#it just isn’t interesting or fun or quirky
brenilla · 1 year
So QSMP, Romon died?!?! On his own, yeah no bad move. This isn’t “interesting” or tragic. If you want to set a precedent for eggs can die on their own, USE AN EGG WITH TWO LIVES?!?! Use dapper, honestly would’ve held so much significance. Like Bad has his hands full, bad’s had so much close calls. And in the end he wasn’t their for dapper when he needed it.
Fit wasn’t even online, Fit was sick this week…
Like the eggs should be dying and have conciquence, this isn’t right way guys. I’m not sad, I’m mad.
In a game you wouldn’t just have the DM go have your character’s kid die from the big bad cause he just so happened to be out. If yah want it to happen you give a chance Even if it’s one choice one or two rolls, you give a chance. Cause guess what it isn’t Sad, it isn’t real life tragedy happens, it’s YOU DID THIS. Characters aren’t the one making the stupid decision it’s you.
If I had somthing to punch I would. If their was any precedent I would be upset and sad but at least I’d be content.
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strawberryraviegutz · 25 days
“Emberlynn is NOT a goth!! We don’t claim her!! She’s an egirl!!”
First of all, what’s wrong with egirls?
Second, you do realize there’s a sub style of goth called Pastel Goth, right? There are so many substyles of gothic fashion. Gothic fashion doesn’t only include all black stuff.
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Even the person who designed Emberlynn confirmed that she is indeed supposed to be Pastel Goth.
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Plus goth is for the most part a music based subculture it’s not all about the fashion. If you personally don’t consider her goth cuz she likes anime, kawaii stuff, and smut then that also makes no sense.
I have never come across a goth or alternative person in general online that isn’t into anime, fanfiction, or smut. I’ve seen mostly positive things about Emberlynn but I’m also not liking this other new hate wave towards her.
“But she’s cringe”
THATS THE POINT. She supposed to represent all of those “cringy” fangirls who are obsessed with anime, fanfiction, smut, and their fictional crushes who also got bullied and made fun of for their interests. Even then it’s just a lighthearted jab at the fandom it’s not like Emberlynn was created out of malice.
A lot of thought and care went into her design and she was created BY people who are exactly like her which is why a lot of us see ourselves within Emberlynn and why a lot of ppl in the fandom love her. Because a lot of us are kinda like her in a way. And Viv and the ppl who work on the hellaverse team know this, because a lot of ppl on the hellaverse team, Viv included are also most likely like Emberlynn. SHE IS FOR US.
She’s for all the fangirls and or fans in general who’ve been bullied and made fun of and told that what we do and or love is cringey and wrong. She’s not for the ppl who for some reason haven’t grown out of cringe culture yet. She’s not for you.
No one is saying you HAVE TO like her or anything, but I frankly find it pretty weird at the amount of ppl I’ve seen who are genuinely upset about her existence along with saying incredibly mean and vile things towards her.
You guys will post saying that we need more quirky female characters who’re unashamed to be cringe and free and then you turn around post about how you much you hate Emberlynn’s personality or her character as a whole along with boasting about how wanna throw a brick at her face..
What is it with “cringey” fangirl characters and or quirky female characters in general that makes you guys get so angry and violent?? Yall clearly can’t handle characters like her at all despite claiming how much you want to see more characters like that in media. Grow up..
Anyways, Emberlynn Pinkle is such an amazing character. I love how relatable she is to a lot of us. Her human and sinner designs are so cute!! The color palettes for them are the definition of eye candy. We love a pastel goth queen.🩷🩵🖤
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writers-potion · 7 days
Hi! How do I write a mafia novel?
How To Write A Mafia Novel
The term “mafia novel” makes me think of a few possibilities here. It could be (1) an action-thriller where our hero is either fighting the mafia or is a part of the mafia or (2) a mafia romance novel, where the love interest(s) come from rich mafia backgrounds.
If you’re writing an action/adventure story where mafia are the bad guys:
They need to have a cause – a twisted one. No matter how bloodthirsty these mafias might be, no one works so hard for fun. 
They’re struggling financially. This is a great motive for the bad guys to attack the hero, or use more cruel methods than usual. 
The ones who are going against the mafia would be independent investigative agencies or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, not your typical cop or police. 
They’re allied with other crime groups, even with some backdoor government organizations. I don’t think the depiction of mafia groups as a self-sufficing group always exchanging insults with other groups in inaccurate. Also, this raises the story stakes when your back guys combine with other bad guys to get back at the hero.  
They can’t be threatened with just an incriminating recording or photo, especially if they’re obtained illegally – which means they’re unlikely to have power as evidence.
Mafia leaders realistically won’t force their children to take over – in fact, they’ll want to keep their family out of it altogether. 
If you’re writing an action/adventure story where mafia are the good guys:
Give them a motto that gives them a cause for the higher good. Like ‘manners maketh men’ in the Kingsmen movies. In a loose sense, the Kingsmen are mafia too – they’re a secret society with lots of money, etc. 
A running theme would be that you can afford to use questionable methods as long as the outcomes are good. The mafia would kill, steal, imprison and murder – but they always have a convincing reason. Plus, the bad guys are doing a lot worse. 
The mafia organization is flawed in a critical way. This can be anything – a newbie who starts to question the mafia’s practices, or a corrupt leader, etc. This flaw will cripple this apparently sturdy organization at the end of Act II, raising the stake sky high. 
Give them secret codes, special weapons, a quirky dress code, a tattoo? 
Show how the mafia are tightly networked among themselves, often in a good way. The senior mafia mentoring the newbies, colleagues struggling through their probation periods together, etc. The mafia are a tight-knit organization. 
For a mafia romance, what the mafia really does or how they’re structured, etc. isn’t that important. As long as you get the black suits, expensive Jaguars, and exclusive clubs/hotels vibe right, you have enough mafia worldbuilding. What’s important are the characters. 
If you’re writing a male mafia love interest:
They’re high-ranking, filthy rich, intelligent, and cold-minded individuals who are powerful beyond your usual realm of rationality. The absolute unrealness of these sexy competent men is what’s appealing. 
The mafia background becomes the “hurtful dark backstory”. One of the main selling points of dark mafia love interests is that on the inside, they’re fractured puppies in need of some sunshine to soften up. Give them a good reason why they’re assholes to your female love interest in the beginning. They’re repressed – high time.
They must be able to draw a line between being adorably overprotective and unreasonably controlling. The same goes for their use of violence. Sure, a male mafia love interest may kill that stalker who’s been bugging our heroine but don’t have him putting bullets in the heads of people who just mildly irritate him – that’s a huge turnoff. 
If you’re writing a female mafia love interest:
Your heroine is a clear-minded, physically fit, confident, and competitive mafia queen/princess with both eyes fixed on power and success – until the male love interest comes along, either as an enemy mafia or a clueless softball. 
Alternatively, they’re oppressed by their father/brother(s) who are hard-core, bloodless men. These heroines are capable in ways that are not approved by their mafia family (like a career in social services or running a bakery, whatever) and need someone to understand and remove them from their toxic family – our male love interest. 
Again, feel free to use the mafia background as a source for some juicy, traumatizing backstory.
Hope this helps :) 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! Also, join my Tumblr writing community for some more fun.
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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PAC: What makes you a good partner
This is for both singles and those in a relationship. This is for encouragement if you are still looking, to remind you of how wonderful you are in a connection. It’s plain just to make you feel good about yourself if you’re in a partnership.
Please pick between groups 1, 2 or 3. Group 1 is the woo-hoo badge, group 2 is the wing, group 3 is the be mine tag.
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4 of wands (joy and stability) - Third eye chakra - communication - get centered - love
I got a feeling of insecurity and it made me wonder if that’s how you’ve been feeling lately. I don’t know if it’s about your abilities in general or directly in a relationship. 
So, I’m talking to myself here like a lunatic right, and I’m going through what the psychic tarot could be saying so far. And I just can’t help but get a state of mind situation here. And I talk and talk, wondering if this is you, could it be your love interest, whatever. Suddenly I realize - I’m overthinking. Is this what you/they do? Overthink this stuff?
I really can’t help but think this is the beginning of a status check. Because logically i would look at it in a straightforward way but my intuition tells me the reversed version of what first impressions are: The feeling of being insecure, trying to tell the future, wanting things to be a certain way, not trusting. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few in this group read a lot of that future spouse or soulmate stuff. For those in a relationship right now, you could be worrying if it will work out, how long will you stay together, will this last etc.
I honestly don’t know if this is how you used to be, this is what you’re overcoming, maybe this is what your partner deals with, I don’t know.
I feel like when you mellow out and feel calmer, it’s like there’s a box that unlocks. Maybe when you’re feeling anxious, you aren’t present with a person or able to show your more fun or loving side as much as you would like.
Your affirmation cards are great. It gives me the impression that you’re a straightforward person who doesn’t mince their words. If you like someone, you’re going to tell them. If you wonder about their feelings, you’ll ask them. If you want a committed partnership, you’ll see if they agree instead of wordlessly hoping.
I’m going to be absolutely honest, and it seems contradictory to me, but i honestly got the insecurity stuff before, but it’s like… At your best, you can be the most centered, calm and peaceful person. Your partner could be stressed and worrying or even getting argumentative and you wouldn’t react the same. You would be able to hold it together and tackle things calmly.
I have finally come to the conclusion that this is you, unlocked lol.
Group 1, I don’t know, it seems like you’re having a hard time. I’m getting distracted, the feeling of wanting to give up. This is the time when you most need peace. You don’t need to give up, you need time. You need time for yourself, and to really be so soft with yourself. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you need you right now. You need to spend time with you. You need to hear the birds sing. You need to feel the grass at your fingertips. You need to close your eyes and know there’s something there for you, just for you. That the birds chirping right now that moment are being heard by only you in the way it’s happening, with the clouds that are showing right now. The way the light hit your window and made that little rainbow. That the funny quirky thing the person across the street was seen only by you. Isn’t it weird? It’s like some moments are made just for you. 
And that’s why there will be that relationship made just for you. This is confirmation that there will be that partnership. If you’re facing issues in one right now, get back to you for now and let what will be, be. If you’re seeing someone and wondering, let them come to you.
In a safe, happy partnership you will feel seen. You will be peaceful. You will feel secure and that feeling will spread to your partner. You are open and honest. You are loving, even clumsily. 
Things go wrong but you will know that everything is still right. Things will be alright. You no longer need the 8 ball to tell whether or not, because you will know. When you feel secure, you are your own fortune teller. You will re-align, and you wil learn to have peace and move on from disagreements. You will know how to still be loving, even when irritated.  You know what to prioritize as a partnership, what practical things you should deal with together. What matters most. You will have faith in yourself and extend it to your partner. I see you growing old with someone, mainly because you will let yourself. That security is the foundation for a long and happy relationship if you wish for it.
Love says:
“Love is a many splendored thing. Today I notice and appreciate 3 of those splendors. Like the fact puppies make me feel like a parent. Or the surge of self congratulation when I sink a three point trash basket shot on the first try. Or how about the chills I get while singing along to ___”
Get centered:
“When it gets to be too much, whatever it is, I close my eyes and return to my center.”
“Wonder how that other person is feeling? Ask ‘em. Wish they knew how you were feeling? Tell ‘em. You’ve just been drafted into the communication army, where there is a strict do ask/do tell policy. Speak with kindness and gentleness, and reach an understanding.”
I hope this made sense for you. Remember, it will all be ok in the end.
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Support - manifest - believe & succeed
You are a cheerleader for sure. Extremely supportive of your partner's endeavors. This group seems to choose people with ambition or dreams. You lot probably are more into manifestation or law of attraction than other groups. It’s likely you’ve had your successful manifestations and know that it works, so in theory, it should for your love interest too.
You honestly seem great as a team. A very happy and willing participant. If your partner needs something suddenly sorted, whether it’s a chore, or administration work for their business, you will drop what you’re doing (less important stuff ofc) and help them.
“I look at the vast network of support in my life, and I’m reminded of what a superpower it gives me. At any moment, I can call an army of top-notch people who want the best for me, which means I’m basically invincible. Take that, loneliness! Run for the hills, boredom!”
Very good cheerful energy, I see you really trying to keep things upbeat and positive for their sake. Just in case though, do remember it’s not all your job, and they are the captains of their own ship, ok? You might get a little sidetracked because you get so excited for them. I’m getting the idea that you would never ever get jealous of a partner (it can happen sometimes. Not unusual, not bad), and you always wish the best for them. 
You really open up the other person's eyes to possibilities. You make them think about things they might not have been brave enough to before. It’s like through your partnership, you wake them up to possibilities. Maybe you even wake them up to spirituality/manifestation. You make the other person feel secure. Like they have something to come back to after they go out on a limb and try something. 
They will know that if they fail, they could hate themselves or feel bad, but you would never look down on them. You would just send them right back out lol. Try again, then. Is what I get. There’s so much confidence and faith in this other person. You know, you just know that they can make it. Where they see nothing, you see something. You know more is possible for them and yourself. You make, or will make your partner feel like they are something. When they always thought they were just ordinary or boring, when their self esteem isn’t where it should be.
Careful of carrying a relationship for the both of you though, you want someone who is able to gain the momentum and motivation that is like yours. If they don’t have the energy, it’s just not going to happen the way you see it for them. It’s got to be by them, for them, ultimately. If you are single, be careful of investing into a person who may agree with your goals/vision/excitement only to talk about it, and not follow through. You could talk someone up and big them up till the cows come home, but they will have to prove themselves to themselves. Talk only goes so far.
You might also bring extra connections or support to your partner. This could be your family being lovely and bringing them in, being completely inviting and helpful. This could be they gain a place in your friend group too. They could get networking opportunities because of who you know, that kind of thing. 
You bring a lot to the table, but remember, everyone is their own captain so you come first. You have tremendous energy, belief and determination to make things happen and work. You need to make sure it’s matched.
Hoping for wonderful things in your love life.
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Release - Master (rev) - Inspiration.
You have a lovely combination of cards, group 3. I really see you’ve done the work on yourself.
Firstly, if there is anyone here that has escaped a negative or abusive situation, you are seen as an inspiration and you have become such a wise person that people look up to.
You really try to take care of yourself, and I like that. It’s often said that it’s attractive in love to put yourself first and that’s what I think your partner does/will like about you. There’s no desperation to make the person like you or want you. That kind of thing makes certain people chase.
Release here is just giving me the feeling of being chill, of not needing to prove anything. You know it’s important to be vulnerable at the right times in love. There might have been past issues regarding control, vulnerability and openness. I feel that you’ve really moved past some lessons in romance regarding those things. You could have listened to someone or read something that made you realize what was happening, or why you seemed to be having a pattern, or attracting certain people.
I see that you have intuition and you allow yourself to listen to it now. It will become invaluable for yourself and also your partner. You could get gut feelings and tell them, whether this is about their work situation or whether you feel something bad about a journey.
I'm seeing that you’ve had to let go of a lot so you’re not attached to outcomes. That same surrendering energy is helpful in partnerships because you’re not invested whether your partner will or won’t do something. You don’t want to control them, or try and manipulate them to do a chore, or to decide on an option you think is the right one.
You let love be free, and that’s beautiful. There’s a sweet, open, surrendering love that is there for the sake of being love. The person could go off randomly and you would still hold appreciation. When you are in a partnership, you look like you bare it all and choose to trust. I feel like you’ve been really hurt but you’ve come back and decided you want to love anyway.
If you’re not there yet, you will be. You have too much love in your heart to give. Just because someone was incapable of love doesn’t mean you are or should be.
You really inspire your partner, there could be a muse here. You really give the other person room to be themselves and voice their ideas. You hold that space for them and let them express themselves. There’s a lot of soft, quiet loving energy here. You don’t love loudly, it’s quiet and constant. Your love is a gift in itself, it’s how you are the most wonderful partner. Just by loving the way you do.
I think when you’re with the right person, you make them feel very safe to be themselves. I’m seeing that you would be a good parent, a good person to have/adopt/foster a child with. You would be very good at guiding and encouraging them. You are a very considerate person, and you don’t go around tooting your own horn. I get a modest feeling here. 
You help and are supportive in ways that aren’t super visible, someone would have to be really watching to notice what you do. There might be a little mischievous side, or a sarcastic sense of humour that can go under the radar. Your partner will appreciate that very much. Such lowkey energy but so strong and constant, dependable.
I feel like you should be very proud of yourself. I think you’ve overcome a lot and there’s a lot of humility here, but don’t downplay yourself. I feel like your partner does/will tell you to express yourself, or make a move on some kind of idea you have. I get the idea you’re used to someone else being the main character, or someone else being a focus or supported. Your partner will say it’s your turn.
That’s what I’m seeing group 3, have a good one.
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sickofthis666 · 2 months
Man, I miss when tumblr wasn’t the "t4t" website. Now we only got girld*ck jokes and trans rights are the only social issue that's worth mentionning, apparently. It's obvious if only by seeing the amount of posts, pinned posts, and bios with the mention "terfs/transphobes dni".
As an afterthought, some may add racists, ableists and/or homophobics to their little list. Sexism doesn't even appear.
Reading users bios, it's like everyone on this website is trans now - see also, reblogs of people's own post years later with the mention "im a girl now :3" - even though statistically, they're... what? 2% of the population?
Meanwhile somehow half of said population doesn't deserve to fight for their rights. BLM vanished but fear not, TLM is there. Online feminism peaked in 2016 with "the future is female" and #MeToo ended with a lot of calling out by victims but very little consequences for the abusers.
Your brain won't explode if you campaign for more than one cause at a time, I promise.
Old sexism was "your biology determines your behavior". New sexism is "your behavior determines your biology". Same result. Same harmful stereotypes. Some things are meant to harm, no matter how much you want to reclaim them or have fun sounding quirky by using insults/politically incorrect language. No, calling yourself a slut doesn't change from a man calling you that, because the very definition of that word is harmful. An insult doesn't stop being an insult because you enjoy it or because you decided to interpret it in a way that fits you, like religious leaders interprets scripture in a way that fits their interest.
We were supposed to get rid of the idea that women enjoying sex like men do is shameful, bad, disgusting, unnatural. We were supposed to make it neutral, just the way men get to have it, but nooo, you guys wanted to be quirky, rules breakers, special. Somehow you're convinced that doing the complete opposite of what society commonly deems acceptable automatically makes you cool, Good, right, and better than the others. It doesn't! It's not a dichotomy! Same thing with whore. Calling a man that moves his hands when he talks or has a high pitch or exaggerated manners "effeminate" makes you a misogynist and a homophobe, actually.
P*rn doesn't automatically becomes Good and healthy just because society frowns down upon it. Degrading women became a trend. God forbids you kinkshame, but somehow mocking vanilla sex is great, actually. Obviously vanilla must be Bad since it's the opposite of porn, and we all decided at some point that porn was Good. Can’t find f/m erotica on this website that doesn't include at least One sentence specifying how the woman is degraded/seen like a toy/less than human by the man. It's Very Important.
The solution to "women shouldn't have to wear make up to be considered seriously/human" wasn’t "women like their cage actually", it was destroying the cage or put the men in it with us. Cause that is the definition of gender equality. Treating men and women the same regardless of gender.
Hijab will never be feminist as long as men don't wear it too. It's the difference of treatment, simply because of gender, that is sexism/misogyny. The intention of the wearer doesn't matter - the result does.
"Taking your husband's last name isn’t sexist because *I* would be honored to do it" affirmed a woman to me - Since when does sexism mean "mentality/behavior/outfit/etc that all women as a mindhive dislike"? Oh wait - it doesnt - never did; it means difference of treatment between genders, overwhelmingly balanced in favor of men. The day men don't see taking your wife's last name as emasculating, degrading, insulting, belittling, diminishing, disgracing, shameful; the day they take their wife's last name spontaneously, almost systematically, the way women do; the day merely suggesting the idea to them isn’t preposterous;
the day women don't see taking your husband's name, as honorable, normal, the bare minimum, the day women stop taking their husband's name almost systematically, because it's an evidence in their eyes; the day women are not pushed to take their husband's name because it makes administration's work easier, because it's the only way for them to prove that they're related to their children - when i was a little kid, school staff once refused to let me leave with my mom at the end of the day simply because, since she hadn't taken my father's name, obviously she couldnt possibly be my legitimate mother; that "incident" lead to her renounciating her own name; before that, she hadn't entertained the thought; - the day french civil service stops differentiating between Nom d'épouse (wife name) and Nom de jeune fille (maiden name), making marriage an event so decisive in a woman's life that it changes her status; whereas men are born, live and die with only one name, their own, and no one else's.
That day only, we'll be able to affirm that this part of society/culture/custom is not sexist anymore.
In favor of men, not because I hate men, or because women need someone to blame, or because men are inherently evil, but in favor of men because men have been ruling society for thousands of years. Our kings are men. Our presidents are men. Our Prime Ministers are men. Our religious leaders are men. Our CEOs are men. Billionaires are men. The most powerful and/or rich on this earth are men. And people in power, in a logical conclusion, decides measures that will favor themselves over others.
Feminity isn’t real. Masculinity isn’t real. Just like the economy, or borders, it's something humans made up. And yet it would never cross your mind to romanticize or fantasize about those concepts.
Boomers' sexism says "if you're a woman, you must act feminine." Gen Z's sexism says "If you're feminine, you must be a woman."
Feminism says "You'll always be a woman no matter what - but so what? You can do whatever you want."
This website is full of selfrighteous, full of themselves assholes who pretends to be Better than everyone else because they're sooo tolerent, sooo inclusive, they condemn nazis and terfs - but mostly terfs. Terfs never commited murders, contrary to neonazis/white supremacists/incels, but that is but a detail my friend - vigorously, they boycott JKR absolutely - but not their favorite rapist male artists/authors/actors/singers -, they have the moral High Ground. Yet the second they smell an Enemy, someone who doesn't adopt 100% of their causes, verbatim, no holds barred! Anything goes! Death threats, rape threats, stalking, doxxing, going after family members... calling The Other, the Villain - of course they're the villain, since I am the Good Guy and they're against Me! - names, a loser, ugly, fat, a virgin, who can’t get laid/p*ssy. Yes I said Asexuals were a part of the community, what does this have to do with anything? Death and rape threats are okay if they come from My mouth!
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smilesrobotlover · 22 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
This def more than five 😭 but bear with me
First one:
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I just think the lighting and posing turned out SO WELL. The vibes, the glows, all that. It makes this art so interesting to look at. And having the trees be aspen trees instead of the generic trees I do help a LOT. Def one of the best illustrations I’ve done and I’ve been trying to recreate the vibes ever since :)) also the fanfiction I like. I like the first one more but this one is good as well. Good vibes! I want to do more illustrations for my fics.
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I just love the rendering so so much. I cant tell you how proud I am. The hair didn’t turn out how I wanted it too but everything else? Perfect. The eyes contrast each other so much which is exactly what I was going for. And I just said that the hair didn’t turn how I liked, but I’m talking about the blue part. I wanted there to be more contrast between the glowing part and the not glowing part, but you can’t see it well. But the rest of the hair?? It looks so good. Everything has its place. I don’t have good brushes to look like hair so I kinda just do things to make it look like hair and I think it turned out good. Now recreating the vibes here is… hard 😭 I do wish I made his nose more flat tho cuz his nose doesn’t look that bumpy, but oh well.
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Ofc any good drawing of Linebeck I like. The lighting is fun, the eyepatch is fun, and it’s my baby girl so I like it. Obviously I liked it enough to make it my PFP XD
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I bunched these two togehter but I like them. The vibes of Poseidon and Zeus are great, the lighting, the composition, I like it a lot. Particular the Poseidon one. I like how he turned out with the angle and everything, and I liked how Ody turned out. In the Zeus one he’s a little flat but he’s very 3dimensional in the Poseidon one. Tho Poseidon’s trident is a little… quirky…
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And I love how the lighting turned out on this. I like the very harsh white light in some art pieces and so I tried to implement that and I think it turned out good. The contrast between the light and the shadow is good, and I love the red bounce light. Bounce light is just my fav thing to add so. Unfortunately the sea serpent didn’t turn out that good. The dramatic lighting isn’t there :( but overall I like it
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yourqueenb · 1 year
No one:
PB writing their Inside Choices blogs:
It’s getting hot in the writer’s room… And it’s all because of our upcoming VIP release — Smut By Another Name! So book team, what can you tell us about this steamy new story?
Berry: You have just moved into a new town to start your new job. Hard-working and eager to please, you hope things go smoothly so that you can prove yourself. But what will happen when your brooding boss makes you a sexy offer you can’t refuse?
Ooooh, how interesting! I wonder what that offer could be. 🤔 Speaking of, who is this brooding boss of ours?
Jane Doe: A billionaire with an attitude, Dixon Balzac always gets what they want and has no issues with breaking a rule or two. As the CEO, they know their way around the boardroom. But as God’s gift to women, they also know their way around the bedroom. *wink wink*
Joe Schmoe: Dixon loves to throw their weight and their wallet around, which becomes very clear after they set their sights on you. But I think players will be surprised to find that there’s more to them than meets the eye. What secrets do they have? And will you be brave enough to get down and dirty in order to find out?
Wow, we’re swooning already! Are there any other characters we should be excited about or on the lookout for?
Tom: Honestly, you should absolutely get excited about your character! Don’t let her innocence and inexperience fool you! MC might need a moment to find her footing. But once she does, she’s a headstrong woman who isn’t afraid of responding with a little sass when the situation calls for it.
Dick: Be on the lookout for your new project manager! As a perfectionist and Dixon’s wife, there’s no telling when she’ll pop up with 10 pages worth of notes on your latest assignment or nosy questions about the nature of you and Dixon’s budding relationship.
Berry: I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m super excited for players to meet our crazy quirky cast of supporting characters, especially one uber prepared best friend! Dressia is always there for you whether you need relationship advice or a hot new outfit to impress a special someone.
Hot new outfits you say? What can we expect from the closet in this book? Give us the scoop!
Jane Doe: Since this book puts the “sin” in “business”, you can expect some very risqué office wear. Low-cut blouses, rising hemlines, lacy thigh highs, oh my! If Dixon Balzac were my boss, I’d definitely stock my real life closet with these outfits.
We can barely contain our excitement! Okay, last question: What did the writing team use as inspiration for this titillating title?
Berry: The team had so much fun perusing classics, modern bestsellers, and popular Wattpad stories alike! We found a little bit of inspiration in every single one, which has allowed us to create a totally original, not at all carbon copied new book for our catalogue. So we hope you enjoy it!
And there you have it, folks! Keep your eyes peeled for Smut By Another Name, releasing next Friday! 🍓
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katuschka · 3 months
Miss Lucifer – Part Two
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Jake Kiszka x Lilith (f!OC) x Josh Kiszka
9000+ words
What happens in Berlin, stays in Berlin…but sometimes the outcome of the most whimsical ideas can alter the course of your whole life. Sometimes, you need to be shown the end of the road to be able to take it.  Panther girl, take me home Hip to hip, bone to bone Evil heat, all night long, all night long, all night long... (Primal Scream)
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere.
Warnings: oral and penetrative sex, anal sex, threesome, fingering, alcohol consuption, allusions to debauchery, smoking, substance abuse, kidnapping (of sorts), hallucinations, sexual hallucinations, manipulation, succubus, swx demon, dominating female character, dark forces, magic
Taglist Part One
“Sorry mate, I’m serious! Not interested.” 
Josh finally managed to outpin himself from the wall, pass under the guy’s outstretched arm and get out of that godforsaken bathroom. Tony – that’s how he introduced himself – was cute, but not really Josh’s type. Too much surgical steel on his face…
Once again in the main hall, he looked around to check if Jake was still at the bar where he had left him five minutes ago. That was a long enough time for any kind of shit to happen, as it was – in Jake’s words – “anything-could-happen Monday”. Josh felt like the overall experience had already been more than sufficient, even without getting railed in the bathroom stall by a walking magnet. He had enough of this place and wanted to get out of here ASAP. 
They had checked a few bars on their way, but as it was Monday, most places were either half empty and boring, or full of tourists and football fans. Jake had something else in mind. That’s why his pupils dilated in excitement when he saw the sign above the entrance. BeelzebOOb. Just when they thought that their “new and exciting experience” would be reduced to obtaining an extensive knowledge of the S-Bahn timetable, they discovered this peculiar quarter part of the city with quirky nightclubs and other establishments. This one caught Jake’s attention immediately. It was indeed a sign. He had promised his brother boobs, and hopefully that’s what they were going to get here. Much to Josh’s dismay, who remarked that most of the visitors would probably have their nipples pierced (and he wasn’t particularly keen on that), Jake still wanted to check the place out. 
The inside of the club was basically just one long and narrow hall, decorated in steampunk fashion. A long bar on one side, a row of discreet cubicles instead of regular tables on the other. The furthest part of the room consisted of a small dance floor, even though the people grooved to the deafening psytrance music wherever they happened to be at that moment. The dance floor was just a little bit more crowded. A row of iron pillars dividing the room in two even narrower sections looked like it had been added there additionally and seemed to have no practical function apart from making the whole place look even more industrial and cool. Fashionwise, the two of them clearly didn’t belong, but nobody cared. 
“Seriously? This looks like the Ministry of Magic after dark,” Josh muttered, scanning the place left and right. 
“Exactly! Isn’t it fun? C’mon, let’s have a drink.” 
Before Josh could react, Jake was already making his way through the quirky crowd right to the bar. That was when Josh noticed and realized the real purpose of those pillars, as many people seemed to use it to bind themselves or others to them with handcuffs or just scarves. He stopped in his tracks for a second, making Jake turn around and look what hindered him. He followed Josh’s gaze and froze.
“Are they…?”
“Yeah…,” Josh answered, watching the scene with an open mouth. “Fucking.” 
Jake just laughed incredulously. It was a bit out of his character, but on the other hand, he seemed to find exactly what he wanted. “Bitchin’! I already love it here. Let’s go grab that beer.” 
So, an hour and two beers later, Josh was trying to squeeze himself through the crowd to get back to Jake and to convince him to abort mission. Tonight’s plan was not a success. It didn’t help him with his anxiety and he was still annoyed with Jake, this time for dragging him in here. At least he was blissfully unaware of a pair of eyes watching him intently from the darkest corner. 
Mercifully, Jake was still occupying his original spot, even though he wasn’t alone either. Before Josh could get to them though, the girl turned around and disappeared into the crowd.
“Pretty. Nice ass. Why did she leave so suddenly? Did you by chance introduce her to Oliver?”
Jake sighed and took another gulp. “Pretty, but painfully stupid. And to tell you the truth, I’m not entirely sure it was a girl…”
Josh just chuckled. “Does it matter?”
“Maybe not to YOU, but I got a bit more refined taste, brother.”
“Oh yeah? Vanilla is a very refined flavor. So sweet, so fine…” 
Jake scoffed. Maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea. He had hoped that dragging Josh out of that hotel would bring new impulses to their friendship, but since his beloved brother decided to continue being such a dick, they might as well just go back and resume beating their meat in their respective rooms. “Ok, prick, I think we should call it a night.” 
“I was just going to suggest the same thing.”
“Fine! Just let me finish this bottle and we’re out of here.”
“Oh, but that would be such a shame, wouldn’t it. The night is young and you’re both awfully pretty. May I suggest just one more round of drinks?”
The honeyed voice belonged to two warm hands that were now gently caressing both their backs, respectively. Completely astonished by the familiarity of the touch, they both turned around to find a startlingly beautiful woman standing right behind them. Shoulder-length dark and shiny curls dancing playfully around her head. She was dressed in a latex corset, black leather pants tucked into high Martens boots – a styling not much different from other common guests. Yet, there was definitely something about her. She looked well-kept, almost royal. It looked like others treated her just like that because the people closest to them suddenly withdrew, making a special, comfortable room for the three of them. 
Totally Jake’s type, Josh thought, although he couldn't imagine anyone being completely impartial to her. Rounded, ample breasts, curvy hips, round shoulders and delicate, tiny wrists, but not too much. She looked soft, but moulded by gods. He was sure Fibonacci would weep if he saw her. 
Jake was completely mesmerized by her, examining her like a picture of a saint in Uffizi with a silly smile plastered on his face while she kept coming up with more and more flirtatious antics. She paused at last, expecting them to give her at least a hint of who she was talking to, while procuring a cigarette holder out of nowhere. She bent over the counter and the bartender lit the cigarette for her without a word. Taking a draw, she raised her eyebrows in anticipation, urging them to say something. Anything.
Josh was the first to collect himself. “Um, I’m Josh. This is my brother Jake.”
“Perfect,” she giggled. “Josh and Jake, two halves of one delicious cake. I am Lily.” She shook both their hands in turn. Jake held it up to his lips and kissed her knuckles, earning the crafty smile from her and an eye-roll from Josh. She kept a silent eye contact with him before she placed the cigarette holder delicately between her red lips again and took a long drag, exhaling slowly towards the ceiling.
“You can smoke in here?”
Really Jake, thought Josh. That’s the best line you can come up with? 
However, it either worked, or she simply pretended to be entertained, because she tugged at one of his loose strands playfully and laughed earnestly. “I can do whatever I want here, I own this place.”
It was again followed by a rather uncomfortable silence and Josh thought she would finally get tired of them, but she turned her back to the bar and rested her elbow against the counter. She was rather tenacious. 
“I’m curious, boys, are those plump lips as delicious as they appear to be?” she asked, eyeing them both in turns until her eyes rested on Jake’s pendants for a longer while. 
The bold question made them both lick their lower lips unwittingly and pretty much in unison, but their subsequent reactions were different. 
Josh’s eyes narrowed in apprehension when Lily finally turned her head back to him and their eyes met. A possible scenario flashed in front of his eyes, but it was definitely NOT what he had imagined earlier. It made him a bit uneasy, to be honest. She sensed it and grinned viciously. 
Jake, on the other hand, was past the point of reasoning. Driven completely by lust now, he just wanted to turn her attention back to him. “There’s only one way for you to find out,” finally mustering all his courage, he teased. He really liked the audacity with which she presented herself, it made his cock twitch and he was really curious if she was just as bold in her actions as she was with her words. The look she shot him made his heart jump to his throat though.
“You’re absolutely right,” she answered, grabbed him by the nape of his neck and forcefully pressed her lips on his. Jake opened his mouth immediately and she licked into it with gusto, pressing him against the counter. Oozing dominance, she made it known that she was in charge with every movement as negligible as a simple wiggle of her finger, and Jake showed no inclination to fight it. He rested his hands timidly on each side of her waist and let her do whatever she pleased. With his eyebrows raised in an expression of surprise and surrender, he just kept moaning into her mouth like a virgin attacked by a sex demon. Well…
Josh watched them with his mouth half open, completely mesmerized and a bit frightened at the same time. Jake was a flirt, but Josh had never seen him fall for someone so easily. Granted, she was gorgeous and there was something about her that made him question his own judgment, because the scene made the muscles just below his navel spasm as the blood drained from his brain and moved to the nether regions. She sensed his stare as well as the movement and simply reached behind her to casually grab at his crotch, making him yelp like a pup and shrink back from her, reversing the process of dumbing-down just a little bit.   
“Jake, I think we should go!” His voice was low and commanding. He was playing the older brother now. 
That quirky imp surely could exide dominance if he wanted to, and she couldn’t help but admire him for trying. She didn’t – however – admire the fact that it obviously worked, as Jake's grip on her waist loosened and he finally tried to pull away. She wouldn’t have that. Obviously, there was no way to have one without the other and it was much harder to get under the curly one’s skin. Oh well, sigh. Life became much easier when being just a shameless slut turned out to be enough to get what she wanted, but in this case, she would have to try some of her old tricks. It would cost her much more valuable energy and there were times when she regretted it because it turned out that the man wasn’t worth it. However, the two of them combined would easily make up for it. She could tell. 
So, with a final obscene lick at the corner of Jake’s mouth, she turned back to Josh and blew air in his face. It felt like being attacked by a cloud of jasmine powder and it left him momentarily stunned. Seizing her chance, she planted a much more restrained kiss on his parted lips. Her own tasted like linden honey and without any conscious thought, he licked her lip in return and let her deepen the kiss, the tips of their tongues just brushing against each other playfully. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and started playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. That was his Achilles heel. 
Just when he felt as if his brain had run out of oxygen, she left what felt like a pill on his tongue and released him. 
“Swallow,” he heard her say, but her lips didn’t move. What is this, he thought without really thinking, and then she spoke again: “Trust me.” 
This time he realized that her voice was coming from inside his head and he shook it as if trying to break free from invisible chains, because the realization chilled him to the bone. He still heard her humming, the sound coming to him from every direction now, even though she just stood there right in front of him, smiling engagingly. Are you crazy? Why should I trust you? Leave me alone, he thought again and was about to spit the pill out, when a vision appeared right in front of his eyes. It was like watching a video on a translucent screen hovering in mid-air. He could see both Jake and Lily through it, but the image was crystal clear. It was something only he knew about. A face of a classmate from a long time ago, long forgotten, but the feeling lingered. It was all coming back to him now, all those midnight musings, stolen glances, the taste of his skin as well as the final rejection. These were the scenes from the times when he thought he had nowhere to go, and everything to lose…
“Swallow, and I’ll show you the future, too. I promise it’s much brighter.” The vision evaporated like a mist and someone turned on the music again…He couldn’t move, standing there like a salt pillar with his lips now pressed firmly together and the eyes wide open, unable to focus. 
“Josh?” Jake’s voice, as well as deep concern etched on his face, finally brought Josh from his reverie. Lily, on the other hand, looked completely unaffected. With the same radiant smile, she just snapped her fingers in front of his eyes, clearly mocking him: “Hey, baby. Are you still with us?” 
He did it. Acting against his better judgment, he rolled the pill on his tongue slowly and then swallowed. Jake wanted a fucking soul-searching adventure, so let’s do this. The rational part of his mind already pictured their faces on a missing persons poster, but the blithe and curious creature that dwelled in his subconsciousness seemed to take over and decided that he in fact did trust her. He just had no idea why. Maybe it was just a selfish curiosity prompted by what she knew, and also what she claimed she knew. How did she know? He wanted her to show him more. He needed more. 
She playfully patted him on the cheek in appreciation with just her fingertips before she raised her arms up and stretched lasciviously like a cat., rubbing her ample bosom against Jake’s upper arm. “Oh yeah, that was delicious,” she crooned. “I’m pretty sure your other parts are just as tasty. Now…I don’t know how about you two, but I feel like dancing. Shall we?” With that, she swayed her hips into the rhythm to further accentuate her point.
Jake ignored her at first, still trying to ascertain what the hell just happened, mouthing a silent question to Josh who just shook his head without words, still a bit stunned. Even though Jake would gladly let her cunt swallow his dick under other circumstances, the effect she had on his brother scared him. Lily was getting impatient. She cleared her throat in an attempt to draw their attention back to her. “Dance!” she commanded. 
“Uh…I don’t dance… and I think Josh was right, I think we should go…”
“No way! Come on baby, show your brother how it’s done!” She pouted at Jake and turned to Josh again, taking him by the hand, leading him to the dancefloor like a small child. With a flick of her hand, the music got louder and the whole room got dimmer, only the strobe lights in the furthest corner now illuminated the dancefloor and adjacent cubicles. The rest of the space was swallowed by darkness. 
Everyone’s attention turned towards the dance floor. She was clearly a local star here. The owner, sure, but her magnetic presence made everyone watch her with reverence. Jake watched sulkily as their bodies swayed together in the middle of the dance floor, limbs intertwined and their curly heads bouncing to the aggressive beat. Seriously? Just five minutes ago, he wanted to get out of this place. Whatever she did to his twin, Jake wasn’t going to just stand there and watch it. He was also a tiny bit jealous, but god knows he’d never admit that. 
He took the last sip of his beer and ventured forward to join them. A new song started playing, a familiar one. The small crowd on the dancefloor whooped in unison and went into a frenzy as Keith Flint’s voice bounced against the tiled walls. 
Breathe the pressure Come play my game, I'll test ya
He tapped on her shoulder when he reached them and she turned to him immediately. “Look who decided to join us,” she stuck out her tongue at him and grinned. 
“Shut up and kiss me,” he shouted. 
“Only if you’re going to dance!” She put her arms around his shoulders and pressed her parted lips on his, while trying to convince him to move to the rhythm with her. He obliged. Pressing his thigh in between her legs and grabbing her just above the waist so that his thumbs intentionally brushed against her tits, he started moving with her. 
Josh did not like the new situation he found himself in. At all! His head was pounding and everything around him seemed to blur as his pupils dilated. He kept holding onto her hips with just his fingertips in an attempt to keep physical contact with anyone at least partially familiar, because the floor under his feet started to shake. The crowd moved, he got pushed aside and lost all the remaining contact with the two of them. All he could see were a few of her curls bouncing over other people’s heads. A tall and lanky albino guy, scantily clad in black leather but with an obnoxious amount of silver adorning his whole body, grabbed his hips instead and pressed himself against Josh’s butt, their dance moves becoming more and more obscene, bouncing together to the beat lewdly.  
As Josh grew more and more dizzy, he soon turned into a mere rag doll in the arms of the albino, who now proceeded to assault Josh’s neck with his mouth, the spike piercing under his lower lip scratching Josh’s jugular. He tried to break free from the man’s grasp at last, but then everything turned dark and his lifeless form fell down to the ground. 
With the help of two other guys, the albino scooped him from the floor and tried to carry him away from the crowd, only to be stopped by Jake’s arm. They completely ignored him, so he literally jumped on the albino’s shoulders in order to stop him. Lily pulled him away. “It’s ok, Jake.” She looked calm and stern, a stark contrast to Jake, who suddenly looked like a maniac.
“What the fuck do you mean!” he shouted, but still could barely hear his own voice due to the loud music. How come he could hear her clearly even though she barely moved her lips? She didn’t respond this time, simply grabbed his arm and motioned to him to follow them. He yanked it out from her grasp, searching his pockets for his phone. “That’s it, I’m calling the police,” he shouted again. 
“No, you’re not.” 
This time she didn’t move her lips at all. Mesmerized, he watched her fumbling with a lighter and a strange looking pack of smokes at the very same time as he heard those words, almost like a whisper. Lily lit another cigarette, inhaled the fragrant smoke and grabbed Jake’s jaw, digging her fingers in his cheeks in order to force his mouth open. He could feel her black nails breaking into his skin and tried to back away again. A cloud of funny smelling smoke hit his nostrils as she exhaled and his body went numb a second later. 
Cooooome play my gaaaame Inhale, inhale, you're the victim
Everything around him began to spin, making him nauseous, but he didn’t lose consciousness entirely. His legs gave out, though, and he could feel two pairs of hands grabbing him under his armpits before he could fall to the ground. Other dancers around them were making room for them to pass through the small crowd on the dance floor, but no one batted an eye at the sight of them. Those people seemed completely unfazed, as if him stumbling half conscious behind that witch and her cronies was something completely normal. 
Like a small, macabre procession, they slowly left the club through some back entrance and were now ascending up the stairs, Jake still stumbling like a wooden puppet. Oh yes, that’s what she was – a puppeteer. He could feel his eyelids drooping and desperately tried to fight it. He needed to stay awake, to wake Josh and to get them out of this mess. Whatever was going to happen to Josh now, he was to blame… He was to…
He blacked out for mere seconds, but the surroundings changed rapidly in the meantime. First he noticed two large frosted glass double doors, decorated in art deco fashion. The nearest pair to their right was completely open, revealing what looked like an antique shop full of various trinkets as they passed it by. The second door at the end of the hall was half closed, leading to a dimly illuminated and particularly cozy tea room. 
In the middle of the room, there was a large, elevated platform that looked like something between a box and a huge bed, covered with a soft carpet. Large and heavy cushions were propped up against wooden rails that surrounded three sides of the platform. A wooden crate with a single bulk candle on top obviously served as a table. He was put down on the platform and the last thing he could see in his peripheral vision was Josh already lying on the cushions next to him. He lost consciousness a second later. 
He didn’t know how long it took before he came to himself again, but the next thing he saw was Lily standing in the doorway clad in a satin bathrobe. She was holding a tea tray which she carefully placed on the crate, took the kettle and poured the steaming contents into a simple clay cup, which she then handed to Jake. He immediately refused but she was adamant. “Drink. It’s just chamomile tea with honey. It will make you feel better.” Her voice was low and calm and he took a sniff at the contents of the cup. It seemed that she didn’t lie, but he still hesitated, so she drank some and offered him the rest with an appeasing smile. 
He took a sip and placed the cup carefully on the crate. Then he looked at Josh again and took his brother’s hand in his, caressing the dorsal side with his thumb. “What did you do to him?”
She watched his actions with a kind smile for a few seconds before responding: “He’s just sleeping. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. It’s just a pill I gave him, its effects will go away soon. And before you say anything else, he swallowed it willingly. True, I have my ways to convince people to do what I want, but…”
“But why? Why are we here?” 
Lily took a deep breath, as if contemplating something, and placed her hand on Josh’s thigh, moving it gently upwards. Jake felt a sudden urge to swap her hand away, but she was quicker, bending towards Jake to lick at his lower lip with her tongue. “I want you Jake. You alone would be more than enough, but you wouldn’t follow me here without him and he was much more resistant…also, I promised him something.” She suddenly cupped his balls with her other hand, making him hiss. She was now palming them both through their pants. Josh, still asleep, moaned softly through his nose and stirred just slightly. Jake suddenly felt a huge lump in his throat. It was obscene, this whole situation was wrong on so many levels, but he couldn’t help but feel fascinated by her actions. He was also willing to give her what she wanted – whatever it was – if it saved his brother. This was all his fault. 
“Please don’t play games with him. He doesn’t deserve it. He…”
“I know,” she interrupted him and straightened up, placing her hands back on her thighs. “I saw his vision.”
Jake was getting more and more confused. “What vision?”
“His past desire. Something like this…” She snapped her fingers and his vision blurred for a split second before a second figure materialized in front of him. 
Jake inhaled sharply. He could feel his heart beating in his throat, pumping adrenaline into every inch of his body. This was a genuine fight-or-flight situation, yet he didn’t want to run away from it and he didn’t want to fight it either. She was there, right in front of him. His silent girlfriend. Sweet sixteen. He almost forgot about this young version of her, bent over an acoustic guitar in her turquoise muslin sundress, strumming the sweetest song. He didn’t even realize how much he missed her bright eyes and raven locks. Or her sweet kisses that he never really got to taste…He lifted his arms, but his hands froze in mid air. He desperately wanted to touch her face, but was too scared to do so… and then she was suddenly gone again. Instead, Lily was looking at him with compassion in her own eyes. She blinked twice, then spoke again.
“But this wasn’t real, was it.”
Jake still couldn’t get his breathing under control, his heart still beating like crazy. “Are you a fucking witch, or what?” He was gnawing at the inside of his mouth in a vain attempt not to break down in front of this… this… creature. 
She only scoffed at his question, instead demanding the answer he still didn’t give her:  “Answer me!” She looked sinister for a second, then her features softened again. She could taste his emotions on her tongue, but instead of the expected sourness of defiance, all she could discern was a lavender-ish aroma of longing. It was no use to try to subjugate him by force. And it wouldn’t be fair. He was already enthralled anyway, and he wasn’t going to leave. It also meant he was even more valuable than she had expected. They both were. 
He let out a heavy exhale, almost a sob. “No, it wasn’t real. It was just a daydream, but so elaborate she even visited me in my dreams a few times.” He had no idea why he was even telling her all this, but the truth was that he suddenly felt a bit lighter. 
“Your perfect girl?” she trilled.
Jake didn’t want to answer this one. He closed his eyes, trying to fight off the tears that threatened to spill. A fuckboy on the outside, he had this secret dream. Almost no one knew about her, only Josh did. She kept him company when it was just him and his hand in the middle of the night. She disappeared eventually, as there was no room for her in his increasingly busy life, but he recalled her smile from time to time. And then he refused to add the song on the album. It was too bittersweet. 
“Look at me!” she ordered suddenly, her voice so strong it echoed in the room and bounced off the walls, but it was no longer menacing. Just powerful. He opened his eyes and yelped. She was her, bone and flesh, so real he started to tremble, yet so unreal at the same time. 
“So, you’re a shapeshifter, too.”
“Yes. Men who are nothing but selfish, chauvinistic swines, think I am a monster. So that’s how I appear to them, it is their choice. They don’t deserve anything else. I steal from the takers, but I can be very generous, too. I’ve been observing you, Jake, and I’m impressed by what I’ve seen so far.” Her voice was suddenly soft as velvet, and when she offered him her hand, he willingly took it. 
This was surreal, the whole encounter. He couldn’t comprehend what was going on. He looked at the small cup on the crate warily. “Have you drugged me again?”
“No,” she shook her head with a warm smile. “This is much more powerful than drugs. It’s all already in your head. I’m not altering your consciousness, I’m just reading you, and I’m… bringing it to the surface. But you shouldn’t worry. I’m not cruel. It wouldn’t work if you weren’t willing. And I’m not going to torture you with this. In fact, this is beautiful! Oh my Lord down below, the two of you have so much to offer!”
If she thought this explanation was supposed to assure him he was safe, she failed miserably. “What do you want?” he whispered.
She reacted with a resonant laugh, while still trying to keep a kind face. It wasn’t hard. She didn’t have to dissemble the affection she felt towards him. “You should be asking what I’m willing to offer in return, Jake. You still think you’re in some kind of danger, but all I want is you to feed me.” 
His eyes widened in horror, which made her chuckle, but she realized how much was at stake. She had already said too much, she wasn’t usually that eloquent, partly because getting what she wanted was commonly much easier, and partly because she thought he deserved the explanation, so she quickly clarified: “With the bodily fluid you can spare.” Jake frowned and responded with just a simple “oh.” They neither moved nor said anything else for a few seconds. At last, she spoke: “I am not usually asking such questions, because I don’t make requests, but…,” she paused for a short while again, seemingly lost in contemplation, before she continued, her face now so close he could feel her hot breath on his skin: “Will you kiss me, Jake? I want you to kiss me just like you would kiss her. Would you do that?”
The sudden vulnerability in her voice took him by surprise and it was impossible to say no. He took her alabaster face in his hands and closed the gap between them, their lips dancing together to the music which he craved and which she secretly admired. It made her ancient heart sing along. She saw a vision of a world where this power would prevail and it glazed her eyes with longing. It had been her choice to spend eternity trying to punish men for destroying it; it was also her responsibility to nurture it. He felt it and the overwhelming effect of that particular sensation made him fall into her embrace, succumbing to her entirely. 
When their mouths finally parted, she stroked his cheek and smiled, weeping silently. Her dark curls straightened and lengthened again, shiny strands dancing in the air as if they were animated by a gentle breeze, even though all windows were closed. He could see gleams of sheer white chiffon flickering in it, embroidered by tiny, bell-shaped flowers, perhaps lily of the valley…or maybe spring snowflakes? He could always tell when spring was coming. Even when it was still bitterly cold outside, one day something in the air just changed and he could literally smell the shift of seasons. He loved spring. Tiny green buds bursting with new life and covering the world in light green tint everywhere he looked. He wanted those colors in his life. White and light green, and maybe blue or pink. The concept of the circle of life fascinated him and now he could feel how his own life reached a point when he wanted to step in that circle. He watched in silent wonder how her belly swelled and retracted back again before his fingers could touch it. She smiled at him contentedly. It was a mother’s smile.
A new wave of arousal swept through him, a different kind. His previous responses to her flirtations were purely carnal, and no wonder, when she had acted like a feline. But then she dug into his soul, embraced what she saw without judgment and let him relive it for a little while. He needed more. “What did you promise Josh? he asked.
“A sneak peak into his future,” she answered. 
“Will you show me mine?”
“If you want me to, then yes.”
“Take it, then” he whispered and she nodded silently. 
She reached down and unbuckled his belt. His fingertips spread out her bathrobe and he let it slide off of her shoulders. It all seemed to him to be happening in slow motion. They played this stripping game until they were both completely naked, then she suddenly pushed him down on the cushions and straddled him. He tilted his head back, exposing his neck to her, and she licked at his jugular like a gourmand, as if his skin was covered with a thin caramel crust. He tasted delicious. She could feel his strong pulse, and purred in appreciation. Traveling down his warm body, already slick with perspiration, she encircled his left pectoral with a swift, catlike lick, her pussy leaving a wet stripe on his right thigh. She was too much of a tease. He wanted to grab those rounded hips and just push her down on his throbbing cock, but when he tried to move his arms, they suddenly felt like they were made of lead. He tried to scream, but couldn’t make a sound. Her voice echoed inside his skull again. “Relax Jake, I want to be giving tonight. Steady on, and it will be pleasant. The paralysis isn't my doing, it’s the response of your system that still tries to overpower me. Breathe!”
He tried. Calm down, Jake. Inhale, exhale. With her warm hand now pressing on his chest, he tried to take a long, deep breath to overcome the sudden surge of panic, but it was not an easy task. The complex sensations attacking all his senses now were just too overwhelming. The air in the room got heavy with resin fumes and musk and her own scent reminded him of some sort of floral nectar. The rich combination of all the olfactory stimuli around him was making him increasingly lightheaded again. Overpowered by it, he closed his eyes and the world started spinning, so he quickly opened them again to a new, altered reality. She was swirling around and over his form like some sort of pearly serpent and the walls around them turned to nacre. Everything around them sparkled like ripples of water surface under the northern sun. He couldn’t tell what was true anymore, but it didn’t matter, because her touch felt like liquid velvet. He arched his back in search of even more physical contact. He needed to feel every inch of her, gluing his sweat-covered skin to hers. Her hands roamed over him, cool and soothing. 
He succumbed to the feeling, and the tension in his chest finally subsided, fear leaving his body in waves. In fact, he’d swear he could hear and feel actual sea waves…
When he was thirteen or fourteen, he had a very vivid dream about being in a small boat drifting along a tropical shore during the most beautiful sunrise he had ever seen. He still remembered every detail of that dream even more than a decade later, as if it actually happened. She was there with him, with her back turned to him. Without even being able to see her face, he knew he loved her. That was their first encounter and all his subsequent fantasies, the whole alternative reality that he created in his head, stemmed from the feeling she ignited in him in that dream. The boat must have been leaking because there was water inside the boat too, washing over his limbs like lukewarm chamomile tea. He wasn’t afraid of sinking and the boat in fact kept floating. Everything was so calm and quiet when the sun finally appeared on the horizon while the stars were still visible above them. That’s when she started singing, binding his heart to the idea of her forever. 
“This is beautiful Jake, truly. Thank you for showing me,” Lily whispered in his ear, bringing him from his trance and back to her. He could see her still hovering over him, her smiling face now mere inches from his. She kissed him again, tenderly, and he reciprocated. Moaning in her open mouth, he felt close to losing his mind, but her hand suddenly grabbing at his cock brought him back to the physical world. 
Before he knew it, she slid down his body again and took him in her mouth, making him yelp in surprise. She was good, her smooth tongue cradling the underside of his head in one second and lapping at his balls just a flick of a moment later, after she swallowed him down effortlessly, her throat contracting around him. 
She was too good, in fact. Frantically grabbing at the cushions around him and groaning loudly, he feared he was going to embarrass himself in front of her. Her laughter echoed inside his skull again. She knew. She could feel him pulsate against her tongue and playfully tickled one of the veins with just the tip of it while his swollen head kept leaking precum deep in her throat. In a vain attempt to steady himself, he shook his head like a madman. That’s when he heard another startled moan. It took him a second to realize that it wasn’t him this time and his heart skipped a beat. He had completely forgotten where he was and how he got there. Turning his head slowly to the side, he met a mirrored gaze: two dark eyes, wide open now, staring back at him. They looked at each other in stunned silence for several seconds until she took the reins again. Abandoning Jake’s cock with a playful pop, she stretched like a cat, rubbed her cheek against Jake’s right thigh and licked her lips, cackling. “Good morning Sleeping Beauty. Looks like your brother got a bit preoccupied here, but I haven’t forgotten about you. Want me to show you what that means?”
He responded with just a soft whimper, turning to his brother again, searching for guidance… and found none. Jake’s eyes were closed again, his brows knit together, and another moan escaped his parted lips. Josh’s eyes traveled down back to her and he saw her fist sliding up and down Jake’s cock with a steady rhythm. Looking intently into Josh’s eyes while doing so, she pressed the thumb of her other hand on her tongue and swirled it around lasciviously, before she enveloped it with her plump lips and sucked on it, winking at Josh while doing so. It made his own dick twitch again and she hummed with satisfaction. What a banquet tonight! She whooped in delight, making them both shoot a surprised look at her. 
Abandoning Jake’s cock for a moment, but without breaking eye contact with Josh, she got on all four and positioned herself in a space between them, offering herself to Jake like a bitch in heat. Too stunned to move, Josh just kept lying on the cushions, his gaze shifting between them. He watched in astonishment as Jake got up, positioned himself behind her and entered her with one swift thrust. Her warmth made him shudder and he buried his fingertips into the amble flesh of her hips to steady himself. Tilting his head back, he started fucking her without a single thought left in his head.  
Lily’s face hovered right above Josh’s crotch and she watched his bodily reaction to the whole situation with smug amusement. 
“Men,” she scoffed. “Strip for me, baby. Set that beauty free.” With that, she kissed his clothed bulge and gave it a gentle stroke with her index and middle finger. 
As if in a dream, he fumbled at the button of his pants with shaking hands. The zipper was next and before he even realized what he was really doing, he slid his pants down his legs and kicked them aside. His hard-on twitched again, as if waving at her. Joshito says hello. 
Always a man who laughs at his own jokes, he chuckled at the idea and quickly covered his face with hands and groaned in embarrassment. 
“Don’t play coy, Joshua. We both know you are a deviant piece of art. Show me how much. Come on.” Poking his chin, she motioned him to get up and get rid of his white shirt. Sitting on his heels now and still trying to avoid looking at Jake, he slowly reached for the hem and pulled the shirt over his head. “Beautiful,” she pursed her lips and moaned. “Come here, baby.”
He almost mirrored her own position now. On his hands and knees, he crawled even closer to her, his parted lips almost touching hers. She brushed his cheek with the tip of her nose and pressed her forehead to his. He felt the rhythmic sway of her body and started moving in unison with her as Jake continued thrusting into her deeply in a slow, sensual rhythm. Behind his closed eyelids, he could see silvery smoke circling around him like dust around a protosun, before it shaped and shifted in two androgynous figures. At first they were just some incorporeal entities, flickering around him like paper silhouettes, until he felt their touch. 
They positioned themselves behind and in front of him, respectively. He couldn’t see their faces, he wasn’t even sure they had any. He simply felt their presence, and that was the only thing that mattered. If he were a blank canvas, their hands would paint multicolor waves all around his body. The vision of him arched his back and howled, the real Josh whimpered and grabbed Lily’s moving shoulders. 
One of the creatures in his vision suddenly grabbed his hips – just as Jake held hers – and thrusted into him forcefully and without warning, but he felt no pain. Only exhilarating pleasure. The sensation made him gasp and through the haze of his lucid hallucinations, he heard her laugh.
A wave of panic similar to Jake’s swept over him when he tried to open his eyes and realized that he couldn’t. His mind was locked inside the vision completely; he was losing control over his body, only barely aware that he was still leaning against her. He could still hear. In fact, the noises around him only intensified and amplified. Jake’s moans and her cackles rumbled around him like a thunderstorm. 
The vision shifted again and he found himself in an ouroboros-like formation of pearly bodies, all swaying together in a circle in one collective act of love. One of them kept pounding his ass, another one in front of him demanded to be penetrated. The sensation was almost too intense, and Josh let out a long, high-pitched wail. Still clutching Lily’s shoulders, his hands began to tremble again. Let go, she whispered inside his head again, and he fell back on all four. The hallucination was gone all of the sudden, and with it the sensation. Josh moaned mournfully at the loss. He was now painfully hard and needed to do something about it. He looked her in the eye, silently pleading.
Without breaking eye contact, Lily straightened up and reached behind her to grab a handful of Jake’s hair, who huffed through his nose and quickened his pace, still lost in his own trance. Fucking her with a newfound virility, his hands traveled up her glittering form to cup her full breasts. They were now both towering over Josh, who watched them, mesmerized, but also feeling neglected and empty. Lily smiled down at him smugly. 
“Are you aroused, Josh?” she asked calmly, almost mockingly.
“Yes,” he breathed out and bit his lower lip in a vain attempt to stay calm.
“Do you want to fuck?” It was just a whisper this time. 
“Yeah,” he let out a high pitched whine. 
She fell back on all four, so that their faces were again almost touching, and hissed in his ear: “As you wish.” Balancing only on her left arm, she reached out with her right hand and grabbed his hard dick. Taken by surprise, Josh whined again, but she quickly silenced him with a fervent kiss, while stroking him. 
Move aside Jake, time to share. Her voice echoed in the room while her tongue continued exploring the inside of Josh’s mouth. Jake groaned in disagreement, but obeyed. Lily let go as well, quickly piled up several cushions and pillows in the middle of the platform and lay down on her back on them, her head now facing Jake. She grabbed her knees, spread her legs right in front of Josh’s face and whispered: “Your turn.” 
Josh grabbed his cock and aligned himself with her entrance. He looked down at her and her eyes brightened with joy and playful mischief. “That’s the look I wanted to see, you filthy little beast!” she exclaimed. He responded with just his bratty smile and entered her, throwing one of her legs over his shoulder. With a contented purr, she tilted her head back, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, her eyes on Jake. 
He hesitated at first so she added: “Go ahead, big boy. I allow it. And I can take it.” And, without another word, Jake took both sides of her head in his hands and slid in. She grabbed his asscheeks and urged him to go deeper. Mesmerized, he watched how her throat heaved with each thrust. She gagged a few times, but it was just for the show, because she had already learned that contractions of her throat around his head would quickly send him over the edge… and she was getting really hungry. He had been almost there already when she made them switch positions and now could already feel his orgasm building up again. He took a deep breath and bit his lip, trying to hold it just a little bit longer, but the vicious bitch dipped her index finger in the saliva that was running down her cheek and thrusted it up his ass. He yelped at the new sensation and, jerking his hips violently, filled her throat with his hot cum. 
Opening his eyes at last, he noticed Josh watching him with an unreadable expression on his face. He quickly averted his gaze and turned his attention back to Lily, while Jake collapsed back down on the remaining cushions, exhausted and completely spent. Lily swallowed, let out a relaxed sigh and her suddenly scaly skin started shimmering even more than before. Her pupils dilated and her back arched. Jake’s seed was delicious and knowing she’d get more soon, she got impatient and greedy. Josh could feel her muscles contract around him and groaned at the sensation. She was intentionally crushing him, trying to milk his penis like a teat. Her body started thrashing around like a fish out of the water. He put his hand on her belly in an attempt to steady her and could feel himself moving inside her. Sliding his hand down, his thumb found her clit and he started moving it in slow circles, but she grabbed his wrist to stop him and squeezed his dick with her walls again. His thighs started shaking, his rhythm faltered, and with a final, jerky thrust, he came hard and collapsed on top of her. 
After he regained his composure again, Josh sat up slowly, pulling her up with him. He then looked at her, confused. “But, you don’t need to…?”
She laughed. “Oh, you’re truly precious. No, I absolutely do not need to, but if you insist, I shall want to…” With that, she lay back on the cushions and spread her legs again in a teasingly slow motion, putting her slick pussy on full display once again. They both watched her in awe, unmoving. 
“...or do I have to do that myself?” She raised her eyebrow, a gesture of playful impatience, and started rubbing her clitoris with her middle finger. 
Jake was the first one to recover. He moved around her, swatted her hand away and cupped her pussy with his own instead. “Let me show you how it’s done, little boy,” he winked at Josh. 
“Oh fuck off, I know how to…” Josh retorted, but was quickly silenced by Lily’s annoyed grunt. “I’m not interested in your brotherly bickering. Get me off NOW!” 
With that, Jake slid two fingers inside her and quickly found the bundle he was looking for, which made her nod in appreciation. Curling his fingers up, he was rewarded with a breathy moan and her hips jerked forward, pleading for more. Still watching the whole show, Josh bit his lip and dared to bend down, thrusting out the tip of his tongue to touch her with it, cautiously at first. 
“Yes! More!” she hollered and he started fluttering his tongue over the swollen nub. With their combined effort, they made her whole body convulse soon and – screaming like a banshee – she squirted all over Jake’s hand and Josh’s chin. 
Jake smiled smugly and playfully gestured for Josh to get the spoils. “It’s all yours, big boy.” 
Josh flipped him off and leaned down in between her legs to lick up her own release. He expected to taste himself too, but her body already absorbed his cum. This was all her, and she tasted like elderberry syrup. He moaned involuntarily, almost startled. As if on cue, Jake licked his own fingers and his eyes widened. “Seriously, who are you?” 
“I’m a nightmare,” she crooned. “...or simply a woman in a dream. Depends on who you are.”
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Overcome with fatigue, they snuggled with her down on the pillows. Lily in the middle and the twins both on each side of her. “You promised,” Jake murmured, barely able to keep his eyes open. 
“I know dear, and I’m going to keep my word. Rest now, it will come to you.” She cradled his head and stroked his damp hair. Then she turned to Josh, kissed his forehead gently and with her lips still pressed to his skin, she murmured: “You too honey, lay your head.”   
They dreamt the same dream about a big house in the country, with birds singing and children running around, screaming and laughing. 
Josh and his people just parked outside, all five of them. Three adults and two younglings. The kids were bouncing in their safety seats, wild and bubbly, singing Wheels on a Bus together with Josh. He looked at them through his rear-view mirror and smiled at the sight of their wobbling heads: one curly and the other one ginger, just like their fathers’. Their mother helped them from their seats before they jumped from the car, impatient. She grabbed her bag and followed them. Josh watched as she passed by his window, her hair turning to pure gold as the sun rays shone through the wild strands. 
“Come on, Josh,” they’re waiting,” the blonde woman trilled. He could see his nephews slash godsons running towards them from behind the house, their distant laughter ringing in his ears. It looked like a scene from a movie, except this was his life. He turned to his right, kissed the ginger sitting next to him in the passenger seat and exited the car to meet them all. This was love. Those plump lips that could do wonders, the freckled nose above them, the blond hair dancing in the wind, tiny bare feet dancing on the overgrown grass… 
Josh looked around and his heart started singing, overflowing with joy for his brother’s happiness. She was standing on the porch, watching the scene, her raven locks also dancing in the wind. She was real, flesh and bone, all that time just waiting to be discovered in a small diner just outside Nashville. 
Jake’s form materialized from the dark shadow behind her. He now stood next to her, holding her lovingly by the waist while she kept caressing her swelling belly. He raised his other hand in acknowledgement and descended the few steps to say hello to his twin. 
“It’s a girl this time. The doctor told us just yesterday.” That was his greeting. 
“Well, congratulations! Finally.”
“Yeah, I began to think I didn’t know how to make them,” Jake chuckled, then looked back at her lovingly. 
“It’s gonna be just like us,” Josh smiled. “Except this time, she’s gonna be the youngest. Better buy her a piano soon.”
Jake stepped closer and hugged his brother. This was unusual, as Josh was normally the one who initiated any kind of physical contact. He could feel his younger twin shaking, and patted him lovingly on his back. 
“I love this life, Josh.”
“It’s been a pleasure spending it with you, brother.” 
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Jake was the first one to open his eyes, and they suddenly welled with tears.
The body next him stirred and opening his own eyes, he looked at Jake. “I know…”
It was just the two of them now, both clothed in white linen caftans and snuggled together under a warm blanket. Neither of them could remember how they got dressed, but considering what happened last night, nothing surprised them anymore. 
Suddenly they heard a soft melody coming to them from the adjacent room. It was Lily, humming a tune that sounded eerily familiar. It was just an indiscernible murmur at first, but as soon as she appeared in the doorway, holding a tray with three cups and a steaming kettle, they finally heard the words:
And as the night begins to die, they are the morning birds that sing against the sky. 
She paused and smiled at them. “Tea?”
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@its-interesting-van-kleep @edgingthedarkness @writingcold @thewritingbeforesunrise @lvnterninthenight @fleet-of-fiction @takenbythemadness @myownparadise96 @gvfstuddedmajesty @josh-iamyour-mama @jazzyfigz @sanguinebats @love-isnt-greed @klarxtr @kiszkas-canvas @lyndz2names @wetkleenex-gvf
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luckylolabug · 5 days
So I've been working on this dumb Modern Ketterdam AU thing where Inej is working for Wylan's dad for a while before defecting to work with Kaz's crew, and I just have to share this Wesper interaction because it's one of the earlier ones they have after Jesper realizes Wylan sells illegal fireworks under his dad's nose and I just. God, sorry, I love them.
Wylan kept his head down, navigating through the crowd with practiced ease, already planning his route back to the mansion where his tutor would be waiting. He hated being late—it would only give his father more ammunition to fire at him later. But just as he was turning a corner, a familiar figure caught his eye, leaning casually against a marking stall, a bright, amused grin spreading across his face.
The boy with the guns from last night. Jesper, Kaz had called him.
Wylan's heart skipped a beat as Jesper spotted him, eyes lighting up with recogntion. There was no mistaking the tall sharpshooter, dressed in flashy attire—a dark coat thrown over a vivid red shirt, his fingers tapping the side of one of his revolvers. He was as confident and at ease as he'd been the night before, and Wylan instantly felt exposed, like Jesper could see every thought racing through his mind.
“Well, well,” Jesper drawled, pushing off the stall and strolling over, his steps lazy and confident. “If it isn’t the pretty boy from last night. Small world, huh?”
Wylan bristled, feeling his cheeks flush with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. “My name’s Wylan,” he muttered, crossing his arms defensively. “And I really need to get going.”
Jesper’s grin widened, undeterred. “Wylan, huh? Nice to meet you properly then.” He fell into step beside Wylan as if it were the most natural thing in the world, weaving effortlessly through the crowd. “So, what’s a Van Eck doing wandering around the markets on a morning like this? You slumming it for fun, or is there something more interesting going on?”
Wylan’s jaw clenched. He didn’t have time for this, and he certainly didn’t want Jesper—Kaz’s man, one of the Dregs—following him back to his father’s house. He kept his pace brisk, eyes fixed straight ahead. “I’m just running errands,” he said tersely, hoping Jesper would take the hint and leave.
But Jesper wasn’t the type to let things go that easily. “Errands, huh? Like running around with fireworks? Were you serious about that?”
Wylan stopped abruptly, grabbing Jesper’s arm and pulling him off to the side, away from the bustle of the market. Jesper’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he didn’t resist, letting Wylan guide him into the relative privacy of a narrow side street. Wylan released him, running a hand through his curls, frustration bubbling to the surface.
“Do you have to be so damn loud about it?” Wylan hissed, keeping his voice low but urgent. “Not everyone needs to know what I’m doing.”
Jesper raised his hands in mock surrender, though his smile never wavered. “Alright, alright. Didn’t mean to get you all riled up. Just curious, is all. I mean, it’s not every day you meet a merchant’s son sneaking around with explosives.”
Wylan glared at him, the words stinging more than they should. Jesper didn't understand. None of them did. To him, it was probably all just a game—another quirky detail to file away in his catalog of oddities about the city's elite. But to Wylan, it was his life, the only thing he had any control over. He didn't want to be another sideshow attraction for the Dregs, another point of interest for Kaz Brekker to exploit.
"I'm not sneaking around," Wylan snapped, though even he didn't fully beleive it. "And this isn't some... some hobby. I'm just trying to—"
Jesper cut him off, his expression softening, just a hint of genuine interest peeking through his usual bravado. "Trying to what, Freckles? Trying to be something other than what everyone thinks you are?"
Wylan blinked, taken aback by the sudden shift in tone. It was as if Jesper had seen straight through the walls he had spent so long building up, and for a moment, Wylan didn't know how to respond. He wanted to push Jesper away, to brush off the question and move on, but something in the gunslinger's eyes—sharp, knowing, but not unkind—made him hesitate.
"I'm just... I'm trying to figure things out," Wylan finally said, his voice quieter, the fight draining out of him. "I'm not like my father. I don't want to be like him. And I don't need people like you making me feel like it's all a waste of time."
Jesper leaned back against the wall, his gaze never leaving Wylan's facve. "Who said anything about it being a waste? I think it's pretty fucking brave, actually. Takes guts to go against what's expected of you."
Wylan stared at him, unsure if Jesper was mocking him or being sincere. Nine times out of ten, it was the former, from his experience. Inej was usually the only exception. But there was something about the way Jesper was looking at him now, something that made Wylan feel seen in a way he wasn't used to.
"Look," Jesper said, pushing off the wall and clapping Wylan on the shoulder. "I won't keep you, I'm sure you need all your beauty sleep to keep your curls that perfect. But if you ever want to talk—or, you know, need someone to set off those fireworks of yours—I'm around. Ketterdam's a small place, after all."
Wylan nodded, dumbfounded, still processing the unexpected encounter as Jesper turned and sauntered back toward the market, his figure blending into the crowd. It wasn't until he couldn't see the sharpshooter anymore that he glanced down long enough to realize Jesper had slipped a piece of paper in the front of his bag, a string of numbers scribbled across it.
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dykedvonte · 3 months
why do you hate Joshua Graham or Honest Hearts so much?
This DLC and character represents a bigger issue with fandom spaces I have but particularly fallout fandom in general.
Fallout tends to tackle a lot of topics controversial and not. The first two games it’s heavy cause they are the most satirical and direct with how anti-war, nationalism and etc… they are. 3 loses this as it’s very clear once you play or learn about all the games that Todd and a bunch of guys at Bethesda just liked the 50s post apocalyptic aesthetic and refuse to actually critique the ideals of the time period like the earlier titles.
New Vegas is the game that really gets back into it a degree it almost seems like it’s taking too much on. There are things done exceedingly well while other things are done horribly wrong . I’ve made posts about it before and plan to make a big series of posts (it’s a lot of writing) but my biggest gripe is with Honest Hearts and all the gross and white savior esque depictions it has of indigenous peoples. The entirety if FNV does not do the injustices faced by indigenous people correctly on any count. My two biggest complaints are with the Khans and the tribes in Zion but I’ll talk about the former on a different post.
Both characters of Daniel and Joshua are the most accurate depiction of white saviors I’ve seen and I hate how the DLC tries to justify and defend them. The DLC treats Joshua like this man who has repented for his past actions when he is just retracing his steps after his cruelty bit him in the ass. He was one of the worst parts of the Legion and it is all but explicitly stated that if you don’t force him to be non-violent he will turn the tribes of Zion into the legion 2.0. The Dead Horses and the Sorrows are horribly infantilized by both Daniel and Joshua who both use them for self serving purposes guised by religious duty. The White Legs are the horrible stereotype of violent and savage indigenous and I personally think a lot of their interlinking with Ulysses, his hair and Ulysses character in general are distasteful and very telling of how BIPOC or POC where involved.
But outside of the game it’s the weird obsession people have with these characters ideologies and trying to make them seem more interesting/philosophical than they are. Tumblr is an echo chamber and many fans of Fallout are not the people on this site. Many people are not educated in the issues these characters convey and how poorly they do or used these characters as a poor introduction for their takes. Contrary to what a lot of people believe in, fallout has a prediomeny white cis male fanbase. More importantly a large portion of the fanbase is white.
You can joke how FNV made you trans or see the numbers on post/fics or diverse headcanons but these are kiddy numbers compared to the millions that consume the franchise and aren’t in those more aware spaces or don’t engage in the spaces the same way someone like me does/has to. Their views shape a lot more than people realize and it’s exhausting to be in a space where people don’t correct the more subtle yet toxic aspects of it but also adopt them into some weird quirky view point on the characters or issues. Some people don’t realize and some people don’t care.
My main issue is just the idolizing of these sort of thing in this fandom space and people try to acts like a game like fallout whose tagline is “War never changes” and has never had a game not revolve around political or militaristic factions issues isn’t that deep or doesn’t relate to real issues. I think it’s mainly caused by how over powered you can become and how you can strong arm your way past these learning moments as majority of people who play this game do play it as a power fantasy where they can do so as they please (which of course, go ahead it’s fun) but never take in parallels or lessons in the story as if it was just another first person shooter.
Also like another personal gripe is Cazadores spawn like hell whenever I’m there and I have not found a mod that works to mod them out so I have to play Indigenous Racism the DLC while getting jumped by giant wasps WHILE helping Mormons. Like I cannot catch a break.
#I’m mostly silly or character headcanon focused on this blog#but sometimes I forget some people literally have never interacted with someone slightly outside of their ideologies or don’t learn about#philosophies that don’t pertain to their view point and actively block them out#and so I have like a meltdown and occasionally post about it cause like I see more people hate Danse for regurgitating BoS teachings than#hate Joshua Graham who helped found the legion participated in their practices and still has this weird bloodlust#like make it make sense why do you like this white man genuinly like outside of his aesthetic#I can say silly shit about them hit it’s always I think it’s surreal they even exist while others genuinely wish they did so they could fix#them and some of all don’t realize how quickly jokes lead people down rabbit holes and pipe lines cause ur not gonna see posts even pitying#that man in here#like when I defend Danse it is through the signs and events in game that show he is not stuck in his ways and possibly only adopted those#beliefs because of his tramatic events with super mutants and the bos being very anti anything not human#their are affinity reaction that concern this while Joshua like moans yes when killing the white legs and is always polishing his gun goon#pile like I’ve learned too much about him the Mormon faith and that dlc to be told I’m playing favorites he is not fixable or repentent#this fandom has one of the worst issues of he’s my fave so he can’t do wrong when some of this characters are literal unapologetic rapist#racists or individuals who condone or perpetuate like ideas and concepts like obviously I’m gonna not like them????!#like I still think it’s interest to dissect them and I try so hard to not be a hypocrite but sometimes it’s like the whole this is just a#fun thing for you but like be aware of what you are taking in and reflect like is so important fiction can slowly seep into your morals#I’m rambling and losing track of shit so imma stop here before I reach the tag limit but again dm and ask cause this is the stuff I will#blab about#horrible at normal conversation tho#fallout#fallout new vegas#joshua graham#honest hearts#ask#anon#fallout 3
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youve gotten me interested in horrible histories, could we get a lil rundown of it all? what is the idea behind it? :D
GLADLY !! I’m feel so honored that I was able to get you interested in this wonderful show :-) !! I’m assuming you’re only asking about the show BUTT you’re also gonna get an explanation about the books, Horrible Histories: Gory Games show AND the animated Horrible History characters too hehe
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Horrible Histories, a British sketch comedy and educational television series, first aired its 2009 season on CBBC. The show, primarily aimed at children, uses humor and parody to teach viewers about various historical events and figures. Each episode focuses on specific periods, cultures, or historical topics, presenting the information in a fun and engaging manner.
The series is based on the bestselling children's books of the same name by Terry Deary. It uses a combination of live-action sketches, animations, and musical numbers to make history more accessible and entertaining for its audience. The show's cast (Season 1 to 5), which includes Matthew Baynton, Simon Farnaby, Martha Howe-Douglas, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard, and Ben Willbond portrays a range of historical characters, often in a comedic or exaggerated manner.
Today’s Horrible Histories (Season 6 to 10) isn’t as much as loved compared to the older Seasons, and I see why. The main reasons as to why the recent Horrible History seasons aren’t as loved is because of some controversial topics and some rewrites of history (So I recommend maybe just watching the earlier seasons).
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(Just a quick note that I do not support nor condone any of the controversial topics that were written in the recent seasons, the only reason why I visit the recent episodes are to fast forward to the parts to where they show the animated clips.)
Back to the older seasons, Season 1-5 shows a great way of explaining and presenting historical topics in a fun, harmless and amusing way to its audience. There are also a bunch of British references and subtle jokes that will get a laugh out of you. The songs are quite catchy too :-D
If you are interested in watching Horrible Histories, you could always go to the BBC Horrible Histories Iplayer website or use this google drive I found on Reddit to all the episodes of Season 1-5 !!
Pros of watching Horrible Histories:
someone kissed a priest idk
Cons of watching Horrible Histories:
getting the Monarchs song stuck in your head for months
sad song ending :-(
there will never be another season of horrible histories with the original cast (six idiots)
Summary: silly history show that is hosted by a talking rat with a variety of fun signs and fun other characters like Death and a historical news report guy with ADHD. also uhm a lot of people really like Matt Baynton dick turnip for some reason
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Horrible Histories is a series of non-fiction children's books written by Terry Deary. The books, published by Scholastic, delve into different periods of history, presenting facts in a humorous and often gory manner. The series aims to make history fun and engaging for readers by focusing on the unusual, terrible, and gruesome aspects of the past.
Each book in the series covers a specific historical era, such as the Awful Egyptians, the Measly Middle Ages, or the Terrible Tudors. The stories are told through amusing anecdotes, illustrations by Martin Brown, and timelines, often featuring shocking facts, jokes, and quirky characters. Some books also include activities, such as puzzles and quizzes, to further engage the reader.
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The first titles in the series, “Terrible Tudors” and “Awesome Egyptians”, was published in 1993, and since then, the series has expanded to include more than 30 titles, covering various historical time periods and regions, like the Rotten Romans, the Vile Victorians, the Cut-Throat Celts and even gruesome guides to places you may know such as the USA, France, London and more !
The books have been translated into multiple languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. By presenting history in this unique and irreverent manner, Horrible Histories has played a significant role in making history more appealing to readers, helping to inspire their interest and encourage further exploration.
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Martin Brown is an illustrator best known for his work with Terry Deary on the popular children's book franchise, Horrible Histories. He started off with illustrating greeting cards and now writes his own projects and draws illustrations for the recent Horrible History books such as “Up in the air”, “Right on Track”, Paws, Claws and Jaws”, and the upcoming new Horrible History book “The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet”.
Martin Brown’s illustrations play a significant role in the franchises' success, as they bring the gruesome and humorous aspects of history to life. His unique style combines a cartoonish aesthetic with realistic detail, creating a vivid and engaging visual experience for readers.
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Besides reading the books, you could also play some Gruesome (not really, I just added that word for fun) Games like the Horrible Histories: The Board Game, Horrible Histories jigsaw puzzles, Horrible Histories Battle cards, Horrible Histories: Gruesome Game-A-Thons and many more !
Pros of reading Horrible History books:
dude the books are genuinely so fun theres pop up books, sicker activity books, coloring books, journals, puzzles and MORE ?????? also horrible history themed stationary stuff ANDD horrible history figurines which is like ,, well wicked.
Cons of reading horrible history books:
I haven’t ran into any cons yet so THATS A WIN FOR THE BOOKS !
Summary: READ THE BOOKS DAMN YOUR EYES !!!! god I absolutely love the books so much they’re so fun to read when ur bored and the illustrations were the reason why I even got into Horrible Histories so let’s all say “Thank you Martin Brown” I’ve learned so much from reading these books ANDDDD I spend less time on my devices woohoo !
(I don’t know much about Gory Games because uhm I haven’t watched them yet I’m too busy watching Horrible Histories and the Beatles Saturday morning cartoons archived on youtube)
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"Horrible Histories: Gory Games," a spin-off of the well-known BBC historical comedy sketch series, “Horrible Histories," is a children's game show that premiered in 2011. Created by the same team behind the original series, it's aired on CBBC. It also has a companion app for iOS and Android.
Hosted by Dave Lamb and Rattus Rattus, the show focuses on obscure historical facts. Three young contestants, known as "Horrible Historians," compete to collect "Year Spheres." These spheres represent years, either A.D. or B.C. Scoring A.D. years adds to their point total, while B.C. subtracts. The winner is determined by the contestant with the highest score after three rounds of historically-themed challenges or quizzes.
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Pros of watching Horrible Histories: Gory Games:
You get to see Ben Willbond is a georgian costume
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Summary: if you wanna watch kids answer historical trivias then watch Horrible Histories: Gory Games (episodes can be found on youtube !!)
(prepare for a long long LONGG explanation)
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Canon/Official Information:
The reoccurring animated characters you may remember seeing in a normal Horrible Histories episode are probably the Rotten Romans soldier, Gorgeous Georgian lady, Frightful First World War british soldier or the Measly Middle Ages peasant. But do they have any background other than being a character from that era ?
These lovable but forgettable cartoon characters you’ve probably seen before make appearances in Horrible Histories: Gory Games, Horrible History book covers, Horrible History merchandise and even in the Horrible History games.
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The animated/cartoon characters are used for the animated sketches or era headings in the 2009 Horrible Histories show. They also made multiple appearances in the Horrible Histories: Gory Games show, usually introducing the era topic, questions and answers. While most of the characters are recognized from the shows, almost all of them originated from the Horrible Histories book covers.
You may be surprised to hear that some characters have official names like this Victorian Gentleman, did you know his name was Howard ? Now you do.
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How about this Tudor lady from an animated Terrible Tudors sketch ? Her name is Alice.
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The Roundhead chief ? Oh yeah, his name is Victory.
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We don’t get much information/background about these little shits, but when we do it’s usually shown in a subtle or way that wouldn’t be mentioned again. So what do I do ? LIST DOWN EVERY SINGLE FACT ABOUT THEM. (Probably not every single thing about them, but a lot of facts that you may not know !)
Since my discussion about the animated characters might be a bit too long, i’ll be breaking some of the subjects I’ll be talking about into 3 topics:
Canon facts
Fanon information (Things I made up about them)
Crabby Clash (Fanon once again !)
The animated characters can interact with non-animated characters.
The mummy giggles alot
The Vicious Viking has a daughter (Fanon name: Eirunn)
The caveman is a father of 2 boys.
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The Measly Middle Ages peasant’s family business is pig farming.
The Terrible Tudors headsman (Book cover character) does doodling
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The (other) Measly Middle Ages peasant is a pilgrim.
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The miner minor’s (Wales book cover character) father is shown in “When I grow up”
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The Viles Victorian gentleman has a wife (Name unknown).
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⬆️ He also sells cakes at science fairs !
The FWWI soldier has a trench mate (Shown in HH: Gruesome Game-A-Thons)
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The Terrible Tudors Headsman has an official voice claim, voice actor unknown
There’s an animated HHTV News reporter named “Simon Skirmish” (Shown in “Protesting with Pankhurst” S9 EP3)
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Animated Simon Cowell is canon in the animated Horrible Histories dimension
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The Vile Victorian gentleman was ran over twice
I would name abunch of other facts I know, but I don’t want to make this post longer than it already is.
(Note: This is just MY personal fanon opinions, other people have their own views, names and headcanons for these characters :-D)
Since BBC won’t give us more background about the animated characters, we’ll settle this the old way like any other fandom would; MAKE HEADCANONS !!!
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Me and a few other HH fans gave most of the characters their own backgrounds and who they are, I’m truly taken back with what their creative minds came up with. You can check some of the names I’ve given the characters with the help of a friend in this post !!
I really don’t know where to start since there are so much fanon topics I could discuss right now, but here are a 2 topics I chose to discuss for now :-)
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(You may want to read the fanon names before reading my headcanons)
Ma-Nefer is blind (due to the fact that his pet falcon that Senouphis trained to rip his brother’s eyes out so he could become Pharaoh), his artificial eyes serve no purpose.
While Ma-Nefer was stuck at his burial, his only companion was a mummified cat he named “Geb”.
Senouphis gets a reoccurring nightmare where Ma-Nefer comes back from the dead and takes his revenge, of course that would never happen ,, yeah right.
Wycliff used to have a pet parrot, unfortunately he still hasn’t gotten over his parrot’s death.
They all hate Rattus (except for Médard aka the frenchie)
If Madeleine was ever to die during a bombing, Madeleine’s daughter would think of her doll as her mother and treat the doll as how Madeleine treated her.
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Ma-Nefer is willing to forgive Senouphis.
Egbert is unaware that he’s related to the other medieval peasant.
Archie is the troublemaker, Toby is the problem solver.
Eirunn wants to be a vicious Viking just like her father, Ragnar supports her decisions but thinks that she shouldn’t be adventuring at her age.
Chopsalot loves plum pies he would devour one in SECONDS.
Rip Chopsalot you would’ve loved raisin muffins.
Ronnie likes to write poems and record his life in the trenches.
Lady Jane despises Egbert (peasants), she will not survive 5 seconds standing near him.
Benjamin is BALDING.
My mind has gone blank at the moment, so I don’t really know what else to say but I post a lot of animated HH character stuff so if you’re willing to listen to me ramble, then make sure to stay tuned :-)
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“What is ‘Crabby Clash’ anyways ?”
It’s an HHAC (Horrible Histories Animated Characters) AU where all historical periods/eras go to war against eachother, some eras/periods will have alliances while some will be on their own.
As of right now, I stil haven't figured out the alliances yet, but the whole story is completely up to you! Who wins in the Crabby Clash? Yes, that's the name of the AU (corny I know :-( ).
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FUN FACTS about the Crabby Clash/HHAC:
The non-animated HH characters (Bob hale, Charles the II, Mike Peabody, Sue, Death, etc ..) are canon in the universe too.
A little conflict between 2 eras was the reason for the war (just like any other world war).
Women from some eras are able to go to war (because I SAY SO IT’S MY AU).
there will be yuri angst and brotherly angst so you should totally be interested in my au
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The AU is still in the making, if you’d ever like to suggest something for my AU that would be heavily appreciated <3
And that’s about it I suppose :-) thank you for coming to my ted Jimb talk and see you next Friday night folks ! walks off stage and gets swallowed by an ottoman
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circular-bircular · 11 months
“You can have DID without trauma!”
Vent art. Mod “Armageddon.” Tw for COCSA and general abuse.
You are a system. You have DID. You do not know this.
You go through 15 years, not knowing this — just existing in a haze, having such a bright childhood, one you grasp for later in the dark moments, trying desperately to hold onto it.
At 15, you realize, wait. I think something’s wrong. You realize you don’t feel like “yourself” — and even more alarming, you don’t know who “you” even are. You hear voices, suddenly, in your head. You find notes you clearly wrote, but it’s someone else’s handwriting, someone else’s words to “you.”
You just need to figure out who “you” is.
You go to your sexual abuser abusive romantic partner best friend because your abusive neglectful overbearing parents would never understand, or might be too worried about you. You ask them, “What’s wrong with me? I’m scared. I’m confused. I feel like I’m going to die.”
They smile. They want you, they need you to stay, and to stay you can’t be scared. “Don’t worry — that’s normal.”
You sigh in relief. Thank goodness. You’re fine. You’re okay. Nothing is wrong. The voices are just normal things everyone else experiences. The fun imaginative things in my head are normal. The fighting, screaming, sobbing, fear, need to run, need to love, need to help everyone while fully believing you’re about to get hit, or touched, or watched, always watched—
Don’t worry. That’s normal.
You are a system. You have DID. You do not know this.
You are 19. You’re not sure when that happened — isn’t time silly that way? You are normal. You were a bit “quirky” and “cringy” in high school, roleplaying a lot. You do not remember the voices in your head. You do not remember their names. You do not remember two entire years of high school, and you do not remember that you have forgotten.
You see a student presentation in class about a story, and how the main character could be read as having dissociative identity disorder. “The symptoms come from childhood trauma,” the student says, “but people don’t always remember their trauma.”
She describes the symptoms. You feel… weird. Why does that sound so familiar? So normal? You laugh a little and look around, expecting everyone else to be rolling their eyes at such an obvious observation. How ridiculous of psychologists to diagnose a very normal thing, right? But everyone else is nodding along, very interested, and the professor praises the student for her psychological lens, and “valuable research gathering on a rare disorder.”
You don’t remember going to your dorm, or the test you took that day online. The next thing you remember is not being “you” anymore, because “you” is locked in a room in your mind, and now you’re someone else, sobbing at the website you’ve pulled up. It’s about dissociative identity disorder.
You’re not you. You’re someone else.
You go to your best friend. You tell them everything at 4am, sobbing because you don’t know what to do anymore, and you’re scared, because you don’t know who you are.
“You’re not crazy. This isn’t normal, but you aren’t crazy. I believe you.”
You breathe for the first time in years months weeks days.
You are 19. You have DID. You think.
There’s only one problem; you don’t have trauma. You do. It’s there. They hurt you so much, you idiot, why can’t you hear the voices screaming that at you? So what on earth are you experiencing?
You try to research it. All you have is a DSM-III and resources on multiple personality disorder. And, of course, tumblr — your home away from home.
You find a war happening. People with trauma versus people who say they have none. They all seem to hear voices, and many are angry and struggling and confused, just like you. You must be like these “plurals” you’ve seen. The ones without trauma but with DID. That’s not what that was, and you know that now, but it’s was so hard to tell back then.
You join them. “I have DID,” you say, “but I don’t have trauma.”
“That’s okay!” They tell you. “You can have DID without trauma.”
What a relief. You’re normal. You’re fine. You’re not like those anti-endos, you’re told. “They medicalize their systems,” you’re told, “and their therapists are abusing them.” You feel so bad for those poor systems. They’re not like you; you’re fine. You’re normal. Unlike them.
You try to avoid the traumatized ones, but you see so many of them getting angry. They keep yelling about these people who don’t have trauma, who are “appropriating a disorder” — that same disorder you clearly have, but you don’t have trauma.
You crash your car while dissociating so hard that you hallucinate your parts headmates around you. And you are happy, because at least you have a family to take care of you. Isn't it so nice to see your parts headmates in real life?
You're normal. It's okay. You don't have trauma. You don't need trauma to be a system, and you love being a system. No you DON'T, the parts scream, you're dreaming! Wake up! Wake up, please, god, don't let that woman hug you, don't you know what she did--
You keep moving on.
Then you see the arguments that spark something in you. “You need trauma, but the age range is wider than you’d think.”
Your sexual abuser abusive romantic partner best friend from high school. There’d been that time you fell out with her. That time you blew up at her because she’d kissed you in public, blamed you for teasing her too much. You realize how little you remember.
What else have you forgotten?
“I have trauma but it’s well past the age range,” you say to an anti-endo, knowing you shouldn't have spoken to them, because everyone tells you not to -- but none of them are traumatized, and this person is. “What’s wrong with people having this disorder without trauma?”
“There’s decades of research on this,” you’re told. “It sounds like you do have trauma. Consider that you might have some you don’t remember. Otherwise, you don’t have DID.”
You are 19. You have DID, you know it. You ignore this person. “These other people told me I don’t need trauma. You’re just gatekeeping. You’re just wrong. I’m not traumatized. I’m not like you. I’m better.”
You go to the ones who comforted you, listened to you, manipulated you. "I have trauma, I think, but it's past the age those anti-endos talk about, how ridiculous are they?"
"I'm so proud of you for standing up to those sysmeds! A lot of us have been traumatized because of how people treat our system. I'm sorry those anti-endos traumatized you."
"Well, it wasn't them -- but you're right. Anti-endos are traumatizing. They've traumatized me."
You believe the lie you spread, because they spread it first, and it sounds right. You do not mention that you learned you were sexually assaulted by a peer as a child. That would just be trauma dumping, and that would make you no better than a sysmed.
You are 19. You’re “cured” of your DID, because the plurals around you say that if you like your system, you don’t have DID. They say if you can’t remember your trauma, you probably don’t have any, and “most DID is caused by trauma, you just might be a disordered plural.” They call you endogenic, or mixed-origin, or autigenic. Trying to suggest you have DID leads to them talking about those horrible traumatized systems DID systems disordered systems anti-endos.
“You can’t listen to them. You can’t reblog from them. They’re homophobic, racist, transphobic, bigoted, ableist, wrong. Any information they share is ableist.”
You listen. You always have. You roll your eyes good naturedly at them suggesting you don't have trauma -- they just meant your system isn't caused by trauma. They just misspoke. That's all.
... But what if they're right?
You are 20. You are a ????? system. You say you have DID, because you are disordered and fit all of the criteria, and you can have DID without trauma. Maybe you are just plural?
You start getting into fights with systems online. You spread misinformation your experiences. Anyone who disagrees with you is an ableist gatekeeper. You get fakeclaimed and it hurts. Now you are traumatized by anti-endos. You try to avoid them more, falling deeper into those circles that include everyone, including you. They must love you. They love everyone.
You see a post about trauma. You realize, slowly, so so slowly, your parents have hurt you. You remember everything. No??? You remember so little, the voices scream, sob, you can’t remember it because you’re not even trying to. Why bother trying when you can live in denial, and keep getting abused each time you go home, and keep getting hurt worse and worse every single weekend?
You are 20. You are a DID system. You have trauma. You know some of it.
You go to your manipulators harassers friends. “I figured it out! My system was formed my trauma!"
“Oh, you poor soul, who told you that?”
You feel cold. “What?”
“Those awful anti-endos fakeclaiming you-“
You feel isolated. “No?”
“You can’t listen to them. You’re autigenic. You’re being manipulated. You don’t have trauma.”
“My parents-“
“They love you, that’s not abuse. They were rich, that’s not abuse. They only yelled at you, that’s not abuse. You aren’t traumatized — don’t let the anti-endos convince you that you are.”
You are desperate. “But my DID!”
They frown at you. “You don’t need trauma to have DID. Saying otherwise makes you a sysmed."
You leave your friends. They weren’t friends at all.
You isolate. You have nobody. You made it clear that you would not speak to the filth anti-endos traumatized systems like yourself. You have nobody left to talk about your trauma with.
You are 21. You are a traumatized DID system. You only have your partner and in real life friends. Your abusers force you to drink on your birthday, and come into your safe space. You have nightmares for weeks.
Then you’re 22 and you are stuck with your abusers. You can see their faces now. You know the truth. You feel sick.
You are 23. 24. 25. You find new circles. You've researched trauma more, not nearly enough. You briefly become anti-endo, frustrated as you see more and more people hurt like you were, frustrated that the pro-endo spaces do not have any resources for those like you. Then you mellow, you try to divorce your trauma from your experience online. You try to find places to spread research and knowledge, to be traumatized and have people recognize what that means.
You are attacked for being traumatized, because this space has never been safe for trauma victims. You remember how you used to think when you were 19. You remember how you felt when you were left all alone. You try to keep the doors open, but it's so so hard, and you have to take care of yourself too. But you try. God, you try to help others.
You are 26.
You are in so many circles — endogenic, plural, CDD, traumatic, traumagenic, it doesn’t matter. You have so many people.
You see people telling others, “You don’t need trauma to have DID!” You take a deep breath and follow what your disgusting medicalist inclusive and welcoming therapist has taught you about stopping spirals. You try not to say anything deep at first, because you’re clearly triggered, and recent lessons have taught you more that you need can’t be traumatized online without getting hurt badly.
But you see people denying their trauma. Saying, “I don’t remember any trauma, and even if I did have trauma, I don’t feel like I do."
You remember being that way. You remember not remembering. You remember how your parents sexually abused you, now, even after you thought you’d remembered it all. You remember how your parents hit you and neglected you alongside their overbearing lack of boundary keeping. You remember how you convinced yourself it wasn’t trauma.
You remember how you went back, for years, because of what people said.
You could have left at 19. You had the chance. The options. The doors to freedom were wide open, and you did not step out, because you thought your cage was already freedom.
How much sooner could you have been free if you had simply acknowledged you had trauma, and it had been made clear that it was okay to have trauma? That it would be safe to leave? That you deserved to be able to leave?
You do research. You've done research. You try to find proof of endogenic -- of non-trauma -- DID. You find fakeclaiming. You find people misinterpreting statistics, or even flat out lying about statistics. You find decades, even centuries of research, in the attempt to figure out what's happening. You even resort to literary analysis, because at least you might be able to find evidence of people discussing non-trauma DID as a legitimate scientific thing while psychoanalysing old texts -- just like back at 19, back in college, back when you first heard what DID was.
You find nothing.
You try to share your experiences still. You try to explain in more private spaces, spaces where there can't be anonymous hatred flung your way -- or worse, people who have determined that you are an enemy that must be defeated taking each word you say and twisting it to demonize you -- and you watch in horror as they remember.
"That's trauma?"
"That's disordered?"
"I've never heard of this before."
"I thought I was endogenic. I thought I didn't have trauma."
They're fine. They struggle -- but trauma is a struggle -- and more importantly, they now know what resources to even aim for. They know where to look. They know what can help.
You wish you'd known that.
And you will never, ever stop being bitter about the years those people took from you. You will never forgive them for their fakeclaiming. You will never forgive them for the years you spent being abused more.
But it's okay.
It's normal.
And isn't it better to be inclusive of that very slim amount of people who, despite all evidence to the contrary, and despite all of Occam's understandings, and despite the harm that inclusiveness does to those who are suffering, just have DID without any of that pesky, disgusting trauma?
What do I know? I'm just a filthy sysmed.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
hi, hope you all are doing well! :) i was wondering, do you have any recs for slowburn fics that still continue on after they get together? i love slowburn but sometimes i get sad when the fics end immediately after they get together 😭😭 like i want it to take 80k words for them to kiss but i also want to see 20k words of them together after that yk 🙏🏻 thanks so much! :))
No I totally get it. Here’s what first came to mind from what I’ve read, but feel free others to drop your recs!
A Stolen Ring (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan’s not normal. Why?
He's not human, he has a mysterious ring, and he hates Phil Lester. They have a strange past, one filled with bullying and avoidance, but when Dan turns into an incubus, everything changes. He struggles with his identity and cries himself to sleep most nights, yearning to be normal. And somehow the universe makes it worse by bringing him and Phil together - in the most literal sense.
(TW) Absolutely Lovely (ao3) - Autumn_Kismet
Summary: His friends and family think he's acting strange, they're worried that he's depressed again, but Dan doesn't see it. The only thing he sees is the new guy at school, the quirky one with the black hair and stunning blue eyes, and that's bad. So bad... because he likes him, and Dan can't like him. Dan can't be gay. He'll lose his family, he'll lose his friends... he'll become just like his father, and that's the last thing that he wants in the entire world. It's a scary thought that he doesn't think will ever go away and if there's the possibility of that happening, of him becoming the disgusting monster that his father was, or is, then maybe the world is better off without him, regardless of what PJ's dad, his mum's new husband, has to say.
Believe in Me (ao3) - Elleberquist6
Summary: Dan Howell is living at home while he’s saving money for college, which isn’t easy since his parents don’t understand him. Unlike them, he loves dogs, is a vegetarian, has no interest in the family business, and he despises the supernatural. He struggles to accept things that are illogical, even though he is a kitsune. Kitsune are foxes whose powers involve the ability to cast illusions, but Dan just wants to be normal. Phil Lester has just moved to London, where he works as a dog walker. When his path crosses with Dan, Phil is eager to get to know him. Unfortunately, Phil soon finds that being friends with Dan is far more complicated than he could have imagined.
(TW) Break Me (ao3) - MySecretsX
Summary: In this world, you're marked with black. That's if you have a soulmate at least. Everyone is destined to cross paths with the one who is meant for them, at least once in their lives.
When you and your soulmate meet, you will touch, if only briefly, and the exact area of skin you touch with the other turns from black to white, with streaks of blue, purple, yellow, all marbled in with each other.
Daniel Howell is well-known in town. People cross the street if they're approaching him and newcomers to the neighbourhood are warned about his presence. Exactly like the Lester's were. But Phil Lester has other ideas, he saw the pain within the boy, how bad can he really be?
(A story about abuse, self-destruction, but ultimately, love. Please read safely.)
Butterfly (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: Phil Lester, a lonely writer, finds a dying boy with beautiful black wings on a cold, rainy night in a dingy alleyway. He recognizes the boy as one of the winged men hated by human society. They are considered to be wild, ferocious beasts, but Phil's sympathy forces him to help the boy.
What happens when the boy, considered to be a wild beast, gets too attached and follows him home with an innocent, dimpled smile?
Cat and Mouse (ao3) - jilliancares
Summary: Dan Howell is the Panther. He's evil, nefarious, ingenious, and good at coming up with adjectives for himself. The Raven is a nuisance, but he's definitely the most fun part when it comes to being a villain. As a child, Dan had been scared of his powers. He'd been weak. He'd become strong, though. Strong enough to torment the city; strong enough to annoy the Raven with every opportunity he got.
Phil Lester only had one goal these days. To become strong enough to defeat the Panther.
Desires (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: What would you do if you were suddenly hauled from your inauspicious life and dumped into an unforeseen catastrophe with your worst enemy?
Dan Howell and Phil Lester completely and utterly hate each other. They fight every time they meet, and all of their friends are tired of it. But one day, these two hot-headed, reckless men stumble through a secret passage in a mysterious old house and wake up on a strange island uninhabited by other intelligent life forms. They only have each other and no way to escape. Will they fight to death, or will they learn to trust each other in a world where no one else exists? Can they put aside their mutual hatred for each other to survive this misfortune?
(TW) Head Down Low (ao3) - Rhensis
Summary: Dan isn’t right. He’s not like most of the others, he’s not genetically pure. He has no destined path, he has nothing going for him in life. He’ll be lucky to get himself a job in a fast food kitchen, and everyone looks down on him like he’s a piece of dirt stuck at the bottom of their shoe. Except one person: Phil Lester.
I Want It, I Got It (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: Phil Lester was a worker for the BBC in London. Working in the advertising department, he was content being alongside his friend and fellow coworker PJ during every shift. However, the BBC is temporarily being used as a film set for a new movie starring Hollywood ‘It’ star, Daniel Howell. Being stuck as an extra on the set, Phil finds it’s hard to ignore the famous star. And maybe, just maybe, Dan finds it hard to ignore Phil as well.
Mind Reader (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan's head was always filled with noise. He'd been blessed/cursed with the power to read minds, but not the power to control it. He heard the thoughts of everyone near him, and the constant voices in his head were close to driving him mad.
That is, of course, until he met Phil Lester, the only one who could make his mind go silent.
(TW) Those Who Trust (ao3) - theshyauthor
Summary: Dan used to be a submissive and now he’s just a broken shell of a man.
Trust Me, I'm Broken Too (ao3) - natigail
Summary: The Lesters – the royal family of his homeland – was nothing like Dan thought they would be. Well, the King was just as horrible as he had heard but the King’s brother’s son, who was third in line for the throne, was nothing like Dan thought he’d be. Dan had been adrift for three years going from one “place of employment” to another, only his life was seen as worthless and he was more property than an employee. He had never imagined he’s end up as the property of Prince Philip.
The Prince had no intention of ever taking on a personal servant, which was a fancy name to disguise the fact a law essentially enslaved people. Phil often had to do things he didn’t want to or risk being removed from the succession to the crown. If that happened, who knew who his tyrant of an uncle would pick as a successor? When pressured into the choosing, he’d wanted to go for the most innocent, young girl, but hard brown eyes caught his attention instead.
(A lot of these I loved and totally forgot about so thanks for the reminder!!!!)
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 6 months
Centaur debate is boring. Pokefucking is more interesting.
Personally, I believe Pokemon can consent. If you've ever seen the anime, pretty much all pokemon have human intelligence and understand human language. Not like a dog learning commands. Like Pikachu and Ash can have full conversations. I mean, think about it. Otherwise it would literally just make Pokemon trainers like cock fighters or dog fighters. Instead, Pokemon actually choose whether or not to fight. So can they choose whether or not to fuck? I think so.
The then issue lies in physically whether or not Pokemon are too similar to real world animals. I think some Pokemon are definitely more suspicious to be attracted to than other. For example, four-legged pokemon like Vaporeon are super sus if you're thirsting after them in their canon form. Less so if you're thirsting after them as anthros.
But I've seen people say being attracted to Meowscarada makes you a zoophile, when Meowscarada is literally just a furry. 99% of people thirsting over Meowscarada aren't thirsting over the cat part, they're thirsting over the vague hourglass figure and fanart giving it huge honkers and bootycheeks. Vilifying Meowscarada fuckers is basically just vilifying sexual furries.
Then there are, of course, other pokemon that don't resemble any real life animals or furries. If there are Regigigas fuckers out there, I don't think I'd call them zoophiles. More just.... idk. Objectum monsterfuckers?
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There’s so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to begin.
Let's start with, hey, weird of you to say something incapable of communicating in a human language, including being seemingly unable to read/write understands you perfectly and can thus consent to sex. African gray parrots can understand a lot of what is said to them by trainers, so do some species of great ape, that does not mean they can consent to sex just because they know what some phrases mean. This is legitimately an argument I have seen from actual zoophiles as a means to justify the idea of having sex with dolphins.
I don’t think animals you can catch in a little ball and keep as pets can consent to sex actually. Even in the anime, where Pokémon are anthropomorphisized far more than they are in the games, most Pokémon at best have a childlike level of intelligence. Maybe they put on an accessory or pass the mirror test. That’s about it.
Yeah, you probably can make an argument for something like mewtwo, I guess, but the vast majority of Pokémon don’t even pass the harkness test which puts them below scooby doo in terms of ethics and consent and that’s a little sad, isn’t it?
Besides, digimon are right there. You want a weird creature with a fun quirky design that can actually hold a normal conversation with you, just. You want digimon.
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Stop being weird about Pokémon. Pikachu will NOT give you head, I’m sorry!
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angelicsatin · 20 days
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Ro Marsh | One of the Bros | Stoked OC
obligatory pick me oc | art & template credit to @ shizuarts on instagram or @shizuwuarts here
Name: Rosanna Marsh Nickname: Ro, Rosanne, Rose (never Rosie) Age: 17 Date of Birth: June 21 Zodiac: Cancer Status: Alive Height: 5’4 Weight: 115 lbs Occupation: Gift Shop Clerk at Surfer’s Paradise  MBTI: INTJ Gender & Pronouns: Ciswoman & She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Romantic Interest: Ripper Voice Actor: Megan Fahlenbock
Random Facts 
Returning employee, second summer working at Surfer’s Paradise.
Initially from a smaller, ‘rural’ town like Listowel, Ontario where she lives with her single mother and younger brother. 
Uses surfing and her summer job to escape her ‘boring’ small town and workaholic mother. 
Has a green surfboard with a pink rose on it. 
Carries around a green backpack with what she needs to smoke, sunscreen, her cellphone, and usually a bag of snacks or two. 
Often seen alongside Ripper and Lance. 
Smokes with Broseph 
Went ‘absolutely wild’ at Lo’s last party before she began working for the resort. 
Isn’t the biggest fan of Kelly, and Kelly finds her ‘gross.’ 
If she farts, you’ll know — she’ll ‘claim it.’ 
Shares a sense of humor, and brain cell, with her best friends + boyfriend. 
Tries to tone down her humor and personality when hanging out with Lo or other girls.
Introduced episode 1 season 1 as ‘best friends’ with Ripper and No-Pants-Lance, but in episode 23 “Brofinger” when Ripper goes out with Emma, she realizes her feelings for Ripper, spends the episode jealous and fuming in the background of a handful of scenes. 
Plans multiple ways to try and ‘ruin’ Emma and Ripper’s date, but realizes she doesn’t have to do anything with No-Pants-Lance ‘third-wheeling’ and bothering Emma + Ripper’s loyalty to Lance. 
Ends up spending half the episode jealous and fuming, as stated above, and the remainder moping alongside No-Pants and sad until Ripper returns to them.
After Ripper returns to No-Pants-Lance and her, she continues to act/pretend she just sees him as her bro, her best friend. But even Lance tries pushing her to be honest about her feelings, especially because her with Ripper wouldn’t separate the two of them. 
Positive Traits: Down-to-Earth, Humorous, Adventurous, Easy-Going, Silly, Understanding, Fun-Loving, Confident, Laid-Back, Playful, ‘Quirky’, Trustworthy, Witty, Spunky Negative Traits: Cocky, Immature, Disorganized, Mischievous, Lacking Manners, Compulsive, Impulsive, Irresponsible, Lazy, Macho, Reckless, Self-Indulgent, Stubborn
Gross-Out Humor (Like Farts)
Eating Sweet & Salty Snacks (Same TIme)
Slacking Off
The Smell of (surf) Board Wax 
Hockey (watching & playing)
Overly Serious People (Bummer & Kelly)
Her Hometown
Waking Up Early (Unless it is to Surf)
The Guests at the Resort…
Confronting her Feelings
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louvay · 24 days
Felt quirky today so perhaps I will post my write up on why I love Arthur x Fee.
TLDR: they’re funny together
Long version where you hear me yap at you for approximately 30 minutes: Those two basically have the most fleshed out and refreshing relationship amongst the Fe4 Gen 2 cast, rivaling even Ares x Lene and Nanna x Leif. Fee and Arthur first start off with bantering over one another regarding Fee naming her pegasus Annand and from the get go you have an understanding of what these two’s personalities are casually. Arthur has little tact even when he wants to sound nice and Fee is ironically kinda the opposite of her mom where she’s more outwardly upbeat and somewhat unserious. But even amidst the insults they fling at each other, they both show their own care towards one another with Arthur not wanting to trouble Fee with helping him reach Ulster and Fee basically giving him another chance and accepting him as his partner. Hell, throughout their whole journey from Silesse to Issach, they never asked each other what they were looking for nor what their motivations are. Simply that Fee is as kind as her mother is when it comes to helping others in need according to Ced and Arthur understands that despite her cheerful yet also sulking demeanor, Fee means well. But I am getting ahead of myself here. These two both are looking for their lost siblings and they both team up as partners to help Seliph out as despite Arthur being a bit of a loner, he still wants to repay Fee for ferrying him to Issach.
What’s interesting to think about though is what each person is thinking deep down about this whole situation considering what we know of those two in later convos and in Thracia: They both recently lost or have heard of their mothers’ passing and they both cope with it in their own ways. Fee is cheerful but part of that cheerfulness is a coping mechanism she has for trying to keep herself afloat and she doesn’t want people to only remember her for being cheerful (see: commoner father Fee’s ending if Ced is alive and she is unpaired). In Fe5, Karin mentions to Ced that ever since Erinys’ passing, Fee had to cope with her mother’s death and running Silesse all on her own which put her under a lot of stress to the point where she cries when no one or only Karin is nearby till her eyes are dry. She puts up this air of cheerfulness and resilience when deep down, she is on the edge of crumbling down and wants to become a true knight like her mother and aunt to truly have that fortitude. And Arthur, well you probably know how he copes with his loss. Not only does he put a mask of aloofness and indifference to others but he also exchanges blood for blood, family for family. House Friege took away his mother and sister by force so he’ll even things out. A cheerful Pegasus knight who says everything will be fine but she herself is unsure of it and a cold hearted mage with poor social skills who actually does care enough to wage a battle against an entire family, how odd. It basically is a miracle that those two ever became partners and yet… It makes sense.
Despite not being her loyal knight, Arthur is tactless but honest and Fee understands that he isn’t really that bad of a person and despite being a knight who idealizes chivalry, Fee is genuinely kind and doesn’t fein her altruism. But most importantly, they’re united by their paralleled pains and goals. They both are looking for their family members to have things return to the way they were even if their respective families are effectively fractured.
Moving onto Chapter 8, Arthur warns Fee to stay safe and Fee herself somewhat pokes fun at Arthur finally showing care for someone other than himself (alluding to him being a loner) to which Arthur just states faintly that she’s special to him before heading out and Fee ponders over what her partner in war has uttered. He has feelings for her??? Now Fee has to really assess her whole viewpoint of him and not in a joking matter. But Love is like War and War is as unpredictable as it is inevitable as through the course of their hardships here after, they both fall in love with one another. Perhaps Fee found Arthur to be truly chivalrous with his overprotectiveness and diligence despite his annoyance at knighthood and nobility. And perhaps Arthur just couldn’t fathom a world without Fee’s infectious energy making each day all the more brighter. Life is looking up for them both afterall as they have finally found their respective siblings… and each other too.
Finally in Endgame, we see their relationship present the climax for both of these characters’ arcs. Fee asks Arthur casually in the middle of battle what he’s doing to which he irritatingly replies that he’s fighting, pointing to the tome he’s wielding to which Fee responds with “Hello to you too!” and the banter begins but Fee perceives something that Arthur is about to state badly that tugs at her deeply: No one wants to be around her if all she does is sulk around while others fight. It is effectively her insecurity of being immature and unknightly coming back to taunt her and she isn’t going to have any of it until Arthur stops her and explains to her what exactly he is saying since his tactlessness clouds what he truly feels about her. She gives people the wrong impression that she isn’t serious when she really is or that she doesn’t need to try to do much when she is on her pegasus flying carefree in the skies when Arthur himself knows his partner always tries her hardest to be like her mother and aunt before her. He wants people to know the real Fee because he loves her and wants to be with her when the war ends and to Fee, this all is basically a fairy tale dream coming true for her considering what type of person Arthur is.
In Chapter 8, Fee has a secret event in which she chats to Annand and admits that she hopes she could find someone to marry and settle down with after the war ends. It fits alot with most endings knights have in fairytales where once all the fighting is done, they settle with their true loved ones. Rather fitting for Fee to muse about when you think about it since her mother did tell her tales of chivalry when she was little but then there’s the reality of what really happens in the end for such heavenly knights. Annand was killed remorselessly through underhanded tactics by Pamela and Daccar, dying while not knowing what would happen to Rahna. Erinys did find the love of her life but he left her and her children behind to which Fee still knows the pain of greatly in her conversations with Lewyn if he happens to be said father. Her mother died with a broken heart, her husband not being there for her in the end… will Fee be next? She doesn’t want to be abandoned by someone she loves be it family or otherwise, to have to put up pretenses of everything including herself is fine when she’s not because her heart is torn apart. Fee wants these fairytales to be true because the reality she knows of has shown itself to be unfair time and time again.
And thankfully, abandoning his loved ones in any case would be something Arthur would never be able to do. He knows the pain of isolation all too well and his overprotectiveness of Tine is akin to him repenting for never being there for her and Tailtiu when they were being horribly mistreated. And that overprotectiveness also extends to Fee too if you go back to their convo in Chp 8, be it physically or emotionally. He won’t leave his partner, whom he understands like an open tome, behind and Fee is grateful for that.
And that, my good fellows, is why I like these two partners in war. They basically can fit in with any kind of story be it in a comedic setting or a serious one because their dynamic is endearing and refreshing. Bonus points for if Fee’s father is Lewyn to which Arthur is casually bantering with his princess and/or if Arthur’s father is Azelle and Fee refuses to let him go shoulder the burden of running Velthomer alone, stating that “If we stick together then all the pain in the world won’t keep us down!”
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