#it is a bummer if something you were excited about isn't drawn but if you'd like it to be assured many mods have commissions open!
ponydoodles · 1 year
my apologies, but i sent a request a few years ago and i dont think it ever happened. is there a protocol on what i should do here? or just keep waiting
Hi! I'm sorry if your request was important to you and never got drawn. Many mods have a backlog of old requests we haven't gotten to, or it may have been either a repeat request that we've done similarly before, or something nobody claimed before one of our inbox clearouts. We've said it many times previously on this blog but we don't get to everything since we get so many asks at once, and since we just do this blog for fun rather than fulfilling every request we receive like a job. So there is no "protocol" since we do not draw every single one, but whenever we next open the box you're free to request what you asked for back then if you wish!
- mod softie💗
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randomvideogameblog · 2 years
The Character Customization Files
The God Eater Series + Code Vein
Genre: Anime Style Hack and Slash/RPG
Customization: Yes
Romance: Haha. No. But we can dream.
I am biased. I love this series with a passion and I'm excited to see what the next entry will bring in terms of lore. Lore that was expanded upon slightly with Code Vein offering new questions. With that said here's what can be said about the games in terms of customization/gameplay.
God Eater 1/Resurrection:
Hoh boy. The game shows its age now. But it's a classic. In the facial category, it's lackluster. Giving you a set of faces to work with and few hairstyles, but for me the clothes were always something I loved. There's a good plenty to be unlocked as you play. The story is a bit rushed; I wish it was more fleshed out and drawn out. But what is there is enough, the characters are iconic and absolutely lovable. As for romance, ha-ha I wish. But we have Alisa, who seems to have a crush on the player. That's a plus. Also, background romances? Yes.
God Eater 2/Rage Burst:
This game also shows its age. It lacks polish, like really lacks it. Translation errors and dialogue not matching what was said. I may have to go back but I swear in a cutscene that was meant to be heart felt my character was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was the generic male protag. When I played as a girl. I laughed because it was hilarious. This time around in the customization the clothes are still plentiful, more so in fact. I... like to collect them all.
The characters this time around are a bit more extra. Whether that's good or bad, depends on who plays it. Because I loved some but loathed others. Just one. But even he grew on me to some degree. Romance? Not you there's not. Implied? Maybe. If you squint.
God Eater 3:
I miss the clothing from its predecessors, the variety isn't there in this one. But the overall aesthetic and look of your protagonist is good. The model itself is good. I just don't like the hair shine, but that's a small thing.
There isn't romance, but oh boy. You play the game and tell me there isn't love. Platonic or romantic whatever is going on between your protagonist and Hugo. I love it. Found family. I live for it. While the game could do with more fleshing out of relationships and in general being longer it does have DLC that's free that expands a bit further.
Code Vein:
Hello, good looking! The character customization is off the charts in terms of options. Not clothes, which is a bummer. But hair, accessories and make up galore! The options to make an absolutely unique character are there. The characters still suffer a bit from the same issue I had with God Eater. Lack of overall interaction with the characters. I wanted more. Still, I enjoyed it very much. There's no romance. But that's fine. There are characters who's romances I enjoyed to see.
Code Vein is special since you don't have to play the God Eater series to enjoy the game. I believe it was said it was not in the same universe as the God Eater series. But that's only a half truth. It does, but it requires no knowledge of the God Eater lore to play. It exists somewhere alongside it, a side story existing in its own bubble.
With the God Eater games I like to say the story carries on from each one. Almost like a cause and effect. God Eater 3 can be played alone as it's not as tight knit as the other two but is a delight to play when you see a certain character appear again having been there from the beginning.
If you want to start with this series start the old ones first. Here's my reasons why.
First. The older games are clunkier. If you start with the more recent titles going back will psyche you out. They'll feel heavy and it's a relief when you get to the more recent titles.
Second. Lore wise. I liked getting to see the story progress throughout the series. You get to know them and get attached to them.
Third. I feel like the older ones are more likely to go on sale. Don't get them full price.
Counter point:
If you'd like. Play the newer ones first. God Eater 3 and Code Vein make good introductions on their own. They're smoother to play and you don't need to play the others unless you'd like to.
God Eater Series
Overall: 7/10
Would I recommend? Yes and no. Yes, because I am biased. No, if it's not to your taste.
Code Vein
Overall: 8/10
Yes, I would recommend. Like I said. This game can be played alone without the others, offers a good introduction to the world via a teaser. The customization is amazing too.
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