#it sounds. so pretencious
subatomicskud · 7 months
Upgrading to new headphones: wow the sound quality of these are amazing! You can actually hear the twinge of fear in the singers voice as they're about to record the first song of their debut album.
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pullakori · 6 months
Revive cherik 2024
Day 11. AU 
Stardew Valley AU
This one has been on my mind for ages and while my life is violently beating me down and I have no energy or time to write an actual fic, I wanted to share this one nevertheless.
There are endless possibilities how this could go, but these are the two I've had.
1. Charles as the farmer.
Kurt had taken the charge of Brian Xavier's company when he had died, turning it into a souless corporation, where Charles now works, but has no real power over. He is sick of Kurt's treatment of him and all the pretencious people who try to get close to him just to gain something. The frustration of the situation and the backstab world of business world makes him seek for an out. He finds  out that there is a farm that his grandfather had left for Brian and which had then been passed to him. So, he decides to leave the company and head towards Stardew Valley (Genosha Valley? Maybe not X'D)
The farm is in shambles, but Charles is not too defeated and starts to fix everything up slowly but surely. He meets the people who live in the town and most of them are happy to welcome him to the Valley and are encouraging of his efforts to start his farm. But when Charles meets Erik, the local blacksmith, when he brings most of his tools for a fixing, the other man is not too impressed. He fixes the tools, it's his job after all, but doesn't think that Charles, a rich city boy, will last even to the end of the year.
Well, Charles is ready to prove Erik wrong and works twice as hard as he had before. The beginning is rough, he knows next to nothing about agriculture, but he is if nothing else but stubborn and slowly learns and succeeds to turn the farm back to it's former glory. And maybe he also develops feelings towards Erik along the way. And the blacksmith also learns that there was more to Charles than he thought in the beginning.
2. Erik as the farmer
Erik is working for Shaw with minimum wage and it's slowly sucking his life out of him. He hates everything about his work, his coworkers, his boss and his current life. After one late night at work he finds a letter from his mother who passed away years ago. It tells him about a farm that belonged to her grandparents and his mother had planned to move there too, but her health made it impossible. But maybe Erik could find a nice life there. Erik hadn't payed too much attention to the farm mentioned in his mother's will, but now... It sounds just what he needs. So with a huge middlefinger, he leaves Shaw's company and heads to the farm.
It's in a bad condition, but Erik is ready to work hard for it and this time, the work feels actually meaningfull and at the end of the day he doesn't feel like he is slowly suffocating. The townspeople are pleasant too, if a bit nosy. Especially Charles, the teacher of the town, who lives in a trailer with his step brother. But as Eriks first crops grow, so do his feelings for the other man as they spend more and more time together. And suddenly Erik notices how he has become a part of the community.
Nevertheless who is the farmer, the end conflict would be:
The valley life is good and Charles/Erik has found a community there, where people care about each other and are like a one big family. Everything is fine, until Kurt's/Shaw's company arrives to the valley and threathens to change everything for the worse (capitalism, you know). Charles/Erik has to face the life they had left behind to save their newfound family. But this time, they don't have to do it alone.
And there is so much ability to customise this AU!
- Which x-men character is which stardew valley character (Even Erik and Charles don't have to be the ones I chose here. Erik could also be a struggling writer living in a cabin on the beach or a shopkeeper who is having a rivarly with Kurt's megamart. Charles in turn could also be a researcher, living with his sister's family near the mountains or a doctor, who has to patch Erik back together after a monster attack in the mines.)
- If you want a kid fic, you can make either Erik or Charles or both single fathers and have all or some of their kids there too.
- Could be an AU with or without powers. I usually prefer powered AUs myself so that's what I was thinking while planning this. But not a necessity.
- Would most likely end up as quite a fluffy fic, but there is also room for hurt/comfort for example.
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sliceoflifeshepard · 25 days
I need to share this hilarious line Gordon said during a roleplay with @nervousfandom
"Costa Coffee is a thing, Starbucks is the popular mean bitch at school that no-one but the tiktok girlie's seem to like." Gordon said, making a face.
He sounded so pretencious
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qwertyu858 · 9 months
They should teach you how to answer when your dad gets sappy and starts telling you he is proud of you
Like even 'thanks' sounds so pretencious and too prideful
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saezurumurmurs · 1 year
Hey!!...how are you??. I just wanted to ask you about what do you think about Alice Osman words about bl/yaoi. From my point of view, she sounds quite pretencious, because I dont feel "heartstoppers" is that great , and she just from be british she has the opprtunity a big plattaform as netflix oppen their doors, so she cant imagine what is been an asian author and how actually his work is BL.
Taking Advantage of A Fandom
I watched the show, and haven’t read the comic. However @absolutebl posted a terrific commentary on this issue a while back:
From my perspective, BL and by extension, yaoi, is a uniquely Asian sub genre of erotic romance.
Alice Osman is a British creator who wrote a young adult LGBT+ romance comic. So the comparisons made seem ‘convenient’ for ‘marketing purposes’.
I personally resent the accusations lobbed against fujoshi of fetishisation, because it’s rooted in anti-woman rhetoric and I won’t have my tastes dictated to me. Everybody has opinions, but not all of them are valid.
BL is full of problematic tropes, just like regular M/F romance… and I’ve been reading romance and erotica for forty odd years. But these tropes are part of romance as a genre, and these tropes reflect our lived context. To single out BL/Yaoi as unique is nonsense. The tropes exist because the reality exists. Storytelling exists to allow us to find empathy for one another.
There are some good academic pieces out there, that debate this far better than I can. What I can tell you is that the internalised and externalised misogyny regarding BL content, is quite painful to me. Somebody always gotta rush on to tell women what they can and cannot enjoy. Dictate their sexuality and shame them for their pleasures.
We literally can’t have a damn thing nice, without some bozo trying to make us feel bad because we like it. Chile, I’m too old for that shit. We are allowed to like what we like, and enjoy problematic media just like anyone else. We are people too!
And lest you think otherwise: homophobia and transphobia’s roots are in anti-woman thinking and policies. That women do it to other women… well, it’s nice to be somebody’s favourite pet isn’t it. You get a padded cage, and the best kibble.
Osman benefits from the BL label, even though her story isn’t in my opinion BL. But criticising and alienating potential readers within the BL fandom seems to be a bit of a sport across ‘BL’ as it’s being broadly defined here. Because throwing shade on fans happens too much… by too many creators both Asian and Western.
Which is interesting, because the global market consuming this content is HUGE. You don’t understand the numbers of people reading Painter of The Night. I believe last year, it was more than all the people who bought romance novels in the West COMBINED. So if you think the Western authors don’t know the market for their stories are pale compared to what BL is doing on a global level, I should encourage you all to get interested in the business of BL. There is a lot of money and soft power in it.
But because it’s a FEMALE audience interested in SMUTTY stories, well… it’s a PROBLEM. Even in the countries of origin.
I get that we should analyze the problematic tropes in BL/Yaoi, but that’s what storytelling is for. I’m not for false equivalencies, because I personally disdain most Western content… and where do you see these types of stories in profusion from Western creators? No place. That’s where.
Maybe Osman has feelings because her story is no Painter of The Night. Maybe somebody asked her one too many times about our smutty stories… and what we got was shade and salt.
I did watch Heartbreaker on Netflix, and it was cute but I don’t feel compelled to rewatch it, the way I do say KinnPorsche or Love In The Air. I haven’t been moved to hunt down the comic to find out what happens next, the way I did when I watched that last scene of Twittering Birds Never Fly: The Clouds Gather.
Chile… Osman could NEVA.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 2 months
Controversial opinion: I think when you are putting a foregin word in your languge it is totally fair to mess up plural/singular.
Or just in general, to apply the used languge grammar to the word.
It is just how languges work.
So as an example, I think it is valid to say 'pierogies'. English forms plural by adding 's' so 'pierogi' don't sound like plural at all.
And honestly who would remember plurals/singulars for all the foregin words they use?
Making fun of folks for applying consistent grammar to all the words in the sentence just because one of them if borrowed is just being pretencious.
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otomelavenderhaze · 2 years
speaking of armin in college do you have any headcanon on this? 🫶🏻
I sure have! Hold my beer, anon.
I can even believe that Armin is living alone now, the only thing I can't believe is that Alexy doesn't have a key from Armin's apartment and doesn't pop around casually with food or without food in the most random and inconvenient moments, doesn't matter if Armin attempt to change the lock, Alexy will always find a way.
Saturday night would be boys night with Kentin, Nathaniel and some of Armin's new friends to play D&D or movie night with a lot A LOT junk food, Armin says that girls are not allowed but somehow Candy shows up sometimes and spend some time with the boys too, nobody dares to kick her out.
It's pretty rare to see him around the campus, not gonna lie, but when Candy came back to town, he does shows up more, maybe even enrolled in some of the classes she's in just so they get to spend time together. When Alexy and Rosa pointed that out, Armin blushed hard and denied, which sounded like an admission.
While studying Armin is doing freelancer stuff and streaming on the side, he has an small community around 1.000/3.000 active members on twitch which he streams his favorite games, every friday night is spooky games time, and every monday is just chatting days if there's no new updates on games he keep up with. His presence on youtube is small, mostly highlights from his stream. However he does more money being a freelancer.
Because of the streaming and youtube stuff he gets around to make contacts and ends up working in small indie games from time to time, which is something he always gets excited about and gives him a boost of energy. By the end of each new project he's spend and begging for some change of pace.
Candy often spends the night on his place after they got back together and he always make time for her somehow, specially on weekends, Saturday is always her day for him and most times Sunday is also spend together - sometimes they get so engrossed on one another that monday morning classes get completely skipped.
Be a streamer made Armin be more open and strive on his easy going chatty side, also made him more open and mindful of people's different perspectives. His group of friends are just another new side of him also, shows that his charming personality work just as well on others as it does with Candy - and finding balance on his life is something Armin will struggle with but also learn that he can ask other's for help.
Unplugging dates on the weekends happen regularly, in which they get to go hiking/biking to some distant beach, moutain, natural park. If they don't go to those, they go do something else like driving to another city to have dinner in a new place, or go watch a performace in a pub or something else that Candy picks - HOWEVER Armin will learn how to appreciate it more because always streaming, studying and working as a freelance does make him stressed and getting to turn everything off and just do something new with her became valuable to him.
Armin calls Rayan the "pretencious sussy teacher" because "HE'S TOO HANDSOME AND NICE, I CAN'T TRUST", but after they have a conversation about video game being a new and more revolutionary type of art, they became buddies and now Rayan also plays LOL - which was a L for Rayan.
I hope you liked it!
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grnherbs · 1 year
orchid & ivy
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
- exit music (for a film) it's so harrowing and emotional and ugh I don't know, it sounds so pretencious but my god it's addictive, it's always in my on repeat
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
- my punctuation and capitalisation of words os usually a tell, i never speak like that if I know you well enough lol (but don't take that for gospel, sometimes it autocorrects and stuff lmao) also if i go silent or whatever (again sometimes i just forget to or adhd brain ahahha).
- if I'm happy then I'll write in all caps or loads of emojis or double texting etc ahaha
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Reading queer literature on the lawn under an old oak tree, listening to Taylor Swift. I AM the aesthetic.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
i know theres a lot of brave 'clothes textures matter' warriors out there but seriously i need more respect for fabric weight and drappy/clingy factors. sick of people thinking just cause 2 garments are made out of fabric cut in simliar shapes that means the garments are similar shapes. i am a 3d object. the shape of the clothes ON my body matter
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There is something extremely romantic and dark academic about studying greek in a house near the sea, hearing the waves in the background, muffled by the sound of Achilles Come Down playing in your earphones, and focusing on your illegible notes and your vocabulary as old as time. 
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antinomyelin · 3 years
Im not happy. im not happy with my life and im not happy with myself and I dont know what decision to make. My therapists advice was not helpful to me. I feel like im standing at a crossroads where making any kind of choice is going to create radically different versions of myself in an alternate reality where i make that choice instead. I dont know what I want. I know there are worse things to cry about and I feel like I have no right to feel anything at all.
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starxscream · 3 years
its so so cold at my work. idk why this desk is like the arctic and i have over 2 more hours to go
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
SVT’s Spotify playlists are a wild time
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knyzarchive · 4 years
60 million speakers 😦💔
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bxmbshelle · 5 years
classic rock really prepares you for future breaks up of modern bands. this band i really just got into has been on a hiatus since 2017, which is absolutely nothing to mean since some of my favorite bands broke up before my mom was born and half the members are dead.
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