#it feels just like when someone's co-fronting but like there's only the vaguest hint of something where there should be another alter
thethingything · 2 years
I keep feeling like someone's co-fronting or very close to front but just kind of lurking instead of doing anything, but it's not anyone I know and when I try to ask who's there, the most I get in terms of a response is a slightly stronger sense of someone being there but nothing intelligible
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indiavolowetrust · 4 years
What if MC was the demon and the demons were humans? A mystery AU.
MC is a detective sent by the Devildom. They have been sent to place where many souls have been reported to have gone missing -- effectively skewing the soul trade in Hell -- and so they must solve the issue as soon as possible.
The details surrounding these reports are ... strange. MC is sent alone in order make them as inconspicuous as possible.
MC is sent to a dreary town by the sea, a place affectionately known as the home of hellish tides (fishermen are known to be knocked off their boats and drown in the turbulent waters). It is a fishing town that's damn near on the water itself, with half of it built on the docks. Old-fashioned diners with creaky seats, dark and seedy bars, and a plethora of secrets lurking just beneath the surface.
As it would turn out, MC isn't the only monster here.
Your local eccentric. His family is old money in this town, and so the large mansion in the cliff is mostly just for show. Or is it?
Known by the locals as a collector of strange and anomalous art, often leaving for weeks at a time to travel in pursuit of his hobby. His butler usually keeps the house tidy and composed until his return.
Diavolo meets MC at a local diner, pulling up a chair at their table when he doesn't recognize them straightaway. Where are you from? he asks. How long will you be here? Do you have any family and friends here? Much to his disappointment, MC lies and says they'll be here for quite some time on family business. Their mother is terribly I'll, you see.
Prone to inviting visitors and tourists of all kinds to his home for dinner. The sea is quite beautiful, after all, and his mansion surely has the best view. Despite whatever qualms they may have in regards to dining at the house of a stranger, his sonorous laugh and disarming smile usually convinces them.
Strangely, he has never invited any locals. And where exactly do those visitors of his go afterwards?
The quiet, unobtrusive, and ever-present butler of Diavolo. He is typically only ever seen in town on dark and rainy days, often on some errand or another. He is almost never seen without his pocket watch or umbrella.
Very little is known about him. Some say it was Diavolo's father who brought him up as a boy, that Barbatos was a mere orphan walking the streets. Some say that his father bought Barbatos in some terrible exchange of human life. Some say Barbatos simply showed up one day and never left. Either way, Barbatos takes no part in the rumors.
Barbatos meets MC in the street when MC nearly runs into them. MC is looking for their hotel in the downpour, which makes it difficult to see anything, and Barbatos helps lead them to their destination. Before MC can thank them, Barbatos has disappeared.
Barbatos almost always tends to be in the wrong place at the right time, tipping off MC about various wrongdoings and suspicious activity that happens in the area. Could this be a mere coincidence? Is he truly as innocent as he claims to be?
The irritable overseer of the town. No one really knows what he does for sure, actually, given that he's done what he's done for so long, but it appears to be working. Informally works for Diavolo as well, keeping tabs on local elections and other affairs.
A man who oozes pride. Despite his supposed origins in the town, Lucifer's presence takes up a room when he steps into it, commanding the attention of all. It's no wonder he was chosen for ... whatever it is that he does.
Lucifer is one of the first adversaries of MC. After a few days of poking around too much, MC is paid a personal visit by Lucifer regarding their activities in the town. The trouble they could stir up. Lucifer tells them to stay out of the town's business.
Lucifer always seems to be updated on MC's whereabouts and activities -- going so far as to go to the trouble of threatening them. What does he have to hide?
The greedy, scummy, money-grubbing banker of the town. Given that he is the only banker of the town, people are forced to go through him to deposit and withdraw their money. His thick orange sunglasses do well to hide his gaze.
Loud and generally obnoxious, it is almost impossible to miss Mammon out in the street. Known by the locals as an annoying but harmless miser. Can often be seen arguing with local shopkeepers over influxes in prices or the bartering of goods.
Mammon meets MC in the bar one night after MC accidentally spills their drink on the man, who had obviously been walking too fast. Mammon turns around and is about to yell at MC ... but immediately forgives them upon seeing them, his face going beet red. He apologizes profusely and offers to buy them another drink.
Mammon has other ... side projects, sure, but can that really explain why he was behind the docks that night? Can that really explain the conversation he had with the supposed fisherman? And what was in those boxes?
The charming yet irritable librarian. While his job is meant to concern only books, it sometimes appears that there are more cats roaming around the library than books. Satan knows the names of each and every one of them.
A little too charming. While known as quite the gentleman with a penchant for cats, MC can't help but feel wary around the supposedly kind librarian. There is something about his green-eyed gaze that seems off, even with the addition of his reading glasses.
When MC heads to the library to do research on the history of the town, it is Satan that greets them -- albeit emerging from one of the back rooms covered in kittens. After getting the squealing cats in order, he manages to direct MC to the correct section of the library.
MC comes in late one night to see the front desk empty and an almost miniscule trail of blood leading to the back of the library. If they weren't trained, they would have certainly missed it. If Satan is only a harmless librarian, then what was in the dumpster at the back of the library? Why did Satan lie to MC, even though he knew damned well MC knew he was lying? That smile never reached his eyes.
The awkward, bashful fisherman. Leviathan can typically be seen on the docks with a comic book when he isn't fishing, nose-deep into its pages. When he's not reading comics, he's watching cartoons. When he's not watching cartoons, he's writing fan letters. When he's not doing any of that, he's fishing.
Known by most of the fish mongers as that strange young man. Given his hobbies and general antisocial nature, Levi has no friends and often finds comfort in solitude. So that means he can't possibly be connected to anything, right?
MC meets Levi when they're looking for the fisherman at that docks -- to which they find, to their surprise, that Levi is that fisherman at the docks with the lead. MC startles Levi when they greet him, causing him to nearly drop his comic book into the water.
If he's a fisherman, then shouldn't he work with someone or at least have the same hours as the other fishermen? Where does he go at night? Is there something he's not telling MC?
The flamboyant shopkeeper of the town's finest -- and only -- boutique, specializing in hair cutting and hair treatment services. With his updated style and high sense of fashion, he looks rather out of place in this town.
Everyone and their mother has a had a wonderful experience at his boutique. A bleaching before the day of a wedding, a last-minute hairdo, fixing an at-home dye job, doing some late mother's hair for her funeral -- this man can truly do it all.
MC meets him when they accidentally wander into his shop, wanting to get out of the rain. Upon his insistence, they end up getting a quick trim for their split ends, with Asmo fussing over how much better they look now. Don't forget to come back in a few weeks!
Asmodeus, being the one and only hairdresser, knows all the gossip that there is in town. Quite open about it, actually. But when MC asks him even the vaguest hints of what they're here for, why does he clam up? Why is he suddenly so silent?
The ravenous, gluttonous cook of one of the best diners in town. Besides your typical diner food, Beel serves fish, fish, and more fish. As the cook of the diner, he has quite the loyal customer base.
People rant and rave about Beel's dishes from this town to the next one over. In fact, it's one of the things that brings tourists to this town. Everyone -- big or small, young or old -- has a hankering for Beel's famous fish fry.
MC meets him at the front counter of the diner when they first get into town, famished. Given that MC is new to town, Beel takes it upon himself to serve them up his famous fish fry, telling them that they don't have to pay for it if they don't like it. MC pays for it full price and tips him at least 30 percent.
Everyone knows that Beel's a rather hungry cook, considering his size ... But what on Earth was he eating that night? What vividly, horribly red thing was he tearing into on the counter?
The grumpy waiter of Beel's diner and also his fraternal twin. He seems to be neither a morning or afternoon person, with a tendency to answer with one word, gruff responses and a deadpan expression. Despite this, the diner is as popular as ever.
More than waiter, however, Belphegor seems to look over just about everything in the restaurant. From co-owner to cashier to inventory, Belphegor has quite the multitasking talent. It is perhaps this hardworking ethic -- despite his outward laziness -- that continues to draw people into the diner.
MC meets Belphegor when they walk into the diner, as Belphegor is the one who wordlessly gives them their menu and black coffee before attending to other customers. While he seems mostly stoic the whole time, MC sees the almost-smile on his mouth when they compliment Beel's food and leave such a hefty tip.
MC understands that Belphegor may have to be up at weird hours to do inventory, but for what reason does Belphegor have in regards to receiving a package in the dead of night? Why sneak into the diner, as if he wanted to make sure no one saw him? And what was that shadow in the diner?
Who is the culprit? What was their motive? How did they pull it off? You, as MC, must solve the mystery ... or die trying.
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