#it totally DOES look awesome not gonna lie
suzukiblu · 3 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for 🦄 behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Um, yeah,” Billy repeats, shrugging awkwardly. “And–you know, you need sun, right? Like for your powers and stuff so you'll be safer on missions, but also, um–Kryptonians just really like it, I think. Well, okay, I dunno if you know if you like it yet, but Superman definitely does. He spends a lot of time in it. So–windows.” 
Lynn . . . swallows, slowly, and tightens his grip on Tawky a little bit again. Billy wonders if that means he wants a hug. Lynn's still a baby, technically–he might not know how hugging really works in real life, or just not know how to ask for one when he needs one. 
Or just not know he's allowed to ask for one when he needs one. 
Or just wants, obviously. 
“I like it,” Lynn says very, very quietly, and Billy can't help perking up excitedly at hearing that. 
“Awesome!” he blurts, then clears his throat and tries to reel himself in and settle down a little more. “Um–awesome, yeah. Cool. I'm glad.” 
Lynn doesn’t say anything else, but he loosens his grip on Tawky a little. Billy still wonders if he wants a hug, but he really doesn’t know how to tell. 
. . . well, he guesses there’s the obvious option. 
“Hey,” he says, leaning forward a little to peer a little closer at Lynn’s face while trying not to be, like, pushy about it. Lynn’s just hard to read, that’s all, and he doesn’t wanna mess up with him. “Do you want a hug or anything?” 
Lynn’s shoulders immediately stiffen, and Billy represses a wince. 
“You don’t have to,” he puts in quickly. “Just, um–I didn’t know if you knew you could have one? If you ever do? Like–that’s a normal thing to want. And, you know . . . do? And . . . stuff?” 
Billy is very, very bad at this, isn’t he, he realizes, trying not to cringe at how awkward and lame he sounds right now. Like–babies need touched and carried and hugged, and really everybody does, but he definitely could’ve made that offer way less weird-sounding. Just–he really doesn’t trust that Cadmus told Lynn that kind of thing was okay or important or ever would be okay or important, so . . . yeah. So he said it.
Just he said it very, very awkwardly and lamely. 
Lynn is totally never gonna think he’s a cool dad, is he, Billy thinks morosely. He’s gonna think he’s uncool and weird and boring and– 
Lynn . . . hesitates, slightly, and Billy gets distracted from worrying about Lynn deciding he sucks and peers at him again. Lynn looks conflicted, and Billy’s not sure what to say to him. 
“It really is fine if you don’t want one,” he promises finally, because it’s the best idea he’s got. “Just it’s also fine if you do want one, and I kinda, uh, didn’t know if you knew that or not.” 
“. . . okay,” Lynn says, which still isn’t really a helpful answer but is also still better than a lie. Billy can work with noncommittal. Like, he’d much rather do a little extra work to figure out what Lynn’s okay with than accidentally upsetting or hurting him 
Lynn probably doesn’t even know what he’s okay with yet, in a lot of ways. How could he, when everything’s still so new and strange? 
“You could hug Tawky, if you want,” Billy suggests. Lynn’s already been petting him, kinda, so maybe he’s more comfortable with touching him than he is him right now. Which makes sense, really. Tawky is really huggable, and also, like . . . sometimes it’s just less intimidating to hug somebody who looks like a stuffed animal at the time and also isn’t currently a lot bigger than you, Billy knows. Like–that’s definitely been a thing for him, a lot of times. 
. . . honestly, he’s not sure who the last person besides Tawky he even hugged was, come to think of it. Some people hugged him, because they were grateful he’d saved them and all, but–yeah. That’s . . . different, obviously. Not as . . . comforting, or comfortable, or . . . anything like that. 
And if Lynn’s never gotten a hug before–well. Yeah. 
Tawky’s a good start, Billy knows. Like–really good. 
“. . . I don’t know how,” Lynn says, his tone just a little–distant, maybe. Or . . . guarded, maybe. 
“Oh, it’s not hard,” Billy assures him, then picks up one of the throw pillows off the couch and demonstrates, wrapping his arms around it to squeeze a little. “You just wrap your arms around somebody and squeeze, kinda. I mean, you’re gonna have to be careful not to do it too hard with baseline humans and all, but Tawky’s tough!” 
And, well–he’s pretty sure Lynn couldn’t hug him hard enough to hurt him, at least not ‘til he grows up a little more or gets a little more sun in him. But he doesn’t wanna push, so he doesn’t say that.
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the-angels-share · 6 months
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In which Xiao gets the childhood he deserves. A Grandpa Zhongli and Xiao adventure.
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Out of all the seasons, Xiao loves summer the best. Not only does he get to stay up an hour later than usual, he gets to do things he normally couldn’t the rest of the year. For example, during summer, Xiao gets to sleep in as late as 10 in morning. He can go to the beach and eat ice cream and build sandcastles without worrying about homework. He can watch TV and play outside for as long as he likes, as long as he gets inside the house by twilight. Most importantly, he gets to stay in Grandpa's house for a whole month.
Xiao's Grandpa is Zhongli. Zhongli is the Geo Archon. That means Xiao's Grandpa is the coolest, most awesome being to ever walk the planet. And Xiao gets to spend thirty (30) days with him. Just him and his Grandpa.
No one else in all of Liyue gets to experience that.
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Xiao has spent a total of two days in his Grandpa’s house when he receives his first mission as a Guardian Yaksha.
The mission? Make a new friend. Location: The children’s park.
Xiao’s not gonna lie. He did not expect such a daunting task for his first ever mission. However, if there is one thing that Xiao has learned in his eight years of life, it’s that adepti assignments are to be accepted and seen to completion, whether they are given in Rex Lapis’ office or at the breakfast table over a plate of brown rice and grilled fish.
Which is how Xiao finds himself in the park two hours later, clutching his Grandpa’s slacks like his life depended on it.
Don’t misunderstand, though. Xiao is a brave boy. But sometimes, even brave boys get scared too. He’d much rather stay beside his Grandpa, where he can cling to his leg and be safe from the curious glances of the strange mortals in the sandbox.
“Don’t forget your weapon.”
Ah, yes, his weapon. Xiao wanted to bring one of his Grandpa’s many polearms, but Zhongli told him that the Primordial Jade Winged Spear is simply too long, too heavy, and too sharp for eight-year old boys to carry, even if they were adepti. So, he gave Xiao a jumbo bubble wand instead.
“Go on,” Zhongli tells him once Xiao finally let go of his leg. "Remember the plan."
Right, the plan. Xiao racks his brain for the battle strategy he made with Rex Lapis himself on their way here. Look for your target, wait for an opening, and when you’re ready, engage.
And so, Xiao does exactly that. Tightening his hold on the bubble wand, he takes a step forward and scans his surroundings. There, by the swings, stood two blonde kids around his age, blowing bubbles with their own soapy weapons. Target sighted.
Now for the rest of the plan.
Xiao turns to Zhongli. "Don't leave, okay?"
His Grandpa smiles and pats his head. "I'll be at the bench if you need me."
Xiao nods and walks ahead. Well, here goes nothing.
Ninety minutes later, Xiao goes home with two brand new friends, a play date plan for next week, and a gold coin for a job well done on his first ever mission as one of Liyue's Guardian Yaksha.
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As Geo Archon and oldest of The Seven, it is only expected that Xiao’s Grandpa would keep a lot of treasures in his house. And, well, Xiao’s not claiming to be a treasure expert, but you know what they say.
Where there’s treasure, there’s a guardian.
That’s where Azhdy comes in.
Of all the odd things in the Geo Archon’s house, the most peculiar one is Zhongli’s pet, Azhdaha.
Xiao is not sure exactly what kind of animal Azhdaha is. His Grandpa says Azhdy is a dragon, but he looks more like a dog to Xiao. Either way, Xiao thinks Azhdy is the coolest, most awesome pet ever. (Even if his name is a little hard to spell).
Some people think Azhdy is scary, but really, he’s just a clumsy creature who’s a little too spiky and excitable. It’s true! Azhdy has funny eyes that look in opposite directions. He can’t see very well, and that’s why he always bumps into walls or people. But that’s okay, because it doesn't matter where Xiao is in the house—when Xiao says, "Azhdy, come here", the sound of heavy paws on hardwood floor will reverberate in the whole house, becoming louder and louder the closer he gets.
The sight of Azhdy running towards him never fails to make Xiao smile. Which is why he doesn’t understand why most people look just about ready to call the Millelith whenever Azhdy pounces on his little body to give him wet dog kisses.
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There are days that hold a special place in Xiao's heart. For him, that day is Thursday. It's not because of any particular event or tradition. No, it's because Thursdays mean one thing: spending the most time with his super-duper amazing Grandpa.
For some reason, Thursdays seem to be the day when Zhongli spends the most time at home, away from his duties as the Geo Archon. And for Xiao, that means having his Grandpa all to himself for the day.
As the evening draws near on Thursdays, Xiao eagerly awaits the highlight of his day: bedtime. Not because it means the end of the day, but because it's the time when Zhongli sits by his bedside, tucking him in with gentle hands, a warm smile, and a pat on the head. Sometimes, Azhdy joins them too.
In those quiet moments, the world outside fades away, and it's just Xiao and Zhongli, and sometimes, Azhdy. While Zhongli spins tales of dragons, warriors, and dumplings, Xiao finds out very quickly that the crinkling of old book pages and Zhongli’s smooth baritone are much more effective sleep aides than the bedtime story itself.
Xiao never knows when he dozes off, if his Grandpa ever finishes his story before he starts dreaming. But every time, he wakes up with Zhongli and Azhdaha gone, replaced by the comforting scent of tea and breakfast in the air. It feels like a warm embrace, like he's loved and safe with Zhongli and Azhdy nearby.
Those Thursday nights (and Friday mornings) are the best.
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The big building on Wangshu Street, Xiao learns, is called Wangshu Inn. Inn spelled with two (2) Ns. It means hotel, Grandpa Zhongli tells him one day.
Sometimes, when Xiao has been exceptionally good and Grandpa Zhongli feels particularly nice, they go to Wangshu Inn for a bowl of almond tofu. Xiao loves almond tofu, especially the almond tofu from Wangshu Inn.
How Xiao came to like the sweet treat is actually a funny story.
When Xiao was five, he got lost. It was Lantern Rite and he and his Grandpa were out and about on one of their holiday afternoon walks. Captivated by the vibrant sights and sounds around him, Xiao had wandered off and couldn't find his way back to where his Grandpa was.
Of course, being an adeptus, Xiao hadn't been scared. (He was terrified.) Like a brave and dependable Guardian Yaksha, he took it upon himself to look for the correct way home. (Xiao wandered aimlessly, tears welling up in his eyes.) And just as the day began to turn into night, a calming presence had enveloped him. It was Zhongli, his Grandpa!
He had found him amidst the crowd.
Xiao remembers his Grandpa picking him up from under his arms and rubbing his back to soothe him. Then, he brought them both to Wangshu Inn where they shared a bowl of almond tofu.
"You're okay now," his Grandpa had said. Xiao doesn't remember being not okay, so his Grandpa must have been talking to himself. He must've been super scared when he turned and found Xiao missing! He guesses even cool, strong, Geo Archons like his Grandpa get scared too sometimes. (So, maybe it's okay to say that he felt a little bit scared too when he couldn't see Zhongli anymore back in the harbour.)
Xiao doesn’t remember much of that day, but he does feel a surge of warmth and comfort with every spoonful of the soft sweet treat.
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In the neighborhood where his Grandpa lives, there's a girl named Hu Tao. She's a bundle of energy, always running around with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Hu Tao is Xiao's... not-friend friend, but whenever they meet, she's full of jokes and stories she's read from whatever book she was devouring that week.
She's smart, just like Grandpa Zhongli. She reads those big heavy books he sometimes sees his Grandpa read on quiet afternoons at the den. She says big, hard to say words, like quick sonic (quixotic) and disk consulate (disconsolate). Sometimes, she recites poems with rhymes and more words Xiao doesn't quite understand. It's okay, though, because when she does, she smiles, and when she smiles, Xiao smiles too.
Hu Tao has a pet bunny named Boo Tao. Boo Tao is a fluffy little creature, but too small to play with Azhdaha, so they settle for sitting together in the grass, sniffing flowers and watching the world go by.
Xiao thinks Hu Tao is pretty. He's not quite sure what "pretty" here means, but whenever she laughs, it feels like sunshine breaking through the clouds.
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Sometimes, when the sky is gloomy, Grandpa Zhongli takes Xiao to the cemetery.
Xiao’s only seen pictures of Granny Guizhong but with all the stories that Grandpa has told Xiao about her, it’s as if he’s met her too.
He makes sure to water the Qinxin flowers Grandpa keeps on Granny's grave. He'll take care of the flowers so Granny does not get sad.
Next time, he'll add Glaze Lilies too.
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Amidst the hustle and bustle, Xiao's hand finds Zhongli's, his small fingers entwining with his grandpa's sturdy grip. His Grandpa smiles down at him, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Shall we see what the harbor has in store for us today, Xiao?"
Xiao nods. He'd be a dummy to say no to Rex Lapis. With a gentle lift, his Grandpa scoops Xiao up into his arms, granting him a bird's-eye view of the lively street below. From this vantage point, Xiao marvels at the vibrant tapestry unfolding before him—the dancers twirling in graceful arcs, the acrobats defying gravity with breathtaking stunts, and the musicians serenading passersby with their melodious tunes.
He thinks he can see Hu Tao and the twins there too.
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As the end of summer draws near, the yard of Grandpa's house becomes a haven for crystalflies. Amidst the delicate dance of these enchanted creatures, Xiao clings tightly to Zhongli, his small form nestled in the safety of his Grandpa's embrace.
With each passing moment, the inevitability of parting weighs heavy on Xiao's heart. As his parents arrive to take him home, Xiao buries his face in the crook of Zhongli’s neck, unwilling to let go of the warmth and comfort he finds there. The air is filled with the soft whispers of crystalflies bidding farewell to the departing summer, echoing the bittersweet emotions swirling within Xiao's heart.
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Summer has passed, and before Xiao knows it, it's summer again. Out of all the seasons, Xiao loves summer the best. Not only does he get to stay up an hour later than usual, he gets to do things he normally couldn’t the rest of the year. For example, during summer, Xiao can go out on walks with Azhdy while the citizens of Liyue look on with amazement at his very big, very cute pet. He can sit by the park and see if a girl with long pigtails and pretty eyes happens to pass by. Most importantly, he gets to stay in Grandpa's house for a whole month.
Xiao's Grandpa is Zhongli. Zhongli is the Geo Archon. And Xiao's most favorite thing in the whole entire world is him.
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
TF2 Scout x M!Reader || Mind Meltdown +18
[Top Scout] [Masturbation] [One-Sided Pining] [Dirty Talk]
You and him had secured a victory after battle. He had killed the particularly pesky Medic, he shouted in victory. "Take that, Deutsch-bag!" To the bleeding out corpse of the enemy Medic. You let out a gasp in breathless amusement and utter shock.
You choked out a chuckle, but couldn't hold your laughter for long as you doubled over. "Jesus! That was- holy shit, Scout! That's fucked up!"
Scout looked over at you, confused, but high on the victory as he wiped his bloody baseball bat off in the dirt. "Huh?"
You punched him playfully in the shoulder as you try to say what you wanted to tell him. "Jesus! Nice one! I woulda never thought of that!"
Scout furrowed his brows as he laughed as well, a little awkward at the praise. "Ah, you're just sayin that.." He shrugged sheepishly. "What'd I do again?"
"Dude, your insults are fucking wicked! God, I live for what you scream out!"
"I live for what you scream out!"
"I live for what you scream out!"
God, he wanted to scream for you.
Scout knocked the back of his head against his door as he fumbled to lock the handle without looking down, his other hand writhed desperately underneath his pants to get some sort of heat and friction against his aching dick. You always knew what to say to rile him up, dammit! He though about you on your knees in front of him, mouth open and that stupidly proud look you always give him when he does something awesome- oh shit he wouldn't last long if he thought about how tight your throat would be, how shameful it was to want to cum down the mouth of his co-worker! Before Scout was able to even think properly, he choked out a small curse as he soaked his underwear and hand with his semen.
As young men usually were, Scout's virility was not done after merely taking the edge off. He sighed and flopped over to his bed. Once the soft smell of the laundry hit his nose and the pressure of his weight on the mattress pushed just fucking right on his dick. Scout whined softly as he pushed himself deeper onto the mattress, the force made the young man bite his lip and squeeze his eyes shut.
"That's it, you totally fuckin' want this, don't'cha?" Scout whispered as he imagined you beneath him, with your ass up and your face smushed into his pillows. "Filthy fuckin'- fuckin' slut. God, I know you need this dick in you."
He wondered about how you moaned, how you'd beg for him, how you would grab him as he fucked you. Would you claw at his back? He hoped so. He fantasized how you'd react to him finally not being so awkward like he usually is, he could totally sweep you off your feet. You looked so hot when you smiled at him with that curious look you seemed to default. You know, the one where you knit your eyebrows and purse your lips together in a sweet smile, as if you're holding back your laughter.
Scout breathed heavily into his pillow as he kept his pace, his hand wrapping around his dick again as he muttered incoherently to himself. "God, I'm gonna cum so deep in you that you'll be thinkin' about my cock for weeks!" He rambled as his hips finally started to stutter and ache from the first orgasm and subsequent doubletime workout to get off fully. Scout gasped, his lungs feeling far too weighted as he felt the churning in his pelvis slowly swirl inside him as he raced towards more- more!
Jeremy pushed himself to lie on his back as he jerked himself rough, fast, and desperate. It only took a few seconds as he breathed out your name like a prayer. The crisp and cooling air flooded him like a third orgasm, the bliss of relief and sighing of non-warm air knocked Scout out cold. Jesus fucking Christ, this was all your fault to him, just stop being so hot!
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alottodix · 17 days
if South Park was British (lmao) what would the main fours’ favourite insults be. I can so vividly imagine Kyle calling someone a pillock or a knobhead its so funny. I think Cartman
Okay, so. First, Stan Marsh. He’d definitely be more fond of the blunt ones, the ones that are so simple they’re reflexive for most of the nation – tosser, prick, twat, all of those fun ones. HOWEVER, I also see him having an awesome time with “bloody hell” to portray how fucking fed up he is, like when he does the pinch bridge of nose + look down + very defeated “Jesus Christ” combo in the show. I ALSO IMAGINE HIM BEING SUPER FOND OF HOW BLUNT STUFF LIKE “sod off” IS TO TELL PEOPLE TO LIVE HIM ALONE OR EVEN JUST TO REACT TO DUMB SHIT LIKE THE LITTLE CYNIC HE IS
Now, onto Kyle. Every single time I see the Jersey episode, I mentally have to compare the reality TV show element to shit like Geordie Shore, so if it was a show based in the UK I can only imagine him being Geordie – proper Ant and Dec style. Americans, if you haven’t already, go listen to the accent and tell me it doesn’t have Kyle vibes – it just does. SO, WITH THIS IN MIND, I can totally imagine him whipping out gobshite as an insult, or what a load of bollocks in response to Cartman being an asshole, fun clipped shit like that. There was also a moment of time where I sat down and started plotting a Hogwarts AU, in which I realised I’d have to make these guys vaguely British, and I had such a strong mental image of Kyle jokingly calling Stan a daft git so I feel like he’d love the ones like that – and I agree with anon I think he’d have a lot of fun with knobhead
I feel Kenny would enjoy basically all of them, but for the sake of this dude being muffled as fuck I think he’d get a real kick out of the backwards peace sign – like whenever possible. Also “get stuffed”, for vibes. LISTEN I FEEL I SHOULD BE MORE SCIENTIFIC IN MY METHODS BUT LEAVE ME ALONE LMAO WE GO OFF VIBES HERE
Now, when I think of a British Cartman, I can only imagine a younger Del Boy from ‘Only Fools & Horses’. This is both a blessing and a curse. It’s the shared entrepreneurial spirit and lack of dignity I think. Also the fur coats. And con-artist swagger. And also how well Del Boy takes the piss out of Rodney – if you were to replace Rodney with Butters or Kenny in their search for wealth; this is such a niche reference but somebody reading this is gonna be so fucking happy with it. Because of this, I can only imagine him with the strongest cockney accent known to man, and so, a list of ones I feel he would use:
“You jammy prick”
“Bleedin’ hell”
“You daft cow”
“Shut your cakehole”
“He’s a right tosser”
“You bleeding mug”
Also unrelated but with this guy being the gayest homophobe around, he’d totally be one of those guys to call everyone “babes” (the mental image is making me cackle, he fucking would don’t lie)
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 4)
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Welcome back of Part 4 of my Shadow (and Sonic) character analysis! This time, we are covering all episodes up to Episode 16: Ghost of a Chance. While Shadow doesn't appear too often, he is certainly not sidelined, as you'll see soon.
Let's dive in!
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''That's the first time one of them has made any sense.'' ''Nine's on our side, Shadow, and if you're not gonna help, you can-'' ''Oh, I can help.'' *knocks Sonic into No Place*
So, speaking of which, Shadow does have a scene in Episode 10: Battle in the Boscage, where he's just being a deadpan snarker, having witnessed Sonic's failure to get the Shard and knocking him right into No Place. I told you that he helps Sonic by keeping him focused on the mission. X3
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In Episode 12: No Way Out, while Sonic is busy helping out Dread and his crew in No Place (or rather, being chased by them after he got the Shard), Shadow tries to stall the rest of the Chaos Council by damaging their ship with the crystals that float around in The Void.
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''This totally seemed like it was going to be easy. Get the Shard and run fast, which I'm awesome at-'' ''Who are you talking to?! I can see you have the Shard! Run faster and get out of there!'' ''Turns out, it's hard to get up to full speed on water, even with these kicks. Not to mention, having pirates blasting at you.'' ''Then go where they can't blast you.'' ''I need solid ground. I know just where to get it. By the time that ship gets here, I'll be a blip on the horizon.'' ''What was that about a blip?''
So, while Sonic is pursued by Dread and his pirate crew because he's carrying the Shard and Dread spun a lie about Sonic betraying them, he managed to kick up enough Prism Energy to talk to Shadow, who immediately reminds him to get out of No Place. I absolutely love how Sonic is so done with Shadow nagging him like this, especially considering how Shadow probably doesn't know what happened in No Place besides the fact that Sonic got the Shard. Shadow continues to be a deadpan snarker throughout their conversation and it is pure hilarity. You can bet that he was itching to go to No Place himself and help Sonic out.
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But considering how he can't, he decides to deal with the Chaos Council robots that are repairing the ship, freaking out Dr. Don't in the process. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Dr. Eggman activates the ship and flies it towards No Place, leaving a frustrated Shadow.
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You've done as much as you could, buddy. Honestly, I don't think that even hitching a ride on the ship would've brought you into No Place. Fortunately, in Episode 15: Cracking Down, Sonic managed to eventually get all of the Shards and with Nine in the tow, after making a stop at No Place and Boscage Maze, finally enters The Void.
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''It's about time.'' ''Nine, meet Shadow. Shadow, meet Nine.'' ''You're not another version of Sonic, but you could be twins.'' ''Hardly. I am The Ultimate Lifeform.'' ''Don't listen to him. Com'n!''
I do love this small talk, with Nine pointing out how Shadow and Sonic look similar (don't worry Nine, you're not the first to make this mistake), and Shadow retorting how he's the Ultimate Lifeform. You know, he could've just said how he and Sonic are nothing alike or explained Nine the deal, but he decides to go for a boast that is also a factual statement.
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*growls* ''Sycophantic wish fulfillment.''
After arriving at Ghost Hill, Sonic goes back to the Ghost Variants of his friends, looking at them longingly, with Shadow calling it a sycophantic wish fulfillment, with Sonic actually looking back at him and smiling. Yeah, he understands that this wasn't much of an insult on Shadow's part, but just more of him pointing out the reality of the situation. Sonic is definitely more optimistic here, knowing that soon, everything will be over, while Shadow, in his own way, shows that he shares his feelings on the matter.
So far, Shadow has gotten along with Sonic quite well after their fight, but when Nine comments on him and Tails being nothing alike, we get this look.
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Once again, he is not trusting Nine, no matter what Sonic says, which becomes the new core of their arguments. However, before they could continue, they're hit with another reality quake, with Shadow leading Sonic and Nine towards the Paradox Prism cave. Even if he doesn't want to trust Nine, he has to rely on him to fix the Paradox Prism. He even agrees to Nine's condition on being left alone to fix the Paradox Prism by taking Sonic outside.
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''How do you know that you can trust him?'' ''Trust is an issue for you Shadow. That's why you don't have any friends.'' ''I don't think your friend wants the same we do.''
So, first of all, GODDAMN SONIC, YOU WENT STRAIGHT FOR THE JUGULAR WITH THAT FRIEND COMMENT! Like, Shadow really needs some aloe vera for that burn. Seriously, that hits right in the heart, sheesh!
Honestly, knowing what I know about SEGA handling Shadow's character, as in him, Rouge and Omega not being friends, this really hurts. Nevertheless, Sonic isn't wrong.
I had talked in the previous Part of my analysis how Sonic and Shadow complement each other, but I mainly pointed out how Shadow helps Sonic to focus. But, what about Sonic? Well, one consistent issue Shadow has is his distrust of other people, which given his backstory, is valid. However, with Sonic, who fights for others, be it friends or strangers, he does have at least one person he can trust - even if that person is responsible for all the trouble they're currently dealing with. Sonic might come off as a bit insensitive and he is certainly reckless, but his heart is in the right place and Shadow knows that. That's why he sticks by his side and trusts him.
In Sonic Prime, Sonic is Shadow's only friend.
Unfortunately, Sonic's premature celebration of them finally fixing reality is interrupted by the Chaos Council appearing in Ghost Hill, leading into Episode 16: Ghost of a Chance. Now, here, we are shown what real teamwork between Sonic and Shadow looks like.
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*sighs* ''Don't you just hate this part? The build up! Shadow and Sonic versus unbeatable odds with the fate of the world at stake. Like, let's just get on with it already!'' *Shadow rolls eyes at him* ''Hey, I'm not going to be the one who pulls a hammy.'' ''What about him? We can't just leave him alone with the Prism Shards.'' ''Uh, yes we can, seeing as he's the only one who can put them together and, you know, fix reality. You really don't trust him, do you?'' ''No.'' ''Of course you don't. You don't trust anyone. You wanna stay here and babysit? Fine, knock yourself out. I'm gonna buy us some time.
I just love this pre-battle banter between the two. Sonic is being so dramatic, but also optimistic, with Shadow just rolling his eyes at his dramatics (seriously, he knows Sonic too well) and questioning whether Nine can be trusted. Sonic brings up a good point about Nine being the only one who can put the Shards back together, something Shadow doesn't argue against, and leaves him to stall the Chaos Council.
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Now we see Shadow, narrowing his eyes as he looks down at Sonic, then he glances at the Chaos Council's ship, contemplating the situation.
And 3... 2... 1... Yep, he leaps off the cliff to join Sonic in the battle. X3
I'm not gonna lie, I actually chuckled at this scene because this was too be expected. There is no way that Shadow would stay behind while Sonic fights for several reasons.
Firs of all, Shadow knows that Sonic will probably have trouble with the Chaos Council and will need someone to cover him and help protecting the Prism Shards. Second, Shadow has spent so much time trapped in The Void that he probably just to take his frustrations out on someone and the best target is the Chaos Council, especially since they are also responsible for this mess. Lastly, Shadow, just like Sonic, will never say no to a challenge, and I'm fairly certain that he decided to join the fight because of it.
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''Well, look who couldn't resist a team up.'' ''Hardly. Have you seen what happens when you go at it alone?'' ''You mean landslide victory? Someone sounds jealous!''
More banter, but this time with Sonic being really happy about having Shadow joining in and Shadow... Okay, when I saw this scene, I thought that Shadow went tsundere for a moment. Yeah, he makes a good point, but he barely makes eye-contact with Sonic, as if he doesn't want to admit that there is probably more to his decision to join Sonic in the battle.
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What follows next is these fighting off the Chaos Council's robots, with some epic shots peppered in (I'm certain that the animators had a field day with this one).
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Seriously, you could use any screenshot like this one as a wallpaper. They look so awesome!
Of course, the Chaos Council is shocked to see Shadow joining the fight, and I think that, going by the hand motions Dr. Babble makes, either he wants to grab them and crush them, or he wants to grab them like Barbie dolls and make them kiss. It's probably the former, but if he's a shipper, I don't judge.
In any case, as Mr. Dr. Eggman diverts Prism Energy into the robots, Sonic gets knocked back by one and almost gets hit by missiles, but fortunately, Shadow saves him, leading into the moment that broke the shipping community.
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''Probably gonna regret that.'' ''I heart you too, Shadow.''
*takes a deep breath*
You know what, any moment between them that felt like a shipping moment could be excused as Sonic just being friendly with Shadow and Shadow choosing to tolerate Sonic's affection, but this?! THIS?!
My jaw dropped when I saw this scene, because this is something I never imagined it would happen. I swear, there was definitely a Sonadow shipper on the writing team, because how the hell do you explain this scene?! Not only that, but the Sonadow community went through every language (myself included) to check what line Sonic tells Shadow in the other dubs, and it's all a variation of ''I love you too, Shadow.'' Not to mention the Thai dub, where Sonic makes kissy noises at Shadow. Kissy noises!
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Bless you, Thai dub, for your contribution to the Sonadow community. If non-shippers wondered why everyone freaked out and nicknamed this show Sonadow Prime, here's your reason.
Of course, Shadow just rolls his eyes, carrying Sonic like sack of potatoes. Yeah, he's too used to this.
So, the battle continues, with Sonic and Shadow splitting up and Shadow dodging Dr. Don't's laser blasts, only for Mr. Dr. Eggman to fire at him a bigger energy blast. They think they got him, but he's revealed to be just fine.
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Dude, he's smiling again! This is so cute! (≧◡≦)
Sonic is obviously worried about Shadow, thinking the Chaos Council got him. When he checks on the crater, he refuses to believe that Shadow would go down so easily, and he is right about that. He even acknowledges that, when Shadow returns to back him up, that the robots aren't tough at all when they work together. This is then followed up by a fight against Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep, who get a boost via the Prism Shard energy.
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''Go! Protect the Prism!
When the cave gets breached, placing Nine and the Shards in danger, Shadow tells Sonic without any hesitation to protect the Prism, with Sonic nodding in agreement, his expression serious. It is a moment of quiet understanding, both knowing what's at stake here. Unfortunately, Shadow gets taken out by Dr. Deep a moment later, with Sonic and Nine eventually getting cornered and deciding to use the Prism energy to power Sonic up.
Sonic quickly takes out the enemy, being so fast that he leaves afterimages of himself, and goes to check on Shadow, who is still fighting Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep.
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''Hey Shadow! Sorry to keep you waiting!''
I dunno what's with Shadow's expression here, but it always cracks me up whenever Sonic calls for him. Sonic then proceeds to beat up the two, leaving Shadow baffled in regards to what just had happened.
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''How...'' ''Got a power up to save your butt! You're welcome!''
Shadow goes from slack-jawed to just... the image above. I dunno how to describe it, but I think it's something in the lines of ''Of course you got a power up. I shouldn't even be surprised.''
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''It's aiming away from us! That doesn't make any sense! Maybe they know when they're beat? These guys? Please, if you believe that, then you're even dumber than you look.'' *nods* ''Finally a Sonic I can agree with.''
I absolutely love this little exchange, with Sonic bantering with his afterimages and Shadow looking so done with Sonic's antics until Sonic says something that makes sense, chiming in with his own comment. I adore Shadow's expression so much here, because you can see just what is going through his head. Also, Sonic shot himself in the foot with that last comment.
The two then observe Mr. Dr. Eggman creation what can only be described as Kaiju Prime!Eggman made out of Prism Energy.
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''It's official, I've seen it all!''
I agree here with Sonic. Nobody expected a Kaiju Dr. Eggman who can shoot lasers from his mouth to appear. Shadow is equally baffled by what just happened. Sonic is the one to fight back Kaiju!Eggman, being devastated when he destroys the Loop-de-Loop, with Shadow already being aware of what is going through the blue hedgehog's head.
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''Sonic, don't! You can't save anything unless you protect the Shards!''
Unfortunately, Sonic doesn't listen this time, fighting Kaiju!Eggman and doing nothing to him.
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''Get to the Shards!''
It is only when Shadow reminds him again to go after the Shards, getting blasted away by Kaiju!Eggman and Sonic realizing that Nine is in danger, that the blue hedgehog rushes towards the cave. There, he and Nine decide to use even more of the Prism energy to power Sonic up, giving us this new form.
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This is Prismatic Sonic, and as many have noticed, this shot right here might as well be the same as Dark Sonic from Sonic X. It's kinda chilling to see.
Fortunately, Prismatic Sonic beats Kaiju!Eggman, briefly glancing at Shadow as he arrives at the scene.
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Yeah, he's certainly happy that everything went well, following it up by going back to Nine and celebrating their victory. Unfortunately, it is short-lived, because what follows is an argument between him and Nine, who considers Sonic selfish for never seeing him as his own person and more of an extension of Tails, causing another energy pulse to knock Sonic out.
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Shadow gets knocked out, suddenly realizing that something went very wrong and quickly speeds off towards the cave.
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There, he finds out not only that Nine took the Shards and left, but he also finds a devastated Sonic, who is hit with a wave of realization of that he made things just worse, dooming their reality to destruction.
It is very telling of how much Sonic regrets his words and actions when the last shot of him is covering his face with his hands, clearly crying.
So, that was Part 4, the part where we saw how well Shadow and Sonic work together as a team, peppered with some fun banter and Shadow actually getting used more and more to work together with Sonic. The one aspect of his character that gets highlighted here is Shadow's clear distrust of Nine, something Sonic teases him about, but notice how Shadow actually doesn't stay behind to keep an eye on Nine, actually trusting Sonic's word that Nine is on their side.
At least, until the end when Nine leaves, hurt by Sonic's words and believing that Sonic betrayed him.
This sense of distrust and Shadow's bond with Sonic will be more explored in Part 5, when I cover Episode 17: Grim Tidings.
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 3)
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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glitchthebitchwitch · 8 months
"Out for love." just total yuri
"And to think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie." Adam's words rang through Vaggie's head.
Charlie was going through the streets, helping others who survived the extermination and such. She was walking through the alley way before seeing a person infront of her. The "sinner" was clearly in pain. Charlie walked towards them, noticing the details of her pain. A missing eye. She said nothing as she silently crouched down and bandaged over the eye, after the short moment ended, the sinner smiled. Charlie took in her details, short hair, on the shorter side, as the sinner gave a weak smile. Charlie was caught off guard by this, but for some reason it made her feel warm inside. She quickly looked away, smiling, but then looking back slightly. She held her hand out infront of the sinner, and she took it. "Are you okay to walk?" She asked, only getting a slight nod in return. "I'm Charlie. Daughter of Lucifer! Well, you probably already know that. Heh." Charlie pulled the sinner up by her hand. "Do you have a home I can take you to?" Charlie asked. "No." She answered, not when she was very clearly kicked out of heaven by Adam and Lute. But, she assumed Charlie didn't need to know that. "You can speak! Woah. Anyway! I think it's awesome you managed to survive the extermination looking as well as you do, besides the missing eye. And, you don't have a home? I can take you to my place! My dad has this old castle built for me, and you can crash there! I'm pretty sure it has a guest room." "Thank you.. You're kinder than any demon I've ever hea- met." Vaggie responded, she could put on a sinner facade, right? Just act like she normally does but replace angel terminology with demon terminology, easy! She had learnt alot about hell when training to be an exorcist. "Thanks! I try to be very nice. But, not many people respect me. You're one of the nicer sinners that have let me help them. Most people just tell me to go fuck myself or something like that. I get it though. It's hell!" Charlie responded, walking in the direction of her castle. As they walked up to the castle, the sinner looked in amazement. It was huge. Like, really huge. "This is where you live? Alone?" "Not really alone, I have Razzle and Dazzle with me! And KeeKee." "Who?" "Razzle and Dazzle are my bodyguards, they're tiny goats! KeeKee is a cat that can turn into a key, used for unlocking anything built and locked by my dad or me!" "That's, really, that's a lot." Vaggie smiled, though. She'd always had to endure Adam's basic misogynistic rambles, always talking about some 'bitch' who wouldn't subserve to him, but with Charlie, it felt nice for her to ramble. "So, you never told me your name." Charlie looked at her, she only thought. Vag-Gy, which sounded like "vagina" wasn't an appropriate pronunciation for a sinner, she could change it to the name she was called by Lute and other exorcists, as only Adam called her by that nickname. "Hello?" "D'ah- Sorry. It's.. Vaggie." Vaggie answered, Vag-ee was a better pronunciation, she decided. "That's a nice name! I hope you don't mind living with me, I never really gave you an option, did I?" "No, it's fine. Better than living on the streets." "We've been standing in front of the castle for awhile. Uh, let's go in!" Charlie grabbed Vaggie's hand and dragged her inside. "I'll show you to your room, and I'm pretty sure I have some clothes you can use for the night." "Thanks, again. You're one of the kindest people I've ever met, even when I was human." That was a lie, she was never human. But, the taller girl didn't seem to notice. It was fine. "Really? That's so sad! Maybe I can start a chain of events!" "Maybe you can." "Okay! Here's the guest room, if you want I can get rid of the decorative pillows. Nobody really uses this room. I'll go see if I can find Razzle and Dazzle. They're gonna love you!" Vaggie watched as Charlie walked off to go find her bodyguards. She really thought she was just gonna pass out and die right there in the alley way, but she didn't. Charlie saved her. She was different, much like how she had heard Emily was. She took off the decorative pillows and just laid there, on the bed.
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vixezn · 1 year
Hello!! Okay so I saw your ur Yan! Wally x Medic! Reader and I AINT EVEN GONNA LIE I REALLY AND I MEAN REALLY LIKED IT🫶
AND I was also a bit curious if you’d be comfortable doing Wally x Classic Lolita! Reader? (Romantic!) (Also if you decided to make him a Yandere tbh I don’t mind!)
Anyway, you have a wonderful day, lovely afternoon, awesome night, and a SPECTACULAR MONTH🫶
(Btw make sure you’re taking care of yourself and staying hydrated with water!!)
HIIII ANON, I love this idea (when I saw this, I jumped right on it!), this slowly gets more dark as you read, FYI!! (btw, YOU have a great month TOO 🫶)
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🎀 - Wally loves the fact that you have a fine taste in clothing styles!
🎀 - He loves talking to you for hours upon hours, all about different ideas of what outfits you could wear next! 
🎀 - (Of course, the ideas he loves the most are the ones related to his styles but don’t tell him I said that!)
🎀 - Whenever you show up in a different outfit, whether it’s an adorable purple dress, separating at the front, showcasing the layers of lacy white cloth underneath it, or a soft green suit with baggy sleeves and pants that encloses at the ends in white, he loves it!
🎀 - He just has to paint you constantly, you just keep switching outfits! And he doesn’t mind it, just a new addition to his endless collection!
🎀 - He loves watching you from afar, looking at all the details in your outfit! Of course, if you even notice, he’ll just gaslight you into thinking that you were just imagining things! Cant have his love main subject of painting go running off, now can he?
🎀 - Whenever you and him talk about your outfits, he wishes that you would think of an outfit or two for him! And you could match with him! Oh how adorable you both would be, looking like a couple! A special couple, all his, only his.
🎀 - And if you do surprise him with an outfit of his own, he would be totally in love with it! Oh, all the colors that fit just right to his theme! He just has to wear it when he goes on picnics with you!
🎀 - As time goes on, his painting collection has gone too big to fit inside his cupboard. He has to make a room for it all! That way, he could see all your beauty! All lined up in endless rows and columns!
🎀 - Sooner or later, he feels just right at home to paint there, too! He just gets a spurge of information when he paints in his room, it’s just so special!
🎀 - Of course, he wouldn’t let anyone into the room, not even you! The love of his life His best friend! 
🎀 - His excuse if you ever find out? Your outfits are simply too beautiful to not be painted! Of course, the main reason is because it’s just.. you, his darling.
🎀 - If you accept the excuse, great! You can pose for him when he does paint you, And his collection would grow greatly! More amazing outfits, more amazing paintings!
🎀 - But if you were creeped out and didn’t.. well.. that would be a problem. But all problems have solutions, don’t they?
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CRAIG: Hey homos
CRAIG: Remember when I said I made a Tumblr like
CRAIG: A year ago?
STAN: Yeah, that thing is more inactive than my Myspace
KYLE: You still use Myspace???
STAN: Maybe…
STAN: But making fun of Craig is more fun than making fun of me
KYLE: Oh yeah
CRAIG: Wow, okay, first of all, fuck you guys
CRAIG: Second, we got an ask I think? 
KYLE: What do you mean you think ???
CRAIG: I don't know! Tumblr’s ask blog stuff usually sucks on Mobile
CRAIG: But I was thinking…
CRAIG: What if we like….
CRAIG: Use the questions on the blog to like uhm….
CRAIG: Ask the ghost or demon or whatever the questions?
CRAIG: Since we’re all probably too high to think clearly
TOLKIEN: No, that's just you and Kenny
TOLKIEN: The rest of us are fine
CRAIG: Haha lmao me when I lie
TOLKIEN: Shut up
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CRAIG: Ew, Tolkien don't touch me
TOLKIEN: I am literally not, bitch
JIMMY: Am I w-w-w-witnessing a l-lovers q-q-q-q-quarrel?
CRAIG: I would rather put a bunch of nails into a blender, sprinkle in some thumbtacks, blend it together with my hand STILL IN THE BLENDER, drink up the nails, thumbtacks, AND MY HAND AS I AM BLEEDING OUT, than EVER date Tolkien
CRAIG: Besides, he’s stupidly dating Clyde anyway
KENNY: Well don't squish my HAND with your SAUSAGE FINGERS
KENNY: You are the straightest gay person I've ever met
KENNY: I bet you watch Andrew Tate videos in the Home Depot shelves
CLYDE: …They kicked me out so I can't do that anymore
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CARTMAN: I hate this so much, I hope all of you know that
KYLE: Shut up, like actually
STAN: What's the first question, Big Supreme Man?
CRAIG: Never breathe those words in my presence ever again or I will twist you like an Auntie Anne's pretzel
STAN: Well butter my biscuit and call me Popeyes
CRAIG: Hey Kenny, Do you think you could fight a demon?
KENNY: In fact….
KENNY: HEY!! If there's a spirit watching, I bet I could kick your ass!
JIMMY: K-K-K-K-K-Kenny, d-d-d-don't you kn-kn-know the f-f-f-first r-rule of h-horror m-movies?
JIMMY: D-don't p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-piss off th-the ghost
KENNY: The ghost can go Sugondeez
KYLE: Sugondeez?
CRAIG: I wanna ask something
CRAIG: Is anyone there?
TOLKIEN: That is the most vanilla shit you could ever ask
CRAIG: Fuck you
KYLE: Nothings happening
STAN: Lame
STAN: We did this for nothing
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JIMMY: Uh, f-fellas?
JIMMY: L-l-l-l-look at th-this!
KENNY: Does anyone wanna trade places with me?
CRAIG: (pulls out phone)
CRAIG: If I'm gonna die, I wanna die famous
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STAN: H……..e……..y?
CRAIG: Woah, cool
CRAIG: This is gonna look so cool on my Google + account
STAN: ....Excuse me??
KYLE: Google + ?????
STAN: Who in their right mind still uses Google + ????
CRAIG: Me, your super totally cool and awesome famous friend who you should stop bullying
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CRAIG: Anyways, what's up Ghost? Say hi to my fans
CRAIG: .....This is gonna get me so much clout
(EDITS BY @pissblanket)
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yeehawbvby · 6 months
Falling Away With You | Ch. 49
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Time to use The Shrine(tm)
Author’s Note: n/a
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
Prev | Next (<- links to ao3 for a note!! If you want to skip that, click here <3)
Shane was right. I was about to cry. As soon as I stepped outside the tears started falling. I had planned to go grab some groceries from Pierre’s and visit Robin to ask a few questions about installing barns and whatnot, but instead I just went to Cindersap and wandered around until I could calm down enough to face anyone again. 
In the moment, assaulting a bootlicking Joja cog with some coffee and sass felt so freeing. Afterwards… I can’t help but think, why did I do that? I’ve never really snapped at anyone before, and the first time I do it’s a total stranger? Even if he is a dick, and even if maybe he did deserve it for whatever reason, I still can’t help but feel guilty.
Don’t even know if I’ll ever be able to face Morris again. I guess I won’t be visiting Sam there anymore.
As I pad through the crunchy fallen leaves, sniffling up a storm between sips of coffee due to the emotions and chilly air, I just try to focus on what’s ahead in an attempt to relax a bit. 
Like, Spirit’s Eve is gonna be a blast. I’ve got that going for me at least. I’ll have a chance to meet that shadow person Magnus is friends with too. I absentmindedly gain a little pep in my step as I remember that Seb’s and Magnus’ birthday are both in the coming months. I wonder if they’ll want to do anything special. 
I check my phone and see a wall of texts from Sam:
Sam > HEY. I snuck out for a bathroom break bc omg Sam > u were so real for that Sam > like holy crud. I’ve always wanted to give morris even a *little* bit of shit and u just did it ur first time meeting the guy
There are a few more messages, all exclaiming about how awesome he thinks I am. It’s just as endearing as it is embarrassing.
I quickly reply to lie and say it wasn’t a big deal and that it’s whatever and that I’m fine, not-lie to promise him we’ll hang out for real soon, and apologize for his lack of a coffee. I then decide to go to Magnus’ a bit early. Maybe he and Seb can distract my nerves, and if not I can at least fill them in on what happened.
I begin nearing Tony Remington Trash Bear. Haven’t seen this fella in ages. He notices me and sniffs in my direction while chewing today’s dish. Looks like a stuffed pumpkin… where does he get these things?
I wave at him, and wonder — now knowing he’s an elemental — if he can communicate with me. 
As far as I can tell, though, there’s not a single thought besides his next meal behind those eyes. Good for him, if true!
I slow down and try to speak to him, tentatively holding out my cup. “Uh… I don’t know if you understand me, but d-do you want some coffee?” He glimpses at the cup and I add, “I’ve had, like, half, and it’s cold now, but…” followed by a very meek shrug. 
Tony sniffs a little louder and turns away. 
“Oh. Sorry.” Guess he doesn’t like coffee.
I take a few more steps. He looks at me again. I stop again, and stare back for a moment before waving. 
He waves back oh my fucking god before turning back to his food.
Yoba, Spirits, whoever, what ever, please let this be a sign that today can turn up from here.
My pace becomes brisk as I try to make it to Magnus’ tower faster. I’ve gotta tell him and Seb that there’s a slim chance I actually can communicate with animals, even if they can’t communicate back in a way I can understand. 
I wonder if I can learn that. Like, animal-speaking potions or spells have to be a real thing, no?
And, like, with Cannoli, I assumed he could roughly get the gist of whatever I say because out bond. What if I’ve actually been talking to him in a way he can comprehend for months now?
…What if I can, like, translate frogs for Seb someday? 
Oh my fuck—
I feel giddy at the thought and do a little shimmy to work out my energy. I know if I start jogging in lieu that I’ll probably just trip on a fallen branch or acorn or something — the ground is too covered in leaves for me to see what’s beneath them, save for a few long weeds.
I make it to the tower quicker than I’d anticipated. Outside the door I stomp some mud off my boots, and while stepping in, I hear hushed speaking from the main room. I don’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt if something is important going on. Quietly so as to not disturb them, I remove my coat and shoes and pad through the doorway, sipping my sweet drink.
I stop in my tracks and nearly choke on the coffee at the view before me:
Magnus and Seb are facing each other, their bodies parallel to the side walls and nearest the far end of the cauldron. I can see some of Seb’s face and all of Magnus’. 
Seb got his ears pierced! The red studs — I guess they were safe to use, after all — are just barely visible from my view, resting above his gauges. Not sure about the other ear, but he has crossed industrials on this one as well now. 
Now, I can’t tell if his ears are pink from swelling or from blush, but it could be both, given how closely Magnus is observing him. Magnus’ hand is tilting Seb’s face up, and he’s heavily inspecting his piercings with a slight flush on his own cheeks, as well as rosy eyes. Only god knows if it’s because of the contact he’s engaging in, or because of how much cooler Seb looks with his new jewelry.
As Magnus tilts Seb the other way, I’m at first ready to assume that Seb did get a few piercings on his other ear too, until I see Magnus practically cupping the younger man’s face. His lips are slightly curled upward and moving but I can barely hear a word he’s saying. The only sound that registers in my ears is the smooth, bassy reverberation of his baritone voice. A breathy laugh comes from Seb in response. 
My heart stutters at the thought that they’re, like, gonna fucking kiss or something, until Magnus drop’s his hands, crossing them against his ribs. It’s only as Seb mimics the motion that I notice they’re both wearing black sweaters, both with their sleeves rolled to their elbows. 
A Sebastian cosplay convention.
SebbyCon… SebCon? SebastiCon???
No. Shut up.
I make my presence a little more known as I clear my throat and approach my partners, unable to contain the shit-eating grin plastered on my face. Magnus looks over and smiles wide at my presence, seemingly oblivious to how ~scandalous~ that interaction appeared. Seb turns to do the same, more focused on giving me his own silly, smug look.
Whoa. On the ear opposite from the one I had a slight view of, Seb has a triple helix now, as well as a fucking nose piercing, all alongside his red lobe piercing. I can’t hide how frickin’ stoked I am for these, god he pulls it all off so well!
Ignoring their hellos, I scurry closer, my eyes and smile wide as I place my cup on the counter nearby to take Seb’s face in my hands, basically doing the same thing Magnus just did. 
“Holy shit, dude!”
“You like ‘em?” he laughs.
I reposition Seb so he’s got no choice but to look directly at me. “I feel feral.”
“Oh my,” Magnus laughs while he observes us.
Still holding Seb’s face, I turn to look at and giggle with the elemental. 
Seb brings my attention back by placing a hand on mine and using the other to draw my face to his, dipping down for a quick smooch amidst his smiling. “You’re here early. I just showed up a few minutes ago.”
I nod, pressing my forehead to Seb’s chest and wrapping my arms around him. As he hugs back, I explain, “Rough day.”
Drawing nearer to place a hand against my spine, right above Seb’s hands, Magnus asks, “Did your plans to visit Samson fall through?”
I chuckle, muttering quietly about how formal and old he sounds, and give Seb an extra little squeeze before turning to hug Magnus. “No, I saw him,” I mutter as his arms envelop me. “I, uh,” I press my cheek to Magnus and to get a better view of Seb, “I poured coffee on his boss.”
“What?!” Magnus says, his voice sounding awfully incredulous, albeit amused. The shock is deserved, to be fair. Again. Never really done something like that.
Seb, as I had hoped and predicted, looks so goddamn proud of me. “Deliberately?” I nod. “Holy shit, you badass!”
“Y’know,” I observe, “people keep saying that, but I cried about it the second I stepped out of the store.”
Magnus’ hug tightens so I turn back to him, nuzzling my face into his torso as Seb asks, “Why’d you do it?”
“He was being a dick to Sam,” it’s hard to talk like this so I release myself, standing off to the side to form a little triangle between the three of us, “aaand he scolded me for having my own lil’ treat in the store with me.” I fidget my sleeves while nodding over to the coffee cup on the counter. “That was supposed to be for Sam, I was just holding it for him until Morris left, but…” I shrug.
“Oh yeah,” Seb agrees with Magnus, “the dude sucks. I never really see Sam on the clock anymore just to avoid him.”
“We’ve gotta get him out of there,” I mutter, making my way back to the coffee. I chug the rest before tossing it in the bin nearby. 
In the meantime, Seb counters, “Dude’s stuck. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Mm,” Magnus simply hums. He barely knows who Sam is, this is probably uncomfy for him.
I meet the taller man’s eyes. “Shrine?”
“Of course.” 
Magnus and I start making our way across the room, but I stop when I notice that Seb isn’t following. I turn around and notice that he already has a book in hand. “You coming?”
“Nah,” he responds, seeming to search for a certain page in particular. “I’ll be fucking with some potions while you do that.”
“Boooo,” I pout. He tosses up a middle finger with a playful glare, and I throw the gesture right back. “If I don’t, like, die, I guess I’ll see you when I’m not a human anymore,” I add on.
“You better not die on me now.”
“No promises!” I announce as I make my way over to Magnus, who’s patiently waiting by the doorway.
His nose scrunches and brows furrow while he grins, as though he’s holding back a laugh, but I don’t mind the scrutiny; I’m too busy admiring the way his crow’s feet deepen, complementing the sparkle in his burgundy eyes.
Maybe it’s the spirits doing their thing again, but I can’t help but notice how happy and full of love I feel with Magnus and Seb around… how happy they seem with me, and even each other.  
Not to be a huge sap or anything, but life is so fucking beautiful, sometimes. 
“You won’t die, my heart,” he reassures me, breaking me from my train of thought.
As we make our way downstairs I ask half-jokingly, freeing myself from my stupor, “So I’ll just be horribly mangled if I don’t do things right?”
I look at Magnus. He’s chewing the inside of his cheek and avoiding my gaze.
Sighing, I nod. “Good to know.”
“You’re an incredible sorceress, dear. You’ll likely be just fine.”
“If I don’t fuck up, sure.” 
“It’ll be alright, I can almost guarantee it.” As we near the shrine, Magnus turns to me and walks backwards for a few steps, “Besides, just think of the results!” 
I experience a fucking war flashback as I remember him having a similar outlook on that potion he made me when we were in our early days of knowing each other. The one that had me keeled over in pain on the ground within seconds. 
“This feels familiar…” I mumble, hoping that the scene is projecting into his mind. Based on his lack of a response as he sifts through a tome, I’m assuming it didn’t work. 
When his attention is back on me, he nears my side, giving me a run-down as he magically highlights certain parts of the page he has open. I cozy myself into his side, nodding along while I try to keep up. Without halting, he wraps his corresponding arm around me, leaning into my touch.
He really is a wonderful teacher, but sometimes he goes so quickly. I get that it’s just the excitement fueling his speed though. More often than not he bears in mind that, although I fucking rock at this, apparently, it’s still kinda new to me.
After asking him to reiterate a few things — including what types of beings I can become with this thing, none of which include things with horns or tails, god damnit! — before I memorize the few lines of spell I’m to perform and step over to the center of the emblem on the floor.
Before I begin, I ask, “Wait, when you use this you like… hover, yeah?” Magnus nods. “Is it okay that I can’t do that? Do you think it’ll effect things?”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “You’ll be fine on your feet. Or your butt, or knees, or whatever you prefer, really.”
“Alright,” I sit on the ground, crossing my legs and resting my antsy hands against my thighs. “Here goes nothing.”
I don’t think I’ll ever feel comfortable reciting incantations in front of people, so I whisper it to myself, as I hear Magnus crossing the room — I assume to sit down and read or something, similarly to how I did during his transformation all that time ago — before patiently waiting for the process to take effect. 
Once I get the ball rolling, everything starts to feel weird. I feel tingly, mana exuding from every pore of my body. I keep my eyes shut so as to concentrate on the image of what I want to become more effectively, but can still see the faint illumination of an arcane light show through my closed lids. 
I’m not sure how much time passes like this. I wind up in sort of a trance-like state at some point; somewhere between being incredibly conscious of the weird sensations coursing through me, and oblivious to the fact that I even exist in my own body. It’s only whenever I stop feeling anything beyond the floor below my ass and my hands on my thighs that I realize the process must be done. 
I open my eyes slowly. They widen as I notice first the change in my clothes, then in skin color. It all looks eerily similar to what I’d racked my brain with, and I guess that’s the point, but it still startles me a bit.
I turn my palms up and around, admiring the dusty pink tint of my skin, and the way it almost shimmers with an otherworldly pearlescence under the dim glow of the basement’s lighting.
I take in the deep obsidian of my new pants — made of something soft and silky, with a high and cinched waist to counter the bagginess everywhere else — as I extend a leg outward, tracing the intricate details of the silver embroidery that climb the outer hems.
My top is also very loose, but tucked into the corset-like belt of my bottoms. It’s black; has a soft, sort of cottony in feel; and it’s void of any detail, aside from the wavy edges of its three-quarter sleeves. 
I reach my hands to my ears, which are now slightly longer and pointy, then slide my digits through my hair, which feels softer than ever. It’s thick, pin-straight, and long, reaching down to my lower back. I bring a section of it over my shoulder, observing the silvery gray it’s become.
My same earrings are in, at least from what I can feel. Similarly, my necklace from Welwick and ring from Magnus are safely on my person.
I didn’t expect the transformation to be this intense — I thought it would just change my colors around a bit, like how it did with Magnus. The clothes were wanted of course, but I didn’t think I could actually change them too. Was just feeling more hopeful about that than anything.
I finally look up and to my left in search of Magnus. He’s sitting on the couch, one leg crossed over the other and a tome abandoned next to his lap while he awe-struckedly rakes his eyes up and down my new form, leaning up from his relaxed position.
I shoot him a big grin and his eyes widen a bit, the faint smile he had prior not leaving his face. 
“The fangs were a lovely touch,” he quietly compliments.
Fangs?! “I didn’t even know I did those.” My gaze shifts to nothing in particular while I snarl a bit, tapping my tongue to my teeth. They’re situated like vampire fangs, which is lucky, considering I’m not sure I’d be safe if they’d filled my mouth. These babies are sharp.
I bring my attention back to my partner as he stands, and I meet him halfway. Still the same height as before, which is good. Won’t draw suspicion from anyone who lives around here. 
“Is it normal for the shrine to take creative liberties like that sometimes?”
“Eh,” he shrugs. “This seems to happen more with a user who lacks experience — but if it chooses to trust you, it’ll never be an unwelcome transformation.”
I look back at the thing, shrug, and turn back.
“You’re incredible, (y/n),” Magnus grins, tilting my face up by the chin. “Did you mean to do this with your sclera as well?”
Oh hell yeah, it worked! 
I answer triumphantly, “Damn right, I did.” It makes him giggle. Makes me giggle in turn. “What color are they now?” Did it work how I wanted it to?
Looking more at my eyes than into them, he mutters, “They match your trousers quite nicely,” Fuck yes, “and your irises are lavender.” Not what I was going for, but I’ll take it! “I must say, it’s strange to see you this way, but you’re ethereal nonetheless.”
“Think it’s too much for when I go to the above-ground event?”
He tilts his head and chews the inside of his cheek while he studies me, before ultimately shaking his head. “It simply looks like you’ve a knack for makeup.”
I begin playing with and staring at my new hair again. “Thank god, this is fucking sick.” I look back up at Magnus, fingers still fiddling with my tresses. I purse my lips, swaying a little as I shyly start,  “Do I have to change back to—“
He laughs, holding out a hand for me to take. “I assume you want to present your new form to Sebastian, yes?”
“Hell yeah, let’s go.”
I grab his hand and we make our way out of the room. Gazing at our inhuman skin tones locked together, I begin to feel a little self conscious. I’m probably overthinking, but I can’t stop the feeling from gnawing at me. 
“Uh…” I start, suddenly feeling kinda shy.
Magnus slows down a bit, seeming to sense my worries. That, or he read them already, but he hasn’t said anything so I can only assume he’s trying not to. 
“Do you… ever wish that I was an elemental too?” 
He slows us to a halt and I shift my vision to meet his own. The wizard looks as calm as ever, if not just a little more concerned than usual. “Of course not, my heart,” he turns to face me. “In fact, if you were one, the spirits may have never fated us together in the first place.”
That’s right, he did mention the whole soulmates thing being in favor of an elemental and human pairing. 
I nod, accepting the answer. I still feel a little weird knowing that maybe I’m more (or less, maybe?) attractive this way, but it’s not like I’m a whole new body shape or anything, so I try not to think much of it. There’s no point to it, this is only for special occasions, after all. 
“I love you,” he tacks on cheerily, as if to remind me.
Fucking dork.
“I love you too. Sorry.”
Magnus huffs out a laugh. “Why are you apologizing?!” 
“I dunno!” I join his chuckles, shaking my head. Never claimed that I’m not a dork too. “Just feels childish to ask you stuff like that, now that I’m thinking about it.”
“It’s only natural such an immense change in your appearance would cause some unease.”
“I guess…” 
He does have a point. It’s almost the same feeling as when you don’t wear as much makeup as usual, and someone comments on how sick and tired you look, regardless of your wellbeing; or when you gain or lose a noticeable amount of weight, and people make comments on how much “livelier” or “happier” or “better” you look, regardless of how good the change actually was for your health… 
Except I’m doing it to myself instead, like a dummy. 
And I haven’t even seen myself yet.
Magnus did nothing to indicate if he likes this change more or less than my original appearance. I’m sure Seb won’t either. He’ll probably just be excited to have a temporary elf girlfriend.
They both love me as I am.
I’ve gotta chill.
Okay. I’m good, I think. Enough spiraling.
I look up at Magnus, who’s patiently awaiting my next move. I wonder if he heard me get lost in my head for a moment there. If he did, he doesn’t say anything about it. I offer a soft smile which he reciprocates before giving my hand a squeeze. 
“Are you alright, my heart?”
“Yeah,” I nod, “let’s go.”
When Magnus and I arrive upstairs, we’re hit with a strong smell of marijuana. Seb rarely smokes here. Magnus banned cigarettes — dude hates the smell — but weed is fair game, so Seb brings it out sometimes if he’s extra stressed. Not often, but it does happen.
Must be going through it right now.
Rounding the corner, I see Seb leaning with his palms flat on the nearest countertop, with a tome opened in front of him. Around him are haphazardly placed vials and ingredients. A blunt is lazily hanging from his mouth, and the cauldron is draining behind him, as he mutters the words he reads under his breath with nearly closed lips. 
“You good?” 
Startled, Seb looks up. His eyes widen at my new appearance and the blunt falls from his mouth. He catches it before it can land anywhere though.
“Oof,” I add casually, “Nice save.”
“Nice, uh…” 
He pauses to stare for a moment, leaving the blunt hanging between two fingers like a cigarette. I gnaw my bottom lip and shift around on my feet. His intense scrutiny is flustering me.
“Hah.” Seb rubs his eyes with the digits of his free hand, then keeps them shut with his fingertips against his lids as he continues, “Can’t think of anything witty for a response.” 
His cheeks are obstructed by his large hand, but the tips of his ears are a little pink. I glimpse up at Magnus, who has a faint smile on his lips as he watches Seb’s struggle.
“I didn’t expect this, holy fuck,” the emo speaks up.
“Think it’s too much?” I shyly murmur, using my hair as a fidget again.
“God, no.” He looks up at Magnus. Then at me. Then at Magnus again, and back to me, before putting his attention back onto the book. Through a puff of smoke he mumbles, “I’ve never felt so lame in my life.”
Magnus is quick to try to halt Seb’s negative self-talk with a practical solution. “You’re more than welcome to give the shrine a whirl once you’re ready.”
“Yoba knows how long that’ll take.” Sebastian flicks the page below him. “Can’t even follow the directions laid out in front of me without messing something up.”
I nod towards Seb’s blunt, eyeing it as he puts it back between his lips. “Is that not helping as much as you wanted?” I wonder.
Seb sighs, shaking his head. “Nah, it’s helping plenty. I was ready to tear my fucking hair out before.”
“Is there anything I can assist with?” Magnus interjects.
Another head shake from Seb. “No, I wanna do this on my own.”
“At least allow me to speed this up for you,” the older wizard states more than he asks, heading to the cauldron. 
Seb turns back and nods. “Thanks, dude.” I catch how his eyes rake up and down Magnus’ body before he turns back to me and does the same. “God,” he whispers, his lashes fluttering as he subtly rolls his eyes back. Then, he rummages in the nearby cabinets for some more stuff. 
I snort. “Stressed ‘god,’ or…?” I trail off quietly.
Not sure how keen he is on Magnus knowing what gets him going, regardless of how sexually open we’ve been in conversation.
Seb tilts his head up and deadpans me. I waggle my eyebrows. He gets the gist. He nods.
“Both, then?” I confirm.
He sighs, producing a mortar and pestle. Then, he responds while he places some leaves into the thing and begins grinding ‘em down.
“Both, yeah.” 
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sickly-sapphic · 2 months
I'm gonna bounce off that last anon for a moment here + your answer to ask... how DO you feel comfortable with the intersex label? And sorry in advance for the long fucking ask LMFAO I've been... having a time for the past few months.
Obviously it's entirely up to the person whether or not they do, but, like... I want to say I'm intersex. I know how important it is for people to be saying they are intersex, and how I've related to the intersex experience on some level even before I even fully comprehended wtf it meant as a teen. It's important to me. But by the grace of god (extreme childhood neglect, and the people around me not really giving a shit about me to mention anything + not knowing what intersex even is), I somehow never had anyone go "yeah something is up" and thus I don't wholly... relate? There's a sort of rift I feel with the community, like I'm not "really intersex" if I haven't dealt with this or that.
I had a deeper voice, I had darker body hair, I got crazy full-body acne, I was fairly physically androgynous! I relate a little too hard to perimenopause advice!! Among other stuff I won't get into because I don't wanna ramble more. For god's sake, from the very few tests I've had my hormones have been doing fuckall whatever for the past godknows how many years and, as I like to joke, my SHBG is probably ripped with how hard it was carrying my insufficient sex hormone levels pre-T. And yet I feel like I'm faking or some bullshit because I haven't faced obvious intersexism or am visibly intersex. It's a little stupid.
So, okay. To TL;DR, I guess: I have turbo imposter syndrome because I'm totally mentally well and without trauma (lie) and feel like I don't deserve to call myself intersex because "what if you aren't though :/ and are co-opting experiences that aren't yours ://". I know something I should internalize is "slow the fuck down" but that is a bit hard with my head going "Okay but you need answers NOW". Any thoughts and/or advice??
Also I love seeing your posts ur so awesome ilu /p
I mean you're definitely intersex enough!! If it helps you on your journey, I super duper relate to the traits described. Not everyone *does* experience intersexism before finding out theyre intersex. Some people's traits present completely internally, and they'll experience a different set of life experiences regarding being intersex.
Being visibly intersex and experiencing intersexism aren't the qualifiers to being intersex (just like suffering and misogyny aren't what define womanhood). What made me most confident with calling myself intersex was my girlfriend - she could pretty confidently look at me and say "yeah.... thats intersex" (despite not being confident in her own identity yet). Hearing that confirmation from an outside source can be really affirming!!
I'd say interact with other intersex people, find community, talk in the community, you don't have to come right out and be sure of it before you start engaging with the community - I wasn't.
I hope you're able to feel comfortable and affirmed soon!!
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A safe haven amidst the raging storm // Six-Eared Macaque x reader 
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You were walking around, headphones pulled over your ears to try and provoke some sort of inspiration for your work-in-progress story that you worked on in between your work hours. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone that you recognized from a city-wide incident a while ago perched in a tree and munching on some over-ripe mango or some kind of fruit. He seemed to not have a care in the world and happily napped on a sturdy branch. You figured it wouldn’t hurt to say hi, if he left then you’d respect that but after seeing him at random intervals you wanted to get to know him more. 
Walking over to the big oak tree, you stopped in front of him and looked up (part of you whisper yelled at yourself what the fuck you were doing). “Hi Macaque! How are you?” His eyes gave you a once over before taking another bite of fruit before smirking. "Huh, you know my name! Not even many mortals know it, usually you're all screaming my name, or some kind of expletive." He chuckles, the sound deep and full.
He smiles at you, bowing as he does, and when he tilts his face to the side, for a second you could see six glowing multicolored ears. "I'm wonderful…how are you?" He asks, standing up straight and turning to face you properly, his tail twitches from behind him. You could tell that he didn’t fully let his guard down whatsoever which was fair and kept his eyes on you, quickly surveying the area around you and quirking up his eyebrow. 
“Of course, I know your name. You're the Six-Eared Macaque, you're pretty well known and if you wanted to hurt me something tells me you would've done so already.” Macaque stared thoughtfully for a moment before nodding silently and agreeing with you. He finished off the rest of the mango and tossed it into a small hole next to the base of the tree, shifting his body so he could see you better. Your expression turned sour a bit upon remembering the days earlier events and sighing in mental exhaustion.
 “As for the latter, I could be better. I had a nocturnal seizure this morning and I'm still recovering.” He cocks his head. He's quiet for a few seconds, then speaks. "Sorry to hear that." His voice is softer than his usual one. "You gonna be okay?" He asks, his tail twitching. The shadow demon's never shown this much emotion, or any emotion, for that matter in front of any mortal. You could tell he didn’t completely understand what a seizure was but he knew it wasn’t good and you could appreciate someone for once not asking a million questions about your disorder. “I'll be okay....probably. I have epilepsy so I'll have seizures for the rest of my life so it's a disability but I'm still able to do awesome things!”
For everything that had happened at the end of last year’s semester, a lot of good has come of it like new friends who also had seizure disorders and you now had great excuses as to why you were late or couldn’t work (which you totally wouldn’t abuse). At the mention of your mysterious skills, Macaque perked up and swung upside down using his tail to anchor himself to the thick branch he was sitting on. "Awesome things, like?" He asks curiously. He's genuinely curious, though he's trying to hide it. His tail twitches a little more, and he moves a little closer.
Blushing slightly as you thought of what to tell him and internally debating over being entirely truthful or telling a white lie to save your pride. You turned around and leaned your back against the tree so you were looking out onto the horizon slightly, spotting some dark gray clouds but hopefully nothing too bad. “Singing, writing, aerial arts, and playing my guitar! Just some stuff. I'm not athletic but I am more artistically inclined.” 
That couldn’t be truer since you’d rather play songs till your fingers went numb rather than be able to run a marathon and you had no intention of being ashamed of your opinion. He smiles. "Impressive! I like it. You know, I can't dance, can't sing, can't do any of that art stuff you were just talking about." He laughs, a deep and thundering chuckle. "So I respect the hell out of anyone who can." 
Yeah right, you’d heard whispers of a theater performance being performed by a certain demon with impressive and shadowy powers which gave you an idea of who it was. A few days after you’d moved here and asked some people for fun places to visit, they spoke of a nearby center that hosted plays or passing art performances of all genres that currently hosted a curious newcomer that had a velvet like voice. 
“I can't dance either, I'm terrible at it. Also, don't you perform fantastic shadow plays? I bet you have an amazing singing voice as well.” To say that it hadn’t entered your mind would be a lie and the thought of him singing Feeling Good by Micheal Bublé was now being pushed down into a vault that you’d never open again-
"Oh, you're just buttering me up!" He playfully nudges you with his elbow, his tail wagging happily and now back upward. You were jolted out of your thoughts by Macaque again and looked up at him softly chuckling before a soft smile crawled up on his face. "But I appreciate it, thank you. You have such a sweet disposition, I bet you could charm the pants off of anyone you want."
It did seem like you were trying to sweet talk him but that wasn’t your intention at all and seemed like you’d hit a wall in terms of trust and genuine praise. There was just something that made it seem like he was amused but kept himself at a distance from others. “I'm not trying to charm anyone. I'm just speaking the truth but thanks!” You hoped that maybe you could make a dent in that wall and be close to him since you didn’t know many others.  
"Well, you got me charmed." He teases, grinning. He turns a little serious. "Well, if you ever need anything, let me know. I'll help. I owe you that, at least." He offers you his hand and you shake it. Happy to see a joyful expression on his face and matching one with your own.
“I'm honored. Any plans for today?” You jokingly bowed and lowered your head in a dramatic fashion, hearing a laugh come from you both. Since it looks like a storm was going to roll in you’d have to change your plans and head back home sooner than you thought. 
Macaque smiles, a genuine smile, which for him usually just means a softer scowl, however it appears more funny to you than it should. He just looked so fluffy but you had a feeling you should keep it to yourself.  "No plans in particular, but I'll probably find something, you know how I am." He lets go of your hand, his tail still wagging (still so cute). "You? Got anything on your agenda?"
“I can guess, you seem resourceful.” A light breeze blew through both of you and in reaction his fur bristled or at least it might have been the wind. “I have to finish writing a story I started and I took a walk to try to get inspiration, which I did! Hopefully, the storm tonight won't be too bad so I can get a good chunk of it.” 
"Oh, what's the story about?" He looks genuinely curious, his tail still wagging. It's unusual for him to show this much interest in someone according to the few times you’ve seen him.  "And yeah, this storm's supposed to be real bad." 
Well so much for being productive, you might have to be sure your house doesn’t flood or your roommate will have your head. “Hm, in that case I'll try to hunker down for the evening to stay safe.” Both of you looked toward the ever growing storm and could see rain in the distance covering the outskirts of the city like a mist. “And the story?” 
How could you phrase your plot so it was easily understandable without losing the fun and adventure? You hummed to yourself and looked up at the branches blooming with leaves. “The story’s about a poet who's been absent from society for a long time and trying to find themselves while adjusting to modern-day life.....” As you ramble on about your book, he quietly listens and wonders how you’d feel about his own tales. 
"Sounds interesting! When you get it done, let me know, I'd be happy to read it." You can see that it takes a noticeable bit of effort for him to smile genuinely at you but it was nice to see a little chip in the wall. Baby steps. Thunder boomed in the distance and you were concerned if he had a place to stay. “Do you have a place to stay safe from the storm? I wouldn't want you to get hurt if I can help in any way.” 
The way he flinched whenever thunder reigned down, guessing it was because of his sensitive hearing and having six ears. Speaking of, you were very interested in what he looked like without magic masking what he wanted to hide. You looked closer at the red mask coloring his face and at his gold irises that reflected your surroundings, curling his lips into a smug grin as he caught your staring. "And I've got plenty of places to ride out the storm. How about you? You got a safe spot to stay?" 
Macaque didn’t know you too well but in the short time had grown fond of you, not to mention anyone would be concerned if someone they knew were left out in a storm. Since you were relatively new, it didn’t hurt to ask and provide shelter to a new spark in the otherwise dim city. You brightened up and zipped up your jacket when a gust of hot wind came through, almost like a warning sign of the upcoming weather. 
“Oh good I'm glad you have a place. I should have somewhere if my roommate doesn't lock me out but I can always hide out in a nearby store until it dies down.” Ever since you got here, your roommate was very cautious of the weather and anything that could cause damage to your cottage. He shakes his head, sighing. "I don't understand how people can be so cruel, to just lock someone out in bad weather." He scowls, his tail lowering. "If you get locked out, come to me, yeah? I'll help you out."
You nodded and smiled, thankful for a safe backup plan and a new friend. A cold drop of rain hit your face and another and another before it was sprinkling. Looks like it was time to get home before you were soaked, pulling the hood of your coat over your head and running off as you called back to the celestial primate. Thank you! I will! Get home safe!”
It only took about 15 minutes to get home and you could see your home in the distance. Later as the storm rolls in and raindrops are starting to fall on you running home. By now thunder loudly rumbles right on top of you as you jiggle the doorknob only for it to stay locked. 
“Fuck! Please, please. Don’t do this! Fuck.” The door to your house was still locked and doesn’t seem to be opening any time soon. By now the storm had started in full force and you were deserted outside in a dangerous storm, the wind pulling and pushing you around like a rag doll in addition to being pelted by rain. Your only option is to call for Macaque and hope he’ll help you, or even hear you with the loud thunder and city ambience but it was your only shot.
The more thunder echoes over the rooftops of the city while the lightning strikes back a response. The clouds blacken, and you can feel the wind getting even stronger. You know for a fact this storm is unlike anything you can imagine. Your phone vibrates with a text from an unsaved number. A single word flashes across your screen.
Your first thought is ‘how the fuck he did he get your number?’ but then you pushed your back against the wall and texted back.  “My roommate locked me out and secured the house. I can't get in! Help, please!” The moment you read the message a portal opens in front of you, and the dark shadow of Macaque extends his hand from the black void of the portal. "C'mon, hop in, I've got a safe place." 
His voice echoes from the portal, sounding much quieter and softer than his typical voice. A concerned tone came from him as he asked you to trust him and jump into the void of darkness to what you would guess would be his home. "C'mon! Do you wanna get sick?!" He waves his hand, encouraging you to jump into the portal. You hesitate at first but then jump in, allowing the cool energy of the shadows to engulf you and feeling your stomach flip upside down. “Alright. I trust you!”
You expect there to be a hard landing, but there's not- the portal just opens again, and you're standing in a large cavern, on a platform in said demon’s arms. Huge columns of rock tower above you, and light shines down from the entrance up above. "Here we are!" He declares, glancing around the cavern. It's very obviously Macaque's sanctuary, a place of power to him. He turns to you. "So?" He grins. "You like?"
You glance around in shock and awe, seeing some items strewn about like blankets and pillows as well as food in wooden bowls. It was cozy and fit Macaque’s aesthetic nicely. “It's amazing! I never would have guessed this place existed. I see why you like it, not too dark but with the right amount of shadows.” The cavern was rather big as it was the size of a studio apartment and in the far corner a flash of lightning caught your eye out of a small hole tilted outward like a makeshift room. 
He grins, opening his arms and turning around in a dramatic showy fashion. "Told you I was cool." He jokes, walking over to a table, and pulling a pillow off of it. He sets it on the floor in front of you and gets one for himself. "Sit down, make yourself comfortable, you're my guest." He says, smiling at you. His tail wags happily, and you would swear you could hear a faint little chuckle from him. You laughed gently at his hospitality and how different it was compared to his normal demeanor, it was quite funny. 
 You respond with a silent chuckle, “I never said you weren't. I actually think you're really cool and give off a mysterious yet curious vibe.” You sat down on the pillow and shrugged off your soaked coat, trying to not obviously laugh at his cute actions. How his tail happily swayed back and forth, how his ears flicked whenever a sound was heard, and how his laugh was full of mirth. Finally, visibly relaxing once you realized you were safe from any harm, whether it be hypothermia or being struck by lightning. “This place is amazing, I can tell why you call it home.”
"Thank you." He says sincerely, smiling at you. He pulls a blanket off of the bed, tossing it to you. "Why don't you wrap up, stay warm. We'll have to wait out this storm a while, but I'll keep you safe." He sounds genuine and concerned, which is definitely a change of pace from the usual way he acts. Your instincts are telling you to lean on him and feel secure, and you feel safe and protected. 
He's like a big, shadowy teddy bear. A thought that you never thought would pop into your head but couldn’t be more true in your opinion. He smiles at you, something stirring in his mind but you couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. "Are you sure you're okay? I wouldn’t want you to get sick on me."
“Thanks, you don't know how much I appreciate this. I am relatively new to this city so I don’t know many people here. I'm a lot better now that I don't have to worry about my safety for a while.” Smiling as you take the blanket and wrap it around yourself, moving closer to him since was the only source of warmth. You blew on your hands and rubbed them together quickly, bringing the blanket even closer around your shoulders. “So I'm not familiar with anything and I only knew the basics of how to stay safe. I didn't expect you to be so soft and fluffy, Macaque. Not to mention warm but I guess that's cause I'm all wet.” Softly laughing and smiling at him sweetly.
He blushes slightly, and chuckles. "I'm not that fluffy, now, am I?" He jokes, chuckling. He nudges you a little. "I was about to go and make some tea, wanna come along?" He asks, offering a hand as he stands up. "C'mon!" He glances outside, and the storm still rages. "You really gotta be careful in this weather. I'll teach you all about it eventually, and then you can be on your own." His tail wags, and he gives you a big, genuine smile.
“Sure! I'm coming! I'll try to help where I can.” Following along and rethinking if being alone is something you actually want. He takes your other hand, guiding you through the shadowy cavern, toward a door. He opens it, and you can hear the sounds of a raging fire inside. "It's gonna be fine, I promise!" He says reassuringly, trying to give you some peace of mind. He chuckles a bit and walks over to a tea brewing station. "What kind of tea do you like?" He asks, genuinely curious. "Tea of life, perhaps?" He giggles, and you sense some humor in him. He's still very much himself, but a bit warmer and easier going.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Thoughts on Yoonmin Suchwita
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Just a quickie write up of my first impressions as I'm slammed with deadlines at work today.
Of course Park Jimin brought Yoongi a birthday cake and serenaded him. Of course he did.
How touching to learn Yoongi bought Jimin his first alcoholic drink to help him through his soulmate dumpling fight!
Early in the year Jimin was in a huge funk and drank a lot (I WONDER WHAT COULD BE THE REASON), but then he snapped out of it for Las Vegas and spent 10 months obsessively working on his album, in which he realized how good he's had it, where he needs to improve, and what he really wants. Amazing creative growth.
So, clearly Yoonmin enjoy pulling each other's pigtails. Hearing Yoongi tease Jimin that he didn't have the body to go shirtless any more... not gonna lie, I sucked in a sharp breath. I am super sensitive to this because of my own disordered eating in the past as a dancer, and I know how Jimin gets dragged online damned near every day for being "Pigman." Frankly, Yoongi should know it, too. But Jimin seemed totally unbothered and they do razz each other about everything, so I'm gonna try and let this go.
The other thing I'm going to try and let go is how hard folks are going to lean into Jimin saying Letter was a fan song. Yes, it was an Easter egg for fans, and yes, he does love us. No, that song is not FOR us and anyone with half a brain gets what is being coded. But I'm not gonna argue about it any more than I'm going to argue about the placement of a J over an M tattoo that keeps being retouched while the others are neglected. If you want plausible deniability, Jikook will always give it to you. Have at it.
Anyway, I was so moved by all the wonderful things Yoongi said, in between teasing Jimin--how proud he was of Jimin, how hard he worked, practicing every single day, that he was a genius, that he always knew Jimin had the unique voice to be a great singer, that he wanted Jimin on his team from day one... that of course he will come to the music shows to support Jimin. Yoongi doesn't typically gush so this warmed my heart.
The way Yoongi kept insisting Jimin come appear on stage while he's on tour and Jimin eventually agreeing that he will. (Roo is going to try very, very hard not to hope he will come to Newark. More than likely Jimin will visit Yoongi on a stage is Asia and that's cool. It's all cool. If Roo saw Park Jimin in person this April, she would combust.)
It was made clear that the members are responsible for their solo promotions and have a heavy say in their albums so I hope that kills any rumors that the company is forcing a narrative or picking favorites. Everything is unfolding how the Tannies wish it to and that's good enough for me to get behind it.
I love how Jimin said that there's no difference between Park Jimin and Jimin of BTS--how he wants to keep going as a team until they are in their 80s--how what he looks forward to most is getting back together in 2025.
Also the way he kept hinting at another album (and the way Yoongi called him out on that--Yoongi pulled no punches, goddamn.)
It was adorable the way they made each other giggle about product placements, fan calls, fan challenges and the like. These two. I'm so glad Yoongi has Jimin and the other members to get silly with. And Jimin laughed til he cried. It was healing to see.
I love that they keep in touch with Jin, that they bring Jin mulhue, that they are happy he's at a healthy weight now.
I'm a little thrown about Yoongi mentioning grandkids but then bisexuals exist and there's been rumors he's dating a woman for a while now. I am not going to dig into it because that's his business. If Yoongi wants a family someday, awesome sauce. If Yoongi doesn't, awesome sauce. I mean this sincerely--I support all 7 wherever they go on their journeys. Even if Jikook don't end up together, I'll be sad about it, but I'm still in this Bangtan shit for life. I'm OT7, and Jimin ult biased, then a Jikook supporter. I happen to believe that Jikook are very much together but being very careful about showing that openly, but if you think otherwise, or it ends up being otherwise, that's honestly okay.
I will just say I'm loving that Yoongi gave Jimin a gift of pillow mist spray in Jungkook's and Jimin's favorite scent of lavender.
Mostly just happy to see our boys so happy.
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PS. The bottles in this shot are signed by Jin and Hobi. *wibble*
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vintage-retro-queen · 6 months
Paris Reacts to Nature is No Picnic Up Close
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Akuma Class
After the past two weeks, with no TV or electronic devices, the class finally found a way to watch Total Drama Island. While on their usual walk at the shopping mall, they found a little restaurant that is called Addict Yourself. A restaurant that has every single electronic device the world has ever had. They even have DVRs for those who want to catch up on movies and episodes of their favorite shows that they might have missed. It was like they all had died and went to heaven. Adrien could never forget the time he and his friends watched the third episode of the show.
As they all got together to watch the third episode, they were shocked and surprised to learn about Lucy and the chained kunai debacle. When they hear about Lucy's family not doing technology, they are completely shocked. "Then what does she do for fun?" "Does she stare at the wall or something?" "How does she even talk to her friends?" "Why can't her family do technology like us?" Even Adrien couldn't believe that the Corleones don't do technology, he was even afraid to tell his father that.
When they finished the third episode and moved on to the fourth one, they were shocked and happy that Marinette was now a member of the MetaBetas. Even Adrien was proud of her. He was so proud that he wanted to tell the world that his friend was now a member of a popular idol group. Yet, they still can't get in touch with the girl. But they know that when she gets back, they will be happy to have her to show others how amazing she is. And hoping that she would drop on hurting Lila and they would all be friends again.
When they all got together, they were happy to see the show again as it now starts.
"Last time on Total Drama Island, a talent contest brought out the best and worst in our campers. It was awesome. And while Lucy and Marinette were occupied taking an urgent phone call, the Killer Bass struggled to find any talent on their team. And Bridgette's clumsiness pretty much knocked out their best prospect...Courtney. Gwen stood up to Heather for Marinette. So Heather swore to make both Gwen's and Marinette's lives miserable. Starting by stealing Marinette's diary. Then she tries to read it in front of the entire viewing world. But it then backfired when the box that holds Marinette's diary trapped her hand in the nick of time. Man, was that a close one." "You said it, Chris," Alya said, crossing her arms and smiling proudly at her friend's diary box. "Then Heather managed to save her butt by convincing the rest of the team to vote off Justin "McGorgeousness." Who will be the next one to walk off this lame dock? Find out tonight in the most dramatic marshmallow ceremony ever on Total Drama Island."
After watching the usual theme, they watch as Marinette and all of the other campers are in the campsite, and Chris tells them something. "Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive. Just joking." he laughed. "It's not even funny." one of the Addict Yourself waiters said, walking past the teenagers. "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it." Chris then tosses Lucy and Duncan a map and a compass for each of the two of them. "Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in preproduction." the class's eyes widened when they heard that coming out of Chris's mouth. They were more shocked when they started to hear Lucy talk after, "I'm sure we'll keep that in mind," she said, looking unamused and handing Gwen the map and compass. "You sure are fearless all of a sudden," Gwen said, looking at Lucy surprised. "Well, you could say that this isn't the first time I was in the great outdoors," Lucy explained as she got her BerryPod and earphones out. Before any of the class can react and question where Lucy got the BerryPod, they see her confessional.
"I'd just like to thank my friend Angie for this BerryPod and earphones." Lucy said, holding a light purple sticky note that says in violet-purple pen, 'Just thought you might need it while at camp-Angie.' "Oh, that's where she got it from," Rose said, now understanding where Lucy got the BerryPod from. "I know I said my family doesn't do technology like everyone else, but there is one thing I miss doing back home, and that is listening to my music in my record player." "A what player?" "What the heck is a record player?" "How does she listen to music with a record player?" 
"My favorite music I like to play is classical, all songs from the 1950s to the early 2000s. In other words, from 2000 to 2009." "What? What about the songs we have? Doesn't she like those too?" "Some 2010 songs I can tolerate, notice I said I only like some of them. I have reasons why." "That doesn't make any sense. What's wrong with the songs we have?" Anyway, I'm still grateful for Angie giving me this. Thanks, Ang. I owe you one." she said, waving at the camera to her friend. "Hope Marinette can bring Lucy with her when she gets back. That way, we can show her and her family what they're missing." Nino suggested. Alya and the others agreed, thinking it would be a great idea to help the Corleones see how wonderful life is with phones, laptops, and other stuff that would be very useful for them to have.
After that, they continue watching the show. "First team back for breakfast wins invincibility." Chris then blows his airhorn while some of the campers get up from their seats and start walking. "Well, off you go." "Did he say there are bears up in here?" asked Leshawna. "I had a little encounter with a bear once," said Owen. "Let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantel." "Lucky," Kim commented. "Oh, this one time, I saw a bear eating our garbage. He had old spaghetti noodles hanging from his big, huge teeth, and it looked like blood and guts." Izzy explained. Most of the students and some of the people who walk past them look pretty shocked hearing that from Izzy. Some looked disgusted even. Juleka, on the other hand, looked amazed hearing that. "It was so gross. And we thought he was eating the neighbor's cat, Simba. But it turned out he was just lost for a week." Rose sighed in relief hearing that. Juleka smiled, even though she was amazed about the bear, but she was also glad that the cat was okay.
After that, the scene changed to the Screaming Gophers heading over to their campground. Marinette is walking with Lucy while she (Lucy) is already listening to some classical music played by Mozart on her BerryPod and earphones. "Man, that music sounds like unicorn barf!" Kim groaned in disgust, covering his ears. Nino nodded in agreement while looking disgusted. "What are you talking about? There's nothing bad about classical." a person said behind him. "There's EVERYTHING bad about classical!" Kim and Nino complained in unison. Adrien's heart starts to ache as he watches Trent walk with Marinette, and the two of them look happy.
They then watch as Heather scoffs and rubs her hand and wrist. "She is so the next one to leave." she said. "Who?" Beth asked. "Who do you think? She had her box trap my hand in front of everyone." "Uh, no. It closed and trapped your hand by itself to protect Marinette's secrets from you. Maybe you should've stuck to dancing instead of trying to read someone's private life out loud to the public." Alya said, crossing her arms and glaring at Heather. "Yeah, but you did almost read her diary out loud to the whole entire world. ALMOST." Gwen pointed. "That's what I've been saying!" Alya explained. But hearing that from Gwen made Heather stand her ground, making the other Screaming Gophers behind her stop. "So?" "So, that was pretty harsh," Gwen said, with Cody nodding in agreement. "Exactly! She's just as worse as Chloe!" Adrien was about to say something until Heather continued, "She is so going down," Before any of the students can react and say something, they watch as the scene changes to Trent and Marinette still walking to their location until they both hear a scream behind them. They turned to look back and saw Heather hiding behind Owen, shaking in fear. "Jeez, what scared her all of a sudden?" one of the waitresses said, looking at Heather oddly, then continued on walking to take people's orders.
"What's wrong?" Marinette asked. Heather tries to tell them while pointing at Lucy, but all that comes out of her mouth are sputters and stutters. However, when they all watch as the scene changes to Lucy, all they see is Lucy still walking and listening to Mozart. "Okay, seriously, I'm gonna puke if I hear another one of that unicorn barf." Kim complained. Nino nods in agreement. "Lucy isn't doing anything, Heather." Marinette and Trent then continue walking, catching up to Lucy.
Along with the rest of the Screaming Gophers following along with them. Heather was both shocked and in disbelief about none of the Screaming Gophers believing her when she saw what happened that might've involved Lucy. Seeing Heather's shocked expression made Adrien look back at the shocked faces of Marinette, Chloe, and Sabrina. He can never forget the time that he told Chloe and Sabrina the truth about Lila after Chloe demanded him to tell him why Marinette is in Total Drama. He was even upset that Chloe stopped talking to him. Chloe and Sabrina both. He just doesn't understand why people can't see that he's trying to make people see that lies don't hurt anyone and they should just let it all go.
After Heather's unexcusable confessional, the scene changes to the Screaming Gophers finally arriving at their campsite. When Owen pointed out that there were no food supplies, Lucy explained to him that the challenge was a survival task. "Lucy's right. Look at the instructions," said Trent. After a bit of watching the show, Heather explains while reading they're supposed to find their own food. "I don't see it," she said. "I think they mean in the woods, Heather," Marinette said, pointing at the words that were in small font in the instructions. "Leave the food finding to me," Lucy said loudly, getting out a fishnet and a spear. They all looked surprised, seeing that Lucy had a fear and fishnet. "Where did Lucy get those?" "Where did that girl get the spear and fishnet?" Leshawna asked, pointing to the two things in Lucy's hands. "She probably got them from Chris or Chef," Heather said, rolling up the map. They then watch Lucy's confessional. "Actually, they are my stuff one of my relatives gave me one summer," Lucy said, holding up an old photo of her tween self, holding the same spear and fishnet. "Like I said, it's not the first time I was in the great outdoors." "Wow, I never knew that Lucy was a pro of this." "She's so gonna win with the Screaming Gophers." two of the teen customers said, walking past the students.
They then watch as the scene changes to the Screaming Gophers's campsite already set, and they are all waiting for Lucy to come back. They then see the camera turning to a pizza guy, asking who ordered a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. One of the cameramen then calls out to the pizza guy, saying, "It's for the camera crew, over here." "No way," Heather said in disbelief. "For once, I agree with Heather." Alix admits. Her friends all agreed with her. "Yeah, they could've at least order some for them too." "Well, this is a survival task. I don't think they mean we can't use any modern things like ordering food." Marinette said, with Trent and Gwen nodding in agreement. "Well, Marinette does make a point there." Adrien said, making Max, Ivan, and Mylene nod in agreement.
"Alright, I'm back," Lucy called out, with a fish in her spear and thirteen fish in her fishnet. "Oh. My. Gosh." one of the teenage girl customers at one table said, looking shocked, seeing Lucy had caught a lot of fish. The Akuma Class on the other hand, too looked shocked, yet surprised, amazed, and impressed with Lucy catching all of those fourteen fish.
After a while of watching the Killer Bass and the B.F.F.F.L's, the scene changes to the Screaming Gophers again, where they watch as they're cooking some of the fish Lucy caught. "Alright, fire's hot, fish is grilling, and we already got the tent set up." Lucy said as she looked at the tent, and Marinette looked at the fish. "Nice going, Lucy, fish looks awesome." "Thanks. I owe it all to my relatives back home." Lucy explained.
"Lucy must've got an amazing family back home." Adrien said, looking impressed, along with Nino nodding in agreement. "She's so lucky. Her family must be so cool teaching her cool things." Kim said, feeling a bit jealous. Alya nods in agreement, feeling a little bit more jealous than Kim is. Adrien tries to tell them that there's no need to be jealous about it until they hear Heather start asking something. "Hey, has anyone seen Crazy Girl?" she asked. "I think she had to use the can." Owen guessed. "But that was over an hour ago." Trent said. The Akuma Class looks to worry for the Screaming Gophers while they (the Screaming Gophers) are calling out Izzy's name. Just then, Owen notices the bushes rustling and heads over to it in relief.
"Good. I thought we lost you there for a minute, man," he said, walking over to the bush. But he then stopped when he saw that it was not Izzy. Instead, it was a bear that was growling. "Great Pyramid of Giza!" Owen screamed. The Akuma class and some of the other people in the restaurant looked shocked to see a bear on TV, growling at the Screaming Gophers. "AAH! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! WE'RE GONNA GET EATEN ALIVE BY A BEAR! OH, THE HORROR!" Owen screamed while running around in fear. As Owen continues screaming, Heather trips him, making him snap out of it. Heather then panics a bit and quickly tells the Screaming Gophers, "The trees! Climb into the trees!"
The scene then changes to Marinette and Lucy walking in the woods, calling out Izzy's name, and looking for her. The Akuma Class sighed in relief, knowing that Marinette was okay. They then watch as they walk into the Killer Bass's campsite. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to join us." Duncan said, crossing his arms. "Funny, Juvie," Lucy said. "Hey, have you guys seen Izzy?" "No, sorry, Lucy," Courtney said. "Man, that bambina is gonna put us six feet under. Thanks." but before Lucy and Marinette can continue with their search for Izzy, they both notice the rabbit in D.J.'s arms. "Where'd you find that?" she asked as she and Marinette sat down. Before the Akuma Class can react and D.J. can answer the question, an owl is heard, and Bridgette is startled by the sound. "It's okay, Bridgette. It's just an owl." Marinette said, comforting her. "Sorry, I just get really freaked out in the forest," Bridgette said. "Hey, if it's any consolation, sometimes nature is a wonder to behold." Before Rose and Mylene could agree with that fact, Lucy continued, "Well, not all the time, honestly," "Why? What's wrong with it?" Harold asked. Lucy crosses her arms, looking down, saying, "Well, it's kinda hard to explain, really." "Huh, I thought you said that it wasn't the first time you were in the great outdoors," Duncan said. "I did. But sometimes nature is, honestly, no picnic. Asides from being in one that is bear-country on one side of it, and dealing with..." The class, the people in the restaurant, Marinette, and the Killer Bass looked surprised seeing this new thing of Lucy. Lucy crossed her arms, held herself tightly, never letting herself go, looking down, not feeling comfortable continuing on, shaking as if she experienced something traumatizing, and her face looked like she was scarred for life.
"Jeez. Why did Duncan have to smart-mouth that?" "That punk should've kept his mouth shut." 'What happened, Lucy? Who hurt you?' Juleka thought, looking at Lucy with full-on sympathy for the shaken female idol.
Courtney then smacked Duncan on the head. "See what you did?! You're making her feel scared now!" she said angrily. Juleka crosses her arms, angrily glaring at Duncan. "Courtney, it's fine. It was just a nightmare I just had before I got into this show." Lucy said, snapping out of it. "I got a bit carried away reading old newspaper articles." "Old what articles?" Alya said, looking at Lucy, completely confused about what Lucy was talking about. "One of them was about a former country idol and a female idol from another genre. I guess I read that one too much that it gave me that nightmare, making me be the said female idol, being hunted down by that creepy former country idol..."
Lucy then pauses for a second, snapping her fingers while thinking of the name of the former country idol. "Ah, man, I forgot his name. It's kinda the same name as a bird. But I forgot what bird it was." Marinette, the Killer Bass, and the people in Addict Yourself understood that she was dealing with a nightmare, but Courtney and Juleka were still glaring at Duncan for making her remember the said nightmare. "You are so vile. Do your parents even like you?" Courtney asked, making Juleka quietly laugh at that burn. Adrien was about to say something to Courtney. Even though it is just an episode of a reality show in a different country, Duncan answered the burn question, saying, "I don't know, Gawky McShocker. I haven't asked them lately." Then, wolves start to howl, which startles Marinette into jumping into Duncan's arms in fear and looking scared, not aware of Duncan looking at her, then at Geoff, causing him to give Duncan a smile and a thumbs up. Seeing that started to somehow make Adrien jealous.
The scene then changes back to the Screaming Gophers' side, where everyone watches as the Screaming Gophers are all up on a tree, trying to get away from the bear. "So what do we do now?" Trent asked Heather. "Don't look at me," "It was your idea to climb the trees." Gwen recalled. "Well, why don't you ask the bear-hunting expert?" Heather suggested. "Hey, Owen, what now?" "How should I know?" Owen asked. "Dude, you said you killed a bear while we were walking." Leshawna said. "I was being thearitical." Owen admits. Heather then yells at him, saying, "This is all your fault. If you hadn't been growling like that, we never would've attracted him to our side." "Forgive me for living!" Owen exclaimed.
"Hey, ease up on the guy. He did help Lucy and Marinette set the campfire up for the fish." Trent said. "Wait a minute, where is Lucy and Marinette?" Gwen asked, causing the others to notice the two were missing. Heather then notices the bear next to their fish that is still at the campfire. "Hey! Lay off our fish!" Heather yelled at the bear. "It's probably already eaten, Izzy!" Lindsay cried. "Then is shouldn't be hungry anymore." Everyone looked at Heather in shock and disbelief. "What? This is Survival of the Fittest." she said. Suddenly, the tree branch Leshawna was on broke, causing her to fall and face the bear. Everyone gasped, looking shocked and scared for Leshawna. "Dear, Abby, she's going to die!" Owen cried.
After a bit of panicking and telling a scared Leshawna to run for her life, it was finally revealed to be Izzy, wearing a bear costume. "What are you? Some kind of weirdo?" Gwen asked as she and some of the other Screaming Gophers started glaring at Izzy. "I thought it would be funny." Izzy laughed. "How is any of THAT even funny?!" Alya yelled, making the rest of the people in Addict Yourself agree with her. Little did any of them know, Kim found it hilarious and started laughing without any of them knowing about him laughing about what they all saw.
After that, they watch as the scene changes to the Killer Bass campsite, where they, Lucy, and Marinette are all sleeping in their tent. After a bit, they watch as a bunch of bats start flying past Bridgette until one accidentally flies to her face, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the floor, causing a still-burning rock from the campfire to fly up, heading over to the tent. But before it can make contact with it, Lucy quickly catches it and tosses it back into the campfire. Everyone sighed in relief from that. Lucy then walks over to Bridgette, gently grabbing the bat off of Bridgette's face. "Come on, Vinnie Stoker, off the gal and head back with your pals," she said, letting the bat fly off. "Who's Vinnie Stoker?" "I don't know," "How the heck should I know?" they all then shrug and continue watching the show, seeing Lucy help Bridgette up.
"Thanks, Lucy." "Of course. It's what I'm here for." "Is your hand okay?" "Oh, it is. Slightly burnt a tiny bit. But other than that, it's fine, really." "Guess she does have experience with the great outdoors," Duncan said, crossing his arms impressed. "Of course, she does, punk-o," Juleka mumbled, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. After that, they all headed back into their tent to rest, just in time before it started to rain.
After a while of watching the Screaming Gophers dealing with a real bear, it was finally the next morning, and everyone was awake and in pain on their backs. "Well, I think it's safe, guys. The bear's gone." Trent said. "And... the map," Gwen added, holding the map that seemed to be torn and dripping from last night's rain. "Hey, I don't know how raccoons sleep in trees, because I'm so stiff." Izzy says. "They must be really limber." Owen guessed while stretching. That was until Heather angrily walks to the two, telling them, "You know what, Crazy Girl? I don't want to hear another word from you or the "Bear Hunter" here. If you two hadn't been acting like bear bait all night, we could have actually slept in our tent." a bird that came out of the blue then started chirping, causing the three to yell 'shut it', making it fall to the ground.
After that, and seeing the B.F.F.F.L's running from the bear, they watch as the scene changes to the Killer Bass again. There, Adrien sees Marinette resting on Duncan, causing his heart to ache more than ever until she starts to wake up. "Morning, Sunshine." Marinette's eyes opened, and she finally realized that she was on top of Duncan. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Marinette gasped, quickly getting off of him, looking embarrassed. "Seriously? Cuddling Nettie like that? Not cool, Juvie." Lucy said, looking at Duncan unamused. Juleka too, looked at Duncan unamused while crossing her arms, shaking her head. "Hey, I was calmly lying on my back and trying to catch a few z's. She was snuggling up to me." "You are one heck of a beta-punk."  "You tell him, Lucy." Juleka said. "I've been called worse." Lucy and Juleka both rolled their eyes, and Lucy started to walk out of the tent. "Come on, Nettie. We're leaving. Hope the gang found Izzy and they'll meet us at the campsite." Lucy said, with Marinette walking next to her. They all then watch Lucy's confessional.
"I am not trusting that Juvenile one bit whenever Nettie is with him. If he ever hurts a hair on that bambina, he will regret it." "Please do," Juleka said with a nod. After that, the scene then changes to the campsite, where Chris is moving the wood for the campfire for the next elimination ceremony until he turns to see Lucy and Marinette are the first two back for the Screaming Gophers' side. "Glad you two made it. You two can head back into the main lodge and help Chef out." "Sweet!" Lucy said, looking like she'd won a Platinum Record at the music awards. Marinette happily nodded, and the two headed over to the main lodge. 'Why is Lucy excited about making breakfast? I thought idols were supposed to be happy with performing on stage for fans. Not doing lame hobbies like making breakfast.' Alya thought to herself.
That was until she snaps out of it, seeing the Killer Bass, running into the scene. "We're the first ones back!" Courtney happily cheered. The Screaming Gophers then arrive as well. "Oh, no! They beat us here. This is all your fault!" yelled Heather. "Not so fast, Gopherinos," said Chris. "It seems the Killer Bass are missing a few fish." "Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie?" Courtney asked. "I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night." "Darn shame," said Duncan. That was until Katie and Sadie ran in, panting. "Way to jinx it, you two." Alix said, crossing her arms. "We made it." "We're safe! Oh, my gosh, guys, we got totally got lost and then got in this massive fight." "And there was this huge bear, and he was all, "Rawr! You're in my crib, so get out!"" "And we had to run, and it was, like, so scary." After a bit and seeing the two hug and make up, Courtney gets their attention, clearing her throat to them. "Are you two finished your little love fest?" she asked. The two nodded. "Good. Because thanks to you, we just lost the challenge!" "Wait, but what about Marinette and Lucy?" Lindsay asked. "Oh, those two got here too. They're just helping Chef in the kitchen making breakfast as we speak." Chris said, pointing to the main lodge. The Screaming Gophers sighed in relief, knowing that the two were okay and they didn't lose the challenge either. Chris continued. "All right, Killer Bass, one of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers, as the two are done helping Chef, you're going on an all-expense-paid trip to the Tuck Shop!" The Screaming Gophers cheered while the Killer Bass gasped and then glared at the duo.
"Man, Marinette's lucky. I would kill to have an all-expense-paid trip to the Tuck Shop." Kim whined, crossing his arms. "I wonder if there's a way to ask Chris to have us in the show too?"
After a bit, they watch the elimination ceremony begin. "You've all cast your votes. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately hit the Dock of Shame, grab the Boat of Losers, and get the heck out of here. And you can't come back. Ever...Now, I can see you're all tired, so tonight, I'll just throw them to you. Savvy?" Chris then starts to throw the marshmallows to the campers who are safe. "Courtney. Duncan. Bridgette. D.J.. Harold. Geoff. Tyler." Which then leaves Katie and Sadie. "Ladies. This is the final marshmallow of the evening...Sadie."
After a bit of watching the B.F.F.F.Ls say their heartbreaking goodbyes, the scene then changes to Lucy and Marinette, who are sitting on the steps of the Killer Bass cabin, reading another Stephanie Queen book and sketching designs on her sketchpad while Duncan walks over and sits down next to them. "Hey, Duncan," said Marinette. "What do you want?" Lucy asked, glaring at him and trying to continue reading her book. "I just want to say that I'm sorry I asked that question, making you remember that nightmare." "Hey, you're lucky I had my essential oils on me, or else I would've brutalitied you into a pulp." "Brutalitied?" "Brutal-what?" "Oh, it's slang my people and I usually use back then. Anyway, just know that I accept your apology." Lucy and Marinette then got up and headed over to the Screaming Gophers cabin for bed, not aware of Duncan looking at Marinette romantically. "She is so into me." Duncan says to himself while leaning back, still having the hook in his right hand, feeling the sharp point caused him to 'agh' in pain. 'Hmph. Serves you right.' Juleka thought, smirking triumphantly.
After the show was over, they all headed home. All agreed to meet back at Addict Yourself to watch the next episode. And agree to have a discussion about having Marinette bring Lucy and her family to Paris so they can show them what they are missing technology-wise, and Alya can get her viewers back by having an idol be on her blog. Adrien, on the other hand, plans to make sure that when everything goes well, everything will finally go his way. Even getting his miraculous back and getting the poser heroine out of his spotlight.
Celebrities + Friends and Family (+ ??? & ???)
It was another weekend for all of the celebrities, friends, and families in Paris, France. They are all getting together, getting ready to watch the new episode of Total Drama, wanting to see what Marinette is going to do in the next challenge.
When they all settled down, they got their hors d'oeuvres and drinks and started to watch the show as it is now on.
"Last time on Total Drama Island, a talent contest brought out the best and worst in our campers. It was awesome. And while Lucy and Marinette were occupied taking an urgent phone call, the Killer Bass struggled to find any talent on their team. And Bridgette's clumsiness pretty much knocked out their best prospect...Courtney. Gwen stood up to Heather for Marinette. So Heather swore to make both Gwen's and Marinette's lives miserable. Starting by stealing Marinette's diary. Then she tries to read it in front of the entire viewing world. But it then backfired when the box that holds Marinette's diary trapped her hand in the nick of time. Man, was that a close one." "You said it, Chris." Jagged said, raising his soda cup up, along with everyone agreeing with him. "Then Heather managed to save her butt by convincing the rest of the team to vote off Justin "McGorgeousness." Who will be the next one to walk off this lame dock? Find out tonight in the most dramatic marshmallow ceremony ever on Total Drama Island."
After they watch the usual theme, they watch the show, showing them Marinette and the campers are all at the campsite, listening to what Chris has to say. "Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive. Just joking." he laughed. Some look confused, some look uncertain, some look uneasy, and some chuckle, thinking that Chris was actually kidding. "Uhm, exactly, how is that even funny?" Aeon asked, looking confused. "I am not sure, but I feel like McLean needs to work on his sense of humor." Kagami commented with her mother nodding in agreement with a hum. Chris continued, "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it." Chris then tosses Lucy and Duncan a map and a compass for each of the two of them. "Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in preproduction." "I'm sure we'll keep that in mind," Lucy said, handing Gwen the map and compass. Everyone looked surprised, seeing the unamused look on Lucy's face.
"You sure are fearless all of a sudden," Gwen said, looking surprised as well. "Well, you could say that this isn't the first time I was in the great outdoors," Lucy explained as she got her BerryPod and earphones out. Before anybody can react and ask where and how Lucy got a BerryPod and earphones. "I'd just like to thank my friend Angie for this BerryPod and earphones." Lucy said, holding a light purple sticky note that says in violet-purple pen, 'Just thought you might need it while at camp-Angie.' "Oh, that's where she got it from, okay." "Well, that was very nice of Angie to give Lucy something." "Yeah, but I'm still a bit confused as to why she gave it to her." "I know I said my family doesn't do technology like everyone else, but there is one thing I miss doing back home, and that is listening to my music in my record player." "Oh, that's why." "That makes perfect sense." "I get it now." "My favorite music I like to play is classical, all songs from the 1950s to the early 2000s. In other words, from 2000 to 2009. Some 2010 songs I can tolerate, notice I said I only like some of them. I have reasons why." "No judgment here." "Hey, it's her choice. No one's stopping her there." "That is true. I don't see what's wrong with her choice of music." "Truthfully, I'm with her. I'm used to some songs, but not all of them." "I, as well. But personally, I prefer the old songs than the ones on the radio." "Me too." "Well, we're all entitled to our own opinion." "Very true." "Anyway, I'm still grateful for Angie giving me this. Thanks, Ang. I owe you one." she said, waving at the camera to her friend. "It was so nice of Miss Maleficent to give the Madame Hatter something she needs." "That's for sure."
They all then continue watching the show. "First team back for breakfast wins invincibility." Chris then blows his airhorn while some of the campers get up from their seats and start walking. "Well, off you go." "Did he say there are bears up in here?" asked Leshawna. "I had a little encounter with a bear once." said Owen. "Let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantel." "Yeah, sure you did have him up on a mantel, Owen." One of the wunderkind actors said with sarcasm in their tone while crossing their arms.
"Oh, this one time, I saw a bear eating our garbage. He had old spaghetti noodles hanging from his big, huge teeth, and it looked like blood and guts." Izzy explained. "And possibly some moldy spots along with it," Lucy muttered, sticking her tongue in disgust while Marinette quietly giggled from that. Some people laughed and chuckled at that as well. "It was so gross. And we thought he was eating the neighbor's cat Simba. But it turned out he was just lost for a week." "Better the cat alive than dead." Lucy muttered again, with Marinette nodding in agreement. "Oh, that's right. Lucy's a full-on cat person. Well, she likes dogs too. And birds. And hamsters. And guinea pigs. Well, actually, she likes all animals that are adorable in her eyes." one of the teen bloggers said. "How do you know that?" Manon asked with full curiosity in her eyes. "Oh, Lucy confirmed it herself at a talk show once with the rest of the MetaBetas. It's still on the internet, and there's still the episode of the interview to prove it, too." "Oh, okay."
They watch as the scene changes to the Screaming Gophers walking on their way to the location of their campsite. Trent then caught up to Marinette. "Hey, Marinette, wait up. Can I walk with you?" "Sure. I don't mind at all." Marinette said to him. Trent smiled as the two walked together while Lucy, who was listening to her music, was just more focused on walking and listening to her said music. Everyone found out that Lucy was listening to classical music, starting with Mozart. "Ah, Mozart's Don Giovanni. A true classic." one of the female conductors said, with full satisfaction hearing slightly of the song in Lucy's earphones. Just then, their smiles faded when they watched Heather scoff. "She is so the next one to leave," she said. "Who?" Beth asked. "Who do you think? She had her box trap my hand in front of everyone." "Yeah, but you did almost read her diary out loud to the entire world. ALMOST." Gwen pointed out. "EXACTLY! She had it coming." One of the teenage debate champions scolded, with everyone agreeing with her. Hearing that from Gwen made Heather stand her ground and make the others behind her stop. "So?" "So, that was pretty harsh," Gwen said, with Cody nodding in agreement. "You tell her, Gwen!"
"She is going down," said Heather. Before any of Marinette's friends can say anything to defend Marinette, they watch as the scene changes to Trent and Marinette still walking to their location until they both hear a scream behind them. They turned to look back and saw Heather hiding behind Owen, shaking in fear. "Jeez, what scared her all of a sudden?" Jessica said, looking at Heather as if she had grown another head. "What's wrong?" Marinette asked. Heather tries to tell them while pointing at Lucy, but all that comes out of her mouth are sputters and stutters. However, when they all watch as the scene changes to Lucy, all they see is Lucy still walking and listening to Mozart. "Why is she pointing to Lucy? All she's doing is listening to Don Giovanni." one of the teen classical historians said, looking at the other teen celebrities around her as they all shrugged, muttering out an 'I don't know' or an 'I have no idea'. "Lucy isn't doing anything, Heather." Marinette and Trent then continue walking, catching up to Lucy. Along with the rest of the Screaming Gophers following along with them. Heather was both shocked and in disbelief about none of the Screaming Gophers believing her when she saw what happened that might've involved Lucy.
After watching Heather's confessional, the scene changes to the Screaming Gophers finally arriving at their campsite. When Owen pointed out that there were no food supplies, Lucy explained to him that the challenge was a survival task. "Lucy's right. Look at the instructions," said Trent. After a bit of watching the show, Heather explains while reading, they're supposed to find their own food. "I don't see it," she said. "I think they mean in the woods, Heather," Marinette said, pointing at the words that were in small font in the instructions. "Leave the food finding to me," Lucy said loudly, getting out a fishnet and a spear. They all looked surprised, seeing that Lucy had a fear and fishnet. "Where did Madame Hatter get those?" "Where did that girl get the spear and fishnet?" Leshawna asked, pointing to the two things in Lucy's hands. "She probably got them from Chris or Chef," Heather said, rolling up the map. They then watch Lucy's confessional. "Actually, they are my stuff one of my relatives gave me one summer," Lucy said, holding up an old photo of her tween self, holding the same spear and fishnet. "Like I said, it's not the first time I was in the great outdoors." "Huh. Well, that's smart of her." "She and Marinette are definitely going to win this one for the Screaming Gophers."
After that, they watch as the Screaming Gophers are already done setting up their campsite, waiting for Lucy to come back. After watching the Screaming Gophers look disbelieved about the camera crew ordering pizza. Marinette reminds them that they're doing a survival task, and Lucy calls out, saying she's back. They all see her come back with a fish in her spear and thirteen fish in her fishnet. Everyone looked amazed and impressed with Lucy catching a lot of fish for the team. "Atta girl, Madame Hatter. Atta girl." one of the famous travelers said, crossing their arms proudly.
After a little while of watching the Killer Bass and the B.F.F.F.Ls, they watch as the Screaming Gophers cook the fish Lucy caught. "Alright, fire's hot, fish is grilling, and we already got the tent set up." Lucy said as she looked at the tent, and Marinette looked at the fish. "Nice going, Lucy, fish looks awesome." "Thanks. I owe it all to my relatives back home." Lucy explained. "They must be very proud of you, Lucy." one of the intern journalists says, feeling proud of Lucy. That was until Heather started to notice something was not right. "Hey, has anyone seen Crazy Girl?" she asked. "I think she had to use the can." Owen guessed. "But that was over an hour ago." Trent said. "Well that isn't good." one of the servants said, pouring some soda in one of the children's cups. As the Screaming Gophers are calling Izzy's name, looking for her, Lucy and Marinette started walking, looking for Izzy. That was until Owen noticed the bushes rustling and headed over there, looking relieved."Good. I thought we lost you there for a minute, man," he said, walking over to the bush. But he then stopped when he saw that it was not Izzy. Instead, it was a bear that was growling. "Great Pyramid of Giza!" Owen screamed. Everyone looked shocked to see a bear on TV, growling at the Screaming Gophers. "AAH! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! WE'RE GONNA GET EATEN ALIVE BY A BEAR! OH, THE HORROR!" Owen screamed while running around in fear. As Owen continues screaming, Heather trips him, making him snap out of it. Heather then panics a bit and quickly tells the Screaming Gophers, "The trees! Climb into the trees!"
The scene then changes to Marinette and Lucy walking in the woods, calling out Izzy's name, and looking for her. Everyone sighed in relief, knowing that Marinette was okay. They then watch as they walk into the Killer Bass's campsite. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to join us." Duncan said, crossing his arms. "Funny, Juvie," Lucy said. "Hey, have you guys seen Izzy?" "No, sorry, Lucy," Courtney said. "Man, that bambina is gonna put us six feet under. Thanks." but before Lucy and Marinette can continue with their search for Izzy, they both notice the rabbit in D.J.'s arms. "Where'd you find that?" she asked as she and Marinette sat down. Everyone chuckled, knowing that Lucy was always a sucker for animals. Before D.J. can answer her question, an owl is heard, and Bridgette is startled by the sound. "It's okay, Bridgette. It's just an owl." Marinette said, comforting her. "Sorry, I just get really freaked out in the forest," Bridgette said. "Hey, if it's any consolation, sometimes nature is a wonder to behold. Well, not all the time, honestly," "Why? What's wrong with it?" Harold asked. Lucy crosses her arms, looking down, saying, "Well, it's kinda hard to explain, really." "Huh, I thought you said that it wasn't the first time you were in the great outdoors," Duncan said. "I did. But sometimes nature is, honestly, no picnic. Asides from being in one that is bear-country on one side of it, and dealing with..." Everyone looked as surprised as the Killer Bass were when they all saw this new side of Lucy. Lucy crossed her arms, held herself tightly, never letting herself go, looking down, not feeling comfortable continuing on, shaking as if she experienced something traumatizing, and her face looked like she was scarred for life. "What the heck, Duncan?!" "He should've kept it to himself, the rotten punk!" 'What happened, Lucy? Who hurt you?' Luke thought, looking at Lucy with sympathy for the female idol.
Courtney then smacked Duncan on the head. "See what you did? You're making her feel scared now!" she said angrily. Marinette's friends were either crossing their arms, glaring at Duncan, or both. "Courtney, it's fine. It was just a nightmare I just had before I got into this show." Lucy said, snapping out of it. "I got a bit carried away reading old newspaper articles. One of them was about a former country idol and a female idol from another genre. I guess I read that one too much that it gave me that nightmare, making me be the said female idol, being hunted down by that creepy former country idol..." Lucy then pauses for a second, snapping her fingers while thinking of the name of the former country idol. "Ah, man, I forgot his name. It's kinda the same name as a bird. But I forgot what bird it was." Everyone and the Killer Bass now understood that Lucy was dealing with a nightmare, but Luka knew that there must've been something else that even Lucy didn't know about. However, asides from Luka believing that there was something else, the rest of Marinette's friends and Courtney were still glaring at Duncan for making Lucy remember the said nightmare.
After a while of watching the show, watching that the Screaming Gophers were actually facing Izzy, dressed in a bear costume, they watched as Lucy and Marinette were sleeping in the Killer Bass's tent for the night. Everyone knows that they are since it is already getting dark for them to head back to their tent on time, so it is very understandable. They watch as Bridgette has a bat flying at her face, causing her to lose her balance and fall, causing a still-burning rock to fly over to the Killer Bass's tent. Before it can make contact with the tent, a hand catches it right on time, making everyone relieved that the Killer Bass's tent didn't burn down accidentally from Bridgette. The camera then shows that it was Lucy who caught the still-burning rock. Everyone looked surprised to see Lucy not reacting to the still-burning rock in her hand. After Lucy puts it back into the still-burning fire, she walks over to Bridgette, getting the bat off of her face, saying, "Come on, Vinnie Stoker, off the gal, and head back with your pals." "Mom, who's Vinnie Stoker?" "Oh, he's a..." as Nadja explains to her daughter who Vinnie Stoker is, everyone still watches as Lucy now helps Bridgette back up.
"Thanks, Lucy." "Of course. It's what I'm here for." "Is your hand okay?" "Oh, it is. Slightly burnt a tiny bit. But other than that, it's fine, really." "Guess she does have experience with the great outdoors," Duncan said, crossing his arms impressed. "Of course, she does, punk." Aurore said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, still glaring at Duncan. Lucy, Marinette, and the rest of the Killer Bass then head back into the tent to rest, just in time before it starts to rain.
After a while of watching the Screaming Gophers deal with an actual bear, it was finally the next morning. After watching Heather accuse Owen and Izzy and watching the girly-duo, Sadie and Katie face the same bear the Screaming Gophers dealt with, running away from the said bear after, the scene changes to the Killer Bass again.
Everyone looked surprised to see Marinette resting on Duncan. But they quickly stopped and thought, realizing that it must've been the deep sleep getting to her and the other campers. Which would make sense since that happened to some of them from time to time. They then watch as Marinette, Lucy, and the rest of the Killer Bass start to wake up. "Morning, sunshine." Marinette's eyes opened, and she finally realized that she was on top of Duncan. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Marinette gasped, quickly getting off of him, looking embarrassed. "Seriously? Cuddling Nettie like that? Not cool, Juvie." Lucy said, looking at Duncan unamused. Some of Marinette's friends agreed with Lucy, crossing their arms and looking unamused.
"You tell him, Lucy." Jessica said with Aeon and Zoe agreeing with her while Tomoe and Kagami both shook their heads at Duncan. "Hey, I was calmly lying on my back and trying to catch a few z's. She was snuggling up to me." "You are one heck of a beta-punk." "You tell it, Lucy." Fei said, with Aurore and Mirelle agreeing with her and Lucy. "I've been called worse." Lucy and some of Marinette's friends (and some feminist teens and celebrities) rolled their eyes, and Lucy started to walk out of the tent. "Come on, Nettie. We're leaving. Hope the gang found Izzy and they'll meet us at the campsite." Lucy said, with Marinette walking out of the tent with her. They all then watch Lucy's confessional.
"I am not trusting that Juvenile one bit whenever Nettie is with him. If he ever hurts a hair on that bambina, he will regret it." "Please do," one of the feminist motivational speakers, Kagami and Luka, said in unison with a single nod, along with Jagged, Penny, Clara, and Marinette's family and friends agreeing with the three. The scene then changes to the campsite, where Chris is moving the wood for the campfire until he turns to see Lucy and Marinette are the first two back for the Screaming Gophers' side.
"Glad you two made it. You two can head back into the main lodge and help Chef out." "Sweet!" Lucy said, looking like she'd won a Platinum Record at the music awards. Marinette happily nodded, and the two headed over to the main lodge. Everyone smiled, knowing that Lucy had loved to cook since she was a child and that Marinette was happy to help from time to time. They are also okay if she doesn't want to and respect her decisions. They then watch as the Killer Bass arrive. "We're the first ones back!" Courtney happily cheered. They then watch as the Screaming Gophers arrive. "Oh, no! They beat us here. This is all your fault!" yelled Heather. "Not so fast, Gopherinos," said Chris. "It seems the Killer Bass are missing a few fish." "Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie?" Courtney asked. "I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night." "Darn shame," said Duncan. That was until Katie and Sadie ran in, panting. "Those two jinx it." one of the popular astrology influencers said logically, and then looked down at her phone, posting tomorrow's zodiac posts. "We made it." "We're safe! Oh, my gosh, guys, we got totally got lost and then got in this massive fight." "And there was this huge bear, and he was all, "Rawr! You're in my crib, so get out!"" "And we had to run, and it was, like, so scary." After a bit and seeing the two hug and make up, Courtney gets their attention, clearing her throat to them. "Are you two finished your little love fest?" she asked. The two nodded. "Good. Because thanks to you, we just lost the challenge!" "Wait, but what about Marinette and Lucy?" Lindsay asked. "Oh, those two got here too. They're just helping Chef in the kitchen making breakfast as we speak." Chris said, pointing to the main lodge. The Screaming Gophers sighed in relief, knowing that the two were okay and they didn't lose the challenge either. Chris continued. "All right, Killer Bass, one of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers, as the two are done helping Chef, you're going on an all-expense-paid trip to the Tuck Shop!" The Screaming Gophers cheered while the Killer Bass gasped and then glared at the duo.
After that and seeing the Screaming Gophers celebrate their victory, they watch the elimination ceremony begin. "You've all cast your votes. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately hit the Dock of Shame, grab the Boat of Losers, and get the heck out of here. And you can't come back. Ever...Now, I can see you're all tired, so tonight, I'll just throw them to you. Savvy?" Chris then starts to throw the marshmallows to the campers who are safe. "Courtney. Duncan. Bridgette. D.J.. Harold. Geoff. Tyler." Which then leaves Katie and Sadie. "Ladies. This is the final marshmallow of the evening...Sadie."
After a bit of watching the B.F.F.F.Ls say their heartbreaking goodbyes, the scene then changes to Lucy and Marinette, who are sitting on the steps of the Killer Bass cabin, reading another Stephanie Queen book and sketching designs on her sketchpad while Duncan walks over and sits down next to them. "Hey, Duncan," said Marinette. "What do you want?" Lucy asked, glaring at him and trying to continue reading her book. "I just want to say that I'm sorry I asked that question, making you remember that nightmare." "Hey, you're lucky I had my essential oils on me, or else I would've brutalitied you into a pulp." "Brutalitied?" "Brutal-what?" "Oh, it's slang my people and I usually use back then. Anyway, just know that I accept your apology." Lucy and Marinette then got up and headed over to the Screaming Gophers cabin for bed, not aware of Duncan looking at Marinette romantically. "She is so into me." Duncan says to himself while leaning back, still having the hook in his right hand, feeling the sharp point caused him to 'agh' in pain. 'Hmph. Serves you right.' Socqueline thought, crossing her arms and smirking triumphantly.
Meanwhile, in another location, there is nowhere that no one is even aware of...
"Of course. I will let him know. Thank you." the person on the phone then hung up. The person then watches the episode, the second person taped, and they both watch as Lucy forgives Duncan's apology for bringing up the so-called 'Former Country Idol Chase Nightmare' debacle. "Hey, you're lucky I had my essential oils on me, or else I would've brutalitied you into a pulp." "She's still using the same slang from back then." the first person said. "She is." the second one said. The second one then turned to the first person. "Any luck?" they asked. "They said they will let the four know and see what they will do." the second person smiled. "Perfect."
Desc Prologue Get to Know My OC Chpt 1 Reactions Pt 1 Chpt 2 Reactions Pt 2 Chpt 3 Reactions Pt 3 Chpt 4 Reactions Pt 4 Chpt 5
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 8 (by @avaveevo)
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A few seconds later, Kim-La and Korvo are walking down the halls.
Kim-La: So how did it go with Tortus? Is everything okay?
Korvo: Not good and you are not gonna like what you hear about Tortus’s father.
Kim-La: What do you mean?
Korvo: *sighs* Kim-La, Tortus’s father is Aundryus. The one who started the New Order.
Kim-La: *gasps* No way! That's awesome!
Korvo: No! Not awesome! He is the one who started the Execution. He is a very dangerous man.
Kim-La: *gasp in horror* Wh-what?
Korvo sighs
Korvo: It’s true. Aundryus is a total monster. He even threatened to execute Terry one day ever since his parents refused to let Aundryus rule in the past. They were sent to the dungeon after but later escape.
Kim-La looks down in shock
Kim-La: No… this can’t be… everything that we believed in was a total lie…
Korvo: Kim-La...I-
Kim-La: *sighs but smiles* It’s okay. I understand now. We have to keep an eye on Tortus. Before he does something worse, or else.
Korvo: I know. That's why I had to put up the whole act.
Kim-La: Then good luck. I think you are going to do great. Keep going Korvo.
Korvo smiles
Korvo: Thank you. Now time to get to work. *cracks his knuckles*
A montage is shown of Korvo working. Korvo then conducts very unique discoveries, the rest of the New Order becomes very intrigue and starts to grow interested by this status. Korvo kept working and working while smiling at a picture of him and his family. The montage ends with Korvo approaching the New Order who congratulated him.
Gadget: Congrats, Korvotron.
Moran: You were amazing.
Korvo: Thanks, guys.
Bee: Congratulations Korvotron, you were well… I say accurate.
Korvo chuckles
Korvo: Well, I couldn’t done it without the encouragement from Kim-La. She really gave me so much support.
Kim-La smiles. Tortus watches from the distance and growls
Tortus: How could she?
Tortus looks at a photo of Jessica
Tortus: Grrr! I always knew your son was just like you!
Tortus throws the photo down causing it to shatter
Tortus: Grrr! This can’t be happening! I will not allow Terald to tempt away Korvotron any further.
Tortus picks up a shock collar
Tortus: I know how I can get him away from Terald once and for all.
Tortus laughs evilly
Tortus: But first, I must pay Terald a little visit.
Later, Terry is singing “Higher Love” by Whitney Houston
Terry: *singing* That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me higher love, oh That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me a higher love
Terry sighs lovingly as he lies down on the couch
Terry: Man, life is good.
Terry then looks at a picture of him and Korvo on their honeymoon as he smiles. But then, he hears a knock on the door. Terry opens the door to reveal Tortus
Terry: *gasp* You!
Tortus: Hello Terald…
Terry grabs Tortus by the neck and pins him against the wall
Terry: What do you want you fucking beast?!
Tortus laughs and knees Terry in the stomach
Tortus: Oh I want anything I ever wanted. Your lifemate’s respect that you stole from me!
Terry: *scoffs* Please. He already knows what you're up to.
Tortus: Hey! You stole my title as Korvo’s favorite Shlorpian!
Cue the song:
Haha, looks like you could use some help From the big boy of the family himself Check out his glowing reviews on Yelp (Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great!) Oh, with the punch of a pentagram I wap-bam-boom, alakazam Usually, I charge a Capital One Card But you get the family rate Thanks honey!
Who needs a busboy, now that you've got the chef (Woah-oh-oh) A Shlorpian Team, free mathmetics I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref Famous scriptures, higher technology, that's just to start!
Who's been here since day one? Who's been faithful as a pawn? Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pawn Your executive advisor
[That's true!]
I'm your guy, your day-to-day Your hubby, your steadfast sweetheart Remember when I fix that clog today? I was stuck, thank you sweetie!
[Oh you!]
I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond [Aww!] You're like the child that I wish that I had [Uh, what?] I care for you, just like a Replicant I spawned [Hold on now!] It's a little funny, you could almost call me father
They say, when you're looking for assistance It's smart to pick the path of least resistance
Others say, that in your needy hour There's no substitute for pure Shlorpian power! Who just happens to also be your blood!
Sadly, there are times a husband is a dud They say the family you choose is better What a bunch of losers
[Can you butt out of my song?] [Your song? I started this!] [I'm singing it, I'll finish it!] [Oh, you tacky piece of—]
It's me, yes it's me I know you were all waiting for me I'm here, what a asshole Took a while, but I'm present at last It's me, it's me Moran!
Terry: I'm sorry, who are you?
Korvo: *offscreen* Terry?
Terry: *gasp in joy* Korvy!
Korvo runs up to Terry who picks him up
Korvo: Oh honey, thank goodness. What’s happening now?!
Terry: Tortus thinks I'm stealing you.
Korvo: WHAT?! *growls at Tortus*
Tortus: What?! I would never think that! He’s lying!
Korvo: How could you?! Terry is my husband! He would never steal me away from you, you big fucking liar!
Tortus: Why you-
Terry: *slaps Tortus in the face* Stay away from you bitch!
Tortus snaps
Tortus tries to attack, only for Korvo to panic and run off. Tortus growls and follows him while knocking Terry unconscious.
Tortus: GET BACK HERE KORVOTRON! *flings collar at Korvo*
Korvo: *gasps* NO! *starts crying* TERRY-BEAR!
Tortus shocks Korvo with the collar as he screams in pain and falls down unconscious.
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CBS Ghosts - Hello! - Sam's Acceptance
Warning - Spoilers may appear.
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So, Jay was there, but wasn’t in the room with the ghost doctor?  And somehow WAS there with the other doctor?  OR was he just getting caught up from Sam during the ride?
I do think some brain tests would be good in this situation - even if nothing changes.  
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LMAO I feel you, Jay.
Sam’s like “I talked to a ghost doctor, he knows what he’s talking about.”
Jay’s response makes sense - LIKE WHAT??? 
Although it is nice that Sam is so into it though.  I wonder if maybe the ghosts had taken a different approach, such as IDK talking to her or showing her why they’re ghosts and how she’s probably seeing them because of the obvious situation (almost dying) and maybe she’d been a little more understanding.
Instead, they took it to extremes.
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I also wonder if Sam’s willingness comes from the fact that she DID believe in ghosts before since she brought the sage.  
Plus, how do you ignore the obviousness of ghosts like this guy.
Also, what is his boundary, I’m curious.  Does she ever visit him?  Did she get a name?  I want to know.
Aw, Poor Jay though.  Sam’s feeling good, but Jay’s going crazy.
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Can you imagine being Jay right now?  Sam’s freaking out that he’s running people over and Jay’s just trying to drive. 
Also, this old couple - do we think they’re married or have they gotten together over their years being dead together?  Do they hang out with the Construction guy?  Do they constantly just walk the street?  Why weren’t they looking where they were going?  I mean, as far as they know the people in the car can’t see them so... Anyway, poor Jay.  
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Love this transition.  Not gonna lie.
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AWWWW Jay is the best.  He’s still not sure that he believes in ghosts, but he loves Sam and that’s what matters - he is GOALS as far as Husband material goes.  
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BOO PETE!  Why you gotta ruin such an awesome moment???  
And DUDE - is this appropriate?  OTOH, I love that Pete’s like “he’s a keeper” because he goes on to say a lot of ... um... well, basically that Sam doesn’t deserve Jay ‘cause he clearly has a crush on him things.  He's not quite like Trevor or Isaac (who hit on Sam and Jay, respectively), BUT he definitely has a thing for Jay and says some out-of-line things to Sam as a result.
Poor Sam, finally on board and then Pete freaks her out.
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OMG JAY - he KNOWS that he CAN”T SEE THEM, and yet, still peaks through the window.  Dude is so on board and yet, totally freaked out.
Man, I feel for him.  His life is never going to be the same.
Thanks for reading!
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ottpopfic · 4 months
“Hey Dads!” she greets, it's only been a few months but its so good to see them.
“Hey, Piccolina” Papi greets, all smiles. He puts his hand on Skeletor’s nose to push away his head as the borse goes to bite him “Need some help with the kiddo?”
“Sure” she turns to the kids “Draco these are my dads, my Papis gonna help you down okay?”
“Kay” Draco is too busy looking all around now that his focus isn't on his sibling or the race, it's a lot to take in
Papi helps Draco down out of the saddle, bracing his leg so he can swing the other one over and then helping lower him. Katie follows the kid down and sheds her helmet as she goes, mostly because Skeletor looks to be in chomp mode now that they're no longer ready to race and Katie would like to keep people in one piece.
Dad ignores the danger of the flesh-eating demon to pull Katie into a tight hug the second he's able, she can only hug back one armed to keep control of her steed but neither of them minds. He smells like herbs and antiseptic and sun-cooked wood and shes so happy to see him, relaxing into his safe hold
“Missed you bug,” he tells her, smacking a loud kiss into her gross sweaty helmet hair “Glad you got to come early”
“Me too” she tells him, then goes to give Papi a hug as well. Skeletor nearly gets ahold of Papi’s ponytail for the ninetieth time so he gets sent back to Ah-Pa’s stables, she will call Janet later and ask her to tell the handlers to give him a treat for being a good boy
“So which one of you is the Ghost Royalty?” Draco asks, squinting at them both like the ghosts might become suddenly visible if he looks hard enough
“It's me” Dad says without missing a beat, Papi elbows him in the ribs “Ow, hey! Violence against the heir of hell here, an affront to this noble house!”
Dad is lucky he doesn't break out into hives as it's not technically a lie, he does have an underworld title after marrying Papi. It's something stupid like ‘Prince Consort’ or whatever, he only uses it to pull people's legs without having to take a Benadryl.
Papi digs his elbow in good-naturedly “Shut up you big dork” he laughs before turning to the kid “That would be me, Nico di Solace. The other one is Will”
Papi gives Draco his hand to shake, Draco looks a little star eyed as he takes it and then Dad’s offered hand
“We've heard a little bit of your adventure from Katie,” Dad tells him “Come and see me in the Infirmary once Conner gets you sorted I wanna double-check your levels”
“Are you disputing my medical work” Katie accuses, hand on her chest in mock offense “Saying I do a shoddy job? You trained me yourself and then can't trust your own pupal, for shame”
“We have better facilities” Dad all but whines, Katie blows a very mature raspberry at him making Papi hide a laugh. But in hiding his laugh it makes Papi notest what Katies wearing
“Is that my shirt?” he asks, pointing to the Ramones shirt that she totally did not steal from him
“No” she says as straight faced as she can, unfortunately her lie makes Dad sneeze the fucking snitch. This is why she never learned to lie properly she blames her Dad and his dumb allergies
Papi narrows his eyes at her “Katie-“
“WOW Draco we should go get you situated with Conner!” She says louder than necessary, taking the kid by the shoulders and steering him towards the cabins “Bye dads see you at dinner!”
“I know where you sleep!” Papi calls after them
“Uh huh sure yeah, bye forever!” She hurries the kid a little faster
“Your dads are nice” Draco tells her as hes rushed along
“Yeah,” she agrees with a smile “They're pretty awesome”
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