#it was always gonna be a sorta arg for that one
cathalbravecog · 1 year
Do you have cathal hcs you'd like to share i am starving for anything cathal related help me
he's like an addiction to my brain, it always wants MORE
However. That one comic writing thing I wanna make... I guess it's a mix of some HCs and observations? I'll talk about it here, without spoiling everything, but giving out he basics!! i can write properly i swear but since im infodumping im gonna be going from writing styles in and out wackily to get my thoughts out LOL It takes place when Cathal first got hired at Cogs INC - (All narrated by himself, by the way ) and what his expectations and thoughts were. What he knew and what he didn't - since Allan would share some things with him, obviously. Even way before Cathal got hired... And eventually it got to Cathal seeing Allan fall off the tower for the first time.
He doesn't think much of it now, just shrugging it off. Perhaps mild annoyance... It's just not worth the time. It's pointless... As he says himself, he finds the Toons VS Cogs thing pointless. And... he isn't too worried, since Allan always gets repaired in the end. Sometimes it's more severe repairs than other days, but, the point stands... No matter what he always gets repaired, and Allan himself also sounds more annoyed about this than anything as well
But this wasn't always the case!
Despite being, well... Really lazy - Cathal is very caring and kind. He cares about the people around him - he politely asks if everyone's had a good lunch, and he heals them. Hell, he can even be slightly scary with this with his "You should've hit someone else that time" line. Like - he does not exactly want to pack a punch, he just sorta has to since the Toons are there... But he's capable!! Even if he doesn't see them as friends, just co-workers, he's very willing to stand up for them if they get hurt...
It's the one thing that does give him the motivation which he usually lacks... He usually just doesn't want to care because it takes too much effort, y'know? But it doesn't make him incapable of things...
So, with him established as caring for other's (that he cares about) wellbeings... Imagine the shock seeing your own dad fall off a tower, with a loud earth-quake like crash... he hasn't been joking or lying after all with all his tales of Toons pushing him off the tower. Cathal never cared for this story... Just ignored it or blocked it out of his mind as Allan's constant stories (Because come on this guy definitely loves talking about things that happened while at work or what he did with The Boys :tm: when he's with Cathal. And wise-versa. He was sooo excited to show Cathal off to the other bosses in A Meeting Of Two Minds)
But like... Those weren't like. Just some stories. Allan was always annoyed about them, but in a "Gah, those darn Toons!" kind of way. (Maybe with an occasional ramble about how that day repairs were more expensive, perhaps, as more damage was caused. Looking at you High Roller ARG. Also makes me wonder just how much money from Cogs INC does go into his repairs... But I suppose insurances for Cogs are canon, and also Sellbots are known to cut corners to save cash, so that extra stuff maybe goes to him....) But, back on track now - It's been happening for YEARS. If we go with how long Toontown has been around - it's been happening for DECADES. You start sounding a bit less serious about it...
Like... Cathal was just shocked. What was he supposed to do?! That's his dad for fuck's sake!!! He may appear unenthusiastic and bored but... It's clear these two care for each other, even if Cathal does not let it be known (With Allan being the exact opposite and he's maybe Too Vocal About It. Me too buddy, me too)
Cathal has lived a life in comfort, basically spoiled by Allan. With love, material things, him letting things be easier for Cathal... He didn't have to worry about a thing. If anything, he probably only ever struggles with his own mind - considering I do headcanon him to have some struggles with motivation and doing things and that he has Cog ADHD. Yes it's projecting. I also sit around lazily for hours but because I can't start anything no matter how much I want. Even if it's a fun activity like... Turning on a video to watch. Drawing. Hopping onto a game. Or literally just getting UP.
He's learned to just... Work with those issues. And, unlike me, he doesn't have things like school and such to worry about, so the big stress factor is gone... So even if he does struggle sometimes and does need motivators, most of the time it's impossible to tell from him just.. Struggling and him being cozy and genuinely lazy... But since he struggles less more often than not it is just laziness and "that's just hard to do" and not a mental block...
Only ever living a life in comfort-like this - Makes you worry ten times as hard when the stressful times do come. He's not equipped to handle this...
In the comic he in panic flew over to check on Allan - who in fact has fallen over and had a bunch of Cogs helping him get back up, and beginning preparations to get him fixed ASAP. It was so organized, everyone knew each other there... This basically happens all the time. They've got to be.
Allan is... Shocked, but very happy to see Cathal there. He is so very proud of his boy being there... That he cares so much about his father to go see him. Cathal does not show affection a lot - but this is the way he did. Allan knows he doesn't show it a lot, which made it ten times more special. Others who knew about Cathal through Allan were shocked, too... Cathal. The Multislacker. Stays in his video room all day, watching the cameras... He... Should be working, but that's aside the point. Despite what Allan says we all know he's a lazy slacker... He doesn't care about others. Does he?
Well... he's here, alright. Worried for his dad, who is hushing him nonchalantly, saying how this happens often. "The boys are gonna get me right back up again soon as always, son!" And how he can get right back to work soon... (And of course, some curses against the Toons.)
Cathal is just... Baffled meanwhile. He's saying the same things he always does!! Isn't he one bit worried...? Well... Like everything else, he has to let it go... And just not worry about it. Allan doesn't, so why should he...? It doesn't stop him being worried a bit longer at the time AND the next few times this happens... At that point he just knows what happens like it's rinse and repeat, like any other day
But the first time was just... Scary. Even if he most likely was caring before (again, mostly outta just... understanding. yknow? man. just wanna chill... he gets it.) - he just... Never showed it much. But after? He began appreciating others around him more. He knows Cogs always get repaired despite... Uh. (Looks at Atticus) THAT ONE TIME, so there isn't really a feel of "time is limited" feeling there... But you still don't want to see people hurt. You want to appreciate their presence. Even if they aren't friends, y'know?
He doesn't see the reason for violence, really. Okay sure, he definitely likes playful banter and messing around - but I mean like... Genuine things, y'know? I mean, as a Cog he's on the side of the Cogs, he doesn't see the motivation the Toons have, or the goal (to have to fight Allan REPEATEDLY. I mean, as an in-game thing it's for unites, but it's canon he gets fought repeatedly regardless, yknow?)
He doesn't get the scope of why Toons fight back exactly, that it's pointless. Because he doesn't have the perspective they have... He is annoyed with them, yes, they burst into his room uninvited and then demand to fight him... And they hurt his co-workers and his dad. But getting too mad is just... Man! Not worth it. Too energy consuming. Not worth getting worked up over...
But even with that he wishes that this didn't have to happen, y'know? he doesn't see the point. And if nobody fights anyone - nobody is gonna bother him and his shows either...
i think i juiced out all my thoughts bc i guess the other stuff would be more cogs only or like personal interactions i imagine between frost and him and perhaps the others... i already established the gamer thing and that he messes around with pace in that regard. one of his motivations is to just be playful like that. maybe pace and him are NOT friends and they demotivate each other in work ways. but i just love the dynamic of not friends. not enemies. just tom and jerry online gaming mischief stuff. and like. gamer graham is really funny to me since hes the sport guy. but also hes jerma to me. you get me . righht. right. i love going from serious headcanon stuff to HEE HEE SILLY. but thats just who i am. thats what you get. (cannot even get too serious about graham hes just too goofy to me) (also has written gut wrenching angst about a guy named spamton g spamton) (is really normal)
anyways. thank you villain w.hos actually a really loving dad trope for being there for me. i have issues. allan plearse adopt m.e
I LAOVEE CARTHAL RA TOBRE BRAVECOOGGGGGGG. i hope any of this makes sense. its not even a headcanon its just a mess of things. but you asked for tism so you get it. this is the best i got after this i have nothing to talk about other than gushing about cathal's design and "oeoutht h the he oh he" and repeat the same points about why hes so nice and swag and cool. but. you get me right. You Get Me
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Alright! Time for some backrooms headcanons
BTW I am probs gonna sound stupid but eh.
Some basic info
Backrooms is in a weird shared universe with most analog horrors, some ARGs, creepypasta, SCP, Whatever the fu-k Zalgo is and possibly some mythos
The backrooms was created by [REDACTED. YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW]
It's alive.
It is basically an entire ecosystem that 57% of the time doesn't even function correctly
The found footage stuff
ASYNC sorta pissed the fabric of the place so uh, yeah it's tearing apart {The decay}
The bacteria is the antiviruses and white blood cells for the backrooms
ASYNC'S portal has increased the percentage of no-clips. MEG is not happy about this due to possible shortages of food and such
But it's not a two way portal for wanderers as those without an ASYNC badge or somethin' will get DISINTEGRATED
Is persistent, it is possible to tame a hound, and even more difficult, to mount one with a saddle {it's a safer way of travelling}
In a nutshell non sentient entities that aren't objects {aka animalistic} can be tamed to different extents
The drowned prince, the mountain king and the animation king were the three prince's of the backrooms
Mountain king is fking feral when among the rest of the ritual entities, they always are feral tbh
The drowned prince never was able to grow up, no one knows what they would look like if they were alive, even them. When this is mentioned they become even more aggressive than usual triggers
The animation king had a good life before his wife {mother} divorced him, and was left in a semi cursed state. He misses the past and is actually regretful for him becoming jealous
Days before the fun war, some of the other sentient entities tried to make a tea party and the representative of partypooper nearly got unmasked {which is rude in their culture} by a cartoon entity and flipped hard, refusing anything.
Pinhead is hated by all. They also attack entities that sleep. Usually they attack the wrong entity {once they attacked a partyhost and it didn't go so well}
... But some entities that find a way through the portal without being seen and in turn, are in the front rooms..
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riverleyk · 3 years
Emilien dating a serial killer, rabbit.
written by @lizzietrashkittie instagram: @lizziekitt 
Rabbit sighed and ran a hand across his forehead. "Wow. You sure we're a hassle." He smiled, speaking to no one in particular. "It's always the small ones who want to put up a fuss and make this a bigger mess then it needs to be" he gave a small giggle and kneeled by the sliced up body of a teenage boy with soft black hair "Isn't that right my little fighter?" He ruffles the corpse's hair and pauses for a second feeling the stimulation of emotions slowly fade "..Fun while it lasted" he got up and stepped away lighting a match and tossing it onto the body, lighting it and the trash around it up in a large orange glow. He runs a hand through his hair "....at least the fires pretty." He turned on his heel and took a small glance around and began walking. Another body to the count. ~~~~~~~ "Victa!" Emilien cried and hugged onto the other male "He won't reply! Do you think he's mad at me?" Victor smiled alittle at the slight warm feeling from the boys hold "I'm sure e's fine. He's probably mad at himself more then anythin'..For yell'n at ya." Emilien gave a small pout and nuzzled this boyfriend's side "I donno..it was sorta my fault.." "Nah. Ain't nothin' you're fault." Emilien nuzzled again before taking a deep breath and pulling away, putting his hands in the other boy's. "I guess so. He was just so mad.. I'm worried. What if he-" Victor cut him off with a small kiss and a smile "If he chooses to not talk to ya anymore, that's his loss. You're a treat." Emilien smiled slightly and blushed "Thanks.." The two shared small talk over tea and chatted the night away in each other's company. The conversation was about ferrets and the cost of owning one. If Emiliens bedroom is even big enough for such a pet and if his dad would even allow it. But the conversation was mostly mute to Victor. His mind was more focused on a previous discussion. One about a fight Emilien and his friend had had. Emillien's friend wasn't so happy about the two dating. He got mad when Emillien refused to end the relationship. He yelled and told Emilien he didn't know what he was talking about. It annoyed Victor. It annoyed Rabbit too. He takes a small breath and smiles. It won't be a problem anymore. ~~~~~~~ Eventually the word got out, it's alittle noticable when a child goes missing. Of course, no one could find the body, Rabbit made sure of that. Emillien was heartbroken, his best friend was missing. No one knew where he was, what he was doing..if he was alive. Rabbit knew. But Victor refused to tell. Instead he spent alot of time comforting his boyfriend, petting his hair and rubbing his back. Letting him cry as much as he needed and always, always assuring him that he held no fault. He was perfect. After awhile the case went cold, Jorden couldn't be found or even traced. There wasn't much hope for him being alive anymore so everyone had to accept he was dead. Emilien had to accept he was dead. Their last conversation was a yelling match, an argument about something as petty as a minimal life choice. It hurt Victor to see him so down, but he knew this was better for him. Jorden didn't like Victor, no..He didn't like Rabbit. He wanted Emilien to leave. To run away and cower and hide. Victor couldn't have let that happen, he needs Emilien.. Emilien is his light. His joy. Rabbit needed a new toy anyway, two birds with one stone, it was the perfect solution to this little mishap. As soon as the hysterics subsided Emilien would see that too.. Victor is good. Emilien is good Rabbit is good. This was good. ~~~~~~ A small yawn left the ginger's lips as he glanced to the body sleeping next to him. 2:00 am. Typical. Emilien's used to his normal insomnia, he'd be awake for at least another hour before his eyes grow heavy. On the bright side, he gets to see his boyfriend in his purest form. Victor always looks so peaceful in his sleep, it's almost easy to forget about the boys normal blank and cold demeanor and eyes. His eyes don't look sharp and hungry when he's asleep. His shoulders and neck don't seem to posed and ready to throw a punch. It's not that Victor was an angry or nervous person, in fact he was rather a stark opposite. His fighty and strong stance is just a cover for how hollow and empty his emotions normally are.. Emilien smiled alittle. He knows his boyfriend is a rather particular person. He takes pride in knowing he is an exception to the rules. That his smile and words can make the boy's emotions flare and hit like nothing else.. He takes pride knowing the feelings between them are real. He takes a small breath and sits up. "If am gonna be awake al'night, I might as well be productive.." he spoke quietly to himself getting up and looking around the room. His room was clean, nothing to be done there. His eyes landed on the dusty and dirty satchel bag by the window. Victor's.. The poor black haired boy was homeless. He kept all his belonging He kept all his belongings with him almost all the time, and often slept at Emilien's when the weather seems to harsh for a park bench. Emilien huffed at the mess. "..How had I not offered to wash that for ya yet, love?" He spoke to himself again, tho the intent is pointed at the sleeping boy. He took up the bag in his hands and patted the top "Only the Lord knows what all it's been through." He giggles lightly. Leaving the room and heading to the bathroom he hums a quiet tune. Slowly he takes out the items inside. Not much unexpected for a homeless teen. Some cloths, a few dollars, extra first aid supplies.. His fingers rested on some papers. "..Oh?" He took them out and turned them over, a small gasp leaving him. In his hand were multiple ripped pages of writing, this wouldn't be alarming if not for a name that caught his eye. "Jorden" He read the rest of the words intently. Names of locations and dates, games and activities. It was like a spider web, clearly planned and interconnected, but confusing is startling to an outsider. On the final page there was a sentence that caused a familiar pain to hit in Emilien's chest. "Get him under the bridge, make sure he's weak, and set him a flame" The dots and words connected at once for him. Jorden hadn't just gone missing. He was lead away, like cattle to the slaughter. He gripped the papers for a moment and tears welled in his eyes. He tried to rationalize. Maybe this was a joke. Maybe it's a different jorden. Maybe an ARG or weird game Victor had gotten into. He went back to the room, Victor had now sat up, probably waking up from the sounds of movement. The black hairs boy looked at him and offered a small smile. A shallow smile. Emilien knew the difference. "Ey love.. what's got you out o'bed?" For a moment Emilien stayed quiet. Quietly holding the papers and quietly wording himself. "..W-What are these..?" He shakenly held out the papers. Mentally preying the boy could give a pleasent and innocent explanation. Victor glanced at the papers before taking them softly. "..Ah. Why were ya going through my bag?" He gave a slight chuckle "You're gonna end up seeing stuff ya won't like, love." No explanation. Just a table turn. Emilien balled his fist and teared up harder taking a step to the boy "Just tell me what that is! W-Why do you have it. What is it doing in your bag! Just tell me you didn't-" He was cut off by Victor getting to his feet. His eyes sharp. Hungry. His shoulders and neck stiff and seemingly ready to attack. His energy was one of danger, and for once that energy was focused on Emilien. Victor smiled. However fake it might have been. "Emilien, come on. You've already grieved..It doesn't matter now, he's gone. There's no point getting into the details." He softly pulled him closer, hands sliding around his waist. Emilien was frozen for a second before coming back to reality. Victor was scary..but he knew he wouldn't actually hurt him..surely. He gave a stern look "It does matter, Victa. Stop dancing around it, you're telling on yourself anyway!" His confidence fell once again when his emotions remembered the accusation he was throwing. His eyes grew wet once more and his voice got weak. "..Why would you do that?.." Victor's expression was unchanging. A blank slate lacking of remorse or regret. Emilien caught his breath slightly and pushed away from him. "Why would you do that!? Why would you kill him? You knew he was my friend, you knew I care about him!" Victor only sighed. "Emilien..love. He wanted you to leave me. He called you naive and blind. No friend would say such things to you. You're acting like he was perfect" he gave a small chuckle and smile at the thought. Emilien was starting to have a distaste for that smile. Without a word he turned and walked. He wasn't dealing with this, this wasn't his place. He needed to get help, to get someone more capable. Stronger. Victor caught on quick what he was heading for. The phone. He grabbed him harshly from behind "Love, you're being irrational. You clearly need sleep!" Emilien yelped and attempted to pull away, thought this time was much harder. He resorted to instead pushing into it. The two slammed into a wall, Victor's back struck a photo frame and shattered it's glass. The shock was enough to free Emilien from his grip. Victor wasn't giving up. He smiled again, and attempted to convince Emilien that this whole thing was a ridiculous thing to fuss over. Emilien caught back more tears and glanced back at the phone. Victor's tone grew sharper..hungrier. Emilien didn't have much choice..he wrong about Jorden's death..he couldn't live past being wrong about Victor's restraint. He sighed "..I-I'm sorry.." he allowed himself to cry, all the tears he had been fighting ran out and he fell to the ground. Victor followed him down, embracing him gently. "Shh..It's okay, this isn't your fault.. you're perfect, love." Emilien cried harder, apologizing relentlessly and clinging to the boy. Suddenly Victor gasped lightly. A shaky hand held a shard of glass in his back. He loosened his grip and locked eye's with his boyfriend. Emilien's eyes were tired and empty. Not from a lack of emotion, but from an abundance. He pulled the shard downwards to rip more skin and ignored the pained noises from the other. Victor got shaky due to pain and gripped to Emilien's shirt. Emilien took his hand away from the shard and put it softly on the boys cheek. He made a second round of eye contact. Victor's eyes were different from how he'd ever seen them before. They weren't sharp..or hungry. They looked scared. Scared and weak. He gave the boy a soft kiss on the forehead before getting up and shakenly walking to the phone. The police and paramedics arrived sometime later to retrieve the black haired boy and his belongings. Emilien answered the few questions he could but mostly secluded himself. His parents were awoken from the sirens and his father yelled but it was static noise to him. ~~~~~~~ Emilien didn't want to care. He wanted to ignore all news and never know what happened after that night. Yet he found himself still watching. Victor was alive for a time before bleeding out..Emilien is off scot free because it's been ruled as self defence. When the police searched his bag they found more of the papers, some of which aligning with previously closed cases. Along with them they found a white rabbit mask in the bottom, something Emilien didn't dig far enough to see. It opened back up around 27 different cases of 'suicide' and ' disappearances' all throughout the town, all of which seeming to alone with notes and the mask. Emilien was hurt in finding it out. He was hurt in learning that his boyfriend was capable of such things, that he would hurt and will anyone for nearly any reason. That those striking, hungry eyes belonged to a cold and calculated murderer.. But in a sick way..he takes pride in it. He takes pride in knowing he was able to put an end to it.
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necrobrat · 6 years
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so i just saw the sl*nderman trailers and im gonna go point by point here about my expectations and. this isnt the blog to do it on but yknow what? yall are just gonna have to deal with that. ill put it under a cut so it wont be too Overbearing on the dash but yknow. im gonna be rantin a lil. these are all My Opinions on the trailers and clips released and overall film n uhhh im not gonna apologize for that
first and foremost, *evan jennings voice* stop fucking gamejacking
im gonna preface this with im not a sl*nderman expert, im rly not so yknow. excuse any mistakes.
im gonna start with the one thing i sorta, kinda liked   :   some of the visuals ( like the maggots and the other black and white bits   ), but i also feel like that worked against the overall trailer because these shots didnt mesh with the rest of it. the aesthetics felt very all over the place, and not in a fitting way.
i do NOT like the way sl*nderman looks. this is something thats always bugged me about modern horror, its something ive talked about before and that is   :   making things way too fucking creepy. sl*nderman has a very simple design that he can also manipulate so making him into this bizarre, stretched skin creature thing off the bat ... i just think its overkill. i think utilizing the uncanny valley with the original sl*nderman would have been So much better, especially since every horror film lately seems to be trying to outdo the last ones special effects and it just Murders any chance they had at being Actually scary
SPEAKING OF WHICH, the special effects in the trailer ... especially here ( potential trigger warning, its a very fast blur motion thing that might bother some people ) and here are borderline laughable. i mean, what the hell is the budget on this thing?? it was said that they wanted the film to be “traditional, low budget horror” but low budget horror doesnt look like this. they dont look like someone with a low budget using their budget and resources cleverly, they look like someone with a low budget tryna mimic someone with a high budget
already not a fan of the acting. its very cheesy, imho. very over   -   played. i honestly think thse actresses would do far better in some regular ol teen film. i dont doubt their potential, but i dont think this is a film theyre suited for At All. theyre no scream queens.
is a sl*nderman film VERY late to be coming out in 2018? abso-fucking-lutely. without a doubt. do i believe a sl*nderman film would still find success in 2018? honestly, yes, but i still wouldntve been happy even if the movie was utterly flawless. i also think that picking the waukesha stabbing as the primary inspiration was in bad taste, and again, heavily dated the film. 
the sl*nderverse ARGs still have adoring fans who are completely invested. a group of friends from new jersey with a potato quality video camera and some video editing software created a far more immersive storyline, complete with horrifying effects and interesting characters. however, because of these ARGs i, and im sure other fans, cant really separate sl*nderman from his proxies and the cast we’ve already grown accustomed to.
tl   ;   dr ?? i have the same opinion as everyone else does. its gonna fucking SUCK.
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