "We're cool."
But I had edited that chorus out of the master for the album. I went back to the original 2 inch tapes I had recorded on and remixed and remastered the song. I let it hang around bandcamp for a little while, but I never really gave any thought to releasing it.
Well, 2020 and 2021 have been such game-changers in my life. After spending years struggling with a new album the floodgates opened up for me as a writer and a recording artist. As many of you know, I've released a ton of material this year, including some of my older tracks that never saw the light of day. It took a while, but it finally got through myu thick skull that I could finally put out in wide release the original version of "Run to Me", complete with The Edge guitar solo and 6 words by Bob Dylan.
It's the opener of "Demolisten", which is mostly a random collection of songs that never saw wide release for one reason or another. Some of this work is seriously unpolished, but I figure if the big artists can release their back-catalog crap so can I. But I'm really proud of "Run to Me".
I played every instrument and sang all the vocals except for the drums, which are played by Tim "TJ" Klassen (who now lives in New York). If you listen very very carefully you can even hear TJ "singing" (screaming, really) as he plays drums, especially on some of the fills.
Every song on this "new" EP has a story behind it, but this one is the one from the very early days of my life as a solo artist. I can tell the other stories if you want. I promise to be less verbose on the others. Their stories are shorter.
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