#it still sounds demonic. actually. but slightly less now. !!!
fukounaboy · 5 months
I wanna play genshin but. I also wanna keep making bundles.....v badly.........
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bones4thecats · 29 days
LMK Characters When Their Kid Is Born
Characters: Ao Lie, Azure Lion, Nine-Headed Demon (Xiangliu), and Sun Wukong Inspired By: My love for these characters A/N: I loved writing this so much. Took some time, but I loved it so much. I literally fell asleep writing this like three times, so I've been taking longer to actually get it done, I apologize for that! But still, enjoy! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of being delivering a baby, maybe hints of generational issues(??), slight angst, fluff, and the character's friends being just too much😂 ⚠️
Disclaimer: The Reader is female in this (cause y'know... pregnancy)
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╚═════ Ao Lie ════════════════════════════════╝
🐲 You were there when the Samadhi Fire was sealed away. And you would be lying if you said you weren't terrified for the life of your husband, Ao Lie, when he blocked an oncoming blast with his draconian form
🐲 Ao Lie still acted the same, but he did seem to have a slightly different aura. It wasn't a huge change, but it wasn't very small either. Despite the changes, you were so happy he was okay, so much so that you cried in front of the other Pilgrims, Ne Zha, Demon Bull King, and his infant son
🐲 It was years later that you two decided to finally start a family, and that happened with the blessing of your twins, one named Tang after your friend, Tang Sanzang, much to his joy. And slightly later your daughter you had named by the Pilgrims group's decision. They all, after a couple hours of debating, decided you name her Xuelian, after the same lotus that you had put on her hat after birth
🐲 You looked down at your second-born with a gentle smile before drifting off to sleep, leaving Ao Lie wide-awake and lightly tickling his son's stomach, causing the tiny being to giggle at his actions
"Who's a cute little baby dragon? Who's a cute baby Tangy?" He cooed at the newborn.
🐲 It was after Ao Lie began to check the surrounding area for any off-putting aura, as he was protective over his children and now unconscious wife, to a degree that nobody else saw but you three
🐲 Ao Lie's eyes burst open as he looked down at his son in his arms. He felt something wrong with his aura... like there was something blazing inside of him that shouldn't be. Because there was
🐲 Your husband shivered before he started to cry. The fourth ring of the Samadhi Fire was now not inside of him, but now inside his oldest child. In his baby boy...
"No... no..."
🐲 As the young boy laughed and the sound of you and your daughter's snoozing breaths echoed in the room, Ao Lie sat there, his face above Tang's as he cried. Why did this have to happen... why couldn't he suffer with the ring inside of him. Why was this world to twisted...
🐲 How was he going to explain this to you...?
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╚═════ Azure Lion ═════════════════════════════╝
💠 You and Azure smiled at one another as he held his son. He looked almost exactly like his father, minus the fact that his father had extremely long hair while his was like tiny stalks of vegetables
💠 Azure was excited to become a father ever since you had told him, and he was even more stoked when you guys found out you were having a son. It was only a few hours afterwards that Azure and you finally picked his name; Wangshu, after the hope that you both held during your battles together
💠 Yellow Tusk, Peng, Sun Wukong, Demon Bull King, and Macaque were all sitting outside of your room. They had been ever since you went into labor, but, as your two midwives' orders when the painful-yet-happily-ending process started
💠 The midwives, Yinghua and Yulan, looked at you two and smiled. Yulan asked if you wanted to see the rest of the Sworn Brothers or if you guys wanted more time alone with your baby
💠 Azure looked up at you and said it was your call. He knew he wasn't the only one who could make these decisions, so he left some up to you. Here, he could care less, he just wanted his son in his arms and his wife next to him
"Go ahead and bring those stinkers in..." you said lowly.
💠 Your husband played with Wangshu's tiny hands when the two women left the room to tell the others they could come in and see you. Thankfully, your doorways were all modified so that the rest of the boys didn't destroy them when walking into a room due to heights and wingspan's
💠 Funnily enough, it was Macaque and Demon Bull King who ran into the room first, with Yellow Tusk and Wukong next and Peng being the last, and calmest one out of the group
💠 Wukong smiled happily as Azure held his son out for the others to look at, and he just laughed when the others began to make their comments on the matter
"He looks just like you, Azure!" -> Yellow Tusk
"Yeah, if I had a say in it, I would've guessed he was purely yours." -> Peng
"Why is he so small... is this what babies are all like?" -> Wukong
"Yes, Wukong. That's what all babies are like at first." -> Demon Bull King
"Yeah, they don't come out all grown up. Do you know how much that would hurt a woman when pushing the thing out? It's like a bean versus a watermelon." -> Macaque
💠 As they continued their conversations, you reached over and grabbed Azure's arm, causing him to look at you. He knew what you wanted, you wanted to hold your son again. And he obliged that request
💠 Azure handed your son to you and kissed your forehead before saying;
"You did amazing, my love. Thank you for giving me the best gift I could ever ask for."
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╚═════ Xiangliu ═══════════════════════════════╝
🐍 Xiangliu and you always shared the same wish in life; the wish to be back where you belong and not stuck in the Underworld surrounded by the idiots who called themselves a 'court'
🐍 You both played your parts in your plan perfectly. But it all went awry when you found out you were pregnant, and let me just say this for you; it was a hard one due to your differentiating parts that the baby got from your lover
🐍 He was nervous when you went into labor. Oh who am I kidding, he was beyond scared. He may portray himself as heartless, but this guy does have a heart deep down in his scaly chest
🐍 Xiangliu looked around as he played with his hands and snake-headed hair. The snake acted the same as him, scared, but as they had no actual form out of his, they shivered whilst he heard the screams coming from you
🐍 Yes, he knew it was pathetic to be waiting outside of the delivery room in this scenario, since it was your first child, but he just couldn't stand seeing you in pain. So, while he sat there, he waited to be called in my either the Underworld's doctor or one of their nurses
"Tenth King, sir. Your wife's delivery-"
"How are they?!"
"-was fine. There were hardly any complications, just a hint more bleeding than normal, but nothing we couldn't fix easily. If you want, we are about to get your daughter back in here, the nurse is just cleaning and wrapping her up."
"Y-yes. Thank you."
"It is of no problem."
🐍 As he practically ran inside the room, he saw you sitting there asleep. No doubt you were extremely wore out from the ordeal, which was understandable. If he went through that pain, he'd probably pass out too
🐍 You rested while the Nine-Headed Demon sat in a nearby chair, which he pushed up next to your bed, and laid his head down on your upper thigh, rubbing in it a comforting motion while he waited on your daughter to be brought to you both
🐍 The nurse walked in just a couple minutes after you awoke, much to Xiangliu's joy. The woman handed you the baby and the snake-haired demon smiled gently as you laid there holding her
🐍 It was only when the nurse left the room and he knew that nobody else could see you guys that he pulled down his hood, revealing the handsome man that he was in your eyes. You smiled gently as he kneeled slightly and allowed his own serpents to coo around the tinier ones that made up your child's hair
🐍 Hopefully, your wish would come true soon so you could get your daughter the experience you wished that you had all of your life. So that not only she and you could be free, but so that Xiangliu could be free too. Free to teach your daughter everything she wanted to know without any limits
"What should we name her?" You asked, lightly rubbing your fingers around her blanket.
"Hm. How about Yong? It means eternal."
"Our eternal ball of chaos... I love it."
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Xiangliu."
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╚═════ Sun Wukong ════════════════════════════╝
☀️ He was pleased when you announced your pregnancy. Wukong really wanted his own family growing up, and while the monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain did suffice for a bit, he just wanted a real family
☀️ And as the nine months passed, he studied as much as he could and tried listening to the others (Li Jing) as best as he could to gain some knowledge on fathering
☀️ When your baby began their journey of bringing you pain, Wukong had gotten a surprise door-knock-down from Ne Zha, whom was panting and just grabbed his arm before pulling him up to your home on the mountain. It was a mere half-hour or so later when the Monkie Kids arrived
☀️ As you screamed in pain, Wukong held your hand, falling to his knees at the grip you held on him. He knew you were strong, but sweet Heavens!
☀️ Wukong fell to the ground when you finally let him go as when he heard the baby's cries, he snapped up and looked at his child with widened eyes and a couple tears forming in said eyes
☀️ You smiled at him and leaned your forehead against his, and while your baby was getting cleaned up by the nurses, Wukong stayed with you in the same position, occasionally moving to kiss your head in comfort
"You did good, baby."
☀️ Staying there until the nurse came back in with your baby, she told you the gender, that being a little boy, and asked you what you guys wanted to name the little Monkey Prince
☀️ Looking up at your husband with a quizzical face, you asked him what he wanted to name him
"How about... hmm... Chan-Juan? It means moon... I think."
"No, that doesn't sound right..."
"Uhm, Huojin? Means fire and metal."
"No! Damn why is it so hard to name a kid?"
"MK? How did you get here?"
☀️ Monkie Kid smiled and lightly scratched the back of his neck nervously before walking up to you and awing at your son that laid in your arms sleeping. Like father like son...
"Tang used his staff to get us here. Apparently he can do that, weird right? Anyways, what's this little guy's name?"
"Not sure... Wukong's recommendations just don't sound right."
"Hey, I tried."
"Yes, honey, you did. Remember that Bull King's first name choice for Red Son was Prince Burnson."
"What about Hong? It means rainbow! It sounds cute 'cause, y'know... Sun Wukong and Y/N, the Goddess of Rainbows and Color?"
"Hong Wukong... I like it."
"Heh, nice job, kid!"
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shadesoflsk · 4 months
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pairing: arthur morgan x fem reader
summary: arthur didn't believe he was worthy at all. however, you made it your duty to turn harsh words into self love.
warnings: reader is drunk, mentions of death, a bit suggestive at the end.
word count: 1.7k
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Arthur was a man of few words. Blunt and straightforward statements were his way to go. He was well-spoken, don't get it wrong. But it seemed that his knowledge in words shone the brightest when a plethora of adjectives slipped from his lips at the sight of him in the mirror.
Staring back at him, was a madman. A garbage at most. Dull, horrible, and not worthy of a penny even though a bounty was placed on him.
However, life worked in mysterious ways when someone appeared in his life. He was no longer a cloud on a sunny day but a star in a clear sky. His eyes, at least for now, had a glint that has been lost ever since…—he doesn't know when or which was the ultimate instance in which happiness left his life.
You were a sight for sore eyes, a bandaid for a wound. A one and only in a world of forever ‘ifs.’ A constant where finite was the sole possibility. And lastly, a sweet fragrance mixed with the smell of gunpowder and death. 
However, he seldom thought about a calm life. He was not deserving of silence since it meant replaying his life through his eyes. Maybe that’s why his own mind was sabotaging his happiness. Life as an outlaw at least gave him a purpose, trying not to get killed left him with no time to dwell on his own low self-esteem. 
“You ugly bastard…” Sour as always but not less honest. In his mind, it was a payback. An attempt to not be in debt with life or whatever entity above him. He didn’t deserve a good life, so a few insults at himself would make things even.
Despite the harsh words he shared with himself, there was a chirping but endearing voice that told him otherwise. Ugly would be replaced by beautiful and old with young. 
But words weren’t enough if his shell was hard to crack. Therefore, the change had to come from him and not from a third person. 
"Arthur….” An intoxicated voice called him and brought him back to reality, to his reality. Both of you have shared some drinks that led to being somewhat drunk. Alcoholic beverages affected you a tad more than him, but that didn’t mean you were unconscious.
You were indeed very conscious.
“You know I love you, right?” And perhaps his own demons subtly pull him to believe your words are just drunk rambles. Lies mixed with a hint of just neediness and stupidity. No wonder, he doesn’t let you drink. Because he now has to deal with the slow poison of not being actually loved.
Damn you.
You share a cabin, you share a room and you definitely share days in which boredom was the pillar of your new life. A boredom not less welcomed but still so foreign to the rough man. But of course, in his messed up mind that didn’t mean you loved him.
“You’re drunk…”
His insecurities drowned out any joy he could feel. Dismissing your words was easier than accepting a reality he had never experienced.
Loving himself.
“I am drunk. You’re completely right sir.” The little show you were giving him was rather amusing. He had dealt with a drunk you many times before, but now it seemed there was a sense of purpose behind your actions. 
“But I’m simply telling the truth.” A waterfall of I love you’s escaped your lips. As if every one of them tried to make its way deeper into his system and plant a seed of self-worth.  
Clumsily, your body fell on top of him. However, you were conscious enough not to knock him towards the bed but rather straddle his lap. A poor attempt at caging him and stopping him from evading your words.
A faint of irritation coursed through Arthur as your voice rose slightly. But not at you but at his own incompetence of believing your words as beautiful as they sounded. Nonetheless, he was weak when feeling the warmth of your body embracing his. A reminder of you being alive and well next to him.
“Quit your rambling and sleep, you drunken fool lady.” His words may have sounded harsh but deep down, a tender tone hid behind his call out. Especially with how his hands protected you from falling. 
A smile formed on your face as you felt Arthur’s hands on your lower back. A few months ago, you had told him you felt safe with him, his reply was no more than a scoff but that moment wouldn’t leave his mind. And although he could only see the hands of a killer, he ought to protect you no matter what.
That was the least he could do.
“You may say that but…” Your hand caressed his stubbled cheek. “Drunk words are…” A hiccup escaped your lips. “Drunk words are sober thoughts.”
And they damn were. Even when alcohol wasn’t running through your veins as it does now. I love you’s were more common than greetings at this point.
“You ain’t makin’ any sense, woman.” He whispered, brushing back some hair that was sticking to your forehead.
“You don’t make any sense either, Arthur Morgan.” You replied, this time a bit more serious than all of your previous ‘yapping’.
He groans, knowing you were right. There were days in which his existence didn’t make any sense, at least for him. 
You knew that this simple talk wouldn’t do anything to the so-wounded Arthur. His heart has built an armor so strong that not even truthful words could destroy it. You shifted in his lap and slowly moved closer to him.
“Let’s do something else.” A glint appeared in your eyes as you came up with an idea to sort out the root of the problem.
However, Arthur completely misunderstood your intentions.
“I ain’t doin’ nothing with you. Look at the state you’re in.” He stated firmly. 
“You fool of a man. It ain’t nothing to do with that sort of thing.” You softly punched him in his chest, not really aiming to hurt him but rather reprimand him. 
“Just… hear me out, okay?” Your eyes locked with his blue-ish ones. Amidst the drunken state you were in, your intentions were as clear as if you were sober. “You’re gonna repeat after me, got it?”
“I don’t like this.” Arthur muttered, his nose scrunching up a bit.
You paid no mind, already getting your plan to work. “Listen closely.” 
A hint of curiosity flashed through his eyes as he couldn’t really make out what you wanted him to do. 
“I love you.”
Arthur rolled his eyes at your words. Words he had heard (and said) so much. But there was not a day he did not yearn to hear it from your lips. 
He couldn’t help but sigh, a facade to hide how much he was starting to let himself drown in the feeling.
“I love you.” He finally obliged, his eyes squinting when he saw you grinning.
“Oh honey… I know.” You cooed but your chuckles were obvious to a confused Arthur. You were light-heartedly teasing him.  “But you were supposed to change the ‘I’ for ‘You’ and the ‘you’ for ‘me,’ silly”
“That’s not what the word ‘repeat’ means.” His words are accompanied by his own self of teasing. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Shut up Arthur….” 
“A little demanding for someone who can’t even sit straight on my lap.” And finally, a feeble smile adorned his face. 
“Go on.” You frowned, already waiting to continue with the little game or experiment you were both taking part in.
“You love me?” He repeated questioningly, expecting some kind of correction on your part.
“Very much.” You emphasized, letting your words linger in the air for a bit before coming up with another phrase, another affirmation he had to repeat. “Now… ‘I’m worthy’.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, he hadn’t even said the word yet and it already felt so foreign to him. Worthy of what?
“Say what?” He feigned ignorance, knowing damn well what your little plan was. A playful smile was on his face.
“Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.” You persisted, not allowing him to escape from the inevitable. “Repeat it.”
You gently held his face, your noses brushing in an endearing display of affection. And for a few seconds, both of you just stayed there, embracing the warmth of shared love and unspoken intimacy. 
Maybe he was indeed worthy. Worthy of having someone next to him every time he wakes up. Worthy of having a warm meal every day, and having someone he could so easily love.
Both of you are grinning like idiots, you were drunk on alcohol and he was in the love you were—or rather always provided. 
Reluctantly, slowly, and carefully. He thought about those two words and let them set in his brain before saying them. 
“I’m worthy.” He finally repeated… or confessed? His mind was still adamant to believe it. But acceptance is the first step for a change and you have taught him about the art of betterment.
A lump formed in his throat as he looked into your loving eyes. A feeling of purpose suddenly rushed back to him. After all these years, this was the first time he actually felt worthy. 
“So worthy…” A loving kiss was pressed against his lips. Your words were a silent prayer and the dim room was your sacred place. If God existed he surely did an amazing job forgiving him. 
Arthur’s eyes fluttered closed as your lips locked with his. He was no stranger to your affection but damn he would never say no to them. A strange sense of hope washed over him, maybe this was the beginning of a new era.
He had everything, it was time to enjoy it.
“So worthy…” He repeated even though he wasn’t mean to. Those were your words, but now he managed to sing them as if they were a song he was learning. 
And the phrase was repeated over and over that night. When your eyes got tired of being opened and when the alcohol finally took its toll on you. It was repeated when you finally fell asleep and he admired the face of his life partner. And it was repeated over the course of days, when he found his home inside of you, letting his body show how much he adored you.
Arthur was a man of few words. But now, his mental dictionary was completed and the insults were soon replaced with only words of affection.
Worthy of life and love.
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falling-star-cygnus · 8 months
somebody reblogged my appleradio post and tagged it as "not a ship" ...
anyway, budding qpr Lucifer and Alastor because i love them :D Duckie Deer pt.1 {pt.2}
{Lucifer is hunched over his new desk in Charlie's hotel, his grin bordering on maniacal as he puts the finishing touches on his newest rubber duck. In a flourish, he holds the little thing high- or as high as he can feasibly reach anyway- in the air}
"Now presenting..."
{The King of Hell pauses for dramatic effect, despite not actually having any audience except the judgmental stares of his scattered ducks}
"The Wendigo Peace-Offering Red Radio Rubber Duck! ...That switches hands!"
{Lucifer grins a bit more genuinely as the little thing teleports from one hand to the other, twisting into the shadows between his fingers and out to his palm. The more tolerable version of it's intended recipient, he thinks}
{For the sake of Charlie, he had begrudgingly decided to try and befriend the agitating Radio Demon. After all, if they were going to be sharing the space here for the foreseeable future it only made sense for them to get along, right? Or at the very least, try to tolerate each other}
{And what better way to do that then with a rubber duck?}
"Heh heh heh..."
{The king chucks the duck at the door}
"Who am I kidding, nobody wants a rubber duck look-a-like. That's weird, it's a weird gift!"
{As Lucifer rants, he fails to notice the rubber contraption nailing the object of his ire in the forehead. It bounces with a squeak into red tipped hands}
"I'd argue talking to yourself is weirder, your highness."
{That familiar mocking drawl and static covering, the sarcasm on his title, it causes the king to whirl around. Alastor is indeed standing in front of his door, pinching the horn of the duck between his claws with a raised eyebrow}
"Alastor! Just the annoy- uh- just the demon I wanted to see. At this exact moment. ...How much of that did you hear?"
{Smooth. Totally nailed that.}
{One of the hair tufts upon Alastor's head twitches in his direction, confirming Lucifer's suspicion that they were, in fact, ears. It's embarrassing how much effort it takes to stifle the coo that wants to erupt from him at the subconscious movement}
{He has a feeling the Radio Demon wouldn't take kindly to it}
"Hm... Is there any particular reason for this... look-a-like, as you called it? I can't imagine anyone in either of circles would appreciate a duck of my visage."
{Oh good. So just the last part, then. He could still salvage this}
"It's for you!"
{Lucifer sounded too eager. Waaay too eager, actually, if Alastor's steadily raising eyebrow was anything to go by. The king clears his throat}
"Ahem. Uh- it's for you, actually. A peace offering! Since we're going to be around each a lot more often, I figured- well, we might as well try to get along- right? For Charlie's sake. Not- not because you're tolerable. Or because I like you. Heh. No."
{The deer demon blinks slowly, raising the rubber duck up to his eye by it's horn. His perpetual smile- seriously, is that thing stitched on or something? -looks painfully strained.}
"Is that so?"
{His voice is less staticky then usual, which encourages the King to keep going. Lucifer nearly lunges forward, grabbing Alastor's hands and adjusting the duck to rest in one of the Radio Demon's palms}
{He feels a little bad for the flinch and hitch if static that comes with it, but he ignores it for Alastor's sake. He'd like a comment about that even less then a comment about his adorable ears}
"What are you do-" "It switches hands!"
{Alastor quiets at that, his glare softening just slightly around the edges with a blink. Again, Lucifer takes the small allowance and runs with it. He uses his thumbs to push against the joint of Alastor's fingers, furthering flattening his palms; an awkward laugh spills from him}
"Hah- Give it a try! Just- think about it switching and-"
{The duck slinks into Alastor's other palm before the king can finish his sentence. It goes back and forth a few times, filling the deer's eyes with a sense of unguarded wonder that has Lucifer's breath hitching}
{It's gone as soon as Alastor remembers his company}
{The Radio Demon pulls his hands away from Lucifer's, keeping the duck tucked securely in his hand. The king tries not to mourn the loss, both of his surprisingly warm fingers and of the glimpse into his head Lucifer was so graciously privy to today}
{Baby steps, he reminds himself. Something dangerously hopeful stirs in his chest}
"I see..."
{Alastor looks, on some level, like he's lost his footing. He came in here expecting to trade insults like usual, no doubt, especially after getting bonked with a rubber duck of all things upon entering}
{And instead he's left cradling a gift made in his image}
"Well! It'd certainly be rude to refuse such a thoughtful gift from his majesty. Even if it's a silly one."
{It's a feeble attempt at regaining control at best, they both know it. Lucifer sticks his hand out with a flat expression.}
"If you don't like it, give it back."
{Alastor's smile tightens, just like his grip on his rubber duck}
"Now, now, I just said it'd be rude to refuse. Surely your manner aren't lowering themselves to your height?"
{And just like that, normalcy is restored as Lucifer sputters at the jab. The king stomps forward, maybe childishly but no one who matters is around to judge him-}
"What did you even come up here for? If I recall, your 'radio tower' is on the other side of the other side of the-"
{The deer demon had stepped on a wild rubber duck in his subtle attempt to keep distance between them and with a burst of static, Alastor had begun to fall backwards}
{Lucifer acts on instinct and summons his cane,- he's pushed his luck with touch already today- bracing it behind the wendigo's back.}
{It leaves the two in an... awkward situation to say the least. Alastor's long legs pulled out from under him and his lanky torso held up purely by the thin rod of his staff.}
{It leaves Lucifer looking down for once to make eye contact}
"...who's the short one now?"
{Alastor melts into shadows, still holding the rubber duckie look-a-like in one hand as he reappears behind the king. He can feel the radio demon's hand on his collar preventing him from falling flat on his face.}
"Still you, my friend."
{...friend. Lucifer could get used to that.}
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
I saw the requests for fics were open I just need to ask if it's ok to put one in and if it's ok to have an x reader even if platonic bc honestly I'm in a mood lol and I am craving LER ALASTOR idk why and I love your fics and you are a great writer
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"Good night"
Summary: You were struggling to sleep that night, so in defeat, decided to just give up and stay up all night. Sadly for you, Alastor didn't exactly approved your idea.
Warnings: Swearing.
Bags under your eyes would appear if you didn't go to sleep, and you knew it pretty well. It sucks, really sucks, but laying down on your bed doing nothing and being unable to finally take a good night of sleep sucks the double of those two combined.
As much as the TV wasn't that entertaining, it was enough to keep you awake and slightly less bored.
3AM, still nothing. You took a nap on the couch, but then woke up again. Did you actually took a nap? Or did you brain just turned off? Not sure, not bothered enough to care.
But, suddenly, something else finally got your eyes off of the screen.
"And what are you doing down here so late?"
The sudden voice made you stop on your tracks, jump even, as it came right after hours of silence.
"Jesus fucking Christ Alastor, I almost had a heart attack!" You took a deep breath, calming yourself down. "I'm just watching TV."
Alastor looks to the TV with the corner of his eyes, squeezing them slightly to show his displeasure. "Those things can be quite unhealthy at this time, my dear. Why don't you just turn this off and go to sleep?"
"Because I don't wanna and I can't sleep." You didn't even wanted to sound abrupt, but your filters slowly disappear when you grow more and more tired.
"Now that's just rude." Replied, not offended at all but rather keeping this in his mind for later. "Can't sleep, you say? Well, I have a solution for that." He added with a confident grin.
"...does it include hitting my head onto a wall to knock me out or something?"
Alastor stared at you with a blank face, blinking a few times. "Two solutions."
You rolled your eyes and finally sat, raising an eyebrow. "What solution?"
Alastor lets out a snicker, and with a single snap of his fingers, both of you are back on your room. You fell on your bed a bit too aggressively, but it's not like he cares.
"We only need to get rid of that energy of yours. I'm sure it'll be as easy as pie, you're already almost falling asleep."
"Uh... okay... and what's your plan, exactly?"
Your question made him look at you mischievously, which startled you and already made you let your guard up.
But before you could react, something pinched your side right behind you. As you looked, it was one of Alastor's little creatures. Is that a little man? A doll? A little demon? A pet? Whatever this thing is, made you flinch with a single touch.
And just like Alastor could spawn one of those, getting more of them needed the exact same effort.
"What are those??"
"Oh, I never really gave them names, so call them whatever you want. They're also harmless."
Three of them surrounded you, poking your upperbody in different spots while giggling.
"H-Hey! Gehehet off!" They may be weird but also looked weirdly adorable, what made you hesitated on pushing them away. "Thehehey're tick-"
But you stopped yourself right away. It got the other demon's attention, since your fit of giggles was definitely not the cause of the sudden hold up.
"Did you just interrupted yourself?" He asked teasingly, leaning towards you with a more bratty smile.
"Whahahat?! Nohohoho!"
Alastor shrugged, throwing his staff lightly from one hand to another. "If that's the case, I must have misunderstood. After all, there's no reason for you to not say 'tickle'." His head turned back to you, curiously. "Correct?"
As they keep tickling you, you ended up falling on the bed, rolling back and fourth as a poor attempt to escape. "ShuhUHUHUT UP!"
The deer chuckled at your reaction to it. "Oh, I'm not the one who should! Your volume may wake up someone in the hotel."
"Thehehen STOHOP!"
Your words entered his ear and leaved the other, or even worse, didn't even entered in any at the first place, as everything he did was look at his nails.
"I can't, I already promised to help. It is getting you tired after all-"
Your tone suddenly increased in a... huge volume. More than he expected, what startled the guy. Wanting or not, if anyone wakes up he'll end up getting in trouble aswell, so he's thinking twice about his plans.
However, something is off for him. Once you lay down, you didn't got up again nor tried to. It definitely isn't bothering you as much as it looks like, and this fact did not make it worse for himself. More likely to be the opposite, as an encouragement.
The inner conflict was agonizing to keep, and Alastor's eyes show that. With a sigh mixed with a humming, he snaps his fingers, finally sparing you from the shadows.
Your laughter slowly died down, and without realizing, your face shifts to one of disappointment.
"Hah... heh... what..?"
The taller one sits by your side, avoiding visual contact but, for some reason, not the physical one.
Before you could react, Alastor quickly recomposed himself, looking at you with a cheeky grin once again while his own hand touches your stomach.
"It is unfair for me to get punished because of your sensitivity, so I'll try something lighter this time."
The demon's fingers began to scratch, but not hurt, tickling you in a slow yet surprisingly effective way. You grabbed his wrist, but didn't have the courage to take it off as you knew it would come to an end if you did.
Your chuckles, snorts, cackles, any noises you would make, would spread the room as long as he wanted, and the silence would only return once you're finally asleep.
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nyoomerr · 10 months
Incoming prompt, if you don't already have enough! Bingqiu or Bingyuan, either is fine. Binghe is in the kitchen, cooking. Sy (or Sy!Sqq) comes up and maybe hugs him from behind while Binghe is forming dumplings or whatever and, for the very first time, jokingly calls him wife. At least he tries to make it sound like he's joking, but it comes across yearning, entirely too serious. Binghe, too, doesn't laugh. It's a bit too close to what he desperately wants to be, it hits way too close to his heart. So theyre both just standing there, silent, testing out the feel of it and being aware that the other one is just as affected.
The feeling of that scene could be tender and a bit fragile and silently intimate, full of unspoken feelings?
But yeah, feel free to disregard that if you don't want to write it or change it as you see fit^^ Have a nice day<3
zar u know i'll always write goodies for u if u ask 😘😘
It - it really had been a joke, Shen Yuan swears! He’d only wanted to poke fun of Luo Binghe a bit, this great and fearsome demonic emperor who’d crossed entire worlds just to stand in Shen Yuan’s dingy kitchen and make dumplings. 
Luo Binghe was even wearing that stupid frilly pink apron he’d found shoved in one of Shen Yuan’s drawers - a gag gift that Shen Yuan hadn’t quite worked up the nerve to actually give to Luo Binghe, but that Luo Binghe himself seemed quite pleased with as soon as he’d learned it was, indeed, for him. Dressed up like that, diligently working on dinner hours in advance, wasn’t that basically asking for Shen Yuan to come play with him a bit??
So Shen Yuan had only wanted to have a bit of fun, nothing serious!! Nothing serious, okay?!! 
…But ah, why was it that when Shen Yuan came up behind Luo Binghe, tugging playfully at the frills of his apron and then dancing his fingers up further to tug at his hair, too -
“What are you, ah, my wife?”
- why was it that his words didn’t sound nearly playful enough for what he was asking?!!
Luo Binghe’s fingers stutter around the dumpling he’d been folding, making it come out a bit lopsided and misshapen. He clears his throat, delicately setting the dumpling down. Shen Yuan still has his hand in Luo Binghe’s hair.
“...Could I?” Luo Binghe asks, a bit too quiet.
“Um!” Shen Yuan says, quickly dropping his hand from Luo Binghe’s hair. “Um! …Sorry, could you… what, exactly?”
Surely, Luo Binghe didn’t mean - that is, he was probably just asking for permission to menace Shen Yuan a bit in exchange for having been poked fun of, right? Hahahahaha -
Luo Binghe turns his head to peer over his shoulder at Shen Yuan. The angle makes it look like he’s looking out from under his lashes, and the heat of the kitchen seems to have painted his cheeks pink even though the oven isn’t on right now.
“Could I be your wife?” Luo Binghe asks, and Shen Yuan very suddenly feels like all the breath has been punched right out of his lungs. “You - you’d let me marry you?”
Shen Yuan spends several long moments with his mouth flapping open and closed like a fish. That - no way, right??
“I think,” Shen Yuan wheezes, “I think I misheard you?”
Luo Binghe turns around fully to face Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan manages to have one single coherent thought about the way this position - Shen Yuan pressed in close to Luo Binghe, Luo Binghe trapped between him and the counter - really feels like the setup for a bad porno.
“Could I marry you?” Luo Binghe asks again, and - wow! Wow, Luo Binghe’s face is - um! Wow! 
“No?” Shen Yuan says, though it sounds strangled and not at all like a firm answer.
“Oh,” Luo Binghe says, and suddenly the expression he’d been wearing before - his eyes blown wide and cheeks pink and his mouth parted just slightly with what could only be apprehension and hope and a thrill - suddenly Luo Binghe looks much, much less happy.
“It’s against the law!” Shen Yuan rushes to clarify, his hands flying up to hover uselessly over Luo Binghe’s cheeks. He wants to - ah, he wants to - to help?? He wants to make that face go back to what it looked like before, ah! “It’s - in this world, um, that is - you couldn’t marry me. Because it’s, uh, against the law.”
Luo Binghe tilts his head, considering. “Marriage?”
“Not all, just - between two. Uh, two men. Or two women. Or - uh, yeah, just the gay ones. Are illegal.”
Luo Binghe draws his bottom lip in, just slightly, chewing on it. Shen Yuan wants to chew on it too. Fuck.
“I could say I’m a girl?” Luo Binghe offers, and Shen Yuan -
Shen Yuan very quickly turns around so he doesn’t have to look at Luo Binghe as he rallies himself. Focus, focus, do NOT think about that -!
“That would be worse,” he manages to get out, embarrassingly breathless. “I mean - uh, they wouldn’t believe you. You’d just end up harassed.”
Luo Binghe hooks his head over Shen Yuan’s shoulder, nosing into his cheek. Shen Yuan shivers, even though he is suddenly several degrees warmer than he’d been seconds ago.
“But if it was allowed,” Luo Binghe says, his breath fanning over Shen Yuan’s cheek, “I could marry you? I could be your wife?”
Shen Yuan’s knees buckle. Luo Binghe, ever attentive, catches him around his waist before he can really fall, and pulls him in even closer. The line of their bodies pressed together - Shen Yuan’s thighs, his hips, the whole length of his back - feels unbearably warm. 
Marriage feels - that’s a lot. Of everything. A lot of Luo Binghe - Luo Binghe would want to spend his whole life with Shen Yuan - a lot of - well, marriage seems quite a bit more gay than just roommates who share a bed and all their meals and sometimes get each other off.
“Please?” Luo Binghe asks, and - fuck!!
“Yes!” Shen Yuan says, as if the answer has been punched right out of him. “Yes, yes, of course - I mean, if you’d really want - I mean, we can’t, but -”
Luo Binghe presses a wet kiss on Shen Yuan’s cheek, humming happily. Shen Yuan’s jaw snaps closed with an audible click.
“Okay,” Luo Binghe says, pulling away from Shen Yuan. He doesn’t take his hands off Shen Yuan just yet, which Shen Yuan is grateful for - he isn’t quite sure he’d be able to stand on his own, right now.
“Okay,” Shen Yuan repeats, far more breathlessly than Luo Binghe.
Luo Binghe hums again, clearly amused, and then uses his grip on Shen Yuan to lift him and place him on an empty, mostly clean of flour section of the kitchen counter.
“Sit here,” Luo Binghe says, patting Shen Yuan’s knee. “Your wife is going to go get Xin Mo from the closet, and then we will go visit my world for a bit.”
“For - for how long?” Shen Yuan splutters, off balance from the seemingly non-sequitur and not at all from Luo Binghe calling himself ‘wife.’ 
“For about as long as it takes to get married,” Luo Binghe answers, grinning wide, and - 
Ah. Fuck. I’ve been played, Shen Yuan despairs, and then has to slap his hands over his face so he can pretend he doesn’t have a grin just as big and stupid on his own face. 
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selkieprompts · 2 years
A Date With An Incubus
Summary: After breaking off a long-term relationship you decide to try dating again, however your first date with this guy you matched with on a dating app doesn't go as you planned.
originally posted on AO3
Tags: Reader Insert | Cunnilingus | Incubus | Unprotected Sex | Smut | Demon Sex | Demon/Human Relationships | Demon & Human Interactions | Original Male Character / AFAB Reader | Incubus/Reader | Fingering | Oral
You had decided to enter the dating pool again after breaking off a nearly decade-long relationship. Of course, things happen, and people drift apart, but damn, this one kind of hurt. You were alone for the first time in years, and it felt weird. Even going back into the dating pool was strange. You got so used to your routine with your ex that you weren’t sure what to expect when you had your first date since the breakup… but one thing that made you hopeful was the person you were talking to seemed nice. Like actually lovely, and it helped that he was handsome too, but you had this strange feeling you’d seen him before, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. 
You were to meet him at the Aquarium, his idea. It wasn’t your first pick for a first date, maybe a second or third date, but still, you appreciated it. It was cute, you had to admit. You looked at the time. Was it already 3? Your date started at 3:30, and it’d take forty-five minutes to get there.  Shit.  You get dressed quickly, grab your keys, and head out the door. Great, you were already late on the first date, worrying that this would somehow ruin his first impression of you. You sit in the car, deciding whether to text him, which you do.
[SMS] 3:38 PM: Hey, I’m so sorry; I just left my apartment. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m sorry!
[SMS] 3:39 PM: It’s fine. Please be safe first. I’ll meet you outside when you get here. 😊
The emojis he always sent you were cute, making you feel slightly less guilty about being late.
When you arrived, he was where he said he’d be, right outside the Aquarium. He sat on a bench, and from first glance, he already looked like a big guy, but when he caught you approaching, he stood up and waved, a wide grin appearing on his face.  Jesus Christ, he was tall , and you weren’t that small yourself. You were average height. He jogs over to you and greets you. “Glad you made it!” you also realized this was the first time you heard his voice. He was Scottish. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” he gives another smile. 
Still, the feeling of familiarity lingers, and now it’s starting to bother you. Where the hell have you seen this guy before? You snap out of your thoughts when he speaks again. “I got us some tickets for the Otter Encounter, but that doesn’t start for another hour and a half, and I also saw a restaurant in here if you wanted to check it out.” Wow, this guy sure has a lot of things planned for the two of you. And all for a first date? Maybe he hasn’t dated in a while and got over-excited. Not that it bothers you. You’re glad you decided to go and not just ghost him. “Yeah, the restaurant sounds nice. Let’s go there first,” you said, smiling back at him.
The two of you make your way through the building, passing exhibits and such, commenting on the animals as you see them. The restaurant was what you expected. A little gimmick with ocean themes, but it was charming. And the food wasn’t terrible, kind of overpriced though. Though as you ate your food, you noticed he barely touched his. Maybe he ate before he came here? You stare at his face as you eat, and he sees. “Oh, do I have something on my face?” your face quickly flushes in embarrassment. “Oh no, I–” should you bite the bullet there? Yeah, if you didn’t, it would keep you from thoroughly enjoying yourself. “You just look really familiar. Have you’ve been in anything?” a nervous laugh followed from him, and now he seemed a little coy. “Short answer, yeah. Stuff online mostly.”  then it clicks.  
He was a content creator you followed on Twitter and other less favorable sites. A content creator who made porn! You were on a date with a cam guy. Your eyes widen, and your mouth hangs open slightly. Was this really happening? Were you on a date with fucking  Axel Lily?  He speaks again. “Look, I understand if you would want to call it here–” you interrupt, “No, no, it’s fine! It’s kinda cool actually,” you admit, and that’s when you see his eyebrow raise. “Yeah?” He sounds relieved. “Yeah, I actually follow some of your content.”  oops probably should’ve kept that to yourself.  You hear him laugh, though. “Well, I appreciate the support.” Now you’re thrilled you didn’t ghost him.
The date continued, as usual, meeting the Otters being the highlight of your trip there, besides the other thing you discovered about him. So when it comes to an end, you feel disappointed until he invites you back to his place. You agree, maybe a little too eagerly, and you follow him in your car back to his house. Was going over to his home too much for a first date? Maybe but the decision was made, and there was no turning back now. 
When you arrive at the house, you can’t help but notice that it looks normal. You didn’t know why you expected anything else. You park near it and follow him inside. It was lovely inside, too, normal. Though you wondered where  that  room was. You wanted to see it, but you shouldn’t be too pushy. You were so busy with your thoughts that you didn’t notice him coming up behind you until you turned around. He startled you a bit, to which he apologized, but you knew he had something brewing in that mind of his. Something naughty. A devious-looking smirk paints his features as he looks at you, and you can’t even begin to describe how that excited you. You knew what was going to happen next.
He gets as close as he possibly can to you, his hand ghosting your waist as he looks at you with this lustful gaze. The two of you are waiting to see who’d make the first move. Instead, you felt brave and pulled him down into a kiss. The kiss started soft, lingering on each other’s lips before it became more passionate with each departure until the two of you desperately felt each other. You dared to tug at his shirt, signaling him to take it off, which he did. You didn’t know why but you expected him to look different in real life, but no. His body was just as gorgeous as it had been in his shows. The man was fucking stacked. “Holy shit.” you mutter before he returns for another frantic kiss.
You find yourself on the couch, where he pushes you down and climbs on top of you, pulling off your clothing. All the while, your hand finds itself in his sweatpants, feeling for his cock. Christ, it felt huge. You stroke it gently, and that elicits a moan from him. You keep stroking him as his hands start to wander and soon he finds your slit, with no hesitation, he slips his fingers inside. “Wet for me already, huh?” He sounds so smug. “Let’s see if I can make you any wetter.” his thumb starts circling your clit as he curls his fingers inside you.  Fuck, did it feel good!  You do your best to keep stroking his cock, but with how his fingers are working, you can barely keep up. You try your best, though. He goes at it for a little while until he withdraws his fingers from you. You let out a noise of disappointment until you see him pull your underwear off and put his head between your legs. Then you feel his mouth on your cunt, sucking and lapping at it, he was eating you like he was starving, and you were a full-course meal. His hands held your hips as his tongue worked on you. You bucked with every lash he gave you until you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you. You swear you could see stars, but he wasn’t finished with you.
Axel returns and gives you another kiss where you can taste yourself on his tongue. But as you went on with your passionate fling, you started to notice something, his teeth were sharper than you remember, and they cut your lip. You open your eyes, pull back, and begin catching a few more things.  He turned fucking blue!  And horns! And claws! And a fucking tail! What the hell? “Woah!” you’ve entirely snapped out of your pleasured daze and scooted back, your back hitting the couch. “What the fuck?!” you yell out. You swallow as you look at what’s in front of you. Your date turned into some sort of blue fucking demon! He looks confused for a moment until he looks at his hands. “Ah shit.” he doesn’t sound surprised, just… embarrassed? “I’m sorry, this doesn’t usually happen.” he makes it sound like he did something small, like he made a mess or something. You just blink, staring at him. You don’t know what to make of it, but… even as all of this is happening, you don’t feel like he will harm you. Even if he looks a little demonic. “Axel, what the hell is going on?” you want answers, though.
He sucks through his teeth before sitting back up. “I’m a demon…” he smiles awkwardly. “An incubus.” You just stared at him. You couldn’t believe this. “I see...” you said quietly. “I had every intention of telling you, I promise.” he quickly interjects with worry. You linger there, thinking for a moment, you thought about leaving, but there is another part of you urging you to stay. Axel reaches out to touch you but quickly recoils, probably realizing it’s not a good idea. 
When you had this fascination with the occult, you read about his kind. They killed people. They drained them dry. You look at him once more. “Are you… are you going to kill me?” you ask. There’s this look of shock on his face. “What?! No! No.” he tries to assure you, and it somewhat works because you start to relax. “I wouldn’t dream of that.” His tone is soft and comforting. “So why did you invite me here?” there’s a pause as he looks down at his hands, “Because I like you.” you believe him. For some reason, you believe him. “But I can understand if you wanna call it here–” “I didn’t say that.” you interrupt him, and you see his eyebrows raise. “What?” the incubus sounds admittedly confused. You moved closer to him. Now you were bold, taking his hand and placing it on your thigh. He takes the hint soon after, and you two continue where you left off.
You see him shift to remove his pants, and of course, the fucking porn star and now revealed incubus has the most enormous cock you’ve ever seen. But, of course, why would you expect anything less? It was over seven inches in length and pretty thick in girth, he was uncircumcised, and it was blue like the rest of him. You weren’t sure if you would be able to take all this, but you couldn’t wait to try. 
He continues taking the lead, putting his hands on your knees and spreading your legs wide open for him to see all you had to offer. Axel looks at you with hunger in his eyes as he strokes his cock’s head against your clit in a slow, daunting motion. He’s teasing you, and you love it, but you wanted all he had, and you wanted it inside you. You take your hand and point it down so his head meets your entrance, you look up at him with a wanting gaze, and you see him grin. Finally, he looks down, and you see him spit, and when it meets your cunt you feel a sort of warmth as he rubs it around your hole’s entrance. “Ready?” he asks you, “Yes, please,” you reply. 
You feel him slowly slide it in, stopping every so often up until he is entirely in. He’s letting you adjust to him, waiting for your okay to move. He was inside you. There was a demon inside you, part of you couldn’t believe this was happening, but the other part of you wanted this moment to last forever. When you finally feel ready, you give him a nod, and he nods back. The incubus starts to move his hips, and you feel his cock sliding out before it slams back in. The motion causes a shiver through your body. The motions continue until they gradually get faster in rhythm, and you wrap your legs around his waist. “That’s it.” you hear him say in a low voice, “Taking my cock like a good pet.” you feel a claw glide across your lower lip as he continues his merciless thrusts into you. Your body felt so hot. It was on fire! “Moan for me, my dove.” it’s a command you’ll gladly follow, so you moan. You moaned out his name and swore to God as this demonic, beautiful creature ruined you. He grabs your hips, his claws digging into your skin as he continues thrusting, ensuring he hits your particular spot to make you see stars. “Ah–fuck!” you cry, feeling your sweet release.
Axel moves you onto his lap, keeping his hands on your hips and bouncing you up and down on his cock with such a fierce pace that you could hardly catch your breath. You hook your arms around his shoulders, but it barely keeps you stable. He’s relentless with his cock, and he will make sure you cum. Again. And it doesn’t take long. You can feel it building up again as he switches from bouncing you to ramming it inside you. His balls slapped against your skin with a loud audible  smack!  “Come on, pet, cum for me again,” he growls out this command, and you do. You cum so fucking hard that your legs start to shake, and your fingernails dig deep into his blue skin.  “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!”  you cry out as you let your orgasm wash over you. You can see a smirk form on his lips. Smug bastard. If he wasn’t fucking your brains out, you would have made a remark. He tilts his head, “Think you can spare one more?” he asks. “Y-yes. Yes, please.” you needed just one more… One more release. 
Axel takes you off his cock and puts you back underneath him, your legs parting once more as he slides back in. Another shaky moan leaves you as he moves his hips once more. The pace was more gentle this time as Axel moved inside you. He was letting this one build-up, and it was killing you. The slow, deliberate motions drive you crazy, and the demon knew precisely what he was doing. “You want it?” he whispers huskily in your ear, and you can only muster a nod. “Okay then.” he wanted to make you beg, but he’d save it for another time. Suddenly the thrusts became harder and harder until you could feel your cunt tighten around his cock, then he cums. His hot sticky semen filled you up, and it was enough to make you finish cumming too. 
He withdraws from you and lays down next to you. You feel a sticky substance trail down your thigh, goddamn there was a lot. Unlike you, he seems fine after that, back to his energetic self, “Here, let me clean you up.” but when he goes to help you, you give him a little wave. “G-Give me a second….” you sound out of breath. “Maybe you can… grab some towels?” you suggest, and he gives you a nod before heading to his bathroom. You notice he’s back in his human form when he comes back. The Axel you knew before… all this. You spread your legs and allow him to clean you up. He was so gentle with you, it was strange for sure, but it was something you appreciated though a question comes to mind. He came in you, and you weren’t on the pill. “Hey–” he looks up at you, “I’m… not going to get instantly pregnant, am I?” you sound worried, but he gives you a shake of the head. “Long story short, no. I can’t get people pregnant without some weird demonic magic. I’m infertile otherwise.” Well, that’s convenient, and for some reason, you believe him.
Axel finishes cleaning you up, and you gather enough strength to finally sit up. You rest your head on his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around you. “Hell of a first date, huh?” He cracks a joke. “Yeah, and I look forward to the rest of them.” You see his eyes light up, “Really?” you give a tired nod, “Yeah.” you can feel the excitement radiate off him. You were going to stick around for sure. Besides the whole demon thing, Axel seemed like a sweet guy. And well, you were always curious about Incubi anyways…
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I'm really sorry if this isn't something usually written or slightly difficult to write, but I was thinking about how the brothers or any of the others would react to a MC who always wears a mask ? Like, they only ever take it off when their by themself and even then they still feel odd without it. So their immediate instinct when going out is to grab their mask !
It can be for any reason ! Body dysmorphia or just general shyness, anything
I deal with this myself, and I often get a lot of weird looks for wearing it since covid is less common now. I just have one preference !
-The MC needing a lot of reassurance and comfort before taking it off [ and even then or after a bit, they need to put it back on ]
To them it may feel like protection and security, so they rely on it a lot !
I'm really sorry if this is too long or hard to read, I'm not used to making requests (╥﹏╥)
a/n: hi anon! i totally get where you're coming from, you're not alone here. and no need for sorry! i'm glad you were so specific with the request, and i hope you find some comfort here! (´ω`)
see end for more notes.
content: asmodeus and satan are curious as to why you never go out without your face mask. the reasons differ for each brother, please read the warnings before proceeding.
warnings: extreme body dysmorphia, panic attacks (asmodeus); shyness, appearance insecurity (satan).
comfort. satan, asmodeus x gen!reader (you/your). separate.
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for satan to be called confused was an understatement. he was beyond baffled that every time you agreed to an outing with him, you grabbed a mask each time from the box that sat atop your desk. if he was going to be honest, he never understood why you refused to go anywhere without one. after a long period of observation, satan realised the only places he saw you without a mask on was in your own room, or at the dining table. the very idea that you hid yourself away sparked his interest, which in return lead to a new period of research. much to his dismay, personal reasons would never show themselves in textbooks. instead, he decided to tackle the source (you) instead.
satan found you in the library, of course, mask on, flipping through the notes you had made during class earlier in the day. with a nod, he slid into the seat across from you, setting his novel down and propping his chin up against his palm. the way your eyes widened slightly didn't go unnoticed by him. neither did the way you pinched your mask and brought it higher up the bridge of your nose. behind the covering, you grimaced to yourself before clearing your throat awkwardly.
"is something the matter?" you asked softly, placing your notes onto the desk.
satan tapped his index finger just underneath his jawline. "why do you wear it everywhere?"
"... come again?"
"the mask," he said plainly. "don't you get tired of wearing it everywhere? i've read that some humans even complain because it gets hard to breathe."
you made a quiet sound of acknowledgement. "i just like wearing it."
"you're not a very good liar, MC."
a defeated sigh escaped past your lips. "promise not to tell?" after a nod from the demon, you steeled yourself to explain. "it's kind of dumb, honestly. i just get really shy when i don't have it on." at your words, satan sat himself upright, keeping his gaze trained on yours. "having it on makes it easier to talk to everyone. i'm not super good-looking, you know? so... i feel a bit more confident when i'm wearing it."
satan once again found himself far beyond confused. baffled, yes. perhaps, even dumbfounded might actually be the word he was looking for in this situation. his mouth parted slightly, and his hand slowly reached out to you, stopping at the side of your face. "you can practice talking without it on with me," he spoke in a tone that he reserved solely for you. "may i?"
you blinked at him rapidly, eyes darting around the room before landing on his. swallowing nervously, you finally nodded, your shoulders tensing when satan unhooked the mask from behind your ear. when it fell away from your face, you snapped your head to the side, feeling the heat run up your cheeks and turn into a blush. "would you look at that," satan purred.
"you're actually very attractive."
"satan! you can't just say that!" your face felt like it was on fire. flustered, you scrambled to loop the mask around your ear once more, but the blush on your cheeks had already spread down to your neck. there was a beat of silence, and then a cough from you as you shifted in your seat to face anywhere but satan. "but, if you're willing," you whispered, shooting him a a smile from behind the mask, "i'd like to take you up on that offer."
knowledge was a wonderful thing. satan could never get enough of it. but when compared to the feeling he got when you relied on him, satan would rank knowledge as second. if satan could eventually have you get comfortable enough to go around without the mask, he'd see more of that smile he's craved since the first time he saw it.
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"MC!!" the voice echoed throughout the hallways directly into the classroom you were studying in. you turned your head towards the doorway to see the fifth born practically skip inside, coming to a stop in front of your seat. "i didn't get to show you the new lip tint i got this morning!"
you released a sigh, letting your pen fall from your fingers. "asmo, can this wait until we get home?"
"nonsense! it's the best time of day to try it out. come on!" you couldn't help thinking that all you wanted was to be left alone to do your homework, but all your thoughts came to a halt when asmodeus broke your one rule. within seconds, your mask had come off and was only hanging off one ear. unwillingly, you shrieked and pushed yourself away from the demon, his words falling on deaf ears as you fumbled to put your mask back on. with tears in your eyes, you burst out of the classroom, all your belongings forgotten as you tried to return to your only safe space; your room.
as you returned to your room, the fear and disgust overtook you all at once. you slammed your door with a cry, fingers digging into your scalp as your back collided against the wall. in the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of your reflection. the hand mirror that had been so carefully placed on your desk showed you the mess that you were. disheveled and erratic, you stared at yourself, the mask doing nothing to hide what you were. in a daze, you grabbed it from the desk and threw it against the wall, watching as it shattered into pieces. you felt your knees give out from underneath soon after, and you crashed to floor in a heap. it felt like hours had passed before a hand tentatively came to rub your back soothingly.
you scrambled away from the touch, chest heaving as you tried to clear your vision. when you did, you saw the fifth born again, this time wearing a regretful expression. "MC, it's me. i..." his voice trailed away as he looked at you. "i cleaned up the broken mirror for you," he whispered. "and... i'm sorry."
your hands trembled at your sides, balled tightly into fists. "sorry for what?" the question sounded more like an interrogation, but you couldn't be bothered to watch your tone.
asmodeus looked at you sadly, his expression crestfallen. "i knew you didn't like having your mask off, but... i never expected you to freak out like that either."
"oh, so you're just calling me a freak now?!"
"no- that's not what i mean!" he inhaled sharply, internally scolding himself for not being the best with words. "let me rephrase," asmodeus began softly, his thumbs twiddling nervously. "i'm sorry for taking your mask off. i didn't know that it would affect you that much."
at the sight you of starting to relax, asmodeus felt the tension in his shoulders begin to slip away. you glanced at where the shards of the mirror should have been. "... i see myself in the mirror, and i see something i don't want to be," you admitted. it took every effort for asmodeus to not interrupt with a shallow sounding comment. "i wear a mask so that i don't have to see myself. so that no one else has to see me."
carefully, asmodeus shuffled closer to you, settling himself a few feet away. "i have some experience with that," he confessed to you. relief bubbled inside his chest when he saw you turn to make eye contact with him. "becoming a demon wasn't easy," he continued on, a bitter look gracing his face. "but maybe it'll help me help you with this. what do you say?"
"i don't know if i'm ready for that." you replied hesitantly, staring at the floor instead of him now. "but when i am ready, will you still be willing to help me?"
the smile on his face managed to lift your mood too. "i'll always be ready to help you," he promised, holding a hand out with only his pinky extended. you mirrored his gesture from where you sat, curling your pinky around thin air. asmodeus wasn't sitting close by, but you could feel his sincerity from miles away.
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a/n: i was gonna have three chars originally but.. i kinda liked how these two went and couldn't think of a good situation for the third. anon i hope this finds you well!
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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halfbakedideas · 5 months
on the sofa, where we lay
Aziraphale adds a hoodie to er wardrobe, Crowley’s very confused (but loves it).
title from sofa by ed sheeran.
decided really late i’m gonna do ineffable may, so idk when other fics will be up.
prompts filled: Retired (5), Turtleneck (9), Smitten (24).
this one has basically no plot. enjoy :D
read on ao3
Crowley had relocated from their bed to the sofa some time ago. They were dozing, catching up on the sleep that nightmares and resulting flashbacks had stolen from them. They were sprawled across the cushions of a sofa that looked far less comfortable than it actually was. As they dozed, they could hear Aziraphale pottering around somewhere else within the cottage.
What was e doing? Crowley thought.
They didn’t dwell on that thought for much longer, being too warm and sleepy.
At one point the former-angel’s footsteps disappeared and a jolt of panicked horror seized Crowley, before their ears caught the sound of footsteps upstairs and they settled back down.
Aziraphale came back downstairs again sometime later. They distantly remembered hearing the sound before e was taking a seat beside them. E moved their head carefully up before setting it on er lap. The slightly-scratchy fabric of er pants brushed against their cheek.
Crowley dozed off again short after. Until fingers were carding through their hair. And then they felt something hard and metal pushing into the back of their head.
It made them frown into Aziraphale’s pant leg — what was that? It didn’t feel like a cardigan button, they knew what that felt like to lie on that.
They sat up quickly and whirled around to face their angel…and their brain promptly blue-screened at seeing what e was wearing.
A hoodie. A zip-up cream coloured hoodie.
E was wearing a hoodie. Aziraphale had been wearing the same outfit for over a hundred and fifty years. Why had e changed?
E had never been particularly modern — that had always been Crowley — so why was e modernising now?
“Angel…” they called. “You’re wearing a hoodie?”
Aziraphale frowned and then smiled.
“Oh, yes. I am,” e said, still bloody smiling.
“What happened to your cardigan?” Crowley asked. “Or your vest?”
“Nothing! Nothing! My cardigan and vest are both perfectly fine,” e reassured them quickly. “I just fancied a change,”
They spluttered.
“‘Fancied a change’? What?”
Crowley’s eyes trailed over er body, and specifically er hoodie.
“Not that it looks bad — you look really good in it,” Blush worked its way across their cheekbones. “I’m just surprised, ‘s all,” they finished, lamely.
Aziraphale fussed about the hoodie, smoothing it out and fixing it so that it sat against er body smoother.
“That’s understandable, I have been wearing the same outfit every day for well over a hundred years,” e agreed. “Now, are you going to lie back down? You looked quite comfortable earlier,”
Crowley ducked their head and averted their eyes. They were still so sleepy, even after napping all morning, and it had been really comfortable. The rapidly dropping daily temperatures as it became winter probably had something to do with that first one. And now that the mystery of Aziraphale’s hoodie had been sorted out and nothing was wrong, that was coming back in full force.
Their hair — which had grown out considerably since the two of them had moved away from London — fell in their face as they did.
The former-demon did just that, lying back down and closing their eyes again. The side of their face resting against Aziraphale’s leg.
Paper rustled softly, e was probably reading.
The two of them stayed like that for the rest of the morning.
Later, Aziraphale would go back to er usual cardigan, the hoodie hung up carefully in their shared closet. Later, Crowley would steal it and e would come back from the bathroom to find one black and red serpent coiled up and fast asleep within the hoodie’s folds.
End Notes:
backstory: i recently got that hoodie and had chucked it over top of my aziraphale cosplay (had been taking photos for here) so i could go out to the shops one night, and thought ‘this has fanfic potential’.
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“I’m not going anywhere, my dear. I promise”
or: Bronya comforting you while you’re having a nightmare
characters: Bronya x gn!reader
warnings: hurt/comfort
a/n: Based on a request I got
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Ever since her mother’s… passing, Bronya had a lot more work and responsibility than before, a situation made even worse considering that her workload had never been anywhere close to light. But not once did you or anyone else hear her complain. Sure, there was a lot to do, but she wasn’t the first supreme guardian to work this late and probably wouldn’t be the last.
…that being said. Not being able to see you as often as she used to and often coming home so late in the evening that you were already sleeping did take a toll on Bronya… and you, judging from the way your sleeping form hugged her.
It didn’t take Bronya long to recognise that you were having a nightmare, shifting and turning in bed while letting out a distressed noise and muttering a random word every now and then. It wasn’t the first time she returned home at night, sneaking into the bedroom to avoid waking you up, only to find you in such a state, and she honestly couldn’t blame you. Nightmares were rather common in Belobog, from orphans to soldiers there weren’t many people left alone by unpleasant memories, and Bronya definitely wasn’t a stranger to them herself.
If the windows had been open, she would have believed she was just hearing the wind, but since they were shut closed like they were most of the time, your murmur was just loud enough for her to hear. What part she played in your nightmare didn’t matter to her, as she made her way over to your side of the bed without hesitation before kneeling down next to it and softly grabbing your hand, trying not to wake you up while still hoping to offer you at least some comfort.
“It’s alright darling, I’m here”, she spoke calmly while drawing circles on your backhand using her thumb, whether to reassure you or herself she didn’t know, but seeing as your face seemed to relax ever so slightly, it might have actually succeeded in both.
“...don’t leave”, you murmured once again, only for something that sounded somewhat like a “please” to leave your mouth not long afterwards. Whatever nightmare you were having didn’t seem to involve any monsters from the fragmentum or demons from the past… but her.
A part of her felt something akin to relief in the revelation, having feared you were once again reliving unwelcome memories… another part however, did not. 
You had never been too open about your insecurities, was it with her or anyone else. Some might have even been fooled into thinking you didn’t have any, but Bronya knew better, your self-conscious behavior whenever any guest of importance came to talk with her ingrained in her mind. How, in such moments, the supreme guardian had to reassure you over and over again that you weren’t dragging down her image simply by associating with her. Considering how severe your worries were each and every time, Bronya was surprised you managed to keep up appearances so well the rest of the time.
Or at least you were managing while being awake, as right now, those thoughts seemed to haunt you even in your dreams.
“I’m not going anywhere, my dear. I promise”, she continued to whisper gently before reaching towards your head with her other hand, slowly stroking your hair while continuing to reassure you with her words until your breaths and movements eventually calmed down, you seemingly finally being able to sleep at least somewhat peacefully.
By that time however, quite some time had passed during which Bronya refused to leave your side, and while it helped to end your nightmare, every minute she spent knelt down next to the bed was a minute she would have a less to sleep, a realization she had once she finally dared to take her eyes from you and looked outside the window, seeing the moon already high in the sky, causing a yawn to escape her mouth as she finally made her way to bed.
Once she layed down, all of the tiredness she had, up till this point, been able fight off, washed over her as her eyes quickly grew heavier and heavier with each time she blinked, and before long, she found herself asleep, with your arms hugging her as they always seemed to.
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mimisempai · 1 year
Our joy
Crowley is awakened by a strange sound and discovers that it is Aziraphale laughing in his sleep. Having discovered that the angel speaks in his sleep, the demon takes advantage of the situation at his own risk...
It was a busy day, but I still found time to do this little nothing...
Day 8 : Laughter
On Ao3
Rating G -  944 words
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Crowley was awakened in the middle of the night by a strange noise.
He opened his eyes and immediately looked down at Aziraphale. But the angel was sleeping peacefully with his head on his chest.
The demon thought he must have been dreaming when he suddenly heard the same sound, and now fully awake, he realized it was Aziraphale laughing.
He called softly to him, "Aziraphale?"
The angel mumbled in reply, "Mmmm."
"Are you awake?"
Crowley looked down again and saw that Aziraphale really did look like he was still sound asleep.
He asked him again, "Aziraphale? Are you sure you're awake?"
Without opening his eyes, Aziraphale replied, obviously asleep, "No, I'm dreaming."
Crowley chuckled softly as he realized the angel was talking in his sleep.
He wasn't a demon for nothing and decided to enjoy it, just a little, so he asked him gently, "And what are you dreaming about, Angel?"
Aziraphale replied with a smile, still asleep, "Crowley, of course."
After hearing that, of course, the demon wasn't going to stop there and he continued, "Oh yeah? And why were you laughing?"
The angel replied, "Because he was laughing, too."
"Oh? And what are you two doing?"
"He explains to me what his beautiful nebula is for, and he's so happy to look at it that he laughs, and I can only laugh with him. He's so handsome when he laughs."
Crowley couldn't help but blush and wanted to stop the angel, but now that Aziraphale had started, he didn't seem to want to stop.
"When he laughs, his beautiful red curls dance around his face, and his smile lights his face up as if his joy comes from within. I love him so much!"
Crowley, now scarlet and most of all moved, couldn't help but ask, his throat tightening, "You love him already, when you've only just met him?"
Aziraphale, though obviously still asleep, replied in a clear voice, "Of course, how could I not love someone so adorable?"
Aziraphale had more or less hinted and even said that he had fallen under his spell when they first met, but to hear it like this, even if it was a dream, was almost unfathomable.
Crowley decided it was time to stop, so he gently stroked Aziraphale's cheek and whispered, "Good night, angel," before wrapping his arms around the angel and trying to fall asleep despite the thoughts swirling in his head. When he awoke the next day, Crowley felt truly guilty for taking advantage of Aziraphale's moment of weakness to extract secrets from him that he may not have been ready to reveal.
Seeing that Aziraphale was already up and hearing a noise downstairs, the demon decided to go down and join him.
He wondered if he should talk about what had happened during the night, and the immediate answer was yes. They'd almost lost each other by keeping things from each other, so he was just going to tell him the truth. The only question was how.
"Good morning, my dear."
Aziraphale's cheerful voice interrupted his thoughts and he walked over to the angel who was waiting for him with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"Good morning, Angel."
The angel looked at him now, a strange smile on his lips, and said softly, blushing slightly, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" 
Stunned, Crowley almost dropped his cup and replied with a smile, "You should warn me sometimes, you know? Why are you bringing this up so suddenly?"
Aziraphale shook his head and replied, "I don't know, ever since I woke up, I seem to have the urge to tell you how much I love you.
"That's nice, and funny enough, I can answer you because you actually told me you loved me not later than last night."
It was Aziraphale's turn to be stunned, and the angel asked with a puzzled look, "What do you mean?"
Crowley put down his cup and took the Angel's hand, confessing sheepishly, "Angel, I'm sorry. I admit I took a little advantage of the situation."
He told the angel about their particular "discussion," withholding no details.
When Crowley finished, he apologized again, but Aziraphale stopped him and said gently, "Don't be sorry, my dear, after all, it's the truth, it would have been impossible not to fall under the spell that day."
Crowley replied a little more seriously, "But I'm not that angel anymore."
Aziraphale raised his hand and placed it on the demon's cheek, saying softly, "Oh, but you are, and so much more. Yes, I fell under the angel's spell that day, but the one I love is you, Crowley. The demon in front of me, made of everything I've learned about him over the millennia, the angel, Crawly, Bildad, Crowley, Anthony J. Crowley. All these facets of you that you've shown me over the years, that have transformed my... pash of a naive angel into the love I feel now."
With his thumb, he stroked the demon's cheek, and the demon began to smile before saying, "But my beautiful red curls no longer dance around my face.
Aziraphale's eyes widened and he asked, a little shocked, "Did I say that?"
Crowley nodded, then, seeing the embarrassed look on the Angel's face, shook his head slightly, causing his stylishly combed hair to dance across his forehead.
Seeing that, Aziraphale laughed out loud, soon joined by Crowley.
And their joy was just as genuine, if not more so, than the first time they laughed together.
For it was the joy of what they were now.
The hard-won joy of a demon and an angel in love.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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lokis-army-77 · 2 years
Summoning part 6
Demon!Eddie Munson x female reader
Word Count: 2520
The reader wakes up the next morning in the arms of her demon, and some fun morning sex ensues.
Warning: 18+ morning sex, oral (female receiving), multiple orgasms (2)
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Masterlist (Taglist linked here)
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Morning came quicker than I would have liked, yet the usual annoying chirp of the birds did not bother me as I curled further into the warm body which hugged me tightly to it. Although my eyes were closed, I could see the warm light of the bright morning sun shining through the curtains into my room. I snuggled further into whoever was holding me before I froze. 
Who the hell was holding me? Who the hell was in my bed? 
“Good morning.” Came that familiar voice, gruff from sleep. 
I sighed in relief as I realized who it was. Opening my eyes slightly, wincing at the brightness, I peered up at him from my place resting on his chest. 
“Good morning to you too.” I smiled widely at him. “I’m glad you stayed.” 
“Hum.” he hummed, his hand coming to stroke at my hair as it cascaded down my back. 
He looked different in the light of the day, with no more harsh lines, and his eyes were less scary. My hand came up to cup his cheek, thumb gliding over his plump lips. He gives me a soft smile as he leaned down to kiss me. 
It was soft and felt almost caring. His fingers tangled in my hair as he brought me further up his body. I gasped out when his sharp teeth nipped at my bottom lip. His other hand roamed my body, caressing my bare skin. I was still naked from our activities last night. 
I giggled as he rolled us over, with him on top, one knee between my legs. My hands grabbed at his face, pulling him away from my lips so that I could look at him. It was such a tender moment, I could not believe it was actually happening. Had I known he would be like this the morning after, I would have asked him to stay long ago. 
With gentle hands, he took mine away from his face and leaned back down into me. His lips were hot against my skin as he peppered kisses around my face. I sighed in contentment as he went lower, over my neck, sucking bruises onto my collarbone. My body shivered at the feeling. 
The demon continued his journey down, stopping every now and then to create love bites along my skin. I pushed my chest up into him more when one hand started to play with my right breast as he suckled on my left. 
The feeling of his mouth on me had me melting into the mattress. How was it someone who was so rough could be so, so gentle? It almost made me want to cry, being touched so sweetly. 
He peeled himself away from my breast to switch with the other one, giving it the same amount of attention. His hair fell onto my skin, tickling as we moved in response to the other. 
Then he popped off my nipple, kissing his way further down my stomach. My hands inched their way over his strong soldiers, over his back, and into his curly hair. My fingers Bailey brushed passed his horns, grazing the hardness of them and he gave a strained moan in response. I took my hands away quickly, thinking that I had hurt him. 
I had held onto his horns once before and he didn’t make that sound so I quickly became worried. My concern was lessened when the took one of his hands away from my waist and took my own into it. He pulled it back to his hair and placed it onto a horn, making sure I wrapped my fingers around it. 
He let out another one of those moans and I quickly realized that he enjoyed having them touched. He grunted when I tugged him downward by the horn, taking his lips from my sink to look up at me a grin sharply before going back. 
His lips kissed along my hips, and the softness of it made me shiver. I pushed him bad again, wanting him to kiss me where I so desperately needed it. He resisted my struggle, and kept his slow pace, lips delicately hovering over the skin of my pubic bone.
I gasped when he slipped his tongue out, licking at the skin. It was hot and strong and felt so good, it would only feel better if it were just a little further down. 
My cunt clenched as I whined in frustration. I couldn’t help the short, quick thrusts I was making as I tried to get him to go lower faster. 
With his hand still wrapped around mine on his horn, he took his other one and pinned down my hips, thumb gently stroking my skin. 
“Need you,” I whimpered, his mouth going lower once more. 
“Yeah?” He asked, putting a higher pitched infliction on the word at the end. It sounded like he was mocking my neediness. 
“Yeah.” I nodded, hair tangling on the pillow as I did.
“Hum.” He went back to what he had been doing. Instead of going straight in, he pushed my legs wider apart and mouth at my lips, never once delving into my slit. 
The stimulation was wonderful and yet altogether torturous. I could feel a wave of slick leaking out of me as I clenched around nothing once more. My whole body was tingling, I was on fire and the only thing that would be able to put me out would be his mouth sucking at my clit. 
Finally, in a merciful move, he slipped his hot tongue between my folds, collecting my slick on the muscle and humming at the taste. 
“You always taste so wonderful. Truly heaven on earth.” 
I pulled on the horn at his words, making him grunt into me, vibrations tickling the sensitive area. I giggled. 
“Thank you.” I brought my other hand to the other horn, taking it delicately, rubbing it with tactful fingers. “You feel like heaven.” 
“I would imagine so, I did come from it.” He mumbled into my pussy before nosing up to my clit and attaching his lips around it. 
My back arched off the bed a tiny bit at the sensation. The pressure of his sucks on a swollen clit which was sensitive sent pleasant shocks throughout my body. 
I whimpered in pleasure at his soft suckles, wanting nothing more than a name to fall from my lips. He still had not told it to me and I doubt he ever would. A demon is controlled by its true name and I doubt he gives it away even to the people he trusts most. 
Another tender suck had me crying out, back arching more. His split tongue moved languidly over my clit, stimulating it more and more. I pushed down on his horns, shoving him further into my soaking cunt. He moaned contently at the feeling. 
Then, he took his hand from around mine, caressing my leg as he brought it down, fingers circling the rim of my cunt, gathering slick and pushing it around. A long throaty whine came from me. His fingers felt amazing as they gently prodded into me. 
I gasped as the two digits stretched me out, realizing I was still quite sore from last night. 
“Slow,” I tugged on his horns. Pleading with him to not be too rough. 
My hips bucked into him as he hummed against my skin and his fingers began to massage the sore walls of my cunt. 
A lewd squelching filled the room as my juices leaked around him.
"Ahh!" I cried at the feeling of his tongue flittering around where his fingers joined my body. As he tasted my arousal, he groaned, his own hips bucking into the mattress. 
He cleaned up every drop which was flowing from my pussy down onto the mattress. 
I couldn’t help but constrict around him, causing his fingers to still their gentle movements. The heat was building up in my abdomen, my grip on his horns was like a vice and my toes curled into the bed. 
"Gonna cum," I breathed out in a puff of air. 
I could feel him grinning against me, kissing his way back to my clit. He did all that he could, massaged his finger up into the hot gummy walls of my cunt as well as flicked his tongue across my clit at a more rapid pace. 
He was encouraging me, urging me over the edge of the cliff. I let myself fall with no questions, no worries about hitting bottom with no one to catch me because I knew he would be there.
My hips bucked against his mouth as he helped me to ride out the orgasm pulling me more and more down to earth. 
Air was hard to come by in my lungs as I gasped for breath, not being able to hold on to it for long before I exhaled and my body trembled under his touches. 
Finally, after I pushed him away from my sensitive pussy, he removed his touch. I moaned out at the loss of him but also at the sensation of not being worked over the edge again. 
"I am not done yet, little one." He used his hands to walk his body up and over ruined again. He kissed my lips with a passion he had never shown before then laid down on his side. 
I gasped out as he moved me, pulling my back against his hard chest. I could feel his cock pressing firmly into my ass. 
"What are you doing?" I leaned my head back to look at him. 
"Fucking you." He whispered in my ear, his fingers moving my hair away from my shoulder so that he could kiss the skin.  
A short huff of air left my parted lips as he did so and I let my head lay our two arms which were proving us up on the bed. 
Then, he pulled my leg up and over his before positioning himself at my entrance. 
Pushing himself in, I winced. The stretch was more than what his fingers had inflicted. His cock was so much bigger. 
The pleasurable pain left my mouth hanging open with no sound coming out. He heeded my earlier plead for slow movements and let me become acclimated to the new feeling of being filled to the brim. He only rocked his hips into me as little as he possibly could, the head of his cock nudging, just barely, my cervix. 
Short gasps and sweet cries were pushed past my lips as he began to move his hips back and forth. 
My hand clamped over his as he held my leg securely over his. 
"Please. Please. Please." I had no idea what I was pleading for but the words felt right as they flew from me. 
The demon nestled his head into the crook of my neck. "I know, little one, I know. You're doing so good for me." 
I keened back into him. His words were raspy and soothing in my ear. 
Our hips undulated together, and he held his speed at a steady, unhurried pace. It was my hips that dared to go a little faster. 
His hand came off my leg, holding me steady, stopping me from taking too much.
"I thought you wanted slow?" He chuckled.
"I-i do, but not this slow. Need-ah, Need more." My hand stayed gripped harshly to his own on my waist. 
He twisted his hand around and slipped his fingers through mine, smoothing his thumb over the back of my hand. 
It was a sweet gesture, something I had not expected him to do. My heart fluttered as I looked at our entwined fingers. I wanted to hold his hand forever. 
Finally, he broke the pace he had set, opting to go just a tiny bit faster, still slow, but faster. 
I groaned into the bed before whipping my head back into him. His lips now had perfect access to my neck and he took the opportunity to suck and bite. 
Moans flew from me as grunts came from him. Pushing and pulling against one another. Like a dance, a hot, sweaty dance accompanied by the music of our own bliss. 
“Fuck.” He growled into my neck when my cunt spasmed around him. He had worked me up slowly and now my body was vibrating, ready for another release. 
He unwound out fingers and slipped his hand down to where we met, fingers now rubbing deft circles into my clit. That was all it took to have me spilling over the edge once more. 
My body shook against his, head digging into his shoulder, hands squeezing tightly. Flashes of bright light covered my vision and before I knew it, he too was at his own release. 
Slowly he fucked his seed into me, creating the lewdest of noises as he did. His mouth never once left the crook of my neck and I was pretty sure there would be a very dark hickey once he was finished. 
Once the pure ecstasy coursing through my veins settled down, we lay there. His cock still resting inside of my spent cunt, his nose nuzzling into me as he moved his lips from the spot he has been sucking. 
“That was-” I could not think of the words to say. It had been so different from all the other times we had had sex, loving and kind. Although I liked the rougher moments, this was something I craved. 
“Wonderful.” He finished for me, lips twitching into a smirk against my skin. 
Carefully, he sat up and unsheathed himself from me. His eyes, if it was even possible, darkened even further as he watched as our cum, mixed together, leaked from my gaping pussy. 
“Hum.” he mummed, a job well done. 
Weakly, I turned to face him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him into me. He brought this face down to be level with my own and smiled. I smiled back before leaning up, pressing our lips together for another passionate kiss. A hand meandered its way into his hair and caressed his horns, eliciting a few strained groans from him. I just giggled. 
Pulling away, we just looked at one another. Content in just watching the rise and fall of the chest of the other as they breathed, hands smoothing over the skin, fingers twirling strands of hair. It was peaceful and perfect. 
I felt it then as I looked into his eyes, a kind of gut-dropping realization. I was in love with him. 
Too lost in my own thoughts, I barely registered that he had moved, surging forward to kiss his way down my neck. 
Before I could even stop myself, to think about the consequences of saying such a thing to a demon, I blurted out to him, “I love you.” 
I cringed back into the pillows as his body went rigid as death and he took his mouth away from my neck like it had burned him. 
With gritted teeth, he asked, “What did you say?”
Eddie Taglist: @loveofmylife12@ellabellabus07@wickedwitchofwest@siriusstwelveyears@ameliakf13 @milly-louise @darkscrossfire @harrypotter-posts @dedeinspire @ccosmic-illusion @eddiesbirdie @castiels-gracex @luvwanda @whimsywisher @wool-hat7 @callsignthunder @corrodedhawkins @stefans-wife @wool-hat7 @bookfrog242 @hellv1ra@f4erietaless@kenzi-woycehoski@mandyjf @harrys-tittie
Summoning Taglist: @alana4610 @ghostqueenofthedamned @simp2537 @sammararaven @akiratoro420 @my-malachai-stilinski @izhetttttt @raptorbait529
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storiesofsung · 6 months
Obey Me Rewrite - the Passion Project
Note: spoilers below the cut
I’ve always been in love with the game obey me and been super passionate about it as a long time fan however the game itself is kind of lacking.
Obviously it does what it does well, it’s a dating simulator about demons from hell but what I mean is it lacks potential.
I love the characters and their relationships with each other and the overall concept, that is what made me fall in love with it in the first place however I do have my own issues with the game not as a dating simulation but as a story.
To give you more context:
- characters are given great potential with interesting backstories and fun personalities however the direction the game takes them completely wastes any sort of progression as interesting 3 dimensional characters
Example: Satan - he is shown to show personal struggle with a sort of inferiority complex with the way he was brought into this world (or hell) by people only viewing him as an extension of Lucifer and only as wrath, not as an individual living being. He works hard to create a name for himself and he prides himself on wisdom. He has a strong character and one of the best self restraint in terms of anger I dare say (he did attack mc but honestly from the way he was acting in Nightbringer it is progression) plus he is calm and collected and obviously by now a respected demon. Though he knowledgeable in itself, he still has issues to work with, one being working out his difficulties with Lucifer, (maybe) coming to terms with the way he was born and the trauma he went through when Lilith fell (he technically felt Lucifer’s pain). Instead as the series progressed we only saw him a soft cat boy, cmon 😀.
There are much more examples of this in fact all of them have such wasted potential, I’m not going to go in depth (unless someone asks me to hehe) but a very notable mention I would also like to make is
Example 2: MC - I’m not going to comment on how they are dull or has no personality because actually they can be very sassy depending on which options you choose. Also the mc is supposed to just be a self insert so I understand that enough. Anyways what I would like to give note to is the fact that mc forgave belphie right away after he I don’t know KILLED US? Or should I say, more accurately, the game forced us to forgive him so we would have the belphie lovey dovey options (no hate to belphie stans I’m just saying). What I mean to say is that we shouldn’t have not forgiven him you know, honestly it’s more of pacing. We COULD have forgiven him and actually that would be interesting development and a look into their backstory as angels, however there was no real progression towards forgiveness or us even being remotely scared of him (I may be wrong on this but I remember belphie and mc becoming besties real quick with no hard feelings) like the snappy mc incorrect quotes I think would actually fit well into the story as well as proper talk and real progression towards forgiveness.
2. Concepts and storylines
This is slightly less of an issue but I do take slight to the way the game handles storylines. Season 1 was the best (in my opinion) because it was less of “uwu mc marry me” content and more of demons being demons.
Alright so this really bugged me but I don’t like how MC is a a descendant of Lilith, like I know the brothers and Lilith are not blood related and are honestly more found family and that MC and Lilith and so far related (in terms of how many generations were between them) that they barely share dna I believe (in terms of physical dna and all that good stuff not the angelic powers) but I’ve always found it kind of gross but I guess that’s just a me problem…
I’m going to take the next part of my issues with concepts and storyline as general as possible but it’s really long but… hell doesn’t feel like hell, or should I say devildom doesn’t sound like hell
There is technology in other depictions of hell (like Hazbin hotel) but that’s done better because it’s not so emphasized (I know DDD is part of the game but I think they drive the technology bit overboard) it’s a lot less subtle and hell just feels like an abridged human world with slight magic involved.
The demons don’t even act like demons or look like demons, as hot as their demon forms are they look like emo teenagers that just discovered hot topic like girl bye 😭. They don’t act remotely demonic like sometimes, and everything just seems like a cosplay is the best way I can describe it. I know it’s 12+ and not 18+ but I really enjoy the more gorey fanfic versions of obey me concepts because that feels like hell, it brings out emotions in me of shocked scared and surprised which is what Dre me into the game in the first place, not a bunch of boys going to play dress up and harass the MC.
I have much more problems with the game( I still love so obviously I’m gonna play it) but this is more of a rant and I just played Nightbringer so I hope there is more lore that resolves some of my issues but yeah!
I’m not that skilled of a writer or anything but I would really like to try and rewrite obey me as a kind of “real hell” as a passion project, obviouslt no characters, or anything trademarked belong to me this is more of for fun. Again I’m not that experienced so if anyone would like to give me tips on how to write or would lousy like to chat about obey me, about this rant and other issues or just obey me in general feel free to dm me I’m always looking for more obey me stuff hehe but yeah, or actually honestly I just want your opinion on this.
I know it’s not that deep it’s a game about horny demons but it still means a lot to me and I hope you guys understand where I’m coming from. Thank you.
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cantwritethetword · 8 months
Music to my Ears
(+ Tickletober2023 Day 15: Cackle)
Fic Descript: Eddie hears Steve's proper laugh for the first time and becomes OBSESSED with hearing it again. Luckily, Eddie has a way to make that happen.
~A/N  - This is my first ever Steddie fic, and I haven't actually got up to Eddie in stranger things😅 but the amount of fics I've read (mostly nhasablogg cause their fics are fucking GOLDEN) makes me think i've got a decent understanding of the guy. lemme know if I completely fuck up his character tho lmao.
Hope this is alright, and hope the start of 2024 has been kind to you all <3
EDIT: This was also meant to be tickletober2023 but I'm adding it in now
- Enoy! ~
Tag List:
Masterpost Link 
Fighting demonic entities from another dimension is certainly one way to bring people together.
Steve and Eddie certainly didn't have had the most typical start to their friendship, so the pair were more than happy to slide back into a more regular young adult friendship experience once everything had calmed down.
But, the less crazy shit the two experienced, the more Eddie noticed Steve's little quirks that his brain couldn't help but fixate on. Nothing that necessarily bothered him, just weird things that most people probably didn't realise about Steve.
One of those weird things was his laugh. Or, rather, his lack of proper laughter.
Any time someone cracked a stupid joke, or something funny happened in the movie they were watching, Steve would bow his head and let out a few near-silent snickers, before lifting his gaze again with a slightly-too-perfect grin.
The first time it happened, Eddie put it down to nerves. Steve wasn't quite used to hanging out with Eddie's bandmates yet, so of course he would be more reserved than usual.
But it happened again, and again, and again. And the less people that were around, the more confused Eddie became. It was almost like Steve was consciously stopping himself from laughing aloud.
From that point forward, Eddie made it his mission to make Steve laugh. He'd poke fun at Dustin, goof around with his guitar, and add even more dramatic effects to his DnD games. But nothing seemed to crack Harrington.
That was until they were alone.
The pair had been lounging on Eddie's bed, talking back and forth about whatever TV show they had just finished. Eddie had made some stupid joke under his breath, not thinking anything of it. It was nothing out of the ordinary, and had no intent other than maybe getting Steve to roll his eyes.
But with the relaxed atmosphere of Eddie's bedroom, Steve's guard was so far down he didn't have time to pull it back up, and it was almost like the laughter started before either of them realised.
It was high pitched, only a level or two below squeaky, and certainly didn't fit Eddie's old image of 'Douchebag Steve'. The giggles were bright, clear but still bunched together. It came out in a stream for only a few seconds before both men locked eyes with surprise on their faces.
Eddie was entranced. It wasn't a particularly special sounding laugh, but it was coming from Steve. It was Steve's actual real laugh.
The man in question went red, and started stuttering out a "Where were we?" in an attempt to switch the conversation back.
Though Eddie allowed Steve the free pass, and carried the conversation back to Twin Peaks. But his brain kept ticking. Would Steve let that happen again? How could Eddie get him comfortable enough to laugh like that? How could Eddie even make him laugh enough to spill?
Steve was, by now, fully under the impression he had gotten away with it, but Eddie - the meddling kid - was far from ready to let it go.
As the conversation fell to a comfortable lull, Eddie spoke.
"You know, you should laugh like that more often."
Steve completely bluescreened. "Uh- I- What do you mean?"
Eddie sat upright. "Your normal laugh is so... quiet. Just then it felt like you really let go. I liked it."
"No I didn't." Steve's eyes fell to the bedsheets, out of Eddie's gaze. "My normal laugh is my only laugh, I don't have a different laugh."
Eddie chuckled, moving closer and almost looming over Steve. "You really don't want to start this fight with me, I know what I heard."
Still maintaining direct eye contact with the bed, Steve rubbed the back of his neck. "There's no fight to be had, I didn't laugh any differently. You can't prove it."
Oh that did it. Those three words struck a chord with the resident musician, and everything clicked into place in his mind.
"I can't prove it, huh?" Eddie smirked. "I think that's where you're wrong, Harrington."
With a predatory glint in his eyes, Eddie launched his fingers onto Steve's ribs and began vibrating his fingertips against the bones.
Steve let out a strangled gasp and tensed up, half-choked grunts squeezing through his sealed lips as his hands fought to pry Eddie's off him.
"Come on Harrington, just lemme hear you laugh." Eddie teased with a wink.
"ED-EDDIE- PL-PLEASE-!" Steve groaned through gritted teeth, snickers beginning to break through his resolve as he gripped Eddie's wrists rigidly.
Almost there Eddie thought to himself. "Just let it happen Stevie."
And happen it did.
It all became just a little too much for Steve's nervous system to handle, and those adorable squeaky giggles Eddie was looking for flooded the room. Steve's hands lost their strength, and his arms crossed weakly in front of his stomach to protect himself. At least, that was the intention. In reality he had just trapped Eddie's ticklish fingers against his sides.
But by this point, Eddie had forgotten all about his little attack. His fingers stopped abruptly only seconds after Steve had cracked. Frozen, Eddie was unable to pull his eyes (and his attention) from Steve's bright giggly smile, even as Steve's laughter faded.
"Fuhuhuhuck..." Steve whined, his hands covering his eyes and breaking the silence that had formed since his little giggle fit had ceased.
Eddie chuckled, ruffling Steve's hair. "I'd say that proved my point, wouldn't you?"
"You tell no one about this." Steve said sternly, lifting himself onto his elbows. "Especially not Robin... or the kids."
Eddie grinned. "Oh I'm happy to keep this between us, our little secret hmm?"
After a quick nod in response, Steve let his gaze drift around the room for a moment. "So... uh... are you gonna let me up or..."
"Pfft, nope." Eddie laughed, and shot his fingertips straight under Steve's arms.
And this time, Steve didn't even try to stop himself.
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markerofthemidnight · 7 months
Body Horror and Transformation Writing Prompt List For All You Freaks-But-Not-Sexual-Freaks
As a certified body horror fan, I wholeheartedly believe that there’s a horrific lack of body horror/transformation-but-not-in-a-kinky-way fics on AO3, so I made this to set things straight.
We got all kinds of possibilities: body horror for all you horrible freaks out there, and simple non-painful or disgusting transformations for all you significantly less freaky weirdos out there!
You can choose which to write by yourself if you’d like or maybe just use a random number generator.
Reblogs are much appreciated, and inspired fics even more! (I can’t promise that I’ll know anything about whatever fandom you decide to write for obviously but I’ll likely give it a shot as long as it was made using this list (and isn’t smut))
Body Horror Prompts
Wingfic (The good, old-fashioned, non-kinky transformation fic tag.)
Gothic (Werewolf, vampire, etc… you get the drill.)
Animal (Another good old-fashioned classic.)
Cyborg/Robot (Not as fleshy as the others but it is body horror still.)
Fantasy (This one’s pretty good because “fantasy” is actually just a really big umbrella term for absolutely anything as long as it’s not an animal that exists. “Fantasy” ain’t just dragons and unicorns.)
Alien/Eldritch Anatomy (Let’s say your character got abducted by aliens while they were asleep last night and they’ve come out all fucked up. Like that.)
Mutilated by a crazy person Human Centipede-style (Of course, though, this could result in a number of things. Please don’t make me read your own retelling of Human Centipede.)
Really fucked disease (This is fun because if it’s contagious it means potentially more than one character could be affected.
Mutilated by power (You know that one scene from Akira? Yeah, that. A character gets exposed to more weird magic than their body can handle and it starts to change them. Like how the Fantastic Four got their powers, depending on the adaptation.)
Transformation into species from one of your other fandoms (PLEASE someone make it Pokemon, the body horror potential there is impeccable)
Angelic/Demonic transformation (Which one is up to you… or maybe just flip a coin.)
AMOGUS (or something similar like changelings or such. Excuse me, I just left this here because I was out of ideas.)
Body Horror extra flavour spices for you to add if bored:
Mass Transformation (The same except whatever the prompt is happens to more characters than just one or two.)
Partial Transformation (They transform except not much.)
Slow Transformation (In case you feel like writing something a bit longer.)
Voluntary (Voluntary body horror sounds like something really fun, honestly.)
Involuntary but temporary (Like a werewolf, y’know?)
Roll more than once (Self-explanatory.)
Roll again on the opposite table
Transformation (aka the same thing but with no body horror) Prompts
Animal (like the above but instantaneous/oblivious/painless.)
Body Swap (Very fun, especially when different species are added to the mix.)
Gender Swap (If you’d like an idea of a nice twist to add to this, I’d suggest swapping sexual preference as well as gender. Straight men are still straight as women, and gay men are now lesbians. Very fun if only a select few characters have been affected.)
Ghost (May lean into body horror slightly depending on the method of death. Speaking of which, I’m a big fan of when ghosts get unique appearances/powers depending on the method of death, so maybe you could add that to spice it up?)
Trapped in a computer/other kind of machine (I think I read a creepypasta about this once. It was really fun.)
Reincarnated as a Different Species (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, So I’m A Spider So What?… I think there was this one anime where the main character got reincarnated as a vending machine. That’s how versatile this prompt is.)
Isekai into Another Fandom (Overlaps with the above heavily, but more specific.)
Video Game Logic World (You know the Jumanji sequels? That.)
Emergency Transformation (Like the TvTrope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EmergencyTransformation)
Karmic Transformation (Like the TvTrope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KarmicTransformation)
Two+ Characters, One Body (I REALLY love this trope because that baby can fit so many shenanigans in depending on how it’s taken.)
Empathic Transformation (This wasn’t worded really well but basically what if a character is transformed into what they see themselves as/transformed by another character into what the transformer sees them as. This could also cross over into body horror depending on how you take it.)
Transformation Extra Flavour Spices For If You’re Bored:
Mass Transformation (self-explanatory)
Involuntary but temporary (Again, like a werewolf)
Partial Transformation (Of course, this only works with about half of the listed prompts but it’s still good.)
Roll more than once (Self-explanatory.)
Roll again on the opposite table
And that’s all! I’ll try my best to read anything you guys may make with this list (that’s not smut, kinky or a retelling of Human Centipede) so go out and spread the word! (oh god people are definitely going to accuse this of being my fetish aren’t they)
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star-girl69 · 2 years
Keep Me Ablaze
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: swearing, animal death, mentions of knives, mentions of bow and arrow, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Ten- Clean Kill
You miss your Aunt and the feel of metal under your feet, but you miss doing nothing the most.
You’ve grown too used to climbing into a hammock with Neytiri, groaning as your muscles ache, while she laughs and calls you a baby.
Even Jake has experience with this from his Marine days- but you? You know nothing more than to aim for the throat, always mean it when you pull the trigger, pointy end out when using a knife.
You know basic skills.
Jake is a Marine, Neytiri is a warrior, and they are wildfires. Wind or water will not put them out.
You feel like a candle, and you’re wavering each day, and soon someone will snuff you out. Neytiri lends you her fire just by sleeping there with you, by waking up with her arm around you.
You miss studying samples with Grace, getting pale from the lack of sunlight because you always go in your Avatar body.
Now, your bones creak and your muscles ache, feet rubbed red and raw from jumping branch to branch.
Only a few more, you tell yourself, only a few more.
Finally, Neytiri disappears around the final bend, and watching her fade away like that makes you feel uneasy. You stop on a branch, making the mistake of looking down, the bottom of Hometree hazy and barely-there.
“What’s wrong?” Jake asks, only a few branches in front of you, the silence without your movement deafening.
“Nothing,” you mutter, embarrassed that it’s hard to function without Neytiri right next to you.
But Neytiri has always been your savior- always helped you, kept you safe. She had always given you gifts and flowers and fruits, she has always taken care of you.
And now, hundreds of feet above the ground, nothing but branches to catch you, is it wrong to feel unsafe without her right next to you? Without her hands on you?
The branch in front of you creaks suddenly, and Jake is there. He holds out his arm, and you hesitate, but slide your fingers between his own. It’s blue on blue.
“Come on,” he says, and maybe he has that same sort of savior attitude like Neytiri, because with his hand in yours you feel less dizzy. Like before you were an island, floating through the ocean, and now you are continent. Nothing will shake you.
“Thank you,” you say, and there’s no bite in it. It’s just him and you touching and fire burning so hot it’s blue.
Another two branches, until you reach solid ground, and it both catches up to you. Jake pants, hunching over slightly with his hand above his knee. But his other arm is still limp against his side, intwined with yours.
You take a few deep breaths as your eyes meet Neytiri’s, but she quickly looks down, eyes narrowing. But as quick as it’s there, it’s gone.
His hand falls from yours.
“Stay,” she says, and turns, taking a few steps forward. She makes a sound deep in her throat, like a bird call, again, then again. The leaves in the branches above you start rustling, actual birds squawking and flying away.
Suddenly, something bursts through the trees. Like a dragon, for the stories Grace would tell you, like a demon, like some dark omen. You gasp and back up, Jake almost falling.
“Holy shit!” he laughs, regaining his bearings and coming to stand again.
You know of Seze.
A month before Grace’s school was shut down, Neytiri had passed her inkimaya and claimed Seze. You wanted so badly to meet the animal she had dedicated so much time to be able to claim, but the first few weeks with Seze were like a trial period.
You still remember crawling into her lap, begging like a child, while she only laughed and said she didn’t want you to get hurt. Brushing your hair behind your ear, a whisper of “my human”, a thrum of something more in the air. Like an unspoken want, desire.
“Do not look in her eye,” Neytiri cautions, and you quickly fix your eyes to the floor.
Seze is as beautiful as Neytiri told you, turquoise green with brown markings, soft pink under her wings.
Neytiri grabs her long, pointed jaw and whispers to Seze in Na’vi.
“Ikran is not horse,” she lectures, “one shahaylu is made…” she brings her braid forward, the pink tendrils from her and Seze connecting. Seze roars. “Ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life.”
She tugs on the straps of Seze’s saddle, before swinging herself over and up onto Seze’s back.
Seze startles and roars, wings flapping excitedly at the promise of a ride with her hunter.
Jake grins wildly, crouched over, but he shoots a look to you.
“To become taronyu, hunter, you must choose your own ikran and he must choose you.”
Jake nods, eyes fixed on the ikran. “When?” he asks, impatient, a soldier.
“When you are ready,” she smiles, shifting her visor before hunching down and yelling out.
Seze jumps off of of the edge, diving straight down, before her wings open up and she’s soaring. Neytiri slowly starts circling the tree, rising higher and higher, until she comes back to the branch where you and Jake wait, and Jake gasps and ducks as Seze flys right over him.
You laugh as Neytiri whoops, watching her fly, watching her be free.
This morning is quiet, rainy. You have been training for a month straight- swimming, hunting, shooting. You follow tracks and pick up on the tiniest sounds deep in the forest.
Neytiri teaches you about the connection The People have to the forest and to Eywa, about the invisible net of energy in everyone and everything. How that energy is only borrowed. She placed her hand over your heart, and one day you must give it back.
For now, you fall into the rhythm of Jake, of the way his skin feels against you and the way his fire burns like yours. But each night you fall into Neytiri’s arms, into her bed, and you wake up in a link pod.
You don’t feel like a candle, not after the month you have been enduring. But you feel like a reflection of a flame. Like you’re not really there. Neither human or Na’vi.
You take one deep breath, then another, drawing your arrow as quietly as you can. But even with everything Neytiri has taught you, the animal in front of you still senses you. It growls and looks straight at you, fanned head and coal black eyes. Maybe when you were just a candle you would let your feet take you over. But you are a wildfire, now, and there is an abundance of flames to hide your fears in.
Neytiri let’s in a slow breath from behind you, Jake shifts on his feet. With the reminder that they’re here, they’re with you, you let your fear smolder away. Let yourself fall into the flames, know it won’t hurt, because they’ll be there.
You exhale sharply, let the arrow fly, straight into the spot Neytiri shows you. You think she gasps, but you are running on instinct, on what she taught you.
You burst through the brush, crouch before the baying animal and grab your knife. You feel their eyes on you.
“I see you, brother. And thank you.” You try to keep your voice calm, not let your excitement or your fear bubble up to the surface. Not now, at least. But, you plunge your knife in fast, so as not to prolong the animal’s suffering.
The animal gives one final jolt before resting, and you twist your knife.
“Your spirit goes with Eywa. Your body stays behind… to become part of The People.”
You let out a sigh, tucking your knife back into your waistband before standing up. The two have long since stood, now next to each other, and it’s silence in the forest for just a moment, before you let out a shout and throw yourself towards them.
Jake laughs loud, arm wrapping around your waist, practically lifting you off the floor, while you put an arm around each of their necks. Neytiri even laughs too, despite her disdain for Jake, which has rapidly started to fade.
He made his clean kill yesterday- and he must have proved something to her, changed her mind about him, because she treats him relatively how she treats you. It feels- right.
And this feels right.
Your arms around them, his arm around your waist, around her shoulders, her hand on his cheek.
You press your forehead to Neytiri’s shoulder, before laying your head to the side, and she turns and looks over you, maybe even smiling at Jake- before she presses her nose to your forehead.
“A clean kill,” she says, rusting the hair she touches. “You are ready. Both of you are ready.”
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