#it pissed patches off and my sister got attacked
dirthara-dalen · 4 months
I worked on this last night, way too late into the night perhaps but oh well what is a sleep schedule.
Most of this will be under a cut to avoid splattering spoilers all over peoples dashes. That section will include my overall thoughts as well.
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Ok lets start with the non-spoiler lore updates:
Ligastar is in an active relationship with both Theron and Vilkas Vera (my main imperial agent).
After the events at the end of act 2 Ligastar starts to distance himself from the jedi order, has accepted his sith lord status and has a sith apprentice (Raz'lum) that follows him around during act 3.
Ligastar knew Master Orgus as a child given his mother introduced them after arriving at the jedi temple after fleeing dromund kaas. (I am enjoying working on their relationship in my fic wip)
So above is pretty much what i'm gonna share for now as i wanna keep some stuff secret for the fic i am working on. Now to the 7.5 stuff and how it affects his story! I do plan on making individual posts once two weeks have passed at bare minimum.
Spoiler thoughts + Lore below (warning it got a bit long):
To start, I loved the opening and just how annoyed we are. Lemme tell ya it fit perfectly for Ligastar.
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The moment alone with Theron was very nice. I had hoped on my other characters who didn't romance them maybe their love interest would come out to say something but of course not :(
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This moment right here does not help Ligastar's current feelings towards the republic or the order. He does feel somewhat personally attacked by everyone in the holocall. He really doesn't understand why they think he can really do anything. Due to his connection to Jeeta, Ligastar genuinely fears another mandalorian war. Shae going missing and dumping everything on him pisses him off.
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I thoroughly enjoyed having Sa'har around more. Seeing her slightly more naive perspective was very interesting. Her drive to fix her mistakes really does resonant with Ligastar.
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All of the slave stuff. Ligastar found the whole experience on Hutta extremely difficult. He sorta puts getting the shuttle off as his desire to free the slaves takes over given his former slave status. He does sort of regret letting Sa'har blow the barrels but his own emotions were affecting his own decision making at the time.
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Finding the prisoners from Ord Mantell was a surprise to Ligastar but i totally saw it coming the moment i saw what the area was called. Ligastar knew the people would probably get angry at Sa'har but he wasn't going to allow it. He did escort them to safety as he felt bad for Petra knowing her sister was here partly because of him.
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Matthew mother fucking Mercer go off!!! I love Matt as a va partly because i am a critter so the moment i heard his angry voice i knew we were getting a fight! 10/10 fight. I look forward to picking the diff options in regards to the holocron on other characters.
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I was so happy to tell Arn there was no way the order was touching the holocron. In my own personal canon that holocron remains with the Starwing family and is one of the objects my oc Lee, Ligastar's descendant, cherishes due to its history. Also telling Arn that the people on the ship are going to Odessen and will be trained within the force enclave again made me so happy. To put it simply, after the events of this patch regardless of what happens in game, Ligastsar officially leaves the order.
After learning what Shae did, that she freed Malgus...he swears he will kill her the next time he see her. Partly due to being fed up with antics and partly due to a hidden desire for revenge he has harbored for years after learning about her role in the sacking of Coruscant.
Like i said before, after at least two weeks i will be making individual posts that go into more detail for his story.
Lastly....not ligastar related but um...that voice actor change. it's not bad but it was jarring despite knowing ahead of time.
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If u think cats are evil bc they're mean to u and attack u maybe u should take a step back and ask urself why the cat is acting like that?
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noneatnonedotcom · 3 years
Dark rwby smut:
Raven has Yang and Weiss hostage and won’t release them. It’s up to Jaune to challenge the bandit leader for the sake of his friend’s freedom.
A knight strode into a bandit camp with purpose.
It sounds like the start of a grand story, some fairytale you’d tell children before bed.
The truth was very different. Jaune Arc had long since abandoned the ideals of heroism. But there was one idea he held onto even now.
An Arc always kept his word.
That’s why he was doing this, he’d sworn to help his friends no matter what and by the gods if he had to take on the most dangerous bandit tribe in fucking Minstral then he would do so. An Arc NEVER went back on his word.
He ignored the squelching mud under his new boots. Or the way his armor sat a little heavier on him than he’d like. The new gauntlets were closer to a robotic hand than the armor most people thought of. A side effect of telling ruby that he was off to save her sister. He’d only just avoided muscle armor. Still, there were worse things than having a suit of armor tailor-made for you by the best blacksmith this side of the afterlife.
It at least let him look the part.
Still, he’d stalled long enough, time to deal with reality.
Raven stood before him.
“You’re a long way from home, boy,” she said, not looking up from the drink she was enjoying. The scantily clad Weiss poured for her. Both her and Yang were chained around the neck.
“I’m here for them”
“Then you have the ransom?” she asked with a raised brow
“Yeah, I'll just be giving it to you in steel rather than gold,” he said, working hard to keep his voice calm as he drew his blade. He didn’t deploy the shield; he'd need the element of surprise if he wanted any chance of surviving this.
Raven was worried, she’d heard about the arc family, hell she’d gone to school with the boy's father. There was a good reason why the area around the arc ancestral lands was so safe. Everyone who crossed the family died, or worse.
And his mother was definitely worse. A tribal just like her she’d fought Arc to prove a point, now thirty years later she was still a breeding sow for the family. Her warrior stock probably only made them more powerful. And now here he was ready to take her daughter and the Schnee.
If she had it her way she’d just give the boy both and be done with it. They weren’t worth her head. But that wasn’t an option. No, instead she’ll just have to offer something better than the satisfaction of her death.
“Very well boy, I'll take your steel. And if you manage to beat me I’ll even give you my body as well”
She only prayed that the Arc would accept it
Jaune wasn’t sure what to do, frankly, he wanted nothing to do with a woman who abandoned her daughter but if he didn’t take the deal then he’d likely be jumped by her entire tribe, who had begun forming a circle around the last patch of dry grass that hadn’t been turned to mud from them walking through it.
“Fine,” he said, annoyance in his voice, he just wanted Yang and Weiss back home with the team where they belonged now he’d have to deal with this too.
He took his place across from her, taking his sword in a two-handed grip that his father had tried teaching him when he was a boy. It was Pyrrha who taught him how to fight with a shield. Who taught him to protect others but jaune wasn’t looking to protect here. Only to slay.
There was no signal, Raven just rushed him. Normally he wouldn’t have been able to react to the speed. But months with Nora had taught him to use her peripheral vision. The added context to the attack that was about to hit him prevented panic and allowed him to dodge the blow as an ear-splitting screech tore through the air as dust-enhanced steel met angled armor. It was only sheer luck that let his pommel slam into her chin.
The boy was strong, Raven had a habit of toying with those weaker than her but for strong opponents, she tried to end it in a single strike. Using her aura to launch herself like a rocket at her enemy then causing another boost of aura to swing her blade fast enough to make a sonic boom like a bullet.
Not only had this jaune blocked it, but in the same fluid motion, he’d counterattacked. And now he was coming at her.
Gods’ why didn’t she just give him the girls?!
Jaune stumbled forward catching himself just in time to almost run but not quite. Still, he was out of time bracing his shoulder he jumped forward slamming into her gut just as her sword would have split his head.
He’d told ruby he needed a helmet!
Raven was knocked on her ass and fear began to take hold, she couldn’t die here, this boy, this man was too strong and
She would defeat him, rolling to her feet she charged as much aura as she could into her blade and swung down, she’d be exhausted but the monster would be dead. Off to the side, she noticed that her daughter had freed herself and the Schnee. That would be a problem but it was too late for her to save her little boy toy.
Just as her daughter screamed the world went white
Jaune felt more aura coursing through him than ever before. And down there in front of him, on her back trying to crawl away in fear was raven.
“I give up!” she screamed as jaune lifted his sword, “please just take them and go!”
Jaune glared at the woman “I’d love nothing more than to leave your weak tribe and be fucking done with this” he said honestly. The longer he stayed here the more likely it was these guys would jump him. And even if he got lucky with raven he doubted he could take all of them “but unfortunately I made you a promise”
With that, he began to unarmor himself. Taking a step toward the retreating woman with each thunk of the heavy armor falling away until as he stripped his pants and showed off his cock to the world he once more sighed pulling raven back by her legs to him. He hoped yang and Weiss weren’t watching, he was pretty average and didn’t have much to show off. Then again, he didn’t have much to compare him with.
All the guys at beacon refused to shower with him in the locker room
He was carrying around a foot of cock and it was surely gonna ruin her. But as Raven tried to crawl away, her own aura utterly depleted she felt him drag her back in front of him by her ankle. Her hands pulling up tufts of grass in vane as she tried to avoid her fate
“Just hurry the fuck up and strip raven, I have better shit to do!” came the annoyed voice of the monster behind her
She froze and jaune growled in frustration ripping her clothes apart and lining himself up with her snatch
She was tight, that was about all Jaune could say on the subject as Raven squirmed and struggled underneath him. He really wasn’t enjoying this. She was too shallow, too unused to him and SHE KEPT FUCKING CRAWLING AWAY!
Like, he got it, it was probably annoying to have to deal with him shoving himself into her, but damn it this wasn’t his fucking idea. And an Arc always keeps their word, so here he was trying to hold this whining bitch down so he could finish up and be done the entire fucking thing.
Finally getting tired of her bullshit jaune wrapped her hair around his hand and pulled her back into him. She screamed louder as he hammered into her, probably pissed that he was touching her hair like yang would be. Damn it he was starting to lose his boner! Think about Ruby Jaune! Think about that big, bubbly, Rubooty!
Raven was going to die, she was sure of it, his massive cock was sticking out of her stomach and she could feel her body struggling to accommodate him as he shoved that fucking pillar deep into her. Having already gone as far as her womb.
Then he told her he was halfway in! The fuking idiot didn’t seem to get that there was NO MORE FUCKING ROOM FOR HIM.
She screamed as her body was flooded with pleasure as he pulled her hair. Bringing her back into him as he fucked her like a common whore. Her daughter was watching with her friend and… oh gods he just got bigger!
He must have seen Yang masterbating to this.
He smacked Raven’s ass, disappointed it didn’t jiggle like Ruby’s when she ran, and struggled to maintain the fantasy. With a grunt, he pushed in deeper and held her there as his first orgasm finally came.
Thank the Gods’
Only two more holes to go.
Raven thought it was over when she felt herself fill with cum, groaning in relief as jaune pulled out of her now leaking cunt. Ruined for all the world to see. But then she felt herself being pulled up by her hair. And suddenly she was being throat fucked, her vision filled by a sneering Jaune.
She felt herself cum again as he used her
It was official, raven sucked at this. It was a fucking blow job! How hard could it be? Nora had given him plenty when she was bored on the road and Ren couldn’t keep up with her anymore. Let alone when he imagined Ruby to be able to do it. No, that wasn’t fair. Maybe she was just out of practice. After all, it's not like many guys around here would give her the time of day.
Okay Jaune just lay close your eyes and imagine Ruby, you can do this
He was thinking about someone else, Raven was sure of it now, the way he kept his eyes closed. The way he tried to force her deeper. Was it Yang? Was that why he was here to save her? She didn’t know she didn’t care. Right now that massive dick was being used for her, it was hers!
Her nose filled with his scent, her tongue slipping out from her mouth to lap at his balls. Oh gods what a man. To take her so utterly. To ruin her and have her be just another of his conquests. She wept with joy as she felt him cum down her throat.
She couldn’t give this up
Jaune stared down at the clearly delirious Raven, he was a little worried that he’d gone too far as he had forgotten to let her breathe. Normally he’d just wait for the tap on his thigh but she obviously didn’t know about that.
Oh well, just anal left and he could head home with yang and Weiss. He hoped they weren’t too bored.
“Turn around slut,” he said, trying to sound authoritative. He’d heard girls like that, and he was willing to try with Raven since it didn’t really matter if she didn’t like it. Not like he was ever gonna see her again
He was pleasantly surprised to find he was right as he watched Raven squeal in glee before she put herself face down into the grass. Huh… good to know, maybe Ruby would like it if he used his leader’s voice?
Lining up with the older woman’s ass Jaune decided it was about time to wrap this up so he wasn’t gonna go with the slow and steady pace he had before
Raven’s world was one of sensations alone as she felt her master slam his cock into her ass. Her eyes swam with colors and her body twitched as she felt orgasm after orgasm. Pain and pleasure mixing in a delirious cocktail that her brain drowned in. and her hands, no longer being used to hold her up, Rubbed along the imprint his cock made in her. Trying to give him the same pleasure she felt
Every breath was praise for him.
This was heaven.
Raven was annoying as hell.
“Please just shut the fuck up Raven!” Jaune screamed back as he tried to finish himself off. Groaning in relief as he felt another set of mouths on his balls. Turning around he saw Yang and Weiss doing their best to help him through this chore. They were great friends and jaune owed them for this.
What they lacked in skill they made up for in enthusiasm. And Jaune soon found himself about to cum slamming home in the bandit queen jaune moaned in relief as he flooded raven’s body with his seed. Slowly pulling the still hard cock out of the twitching mess of a woman and letting Yang and Weiss try to clean him up.
Oh yeah, he owed these two a lot. Though he did come to save them in the first place. But that was only to help his friends so yeah, he’d still owe them.
Nodding in agreement with his train of logic, he said out loud “welp time to go home” to his surprise the Raven opened a portal to …. Qrow?
Ruby was a very happy girl, her sister was safe, as was her bestie Weiss. And Raven had even learned the error of her ways. Yeah, today was great.
It was also great because she was slamming her nice thicc ass back on Jaune’s dick like nature intended. Honestly, what was Raven thinking trying to take a dick this amazing with an ass like that? At least Yang had the common sense to use her tits to get jaune off. And Weiss…. Weiss was willing to help however she could.
So that’s why she let her sister and friend join in on her fun with her boyfriend.
Slamming her ass down on his dick faster, Ruby relished the attention that was on her as Raven whimpered in the corner.
Yeah, Yang and Weiss got to help, but Raven had to study hard if she wanted to be a good slut. That’s why she was being forced to watch her and Jaune go at it for hours on end.
It totally wasn’t because ruby liked putting the snobby bitch in her place. Ruby would never do that.
Moaning in pure pleasure as she arched her back and Jaune came inside her. Ruby smiled before resuming her work with a kiss from Jaune.
And they all lived happily ever after
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mageofseven · 4 years
Hi I just recently discovered your blog and I’m in love with your writing! I have a little request if you don’t mind. The brothers (and undateables I’d you want to) finding MC bruised and beaten and later discovering they got into a fight with another demon. Thank you in advance if you decide to write this!
Awww thank you so much! I might end up doing the Undateables in another post, but I'll just stick to the Brothers for this one.
And thanks for requesting 😊
TWs: violence, vague s*xual assault
Spoiler warning: 1st year spoilers in Lucifer's and vaguely in Belphie's section
Was checking out the area under Diavolo's orders.
Apparently there have been some people sneaking around in the old Colosseum and normal methods to keep other demons away from the historical landmark have been futile.
That and word has made it's way that some criminals have been using the place to secretly make dealings
So when he got there, he had expected to find some such people lurking around
Instead he found MC on the ground in the center, bruised and bleeding with their arm bent in a very concerning way.
He rushed up to them, calling their name and checking them for signs of life.
Honestly, the man was having major flashbacks to the day he lost his sister.
This was exactly where Lilith fell and Lucifer had to watch his sister, all broken and in pain until Diavolo came and he had to make the deal that changed everything
The deal that eventually led to MC's existence
Yet here they were now, in exactly the same place and state and the demon couldn't help but break down for a minute with panic he tried so hard to conceal.
The human let out a groan and the man could only sigh in relief.
"MC, oh thank the Devil..."
"You'll be alright." He promised. "I'll take you over to have Simeon heal you."
Despite the internal panic and flashbacks of such a traumatic event, he still handled the situation well.
Once MC was all healed up, he asked them what happened.
Apparently, they found a note that someone had stuffed in their school bag, asking for them to meet at the Colosseum.
They thought it was weird, but curiosity had gotten the better of them so they went and were attacked while exploring the ancient building.
The demon had meant to kill her, but sensed Lucifer approaching so they dropped the human and ran for it.
Ends up getting as much info from them about the attacker as he can.
Even if MC doesn't want the demon to die for what they did, they get no say in the matter.
Because of their status as exchange student, this attack is a political issue and the consequences Lord Diavolo warned his people about originally must be put into play.
Politics aside though, Lucifer would never let any being who hurt MC get away with it.
Becomes a lot stricter with what they can and cannot do
Like, they're not even allowed to go for a walk around the block without either him or his brothers accompanying them.
Even changes up their class schedule to make sure they have at least one of his brothers with them per class and they even have to walk MC to their next one.
Any arguments about this from MC or the brothers fall on deaf ears.
He will never let anyone lay a hand on them again.
School day had ended and he was on his way to pick MC up from their class.
Since Lucifer decided the day they came that he was responsible for their safety, he always had to do stuff like this.
He was late today though since his teacher held him back after class.
Blah blah F on the test, blahh blah summer school, blaah blahh blaaaah. Whatever man; he wasn't listening
And because of them, he was late. So much so that when he arrived at the human's classroom, they weren't there.
Lowkey panicked.
Shit. Shit shit shit, where'd they go???
Practically runs in the halls trying to find them
Knows Lucifer will have his head for this if he can't track 'em down.
Ends up hearing some kind of ruckus in the courtyard
And finds a big group of students forming a circle and chanting "Fight!"
"Oh yell!" Is momentarily distracted from his problem and joins the group. "Fight! Fight! Fight--."
Oh shit. That's his human in the circle!
Mammon's brain just started buffering as he watched MC dodge and weave, even getting some good hits in. The second brother was actually pretty impressed.
The lower demon in the fight eventually lost his footing and fell to the ground, giving an opening for MC to give a big kick between his legs and the demon let out a shrill scream. His green skin started smoking and changed to grey as it hardened and suddenly seemed more like stone than a person.
The circle of students started cheering and Mammon's jaw practically hit the floor.
Holy shit, the human did it!
MC fell the ground, panting heavily and bruised from head to toe.
Mammon finally rushed up to them.
"Damn, MC! You're gonna give me a heart attack!"
All of a sudden, some students started running and others just quickly jumped back, revealing Lucifer and Diavolo.
....yep, he's dead.
The two older demons started asking MC questions as they caught their breath and Mammon tried to sneak away.
Lucifer grabbed his brother by his jacket, but otherwise paid him no mind as MC told their tale.
Apparently this demon that sits behind them in their Devildom History class had been giving them crap for a while; calling them names and pushing them around. Today they even started touching them in places that made them wanna break the demon's hand.
MC snapped and told them such. The demon only grinned. Honestly, he was probably waiting for them to say that.
From there, he dragged them out by their hair and the rest is rather obvious.
Diavolo had some of his men carry the demon away. Apparently, the stone-like skin is defense mechanism, essentially the equivalent of a turtle hiding in their shells for that sub-race of demon.
The prince assured MC that the demon will be dealt with and tasked Lucifer with getting them healed up.
Mammon was hung upside down from the roof for a few hours for letting this happen, but MC was patched up and okay in the end.
He usually buys all of his otaku stuff off of Akuzon
But occasionally, he likes to go out and by manga at this store downtown.
It's a once in a blue moon sort of thing, but he still does it
MC felt like taking a walk so they joined him
The two explored the shop as Levi fanboyed about seemingly every other series he passed.
The otaku had already started a pile of manga he planned to buy.
He didn't even notice when MC left his side until he approached the counter to pay
Boy just assumes you bailed on him at first and sinks into self-loathing mode
Until he heard a scream from outside.
He abandoned his manga and raced out, just in time to see another demon run for it and MC leaning against the building.
Their right arm was bleeding from the holes and claw marks made into it.
The third brother started freaking out and rushed them home, even leaving his books there.
When they get back, Lucifer patches them up with a first aid kit and a little bit of a potion.
MC explains how they were shopping with Levi when all of a sudden they saw Beel outside the store waving at them
She went out to talk to him, but then suddenly, it wasn't Beel anymore.
Apparently, it was a shapeshifting demon and, since they specifically choose Beel's form to take, Lucifer assumed that they must have been watching them for a while and planning this attack. They likely chose Beel because they knew he was someone MC would let their guard around.
Levi felt like crap for letting them get hurt, but MC said it was their fault for being tricked.
Lucifer decided it was both their faults and gave them both a long lecture
The fourth brother invited MC out for coffee
The blonde actually really likes the atmosphere of coffee shops and wanted to share it with them
The two ordered their coffee and sat at their table while talking about books. He recently read a book on artic fauna from the human world and was comparing the information he read with their own knowledge
It was a very relaxing experience like most of MC's quality with Satan.
Before the two of left, MC had to stop in the restroom.
That demon waited patiently for the human at their table, but when almost ten minutes went by, he became a bit annoyed and puzzled.
Not wanting to be rude, but also ready to leave, Satan approached the bathroom door
He paused mid knock when her heard a low growl followed by a cry from MC
Now in his demon form, the blonde kicked the door off its hinges. It wasn't locked or anything, but the man was super pissed.
Found a demon pressing MC, who had a gash in their head, against the opposite wall
'An eye for an eye' is more or less the philosophy he followed here, or rather, a head for a head.
He took the demon and slammed his head into another wall over and over again.
MC had to run up and tell him to stop after the other demon passed out.
They left the demon on the floor of the bathroom and Satan, with his arms around MC to keep them close, headed back to House of Lamentation
The human didn't want the other brothers to see them like this and worry so Satan snuck them into his room and went to get the first aid kit.
It was quiet between the two as he patched them up.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said as he finished with their stitches. "Seeing you hurt like that just made my blood boil. They deserved it, but you shouldn't have had to watch."
"It's okay... thank you for saving me."
The two spent the rest of the night huddled together in his room, reading and just settling down from the incident.
Shopping trip!
Asmo was a bit too enthusiastic about it, but that's part of why MC was all too willing to go
He mainly just wanted to see MC in cute outfits, but also bought a few for himself
Any self-consciousness MC might feel on her own is long gone when they spend time with him. He's always hyping them up and complimenting them and overall making them feel beautiful.
Time spent with Asmo is always a good time and well spent.
The fifth brother does actually leave their side for a bit after they found someone hot to flirt with
MC didn't mind and just let the Avatar of Lust do his thing as they continued to look through the racks.
At some point a very good looking demon approached them and started flirting with them
It became obvious that this dude was one of Asmo's demons, another demon of lust
Even with this in mind though, their attention really did make the human feel special, even if they probably said such sweet words to everyone
MC underestimated the demon, thinking that just because Asmo wasn't the aggressive sort that the demons under him wouldn't be either
Ends up following him out of the store and makes out with him against the wall of the building
They didn't understand why they were doing this, but the human's mind had been feeling foggy for a while now.
Suddenly, MC's whole body started to feel heavy and they were so dizzy that their vision was just a blur
Ends up passing out and waking up a few minutes later to Asmo crying as he stood over them and begging them to wake up
The man threw his arms around them.
Finds out that the fifth brother went looking for them when he saw that they weren't in the store anymore. He came outside just in time to see one of his underlings try to suck their soul out of their body.
As soon as they heard their superior's voice though, they dropped the human and ran.
The two went straight home and Asmo was extra clingy with them for the rest of the day.
The two of them went together to Madam Screams since they were both craving sweets.
Beel was really hungering for a cherry pit pie (though of course he planned on order other things as well) while MC was really hankering for some chocodevil cake.
The two happily got in line to pick out their treats, but MC stepped out to get a clearer view of the case with all of the treats to see if they wanted anything different instead.
Ends up getting attacked by a famished, minor demon of gluttony and slammed down on the glass case containing the sweets.
Beel jumped into gear; he changed into his demon form and threw the other demon off of them.
During the skirmish, the two ended up breaking down a wall and crushing three tables.
When the fight ended, the big guy rushed up to MC to make sure they're okay.
The human was bleeding and had a lot of glass shards embedded in their back and arms.
Though worried, the sweet boy keeps himself together and carefully takes out the bigger shards.
Rushes them home, treats forgotten.
Once home, Lucifer is the one who gets the rest of the glass out of their back and cleans up their wounds.
Beel stays by their side and lets them squeeze their hand when Luce's clean up hurts too much.
Luce gives his younger brother a lecture for all the stuff he had broken back at Madam Screams, but is surprisingly lenient with him.
The older brother didn't say it (and honestly, he should have), but he was proud of his brother for stepping up and protecting MC, but at the same time, expected nothing less from him.
Yeah, Lucifer will likely get sent the bill, but MC's safety is more important.
Belphie had fallen asleep during class; no surprise there.
The rest of the students left the room when class ended, but the seventh brother continued to sleep at his desk.
MC found his sleeping face cute and didn't want to wake the demon
So instead, they hung around the classroom, waiting for the Avatar of Sloth to awake; the school day was over and the classroom wasn't going to be used for anything else so they thought there'd be no harm in hanging around.
Sadly, they were wrong.
Another student, a jerk from their Seductive Speechcraft class had waited for them to leave the classroom in order to harass them, but when they didn't come out, he came in.
Eventually had them backed up against the wall and forcing their hand up their shirt, causing the human to yelp.
He tried covering their mouth with his other hand, but MC bit them, angering the demon and leading them to putting their hands around their throat as he yelled at them.
The entire time, the minor demon never saw the Avatar of Sloth sleeping at his desk.
Big mistake.
Belphie woke up and saw the scene before him, turning into his demon form real quick.
Didn't hesitate to grab a hold of the bastard and make him let go of MC, who was now gasping for much needed air.
The seventh brother used his miasma aura to weaken the demon as he was now the one doing the choking with the lower demon.
MC covered their face and cried in their corner on the floor.
It was too similar to That Night™️ and the human was bordering on panic attack because of it.
Once the minor demon passed out, Belphie turned and saw MC crying on the floor.
He rushed up to them, but stopped once MC started screaming and begging for him to stay back.
That look in their eyes... it was the same fearful look he remembered from That Night™️
And it killed Belphie inside because he never wanted them to be scared of him ever again.
He waited for the human to calm down and, with their permission, slowly approached them.
He wanted to hug them, but was afraid that they'd just be reminded of it even more so he held back.
Surprising him, the human hugged him instead.
He held them tight for as long as they needed and started to notice the bruises forming on their neck
The two went home after that and reported the incident to Lucifer before Belphie dragged MC with him for a nap.
He chose Beel and his' room since he knew the attic would probably be too much for them right now.
Cuddled close to them and apologized for all of it. For falling asleep and leaving them defenseless. For the other demon's attack. For scarying them. Above all, that he was sorry for That Night™️
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
20 for Vanya?
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
I have a lot of what-ifs and alternate timelines for Vanya lmao, especially ones that prevent the apocalypse because I’m a sucker for a happy ending tbh
What if Vanya was included? Why not? Klaus’s powers weren’t useful for missions, Allison’s story for Claire was literally like “yeah Klaus got distracted by ghosts in the background lol” so it’s not like a kid without offensive powers couldn’t do it
you have rebellious Vanya aus, where she decides, like some neglected children do, so act out. If her father isn’t going to acknowledge anything good about her, she’s going to make him acknowledge the bad. Punishment might be the only time he pays attention to her, after all.
(let’s call this an au where the pills suppress her powers but not so much her emotions)
So you have an au where she sneaks out and joins the missions. She breaks into the mausoleum and picks Klaus up and stares her father down with a challenge in her eyes. 
Five vanishes, and Vanya gets worse. She plays her violin at 2 in the morning. She refuses to eat her broccoli. she teams up with diego to see who can piss dad off the most
(her and Diego actually get along very well in this sort of au, honestly)
Vanya gets out and plays the violin and gets angry. She plays with fury and fire and gets second chair, because Helen is actually really very good. But she makes Helen work for it. Helen isn’t secure in her position, she always knows that Vanya is a step away from taking it from her
and maybe that should make them enemies, but it doesn’t. They’re rivals. Helen respects the hell out of Vanya, and Vanya can’t help but admire the woman who makes the most difficult pieces look effortless
Vanya writes her book. Except she kicks down Diego’s boiler room door and is like “DIEGO”
as one of the rebel kids, Vanya actually got along well with Klaus as well since she helped him sneak out and 100% also smoked at least some weed with him because it would piss off Reggie tbh though she didn’t get into the harder drugs like he did
(showing up absolutely plastered to breakfast when they were sixteen was hilarious even if the laps they had to run around the block were not)
anyway Klaus crashes at her apartment sometimes, with supervision, because she loves Klaus but he has a problem and has stolen from her before but he’s still her brother but regardless
Klaus-Diego-Vanya sleepovers where they brainstorm the book to shit talk their father. Honestly it’s kind of a blast. They all get super wine drunk and end up watching Mary Poppins together with some Very Loud Opinions about nannies in general tbh
klaus throwing popcorn at the screen: BOO WHY WAS OUR CHILDHOOD NOT A MUSICAL???
diego: idk if you can have cheery musicals about child soldiers
vanya: i mean if they can have a musical about child labor in factories and the starvation of the workers in oliver twist you could do something with child superheroes
klaus: EXACTLY thank you vanya
they publish the book (luther is uNHAPPY, vanya dedicates her book to ‘all my siblings who survived the Reginald Regime but especially those who didn’t’, and she gifts Reggie a copy that says “fuck you lol” and is signed by her, diego, and klaus), they continue living, they go to the funeral when reggie kicks the bucket
and then five shows up, feral and aching
and five tells vanya about the apocalypse, and vanya thinks about their father saying time travel messed with the mind, and then she thinks - fuck the old man he was wrong about her (ordinary, fuck that, she’s Vanya Fucking Hargreeves) and he was probably wrong about Five, too
and Five is wholeheartedly believed
“Let me call Diego,” Vanya says when Five tells her about the eye, “I bet he could totally wear a police uniform and get info about the eye. And if not, I’m absolutely sure Klaus could improvise a solution. He’s good at that.”
“Klaus??” Five asks, vaguely suspicious.
“We don’t talk about the Sleepover of 2012.” Vanya intones solemnly, and refuses to answer any further questions on the topic.
Harold Jenkins comes to the apartment and tries to woo Vanya or whatever, and Vanya is kind of like... “Look, Leonard. I can be your teacher for violin. It’s my job. But I am in a relationship. And also like, super gay. If you have a problem with that then I am not the teacher for you.”
Actually scratch Diego and Klaus getting called, which they do, Vanya looks at them and her thirteen year old brother and is like “wait. actually i know someone infinitely better to crack this case wide open.”
“Who?” Five, Klaus, and Diego all ask
“My girlfriend.” Vanya says proudly, called Helen up.
And Helen walks into the building like she’s at fucking war and has such demanding confidence that they just give her the information she seeks and apologize for inconveniencing her.
“Hey Vanya are we still on for date night tomorrow?” Helen casually asks after, and Five kind of wants to be her when he grows up honestly after watching her verbally eviscerate Lance or whatever the fuck his name is
“Yeah.” Vanya confirms, “Unless there’s other apocalypse stuff to do?”
“You take all the time you need, honey.” Helen says warmly, “After all the more time you take the less you have to practice.”
“I’m gonna destroy the concert piece and you know it.” Vanya threatens.
Helen sniffs, “Okay, whatever you say second chair.”
and then they kiss and Helen ditches and the others just kind of look at Vanya judgingly
“In fairness, she’s very hot and very talented.” Vanya defends herself.
Klaus nods sagely. Vanya nods back. He gets it. 
“Concert piece?” Diego asks, because he has priorities.
“Yeah, I’ve already asked for tickets for all of you and you will be attending Diego.” Vanya smiles prettily with all her teeth.
“When is it?” Five asks
“April 1st.” Vanya tells him, “And no that isn’t an April Fools joke. You will attend and you will marvel at my skill. And maybe run interference between Helen and Allison because I’m kind of afraid they’re going to rip each others throats out to establish dominance.”
“That’s the day of the apocalypse.” Five informs her.
“Not on my goddamn watch.” Vanya says, because her family will attend her fucking concert and they will make awkward small talk with her girlfriend and the fucking apocalypse has better lay down and get over itself because nothing can stop Vanya’s goddamn plans
“I can investigate Meritech more.” Diego offers, because Lance-or-whatever-his-name-is is clearly shady as shit, “I have police contacts I could go through. Hey Vanya, your concert tickets include a plus one?”
“They can.” Vanya shrugs.
“Sweet, let me see if Patch can come.”
“She’s way too good for you, bro.”
“Shut your goddamn mouth.”
Anyway the point is they all go home, and Diego goes to talk to his police contacts and Five is definitely at home for when Hazel and Cha-Cha attack the mansion, oops. 
“Whomst the FUCK.” Vanya yells, kicking Hazel in the crotch because she’s Vanya Fucking Hargreeves she knows self defense thank you very much
“Ah.” Five says. “Hazel. How’s it going.”
“Just peachy.” Hazel wheezes, “Why’d you betray the Commission?”
“Well, you know. They cut the dental. That was really the last straw.” Five says, sarcastically.
“The dental.” Hazel echoes back, nodding very seriously, “I fucking know. You know physical therapy isn’t even covered anymore?”
“No shit?” Five says, “I mean you’d think with a job as physical as ours...”
“I know.” Hazel howls, vindicated. 
“Five.” Vanya says, rolling her eyes, “The house?”
“Oh, right.” Five frowns, looking at Hazel, “I mean. Can you like, leave? And not come back?”
“‘Fraid not.” Hazel actually sounds somewhat apologetic, “You know what the Commission is like. They’re really gunning for you.”
Five nods, because really what did he expect, “Can you leave like, temporarily? I mean you’d pretty clearly outnumbered. I don’t even know where Cha-Cha is, but judging by the furious yelling she probably met our sister and brother and Luther is hard to kill. Trust me, if he wasn’t we would have killed him when we were like, eight. But for real, can you get out of our house? I mean. Storming the den? Seriously? What kind of information did they even give you?”
“They didn’t give us any information.” Hazel responds back, sounding appropriately outraged, “They didn’t even tell us you could teleport.”
“Well that’s just rude. You’d think they wanted you dead or something.” Five muses, “But seriously, get out of my house.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.” Hazel admits, and leaves, because honestly Hazel is chill like that and knows when he’s lost. And Hazel also has a lot to think about. Like the fact that the Commission sucks and doesn’t even have dental, and how pretty the donut lady is. 
and Vanya is just like... okay. Weird. Is that going to happen again? Probably? I mean. Okay, this day has already been so goddamn weird. This week, honestly.
And they keep getting attacked by the Commission. And Vanya finds out someone broke into her apartment and stole her meds. What the fuck. 
“Did your shitty assassin friends do this?” Vanya asks, waving an empty pill bottle.
“Why would they?” Five asks, honestly confused.
“Because they’re assholes?” Vanya says, honestly outraged.
“You got me there.” Five admits.
The combined forces of Diego-and-Patch (because Patch is actually thrilled that Diego is asking for help regarding an actual fucking crime) figure out that the eyeballs are being sold illegally
Klaus is not kidnapped so he’s fine, just tagging along and living his best life, however this also means that Klaus does not steal the briefcase and Hazel and Cha-Cha are fine
Vanya keeps Five close at hand because frankly she doesn’t want him to leave again and she did really miss him. Also if she does save the world she can lord it over Helen’s head forever. 
And so Five is around when Vanya’s powers manifest, probably because they just got targeted by commission goons again because they’re trying real hard to kill five and separate Vanya
“Holy SHIT.” Five says, very intelligently, “You have POWERS.”
“Wow. Gonna have to write a fucking sequel to the shit-talking-dad book.” Vanya says, honestly a little light headed.
And then Vanya finds out her powers are sound based.
“Oh no.” Vanya says, “Where the fuck are my pills. I am not relearning how to play the violin with-powers a few days before the big concert Five, what the fuck.”
“But you need to learn to control them!” Five protests, “They’re your powers!”
“They’re a goddamn inconvenience is what they are.” Vanya states, “I mean, what am I going to do with them? Stop a bank robbery with the Umbrella Academy? Yeah, no thanks, that ship has sailed and sunk to the bottom of the ocean Titanic style. I’ll figure them out when I’m not in danger of blasting the audience halfway across the continent.”
“Yeah.” Five admits, “That’s fair.”
“Besides, if I’ve been on that shit as long as I have, and it’s been a long time, I cannot even IMAGINE what quitting cold turkey will do.” Vanya points out, very sensibly, like a siblings who has watched Klaus go through withdrawal symptoms more than once.
“Maybe there’s extra at the manor?” Five suggests, “Pogo probably knows.”
“Oh yeah I bet Pogo knows something.” Vanya mutters maybe a little bitterly.
They go back to the mansion and the Commission is honestly pulling their hair out tbh, and they ask Pogo who kind of pales and is like “UHHHH YES I CAN GET VANYA EXTRA PILLS” and goes to get them from whatever stash
“Fucking sweet.” Vanya whispers, entirely done with this situation, “The only adult male role model I had and he hid my powers from me and betrayed me. Love that for us.”
Five shrugs, “I mean, you’re right. All of our adult role models were all kinds of fucked up.”
“You vanished when we were 13.” Vanya says, “Didn’t you find like, any other adults ever?”
“Oh let me tell you about the Handler.” Five says, and proceeds to do just that. Because let’s be real, the Handler was the only human interaction Five had after forty odd years alone it was pretty damn important
Vanya, on the other hand, has strong plans to eviscerate the Handler should the two ever meet because Five deserved way better than to be forcibly made into an assassin?? honestly fuck that woman
that’s it that’s the au
Vanya finds out she has powers and is like “i have a LIFE i don’t want to interrupt it with bullshit POWERS,,, also going cold turkey off my meds seems like a bad idea if I don’t want to deal with withdrawal symptoms during my concert for fucks sake, my gf would never let me live it down if i skipped”
so vanya takes her meds, does NOT destroy the world, makes every one of her siblings go to the concert and even invites Hazel and Agnes after Hazel betrays Cha-Cha to join team No-Apocalypse. 
and then introduces them all to her girlfriend
“Holy shit Vanya.” Helen deadpans, “Your family is all kinds of fucked up.”
“I know.” Vanya says, aggrieved, “It’s been a long fucking week. Want to go camping and help me figure out my cool sound based powers? Bet they’ll make me a better violin player than you.”
“I think the fuck not.” Helen hisses, always up for a challenge, “Let’s do this. Me and my violin vs. you and your dumb baby powers. You’re on.”
“FAMILY CAMPING TRIP.” Klaus hollers, with all the enthusiasm in his little heart.
“Holy shit this is going to be such a disaster, I just know it.” Diego mutters.
“Shut up, it’ll be nice.” Allison says, elbowing Diego with her pointy pointy elbows.
“It’s going to be a shitshow.” Vanya says serenely, because it is. That’s just who their family is. 
Wouldn’t have it any other way, though
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
@levihan-drabbles my submission for Trope Tuesday! 
Word Count: 1474 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Royalty, Light Angst, Forbidden Love, Childhood Friends, Childhood Sweethearts, Levihan Drabble, LeviHan Drabble Week
“Levi, look at this!” Hange exclaimed, pointing to a squirming, slimy bug on the floor inching its way across the cement tiles. Levi crouched down next to her, scowling.
“That’s gross,” he muttered, looking at her curious face.
“I read about these! I think they’re called slugs,” she said, meeting his eyes.
“It’s a snail, I think,” Levi challenged, grimacing as Hange picked it up and placed it in her hand. She taunted him by waving her hand around his face.
“See how it has no shell?” Hange began, gently petting the back of the creature with her finger. “These are slugs.”
“...It’s homeless,” Levi mentioned, almost feeling bad for it; mainly because it was being held by some grubby kid. Hange’s laughter boomed throughout the Zoes’ garden. Levi hid a smile. 
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps got louder and louder towards the two children. They both looked up to see Hange’s father towering over them. 
“Hange, didn’t I tell you you can’t play with sketchy kids?” Her father sneered. Hange dumped the slug into a patch of flowers, never to be seen again.
“He isn’t sketchy. He’s Levi,” she replied, smiling at her father.
“Good to meet you,” Levi said, putting his hand out. Hange’s father crossed his hands across his chest with a “hmmf” escaping his mouth. 
“I don’t want to see you around my daughter again.” He placed his big hand on Hange’s shoulder, pulling her away from Levi. As she walked away, she signed to him “See you tomorrow?” with her hands. Levi nodded vigorously. She winked playfully at him. 
They continued to meet with each other in secret. They’d meet in the well-tended garden, behind the castle, in a haunted passageway where no one dared to enter, pretty much anywhere they possibly could without getting caught. 
The sky was dark blue with the full moon shining light into the haunted passageway. There were floorboards that obnoxiously creaked with each step. Levi sat on the floor with Hange in his lap, playing with her hair.
“Father says in a couple years I have to get married by someone he chooses,” Hange began. “That means I have to wear a stupid white dress with a stupid veil in my hair, marrying some stupid man I won’t love…” Hange placed her hands on his shoulders. “I am going to ask him if I can marry you.”
Levi’s eyes widened, his cheeks reddening. “We are too young to know anything about marriage, four-eyes.”
“We are 16, Levi,” she chuckled. “We’ve been friends, like, forever. Besides, in two years I am to be married anyways. Who says I’ll be prepared for that?” She kissed his cheek softly. They suddenly heard the floorboard creaking from down the dark, eerie hall. Hange and Levi shot upright. Hange grabbed Levi’s hand. “Let’s get out of here.”
Ever since that day, Levi had been showing up to the Zoe estate, offering to help in any way he could. He was dedicated to prove himself worthy of the King’s daughter. Deep down, Levi knew no one would ever be worthy of Hange: the bright and brilliant daughter of King Zoe. Hange had many other brothers and sisters, but she was the youngest and most important to her father. Important only because he had fucked up his relationship with the Yeager’s, his sister-in-law’s family. Hange was birthed solely for the purpose to repair the broken relationship. She was set to marry Zeke Yeager, the Yeagers’ eldest son.
King Zoe humored Levi and allowed him to help out around the castle. He let him work with the servants cleaning the windows, shoveling out the horses’ stables, and tending the garden. After two years of his dedication to working, Hange approached her father the night before the public decision of her marriage, and it was two days before her 18th birthday.
“Father,” she began, closing the door gently behind her. “I was hoping to talk to you about tomorrow—”
“What is it?”
“Well,” She looked at the floor as she spoke. “I was hoping you could consider another marriage candidate. His name is Levi Ackerman. Him and I have been friends for a very long time…”
“That’s the, uh… servant boy, correct?”
“Yes, Father.”
Hange’s eyes widened, her face grimacing. “What do you mean ‘no’? Can’t you at least think about it?”
“I did think about it. The marriage has been decided for a very long time now…”
“Very long time? What are you talking about?”
“Don’t worry about it,” He boomed, sounding more stern than usual. “The decision has been made.” Hange felt tears well up in her eyes. She turned around, leaving the study. She began to run. As she picked up speed, her heart began to race faster and faster, her breathing became labored, and tears overflowed from her eyes. She ran and ran until her legs gave out from underneath her. Eventually, her body started to weaken and she collapsed, swallowed by the peace of darkness.
She woke up in her bed feeling exhausted. Today was the day she’d meet the family of her groom-to-be. Tomorrow was the wedding. She called in Nifa, her servant and close friend, to help her with her dress. A light peach dress was picked out for Hange. Hange despised the color and the whole idea of dresses. Nevertheless, Nifa helped tighten her corset and helped her get dressed. Nifa helped tie her hair in a tight bun atop her head with a peach flower sticking out. Hange hated it.
Her heels dully clicked on the carpet as she rushed down to the lobby. In the lobby were her parents, another family of which she was unaware, and some servants, including Levi.
“Miss. Hange Zoe,” Her father began, standing atop the grand staircase. “Please meet Zeke Yeager, your husband as of tomorrow.” He gestured towards a tall, blonde man with circular glasses. He wore a white suit. Hange stood up from where she was sitting to meet Zeke. She put her hand out and he gently kissed the top.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, flashing her a smile. Hange nodded in visible annoyance. Maybe if I piss him off enough, he will decide to break up with me. She glanced at Levi for a brief moment. His face was unreadable, which made Hange nervous. 
Later that evening after dinner, Hange sat on a bench in the garden. She adored the garden; it was her escape from reality, even just for a little while. Tears began to flow from her eyes and into her lap. She didn’t want to marry Zeke Yeager as a peace treaty. She wanted Levi. She didn’t care if he was poor. He was her best friend and shit, she loved him. She loved Levi.
“That color doesn’t suit you,” said a voice, their footsteps nearing the girl. She looked up through glassy eyes and saw Levi. She chuckled softly. “You’re the first person today who hasn’t lied to me.” Levi sat down next to her.
“I’m going to be married tomorrow,” She quivers, unable to look Levi in the eyes. Instead, she looks down at the ground. Levi grabbed her hand, squeezing it softly. “You know when I told you I wanted to marry you, Levi? Well, I still do…” She found the courage to look at him. Thank goodness she did. Looking into his piercing grey eyes proved it all the more. 
“Me too,” he confessed. “But, we can’t. And we probably never will…” He placed his hand on her cheek. Her face flushed red. 
“Levi, let’s run away together. Right now.”
The idea made his heart flutter, but he knew she could never disobey her Father. He smiled sadly at her. “If we run and hide, what will that get us? We’d constantly be on the run, constantly looking over our shoulders. He’ll kill us.” She laughed.
“I’d like to see him try.” He knew she was all talk and no action. She would never be able to follow through, and that is what made his heart ache the most. 
“How is Zeke? He seems stiff,” He asked, changing the topic.
“He’s nice... but so bland. He isn’t you, Levi,” She explained, looking at their interlaced hands. She got a sudden burst of courage. “No matter if I marry him or move away, no matter what happens, I will always love you.” Her voice was starting to shake again. She looked back at him. Tears started to well up in his eyes. He brought her face to his, kissing her lips. Surges of emotions coursed through their bodies as their lips meshed together. They pulled away after a moment, foreheads touching. She knew it was hard for him to say what he meant; but after that kiss, she knew he would always love her too.
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One Unit, One Life.
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Co-Written Series with @disasterfandoms​
 Tags: @galaxysanduniversesinmymind​  @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @disasterfandoms @jasonbabymama @velvetcardiganbucky @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @thelovelyleo23 @itsonautopilot @supervalcsi@abby-splace​ @theysayitscrazy​
Part Two 
Trigger Warning: Injuries, swearing, blood, attacks. 
It's never easy, war is never easy. But yet here they were, after an HVT known for selling weapons. The op was aided by Marines, which allowed more cover, only thing Trent and Metal both had an issue with? Ashley had failed to mention it was the unit she worked with, helping them. While she was level-headed in the field, cracking jokes, making smartass comments at people, Trent never wanted to have to treat her for an injury. Things went south quickly though, from no combatants to multiple coming from all sides, Marine Unit firing back, providing the SEALs time to get what they needed. Ammo began running low, Trent patched up Clay the best he could.
"Grenade!" Clay shouted diving to the ground, knocking Trent down with him, Ashley didn't think, she just reacted, throwing herself at the device, taking the majority of the blast. 
“HAVOC it’s gone! Goat Rope out here!” Ray called over the comms, firing soon ceased, they weren’t sure if it was because the enemies were reloading.
Trent hadn't registered who it was, after a few blasts, from other grenades thrown, things calmed and fell silent, teams shouting for a sound off, Metal moving towards Trent and Clay “Shoulder is out of place” Clay informed Metal, who frowned “Pop it back in” Trent hissed, looking around, Metal and Clay shared a look, but did so, other people were checking on each other when he noticed the Marine Medic just standing “Clarkes! Move your ass and help!” he yelled but he didn’t get a response. 
“Sitrep!” Jason called out, as people reported how much ammo they had left. “Man down!” Clay shouted, moving to where the marine lay. Clay had moved towards the form, carefully checking for a pulse "Got a pulse but it's weak!" he called out, then rolled them on their back, sucking in a breath "Oh fuck" he muttered seeing the injuries, Trent frowned "Come on, open your eyes" he muttered snapping the smelling salt to activate it, holding it under her nose “Clay gonna need you to be my hands!” Trent stated, still not receiving a response from the injured, as the younger man moved forward, taking Trent's medical bag. 
“Clarkes! Hey! You need to get to work!” someone shouted at the Marine medic who remained to stare unmoving from his spot, he never moved, it was like he had decided to bail out of his own body. Bravos medic glared at him, then his gaze, focusing on instructing Clay on what to do.
"How bad" Gunnery Sergeant Cole asked.
 "Gonna need a CASEVAC." Trent states. 
"Oh fuck" came from Metal, Alphas master chief staring at the bloodied form "pass me the bag of O neg, it's a universal donor," Clay muttered. 
"Bravo 4, I'd prefer our medic to work on my guy" Cole said. 
"Not happening, he hasn’t reacted, Clay, give her the blood, shit, apply pressure to the wound at her neck and pack it” he stated. 
“Gunnery Sergeant Cole, I’ve alerted base to our situation, but... the last er last time something happened she didn’t have next of kin listed” One of the rookies whispered "I'm aware of that private” the tut that came from Trent as he worked went unnoticed.
"Trent," Jason said "CASEVAC is 5 mikes out," he said about to continue speaking when Trent spoke up "Not fast enough, she's bleeding internally and externally, sounds like she has a collapsed lung on the left side, pupils are active but respond sluggishly" 
"Head trauma?"  Jason asked
"Possibly, can’t remove her helmet, too risky" 
It was hell, multiple wounds needing packed, it came down to him to keep her alive “The hell was she thinking doing that” Ray asked from his watchpoint, Clay snorted “She probably wasn’t Marines are paid to act not think” Sonny muttered, Clay focusing on getting a saline line running. 
“Shut up” Trent snapped “If all you are going to do is complain go somewhere else, this isn’t the time for jokes” he muttered, using the scissors to cutting the material away from her side “Fuck, Clay, focus here” he muttered. The left side was coated in blood, it wouldn’t stop flowing, the lower abdomen was torn up from the blast she took. “Pack the wound and prepare for CASEVAC.” Trent said to Clay, who moved round to do so. 
“Trent, she’s stopped breathing”
“You need to intubate”  
“Craig, what do you think?” Cole asked, pulling the medic to the side, “You think she’s gonna make it?”
“Quite frankly. No. She might survive to base, but the injuries? What is he trying to treat? They aren’t gonna be ones to bounce back from” he said, looking back over, watching as Trent tried to stop the bleeding. “Why are you asking him?! He doesn’t know jackshit, he’s just stood there, don’t even think about taking over, she’s my patient” Trent warned. 
“Can’t get it in” Clay said, “Trent, gonna need you to intubate” he stated, handing over the equipment to their medic, who moved quickly, being careful, watching what he did, soon “I’m in” was heard “I’ll start bagging” Trent stated, moving to do his job “No pulse” he told Clay who moved quickly “beginning compressions” he informed them. 
“Havoc this is Bravo 2,” Ray said “Good Copy Bravo 2” Blackburn responded as Ray filled in TOC on the situation to relay to the casevac, as he helped Trent “Trent, I got it, for now, take a second,” their 2nd in command said.
“Can’t, I have experience with these types of wounds, she’s gonna need me” Trent said, blood coating the glove as he held pressure on the neck wound. “CASEVAC inbound” Sonny called from his spot.  
From that moment forward everything moved quickly, both Jason and Metal ordering Trent to go with Ashley and be checked out, then it became a matter of counting minutes, watching the medics work on his sister, he had to focus, keep calm, he needed to shut down any panic or thoughts, right now, in front of him was just another sailor. Who needed to survive. 
The second they landed on base, everything just went fast, he never saw where they took her. He was checked over, then sent to quarters, by the time sunrise came, the team was back with mission success. 
“Trent” Metal said, as he approached, looking at him, Trent knew what he wanted to know “They flew her out, they can’t treat the wounds here, they’ve sent her back stateside...I called Amelia to let her know what happened” Metal nodded listening to Trent, other members of Bravo approaching, followed by the Unit Ashley worked with, Trent got up, moving forwards grabbing their team medic “The hell were you thinking!?” he snapped “Freezing like that, it kills people!” 
"Now hang on!" Clarke snapped, shoving Trent's hands off his tactical vest "You shouldn't have been Messing with the injured! They are my responsibility!" he growled, both SEALs and Marines coming to a stop and turning to watch the two. 
"You would have killed them! The fuck is the matter with you!?"
"You're a SEAL, your priority is dealing with injuries on your team! Mine is to deal with those who will survive! You were working on someone who won't survive!" It wasn’t a secret that Cole and Clarkes disliked having any woman on their team, so finding an excuse to get them moved was always a go-to, or they would class them as their property, depending on how the females of the team were. 
"Are you stupid?! Your teammate would have died if I had waited on you to work! You're a piss poor excuse of a medic! You work on anyone no matter what team they are on!" Trent stated, Sonny and Clay grabbing Trent and pulling him back. 
"Bravo Four, get yourself under control" Cole snapped, the look Jason shot at him would be enough to stop anyone saying a word, but Cole didn't care as he continued "I don't see what your issue is about how my men acted. Or why you're pissed at Clarke. He's already said she won't survive" 
"Not like she has a family" Another person laughed, as they headed off to put their gear away. Missing the look Metal and Trent gave them. 
"Trent, go cool off" Jason ordered, watching their medic walk away. The rest of Bravo stood watching, not sure how to react. They still had two days before they could fly out home. 
Metal frowned “I would let him continue to chew him out” he stated, following the others to the equipment room “Can you believe they would just let her die there?” Clay said, frowning “the hell kind of people are they to do that” 
Metal was sorting out his equipment “Gonna need to report it, can’t have someone like him out there with us if he's gonna freeze” he stated, Ray nodding “I agree, we’ll say to Blackburn” 
It wasn’t long before everyone was going to either get food, get drinks or go get some sleep, Trent was sending messages to Amelia to let her know everyone was back unharmed. But to keep them updated on Ashley when she got brought in.
Stateside, Location: St Samuels Hospital
Nurses were rushing to help doctors prepare for the incoming injured Marine. 
The O.R being alerted, specialists being filled in about the condition of the patient. 
The plane was 4 hours out, medics in the air alerting them to any changes when Amelia came in. 
"Nurse Carter, I don't recommend you being here" one of the doctors stated, the people who worked with Amelia knew Trent, Metal, and Ashley, the minute they had got the name they didn't want their friend/colleague to be there. 
"Not going anywhere," Amelia said. 
No one sat still, which made the time pass a little quicker. Doors opening and a gurney being pushed through, someone was shouting out the patient's status. Ashley still hadn’t regained consciousness.   “Patients name is Ashley Sawyer, age 29, injuries to the left side, possible head injury, has yet to regain consciousness, allergic to morphine and co-codamol, blood type is O+” the medics informed the Doctors and nurses who would be taking over care. “Heart stopped for a minute, in field, intubation was in field”  Amelia watched as her friend, was wheeled through the double doors, she was to close to this one to work and help, but she would be there until Ashley woke up.
“Gentlemen, get some shut-eye, we’re in the process of getting tomorrow's mission greenlit” Blackburn informed Bravo “Best to rest up now. Trent, a word,” he says, as others move off to go sleep, Jason and Ray looking back at their teammate, seeing Metal hanging back to wait on Trent. 
“We got word that the Marine you treated has arrived stateside” Blackburn informs. 
“Thanks for letting me know” Trent sighed, Blackburn raised an eyebrow “doesn’t take a genius to figure out that marine is related to you,” he stated before leaving.
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gingersnapwolves · 4 years
The Untamed, a brief summary [Part 3/6]
Part One: Sword Wizard School
Part Two:  The Search for the Yin Iron and the World’s Worst Summer Camp
Part Three: The Fall of Lotus Pier and the Sunshot Campaign
Here’s where it starts to get dark, folks. 
Ext, Lotus Pier [Yunmeng]
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng get back, and Wei Wuxian promptly collapses because they were in the cave for a week and then he walked all the way back to Yunmeng. He sleeps for three days. When he wakes up, Jiang Yanli gives him soup. Jiang Fengmian comes in to congratulate him for killing the evil CGI turtle snake. Wei Wuxian tries to say it wasn’t a big deal. Jiang Cheng tells him he only got it done because he was playing the hero, and Jiang Fengmian reprimands him for being a jerk.
Yu Ziyuan comes in and the two get in a big fight over how Jiang Fengmian treats the kids. Yu Ziyuan says people think Wei Wuxian is actually Jiang Fengmian’s son, and Jiang Fengmian gets pissy about it (which is fair since it insults both his friends). The two of them storm off. Jiang Cheng is upset because his father doesn’t even like him. Wei Wuxian tells him not to be so hard on himself and says he’ll beat up anyone who’s mean to Jiang Cheng, that he doesn’t want anyone to think he’s anyone’s son but his parents, and that he’ll always be Jiang Cheng’s right hand man. It’s super sweet honestly.
Meet Sect Leader Yao. He’s super annoying and shows up occasionally to require exposition and give the characters an excuse to explain things to the audience. His sect just got attacked by the Wens and most of his people are dead.
This obviously ain’t cool so Jiang Fengmian goes to talk to the leader of the Lanling Jin about joining up to fight Wen Ruohan. He brings Jiang Yanli with him for some reason.
While he’s gone, Jiaojiao shows up to demand Wei Wuxian be punished for all the shit he did in Qishan. Yu Ziyuan is enraged at Wei Wuxian for upsetting the Wens, or possibly just at Wei Wuxian existing in general. She whips him with her cool lightning weapon and injures him badly, while Jiang Cheng begs her to stop. Jiaojiao says this isn’t good enough and demands they cut off Wei Wuxian’s hand.
It looks like Yu Ziyuan is going to do it, but then Jiaojiao pisses her off by telling her that once the Wen have taken over Yunmeng, Yu Ziyuan can help out by being their governor or whatever. Yu Ziyuan gets pissed and starts beating the shit out of Jiaojiao. It’s really satisfying.
Wen Zhuliu shows up. He clearly has some history with Yu Ziyuan, because he calls her ‘Violet Spider’ and she calls him ‘Core-Melting Hand’. A rarepair is born.
All hell breaks loose. Jiaojiao signals their troops. Yu Ziyuan takes both Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian and throws them in a boat, and then ties them up with her lightning whip. She tells Wei Wuxian to protect Jiang Cheng with his life, which he would undoubtedly do anyway, blames him for everything that’s happened, and tells him she hates him. Then she starts the boat going down the river.
They’re still struggling to get free when they run into Jiang Fengmian coming back. Rather than release them, he ties Jiang Yanli in with them and goes to the defense of Lotus Pier. He also tells Wei Wuxian to protect Jiang Cheng with his life. They really want to drive this point home.
Int, Lotus Pier [Yunmeng]
Yu Ziyuan has killed like a hundred guys all by herself. It’s awesome. Jiang Fengmian shows up and charges to her rescue and promptly gets killed. Great job, Jiang Fengmian. Yu Ziyuan sees that they’ve lost and kills herself rather than be taken prisoner.
Ext, Lotus Pier [Yunmeng]
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng have gotten back to find that their parents are dead along with most of their sect members. It sucks. They run away, which is honestly the most sensible thing to do.
Int, an inn [Yunmeng]
Jiang Yanli is sick. Jiang Cheng is shell-shocked. Wei Wuxian goes to get them food and medicine. When he returns, Jiang Cheng is gone. He gives the medicine to Jiang Yanli and tells her to stay there until he can get Jiang Cheng and get back.
Int, Lotus Pier [Yunmeng]
Wei Wuxian is looking for Jiang Cheng. He grabs a random Wen and starts to choke them to steal their uniform, only to realize it’s Wen Ning. He asks Wen Ning if he was involved and Wen Ning says no, he heard that Wei Wuxian was in trouble and decided to commit a little light treason. He offers to get Jiang Cheng out.
Ext, Lotus Pier [Yunmeng]
Wen Ning puts a bunch of drugs in the party punch. Wen Zhuliu sniffs it and clearly detects shenanigans. Wen Chao tells him to stop being a pussy and drink. Wen Zhuliu decides that if his boss wants him to pass out on company time that’s okay by him, so he drinks.
Wei Wuxian is waiting in a boat. Wen Ning comes back with Jiang Cheng, who is badly injured, and the magic lightning whip. He offers to take them to his sister’s house in Yiling so they can lay low.
Ext, Yiling Supervisory House [Yiling]
Wen Qing is understandably a little miffed that her brother decided to commit treason without checking with her first. But in for a penny, in for a pound, she patches Jiang Cheng up and hides them in her living room or something.
Jiang Cheng wakes up the next day and is basically a shell of a person. Wen Zhuliu, it turns out, has the ability to crush someone’s golden core, which is where they keep their spiritual power, so they can’t cultivate any longer. Think of it like cutting off a Jedi’s connection to the force. He’s lost his will to live and lies there like a dead thing for like two full episodes. No judgment.
Wei Wuxian starts reading every book Wen Qing owns in an effort to find a way to cure Jiang Cheng, despite this being said to be impossible. He finds one. She tells him not to do it because of the sacrifice that’s involved. He remains committed.
For some reason, Song Lan shows up. (Batman from earlier.) Xue Yang attacked his temple. He was blinded and has been wandering. Xiao Xingchen took him to see Baoshan Sanren, a famous cultivator in the mountains. She does not run a sect but will occasionally take on students. Xiao Xingchen was one and so was Wei Wuxian’s mother. Song Lan’s eyes are getting better.
Wei Wuxian tells Jiang Cheng that they’re going to go see Baoshan Sanren, who he knows because of her connection to his mother, and that she’ll restore his golden core. They ask Song Lan to take Jiang Yanli to Koi Tower (Lanling) so the Jin sect can keep her safe. He agrees.
 Ext, a random mountain [Yiling]
Jiang Cheng goes up the mountain blindfolded. Wei Wuxian tells him to say his name is Wei Wuxian and ask Baoshan Sanren to restore his golden core.
Ext, a random town [Yiling]
Look, I’m gonna be honest with y’all. What happened between these two scenes is something that I figured out as it was happening, and I was never aware it was supposed to be a ~big reveal~ later. My wife likewise figured it out and treated it as fact. When it’s revealed later it’s a big deal to Jiang Cheng, but it wasn’t a big deal to us. However I’ve seen some people talking about how they didn’t figure it out until then, so I thought maybe I shouldn’t say what happened. But then I thought, this is just a summary, if you cared about spoilers you wouldn’t be reading this, and it’s much easier to explain what happens going forward if you know.
So, on that note, Wei Wuxian cut out his own golden core and gave it to Jiang Cheng. Or actually Wen Qing did the procedure. So now he has no golden core and can’t cultivate. Which sucks because he immediately gets captured by the Wens. He taunts Wen Chao, who decides not to kill him because he might become an angry ghost. Instead, they throw him into the Burial Mounds.
Ext, The Burial Mounds [Yiling]
A big battle happened here and it’s full of dead bodies and restless spirits. Cultivators have tried over the centuries to clean it up, but nobody who goes in ever comes out. Wei Wuxian lands in the middle of this mess and it sucks.
The creepy sword he’s been carrying in a spirit pouch asks if he wants revenge. Turns out he does. It’s super hot.
Ext, everywhere [everywhere]
Everyone is hella pissed that Lotus Pier was sacked. (I guess it was fine when it was Cloud Recesses for some reason.) The four great sects (or what remains of them) band together to fight Wen Ruohan. We see shots of lots of people looking badass. The mission to overthrow Wen Ruohan is dubbed The Sunshot Campaign.
Ext, the Indoctrination Bureau [Qishan]
It’s been three months. A bunch of nobodies are yukking it up that Wen Chao killed Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji comes out of nowhere and forces them all to kneel. It’s super hot. They admit to him and Jiang Cheng that Wei Wuxian was thrown into the Burial Mounds. Obviously this makes him very unhappy.
But on the plus side, they get their swords back. Yay! The disciple offers Wei Wuxian’s sword to Lan Wangji even though Jiang Cheng, who is Wei Wuxian’s brother and sect leader, is literally standing right there, so clearly everyone knows they’re married.
Ext, the Unclean Realm [Qinghe]
Everyone’s coming to Qinghe to discuss the final campaign. Wen Xu is now dead despite having never made another appearance, killed by Nie Mingjue.
Jiang Cheng reunites with Jiang Yanli, who has been in Lanling this whole time. She didn’t even know Wei Wuxian was missing and she’s pretty upset to hear about it.
They have a battle strategy meeting. Lan Wangji asks if he can go kick some ass in Yiling, and Nie Mingjue tells him and Jiang Cheng to go ahead.
Nie Mingjue asks Jin Zixuan how Meng Yao is doing in Lanling, having assumed (for some reason) (actually the reason is from book canon but didn’t translate to the show very well) that Meng Yao would have gone there. Jin Zixuan tells Nie Mingjue that Meng Yao didn’t go to Lanling, and that even if he did, his father would not have welcomed him. Nie Mingjue appears upset, possibly regretting that he exiled Meng Yao over one measly murder.
Ext, Yiling Supervisory House [Yiling]
Wen Chao and Jiaojiao are having a great time until a mysterious man dressed all in black shows up and uses a mysterious flute to drive everyone there insane and kill most of them. Wen Chao only escapes because Wen Zhuliu rescues him.
The next day, Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng show up, view the carnage, and say ‘well that ain’t good’.
Jiang Cheng finds Wen Qing imprisoned in the basement. She doesn’t know where Wen Ning was taken. She thanks him for the rescue and says they’re even now. He gives her the comb he bought for her back in the first arc. Or actually he just sets it on the table because he’s bad at romance. We don’t see whether or not she takes it.
Int, an inn [Yiling]
Wen Chao is totally nuts and freaking the fuck out. Wen Zhuliu is trying to get him to calm down long enough to treat his injuries, while mentally updating his resume again.
A mysterious man in black shows up with a flute and summons a demon or three.
Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng, who have been tracking Wen Chao, show up in time to hop up to the roof and look through a convenient window to see what’s happening. It’s revealed that the mysterious man in black is *drum roll please* Wei Wuxian! He is super hot.
Wei Wuxian is doing absolutely fine with the murdering but Jiang Cheng jumps in anyway, using the lightning whip to kill Wen Zhuliu, which, props to Jiang Cheng. Wen Chao cowers in a corner.
Jiang Cheng asks Wei Wuxian where the hell he’s been, returns his sword, and hugs him, and your tears are ‘what the hell I thought this was a silly show about sword wizards’. Wei Wuxian has clearly forgotten what hugs are. It’s sad.
Lan Wangji ruins the moment by demanding why Wei Wuxian is using seriously evil magic to kill people. Wei Wuxian says ‘you can’t tell me what to do, mom’, which does not help the situation at all. He and Jiang Cheng murder Wen Chao while Lan Wangji stands outside looking messed up about it.
  Ext, the Unclean Realm [Qinghe]
Wei Wuxian is reunited with Jiang Yanli and shit I’m crying again.
Jiang Yanli’s worried about the evil magic. She talks to Lan Wangji, who tells her that it sure is evil and Wei Wuxian shouldn’t be doing it because it will corrupt his mind and temperament.
Everyone wants to know why Wei Wuxian isn’t carrying his sword. He blows them off. (It’s because he can’t use it, since he’s not a cultivator anymore.)
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian manage to use their words for exactly one (1) scene. Lan Wangji says ‘let me help you’ and Wei Wuxian says ‘okay’ and then promptly spends the next ten episodes not letting Lan Wangji help him.
Int, the Unclean Realm [Qinghe]
There’s another battle strategy meeting. They discuss the fact that they need something that can counter Wen Ruohan’s yin iron. Wei Wuxian says ‘I’m working on it’ and then refuses to give them any details and leaves, which is super rude, my dude.
Lan Xichen is getting information from a mole in Wen Ruohan’s troops. Nie Mingjue asks where it’s coming from and Lan Xichen beats around the bush.
Wei Wuxian wanders off to have a PTSD breakdown.
  Ext, somewhere I don’t remember
Jin Zixuan is a jerk to Jiang Yanli. It’s about soup. It’s as stupid as it sounds. Wei Wuxian loses his temper even though it’s stupid and nearly evil magics Jin Zixuan and a bunch of guys to death. Lan Wangji tells him to chill.
Ext, Nightless City [Qishan]
They’ve fought their way to Nightless City! Now all they have to deal with is that Wen Ruohan has like a zillion zombie puppets. It goes as badly as you would expect.
Int, Nightless City [Qishan]
Somewhere along the way, Nie Mingjue had the brilliant plan to sneak in and assassinate Wen Ruohan during the chaos of the battle, despite the fact that Nie Mingjue is akin to a rhinoceros and does not sneak. He is immediately captured along with a bunch of his guys.
Meng Yao is here! He has big ‘look how much better I’ve been doing after the divorce’ energy. He kills a few of Nie Mingjue’s guys and then taunts him about how much he sucks.
Ext, Nightless City [Qishan]
Despite the fact that it took Wei Wuxian three seconds to summon evil spirits over his sister’s hurt feelings, he stands around for like twenty minutes watching every non-main-character get murdered before he’s like “oh, right, the creepy sword I have was yin iron all along” and he’s made it into an amulet which enhances his power. He seizes control of Wen Ruohan’s zombies and makes them all kill each other. He is super hot.
Wen Ruohan stops murdering Nie Mingjue when he realizes this is happening and goes out to see what’s going on. He and Wei Wuxian, who is still super hot, have a brief exchange before Meng Yao fucking stabs Wen Ruohan in the back like a badass motherfucker.
Wei Wuxian passes out which seems reasonable.
Int, Nightless City [Qishan]
Nie Mingjue is pissed. Lan Xichen quickly explains that Meng Yao is the one who was undercover and was passing information back to him the whole time. Nie Mingjue points out that Meng Yao killed his men. Lan Xichen points out that Meng Yao had to, because he didn’t want to blow his cover. Nie Mingjue begrudgingly accepts this explanation.
Turns out that when Lan Xichen was fleeing the Wen sect burning down Cloud Recesses, he ran into Meng Yao, who headed to Gusu after leaving Qinghe because Wen Chao told them that Wen Xu was going to attack it. Meng Yao saved Lan Xichen’s life, and with this paragraph, a hundred fanfics were born.
  ~end part 3~
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🎃Halloween themed wincest fic rec🎃
This fic rec is, primarily, Halloween themed but you’ll also find some horror as well as just in general autumn themed fics all to, hopefully, get y’all in the spirit of the spooky season!
There’s all sorts of ratings, some weecest, a non-related Hocus Pocus AU, hopefully you’ll find something to your liking among all of these fics.
As always please head all warnings and tags as some of these fics do contain graphic and heavy topics. 
Happy reading, and Happy Halloween my fellow wincest shippers! 🎃
Eight-Legged Freaks. by anniespinkhouse
Sam/Dean (Wincest) Outsider POV. Takes place early in season 8 but no particular spoilers except for Sam’s hair. Biddy owns a candy store. She also talks to spiders. When FBI agents Sam Smith and Dean Jones investigate a possible haunting, on Halloween evening, the consequence of Dean eating too much candy is disturbing. It’s a race against time for Sam to find a way to return Dean to normal.
The Rocky Horror Sam Show by RockSaltandCherryPie *
Sam goes to a Halloween party and dresses up like Frank N. Furter but ends up looking more like a girl than anything else.
the one that lives behind his heart by Addie_D_123 *
Dean is the spark, Sam is the fire.
The Witch's Dance by brimstonegold and virtualpersonal *
It's either coincidence, or irony, but Sam and Dean find themselves hunting for a witch at The Witch's Dance, a party being given at the local haunted mansion on Halloween. What they find is not the kind of dance they expected.
hell is empty; all the little brothers are here by bellaaanovak
Dean just wants to make the rundown house they’re squatting in look cool for Halloween, but Sam isn’t so excited about strangers in corny costumes knocking on the door for candy. Not when there’s a gang of ghouls wreaking havoc in the neighborhood, anyways.
Greaspaint and Fairy Dust by Syls Darkplace (sylsdarkplace)
It’s Halloween. Sam’s least favorite holiday, and what should be the investigation of a simple salt and burn goes awry when Dean gets caught with his hand in the candy cauldron.
Here is where you’ll stay by belyste
Sam, Dean, and haunted hayride. Halloween!fic. 
A Winchester Halloween by ello_kitty *
 A short story about how the brothers spend the holiday.
Triple XY Or The Hunter, His Bitch And Their Offspring by mpregloveranon
This is the answer to this Halloween!Prompt over at the spnkink_meme. Without reveal to much already I’ll just keep the summary really short. After being cursed Sam is knocked up by his brother. On Halloween he is heavily pregnant with triplets and completely miserable. Dean feels sorry for his baby brother, especially because he pissed the witch off who cursed Sam, and takes good care of him.   Throw in raging hormones, some schmoop, some angst and cute little kids and you’ll get the idea what this fic is about. ;)
Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) by Ignited *
It’s Halloween, and the locals aren’t clued in to the fact that those things going bump in the night are much more than fabric and latex. Sam and Dean learn this fact the hard way as the clock winds down and a town’s about to be overrun by monsters.
The Witches of Salem by Revenant 
There's a legend in Salem, of three sisters accused and hung for the crime of witchcraft, but not before they had killed several of the local children and placed another under a terrible curse. It is said that on Hallowe'en night, when the moon is full, the witches will rise again when a virgin lights the Black Flame Candle.
A little over three hundred years later, Sam Winchester is passing through town trying out his newly awarded independence on what he suspects will be a simple salt-and-burn; why can’t things ever go like he plans?
Why not stay and be caught? by deirdre_c *
Sam wishes to go to The Palace.
Pretty Princess by orphan_account *
Sam is excited to go to a Halloween Party… And then his first heat hits.
Take a Good Look by BewareTheIdes15 *
Sam, Dean, and a haunted house with a mirror maze - sounds like pwp to me!
Kids These Days by Magz (sparklepocalypse) *
Halloween parties are never simple when there are Winchesters involved.
Thy Back to the Forest (and Thy Front to Us) by PetraPan *
For the last three years in Stillwater, Oklahoma, children have disappeared—always five young girls, always on consecutive days, and always during the week of Halloween. By the day the Winchester's pull into town, Sam is enrolled for school, he’s stuck once more on research duty, and Dean already has a date. Sam juggles his new schoolwork, the case, and the ever-growing bitterness at the desire he feels for Dean as best as he can, but at some point he can no longer manage all three. With their father constantly absent and a nasty time constraint, Sam and Dean struggle to figure out who—or what—is taking young girls, just as they struggle to find the balance between brothers and something more.
Sugar Sweet by fallingintodivinity
“What’s all this stuff?” Sam asks warily. He gingerly picks up a bottle of red fluid and squints at it.
“Fake blood!” Dean says cheerfully. “It’s cherry-flavored,” he adds helpfully.
“But why,” Sam says, bewildered.
“Dunno,” Dean says. “It was on sale. Tastes pretty good, actually. Here, lemme show you.”
Halloween by EasyTiga *
Sam and Dean go to a Halloween party for a case and at least one of them can't keep their mind on the mission because of the outfit choice.
Hush Little Baby by hellhoundsprey *
Together with his friends, Sam visits a haunted house. It's Halloween. (Sam is 16, Dean is 20.)
Halloween and High Schoolers by onesillygoose *
I'm realizing how bad my summaries are. Anyway... Sam gets invited to a Halloween party. Dean tags along. Things never go as they should for the Winchesters.
Pumpkin Patch by KissingWinchesters
It's Halloween and Dean decides to steal a giant pumpkin.
VII - One candy left by KissingWinchesters
There’s a piece of melting, sticky caramel pressed into the centre of Sam’s back.
Candy, Pumpkin Spice, And Orgasms by KissingWinchesters
Dean takes Sam to a quaint town on Halloween. Their relationship develops.
He Never Saw the Look by orphan_account
Sam's got a secret. He's in love with his big brother. Little does he know, Dean shares the same dirty little secret.
Pretty Little Thing by Miss_Lv *
Teenager Dean goes to a Halloween party for some fun, he spots a pretty little thing and chases her all evening, flirting, and eventually cornering her. Once his got his hands on her though he realizes she is actually a he, but he's fine with that. Sam snuck out after Dean just because he could, he picked a costume he knew Dean would never recognize him in. After spending the evening being chased by his brother Sam ends up in a semi public place with Dean all over him. Sam's stupid crush on his own brother is not helping matters either.
this way comes by estrella30 *
Written for spn_halloween based on prompt #127: Sam goes to a Halloween party his first year at Stanford and gets dragged off by a guy in a mask who makes out with him. He discovers it's Dean, and the making-out continues with a vengeance.
Diamond Dogs by kassidy *
Prompt: Supernatural, Sam/Dean, werewolfism - one turns and takes the other down (interpret as you will) for dark_fest LJ comm
A Silent, Creeping Killer by lily rose (annabeth) *
Not long after Dean picks Sam up from Stanford, Sam and Dean go undercover as an engaged couple to investigate the murder of a lesbian hockey player in small-town Connecticut. Along the way, they meet dedicated lovers, frightening ghosts, and the possibility that their ruse might be becoming all too real. How will they handle their changing feelings for each other? Who will protect the lovers and tenants of the Windsor boarding house? And what does all this have to do with the play 'Arsenic and Old Lace'?
darling by allwellandgood 
Dean is dead. Sam has a theory that nothing will ever hurt again.
I Wonder as I Wander by dollylux
Bobby sends Sam and Dean to investigate a strange town.
Let Me Take You Far Away by orphan_account *
Season 10. It's exactly what they need. A vacation. That's how Dean can make everything else go away. Cas was right. That's all they need. A nice, little vacation.
Fall/Autumn themed
Death of the Petals by doctor__idiot
Dean has always thought that fall held some sort of magic.
Where You Are [Is Where I Belong] by non_tiembo_mala
Sam is stuck in class on a beautiful fall day. His mind wanders and it always ends up on Dean.
Hazy Hunter's Moon by GhostlyVoid *
Sam saves a hunter who got attacked by a werewolf, knowing exactly what trouble he's inviting into his home. The hunter, Dean, is predictably less than thrilled owing his life to a witch.
Delicious Autumn by sammichgirl
Dean just wants to give Sam a great day full of some favorite things.
Autumn Leaves by dragonspell *
In the weak light of early morning, the autumn leaves are starting to paint the woods in reds and golds and a burning orange. On some level or another, Dean knows that it’s beautiful; he does. He's just got to find Sam first.
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thebonggirll · 4 years
Chapter 34 - Rescue Mission
Chapter 33
Tumblr media
Y/N slipped in and out of consciousness the day after the incident. Her totally silent behavior was concerning but it was a possibility that the painkillers were causing this. According to the reports from the doctors, she was hit pretty hard on the stomach but after some cramp for a few days, it was going to be fine. The doctor informed that her head injury was also not that bad and that she got immediately patched up when she arrived. It wasn't the little blood that made her faint but from...
...from an emotional shock.
She tried to think of something else that would lift up her mood and make her believe that the heroes were going to find him in time. But the white dull walls around her wasn't making it easy for her. It was all she could think about.
Her family came to visit her. While her mother looked like she cried a bucket, her father looked...pissed. It was during these times that made her understand why her parents were perfect for each other. And it was also during these times she understood how much pressure, responsibility and emotional stress fell over her father. Her mother was as cold as ice but she was weak when it came to her children. It was also during these times that people felt the wrath of her father and it was ugly. Her brother arrived a bit later, a bodyguard standing outside her room.
While her parents made her know about how they disapproved strongly of her career choice, they also assured her of having their support regardless. Working in an industry where they've seen countless dreams rise and fall, one thing they wanted was to make sure that their daughter don't experience regrets for the rest of her life. They left soon and her brother was only the one left in the room.
"Can't you change your course?" he said sitting down on a chair nearby. He received nothing but silence from her. "Y/N they might look strong, but they've messed up a lot of things in their jobs. You know how bad it is when mom starts messing up."
Looking at his sister fiddle her fingers quietly, he continued, "We are worried. I don't even get to meet you Y/N. Do you know how it feels to get the news of your little sister getting attacked by villains in between of a performance and not having the power to do anything but continue with the concerts? Not knowing for hours if you made it alive?"
Y/N finally spoke. But those words only made him worry about her more. "Do you know how it feels to watch your friend taken away and just...standing in front of him, not helping him? Not even trying?" she turned to him, "Do you know how it feels to know that your friends aren't waking up even after multiple hours of nursing? I don't even know how bad their injury is."
"Are you sure you can handle this career?" he asked seriously.
"I knew the risks when I joined U.A. High-" she got interrupted by a voice coming outside the door. Someone shouting "come at me bro" at the top of their lungs. She recognized the voice. It was Kirishima.
"It's my friend," she said looking at the closed door with concentration.
The door suddenly opened loudly with Kirishima barging in. He noticed Haruto and looked for a moment, the bodyguard following him right after. "Oh uh I'm sorry. I'll come some other time."
Haruto sighed and got up from the chair, "No it's fine." He kissed Y/N's forehead and said, "Take care of yourself. We get worried."
As he took an exit Kirishima quietly sat down before her.
"I don't know how should I say this or if I should even.." he cleared his throat and said, "Todoroki and I were thinking of going after Bakugou. We overheard Momo talking to All Might about the tracking device she put on Nomu. We can try to save him. But I heard you went into shock. You don't have to do this-"
"I want to," Y/N said. That was the first time after the incident he saw some kind of emotion other than regret in her eyes. She continued, "I believe you feel the same as me. But you were out of reach you know. I just...I left it to Todoroki when I should've..."
"You took a rational decision in the moment. Don't blame yourself for this."
Y/N chuckled and looked at him, "He knew about me Kirishima."
Kirishima kept quiet for a moment and said, "I know he's a pain in the ass but-"
"You don't have to explain it to me. I never got to confess my feelings. He just went away before my eyes. The media is ripping off his image before he even got the chance to become a hero. I don't care about the consequence. I just want to...see him safe."
"Get ready when I tell you then," he said, "Oh and Kyoka is still unconscious because of the poisonous gas. Midoriya has major injuries but...I'm going to talk to him about this. I feel like he should know about it. Last time we saw him, he was bawling his eyes out."
"Yeah...I'll be ready."
As the day arrived, Todoroki, Kirishima and Y/N were waiting outside wondering if Momo and Midoriya will arrive. And they did but someone extra joined them too - Iida.
Todoroki informed that they planned to rescue Bakugou covertly rather than confronting the villains directly.
They arrived in Camino Ward where Momo's receiver for the tracking device showed their target. They changed their appearance with the help of Momo in order to disguise themselves and look unrecognizable in the crowd.
Momo lead them to what they believed to be the villain's hideout. None of them had effective stealth skills, so they pondered their next move. They remained outside the second evil lair. They decided to go around the back and use Kirishima's night vision goggles to see through a window.
But instead of getting Bakugou, they discovered something else. It was a factory for breeding Nomu. The building shook and soon collapsed. Seeing through the window they noticed the arrival of several heroes and felt relieved. But their happiness was short lived.
As they were walking to take an exit, an unknown voice came through the dark and within a few seconds a huge blast blew the whole building away.
A chilling voice stopped them from even moving an inch. The little wall left behind them, kept the students hidden. Their minds were running through miles and they wanted nothing but to run. But their legs weren't moving. It was a kind of fear they experienced for the first time. The person took down all the heroes in seconds. If All Might spread the feeling of hope, this person reeked of nothing but death.
This was One For All.
They stood immobile when a voice broke them from their trance.
"Dammit," he coughed, "What the hell?!"
Oh, right.
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Chapter 35
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Tags:  @honeylemondragonemperor @mikithekiki @kkikiss @garnet-redtailedhero
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The Character Assassination of Aurelia Hammerlock
A review of Aurelia’s behaviour as a player character in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and how Borderlands 3 fails to deliver on or logically develop her identity.
1. Aurelia and Alistair
- Sir Hammerlock: "Hello, "dear" sister. I'm sure that necrotic lump of tissue you call a heart skipped a beat when I opened your condescending message. As PLEASED as I would be to have your emotionless, creature-murdering presence in my home, I must respectfully decline your request to be housed in my mobile surveying platform during your quote-unquote holiday on Pandora. I would be delighted if we never came within a thousand miles of one another. By all means, spend some of mum and dad's blood money on a ticket. By all means, indiscriminately murder the wondrous creatures I came here to study. By all means, get your butlers to carry you around in a palanquin sewed from the skins of crying children! But don't you DARE presume to be worthy of my presence after the DECADES of teasing and torment you put me through! I WANT NOTHING! TO DO! WITH YOU! SINCERELY, SIR HAMMERLOCK!"
-Oh bloody hell, it's Alistair... Shure, hoss! No prohblehm! This definitely ain't yer sister pertending tuh be sumbodeh else to avoid gettin' inta anotha argyament with ya! ... Yee haw!" (Upon being contacted by Sir Hammerlock)
- I'm sorry...Alistair... (Entering FFYL)
If Aurelia genuinely hates her brother, why would she want to live with him for any length of time in accommodations that surely aren’t up to her standards? It’s not that she doesn’t have the means to find her own place, or would need to live with him to ruin his life. Indeed, if her goal is to torment him, why would she even ask him if she could come, and then, as her presence on Elpis in this game indicates, actually respect his wishes? Her desire to not get into an argument with Alistair also betrays that she cares more about their relationship than she lets on. If she hated Alistair enough to have him killed, as Borderlands 3 would have us believe, she wouldn’t much care about fighting with him- it would just be another opportunity to hurt his feelings, and he would have a hard time hurting hers if she really has no stake in his positive regard. Finally, when Aurelia thinks she’s about to die, what does she confess for fear she won’t get another chance? Remorse over how she treated him.
2. Aurelia and Innocents
"I... don't feel particularly enthused about this." (Before inserting Felicity into the Constructor
"Oh! Oh no..." (After Jack vents the scientists out the airlock)
I was uh... not really a fan, no." (In response to Moxxi's (during single player) or another Vault Hunter's (during co-op) question in regards to killing the scientists)
Aurelia doesn't support the unnecessary killing of innocents- in fact, in the vocal performance of "Oh! Oh no..." she is easily as shaken as Timothy, and both betray more emotional affect over this incident than any of the others. Her reaction towards the scientists is especially interesting given that while she is like Nisha enamoured with murder and like Wilhelm possessed of a certain avarice, she is unwilling to follow them over this particular line. Even when an innocent is between Aurelia and her goal, such as with Felicity, Aurelia has difficulty following through on her projected ‘Boss Bitch/ Evil Queen’ persona. 
3. Aurelia and Violence
"No, no. I do believe I'll be off before your pathetic soul-patch grows into a full evil goatee, if you don't mind." (Upon entering Vorago Solitude and Jack states his plans for the contents of the Vault)
"Oh, piss off, Jack." (If the injured surrendering Lost Legion soldier is spared)
"I can make it to the Vault, you reprobate! We don't need to deal with the gunship at all!" (After RK5 appears)
"Look, darling, bloodlust can be fun, but you're taking it a shade too far." (After Jack insists RK5 be destroyed)
While it’s no secret that Aurelia, astonishingly, enjoys killing more than the average Borderlands character, she resents wanton and unnecessary violence. There is clearly a time and place for sating her desires, and she would prefer people who can’t defend themselves to stay out of her crosshairs. The galaxy has not shortage of deserving threats and challenges for Aurelia, so she feels no compulsion to engage with the undeserving, and fairly viciously attacks Jack’s character for stooping to that level. 
4. Aurelia has Standards
- Mmm... I've got a niggling feeling I'm going to regret this. (After RK5 is destroyed and the way into Tycho's Ribs is open)
- Right, that's it. I've had my fun, Jack, and so I shall leave you with this one final piece of wisdom that your plasticine face will surely ignore: kill yourself. Darling, I'm evil - let's not kid ourselves, but YOU. You're just something else entirely! You're far better off opening the throat beneath that ludicrously soul-patched face than suffer the bloody karma that I imagine the universe has in store for you. And with that, I shall bid you adieu. Additionally, your breath smells like farts." (Upon turning in the mission)
- I'm no stranger to sacking the help, but Jack... this feels... extreme." (After Jack announces that he's going to destroy every Claptrap)
For someone who self identifies as evil, Aurelia is surprisingly principled. Even though she allegedly joined the expedition for a bit of mindless fun, she has an understanding of the repercussions of the change in the balance of power that happens by the end of it, and she is clearly dissatisfied by her complicity.  She is the only vault hunter to make any kind of threat on Jack’s life, and given how she leads her life, I doubt it has anything to do with a belief in karma catching up with him. Aurelia would rather make a powerful enemy- an enemy who she is intimately aware does not suffer insults lightly, who will stop at nothing for revenge-  then compromise her dignity by remaining silent. If Aurelia was really interested in power and money above all else, she wouldn’t burn an alliance as promising as the CEO of Hyperion owing her one over moral qualms. Finally, Aurelia seems to hate Claptraps as much as anyone, but even she is firmly in the camp of Athena and Timothy that destroying all of them would be wrong. Aurelia’s code of conduct may be short, but she will not tolerate it being infringed upon.
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [32]
iii. ye who enter here
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 5.6k 
Warnings: language, mentions of injuries, death, mentions of anxiety, angst, blood, stabbing, violence, explosions, mentions of getting drugged.
Summary: after months of trying to avoid it, you return to Mount Weather, and you’re reminded of why you hate it so much.
a/n: the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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You wake up in the hospital ward a few hours after returning to Arkadia. 
You’re unsurprised to find both Bellamy and your mother asleep on either side of you, your hands intertwined with each of theirs. You smile down at their sleeping forms, before squeezing Bellamy’s hand slightly, waking him. 
He takes in a deep breath as he wakes, turning and blinking up at you sleepily. When he realizes that you’re awake, he wakes up much faster, smiling at you and whispering, “Hey.”
“How are you feeling?”
You flip your hand over, revealing your IV. “I feel nothing, which means mom slipped me something.”
“She was worried about you.”
You roll your eyes slightly. “It’s just a little knife wound. We’ve had worse.”
Another voice answers before he can, her tone scolding. “A deep knife wound that you sloppily patched up before running on it.”
You turn and face your mother, giving her a smile and hoping that it eases her disappointment. “I promise I’m fine. Besides, aren’t you the one who’s been mad at me for letting Clarke go in the first place?”
Bellamy senses a fight coming and he stands and quickly presses a kiss to your forehead, mumbling something about “incoming explosions” as he scurries out the door. Your mother’s voice drops to a whisper when she answers, “I haven’t been mad at you in weeks, you know that.”
“I know, I’m sorry. But I've been mad at myself. And I was so close, mom, I nearly brought her back.”
She reaches up and pushes your hair off your face. “She knows where Arkadia is, she’ll come back when she’s ready.”
You shake your head, “Didn’t they tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“About the bounty?”
She freezes and all the color drains from her face. “What bounty?”
“There’s a bounty on Clarke’s head, and she was being held captive when I found her.” You can tell from the expression on her face that this is all news to her. “Shit, was I not supposed to tell you?”
She tries to give you a reassuring smile, but it barely masks her anger. “I’m glad you did, honey.”
She reaches up to fiddle with your IV. “Get some rest. I’ll send Bellamy in to keep an eye on you.”
The sleepiness overtakes you as the sedative flows through the IV and into your bloodstream, knocking you out and taking you back into the land of dreams before Bellamy has even entered the room. 
Four days after getting stabbed 
You shift on your stool and let your eyes rake over the guns once more, double checking your count, before scribbling down the number and moving to the next group. 
Okay, shock batons. One, two, three-
You almost fall off the stool in surprise, and you turn to Bellamy with a glare. “You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“I’m sorry.” He steps inside, and grabs the notebook from your hand, setting it to the side. He presses an apologetic kiss to your forehead before he pulls you to your feet. “Kane says he has news and he needs to see us.”
“Good news?”
“Seems like it.”
“What are we waiting for then?”
You head to the Chancellor’s office as fast as you can, still limping a little from the pain in your leg, despite your best efforts not to. Bellamy knocks on the door as you reach it, and Kane waves you inside, cutting off the conversation he was having with your mother. She glares as she watches you limp inside. “Where are your crutches?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m not using those.”
Kane cuts a look between the two of you, and you both cut the argument off before it can continue any further. “We just got word from Lexa.”
“Lexa as in, betrayed us at Mount Weather Lexa?”
Kane gives you a disapproving look. “Commander Lexa, yes. She has Clarke.”
“How? Is she okay? When can we get her?”
“Lexa put the bounty on Clarke’s head when she found out the Ice Nation’s Queen wanted Wanheda’s power. The bounty ensured that Clarke was brought to Polis, their capitol, unharmed.”
You open your mouth to ask another question, but he holds up a hand to stop you. “She’s fine. We’ve been asked to meet with the Commander, and that’s when we’ll get Clarke.”
“Great, when do we leave?”
“We’ll leave in three days. You’re not going.” 
“Your leg is still healing, and your mother and I agree that-”
“My leg is fine! This is just about what I-”
“...further proven by the fact that you refuse to use the crutches-”
“...just upset that I didn’t obey your stupid-”
“Enough!” You and Kane quiet immediately, tuning to look at your mother in surprise. She locks eyes with you. “You and Bellamy will be delivering supplies to the Farm Station survivors at Mount Weather in three days. Kane and I will go to Polis, meet with Lexa, and bring Clarke home. End of discussion.”
“Did you just say people are staying in Mount Weather?”
She turns to look at Bellamy, who’s been quiet up until this moment. “Yes. The only space we could offer the Farm Station survivors was tent space, and when they heard about Mount Weather being empty, they asked to stay there. We sent a small group ahead first, and if all is well with the Grounders, we’ll send the rest.”
“Won’t that look bad to the Grounders? The Mountain Slayers moving into the enemy’s house?” You turn and look at Kane, “What was it you said to me months ago? We’d look like a new set of conquerors?”
“Yes, well, the decision has been made. Gather a team, you leave in three days.”
Bellamy mutters, “Yes sir.”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. Dismissed.”
One week after getting stabbed
You’re silent the whole way back to Mount Weather, lost in your head. 
As soon as Raven parks the rover outside the ground entrance to the mountain, you freeze in place, ignoring everything around you as Gina, Raven, and Octavia all jump out and start to unload the rover. Bellamy reaches out and grabs your hand. “They’ll be fine at the delegation.”
“We should be there, Bellamy.”
“Maybe if someone used their crutches…”
You ignore his playful tone and glare at him. “My leg’s fine and you know it. Kane is just pissed that I disobeyed him and he’s trying to teach me a lesson.”
“Probably. But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re in Polis and we’re here.”
He stands and tugs on your hand, getting you to follow suit, before helping you out of the rover and onto the ground. You both stand staring at the entrance, remembering the last time you were here, and you whisper, “I hate this fucking mountain.”
“Kane says we don’t have to stay long. He gave Gina a list of things to take care of, and then we can leave.”
You nod. “Let’s make it quick then.”
You both turn and grab the last few bags from the rover, you and Bellamy each taking a handle on the heaviest one, sharing the weight as you walk side by side behind the others. You can hear Raven telling Gina a story from the Ark, and Octavia drops back to walk on your other side. She notices your silence and asks, “You okay?”
You give her a reassuring smile. “Yeah, I’ll be back to my usual charming self as soon as we’re out of here.”
She laughs but it dies in her throat as you come around the final corner, the hallway opening up into the mess hall, loud with music and laughter. You all stand at the entrance, frozen and in shock at the comfort of Farm Station as they sit at the tables eating and smiling. You fight back the image of the hundreds of irradiated bodies that littered the floor the last time you were here. 
Pike sees you all at the entrance and yells, “Welcome! Join us.”
You mutter, “Someone's made themselves at home.”
Octavia sounds horrified when she counters, “There must be 30 of them in here.”
Pike reaches you and hears this, clarifying, “36, but the more, the merrier.”
You and Bellamy lower the bag to the ground so he can reach out to shake Pike’s hand, and he nods at you in greeting. Octavia looks around the room before glaring at Pike. “36? Wow. The Grounders are gonna think we moved in.”
“Well, there was no room at the inn.”
“And this is your option?”
Bellamy glances at his sister, his voice a warning. “O.”
“I'm out of here.”
She turns and storms off, and you and Bellamy exchange a look as Pike muses, “Spirited.”
You glance around the room again and a chill passes over you, before you turn back to Bellamy. “I’ll check on her.”
“Thank you.”
He presses a quick kiss to your cheek before following Pike into the room, and you turn and head back down the hall and up to the ground. Each passing second you spend in the mountain leaves you feeling more and more anxious, and by the time you reach the top level, you’re practically running to the door, fighting off the images of what you’ve done. As soon as you push open the door to the ground level and step into the sunshine, your anxiety starts to fade, leaving you calmer than before. You hear a whistle and you look over your shoulder to see Octavia on top of the entrance, looking down at you. 
You move to the side and find the ladder, ignoring the slight pain in your leg as you climb to the top and plop down beside her. “So that’s Pike.”
It’s not a question, but you answer like it is. “Yup.”
“Seems great.”
You snort at the sarcasm in her voice. “Very pleasant. You should have heard his anti Grounder stuff when we first met him. He yelled at Indra when she spoke Trigedasleng and kept making snide remarks about how all Grounders are the same.”
You hum in response and she turns to watch you. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes. No.” You shake your head, “I don’t know. It’s this mountain, O. I’ve done nothing but avoid thinking about it for the last 3 months, and being back here just...doesn’t feel right.”
“You, Bell, and Clarke did what you had to to save our people.”
“Everyone keeps saying that, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I wish it did.”
She reaches over and puts her hand on top of yours. “You’ll get through this. You and Belllamy both.”
You turn and smile at her, both of you sinking into comfortable silence as you enjoy the quietness of the ground. Bellamy comes out a few minutes later, unsurprised to find you both sitting on top of the entrance, and you scoot over as he reaches the top, allowing him to sit between you and Octavia. His gaze is focused on her. “You okay?”
“The Grounders will never accept this.”
“We're not the Mountain Men, O. Nyko and Lincoln will make them see that.”
Octavia glares at him. “How? Lincoln has a kill order on him. He can't even leave camp without risking his life.”
“The summit will take care of that.”
Octavia turns away from him and looks out at the trees. “Then we can finally get out of here.”
You both turn to look at her, surprised, and she meets your gazes. “I'm sorry. I don't fit in here.”
Bellamy takes a deep breath, and reaches for her hand. “If you need to leave, I get that, but you'll always fit in with me.”
“And me.”
She starts to reply, but stops when you hear arguing beyond the trees, and you all turn just in time to watch two guards dragging a Grounder towards the front door. “What the hell?”
You all leap up and descend the ladder, jogging over to the trio. As soon as you see the Grounder’s face, you recognize her. “Echo?”
You and Bellamy exchange a look, and Octavia asks, “You know her?”
“Yeah, she's Ice Nation. She was in the cage next to mine.”
When Echo sees you walking towards her, she yells your names, relieved. Bellamy yells, “Let her go.”
One of the guards glares at you. “She threatened the summit.”
“I was trying to help!”
“Shut up.” He kicks her legs out from under her, knocking her to the ground. 
Bellamy yells, “I said, get your hands off her.”
Octavia moves behind the guards and glances at Echo’s restraints before looking up and meeting your eyes. “Knife?”
You pull your knife from the holder on your thigh and flip it in your hand until the handle is out, facing Octavia, and then you hold it out to her. She takes it and cuts Echo loose as the guards protest. “What are you doing? She's a Grounder.”
You help Echo to her feet and Bellamy asks, “What are you talking about?”
“The summit's a trap. The assassin is already there. By sundown, your people will die.”
Your stomach drops, and you turn to Bellamy with a horrified look, “Clarke. My mother. Kane.”
Bellamy looks at Echo. “We need you to tell us everything.”
She nods and you all lead her inside the mountain, straight into the mess hall and over to Pike. He looks up at all of you in shock, a Grounder between you, before clearing out the room of children and leaving only his guards. “What is this?”
“Echo is Ice Nation, and she has something to tell us.”
You see Pike’s eyes widen and he nods at two guards over your shoulder, who push you, Bellamy, and Octavia out of the way to grab Echo. They yank her towards a chair and push her into it before restraining her. “What are you doing? She’s with us!”
Pike glances between you and Bellamy. “We’ll see.”
He walks over to Echo and glares down at her. “Bellamy says you have something to tell us?”
“The summit’s a trap.”
“How do you know?”
“I was with the Queen's army heading toward Polis. The war chief talks too loud.”
Pike looks at her in disbelief. “You're one of them, so why are you telling us this?”
Echo looks over at you and Bellamy, sadness in her eyes. “We abandoned Skaikru in the Battle for the Mountain. It was wrong.”
Bellamy turns to Pike, voice earnest. “Pike, we saved her life, this is her saving ours. We can trust her.”
Pike considers this, as Sinclair, Raven, and Gina run into the room and join the group. Bellamy addresses all of them. “Listen up. If we want to get to Polis before the attack, we have to move.”
Sinclair shakes his head, confused. “Attack? Do we have confirmation of that?” 
Octavia walks over to you, radio in hand. “I’ve been trying to radio, but no answer.”
Pike sighs, “They may already be dead, for all we know. If they are, we need to be ready to respond.”
Sinclair turns to him. “Don't make this about the missiles.”
You and Bellamy exchange a worried glance, both of you thinking about Tondc, and you turn to Pike in shock. “Missiles?”
“This is about survival. We don't have the numbers, but the missiles in this mountain even the playing field, and you know I'm right.”
Sinclair steps closer to him, “Even if I did agree with you, we still don't have the launch codes.”
Raven smirks, walking over to the two men. “No, but we have me.”
Pike nods his approval at Raven, before turning and grabbing Echo, pulling her out of the chair and out of the room. Octavia follows to keep an eye on them, leaving you and Bellamy mostly alone. You smile at him and turn to grab a gun from the crate behind you, but he reaches out to stop you. “You’re not going.”
You spin towards him, incredulous. “Like hell I’m not! My twin and my mother are at that summit!”
“Which is why you shouldn’t be there. Plus, your leg-”
“Damn it, Bellamy, my leg is fine!”
“Your mother asked me to look out for you, and-”
You reach for the guns again, ignoring him. “I don’t care, I’m going.”
“No, you’re not.”
You spin towards him, growing angrier. “Yes, I am!”
“Kane said-”
“I don’t care what Kane said, Bellamy! I’m going to that summit, and you can’t stop me.”
You start to brush past him, but he grabs you and spins you towards him, pulling you in for a kiss. You start to resist him at first, but kiss him back when you realize that this is his apology, and he’s changed his mind. As you lose yourself in the feel of him, you almost miss the prick in your neck. 
You open your eyes in surprise and pull away from him, shocked to find his hand held in the air, a syringe tight in his grip. Your eyes lift to his, your face full of betrayal. “What did you-”
You cut yourself off when you feel yourself sway on your feet, and Bellamy reaches out and catches you right as you start to fall. He pulls you up into his arms, looking down at you with regret, and the last thing you hear before passing out, is a soft, “I’m sorry.”
You wake up slowly, feeling heavy and groggy as you come out of sleep.
And then you remember why you were asleep.
Anger pulses through you, intertwined with betrayal, and it wakes you quickly. You jump up, realizing you're in a bed in the 6th floor dorms, and you run out of the room and into the hall, making a beeline for the elevator. Once you reach the first floor, you run down the hall, ignoring the limp and the pain in your leg, pushing yourself as fast as you can as you head straight for the door.
When you burst out of it and into the open air, you feel your stomach sink to your feet at the now empty spot where the rover was parked. You let out an angry yell before turning and running back into the building and straight for the mess hall. Once there, you push past the people milling about, chatting aimlessly about nothing, and grab a radio off one of the nearby tables, tuning in to the agreed upon channel. “Bellamy, come in.”
You let your finger off the button and stand glaring at the radio, waiting for a response. When you get nothing, you repeat, “Bellamy, do you read me?”
After another silent minute, you grind out, “Bellamy Blake, you better answer the goddamn radio.”
But again, you’re met with nothing. You let out a frustrated huff and clip the radio to your belt, before deciding to find Raven. After asking around, you find out that she, Gina, and Sinclair are down in the control room, so you head there. As soon as you burst through the door, you meet Raven’s gaze with a glare, and she lets out a snort of laughter. “Yeah, that’s the exact face I told Bellamy you’d make when you found out.”
“Did you know he was going to do it?”
You let out another frustrated huff and plop down into a chair. After a moment of silence, you ask, “What are we doing then?”
“Trying to figure out the launch codes for this stupid missile.” You see her furiously punch the keys on the keyboard before yelling, “Damn it!”
“What happened to that Raven Reyes confidence?”
Raven turns to glare at Sinclar. “It's a 12-digit code, and there are a trillion combinations. It's gonna take me a minute.”
Sinclair turns to Gina. “Gina, what do you got?”
She helplessly lifts her hands, “Don't look at me. I'm just a grunt.”
You smirk at her and she smiles back at you as Sinclair sighs, “Oh come on, guys, it's gonna be dark soon. We're working analog, we're working digital. What are we missing?”
You think about Dante, remembering his age, before asking, “How is the president gonna remember a number that long?”
“Not well.”
Gina looks over at you, catching on, and asks, “Want to bet he wrote it down somewhere?”
“Oh, come on. That's like setting the launch code to all zeros.”
“And yet it's better than anything we've come up with.”
Gina smiles, “I'll check the president's office.”
You stand, “I’ll go with her.”
Sinclair tosses Gina a radio. “We'll keep working the tech angle. Hopefully, one of us will get lucky.”
You follow Gina out of the Control Room and to the other side of the level where the President’s office is located. Once inside, Gina heads for the desk, and you start scanning the books on the bookshelf, taking them down and shaking them out, looking for any sign of hidden papers. You work in silence for a few minutes until Gina glances over at you. “Don’t be mad at Bellamy.”
You glance over at her, confused, and she adds, “For the sedative thing.”
“He took my choice away, Gina. Didn’t even give me the chance to go.”
“It wasn’t his idea. It was the Chancellor’s.”
You turn to her fully, brows lifted in surprise. “My mother?”
“I overheard her talking to Bellamy when she gave it to him, and she said she couldn’t risk losing you again. She told him to inject you if it seemed like you were going to put yourself at risk again.” She stops rummaging through the desk, lifting her eyes to look at you. “He fought her on it, for a while actually. I had to finish loading the rover, so I didn’t hear the rest. I wasn’t even sure he took it until Raven told me what he did.”
You nod, taking this all in, trying to process it. Then you suddenly remember something from the last time you were in Mount Weather. “Dante’s quarters are around the corner, I should go check it out.”
She nods, and you add, “Channel 4 on the radio if you need me.”
You turn and head towards the door, but right before you step out, you turn back to her. “Hey, Gina?”
She looks up again, already back to searching. “Yeah?”
She smiles. “What you have is too good to throw away on a misunderstanding. Sometimes people do crazy things for love.”
You think about nearly hanging to death, and following Bellamy into Mount Weather, too worried to let him go alone, and you smile back. “Yeah, I guess they do.”
And then you turn and head out of the office, jogging around the corner and up to the only other door on this hall. The door is cracked, so you push it open, half expecting Dante or Cage to jump out and yell at you. But it’s empty, full of nothing except ghosts and a few modest belongings. You rummage through all the drawers on the bedside table before checking the small desk area. After finding nothing, you move to the bookshelf and check the books again, shaking them quickly and tossing them to the side when you find nothing. 
You smile when your eyes land on the next title, a yellow book with a blue spine.
The Iliad.
Bellamy rolls off you, both of you panting as you come down from your high. When he hears your breathing slow, he turns towards you, a smile on his face. “Have I ever told you about the Iliad?”
Your nose scrunches when you ask, “Were you thinking about a book while we were having sex?”
“No.” He sees your disbelief and laughs. “Okay, maybe a little. But only because I was thinking of our first time, and when you asked me to tell you about the gods. Which made me think of the Iliad, and how my mom used to read it to me and O when we were kids.”
He smiles as he tells you the memory, his grin boyish and bright. You can’t help but smile in return. “I wish you could read it to me.”
His smile drops a little. “Me too. I bet the only copy left was on the Ark. Who knows where it ended up when they came down.”
The memory makes your heart ache for Bellamy, your anger already starting to dissipate. You turn the book upside down, but you don’t see the piece of paper that falls out and flutters to the floor, too distracted by Gina’s voice calling your name on the radio. You lift the radio to your lips. “Did you find something?”
You’re answered by silence and you tuck the book into the waistband of your pants and ask, “Gina, are you there?”
You hear your name come through again, this time carried on the sound of a gurgle. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck lift, as suspicion takes over you. “I’m coming to you.”
You turn and run out the door, jogging back down the hall towards the office. Just as you round the corner and step into the room, you run right into a knife blade, which sinks into your side. You look up in surprise at the Grounder staring back at you, pure hatred on his face, and he pulls his knife out of your side. You see his hand move towards you to stab you again, and you feel your adrenaline take over as you quickly reach down and grab your knife, before lifting your arms to protect your middle. 
His knife slashes and cuts your arm, and you feel warm blood run down and drip to the floor, but you ignore it and focus on all the training you received from Octavia and Lincoln. When he tries to slash you again, you duck down, and send your arm forward, plunging your knife into his exposed side. You pull away quickly and jump back as he lunges towards you, taking another cut from him, this time to your shoulder. You bite back your cry of pain before swinging a punch towards him, and he blocks it before kicking you in the stomach and knocking you onto your back.
As he stands over you and brings the knife down towards your chest, you roll away and lean forward, stabbing him in the thigh. He lets out a grunt of pain before punching you and knocking you backwards again. He glances over at the desk and then back to you, before he takes off running down the hall. You’re about to follow him when you hear a small sound of pain, and you look over to the desk to find Gina slumped onto it. “Gina!”
You run over to her, horrified to find her surrounded by a pool of blood, her shirt soaked with it. You can see the minuscule rise and fall of her chest and you know she’s alive, but barely. You grab your radio and call out to Raven. “Raven, Sinclair, SOS!”
“What’s going on?”
“A Grounder just attacked me and Gina, and he ran off. The exit is near you, don’t let him leave!”
“Are you okay? Is Gina?”
You don’t answer as you lift her shirt to find at least three stab wounds, and you start to reach forward to help her, but she weakly pushes your hand away and whispers, “Code.”
“He set off the self-destruct.” Her eyes flit toward it, and you see it counting down, with 45 seconds left. “Code on his arm.”
You hesitate, stuck between wanting to help her and wanting to chase after him. “Go, get the code. You can help me after.”
You reach out and squeeze her arm. “I’ll come back for you.”
You take off running down the hall, following the trail of blood from the Grounder, and you call Raven as you do. “Raven, he set off the self-destruct. The code is on his arm.”
“How much time do we have?”
You reach the elevator and your anxiety grows as it slowly brings you to the surface. “Less than 45 seconds!”
The doors slide open and you look down, spotting the trail again. You follow it down the hall and towards the exit. Up ahead you can see the door open, the sound of fighting coming from outside. You push yourself faster, lifting the radio to ask, “Gina, how much time?”
You’re met with silence, but you don’t have time to process what that means, because you run outside to find Raven knocked to the side, bleeding from her head, and Sinclair on the ground beneath the Grounder, knife to his throat. You run towards them, gripping your knife tight in your fist as you sneak up behind them and plunge the knife into the Grounder’s neck, killing him. He drops onto Sinclair, and you help roll his body to the side as Raven comes over and grabs his left arm while you grab his right.
You yank up his sleeve to find it blank, but Raven lets out a gasp as she lifts his sleeve to reveal the twelve digit code. You lift your radio and call Gina. “Gina, we got the code.”
You’re met with silence, and you start to panic. You glance at Raven as you call again, worry written all over her face. “Gina, do you copy? Gina! We got the code, do you copy?”
Raven jumps to her feet and starts to walk back towards the building, “We’ve got to go back in there.”
You and Sinclair jump up and run after her. “Raven, no!”
“We can't just let them die!”
You think of the countdown, already at 45 seconds before you even realized, and how long it took you to reach the surface. You feel your stomach sink because you know that you’re out of time. “Raven, no one can reach the office in time!”
You and Sinclair grab her arms and tug her backwards as she fights against you, knocking the book out of your waistband in the process, leaving you feet from the door when the explosion hits. The force of it sends all three of you flying through the air, tossed to the side like you weigh nothing. You hit the ground with a thud, the wind temporarily knocked out of you, and you gasp for breath. It takes a second for the ringing in your ears to stop, and you roll to your side, looking for Raven and Sinclair.
They are both slumped on the ground nearby, and you struggle onto your hands and knees as you crawl over to them, calling their names. Raven sits up first, coughing the ash and dust from her lungs as you reach her and force her to look at you. “Raven, are you okay?”
She nods weakly, tears already starting to fall as you look over her, checking for injuries, but finding none other than her earlier head wound. You turn and check Sinclair, who’s unconscious now, but alive. You pull off your guard jacket and tuck it under his head, checking him over for any other injuries and relieved to find nothing. 
Raven’s sobs pull you back to the reality of what’s happening, and you feel fear constrict your throat as you think of the summit. Was it a two front attack? Three? You scramble over to your fallen radio and push the button, calling frantically, “Bellamy? Bellamy, come in! Are you okay?”
His voice crackles through the radio, calling your name, and you let out a sob of relief before lifting the radio again. “The Grounders attacked Mount Weather. White war paint, Azgeda.”
You hear concern in his voice, and your mother calling out for you somewhere near him. “What are you talking about?”
You stand and walk towards the smoking wreckage, dropping to your knees in front of it, nothing left but a pile of rubble, and you think of the 30 something people that were inside before the explosion hit. You think of Gina, and the tears overtake you, heavy sobs wracking your body as you think of the death left behind because of this mountain. This goddamn mountain. You fight through your sobs, “It's gone. They're all gone. Sinclair, Raven, and I are the only ones left.”
“Are you okay?”
“Just hurry, Bellamy. Please. Sinclair’s knocked out, Raven probably has a concussion, and I got stabbed when we were fighting him off.”
You feel yourself start to grow weaker as Bellamy continues to ask you questions. You drop the radio at your side, and turn back to see Raven slumped over onto Sinclair, sobbing. You hear Bellamy calling your name, sounding more and more worried with each passing second, but with the adrenaline wearing off, you don’t have the energy to reassure him. 
You lay back onto the ground, rolling over to see the smoking remains of Mount Weather, coming face to face with a small yellow book with a blue spine. 
The Iliad.
The bottom right corner is singed and the book is covered in a thick layer of dust and rocks. You reach out for it with blood smeared hands, from which wound, you aren’t sure, and you pull it towards you, tucking it to your chest. Your eyes slide closed as the rest of your energy leaves you, and the last thing you think of before the world fades out, is Bellamy.
next chapter
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taco-calamitous · 3 years
Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time
When did the last Rebuild of Evangelion movie come over to the States? Like, 2015? I remember watching it in my apartment in Arkansas, back when I was in the Air Force. That was a long time ago. So much life has happened since then. After I watched that one, I decided to write about it. I was kinda bewildered by my experience with that movie. There was a 14 year time jump between it and the second movie, and everyone was pissed off at Shinji, because he had somehow caused Third Impact. The last image I recall from the second movie was Kaoru’s Eva ramming a spear through Shinji’s Eva unit. All of the sudden, in the third movie, everyone but the Eva pilots have aged 14 years—something to do with their use of the Evas. Misato acted completely cold and distant to Shinji, contradictory to how she had been behaving at the end of the last movie. By the end of the third movie, however, Shinji had been duped by Nerve—which seemed to only consist anymore of Gendo and Kozo. After causing another disaster and watching Kaoru die, Shinji was dragged off somewhere by Asuka, alongside the… Third Rei, I believe (not the one Shinji seemed to have saved at the end of the second movie, if I recall correctly). So what’s going on in this fourth movie? Well, there’s no time jump this time, it seems. Misato’s new organization, which consists of old Nerve employees and new people—along with the new glasses-wearing Eva pilot girl, Mari—are trying to reset an AT field, or base, or something, in the heart of Paris, and they’re attacked by some Nerve robots while they’re doing this. They have these flying battleships that they use as shields, as well as Mari’s Eva, to protect themselves while they do this. Mari’s able to hold Nerve off, and they get the AT field going. This is the most action we see in the movie for over an hour, probably. For the next long while, we see Asuka drag Shinji and Rei through a red wasteland to a village of survivors, which is protected by a large AT field. We meet grown up Toji, Kensuke, and Hikari. Toji’s a doctor now, and married to Hikari. Kensuke is a surveyor or scientist or something. While here, the third Rei learns what it’s like to be human—works, makes friends, learns about concepts like “Good morning,” “good evening,” “good bye,” etc., and what cats and babies are. Shinji falls into a catatonic state of despair due to what he’s done, and watching Kaoru die. Asuka has no sympathy for him and is angry about how he is behaving. Kensuke thinks he just needs time and space, and allows him to run away to an abandoned building and stay there for weeks. It was cool to see some of these characters grown up, as we never got to see any of them age in the original series. Toji I remembered the most for punching Shinji in an early episode, but then coming around and being mostly cool, until he died when Unit 1 went out of control. Since Asuka was the victim of that episode in these movies, Toji got to live this time. It’s also cool to see these characters because they’re actually well-adjusted, and aren’t suffering from deep emotional damage. Eventually, the third Rei’s kindness seems to get through to Shinji, and he goes back to the village to help out. It’s then that he meets Misato and Kaji’s son. Misato made sure this kid never met her or knew anything about her, for some reason I don’t recall. Something to do with emotional damage, though. Meanwhile, the third Rei is finding that her body is failing because she has left Nerve facilities, I think. So after spending time watching her learn to be a human, we watch her say goodbye to Shinji, and then disintegrate. Asuka, who’s been hanging out either in her Eva suit or mostly naked for some reason, gets recalled back to Misato’s team, and Shinji decides to go with her. So she hits him with a stun gun and knocks him out. Shinji awakens to Toji’s little sister Sakura standing over him, who then slaps him and starts sobbing because he got back into an Eva after she’d told him not to. I vaguely remember her from the last movie (apparently she was dead all along in the original series. I went and looked her up just now to recall what she was like in the original series. I guess she wasn’t.) To keep Shinji from doing anything, they put him in a holding chamber. That Asuka and Mari are just able to go in and out of of their own free will, and he seems to just be able to leave later on in the movie. Maybe they didn’t put him holding chamber? I thought they said they were doing putting him in one, though. There’s this pink-haired girl who’s mad that he’s back on the ship. I think she was in the last movie. Her family died in Third Impact, and she blames him. Like everybody else. There’s some exposition stuff at this point in the movie between Misato and Ritsuko, and Gendo and Kozo. Misato and Ritsuko talk about the purpose of the ship they’re piloting to repopulate the Earth if Nerve succeeds in the Fourth and Final impact, and Kozo and Gendo talk about the Instrumentality Project, involving Christian symbology and names, but also talking about “the Gods,” and other things that wouldn’t exactly mesh with Christian ideas. After these two scenes of exposition, Misato’s team tells her that whatever Nerve’s headquarters or whatever are in has moved to its final destination, so they have to act now. Misato decides to use the ship they’re in as a weapon against Nerve, and deploys all the seeds it holds containing Earth’s life, or whatever. Then they go to where Nerve is, and try to break through it’s outer AT Field thing. There’s a line about humans trying to pass through to the Gods while still being in sin. My thought on that is that Gendo and Kozo are human, and they’re already in there, but eh. Anyway, Kozo pops up in a big ship and attacks them before they break through. They deploy Asuka and Mari’s Evas, who fight with a bunch of pilot-less Evas, until they drop to the ground, where Unit 13—which looks just like Unit 1—is laid out on a cross. Asuka tries to stab it with one of those giant spear things, but it puts up an AT Field, so she takes her eye patch off, and a power up item comes out from her eye. She rips open the AT Field, but then Unit 13 grabs her and starts choking her. Meanwhile, Kozo’s ship takes hold of Misato’s ship, and they realize that Gendo had been planning this, or something. The Second Rei, I think, appears to Asuka, disintegrates her body, and pulls her into Unit 13, I think. Next, Misato and Ritsuko meet Gendo some weird red landscape they all can get to, apparently. Ritsuko shoots Gendo in the head multiple times, but it only momentarily knocks him down, and reveals a glowing, cross-shaped hole where his eyes should be. He’s apparently ascended or something, using the information of the gods or whatever. He goes into Unit 13, and they realize they can’t stop him, but Shinji shows up and says he’s gonna pilot Unit 1 again to fight his father. Pink-haired girl and Sakura show up with guns to try and stop him, and Sakura actually tries to shoot Shinji, but Misato jumps in the way of the bullet. Earlier in the movie, she flashed back to when she was cheering Shinji on at the end of the second movie, just before Third Impact, and she states that as Shinji’s legal guardian, she’s still responsible for whatever he does. They let Shinji go, and Sakura treats Misato’s wound. As Shinji and Gendo start fighting, they end up locked together, falling into some weird “anti-reality” space, I think it was called, to the “Golgotha Object.” The two spears they’re carrying, “Hope” and “Despair,” Gendo plans to use at this “Golgotha Object” to make a wish. The two Evas fight in some virtual reality created by the gods or something, spanning across Shinji’s memories, and Gendo fights far more aggressively and effectively than Shinji, while yelling that Shinji doesn’t understand. Eventually, Shinji stops fighting and starts talking to Gendo. So Gendo explains everything, and seems to indicate that the End of Evangelion happened, but Shinji rejected it. That was Gendo’s initial wish, and now his new wish is to see his wife again, but everyone around there is Rei. Also, they see “Evangelion Imaginary,” which appears as the Black Lillith thing that was hung up on a cross in the original series. It comes off the cross, floats up to the world above, and turns into Giant Naked Rei from End of Evangelion. Also, all the weird wandering Evas out in the wasteland that I forgot to mention earlier start turning into less giant, headless, naked Reis, and start floating around. Misato decides as a last ditch effort to convert the power of her ship into making one last spear for Shinji to use to cancel out Gendo’s wish with his own. Also, Mari meets Kozo in his ship, he calls her “Mari Iscariot,” gives her permission to use his ship or something, and then he explodes into tang, like everybody did in End of Evangelion. I didn’t really understand the exchange, to be honest. Meanwhile, as the final preparations for Misato’s plans are finished, she orders everyone else to abandon the ship but stays on, as someone still has to get the spear to Shinji. I realized then that we had to watch Misato die again, and got kinda sad. In any case, she pilots the ship through Giant Naked Rei’s eye—with help from Mira and her Eva—gets the spear to Shinji, and then her ship explodes with her still in it. In the next few scenes, we learn about Gendo, Kaoru, and Asuka’s deepest issues. Gendo was always a loner and hated being around people until he met his wife, and then when she died, he thought being left with a son was punishment for himself, so he kept himself distant from Shinji. He realized he was afraid of Shinji, and I Shinji forgave him, they realized they were similar in some ways, and then he stepped off the virtual train they were on. Next, Kaoru appeared, but Kaji also appeared to explain to Kaoru that he thought making Shinji happy would make himself happy, and that he had to live his own life, or something. So he also exited the virtual reality—this time they were in a garage. Next, Asuka relived her childhood, being without her mother and father, thinking everyone hated her and would only except her as an Eva pilot, but Kensuke appeared to her and comforted her, and she also left. Finally, the second Rei appeared to Shinji, and Shinji explained that he planned to make a world where they wouldn’t have to pilot Evas, and that she could be whatever she wanted. She likes that, and leaves. Back in Unit 1, Shinji’s gonna stab through Unit 1 with the spear, but his mom appears as Unit 13, takes the spear away from him, and pushes him out of Unit 1, taking his place as the sacrifice. Shinji sees her and Gendo together, and goes back to reality, where the less giant, headless, naked Reis are turning into people and animals and descending back to Earth. Shinji appears on a beach, and Mari lands just offshore in her Eva, which disappears as she jumps out into the ocean. As Shinji reaches her, the scene jumps to him at a train station—I think the one we first met him in in the original series—and they’re there together, all dressed up. Mari’s coming on to him, he’s acting far more reciprocal and confident than he would have in the original series, they run out of the station together, and the credits roll. I think this ending makes more sense than the original End of Evangelion. I think it also had way less disturbing imagery in it, which is nice. It also felt less bewildering than the previous movie. Most of the characters that blamed Shinji for everything wrong in the last movie seemed to be more forgiving in this one, except for Asuka. Of course, Asuka is Asuka. She’s less loud and obnoxious, and more reserved than she was in the original series, although she’s also 14 years older than she was, even if her body remains that of a teenager. She just has a raging hate-boner for Shinji. She seems at least tolerant to everyone else. Meanwhile, we learn that Misato is a bit more conflicted about than she seemed in the last movie. She doesn’t just seem to blame him for everything that happened, like she did in the last movie. She also has a line to Ritsuko about being stoic being better than being emotional. I liked her a lot better in this movie than I did in the last one, as a result. I didn’t watch any of the other movies again before I watched this one, so a lot of the characters, names, and events weren’t fresh in my mind or anything. Most recently, I watched the first episode of the original series again with my brother, when he saw it was on Netflix. I might have understood things a bit better if I had watched those again, but then again, knowing Evangelion, maybe not. Overall, although I did like the last movie, I probably liked this one a bit better. It felt more coherent to me, and dealt with some of the things I found confusing from the last movie. If I recall correctly. But yeah. I just wrote this because I remembered writing a thing for the last movie, and I thought, “eh, why not do it again?”  I haven’t posted on this site in a while, but I remember writing about the last one on here, so eh. 
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lalahbug · 4 years
Can’t You Love At All? - Levi x Reader
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 2,222
My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: general It’s got some PG-13ish stuff,
Author’s Note: Originally posted on DeviantArt, under the same username, on 01/22/2017. Revamped/edited in 2020. 
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting. 
Story under cut
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          Levi watched her intently, as she sat with her squad, chatting about things from the training that day. He watched her walk over once Hange called her over.
          “Why don’t you sit at the Squad Leader table, like you're supposed to? Do you like your squad more than us?” Hange whined. ___ stared at her blankly. She was always calm, composed, rare smiles, and giggles. She was so very kind and caring, but it was clear, after being in the Survey Corps for years, she didn’t have much emotion left to her.
          “I have to make sure they know me, trust me. My last squad didn’t, that’s why I lost all but one of them. I can’t make that mistake again.”
          “You care so much about them, but I never see you look back with regret.”
          She glanced at Erwin. “If I let one death get to me, they all will. Erwin taught me the hard way.” She looked back at Hange, pushing some hair from her face. “You need a bath, you stink.”
          “Well, thanks, Levi.” Hange joked at her.
          “Personal hygiene shouldn’t be a chore, Hange. Take care of yourself sometimes.”
          “I can say the same to you.”
          “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
          “Relax! Go find someone to hang with besides your squad, go visit your sister on your days off. Take some time to yourself.”
          “I don’t need things like that. I am writing to my sister. I don’t need to visit her. I do my paperwork, train my squad, take care of myself, and read before going to bed.”
          “Don’t lie, we all know you don’t sleep.”
          “I sleep as much as I need. I can’t help that.”
          “Awww, I want you to find someone special though!” Hange leaned on ___, glancing at Levi, knowing of his crush on her.
          “There’s not a man on this planet I can trust to stay alive long enough for me to do so. Get off, I need to get back to my paperwork.” ___ pushed Hange off her before leaving.
          “Shorty! You’ve got to tell her.” Hange whined.
          “Tell her what?” Erwin asked.
          “That he likes her!”
          “Shut up, Shitty Glasses.”
          “I didn’t know you like ___,” Erwin commented.
          Levi rolled his eyes and left.
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          The next day was much of the same, but the conversation carried into relationships. Mainly past ones. “What about you, ___? What’s your favorite memory with a past lover?” Hange raised an eyebrow at her.
          “I don’t have one.”
          “What?! Why not?”
          “Because I’ve never had a lover.”
          “You’re funny!” Hange pushed her shoulder, but she just looked at Hange like she was stupid. “What! Really? Does that mean you’re a virgin?” Everyone looked at ___, wanting to know.
          “None of your fucking business.” ___ glared.
          “You are,” Mike commented, which made ___ blush a bit. A rare sight, everyone stared at her in awe.
          “What? How do you know, Mike?” He tapped his nose. “Are you saying you can smell out virgins? That’s gross but very interesting!” Hange leaned closer to him.
          “I’m going to bed.” ___ stood up and left.
          “That’s a bit shocking because of how pretty she is,” Erwin commented. “But then again, she never wants to get too close to anyone.”
          “Don’t you want to jump her Levi?” Hange giggled.
          “No.” He deadpanned, he stood up and left as well.
          Levi ran a hand through his hair, what everyone didn’t know, was that he had already confessed to ___. Almost a year ago, she flat out denied him and walked off. It still stung his heart to think about it. A knock at his door irritated him.
          ___ opened his door. “Erwin said you had my half of paperwork. I came to get it.” She walked up to his desk, scanning it.
          “You could just fucking help me with it. A lot of it will have to come back to me for approval anyways.”
          “Alright.” She sat down in the chair across from him. Extending her hand out. “Give it here, I’ll get it done then leave.”
          Levi silently handed her the paperwork. He relished moments like these. They were extremely rare, but he was able to enjoy her presence. Glancing up at her occasionally. Her posture was really cute, all curled up, writing away on the stack in her lap, bored eye and lips slightly parted.
          A few hours had passed before Levi looked up at her again. Shocked to see her asleep, her head resting against her fist, relaxed, softly breathing. He couldn’t help but smile at her, ignoring his annoyance that she fell asleep while doing paperwork. He noticed her breathe deeply before slowly opening her eyes, scanning her lap. She continued working, as though she never fell asleep. Levi loved this, but hated it at the same time, his feelings for her were only growing stronger.
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          ___ adjusted herself up onto her horse, Hange had finally got the funds to capture and test another Titan. Levi was behind, staring at her back, she glanced over her shoulder at him. She had felt his eyes on her. He looked back over to Hange.
          Everything was pretty calm while they set up the traps. ___ and Levi were sent out to go draw in some Titans. She was spinning a leaf in her hand looking down at the Titans on the ground. “Oi!” She glanced up at Levi. “Pay attention, brat.”
          “I am, I’m just doing something to keep thoughts at bay.”
          “Just don’t fuck up. I don’t have time to deal with Shitty Glasses and saving your ass.”
          “You’ve never had to save me before. Don’t get your panties in a twist, I can take care of myself. If I get in trouble, just let me die from my own stupidity.”
          “You’re a bitch.”
          “Proud to be if it means staying sane and alive.” Her face was as emotionless as his, which pissed him off.
          “Brat.” She shook her head a bit.
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          A flare was spotted so ___ shot off, not waiting for Levi, knowing he could easily catch up. Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance before going after her. His eyes widened as a variant jumped up and pulled down on her wires, throwing her into a tree.
          “Fuck.” She grumbled while slowly standing up, looking at the Titan, eye to eye. “That was just fucking rude. You could have broken my gear!” She scolded him, she had no fear of the Titans, which is why she got along with Hange so well. Moments later, Levi came by, taking the Titan down.
          “I told you to pay attention! Now you’re getting blood everywhere!” He lectured her, he was worried about the amount of blood gushing from her head.
          “It’s a head wound, there’s always more blood than necessary. Let’s just finish this and head home.”
          “Tch. Can’t you be more careful?”
          “Nope.” She gave him a sarcastic smirk, before shooting off.
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          While heading back with the captured Titans, Levi made sure to keep ___ close to him. She protested, but Hange could see how the blood loss was getting to her. Since Hange was in charge of this mission, ___ listened. So she sat in front of Levi on his horse. He tried very hard to focus on anything but her and how she would occasionally bump back into him.
               “Get off me. I’m fine.” ___ waved off a nurse trying to wrap her arm because of the scraps from hitting the tree.
          “You’ll get infected, hold still, brat.” Levi lectured her, she glared as the nurse wrapped up her arm.
          “Can’t you mind your own fucking business?” She spat at him, he gritted his teeth until the nurse left the room.
          “Can’t you love at all?” Levi growled at her, which caught her off guard for a moment. She gave him a softer look, pulling her eyebrows together with a mix of concern and annoyance. He sighed at her, he loves her too damn much to stay mad. “Do you not remember?”
          “What are you talking about?”
          “Are you fucking serious?” He glared at her. Scanning her face, seeing how her hair was a bit messed up from the bandage wrapped around her forehead.
          “Are you talking about that half-assed confession you gave?”
          “What do you mean, half-assed?”
          “You just walked up, said you loved me then just stared at me, no emotion. Of course, I’m not going to respond to that weak ass shit.”
          “Well, what the fuck did you expect?”
          “A man.” ___ deadpanned, Levi took a deep breath and decided to leave before fighting with her.
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          “Hey, Shorty. How is ___?”
          “She’s a bitch.”
          “What why?”
          “A year after confessing to her, she fucking tells me it’s because I’m not a man.”
          “Wait! She already knows?” Hange squealed.
          “I told her last year.”
          “What happened?!”
          “What the fuck do you think happened, she blew me off!”
          “Something about a weak confession.”
          “You didn’t kiss her or pull her close?”
          “What? Of course not.”
          “Well, that’s why Shorty! If you love her, don’t be scared to show her. That’s why she didn’t accept you. She likes you, I know it.”
          “Are you fucking serious?”
          “You’re so aggressive and certain in everything you do. How could she trust your confession if you couldn’t show her your normal passion? Can you even show love at all?”
          “Fucking, brat.” Levi turned on his heel to go back to the infirmary.
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          “Where the fuck is she?”
          “Hello, Captain. Squad Leader ___ checked out to go to her room for rest.” He clicked his tongue before heading towards her room.
                    Levi threw open her room. “Oi, brat!” He barked at her, but froze in place, noticing she was in the process of taking off her shirt. Her face flushed.
          “Get out!” ___ hugged her shirt to her chest.
          “What the fuck is that?” Levi closed her door, pointing at the wound on her side.
          “I got cut when the Titan threw me.”
          “Then why didn’t you tell the nurse?”
          “It’s not that bad, it just needs cleaning. It doesn’t even need to be patched. Now git!” She barked at him. Levi walked towards her, which was making her back up until her bare back touched the wall. “Go away, Levi!” Her face was burning up.
          Levi placed his hands on either side of her face. “I like it when you blush. It’s so rare but very enticing.” He kissed her neck, she pushed him off, causing her shirt to fall from her hand.
          “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She demanded an answer. She could feel her heart hammering inside her chest. “Levi!” She squeaked as he pressed her up against the wall more.
          “Oh, if I would have known this is how you would have reacted. I would have done this a long time ago. I never could have imagined your reactions like this.” He chuckled before kissing her neck more.
          “Levi! Stop!” She placed her hands on his chest, trying to push away.
          Levi stopped for a moment, looking into her eyes. “I love you, ___.” He pressed his mouth to hers, not waiting for any rejection. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. She still struggled against him a bit. “Let me love you.” He whispered, huskily, still not giving her time to respond. He pressed his lips against hers again, then nipping her bottom lip. ___ let out a strangled whimper, gripping on his shirt. Levi’s heart jumped at her reaction, shoving his tongue into her mouth, pressing his body against hers, so there was no space between them. They fought for dominance, ___ won for a brief moment, but Levi grabbed her ass, distracting her long enough for him to dominate her.
          Levi pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, ___ kept her eyes closed while she tried to catch her breath. Levi drank in her flush face, slightly parted lips, and noticed how long her eyelashes are. ___ opened her (e/c) eyes, meeting steel blues drinking in her face. Levi wanted to stare at her all day, this the closest he’s been to her in years. If it weren’t for that one day in training where he wrestled her to the ground, he never would have noticed how soft her skin looked.
          He put a cool hand on her cheek, she shivered slightly at his cooling touch. He examined how the small peach fuzz on her face stood up as he ran a thumb across her cheekbone. He smirked when he noticed the glance she did at his lips. Her heat radiant off of her face at the sight of his smile.
          “I love you, ___,” Levi whispered, he wanted an answer now.
          “I can see that.” She gave him her rare breathtaking smile, they always made his heart jump.
          “Brat.” She giggled and rubbed her nose on his. He couldn’t believe he was getting to see this side of her. It was so heartwarming.
          “You can’t die, now. You’ve taken too many of my bricks.”
          “I didn’t plan to. If you die. I’ll fucking hurt you.” She giggled at his stupid joke.
          Their faces resting back to their normal places, but they were both extremely content holding onto each other.
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
So we discussed this a couple days ago that how Lucas and Dean's dynamics are totally different to Luther and Diego's even though they're all the Idiot Four together. I finally came up with the perfect scenario to display that (Warning, it's long xD) :
So something goes wrong on a mission. I'm not quite sure what but let's say (off the top of my head, feel free to change it) Lucas and Dean disagree on a strategy that combines both their powers in the middle of a fight and as a result: Viktoria gets impaled in the shoulder with an arrow meant for a criminal, Five ends up jumping in front of a misfired bullet that was meant for Addison in an attempt to push her out of the way cuz she's distracted cuz of Viktoria and it jarrs her enough that she forgets to keep the criminal's attention who then knocks out the Reader for a couple of minutes who was coming up behind him. Bren is busy fighting another one with Kenny but luckily they manage to get the situation under control.
They come back home with few injuries given the severity of the situation but Viktoria and Five have lost a lot of blood. Addison and Reader have bruises and scrapes and the rest of them are also not quite well cuz this is the first time they had a mission that went quite so terrible.
The result is a horrible blowout in the parlor. The Hargreeves are worried sick and their questions to the anxious teens keep pushing and it ends up with Lucas and Dean straight up starting a fistfight until Kenny and Bren have to hold them apart and Addison comes in between them. (Reader is with Five and Viktoria, helping Grace patch them up).
The fight lasts for a couple of days and no amount of pushing from the Hargreeves has them agree to work it out. It only serves to make them more moody. The H8 mostly let them work it out on their own because they know they will, this isn't the first time. Although the Reader as the leader does make it a point to say the accident was nobody's fault and that not every mission is bound to go perfectly.
The following week Diego and Luther seek out their counterparts. Diego talks to Dean about always feeling frustrated cuz of Luther's pigheadedness and refusal to listen and how he understands how Dean must hate having to compromise for Lucas' ego. Luther complains about how Diego never listened to his authority even though he was team leader and tries to be sympathetic to Lucas saying he understand what it's like to have your better judgement ignored. They're both surprised when Dean and Lucas are more sad than angry at each other and are surprised when both teens get angry at the elder's projection on them
In the end, Luther and Diego end up observing how Lucas and Dean interact when fighting and see that even if they make snarky comments in the same vicinity, they never directly attack each other at their weakest points. It's mostly their usual jokes but with a bit of edge. Neither of them bring up the fight or serve each other the blame again. They even look sorrowful when Dean sees the bruise on Lucas' face and Lucas winces seeing Dean's limp.
They make up about four days to six days later. They both apologize. They sit down and talk. They end up hugging and then half an hour later they're laughing again and they're genuinely sorry. Maybe they even cry cuz they were so worried the other would still be mad at them for not cooperating.
Idk if someone would actually knock some sense into them beyond that. I think it's necessary cuz they are kinda thick sometimes. I feel like Luther and Diego would be confused about how the younger two got over everything so quickly and Five and Reader are in the room and basically tell them that "This is what you could have been if you weren't always fighting for Dad's/Reggie's approval."
And that's when Luther and Diego realize that Lucas and Dean have never fought each other for the title of smarter or more powerful. Heck, none of the H8 have. Even Five doesn't say he's better than the H8 (other than very rare teasing) even though he still occasionally says it in frustration to the Hargreeves and he actually means it. And Luther and Diego feel ashamed cuz these two boys who are so similar to them, put their affection and trust in each other first and their desire for power last and it's just a very humbling moment.
This ended up being really long but tell me what you think. If you'd add or change anything and whatnot etc.
I think since Viktoria’s skill relies on her ability to play the viola she wouldn’t be in the middle of the action where she could get hurt like that. Especially, since the fact that she needs two hands to play, she probably wouldn’t be anywhere near where someone could come at her. So I can’t see her getting hit with an arrow. I can see the reader getting hit by an arrow that had a messed up trajectory because Dean got distracted. And then I can also see that leading to a series of unfortunate events. The reader gets hit in the shoulder area with a stray arrow and accidentally throws one of her knives. Instead of it hitting a criminal it hits Addison in the leg sending her to the ground. With Addison on the ground, it gives way for the criminal the knife was supposed to be for to gain access to other members leading to some minor injuries for them.
Like this would cause a real fight because that means Dean directly hurt the reader who he sees as his twin sister and Lucas indirectly led to Addison, his girlfriend getting hurt. Not only would they be pissed at each other over the dispute that happened to cause these injuries but they’d be so upset with themselves. I also imagine along with them being upset with themselves,, on top of it you have Five, with all he has been through worried once more about his girlfriend.
And I agree that they would both be more so sad at the fight than angry because they’re homies, they’re best friends, and they didn’t mean it.
They definitely would be angry at Luther and Diego for projecting onto them though because just because they can’t get along and treat each other as equals doesn’t mean that Lucas and Dean can’t as well. They may be similar mini versions but they’re not carbon copies. And it throws Diego and Luther for a loop because it’s just like “wow are we really that messed up?” especially after the reader and Five point out that they were pitted against each other by Reggie.
But yeah those are my thoughts!
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monolithrose · 5 years
Big book of whiterose
Chapter: 5 (????)
prompt: Protective/angry Ruby is best Ruby
This takes place in volume 8 where they’re down in mantle fighting the Grimm and Ruby and Weiss run into Cinder again. Also, BLOOD WARNING!! READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED
“Stay away from her” Ruby hissed, more venom in her voice than in a death stalkers tail
“Oh, the rose has thorns” Cinder laughed
Ruby stayed quiet, glaring and tightening the grip on her scythe. Cinder was only trying to piss her off even more, and she wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of succeeding. Weiss hid behind Ruby, as much as she wanted to help her partner she was wounded and low on aura, continuing to fight would be a death wish.
Cinder and Ruby stood there, silently challenging the other to make a move. Ruby didn’t want to leave Weiss unguarded, and Cinder knew that. But Cinder didn’t want to leave her current position, if she did there was a high chance she’d get blasted by a beam of silver again. Weiss coughed and put a hand to her mouth, but when she looked at her palm her glove was stained in blood.
“Ruby...” She rasped
“I know” Ruby replied, she lowered her voice significantly “Grab my scroll out of my pocket and call for reinforcements” She whispered, moving the scythe so it hid Weiss’ hand grabbing her scroll
Weiss did as she was told and opened the teams group chat, typing the words ‘send help. sharing coordinates now’ she couldn’t call the two, if she did Yang would probably accidentally blow her cover and she wanted to be as quiet as possible. Weiss was sitting behind Ruby, leaning up against her leg in a position so she was mostly hidden by her cape and Cinder couldn’t see her.
Now all they could do was sit and wait, hoping Yang and Blake would get to them before Cinder made a move. Cinder hid behind a mostly clear glass shield she had built with dust and her semblance that the silver eyes couldn’t break through, if Ruby hit it hard enough it would break, but using such power takes a toll on her, it would leave her and Weiss vulnerable.
Weiss began coughing up more blood and felt like she was about to pass out, she put a hand over the gash in her side and desperately tried to stop the blood that had started gushing from the wound. Things began to get blurry and she could feel blood beginning to dribble from her lips. She felt like she was choking and began gasping for air. Ruby screamed her name and Cinder began taunting the silver eyed girl.
“Weiss! No, no, no!” She screamed, turning angrily to Cinder “You bitch!” She screeched at the girl. Ruby had dropped to her knees and was cradling Weiss in her arms, leaving her open for an attack.
Cinder chuckled “I never took you one for using such strong language”
Ruby looked at Weiss, she was choking on her own blood and gasping for breathe, then looked back to Cinder “Kill me. Kill me and spare her.”
“Oh, but that would be no fun, would it? I want to see you lose whats most precious to you, I want to see you suffer” She growled, they way she talked made it seem like it was a game to her.
Ruby saw red. She removed her cloak and maneuvered it around Weiss to try and stop the bleeding, leaned down to kiss her forehead, and whispered to her partner
“I’m sorry Weiss, I'm sorry I couldn’t protect you” She leaned in close “Blake and Yang will be here soon, I’ll take care of Cinder, wait for them if I...” She looked away to the ground sadly “I don’t make it”
Weiss desperately began trying to speak, begging Ruby to not do what she thought she was gonna do, but all that came out was more gasps and choked whimpers. All Ruby did was smile softly at her, then stand up and grab crescent rose from the ground. She had a death glare on her face, one that meant she was pissed.
Cinder eyed her, skeptically. A silver mist began bleeding off of Ruby’s eyes as she walked towards Cinder, scaring the maiden. She knew what those eyes were capable of. Ruby let out a yell of anger, ran forward, and began slashing at the shield with her scythe. Cinder panicked and ran out from the safety of her shield, avoiding every one of Ruby’s rage filled attacks. When Cinder was out in the open, Ruby activated her silver eyes.
A bright silver light filled the area and Cinder screamed in pain, but just as she was recovering Ruby smacked her across the face with the sniper form of her scythe. Cinder whipped her head towards the girl, fire bleeding out from the corner of her eyes. Ruby pressed the barrel of the gun directly onto her forehead
“If you even dare to move, I will pull the trigger” She warned
“Then you won’t be any better than me” Cinder laughed
“I can live with that”
Cinder looked shocked and angry, but Ruby’s icy glare and the way she held her sniper made her realize the leader wasn’t kidding. Cinder had hurt her partner, the person who meant the most to her, and thats what turned, sweet, lovable Ruby into a cold hearted killer who wasn’t scared to paint the ground with her brains. Less than a second later Blake and Yang came rushing in, looked at Ruby, then at Weiss, and both of them got an angry look on their faces.
“Rubes, lower the gun, we’ve got it from here” Yang said, approaching her sister. Ruby did as she was told and the blonde took her place, aiming the gun on her robotic arm at Cinder.
The first thing Ruby did was run to Weiss, who was being helped by Blake. Luckily, Weiss was breathing, but had passed out from the amount of blood she had lost. Blake was trying to stop the bleeding, but Ruby’s cloak had fortunately stopped a lot of the blood.
Ruby took her partner into her arms, brushing her blood-stained hair out of her face. She hoisted Weiss up into her arms and looked back to Yang, who still had her gun trained on Cinders forehead. With a simple nod of her head, Ruby signaled Blake to help the blonde.
“Should we leave her here or...?” Yang asked as Blake used her ribbon to tie her  hands behind her back
“Of course not, but right now Weiss is the main priority” Ruby looked at her partner “We have to get her to the hospital. now”
“Got it, we’ll take care of Cinder, you take care of Weiss” Blake said
“are you sure?” “Positive”
Ruby nodded in thanks and took off down the hall, running as fast as her legs could carry her. She was scared, of course she was. Weiss, her best friend and partner, could die. She had failed to protect her, she had gotten hurt because of her foolishness. Ruby choked back her tears and began thinking positive like she always did in these situations. No. Weiss wouldn’t die, she’s Weiss Schnee for crying out loud! She’s the strongest, prettiest, and most stubborn human alive. She would fight death with every ounce of strength she had. She’d tell the Grimm reaper to speak to her lawyer if he came to take her.
Ruby smiled at the thought of Weiss telling a skeleton in a dark hood and carrying a scythe to speak to her lawyer, it was definitely something she’d do. Yeah, Weiss would be okay. Of course she would. Ruby burst through the door of the nearest hospital that was luckily still open despite all the chaos Salem had caused. There were lots of people there, but none of them had wounds near as bad as Weiss’. Ruby had some cuts and burns, but it was something you could patch up with a first aid kit.
The nurse at the desks eyes went wide and she ran into the back, yelling for the doctor. Ruby held Weiss close, she had made it and her partner would be okay...
Have I learned to write angst? No. This was just an edited filler. Maybe I will make part 2 if u guys like it enough.
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