#it looks cool as heck so i used it instead of an screenshot from the show
alevens · 8 months
hey so the order in which the strawhats disappeared was really fucked up right???
i mean, Kizaru was already targeting Zoro because he was more hurt than the rest, so they were already escaping from a fucking admiral and his men, and then Kuma was in front of them, the real Kuma appears out of nowhere, the moment we see him we forget momentarily about Kizaru- because there's this moment between Zoro and Kuma where they talk about what happened in Thriller Bark,
"Roronoa... so you were alive",
"all thanks to you benevolence"
and the next thing we know, is that Zoro's fucking gone
so onto what i wanted to yap about, the order in which they disappear:
everyone was worried about the current situation, but the top priority while they were escaping was Zoro- Zoro, who couldn't move- Zoro, who Kizaru wanted dead first- Zoro, who wanted to be left behind so the rest could escape, Zoro, who knows what the warlord in front of him is capable of-
Zoro, the first ever member of the crew.
everyone see this and it's worse than actually witnessing his death, because he's just gone and they have no idea where he is. and no matter how much they want to do something, Luffy orders them to keep running, that they will find a way to rescue Zoro once they're all safe,
but Kuma's too fast and he's right next to Usopp, Sanji and Brook, he tries to buy some time for Sanji and Usopp,
but it's in vain
and then Brook's next, he's the second one to get taken away, the last member to have joined them
(and not only the fact that he's their newest member, but the fact that it's made a point he's been trying his hardest to fit in and be helpful I'm SICK)
Sanji could have been next, but in trying to protect Usopp what he ends up accomplishing is that their sniper gets taken away next, the fact that Usopp's third makes me go absolutely batshit crazy with the way they frame it too
he's so so scared, how could he not be?? and it's not the same fear he usually feels while on their adventure, it's pure desperation- there's no one to help him and he can't fight- he can't get away and-
and then he's gone
Sanji instead of running, he charges, angry at Kuma and at himself (oh the way he was gripping his hair because he couldn't do anything to save Zoro and Brook) at this point it's obvious what the outcome will be, that's why Luffy specifically yells at him to run
but he doesn't, and then he's gone too.
(Usopp being third is fucked up mostly because Sanji's the fourth one, and they make it a point to show him trying to rescue Usopp. a less powerful member dissapears right in front of one of the most powerful of them, and then Sanji, who can hold his ground as much as Zoro and Luffy can, disappears)
in the blink of an eye, half of Luffy's crew isn't there
Luffy's full on crying at this point, everything's happening too fast, and why is Kuma even doing this in the first place? he has to do something before they take the rest of his crew- because he made it obvious that this isn't something the world government ordered him to do, so they're facing two enemies at once, a warlord and an admiral,
Luffy goes gear two, and when Kuma sees this, he goes to where Franky and Nami are- Luffy tries to strike an attack (and the fact that this could be where he sends him away but chooses not to Oh my fucking god) but Kuma easily stops him, and right there he touches Franky (he's the fifth one and it's too crazy just how he goes group for group, not only the order in which they disappear one by one) with Luffy right there, he's right there watching directly when it happens.
and then there's Nami. with them i think it the contrary of what happened with Usopp and Sanji, here, Nami's the one left alone, they take Franky first, who had tried to defend them both
oh this goddamn scene I SWEAR- it's incredibly painful to watch, at this point there are only four strawhats still standing, but there's no hope left, they can only keep trying but it's obvious that they're just acting on instinct, that's why Nami asks for help, because she knows there's nothing else to do- she tries to reach out for Luffy, her captain, the way Luffy had been so close to both Franky and Nami when Kuma touched them? horribly well done
Luffy's literally begging that Kuma leaves them alone but then he goes to where Chopper is, and Chopper- ughhhhh, the fact he used a form he couldn't even control just to try to save his friends, THE FACT that Kuma touches him when he's like that- the doctor of the strawhats, he's seventh one to disappear, and he couldn't even process it, Chopper didn't even know most of his crew was gone (if he hadn't been transformed, i'm sure he would have reached out too, just like Nami and Robin)
the last one is Robin, Robin being the last one killed me, the "demon child" that had found her places in the world, who wants to live, live with her crew, the ones that showed her she's worth fighting the entire world for- she calls for Luffy, and then- (Luffy running and shouting at Robin to get away, he's not fast enough and when he reaches Kuma he's already touched Robin FUCK-)
then Luffy's the only one there, Luffy being the last one is cruel having him watch his entire crew vanish in front of him was torture, and we're just left with him and his pain, Luffy has cried before, but not like this, not as he beats himself up for not being able to save his friends.
and it ends with this:
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katyspersonal · 3 months
OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH HGJGTFH GUYS I LOVE SOTE SO FUCKING MUCH AAAAAAA I got back to playing it and it was so much fun today I HAD A HUGE BLAST TODAY GOD LET ME JUST share a log (probably a two parter)
1) So I continued on my way through the woods!! I was not wrong about how these guys were invincible too! By that time @val-of-the-north woke up and confirmed that you only really can sneak past them by crouching in the bushes! In fact, there were preset notes from the devs with the hints and I just haven't payed attention.. т.т So the stealth quest took me Eniugh attempts
2) I intentionally got close to this plant because from the looks of it I thought it was a collectable material or something:
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Turned out that it actually was a bell that instantly alerts the Untouchables and attracts you to them ;-; Well you fuck around and find out I guess XD
3) I then found the mansion!!!! This took me a while too, this forest is SO confusing! I will never EVER talk shit about Forbidden Woods from Bloodborne again ;-; But on the bright note, although I am extremely bad at confusing open world locations and maps in general, I managed to strain my mind and actually remember which turns I've already visited and not! Conquering my weaknesses!
4) I was surprised to find..... this
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There is a line of headless corpses like this before the entrance. I assume their heads exploded from Frenzy of course?
5) Instantly was interested because of the amount of thrown and burnt books everywhere here! I was thinking, so was Midra a huge nerd then? 🤔 How the painting was the only non-ruined and unburnt thing here was cool too. I told Val "damn the art in this setting really IS the magic".. and, well, it kinda is? When you examine the paintings in artist shacks, they do mention how the soul is dwelling in them still or something like that
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6) The painting also depicted the Manse when it was still thriving and the land wasn't afflicted by Frenzied Flame!
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I wanted to take a better screenshot of it by zooming in...... and accidentally hit it instead and it disappeared 🤡 It was an invisible wall! I swear only I could have failed in such a dumb way gfhggvn
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Turns out that this is an in-universe hint for how the Aging Untoucheable actually CAN be killed! But perhaps I am getting ahead of myself.... -_-
8) So basically 'how there are THIS many books everywhere' continued. They are literally everywhere. And then even more because there is a library. Damn, this guy could compete with Micolash on the subject of 'insanity displayed by books tossed everywhere chaotically'!! I was already curious!
9) Speaking of curious, I really wondered why Midra himself didn't have the horns! From prior descriptions and a dialogue by another ghost by how they and Midra are of the same brethren as the Hornsent inquisitors that hunted them, I assumed he should have been the Hornsent himself and maybe earlier I didn't see it clearly on the portrait. Heck, the ghosts in the Manse also have horns!
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But nope. There were no horns on the portrait, and then I was extra sure during the cutscene..
10) aaaaand I fucked up and COMPLETELY forgot to take the screenshots during his battle ;-; When I got to this post I thought maybe I snapped some during my many deaths, but no I didn't. I forgot. I got too caught into it..
11) I already heard that he would be a boss, so when I first met him as just an enemy I needed to kill I knew it was just a lead up for the battle xd Though I didn't dodge his grab attack in time and it felt.. odd when he howevered over Tarnished and laughed already 🤔 And.... siiiggh..
12) friends: Katy Katy Katy oh my god you really should find the Frenzy guy in the DLC you will like him so much we just can tell!!!
me: Get LOST with this guys, I am not interested in some random guy parasiting on Shabriri lore, besides unlike you CASUALS I do not simp for taken characters so he can get kicked into the same nonsimpable box as Rykard and Rellana! Also, still picturing you guys as CASUALS, no Aldrich married to Rosaria is different as it isn't simping but reverence!!!
me: *spends next ~40 minutes being absolutely lost in this boss' vibe to the point of literally drooling, gets overall absolutely helpless and just watches his dance-like moves and legit can't recall a more intimate experience with a Soulsborne boss. it wasn't this way even with Maria.*
me: I am booboo the fool
13) No, but seriously though.. My initial reaction was a slight annoyance! I ran to Val complaining that I deadass had no idea how the HECK I could survive even a couple of his attacks! I just felt so incompetent after several quick failed attempts, even saying that it seemed like I've reached the point where I have to watch the vids of the bosses I could not beat to know what happens next!
No, Val didn't tell me to git gud, no gfggf He should have though He just gave me a hint that the bleed might help! So I went to change strategy again and reborn with a bigger healthbar and overall different states, took Mohg's spear the old reliable, used talisman of Cleanrots that powered up continuous attacks + Mohg's one that made bleed stronger and went with it. It was really hard, but I had no choice but to adapt
And like... I know that "this battle feels more like a dance once you get into it" is a compliment thrown around very often with Soulsborne bosses, but this boss deserved it the MOST I swear. It is impossible to put into words how I was starting to feel over time, just.. inexplainable beauty in how he was moving for attack, you could tell he was enjoying it :') I didn't feel the same level even with Malenia's battle! The way this battle felt weirdly intimate also absolutely fits the way Frenzied Flame functions; one of the incantations refers it too? And the way his movements and grabs were weirdly calming considering the context felt the same as what was earlier stated about Chaos bringing sense of peace after burning victim's eyes! Just how, HOW they made it so good? They've nonverbally put the same information into this encounter. And the music was absolutely the biggest banger, what the fuck?
14) Okay I can write much more paragraphs trying to grasp what exactly was this feeling and still not be able to overcome my complete lack of verbal communication skills lol gghggh I start to understand why @heraldofcrow at times can't put her feelings into words and uses that gif of sad girl in the rain gfggjhnh
15) Still, the battle was beautiful but HARD! I decided to call @jarognieva to help me and while she needed "just three minutes" to get ready I decided to go and kill time by still trying to defeat Midra anyway, and.....
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I ACTUALLY DID IT???? GGTFHHHGHH GODDAMIT I ACTUALLY DID IT AAAAAA I LEGIT FELT AWKWARD, I guess relaxing upon knowing that the help was coming was the missing piece ahahdgfg! (Jara did help me with another boss later though but about this in the next post xD)
16) .....and satisfaction left in literal seconds. Instead I felt so devastated and angry at the fact that there are no boss resurrection option in this game. :/ While I was struggling with him it felt so hard, although I wasn't giving up and studied his patterns... But instantly I felt regret about defeating him too fast and no longer getting to have that fun with that incredible music... Experienced reverse of Skill Issue, basically.
17) Something something May Chaos Take The World something
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18) To think of it, Midra as Lord of Frenzy is as much a himself as Malenia is herself when she turns into Goddess of Rot though 🤔 The vibe before and after is different. Both characters are very much on their way to become husks of former selves, or rather, vessels for a different entity that represents an Outer God! (+ funnier how Shabriri and Gowry likewise have identical functions as "bringers" of this godly figure but not becoming it)
.......but that makes it even more captivating 😳
19) After this point I really didn't know what to do, it felt like enough for today so I just decided to complete the lose ends like items I didn't collect yet in this area!
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^ Also answers the question as to why Torrent was too scared to go here.
(So yeah, misc items in the next post it is just 1 AM here and I've lost the track of time playing sorry gfhygh)
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wolves-etc · 1 year
thoughts on The Last Of Us episode nine - the finale - largely in the order I had them:
[thoughts on: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | X ]
— "actively about to give birth and running from zombies" is a fucking horrible situation to be in what the fuck
— we had a whole episode without infected where ellie was the only infected, why did they have to do this to me
— honestly kudos to the supreme fucking terror of "the thing you can't see, only hear, that the characters are fucking terrified of," I forgot how effective that can be
— and here's the countdown. she's infected and she needs to get her kid somewhere safe.
…feeding that baby is gonna be difficult in this setting.
— "yeah, you tell 'em." <3 <3
— "you fuckin' tell 'em, ellie." !!!!!!!
— I MEAN YEAH THAT'S ELLIE ALRIGHT! yeah that sounds like a person who'd be ellie's mother alright!!
— this must be why ellie's immune. either some cordyceps went through the umbilical cord before it was cut (I notice it was cut with the knife that was used on the infected, too) or if she breastfeeds, through the milk maybe? would it be different if it's in milk?
— they found a very tiny angry baby for this and it's perfect
— whatever difficulties I experience in my life I'll never run for my life, fight for my life, give birth, realise I'm doomed, save my baby then realise I need to find a way to keep her safe all within ten minutes. she must be experiencing emotions only known to shrimp right now.
— (…is it stem cells in umbilical cords that are a little bit magic, biologically speaking? I'm not sure why else infection via that could be different.)
(that or it's that she only got the teeniest bit infected - it depends whether we think ellie's actually the first, or whether others have, for instance, touched infected with a papercut and ended up immune. maybe never found out, or maybe got bitten after and assumed they were doomed and got killed before they would turn. maybe a few, like ellie, realised and kept it quiet - or maybe they told people and that's how the rumours of potential cures started.)
— I'm told that ellie's mother voiced ellie in the video games and marlene voiced marlene (HI MARLENE <3) which is SO cool. she looks and sounds so much like someone ellie might grow up to be, it hurts a bit.
— holy shit she's made of steel. singing and holding a knife to her own neck and, what, planning to kill herself when she starts slurring? when she almost can't hold the knife steady anymore?
— "I cut it before I was bit," and marlene just tilts her head a little, and anna says again "before."
that's really good acting to subtly convey a thing - that marlene suspects she's lying, that anna maybe knows she suspects it but reckons she can safely stick to that story for now.
— anna having to beg to be killed. fuck.
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— this fucking long pause here
— honest to goodness the emotional impact of "cover her ears."
— BUT THEN HE DIDN'T EVEN COVER HER EARS. did he think cloth tucked loosely around her was enough. is he already deaf from gunshots himself. has he never been around a baby before.
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— his grin there. he is such a dad.
— "if you wanna beat me at something, it would be this." <3
— "take this for me" and he trusts her with the gun!!! growth!!
— "do you wanna learn how to play guitar?"
he's- fuck. fuck. he's offering to stay with her after all this. THAT'S what he's doing. right there as they're approaching the hospital where she'll hopefully be the source of a miracle cure, he's finding a way to say "I'm gonna stick with you after this, I'm not gonna say it but I will make it clear."
mister "not good at this [talking about feelings]" finding another way.
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— (bad screenshot because that unhappy face graffiti struck me as SO video game, I couldn't explain why)
— ellie correctly guessing joel's modus operandi, joel straight-facedly joking about using dynamite instead <3 <3
— joel trying the feelings talk, ellie apologising, joel really softly saying "no, it's fine," AUGH
— ellie you'll give the old man a heart attack.
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— ellie's whispered "don't scare it," joel's promise that he won't. this is so unspeakably tender.
— sometimes it's so clear that ellie's a child, you know?
— I've heard this comment about studio ghibli films, that they have a lot of… empty space for things not happening, just space for wonder and beauty and peace, and it's something I really appreciate. I never thought to see it in a zombie show.
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— I want to cradle this moment in my hands like a baby bird.
— joel just resigning himself to the fact that they're following a giraffe now
— offering her that option of just, leaving and living a life, fuck. and it's her choice to keep at it. that's so good.
— "it was me. I was the guy who shot and missed." joel
— "so time heals all wounds I guess." "it wasn't time that did it." they're really not beating around the bush with this father-daughter thing, huh
— they talked about their feelings I'm so proud of them both
I cackled <3
— ...okay. the moment we saw marlene I knew this wasn't going to be good and, well, she proved it.
— the awful thing is I believe that she does understand what joel's feeling right now. and I don't know what's right in this situation. but this is joel and ellie's story and I care about them both and the fireflies are sacrificing a child on a possibility of a cure based on one doctor's theory. no smaller measures first, no biopsy that she'd probably survive, she gets put under immediately to have her entire brain removed.
excuse me for being very callous for a moment (I am also very angry don't you worry) but that is an awful use of resources. if they're wrong they won't have any more chances. if they lose this lab like they lost the others they won't have any more chances - and nor will anyone else with the ability to work on this, as much as I wouldn't trust fedra to distribute the cure to everyone they can. the fireflies are gambling with the death of a child, and if they lose, well, they're doomed anyway.
maybe I'm being overly harsh. I really shouldn't keep the show paused for twenty minutes just to feel things.
— honestly cannot tell if giving joel ellie's knife is meant to be kind or cruel. (okay, probably kind. but fuck.)
— joel yes
— this quiet, grim, inevitable music while joel's just going around shooting people, fuck. he's gonna wipe out the last of the fireflies to save her.
— using ellie's knife to kill one of them. shit.
— tragic musc as befits a tragedy - all the deaths, of course, but also the death of the goal he and ellie set out to achieve.
— and the vibe to all of this, really, but especially the moment the presumably-doctor picks up a scalpel and refuses to let ellie go, it's that the doctor's bravely facing a villain, it's that joel has changed just a little in this decision to get ellie out no matter the cost (was it even a decision?) and now he's something else, something awful, that he has been all along.
— (during that murder spree scene, though, he sure moves like he had formal training. I'm not sure what to think about that tbh.)
— marlene you're saying ellie would want to do what's right but you didn't even fucking ask. you were unwilling to ask her and risk having to actually overpower and murder a scared teenager instead of an unconscious one. you didn't know, so you'll never know, so don't imply it's ellie's call and then pretend you didn't have to bother with asking.
this is tapping into a mess of IRL stuff for me, feel free to skip, where I think that people who kill other people from a distance with deniability and respectability could do with facing their victims more often. for an easier example: someone who wants to launch nuclear missiles should have to face someone they know and cut into their heart to get the launch codes.
and the clean and mannerly murder of a sedated teenager by people who honestly looked a bit guilty when joel stopped them is just too easy.
...but still, I could justify it if I were sure about the results.
— oh. oh, joel.
— she's fourteen. it wouldn't have been fair to ask this of her. it isn't fair to hide this from her. but I don't know which one's less fair and this one leads to her alive and not blaming herself, so long as he does this right.
— but the way ellie's eyes just snapped to him when she said "were people hurt?" and he said "yes," I… do wonder if she suspects something.
— this is selfish of him though. as selfish as killing dozens and potentially dooming so many more just to save one.
— "I'm taking us home." now I'm the one having emotions only known to shrimp
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— "well, she was a lot more… I wanna say girly, and I'm not sayin' that you're not girly…" "I'm not." "yeah, you're not." good display of tact from the father of two daughters, here.
— "she had a killer smile. again, I'm not saying that you don't." <3
— it's nice to hear him talking about sarah, but it's strange. I think it's the high of finally getting ellie safe. I think he's talking to cover the awkwardness, ellie's quietness, the big secret being kept from her, not spoken but still partly felt.
...I think he's taken the last step in his mind towards accepting and keeping her as family, and she didn't see it happen, so she's kind of a step behind.
— I figured riley was the first one ellie killed, but it doesn't make it any easier to hear.
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— there are a lot of moments in this that I'm not sure if I'm reading too much into or not, but they've all seemed solid so far, so I'm gonna go ahead and guess ellie knows joel is lying to her, she's just… not gonna call him out on it.
— maybe it's a trust thing. maybe she's sensing that whatever it is is so much bigger and worse than what she's faced before - and joel knows that - that she doesn't want to face it. not if it means going against joel. not now they're safely together again. maybe it's just wanting to keep him and sensing this might drive them apart.
— yeah. okay. yeah. that "okay" on the end, that's an agreement to let it go for now.
hoo boy.
so my friend tells me that the ongoing debates in the community are a) whether the fireflies were right to try to do what they did and b) whether joel was right to do what he did then lie to her. I've already reached as much of a conclusion as I can about the first, without knowing more about the situation.
the second? I don't think there were any right decisions to make there. I don't like, on reflection, that joel's motives were probably more selfish than about trying to do right by ellie, and I almost wish the chance of a cure had been a certainty just so this would be simpler. I kinda wish that the fireflies had given ellie the choice, even if they'd planned to kill her anyway, which is making me think I'm not being entirely rational about this.
and what a moment to end on. it's uncomfortable - what I've largely been watching for is the relationship between joel and ellie, and that's been strange and strained for this entire episode, with them finally approaching ellie's goal and then joel keeping things from her after. I think things between them are going to return to some sort of normal now. I think ellie at the end was willing and planning to set this down and stop dwelling on it so much, if joel didn't budge at all.
and I don't like the tacit betrayal in that, the fact that ellie didn't at any point get a choice, and maybe joel could have safely ensured it once he'd gotten to her but maybe not, and it's not like I don't respect a character who leans into salt-the-earth vengeance in defence of a child...
it does feel like by the time he and ellie were taken by the fireflies, the story had pushed them onto a path they couldn't escape from. joel wouldn't have done anything but what he did, except perhaps fail. I don't know for sure what ellie would have chosen - my friend's in slight disagreement with me about that, but he's drawing on the game canon too, and I haven't seen enough of ellie yet. not with how much she clearly cares at the end, and not with her being so angry and so much a survivor.
I'm wrapping these thoughts up four days after finishing the episode and reaching absolutely no firm conclusions, folks. just the faint and horrible suspicion that I might have preferred joel as a character when he was still twitchy and uncertain, when he hadn't yet committed to protecting ellie tooth and nail, no matter what it took.
maybe I'm struggling to see where all that trauma went. maybe I'm not entirely comfortable with the sheer and total starkness of his morality. maybe I wanted to see the comfortable, sassing-back-and-forth joel and ellie just once before the end.
this show was a rollercoaster.
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My Wangan Maxi Tune Career Returns 2023 Edition [Timezone Arcade Trinoma] - Part 5 [third/final half] (Recorded: May 21st, 2023)
Hey, hey! It’s me! 😁 And welcome back for another installment of "My Wangan Maxi Tune Career"! I've returned in 2022, and now I'm gonna continue it, this 2023! Man, I've got ton of progress, on May 21st (Sunday) of that year! So, here's my "third/final half" of Part 5! 🚗🔧🏁
Before we continue, if you haven't seen my "first" & "second", then I'll provide these links down below. ↓😉
• My Wangan Maxi Tune Career Returns 2023 Edition [Timezone Arcade Trinoma] - Part 5 [first half] (Recorded: May 21st, 2023)
• My Wangan Maxi Tune Career Returns 2023 Edition [Timezone Arcade Trinoma] - Part 5 [second half] (Recorded: May 21st, 2023)
So, without further ado, let's get started:
4th to 13th phone screenshot(s):
• Now, my twins asked me, where that title came from? You know, Spot's new title "My mother is a designer"? Well, the answer is my today's "Navi Scratch-off" via the Wangan Navigator app! 🙂📱 And here are the items I've gotten before proceeding to the Wangan Terminal to claim. I've got my recorded video, so we'll get to that later. Also, these sweet stamps will be fitted on my blue 350Z tuned car! And if you want a closer look, then here. ↓ 😁💙🚘
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Spot 🐶🏎️: Ah right, that explains it! And damn, dude! I wish, I want to get these cool stamps, too on our tuned Imprezas! 😁👍
Riya 🐰🏎️: Heck yeah! Our creator deserves these stamps, and hopefully we'll get ours, someday! 😃
Spot 🐶🏎️: We just have to drive hard & overtake these random opponents to level up our dress-up parts! 😃
Riya 🐰🏎️: And participate in the "Bingo Challenge" to unlock MORE limited edition items! 😊
Me 🇵🇭: Absolutely, Ri! 😊
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14th & 15th phone screenshot(s):
• Here's a little tutorial on, how to change your MAXI car name by using the "Name Change Ticket" via Wangan Navigator app? But first, Ri. Do you remember, when you decided to relinquish your GBR Impreza car to me because you want changed to the GDB-F Impreza car? → [CLICK ME!]
Riya 🐰🏎️: Well, yeah! I remembered, back in 2017, right? 🙂
Me 🇵🇭: Correct! Because it's time to change the name of that GBR Impreza car, and I officially owned that cool hatchback blue car!
Riya 🐰🏎️: Aww sweet! But, how do you do that? 🤔
Me 🇵🇭: I'm glad you asked! Here's how you change your MAXI car name using the "Name Change Ticket" via Wangan Navigator app? 🙂📝🚘
• First, open the "Wangan Navigator" app & then tap on the "Ticket Box". Then tap the "use" button & select the car you want to rename it. (I know, what car am I gonna change the name! *look at the upper*)
SIDE NOTE #1: be sure that you've owned a "Name Change Ticket" after checking in your miles, daily.
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16th & 17th phone screenshot(s):
• Once selected, you're now typing in the new name of your car, like mine. I decided to change the name "RIYA★" to "★ETE★". 📝🚘
SIDE NOTE #2: Only "5 letters" to type in. Six or more letters won't count. Special letters are acceptable albeit limited, like → ★ or ◇.
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18th & 19th phone screenshot(s):
• Once it's done, you have to read the confirmation message before you decided to change the name of your car. Well for me, I tapped "OK" (twice) to proceed.
SIDE NOTE #3: As the message says, you can't changed the name again for 30 days.
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20th & 21st phone screenshot(s):
• And once it's done, you noticed that my GBR Impreza car is barred with the red bar. Meaning, the name of that car has changed! And look at that, I've used one "Name Change Ticket" on my "Ticket Box"! And yeah, it's official! I've finally owned the GBR Impreza car! You get the notes, Ri? 🙂✍️🗒️
Riya 🐰🏎️: Yup! And man, that was easy! 😃 Plus, you don't need to send that ticket the Terminal for changing the name! But, will it effect after that? 🤔
Me 🇵🇭: Well see in my recorded video. 😉
My recorded video [edited by Filmora 9]:
• Here it is, let's go to the Wangan Terminal to set things up, and I started with my new car, the Toyota GR Supra in gray metallic. 🇯🇵🚘😃 Mmm... I was expecting to be "Dark Blue" (or any kind of blue body color) 🚘🔵, but that's alright. At least, I've got the modern Supra car from their recent campaign (from May 11th to Jun 11th, 2023). 😊
• Now onto items from the "Navi Scrach-off" (from the Wangan Navi app). I'm selecting two new stamps & two titles, which are "I'm not sick" & "Old tires are a resource". Mmm... Is this title ("I'm not sick") related to the COVID pandemic? 🤔😷 Nevertheless, the rest of the titles will be decided for the Speesdter Twins' on their Imprezas. So, here are ff. titles:
SPOT★'s 🐶🏎️ titles:
• "My mother is a designer" (current) • "Getting carried away"
RIYA★'s 🐰🏎️ titles:
• "Dreaded Love Letter" • "Tandem Breathing"
Riya 🐰🏎️: Yeah, these titles are nice, but I'm stick with the current title. 👋😉
Spot 🐶🏎️: Good for you! Did you know, that I used to have a cool title called "Double-Edged Sword" in WMMT3DX+? 😁⚔️
Riya 🐰🏎️: Really? That would be awesome if only you have it. 😉
Spot 🐶🏎️: Yeah, if only... 😌
• Finally, let's check out the effects of changing the name & it is! The entire stats of my GRB Impreza remain intact. Also, I unlocked two WMMT OSTs: the Maxi Tune 1 & 2, and three WMMT3 installments (3, 3DX, and 3DX+). So, why not set the Maxi Tune 1 & 2 as my BGM race? Because they've got some of their great music if not many (in my opinion). And the rest, well, I decided to check my two cars, including the recent GR Supra.
Riya 🐰🏎️: Yeah, you're welcome for unlocking two OST installments! I enjoyed listening Wangan Maxi 1 & 2 soundtracks! 😉🎧🎶
Spot 🐶🏎️: Yeah, yeah! Mine too, mine too! 😊🎧🎶
Final Overall:
• Overall, I'm having a blast with my recent update! Not only I've finished the fully tuned 350Z (a.k.a. Fairlady Z Ver. S), but also getting a new body color, which is my favorite color 🥰🔵🚘, and the GR Supra on my Wangan garage list 😁🆕🚘, as part of their current campaign. Which, by the way, it starts on May 11th & will end on Jun 11th, 2023. So, for Wangan Maxi players, here's your second chance to claim it by playing Maxi Tune 6RR arcade 20 times. I suggest that you should finish the "Story Mode" to obtain it 📖🚗, like me. Speaking of which, I only have 20 episodes left before I get the random WMMT OST background. Then another 100 episodes of "Story Mode" to get another random OST, so you get the idea. As for today's "Ghost Battle" nothing new on the table, but we appreciate 9 new items from the Wangan Navi app. Although, I've forgotten to equip my new stamps, but, that's gonna be another day. So, twins, anything else to say before I end this post?
Spot 🐶🏎️: Hope I could attempt the same thing as you do! You know, finishing the "Story Mode" to achieve the 840HP?! 📖🚘🔧😁
Riya 🐰🏎️: Yeah, me too! I want our Imprezas maxed out to 840HP! I mean, we would like to earn more parts from attending "Ghost Battle", so, it'll be better if we finish the "Story Mode". 📖🚘🔧😁
Me 🇵🇭: Mmmm... Yeah, good call! 😊👍
Spot 🐶🏎️ & Riya 🐰🏎️: Alright, let's go! 😁🚘🚘
Riya 🐰🏎️: Also, if you get another GR Supra, can you pretty please reserve ME? 😊🙏
Me 🇵🇭: Someday, Ri. Someday.😊
Riya 🐰🏎️: Hehe! Absolutely! 😁
Well, that’s all for now. More Wangan Maxi experience, coming up soon.
If you haven’t seen my 2019 Wangan Maxi Tune 6 & Wangan Navigator app (on the alternate blog), then I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My Wangan Maxi Tune 6 Experience:
My WMMT6 Progress (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 7½, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final]
My Wangan Navigator app (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final]
My WMMT6RR Progress (2022 - present): Part 1 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 2 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 3 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 4 [Final] [Dec 28th, 2022], Part 5 [first half], Part 5 [second half]
Also check out my previous moment from my WMMT5DXPlus - Please CLICK ME to see it all.
Tagged: @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant
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scammydoesstuff · 22 days
Saw your post about meeting Neil and honestly to say he only cares about Astarion is kinda I dunno... not cool. I mean Astarion of course means a lot to Neil because he's been with him for more than four years! He means a lot to Neil because I don't know maybe the fact that the man has poured a lot of his time into a character that was so faceted and deep has something to do with it? I don't think it's really fair of you to say that he only cares about Astarion now since he's new, because if that were the case then he'd have stopped caring for Astarion as soon as Fibonacci from Warframe entered the scene or other roles he has done post Astarion. I met Neil and I didn't whine or cry about him not having any Kamski or Simon Walker or Luke Davenport pics when I met him at the Game expo back in Feb, especially since his role as Simon Walker meant a lot to me. Heck I didn't even cry about him not having any Nyx Ulric pics for my friend who's comfort character is Nyx (Neil did all the mocap for him). At least you got a Resident Evil photo. And heck if anything you could have looked on his Streamily that usually gives everyone an idea of what prints he might have.
As for him not being oh my god shocked at your plush, have you any idea how many people that man meets at every con who shove things they've made of his characters in his face? He was probably tired but he did attempt to do the voice for you! Is there no gratitude in that? Neil is a human being, he doesn't OWE you anything, he's not a dancing monkey and you as well as all of his other fans should be thankful that he cares to even come to conventions and spare a few moments of time to meet us all given his work schedule.
Instead perhaps maybe realize that your disappointing interaction with him is all on you and not Neil himself. Any one else who's met him all seem to be happy they even got to stand before him and share a moment with him. Your moment with him was ruined by your own expectations of someone who is just a normal human being.
Cool. Thanks for the comment.
I definitely agree with you that I was disappointed as a result of my own expectations and I fully acknowledge that I took it way too personally. I could swear I mentioned as much in that post or at least the follow up in the ask I received after, but maybe I didn't. In which case; my bad. Should've been more clear on that.
The other thing I could've swore I've mentioned in regards to this whole weekend was that I was already in a bad mental state at the time. The interaction with Neil was just something that put me over the edge. That's also on me and I'm not blaming Neil for anything I was going through. Just that I was already having a bad time and that didn't help. I was very excited to finally meet him because I hadn't had the opportunity to do so after Resident Evil Village came out until literally this weekend. He otherwise hadn't come to any conventions near me that I was aware of (though, maybe he did and I just genuinely didn't know. Really hard to say at this point). Also, not to beat a dead horse or anything, but he was advertised for both Baldur's Gate III and Resident Evil Village as you can see in the screenshot below. So...fuck me for thinking he'd have prints for the games he was advertised with, I guess...
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Now, while I understand Neil's attachment to Astarion - I saw a few streams of his when he played through RE8 and he was talking about him even back then - I can't deny that I do kinda find it shitty to just ignore the characters that came before that people still love. It's also very odd to see any voice actor doing things like this. Like, we met Roger Craig Smith as well this weekend and my boyfriend got the one print he had available for Hirako Shinji from Bleach. That's a character Roger hasn't voiced in, like, a decade, but when he saw the print my boyfriend chose, he got really excited. Despite pretty much everyone else coming up wanting autographs for Sonic, he was still excited about this character he doesn't even voice anymore and who he doesn't have much of a connection to at this point in time. It still meant something to see someone showing love for that character and he was excited by it. So for Neil to really only focus on the one, most recent character and not really show much attention to the others was just kinda surprising and very much against the norm. It's not a bad thing necessarily. Just not what I expected, as you so eloquently pointed out.
I'm genuinely sorry if anything I said offended you. I wasn't trying to start anything with that post. I was just sharing an experience from a weekend that was overall rough for me. I thought that was the point of a personal blog, but maybe I'm wrong there too...
All I wanted to do was get out the negative feelings and move on. At this point, while I'm still disappointed about that interaction and definitely regret going to this convention at all (I definitely wouldn't have if I'd known he wouldn't show much interest in his older characters), I'm mostly over it and I'm moving on. It happened, it was a bad time, and it's over. It doesn't make me 'hate' Neil Newbon or think ill of him nor would I discourage people from meeting Neil if that's what they want. You're right, he doesn't owe me anything. I acknowledged in my previous response and extensively in the tags on the original that I still think Neil was very nice and I know I'm the outlier in all of this. It was a long day. He was probably really tired. He'd already met so many people that day alone. It was the end of the day. Et cetera, et cetera. Like, there are so many variables here that contributed to that interaction winding up bad for me and I don't blame Neil for them.
TL;DR: *I* had a bad time and just wanted to vent with an art piece that made *me* feel better, but I don't hate Neil nor do I think Neil's a bad person and I'm glad other people who met him this weekend had a good time with their interactions.
Hope that cleared a few things up...
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protokirby-sims4cc · 2 months
A little ramble >:3
For the past few months I have been wanting to put an au version of Crispin into the sims. Things keep interrupting it. Heck, the day before I made that cool bird thing for one of my au Draytons I had a dream where the au Crispin was in prison but didn't commit any crimes. (Really. He was friendly with the police cops and stuff and knew he was innocent and cooperated anyway. He was under the suspicion of being an evil monster person because he appeared just as a group of evil monster people appeared. But he's a good monster person, the police cops didn't know it. They were smart enough to realize he wasn't acting like the evil ones though. They gave him good treatment while trying to figure out what to do)
I took the dream as a sign my consciousness wants me to hurry up and break him out of "only exists in my head" jail. This au Crispin doesn't even have art to represent how he looks in the au- just a few sketches of possible designs for him I had before.
However while watching an imagination movie I saw the cool bird thing and made that instead. Cool, cool. Sleep schedule and plans destroyed by autism. Been there done that.
Last night I thought "certainly tomorrow I'll start"
But then there were those pants
and also I got a vision of Kieran playing with Greely from animal jam and surrounded by animal jam phantoms. Greely can be a costume for big dogs, the phantoms can be. cats. I have enough cat stuff already so I could make them small dogs but I think raccoon chittering is the best sound they could make, so cats it is. It sounds so hilarious and the vision made Kieran look so needlessly edgy. Specifically because of Greely's entire vibe plus the phantoms. I have the models from animal jam play wild downloaded. I can make this real. If I make it real, I'll try and get the vision I had to happen in-game and use a screenshot of it as a preview image. The question is whether or not I'll do this first or the au Crispin. This certainly sounds easier. It sounds reasonable to get the easier stuff out of the way first but I have been playing in blender a lot lately. Those might be what push me to having burnout for awhile and then Crispin would wait even longer. I must break the au Crispin out of jail, no matter what kinds of funny stuff the brain goblins throw my way. Just as a question, does having the edgy alpha wolf from a kids game and also the villains of the same kids game sound good to yall? The answer will not affect the outcome of whatever my adhd permits but ya know=
0 notes
gemkidsau · 3 years
Season Three
I made some posts on Tapas about this but I guess some people missed them, so the confused people in that crew, here is a screenshot of an explanation:
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The original plan was to draw the entirety of season two before scheduling it all to post. But a handful of episodes in I got caught up in something else and by the time I had time to work on it again, I just couldn't. I tried and tried but I really just could not get back into it.
So continuing in my promise, here is season three:
Super watermelon island
Garnet sees Malachite surfacing on Mask Island so they go there and ambush her. Peridot stays behind to work on the drill and Rose volunteers to supervise her. Alexandrite defeats Malachite. Jasper is lost in the ocean again and Lapis is brought home, passed out.
Gem drill
Same plot but replace Steven with Rose.
Same old world
Lapis wakes up and Amethyst helps her process what she went through and finds a new home for her (similar plot but Amethyst has a different approach cause of her personality). She chooses the barn.
Barn mates
Peridot insists the barn belongs to her because she’s already been using it. Lapis insists it was promised to her even though Amethyst never actually said that and doesn’t own the barn in the first place. Amethyst decides this is going to be hilarious and makes popcorn. She soon realizes she’s too close to it for it to be funny so goes to solve the problem, but it’s harder than she anticipated. It generally follows the same plot though. The red eye shows up at the end and lapis flicks it.
Hit the diamond
Yeah this one’s the same.
Steven floats
Rose learns she can float.
Mr greg
Steven & Connie’s backstory (Never fleshed this out)
Too short to ride
TBH the same but replace Steven with Rose.
The new lars
Rose wakes up in the middle of the night in Pearl’s body. Terrified, she shakes herself awake, which triggers the switch back. Pearl wakes up groggy and asks Rose why she’s awake. She says she had a bad dream and they go back to sleep.
Beach city drift
The cool kids invited Lars to a party and he’s bragging about it. When Pearl and Amethyst show interest, Lars says little kids aren’t allowed. They fuse and try to keep Opal stable so they can attend the party.
Monster reunion
Rose figures out that she does, in fact, have healing powers. She’s sure it’s a Diamond thing, but thankful as heck it’s also a Rose Quartz thing. Rose says she should try and heal one of the monsters and Pearl says she should do corrupted Rose Quartz. Once CRQ is half healed, it’s the same plot switching Steven for Pearl. We get to learn about the Crystal Gems’ demise. They were fighting at the beach and where Beach City would eventually be built. A Quartz fusion chucked the warp pad to prevent further backup from arriving. Rose notices a Nephrite receiving orders to retreat and looks up to see the diamond attack. The warp pad lands on the Nephrite. Rose doesn’t have a means to protect her friends(sword instead of shield), so they all succumb to the attack. (exit flashback) Rose runs to the temple, but can’t get in. Pearl lets her in. Pink Rose is in there like “wat happen why.” (Maybe CRQ finds something in the chest? IDK where to go from here.)
Alone at sea
Peridot is sad because Lapis is sad and she can’t figure out how to make not sad so she asks Garnet for help. Garnet takes Lapis into the ocean and does her best to show her more of the beauty of Earth. Lapis is finally starting to cheer up when Jasper sneaks up on them and begs on her knees to become Malachite again. Lapis tells her no and makes her leave. Garnet and Lapis go home wary.
Greg the babysitter
Sour Cream is excited because his baby brother is being born today. The gems are like what is a baby. We learn that gems don’t start out quite that small. They theorize that since humans only incubate for 9 months, they don’t develop as far. Gems incubate for years. They come out as 5-year-olds ish. Then Connie wonders if gems were to incubate for a very long time, would they form as adults? The gems laugh at such an idea. :^)
Gem hunt
Connie is getting very good at being close to danger even though she can’t fight or anything, so when she hears the gems are going to the frozen North, she insists on tagging along to supervise. The gems think that’s stupid but they aren’t gonna say no to Mom. Connie and Garnet get separated from Pearl, Amethyst, and Rose. While separated, Connie actually helps Garnet take out one of the beasts. Pearl, Amethyst, and Rose encounter Jasper, who poofs their beast and walks off menacingly as Connie and Garnet find them. (Rose summons her shield for the first time when trying to protect her teammates)
Crack the whip
Amethyst loses a sparring match to Pearl for the first time and is super self conscious about it.
Steven vs amethyst
Amethyst internalizes the problem instead of confronting Pearl.
Bismuth (This is out of order. Should happen before Monster Reunion)
Rose asks why she doesn’t have a room in the temple yet and the gems are like yeah that’s chill we have another spot go for it. She makes her room and to her surprise there’s already stuff in it. The other gems are like yeah there were a few things in our rooms too. We think they’re left over from the previous owners. Stuff like swords and relics. But Rose has some peculiar items in her room. There’s a chest, a sword, a flag, and a bubble. Rose likes the sword and wants to use it in battle.
Amethyst still feels like shit so Rose takes her to Peridot and Peridot takes them to the beta kindergarten. Same plot.
We find out that even though Jasper was originally made for Yellow, since she was young when PD emerged she was actually training to be given to Pink.
Back to the moon
Same plot mostly. The other gems hear for the first time (from the rubies) that Pink Diamond was shattered on Earth. ‘Who would do such a thing?’ It was a Rose Quartz. All eyes on Rose. Not having planned for this, she panics and runs downstairs. Pearl says she’ll talk to her since she’s closest to her and asks the other to continue helping the rubies without her.
Pearl talks to Rose about what they’re going to tell the others. They decide Rose was bubbled and when Pink returned to Earth in search of her Pearl, she released Rose. Rose asked who she was and she told her she’s a Diamond. Rose is a Crystal Gem so she identified her as a threat and took the opportunity to strike. Soon the others return but their cover (pretending to be homeworld gems for the rubies) is blown at the last second. Rose opens the airlock to blow them into space and one of them grabs her, trying to pull her with them, but she escapes the ruby’s grasp safely.
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simgerale · 2 years
Mirandaaaaa! Hi!! Okay, I figured this was worth sending an ask, since it's easier to reply, and since someone else might benefit, but: Teach me your ways!! Your screenshots are all gorgeous, and the angles all make so much sense for the pics?? Like the shot of Maggie and Luca framed by the archway?? *mwah* I feel like all my screenshots are boring as hell. Well, the indoor ones at least. (Not to mention god-awful lighting... *sigh*) How the heck do yours turn out so good??? That is all. ~ Love Morri. (idk if this makes any sense at all, but I am in a rambling mood today, aparently, and also suddenly dedicated to learning cinematography of simblr.)
*cracks knuckles* time to overexplain something really simple because idk how else to do it hasudncehcneadc
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as can see, reshade did most of the work for me (especially the blur!!!) i take advantage of that for sure. i think a lot of photos look the best when there's an obvious foreground (the arch) and a background (the throne room)! i took the latter photo in case i wanted to show them and blur the rest of the room, but when you compare, it makes most sense to blur everything no??
STILL, how did i come up with this angle? i think i reference a lot of media without knowing it. this kind of archway shot is popular in movies and shows!! it's dramatic and really says something deeper than the fact it looks pretty. do you HAVE to think deeply about this? NO i'm just extra and really into metaphors lol i thought this angle was good because it showed how alone they were amidst the large space they were in, which made this moment even more private for the love-birds-who-still-haven't-confessed (^;
you mention bad lighting, and let me tell you... the Sisters' Castle is no stranger to that problem. i had to place those small ceiling lights EVERYWHERE until it looked decent, as well as change the light shade to that almost-white yellow. and still, i have to brighten my photos quite a lot! i even added fake light beams from the windows... not my best work but it ~adds~
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think MOVIE!!! think cinema... this is you from now on:
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you gotta think to yourself as if YOU are the audience. where does the camera go to make you feel like you're apart of the scene? do close-ups amplify the emotions? would far-away shots make you grasp the situation better (i.e. "oh they're in a beautiful field!! how romantic!!" or in my case "oh they're in the throne room alone...")?
my favorite shot is honestly putting the camera behind something that will be in the foreground, unblurred while the rest of the photo IS blurred... like a plant, statue, wall, even another person. i use this A LOT lol
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it kind of creates the sense that YOU as the reader/viewer is in the foreground, which makes sense if the foreground is a person. i wanted people to feel like they were in maggie's and/or olette's shoes and viewing it from their perspective, so they were often the focus (as you can see in the ones above). sometimes, though, it's to highlight whatever is being discussed! for example, in the photo below, they were talking about the late princess so her painting was the focus and maggie was blurred in the foreground instead!
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which makes sense don't cha think? since we aren't just writing a book, subjects have to be visually displayed as well! it's pretty cool and i think that's why i like simblr so much lol
move that camera around like crazy!!!!! go all the way to the ceiling and look down, go all the way to the ground and look up!! zoom in really close, zoom out really far, play with what's being blurred! if you find an angle that you love but the background is BLAH, then either blur it or redecorate it! i love the castle because i just had to throw ivy everywhere to really make things pop (^:
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for everyone reading this: you've got a whole community to inspire and help you, so don't be afraid to try something someone else did! have fun with it!! (^:
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gamebunny-advance · 3 years
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NSR Doodle Dump
Eh... nothing exciting, but I’ll still write y’all some notes.
1) It’s been so long since I’ve actually drawn a 1010, so I did a couple of doodles to warm up. I think I’m placing their eyes too far apart XP. I like to imagine that White’s ahoge is actually an antenna that sends out signals to the others.
I’m sure this has shown up in earlier drafts, but my 1010s were all supposed to have an associated symbol that would get added to their eyes/hair shines (kinda like how I used to draw the Matsunos), though I’m usually too lazy to actually add it:
White: Star
Red: Plus Sign
Blue: Minus Sign
Yellow: Triangle
Green: Ring
2) Another Sewer Gang doodle. I wish there was more art of them together. I know they don’t really *do* anything aside from Kliff and Zam, but they’re there ya know?
3) I just can’t let this idea go. Included Zuke this time because I’ve been neglecting him UoU.
4) Sprite Redraw. I have that particular screenshot for a different post I have in my drafts. I dunno, just thought it’d be fun to do, but I can not figure out what the heck May is doing with her hands.
5) Just a music asshole doodle in the usual style.
6) Scrapped TNa1010 panel “Wants and Needs”. I still dunno how I’m gonna name the other 1010s, so I scrapped this, plus it’s a little too early for him to definitively say, “Yes, I’m actually a 1010... maybe.”
7) Please pardon me while I indulge in some cringe. “No Mushroom Roads”, my awful Mario crossover where Mayrio and Zukigi travel across the Vinyl Kingdom to rescue their Princess from King Bowsiana.
The first sketch I actually did was Yinu + Mother as a Crazee Dayzee (er, Rozee) and a Wiggler respectively, but that one’s still pretty rough, so here are the Ben-Bens instead. Originally I wanted to base them off of the Mario Sunshine bob-ombs where they’re more robotic looking, but I couldn’t really make it work, so I went with the classical design. I dunno how far I’m gonna get in this project since it’s so cringy, but here are the enemy conversions:
DJSS: Spike: I was thinking about this one more mechanically than the aesthetics, since I think it would be cool if he could upchuck and throw the planets/disco balls, but maybe he should be an X-Naut?
Sayu: Cheep Cheep: Couldn’t think of another aquatic Mario enemy, but I think a cheep cheep themed Sayu would be cute.
DK West: Waluigi: I mean, I guess Wario is more aesthetically suitable, but if Zuke is Luigi, then West can’t be anyone except Waluigi.
Yinu + Mother: Crazee Dayzee + Wiggler: I had fun making a rose themed dayzee, and I think that the wiggler being an enemy that has an “angry state” plus happens to be flower-themed was also perfect. Maybe her Dad would be a piranha plant since they don’t have eyes.
1010: Bob-ombs: Originally thought of making them shy guys since I think “dropping their mask” would have been a good fill in for them losing their faces, but there’s just something funnier about the resident sexymen being orbs with legs. Since bob-ombs don’t really have hair aside from their fuse, I gave Yellow an eyepatch to replicate his fringe covering his eye. I dunno how I’m gonna handle NJ though. Originally I thought of just making him King Bob-omb, but putting his radar on the face wasn’t really working. Maybe I’ll just make him a shy guy instead?
Eve: Magikoopa: Eve is so unique, I had a hard time thinking of an aesthetically suitable enemy, so instead I chose something based on her role as Tatiana’s closest friend. I’ve also considered just leaving her human, but I’m not sure yet.
Everyone else is essentially still human and are just dressed as the characters.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Okay, I just saw the V9 trailer, and I have a couple of thoughts. Mostly casually RWDE thoughts. Disclaimer, I know it’s a work in progress, like I said, these are just casual observations about the trailer we did get. I’ll likely do more casual thoughts on the other trailers when they come out and try to note if any of this was done better in them.
1. The POV of Ruby did not work for me. I can’t complain too much, they tried something new, but I don’t think it clicked. I never enjoy them outside of wearing a VR set, though, so that might just be personal preference.
2.. Was it supposed to be emotional? Because I didn’t feel emotional, or sad, or sympathetic, at all. It all felt kind of... Dry. If they were going for Ruby being panicked, despair ridden, emotionally destroyed, then she should’ve been sobbing, screaming, gasping in broken choked breaths, and instead it just felt like she was making the same kind of agitated noises I make when I’m running to work late, or drop my coffee after I’ve just bought it. Idk, I feel like this is more or less a voice actress complaint, but it’s not like the Ruby voice actress can’t pull off screaming, because she did the “Pyrrha” scream really well. Maybe after years, she’s just not that into it anymore? Idk, it wasn’t giving me ‘panic attack.’ :/
3.I did feel something when Blake fell away from Ruby though but A. it was more like an “oh no, aw,’ and not anything big. And B. Idk I feel like Blake had just barely fallen away from Ruby when they both went into the gold, right? So why did they have it so that Blake got pulled away from Ruby as soon as her strap broke in this trailer.
4. I feel like Neo and Ruby fighting didn’t work. It just seemed clunky? Maybe it was because it was in the POV that I already didn’t like, but it really felt like it was slow, that Neo should’ve been able to get in a better hit? Idk.
5. I did like the music at the start, that was something that could get across anxious feelings. I just feel like the video we got didn’t quite match the audio.
6. Why was Neo turning into other people? Just to... Upset Ruby? I feel like that was wholly unnecessary and didn’t do anything other than bring me even more out of the trailer than I already was. My best guess is that they were trying to add some interest to the trailer, something people can make gifs of. The whole thing was actually a little comical. Like, each one of them, you could snag a screenshot of, and pretend it’s actually that character.
Like “POV, you told Oscar his casserole sucks.”
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“POV, you called Penny Robogirl.”
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“POV, you suggested Yang ever do a mission with someone other than Blake.”
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7. I also liked the two suns and the giant shells. That’s kinda interesting, kinda cool. Lends a little mystery, i guess. Maybe this is the gods world, maybe it’s an island with giants, maybe it’s a reference to Alice in Wonderland and her having shrunk, or maybe the allusion for the Island is actually gonna be Pixie Hollow, so Ruby and her friends have to be the size of fairies to interact with our new Pixie Hollow themed characters (that last one is a joke, I don’t think that’d ever happen.) Either way, I’m at least kinda intrigued.
8. How come Ruby is always going from “they want us to think that Ruby is emotionally destroyed and going through huge turmoil and is terrified,” right to “Ruby is such a brave and cool headed girl, look at how she barely even reacts to absolutely batshit crazy and traumatizing stuff! Look at your barely affected, adult hero!”
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Like, that’s it? She looks slightly concerned. She looks like she just saw a waitress bringing her a steak, but she thinks it seems a bit overcooked. She looks like she’s on a date and her date just gave a red flag by talking about his  ex girlfriends being crazy. She looks like someone she didn’t know just started talking about how big she’s gotten and asked how her family’s doing. She does not look like she just landed in what might be another dimension, after thinking she was about to die, right after thinking that her sister was dead. Even with all of the magic shit Ruby’s gone through, she should still be freaking the heck out that she just found herself in a whole new world where she seems smaller than any monsters or beings living there. Once again, I am asking these writers to treat Ruby with any consistency instead of just having her emotions be whatever they think looks good in the moment.
9. The island is pretty af. It’s giving me “Destiny Islands,” it looks a little hazy, it looks like the sunsets and the sky are going to look cool, especially by the water. The tree looks dope again.
10. Giant Grimm! Giant Grimm! All I want is for massive Grimm to exist in this world!
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The one where Qing Ming is kind of like Robin Hood but is also the adopted father of numourous children and Bo Ya just wanted his job back... or something
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So it’s been brought to my attention that The Yin Yang Master (2021) is based on the video game and The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity (2020) is based on the novel which makes sense now that I’ve watched the former and seen how different they are. I wasn’t aware of this before I watched it, though, and as a result, I couldn’t help comparing it a lot. Which was a mistake because despite sharing the characters Qing Ming and Bo Ya as well as their fictional universe, they are very very different movies with different strengths and weaknesses (apart from their shared beautiful visuals and soundtrack, ofc). During this rant/rave unfortunately I won’t be able to stop myself in the comparisons as that is how I experienced the movie but I will try my best to separate them as much as possible.
BUT, before I do anything else, a summary: we start with a glimpse in the past in which Qing Ming is caught betraying the Yin Yang Bureau (yeah, so apparently there’s an entire BUREAU which explains a lot) and after killing some guy called Ci Mu, and escapes using a Thor-worthy teleportation spell. Skip some years and we have Capital Guard Bo Ya who encounters the rogue Qing Ming when he hijacks the transportation of some tributes and generally annoys the heck out of Bo Ya. When Bo Ya is suspended as a result, he goes on a journey to find Qing Ming in the Monster Realm and arrest him. Along the way he meets a girl called Shen Le equally eager to find Qing Ming. As they find Qing Ming, the pair get caught in a conflict between Qing Ming and literally everyone else, eventually being swept up in a battle to save both the human and monster worlds from the clutches of the great evil wanting to take over the world. Feat: Qing Ming’s dark past and a boss lady called Bai Ni.
One of the things that really stood out in this movie (for me at least) was the rich and colourful world it explored. Seriously, it’s like something out of Star Warsor Guardians of the Galaxy except without the space, and magic instead of guns/lightsabres. There were so many interesting monsters and places to see. I loved Qing Ming’s home and the little world it contained with all his familiars. I also loved the monster city and the Spirited Away-esque bridge thing, that was really cool. It was just so entertaining to see the characters interact with this world even some of them were also discovering with us and it felt big and detailed and creative. This world-building is something I feel this movie did better than Dream of Eternity, if only for the fact that the world felt bigger, and we got a lot more information on things that weren’t necessarily needed for the plot but were still cool to see.
I also enjoyed the fresh characters this movie presented around Bo Ya and Qing Ming. It was kind of like watching an alternate universe but that was also an awesome experience in itself because I got to see Bo Ya and Qing Ming in a different way, in different situations and I got to fall in love with more characters. I thought Shen Le was cool and I loved the sibling-like squabbling she and Bo Ya shared as it filled the Bo Ya and Qing Ming partnership-shaped hole in my heart. Same goes for badass Bai Ni and her more mature old friends-turned-enemies relationship with Qing Ming. The character who became my new favourite was the Red Ghost, though, like seriously, that ability of his was freaking awesome and made him practically indestructible. He also, like, ditched his bully captors and saw Bo Ya as worthy of being his master so he obviously has good taste. In addition, despite what I’m gonna say about the movie’s villains later, I will say that the Snow Lady/Queen was interesting. Her airy voice-thing was slightly annoying, but her powers were cool and it was awesome to see her in a fight scene. She was all swish swish, bendy bendy, ‘join my master’. I definitely liked her better than he-who-shall-not-be-named-but-will-later-be-described (I hope others who have watched are able to guess who).
I gotta say, I really mourned the loss of Bo Ya and Qing Ming’s chance to properly work as a team and bond. I mean, they did reach a place where Qing Ming was amused by the angry child chasing him and Bo Ya grudgingly respected the mischievous Yin Yang Master, but I wanted more scenes where they worked together. I felt they barely had any moments where it was just them. Oh well. That’s just me comparing it to Dream of Eternity too much, I guess.
To be fair, in pushing away Dream of Eternity from my mind, I did really like the new take on both Qing Ming and Bo Ya’s characters. Qing Ming definitely had more of a rule-breaking outcast vibe, and I thought the actor did a fantastic job. Bo Ya was adorable but in a younger, less experienced way. To that end, the relationship between Qing Ming and Bo Ya was less as equals and more of an older/ younger friendship. Which, I guess, isn’t too strange considering in this one, Qing Ming was undoubtably the main character, with less of a chance for them to share the spotlight.
Ok, so, I don’t like to complain, and I don’t say this to warn people away from the movie BUT I can’t deny that (to me) the first half of the movie definitely felt better than the second half. I don’t know, maybe that’s just when the plot really starts to kick in and for me, the plot kind of felt like the let down of the movie. It just didn’t captivate me as much and with kind of terrible villains, it just wasn’t as good for me. I love movies with a good antagonist, particularly one that doesn’t look quite so… ridiculous. Maybe it was just me but the flowing red hair, reindeer horns and giant spider hand-thing didn’t really impress me as much as an immortal snake man who actually has an emotionally driven motivation. The bridge battle didn’t really feel as high stakes as they tried to make it, I don’t know, maybe that was just me. And the way Qing Ming took down the bad guys and the way it ended? Wasn’t really satisfying to me. I guess it leaves room for a second movie? I’m not really sure. (I’m trying really hard not to spoil anything if you can tell.)
No but don’t let that dissuade anyone. Seriously, it’s still a good movie in my eyes and I enjoyed it, especially as it definitely answered a lot of the questions Dream of Eternity left me with. Yes, the plot kind of sucked but the worldbuilding was fantastic and the different realms were interesting to explore. Maybe if you plan to watch both movies, watch this one before Dream of Eternity. That way you will be able to enjoy it without comparing the plot/characters so much AND you’ll be able to go into Dream of Eternity with some knowledge of the world already and maybe come out with less questions. But seriously, they’re good movies separately. So, give it a go, I guess. If you want, that is.
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Completely irrelevant side note here (screenshot below) but did Qing Ming in that scene make anyone briefly think of Inuyasha or was I the only one who was reminded my that while watched? No? Just me? Ok. I haven't even watched the anime wth why did I think of this.
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yellow-denki · 5 years
BNHA Chapter 257: Make It Your Own (Pt.1)
Y’all this chapter was SO good,,, it was also v long and jam packed with lots of stuff, which I always love when it happens, so uh I’m just gonna word vomit here lmao
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All Might’s Quirk analysis book!!!! I personally was really excited for this because I was hoping it would reveal a heck ton of info abt the past users, and I guess it kinda has!! But also, think about how much work AM must have put in to make this for Mido. Like, research as deep as that on people who existed a long time ago is not easy, but he still did it!! #DadMight lmao. But also, what AM said about the 2nd and 3rd users made me think. There’s no info on just these two people. And whenever we’ve seen all of the predecessors together, there’s two people blacked out. From what I can remember, these are the two occasions:
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Now, there’s lots of theories as to why they’re blacked out. I personally believe there are two reasons: 1) theyre important in the plot later on, and that’s why they’re blocked out for now or 2) to kind of show/symbolise that nothing is known about them. I personally believe that it’s number one in this case, because a lot of the time when Horikoshi does things, it’s for a reason, so doing this is like foreshadowing. Also, if this was just saying nothing is know, why do they have obvious silhouettes?? Like, if they were supposedly ‘unknown’ wouldn’t they just be a normal human base silhouette? Idk I might be picking at things that don’t exist here but hey ho- it’s my style
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We got proper, tight, unmistakable info on this guy. FINALLYYYYYYY!! I freakin deakin LOVE the successors and I’m thinking maybe Izu will be able to use Black Whip like Lariat in the future, maybe for the big battle coming up?? :D Also, is it just me, or does he kinda remind you of Death Arms?? Ya know the guy from the start of s1 who had a go at Izu for running in to save Baku from the sludge villain?? This guy:
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And ofc this could just simply be a coincidence that they have a similar character design but just to check I went onto the fandom wiki to look for his name to see if they were related, maybe have the same last name but there’s no name listed so I’m gonna go ahead and say for now that its just a coincidence lol
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What I’m getting from these two screenshots, is that most of the earlier users weren’t chosen because they had particularly strong or flashy quirks, because otherwise AfO would find them and take & kill them for their quirks, and OfA would die with them. Instead, they were chosen because they would be able to pass the quirk on through the generations to build its power, ready for the inevitable time one of the users, All Might, would be able to defeat AfO. This actually makes so much sense, i-
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YALL WE FINALLY GOT TO FIND OUT WHAT NANA’S QUIRK IS. FLOATTTTTT!!!!! I’m gonna say, from the fact that she’s airborne in the image and her partner is Gran Torino, that it was basically her being able to fly, like superheroes in western media. Like sidndksbdkcnhs that’s such a freaking cool quirk, being able to fly,,,,,,,
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Bish. Don’t stick ur middle finger up at Izu >:( what did he do?!
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Ok but this is actually adorable. Those two arguing and AM smiling like the proud dad he is. I actually like this kind of thing, it’s like they’re bantering, and Izu is actually standing his ground, not letting Baku just walk all over him. For me, it’s kinda a sign that their relationship IS improving, though I personally won’t like Baku as a character unless he apologises to Izu, begs for forgiveness. He needs to try be nicer still, but compared to the start of the series, it’s a good start if they want to mend their relationship.
That’s the end of Part 1! [Part 2]
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6blackfilin9 · 5 years
Just decided to show that I'm still alive over here
So guess it's LongShitpost Time
A very long post about The Batman's (2004) Penguin
And well, I've been thinking about making it for about a year, so.. here we are, watching me behaving like an easily surprised kid babbling about Oswald and how much I admire him and why
Actually nothin' important or highly moral here. If you still wanna read then just forget it's talk about a character from a kids show, I take this sh🐧t seriously and barely speak English
I like to take a lot of screenshots but can't use here all of them uuUUuUuuUUUUUGH
It's all about the 1st episode of 2nd season of The Batman (mostly, I also mention other my two fav episodes with Oswald)
I like it so much cuz this all just starts with "cat-mouse play" kind of cooperation which leads to "well guess you two will be chillin' in jail in pure mammalian harmony" and ends up with "oh no no no, this is your thievish girl, so you take her back"
"— You two pointy-ears make such a cute couple: his and hers."
"— Hm, made for each other."
I just crack up at this plot line so much
But well, being more serious, this episode unveils some of Oswald's personality traits quite vividly.
Going back to the first episode when he appeared, from the first sight it looked like the most of the time he acts like a mindlessly arrogant jerk who has no clue about what he’s doing, as most of kid-show villains, and tends to lose his temper fast , but if you look closer you’ll see that huge amount of his conduct lines are just a part of the games he plays
Like, he came to the Bruce's party just to take the damn list of guests, that’s the goal
But because of his behavior in public's eyes he wasn't the "strange quiet guy who's been looking around for all the time, than took the list of rich guests from butler and than left while there are robberies of rich people occurring in the city". He was "arrogant snobbish freak who thinks he's some sort of royalty (despite his family lost its place at the top of Gotham's society) so he acts around them as if they were peasants", so, for everyone it looks like the only thing he came for was attention, plus, influenced by negative emotions, people didn't notice such a potty movements as putting some paper in his jacket. I mean none even managed to notice that he stole the motherf🐧cking tray
(Well, for sure Oswald's quite snobbish about his family and it's "blue blood", can’t deny that, though he doesn’t behave that defiantly all the time and the only time when he completely loses it, cracks and explodes about this was when he became enraged hearing Alfred's words whom he took hostage in Bruce's house. That was a very bad day for him)
And come on, Oswald had patience and intelligence to figure out how to teach different predatory birds like ravens and owls, who actually tend to be wayward and even agressive time to time, to steal damn stuff from houses and how to make those f🐧cking badass high-tech umbrellas himself
So, cool man
If that episode showed his enormous arrogance, devotion to his family, resourcefulness, intelligence and hidden potential, this one shows how cunning, selfish, cold, ruthless and at some point insightful he can be
Back to the episode, it literally opens with the start of the strategy competition between Oswald and Selina
First they meet they start with a direct verbal flight for the Cat statue, which Oswald wins. So Selina, willing to get what she wants, desides to get down on a more manipulative subtle level playing love interest
So, of course Oswald gets stunned at first, I guess not every girl treats him this way every day, but he effectively uses this state to figure out his following plan and actions, and immediately starts behaving as a school boy in love.
So the man literally changed his tactics in a couple of seconds and figured out the new plan with the new “puppet” involved. Selina didn’t even notice anything thinking that she managed to hook him up easily so she now can manipulate him as she wants.
(guess Bruce was right, these two are worth each other: both prideful as heck)
So later their game enters the new fervent phase: they both play love interest in front of each other, and Oswald nailes his role just perfectly, making Selina even more convinced of his naivety so she reduces her alertness completely.
But guess he enjoyed this at some point. Like, Selina is a charming beautiful woman able to maintain a pleasant conversation with couple of dry sarcastic notes, so, I think this shade of sincerity helped him to play his part
And well, for quite huge amount of time Oswald makes that devil face with crooked grin which makes him look like a f🐧cking Satan, or just beings grumpy hardened journalist who had seen some shit which makes him look like he's about to have a severe breakdown, but here as he is around Selina in the first part of the episode he's completely calm like a damn fat cat, serious, focused and straight-faced, that's just gorgeous
He cracks up a bit ahead of time just once, when she manages to get the Bird statue
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But as it goes to the showdown he doesn’t show even a hint of genuine sympathy or regret, he’s just like “well get reked Selina” and takes English leave
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Well, I know it’s a kids show, Bruce saves the day and stuff, but Oz did literally put the bomb in the f🐧cking handcuffs so in case one of the two tries to put them off before the police arrive they actually f🐧cking die. I mean, that's kinda rough. But at the other hand it’s quite nobly but shortsighted of him to leave his enemies alive having a chance to interfere him later
And well, maybe Oswald isn’t good at etiquette, but he have never beaten Selina or any other lady if it came to close fight, while Batman did. Ozzie is a gentleman, shame on ya Bruce
And just to be said, the motherf🐧ucker didn’t even blink when the f🐧king half of his god damn umbrella was cut off right in front of his f🐧cking face. And oh my god, how f🐧cking firm Oswald's grip is that the hella heavy umbrella all made of f🐧cking metal didn't even swayed from the impact in the most stout place. Badass.
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And just for a second, Oswald managed to dig to the bottom of that legend about the Bird and Cat statues and started putting the plan into action only after he had found all the necessary information about it (which he had to translate himself from ancient Egyptian), so that the first time he used it, it didn't turn out that he missed something and summoned some ancient shit so now the whole world is in danger (as it happens with villains in movies sometimes).
(The saddest part is that the only single thing that prevented the shit from happening was immense amount of luck. mean Bruce has all kinds of gadgets for literally any situation and knows literally everything just in case. Like, it was very useful of Bruce to study ancient Egyptian just in case someone decides to use egyptian artifacts for evil stuff. And they were so f🐧king lucky the the birds weren’t hungry and didn’t try to peck their faces off while they were climbing the god damn lighthouse which is already hella dangerous even without the maniac birds trying to knock you down)
Well, what do we have so far
Even if Oswald does have some temper issues, he's capable of making some keen psychological tricks, making strategies and keep his head above water, the only thing that actually hampers him is his own pride (like in the episode with Team Penguin. He does have some leadership qualities but he turns from leader into boss quite quickly thinking of himself only)
And, importantly, he is being at some level realistic and objective realizing that none actually takes him seriously.
He understands that for most of the people he’s just a deformed and depraved man with a funny voice, who’s also a descendant of the aristocratic family which ran out of money and lost former authority.
And he uses it for his own good. He couldn't if he didn't, otherwise he'd choose way less twisted ways of behavior
He knew what would the people at the party see in him, so he could predict what behavior would cause the result he needed.
He understood Selina wouldn’t take him as a serious opponent, seeing him as a lonely slow-witted man or whatever, being sure that she can hook him as any other in such an unpretentious way she thought she would be able to make him do all the work instead of her. His awareness made her plans all exposed and clear
But all this negligence combined with his pride does hurt him though, no doubt. There’s a whole episode about it, when he occupied Bruce’s house.
He has his own reasons to envy and hate Bruce, by the way. They both are from rich families, both intelligent, strong and talented, but Bruce is more young and handsome, plus, his family business remained successful. At this point he is much more luckier than Oswald
I mean even if it gets to falling Bruse safely falls on tent and Oswald falls on the dirty ground through hell, fire and high boiling water (I don't give a shit that it had been made for the comedy matters)
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Basically, the only thing Oswald is doing is trying to restore not only the family’s honor, but also his own with help of money and growth of his authority. Maybe even to show others and himself that he’s something more than just a garbage. That he's something more than he seems to be at the first sight
But as far as I can see Oswald has never been that type of poor kid with low self esteem crying in a shower with the lights off and who then starts to hide behind the wall of arrogance as he grows up. I mean right in this episode he says that his mother had always told him that he was a handsome one, so I think his parents loved him, maybe even spoiled at some point, and gave him confidence and warmth he needed.
Though well, to be fair, children are cruel, and of course they would react to the child who lookes like a victim of a crazy geneticist's experiment in a very specific way. Some would avoid him no matter what it takes, for sure some would get used to him and communicate normally, but some would mock and bully him severely. So of course he would start to protect himself
But sadly he went in wrong direction, since his confidence became arrogance and his ways became much more twisted and radical
Even as an adult he’ve chosen a really slippery slope, though. He could've chosen a different path, but (as I guess) he couldn't overcome his sense of injustice and his resentment towards people around him, who actually neglected and loathed him. So he just sank in his negative experience and sharpened himself as the lone survivalist, which made him egotistical to the point when he doesn't care about the others and can actually stumble in some situations, being sure he can't be wrong
His actions can't be justified, but they can be explained. Oswald is really very understandable character
There is actually no moral of the post
Just me coming to conclusion that The Batman's Oswald appears to be quite deep in the first seasons
Yes, I just wasted about 5 minutes of your life, and you can't take those back
But I can leave you with a question besides frustration
Why in the bloody hell are they holding each other?!
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I mean come on
Few hours ago they revealed mutual betrayal, he almost killed her, dropped her on the froor so she couldn't run away with the thing he needed, and now they hold each other flying away on a jet-umbrella
And don’t f🐧cking tell me they do this because of the fear that if one of them falls the other will too
No f🐧cking way
Just imagine flying on the f🐧cking jet-umbrella, you will cling to it so tightly that one day you will take it into your grave with yourself because you will not be able to unclench your f🐧cking fingers after a single flight, but instead of holding the motherf🐧cking umbrella they hold each other
So is it a weird joke or a very thick hint?
Who knows
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astarlightmonbebe · 5 years
~DMing the Wrong Person; Stray Kids Hyung Line~
Bang Chan
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So, Chan is a music producer and he has around 300k followers on Instagram
You honestly only followed him because he was good looking (yeah that’s a bit shallow but you actually bothered to listen to some of his beats and now you stan his music, too)
You’re just a chill fan of his, only have his post and story notifs on because you like to keep up but you’re not obsessive
Anyways so you found this really funny post with some screenshots of his recent live (which was at like midnight...and Chan was pretty tired...you love memes, you had to take advantage of him)
Chan’s insta is @prod_cb97 and you’re just scrolling through your contacts to ‘p’ to send to your friend, but it’s late and you accidentally click Chan’s name and send it before realizing your mistake
Of course you’re like ‘omg, I have to unsend that now’, but by the time you’ve exited over to it, it already says ‘seen’???
Cue: major freakout because what the heck is happening, why is he looking at your messages
911 is this a drill it’s 2 a.m. in the morning
He finally sends a message, ‘ik i’m a meme why do you guys bully me like this’
And you’re like; ‘jkdahfds I’M SO SORRY I’LL ESCORT MYSELF OUT’
But he’s all ‘noo, I was kidding’
Then he also adds; ‘those are high quality memes, I saved them’
Like, please, Chan, those memes were so ugly and you both knew it
You don’t know what else to say so you end up being all; ‘it’s two a.m., you should be sleeping !!  us fans want you to be well rested :)’ and it sounds so weird???  
You’re not that big of the fan...
It takes him a couple minutes, but he responds; ‘music doesn’t sleep :), but thank you for the concern!’
How is he so cute and cool at the same time...you’re a little bit starstruck because you’re follower account waves at 502 and his has a big ‘k’ on the end
You decide it’s time to get sleep, but then he sends you !! another !! message !!
‘Well...you know all about me, can I know a little bit about you?  Anyone who creates such wholesome memes is worth getting to know’
Hmm, it almost sounds like a pickup line, but you’re not crazy
(okay, maybe a little, because you respond back with probably a little too much information than he had wanted and/or expected)
‘hi, I’m y/n and I’m just a uni student who likes way too many groups and people, I’m an art major at my college...’
He probably didn’t need to know that, you should stop, definitely
He replies back with three laughing emojis
Laughing emojis????  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
You panic and say; ‘why are you laughing at me???!!!!’
‘oh...I’m sorry if that offended you, I just wasn’t expecting your present life story’.
Oh.  You feel bad now.  He was just being a nice person :(((.
‘No...I’m the one who is sorry.’
There is silence
It says ‘seen’ but he’s not typing?
Oh gosh you messed up for real this time
Ahhhhhh who let you be on Instagram at two a.m. again?????
Then, out of the darkness of that ‘seen’, there comes the sweetest words you’ve ever seen.
‘Tbh I actually was really touched at those memes because I sometimes really feel like I’m only appreciated for being handsome and not for my music...but you really made me feel like a real music person who even has memes made for them, and it made me happy  💗’
You’re over here in a puddle of tears because literally you feel like a fake fan since you don’t really keep up with him and you were so shallow in the beginning.
What comes out of your fingers is; ‘haha wow.  that’s so sad because honestly you’re amazing and I have mega respect for you for being so young and doing all this stuff, also living off two hours of sleep (don’t do that).  So my tbh is that you’re awesome and I’m not and like...2 a.m. feels???’
Someone stop you before you fully word vomit all over this conversation
Yet, he replies with a ‘:)’
After five minutes, the ‘typing’ icon pops up again, and he sends; ‘i hope we can talk more, y/n’
Uhhhh heck yeah you would love that, Chan would probably regret it when he learns you’re a mess all the time, but anyways!!!
‘me too’ you opt to say, and then; ‘but first, we should both sleep’
Chan likes your message; ‘we have an agreement’ he says, and then his online flag disappears, leaving you smiling at your phone.
Kim Woojin
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Woojin actually goes to the same college as you
You have a few mutual friends and at a meet up one day you all exchanged numbers and instagram handles
Though you unfollowed a lot of those people, you personally found Woojin very cute and he posted song covers with his guitar too! and as you know, you’re a big music fan :) so you kept on following him
And he kept following you! You guys even comment on each other’s posts sometimes and join lives, as well as say hello to each other on campus
So maybe you started having an interest in him...but who’s to say?
Anyways one day you’re just bored and looking through insta stories instead of working on that big assignment that requires way to much work
Woojin’s posted a clip of a coming up cover on his story and you’re all like ‘oh that’s super cool’
Yet you have no courage to tell him that, so you’re just swiping past again when you’re sweaty fingers are all like ‘oh we would rather slide up instead of go right’ and suddenly you’ve sent a 100 sticker to him?
You’ve done what now?
You’re blessing instagram for being able to unsend things, but he has, once again, already seen it
It’s just your luck, really
‘thx so much’ he replies after liking your story response
‘ahaha...np’ you say, then add tentatively, ‘you’re so good at music, like you’re voice is so beautiful??’
‘aww, thank you~’ he says, and you let out a breath because you think the crisis has been averted, but suddenly...
‘you’re actually so good yourself! I really love your art, you’re super talented!’
(you personally think you SUCK at art but like,,,if Woojin thinks you’re good you must be a little, right?)
‘thanks but I’m not that good’ you reply with a laughing emoji
He sends you angry emojis next! and you’re like ??? what did I do wrong??
You wait anxiously as he’s typing
‘y/n, believe me when I say you and you’re art is so breathtaking’
It’s so short but...so good...you’re heart...is fluttering
Unsure of what to say, you like his message and send some soft heart emojis, unable to convey the emotion you feel right now
He sends a heart emoji right back, along with a blushy face
(what does that mean???)
You send one more heart and then the conversation is over, but you have a feeling that maybe something new has started as well
Lee Minho
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Minho is a famous model under JYP entertainment, and his handle is @youknow_itsminho 
Firstly, you’re in love with his aesthetic, because every model picture he posts is like looking at an angel without wings.
Secondly, he always goes live all the time and it’s with his cats
People who respect and love their pets??? Yes.
Lives is how it happens, actually
You’re clicking around on Instagram, watching his live, and a notification from your friend comes in.  You click on it, but your phone shorts out suddenly.
When it turns back on, it opens back up to your messages, so you quickly type out a response ‘lol’ and hit send.
It sends...but, ummm...that was not the convo you were having with your friend.
In fact, it’s to someone you’ve never even had a convo with
You quickly check the handle and, omg, it’s Minho’s account djshjkad!
When you clicked on the notification, you’re finger must have accidentally hit his account name instead.
‘At least he’s live still, so he probably won’t notice and doesn’t bother to check...’ you thought to yourself, because you were sure many people tried to talk to him since he had almost one million followers.
So you go to sleep, turn off your phone and put it face down
But you forgot to turn off your ringer
At three in the morning it goes off right in your ear, really loudly
You’re already pissed at being awake and still half asleep, so when you see it’s an Instagram notification, you automatically assume it’s your friends and reply as you would to them without bothering to read the message.
Not your finest moment,...but please, you need your beauty sleep
With that, you roll over and go back to sleep
In the morning, you wake up and go check Instagram, like you do every morning
You check your pms, but the top one shocks you so much you have to blink several times to make sure you’re not dreaming.
Minho???  He saw your ‘lol’?
Ahh...as it turns out he saw much more than just ‘lol’.
Remind you to never respond to notifications at three a.m. x.x
Then-this dude- sends you a selfie he took from snapchat or whatever with the caption ‘woken up at three a.m. from my fans’
Yes???  That’s you???  You’re sorry???
‘I’m sorry about that but dang man, no need to be so salty...’; you send
Also, you realize as you’re looking through instagram, he posted the snapshots of your message to him on his story with all these laughing emojis...THIS BOY NOW YOU’RE MAD
I mean he crossed out the handle and profile picture but you know that’s you and, really, that’s what matters right now
So you dm him again; ‘hey did you really need to post that I DIDN’T THINK I WAS THAT FUNNY’
More laughing emojis
You’re about ready to snap, but he sends you another picture with ‘i’m sorry’ scrawled over his beautiful face
You can’t help but smile at that, especially when he adds ‘i’ll talk to you tomorrow?’
‘to clear up this misunderstanding of course :)’ he is quick to add
‘of course’; you say, smiling as you log off
Seo Changbin
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Changbin is your best friend’s scary older brother
He followed you first so you followed him back for courtesy’s sake
Plus you like to laugh at his bucket hat posts...
The bucket hat posts is how it all starts
He posts another one and you’re sending it to your friend to laugh about how he looks so soulless, but...ahah...their contacts are right next to each other and maybe you accidentally clicked his?
You’re really not sure how it happened, except the message is sent to Changbin and definitely not your friend
And wow, reading it back, that sounds so mean, especially considering you sent it to the person the message was about
He’s seen it
Oh...wow...you’re really screwed
You immediately try and send an apology that goes something along the lines of ‘I AM SO SO SORRY I SWEAR I DIDN’T MEAN FOR THAT TO COME OFF SO MEAN OR ANYTHING REALLY’
He sees it again
And leaves you like that for a whole hour
Where you just kind of turn your phone off and try and do something else but the anxiety keeps you checking your phone constantly
Finally he says ‘I’m used to people making fun of me and my hat, no big deal’
But that’s actually kind of sad, so you’re all like ‘:(((’
And he’s all ‘is this conversation done’
Which kind of slaps but like it’s all your fault anyways so whatever
You find some hug gif and send it to him, and then you get radio silence before he actually sends a ‘thanks’
Hmm...you can’t read sarcasm online...
‘are you being sarcastic?’ you ask
‘no, that made me smile’ he tells you and wow, you weren’t expecting him to be quite so touched by a random gif you found 
‘i’m glad!’ you send him, and he actually sends a smiley face?
(he uses emojis? in all your years you had never pegged Seo Changbin as the emoji sending type of person. surprises happen, you guess)
‘I really am very sorry though :(’ you send again because you’re REALLY sorry
‘you’re forgiven, so don’t sweat over it haha’ he tells you
You guess that’s that but you still feel really bad about the whole situation, like you never thought you were a mean person, but that was pretty mean of you
You don’t want to bother him by apologizing again
So you just say ‘ah okay, I won’t~I hope you have a good day’
And he’s like ‘you too’
You can’t tell if he’s just using etiquette or if he really means it, but you’ll take what you can get
(you also never make fun of him or anyone ever again, having learned your lesson)
(your friend also finds out about this exchange and mercilessly teases both of you)
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Ghost Episodes 17-50
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Ghosts are spooky.
Coming out later than it should, it is finally here, the final review on Kamen Rider Ghost. I avoided writing this review as much as I could, but if I wanted to move on I had to get this out so, here we are.
Yes, by my tone you probably already guessed that I didn't like Ghost. But it's not really that I disliked it, is more that I didn't feel anything for it?
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If you asked me to describe Ghost in one word that word would be: forgettable. Because at the end of the day Ghost hasn't left an impression on me, and if it weren't for all the notes I made and the screenshots I took I wouldn't remember a single thing about this show, and it's not because time has passed, because I still remember W, heck I still remember a lot of thing from Fourze and Drive that are seasons that I hate. But for Ghost, I couldn't remember a thing. To write this post I had to read my notes five times, while looking at the screenshots I took, and with the Wikia page open so that I could locate myself, I also needed a help from YouTube to remember a few of the scenes.
But giving credit where its due, my experience with Ghost wasn't just a bunch of boredom and confusion, it had a few good moments, in particular the second part of it. Yes, it had its flaws, most of what I mentioned in my first post was present, but they had new additions that were interesting and that, judging by my notes, got me very engaged. Sadly, when the third portion started all that was interesting was dropped and what we got was a big pile of mess that didn't make a lot of sense, and that had no meaning at all, at least none that I could see hidden in all that madness. That final arc made things look very empty and without a purpose. And it's sad that it went that way because, and I'm gonna sound repetitive here, they had great concepts and pretty damn good visuals but the execution lacked a lot.
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I don't really have a direction to line up my thoughts about everything that happened in these 30+ episodes so I'll do the same thing I did for Gaim and go character by character here, starting with the Riders:
Takeru was bland (look at me repeating myself again), to me he had no personality at all. He was very wasted, like the dude died and he's a ghost, that was supposed to be cool, and it wasn't. They could use his backstory with religion play a part in this, but the most it did for him was seeing him meditating here and there, the fact he grew up in a temple didn't make much difference for him. They could've made some cool stuff with his dad, have him like a spiritual guide or something, but no the most we got was a few scenes that lacked emotion and it wasn't fun to see. And another repeated complaint, the number of times he died and came back and had his countdown restarted was a joke, just like his motivational speeches that are generic as fuck and never hit the mark, at least with me.
There was a single time where I started feeling like Takeru was interesting and it was when he started being a bitch and all heroic Eyecons left him because they couldn't sense the heroicness on him or something like that. I thought that moment would give him a personality and it could start a journey of persona growing as he would have to gather all Eyecons again. But then the show dumped a bucket of pig's blood on my face and made all Eyecons get back to him in the same episode and the most we got in the development department was those horrible scenes where the Eyecons would drag Takeru inside them to have vague conversations that are meant to sound deep and smart but that only sound dumb (just like me in this blog). 
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Makoto... was useless. I know this is a running gag about secondary riders, but I never felt that SO MUCH like I did with Makoto. The dude did nothing, this whole time. He got controlled by the enemies, AGAIN, then we know his also kind of a ghost because his body is in the Ganma's dimension, but that was just a convenience to give him his power-up, then he spends some time doing nothing just to bump with a side-plot about him having copies of himself that pretty much goes nowhere because most of the times the copies only interact with him and it's just a waste of time. And don't get me started on the implications that he loves his sister more than he should because that's a disgusting hole I don't wanna get in because I don't want this post to become as long as a scientific article.
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Alain was definitely my favorite of the riders, I dare say my favorite member of this whole cast. His story is rough, I admit it's very hard to see anything interesting on him at the start. But when all shit goes down with his family and he gets his "redemption arc" it's a true delight to see him. His whole thing with the Takoyaki lady was very pretty and very emotional and it was definitely the high point of the season to me, it really hit me hard seeing the lady die, and I understand that this is a show for kids and they don't wanna be sad and gloomy all the time but I really think the show needed more moments like this, you know? Make us really think about death, and how that affects the living. It's a shame that in the third act Alain had to deal with the whole mess with his family and seeing his own people being pulverized for no reason at all because it felt that they traded something more unique to a very generic thing.
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Moving to side characters, Akari remained consistently interesting, of course, I think they could've used her way more seeing that she's supposed to be the scientific side in a very spiritual show, but it felt like they only used her science background when it was convenient for them, they didn't make much of a discussion. Regardless of that I still like her, I like how she's not a romantic interest, she's somewhat very proactive, and even though he sucks at it she does kick some ass. Sadly most of the time they just make her the Straight Man to Onari who's one of the worst characters ever because he's annoying as hell, he's character is very flat-lined, he doesn't have an arc, he doesn't change, he's just there for bad comedy. Heck that guy who's an apprentice in the temple, the one that has the mom with the lamen shop, I think Shibuya is his name, he has more of a character than Onori, he even has more of a character than Makoto's sister who took over the role of the token girl and as a token girl she only serves to be Makoto's motivation and Alain's romantic pair and has nothing of her own.
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We also had Cubi and the other Mozart Ganma that were a very interesting concept of a MOTW who develops a personality that is a leftover from their "human counterpart" in the Ganma world, but instead of making something cool with it they just drop the concept, the two go away and disappear for a big chunk of the show just to come back at the end for a very small participation if I'm remembering it correctly and it's just a disappointment.
Closing the good guys' side are Yurusen and Edith. I said Yurusen was annoying at the beginning but that little thing grew on me, also the revelation at the end that Yurusen was actually a cat makes it impossible for me to dislike it so... the same can't be said about Edith. I'm sorry but I hate the guy, more or less because I don't get him. Like, he's supposed to be a double agent? But he always seems so shady to both sides so it can mean that he has his own agenda and that he's helping both sides in order to get what he wants but nothing ever comes out of it and it's just frustrating.
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I was planning on doing a section about the villains and go on each one of them, but their plotline is so confusing, I didn't understand it while watching it and I most definitely won't be able to do this based only in my confused notes so I'll just bundle them up in a single paragraph.
So basically their thing is basically an alien invasion plot, their world is bad so they're trying to invade Earth and take over. It seems like a simple plot, but the way they do this is confusing as hell. To begin with, there's that Demia project that on paper sounds amazing but when you have Igor as the head of the project it just makes for something that is really hard to watch and pay attention to because he's head-on-head with Onari trying to see who's the more annoying, and the show seems more concerned in making him have a gag with women hitting him rather than explaining what is going on with this plan. Then on top of that, we have the political/familiar drama with Alain's family that I couldn't care less because they didn't bother to explain well what goes on in this family. And it all just becomes messier when Adel gets to power and the Ganmeizers become a thing because it feels like one of those things that came out of nowhere and they're way too overpowered but they still get defeated in a regular basis somehow. And then they all become a god-like entity or something at the end, and I really don't know what to make out of this. Honestly, if you watched Ghost and understood how this progression happened please explain to me, I need answers.
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I feel like I talked a lot and at the same time that I didn't write a single word. There are so many other things in this show that I want to complain, like those ridiculous possessions the Eyecons do, that random idol-centric episode, how inconsistent they are about the difficulty of getting to the Ganma world, how Alain's sister can become a rider but she just gets her ass kicked and we never see her in action again, the way Takeru's dad in so keen on putting so many responsibilities into someone who was just a kid and how they wanted to make him be a chosen one, some of the portrayals of historical figures that seem kinda offensive at some points, the excuses for power-ups, and so on and so forth. But I gotta be honest my energy is starting to run down so I think I'll wrap up here, I know there's a lot else that happens but I pretty much said everything I had to say anyway so I think I made my case and there's no reason to make this post longer than it already is.
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Now I'm curious, what are your thoughts on Ghost? Do you agree? Disagree? Should I have watched the show again before making this review? Let me know in the comments. If everything goes right this week I should have the post about the Ghost movies up as well, that'll probably be better since I won't be working from my bad memory. In any case, stay healthy, stay safe, never stop resisting, thank you so much for reading, and until the next time, see ya~
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seekingthestars · 5 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part TWENTY! episode 36
(aka: the juniors are adorable, and so is drunk wangji.)
hi hello welcome to liveblog part TWENTY!! we’ve hit the roaring 20s bay-beee
also for today’s liveblogging adventures, we shall be joined by a super-special guest: teeny tiny lan wangji, pls love and appreciate him, he is so cute and i want to scream it from the rooftops
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i got very distracted by teeny tiny wangji coming home yesterday and spent way too long going through all his little arm pieces/facial plates/props and putting him in a billion different poses, and then after i zoomed home from work today i tried to get nicer pics of him outside (cue me scrambling in the dying afternoon light), i know i way oversold the special guest to you Big Sis, but he is adorable and i adore him with my entire heart (he has a wuxian counterpart too coming in like june weeps i’m love)
the elusive drunk-wangji makes an appearance! wuxian taking care of him is so adorable and soft i’m cry
“what the hell are you wearing?” wx says what we all think
omfg who stuck that IN WEN NING’S HEAD COME HERE WHO DO I HAVE TO FIGHT (ง •̀_•́)ง
wen ning thinking that everything was all his fault just breaks my heart, he is a pure and good baby he does not deserve this ;A;
wx: “don’t worry, if wangji’s asleep, i’ll take his sword!!”  wx: turns around, sees wangji wx: “oh shit.”
drunk wangji is being adorable
and he freaking carved his name into the post fjeiawofwa AND WX DOING IT TOO stop so cute
who da heck is sneaking around the room in a mask!
have i mentioned that wangji is adorable bc oh my god
wx’s face when wangji says his regret is not being by his side in nightless city ;AAAAAAAAAAA;
the little kids play-acting as everyone omg PRECIOUS
he is... a Supremely Handsome Man
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double screenshots bc smiley baby is the best
goin’ down to Coffin Town
wuxian’s ponytail being a little wavy instead of super straight makes me so pleased for unknown reasons, my face is that little emoji with the hearts around it
Jin Ling turning his nose up at the name “Apple” like he didn’t name his dog “Little Fairy” fjeiaowff
silence spell on EVERYBODYYYY and then them just making noises and pointing furiously i love the kids they’re adorable
“Congratulations, you got poisoned!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧”  WUXIAN HAHAHA
oh cool that’s creepy, just doll bodies hanging everywhere
i thought i saw the black puppet mark things on her ahhhh i was right! 
well that was fun but it’s almost 1am again so play us out, my tiny son, may we all have sweet dreams
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