#it might sound dumb but playing this game with some lofi music is a very obvious thing to do and yet so satisfying
fleshwizard · 2 years
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And you, where did you spend your lockdown ?
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justjeonday · 4 years
Serendipity | jjk x pjm
Serendipity; the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
By a slip of his finger, Jeongguk ends up meeting his neighbour on the rooftop of their apartment complex - and he finds himself wanting to stay in the moment forever.
Click here to read on AO3.
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- pairing: jeon jeongguk x park jimin
- word count: 6K 
- rating: PG-13
- genre: sO much fluff, angst, neighbours AU, student!jeongguk, dancer!jimin, airdrop AU, strangers to lovers, jeongguk is shy uwu, you could also call him a professional procrastinator. jimin is intimidating but what’s new
- warnings: descriptions of social anxiety, one or two swear words in there oops please excuse my language
- notes: i didn’t really plan for this to be a mxm fic but it just felt right?? this feels really random and i don’t know if it makes sense at all but please enjoy, I had fun writing it! feedback is very welcome as well <3 
also, if you like listening to music while reading, any lofi would go great with this! perhaps, even a lofi version of serendipity... haha jk... unless??
this is partly inspired by the game missed messages created by Angela He, I saw someone play it on youtube and got this idea!
huge thanks to zoe for helping me with this fic, i love u <3
this is a part of the @ficswithluv​ bulletproof bingo event!
gif by @nanzse, found here.
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Jeongguk's room is washed golden as he lays on his bed, soft lofi playing from his phone next to him as his fingers in an unmotivated manner slowly press lettered keys on his laptop. He couldn't be less excited about writing this essay, the assigned topic of 'happy accidents' being something he's not really able to make a connection to.
After getting down a simple, uncreative title at the top of the page, only to end up deleting it, he sighs as he rolls over on his back and lets his eyes flutter closed. The rays of sunshine seeping in through his open window feel nice against his honey skin, the mild May breeze brushing it ever so slightly. This would be perfect if it wasn't for the empty document displayed beside him, calling at him to finish writing already.
He loves evenings like these, just being, listening to the hustle of Seoul coming from the streets as a soft beat escapes his phone. There's something about sunsets that renders a calm to wash over Jeongguk's body, no matter how stressful or dull his day might be - the sight of a sunset makes him stop for a moment; makes him pause and enjoy the present. It's something he treasures deeply, how the warm hues of orange blend in with the blue. It makes him feel excited to be alive, thankful to exist.
He imagines it’s like finally being able to release a breath; coming up for air when you've been held under the surface for almost too long. It quiets his mind, rids him of thoughts that weighed down on his shoulders during the day.
A sudden pling erupting from the laptop causes Jeongguk's eyes to open, the sound harsh in contrast to the music that brought him to his own, peaceful utopia. He frowns as he sits up, grabbing his laptop and placing it in his lap before he leans against the wall his bed is pushed up against.
Jiminie's phone would like to share a photo.
The notification makes Jeongguk furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Who is Jiminie and why is he airdropping Jeongguk of all people? 
Out of boredom and in search for another excuse to procrastinate the essay, he decides to see what the stranger wishes to share with him. He clicks accept, and on his screen two pictures appear - causing a scoff to escape Jeongguk's lips.  It's dumb really, but despite the unnecessary and pointless pictures, he feels a small smile spread on his lips. He expected something stupid, something to cause a huff and a roll of his eyes - to make his disappointment in humanity increase further.
On his laptop, two pictures of a cat wearing sunglasses are displayed. Jeongguk shakes his head as he snickers quietly by himself. He really doesn’t understand why he finds it so funny but he can't deny it made his evening a little bit better, the dull mood caused by the essay a bit brighter.
He decides to write a thank you in return, typing a few words of gratitude before he hovers over the send button. Should he reply? Maybe he shouldn't. What if the airdrop was sent to the wrong person? It'd make him look stupid if he wrote back.
After over-scrutinizing further, he chooses not to send anything back after all and goes to hit delete, but presses down on the wrong button.
Note sent.
He curses under his breath, cheeks turning crimson in embarrassment. It’s been done, there’s no reason to dwell over it. There’s nothing he can do.
He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair as he shuts the tab, and he's once again met with the sight of a blank page, making him sigh in frustration. Happy accidents. What is he even supposed to write about? His mind is blank, much like the document before him, there's really no specific event in his life relating to the theme he's able to think of.
What a foolish choice of topic.
He feels his heart skip a beat in surprise as yet another notification pops up on his screen. He nibbles at the skin of his bottom lip for a few seconds before he clicks accept once more.
7:49 PM: My pleasure! So... 'Genji', what are you up to?
Jeongguk squeezes his eyes shut in further embarrassment at his laptop device name. He could’ve just gone for something normal, something simple like 'Jeongguk's laptop'. He sighs at himself as he starts writing a reply to the stranger, who he assumes is named Jiminie - a wild guess thanks to the device name; the simple, non-cringey device name.
7:51 PM: It's Jeongguk. I'm up to nothing much, just procrastinating my essay...  u?
Jeongguk presses send before he gets the chance to hit the backspace button and overthink his choice of words. After his note is sent, he finds himself waiting for a reply - eyes lingering in the corner of the screen as he looks for the next notification to pop up. Or the next excuse to further procrastinate, if you will.
And before long, there's another note waiting to be accepted. Without hesitancy, Jeongguk clicks it.
7:54 PM: Bored, looking for something to do... maybe some fresh air could benefit the both of us? ;)
The reply makes Jeongguk quirk an eyebrow at his screen, a faint blush settling over cheeks as he feels flutters of excitement in his gut and nerves blooming in his chest. A few minutes go by as he reads the words over and over, asking himself what to do. He eventually decides to reply even with the amount of intimidation he feels - despite his introverted nature. This time he sits for longer, fingers hovering over keys as he looks for words that sound okay in his head.
8:01 PM: What are you initiating, Jiminie?
Jeongguk’s heart beats fast in his chest as he presses send, fingers picking at the fuzz on his cheek as he partly dreads the reply, partly looks forward to it in a strange anxious excitement. This is so unlike him, to do spontaneous stuff like this, make plans and decisions last minute - especially when he’s well aware it’s involving a complete stranger. He likes knowing what’s gonna happen and giving himself time to mentally prepare for occasions like these, or preferably avoid them.
8:02 PM: Meet me on the rooftop in 20? I'll be waiting.
His face grows hotter as he reads the note repeatedly. He's never done anything like this before. It makes him excited, but causes his hands to become clammy at the foreign but tempting opportunity - a subtle anxiety starting to grow in his chest as he thinks of all the possible ways this could end.
Does he go up to his rooftop in twenty minutes to meet the stranger, put himself through awkward silences and worry? Or does he stay inside, alone, to continue procrastinating his essay?
The latter of the two options does sound much more boring, however, more comfortable and safe in his mind. Yet, he can't help but feel intrigued by this Jiminie he just chatted with, and he's curious.
Fuck it.
He gets up from his bed, grabbing a decent outfit from his wardrobe before throwing it on. He stands in front of the mirror, scanning over the black fabrics before shrugging and deciding it'll do. He doesn't want to be overdressed, or appear as if he actually worried about how he looks. Which he in reality, actually did - but Jiminie doesn’t need to be aware of that.
Before he knows it, fifteen minutes have passed. He slips his boots on and proceeds to stand by the door, watching the time tick on his phone. As the numbers read 8:21 PM, Jeongguk inhales a shaky breath to calm himself before he steps outside of his apartment.
Nerves spread like wildfire in his chest as he walks up the staircase towards the door leading to the rooftop. He stands before it for a few seconds, trying to compose himself before pushing it open. He's met with a world illuminated pink and the smell of cherry blossoms, a warm pleasant breeze brushing through his hair as he takes a hesitant step outside onto the concrete floor.
He doesn't do stuff like this. Jeongguk likes keeping to himself, he enjoys being alone in his room. The most communicating he does is through his headset while playing overwatch. What got into him today, what reason made him say yes to meeting a stranger on his rooftop, he's not certain of.
Jeongguk closes the door behind him as quietly as possible before turning to scan the area, eyes looking for someone unfamiliar; someone his eyes have yet to know.
He's caught by surprise as his wandering gaze stops at the sight of a figure. He sees pink, pink hair swept by the gentle wind. Soft pink, rosy and warm in contrast to the lightblue fuzzy jacket the figure is clad in - a contrast replicated in the sky above.
He's even further intimidated by the daring choice of hair color, another reason along with the previous one of the bold, somewhat flirtatious way he asked Jeongguk to meet on the rooftop just twenty minutes ago.
Jeongguk, after gathering the courage, slowly starts walking closer - nerves almost prompting him to quietly turn around and return to the safe, comfortable space of his apartment. He could leave right now and come up with an excuse as to why he couldn't show up. He considers it for a second, however, he quickly shakes the thought away, not wanting to go through with it no matter how tempting it may be.
He's tired of excuses.
He keeps moving forward, closer to Jimin standing with his back towards Jeongguk - looking out over Seoul.
As his boot scrapes against the ground, the pink-haired turns his head - looking over his shoulder to meet Jeongguk's doe eyes. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
More like a bunny, maybe?
Jimin smiles at the sight, now turning with his whole body to greet the younger. "Jeongguk-ssi, you showed up," says Jimin, perfectly plump lips stretching into a smile; showing off his flawlessly aligned teeth.
Jeongguk doesn't say anything, still a few meters away when he stops to give a small bow in respect.
He still doesn’t know why he agreed to this, he’s very well aware a silence like this always lays in the air around him when he’s meeting new people. That’s why he usually avoids occurrences like these, not wanting to put himself in such an anxious state.
He's always awkward when meeting strangers, especially if he's alone - when the conversation is depending on both him and the other involved to keep going. He never knows what to say, never able to find words that feel right. He hates small talk.
Although with Jimin, there's weirdly a welcoming atmosphere in the air. A smile that allows his shoulders to relax slightly, an ambience that tells him to breathe out and be himself. Jeongguk has never felt anything like it before.
Jimin keeps the younger's gaze, and the attention makes Jeongguk look down as a subtle blush settles over the tops of his cheeks. At the same time, while Jimin exudes a scenciere and relaxing vibe, his aura also feels intimidating - radiating confidence and self-esteem much unlike Jeongguk.
Jeongguk doesn't like to stand out in a crowd, he's reserved and timid - he'd rather stay quiet and he has no problem with that, he likes being alone to some extent. When he goes too long without meeting any of his close friends though, he tends to get lonely. That’s when he finds himself wishing he was different in that sense, that he could go out and make new friends whenever he felt like it without having to worry so much about first impressions, or if he stutters too much. 
His wardrobe is mostly black, not only because he simply likes how the color looks on him - but also because it feels safe, it’s not too out there. He usually puts on a bucket hat whenever he's out and about, mostly to avoid any awkward eye contact. He could never imagine himself dying his hair pink, or any other color for that matter - since he imagines it'd bring him unwanted attention.
That's just the way he is, and he's always been that way. But he can't deny the desire to be braver, more willing to experiment and explore. He wants to experience more, like dating or just going out with friends without worrying too much. He almost feels stuck, restricted because of this anxiety. It sometimes keeps him up at night, has him wondering who and how he’d be as a person if he was different in that aspect.
Jimin is somewhat stunned himself, much like Jeongguk. He really had no expectations going into this, but the person before him wouldn't be one of them if he did. He wasn't picturing someone who wears black oversized clothes, someone so big and muscular - yet shy. There are obvious outlines of a toned chest under the fabric of the hoodie, only a little more obvious than the pink apples of his cheeks. It makes Jimin's heart warm.
"Are you not gonna join me?"
Jeongguk averts his eyes from his own boots as Jimin’s voice pierces the silence, even though it’s soft and inviting. He becomes very aware he's still standing an awkward distance away at the question, giving Jimin as small nod as he walks up to the railing - fingers tightening into fists as he tugs at the sleeves of his hoodie.
His gaze wanders over the busy street below as he searches for the right words to say, but he can't seem to find any. He sneaks a glance at Jimin before he looks up at the sky, feeling a solace embrace him. He exhales as his body relaxes at the sight of the sunset. Everything’s okay.
"Do you-" he stutters slightly, stopping mid-sentence to compose himself. "Have you lived here long? I haven't seen you around," he manages to say, a small flower of pride growing in his chest.
Jimin is taken aback hearing the shy speak, gaze falling upon him to meet big, constellation-filled brown eyes, in which create a sunset of their own as the sky reflects in them - an even prettier one, as stars in his orbs decorate it further.
"No not really, I moved in just a few weeks ago," Jimin replies. "I spend the majority of my days at work though, so that's probably why we haven’t met yet."
Jeongguk feels a question linger at the tip of his tongue, deciding to let it free before he overthinks it.
"What do you do?" he asks, partly to keep the focus of the conversation away from himself but for the most part out of curiosity.
Jimin smiles at the interest, running a hand through his hair before speaking. "I do contemporary dancing, weird huh?"
"I don't think it's weird," Jeongguk shrugs. "Why do you say that?"
Jimin looks out over the city, painted pink, as he searches for an answer. "Well, it's not a typical job and you don't really earn a lot doing it. Most people would say it's stupid to work towards a career like mine, that it won't get me anywhere."
Jeongguk listens as Jimin speaks, and he notices a spark of passion glimmer in his eyes.
"So why did you choose that path?" Jeongguk surprises himself as the question rolls off his tongue, noticing how his shoulders are no longer as tense.
"I've been dancing ever since I was little, there's just something about it that I love. It's my escape, in a sense. Whenever I dance, all I do is move to the music - I don't think of anything, I don't worry. It’s almost as if my mind goes quiet." He says, eyes following the fluffy clouds floating over the sky. "It's really not about earning money for me, and even though it's nice to benefit from it in a financial way, that's not what keeps me going. It may be tough sometimes but I love dancing, and that's why I do it. Despite it not being an average job, or the most reliable and profitable one."
"I like that though, the fact you're doing something that's different. I think it's important to do something you enjoy, something that makes you excited to wake up and get ready. I hope I can find a passion like that in the future." Jeongguk avoids meeting Jimin’s gaze for even more than a second, eyes moving from him to the sky, then down to watch people walk by below.
Jimin turns to Jeongguk with a smile, chest filled with warmth at his words. "I hope so too."
Jeongguk gives a small smile in return as a silence falls over the both of them, but it's not one you necessarily want to fill. It's peaceful and comfortable, much to Jeongguk's surprise.
They stay like that for another hour, sitting with arms resting over the railing as their feet dangle over the edge of the building while they get to know each other - carefully stolen glances and unspoken words lingering at the tips of their tongues. Night has now fallen over the city, neon lights decorating the streets as bars become crowded and streets become busy - even more so than before.
Upon spending time together, albeit for just an hour or two, Jimin finds himself growing quite fond of Jeongguk.
At first sight, he wouldn't have expected the boy next to him to be so shy - as someone who blushes at compliments and eye contact lasting for more than a few seconds. All this is hidden beneath his attire, sporting chunky boots along with ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie - also considering that these are all black. Dark from head to toe. It almost makes him intimidating to Jimin, in a way. However, Jimin must admit it looks really good on him, it suits him, but it doesn't match his personality one bit. He's sweet and timid, all bunny smiles and dimples with big, sparkly, doe eyes - far from what Jimin would associate with the dark, edgy style he's donned in.
After another tranquil silence hangs in the air around them, Jimin looks at the watch on his wrist - noticing the clock is nearing 10 PM. He’d love nothing more than to stay here, learning more about Jeongguk, talking nonsense, just being in his presence.
He had heard Jeongguk laugh for the first time as he asked about his device name ‘Genji’. He had with a smile explained the reasoning to Jimin, talking about how it was inspired by a character named just that of his advice from a game he played - because said character is one that needs healing, in this case, charging the most often. Jimin has never found video games fun or entertaining, but when it’s Jeongguk who speaks of it; he feels as if he could listen for hours, secretly admiring the dimples that dip in his cheeks as he smiles.
“I have work tomorrow, I should probably get my eight hours of beauty sleep in before I have to wake up,” Jimin chuckles, and as much as he hates to say it - he really needs to get rest considering he’ll be working on a new choreography tomorrow, which he knows requires more energy and focus than just practicing.
They accompany each other as they make their way down from the rooftop, shoulders brushing as they walk down the stairs - slowing down as they step onto the seventh floor.
"This is me," Jimin says, head nodding in direction of the door with the number 202 on it.
Jeongguk stands quiet, a small smile on his lips as he suddenly feels awkward again - gaze wandering around the hallway, avoiding the other’s eyes.
Jimin decides to speak instead of waiting for Jeongguk to, having gathered by now that he’s someone who needs that extra push to get comfortable around someone - that it's easier for him to speak if someone helps guide the conversation forward. Although, he noticed Jeongguk slowly warming up to him on the roof; and he’d be laying if he said it doesn’t makes his heart happy.
"Thank you for meeting me tonight Jeongguk, I had a really great time," Jimin says, smiling as he backs up towards his door.
"So did I," Jeongguk replies, looking down at his boots as his smile grows bigger. "Goodnight, Jimin-ssi." He gives a small bow in Jimin’s direction.
There's really no need to be so formal anymore, there never was, but Jimin appreciates the gesture of respect nonetheless.
He decides to play along, bowing at a 90 degree to the younger angle with arms stiff against his sides. "Sleep well, Jeongguk-ssi."
Jeongguk chuckles at him, and the sound makes Jimin smile.
Minutes later, Jeongguk walks into his own apartment - adrenaline rushing through his veins because of the new, exciting experience. He lets himself lean back against the door after closing it, eyes squeezing shut as he smiles widely.
He feels stupid, like he’s a teenager with a crush. As he thinks back to what just happened, thinking about Jimin's smile, his light touches over the fabric on Jeongguk's shoulder - he feels a tickle in his gut, cheeks growing hotter as he longs to be in that presence again even though it’s only been minutes since they said goodbye.
He tries to shake the thoughts of the pink-haired away but it’s of no avail, kicking his boots off and stepping into his apartment as he exhales. He figures there's no use trying to finish his essay now, knowing his mind will wander to picture Jimin's face in his mind - try to recall the sound of his angelic laugh.
Oh, how he loves Jimin's laugh. The way he throws his head back, eyes turning into crescent moons as his hand comes up to cover his mouth - his knees almost buckling underneath him. He laughs with his whole body, and it makes Jeongguk feel a kind of joy he's never felt before. He'd do anything to hear that laugh over and over again, he’d even give up overwatch.
Jeongguk falls back on his bed, eyes staring up at the ceiling as he tries to rid his mind of Jimin again. It's hopeless. He's already too far gone.
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The next few days go by agonizingly slow. Jeongguk sits through multiple online classes, each getting harder to concentrate on than the previous one.
He got a taste of Jimin that night, his smiles, his touch, his laugh. He got a taste of that new, alien feeling - the butterflies, the leap of his heart inside his ribcage.
He craves more. He wants to feel it again, he wants to feel that rush he felt when they first met - that joy he felt by just being with Jimin, sitting next to him and listening to his voice as he speaks.
By Friday noon, three days later, he's on his way home from the nearest store with his beloved bucket hat on as per usual, a bag in each hand as he walks back home - most of the contents being ramen and banana milk, of course. He pushes the door to his apartment complex open by turning around and pressing his back against it, squeezing himself along with the heavy bags through the frame before walking over to the elevator.
He'd secretly wish to bump into Jimin, anywhere, anytime - like he has been ever since they met on the rooftop - but he's been finding it useless so far. He still has yet to see Jimin again.
Jeongguk had been sitting in his bed yesterday, fingers itching to send an airdrop to Jimin, something like a casual ‘what’s up?’, but he never went through with it. He'd feel desperate, clingy - he didn't want to seem that way. He shut his laptop with a sigh, pulling the covers up to his chin before closing his eyes and returning to his utopia - sunsets, lofi, and Jimin.
A new addition to his paradise. Someone he's so uncertain about, someone he barely knows, but yet he feels so sure of.
Jeongguk reaches up to press the button on the wall, hissing quietly as the handles of the paper bag strains against his wrist. Only a few seconds later, the elevator doors slide open - but the small space isn't empty. In the elevator stands Jimin with messy hair, gaze moving from his phone in his hand to look before him where Jeongguk is standing.
"Oh! Jeongguk-ssi," Jimin beams, stepping out of the elevator. 
Jeongguk almost feels relieved to see the bright, joyful, pink-haired boy again - heart skipping a beat at the pleasant surprise. "Hi," He exhales, eyes locking with Jimin's.
“I like your hat,” He laughs, walking by Jeongguk. “Shame it covers your pretty face.”
Jeongguk’s breath is caught in his throat by the unexpected compliment, blood rushing to his cheeks - making him thankful he has the hat on to hide it. He stays quiet, not really certain how he should respond to such words.
"I'd love to speak but I have to hurry back to work." Jimin doesn't stop as he talks, but turns around and walks backwards as he keeps Jeongguk's gaze. "Meet me later? Same time, same place?" He says with a small smile, not caring to wait for an answer before he turns around and exits the building.
Jeongguk stands frozen, eyes stuck by the door where Jimin is now nowhere to be seen. For the few seconds he got to see Jimin again, he's grateful - but he wishes their interaction wasn't so brief, too quick for him to take in the beauty that is Park Jimin.
Jeongguk returns from his pink haze as the elevator doors start sliding shut again, quickly putting a bag in between them to stop the motion before he steps inside. He feels giddy as he waits for the arrival to his own floor, staring blankly in front of him as he repeats Jimin's words in his head.
'Meet me later'.
His heart leaps in his chest, an unwanted smile spreading across his lips as he looks down at the floor in embarrassment - despite being alone in the elevator.
Jimin too, can’t help but smile as he gets into his car. Since he asked Jeongguk to meet him three days ago, since they talked on the rooftop, Jimin often caught himself thinking about the boy - wondering what he’s up to. Even when dancing, he can’t help but let his mind wander, making it difficult to focus on perfecting his moves for the new choreography.
He feels a weird, unusual connection with Jeongguk - one he’s never felt before, not even with his past lovers or any of his friends. It almost feels like they were supposed to meet that night, like it was destined. Like they’re fated to know each other.
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Jeongguk finds himself sprawled across the sofa hours later, phone in hand as he repeatedly checks the time - a random k-drama playing on his TV, in which has been given minimal attention since he put it on. He lets out another sigh after looking at his phone, noticing only a little over an hour has passed since he checked it at 4 PM.
Three long hours left until he can see Jimin again.
Seconds feel like minutes, minutes feel like hours. But eventually, the clock strikes 7:50 PM and Jeongguk immediately gets up from the couch, excitement quickly spreading through his body.
He finds Jimin the same place he was standing when they met three days ago, now sitting down on a blanket instead of leaning against the railing. He doesn’t hesitate before he starts walking closer this time, causing the older to look his way at the sound of his unusually confident footsteps.
“What’s this?” Jeongguk chuckles, gesturing to the blanket and pillows placed on the concrete.
Jimin smiles, patting the ground next to him for Jeongguk to sit down. “I figured we’d be here for a while and standing up isn’t really that comfortable.”
That’s probably for the best, Jeongguk figures, since he found himself worried Jimin would fall if he laughed too hard when they previously met. He almost wants to laugh at the memory of his doubt in Jimin’s balance.
He’s a dancer for god's sake.
Jeongguk pushes the tickling thought to the back of his head before he nods with a smile, sitting down next to Jimin before looking out over Seoul - a beautiful sunset once again painting the city in orange and pink hues. 
“I missed you,” Jimin suddenly speaks, hand coming up to run soothingly over Jeongguk’s back - giving him shivers running down his spine.
Jeongguk looks at him for a few seconds before returning his gaze to the skyline with a small smile sneaking its way onto his lips. “You did?” He asks, voice quiet as he fiddles with his fingers.
“Yeah, did you miss me as well?” 
You’re all I’ve been thinking about.
Jeongguk only answers with a small nod, head turning slightly to look at Jimin again - cheeks rosy with timidity. Jimin snickers at him before looking out over the city again. 
“Do you wanna listen to music?” Jimin asks, grabbing his phone from his pocket.
Jeongguk feels weirdly cold despite the warm spring evening as Jimin’s hand falls from his back.
“Uh yeah, sure.” 
Jimin holds it for Jeongguk to take. “Put something on.”
“Oh... I’m not sure you’ll like my taste in music,” Jeongguk shakes his head.
Jimin only laughs at his shy behaviour. “Don’t worry so much, Gguk.”
Jeongguk releases a barely audible sigh as he looks at Jimin, taking the phone from his hand hesitantly - feeling butterflies in his stomach at the nickname, the flutters only intensifying as his fingers accidentally brush over Jimin’s, tingles lingering on his fingertips at the touch.
“What do you listen to?” Jeongguk asks while he presses letters on Jimin’s phone, trying to find a playlist that looks good enough.
“I listen to a lot of different music because of work, but I really enjoy ballads with acoustic guitars and stuff - any calming music really.”
Jeongguk nods to show he’s paying attention, fingers stopping their scrolling as he finds a playlist - pressing play before handing the phone back to Jimin.
A soft beat fills the air around them, along with the lively sound of Seoul coming from the streets below them.
“Lofi?” Jimin smiles, placing the phone in between them on the blanket.
Jeongguk nods, eyes following Jimin who lays down on the blanket next to him - head landing on one of the pillows. Jeongguk follows shortly, letting himself fall back to lay beside him.  
“It’s nice~” Jimin sighs in bliss, looking up at the pink sky.
Jeongguk and Jimin talk about everything and anything as the sky darkens and stars come out from hiding. Hours later they're still laying next to each other on the concrete, stargazing into the black abyss.
Jeongguk turns his head to look at Jimin, who is looking up at the celestial bodies above. "So, do you just casually airdrop strangers in your freetime?" He asks with a laugh, referring to a few days ago when he got that first notification.
Jimin chuckles, placing an arm under his head. "No, I was just really bored so I airdropped everyone available."
“I thought I was special,” Jeongguk jokes, acting disappointed as he pouts.
Jimin hits the younger’s shoulder lightly, laughing before looking up at the stars again. “You are, I haven’t met anyone else I sent the pictures to.”
"Why did you ask me to meet you?"
Jimin turns to Jeongguk again at the question, eyes meeting. "You're the only one who replied to me."
With cheeks turning rubescent at the intense gaze Jimin gives, Jeongguk looks up at the sky again as a smile creeps onto his lips. He feels his heart flutter in his chest.
"Jeongguk," Jimin says, trying to get the attention of the boy laying next to him.
"Hm?" Jeongguk hums in response, unaware as he turns his head to look at Jimin once again.
Jimin doesn't say anything else, only admires him. Jeongguk is drawn in by Jimin's stare, not wanting to look away again. He too, admires the other's face. Soft skin, pretty nose.
Pink, plush lips.
Jimin turns to lay on his side, now even closer while simultaneously causing their faces to end up only a few inches apart as they stay looking at each other. Jeongguk keeps still with bated breath as he notices Jimin's gaze fall to look at his lips - making him unconsciously part them as his own gaze falls down to admire Jimin’s, trying to imagine what they would feel like against his own.
Without thinking too much, or giving himself time to change his mind and back out; Jimin leans forward - slowly inching closer. Jeongguk's heart beats fast in his chest but he lets eyes flutter closed as he feels the brush of lips against his own, excitement and tranquility blooming in his chest all at the same time. The touch is feather-light against his lips, but it makes him feel more than he ever has before.
When Jimin finally presses his lips firmly against Jeongguk’s, it makes him exhale deeply through his nose as pink explodes in his chest.
Jimin’s hand comes up to cup Jeongguk’s cheek as he leans in further, deepening the kiss even more - making Jeongguk’s body relax against his touch and lean into it. Jimin lets his tongue swipe over Jeongguk’s bottom lip lightly, prompting them to open before he feels the younger’s tongue against his own. He feels Jeongguk’s breath tickle against his skin as the kiss intensifies.
After a few more seconds of connected lips, blissful exhales, tasting Jeongguk’s cherry lip balm, Jimin pulls away and opens his eyes to look at him. Jeongguk’s eyes stay closed as he licks his bottom lip before biting down on it, still tasting Jimin's lips on his own. Jimin licks his own lips as he watches, aching to feel Jeongguk's pressed against them again.
"Hmm, are you wearing cherry lip balm?" Jimin hums with a voice barely louder than a whisper, a small smile on his lips as he lets his thumb brush over Jeongguk’s bottom lip.
Jeongguk breaks into a bunny smile, hands coming up to cover his eyes as he turns shy at the thought of what just happened. Jimin snickers at his behaviour as he sits up, looking down on his wrist to check the time.
12:08 AM.
"It's late, we should probably-" He's interrupted by a pull of his shirt, causing him to fall back into his previous position.
This time, it's Jeongguk's turn to initiate the kiss - lips pressing against Jimin's again. He surprises himself by the action, but he can't help it - longing to taste Jimin's lips a second time, feel them against his own once more. 
Jeongguk cups Jimin’s face with both hands as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss, to feel Jimin even closer. He wants to stay like this forever, he wants to be with Jimin for as long as possible. He never wants to let go.
Their lips meeting holds just as much passion as before but lasts for a few seconds less before they have to part again, both needing to catch a breath because of the intensity of the kiss. Jeongguk chases after Jimin’s lips before letting his fall down on the pillow beneath him in defeat, realizing he needs to regain a steady breath as he feels his chest heave up and down.
Before standing up, Jimin places a haste, light kiss on Jeongguk's nose - making him scrunch it in an adorable manner. Jimin chuckles as he watches Jeongguk open his eyes slowly, an apparent blush laying across his cheeks as he looks up at the older.
Jeongguk's smiles with his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he shamelessy admires Jimin, still not moving from his position on the floor. He feels so happy.
Is this what true happiness feels like?
The end of his week turned out much different from what he ever could’ve imagined. Normally, he'd be laying on his sofa by this hour, stuffing his face with ramen while having some anime or k-drama playing on the TV - happy and relieved he’d be getting two days without having to attend any classes.
If at the beginning of this week, someone told him he’d be kissing his neighbour at midnight by the end of it - he'd think of them as crazy. Jeongguk? The timid and introverted Jeongguk? Kissing someone? He himself couldn't see it happening anytime soon. He figured it’d be too hard for him to find a connection like that with someone, considering his shy nature.
But here he is, the inside of his chest painted pink because of his love-struck state, butterflies wild in his stomach - eyes looking up to admire the person standing in front of him.
The stars in the sky seem to shine brighter than ever before. He finds himself feeling euphoric, almost high on the emotion. He feels relaxed and free of any burdens, just like the sunset they'd been watching earlier managed to make him feel.
He never planned for this to happen, he never expected his week to end up this way. But it did, by a single slip of his finger.
Jeongguk met Jimin through serendipity; a happy accident.
Happy accidents.
Oh, how happy he is they exist.
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