#it still sucks though
reno2005 · 1 month
Okay maybe I’ll start using the bolt thrower for like one room.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
No, Into Darkness hasn't gotten any better in the ten years since I last saw it, but in retrospect, I appreciate that it at least tried, however ineptly, to problematize militarization, which means (God help me), in that one respect at least, it's better than Picard season 3.
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
My stomachs been all sick today. I was in the bathroom for like almost a full hour or more a whole ago, and I feel like it might still be bad for a bit longer. I don't know why, bit it feels like my stomach has been getting bad once or twice a month lately. I don't get why it's been doing this lately, but I hate it nonetheless. It's an awful feeling when your stomach gets all sick. Sigh...
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gremlinbehaviour · 1 year
I don't know if my tolerance for being sore from exercise has changed or if I've always hated it this much, but man I find the idea of adding to my pain intentionally to be so fucking unappealing nowadays. Why do people do that to themselves
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gameboy-berry · 11 months
I have respect for the folks at GLITCH and the creator of Digital Circus but it is unfortunate that the company has a near decade long history of the most unhinged, inconsiderate and criticism adverse fanbases I've ever seen. And from what I've heard its only gotten WORSE over time. Like just because some criticisms can be outdated or bad doesn't mean you have to hack and stalk anyone who dares to say its not perfect or even not their thing. That's not even half of what those fans do.... I genuinely feel bad for anyone whos been at the receiving end of the fanbases' actions.
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carrot-cakes · 1 year
i just want to evaporate
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echidnana · 1 year
also we got misgendered yesterday in school for the first time in a long time and it genuinely hurt so fucking bad
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Just a little note to say out loud, cause I can’t say it to the main person I talk to. 
I want a relationship with someone who wants to introduce me to the people they call family, and who wants to be introduced and hang out with the people I call family.
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eosofspades · 1 year
i didn't have "i'm broken" teenage asexual angst i had "i'm literally being the only reasonable one about this concept and the rest of you are behaving like fucking freaks" perception issues
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popcorn-plots · 3 months
I'm feeling better... However, I'm super hungry and that's kind of making me nauseous, I want to eat but I don't know if I can hold it down. I drank some apple juice and sprite, and I'm also a little nauseous just from that...
we will see what happens.
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jakemoogle · 9 months
It was my little man crush/general crush’s (whatever the hell I feel about him) last shift tonight at work. As sad as it is because he was honestly a highlight of coming into work and seeing him, we did get to exchange Instagram which was nice, so we can somewhat stay connected.
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dagmartoons · 1 year
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Mikey skeletal anatomy! Click for better quality
Box turtles are the kinds of turtles who can fully fit into and close their shells along a single hinge in their plastron, which once closed is extremely hard to break into for any kind of predator especially if they cannot get a proper grip on the dome of the shell. Box turtles are also usually found in plains rather than ponds, and while they need water to survive and keep hydrated and can swim well, they’re not generally considered aquatic. Box turtles do have an interesting adaptation due to their more northern range of being able to survive freezing temperatures for a short period of time by slowing their metabolism outside of seasonal brumation (similar to hibernation, but more of a dormant state) if absolutely needed.
After watching TMNT ‘03 where the turtles meditate to save oxygen and prevent suffocation in a broken airlock, I thought, why not mix their ninja ability to conceal their body heat and breath and mix it with a turtles natural ability to brumate? Perhaps the brothers could enter into a completely dormant state on command with enough training in order to survive extreme situations or astral project in some form. Just a fun thought to tie their strong mystic powers with their physical abilities!
Although I use the term heterothermy to refer to them being able to vary between generating their own body heat while active and relying on environmental temperature while inactive, the intricacies of understanding thermal regulation in animals eludes me. If there’s a term that fits better, go ahead! I’m not a biologist so you probably know better lol
These are all my personal head cannons! You can use em’ as reference or not, whichever you prefer :)
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sgogs · 2 years
I'm so incredibly sick rn and everything is moving in slow motion and I'm honestly not jiving with it
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
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What the Robins consider each other to be
From Heroes in Crisis #9.
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hilacopter · 4 months
alright jewtuals who's ready for the worst pride month of our fucking lives
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