#it is literally tanking your engagement i promise
54bpm · 1 year
Begging the artists joining the platform to not post all their art in the same posts in dumps, give them each their own post and put them in the queue. They will perform SO much better that way.
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fickleminder · 2 months
the animal inside of you
Kirana bonds with a sea creature of her own at the aquarium, but the others have some Concerns.
I only just got around to reading the Aquarium event story yesterday so here’s a little drabble on what aquatic animal my F!OC might be paired with… 🤭
Sitting on a platform at the edge of the main tank, Kirana idly kicked her legs in the water as she brainstormed ideas for what Beel’s evil octopus could do to earn more Grimm. For such a spindly thing, it sure could rival the demon in terms of appetite.
A few of the more curious inhabitants of the tank swam closer to her while she sat there thinking, but none had really stuck around for long after watching their fill of the human.
Well, except for one.
Kirana giggled as her toes were tickled by the rainbow-colored creature, who playfully darted away when she wriggled her feet at it in response. It kept coming back to nudge at her legs, engaging her in what seemed like a mock fight, and its large eyes blinked excitedly at her when she managed to tap it with her feet.
The creature didn’t seem to have any major grievances with the aquarium; it was just bored and wanted to play, and Kirana was more than happy to indulge it.
“Kirana, the aquarium’s about to close!” Levi called out from somewhere behind her, his footsteps getting louder as he approached. “We can come back tomorrow and…”
The demon fell silent, so Kirana turned around to reply. “Okay, can you grab my shoes—”
“Don’t. Move.”
She immediately froze. Levi was staring at her, or more specifically at the tank, with wide-eyed horror, his palms facing out in a soothing gesture. Did he notice something dangerous that had shown up while she wasn’t looking? Kirana felt the creature she’d been playing with climb up her left calf and hug it reassuringly.
“Shit. Um, uhh, it’s okay, you’re gonna be okay— LUCIFER HELP!”
“What is it now…” Lucifer marched over with a sigh. The rest of the group followed behind him, wondering what the commotion was. He took one look at the situation and stilled, his arm automatically shooting out to the side when Satan attempted to rush forward, blocking the other demon from any hasty movements.
“Guys, you are freaking me out. What is it?” Kirana’s mind was spinning. Was it a kraken? A megalodon? An ancient dinosaur?
“Smiting mantis shrimp,” Simeon answered, the calm smile on his face completely forced. “Native to the Celestial Realm, and an apex predator among aquatic beings of its size. It has claws that can literally punch a hole through walls and spear through the toughest of shells. Its rainbow-colored armor—”
“Oh, you mean this little guy?” Kirana reached down to pet said shrimp, who was as big and long as her entire leg. It waved its antennae in delight at the attention. “He’s such a sweetheart! I decided to call him Ali. Say hello, Ali!”
The crustacean’s eyes locked onto the group and it released its hold on Kirana to flex one of its large claws, daring them to come at it.
“I don’t understand…” Luke whimpered from behind a slack-jawed Solomon. “Kirana has nothing in common with that— that—”
“My Lord, we need to exercise extreme caution,” Barbatos solemnly advised the prince, who had grown steadily paler as Simeon described the creature.
Asmo tried holding eye contact with the rainbow monster to charm it into letting his favorite human go, but its large beady eyes made him crack first and look away with a shiver.
“Kirana, I’ve got your shoes right here.” Belphie held them up like an enticing treat. “Why don’t you come down and put them on and then we can all go home, hm?”
It was getting quite late so Kirana had to bid her new friend goodbye, but not without promising to come back and play again the next day. The second her feet touched the ground, Satan quickly bundled her up in his arms and planted himself between her and the tank, all while making hissing noises at it. Beel wordlessly put her shoes on for her.
“Take that, you stupid shrimp!” Mammon crowed as they made to leave. “Kirana belongs to us and don’t you forget it—”
Ali jabbed at the thick glass with a loud THUNK, creating a hairline fracture and causing Mammon to scream.
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4ngeldusstt · 1 year
S I L K R I B B O N pt.2
A/N: originally this were two separate fics but I realized they worked well together and that they could be silk ribbon part two so here it is, y’all really liked the first part so i hope you enjoy this one too!! ( this is also the longest fic I’ve ever written lol )
Warnings: angst, mention of death, injuries, blood, swearing
Word count: 3,233
Part One
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He was about to lose it, all the control he had left before diving straight into insanity after his grey eyes land on a bloody baby blue ribbon laying on the pavement that clearly belonged to you.
All kinds of scenarios going though his head, ‘you were just fine, maybe injured and you happened to lose the ribbon on your way to a safe place, right?’ This kept replaying in his head like a mantra in hopes to manipulate his thoughts and as an attempt to calm himself down, you couldn’t be dead, he refused to believe that. His gaze going left and right, franticly looking for the face he so much longed to see with no luck, he cursed under his breath holding your ribbon tightly in his fist, his boots landing on the hard pavement, a small provisional camp was set up to treat injured soldiers and to be used as a meeting point for the ones who made it. The short man roamed around asking your friends, team mates, literally anybody he found if they knew anything about you, no one seemed to give him a clear answer.
With each passing minute his anxiety was getting worse, “if she happens to be injured we’ll find her Levi, she’s a tough one.” The commander said in hopes to reassure the raven haired man. “I know she’s alive, that brat not dumb enough to die.” He was upset at you, trying to think about the lecture he was gonna give you once you were in front of him for worrying him this much, how dare you? “Before parting I made her promise, she promised she’d make it back safely.” This part was a bare whisper lost in the background noise only perceived by him.
“I guess I’ll have to go find her myself.” Before the commander could answer the captain was already in the air swerving through buildings and roofs, the commander had no choice but to follow him, some of your close friends also took the hint and joined the pair.
After a while of franticly looking for you, Jean seemed to perceive a couple of soldiers a few rows of buildings to the left, “I think I found her! To the left, where that titan is, it looks like it could be y/n!” Levi’s ears perked up at the information with hope in his eyes and fear on his heart he changed directions towards where your friend notified, as they got closer they confirmed it was in fact the person they were looking for, landing in the nearest roof for better observation. “Hey! Y/n, we came for you!” Armin yelled, not loud enough to notice as you were too focused in the situation that was unfolding in front of you. “There you are.” Levi stated to himself, feeling a wave of relief dissolving his previous worries at the sight of you ‘well, at least you are alive.’ he thought.
Your eyes immediately landing on your commrade as a titan wrapped it’s fingers around him as if he was an annoying fly, having no time to process the situation you were already swerving around with your gear your only fixation being not having another death on your back, not if you could avoid it.
When you realized you were also trapped between the other hand of the titan, taking everything in you to move the blades with all the strength you had left in your body, refusing to die like this. You noticed your friends and superiors were watching the scene unfold on a near roof, most of them with little to no gas left in their tanks, Levi had his hand on the blade ready to engage but was stopped by Erwin “Don’t. You better than anyone know she hates it when she gets underestimated.” With a sigh and an annoyed look he stopped on his tracks still attentive to engage if needed.
The ambient was tense, all eyes on the hand that held you captive praying for you not to be dead. With a swift move your blades cut their way out the tender flesh of the titan, with a barely perceivable move you cut it’s nape freeing your friend, you could’ve stopped there but you didn’t, the adrenaline of being this close to death, made you go feral in rage as you started slicing the titan up and down with an amazing use of the gear making it almost impossible for them to follow your small frame as you maneuvered through the air, landing on the nearest roof after basically mutilating the beast that had the guts to even attempt to kill you, you went on a rampage and started going insane slicing every nape of every titan your eyes landed on.
Everyone was in awe, they knew you were good but damn this was excessive, once you were done and no titan was in sight thanks to your skills you made your way joining the rest that were waiting for you. The second your feet landed on the roof you collapsed on your knees, turns out the titan managed to break you a couple ribs along with some deep cuts you self inflicted by accident when attempting to break yourself free, with your levels of adrenalin going down, a wave of agonizing pain that you brain managed to ignore until seconds ago, went though your body as you tried your best to hold it together in front of everyone. You can’t show yourself being weak, you refused but failed as every breath turned into the sharpest pain you ever felt in your life, before you could realize, you felt your body giving out and falling forward.
Before your head could hit the tiles Levi quickly rushed to your side and held you, laying you down as careful as he could, “don’t worry, I’ll be just fine.” You reassured him, looking up noticing you had to make an effort to keep your eyes open. “I know, now stay awake for me will you?” He said trying his best to sound as calm as possible not to worry you. “I can try Captain, but in all honesty the pain is starting to be too much.” You said with difficulty attempting to not make a big deal out of it, talking and breathing was severely painful at this point you are certain a rib might of digged through one of your lungs at least. Your head filling quickly with thoughts, ‘I’m actually going to die.’ Suddenly your breathing started to fasten, to the point you were almost hyperventilating, the subconscious act causing your wound to worsen your eyes quickly finding Levi’s giving him a pleading look begging for help.
“Hey, breathe with me okay?“ he quickly noticed the traits of a possible panic attack, luckily he knew how to deal with them because of previous situations where you might of needed his assistance, “L-Levi, it hurts so bad.” Your voice barely coming out at this point, your body tensed at the feeling of hand lifting you up carefully “take her and follow me, we’re going to the medical camp we set up to treat the injured, she’ll get treated as a priority, we can’t loose such a good soldier can we?” Hange said in an attempt to break the tension, “Listen to me Y/N, I’m going to need you to hold onto me, okay? It’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be just a few minutes I promise, try to stay awake for me a little longer, you’re doing good.” he had his sight fixated on your face taking in your features, pulling some loose hair strands out of the way cupping your cheek as he gently spoke to you, the fellow soldiers around stranged by the sudden change of attitude in their usually cold and mean captain, not even commander Erwin has seen Levi act like this. Let’s say he had a soft spot for you.
You did as you were told and wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled your body up securing his arm tightly around you, he was fast and great in maneuvering around buildings so as soon as you realized he was already on land. He carried you bridal style into the tent, you could feel his fast heart rate “calm down Levi, I’ll be okay. You are not going to get rid of me that easily.” Leaving a small laugh cut by a sharp pain that caused to groan out in pain. “You say it as if I wanted that to happen.” His lips turning from a frown to a side smile “it’s you who won’t get rid of me, brat.” He looked down at you with those beautiful stone grey eyes. Gifting him a smile in response.
Fast enough you were being checked and treated, Levi was not happy that he was kicked out and couldn’t be by your side at the sudden decision that they were going to have to perform emergency surgery on you. The man walked out with an annoyed expression, the commander approached him “what did they say? Her friends are worried about her, well, we all are any information is good to know.” “She’s going under surgery, overall she’ll be okay.” He exhaled in relief, still worried as there is a small chance surgery can go bad. He won’t be completely at peace until he is sure you are a hundred percent okay. “Thank god, that’s good to hear. I’ll notify her friends I’m sure they’ll appreciate this information, thank you Levi.”
Fluttering your eyes open, squinting at the natural sun light that came through the big windows as an attempt to adjust to it. Flashbacks flooding your mind as you remembered the previous set of circumstances that led you to this state. The smell of fresh laundry and lavender was still impregnated in your senses from when your captain carried you, “Levi” the image of him looking down at you with that much emotion as he caressed your skin, was printed in your head. “Y/n” a sudden voice pulled you out of your own thoughts making you turn your head in shock “you called my name but something tells me I wasn’t ment to hear, am I right?” the man said letting out a small laugh as he shook his head in disbelief approaching you.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, “I'm way better than I was that's for sure, I told you I was gonna be just fine.” You gave him a cocky smile playfully rolling your eyes, “well, you do in fact look better. Never thought I’d miss your brattiness but I’m glad you’re okay, I was worried.” Your brows lifting in surprise, “You, Levi Ackerman missed me being a brat? Oh, and was the Captain Levi worried? about me?” You looked up him with fake disbelief, deep down you knew he cared about you and were thankful for that but you enjoyed teasing him way too much.
“Tsk, I don’t know why I said anything. Yes, I was very worried about you, I almost went insane when I found this on the floor and couldn’t find you.” He pulled out a small piece of fabric from his pocket, your ribbon, the one he gifted you a while back, blood almost hiding it’s original and beautiful baby blue color, seeing it made you understand what kind of thoughts could've went through his head when he found it. “I-I didn’t even notice when it fell from my hair, thank your Levi for bringing it back. It means a lot to me, I’d be very upset if I lost it.” You took the ribbon from his hand as you inspected it holding it in your own, remembering the day of how it got to your hands. It was a gift from Levi, it’s a very special item for you and you cherish it with your whole heart.
Feeling tears fill up your eyes as you held it close to your chest, closing your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks, when you opened them you looked at Levi with a warm smile, his instinct was to wipe away your tears with his thumb, like he always did when you cried. “thank you, for everything you do for me Levi, I don’t deserve-“ “you do deserve it, at this point it’s obvious I care for you and I don’t think you are that oblivious to not realize I have feelings for you. I don’t expect an answer I just needed to get this off of my chest.” He looked down and walked towards the door, ‘is he actually going to leave after confessing his feelings to me?’ “I care about you too and I also think it’s very obvious that I’m very much in love with you, Captain.” Your statement caught him off guard, turning around to face you trying his best to hold in a smile that was threatening to scape his lips. “Well, soldier I think we have a pending conversation for after you fully heal and get the hell out of here, don’t you think?” He smirked, this time not even bothering to hide it.
After chatting for a while he left the room allowing you to properly rest, you didn’t want him to leave but he has duties and paperwork due to tomorrow and needed every minute to be able to finish it.
Your recovery was surprisingly fast, in about a month your ribs and wounds were fully healed and you were ready to go, finally. Commander Erwin forbid you to train to the extent as you used to, having to take it a little more lightly at least for a while, afraid that you would get hurt and obviously the captain agreed with him in this decision.
As days went by the relationship between you and Levi changed, he was more attentive and went out of his way to do small acts of service for you, like preparing your horse before you had to use it, double check if your ODM gear straps were perfectly secured, picking up an extra plate of breakfast, lunch and dinner for you so you didn’t have to (and to make sure you ate properly), prepare you a cup of tea when you couldn’t sleep,... overall he was glued to your hip following you around every where you went. It didn't bother you, deep down you were aware that the reason behind that change was you being that close to death, for a while he actually thought there was a big chance you could be dead, so you just limited to enjoy the extra attention and made sure to thank him constantly for everything, the least you could do was to express your gratitude, being thankful for even the slightest thing he did for you.
One night you went to his office, as per usual, to provide him some company when he was busy that he very much appreciared. Sipping on your tea as you put your knees to your chest sitting comfortably on the red leather couch that was nearest to his desk, you observed him in silence as he sighed putting the pen down “It's done, fucking finally.” Meaning he now had all his attention directed to you. “I think now it's a good moment to have a talk.” You swallowed hardly, nervously shifting in your seat. “Let’s talk then.” You said attempting to appear as calm as you could be. “I want to be with you.” Words blurting out of your mouth, not even giving him any time to be the one to start the conversation. “Are you aware that it won’t be easy, right?” He stopped for a second “I want to be with you too, honestly it has gotten to a point were I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” His tone was low and sincere, he was for the first time in his life opening his heart for someone.
“Me nether, you have become an essential part of my life, a part of me I want to keep, take care of and cherish forever, only if.. that’s okay with you.” A small smile appeared on his lips, lowering his head “Of course I’m okay with that, Y/N. I want to be able to do the same for you. I can’t-I refuse to live a life without you in it.” Your cheeks feeling warmer with each passing second as you hid in between your knees, eyeing him. “So.. that means what I think it does?” He nodded, “It is, now come here brat.” He made a motion with his hand signaling for you to come closer. You stood up and took seat on his knees, arms wrapping securely around you. His next move took you by surprise, as your now lover rested his head on your shoulder inhaling your scent, your hand instinctively found it’s way to his head, fingers tangling with his soft black hair, causing him to dig his face further into your neck and groan. “You must be exhausted, you had a lot of work today, you should probably rest.” His arms tightened around you, “don’t leave, stay. Please.”
Levi never let himself to be this vulnerabe with any one, but you have proved him enough at this point to be worthy of seeing him like this, he felt like he could be weak around you and just allowing you take care of him. “alright, let’s get you ready to go to bed then, is that okay? Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere and that’s a promise.” The last part having a double meaning, you actually didn’t plan on going anywhere, not tonight or ever. “Mhm, you better keep that promise.” he mumbled tiredly against your skin, loud enough for you to hear.
Once you both were already tucked in the soft sheets of his bed, with his strong arms holding you close to his chest and your face burried on the crook of his neck. Picturing diferent scenarios in your head of a future with your lover, how you dream everything to be once you both retire from the Special Operations Squad. Maybe already married, maybe owning a small beautiful cottage in the hills away from the city, maybe having one kid or two, your only worries being what dessert are you going to bake that day and what flowers are you going to chose to refill the vase that will sit on the windiow sill in the kitchen. For now, you were happy here where you are right at this moment, that is being wrapped up in the safety and comfort of Levi's hold.
The next morning you woke up alone, coming to the conclusion that being a captain ment a lot of things, one of them getting up way too early for your liking. As you turned to your opposite side, facing the empty spot next to you, your eyes met with something placed on top of his pillow. Sitting up, you take the items which were a note, in it he appologised for not being there with you when you woke up, with a smile your sight was set on the other item he left for you, a brand new silk ribbon, this time he chose a beautiful shade of light pink.
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prof-peach · 3 years
hey professor, can you help me with something? my medicham, beau, loves to train and often use my torterra's tree, tank, as a punching bag. i told her not to do that cause i don't know how it will effect tank. so, i was wondering if you have any ideas on how to stop her and if i should be worried about the tree. i did have a punching bag that i hang off a branch but she burnt it, froze it and electrocuted it so much that its just rags.
While I understand Pokemon behaviour can be hard to change, you need to do everything in your power to stop the Medicham using another Pokemon as a punching bag. The tree is part of the pokemon, they are one entity, and if the tree is damaged or dies, the Torterra will suffer severely. Torterra die if their tree dies and doesnt get replaced fast. You said "burnt it, froze it, Electrocuted it" so right there, freezing punches to a grass type, even one adapted to the cold, can be an issue if done repeatedly. I don't have to explain how bad fire is for any grass pokemon, you should know that. And electricity while not so severe to grass types, will still split and damage a tree. I have to do a handful of full tree transplants every year because of reckless decisions, and I sternly advise you put the health of your grass type above the wants of your medicham. Put on the "pack leader" hat every trainer has and should use, and make it very clear what will happen if your Medicham keeps doing this, they must not know the severity of their actions, because normally the species is quite understanding of those around it, often not being as traditionally aggressive as other fighting types.
Investing in a high quality, durable new punching bag, strung up away from the Torterra is incredibly important. You pay more yes, but the quality of the item means it can handle attacks with flame, with thunder, and even ice. Gyms all over the world can invest in these items, and now you need to as well. They are made of very special materials, built to last, despite powerful attacks being thrown at them. I can only assume you used a regular human punching bag before, don't use them, they're weak in comparison. Tell Beau the truth, sugar coating things doesn't help, if they know their actions have severe consequences, and they have a new, more effective way to train, they should leave Tank alone, and they SHOULD leave them alone. Torterra have a habit of being a little passive about their own wants and needs, they may not have acted or stressed out about the initial training of the other pokemon, but you must not let this continue. Long term it will lead to some very serious, very deadly conditions. Step 1) order official punching bag, built to handle pokemon attacks. Step2) tell Beau whats up, and to cut that out. You don't want her to have a death on her hands, and in turn, on your hands. Step3) encourage Beau to engage with new punching bag, treats and praise as rewards. She will see it can take the hit, and probably stick to it. The challenge of breaking something is half the fun for fighting types, and the proper bags do not break easy. Step 4) Take Tank to a centre immediately, to make sure theres no underlying damage. Trees can look fine, but under their tough bark they can still have issues. If this behaviour continues separate them, the safety of one is greater than the wants of another. Edit: because i literally cannot fathom this one. That Torterra won't have reacted to the punching, the tree does not have pain receptors, but i promise you, if it did, your pokemon would be causing it agony. C'mon, do better for them, you should have replaced that punching bag day 1.
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takeyourpillsbitchh · 2 years
Day 4 - Prompt: Cast
words: 841
It was late. Mickey sat on the back porch steps of the Gallagher house, puffs of grey smoke leaving his mouth and dissipating into the dark night sky. He always liked being alone during the night. Something about the dark and quiet comforted him. Not that it was ever really quiet on the south side.
Truth is he just couldn’t sleep. You’d think he would be glowing, happy, snuggled in bed with his fiancée but that just wasn’t his reality right now. It had been about two hours ago, when they first got home from the bar, him accepting Ian’s marriage proposal and then coming home to have sex for the first time in weeks. And fuck it had been good.
But when the afterglow of the engagement and the sex wore off, Ian sleeping soundly next to him, Mickey couldn’t help the anxiety and guilt that washed over him as he watched Ian sleep, his foot nestled snuggly in his plaster cast. The cast that was on his foot because Mickey fucking hit him, again. Hit him and he fell down a flight of stairs and snapped his bone.
Ian hadn’t made one mention of it since it happened or anytime they were together after. How could he not be mad though? Mickey literally made him break his leg, Mickey knew how painful broken bones were. He hated himself for putting Ian through that pain. He was always hurting Ian—
“Mick?” Mickey's thoughts were broken at the sound of Ian’s voice. He turned around to see Ian at the top of the stairs, only wearing a tank top and boxers, crutches under his arms and that cast clinging to his leg.
“You alright?” Mickey asked, taking another puff of his cigarette, looking away as Ian made his way down the stairs, he couldn’t watch him struggle.
“Yeah, just woke up to an empty bed,” He answered, reaching Mickey and sitting next to him, wrapping his arm around Mickey and pulling him in to kiss his temple. “Just wanted my fiancé.”
Mickey couldn’t help but smile. Fuck, he was so soft for Ian. Always for Ian.
“Sorry, couldn’t sleep,” Mickey mumbled, pressing a quick kiss to Ian’s lips, hitting the cigarette one last time before throwing it into the gravel at the bottom of the stairs.
“Any specific reason?” Ian asked, his genuine concern shining though making Mickey’s heart jump in his chest as he glanced at Ian’s leg then away. Thumbing at his bottom lip and sniffling.
“Yeah,” Mickey breathed, nodding his head, not looking at Ian knowing he would have that concerned puppy dog look on his face.
“Okay, what’s up?” He asked again.
“Just thinking,” Mickey answered softly, “‘bout how I never said sorry.”
“Sorry? Sorry for what?” Ian questioned, his tone confused.
“For breaking your fucking leg,” Mickey answered, pulling as far away from Ian as he could in the narrow stair case. But then Ian was chuckling and Mickey looked over at him.
“You don’t need to apologize for that,” He shrugged, amused.
“Yes I do,” Mickey disagreed, not understanding how Ian could find humor in that, “I do. I hit you and made you break your leg. You—you were in so much pain and I did that and then I fucking left you!”
“No,” Mickey cut him off, shaking his head, watching some kind of realization flash in Ian’s eyes.
“I'm sorry,” He promised, stressing the words eyes welling up and Ian’s eyes softened.
“I know you are,” He said, reaching for Mickey, pulling him across the short distance. “You don’t have to apologize because you never needed to say it. I saw it in your eyes the day it happened that you were sorry. That you regretted it, baby.”
Mickey nearly melted at the pet name and his stomach twisted. “Why didn’t you ever say anything? Tell me I was an asshole. Tell me it was my fault.”
“Cause that’s not how I see it,” Ian shrugged. “You were upset. Hurt. So many emotions were happening at once and they were all my fault for just backing out at the last minute like a coward. I didn’t blame you. I never brought it up because I was never mad.”
“I love you,” Mickey breathed, voice shaky.
“I love you too, Mick. Always have. Always will,” Ian promised, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately, sliding his tongue along Mickey’s, threading his fingers through black hair.
Mickey's damp eyelashes fluttered open when the kiss ended, leaning forward to press their foreheads together. “Promise?” He breathed quietly.
“I promise, I’ll always love you,” Ian nodded, pulling back a bit and grinning at Mickey. “Even with a broken leg.”
“Fuck off,” Mickey rolled his eyes, hitting Ian’s chest with the back of his hand but chuckling nonetheless because when Ian let’s out that goofy ass laugh how could he not.
“Come on,” Ian wrapped an arm around his neck pulling him close and lowered his voice, “I need my fiancé.”
“Okay,” Mickey nodded, panting. “Let’s go.”
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spacedikut · 4 years
exam help ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
summary: a self-indulgent blurb about spencer helping with exams :) 1.7k
a/n: first fic of the year :D happy 2021!
Another anguish-filled screech reverberates from your and Spencer’s shared office, bringing even your pet fish in the tank to attention.
It’s the third one this hour. Spencer tries to ignore it, just like you told him to, but God you sound like you’re in pain and Spencer can’t exactly ignore that, can he? He loves you and cares for you and- oh. A thump reaches his ears. A textbook, maybe? Did you punch your textbook?
He considers for a moment that the neighbours will be alarmed, perhaps call the police or tentatively knock with a, “Is everything okay in there?”
It wouldn’t be the first time.
What would he tell them? Oh, my apologies, my partner has exams coming up and just told me they get why unsubs do that now. I am also terrified.
There are many instances where Spencer feels useless. During his job, when his mother would have an episode, when his friends have problems he just wouldn’t understand. But, somehow, and maybe controversially, this is the worst type of uselessness. The type that leaves him staring at the wall, questioning everything, the type that makes his stomach drop because all he can do is watch.
He’s been watching you for the last two weeks. He’s sick of watching, of being no help, and he needs to do something before he breaks and does something illegal.
(The illegal thing is doing your exams for you - not illegal as in, perhaps, murder)
Your frazzled head pops out from the office, one hand rubbing your eyes and a permanent frown etched on your face, and with a fragile voice you ask, “Can you make me a coffee, please?”
Now, Spencer feels hypocritical, but he has to say it. “Another? Are you sure?”
He sees the internal battle within you, how you try your hardest not to snap. It’s not his fault you’re stressed. He’s just trying to help. “Yes, I’m sure. Please, Spence,”
“Of course. I’ll bring it in.”
“Thank you.” With a pained smile, you’re gone again into the dark abyss of where you’re studying.
With quick, ingrained movements, Spencer makes your coffee with too much creamer and marshmallows. Unusual, yes, but your current diet consists of coffee and whatever he can force you to consume – like marshmallows.
But then, hello, he spots a chocolate bar haphazardly close to the bin, grabs it, and hopes you let him watch you eat it.
Stepping into the room as quietly as possible, he’s smacked in the face by the smell of lavender. It makes him nauseous, the intensity of it, quickly followed by a lurch of his heart because you poor thing, you’re being crushed by the weight of your degree – literally. The other day you purchased an insanely heavy weighted blanket and you’re drowning in it.
Now, if you were to ask Spencer who the most beautiful person on the planet is, he’d say you in a heartbeat. He’s thought that since you first met and, years later, still stands by that. But now, right now, glowering at him in the dimly lit, lavender drenched study that you used to love oh-so-much? You have the face of a French bulldog, all grumpy and furrowed and too many creases on your face to make Spencer feel like he’s actually helping when he places the coffee and snack on your desk.
Despite the crabby expression, your words are filled with love and appreciation – which happens to be Spencer’s favourite mix. “Thank you, my love.” You take a sip of the coffee, hum in delight, and for the first time in days there’s a spark of something other than torment. “You’re the best.”
Spencer’s hand holds the back of your neck and he places a series of soft kisses to your temple, mumbling, “I love you. Very much. Is there anything else you need?”
“Okay. I’ll work on it.”
At that, you grace Spencer with a weak half-smile. It’s enough to overwhelm Spencer, overflowing and only able to be shown through a chaste, encouraging peck on your lips and a half-hug, Spencer bent at the waist to hold you in your desk chair. He noses your hair, hoping his closeness will alleviate some stress, before stepping back and praying his eyes tell you everything he wants to say but know will elicit annoyance from you.
I love you. Take care of yourself. Rest, please. You can do this, but not if you over exert yourself. I love you.
Your eyes tell him, I’ll try. I love you. And that’s all he can ask for.
But when he leaves, shuffles past his bookshelf, his eyes catch sight of an old file that reminds him of when he was preparing for his own exams.
He gets an idea.
It takes another two days, full of late nights involving work that isn’t staying up and distracting himself with books to avoid worrying over you and how late you go to sleep, and reading that leaves Spencer in awe of you and everyone in your field.
A part of him is amazed by how he wheelbarrowed the resources behind you without you noticing, another is worried about that fact, and the rest of him is excited that he can finally do something that will actually help. At least, he hopes.
(When everything is said and done, despite being endlessly grateful, you also inform Spencer that simply being there and being him and getting you coffee every time you ask is more than enough, really)
With pride, he leans back on the couch, observing his creations on the coffee table. There’s plenty of different colours, all representing a different topic, and he presses the thumbs up to like the Youtube video he was using to ensure his handwriting is easy to read.
Flashcards. Hundreds, if Spencer counted correctly. The textbooks he stole – borrowed – from under your nose lie next to his feet, the weight of them combined more of a workout than he’s (voluntarily) done in eons.
He only hopes you don’t think it’s too late, think he’s overstepping or-or that he’s doing those things that he’s been accused of before – thinking he knows best (he does, but whatever), overbearing arrogance, an unwillingness to hear and accept other people’s way of doing things.
He just wants to help. He wants you to know he’s here for you, no matter what you need. This is the thing that lets him believe he’s doing something, something good and useful. Spencer just wants to be useful.
He’s convinced you to eat a proper breakfast – fruit, oats, bread, meat, a whole buffet – and you sense something is amiss when you hear slow, tentative footsteps creeping from your bedroom.
Spencer, still in his pyjamas, glasses perched on his nose, approaches with a shallow box in his grasp. You swallow your bite, turn to face him. “What’ve you got there?”
The box is slid onto the counter next to your plate hesitantly, as if he regrets his actions as he’s doing them. Peering in, you see a blur of colour, stacks on stacks of rectangular paper filled with writing and questions and even a tips! section.
You pick up the first batch, all light blue, and flick through them, heart getting bigger and bigger with every word you read. And when you realise what they are, what Spencer’s done ­– for you – your heartrate has skyrocketed and the watch on your wrist is asking you if you’re okay.
“You made me flashcards?” You ask, in awe, again looking at the love of your life to find he’s already staring at you.
“I did,” He tells you, apprehensive and scared, already backtracking, “But, if you don’t think they’re useful, or-or you think I’m overstepping – I’m not trying to, I promise, I just thought…” He starts nervously shuffling and reshuffling some of his creation. “Flashcards are known to engage active recall and metacognition. Research consistently finds that applying metacognitive strategies tends to ingrain memories deeper into your knowledge, and that this kind of active recall retrieval practice leads to one-hundred and fifty percent better retention than passive studying, so…”
Your hands have a mind of their own, pulling what feels like an endless amount of cards out and turning them in your hands, from the questions on the front to the answers on the back, the ones with hints and advice and there’s several with doodles that are so Spencer you hold them to your chest. You’re so enamoured by this man that is still rambling and bumbling because he takes your silence as distaste.
“I just- I hate seeing you so stressed, so I made these. You don’t have to use them, of course. They’re not even that great. It’s not that I don’t think you’re capable, you’re beyond capable, or that your methods don’t work- Just, personally, I love flashcards. I used them all the time when studying, even though I didn’t really need them, so perhaps a change of medium would do you good-“
A warm hand on his own that keep fidgeting stops him mid-stream of consciousness.
“Thank you,” You say, earnestly, “Really. These are lovely.” You leap from your seat, wrapping Spencer in warmth and love and care, and he shivers when he feels your hot breath on his ear when you repeat your thanks again and again.
When he pulls you even closer, so your torso curves into his own, you feel the lightest you have in weeks. You’re in the arms of the man you love, who knows you love him too and you know loves you so much – enough to spend several nights reading your cursed textbooks so he could create something that might help – and now you’re confident that you can do it. With the help of Spencer and his lovingly hand-made flashcards, you can do it.
And if, somehow, it goes awry, that’s okay too. Because you’ll still have Spencer, your number one fan, who will be there to comfort you and advise you in any way he can. He’ll never let you doubt yourself, never allow a self-deprecating joke if he can help it, because if he has to, he’ll love and support you enough for the both of you until you can do it yourself.
The world feels a little brighter, your breaths feel a little lighter, all because of Spencer. So you kiss him, murmur love against his lips, and get ready to take on whatever dares to come your way.
tags: @pinkdiamond1016 @bluerose512 @andreasworlsboring101 @roses-and-grasses @ta-ka-shi-ma @ogmilkis @chiffonchronicles @rexorangecouny @unmistakablyunknown @goofygubler14 @gublertoon @averyhotchner @wheeledup @shadyladyperfection @joodeduarte @calm-and-doctor @
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Series
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 12.
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Feelings of Inadequacy, Use of Oc's Powers, Dirty Talk, Begging, Praise, Lactation Kink, Sexual Acts Involving Jeongguk, Jimin, Yoongi, Use of The Term: Bitch, Pregnancy Kink, Milk Drinking,  Cunnilingus, Knotting, (Minor) Jungkook Handjob, Cream Pie
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Being in Summit is eye opening on levels you never thought you would begin to grasp.
It's not just discovering you have powers, it's seeing how these two species you once considered mythological act around each other.
Even how they act within their own groups.
You've come to understand recently, or feel more accurately, that the Fae do not actually like the werewolves. In fact, there's a film of hatred that pours from their territory into the wolves.
It's shocking in all honesty, how do they keep up the charade? How do they keep the wolves from not knowing their fervent hatred?
It astounds you almost everyday.
What you've also come to realize is how different packs are than the one you're in.
Yes, even though you're a human, you've been told very rigorously by the servants that you are indeed still a part of the pack.
With your mate being pack Alpha, it seems that you're also held to a higher standard than all the other wolves in this group.
You can feel constant judgement from other female werewolves when you pass them in the streets or when they just pass by you on a whim.
Sylai, a female Omega you've been spending time with almost as much as Namjoon has been, seems to know all the hot gossip at the drop of a hat. However, she is timid and skittish at times whenever your best friend Alpha is around.
The pretty Omega is always quick to tell you why you're an outcast here and although you shouldn't be upset about it -- you almost always are.
You've come to terms with the fact that werewolves don't normally find their mates in humans, you've heard it from Taehyung's lips on more than one occasion, but you didn't think it would disgust others as much as it does.
When you've had the chance to view other packs, they seem to operate on levels of hierarchy you've never seen before.
The Alphas are always on top, the Betas a close second and the Omegas, most times, are treated like play things. Which is why you can understand that Sylai makes herself so small around Joon.
When you've been able to see other Alphas mates, they're very accommodating and docile. They're almost always pregnant which you understand and they bow to their Alphas every wish.
Sometimes you recall your past fights with Taehyung and lump forms in your throat. You can remember how he wished that you would just listen sometimes or not make comments and it truly makes you wonder… what if you aren't right for him?
You feel strong, thick muscled arms curling around your waist as you stare at the other packs down below your bedroom balcony.
"Hi, beautiful," your mate whispers, spreading his hand over your small belly.
"Hi," you breathe, letting your eyes flutter shut.
He's been away a lot recently, most because of the High Council asking his opinions of what to do with the rabid werewolves still at large -- including his parents.
"I missed you, baby girl." he coos, drifting his lips slowly over your mate mark.
You hum in agreement, running the tips of your fingers over his arms.
He peeks over your shoulder to look down at the random pack near the forest's edge.
He watches the Alpha snarl and snap his teeth at a Beta when he gets to close to his mate. Your fiance chuckles, burying his face in your hair.
"What's funny?" you inquire softly.
"Betas don't know how to behave sometimes," he replies, lifting the hem of your shirt to caress your growing belly.
Sometimes you feel completely out of your element and this feeling has been growing ever since you found out you're one of the Fae.
Maybe it's because you feel like you don't even know yourself anymore. You don't know who you are or who you should be.
The soothing scent of pine and musk breeches your senses once more and you allow yourself to be calmed by your mate at this very moment.
"Sylai has been spending a lot of time with Joon." you comment to him.
He hums in agreement, wanting to ignore his Alpha duties for just one minute of the day. If he accepts this fact, then his wolf will have to welcome someone new into the pack and he would just rather have these moments alone with you.
"I've seen it." he murmurs, pulling you closer to his body.
"Are you going to let her join your pack?" you ask, turning around to him.
You really like Sylai and you would really appreciate more female company around.
"Probably, Joon deserves to be happy." he answers, not wanting to dive head first into the matter.
"I mean, she's really sweet. I think she would be good for your pack."
The words 'your pack' don't sit right with your mate for a second. And he voices it openly as he pulls you over to the bed. "Why do you keep saying that? You keep saying 'your pack'? It's our pack. You're my mate, you're in this pack too." he inquires with a raised eyebrow, sitting down on the bed.
He pats his lap, leaning back on his elbows and like always you straddle him immediately.
"Well, I'm not a wolf. I'm a Fae or… just human so…"
He can smell your timidness, he can hear your heart hammering with worry and his wolf suddenly feels protective.
"What's wrong, baby?" he whispers, dragging his thumb over your lower lip.
You shake your head slightly, running your fingers over his tight black t-shirt that seems to hug each and every sinewed muscle on his chest and stomach.
"Hey now," he breathes, flipping you over so you're laying down beneath him.
You don't make eye contact with him, you don't so much as look above his stomach as he lays down beside you.
"Y/N?" he murmurs, kissing your temple.
It's stuffy in the room, you've come to realize or it just feels that way with his prodding questions.
"Y/N?" his voice is more forceful and you're just embarrassed to speak.
Werewolves aren't known for their patience. They need to know what's wrong, why this is happening and how to immediately fix it or there's very little in the world that will calm them down until the problem is solved.
The growl Taehyung emits throughout the room is a warning to you. It's a warning for you to speak up.
But you've seen Alphas immediately give in to their mates when they bare their necks. So you do so as well.
Taehyung's heart clenches in the recesses of his chest and he can almost scoff at your meekness. "Don't do that," he breathes, nuzzling your neck with his nose.
"Where's my spit fire mate today? What's wrong, baby?" he gasps, burying his face into neck.
"I'm sorry," you bleat.
"Sorry? Sorry for what? You're perfect, baby."
Your fiance can quite literally feel his heart panging with worry. He can hear some of your thoughts like you're screaming in the quiet room.
"No, baby, no." he hisses, turning your face to look at him.
When your eyes don't meet his, he can only swallow thickly.
"I love you, baby girl." he promises, drifting his lips over your jawbone.
"I love you too." you mumble, looking down at your engagement ring.
"If-If you wanted to get another mate… maybe a wolf… I would understand."
The sharp breath Tae takes between his teeth, makes you shudder beside him. "Don't you dare, ever, suggest something like that. You're my soulmate, do you understand? You're my woman. My mate. I don't want anyone else, I could never be with anyone else."
"I'm not a wolf," you explain, turning to face him.
"So?! What does that have to do with anything?" he scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Well, most other wolves are disappointed that I'm a human. I'm not-"
"Who fucking cares about those newborn pups?! Who cares what the fuck they think?! They aren't in my pack and they aren't my mate!" he curses, sitting up and carding his fingers through his silver mullet.
You can see his chest vibrating with growls and snarls. You know you're pushing him to the edge but you just can't help it -- your insecurities are trumping everything right now.
"Are you embarrassed of me? Embarrassed of our children? Our pups?" Taehyung inquires, looking at you with hardened blue eyes.
"No," you reply, turning your body away from him.
"Then what is going on in that head of yours? You feel inadequate? Because wolves look at you differently?"
You stay silent, squeezing your eyes closed.
"Answer me, Y/N." he urges, running his hands over your back.
"They...They just look at me like I'm a disease or something. Like I'm not worthy of being with you. And… I don't want to be a burden to you or your pack."
He scoffs loudly, hooking his arm around your body and pressing his chest flat to your back.
"I don't care about others. You're not a disease. You're not a burden. You're mine. You're my beautiful, precious, headstrong mate who is just as much a part of my pack as Guk or Jin." he breathes.
When your silence bleeds throughout the room, he doesn't think he can stomach it for another second.
His canines drop out of instinct and he clamps his teeth softly down on your mate mark. If you were a wolf, you would be arching back into him needily already but it grounds him to know that things aren't so easy.
Yeah, you're stubborn and reflexive but you're his. And he loves that so much that if the Earth was crumbling he wouldn't care as long as you're in his arms.
Taehyung lifts the hem of your shirt, cupping your small belly. "I don't need anyone else but you, Y/N. You're a fierce woman and I count myself lucky to know you and to have you as mine."
"I'm sorry… I was just embarrassed… I don't want to burden anyone." you hiccup, looking down at his hand.
"Never, baby. You're never a burden." he promises, pulling the straps of your tank top down.
From your belly to your clothed core, his hand digs beneath the band of your leggings.
"Why would I want a meek little wolf when I can have a fierce fairy in my bed." Tae quips, turning you flat on your back.
Your breath hitches and you gasp gently when his fingers part your lower lips.
"T-Tae," you whimper, allowing him to position you as he sees fit.
As he climbs above you, his eyes roam over your body as if you're prey and you can't help the excitement that begins to bleed from your pores.
"Do a little magic for me, babe," he quips, kissing down your neck.
Snapping your fingers, you relish in the deep growl he gives when you both are stark naked.
"Pretty girl," he drolls, palming both of your breasts in hand.
When your nipples begin to bead milk, he can almost surely feel his knot twitching to expand already.
"I love you." his voice is a purr that echoes throughout your limbs.
"I love you too."
The kiss he captures you in is passionate and heated. You can feel the sharp points of his teeth raking over your bottom lip until your aching with need at your center.
"Flip over for me, my wolf wants to show you how loved you are." he coos, suckling at your nipple.
Flipping over onto your front, you perch your ass in the air for him and the complete sense of dominating ripples through your mate.
His eyes harden over, pupil dilating as he stares at the puckered mate mark that scars your skin.
"My bitch is so pretty full of my pups," the Alpha growls, knocking his forehead against your temple.
His movements are fluid and firm, spreading your legs to situate himself between them.
The head of his cock glides through your now sodden folds and you quiver with anticipation.
"Alpha, please," you beg, lowering your forehead to the pillow.
His sharpened nails dance over your spinal column, purring at how submissive you sound beneath him.
"What is it my pretty mate? You're aching? You need Alpha's big cock in you? Want me to split you open so well you don't even remember your own name?" he prods, rutting his cock to your core.
"Yes! I need it!" you preen.
His hands grip onto your hips, massaging the flesh within his large, warm grip.
"Well, if that's what you need," he hums, entering you in one intrusive motion.
Your mouth drops open into a silent scream, your hands fumbling to grip the sheets until your knuckles turn white.
This sex is primal and mind shattering -- and everything you need.
Taehyung can hear your thoughts screaming once more and he's pleased with what he hears this time.
Nuzzling your neck, he lets your cunt accept the intrusion of his large cock. He takes to caressing your three month pregnant bump to distract you.
"That's it, baby. You look so gorgeous stuffed with my cock inside your pregnant pussy." he mumbles against your ear.
You can feel his muscles contorting and hardening against your back.
"I would never love someone like I love you. I would never wish to be buried in someone like this, baby girl. Let them talk all the shit they want, because you're the one that gets this hard cock at night." he growls, rolling his hips for you to feel every inch of his cock within you.
Your mouth waters and a sharp moan emits from you at the feeling.
"No one takes my knot but you. And no one would ever take it so well."
Taehyung lets his prideful thoughts bleed past his lips because he knows you need to hear them. He knows you need the assurance. And he may be Alpha, but he's a slave to your love first and foremost.
When he pulls his length almost all the way out, your body sings with hot pleasure -- it's every thick vein and ribbed muscle along his cock that gets your mind numb.
"Only my beautiful mate," he thrusts back in to prove his point, "gets fucked stupid by my cock."
Your back arches, his name falls from your lips like a prayer and you don't even have the strength to lift your head up and look back at him.
He creates a dazing, relentless pace, fucking you just hard enough to keep you babbling but not hard enough to get your orgasm to approach.
He's proving a point. He's making you his again and again with every thrust.
His canines sharpen longer and they clench down on your mate mark just hard enough for you to feel a sting sing through you.
"Hey, Tae-" the door is thrust open and you can barely focus on who's just intruded but your mate just chuckles against you.
"Come in and sit." he orders, pushing your hair away from your mate mark.
His fingers glide over your distending skin, kissing down your back with soft, open mouth pecks.
"My mate thinks she's not enough for our pack." he announces and fuzzily you can hear murmurs of shock.
"She thinks she's not worthy of my knot and my pups," he growls, fucking into you harder.
"Tae!" you whine, pushing your hips back to meet every thrust.
"But she's a pretty bitch that still bends to my will," he coos, focusing on how much of your arousal has coated his long, thick length, "Yoongi, come."
He pulls you up by your shoulders, pressing you up against his chest with a snarl.
Yoongi sits before you, not knowing where to look but licking his lips hungrily.
"You want him to suckle? You want our pack to need you, bitch? Is that it? You want your scent all over all of them? To show these filthy mutts who live in this city that you're a queen amongst mongrels?" he inquires, kissing the shell of your ear.
You don't know what's driving you, you don't know if it's the insanely arousing thought of being above everyone else or it's the thought of being on top of this pack. But the sharp 'yes' you moan out has Yoongi growling with anticipation.
"Feed," he orders the Beta.
You gasp loudly at the foreign feeling of Yoongi's lips against your puffy nipple. You adore how his eyes screw shut at the taste of you. His hands grip onto your sides and you're lost for words when he ruts his clothed hard cock against your thigh.
"See, my beautiful mate, you're above all here." Taehyung coos, pressing his hand to the apex of your thighs and rubbing smooth circles to your swollen clit.
"Jimin." Taehyung calls and you hear the earnest whimper of your best friend.
"No, I don't think I should… I'm-" Jimin breathes nervously.
"Well fuck, if you won't I will," Jungkook groans, pushing Jimin out of the way.
Your head lolls back to your mate's shoulder and your vision becomes blurry with the attention your body is being given.
Taehyung knows that his wolf is sharing you for the sake of proving a point but he can't help the way his cock twitches within you as he watches Yoongi hump your leg like a dog in heat.
Jeongguk's lips on you are familiar and suddenly you can smell the forest from that fateful day when your fiance shared you with the youngest pack member.
"You gonna cum? Hmm, beautiful? I can feel your pregnant cunt trying to milk my cock," your mate growls in your ear.
The small whimpers of the wolves suckling from your breasts, sends you over the edge and Yoongi is quick to press his hands against your rib cage to keep you from falling.
"That's a good little bitch," Taehyung gasps, fucking you with a fierceness to cum inside you.
"You want it, baby? You want my cum?" he goads, kissing over your mate mark.
"Yes, please," you cry out, carding your fingers through both Yoongi and Jungkook's hair.
Jimin lets out a sharp whine, feeling conflicted on what to do. But, this probably will never happen again in his lifetime and even though you're his best friend… he's not missing this. "Fuck it," he curses, jumping onto the bed.
He eyes you wearily for a second, avoiding your stomach which he knows is solely the Alpha's property and heads straight for your swollen, over-stimulated clit.
Your mate on instinct cups your growing stomach, growling as his best friend makes his dissent.
Your body shivers like a leaf when Jimin's plush lips kiss at your bundle of nerves.
"Oh God!" you cry out, gripping onto the boy's hair harder.
Yoongi curses against your breast, pulling off your nipple to catch his breath as his shorts become sticky and slack against his golden skin.
"Fuck, baby girl. I'm cumming," Taehyung murmurs breathlessly.
The swiftness of Jimin's tongue knocks the wind out of you and you spiral into another orgasm with ears filled with white noise and eyes seeing stars.
"Shit! Y/N!" your mate growls, pulling you back roughly to his cock until you’re squirting your arousal onto his thighs.
Jungkook whimpers needily, guiding your hand to his swollen cock.
"Pup," Taehyung warns him, stilling your hips as his thrusts become erratic.
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth, cursing loudly when he begins to cum inside you.
His lips tremble against your mate mark when his knot begins to inflate and you can only whimper at the stretch.
"Good girl taking my cock so well," your fiance coos, pressing his index finger beneath your chin and turning your head to kiss him.
"Noona, please. God!" Jungkook whines, nuzzling his face to your breast.
Taehyung can only give a breathy laugh against your lips. "See how needed you are? Guk is going to explode if you don't help him."
Jimin pulls away from your core with innocent eyes and he kisses your forehead gently.
"I'm gonna go check on Baek and Chan." he murmurs, hopping off the bed.
Your mate's eyes follow him as he leaves the room and he doesn't appreciate the bloom of pheromones that bleed from the Omega. Almost as if he's caught feelings for you.
You haven't noticed with your attention on the youngest.
He suckles eagerly from your breast, whimpering and whining as he fucks up into your hand.
"Gonna cum, noona. Oh shit," he whines, burying his face into the valley of your breasts.
You hum sweetly, combing your fingers through his long black locks.
The warmth that explodes onto your hand is a knowing sign of the youngest's release and he cries out softly against your skin.
"Clean her up," Tae warns him and he's quick to do the Alpha's command.
You can feel your tiredness beginning to exhaust you and your mate knows it right away. "She's sleepy, let me lay her down," he whispers, laying on his side with you.
The tug of his knot has you wincing slightly but he makes up for it with his sweet kisses to the back of your neck.
"One time thing," he tells them.
Yoongi pulls at his cum covered shorts with a grimace. "Good enough for me."
Taehyung's large hand caresses over your head and he can't help but think of the scent that was drifting off Jimin in waves.
"I love you," you mumble, closing your eyes.
"I love you too baby girl. You and our pups," he replies, drifting his hand over your belly.
He knows your asleep when his breathing gets shallow and his knot finally deflates after a while.
Taehyung turns onto his back, perching his hands beneath his head as he closes his eyes. His ears perk up and he takes a sharp breath through his nose when he hears Jimin mumble across the mansion.
"I-I don't know. I just felt so-"
"Don't let Taehyung catch you talking like this! She isn't ours," Yoongi hisses to the younger Omega.
"I almost had her before Taehyung y'know, is it so wrong of me to still want her?! You all wanted her at that moment!" Jimin scoffs.
"Jimin, what we did was to help a member of our pack feel safe. You are becoming obsessed with her." Jungkook accuses.
Taehyung's eyes spring open, a deep low growl emitting through his chest. He can feel his canines and nails sharpening themselves. Gripping his shorts, he jumps out of bed with one thing on his mind -- vicious anger.
He can hear the maids and servants whispering nervously as he stalks through the wolframite hallways.
Your mate isn't in the headspace to calm anyone down at the moment, he can't possibly think of others when his wolf is yearning to tear out his best friend's jugular.
Slamming the doors to the dining room open, his eyes scan his pack before finding him.
"Oh shit," Jin mumbles, cupping his mouth.
"GET OUTSIDE!" Taehyung barks to the Omega.
The whole pack avoids eye contact even Jimin.
Taehyung is fast -- so fast that Seokjin's hair blows in the breeze he creates.
The pack Alpha grips the Omega by the neck, hurdling him over the wooden bench he's currently sitting on and dragging him towards the large glass doors that lead out to the backyard.
"Taehyung!" Jimin whines but he's quick to shut up at the feral snap of Taehyung's teeth.
"Someone go wake up Y/N! This is so bad!" Jin yelps, rushing after both of the wolves.
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SandB Taglist-  @jvcqneliue, @gooplibrary, @imaforeigner, @wickizer, @mychemical-friendship, @justmewondering-recs, @stories1907, @stressedinmedschool247, @taeslittletiger, @claireelise19, @neobanguniverse​, @kb-bangtanenthusiast​, @almosthappysublime, @thedarkwinterrose​
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Wells Fargo can't stop criming
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Wells Fargo is America’s third-largest bank. It used to be the largest, but it committed a string of terrible frauds that it was never truly punished for (it made more from crime than it paid in fines).
Its crime spree did result in one meaningful punishment: Wells was forced to downsize to #3, with a mere $1.77 trillion in assets.
Have no fear: Wells Fargo is down but not out, and despite its reduced stature, it is still engaged in egregious acts of fraud.
The latest scam? “Forex transposition.” Say you have an account with Wells where you get income in euros but need to spend dollars. Historically, Wells would have defrauded you with “Range of Day” pricing.
That’s where Wells converts your euros to dollars using the best rate (for Wells, AKA the worst rate for you), on the day you ordered the currency conversion. Currency prices move around a lot during the day, and this scam could easily double Wells’ commission.
But the Range of Day scam is a grift for the little people, not suited to kings of con like Wells Fargo.
Wells just paid $76m to settle a federal investigation into a much more ambitious and brazen scam.
As Matt Levine writes for Bloomberg, the new scam involved simply “making up prices,” while maintaining plausible deniability.
Here’s how that worked: say the W Range of Day exchange rate (an already crooked number) was 1.0241. Wells Fargo’s forex trader would exchange your funds at 1.0421. On big trades, that could cost you hundreds of thousands — even millions of dollars.
But you were unlikely to catch the error, and if you did, Wells’s trader would just apologize and say that they transposed the digits accidentally.
As crimes go, this is pretty unambiguous. It’s fraud. It made them a lot of money, and they only had to give some of it back.
That means they’ll do it again.
Of course they will! This is Wells fuckin’ Fargo, we’re talking about. They cannot stop criming.
In case you’ve forgotten about Wells’s crime-spree (it’s been a minute), here’s some highlights:
During foreclosure bonanza of the Great Financial Crisis, Wells led the pack. They literally broke into peoples’ homes, stole all their worldly goods and changed the locks, all without bothering to check whether they had the right house.
Around then, Wells began to pressure its low-waged, young, precarious tellers to meet quotas on new accounts opened by existing customers. Its managers taught tellers how to fraudulently open these accounts. 2,000,000 customers were affected.
These new accounts racked up millions in fees and penalties. Victims’ credit scores were tanked, costing them mortgages, access to student loans, and jobs. The executive who ran the program was given a $125m bonus.
The CEO — who took a $200m bonus himself — blamed low-level employees for the crimes. What he didn’t say was that low-level employees who blew the whistle on the scam were illegally fired.
They fired a lot of whistleblowers.
They didn’t just fire kids for blowing the whistle — they ruined them. After Wells fired a whistleblower, they’d add them to an industry database of bankers who’d been fired for doing crimes — people on that list can never work in the industry again.
Eventually, John Stumpf, the CEO who oversaw the crimes, resigned. The Wells board appointed a successor who insisted that the bank had no problems with its culture.
Naturally, some customers who’d been stolen from sued. Wells asked a judge to throw out the case, because those customers signed away their right to sue when a Wells Fargo employee forged their signature on the paperwork to open a fraudulent account.
The judge agreed.
Trump also liked Wells Fargo (he owed them a lot of money). Shortly after he took office, the Department of Labor’s site for Wells whistleblowers vanished.
Wells Fargo’s got great timing. During the Trump years, so many of its scandals came to light — and were never seriously punished by Trump’s DOJ or regulators.
They stole millions with fraudulent “home warranties”:
They stole millions by ripping off small businesses with fake credit-card fees:
They defrauded 800,000 car insurance customers and stole (“improperly repossessed”) 25,000 cars:
They tricked people who sought mortgage refinancing into scam packages that looked good at first, but led to waves of defaults and foreclosures:
When Wells finally admitted it ripped off 2m customers with fake accounts and offered to pay them back, it created an opt-in repayment system, ensuring that most of its victims would never be made whole:
The Trump tax cuts only emboldened the company: after having its taxes slashed, Wells cut 26,500 jobs, shuttered branches across the country, and firehosed money over its shareholders with a $40.6 billion buyback.
Not all the shareholders were satisfied. Some of them sued because the company had not delivered on its promises to “restore trust” in the bank. The company’s defense? “Everyone knows we’re liars, so they shouldn’t have relied on our statements.”
I mean, they have a point. It was only months later when the company blamed a “computer glitch” for its theft of 525 homes from people who should not have faced foreclosure.
There’s no such thing as a non-sociopathic giant bank, but even in the crowded field of crime-addicted financial firms, Wells Fargo stands out. The fact that they’ve paid $76m — instead of having their execs go to prison — means they’ll do it again.
And again.
And again.
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novelconcepts · 4 years
Jamie & Dani short prompt- Online Dating au meeting online and being from bad past relationship. Thank u
This is probably a bad idea. It is, isn’t it? Almost certainly.
Why is she here?
Dani Clayton has been playing this particular set of thoughts--bad idea, terrible idea, why would you do this?--on repeat for three days. Ever since setting up that dating profile. Ever since realizing there isn’t much use in setting up a dating profile if you’re not going to use it. 
Oh, it’s all fun and games, building the thing. Find a photo that accentuates all the best parts of your face--Dani, after an hour of careful consideration, wound up going with one that accentuated her hair, more than anything, but she suspects the same idea counts. Then, the profile. What do you like? Teaching, long walks, new experiences, bad coffee. What don’t you like? 
Men, she’d thought, and snorted aloud into her wine before settling on: Deep water, accordion music, expectations, being called Danielle. 
A little more flourish, tipsy keystrokes, a casually-framed short-version of her life. Perfect. And then...well, then you hit the publish button, don’t you? You decide, for better or worse, to jump off this diving board and see just how far you can stand to swim before the energy gives out on you.
The faces appearing before her hadn’t been bad, certainly. Pretty, most of them. Interesting, a few. Still, she hadn’t swiped right on any--once or twice, because she’d forgotten which way meant yes please, but mostly because no one seemed quite...right. Which, she’d thought, was silly. The whole point of an app like this is to cast as many nets as possible and see what comes up. The whole point is to have fun. 
But every time she’d hovered over a promising image, a woman who likes dogs, or plays the violin, or goes rock-climbing in her spare time, she’d thought of him. Eddie. Who had taken one yes to a single date, and tried to make a whole life with her out of it. 
Eddie, who had taken her two decades to pull away from. 
What if the women here were the same? Not Eddie, exactly, but--presumptive. What if they believed a swipe-right was as good as a marriage proposal? What if she got bound up in conversation, and then a date, and then a relationship with someone else who just didn’t fit right?
Left. Left. Left. 
And then: the mistake.
She hadn’t meant to swipe right. Exactly. She hadn’t planned, maybe is the better way of putting it, on swiping right. She’d only wanted to look at the woman’s profile a little longer. Only wanted to inspect the facets this woman had put out on display with almost resigned simplicity. 
Some people, Dani had by now realized, wrote poetry and paragraphs to describe themselves. 
Jamie Taylor had bullet points.
“Gardener. English. Likes: Plants. Stories. Tea. Dislikes: Bullshit.”
The end. That had been quite literally the sum of it. Gardener. English. No bullshit.
But the picture, somehow, Dani hadn’t been able to look away from. Not because of carefully-arranged lighting, not because of a curated model-clean image--but because the woman appeared to have posted the photo almost under duress. It came in profile, as though someone else had done the job, her head turned toward the camera as if interrupted. Her hands were buried in a flower pot. Her clothes were simple--a tank top, a silver chain resting against the jut of collarbones, a pair of worn-looking jeans with holes in the knees. Her eyes--some fascinating color Dani couldn’t quite place--looked somewhere between amused and irritated. 
She looked real. 
Stupid, Dani thinks now--because that was probably the idea, wasn’t it? This woman, Jamie, had planned to look exactly this way. Real. Vexed at the idea of putting herself out there. Reluctantly available. 
It was a ploy, certainly--but one that seems to be working, because not only did Dani accidentally-not-accidentally swipe right, she found herself texting the woman. For hours. She’d expected much less, had figured this Jamie person would be as brief in text as she had been in bio, but...
Jamie had talked to her. Willingly. Teasingly, with more humor than truth, maybe, but with no sign at all that she was sick of Dani’s questions, bad jokes, nervous assessment that I really don’t do this, I honestly don’t get it. 
I don’t, either, Jamie had replied, and that had felt like enough of a reason to keep testing the waters. Enough of a reason to keep the conversation going back and forth, back and forth, until nearly two in the morning.
Shit, she’d said. I need to be at work in four hours. 
Shame, Jamie had replied, her tone already searingly familiar over text. Own your own business, make your own hours. Far wiser approach. 
I’ll make a note of it for when I found an elementary school, Dani had replied, laughing. She hadn’t said she’d already been in bed for an hour, the phone resting on the pillow beside her head so she wouldn’t miss the buzz of a new message. It had seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, with wine-warmed blood and the happy haze of good conversation. Jamie made her laugh. Jamie put her at ease. Jamie might not have been real, but she felt real, and that was good. 
Better than anything she’d felt in years, if she was honest with herself. 
Still, when the next day had come and gone with no message, she’d thought, Fair enough. Jamie had been good virtual company for one night. It was more than she’d expected to get out of this app.
Far more than she’d expected, particularly when Thursday night rolled around and her phone buzzed.
Teacher, yeah? No school on Saturday?
Correct, Dani had replied, as amused by the out-of-left-field text as she was irritated with how her stomach had flipped over upon receiving it. You have figured out the complexity of the American school system. 
I am a genius, Jamie sent back, followed quickly by: Drinks tomorrow night? 
Drinks. A thing that people do. A thing that adult people do for date reasons. 
She isn’t real, she’d thought, even as her thumb was punching back: How’s 8? Miller’s?
A mistake. Definitely a mistake. Because the app had been a lark, and the conversation had been too easy, and the fact that she can’t quite pick out the colors in Jamie’s eyes from a single photo is making her crazier than she’d like to admit. 
A mistake, saying yes. A mistake, suggesting the local pub-like establishment around the corner, whose beer-and-burger specials had kept her fed on too many evenings spent working late. A mistake, because once this goes south--as it’s absolutely bound to, as everything Eddie-shaped always has--she’s going to lose her favorite hangout in the deal, too.
And yet: here she is. Standing at the door, wondering if the outfit chosen for the evening festivities--tight jeans, pink blouse, hoop earrings--is too much or not nearly enough. 
What am I doing here?
Maybe, she thinks with mingled alarm and hope, she won’t even have showed up. Maybe it’s all part of the ruse: look approachable, look human and normal, look a little too beautiful in the most grounded way possible--then, cheerfully, invite a woman to drinks and just don’t show. A fun story for whoever comes next. Can you believe she thought I’d want to meet her after one night of texting?
English, Dani thinks with a sudden rush of heat. Right. Somehow, she hadn’t quite been prepared for the accent, which--coming out of this woman, draped with languid ease at a table--is truly a little more than Dani thinks she can handle just now. The accent, combined with the mess of curls dragged back from her face, and a dress sense that manages to be both casual and deeply attractive at the same time, is...
“Jamie,” she says, her voice a little lower, a little more hoarse, than is truly necessary. The woman pushes up from her seat, a small-framed figure in a black button-down, suspenders, ripped jeans. She’s pressing a hand toward Dani, offering a firm shake as though they are business partners, not an off-the-cuff bad idea of a date. “You look--”
“Never been here before,” Jamie says, almost apologetically. She gestures for Dani to sit before dropping back down in a sprawl that implies exactly the opposite of what her mouth is insisting. “Wasn’t sure about the, ah, dress code.”
“You--you did fine,” Dani tells her, wishing suddenly she’d gone for a dress. Or a  different human body altogether. She feels too tightly-strung, too anxious for the easy smile on Jamie’s lips. “Um. You’re very. In person.”
“Very,” Jamie repeats, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. “Is very American for wish I’d gone left, after all?”
“No. No. Absolutely not. That.” Bit too forceful, she suspects, judging by the smile spreading into a grin. “No, it’s just--your picture didn’t--tell me you’d be so...”
“Clean?” Jamie suggests innocently. She raises her hands, wiggling her fingers in a small wave. “Scrub up fine, when I need to. Seemed to call for it.”
“And you...sure did answer,” Dani says stupidly. “The. Call, I mean. I’m sorry, I really don’t do this often.”
Something seems to soften in Jamie, her smile less teasing as she leans across the table. “Hey, no worries here. Same person you were talking to the other night.”
Dani nods, embarrassed, and flags down a server. Drinks ordered, she draws in a deep breath.
“I mean, I haven’t done this in years. Or. Ever, I guess.”
“A first date?” Jamie asks. When Dani doesn’t answer, she adds in a knowing tone, “A date with a woman?”
“Both,” Dani says honestly. “My last relationship was--well, I mean, we were engaged--”
Jamie whistles under her breath, reaching up to scratch her head. “Blimey. What happened?”
“He’s...him.” It’s too much to go into on a first date, too much to explain, even though talking to Jamie over text had been so dangerously easy. “My best friend growing up, but that was...growing up.”
Jamie nods thoughtfully, tilting her chin in thanks when the server deposits two full pint glasses and a basket of fries on the table. “Rough time, sounds like. I can relate. My last relationship also did not go well.”
“Was he also a man who thought you’d be all too happy to quit your job and take care of a bunch of babies?” Dani asks, perhaps a little too bitterly for the occasion. Jamie flashes another grin, sipping her drink.
“She was a woman who thought I’d be all too happy to take the fall when she got busted for possession.”
Dani gapes. “Oh. Oh--I didn’t know--I’m so--”
Jamie shrugs. “She wasn’t wrong. I was nineteen, and deeply stupid. Live and learn, as the poets say.”
“Which poets?” Dani asks, smiling a little. Jamie’s brow furrows.
“John...Lennon, possibly? Hard to say. Anyway, relationships are a chore and a half, but the greatest people in the world tell me thirty is too old to play musical bedframes, so. Here we are.”
No bullshit, thinks Dani approvingly. For what little she’d put into her profile, Jamie evidently hadn’t been lying about that.
“You haven’t been in a relationship since you were nineteen?”
“In my mind, I was still in the relationship at twenty-four, when they let me out. She didn’t agree. Found out she’d been married two years, by then.” Something darkens in Jamie’s eyes for a moment. She sighs. “Like I said. Not my finest. But I am, as they say, a shining beacon of reform these days.”
“Now, when you say they,” Dani teases, grinning. Jamie nods decisively. 
“John Lennon. Definitively.”
There it is, thinks Dani, watching Jamie pop a fry into her mouth. There, the easy roll of conversation from the other night. As though they’ve known each other forever. As though two people who have thus far failed irrevocably at relationships make a perfect match.
Easy, she thinks. Don’t go wild, now. 
“So,” she says, when the comfortable silence between them has grown a bit too comfortable for the setting, “who are the greatest people in the world? The ones who tell you thirty is too old for...did you say musical bedframes?”
Jamie laughs. The ring of it curls gently around Dani’s head like a soft hand, a sound she’ll find herself replaying later with a skipping heart. 
“Not many willing to put up with a grump of my caliber, but Hannah and Owen fight the good fight. So long as I at least pretend to try.”
“Let me guess. They set up the account for you?”
Jamie makes a sort of gesture in the air with the hand not holding her glass. “Threatened to bury me in puns and children, respectively, if I kept putting it off. Owen’s still grumpy about the photo choice.”
“I liked it,” Dani says without thinking. Jamie raises an eyebrow.
“Well, you did swipe as much. Mind if I ask why?”
Walked into this one. Still, she doesn’t mind as much as she probably should, not with the genuine curiosity in Jamie’s eyes. “You looked--don’t laugh.”
“No promises,” Jamie says, but with the gentle tone of one who knows exactly how much to tease before it’ll hurt. The idea warms Dani in a way she’s not quite ready to look at yet.
“You looked real,” Dani says. “Like you weren’t going to play games, or waste anyone’s time. Like you just wanted to be happy in peace.”
“That is,” Jamie says, holding out a fry for Dani to take, “sort of the idea, yeah.”
There’s an almost puzzled cast to her smile, like she didn’t entirely expect this answer, and is pleased by it at the same time. That same sense from the photo sweeps over Dani now--that this woman is authentic, even if she’s not always shiny, that she’s kind even if not entirely clean. That she doesn’t have any interest in muddled expectation or living a comfortable lie.
“And me?” Dani asks. She doesn’t entirely mean to--but she’s sure, in asking, that Jamie will answer. Jamie is unlike anyone else she’s ever met, the first person she’s ever known to meet each question head-on. 
Dani nods. Jamie seems to consider it, turning it over in her head as she twists a fry between her fingers like a cigarette. 
“All of it.”
“That’s,” Dani begins to laugh, “that’s not--”
“No,” Jamie says, and she isn’t smiling, exactly. Her eyes have a sort of shine Dani likes very much, but there is no hint of teasing in them now. “Really. All of it. You’re...very pretty, and that’s--but the way you described yourself. Like you didn’t care to be anyone in particular. You like new experiences, and bad coffee. You hate being called Danielle. I...I wanted to know why.”
“It’s not my name,” Dani says simply. Jamie gives a brief laugh, her hand moving across the table to lightly brush Dani’s fingertips. 
“I wanted to know why all of it. Why do you like bad coffee--”
“It’s the only kind I know how to make,” Dani says automatically. “Just sort of leaned into it.”
“--and teaching--”
“I want to make a difference,” Dani says. 
“--and where you most like to go on those long walks--”
“Anywhere I can breathe,” Dani says. Her fingers are hesitant, tracing the tips of Jamie’s. There’s something electric about this, about barely touching, about barely knowing someone and still wanting to give them neatly-packaged secrets shaped like the mundane. 
Jamie is smiling. “See, that. I like that. All of it.”
It’s nothing, Dani thinks reflexively. A collection of details. A sparse approximation of a life. Eddie knows all of this, and then some, and never matched up to knowing her.
But this woman, leaning across the table with one hand outstretched, looks so different. Watches her with steady interest. Is listening to every word Dani says, though the bar is growing crowded around them, and soon, conversation will become a task instead of a gift.
“Would you,” Dani says, feeling certain that some mistakes are not as bad as they seem, “like to take one of those walks?”
“Yeah. Tonight.” Emboldened by the smile, by the curl falling into Jamie’s eyes, by the knowledge that she still can’t quite make out what color those eyes are, Dani takes her hand. It’s so easy, she thinks she could do it even without looking. “Right now.”
No bullshit, she thinks. No expectations. Just Jamie looking at her like she can’t quite believe what she’s seeing. Dani can’t blame her. This isn’t at all what she’d thought she was getting, walking in tonight. 
But there’s something about it--something about the feeling that she’s been here before, or should be here forever, or will always find her way back to a woman who looks at her just like this--that almost makes her feel brave. Almost makes her feel wonderful. She rises from the table, laying cash beneath her half-empty glass, and feels a pleasant jolt in her chest when Jamie follows without another word.
If this a mistake, she thinks as they step out into the brisk evening air, it’s one she’s hungry to make. 
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being lupin’s daughter and a hufflepuff, meeting the weasley twins in first year and becoming best friends with both of them (like inseparable!) and then starts to date george headcanons
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* When you wrote to your dad saying you became friends with these two boys, he didn't think anything of it. Lupin was just happy that you finally came out of your shell and made friends.
* Often times you would leave out all of the pranks and jokes you and twins pull when writing to your dad.
* Your dad would still find out due to the letters Professor McGonagall and Sprout sent to him. He just didn't tell you he knew. Why should he tell you stop when he did the same thing when he was younger.
* You loved having Fred and George around. They made you more outgoing and confident. They were also incredibly protective of you. They were worried people would take advantage of your kindness, even though you could take care of yourself.
* When your dad started teaching at Hogwarts, you dialed back in participating in pranks. Rather than participating directly in the pranks, you became the brains instead. If there was a flaw in Fred and George's plan, than you would fix it.
* Once Lupin started teaching, thats when he would try to hold you accountable. It was hard to do because the lines between dad and professor were a little blurry.
* He would also notice how George would stare at you in middle of the class. And how George passes you notes during classes. How close he stands a little too close you in the hallway to be considered friendly.
* Needless to say Lupin knew the George liked you waaaay before George knew.
* George finally realized that he had feelings for you he saw you tutoring a young Hufflepuff in the library. You sat across from kid helping him with his Defense essay.
* He spent a full year crushing on you before he did anything about it.
* During that summer you went and spent a few weeks with the Weasley family. It was filled with quidditch matches, chores, laughs and pranking Percy.
* When George asked if you wanted to go to the Quidditch World Cup with him and his family you didn't hesitate in saying yes.
* Once the tents were pitched the first night, George came into your room and asked to go on a walk with him. You threw on a light sweatshirt shirt over your tank top and the two of you walked around the camp grounds.
* George threw his arm around your shoulder and confessed that he fancied you.
* "Of course you do, I'm quiet a catch if I do say so myself." You looked up and George and stopped walking, "To be fair you are too."
* George laughed at you. "That's good to hear then," and kissed the top of your head. "Quidditch World cup is a pretty impressive first date though right?'
* You patted him on the chest, "You did good Weasley. You did good."
* Oh man when it was time for the Yule Ball, you can bet George went all out to ask you. You dragged you down to the black lake and set off some Weasley Wiz Bangs and asked if you would go to the ball with him.
* "We've been dating for months Georgie" you said laughing.
* "And? I wanted to ask you properly ya know, with a bang."
* At the ball George would not stop boasting about how he was there with the prettiest girl.
* "Let's be honest now boys, she is the best looking girl here. The girls from Beauxbatons are no where near her league."
* He literally showers you with compliments all night.
* Of course you send Your dad pictures of the two of you by owl the day after. When your owl dropped the pictures off to Lupin he was trying so hard not to cry. You just looked so beautiful and happy with George. Lupin is just happy that you were having a better time in school than he did.
* You can bet there were a bunch of rules though when you moved into the Order of Phoenix. You weren't allowed to be in George's room after dark or vise versa. So naturally, George broke that rule and just aperated into your room instead. For the first few nights, he gave you a heart attack. But you got used to it afterward a week or so.
* You can bet your ass George calls Lupin dad.
* Like he would just see him sitting there in the mornings reading the paper and he just say, "Morning dad" in passing
* Lupin ignored it at first but now he just sighs and says "Morning son"
* As the war started to unfold, your bond with George only grew stronger, and your dad knew that too.
* So after the Seven Harry's plan, where George got hurt Lupin and George had a little chat. You were lying with George all night on the floor next to him. After you were dead asleep Lupin walked by and noticed George was still awake.
* "How are you feeling George?"
* "My head, it's pounding, but sir, may I say something?"
* " Lupin leaned on the back of the couch and nodded his head. "I know we are young, but sir I do love Y/N. And with everything thing that's about to happen, bloody hell, after what happened tonight, with your permission, I'd like to marry Y/N"
* "Lilly and James got engaged when they were young too, they were in the same boat as you two. And quiet recently, I've learned that age is but a number. You promise me, you'll protective her."
* "I promise Lupin"
* He smiled down at the boy, "Guess you'll really be my son then. Merlin help me"
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retrievablememories · 4 years
baby! | johnny (m)
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title: baby! pairing: johnny x black!reader genre: smut, pwp summary: in which you wanna be johnny’s twinkie instead of his toaster strudel 💀 word count: 1.8k warnings: oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, spitting, impregnation kink/breeding kink (apparently they’re not the same thing? although i don’t know the difference…), creampie a/n: look...breeding kink is the crème de la crème (literally!!) but it’s hard to write it in a way that doesn’t border on corny or creepy...i’ll let y’all be the judge. also this is the 3rd fic i’ve written about this man within the span of a month, PLEASE send help. 🛌🏿
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[2:13 a.m.]
It’s boiling hot.
You smooth your hand over Johnny’s hair as he rests his head on your stomach. He plays with the string on your sleep shorts, twisting it around his fingers as he stares off into space, blinking slowly.
You don’t know how or why the AC decided to break at the start of summer, but it would be just your luck that this happened. The repairman won’t be able to come out until Thursday, which is still days away. Until then, there’s no other choice but to keep all the fans on, stand in the refrigerator, and take as many trips to the pool as possible. It’s too late at night for the third option, and you’re currently too lazy to get up and do the second, so you opt for the first. The ceiling fan running above you provides some relief, but not enough.
“Can I ask a question?” he says suddenly. You glance at Johnny, who’s now looking up at you with his chin digging into your stomach.
“What is it?”
“Have you ever thought about having kids?”
You pause at that, your hand stilling on the back of his head.
“Maybe...a few times. Yes. Why?”
“...With me?
You blink a few times, and although it’s already hot in the room, you can’t mistake the sensation of your body getting hotter.
“Well....yeah.” You feel a little embarrassed about it, though you aren’t sure why, and your voice gets softer. Johnny grins like he’s just won a prize. “Maybe one day in the future. But not now…”
“That makes sense,” Johnny says. He doesn’t do a very good job of hiding his disappointment, which even he himself finds silly. Of course neither of you are ready for kids now. “It’s a nice thought to have, though.”
You go back to petting his hair, only more slowly than before. Silence hangs in the room again. You want your thoughts to slow down enough so you can finally go to sleep, but something keeps itching at the back of your mind. The same thing that warmed you when he asked the question. Now that he’s put it out in the air, you figure there is no better time. You can’t resist it.
“But...if we decided, sometime in the future…” Your words catch Johnny’s interest, and he looks up at you again. “How...uh. How would you do it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, how would you...get me pregnant.”
Johnny is fully engaged now. He props himself up on his elbow. His right hand rests on your abdomen, his fingers skirting across the sliver of brown skin revealed by your tank top. “You mean...how I’d fuck you? Come inside you?”
Your breath catches. “Y...yeah, that.”
“That’s a good question…” Johnny worries his lip as he pretends to think about it in-depth. Meanwhile, his hand slips into your shorts, his fingers rubbing against your clit and your outer lips—you decided to forgo the underwear tonight because of the heat. “I guess I’d have to get you wet enough for it first.”
“No kidding,” you sigh, arching into the movements of his hand.
Johnny shuffles himself farther down your body so he can pull your shorts down and access your pussy. He doesn’t waste any time with sliding his tongue through your lips and sucking your clit, moaning softly into your skin. You slip your hand back into his hair, tilt your head back, and focus on the sensation of his tongue and fingers stretching you open and getting you all slick and hot for him—just as he promised.
You’re almost delirious at how good and surreal this is, like you’ve been wrapped up in a blazing hot fever dream. Johnny licks into you and pulls back the hood of your clit so he can drag his wide tongue over your bundle of nerves. His fingers scissor inside you with practiced movements, motions that have been performed dozens of times before, and he knows that he can pull an orgasm out of you in only a minute or two when he really wants to make it fast and Earth-shattering.
You continue gripping his hair throughout your climax, using that anchor to reality to help you ride his fingers and tongue to ultimate bliss. He could make a game of this if he wanted, drinking more from you until you nearly have to kick him away, but he gives you a break this time by pulling away after the first orgasm.
Johnny gives you a few moments to calm down, rubbing your thighs and watching your chest rise as you breathe and resisting the urge to move his hand down a few inches farther and make you melt in his grip again.
When you seem coherent enough, he asks, “Can we...without the condom?”
You and Johnny have yet to have sex without a condom, although you’ve been thinking about it for a while now. Since the first time you slept together, actually. You’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time fantasizing what it’ll be like the first time he comes in you. And...you’ve been on birth control the entire time, waiting for this opportunity to arise but previously unsure how to approach it. Now, it’s sitting in front of you, and it’s too good to pass up.
Your throat is dry from the exertion of being pleasured in a burning hot room. “W-we can. We should. This is….practice, after all. Isn’t it?”
Johnny smirks and nods. He makes quick work of his shirt and underwear before pulling your legs up, and you think he means to place them on his shoulders, but he keeps bending them until they’re pressed against your chest. You stare at him with wide eyes. “This would be the best position—you know, to make sure it gets in deep enough.” He explains it as casually as he would if he were talking about anything else, and your head spins a little just from the anticipation of feeling him inside. “I’d want you to take every drop…so much that there’s no way you wouldn’t get knocked up.”
You merely nod, too excited and breathless with lust to say much of anything to a statement like that. You’re pretty immobile in this position and will have to let him do most of the work, a thought that makes your spine tingle.
Johnny tilts his head down and you wonder what he’s doing for a moment before you feel his spit hitting your pussy and running down your ass. “Jesus, Johnny…” You’re stuck between deciding whether it’s really sexy or maybe a little gross when he slides into you, giving you the satisfaction of feeling every inch of him at once.
When he enters you in this position, he feels as deep as humanly possible, the tip of his member kissing your cervix, and it’s only compounded by the raw feeling of his bare skin against yours. “God, we should’ve done this sooner,” is all you can mutter. You can feel him throb inside of you in a different kind of way, and it’s a sensation that’s hard to explain verbally, but you can feel it through every nerve in your body.
Johnny seems lost for words for once in his life, his hips stuttering as he pushes and pulls your body and tries to find a rhythm that won’t have him nutting in 5 seconds. “Fuck,” he swears heavily as he watches his cock glide into you and come back out covered in your wetness. “I’m gonna fill you to the brim.”
Johnny fucks you hard and slow, and you can barely catch your breath with how intense it all feels. You’re almost afraid your body will burst apart at the seams. His dick pushes against your cervix on some strokes, and it makes your eyes roll back a little every time. His torment is far from complete, though, as he shifts his hips until he’s rubbing against your g-spot, and now you truly think you must’ve died and entered a new realm.
You hold onto your legs, digging your nails into your skin, because it’s the only thing you can do as Johnny pushes your body into the mattress. “Please, Johnny,” you moan, and you don’t even know what you’re asking him for. More? Less? But there’s no way you want less of this feeling, so you decide it can’t be that.
“Beg for it,” Johnny’s voice is rough, though there’s an unmistakable tremor in it, too. “Beg for my cum. Beg me to give you a baby.” Johnny drags your hips closer to his so he’s practically rutting into you at this point, making your walls clench onto him in an effort to never let him go. His pubic bone stimulates your clit as he fucks you, and you doubt you’ll last much longer now.
You’re not really sure what comes over you—maybe months of pent-up fantasy—but at that moment, there’s nothing more you want than to be filled up and claimed by him, with his seed coating you from the inside out.
“Make me yours, Johnny,” you cry out, slurring your words. “Come in me, please, put a baby in me.”
You come soon after this, your legs shaking as Johnny refuses to let up on fucking you through your climax. You let go of your legs, wanting to move away lest you be completely overwhelmed by the sensation, but Johnny grabs them and keeps you in that position.
“Don’t run. You’re not going anywhere, not until you take all of this dick.”
“John, I-I can’t…” You’re so wet that it’s leaking between your bodies and making everything even messier, and your clit is still hypersensitive and thrumming with pleasure. Johnny seems to revel in this rawness, though, and you honestly don’t remember the last time you’ve seen him this riled up.
He spits on your pussy again and rubs your clit, and with you not even recovered from your second orgasm, you’re over the edge again, shouting his name and a bunch of other words you won’t remember after all this is finished.
Johnny gives you a few more hard thrusts before burying himself deep and finally releasing inside you, his warm cum flooding your walls. His thighs tense and tremble as your body milks him of everything he has to offer. Sweat drips down his neck and trails down his chest, and his arms shake as he holds himself up above you.
Slowly, he pulls out of you and watches as some of his release comes dripping out. He doesn’t get to watch for long, though, as you immediately put your legs down, sprawling across the bed in exhaustion.
“Thanks. Now I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow,” you groan, closing your eyes at the thought of a sore day.
Johnny lies next to you looking tired and happy. He giggles, nudges his nose against yours, and kisses your lips in a gesture that’s a sure contrast to what just transpired. “Did I answer your question, at least?”
“Yes…and then some.”
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trixree · 3 years
Countdown to Halloween: The Graveyarder
Counting down seven days till Halloween, the Graveyarder is a collection of thriller/horror-style drabbles about the Coruscant Guard.. Follow the tag #thegraveyarder or #7daystillhalloween for daily updates on tumblr!
<< Previous installation || Read it on AO3!
Thank you all for your patience with this delayed day-5 release. I wrestled hard with a bad migraine episode late yesterday and early into this morning. Special thank you to @arboreal-elm-ash-oak, @thornhands, @danosphere91, @gaeasun, and @wupacing for the well-wishes! I appreciate your support so much <3
Content warnings: none!
Stone has to hand it to him; Dogma has thoroughly subverted his expectations. After the disastrous conclusion of Dogma's first duty shift since his arrival at the Guard, Stone will admit he hadn’t expected much out of him. He’d believed that Dogma would be better suited to administrative work or some other soft-shell position. Hell, even working ATC with Eso and Nico would suit him fine. But Fox had pushed.
"Dogma has mandokar,” Fox had sworn. “Stone, I promise you, he's capable.”
Stone had sighed. “He might just need more time, Fox."
Fox is the best of them—the best of any of them, really—but he tends to put on blinders where Dogma is concerned. He has since day one.
“He’s had time,” Fox insisted. “What Dogma needs is to do something again. None of us do well without purpose, vod, you know this. Give him a chance.”
Stone had really, truly believed Dogma’s path would be the same as any other graveyarder: he’d regain some but not all of what he’d lost and serve out the rest of his duty to the Republic somewhere out of the line of fire, both literal and figurative. Graveyarders do good admin work and many of them go on to find something fulfilling under Hound or Thire’s tender care, training massiffs or working the drunk-tank.
But this was Fox asking and Stone had acquiesced for him, never believing the outcome could be what it was.
Dogma, underneath the long sullen silences and the far-away stare, was karking made for working the Senate rotunda.
So much of navigating the Senate is learning how to not engage. When a governor from a minor world tries to blow up some perceived slight, you do not react. When a senator orders you to do something you should never be asked to do, you do not react. When a politician bloated on their own karking ego tries to send your vod back to Kamino for daring to sneeze in their presence, you do not—cannot—react.
You either act like a droid—unflappable and unflinching in the precise execution of your duty to the letter, no more and no less—or you will get treated like a man. They will pry up the plates of even the best sets of armor at the first sign of the flesh underneath, descending on perceived weakness like its mere existence could sustain them.
And Dogma gives them absolutely nothing.
After three weeks, Stone promoted Dogma to the rank of lieutenant. He couldn’t not. The vod had proved himself more capable than some of Stone’s most senior CTs in barely any time at all. He’d de-escalated a truly messy situation with senator Orn Free Ta, endeared himself to the graces of the sleazy Luon-Prime governor, Kor’da Vein, and saved three shinies from three different incidents in which someone was threatening disciplinary action.
None of the vode were built for politics. None of them were trained in it—aside from Fox and Cody, who were singled out by Fett himself for additional training when they were cadets—and certainly none of them were made with politics in mind.
But, watching Dogma navigate even the prickliest senators with a masterfully crafted cold aloofness, even Stone—Stone, who was named for his unmoving stubbornness—has to admit that he was wrong about the kid.
“How do you do it, vod’ika?” Stone asks him one night after shift.
As they stash their buckets on their belts and board the transport back to the CG headquarters, Stone expects Dogma to shrug out of his cold Senate-facing persona like the others—himself included—often do.
The moment those transport doors close, any vod that has worked even more than an hour in the senate building feels a change come over them. It’s like getting back to your bunk after a long campaign in fuck-all conditions. Everyone lets those beskar-shields drop at the first sign of safety, even if it's just enough to breathe by.
Dogma doesn’t. Maybe this is the kid’s personality or maybe his reconditioning broke him in some undefinable way. Whatever the case may be, Stone doesn’t ever see Dogma relax. He hopes, for Dogma’s sake, that he does at least sometimes.
“What do you mean?” Dogma replies as the transport rises with a stuttering burst of the engines that vibrates through their thick-soled boots.
On the bench beside where they both stand, gripping the hanging supports, two CTs collapse with a heavy sigh and instantly lean into each other, pressed crown to crown for comfort. In stark contrast, Dogma’s posture hasn’t even broken regs. Not even Vau would have found anything about Dogma's stance to complain about.
“All of it,” Stone says, baffled by Dogma's confusion at the question. “Look, vod, this is a hard fucking job, yeah? Probably the worst in the whole GAR. The senators hate us, most of the civvies hate us, and everyone assumes we’re incompetent because they’re all so sith-damn entitled that they can’t even recognize the threat that we keep at bay.”
“Yeah,” Dogma says, like it’s obvious. Like Stone is dumb for even brining it up.
“Fine, you know Orn Free Ta? How he was practically screaming at you last ten-day? Crawling half up your shebs over one of his own karking secretaries getting his caf order wrong? Dogma, he was threatening to file a reconditioning petition on the shiny you were defending. I thought that you’d react strongly to that,” Stone explains.
Dogma raises a brow, his tattoo folding oddly on his face. “You… wanted me to break down?”
“No! Kid, shab no, of course not. I’m just…” Stone trails off, scrubbing his gloved hand roughly over his stubble. He's fucking this up and Fox is going to fuck him up for upsetting his bunkie. “I just want to know how you didn’t. I’m your supervising officer and I don’t want to keep putting you into dangerous positions without knowing whether you might break, alright?”
Dogma shrugs. “I won’t.”
“You won’t?”
Dogma shakes his head. “I won’t,” he repeats, firm as beskar. “I don’t know how to explain it. I’m not afraid of Orn Free Ta, or any of the rest of them.” Dogma glances out the window to their side, watching the city crawl past as their ship stalls in traffic as per usual for this time of day.
From this high up, the most distant speeder cars look like thousands of metal bugs cluttering the sky. Stone has seen plenty of other planets' sky-lines. He's accompanied various senators, diplomats, and even the rare Jedi offworld.
He wonders what other sky-lines Dogma has seen. He wonders if Dogma can even remember them.
“I think the part of me that’s supposed to feel fear is broken,” Dogma says abruptly. He says it calmly, like he’s telling Stone the weather forecast, or how many drunkards are in holding tonight. His eyes are very far away, trained on something unmoving just over the polluted Coruscant horizon. “I’m not afraid of them because I don’t think I can be. I think I forgot how.”
Stone doesn’t know what to say to that. He doesn’t know what he can even say to that. He touches Dogma’s arm, gingerly and offers a quiet, “Vod…”
Dogma shakes his head slightly, as if he’s telling Stone no—no to what, Stone can’t guess.
“There are more dangerous things in the galaxy than Orn Free Ta,” Dogma admits, sounding more subdued—more human—than Stone has ever heard him.
Stone doesn’t know how to ask, so he doesn’t.
(He isn’t entirely sure that he even wants to know.)
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Arrest Me
Prompt: “I proposed to you last night and now I'm arresting you.” 
Warnings: Language, mentions of sexual assault. 
Rowan Whitethorn was exhausted. After breaking up a drug deal and arresting several stupid teens for disorderly conduct, all he wanted to do was go home to his beautiful girlfriend. 
Fiancée. He corrected himself with no small amount of happiness. He’d proposed last night actually. Dinner on the roof on their apartment, which he’d decorated with lights hanging off of every surface. Aelin had said yes before he even really managed to ask. He was still smiling to himself as his partner climbed back into the passenger seat. 
“Got you some coffee.” Fenrys said, grinning like always. Normally that constant smile would bug Rowan, but not today. Nothing could dampen his mood. 
“Thanks Fen.” He replied, handing his friend a five dollar bill. 
Just then, a voice chimed through the police radio they had on constantly. “Closest unit please report to a bar fight at Gavriel’s over on twelfth street.”
Rowan and Fenrys both groaned as they realized they were by far the closest to the bar. Putting his coffee in the cup holder, Rowan picked up his mic. “This is unit 78. We’re on our way.” 
Ignoring Fenrys’ muttered complaints, he pressed down on the gas. There were no need for sirens and it took them barely two minutes to pull up in front of the bar. Gavriel’s wasn't exactly unfamiliar to Rowan. With the owner being Aelin’s uncle of sorts, they often frequented it. Truthfully, he wasn't sure there was a single spot in the small bathroom that he hadn't taken Aelin against. He laughed to himself as they burst through the doors and into the bar. 
What he saw almost made his heart stop dead in his chest. A dark haired muscular man was lying unconscious on the floor with two other people standing over him. Across the room from them, a burly bearded man whom Rowan didn't recognize was being restrained by two others. He was screaming at a young woman, who was yelling endless profanities right back at him. 
Aelin Galanthynius. His Fiancée. The love of his fucking life was currently being restrained by her cousin as she thrashed and screamed. There was blood all over her face and he couldn't tell if it was coming from her nose or lip. 
“Holy fuck.” He said loudly and both parties went silent and turned towards him. 
His eyes were only on Aelin though. Her face lit up when she recognized him, and then fell again when she realized the situation. 
“Hi Ro.” She said sheepishly, a quiet smiling tugging on her lips. 
For a brief moment, his resolved faltered. She’d always had that affect on him. Since the second Aelin had ran into Rowan, literally, and spilled her coffee all over him, he’d been entranced. Her cheeks had been rosy from the winter chill and a few snowflakes were perched on her long eyelashes. Her blonde hair was in a loose bun and a few strands escaped from under her red beanie. If love at first sight existed, that had to be it. 
“Hi love.” He said, shooting her a mocking smile. Rowan honestly had no idea how to feel. Currently; worry, anger, and amusement were winning. 
He turned behind him slowly, reluctant to take his eyes off Aelin. “Fen, you call for an ambulance for the unconscious one. Take the rest of these guys in and get their perspective. I need to talk to Aelin.” 
Fenrys, luckily, knew better than to argue against this time. Within seconds he had called for the paramedics and cuffed two of them men who seemed most involved. The others slunk away into the background after making false promises about bailing their friends out. 
Finally, Rowan turned back to his soon to be wife. She was attempting to clean some of the blood off her face and was only succeeding in smearing it everywhere. Shoulder’s slumping, he took her hand and pulled her over to a barstool. He grabbed her hips and lifted her up. She was looking at him oddly in her attempt to read his mood. Rowan’s hands roamed from her hips and stilled on her lower stomach. The tank top she was wearing had ridden up and he tugged it down slightly. She shot him a wicked grin. 
“I’m shocked Rowan. Normally when you pick me up it’s because my clothes are coming off not on.” 
He didn't laugh and her smile quickly disappeared. Stepping away from her, he walked behind the bar and ran a cloth under warm water. 
“What happened Ace?” He asked, back facing her. 
He could almost feel her take a breath in. “Nothing I just got upset.” 
Rowan snorted as he turned back around. He stalked towards her slowly, cloth dripping water onto the wooden floor. 
“I know when you’re lying.” He began dabbing at the blood on her face. “Tell me the truth.” 
She tried to turn her face away from him. Gently, he grabbed her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. 
“He started out just hitting on me. Who can blame him I am really hot.” She laughed weakly and he motioned with his eyes for her to continue. “Then I told him I was engaged but he wouldn't let up. I tried to push him off but he grabbed my...” Aelin gestured at her breasts and Rowan turned livid. He could barely breathe, let alone think. Noting his reaction she placed a soft hand on his shaking wrists. 
“It’s fine Rowan. I kicked him in the balls and punched him out. Unfortunately for me though, his friend got upset and slammed my face into the bar. My nose broke and my lip split. I started screaming at him but before I could actually knock him out stupid Aedion pulled me back.” 
Rowan took a deep breath in, attempting to calm the raging quiet in his head. All he wanted to do was go after those two guys and beat them to a pulp. Instead, he was here, wiping the remaining blood off his fiancée’s beautiful face. 
When he had finished, he kissed her on the cheek, then the corner of her mouth. She grinned against him as he captured her lips with his own. He tugged lightly on her bottom lip with his teeth and she pushed her hips against him. Groaning softly, he pulled away. 
“I need to take you in to the station” He told her. 
Her grin was nothing short of wicked. “Cuff me officer.” She winked at him. 
He spun her around and gently placed the cuffs around her wrist. “I proposed to you last night and now I'm arresting you.” Her shoulders shook with laughter. 
“I keep you on your toes. It’s why you love me.” She turned around to kiss him. 
“One of the many reasons.” He spoke onto her lips. 
As he escorted his fiancée out to his police cruiser, Rowan couldn't help but smile. This fiery woman before him was his future, his entire world. He wondered if he’d ever stop being so damn happy about it. 
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tsunfucker · 3 years
The End of Evangelion [Theatrical Trailer]
(Screen text:  So, everybody just go and die...)
Staff (in Japanese alphabetical order)
Random women's voices: You don't really know if it's love until after the infatuation stops. Men just want a mother figure who'll spoil them. Men...You doit with them once and they think they own you. Ritsuko? Yeah, that's okay,too. You'll be sorry for that. That's not romantic in the least. Men are all scum... Don't think I'm going to forgive you!
----------------------------------------- TITLE SCREEN:  THE END OF EVANGELION Neon Genesis Evangelion Cinema Edition - Air/Sincerely Yours  (My Pure Heart For You) -----------------------------------------
(Screen text:  Then, why are you here?) (Screen text:  ...Is it okay for me to be here?) -----------------------------------------
Premiering July 19 (Sat.) Advance tickets including original poster on sale. General admission: 1500 yen     Students: 1200 yen Created by the EVA Production Committee (Project EVA) Distributed by Toei Studios, Inc. This film is animated. -----------------------------------------
TITLE SCREEN:  THE END OF EVANGELION Neon Genesis Evangelion Cinema Edition - Air/Sincerely Yours (My Pure Heart For You) Premiering July 19 (Sat.) Created by the EVA Production Committee (Project EVA) Distributed by Toei Studios, Inc. -----------------------------------------
Toei Studios, Inc. logo in triangle
Eirin (Eiga Rinri Kitei Kanri Iinkai = Motion Picture Code of Ethics Committee) registration in circle
(Vertical screen text:  Neon Genesis Evangelion Cinema Edition)
The End of Evangelion Episode 25: Air/Love is destructive. :Translated Script
OPENING SCENE Shinji stands silently before the lake created by the explosion of EVA-00, triggered by Rei in episode number 23, which also destroyed Tokyo-3.
SCENE:  Hospital - 1st Cranial Nerve Department Shinji in Asuka's hospital room (No. 303), Asuka lying in bed -----------------------------------
Background announcement: Sections 2 and 3 of the East Wing will close at 6 p.m. today. Staff are requested to finish all work by 4: 30 p.m.
Shinji: I... I'm scared of both Misato and Ayanami... Help me... Help me, Asuka. Hey... Wake up! Come on... Wake up! Come on... Hey... Asuka... Asuka... ASUKA!! Help me... Help me... Help me... Help me... Help me! Call me an idiot like usual! HEY!!
(Shinji shakes Asuka roughly so that she rolls onto her back... Her hospital gown opens to reveal her naked except for her underwear... Shinji locks the door to the sickroom and his breathing gradually becomes faster and heavier ending with a muffled grunt (off screen). He stares down at the ejaculated fluids covering his right hand.)
I... I'm scum...
----------------------------------- TITLE SCREEN:  Episode 25 - Air -----------------------------------
SCENE:  NERV Command Center- Makoto, Shigeru and Maya talk as they sit in the dark and drink coffee. -----------------------------------
Maya (off screen): What!?  Total prohibition of access to and from Headquarters!?
Makoto (off screen): I guess we're still at First Level Alert...
Maya (off screen): Why?  Wasn't Kaworu* the last angel?  (*Literally: "that boy")
Shigeru: That's right.  All the angels have been destroyed.
Makoto: Isn't there supposed to be peace now?
Maya: Then, what'll happen to NERV? and the Evas? I wish Dr. Akagi was here...
Shigeru: NERV will probably be disbanded, and who knows what'll happen to us.
Makoto (off screen): We'll just have to stick it out until the Instrumentality Project starts.
SCENE:  Misato in her car - turnout overlooking the new lake (Tokyo-3) -----------------------------------
Misato (to herself): Having reached its limit as a colony of flawed and separate entities, Humankind is to be artificially evolved into a perfect single being. The Instrumentality Project... An ideal world... And to achieve this the Committee plans to use not Adam or NERV, but Eva. Just like Kaji predicted.
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths - Gendo and Fuyutsuki -----------------------------------
SEELE 01 (Keel): The promised time has come. With the Lance of Longinus now lost, complementation using Lilith is impossible. Our only hope is to proceed with EVA-01, Lilith's sole clone.
Gendo: While different from SEELE's scenario...
Fuyutsuki: Humans have existed to create Eva.  (ambiguous)
Gendo: Humans should evolve into a new world.  That is the purpose of the Eva series.
SEELE 09: We have no intention of giving up our human forms simply to enter the Ark called Eva.
SEELE 12: It is merely a rite of passage... To bring about the rebirth in those who are imprisoned.
SEELE 05(?): The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.
SEELE 04(?): A sacrament to unite God, humans, and all other life forms in death.
Gendo: Death gives birth to nothing.
SEELE 01 (Keel): Then death is what you shall have.
(SEELE monoliths disappear)
Fuyutsuki: Humans exist because they have the will to live... And that is the reason she remained within Eva.
SCENE:  Rei lying in bed in her apartment.  She wakes up (looking surprisingly like Yui), looks out the window to see the full moon illuminating the night sky, and leaves.  Gendo's glasses lie twisted and broken on the floor behind her. -----------------------------------
SCENE:  Shinji lying awake in his room with his headphones on The tape counter reads 00:00:00 and the battery indicator flashes empty. -----------------------------------
SCENE:  The new lake (The ruins of Tokyo-3) -----------------------------------
SCENE:  NERV Computer Room Misato hacks into the system using a laptop computer. -----------------------------------
Misato: So, this is the truth behind Second Impact... (Screen flashes and alarm sounds) Have they noticed me!? No, that's not it! It's starting!
SCENE:  NERV Command Center Alarms sound... emergency indicators light... -----------------------------------
NERV operator (background - male): No. 6 net - audio communications severed! Goura ground circuit, inoperative!
Fuyutsuki (to phone): Switch the left side over to blue emergency communications! Use the satellites if you have to!  That's right! What's the situation on the right?
Person on Phone: Negative!  All outgoing network and data lines are being cut off!!
Fuyutsuki: Are they after MAGI?
Shigeru (off screen): Data entry from all external nodes. (on screen) They're hacking the MAGI system!
Fuyutsuki: Just as I thought.  Is it coming from MAGI-2 in Matsushiro (Tokyo-2)?
Shigeru: No, it's at least 5 MAGI type units. Hacking verified from Germany, China, the U.S....
Fuyutsuki: SEELE is mustering all of their forces.  5 to 1 odds... Not good.
Shigeru (off screen): No. 4 firewall breached!
Makoto: Locking the main database... Negative! We can't stop their invasion!
Maya (off screen): It's entering a deeper level! (on screen) Even the back-up circuit can't stop it!
Fuyutsuki (thinking): This is bad... Capture the MAGI system and you capture everything.
SCENE:  Ritsuko in her cell -----------------------------------
Background announcement: General Quarters: Second Level Alert!  Repeat - General Quarters: Second Level Alert!
(Cell door opens)
Background announcement(cont'd): All personnel report to designated posts at once.
Ritsuko: I know... MAGI's self-defense system.
Security staff at door: Yes.  Lt. Ibuki at the No. 2 Command Center has the details.
Ritsuko: Even an abandoned woman has her uses... How egotistical.
SCENE:  Misato approaching Command Center with phone -----------------------------------
Background announcement: Second Level Alert currently in effect!  All B-floor non-combat personnel evacuate at once.
Misato: Status report?
Makoto (on phone): Hyuga here.  Tokyo-2 has just issued Special Order A-801!
Misato: 801?
Makoto (on phone): That's right.  Abolishment of special legal protection for NERV and transfer of all command to the government of Japan.
(Elevator door closes)
(NERV Command Center - Maya and Makoto)
Makoto: It's an ultimatum... Yes, and MAGI is being hacked.  Things aren't looking good.
Maya: Ibuki here. Dr. Akagi has just begun protective countermeasures.
(Misato appears on elevator)
Misato: Ritsuko!?
(Ritsuko inside MAGI)
Ritsuko: (thinking) Am I acting foolish?  Men and women are so illogical... (speaking) Isn't that right?  (reaches up to Casper) Mother...
(NERV Command Center)
NERV operator (male): Goura ground circuit recovery rate up to 0.2%
Misato: How much longer?
NERV operator (female): No. 3 cable, Hakone back-up circuit still inoperative.
Makoto (off screen): We should just make it. Dr. Akagi is amazing, one more minute to the end of page 120... And only two-and-a-half more minutes until deployment of a primary firewall.
Misato (thinking): Just hacking MAGI? They're not going to let us off that easy... probably.
Fuyutsuki: MAGI is only the first skirmish. The bastards' objective is the direct take-over of headquarters and the two remaining Eva units.
Gendo: Yes.  With not only Lilith, but even Adam in our hands....
Fuyutsuki: No wonder the old men are so worried.
(MAGI displays turn green)
Maya: Hacking against MAGI has been stopped. (off screen) A Danang Type-B defense screen has been deployed. External access is impossible for the next 62 hours.
(Ritsuko emerges from MAGI)
Ritsuko: See you in a bit, mother.
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths -----------------------------------
SEELE 06: Ikari has executed a Type-666 protection program on the MAGI system. It won't be easy to breach.
SEELE 07: It appears that we will have to forego acquisition of MAGI.
SEELE 01: I had hoped to solve this peacefully, but that is not possible now. Take over the entire headquarters directly, at once!!
SCENE:  Road by the lake - JSSDF officer with military phone -----------------------------------
JSSDF officer: Commence operations as planned.
(Soldiers pop up... aircraft fly... tanks and missiles fire... all hell breaks loose)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center Alarms sound... Screens go blank... -----------------------------------
NERV operator (female): Radar sites 8 to 17 have gone dead!
Shigeru (off screen): JSSDF tech battalion advancing through Goura defense perimeter!
Makoto (off screen): Two battalions approaching from Gotemba!
NERV operators (background): Three air squadrons confirmed approaching from Mishima. Close down Futagoyama and Komagatake routes at once! Invasion through Goura 2nd defense perimeter point A...  Currently engaging enemy.
Fuyutsuki: It seems that man's ultimate enemy is also man.
Gendo: General quarters.  Go to First Level Battle Stations.
Maya: Battle Stations!? (whispered) But the enemy isn't an Angel... They're human like us.
Makoto (whispered): But they don't think that way.
SCENE:  Outside NERV War scenes... NERV guard stabbed in back... Gates open and alarm sounds -----------------------------------
NERV Soldier: Hey, what's going on? Hello!?
NERV Lieutenant: What's going on?
NERV Soldier: The south hub-station...
(Truck explodes... Black suited troops move in.)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center - More alarms... -----------------------------------
NERV operators (male): Daigatake tunnel cut off! Fire at West No. 5 freight entrance! Invading forces have entered Level 1! (female):  South hub station off-line!
Misato: The forces attacking the west side are a decoy! If their real target is the Evas, they'll be going after the pilots! Have Shinji stand by at EVA-01, quickly!
Makoto: Affirmative!
Misato: Where's Asuka?
Shigeru: In sickroom 303.
(Shot of Asuka lying in bed)
Misato (off screen): Put her into EVA-02 anyway.
Maya: But her synchronization with Eva hasn't recovered yet.
Misato: Yes, but she'll definitely be killed if she stays there. The best place to hide her is inside EVA-02.
Maya: Affirmative! (to headset) Stop medication to pilot.  Prepare for launch!
Misato: As soon as Asuka is inside EVA-02, hide it in the underground lake. It'll be found almost immediately, but it's better than leaving it in the cage. Where's Rei?
Shigeru: Whereabouts unknown...  Unable to locate!
Misato: She'll be killed. Find her, quickly!
(Rei floating in LCL tank)
(EVA-02 launch)
Makoto: EVA-02 launched via No. 8 route. Stabilize at a depth of 70 meters.
Misato: Launch EVA-01 next! Deploy it inside the Geofront!
Shigeru: Negative! The pilot hasn't arrived yet!
Misato: What!? (Shinji verified on monitor screen) Oh, no....!
Background announcement: Closing all Central Dogma barricades up to Level 2. All non-combat personnel, evacuate via route 87.
(Shots of gates and barricades closing throughout NERV)
(NERV Command Center)
Shigeru (off screen): No. 3 underground barricade destroyed!  Enemy Forces invading Level 2!
Fuyutsuki: The JSSDF have committed almost an entire division... It's only a matter of time before they take us over completely.
Gendo: Dr. Fuyutsuki, take care of things here.
Fuyutsuki: I understand.  Give my regards to Yui.
(Shots of fighting and mayhem)
(NERV Command Center)
NERV operators (male): No response from Group 2! Communication with No. 77 Computer Room negative.
Shigeru: No. 52 monorail destroyed!
Background announcement: Explosion confirmed at No. 3 hub-station.  Numerous dead.  Damage unknown.
Makoto: This is terrible.  Even Angels would be better.
Misato (thinking): It's no surprise... We're not used to killing other humans.
(More shots of death and destruction- female NERV officer drags the body of her comrade down a passage way, only to be struck down by a barrage of bullets from an invading JSSDF soldier)
JSSDF officer: Cut the cables starting with the red ones...
(NERV Command Center)
NERV operator (male): Level 3 Block B invaded!  Defense impossible!
Shigeru (off screen): Enemy also confirmed in Block F!  Main Bypass under crossfire!
Misato: Abandon Levels 1 to 3!  Combat teams, retreat! Release Bakelite into all passages and pipes up to Section 803!
Shigeru: Affirmative!
(Shot of Bakelite being released)
Background announcement: Commence Bakelite injection from Section 703.  30 seconds to completion. Commence Bakelite injection from Section 737.  30 seconds to completion... (continues)
Misato: This should slow them down a bit.
Makoto: Major Katsuragi!  No. 47 route has been cut off... Group 3 is unable to advance! If this continues Shinji will be...!
(Shot of Shinji hiding)
(NERV Command Center)
Misato (off screen): All non-combat personnel avoid close combat. (Misato takes out and loads her pistol) (on screen) The enemy are professionals... If you can't fall back to the Dogma, it's better to surrender. (whispered to Makoto) Sorry, take care of things here.
Makoto: Sure.
SCENE: Outside NERV -----------------------------------
Background: Mt. Futagoyama under control - Seal off Nagao Pass at once! *afirmitive* Visual confirmation of No. 1 Command Center explosion...
JSSDF Division Commander: This is more difficult than expected.
Sub Commander: We never get the easy jobs.
SCENE: NERV Command Center Makoto and Shigeru take out and ready small arms. -----------------------------------
Makoto: This is bad... We were never equipped with full-scale anti-personnel defense systems.
Shigeru: Yeah.  Only counter-terrorist measures at best.
Makoto: If the JSSDF mounts a serious attack, we don't stand a chance.
Shigeru: Come to think of it, the reductions in funding for anti-personnel defense measures probably had this in mind from the beginning.
Makoto: That's entirely possible...
(Explosion in Command Center... Attacking forces move in...)
Background: No. 2 Command Center - Invaders on lower left floor.
Shigeru: (Handing pistol to Maya) Release the safety.
Maya: I... I can't shoot.
Shigeru: Of course you can! Just pretend this is training!
Maya: But I wasn't shooting at people, then!
Shigeru: Idiot! Shoot, or we're going to die!
----------------------------------- TITLE SCREEN - THE END OF EVANGELION EPISODE 25' -  Love is destructive -----------------------------------
SCENE:  Rei, staring into the tank containing the remains of her destroyed counterparts -----------------------------------
Gendo (off screen): Rei... I thought you'd be here. (on screen) The promised time has come. Let's go.
SCENE:  Dead NERV personnel litter the passageway -----------------------------------
1st soldier (off screen): Level 2 completely secured, over.
2nd soldier (on radio): No. 2 Command Center - Still unable to secure original MAGI system. Currently engaging enemy on lower left floor.
JSSDF officer (on radio): Commence heat dissipation procedures on the fifth Malbolgia at once.
(NERV officer raises arms in surrender - JSSDF officer fires a round into his head, places his foot on the body, and fires two more shots.)
JSSDF officer (female): Eva pilots are to be terminated on sight. Unconditional execution of non-combat personnel authorized.
JSSDF officer (on radio): Yanagihara and Shinjo squads, enter lower levels immediately.
(Shinji hiding... and found by three JSSDF soldiers)
Soldier: 3rd pilot found - will proceed to eliminate. (Places barrel of gun against Shinji's forehead) Nothing personal, kid.
(Misato charges in firing to the rescue)
Misato (cynically): Nothing personal here either... (Shoots soldier) Come on...  Let's get to EVA-01.
SCENE:  Misato and Shinji in parking lot- Misato listening to enemy movements on a dead soldier's radio -----------------------------------
JSSDF radio: Yamagishi squad at No. 7 cage, report your status, over. Purple unit secured. No problems with Bakelite infusion. Red unit appears to have been launched... Currently searching for launch route used.
Misato: Damn!  They're trying to prevent physical contact between Shinji and EVA-01. There's no time to lose... Quick, Shinji... (pause)  Do you want to run away, or go to Eva? - Pick one! (Shinji says nothing) -If we stay here we'll die for nothing!
Shinji (whispering): Help me, Asuka... Help me...
Misato (exasperated): Hiding behind a girl at a time like this!? Running from reality... Lying to yourself!? Doing things half-assed is the worst thing you can do! So, stand up!  Stand up!!
Shinji (whispering): No... Let me die.  I don't want to do anything.
Misato (angry): Stop talking like a spoiled brat! You're still alive, aren't you? So, do all you can to keep yourself alive, and then die afterwards!
SCENE:  NERV Command Center The battle continues... -----------------------------------
Fuyutsuki: Forget about here!  Give top priority to isolating the Terminal Dogma!
Makoto: Everything else has been destroyed... Why don't they just blow up the Command Center, too?
Shigeru: I'm sure they'd like to take us out in a single blow, but the original MAGI system is right below us.
Makoto: They want the MAGI system intact, huh?
Shigeru: But we're defenseless against BC (biological and chemical) weaponry. If they use those, we're in trouble.
Makoto: N2 weapons, too...
(As if by coincidence, an N2 warhead drops, opening up the Geofront)
Shigeru: Speak of the devil!
Makoto: Isn't that a bit extreme!?
Fuyutsuki (smirking): Playing a bit rough, aren't we?
(Numerous missiles strike the Geofront directly)
Maya: Why do they want the Evas so badly!?
SCENE:  Misato and Shinji in Misato's car - Scrapped Eva prototypes. -----------------------------------
Misato: They plan to initiate Third Impact - not with Angels, but by using the Eva series. 15 years ago, Second Impact was caused by humans on purpose. (Flashed shot: Second Impact) But that was in order to minimize the damage by returning Adam (flashed image: Giant of Light) to an embryonic state (flashed image: Embryo in attache case)  before the other Angels awoke. (flashed image: graves) Shinji, we humans were born from a being called Lilith, who is the source of life just like Adam.  We are the 18th Angel. (flashed image: DNA) The other Angels are possibilities of what we might have become - humans that gave up human form. (flashed image: Kaworu - Rei) Sadly, we had to reject each other - even though we're all human... Listen, Shinji... You must destroy all of the Eva series.  It's the only way to stay alive.
SCENE:  Office of the Prime Minister of Japan (Sounds of construction in the background) -----------------------------------
Prime Minister: The phone lines have gone dead.
(Screen text:  Nagano Prefecture, New Tokyo-2 Prime Minister's Residence, No. 3 State Office)
Secretary: Yes, sir.  Ballistic warhead impact was confirmed three minutes ago.
Prime Minister: The Instrumentality Project that NERV was secretly researching... Initiating Third Impact to annihilate mankind... The mere thought sends shivers down my spine.
Secretary: Humans must be the only creatures able to despise their own kind.
Prime Minister: All that's left is to take care of the NERV headquarters facilities.
Secretary: Do you want Germany or China to undertake the re-development?
Prime Minister: No - We won't be taken advantage of. Seal it up for 20 years, just like old Tokyo.
SCENE:  Outside in the Geofront. -----------------------------------
1st soldier (on radio): Surface heat receding. High-pressure steam discharges have also subsided.
2nd soldier (on radio): Initial location of all units completed.
JSSDF Sub Commander:: Dogma Level 3 and the purple unit have been secured.
JSSDF Commander:: And the red unit?
Intelligence officer: Found in the underground lake at a depth of 70 meters.  The pilot's status is unknown.
SCENE:  Asuka curled up in the fetal position inside EVA-02 Entry Plug -----------------------------------
Asuka: ...I'm alive...
(Shots of depth charges firing and exploding around EVA-02)
Asuka: (Whispered at first then repeated growing louder and stronger) I don't want to die... I don't want to die... I don't want to die...
(Another voice mixes with Asuka's)
I don't want to die... (You're still alive) I don't want to die... (You mustn't die yet) I don't want to die... (You must live) I don't want to die... (I won't let you die) I don't want to die... (Don't kill me) I don't want to die... (You're still alive) I don't want to die... (I won't let you die yet) I don't want to die... (You must keep living) I don't want to die... (Die for me!) I don't want to die... (You mustn't die yet!) I don't want to die... (Die!) I don't want to die... (You're alive!) I don't want to die... I don't want to DIE!!
(Flashback to Asuka as a child with mother)
Child-Asuka: Mama... So this is where you've been?  Mama!
(Asuka clasps her mother's hand and EVA-02 awakens.)
SCENE:  Geofront lake -> Giant cross-shaped explosion -----------------------------------
1st soldier: What the!?
2nd soldier: Did we get it!?
(EVA-02 emerges and starts fighting)
Asuka (thinking): Mama... Mama! I understand now... The meaning of the AT Field. It's always protecting me!  Always watching over me! (speaking) Always... always together! Mama!
(Misato and Shinji in Misato's car)
Maya (on radio): EVA-02 has activated! Asuka's okay!  She's alive!
Misato: Asuka!?
(Asuka fighting)
JSSDF officer: The cable!  That thing's power cable! Concentrate all fire power on the cable!
(Cable is severed)
Asuka: Shit!! Even without the cable... I still have 12,000 plates of special armor... and my AT Field! I can't lose! Not against you!!
(JSSDF forces are easily beaten by Eva-02 and Asuka)
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths -----------------------------------
SEELE 01: The loathsome Evangelion... Do they stand in our way yet again? It seems that one must fight fire with fire.
SCENE: EVA-05 to -13 released -> Asuka -----------------------------------
Asuka: The Eva series!? They've been completed?
(NERV Command Center)
Fuyutsuki: Deployment of all nine units equipped with the S2 system!? Isn't that a bit excessive? Or, do they plan to initiate it here!!?
(Eva series land)
Misato (on phone): Listen Asuka. You must destroy all of the EVA series. I'll have Shinji there to help assist you soon.  Do your best. (changes lines - to Makoto) We can get to EVA-01 via emergency route No. 20, right?
Makoto (on phone): Affirmative.  We've secured three seperate power sources just in case. As long as you enter within three minutes, you can reach the No. 7 cage directly.
(Misato starts dragging Shinji)
(Asuka in EVA-02)
Asuka: I have to destroy them all? Is she forgetting she's talking to a convalescent? Nine units in three and a half minutes... That works out to only 20 seconds apiece!
(Asuka attacks)
Asuka: Erst! (German: "That's one!")
SCENE:  Misato and Shinji - Emergency Elevator R-10-20 -----------------------------------
Misato: Here it is.
(Shots fire... Misato is hit, but they enter the shaft and the door closes)
1st soldier: They got away...
2nd soldier (to radio): Unable to terminate target. Standing by for orders to pursue...
JSSDF officer (on radio): Negative.  That area is scheduled for demolition. Pull back immediately.
2nd soldier: Yes, sir.
(Misato and Shinji in passageway)
Misato (slumped against wall - labored breathing): Th... That should hold them off... for a while. I'm okay... It's not as serious... as it looks. (staggers to feet and opens gate) There's still power - We can make it.
(Misato pins Shinji against gate)
-Shinji... from here out you're on your own. You have to make the decisions by yourself - without anyone's help.
Shinji: I... I can't do it.  I just can't... I can't pilot Eva if it means I'm going to hurt or even kill other people. I have no right to do that. I thought that piloting Eva was my only choice... But I was just fooling myself. I don't understand anything - I'm not worthy to pilot Eva. There's nothing that I can do for other people! I've done terrible things to Asuka, and even killed Kaworu... There isn't a shred of kindness in me! Only dishonesty and cowardice... If I can only hurt people, then I'd rather not do anything at all!
Misato (angrily): I'm not going to feel sorry for you. If you don't want to be hurt, then just die without doing anything at all!
(Shinji starts crying)
-Crying won't help you now!
(Misato's tone becomes gentler)
-You hate yourself, right? That's why you hurt other people... Because you know that hurting other people is more painful than hurting yourself. But, no matter what happens, remember that it was your decision. And that makes it worthwhile, Shinji - Because you decided by yourself! So stop lying to yourself... Think about what you can do... And then live with your decisions.
Shinji: But you're... you're not me! You don't understand anything about ME!!
(Misato slams Shinji against the gate)
Misato (harshly): So what if I'm not you!? Are you just going to give up now!? If you stay here and do nothing, I won't forgive you! I'll NEVER forgive you!!
(Misato's tone changes to desperation)
-Nobody's perfect. You realize that you've made a mistake, and then regret it... That's all I've ever known. Nothing but empty happiness and hating myself. But... I feel like I always grew from the experience!
Misato (gently): Listen, Shinji. Pilot Eva once more and find yourself. Pilot Eva to face the questions "Why did you come here?" "Why are you here?" Find your own answers. And then... after finding yourself... come back to me.
(Misato places her cross in Shinji's hand)
Misato: It's a promise. Now, go.
(Misato kisses Shinji deeply)
Misato(sultry voice): That's a grownup kiss. We'll do the rest when you get back...
(Misato pushes the stunned Shinji into the elevator and then collapses)
Misato (weakly): If I knew it would end this way... I would've done like Asuka said... And changed the carpet... Right, Pen-pen? Kaji... did I do all right?
(A ghostly Rei stands above Misato, then an explosion -> Shinji crying in elevator.  Looking at Misato's blood spattered cross and tasting her blood in his mouth, Shinji slides into the corner, sobbing.)
SCENE:  Asuka fighting Eva series -----------------------------------
(Shinji standing in front of EVA-01 encased in solidified Bakelite)
Asuka (on speaker): Jeeez!  Don't they ever stop!? And I can't even count on that idiot Shinji!!
SCENE:  Terminal Dogma - Gendo, Rei and Lilith - Ritsuko sitting at edge of LCL pool -----------------------------------
Ritsuko: I've been waiting for you.
(Ritsuko stands and draws a gun... Asuka fighting... Back to Ritsuko)
Ritsuko: I'm sorry... I secretly altered MAGI's program earlier. A daughter's final request... Mother... die with me.
(Ritsuko presses something in her pocket, but nothing happens.)
Ritsuko: It didn't activate?  Why!? (Pulls portable terminal from pocket - Casper-3: Rejected)
(gasp) Betrayed by Casper! How could you, Mother?  Choosing your man over your own daughter...
(Gendo draws his gun)
Gendo: Ritsuko Akagi, I truly... (Gendo's lips move, but you can't hear him.)
Ritsuko (surprised, but then smiles): ... Liar....
(Gendo shoots Ritsuko, who falls back into the pool of LCL before a ghostly Rei.)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center The battle rages on - Maya monitors EVA-02 via laptop computer -----------------------------------
Makoto: What's happening outside?
Maya: Less than a minute before EVA-02 reaches its operational limit! At this rate, Asuka will...!
(Asuka fighting the Eva series)
Asuka: I can't lose!
(Shinji sitting in front of EVA-01)
Asuka (on speaker): Not with Mama watching me!
Shinji: Mama... Mother?
(Back to Asuka fighting)
Asuka: These are the last ones!
(As Asuka finishes off the last Evas, one of the Eva series' swords comes flying at her... She stops it with her AT Field, but it turns into the Lance of Longinus)
Asuka: The Lance of Longinus!?
(The Lance pierces the AT Field, then EVA-02's head... Asuka shrieks and EVA-02 powers down... Asuka clutches futilely at the controls)
(NERV Command Center)
Maya: Internal power source depleted... Operational limit reached.  EVA-02... down. What!?  The destroyed... Eva series!?
(Eva series reactivates)
Maya: The Eva series have reactivated!
Shigeru: Are they're going to finish her off!?
(Eva series flock over EVA-02  and rip it apart like carrion birds)
Makoto: What's happening?
Maya: (gagging)  I can't look!  I... I can't watch anymore!
(Maya's laptop shows EVA-02's body display blanking out piece by piece.)
Makoto: This is...?  EVA-02!?
(Geofront, where EVA-02 is being ripped apart)
Asuka (snarling): I'll kill you... Kill... kill... kill you... Kill... I'll kill you... I'll kill you all... (repeated)
(EVA-02 attempts to reactivate)
(NERV Command Center)
Makoto: Berserker?
Maya: Asuka!  Stop!!
Asuka: Kill you all... I'll kill you... I'll kill you all... (repeated)
(Asuka's arm splits in two as a Lance of Longinus splits EVA-02's arm - Eva series impale EVA-02 with their lances)
(Maya gasps - Shinji sitting in front of EVA-01)
Maya (on speaker - screaming): Shinji!!  EVA-02!  Asuka!  Asuka... she's...!
Shinji: But I can't pilot Eva...  There's nothing I can do...
(EVA-01 breaks free from the Bakelite and clutches at Shinji)
Shinji: Mother!?
(Terminal Dogma - Rei and Gendo)
Gendo: Has EVA-01 finally awakened?
(NERV headquarters pyramid explodes upwards in a giant cross which turns into wings - EVA-01  appears howling in the Geofront with a demon's face and a set of wings)
JSSDF Sub Commander: Evangelion Unit One?
JSSDF Commander: It's the devil himself!!
(Shinji subdued inside EVA-01 entry plug)
Shinji: Asuka...
(Shinji sees the mangled remains of EVA-02 and screams)
(Screen text:  To be continued )
-Episode 25 End Credits spiraling in helix with end theme, Thanatos: If I Can't Be Yours)
The End of Evangelion Episode 26:  Sincerely Yours/I need you. :Translated Script
Screen text: I wish to express my deepest thanks to all the staff, cast, friends and especially the five young ladies who helped to bring this picture to its conclusion once again.
                                                                   Thank you,                                                                           Hideaki Anno
Red Cross w/ black text- THE END OF EVANGELION ----------------------------------- SCENE:  Terminal Dogma - Gendo and Rei before Lilith -----------------------------------
Gendo: Adam and I are now as one... For this is the only way to be with Yui again. The forbidden joining of Adam and Lilith.
(Rei's arm falls off)
There's no time... Your AT Field can no longer hold your shape. Let's begin, Rei. Release your AT Field, the barrier of your heart. Complement your imperfect heart, leave your useless body... Merge all souls into one. And then, take me to Yui's side.
(Gendo places his hand on Rei's left breast and begins to merge with her)
(Rei cringes as waves of pleasure course through her body, a small gasp escapes her lips.)
----------------------------------- TITLE SCREEN: Episode 26 - Sincerely Yours  (My Pure Heart For You) -----------------------------------
(EVA-01 in Geofront - Shinji subdued inside EVA-01 entry plug)
Shinji: Asuka...
(Shinji sees the mangled remains of EVA-02 and screams)
(Terminal Dogma - Gendo and Rei)
Rei (startled = unspoken): Ikari...!
(EVA-01 bursts free of its restraining plates and its wings form into a cross)
(The Lance of Longinus pulls free of the moon and flies toward earth as if drawn by EVA-01)
JSSDF Intelligence Officer: Unidentified object approaching at high-speed from the outer atmosphere.
JSSDF Commander: What!?
(NERV Command Center)
Fuyutsuki: No!... Not the Lance of Longinus!?
(The Lance of Longinus stops just short of EVA-01's throat.)
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths -----------------------------------
SEELE 01: At long last our hopes are to be realized.
SEELE 04: The original Lance of Longinus has returned as well.
SEELE 09: While somewhat fewer than planned, it will have to do.
ALL (chanting): Return the Eva series to its rightful form. Evangelize humankind and restore us to our true form. With indiscriminate death and prayers, we return to our original state.
SEELE 01: And let all souls find peace. Now, let the sacrament begin!
(EVA-01 is crucified by the Eva series and lifted upwards)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center -----------------------------------
Makoto: EVA-01 has been captured!
Shigeru: Altitude 12,000 meters! ...and rising!
Fuyutsuki: SEELE bastards...  Do they plan to use EVA-01 as the well of souls!? ¹
(Eva series release EVA-01... Shinji in entry plug with marks on palms)
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths -----------------------------------
SEELE 09?: EVA-01 has been marked with the stigmata (sacred insignia).
All (chanting): To restore the Tree of Life!
SEELE 01: Our servants, the Eva series...
(Keel appears) Their existence has all been for this one moment.
(Eva series move to the positions of the Sephroticum and shine in circles around the cross of EVA-01)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center) -----------------------------------
Shigeru (off screen): The Eva series have opened up their S2 systems!
Makoto (off screen): Dimensional values inverting!  They're going negative! Measurement impossible... Numerical expression invalid!
Fuyutsuki: An anti-AT Field...
(Eva series form into the Sephiroticum (Tree of Life))
Maya: All the data are just like 15 years ago! Then... this really is... The prelude to Third Impact!
SCENE:  Outside NERV -----------------------------------
1st soldier: S2 system level critical!
Background: Abort operations!  All units pull back at once!
2nd soldier: We... We can't maintain molecular attraction any longer!
JSSDF Commander: Mission... failed...
(A massive explosion envelopes the Geofront)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center shaking from the force of the explosion -----------------------------------
Shigeru: Direct impact!  Surface layers melting!
Makoto: Second wave excavating the headquarters periphery!  It's exposing the outer hull!
Background: Main JSSDF force annihilated!
Fuyutsuki: They're just physical shock waves! Set the absorbers to maximum level - It should hold!
(The explosion expands outward from the Geofront, revealing the egg of Lilith: the Black Moon)
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths -----------------------------------
SEELE 08/09: With the Purification of the Red Earth... That bespeaks time eternal...
SEELE 11: First, return the Geofront...
Keel: To its true form.
(Pull-back shot of the Earth and Lilith's Egg)
Fuyutsuki (off screen): The egg of Lilith... the genesis of human life... the Black Moon... We have no desire to return to that empty shell, (on screen) But even that depends on the will of Lilith.
SCENE:  Terminal Dogma -----------------------------------
Gendo: It seems to have begun... Rei, take me to Yui's side.
(Rei's abdomen tightens around Gendo's hand)
Gendo: What!?
(Rei absorbs Adam's embryo along with Gendo's right arm, and rejects Gendo)
Rei: I'm not your doll.
Gendo: Why!?
Rei: Because I'm not you.
(Rei's arm reforms)
Gendo (strained): Rei...! Please! Wait... Rei!
Rei: No.  Ikari is calling me.
Gendo: Rei!
(Rei ascends to Lilith)
Rei: I'm home...
(Screen text:  Welcome back.)
(Rei is absorbed into Lilith... Lilith's heart starts beating... Her legs reform and she descends from the cross... The mask of SEELE falls off and Lillith takes Rei's form)
Gendo: Rei...
SCENE:  NERV Command Center -----------------------------------
Shigeru: Unidentified high-energy source approaching rapidly from Terminal Dogma!
Makoto: AT Field verified!  Analysis pattern blue!!
Maya: It's not... an Angel!?
Makoto: No!  It's... a person!?  It's human!
(Lilith-Rei rises through the Command Center... Lilith-Rei's hand passes through Maya, who shrieks in terror)
(Shinji inside the suspended EVA-01)
Shinji: Damn... Damn... Damn... Damn!
(Lilith-Rei appears)
Shinji: Ayanami...?  Rei...!?
(Shinji screams as Lilith-Rei focuses on EVA-01 and cups it in her hands)
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths -----------------------------------
All (chanting): Evangelion Unit 01's pilot... Complement humankind with your imperfect ego.
Keel: The moment of the Third Retribution has come.
(Eva series form into pattern)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center -----------------------------------
Shigeru: The Eva series' AT Fields are resonating!
Makoto: And amplifying further!
Fuyutsuki: Has the assimilation with Rei begun?
(Eva series take Rei's laughing faces... Shinji/EVA-01 scream and EVA-01's core is exposed... Shinji clutches futilely at the controls)
Shigeru: Psychograph signal down!
Makoto: Destrado² materializing!
Fuyutsuki: Surely the pilot's ego can't take much more...
SCENE:  Shinji, curled into a ball within Eva-01's entry plug -----------------------------------
Shinji (whimpering): No... No... No... No... No... No...!
Kaworu (off screen): Do you want it to stop?
(Lilith-Kaworu appears)
Shinji: Is that where you've been?  Kaworu?
(Shinji resigns himself to Kaworu's outstretched hands... The Lance of Longinus approaches EVA-01's core)
SCENE:  NERV Command Center -----------------------------------
Shigeru: Solenoid graph inverting!  ego barrier weakening!
Makoto: AT Field shifting to pattern red!
Fuyutsuki: The Fruit of Life possessed by Angels, And the Fruit of Wisdom possessed by humans...
(The Lance penetrates the core and merges with EVA-01 into the Tree of Life)
Fuyutsuki (off screen): Having obtained them both, EVA-01 has become like a God. And now it has been restored to the propagule of souls... the Tree of Life. Will it become the Ark to save humankind from the nothingness of Third Impact? Or the demon that destroys us all? Our future lies in the hands of Ikari's son.
Maya (clutching at Shigeru's sleeve): Did... Did we do the right thing?
Shigeru: How should I know!?
(Lilith-Kaworu transforms into Lilith-Rei with hands cupped around EVA-01)
Yui (voice): This Rei is your heart... Your very hopes and dreams...
Rei (voice): What do you wish for?
SCENE:  Inside Shinji's Mind (In a park - Shinji as a child) -----------------------------------
Shinji (voice): I see... It's just like when I started the cello. I thought that if I came here, I could find something...
Child A: Come on, Shinji!
Child B: Let's build a castle!
Child-Shinji (smiling): Okay.
Child A: Oh, here comes Mama!
Child B: We have to go home now!
Child A: Bye-bye!
Child A and B (laughing): Mama... Mama!
(Shinji builds a pyramid (NERV headquarters) alone, and then destroys it... Crying, he starts to build again)
(Random thought sequence - inside Shinji's mind)
Asuka: Jeeez!  I get so pissed off whenever I look at you!
Shinji: Because I'm like you...?
Child-Asuka (crying): Mama!
Asuka (sleep-talking): Ma... ma...
Shinji (staring at Misato's cross): Mama...?
Misato (voice): I wasn't able to become Shinji's mother after all...
(Kaji's and Misato's college apartment)
Misato: Mmmm, let's do it.
Kaji: Again?  Aren't you supposed to meet your friend at school today?
Misato: Hmm?  Oh yeah, Ritsuko.  It's okay, we still have time...
Kaji: We've been cooped up here for a week now...
Misato: Yeah, but I think I'm getting the hang of it... so come on...
(The lovemaking begins and continues in the background)
Misato: I probably just did this to prove that I existed.
Asuka: How idiotic!  It's just two lonely adults comforting each other.
Ritsuko (precisely): We want to feel needed, even if it's only physical.
Misato: I feel wanted, and that makes me happy.
Asuka: It's just an easy way for you feel that you're worth something.
Shinji (disgusted = thinking): This is Misato?  She does... this?
Misato: Yes, this is also me... The melting into one another's hearts... The me that Shinji doesn't know. Reality does involve pain, but you just have to accept it.
Asuka: Aaahh... I wonder if I'll act like Misato when I grow up?
(Shinji and Asuka in Misato's apartment)
Asuka: Say... wanna kiss?..
Misato: You mustn't!
Asuka: Or are you afraid?
Misato: It's not something kids should do.
Asuka: Okay, here goes...
Asuka: You don't understand anything!  Stay away from me!
Shinji: (Hand twitching) ... I do understand.
Asuka: No you don't, you IDIOT! (Asuka kicks Shinji - Shinji's hand convulses) You really think you understand me!?  You think that you can help me? That is so ARROGANT!  You couldn't possibly understand me!!
Shinji: How can I understand... If you don't say anything? You don't say anything... You don't talk to me... How can I understand you?  It's IMPOSSIBLE!!
Rei: Ikari, did you try to understand?
Shinji (sulking): I tried...
(blue image of Shinji in Asuka's sickroom from 'Air')
Asuka: Idiot!  I 'know' about your jerk-off fantasies of me. Do it again like usual...  I'll even stand here and watch.
(Rei, Asuka and Shinji inside an empty train - Asuka standing over Shinji)
Asuka: If you can't be all mine, then I don't need you!
Shinji: Then, be nice to me...
Asuka/Misato/Rei: We are nice to you.
Shinji: LIARS!!  You're all just hiding behind a smile! You just want to keep things ambiguous!
Rei: Because the truth hurts us all... Because it's very, very distressing.
Shinji: But ambiguity only makes me insecure.³
Rei: That's just an excuse...
Shinji: But it makes me afraid...  Afraid that I won't be needed again someday. It makes me uneasy!  It worries me!  Let me hear your voice! Interact with me!! Care about me!!!
(Shinji and Asuka in Misato's apartment - Asuka sitting dejectedly at table)
Shinji: I want to help you in some way... and to be with you forever.
Asuka: Then, don't do anything. Don't come near me anymore... Because all you ever do is hurt me.
Shinji: Asuka, help me!  You're... you're the only one that can!
Asuka: Liar... (Shinji cringes) To you, anybody will do! (Asuka gets up from table and backs Shinji up against the wall) You're afraid of Misato and the First... and of your mother and father, too!
Shinji: Asuka...
Asuka(cont'd): You're only using me as an escape - because that's the easiest way not to get hurt!
Shinji: Asuka, help me!
Asuka: Because that's the easiest way not to get hurt!
Shinji (desperately): Please, help me!
Asuka (angrily): You've never really liked anyone!
(Asuka shoves Shinji, who crumples to the floor, taking the coffee pot with him)
Asuka (angrily): You're all you have!  But you've never even learned to like yourself!! (staring disdainfully down at Shinji lying helplessly amidst the spilt coffee) How pathetic...
Shinji (weakly - getting to his feet): Help me... Somebody... Somebody help me... Help me... Help me... Me... Help ME!! (throws the table aside) Don't leave me alone!  Don't abandon me!  Don't kill me! (picks up a chair and throws it at Asuka's feet)
Asuka (coldly): ... No...
(Shinji strangles Asuka - Komm Susser Tod (Come Sweet Death) begins to play)
SCENE:  Third Impact (Psychological scene - Flashing, random shots: crayon drawings of death, fish in a bucket under the sun, a dog lying dead on a street, fish head in a jar...) (Flashing screen text: "Evangelism", "Dead Sea Scrolls", "Shito", Various episode titles from the TV series, etc.) -----------------------------------
Shinji: Nobody understands me.
Rei: You didn't understand anything.
Shinji: I thought it was supposed to be a world without unpleasantness... without uncertainity.
Rei: Because you thought that everyone else was like you.
Shinji: Betrayed!  You've betrayed my feelings!!
Rei: You've misunderstood from the start.  You simply assumed without asking.
Shinji: Nobody wants me.  So, everybody just die.
Rei: Then, what are those hands for?
Shinji: Nobody cares whether I exist or not... Nothing will change. So, everybody just die.
Rei: Then, what is that heart for?
Shinji: It'd be better if I wasn't here either.  So I should just die, too.
Rei: Then, why are you here?
(Shinji as a child, crying with a large travel bag next to him)
Shinji: Is it okay for me to be here?
(Screen text:  "Silence")
Shinji (screaming): NOOOOOOOOOOO!!
----------------------------------- SCENE:  NERV Command Center -----------------------------------
Makoto: Pilot's response has infinitely approached zero!
Shigeru: Eva series and Geofront passing through the E layer!  -And still rising!
(Shot of Black Moon rising)
MAGI announcement: Current altitude 220,000 km.  Entering F layer.
Makoto: All Eva units - still active!
Shigeru: The Anti-AT Field from Lilith... it's expanding further!  It's materializing!
(The earth's surface under the Black Moon turns white spreading outwards and Lilith-Rei emerges, cupping the Black Moon in her hands)
Makoto: Anti-AT Field critical limit exceeded!
Shigeru: No...!  If this continues, individual life-forms will be unable to maintain their separate entities!
(Lilith-Rei spreads her wings)
Fuyutsuki: The Chamber of Guf (Hall of Souls) has been unsealed... Has the door to the world's beginning and end finally opened?
(Souls begin to gather around the Black Moon)
(Countless Reis begin to turn people into LCL)
Rei(s): The world is overflowing with sadness. People are surrounded by emptiness... And loneliness has filled their hearts.
(In the Command Center, Makoto is dissolved into LCL by a smiling apparition of Misato... Shigeru dissolves while cowering under the console trying to escape from multiple Reis)
Fuyutsuki (smiling at Yui floating above him like an angel): Ikari, did you finally meet Yui, too?  (dissolves into LCL)
Maya (hands trembling over keyboard): AT Fields... Everyone's AT Fields are disappearing. Is this the answer?  Is this what I was searching for? (Ritsuko appears- quickly types on Maya's laptop) (gasp) Dr. Akagi...!?
Ritsuko: Maya...
Maya: Ritsuko!  Ritsuko!  Ritsuko!  Ritsuko!  Ahh!
(Maya dissolves into LCL - as her dismembered hand flies across the screen, the words "I need you." are visible on the PC display)
SCENE:  SEELE monoliths vanish one after another -----------------------------------
SEELE 01: The beginning and the end are as one. Good... Everything is as it should be...
(Keel appears... and then dissolves into LCL, leaving behind the mechanical remains of his lower body)
SCENE:  Gendo lying on floor in Terminal Dogma -----------------------------------
Gendo: I've been waiting for this moment for so long... To finally be with you again, Yui. When I'm with Shinji, I only hurt him.  So, it's better that I do nothing.
Yui: So, you were afraid of Shinji.
Gendo: I don't believe that I can be loved by others... I'm not worthy of love.
Kaworu: You're just running away.  You simply reject the world before you get hurt.
Yui: Afraid of the shapeless, invisible barriers that separate people...
Rei: You just closed your heart to others.
Gendo: So, this is my retribution.  Forgive me... Shinji.
(Demon-like EVA-01 bites Gendo in half... Rei II picks up Gendo's fallen glasses. The three clones of Rei stand together.)
(Eva series impale their cores on the Lance replicas with gasps of ecstasy... Countless crosses spring up as a red wave speeds across the earth's surface... Souls flow from the Earth to the Black Moon and then into Lilith-Rei's hands... An eye appears in Lilith-Rei's forehead into which the EVA-01/Lance cross plunges itself and disappears...)
SCENE:  Inside Lilith-Rei - Shinji hears laughing voices and sees countless spirit-Reis flowing towards a red core -----------------------------------
Shinji: (gasp)Ayanami... Rei?
(Inside Shinji's mind - Flashing psychological scenes)
Random voices (Asuka, Misato, etc.): I hate you.  I wouldn't be caught dead with you!  Don't get me wrong... Do you really think I could ever like you?  You have nothing to do with my life anymore.  Get away from me!  ... and don't call me anymore! Stubborn bastard...  Don't follow me around anymore.  Your type makes me sick!  I'm sorry...  (laughter)  We're nothing more than friends. Annoying bastard...  Why don't you learn to give up?  There's no way I'd ever go back to you.  I HATE YOU!  Go away!  (laughter)  It'd be better if you'd never been born.  Dammit, get away from me!  I hate you! You're a pain in the ass!  (laughter)
(Asuka's voice) Wimp...
(Shinji, lying on his back)
Misato (over Shinji): If it's that painful, you can stop.
Rei (over Shinji): If you really don't like it, you can run away.
Misato (voice): Do you want to be at ease?  To feel at peace? Do you want to become one with me? To have our bodies and souls... become one.
Asuka (voice): But, if I have to be with you, I'd rather die!
(Empty theater - Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude (Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring) begins to play... Real-life scenes of urban Tokyo)
Shinji (voice): Hey...
Misato (voice): What?
Shinji (voice): What are dreams?
Misato (voice): Dreams?
Rei: Yes, dreams.
(Packed theater)
(Screen text:  Do you feel good?)
(Three girls standing still in crowd)
Shinji (voice): I don't understand... I don't really understand reality.
Rei (voice): So, you can't understand the gap between other's reality and your own truth.
Shinji (voice): I don't know where to find happiness.
Rei (voice): So, you can only find happiness in your dreams.
(Crowded street- camera focuses on three individuals; dressed as Misato, Rei, and Asuka)
Shinji (voice): Then, this isn't reality... Because no one is here.
Rei (voice): Yes, it's a dream.
Shinji (voice): So, I'm not here either.
Rei (voice): You were trying to remake reality with convenient fantasies.
Shinji (voice): Is that wrong?
Rei (voice): You were using fabrications to escape from reality.
Shinji (voice): Can't I dream alone?
Rei (voice): That would not be a dream.  It would just be compensating for reality.
(Packed theater -> empty theater)
Shinji (voice): Then... where is my dream?
Rei (voice): It is the continuation of reality.
Shinji (voice): Where is... my reality?
Rei (voice): It is at the end of your dream.
(Flashing Japanese text and images)
SCENE:  Blood/LCL gushes from Lilith-Rei's neck as she leans backwards Shinji and Rei merged together in the sea of LCL -----------------------------------
Shinji: Ayanami... where are we?
Rei: This is the sea of LCL... The primordial soup of life. A world without AT Fields... without your own shape. An ambiguous world where it is impossible to tell where you end and other people start. A fragile world where you exist everywhere, and thus exist nowhere.
Shinji: Have I died?
Rei: No, everything has just been joined into one. This is the world you have been hoping for... your world.
Shinji (releasing Misato's cross from his left hand): But... this isn't right.  I don't think this is right.
Rei: If you wish once more for the existence of others, the barriers of the heart will separate everyone once more... And the fear of other people will begin again.
Shinji: That's all right... (disengages Rei from him and clasps her hand) Thank you.
(Shinji and Rei, Shinji's head lying in Rei's lap)
Shinji: I feel that there were only hateful things there. So I'm sure it was okay to run away. But there was nothing good in the place I ran to, either. After all, I didn't exist there... which is the same as no one existing.
Kaworu: Is it okay for AT Fields to hurt you and others once more?
Shinji: I don't mind.  But, what are you two within my heart?
Rei: Hope.  The hope that people might be able to understand one another.
Kaworu: And the words 'I love you'.
Shinji: But that's just pretending - a self-intoxicating belief... like a prayer. It can't possibly last forever. Sooner or later I'll be betrayed... And they'll leave me. Still... I want to meet them again, because I believe my feelings at that time were real.
SCENE:  Shinji rejects Human Instrumentality, Lilith-Rei collapses backwards and her wings vanish... EVA-01 breaks out from Lilith-Rei's eye and grows wings... The Black Moon divides into sections and explodes, showering Lilith-Rei with LCL which falls to Earth and spreads outward...) -----------------------------------
Kaworu: Reality is in an unfamiliar place, and dreams are within reality.
Rei: And the truth is within your heart.
(Lilith-Rei's body begins to fall apart)
Kaworu: For it is the hearts of people that create their appearance.
Rei: And new images will change peoples' hearts and appearances. Images... the power of imagination... The power to create your own future, and to make time flow.
Kaworu: But people must act of their own free will, or nothing will change at all.
Rei: So you must find your lost self on your own... Even if you lose your own words, or become lost in others' words.
(EVA-01 grasps and splits the Lance of Longinus... The Lances impaling the Eva series burst and disappear)
Rei: Anyone can return to human form as long as they can imagine themselves in their own heart.
(The Eva series go silent and fall to Earth... Crosses rise into the heavens)
Yui (voice): Don't worry. All living things have the ability to return to their original form... and the heart to go on living. Anywhere can be heaven as long as you have the will to live. After all, you're alive... and you can find the chance to achieve happiness anywhere.
(Rei appears before the now silent EVA-01... EVA-01, the Lance, and millions of crosses continue to ascend into space)
Yui (voice): As long as the Sun, the Moon and the Earth exist, everything will be all right.
SCENE:  Water drop- Yui caressing Shinji's cheek -----------------------------------
Yui: So, you'll be okay now?
Shinji: I still don't know where to find happiness... But I'll continue to think about whether it's good to be here... whether it was good to have been born. But in the end, it's just realizing the obvious over and over again. Because I am myself.
(Shinji emerges from the sea of LCL... Lilith-Rei's head splits)
Shinji: But mother... what will you do?
(Flashback to 13 years ago - Fuyutsuki, Yui and infant-Shinji)
Fuyutsuki: Humans create Evangelion to copy God... Is this our true goal?
Yui: Yes.  Humans can only live on this planet, but Evangelion can live forever... together with the human soul that dwells within it.
(EVA-01 and the Lance of Longinus float in space)
Even after 5 billion years, when the Earth, the Moon, and even the Sun have disappeared, it will still exist as long as even one person still lives. It will be very lonely, but as long as that one person still lives...
Fuyutsuki: It will be the eternal proof that humankind has existed...
Shinji: Good-bye, mother.
----------------------------------- TITLE SCREEN - THE END OF EVANGELION ONE MORE FINAL: I need you. -----------------------------------
SCENE:  Lilith-Rei's split head... Misato's cross nailed to post... Silent Eva series stand crucified in a LCL ocean... Waves of LCL gently lapping at the shore... Asuka and Shinji lie side by side on the beach... Shinji turns to see Rei standing over the LCL sea - then Rei vanishes... Shinji moves over Asuka begins to strangle her, but with a caress of his cheek, she stops him and he starts sobbing uncontrollably. -----------------------------------
Asuka: How disgusting.
(Screen text: Fin)
-blank screen-
1- Literally, "as a medium"
2- Destrado:    According to the theory advocated by E.Weiss, the energy of the self-destructive impulse.    It is the antonym of Libido. Its meaning is different from the energy of "Instinct of Death",    advocated by P. Federn, the master of Moltedor-Weiss.
3- Literally, "pushes me into a corner"
'Ego': The barrier of another or one's self.
"blank screen": In the original Japanese release of the film, after the screen text, 'Fin.' is shown, the screen goes completely black and no ending credits are shown.  Audiences waited in the cinema for around 5 minutes to make sure the film was really over.
13 notes · View notes
Soulmate September - Day 16
Day 16 - When your soulmate listens to music or is singing, you hear it in your own head as well. (Songfic, Crazy = Genius by PATD)
Pairing(s): Romantic Intrulogical, Ambiguous/Romantic Analomus, Background Roceit [the Janus part is ambiguous but whatever], Familial Logicality, Familial Virremile, Background Remile [again hinted]
TWs: swearing, sexual themes [light but they’re there], makeouts, Remus being Remus, drunken behaviour, pyromania, vomiting [not graphic just mentioned]
“Either of you pyros got a lighter I can borrow?”
Logan sighed, not making much in the way of eye contact with the emo sitting in the cell next to him and his soulmate. He dug into his jean pocket and lazily tossed the lighter to the boy clad in so much black and purple he looked like the sapient embodiment of a bruise.
“Keep it.”
“Oh. You sure? This is a pretty sweet lighter-”
“I insist.”, Logan groaned, running his hands down his face, “It’s not like I’ll be needing it ever again after this.”
From beside Logan, Remus slung his arm to the side, flopping it about limply to swat at his soulmate, “Shuddafuckup”, he slurred, hauling himself upright from his slumped over position, “S’gonna be fiiiine. Roman said he’d bail us oooouuuut, so fuckin’ chill-”
“Your brother told you last week that he would give us a ride to Dairy Queen but instead he was too fucking busy getting to third base with his boyfriend!!”, Logan snapped. Ugh, he would regret that in the morning. He ran his hands through his hair anxiously slicking it back. How had the night gone wrong so fast?...
‘You can set yourself on fire! You can set yourself on fire!’
Logan wasn’t sure what it was about the glowing ember embrace of a flame that drew him in toward it like a moth with a death wish, but as he allowed his soulmate Remus to haul his ass towards their usual hangout with the promise of some pretty choice items to burn, he found that he couldn't care less.
As he approached the overpass with his soulmate chugging a whole half a bottle of tequila without blinking, Logan wondered how he ever survived before without this whirlwind in human form.
‘She said at night in my dreams
You dance on a tightrope of weird
Oh but when I wake up you're so normal that you just disappear
You're so straight like commuters with briefcases towing the line
There's no residue of a torturer inside your of eyes’
“Check it the fuck out, babe! Did I bring the goods or what?”, Remus grinned nearly as brightly as the shine on the rather expensive looking crimson car - he guessed it might have been a Mercedes, but car brands all looked the same to him really - parked under the overpass. Logan didn’t have a particular favourite item to burn, but when Remus walked over in his lime green hoodie that barely covered his black leather shorts and fishnets to pose seductively on top of the hood? Logan hadn’t wanted to incinerate anything more in his life.
“You… How on Earth did you come by this?!”, he ran his hand along the curve of the hood, unashamedly letting his hand roam over Remus’ thigh. 
His soulmate hummed, leaning in to steal a kiss, murmuring softly against Logan’s lips, “If I told you I might’ve hotwired it just this afternoon? Is that a turn off or a turn on?”
Goddamn him, Remus knew just how to speak right to Logan’s soul.
“The latter, and you know it.”, Logan all but growled into their kiss.
‘She said you're just like Mike
Love but you wanna be Brian Wilson, Brian Wilson
Said you're just like Mike
Love but you'll never be Brian Wilson’
In the back of his mind, Logan did wonder what his father and morally conscious little brother would think; if they knew he snuck out to satisfy his pyromania, make out with his feral cryptid of a boyfriend, and engaged in petty acts of vandalism and thievery from time to time. What would Thomas and Patton think of their stoic, orderly son and big brother who - instead of studying for his undergraduate degree in astrophysics - would rather spend the night getting dangerous and dirty alongside his soulmate who had literally just admitted to auto theft  to acquire a ridiculously expensive car for him to burn?
The thought was there for all of two seconds until Remus’ tongue licking into his mouth banished it away. The only thot he needed tonight was the one driving him crazy with a kiss alone.
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’
Knowing they came here for a reason, Logan reluctantly ended their makeout session and grabbed for his trusted blue lighter.
“How full is the gas tank?”, Logan made sure to ask, popping open the door to the driver’s side to see what was left in the car. Might as well keep anything worth selling.
“Not sure.”, Remus shrugged, twirling the keys around his finger excitedly while he finished off their first bottle of the night, “Wanna help me make sure there’s nothing left?”
‘She said darlin' you know
How the wine plays tricks on my tongue
But you don't seem to change when you stuff all of
your feelings with drugs
Other boys you may have dated serrated your heart with a slice
But the cut of your love never hurts baby, it's a sweet butter knife’
Logan wasn’t sure how Remus managed to look even more majestic every time he looked at him, but as he clung tight to the hand rest above the passenger window while his soulmate pulled off his sixteenth donut in a row, all he could think about was how lucky he was to have him. Like a trickle of water turning into a river, Logan recognised the beginning of Na Na Na starting to play in his head. Of course. He knew Remus well enough by now to know that was coming. The humming under his soulmate’s breath also gave it away somewhat. 
While Remus kept trying to empty the tank, Logan couldn’t help but feel nostalgia for their first meeting; Remus’ older brother Roman had asked Logan to stand in for the theatre department’s regular dramaturge when Logan began to hear the beginnings of Avenue Q’s The Internet Is For Porn begin to invade his mind. Luckily for him, it hadn’t taken long for Remus to saunter over and try to flirt with him, humming the exact tune Logan had been hearing the whole time.
From there, they’d begun dating though it took a good few months before Logan would join Remus in his fantastical ramblings. He lamented on how he felt trapped by a father who meant well but expected so much from him, how stifled he felt having to be a role model to his living marshmallow of a little brother. How Logan just wanted the fun, exhilaration of doing something extreme for a change.
With Remus’ encouragement, Logan opened up about his pyromaniac tendencies which his soulmate was 110% onboard with. Ever since, the underpass had become their dirty, out of the way, graffiti scarred home away from home. Where Logan could indulge the urge to burn away his stresses and lose himself in Remus’ mantra of doing whatever the fuck they wanted.
‘She said you're just like Mike
Love but you wanna be Brian Wilson, Brian Wilson
Said you're just like Mike
Love but you'll never be Dennis Wilson’
With the car finally seemingly out of gas as it shuddered to a stop, Remus fluidly slid out of the open window - you know, like a normal functional human being - and slid across the hood of the car to open the door for Logan, “Alright, time for this bitch to burn!”
Logan was more than happy to get down to the main event after doing a last quick sweep of the car. All he’d found worth keeping was the planet shaped air freshener; so sue him, the sweet scent of mixed berries was delightful. Whipping out his lighter, Logan escorted Remus a safe distance away and pulled out the hairspray he’d swiped from his room earlier. He aimed the spray towards the car - making sure it wasn’t against the wind or pointed back at himself, he preferred to keep his eyebrows, thanks - and watched as the plume of fire engulfed the car’s seat cover. 
Crackling flames. Straining metal. Hissing fabric burning to a plastic like mess. It was a symphony and Logan was it’s conductor.
With his boyfriend wrapping his arms around his shoulders, Logan tilted to kiss him once more as the heat of the fire caressed their skin. Remus’ eyes never once left Logan, seeing his soulmate delight in an act of pure mindless vandalism, watching the way Logan looked truly free, sent his heart racing. In compliment, Logan turned back to Remus, grinning already at the shades of orange and yellow that painted his handsome features. He always thought Remus was at his most beautiful that way.
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’
Logan couldn’t tell you what happened next; one minute the two of them were watching the flames while his soulmate continued his campaign to destroy his kidneys with alcohol, the next Remus was sitting in his lap leaving hickeys all over his neck while Logan let his hands roam around under Remus’ hoodie. In the back of his mind, Logan could make out the beginning of a song he didn’t recognise at first, but as the lyrics kicked in, he let out a breathy chuckle. Of course, trust Remus to pick a thematic piece of music for the night’s events. As the song got louder - and Remus marked him more needily - Logan found he rather liked the song. He’d have to ask Remus what it was called later.
‘You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire’
The next thing either of them knew, there was a vague clattering noise followed by a  thunderous metallic bang. Followed by another, then another. One after another for a total of seven times before it finally quieted down. No music, no bang, just the fire crackling away. Thoroughly shaken, Remus and Logan untangled themselves from each other, the former demanding all too loudly, “What the creme fresh fuck was that?!”
“I-! I have no idea-”, Logan began. There wasn’t anything that would’ve done that inside the car, he’d checked. However, as he rounded the car, giving the flames a wide berth, Logan noticed someone laying on the ground on the other side of the car; dressed in a dark, patchy hoodie and ripped jeans, a plume of purple dyed frizzy hair poking out from the hood. He looked like your run of the mill emo. For a second, Logan was worried he and Remus would have to dispose of a body, but fortunately the young man groaned and began to sit up. To his side, Logan winced at a metallic glint blinding his vision.
The spray can doing so had clearly rolled out of the bag full of other cans, all in different colours. At least now Logan could put a face to the rather beautiful graffiti that tattooed the underpass as well as what had exploded in the fire as he noted the burst open paint cans under the car.
“Are you alright? What the hell happened?”, Logan questioned firmly, though he knew the disoriented emo on the ground likely couldn’t answer right away. He assumed from the way the young man rubbed the back of his head that he’d taken a rather nasty fall. The anxious artist seemed to remember exactly where he was, eyes blown wide in fear, 
“Dude, get outta here quick-”
“There he is!”
Three officers rushed towards the two of them prompting the emo and Logan to make a break for it, being sure not to run into the inferno. Remus pretty quickly got the idea and joined the two of them. It seemed neither of the three of them knew exactly where they were trying to run to, but a silent, unspoken agreement saw them all heading for the same direction. Looking back on it, Logan wondered if parting ways and heading for his car with Remus could’ve at least seen them with a better chance of getting away. 
But hindsight is a bitch that wakes up seven hours late and didn’t even bother to bring Starbucks. 
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)’
Before long, all Logan could hear was his sneakers scraping the ground and his own breathing competing against his heartbeat to dominate his ears. The urge to stop and breathe was intense but it felt as though doing just that would send the world crashing down around them. 
Of course, prolonged exercise and a stomach full of alcohol wasn’t the best combination. 
“‘M gonna fuckin’ puke-!”, Remus huffed, trying to cover his mouth with his hand. 
“Just hold on, Remus, we’re-!”
Logan watched in horror as his soulmate stopped to empty his stomach, unintentionally doing so in a way that blocked off the hoodie clad young man trying his best to keep up.
“Ah sHIT-!”
He didn’t need to look back; the clattering of the satchel, the mutual yelps of surprise and pain, Logan kept running even as two of the officers apprehended his soulmate and the hooded lad. The guilt would catch up to Logan before the third officer did, or it would have if he didn’t mistime his turning around the next corner only to end up nearly getting run over. How poetic; from making out on a car hood to being cuffed against one. Had Remus not been busy insulting the officers’ mothers rather colourfully, Logan theorised he would’ve no doubt made some innuendo about it.
Exhausted from their chase and thoroughly cuffed, all Logan could do was let himself be loaded into the back of the cop car with Remus and the anxious emo.
‘You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’ 
“Mmm… Logan, can you-”, Remus burped a little too wetly for it not to make Logan feel as queasy as Remus looked, “Can you stroke my hair? Pleeeeeease?”
Sighing in that playful kind of annoyance only true love can allow, Logan did as asked. The night may wind up with him being harshly reprimanded by his father and possibly losing his come-and-go privileges, but at least for now he had Remus.
“...... I’m sorry.”, came the rough voice of the emo in the cell next to theirs, “You both wouldn’t be stuck here if it wasn’t for me.”
Remus just gave a dismissive grunt in reply while Logan assured their cell companion, “While you may have led the police to us, I doubt our proclivity for fiery vandalism would’ve kept going undetected forever.”, he looked the emo up and down, “Might I ask,...?”
“Virgil,”, Logan repeated, “Might I ask how you ended up stumbling across us?”
Virgil shrugged, “I’ve been painting the underpass for years. Pretty much everything down there’s something I’ve done.”. 
He chewed the inside of his cheek, “I had a shitty night so I came down to paint something when I walked in on you two getting all ‘friendly’,”, he airquoted, “So I went to go home but I got stopped by an officer and started panicking. So I just…. ran.”
His posture curled a little while he twirled Logan’s lighter between his fingers in a stimming action, “Then I realised I was way too fucking close to the fire and I blacked out.”, Virgil embarrassedly pulled his hood up, “Fire scares the shit outta me, always has. Next thing I knew, I woke up with you staring at me. You both know the rest.”
Logan nodded quietly. It really did fill in a few gaps, “I can’t blame you for not wanting to stick around. I do apologise that we inadvertently ruined your night.”
Virgil shrugged, “Eh, it’s alright, it’s just gonna suck having to have my dads bail me out again. Not that dad would mind but pops will probably gimme another lecture about ‘unhealthy coping habits’ again....”
At that, they sat for the most part in silence. Then that song began to trickle into Logan’s brain again. As nice as it had been in accompaniment to their antics before, Logan found it almost grating now. He sighed and gently nudged Remus, 
“Logan, babe,”, Remus groaned, beating him to the punch, “Can you fuckin’ give it a rest with the music? M’fuckin’ head hurts.”
“....But you’re the one who’s been thinking about that song, right!?”, Logan’s concern was obvious. Remus caught on as well.
“No!? I thought it was you!?”, he sloppily hauled himself onto Logan’s lap, pressing their foreheads together, “Issokay babe, I won’t let-”, he stifled a burp though it did nothing to save Logan from Remus’ drunken breath, “Won’t let fate change our soul bond! I’ll fuckin- I’ll whip out my brain surgery skills right here if I gotta-”
“Remus!”, Logan sternly held him back a little, “Calm down, let’s just try and think rationally, okay!?”
“.... Have you ever MET me, you stupid sexy science bitch?”, Remus cackled at the alliteration.
“Please be serious for once.”, Logan sighed, fixing his glasses in a self calming gesture, “Do you know the name of the song in your head?”
“Yeah, iss fuckin’ um...”, Remus clicked his fingers in thought, trying to place it, “S’fuckin Scream In The Club, or some shit who sings it...”
“..... You mean, Panic At The Disco?”, came Virgil’s voice from the neighbouring cell.
Remus pointed dramatically, “THATS THE BITCH!”. He put his fist to his chest to stifle another burp, instead taking a second to turn and spit out some of the awful taste on his tongue, “Fuckin’... the lyrics were like…. “You can set yourself-””
“- On fire?!”, Virgil finished, looking rather interested in the conversation now.
Logan nodded between the two of them, “Yes, that’s the same opening line I remember. Virgil, I take it you’re familiar with the song?”
“Well yeah, and I’ll do you one better. Uh,....”, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I’ve had that song stuck in my head all night.”
Remus and Logan shared a look of shock. Could Virgil really be their soulmate? It would explain the times when they would hear music that didn’t seem to line up with each other’s tastes. Before Logan could propose a test, Remus was way ahead of him; he rolled his eyes as the music flooded into his skull. 
Virgil brightened up, “Ashnikko, huh? Good choice-”
“HOLY SHIT, LOGAN, WE GOT-! WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!”, Remus screeched, wriggling excitedly in Logan’s lap, almost causing his boyfriend to drop him.
“Indeed.”, Logan sighed fondly as he tried to get Remus to sit back down on the bench instead of his lap, “So now you better call Roman and see if he can bail us ALL out..”
... I know I won’t probably be able to catch up but hell with it, I love some of the prompt ideas, I’ll just stop tagging the blog if I run over at this point.
A big thanks to @accidental-sanders for the idea for this one, it was really fun to do.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account   @cateye-glasses   @fandomsofrandom
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marshthat · 3 years
I'm here for the 16-pages essay about Mace and Eeth :)
LMAO well you asked for that yourself hshsjhsjj *cracks knuckles*
It’s almoust 16 pages long in my google docs, I’m not kidding, so I’m gonna make a little intro and then hide the rest under the “keep reading” thing (also I’m going to shorten it a bit, but nothing significant will be left out, I promise)
Uhm so yes three things for the intro:
1. These takes are based mainly on my ship interpretation of the canon things, so yeah if you don’t want to see the ship material in them they can be easily disagreed with in terms of how correct I see the intentions of the characters behind their words and actions, but BUT you’re here for macekoth aren’t you? So for a macekoth shipper this is a list of totally canon endless happiness and we’ll go with that :)
2. LEGENDS CANON IS CANON (in my heart there is no decanonising of the EU, nooo, I pretend disney didn’t hurt me qwq)
3. I'm not a native speaker and my english is far from perfect so if you think I’m talking strange - yes I am, I’m sorry, but yeah, that’s how we’re rolling here.
And now - moving on to the essay. I will take random pieces of media one by one and explain why exactly I see Mace/Eeth there.
As I call this, “Fantastic MaceKoth hints and interactions, and where to find them”
Star Wars 13: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 1 
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So, what do we see here? Oooooh, the Concordance of Fealty. In general, the exchange of lightsabers is a very interesting phenomenon in the Jedi Order, and not only because no one remembered it existing before Macekoth decided to engage in one (because there are not known participants in the timeline BEFORE Mace and Eeth, while there are some AFTER) , but also because of its significance. The Concordance of Fealty is said to establish a “master-less learning relationship” between the two Jedi, i.e., a Force-bond that, if not superior, is equally as close and strong as the bond of a master and a padawan, which is said to be the closest bond possible in the Order.
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As you see, this ritual required deep mutual trust from both its participants, and here's why: the exchange. of. the lightsabers. I will repeat it once more and even emphasise: THE EXCHANGE. OF. THE LIGHTSABERS.
As Anakin Skywalker said in “The Clone Wars” and Obi-Wan Kenobi said in the “Attack of the Clones”, a lightsaber is a Jedi's life, a thing that one should not part with under any circumstances. And what is the Concordance requiring? Exactly this. Giving away your lightsaber. A voluntary action of entrusting your saber, a product of your own hands, a part of yourself, to another sentient. This act of trust can have a very deep meaning, deep subtext to it, if you want it to.
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I’m not saying the Concordance has a romantic subtext to it in general, no - but once again, I’m insisting that if someone wanted it to have a romantic subtext, he had the full freedom to pull a hecking legal jedi WEDDING under the cover story of this ritual. Why a wedding? Let’s dig a bit more in the comic page above. How it is depicted, such an exchange of the lightsabers looks suspiciously similar to the exchange of the wedding rings between the spouses. So making a guess that probably by engaging in the Concordance Mace and Eeth tried to pull off a legal wedding within the walls of the Temple in this disguised way seems like a fairly logical assumption. In addition, given that this ritual is stated to be very ancient and therefore long-forgotten, it is not surprising that a very bold plan like that in fact worked right in front of Yoda’s salad.
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In addition, you should pay attention to the form in which these vows of the Concordance sound. Especially this "until one or both of us becomes One with the Force." line. Very very much like the real wedding vows that spouses say before the altar, huh?))) (For example, I’ll leave this link to the site with some sample wedding vows)
Besides, the fact that Mace had made actual EFFORT to find this Concordance ritual is so priceless by itself. However, here I tend to think that it was master T'ra Saa who suggested to Mace to search for the ritual and its details, and here are the reasons why. Master Saa: 1) was in the age of about a thousand of years by the time of TPM because of being a neti (i.e. realistically could be the only one in the Order left who could have remembered this Concordance of Fealty) 2) had her own experience of a romantic relationship, with master Tholme (i.e. she understood the issue of new feelings born between the two Jedi more than the most) 3) T'ra looked after Mace a lot when he was young, so she was literally his mother figure, and  to whom can a poor confused with his romantic feelings jedi master go, if not to his tree mom? :З
Shatterpoint (novel) — M. Stover
Here I want to go back to what I said about “the lightsaber is part of the Jedi.” In Stover's novel, there is an episode where Mace looks at Depa Billaba's saber and speculates about whether she could have given it to Nick Rostu voluntarily.
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Mace is mentioning the Concordance of Fealty in this novel too!
The curious thing is that Mace asks “Would she give away part of herself?" So, firstly, by this he is confirming that the Concordance implies exactly this act of mutual trust (what I talked about in the previous part), and secondly, he is hinting that since he did perform this ritual with Eeth Koth, it means that he, Mace Windu, willingly entrusted a part of himself to the hands of the zabrak. (and this is HIS interpretation of what the Concordance means to HIM) Isn't that an act of true love?)
Jedi Council: Acts of War, Part 3
Here is a peculiar moment in the comic - when the two groups of the Jedi join together in the final battle to confront the enemy yinchorri army, both Mace and Eeth separate each other's names from the rest of the group when talking about several fellow Jedi at once. And if Eeth can have a reason for this, because Mace was the leader of this whole mission in the first place, Mace himself still doesn’t have any rational reasons to underline exactly Eeth’s name (and in the background of the second frame you can see that the first one to run in the battlefield is also not Eeth, which excludes the possibility of identifying Koth as just running the first).
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What I want to say by this is that they just subconsciously separate each other's names, because their first thoughts, of course, focus on their dear beloved, and only then they add “and others”. Also I want to say that consider that MASTER MACE WINDU, the man of the “less talking, more doing” standarts, in the middle of the battle actually FOUND some time to stop and ask how his dear Eeth is doing.
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Republic 65: Show of Force, Part 1
In this comic there is not an interaction, but a hint, but even if it's not the most obvious and outstanding, it is still worth mentioning.
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Mace returns T'ra her lightsaber, which she lost during the previous battle, and a curious dialogue happens between them.
Master Saa says that the saber is just a tool that one shouldn’t get attached to. And that Mace SHOULD know that. Personally, I see this here as a direct reference to the Concordance of Fealty (which by the time of this comic has been already completed ten years earlier), and as a confirmation that T'ra Saa knows about the nature of the relationship between master Windu and master Koth.
What I think Mace’s tree mom is saying between the lines here: “you shouldn't get attached to a lightsaber. You once owned Eeth Koth’s saber, Mace, so you understand that by "lightsaber" I mean Eeth Koth himself. And you remember that attachments are still forbidden in the Jedi Order, so be careful there with your little horned husband, son."
Given that the events of this comic take place during the Clone Wars, this means that there has already happened the battle on the Petranaki Arena on Geonosis, where Eeth’s LAAT/i exploded in front of Mace’s eyes. ( This thing blowing up in aotc is the LAAT/i on which were Eeth Koth, Sora Bulq and Tarados Gon )
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And perhaps he did spend too much time near the zabrak’s bacta tank afterwards and it gave birth to some rumors or concerns - and that is what T'ra Saa hints at. (also, the timeline of this comic is listed as 21 bby, which does not exclude the possibility of also the battle of Korriban already happened, where Eeth nearly died again, and even the torture of Eeth in Grievous’s hands too, which only gives Mace more reasons to go over his usual reserved boundaries in his wish to comfort and protect his beloved)
Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
A very interesting thing is in one of the deleted scenes of " Attack of the Clones”. And yes, another hint, but wait, some more interaction are coming later. And for now... I'm of course talking about this scene of the conversation between Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi before the latter's departure to Kamino. In this scene, Kenobi expresses his concern that Anakin has a strong attachment to the senator from Naboo, and this attachment may cause some troubles for him when serving his duty as a Jedi and as her guardian. And let’s try to think about the reaction of Windu himself to this statement and how we can interpretate it: 1) He is not surprised by the news on Anakin's attachment, and accepts it very calmly. 2) In this scene, it is actually Windu who calms down panicking Obi-Wan with the words "you must believe that he will make the right choice”, and not vice versa.
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What can this mean?
This can mean that Mace is not only not at all shocked by Skywalker's forbidden attachment, but on the contrary, supports Anakin and gives him a chance to make the right choice. I mean, Mace doesn't judge Anakin, Mace sympathizes with the young man in love and he trusts him. It’s a fair assumption that Windu himself most likely has an experience of such a situation, to which he compares the Skywalker’s issue and makes his conclusion, isn’t it?
To sum up? In this scene, Windu may be probably recalling his own special bond with _someone_, and, drawing from it the conclusion that a Jedi CAN perfectly fulfil his duties even if he has romantic feelings, advises Obi-Wan to trust his padawan with this.
Grievous Intrigue  — Star Wars: the Clone Wars 2x09
A small, but very a cute detail: in the episode when a hologram is shown to the Jedi Council, on which general Grievous tortures Eeth Koth and promises the zabrak jedi master "endless suffering” Mace Windu clenches his fists in the background.
And how much was said about the Jedi acceptance, the fortitude, the “letting go of emotions in the Force”… But what acceptance could be here when your small tender husband is being cruelly tortured with the electrostaff???
Before the holotransmition / / after the holotransmition
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Star Wars: Zam Wesell
Here is a moment I spotted in this comics: when masters Rancisis and Koth both speak up during a Council meeting, Eeth is the first one Mace answers to. I know that this can seem a little bit weak as an argument but add to this THAT stare Koth gives Windu when applying for being the Alderaan guard.
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Yes, exactly. THAT kind of stare right here ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ ° )
I mean, seriously, man, stop flirting with your Master of the Order husband right in the middle of the meeting! We know that on Alderaan they make one of the best sorts of wine in the whole galaxy, and you want to offer a date, but calm down a bit please, okay? You don’t want to get caught, right?)))
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
No, well, but there is no excuse for the fact that in the background during the scene of the Council meeting before sending Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi to Naboo as an escort for queen Amidala, Eeth is sitting in exactly the same way in which you could see Windu sitting himself on some of the TPM photos. That's all, that’s like the final proof that Eeth is a stupid husband and in love with his partner. Because one of the forms of love language? Yes, the one with interest copying, when a person is copying the gestures, the stature and the movements of whom he’s interested in, u-hum.
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Eeth really have no, NO excuse for that, I swear
Bonus: The seats on the High Council
As one very wise person on twitter had once said,
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This person was referring to Plo Koon and Kit Fisto tho, but I tell you what, this also applies very much to Mace Windu and Eeth Koth.  So here is Mace and Eeth on the Council staring at each other after a holotransmition!
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