#it was a chill quick stream! also apologies for late posting i didnt have the brain to finish the image IDs
tedcicle · 6 months
swagger SDMP day 3 highlights
keef has been found!!!
- meowriza found him a bit below swagger’s house, stuck in a boat in the hillside. chat had heard meows in this area on swagger’s stream yesterday, which meowriza used to track keef down
- she was sitting with a skeleton boss that shoots explosions, meaning if anyone aggro’d the skeleton it would explode and immediately kill keef
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- swagger and meowriza circumvented this by breaking the blocks above the skeleton and burning him to death, rescuing keef!
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- swagger wanted to make a backpack, but needed rabbit hide to make it. he goes back into the twilight forest, looking for rabbits or the map maze focus for an uncrafter. he explores a bit of the minotaur labyrinth and gets the maze focus first
- he puts a postcard on the wall to remind him to kill mikasacus… the first sdmp hit?
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heyoissal3lue · 6 years
Him - Yoongi OneShot
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Yikes so i didnt post for a while but here i am. with something i was suppose to post AGES ago. enjoy~
His platinum hair blew with the wind. Swaying where ever the wind goes. Feet bare, roaming around the field. Taking the green, soft grass and unlucky flowers under the milky skin of his foot. You were busy, doing what you loved to do. Baking. Also tending to your needs, but something about him just plus you towards. How his hands gracefully sway with the rhythm of the breeze. The way he moves, becoming part of the scenery set before you. He leaves at sun down exactly, coming back the next day at noon. Exactly. All the time, he never missed a day. Never late by a minute. Yet you never get tired of seeing him peacefully becoming one with the flowers and the butterflies. No, he was stealing the attention from them.
You were tired of the city life, packing your belongings you started fresh, setting foot in the beautiful country side three years ago. Not too far but just far enough. You loved it here, so did your parents. They visited you here and there and gushed on how brave you were in ditching the city life for a life where you can be independent, all on your own. No yelling, no commotion, no smoke and no stress. Just you and nature. 
 You spent most of your days tending the animals and did what you loved the most, baking. With fresh ingredients right at your fingertips, you have no worries for chemicals. You were baking more than ever. You would spend hours baking like an incurable disease. Until he came along, dancing with the butterflies. Something about his platinum locks, creamy skin and soft features piqued your interest. You always caught yourself staring. Your face went hot everytime like he caught you himself. 
 Noon rolled around and exactly at that time he strolled in sight. You parted from your oven every now and then to take a peak. Still, in the end, your bad "habit" returned. Your eyes were glued on him. The chances you thought would be one in a billion, he turned to face you. Eyes meeting, your heart fluttered, your palms sweat. You felt hot as if lava was oozing through you. Your eyes locked which felt like light years. He abruptly turned, his silky strands flying after him. "Wha-" you squeaked "what's you name?" You managed to yell. Again, he looked at you but this time with a faint but visible smirk on his face. He turned around starting to walk off. 
 "Find out" 
 His platinum hair disappearing as he got farther away then out of sight. You squinted as you mentally challenged him. "Oh, I will" you said to no one but yourself, grinning "I will.". You turned around seeing the gray and black smoke coming from the oven. That's when the scent of brunt goodies "graced" your nostrils. "Ah, Shi-taki mushrooms, dammit" you cursed at yourself in frustration as you hurriedly ran to turn the oven off. The next morning was like any other morning. The sky was blue, with clouds like a perfectly painted picture. Along with the birds who laughed and sang, using the sky as their playground. You? You were doing the usual, baking. Everything was normal but something felt different. It was noon and the field was empty, no signs of the platinum haired boy. You took no notice as you thought something interfered with his journey here, so you took no mind. Two hours had passed, far passed noon and still no signs. Worry crept in your mind which kept you glancing every few seconds in hopes he will appear. You tried to distract yourself by focusing on the cake you were baking, luckily it was working. Not for long though, thirty minutes later, no signs of him. Overwhelmed with worry and curiosity, you took off your mittens, throwing them on the counter. Making sure to turn the oven off before you slipped on your flats to venture outside. Greeted by the cool breeze that spun with your dress and danced with your hair. You strolled around places you thought he might be. From the stream to the hills, there was no signs of him. After a while you grew tired and gave up. You bitterly walked near the little woodland forest not too far from home. Looking at the ground as you walked you sighed, disappointed. 
 You heard someone humming a melody.
You stopped in your tracks.You turned you head to the source. It was coming from in the forest. Your legs started moving towards the sound as if it was attracted to it. The more you walked and moved tree branches out your way, the more you stepped over roots. The louder the humming got. In no time you arrived at a pond. It glistened and shone with beauty, accompanied by who you were looking for. 
 Pit Patter Pitter
 Was the sound of 'him' throwing stones into the pond, creating ripples with every skip. You tried to get closer, you wanted to get closer. 
 The humming stopped and both heads looked at the ground. A twig, that you stepped on. You cringed and mentally faced palmed. "Y/N you idiot, you just had to be quiet and you did the opposite" you silently cursed at yourself, squeezing your eyes shut. You opened your eyes to be met with an iceberg, his eyes. Chills went down your spine, it was looking at a statue, stone cold. He turned around around as if he was looking at nothing. He continued to skip stones as if you weren't there. "U-um e-excuse me" you said, just to get silence in return. "Excuse me" you said more confidently. 
Pit Patter Pitter
 You shuffled beside him, sitting down and opened your mouth to speak again. 
 It felt like a brick dropped on your head. "You actually stalked me all the way here" he said. You blinked taken aback. "W-what?" You raised your voice. "O-of course I didn't! I just happen to hear humming. Kinda ignoring the fact that I was looking for you in the first place but-! That's not important! I just followed your humming and saw you here. Either way! You told me to find out your name so there, I wasn't stalking you!" You rambled, trying to defend yourself. You looked at him, who was looking at you lost. Few seconds pasted and his mouth turned into a grin then he burst into laughter. "What's so funny!?" You whined. He got up, brushing his hair back "I was just joking, Jesus". You looked at him, who was still collecting himself. "Your mouth was moving like a propellor" he wheezed, mocking how you were speaking a while ago. 
 He doubled over, laughing even harder. He clutched his stomach shaking from laughter. "H-hey!" You yelled and turned to hit him but he was too quick. He moved away before you can get him still wiping tears from his eyes. You folded your arms and glared a him, waiting to see when he will ever be done laughing. After a while he looked up at you with a genuine smile and wiped a sole tear from his eye. He tilted his head "You're funny, what's your name?". "Y/N" you replied, clearly still upset. "Ok ok, I'm sorry" he apologized. You looked down not knowing if you should accept his apology or not. You heard the crunching of grass getting louder and louder until it stopped and a pair of milky white feet were standing right beside you. Looking up, you see him looking at you with he most breathtaking smile and his eyes twinkling with all its beauty. Holding out his hand for you to take, suddenly it seemed that the area looked so much brighter. As if on command the went blew, gushing through his hair. 
 "Yoongi, my name is Yoongi" Yoongi.. The one who always stole your attention, Yoongi 
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