#it took me 150 to beat it
library-fae · 5 months
waiting for hades ii to come out on switch (because that's what i played the original on) and im in agony
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stinkrascal · 3 days
i finally beat elden ring im literally the elden lord
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in-class-daydreams · 23 days
Imagine Sen begging ex-husband Gojo, "Please don't tell mom!"
"Why is there a huge wolf in your dorm?" Satoru asks, bewildered.
Satoru was on business at the Kyoto school when he stopped by the dorms to visit his son. He got more than he bargained for.
To their credit, Naoki Zenin and Hikari Higuruma don't cower at the prospect of the famed Gojo Satoru catching them red-handed.
"She approached us while we were camping," Hikari explains. "We were cooking some meat and she came up with her ears pinned back and whined for some."
Satoru eyes the 150-something pound wolf. "That doesn't explain why it's indoors. And wolves went extinct in Japan more than a hundred years ago. And why is it that big?"
Sen and Nao hugged the creature around the neck. Sen says, "We think she's pregnant!"
"Still doesn't answer any of my questions."
Their line of conversation gets cut short by Satoru's phone ringing. He checks the caller ID.
"It's your mom," he tells Sen.
"Don't tell her! Please, dad, she's going to beat my ass!" Sen begs.
Satoru chuckles. "Oh, I know." He answers the call. "Hey, what's up?"
The four of them wince when your voice booms through the speaker.
"How'd she know?" Nao mutters.
"I know it sounds bad, but--"
You cut your ex off. "Put Sen on the phone!"
Knowing that there was no escaping unless they wanted you to come down here yourself, Satoru gingerly hands his son the phone. While you have a full-volume rant about rabies and mauling and animal-borne diseases, Satoru holds up a finger and mouths, "Wait here."
He teleports away while Nao and Hikari pat Sen on the shoulder in solidarity. Hikari is about to tell Sen that he can take you off of speaker until she looks down and realizes you're not on speaker at all. You've just got the lungs of a drill sergeant.
"--rely on limitless to prevent yourself from getting bitten? Wild animals are not pets! What if there's-- Satoru, what are you doing here? I..." The trio listens with anticipation when you trail off and they hear Satoru saying something unintelligible to you.
The audio goes muffled, as if you'd put a hand over the speaker. You and Satoru exchange heated (on your side) words until you stop and huff. Then one thing from Satoru reaches the trio's ears.
"Just let me handle it. Please?"
They can feel your glare through the phone.
"You think you can just come here and bat your lashes and give me that wet puppy look and I'll cave?" you say incredulously.
"Yes. And, well. You know."
You huff and the line goes dead. A moment later, Satoru reappears.
"I've never heard anyone talk her down like that," Sen says in wonder.
Satoru shrugs. "It's a learned skill. I just showed her this picture." He hands them a polaroid.
The color is faded, but the paper is still in mint condition. Someone seemed to have taken great care of it. It reads "September 2005" and it depicts somewhere that must be the Tokyo High dorms. Satoru's visage is unmistakable, what with Sen looking exactly the same. The only difference is more babyish features, his hair, and the round sunglasses.
You looked much the same back then, too. Maybe a bit less tired-looking and with a bit more mischief in your eyes than Sen had ever remembered seeing growing up, but it was still you.
And sitting on the bed, surrounded by empty filet-o-fish wrappers strewn all over your bedroom floor, being hugged from either side by your teen selves, is a fully-grown grizzly bear.
Thanks for reading!
Click [here] to keep up with ex-husband Gojo and his estranged family | Ask stuff about Sen and the fam [here]
Hi, everyone! I'm back! Sorry, I was worried I was posting too much before and then I lost a little inspo. I've been having doubts about my Sen work, so I took a little break. Thank you for your support and kind words! It meant a lot! (And to the anon's who asked about reader's burn many moons ago, I haven't forgotten you, I'm just trying to do her injury justice in the fic for it.)
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servicpop · 4 months
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✶ ﹑ㅤXOXOㅤ﹏
NOW STARRING : cowboy Cole x "showgirl" m!reader
「ㅤFLUFFㅤ」ㅤdates n stuff with your cowboy bf
notes ,, not proofread ! – part one , part two
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You started dating him. The sweetest cowboy around.
You've never really understood it when the showgirls always rambled on about their partners — you personally thought you couldn't do it. But here you are, yapping on and on about him.
You'd blabble a few compliments to him like "he's so handsome," "he's got the cutest smile," "he treats me like a prince," and the girls could practically see the hearts bubbling off of your head. You couldn't stop! The words flooded out your mouth like word vomit and you swore they were getting tired of hearing your heart thumping at 150 beats per minute.
Seated at the vanity, your legs dangled over the chair as you turned to one of the girls, holding your cheeks in your palm as you swooned over Cole. She didn't mind, of course, she was used to your rambling now and was focused on perfecting a new lip combo. "Oh you're so smitten!" She giggled, patting her cheeks with a cushion. "Ain't your mouth tired of moving so much 'mr lover boy'?" Another girl nudged your shoulder with the end of her brow pencil, shaking her head as she huffed from your yapping. A whistle from the girls broke you out of your trance as you lifted your head to look towards the doorway.
When you turned your head, you were met with Cole's figure standing at the entrance of the tent with a bright red blush and flowers held closely to his head. He must've heard everything. Flustered, he clutched his hat that was also held to his chest, lifting it up slightly to cover his red face, "U–uhm... hey. Apologies– I don't wanna' intrude on the ladies space." Cole's eyes were casted to the side; you could tell he was trying to be respectful of the space you shared with the girls.
You got up, walking over to where he was stood and took his hands in yours. "It's alright, I'm sure they don't mind," you reassure him, gently guiding him towards the dressing rooms where you could get changed into some more comfortable clothes. You glanced over your shoulder, seeing Cole's eyes trained to the floor and his hat covering his face as he followed you like a puppy. He most definitely felt intimidated by the bustling lifestyle showgirls lived.
As you pulled him into the dressing rooms, Cole finally relaxed, lowering his hat to his side as he watched you with a sweet smile. "No peeking," you chime, disappearing behind the wall to change. "I wouldn't unless you asked sweetheart," Cole called out, taking this moment to lean against the wall as he waited for you to finish.
When you appeared, Cole let out a whistle, his eyes locked with yours as he exhaled contently, "How do you look so beautiful all the time sugar?" Cole took a few steps closer to you, reaching his fingers out to tuck a stray strand of hair from your face. His fingers lingered in your hair, brushing through it as he held the side of your neck just behind your ears. His lips ghosted over yours and you could practically feel the heat radiating off him. He didn't connect the kiss and instead pulled back, "Nope! Savin' it for later," He chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist as he walked with you out of the dressing room.
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It was a nice, sunny day out with the sun beaming down on the two of you but the clouds were kind enough to provide some shelter from the harsh sunlight. Linked by arms, you and Cole were stumbling around the streets pointing out what each cloud looked like. Passer-bys probably thought you guys were drunk but in reality, you were just having some silly fun with your boyfriend.
"That one looks like a duck," Cole laughed, pointing his finger to the sky at the fluffy cloud that was... shaped nothing like a duck. It looked more like a dachshund with its pointy nose and long body but you could see where Cole got a duck from. Another cloud caught your attention, it was most definitely shaped like a horse, "Hey, doesn't that look like Spirit?" You muse, smiling as you pointed to the other cloud. "You sure got keen eyes, darlin'" Cole leaned his weight against you, ruffling your hair playfully as he squeezed you even tighter against him.
After a few minutes — or hours — of giggling at random shapes of clouds, Cole finally led you to a small café by the lake. You hadn't even realised you walked this far out with him. "They've got some mighty fine milkshakes, we can share one!" His hands dipped down to yours, linking your fingers with his as he pulled you inside. The soft jingling of the bells rung through your ears as you stepped through the door, the cozy scent of coffee beans and sweets wafted to your direction.
The atmosphere was so nice, like a fireplace on a cold winter night. Cole seemed to be familiar with the workers, calling out a few greetings before letting you sit down at one of the tables beside the window. The window sill had a small succulent plant, adding to the comfortable environment this café had. "How 'bout a salted caramel milkshake? Sound good?" Cole crooned, swiping his finger along the paper menu before he glanced up at you. You were willing to try out anything Cole suggested, he seemed familiar with this town — maybe because it was quite close to his home town.
Cole called over the waiter and had a brief chat before the waiter left with your orders. The wait was comfortably quiet, just Cole admiring the lake and sometimes you.
The waiter finally came back with the tall milkshake glass, the whipped cream dripped down the edges in small streaks of white adorned with a pinkish cherry ontop. They placed it down before flashing the two of you a smile. The milkshake stood tall and beads of condensation trickled down the flared design of the glass. "Here," You felt the coolness of the cherry being placed against your lips and you look up to see Cole holding it out for you, "I've had this milkshake plenty of times. Its my favourite."
You happily took the cherry, plucking it off of its stem as you chewed on it, the sweet taste leaving a pleasant tingle on your tongue. You watched as Cole grabbed an extra straw and placed it into the drink, pushing one towards your side and holding one to his. You both leaned in to take a sip, the coolness of the milkshake running down your throat nicely. "It's good!" you smile and Cole cant help but smile too. "Told 'ya" he laughed.
It seemed like hours as you and Cole rambled on to eachother about anything that came to mind — he'd tell you about the local gossip and you'd tell him about your experiences in different cities. The more you talked, the more the milkshake slowly disappeared and the sun lowered behind the horizon. The sunset glow casted through the window, a yellow-ish orange color painted the interior of the café. The workers practically had to kick you two out since it was 5 minutes to closing time.
The walk back to your motel wasn't silent, the evening was filled with endless conversations and laughs. Cole turned to face you, the crinkles beside his eyes softening as he had to ask the one question that's been lingering in the back of his mind, "You gotta hit the road again, don't ya?" You look up at him and can see his little heart cracking behind those eyes, he always hated to see you leave. "Yeah," You nod, your voice somewhat breathless, "It's in the city this time, its quite far this time." Cole frowned, squeezing your hand a bit tighter.
"You promise to write t'me, okay?" You weren't that cruel to not write letters to him. "Of course, Cole."
He walked you right to the doorstep, but before you could go inside, he pulled you close, wrapping his arms around your waist held you tightly. "Wait—" He mumbled, looking down at your face. You were so close to him. Like a snake, his arms constricted around your body, holding you as if you'd run away if he let go. He lowered his head and brought his lips to yours.
You could taste the sweet-salty taste of the caramel milkshake you shared earlier. His lips were soft, not lustful, just genuine love for you. He pulled away to let you take a breath before leaning back in for a second kiss, this time leaning so far forward you had to bend backwards to accommodate for the passionate kiss. "I love you," Cole murmured against your lips, peppering kisses all over your face as he leaned in as close as possible to you. The kisses tickled your skin, causing a giggle to be forced out of your lungs, "Love you too." As you say your last goodbyes — and Cole gave you about 50 more kisses — you finally walked back into your room, meeting one of the girls you shared the motel with.
"That was something straight out of a romance movie," She teased, stirring her black coffee with a teaspoon. "Oh shush," You reply.
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Cole sighed with a smile as he finally finished drying the flowers he hand-picked earlier. One of the local grannies told him how to dry flowers and that they would last longer when dried. Knowing Cole, he most definitely used those lessons to use for you. He gently placed the flowers in the envelope, licking the glue to activate it and encased his hand-written letter safely inside.
"He'll love it!"
You had achieved a small collection of dried flowers from Cole, all different kinds and combinations. He really did have an eye for pretty things. Of course, you wrote back, using one of your favourite lipsticks to plant kiss marks on the letters, and neatly signing your name with a heart in red ink. You sealed them up and kissed the envelope once more for good luck.
Your pile of Cole's letters grew as you didn't have the heart to throw any of them away. Tonight, you had recieved an extra special letter, one that had the paw print of Scout on the front. Your heart raced as you took the letter out, curious to why this one was worthy of getting a paw print signed on it.
"I'm coming over! Just wait."
Was written on the bottom of the letter. You could just imagine the big toothy grin on Cole's face when he wrote that. And you have to give it to him, for a guy like him, you didn't expect his handwriting to be so elegant.
You weren't sure when, where, or how Cole was going to "come over," but you waited nonetheless, and the next day Cole had arrived at your hotel with a pair of rugged jeans and a hoodie you gifted to him after on of your performances. "Cole!" You beam, basically jumping out of your seat to hug him, "Honey!" He laughed back, holding you tightly against his chest. "I missed you."
He lifted you up into his arms bridal style, causing a squeak from you, and jumped onto the plush bed with you snuggled in his arms. Your legs tangled under the warmth of the sheets as he pressed his face against your neck, relishing in the soft floral scent of your perfume. He loved that scent, it was perfectly feminine but had a certain masculine undertone to it — which in his opinion — embodies you so well.
"When you get a vacation, come back to my house, I'll let you meet my parents," Cole whispered against your skin, his hands tracing small circles on your back, "Let's get married..."
"Sure— wait what?"
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a/n : Cole sweet Cole !! This fic wasn't my best ,, I think maybe I could've done better/wrote more but currently my laptop is out of order right now !! I hate writing on my phone TT but it'll be back soon (hopefully) ♡
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copperbadge · 3 months
I took a survey when I left the Country Music Hall of Fame that asked me about "artifacts" in the collection, which isn't wrong but did crack me up as a term to use, so here are two of my favorite weird artifacts:
The photo of the front seat of the car is just so unhinged. I'm going to do the description of it here because I want to make sure you guys notice that this is a white open-top car with front hybrid bench-bucket seats upholstered in leather, but that is where the normalcy ends. The door handles on both outside and inside are made of SIX SHOOTERS with mother-of-pearl grips, the sun shades are embossed leather flaps like cowboy boots might look if you flattened them, and between the two front seats where the gearshift normally goes is a large saddle covered in silver dollars. The horn of the western-style saddle might be the gearshift, it's tough to say. According to a placard nearby, this is the Nudie Mobile, so called because it was customized by "Nudie's Rodeo Tailors" which did a lot of early costume design for country performers.
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This image looks more normal but I promise you it is not.
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This is a Gibson F-5 mandolin, billed in the placard as the most famous mandolin in American music history, which seems like a low bar to clear, but I'm not a mandolin aficionado. Again, for an image ID, it is an extremely worn-looking eight-string instrument, a fairly standard modern mandolin. It has a number of bare patches and scratches on the soundboard. Wanna know why?
It's because this famous mandolin belonged to Bill Monroe, who bought it from a barbershop (how a Gibson made by Lloyd Loar got into a barbershop is a mystery) in the 40s. He played it for decades until 1985, when an intruder broke in and beat the mandolin to pieces with a fireplace poker. So what you're seeing in that image is the original Gibson -- reassembled from about 150 splintered pieces by Gibson company. Monroe kept playing it, including in recordings, until he died in 1996.
I have to say, I spent maybe five, ten minutes standing in front of it, leaning this way and that, looking like an idiot I'm sure as I tried to detect seams and cracks where it was reassembled, and whoever at Gibson put this back together did a spectacular job. For all it looks kicked to shit in this picture, it looks fantastic in person.
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lancermylove · 8 months
Headpats (Scenarios)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, Luke platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can I request a headcanon about female mc tried to give all the obey me characters headpat. Female mc's height is 150 cm,
A/N: The struggles of short people. I can relate. 😂
Diavolo tilted his head, watching you like a curious puppy. While he understood you wanted to reach his head, the prince had no idea why you wanted to pat his head. He was amused and a bit surprised at your boldness. The image of an adorable human patting the head of the future King of Devildom was something Diavolo didn't want anyone to see. But he didn't want to insult or push you away, so the prince laughed.
"You never cease to surprise me, (y/n)."
Diavolo rested his large hand on your head and affectionately tussled your hair.
Barbatos found it amusing and strange as most beings feared him or dared not to come close to him. Yet, here you were, hoping to affectionately pat his head. Though the situation was endearing, Barbatos had an image to uphold. He considered rejecting your action, but the thought of hurting you tugged at his heartstrings.
With a sigh, he looked around to ensure the two of you were alone and slightly crouched down. As you pat his head, Barbatos chuckled and pecked your forehead.
Solomon was amused to see you getting on your toes and stretched your hand as far up as you could.
“My, (y/n). You are adorable.”
The sorcerer teased you harmlessly about your pocket-sized height. By the time he was done with you, you were either sulking or glaring at him. Solomon bent down to your height as a gift for putting up with his teasing. But as soon as you reached to pat his head, the sorcerer stood upright and laughed, teasing you again.
It took him a minute to register what you were trying to do, but even then, the angel wasn't sure. He understood you wanted to reach something on his face or head but nothing more. So, Simeon bent down, watching your moves curiously. When you patted his head, he was surprised.
Simeon blushed lightly and smiled but didn't say anything. He found your actions cute, but his focus was on your innocent smile, which made his heart skip a beat.
Luke was around your height, so you didn't have to struggle to pat his head. When your hand met his head, the young angel looked at you with wide eyes. Had it been anyone else, Luke would have stepped away or swatted their hand away, as he didn't like it when adults treated him like a child. But the way you lovingly patted his head, the young angel smiled brightly and closed his eyes. He felt like he had done something good and was receiving his gift in the form of your head pats.
Were you trying to pat a grim reaper's head? She knew she was cute and all, but seriously? Thirteen laughed and lowered her head, allowing you to pat her colorful hair. Once you were done, she pinched your cheeks and showered you with compliments.
"You look so cute! I want to gobble you up."
Even when you protested her pinching your cheeks, Thirteen didn't stop and teased you.
"If you get to pat my head, I get to pinch your cheeks."
Raphael had no idea why you were jumping up and down with your arm stretched upwards. He curiously stared at you for a while, but when the angel couldn't decode your actions, he asked what you were doing.
"I want to pat your head."
That was certainly a line he had never heard. Though he couldn't understand your reason, Raphael crouched down to your height so you could fulfill your wish. When you met his gaze, the angel gave you a soft smile. Your action was somehow endearing and comforting.
Was a human attempting to pat his head? Mephistopheles rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, watching your struggles with an unamused expression. That was not something anyone had dared to try with him. The demon wasn't sure how to react; on the one hand, he found it annoying but couldn't deny you look adorable. However, no matter how hard you struggled or how cute you looked, Mephistopheles would not allow you to pat his head. He was too much of a classy demon to allow a human to touch his perfect hair.
Lucifer stared at you unamused. At first, he thought about staring down at you with a glare, but your struggle to reach his head was endearing. His face softened, and there was no way he could be mean to you, especially since you wanted to show affection to him. Going against his prideful nature, he bent down to let you affectionately pat his head. Your bright smile was worth momentarily snuffing his pride.
“Do not get used to this, (y/n).”
Mammon was confused when he saw you hopping up and down like a bunny. He was in a playful mood, so when you jumped up, Mammon jumped with you.
"Mammon, lower your head!"
"Why didn't ya just say so?"
The demon blinked rapidly when you affectionately patted his head. His cheeks instantly turned red, and he covered his mouth, averting his eyes from you. How was he supposed to resist you when you were being so damn cute?
As soon as you stretched your hand up and jumped once, Levi knew what you were trying to do. He immediately stepped away and looked away, embarrassed.
"Do I look like a child to you?" He stuttered.
But then he saw your sad face, and Levi lowered his head. When you patted his head, his face and ears heated up. Though he didn't want to admit it, your small, affectionate action caused an earthquake in his heart.
He felt the need to remind you that he was a demon, not a puppy or child that needed pats. But the longer Satan thought of it, the more he realized you only wanted to show him your affection. Sighing, he lowered his body.
His muscles stiffened, and his face hardened. Why did he like this action? It didn't take long for Satan's cheeks to glow red. Though he remained silent, it was apparent he enjoyed your touch.
Knowing what you wanted to do, Asmo watched you with a warm smile. Your cuteness and charm were on another level, and he couldn't get enough of it. He brought his face to your level and laughed softly as you patted his head. Once you were done, Asmo reciprocated your action by patting your head.
"You are adorable, (y/n)."
Beel raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly. His eyes followed you as you jumped up and down. What were you trying to do? The Avatar of Gluttony thought you looked adorable and smiled softly. He placed his hands on the curves of your waist and effortlessly lifted you up.
Beel was surprised when you patted his hair, but he chuckled and let you pat him as much as you wanted.
Belphie was used to receiving affection and enjoyed every moment of it. So, as soon as you grinned and extended your hand up to his head, the Avatar of Sloth slowly lowered his head. He chuckled slightly as your hand patted his head. When you stopped patting his head, Belphie shook his head and placed your hand on his head again.
"Don't stop."
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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yawneneteyam · 1 year
ALL THINGS CONNECTED | j. flatters chapter seven — give us some commentary
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summary: growing up on the set of avatar: the way of water was a dream. your friends had become your family, all except for one. jamie was the one person you always found yourself drawn to, in ways more complex than the title of 'best friends' [1.6k].
pairing: fem!reader x jamie flatters
notes: based on jamie flatters documentary: all things connected. co-stars/friends to lovers. inspired by @cacapeepee. shorter but I wanted to get something out. mentions of blacking out underwater.
⌙ pairing: jamie flatters x fem!reader
masterlist ⎸ chapter six | chapter eight
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148…149… 150… 151…
your eyes were closed, the numbers in your head going up and up every second you held your breath for longer. usually, you could feel your heartbeat in your chest, but today, you were so zoned in you didn’t take notice of it. 
you were all in the tank, seeing who could hold their breath for the longest. jack had already come up, around 43 seconds in. he was watching intently from his place, now, outside the tank. it had been four months since you and jamie last had a competition to see who could hold their breath for the longest. you didn’t even care for the competition anymore, the fact of proving to yourself you could do it, mattered even more than beating jamie. 
152… 153… 154… 155…
you could feel your heartrate beginning to quicken. you opened your eyes and tried your best to try and slow it. you looked at jamie, who was ahead of you, the vision of him blurred by the water- but you could make out his silhouette anywhere. 
156… 157... 158... 
you saw his figure jerk a little. you furrowed your eyebrows and tried to make out what he was doing, but it only made sense when you realised he was beginning to sink. 
he had passed out. 
your heart was racing now. you heard splashed from above and saw other figures coming to help, but you got to him first. you tried your best to pull jamie up to the surface, but his unconscious frame was heavy underwater. you silently thanked the free-dive instructor for helping you pull him up. 
time slowed as the rest of the diving team hauled jamie out of the tank. bailey and duane had broken the surface, noticing the commotion. bailey asked you what had happened, but you didn’t register what she was saying; too busy trying to catch your breath, and watch the instructor get jamie to consciousness. 
he didn’t wake up instantly, or maybe he did.. you couldn’t tell. you weren’t sure if you were waiting for five seconds or five minutes, but jamie eventually came to when they were starting to contemplate cpr. 
you pulled yourself up the ladder quickly, realising he was waking up, but you kept your distance, not wanting to be in the way. 
“is he okay?” jack asked from against the railing. no one answered him, too busy trying to make sure jamie was okay. 
it all went really quick after that, jamie was with the medical team for a while before he was sent back to his trailer to rest. you ended up in there only 10 minutes after they cleared him. he had fallen back to sleep on the couch, his head fallen back completely. 
you rushed over to make sure he hadn’t become unconscious again. you said his name a few times but shook him when he didn’t respond. 
jamie took a deep breath before opening his eyes and letting out a groan. “y/n?” he asked.
“im sorry i came in,” you said quickly, “i was worried.. e-everyone was worried. i said i’d come check on you”. a lie. 
“it’s okay,” he gave you what you would pass as a tired smile, “i’m glad you’re here”. you tried to ignore the butterflies that let themselves into your stomach, especially at such an inconvenient time, but you couldn’t help it. 
“i wanna hang, but i don’t know how much longer i should be awake for. they told me to sleep it off,” he chuckled. 
“you’re so stupid for not coming up,” you shook your head, ignoring him. “why wouldn’t you come up?”.
he sighed, “i thought i had it,” he shrugged. jamie cleared his throat before readjusting his position on the couch, making room for you next to him. “i wanted to do well,” he admitted shyly, almost embarrassed. 
you shook your head softly, looking at him. you took in his tired demeanour; you could imagine that he would be wrecked after everything that happened. you were keeping him from resting, you knew that, but you were selfish in the fact that you just wanted him with you, so you could keep an eye on him.
“come on,” you stood up, holding out your hand, “lets get you back to bed.. in a real bed” you chuckled. jamie laughed along with you, if you could call it laughing. he felt like a shell of a man after the last hour. embarrassed he passed out, tired from the rushing and intensity of the situation, but happy that you were here. 
since your kiss, jamie couldn’t stop thinking about you. he felt helpless in a way he hadn’t felt before in his nearly 18 years on this earth. all of his thoughts were consumed by you, the thought of your lips, your laugh, your hips. he couldn’t help himself. 
if anyone came to check on him, he would want it to be you. 
“i’m not that tired, y/n. i’m fine,” jamie tried his best to reassure you, but there was an unspoken truth that you were aware of. 
“there is no way that you’re ‘fine’ after that, jamie” you shook your head, “you don’t need to lie to me,” and he knew that. out of everyone on this set, jamie knew that you were the one he could unapologetically tell the truth to, every single time. 
“i just would rather stay up with you,” he chuckled, resting his head against his knuckles. you both sat in silence for a little while longer, before you stood up and held out your hand to him. 
jamie raised his eyebrows at you, a little suspicious. you moved your hand at him again, showing your growing impatience, he haphazardly grabbed your hand. you pulled him into the back of his trailer and sat down on his bed. jamie didn’t let go of your hand as he sat next to you; he was drinking in your touch for as long as he could. 
“why are you looking at me like that?” you chuckled, suddenly getting nervous under his gaze. he noticed your change in demeanour, this was the first time you had ever acted like this when he looked at you. even in the dim lights of his trailer, jamie could swear your face grew a faint blush.
“i’m not looking at you like anything,” he smirked, shrugging his shoulders. a blatent lie from him, and jamie knew it. he was looking at you like he always does, like you hung the moon and the stars. 
you shook your head, trying to ignore the butterflies that were making their presence known in your stomach. “you need to rest, flats” you said. 
he knew you were right, but he wanted this time with you more than he did sleep. “we have the entire weekend to rest,” he rebutted, “i can relax at the beach with you tomorrow.”
“you’re crazy,” you laughed.
“how so?” 
you didn’t respond, just shook your head at him. “you need to let go of my hand so you can get into bed,” you suddenly took note of his fingers that were still intertwined with yours. jamie pulled away rather quickly, afraid he was making you uncomfortable. 
“we can lay down,” he said, shuffling himself towards the top of the bed, “but i’m not sleeping yet,” 
“you say that, but i know you” you laughed, switching the tv on, “you’ll pass out, flats.”
and that he did. you and jamie watched around twenty minutes of some movie he claimed was a ‘cinematic masterpiece’ before he dozed off before the plot could even move along. “night flats,” you whispered, pulling the covers over his body fully. you knew the medical team would check on him during the night, so you thought it would be best to head back to your trailer. you managed to slip out of his trailer, after picking up for a little while and leaving jamie a note. 
you went and saw bailey for an hour before you went back to your trailer, falling asleep, ready for your first free weekend in a while.
jamie was up with the medical team at two, four hours after you left him. he was so tired when they came, he was eager to go back to sleep. but when he woke up properly the next morning, he was finally in the right mind to have a shower and get ready for the day. 
jamie knew filip and duane wanted to go to manhattan beach again, spend their day lounging away in the sunshine and the sea. he wondered if he could rope you into coming with them, but he remembered you mentioning seeing your parents this weekend. 
he was about to head out to see filip, when a note sitting on his kitchenette caught his eye. 
“next time you’re up for it we can actually finish a film together. see you in the morning, superstar”
he couldn’t help the involuntary smile that found its way to his lips, or the way that his cheeks suddenly felt hot. he really was wrapped around your little finger, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
with a shake of his head, jamie quickly made his way over to filip’s trailer. 
“bro, what’s the rush?” filip asked from his couch after jamie barrelled his way into the trailer.
“i think i’m in love with y/n..” he blurted out. 
he and filip sat there in silence for a while, jamie being completely checked out after the realisation of how intense his feelings were for his castmate. 
“well..” filip sighed, “congrats on being the last one to find out,” 
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elsweetheart · 1 year
modern! ellie would be the type to get mad when you tell her you took your car in for an oil change. She’s be all: “i could have done it for you??” And when you tell her how much you paid for it?? she’d be seething she loves helping her pretty princess with her car
omg fjdjd this is so my hotneighbour!ellie …..
she catches you in the driveway when you’re arriving home and she’s all
“whats with the face?”
you pout, leaning against your car door and she smiles at the hello kitty dangler she can see swinging from your dashboard inside. “just went to the garage for an oil change. pretty much stripped my bank account, i hate going there.”
she stands up from the skateboard she was using to slide beneath her own car she was working on, frowning. “why? how much you pay?”
“440” you sigh and her eyes nearly come out of her head.
“how much— alright get in the car.” she walks around to your drivers seat, climbing inside and sitting down and you raise an eyebrow, never actually having sat in the passenger seat of your own car before.
“whats the matter?” you ponder, climbing in.
“oil changes should cost what, like $20? at the most… $150 but it’s unlikely.” she shakes her head angrily as she begins to drive. “such assholes. they only run up the money because you’re…” she trails off, deciding not to say what she wanted to.
“i’m what?” you frown and she looks around pointedly at the decorate seat covers, pink wheel and hello kitty dangler, raising a lazy hand in gesture.
“they can tell you… don’t really know jackshit about cars… no offence n’all. you’re a girly girl.” she explains and you pout thoughtfully, nodding.
“why didn’t you come to me? you know i’d do that shit for free, right?” she exasperates, turning to look at you as she drives. you’re in the middle of eyeing her in her dirty white wifebeater, hair stuck to the nape of her neck from sweat. your eyes snap back up to her and you sigh.
“i just didn’t wanna bother you with it, you know? you’ve got your own car to work on and… feels like m’taking advantage of you.” you furrow your brows and she shakes her head, raising a hand to cut you off.
“no, come on. next time you come to me, yeah?” she shoots you a serious look and you melt a little, nodding obediently. “good girl. don’t let these assholes screw with you like that.” she rasps under her breath and you have to take a moment to control yourself.
she pulls up, stepping out of your girly decorated car which is quite a funny sight, until of course you spot the look on her face as she steps up to a mechanic.
“who serviced this car?” she demands and the guy looks around dumbly.
“uh— jerry.” he points and ellie’s nodding him over, staring him down.
you then stand there as ellie forces him to recount each step of what he did to your car, calculating the cost it should be — $40.
“look, mix up’s happen—” the red faced man tried to explain but was cut off.
“a mix up? let me get this straight, slapping $400 on top of her bill is a mix up?” she paused for a beat, but didn’t wait for an answer when his mouth opened to jabber out an excuse. “refund.” she waves an arm, swaggering backwards from him to check on you, nervously stood by your car.
“uh— uh—” the man stuttered and ellie cut him off again.
“uh, uh—” she mocked and you nearly burst out laughing. “you gonna stand there with your mouth open or you gonna run the lady her money?”
you got your money back, and ellie still had a look at your car once you got home, rectifying the mechanics shabby mistakes (cursing and complaining about them the whole time, of course.)
“let me pay you. for all that. just a little bit please?” you plead, clasping your hands together as you stand over her, her legs hanging out from underneath your car as she checks everything beneath it. she slides out, squinting in the sunset up at you.
“nah.” she shakes her head, carelessly before pushing herself up, wiping her forehead with a rag. “c’n thank me by bringing me a glass of lemonade. how’s that sound?”
“i suppose that could work, my lemonade tastes pretty good.” you grin, sauntering off proudly to make her some. she watches you leave, eyes raking over you — wondering what else tastes good.
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alice-angel12x · 7 months
Born Of Unknown Stardust
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Chapter 2
summary: The angles formed the world and all mortal life from dust. One day from the unknown the angels came across bizarre dust, that seemed to have a will of its own. It refused to be molded and shaped to the angel's will. So they cast it aside, till a certain angel got his creative hands on it.
(bittersweet story)
<-Part 1/ part 3 ->
150 years Later
Yuu quickly runs through the halls, searching for a place to hide. A flapping of wings was getting closer. Finding an open room, Yuu quickly hides under the desk. Staying as quiet as possible, as the sound of fast-beating wings zipped by the room. Yet Yuu knew better to stay there for long.
Sadly they were no longer the size of a duckling, but the size of a young toddler. So hiding was a lot harder.
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So not wanting to get caught, Yuu quickly dove under a pile of sheets and clothes. Soon the chaser returned, and footsteps could be heard.
"Where are you Yuu? I know you're in here?" Lucifer said as he took his sweet time. "You can't hide forever."
Yuu covered their mouth to muffle their giggles. Lucifer chuckled to himself as he heard them. But decided to humor them for a bit, as he quickly looked under the desk. To obviously not find anyone.
"Alright, I guess no one is in here. Where did you go?" Lucifers said as he slowly left the room.
Yuu, the clever little tot they were, knew he was up to something. So burning up some sheets into a ball, and using some magic. Shot the sheet out the door, letting it float like someone was running under the sheets. Lucifer quickly gave chase, as Yuu ran in the opposite direction.
As Lucifer gave chase to the decoy, he heard the small pitter-pater of feet behind him.
"Hey! You Little Trickster, I got you know!" Lucifer chuckled as he swiftly changed direction and quickly caught the young tot.
Yuu squealed and laughed as Lucifer began to relentlessly tickle the child.
"You had me chasing you all morning, when I told you to clean your room. Will you clean your room now?" Lucifer asked as he continued to prod at Yuu.
"I Promise!!!" Yuu gasped from all the tickling.
Yuu giggled as they finally slipped out of Lucifer's hold when something caught their eye. Just beyond the pearly gates, the malted surface of the newly formed earth could be seen. From the window, Yuu stared in awe as Lucifer watched on.
"Da? Did the elders let you join the project yet?" Yuu asked.
"Nope. Still too radical my ideas. Are what they tell me," Lucifer sighed as he picked Yuu up.
"Hmm. Can we make our own earth?" Yuu asked.
"Our own earth? Hmm, maybe. But what would you put on this earth?" Lucifer asked.
"I would... I would fill it with Ducks!" Yuu said proudly.
"Ducks? A world full of ducks huh?" He smiles with a chuckle.
"Yeah, an earth of ducks," Yuu smiles. " I can create stuff like you. I can do it."
"Well, small things. You need to be a little stronger than that to make a whole planet. It takes multiple elder angels to form an Earth," Lucifer explained.
"Then I'll just get stronger, you'll teach me. Won't you?" Yuu asked.
"I'll teach you everything I know," Lucifer promised.
Yuu from then on would practice and study harder than anyone to accomplish their dream. Lucifer watched with pride as they watched Yuu also become a dreamer like him, yet so unique from him as well.
Lucifer watched with pride as Yuu showed off their most recent invention, the aurora machine. The other angels watched in awe as colors danced across the air.
"Da! Da! Did you see?! It worked!" Yuu shouted excitedly as they leaped into Lucifer's arms.
"I think all of heaven is going to see it the aurora continues to stretch across the sky like that," Lucifer smiles as He and Yuu watch the rainbow light show.
"When we make our own Earth, can I fill its skies with Auroras?" Yuu asked with a hopeful smile.
"It will be our planet, so you can fill it with whatever we want," Lucifer smiles.
Soon Yuu's craft got more and more ambitious, but being the craft person they were. Most of these amazing inventions looked unassuming at a glance.
One day they created something special, thou to the naked eye it seemed like a regular ceramic jar. They excitedly hurried down to Lucifer's workroom...
Only to see that Lucifer was not there, or anywhere.
"Da? Da!" Yuu called, but their voice echoed throughout the empty house.
Yuu sighed as they realized that Lucifer once more had run off to earth. Ever since the elder's completion of the blue planet, Lucifer would visit the planet. At first, it was every once in and while, then it turned 3 times a month, and before Yuu knew it, Lucifer would be gone for days on end every week. This went on for years
But when he was home, his mind was always elsewhere. Sadly for Yuu, they were too young to understand that their Father was love-struck. Yuu would see him eager at work in his workshop on the few days he remained at home.
"Da, check out what I made," Yuu said as they held up the ceramic jar.
"Oh, what a beautiful jar. Just put it on the workbench. I'll make sure to check it out later," Lucifer smiled as he tapped his hand on the table.
"What are you making Da?" Yuu asked as they floated a bit to get a better look.
"O-Oh it's umm Nothing!" Lucifer panicked slightly as he hid it from Yuu's sight.
Yuu only caught a glimpse, seeing something red.
"Is it for Earth? I thought the Elders said to leave it alone," Yuu pointed out innocently.
"Y-yeah, but I... Umm. It's. It's gonna be something amazing. They'll see," Lucifer said as he looked down at the red fruit with fondness. "She thinks so," He mumbles softly.
"Huh?" Yuu asked with a confused expression. "Da?"
"Yes, Bud/sweety?" Lucifer said, snapping out of his daydream.
"Can you promise me something?" Yuu asked nervesly.
"Of course, What is it?" Lucifer asked as he kneeled to Yuu's level.
“Promise me… You won’t do anything that will get you in trouble,” Yuu said. “Don’t do something that will put you in timeout.”
"Yuu I'm not going to get in-" "Please Da!" Yuu interrupted.
The Angel could see tears of worry begin well up in Yuu's star-filled eyes. Lucifer smiled slightly, slightly conflicted, but promised Yuu to avoid trouble.
“Alright, but it’s your bedtime isn’t it?” Lucifer smiled as he picked up Yuu.
“Ugh Da! No bedtime," Yuu laughs as they try to wiggle out of Lucifer's hold.
After a bit of a playful struggle, Lucifer managed to get his energetic tot into bed.
"There," Lucifer gasps as he catches his breath. combing his back into place.
"Were's wrinkle?" Yuu asked as they looked for their stuffed toy.
"Oh, we can't forget Wrinkle," Lucifer smiles as he picks up Wrinkle the Duck plushy. He smiles as he watches Yuu get comfy as they snuggle their duck plushy.
Lucifer leans down and gives one last warm hug, as Yuu did return.
"I love you Da," Yuu says sleepily. "No trouble stuff."
"No trouble stuff, and I love you too," Lucifer said with one last squeeze.
With a yawn sleep soon took over Yuu as Lucifer gave a kiss on the forehead. Turned off the lights he quietly slipped out of the room. When Yuu knew that Lucifer was mostly heading out, they pulled the drawstring from Wrinkles back. Activating the music box inside.
(Song: Waiting in the wings reprise. From Tangled)
🎶"Guess by now I oughta know my place. Do your humble duty with a smile on your face," Yuu sang quietly. 🎶"Father knows how much I love him. But he's always doing other things. So I'll keep waiting in the wings."🎶
Yuu slowly slid out of bed and floated over to the window to see Lucifer sneaking out. Most definitely looking to go to Earth once more.
🎶"I crave so much. And yet I kept on waiting. One glance, one touch. And I just kept on waiting,"🎶 Yuu continued as they watched Lucifer open a portal to Earth.
"🎶And when it came, it came with strings. So I kept waiting in the wings,🎶" Yuu sang as a tear ran down their cheek. It's so tough pretending it didn't hurt.
Continue? Angst enough yet 😏
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sehunniepotwrites · 2 years
Head Over Broomsticks | J.JH
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SYNOPSIS. When your friends are tired of watching you and your crush go around in circles, they take matters into their own hands. Putting their Advanced Potions skills to the test, Donghyuck and Chenle conjure up a powerful truth serum and slip it in your drink right before a Quidditch game, which leads to a few inappropriate comments about No. 77, Jeong Jaehyun, of Gryffindor’s Quidditch team. This would’ve been fine if you were just a regular spectator but you are much more than that--you’re the Announcer and everyone is subjected to hear your unfiltered thoughts. Just great.
PAIRING. Gryffindor Beater!Jaehyun x (f) Quidditch Announcer!Reader GENRE. Hogwarts!AU, Sports!AU, Quidditch!AU, humor, fluff, suggestive WORD COUNT. 3.5k+ WARNINGS. reader makes a lot of suggestive comments/innuendos that are also Quidditch puns (referring to Jaehyun’s parts as a bat, bludger, stick, broom, etc.), profanity, kiss, mentions of food and drinks, spiking a drink with a truth potion, no explicit scenes!
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters and concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work.
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“Hello, Hogwarts, and welcome to the first Quidditch game of the season!”
A deafening roar made its way through the Quidditch Pitch. The game itself tapped on the centuries old Slytherin versus Gryffindor rivalry that brought everyone to the stands. Each bench was filled to the brim, students and staff alike huddling together to all warm the wooden benches. Those who weren’t able to find a seat surrounded the Pitch’s borders, straining their necks for hours to watch the game taking place in the sky, hands covered with gloves and filled with flags to support their beloved team.
Professor Minho Choi, the official Hogwarts referee and the school’s very own flying instructor, stood in the middle of the Pitch with the wiggling chest. Everyone watched in anticipation as he spoke to the players, green and red, hovering above him. No one could hear his exact words but you all assumed it was warnings to play a nice clean game. All players closed their eyes on his command. His scuffed, leather boot kicked the side of the chest, releasing all the required equipment for the game to start.
“Out come the Bludgers. The Golden Snitch comes next; that’s worth a whopping 150 points, if you don’t remember! Whichever team seeker snatches the fast flier first will earn those points and will end the game!” Choi’s gloved hands took hold of the Quaffle, taking a second to smile at the players, before tossing it into the air. “The Quaffle is released and the game begins!”
Amongst the spectators, of course, was you with your hands gripping the announcer’s microphone, usually dedicated to relaying every single move. And although you were initially excited to be at the game, where you would hear the angry swish of brooms along with the cheers and jeers, you were now hating every little second that passed. Why? Because, no matter how unfiltered your thoughts were when it came to Quidditch, it seemed that this time around, you were on another level.
“There goes number seventy-seven, Jaehyun Jeong of Gryffindor, hitting the Bludger away from his side of the field and onto the other. Oh, how I would let him beat me with his sti—” Your comment was interrupted by a wand poking your side. Professor Changmin Shim, the Gryffindor head, simply glared at you before jerking his head to the current game on the pitch. “Sorry, Professor!”
It wasn’t like you wanted to make comments such as that one out loud—your crush on the handsome Quidditch player was something you wanted to keep to yourself and your small group of friends. The thing was, no matter how hard you tried to restrain them, they just spilled out of your mouth. The words flew out faster than the Golden Snitch zooming around the field—there was no way of stopping them. 
You couldn’t catch your words. 
Merlin’s beard, you could barely keep your mouth shut to begin with. That was how you ended up at the next Hogwarts Quidditch Announcer, following in the footsteps of the loudmouth  Lee Jordan and the mischievous Baekhyun Byun. Despite that fact, you were never that explicit when commenting on plays. The unfiltered thoughts resonating through the microphone was all thanks to your idiot friends, Donghyuck Lee and Chenle Zhong.
“You are dead to me,” you whispered harshly at your friends.
“You always say that, mate,” Donghyuck said as he stretched, resting his palms behind his thick head of hair.
“When are you going to actually act on your threats?” Chenle added on with a smirk.
“Today. Say your goodbyes, boys,” you say with an evil glint in your sharp eyes, doing their best to follow the plays. You leaned forward and made a comment about Slytherin’s swift Keeper blocking the Quaffle from entering the middle hoop, earning a cheer from their fans. 
“How long does this potion last?”
“Six hours, give or take,” Chenle recited from memory. Two hours had passed since you consumed it and each game lasted around two hours. Hypothetically, you would have to deal with the effects of the serum for two more hours. “Why?”
“Time to find your crushes and blurt every dirty little secret you rascals have.” 
There was a reason you three got along. You were all menaces. Their eyes widened and before they could beg for your forgiveness, your eyes caught the Pitch’s referee making a call. Leaning into the mic, your voice boomed throughout the yard. “FOUL!” Your volume increased as the passion for the game overcame you. “Slytherin was just issued a foul for cobbing, rightfully so! KEEP YOUR SHARP ELBOWS TO YOURSELVES, YOU DAMN SNAKES! I’M LOOKING AT YOU, NAKAMOTO! I HOPE YOU DON’T MAKE IT TO THE HOUSE FINALS!”
“Hey!” Donghyuck placed his hand over his heart, pretending to be offended by your comment.
“Oh, don’t get all soft on me now,” you roll your eyes at him. “You’re a damn snake for pulling that stunt and you know it.”
“Hiss hiss, motherfucker.”
“Ten points from Slytherin,” Professor Taeyeon Kim blurted out from the bench behind you.
Donghyuck and Chenle’s big eyes became circles at their own house head’s betrayal. “Professor Kim, what gives?!”
“No need to curse, Lee, hold yourself with dignity,” your instructor held her ground, her eyes not even leaving the field to give her two students a chance. 
Smart yet dumb was how you would describe your meddling friends. Much like every friend group, each person had their own strengths. Donghyuck and Chenle’s strong suits just so happened to be Potions and they always used it to their advantage. Because you were afraid to confess your feelings to Jaehyun, the two decided to take matters into their own grimy hands. They slipped Veritaserum—a truth serum—into your morning coffee that you chugged before rushing to the Pitch. 
Your liking towards Jaehyun developed over time. It didn’t hit you all at once like your other crushes. In fact, you didn’t like him at all at first. His cockiness when it came to his athletic ability irked you in your previous years as a Quidditch fan. Jaehyun’s confidence grew throughout the years, his second-year benchwarmer days long behind him once he had a chance to debut his skills. Some people wanted to be him, others just wanted him. 
Others much like yourself.
Especially when all he would do was blush in your presence. (And yet, you still couldn’t bring yourself to confess.)
If anything, it made Jaehyun all the more attractive in your eyes. He could barely make it through a Friday Potions lesson with you as his partner once, stumbling over his words as he read the recipe out to you. It turned your cauldron into a ticking bomb, the gooey substance exploding all over your robes. Jaehyun, who was never a klutz when it came to these things, flushed with embarrassment while you stared blankly at him, hands filled with what was meant to be your exit ticket at the end of class. Professor Yunho Jeong made the two of you stay behind to clean the mess up as he graded your papers. The Gryffindor coach, who doubled as the potions professor, was secretly entertained by his star athlete’s lack of coordination and words the whole time.
“God, I’m so sorry, I really don’t know how I mixed up the words like that,” Jaehyun reiterated while he scrubbed the sticky floor. His red and gold tie dangling too and fro with each miniscule movement. The athlete was on his hands and knees right next to you with his long, white sleeves rolled up above his elbows. His robe and sweater vest were long forgotten, settled on his assigned lab bench, mingling with your own belongings. 
“Jaehyun, it’s okay. People make mistakes like this all the time–”
“I know but–”
“Jae,” you said, clearly exasperated, “for the last time, it’s okay.”
When your classmate failed to reply, you turned to see a redness spread from his ears, down to his cheeks, and dot his precious nose. He blinked slowly, pretty mouth opened just a tad. 
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” you wiped your face with the back of your palm, pushing your loose strands out of your sight. “Is there something on my face? I thought I already wiped it all off.”
Your comment pulled him from his thoughts, his hands shaking in front of you. “No, there’s nothing on your face. It’s not that.”
“Then what?” you poked the bear, shifting your attention until it was fully on him. Jaehyun looked at you with a bashful expression and you jutted your jaw towards him, giving him that silent reassurance. 
“You called me Jae,” he said after a beat, “you’ve never done that before. Only my friends call me Jae.”
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to, it just slipped.” 
“Wait, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just surprised,” Jaehyun laughed nervously, “that’s all.”
“If you don’t want me to call you that, Jaehyun, you can just say so, it’s alright.” Gritting your teeth, you went back to work, adding an insane amount of pressure into your scrubbing. You wanted the cold floors to swallow you whole.
A warm hand rested itself on your forearm, halting your movements. “You can call me Jae.” His soft and sweet brown irises found yours, the tiny corners of his eyes lifting up as he smiled. 
“Are you sure?” 
“As sure as I can be.” Jaehyun’s hand gave you a little squeeze and a giggle escaped you. Turning away from him, you shyly continued your work, way too flustered to maintain eye contact.
Another second passed before Jaehyun’s low voice spoke again, “Call me whatever you like.”
Even after that exchange, Jaehyun still felt extremely apologetic for putting you through that on a Friday. He felt so bad that he went out of his way to find your friends to ask for your favorite dessert. The same dessert Donghyuck and Chenle mentioned showed up via owl delivery with the sweetest note on a Sunday morning. You found Jaehyun in class the next week, thanking him for the thoughtful gesture, failing to mention that you saw him frantically fighting a younger student for the last dessert in the case at Honeydukes. The moment remained in your head years later, when you did, in fact, call him whatever you liked.
“He certainly has quite the Bludger, doesn’t he? Jeong is so hot,” you swooned as Jaehyun leaned back on his broomstick, padded arms stretching towards the sky. He snuck a glance towards you, eyes meeting across the way, and you just knew that his red ears were hiding underneath his brown helmet. 
Your focus wasn’t even on the game anymore as the seekers dove towards the grass in an attempt to catch the snitch. You had tunnel vision with the student that claimed your heart. 
Number twenty-nine of the Gryffindor team, Chaser John Suh, decided it was high time to stop right in front of your stand. His shouting voice was loud enough for your microphone to pick up, projecting his comment throughout the field. “He really does, I’ve seen it with my own two eyes!”
Ripples of laughter moved through the audience like a wave.
“I’d like to take a ride on seventy-seven’s broom, if you know what I mean,” you shot back, eyes trailing said player as he swung his bat to deflect a Bludger. 
Fuck, why couldn’t your brain just shut up? You cringed at every single lewd comment that escaped your motor mouth, slapping your forehead repeatedly without end.
As that comment rang throughout the stadium, Jaehyun’s broom shifted in your direction so quickly, the boy almost lost his steadiness. Known for his insane balancing skills, Jaehyun wasn’t one to be easily knocked off his feet; after all, his job in the sport was to maintain his balance while handling his hat to ward away unwanted Bludgers. You, however, were the only one who could make him this way. 
Johnny knew it and so did the rest of the Gryffindor team. And as his best friend and fellow teammate, it was Johnny’s job to embarrass Jaehyun, even if it cost their team losing the game. The Gryffindor members grew tired of Jaehyun’s flustered state whenever he came near you. The confidence in him disappeared every time the beater flew past you and Johnny knew pushing the buttons of your thoughts would do the job.
“I think everyone knows what you mean, sweetheart,” Johnny laughed, “I’m sure he wouldn’t be opposed to it!”
“Suh, don’t you dare make me take points away from my own house!” Professor Shim hissed, pointing his wand towards the center of the field.
“Sir, yes, sir!” The Chaser saluted with a grin, zooming back into position. 
The game continued with your usual distracted commentary, the animated remarks amplifying tenfold when it came to player seventy-seven, which made the match all the more interesting. For an opening game of the season, it was the closest match the school had seen in years: 210-200 with Slyterin barely in the lead. 
“Slytherin Chaser trio–Nakamoto, Ten Lee, and Yangyang Liu–speed their way through in the famed Hawkhead Attacking formation, to force the Gryffindor Chasers aside. A great tactic for the snakes, may I add and OH–Chaser Suh is on their tail, zooming in behind–NO, WAIT–next to them, fast enough to break their tight triangle! AMAZING WORK, SUH! The Quaffle is now in his hands. He’s going towards the other end of the field with Jeong following behind, deflecting all the Bludgers Slytherin throws Suh’s way.” Your eyes never left the dynamic duo as they inched towards the hoops belonging to their opponents. Your vision flitted to your crush, who fell into place right next to Johnny, broom in one hand and bat swinging around in circles on the other. His gaze resembled a radar, grazing the Pitch for the incoming hardballs that were most definitely going to fly Johnny’s way. Jaehyun barely managed to knock out another ball that was aimed to harm Johnny with his bat before the elder took the clear shot in front of him. 
“AND HE SCORES! GRYFFINDOR AND SLYTHERIN ARE NOW TIED AND IT’S ALL TO JEONG’S BEAUTIFUL ASSIST DURING SUH’S THROW!” Your fingers pressed on the button of the scoreboard, increasing the number on Gryffindor’s side. Your loyalties were as clear as day. “Jeong, what else can those hands do? I’d try ‘em out for size.”
“Bloody hell, someone please get her off the mic before I do it myself,” Professor Shim muttered more to himself than to anyone else.
“Ah, but where’s the fun in that, Professor?” Donghyuck smirked, the gleam in his eye glowing as brightly as ever. 
“Ten points from Slytherin,” the teacher announced, eyes still focused on the game. He swore that particular duo reminded him of the legendary Weasley twins that were in his year during his time at Hogwarts. Donghyuck’ s grin immediately dropped. 
“Professor!” Chenle tried to protest.
“Each.” Both Slytherins felt their shoulders sink. They could practically picture the green sand in their hourglass decrease. 
There was barely time to chuckle at their misery when a power play occurred right before your very eyes. You felt the two Seekers–Renjun Huang of Slytherin and Mark Lee of Gryffindor–fly past you before you saw them, the athletes riding their brooms faster than the speed of light. There were no questions asked when they were picked to be their team’s representatives. Both boys, although young, were lithe speedsters that were hard to spot with a normal eye. Even the hardcore fans at Hogwarts had a rough time keeping their eyes on their teammates. 
“Off the Seekers go, towards the Slytherin’s end of the Pitch, following the Snitch wherever it may go. Whoever gets it first will break the tie and win the game. Lee’s on enemy territory with almost no one to defend him–a bat just hit a Bludger right in Mark’s direction with two Chasers locking him in–AND A QUICK SAVE FROM JEONG ALLOWS LEE TO BREAK FREE AND CONTINUE ON HIS QUEST FOR THE SNITCH! Great work, Jeong! Goodness, I’d kiss you if I could. Hell, I’d do whatever you want me to!”
A collective hiss of your name came from the professors surrounding you but at this point, you didn’t care.
The force of Jaehyun’s swing causes his broom to propel him straight in front of your stand. Jaehyun hovered before you with that dimpled grin and even though the wacky flying goggles blocked his cheeks, you just knew that they matched the color of his Gryffindor uniform. Maybe the surge of confidence came from his plays. Maybe it came from your unending compliments, but it was enough to make him draw his broom closer to where you sat, look straight into your eyes, and say, “Do whatever you want to me. I’d love it all.”
His act of courage caused your eyes to widen, grip the microphone in your hands with whitened knuckles, that you missed Mark Lee doing a deep dive straight for the grass with an outstretched hand, his fingers finally grabbing hold of the Snitch after two hours of flying.
A sharp jab to your side–courtesy of Donghyuck–snapped you back into reality.  You were able to guess the results of the game by the way all the Gryffindors surrounded Mark, who was lifted on Johnny’s shoulders. But even as you announced the winners of the game–Gryffindor with 260 points–your eyes did not falter from Jaehyun Jeong. He did not rush to join his teammates. He stayed there, ripping his goggles off his eyes, to look right at you. 
Jaehyun reached over to change the score on the board, his face loitering so close to yours. His lips were close enough to taste and the victory glow made him look like an angel in red. Jaehyun’s post-game look, with his messy helmet hair and sweat-slicked skin, was a sight for sore eyes, you couldn’t look away from him. You couldn’t even try.
“How about this Saturday?”
“Saturday. You and me. Hogsmeade. How ‘bout it?” 
Jaehyun’s pretty grin widened as you questioned him. “Really.”
“Okay, this Saturday. It’s a date.”
Jaehyun backed away to clear enough space to do a quick, nerdy little spin on his Starsweeper, making you laugh wholeheartedly at his cuteness. His broom led him straight to you once again. “I should head over to”–he jerked his head in the direction of his team–“celebrate with the rest of the guys but be my date to the afterparty?”
“That’d be a dream come true,” you admitted, the truth serum still working its wonders. 
“Brilliant,” he chuckled in both awe and disbelief. “I’ll wait outside the Common Room for you.”
“Sounds wonderful.”
Jaehyun flew away to join the rest of the Gryffindors, still throwing Mark in the air. He stopped midway on his path, when the crowds around you were thinning out and you were beginning to pack up your belongings. Like acting on instinct, his Starsweeper brought him back to you one more time. He yelled out your name, grabbing the attention of everyone still on the Pitch. They all turned into onlookers as he floated on air. His body was on the front end of the broom, hands resting at the tip and torso leaning towards you. 
“One more thing before I go,” Jaehyun said. On his face was a lovesick expression, one that no one else could mimic. 
You cocked your head to the side. “Yes?”
Jaehyun closed the distance between your lips with the slightest bit of pressure. You sighed into it, meeting him with a bit more eagerness that had him smiling into the kiss. He pressed another one and then another one, with a strong arm wrapping around your middle and the other snaking up to cup your jaw. It was the best victory kiss he could ever ask for.
His lips lingered and you could still feel his breathing as he balanced on the broom. His lashes tickled your skin before he drew back from your personal bubble. Jaehyun’s whole face was red, from the tips of his ears to the bottoms of his apple cheeks as he flew backwards, the broom already leading the way. “I’ll see you later, alright, lovely?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Jae.” 
One truth serum was all it took for you to get the boy. For once, your blabbering mouth didn’t lead you to trouble. As much as you wanted to kill Chenle and Donghyuck for making you suffer, you supposed a thank you was in order as well.  After all, they led you to the best feeling in the world, falling head over broomstick for Gryffindor’s all-star Beater, Jaehyun Jeong. 
Even with twenty points taken away from your house for your lewd comments and your unexpected public display of affection, it was a great way to kick off another year at Hogwarts. With your mind and heart fluttering like the Golden Snitch in Mark’s hand, you couldn’t wait to see what else was in store. 
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AUTHOR’S HOWLER. Happy Jaehyun Day, my loves! My Valentine self is back, writing for Jaehyun again. I really missed writing for him <3 I hope everyone enjoys this lil fic. It’s been sitting in my drafts for years and I’m so happy it’s finally being released. I tried my best to make OC sound like Lee Jordan and stay true to the characters in the books. Please tell me what you think! 
TAGLIST. @johtenrecs @emmybyeakitty @ppangjae @sokkigarden @kaepop-trash @suhnnyskiess @baekhyuns-lipchain @bebsky @bat-shark-repellant @renjuunsz @ferxanda @lebrookestore @yutaholic @alluringjae @justsayk @itsapapisongo @ashes23 @hyperfixationficrecs @bebskyy @misakiise @iwishiwasthemoontonight​ @inlovergirlsworld​ @tyongblr
NETWORKS. @neowritingsnet
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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ad0rechuu · 9 months
ᝰ MY OH MY. ━━ (000) prologue: the next bet
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WARNINGS. swearing ofc! mentions of alcohol/weed, violence, crying and yn isn’t being respected
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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It wasn’t impressive at all. It was just another frat party on another Friday night with the same people that were drinking their worries away in the same massive frat house, celebrating the weekend.
Sunwoo sighed as he looked around the dance floor, earning a couple of confused looks when they noticed his uncharacteristically annoyed expression. He was never one to be a party pooper, often ending up the main entertainment after a few too many drinks. But this time, alcohol wasn’t close to crossing his mind.
He threw his cup in his friend's hand as soon as he heard the infuriating news by two fratbros in passing.
No matter how many times he scanned the room for the outfit you so graciously showed off to him on your way to the party, you were absolutely nowhere to be seen. Panic settled in as he maneuvered his way between wasted people to get to the stairs.
His hands rested on his knees after he reached the top, catching his breath while still frantically looking around.
In the corner of his eye he saw the back of a familiar figure going around the corner at the very end of the long hallway. Sunwoo quickly shot up as he followed you, finally finding you in front of an open door to a random room.
“Where the hell—” He started with a loud voice the moment he met your eyes.
You shushed him and quickly grabbed the front his shirt, pulling him closer and out of sight of whoever was inside of the room.
When you were sure he wasn’t going to attract any unwanted attention, you leaned closer to the door frame. Sunwoo followed you actions and leaned over your shoulder.
“Dude! I can’t believe you got her to date you! Isn’t she really cold?” Someone laughed, the smell of cheap weed hitting you two.
A sting pierced your already rapidly beating heart when you heard the second voice.
“Actually she pretty sweet.” He responded. “But when am I getting my money? All I had to do was ask her out and kiss her right?”
Sunwoo felt his cheeks heat up out of anger at their words.
The familiar faces laughed again as your so-called ‘boyfriend’ made a money sign with his free hand.
Someone else piped up, “You would get 64000 won for the bet right? Let me up the scale!”
“What are you thinking?” Yeonjun took a sip of his beer and leaned forward, intrigued by his friend's suggestion.
Even just that simple action made your blood boil. You felt Sunwoo try to get passed you, probably to yell at them. But you kept him in place with a stern look. No matter how much it might hurt, you had to hear what the next bet was going to be.
For your own sanity.
“Make Yn fall in love with you! If you can get her to say ‘I love you’ to you first, before the school year ends, I’ll give you 128010 won plus the 64000 won he owes you.” His friend stuck out his hand in Yeonjun's direction, smirking. “That is if you can actually do it.”
Yeonjun’s eyes sparkled with a competitiveness that you used to think was love as he calculated the numbers in his head. “That’s like 150 dollars! I’ll take that bet!”
“She already likes me and I have plenty of time, this will be piece of cake! Say goodbye to your money, Tae!” He cackled, unknowingly breaking your already fragile heart.
Not being able to bear hearing anymore of their crude words about you, you stormed off, leaving a boiling Sunwoo standing there, stunned at their behavior.
Sunwoo was never a fighter. The few times he did get in fights, he was black out drunk and got his ass handed to him nearly right away. But after seeing your expression, he wanted nothing more than to go inside of that room and beat his so-called ‘friend’ to a pulp. His adrenaline told him he could do it.
But he didn’t. He knew you wouldn’t want that. And instead of more worries, you just needed him to be there for you. So he quickly followed you down stairs.
When you both reached the ground floor, he had finally caught up with you. He grabbed your hand to stop you in your tracks and gently turned you to him. Heavy black mascara stained your face and your cheeks were hot from emotion as you avoided his worried eyes.
He could feel his own heart break just at the mere sight of you like this.
Forcing himself to give you a small smile, he held your hand in his and led you out of the big, crowded house, not caring about anybody but you in the moment.
Although Sunwoo didn’t get to beat Yeonjun up as he wished, he was sure that you two would get revenge on the campus's pretty boy for what he did to you.
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NOTES. (make sure to check out the previous chapter for the profiles if u haven’t already) yeonjun and txt are assholes i’m sorry but there is always more than meets the eye (or is there? 🤨) also sunwoo the yn protect lol BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave lots of feedback i really need it esp on the written chapters and it keeps me motivated (not just with some with all writers)
TAGLIST. @tocupid @leo-seonghwa @seonghwaddict @starryunho @yuyusuyu @kodzumo @felixsramen @aapplepii @juhakutie @gyumibear @alixnsuperstxr @atinyinateezverse @nyukyujs @yunho-mp3 @blueresides @shakalakaboomboo @haechology @ahnneyong @atinycafe @i-luvsang @nasangel
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uriekukistan · 5 months
jjk driving hc’s plsss (any characters) :3
heyyy answering this so i can go to bed with happy thoughts :D (tears still in my eyes as i write) um idk how to drive a car so pls keep that in mind
can't drive. no license.
yuuji doesn't need to drive when he runs so fast. gojo is a certified passenger princess. will demand aux and a stop for a fun drink geto also doesn't need to drive because he has a bunch of curses he can ride around on choso is 150 years old, he would probably freak out if you put him behind the wheel yuuta idk he just looks like he can't drive. but he'll give u money for gas if you drive him somewhere panda i think this is self explanatory he's a panda
no license but they drive anyway
mahito because he's a menace to society. horrible driver. runs people over and thinks its funny. sukuna is actually weirdly good, but he's an ass on purpose. rides ppl's tailpipe and then when he passes them he goes slow af. honestly gojo belongs here too, but only happened one time. he totaled the car. inumaki but he's actually good at it for some reason. if he just took the drivers test...but he wont. he doesn't even have a learner's permit.
can legally drive but they really shouldnt because they're a hazard
definitely shoko. it's kinda alarming that she's the one to have a license out of sashisu because she's a disaster on the road. has one of those things that hangs off of the rearview mirror nobara is the type to be looking around for stuff in the car while she's moving, like looking around in the backseat EYES ON THE ROAD. there's a lot of stuff in her car but it's not messy if that makes sense. she just likes to be prepared. ino is also a horrible driver. always hitting curbs n shit. definitely been in quite a few accidents, so his car is the most beat up looking thing you've ever seen. the inside is surprisingly clean tho
actually good responsible drivers
ichiji & nitta like we've seen it happen so it's possible tsumiki would be decent at driving as well, probably speeds a bit but within the normal everyone-does-that range. clean car with pastel detailing inside like seat cushions and steering wheel nanami is probably the best driver here, but i think we expected this utahime is also a pretty responsible driver, but she definitely gets major road rage probably maki, she also gets major road rage tho
drives like a grandpa
megumi i love you but you can at least drive the speed limit...also its not gonna distract u to put a little music on. at least his car is clean and he has one of those car air fresheners
sorry if this seems disorganized im genuinely ?:????F>>VF????? rn and also its like really late for me, i just needed to do something fun after that chapter....
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rosie-writings · 4 months
Hold Back the Dark
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Request: anon—Rhys x Azriel x Cassian with sub!Rhys who is insecure
Summary: After a long period of high stress situations, Rhysand is left alone with Azriel and Cassian while the girls are off on a mission with the Valkyries. Azriel and Cassian are determined to prove to him that he will never be alone again and is still perfectly executing their long term plan like the skilled leader he is.
Warnings: Rhysand x Azriel x Cassian smut, poly Acotar Characters, Threesome, Overstimulation, Subspace, Oral sex, Anal sex, Double penetration, slight Voyeurism, ending with Feysand, Nessian, and Gwynriel
Words: 5.7k
Title is from ‘Are You Really Okay?‘ by Sleep Token
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Note: Cassian is 6’8” Azriel is 6’2” and Rhysand is 5’9” 150 pounds at Best. Fight me on this, but you will lose because you’re wrong.
“God, I can’t fucking do this anymore.”
He stumbled into the townhouse with bleary vision, but Azriel was hot on his heels.
”Stop,” he spoke gently. “Rhys, hold on.” By the time Azriel grabbed Rhys’ arm and pulled him from escaping them, Cassian was at their side with wide eyes and a closed mouth.
”I’m so fucking tired. I’ve never been so tired and overwhelmed,” he choked out a sob as the thick tears finally fell. “Who am I? Why are we even doing this anymore? We aren’t at risk. We-We—What kind of High Lord am I if not all of my court is safe?” He spoke with his hands and laid them out with exasperation. Azriel watched the way the front of his hair flopped forward from his tugging on it. 
“Rhys,” he said softer. Calm down, he thought to him and pushed comfort to him. Rhys’ breath shook as waves of comfort and warmth spread through his body. Listen to us, calm down and take a breath for a second. “You know why we have to wait. You know why you pushed this false image of yourself, okay? We’re so close to being able to tear it down. Yeah it might take work and many years of rebuilding trust, but it will work out. This was our plan all along. It’s taken so long, I know but it will be alright.”
“Fey-Feyre was—”
”Yes,” Azriel spoke and dipped down to catch his gaze again. “She’s out working with the Valkyries and will be back in just a couple days now.”
”I can’t—“ Both Cassian and Azriel sucked in a harsh breath when they felt the emotions Rhysand pushed into the room to communicate how he felt; they were heavy and he didn’t know how to help Rhys and make him better. It wasn’t often that their best friend was torn in two like this. Now that he had Feyre, it had been quite a while since they handled him alone.
“You can,” Cassian finally spoke. “You’ll be okay, you are okay; we all are.”
”You aren’t alone and you never will be again.” 
Rhysand finally snapped his eyes up to Azriel when he nailed the problem right on the head. 
“You’re home now and you’re doing your job flawlessly. You’re a fantastic leader and part of our family.” Rhys blinked quickly as words failed him. Then he sucked in a harsh breath when Cassian’s hand softly landed on his back. “Look at me,” Azriel rose his face and Rhys quickly obliged; the seriousness in his tone stole all the attention in the silent room. “Listen.”
Then Azriel took Rhys’ face in his hands.
”I promise, you’ll never be alone again.” 
And Rhys sucked in a breath when Azriel kissed him tightly. 
As much as he wanted to say he couldn’t remember the last time they kissed, he obviously wouldn’t ever forget, but even still it was a long time ago. Close to a hundred years ago probably. 
When Rhys hummed into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, Azriel moaned and pulled him closer by the back of his neck.
”Bu-But Feyre—“
”Ask her then, Rhys,” Azriel sighed. Rhys tipped his head back with a sigh as Azriel’s mouth trailed down his neck. “Tell her.” After a few seconds, Rhys opened his mouth again.
”She-She said make sure-make sure they…”
”What was that?” Azriel asked. Then—
Make sure they take very good care of you. 
Azriel’s heart skipped a beat when Feyre’s voice repeated in his head. Rhys looked up at him darkly as Azriel looked up to Cassian. Cassian nodded.
So Azriel kissed him again, only this time a fire was in his tongue. 
Rhys couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t swallow, think, or walk. His legs were spineless as Azriel handled him fluidly.
”Come on,” Cassian broke the silence.
Rhys closed his eyes as the darkness came over him and when he opened his eyes, the three landed in Rhys’ large bedroom in the mansion. They were alone, fully secluded from anyone else; the girls were on their mission, Elaine and Amren still back at the townhouse, and the city kilometers away.
Azriel kissed him again. He hardly pulled away while they winnowed anyway, but Rhys wasn’t distracted anymore. He licked into his mouth and Rhys didn’t fight it when he tasted him and pulled on his tongue with his lips.
But he did gasp when his back hit the bed. 
“Az,” Rhys gasped as his face flushed pink. Azriel couldn’t help it when his lips curled into a small smile at the sight of his shadows ever so slowly snaking up Rhys’ arms and holding him down firmly. 
“Maybe you should get behind him, Cas,” Azriel said darkly. Cassian’s own smile lit up. “Hold him and make him feel good.” Excitement in the form of butterflies welled in his chest as Rhys sat up just enough for Cassian to slide in behind him. Of course Azriel’s shadows pinned him down again, only this time he sat up and leaned against Cassian’s chest.
A moan punched out of him at the feeling of Cassian’s length hardening at the mild contact. His heart raced even more, and Azriel’s head tipped to the side as he heard it. Cassian’s hands blanketed his sides, and he couldn’t help his breathing as it erratically caved under his subtle touches. He forgot how much bigger both of his best friends were than him; he typically did especially when they goofed off in between submission to his orders.
”Your heart’s wild right now,” he muttered. “I didn’t think it would take a couple of touches to get you so wound up.” And he smiled; his own heart pattered as he felt how much Rhys had to work to muster words. 
“Wanted you-Wanted you for so long and-and I thought I never would again and I thought that the last time I would be pinned down and touched like this would be—“ Azriel commanded a shadow to wrap around Rhys’ mouth. His eyes nearly rolled back from the contact.
”Don’t mention that again. Can’t stand to hear it.” Azriel. He smiled again. “What was that?” Azriel please. “You’re begging me even when you can’t speak.” Don’t. “Don’t what? Speak the truth? It’s a little embarrassing at times, isn’t it?” 
Oh fuck. Azriel’s own breath shook as he got on his hands and knees and crawled over Rhys.
”Are you going to let us make you feel good without begging and fighting?” Rhys nodded furiously. He moaned behind the shadow as Azriel’s hand lightly tapped his neck. His fingers fell to his chest awfully slowly and left goosebumps across Rhys’ skin in their wake. “You promise you will relax and trust us and trust the plan after we’re through with you?” Rhys nodded furiously again, but it was followed by a gasp when Azriel’s hand fell lower onto his stomach. Cassian’s hands still warmed his sides and Rhys tried to jostle his body into them to feel more and more. 
As Azriel’s hand teased down the front of his body, his clothes disappeared. His chest rose and fell quicker and quicker the further down his front Azriel’s fingers played, and when they tapped the belt of his pants, he couldn’t breathe entirely. But Azriel dipped his fingers in ever so slightly. The fabric didn’t vanish.
”Are you sure?” He questioned. Rhys rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me the attitude. You sure you can be good for us?” He nodded. “Rhys—“
I will be so good for you and take everything you want to give me, please make me feel good and safe and relaxed—
“Okay, okay,” Azriel sighed. He kissed his stomach once for reassurance and slipped his fingers from Rhys’ pants. Rhys almost complained until Azriel confidently palmed him over the tight pants. His head rolled back and a satisfied hum filled the room. One of Cassian’s hands moved from its place on his side and trailed up to his neck where he lightly held him. Azriel hummed in contentment as he listened to the small praises Cassian muttered to Rhys but didn’t stop. 
His mouth—teeth, lips and tongue; all of it—worshiped Rhys’ body as he lowered himself further and further down the bed and his body. A louder moan filled the room as Rhys thrusted his hips up into Azriel’s hand, and he smiled against his skin.
Then his mouth moved down and took the place of his hand.
Az please, let me speak. He obliged and commanded the shadow away. 
“Please,” Rhys broke. “I’m on fire, I need you. Needed it for so long.” Azriel’s stomach flipped at the sound of his best friend’s voice falling apart for him. 
”I know,” he sighed, and didn’t waste another second of teasing. When Azriel pushed himself up and palmed him again, he commanded Rhys’ pants away just like he did with his shirt. His throat clenched tightly as Rhys’ body leapt at the sudden contact; Azriel took him in his hands and stroked him once, twice. “Fuck, you’re so turned on already. You’re dripping in my hand, Rhys.” Of course that yanked a moan out of him.
”Thought we said no teasing—“ he was cut off by Cassian’s hand tightening around his throat.
”Thought you said you were going to be good for us.” Rhys sobbed as he tossed his head back. Azriel tightly stroked him over his tip and pressed his thumb against the underside just to watch him squirm. 
“Az, fuck. It’s too much—“
”Then be good for us.” Rhys nodded quickly. 
“I am, I will be.” 
So Azriel properly stroked him until his eyes rolled back. Rhys fucked his hips in the air until he and Azriel maintained rhythm.
“Oh fuck—“ Azriel looked up at the sound of Cassian’s moan and watched how Rhys pushed himself back and stimulated Cassian as much as he could. 
“You still just want to make us feel good too, hm?”
”Az,” Rhys breathed. “You—fuck—You feel so good. I’m-I’m—“
”You what?” He breathed softly. He crawled back over and stopped nose to nose with Rhys. “You what?” ‘He repeated impatiently.
”I’m so close.”
”Already? But I just started touching you.”
”But it’s you touching me.” Azriel didn’t know what to say. His face softened when Rhys looked at his lips and there was nothing else he could do. He kissed him sweetly. And licked into his mouth all over again. Azriel moaned as Rhys struggled to kiss back; he drank down his moans can gave Rhys some room in the shadows that held him down so he could sit up more and kiss.
”Az,” Rhys moaned in his mouth. Azriel hummed and stroked him faster and faster. Rhys’ eyebrows twisted with pleasure and his bottom lip hung open. Azriel bit down on it and made his shadows fall down Rhys’ body teasing every stimulating spot for him. 
“Come Rhys, come for us,” Cassian said as his hands didn’t stop touching and pulling Rhys’ body. Both of them attacked him with touches that left Rhys dizzied and out of touch with reality.
Rhys painted his chest and Azriel’s hand as his moan filled the hot room. Azriel moaned as well and pulled away from him so he could watch him lose himself in the pleasure. 
“Az,” he sighed. But Azriel didn’t stop. He continued harder. “Azriel,” Rhysand warned and his eyes opened. “So much,” he whined.
”Yeah, it feels like a lot doesn’t it?” Azriel teased. Rhys tossed his head back and that was when Cassian pulled him back against his chest by the throat.
“Fuck! Please—“
”I’m literally giving you what you want, why are you begging?”
”It’s so much, let me breathe.” Rhys gasped as Azriel sat up and grabbed his thighs and pushed them back more. 
“You can breathe, but I’m not going to stop touching you.”
”Az, please—oh my god,” he moaned. Azriel stroked him slower, but he used Rhys’ come as a lube and teased him. ”Holy shit,” Rhys gasped when Azriel lowered down in between his legs. “Don’t—I need a second—“
”No,” Azriel hummed with a smirk pulled at his lips. He pushed one of his legs back, and when he dipped down and pressed his tongue against him, Rhys’ body jolted. Cassian held him still with one hand as the other traveled down his body and ever so softly stroked him again. 
A part of Rhys wanted to run from the overstimulation, but another melted into it, and he tried to ride the pleasure even as his body trembled. As he caught his breath, his hips moved with Azriel’s tongue and Cassian’s hand, and soon his breaths and moans filled the room again.
”Good job, you’re doing so well for us,” Cassian praised. His gentle voice sent chills across Rhys’ skin. He couldn’t help but toss his head back against him. When he did, Cassian kissed down Rhys’ neck as his free hand snaked over his chest. 
“Azriel,” Rhys finally whined. “You feel so good.”
And he laughed against him. His breath made Rhys’ stomach leap and excitement boiled in his blood.
“See? I told you to be patient.” Rhys laughed once at that but his eyes rolled back all over again when a couple of Azriel’s fingers joined his tongue and teased him to prepare him to be filled. 
“Oh fuck—“ he gasped, and his body lurched forward when Azriel pushed a finger inside of him. 
“Oh my god, you’re taking me so easily Rhys.”
”What, are you letting Feyre fuck you too or something?” Cassian spat. Rhys nodded quickly. He gasped for breath as Azriel slid another finger in. “Yeah I knew there was no way you wouldn’t let her. You always need to be filled, don’t you?”
”Azriel,” Rhysand broke under Cassian’s filthy words. “Fuck me, I need you. Need you inside—oh shit!” Azriel used another finger and curled them repeatedly into the spot he craved. His vision blurred as the pleasure tore him apart. “Azriel oh my god, fuck yes,” he whined and finally his body relaxed into the stimuation completely. He was almost dead weight on Cassian as they touched him and yanked him closer and closer to another climax.
”See?” Azriel laughed as he rose up to his knees. He pinned Rhys down to Cassian gently by his throat. Cassian still touched everywhere he could reach and stroked him slower than Azriel’s fingers; not enough to make him finish, just enough to keep him on edge. “I told you to let us make you feel good. You acted like you didn’t think we could, or you didn’t want it.”
”’Course I want it,” Rhys mumbled. “Needed it for so long.” Azriel kissed him again and this time Rhys mustered enough fire to kiss him back as heavily. His heart stammered in his chest when he felt the pleasure radiate down Azriel’s body; his scent thickened with every lick of his tongue. “Let me touch you, please,” Rhys mumbled against his lips in between kisses.
The shadows slowly retreated.
Immediately Rhys’ hands came up and saturated in Azriel’s warmth. Finally he moaned into Rhys’ mouth like he meant it, and of course Rhys knew all the places that would sustain those moans louder and louder. When he tugged on Azriel’s hair, it made his fingers fuck him faster. He knew it would and as much as he needed it, he still wasn’t fully prepared for it.
”Oh my god,” he quietly gasped as he pulled from the kiss. Azriel’s forehead still leaned against his. His arms held onto his neck. “You’ll make me come again.” He didn’t say anything; he smiled and continued fingering him, but his movements slightly slowed. 
“You think you can take Cassian now?” Rhys nodded quickly at Azriel’s words as Cassian inadvertently rolled his hips up against Rhys’ body. 
“Yeah,” he repeated verbally. “Cassian please.” It took no time before Azriel rose to his knees and Cassian’s hands slid down Rhys’ inner thighs. 
“Oh my god, Rhys,” Cassian moaned his name when Rhys raised his hips and allowed Cassian to handle him. “So hot. Love you; wanted you so bad.” Chills raced across Rhys’ skin again and he swallowed tightly. Then he looked up at Azriel as his hand jutted across his throat. 
“Ride him until you come again.” Rhys’ eyes widened and his lips parted in surprise.
”No,” Azriel cut him off. Another flush painted Rhys’ face as Azriel’s lips ghosted across his. “Fucking ride him until you come and then you can have us both.” Rhys nodded with a warm face and his eyes rolled back again when Cassian thrusted against him. Rhys didn’t realize how turned on Cassian was until he felt the wet heat of him slide across his entrance.
And Cassian slowly pulled him down around him.
”Cass!” Rhys gasped, and he gouged his fingertips into Caassian’s thighs. Cassian couldn’t reply with anything except a moan. Rhys tried his best to ride him, and for a while it was enough. Cassian tossed his head back against the headboard again, and his hands imprinted marks on Rhys’ hips. 
“Fuck, oh my god,” Rhys moaned, and more strings of expletives and moans were forced from him with every thrust. 
“Yeah?” Azriel hummed. He didn’t let go of Rhys’ throat. “He’s so big, feels so good, doesn’t it?” Rhys nodded silently as another wave of pink flush painted down his body. “Now ride him. Faster. I can literally see Cassian fucking you. I told you to ride him.” And he nodded in submission.
”Oh fuck, Rhys—“ Rhys threw his hand behind him to hold himself up, and when his palm landed on Cassian’s chest, Cassian couldn’t help but hold onto his wrist for dear life. 
Rhys gasped at the sudden force of it all. He fucked himself down on Cassian as Cassian simply took it. Azriel watched intently as he found satisfaction in Rhys’ obedience. 
“So pretty, Rhys,” Azriel hummed. “Being so good for us.” Rhys’ mouth dropped open as Azriel’s hand brushed through his hair and tugged on it. He looked up and with his neck bared, Azriel kissed him and left purple bruises that stung Rhys to painful bliss and back.
And Azriel stood up. 
Rhys opened his eyes and looked up at him through his eyelashes. Azriel took a breath to say something, but Rhys’ hands already met his body. Azriel gasped when his shirt disappeared and Rhys’ hands landed on his bare skin. Technically, he didn’t tell Rhys that he couldn’t use his powers, and because he was incredibly obedient already, he couldn’t get himself to demand Rhys to not use them. Especially when he looked up at him like that and when his hands set his body on fire like that.
”Love when you’re so desperate like this,” Azriel said breathlessly. Rhys didn’t reply as Azriel brushed a hand through his hair and pulled it back from his face. “I was going to tell you to let me fuck your throat, but it looks like you want it even more than I do.”
”Give it to me,” was all Rhys could say, and Rhys didn’t even muster the strength to use his powers. He unzipped Azriel’s pants and didn't even pull them down enough.
A gasp was ripped out of Azriel when Rhys stroked him once and took down his entire length. Azriel fucked his hips forward and Rhys gagged around him, but didn’t push him off. He held onto his hair as Rhys worked him with his throat, his tongue. Even his own vision blurred from the pleasure, and he couldn’t give him orders or expect anything more from him. 
If Azriel demanded anything more from Rhys, he would be coming down his throat faster than he wanted. He didn’t intend to fill this part of him.
”God you’re fucking insane,” Azriel gasped through gritted teeth. His own hand pushed his hair back as sweat pricked his hairline. He didn’t let up on his grip on Rhys’ hair, but he didn’t force him down. “You—oh my god, Rhys—you’ll make me come.” Rhys sucked in the wet mess when he came off him.
”Yeah that’s kind of the whole point.” Azriel’s eyebrows shot up at his defiant tone.
”So you want me to fill you twice then?” Rhys smirked as he went back down on Azriel. “God, of course you do. You’re a fucking slut for our come. You always want every hole filled, don’t you?”
Rhys drove his nails into his side in retaliation, and he looked up at him darkly. 
“Don’t give me that look. I know you want it. Give me attitude again and I’ll tie you up then you really won’t have a say in anything.”
You would like that wouldn’t you?
“It sounds like you would like it more.” He grabbed Rhys by the roots of his hair, and bright dark violet eyes stared up at him.
”Rhysand, stop it now.” Azriel grabbed him by the hair and fucked into his throat. Even as Rhys choked and tears drenched his face, he didn’t stop for anything.
Oh my god, harder.
”You’re such a whore,” Azriel laughed in response to Rhys’ voice in his head. “If you’re going to yap in my head like that, at least tell me what you want and thank me after.”
I’m so close. After I come will you both fuck me?
”Yes,” Azriel spat. “I’m going to fuck your throat now—“ Rhys moaned around him and the vibrations forced a moan from Azriel. “I’m not coming though, it’s just to make you come faster.”
Azriel please come I want to taste you— Azriel didn’t hear anything else from Rhys except for the mind numbing static in his head. His own heart skipped. He knew if anything was in Rhys’ mouth he could nearly pass out in submission. Neither Cassian nor Azriel mentioned Rhysand’s oral fixation, but they knew all too well how to utilize it to get what they wanted.
It wasn’t their fault that Rhys was willing to get on his knees for them at any given point.
Cass, oh god Cass don’t stop.
Azriel listened as Rhysand talked to both of them at the same time.
“Oh my god,” Azriel whispered as his composure quickly crumbled. “If you want it—fuck—if you want it that bad, you better swallow every drop of my come.” Rhys nodded quickly and took him deeper. A moan punched out of Azriel when he fucked the back of his throat. “Rhys, oh fuck Rhys I’m going to come.” Rhys closed his eyes as tears fell from them. He pushed his tongue up and stroked under him harder, and immediately his throat burned with Azriel’s come.
“Come for me Rhys, come all over me now,” Cassian demanded somewhere in the distance. Never would he think that the best mouth and tongue he ever had was his best friend’s, but every time Rhys took him down his throat he was sidelined by the truth. Azriel’s legs nearly gave out as Rhys sucked him through his orgasm and swallowed down—more like drowned on—all of his come.
Rhys’ eyes shut tightly as Azriel yanked his hair, and his hips shuddered down on Cassian. Azriel’s own breath was taken when Rhys’ legs tightly closed and he painted his chest yet again.
He mumbled his name again when he felt the immense rush of pleasure that decimated Rhys’ last remaining sense of self. He knew that they might not get another word out of him.
He just didn’t realize it would happen so fast.
Azriel pulled out of Rhys’ mouth and his pent up moans poured from him. 
“Good job, oh my god you did so well for us,” Azriel praised when he fell to his knees and pushed Rhys gently against Cassian’s chest. Cassian wrapped his arms around him and Rhys laid himself down limply. Cassian laughed at him as Azriel smiled down. 
“You really think you can take me too?” Azriel sweetly asked. Rhys caught his breath as he nodded. “Hey,” Azriel said even softer, and he steadied Rhys’ rolling head by holding his head. Slowly, distant violet eyes met his again. “You really okay to keep going?” Rhys nodded even though he looked like he could pass out at any moment.
Want you. Send me there.
”Holy shit,” Cassian coughed when Rhys requested that from both of them. Azriel’s smile fell and chills raced down his arms. It had been so many years since they fucked, but it had been even more since he and Cassian sent Rhys into that headspace. It had been an accident the first time, and the two of them freaked out, but when Rhys came up, he told them he needed it to happen again. They did it one more time after that before Rhys was taken from them.
”Okay, Rhys,” he sighed. “We got you.” Azriel swallowed down the lump in his throat as he stroked himself. Then he lined himself up alongside Cassian. He teased first to make sure he was ready for it, and when he nearly slipped from how slick they were, he pushed inside Rhys.
His body convulsed with pleasure, and Azriel monitored the way he felt to keep him from pain. He was almost just as gone as Rhys was; one more surprise from Rhys and he swore he would be the one losing himself in his headspace. Cassian moaned as well when Azriel pushed fully inside, and he held onto Rhys tighter. 
“Oh my god, so close already,” Cassian moaned. Azriel couldn't help but moan from his tone of voice.
“Fuck, don’t know how you’ve lasted so damn long with him. I’m going to come again and you haven’t even come yet.” Cassian broke a laugh but it quickly faded when Azriel snapped his hips forward.
Unintelligible moans poured out of Rhys as he allowed them to use him as they pleased. Azriel rose to his knees and used one hand to keep Rhys steady while the other stroked him.
”Oh fuck—“ he thought he heard fall out of Rhys’ mouth and he looked up at his face and watched as more and more fresh tears stained his face. They fell to his collarbones and onto Cassian’s as well. Cassian wasn’t merciful on Rhys either as his hands continuously stimulated him, held him down tightly, and his mouth left kissed across his flushed skin.
Cassian fucked up into Rhys in time with Azriel’s thrusts and their moans mixed with Rhys’ when they found the perfect rhythm. His eyes rolled back as he fucked them harder, and Cassian’s own eyes snapped shut. Azriel also monitored the way Cassian felt, and he didn’t realize how far gone he was too. 
“You gonna come soon, Rhys?” Azriel asked even though he knew the answer already. That tight flame of pleasure already ignited deep inside him, and Azriel kenw Rhys was a few moments away. Rhys tried to nod, tried to say anything, but he couldn’t control his voice and he couldn’t even send his thoughts their way. 
A part of Azriel didn’t like that he couldn’t hear Rhys’ voice in his head, but the other part was possessive and ached for this power of being the reason Rhys couldn’t think to begin with. 
Love you so much, you're okay. Need you to come, need you to come now Rhys, please, Azriel thought and he hoped Rhys could still use his powers and hear him. From the sound of his moan, he knew he did.
”Wants us to fill him first,” Cassian said, and at those words, Rhys’ eyes lazily opened. He nodded.
”Oh,” Azriel gasped with realization. “Of course, how did I forget? When you feel us come you’ll come for us, right?’ Rhys nodded quickly and Cassian pulled him down by the throat again. Rhys cried out when Cassian fucked up into him harder.
”Please,” he whined. “Fill me.”
”Yeah—oh fuck—we got you—“ was the last thing Azriel could choke out before Cassian’s orgasm derailed his thoughts. Waves of pleasure came over Azriel as he felt Cassian fill Rhys, and he couldn’t contend with it.
His own pleasure found him again, and he caved to the powerful waves. His come mixed with Cassian’s inside of Rhys, and it took a lot of work he had to focus on to not slip out of him. Azriel didn’t stop, not as his moans punched out of his throat until it was dry. How could he when Rhysand cried for him to touch him harder and harder, and—
Rhys cried out a louder moan and struggled against their bodies when Azriel stroked him through his orgasm. Azriel was knocked down from the intensity of it, and he held himself up by his hand next to Cassian’s shoulder on the pillow. He watched Rhys and couldn’t even blink as expressions between pain and pleasure pulled at his beautiful face. That was when he realized he had stopped breathing from the tightness. Cassian also groaned from how tightly Rhys squeezed them, and his fingers held onto Rhys’ hips until they broke skin and bled.
”Oh my god, yes. Yeah you did so well for us, Rhys,” Azriel couldn’t help but praise, and Rhys could his breath as he lay on Cassian with his head still in the clouds. 
But Azriel didn’t stop.
Even as Rhys’ chest began to rise and fall harder with overstimulation, he didn’t stop. In fact, it was all the reason for him to stroke him harder, tighter.
”Az—“ Rhys choked out. He didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was the addiction of watching Rhys lose himself, but he needed more. He needed to yank more out of him until Rhys was nothing in their arms. “Azriel!”
He didn’t say anything as overstimulation decimated Rhys’ remaining power of fighting back. Cassian held him down and shadows strapped Rhys down wherever Cass couldn’t reach.
“Holy shit,” Azriel laughed when another wave of pleasure took Rhys by the throat, only this time hardly anything came from him. Azriel knew that was it; Rhys had nothing left to give him, but a part of him didn’t want to care. 
“Please,” Rhys begged, and from the tone of voice, Azriel’s hand slowed. He knew it was coming. 
Yellow, Rhys thought and Azriel let go of him with a finishing kiss.
Later, when the three were cleaned and tangled in the same bed together, Rhys slowly came to. That distant and dazed look didn’t leave his eyes—Azriel assumed it wouldn’t for a few days. 
And it didn’t.
The three didn’t have any pressing needs either, and having been on a much needed rest from work, they rotted in bed together for a few days. It took a day for Rhys to utter a word and another two for him to even attempt to use his powers. Azriel didn’t intend to push him so far, but he already calculated how long it could be until he did it again.
Sometime in the afternoon almost three days after they first entered Rhys’ house, when the sun set over the distant blue horizon, Rhys’ ears perked and heart raced. Azriel too sent his shadows to attention that was when he sensed Feyre. She and the Valkyries were back. 
“Fucking finally,” Cassian sighed as he stood from the bed. Azriel harshly backhanded him.
”You’re acting like you didn’t enjoy spending time with us like this,” he snapped back. Rhys didn’t mind either of them. Not when the scent of his mate ruined almost all the work the boys did to bring him back down to earth.
”You’re right, I did enjoy it. Not my fault my mate is calling me away. Look at Rhys,” Azriel did and he already sat up mindlessly waiting for Feyre. “And by the looks of it, it sounds like someone else is trying to get your attention, Azriel.”
Azriel’s heart raced when Gwyn entered the house with the other two. 
Maybe Cassian and Rhys were right.
In a blink of an eye, Feyre stood in front of them. Her dark eyes didn’t escape from Rhys’ distant gaze.
”Do you know how hard it is to focus on a task when you both are distracting me?” She asked. She was met with silence. “Yeah, you two.” Cassian smirked as she pointed at him and Azriel. Azriel’s heart skipped. Rhys didn’t close off their bond through their session. “Unless you want to do it all over again and join us, I recommend leaving.” 
”Yes ma’am,” Cassian laughed as he winnowed away. Feyre looked at Azriel. He smiled evilly. 
“You’re welcome,” he simply said.
”Don’t go too far,” Feyre cut him off from winnowing. “There’s someone downstairs looking for you.”
”Why is she looking for me?” The darkness in Feyre’s eyes didn’t leave when she looked up at Azriel in the eyes.
”I’m not the only one who listened in on you guys.”
Azriel’s throat tied closed with nerves and a never ending arousal.
”So hurry,” Feyre demanded. “It actually wasn’t a question, I need Rhys to myself.”
Azriel nodded once and winnowed away.
”Az,” she gasped when he stood in the kitchen. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off Gwyn. She set her cup of water down and peered confidently right back up at him. She still wore her leathers and combative gear, and from the tang of her scent and sweat in her hair, he knew they must have just gotten back. She didn’t make it home yet.
”You didn’t go home.” She couldn’t hold back her smile.
”You want me to?”
”Not without me.” Then it fell as she looked back up at him. 
“And what do you think you would do as I clean myself up from our trip?” Azriel swallowed tightly.
”I mean you heard what we did with Rhys.” The heat that radiated off her almost knocked him off his feet with dizzying desperation. 
“I did,” she laughed. “You should be glad our mission wasn’t dangerous in any way.” Azriel’s eyebrows popped up, and he couldn’t hold the smile down. 
“Are you calling me distracting?” 
“I mean when you’re fucking someone for days and talking to them all like that I’d say so.” Taken back by her bluntness, Azriel licked his lips.
”Talking to them like what?”
”How you’re talking to me now.” He smiled.
”If you wanted me you could just say that.”
”You’re the one insisting you come home with me.” Azriel scoffed. He stepped into her personal space and her smile fell.
”You’re the one who came here to find me before you even went to your home.” 
“Fine,” she breathed and her hands slowly met his clothes. His heart leapt at the contact as her palms snaked up to his collarbones and neck. “You win.”
”I win?” He laughed as his hands found her waist. She hummed at the contact. He was jostled with nighttime memories they shared in her bed. Maybe they were far and few between, but mattered more than any he already had. “I didn’t realize we were competing.”
”How about you just shut up and take me home. Rhys gave you a lot of decent practice, don’t you think?”
His heart stopped and he gritted his teeth to power through the brunt of her words. 
He couldn’t help but kiss her as he winnowed her away from the High Lord’s estate.
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endlessnightlock · 8 months
143 for the prompts please xxx
"Are you trying to turn me on, or are you really that oblivious?"
From 150 Random Writing Prompts
A follow-up to this drabble, You've Never Even Touched Yourself?
I should have one more part based on another prompt in my inbox.
"Well, here I am," Katniss said, plopping on the bed next to Peeta without giving herself a heart attack. Not an easy task with the onslaught of nervous excitement. She was grateful Morning Katniss remembered to make the bed before leaving for school. Touseled sheets would have been way too suggestive for kissing him there.
At least, she thought it would be too suggestive. She had to be reading way too much into this. It was just a kiss. Not that big of a deal, right?
Oh god, she was panicking.
"Hi," Peeta said. His eyes met hers, teeth digging into the corner of his mouth, biting back a smile.
Had she ever paid attention to his mouth before today?
"Relax. Make yourself at home," he added, gesturing across her bedroom invitingly.
His dumb jokes broke the tension enough for her to roll her eyes. "You sound like a talk-show host."
He huffed. "Okay, I'll just make myself comfortable if you're not going to play along. You're not making it easy on me, trying to seduce you like I am," he said.
Man, she might be uptight, but he was going to kill her saying things like that. Her imagination was way too active.
He took her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Kidding. I'm just trying to get you to laugh. You look like Buttercup when he realizes it's time to go to the vet.
"Don't compare me to that cat." Blowing out a breath, she made an effort to relieve the tightness in her chest. "Is it that obvious?"
He nodded. "If you hadn't asked me to kiss you, I'd think this was the last thing you wanted to do."
Her eyes dropped to her feet. My, what ugly socks she was wearing. She definitely wasn't avoiding his gaze. "No. I, I want to," she said.
"Alright." From her peripherals, she sensed him moving closer. "Katniss?"
It happened fast. One moment, he was on his side of the bed, and the next, he was kissing her. Fingertips on her jaw, gently turning her face toward his. Lips pressing against hers, soft and a little dry. She sighed. Her hands needed somewhere to go, so she grasped his shoulder. At one point, she thought he was going to pull away, so she leaned in further, tilting her face so their lips met fully, each parting a little.
When he leaned back again, she carded her fingers through his hair. "Don't stop," she said, kissing him again. She couldn't get enough of him.
"Please." Why hadn't they been doing this with each other all along?
Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest, and he sucked in a breath as she moved closer. She couldn't get close enough. Sitting up, she climbed across his lap and lowered herself to sit on his thighs.
"Oh god," he whimpered.
"Sorry?" she paused, embarrassed now, wondering if she read the situation wrong. "I don't really know what I'm doing. We can stop."
Weakly, he laughed, pressing his forehead into her neck. "Are you trying to turn me on, or are you really that oblivious?"
"Uh," she began. It was weird knowing she affected him that way. Him making her feel like this. Wonderful. Enthralled and unafraid. Like someone unlocked her body and set a live wire to her nerves.
"Never mind," he wrapped his arms around her waist.
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reflectismo · 1 year
Lennon and McCartney: Browsing through shops, buying books and things
Dear Beatles,
Is it true that you are learning to play the banjo! A friend of mine who was working backstage at one of your concerts said he’d seen you with an old banjo. — Paula Benson, Oldham, Lancs.
John replies: There’s a long story attached to that banjo, Paula.
When we had a day off in Liverpool during our tour last December, Paul and I went to an old antique shop in Chester to buy books and things. I saw this old banjo and I ALMOST bought it. Next day when we got to Manchester Mal Evans walked in with the banjo.
So, I borrowed it and had a go at playing it. There’s an autograph on it—George Formsby’s—but it looks very fresh and Mal isn’t too sure whether it’s a genuine Formby signature or not.
— The Beatles answer fan letters for the February 1966 issue of Valentine.
I don’t read as much as John does. My main thing is, I’ve got to be settled to read. The times I would read are on a holiday, or in bed at night. The other day I took John to the Times Bookshop. I’d been there before and bought a copy of “The Emperor Jones” signed by Eugene O’Neill which really knocked me out, and the fellow there showed me the original manuscript of “Under Milk Wood”. The great thing about the Times Bookshop is that nobody’s going to bother about who you are. Well, John spent an hour there, and £150. It was a good day for the Times Bookshop and a good day for John.
— Paul McCartney interviewed for London Life Magazine (4th/10th December 1965 Issue)
I don’t know whether Invicta [sic] Books, the shop in London's Mason's Yard owned by Peter Asher and Marianne Faithfull's husband, John Dunbar, is selling a lot of books; but it's certainly becoming the new 'in place.' As well as Peter and Marianne, I noticed sister Jane visiting quite a lot and last Friday John Lennon and Paul McCartney popped in to browse for a few hours.
— Disc and Music Echo (April 9, 1966).
One afternoon in late March 1966, Paul arrived at Indica with John Lennon. John wanted a book by what sounded like 'Nitz Ga'. It took Miles a few minutes to realise that he was looking for the German philosopher Nietzsche, long enough for John to become convinced that he was being ridiculed. He launched into an attack on intellectuals and university students and was only mollified when Paul told him that he had not understood what John was asking for either, and that Miles was not a university graduate but had been to art college, just like him. Immediately friendly again, John talked about Allen Ginsberg and the Beats, laughing about his school magazine the Daily Howl: 'Tell Ginsberg I did it first!' Miles found him a copy of The Portable Nietzsche and John began to scan the shelves. His eyes soon alighted upon a copy of The Psychedelic Experience, Dr Timothy Leary's psychedelic version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. John was delighted and settled down on the settee with the book. Right away, on page 14 in Leary's introduction, he read, 'Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind, relax, float downstream.' He had found the first line of 'Tomorrow Never Knows', one of the Beatles' most innovative songs.
— Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now by Barry Miles (1997)
John and Paul wandered free. They peered into a shop window. John spotted a calendar which featured thinly-dressed girls. He and Paul chortled.
“Bet you daren’t go in and buy it,” said Lennon. “Okay,” said Paul. He went in alone. A minute later, he rejoined us, waving a large, brown envelope.
“Discretion always,” he said. “As you can see, I asked them to give it to me under plain wrapper. . . .”
— John and Paul interview with Ray Coleman for Disc and Music Echo (December 1967)
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Can I get "Can I just hold you a little longer?" with Frank? Thank you <3
A Comforting Embrace
Thank you anon, sorry this took me so long, I promise I didn't forget.
Contains: Mild angst, fluff, hurt/comfort.
450 words
Comment if you want to be tagged or follow #sp's 150 fanfic celebration for more fics.
You help Frank wind down after a bad day.
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You knew Frank had a bad day by the way he sounded on the phone, even more so when Billy gave you the heads up that he was going to come home a mess. When Frank walked in the door, you could see the remnants of blood all over his face, and he placed a bruised hand on your face as he leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek. "I'm gonna go clean up again."
You nodded and reciprocated the kiss, your lips landing on the only spot that wasn't bloody. "I'll order in."
He emerged from the shower thirty minutes later, just as the food arrived, squeaky clean and smiling. "You feeling any better?" He smiled and gave you a thumbs up before heading to the kitchen to help you with the food. "You wanna tell me what happened today?"
He paused mid soup scoop and sighed. "The usual, the client thought he knew better and didn't listen. Someone rammed the car, Mason's pretty beat up but we're whole otherwise."
You huffed. "You need to start charging these people for not following orders. What's the point of hiring protection if you don't listen to them?"
He gave you a cynical and shrugged. "Don't ask me, they always seem to know what's best."
You and Frank took the food to the table and sat next to each other, Frank sitting close enough that your legs were touching. "I'm happy you're not hurt."
He reached over the rice and linked his hand in yours, smiling softly as he replied. "Me too."
You talked about nothing as dinner went on, and you could see the tiredness in Frank's face the later it got. He let out a yawn and you pointed to the couch, still mindful it was a little early to turn in just yet. "You wanna watch some TV?"
"Sure." You headed over to the couch, Frank's hand on your lower back as you went and he threw the blanket over both of you when you sat down. "What do you want to watch Darlin'?"
You tucked yourself into his arms and rested your head on his shoulder. "Whatever you want, I'm not fussed." He smiled and pecked your forehead before reaching over to switch on the food network, it was a nice break to the day and you chatted about the food as it came across the screen.
As the shows changed and the streets grew quiet, Frank's yawns became more frequent, and you gestured towards the bedroom. "You wanna head to bed?"
He shook his head. "Can I just hold you a little longer?"
You craned your head to press a kiss to his chin. "Sure."
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