#it was only a matter of time before I made it really XD
megaawkwardhuman · 7 months
happy last mothman memo monday
welp we've reached the end folks
it's sad to say goodbye to this fic but well we were gonna get there eventually weren't we?
I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support I've gotten for this fic
this is by far the LONGEST thing I have ever written in my life LMAOOO (when I started uploading chapters it was at 10k words and by the end it's now 12k words 💀)
enjoy :]
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aceofstars16 · 7 months
Well, I made a poll asking if I should post this now...and then I just go and post it without waiting to see what people voted haha xD
This was inspired by @athenoot (not letting me actually tag but I linked her blog!) and her super fun AU idea mashing up Drifting Stars and Relativity Falls!
I don't know if this works for @forduary but it does have portal Ford so *shrugs*
Summary: Mabel loves dimension hopping, but she is starting to miss having a home. And more than anything, she misses Dipper and Stan. However, she may end up seeing them sooner than expected…though they aren't exactly the same Dipper and Stan that she knows.
The street was packed, creatures of all sorts bustling to and fro. Even after months of being in other dimensions, Mabel was still overwhelmed by all of the different aliens. Her eyes couldn’t stop moving, even as Ford pulled her along, trying to make his way through the crowd.
They had arrived in this dimension a few days ago. Unfortunately, they had first been spat out in a rainforest with absolutely no civilization around. But after climbing a particularly tall tree, they had seen a town of sorts in the distance. Which is where they were now, hoping to find some food and maybe even shelter, that is, if Ford deemed this dimension safe enough to stay in for a little while.
 At first, the constant travel had been fun for Mabel. Getting to explore a new world every few days was exhilarating. But she was surprised to find that more recently, she missed a place she could call home. Though, more than anything, she missed Dipper and Stan. Of course, she loved Ford too. He had been looking out for her ever since she had been pulled into the portal, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him now. But still…she wished she could be with Ford and the rest of her family.
Something bumped Mabel particularly hard and she was shaken from her thoughts as she lost her footing. Her hand was yanked out of Ford’s and she fell to the ground.
Panic gripped her and she quickly stood up and tried catching sight of Ford, but the constant movement of aliens made standing still impossible. She thought she heard someone calling her name, but it was hard to hear over the crowd.
“Grunkle Ford!” Yelling at the top of her lungs, Mabel, tried pushing her way through the crowd, in what she thought was the direction Ford had been walking. But no matter how hard she tried, she was too small, and she couldn’t make any headway against the crowd.
Spotting an alleyway through the sea of legs, Mabel spun, jumped, rolled, and crawled until she made it to the backstreet. It wasn’t empty, but it was slightly less crowded. Spotting a box that was sealed shut, she made her way to it and managed to climb on top. But as she looked out over the sea of creatures, she couldn’t spot her grunkle. Ford was nowhere to be seen. Panic overwhelmed her as she realized that she was alone, lost in an unfamiliar dimension with absolutely no clue as to what to do next. It was her worst nightmare.
Ford was frantic. He couldn’t believe he’d lost Mabel. He should’ve been holding onto her tighter. No, he should’ve just carried her. What had he been thinking? In a crowd this big, that was the most logical option, and yet he hadn’t thought of it before entering the market and now she was gone.
“Mabel!” He called out again. He thought he had heard her call out a moment ago, but this time there was no response.
Darned this busy city. Reasonably, a city this remote in a rainforest shouldn’t be this crowded. Though perhaps it being the only city for miles was the reason for all of the foot traffic. Either way, he really should’ve scoped out the layout first before walking in. That’s what he normally would’ve done. But Mabel hadn’t had food in over a day. So, her hunger along with the possibility of letting her sleep in a semi normal structure for the first time in…weeks? Had caused him to act rashly. He had only wanted to make sure she had what she needed, and maybe help her mental state. Over the past few weeks, Ford had occasionally caught her looking downcast – though she quickly smiled when she noticed him looking – and this had seemed like a good opportunity to help her feel better.
“So much for that…” Ford muttered under his breath as he continued searching for Mabel. He had just spotted a possible vantage point he could use when something grabbed his jacket and pulled it back.
“Geez, slow down Grunkle D-”
As Ford looked down at the source of the voice, it cut off. His own legs stalled as he saw the boy who was holding his jacket. It couldn’t be…
For a second, Ford was transported to another lifetime. So long ago it felt like a dream. Hot summers on Glass Shard Beach, playing in the water, exploring the sand dunes, fixing up the Stan O War.
He was looking at his brother from thirty years ago.
Crap, wrong old guy. Stan thought to himself as he stared up at the man who’s coat he’d grabbed. Now that he had a closer look, he could tell that said coat wasn’t quite the same as Dipper’s, and of course, the man wasn’t his grunkle (okay, technically Dipper wasn’t actually his great uncle either, but it made it easier to call him that, okay?). However, there was something oddly familiar about this guy…
Some other creature bumped into him, threatening to pull him along in the crowd once again, like it had earlier. But then a hand grabbed his arm, and the old guy was dragging him through the crowd.
“Hey, what gives? I’m not-” Stan grabbed at the guy’s hand, trying to get him to let go, only to stop when he really looked at the hand. Wait, six fingers…it couldn’t be…could it?
Looking up, Stan tried to get a better look at the guy’s face. Something had seemed familiar about it when he’d first seen him, but now he was facing away as he pulled Stan along. But six fingers… Suddenly, the bright sunlight disappeared as he was pulled into a small alleyway. There were still a few beings milling about, but not has many as in the main square. Then the man spun around to look at him.
“What are you doing here?”
 Stan took a step back at the sharpness of the man’s voice. A tinge of fear grew in his chest. It wasn’t Dad, he knew that, but there was something so familiar about the words, the man’s stance, the look on his face - he couldn’t shake it. However, the ashamed expression when the old guy saw Stan shrink back wasn’t something Dad would’ve done.
“I-I don’t know. I was just here with my, well I call him my grunkle because-”
“Wait, wait, what? Your grunkle? Who?” Confusion crossed the guy’s face. “What’s his name?”
The man held up his hands and Stan found himself looking at them. He knew in this dimension, six fingers might not be an abnormal thing. But this guy was human, and he looked kind of like Dad…
“Are you my brother?” Stan blurted out before he could stop himself. It was hard to think about Ford looking old - that was just weird - but if he was old, well…Stan could see him looking kind of like this guy…
For a moment, the old man just stared at him, then signed and shook his head. “No, I’m not…well…kind of. I’m Stanford, but not your Stanford.”
“You mean there’s more than one of you? Are there more than one of me? Woah, we could build an army! Though I don’t know how much use an old guy would be but I’m sure you could do something. Oh, eww, am I old somewhere then? How-”
“Hold up. Just…one question at a time.” Old Ford had held out his hand again, as if wanting Stan to stop. He looked a little frustrated, but at the same time, there was the smallest bit of an amused smile on his face.
“There are…many different dimensions, and versions of you and me. I…haven’t met your older version,” a small shadow crossed his face, “but I’ve heard about him. However. That’s not important. What I need to know, is how you got here, and who are you looking for?”
Stan let out a huff. He thought Ford would be as excited as him about all of this but…then again, this was an old Ford and well…maybe he’d been in other dimensions a while and didn’t think it was cool anymore? Sometimes Dipper had seemed less thrilled about things than Stan thought were awesome. Or maybe it was just an old person thing? Gosh, Stan hoped he wasn’t a boring old guy in any dimension.
After a moment, he realized Ford was still looking at him questioningly and Stan realized that he’d have to tell this old version of his brother what had happened. He didn’t really want to, but he had a feeling Ford wouldn’t answer any of his questions unless Stan answered him first.
“Well…I kind of accidently got sucked into this big glowing circle thing that my Grantie Mabel really didn’t want me to shut off, then I met my Grunkle Dipper and we kind of…ran around jumping in all these portal things till we got here. And I swear I’d only been glancing at this cool gun shop, but somehow let go of his hand and then…I thought he was you.” Stan was a little surprised at how quickly the words came. Ever since he’d arrived in other dimensions, Dipper had told him to be careful about saying too much to the wrong people but…this was Ford. Sure, he was old but…it was still Ford. He could still tell him anything.
For a moment, Ford just stared at him, shock lining his face. Then he shook his head and took a breath. “Right…okay…We need to find your Dipper, and I need to…”
“What, you lose someone too?” Stan meant it as a joke, but his smile fell when he saw the concern on Ford’s face.
“Come on, it looks like the crowds are dying down some.” Ford held out his hand and without hesitation, Stan took it.
“I can help you find whoever you lost first.  I’m sure Dipper is fine.”
Ford looked down at him, a disbelieving frown on his face. “I…we’ll see who we find first…���
Putting on his best show of confidence – which was easy seeing as he was used to doing it for Ford – Stan nodded. “I bet we’ll find them both in the next ten minutes!”
How could I lose him?!? The thought kept running through Dipper’s head. After months with Stan, he had grown accustom to the boy’s affinity for trouble, which included checking things out that he probably shouldn’t have. So he should’ve been extra diligent in a place as crowded as this, but while keeping an eye out for danger, he must have let go of Stan’s hand and now the boy was lost to a sea of creatures. Guilt and fear clawed at Dipper’s chest. After decades of being alone, he had come to enjoy Stan’s company, plus, he was family.
Taking a deep breath, Dipper tried to still his anxiety, though it was easier said then done. It had already been far too long since Stan had disappeared, and Dipper still couldn’t think of a way to find him aside from waiting for the crowds to die down. It wasn’t ideal, but it was the only option he could see. He really needed to find a better way to keep track of his, for a better word, nephew (he was never the best at remembering all of the names for distant relatives and Stan called him Great Uncle so it worked).
As he pushed his way to a slightly less busy part of the market, Dipper searched for a good vantage point he could wait at, while still keeping an eye out for Stan. That’s when he heard it.
His feet stumbled to a stop and he quickly looked around, searching for its source. A bright splash of pink caught his eye – a bit out of place in the browns and tans of the city. Carefully making his way toward the figure, he tried pushing aside the feeling in his gut that something was familiar about the girl. Because, as he got closer, he could tell it was a girl, with short curly hair, and a bright pink sweater…
It’s not Mabel. He told himself, as he realized that’s who he was thinking of. Mabel was dimensions away and, well, she was as old as him now.
Crouching down, Dipper put on his best smile, despite his worry for Stan. “Hey, you okay there?”
The girl quickly looked up, her tear-filled eyes widening as she saw him.
Dipper found himself freezing as well. Because it was Mabel. Or, how she had looked as a kid. Sure, her hair was shorter and she looked more tired than she normally would’ve but…it was her.
He eyes flicked up to his hair then back down to his face. “D-Dipper?”
“I…yes, or no, it’s well…” Dipper frowned, he knew that the girl he was looking at wasn’t his sister. He’d been in enough dimensions to know that there were multiple versions of himself and his sister out there. And unless time travel was involved – which didn’t seem likely – this was simply another Mabel from another world. However…it still looked like her and…it still was a Mabel. He couldn’t push away the weight of responsibility to take care of her and make sure she got back where she needed to be.
“You’re from another dimension I guess…” Mabel’s quiet voice shook Dipper from his thoughts.
“Yeah…I…you know about those, huh?” Dipper remembered a day when he had been so excited about there being other dimensions, and other versions of himself. In a way it was still a nice thought, that maybe one version of himself hadn’t messed up…hadn’t ended up here. But it still didn’t change his situation, and after about a hundred different dimensions, survival was more important than excitement over new worlds.
“Yeah, Grunkle Ford told me about it once. He said he’d found a dimension where everyone was a baby once, he didn’t sound like he liked it but I think it would be fun…” Mabel gave Dipper a smile, though it wasn’t as bright as her normal smile. Or at least, like the one he remembered as a kid.
Then Mabel’s words registered and Dipper narrowed his eyes. “Wait, Ford? That…that’s Stan’s brother…” he muttered to himself.
Mabel perked up at that. “Stan? He’s here too?!?”
Dipper’s face fell as he remembered his predicament. “He…was…I…I lost track of him.”
“Oh…maybe I can help you find him! He can’t be too hard to find!”
A small smile grew on Dipper’s face at her optimism. Typical Mabel. “Well, he’s pretty small, about your size, but maybe with two-”
Dipper winced at the volume of her voice, but thankfully the creatures around didn’t pay much attention. “Yes, he’s about…” Dipper realized he didn’t actually know how old Stan was. “Maybe ten, or twelve? I’m not sure…”
“Oh my gosh, we have to find him! I gotta meet little Stan!” The brightness on Mabel’s face was a welcome change from the heaviness he had seen on it only a few moments ago. All traced of tears were gone.
A small laugh escaped Dipper and he nodded. “Well, alright then, let’s see if we can find him.” Holding out his hand, Dipper felt a small stab of sadness as Mabel immediately grabbed it. Just like when they were little…Shaking his head, he forced himself to focus. This wasn’t his dimension’s Mabel…but it was nice to see her again, even if it was only for a little while.
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Genya with a s/o who basically the enemy of Sanemi but loves Genya a lot headcanons?
Ngl, this request made me chuckle as it just made me picture genya trying to hold back his s/o from punching sanemi XD
Oh my god! Or the meme with the lady holding the dude while pointing at another dude XD
Thank you so much for requesting! Especially since I've not had many genya requests and its an honest to god crime....
I hope that you enjoy and that i've done your request justice, come back to request whenever you like as your more than welcome to return (^w^. )
Genya Shinazugawa with an S/O who's enemies with Sanemi - [Headcannons]
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If Genya got paid every single time you and his brother fought, he'd be rich enough to buy you something fancy and a house - but he didn't so bargaining you away with promises of affection and snack would have to do...
You were so sweet with him - so kind and understanding and patient with him that the first time you'd held his hands he'd almost started sobbing
You just hated Sanemi.....
Like, really hated him - "He's an arsehole Gen!" You'd proclaimed hands vigorously scrubbing away at the dirt on the table after dinner "I hate him and his face!"
It was safe to say that Sanemi didn't really like you either but then again he didn't really like anyone to begin with... - "I hate your partners face Genya, (He/She/They) annoy me and I'd punch 'em at any given opportunity"
Your soft words of love (to Genya) turn to hard acid whenever Sanemi makes an appearance - thinly veiled threats and insults exchanged quickly - and Genya always has to take a step back from the poison you spit, thankful (and slightly amused) that it's never directed towards him
Beautiful Smile shifting into a battle-worn snarl (a flash of canine and a vein prominent in your forehead) as you enter a stance that's very reminiscent of a street brawler
9/10 you two end up brawling
It didn't matter where you two went - to the market, training grounds, a mission or on the way home - you somehow managed to lock on and find Sanemi
"I can just feel his annoying, smug energy and it makes me want to punch him"
Genya quickly finds himself developing a sanemi radar too - especially a radar that works whenever the two of you go out - that out ranks yours, specifically so he can whisk you both away before you spot him and a verbal altercation occurs
On the days where your both acting "nice" to each other (which is very rare) you and sanemi still make poorly concealed jabs at each other
In an effort to get the both of you to get along (even if its only slighty) Genya sometimes made you both wear a "getting along" kimono (much like the getting along t-shirt) so that you both weren't fighting
"If neither of you can be nice to each other for an hour, I'm not gonna speak to either of you for the rest of the day" which is quickly followed by you complaining before trying to get along with the enemy (aka. Sanemi)
Also you know the meme where there's a guy in a armchair and he asks the other dude to look at him before calling dude.2 bitch? yeah, thats you and sanemi when genya's not looking
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loveandleases · 1 month
I actually forgot asking you this XD
So imagine a type of personality - like a shy, sweet, easily flustered MC, maybe in pastel or cozy comfort clothes / A badass, take-no-shit-from-no one MC with the combat boots, jacket and tight jeans. (Stay with me here)
Then the ROs discover (whether through online, insta post or just a friend msging) one of those black and white model pics - and it's soft!MC being hot, sexy and a 'status fatale' (gender neutral way of femme fatale? ;; closest description I can get at 4am) vibe OR badass!MC being classy, elegant and fabulous in a fancy, charming way? How would the ROs feel seeing that?
(and just so Cam doesn't get jealous of another photographer took this photo - let's say the photo was taken by a mutual friend of MC and Cam, who is also a photographer, is happily dating/engaged/married AND is totally doing this to tease both MC and Cam 🤣)
Feel free to decide if this is in rela or not :3 enioy~
Lol, where you playing Fields this late!? Status finale really has a ring to it~ (lets do crush stage!)
❤️Cam - He was just doom scrolling when he saw the photo, it took him less than a minute to recognize MC. Dressed up like that. They look hot and he is definitely pouting. Pouting and screenshotting the image for future...inspiration? Yeah, yeah inspiration. He needs to do a new shoot anyways. He will try and beat around the bush about it, why MC took the photo, why they didn't tell him. Then he will just say that as your bestie, you owe him a shoot. That is totally how this works. He needs to be allowed to capture you in the same way...this isn't for selfish reasons. He will get flustered, looking at the photo again. MC captured in a different way, its thrilling to him. When MC gives him a questioning glance Cam will stutter pretend he has something to do. That friend who took the photos is going to get a very rude wake up call, because Cam wants all of them. Very gimme gimme gimme.
💙 G - They get strangled on their tea, smacking themselves on the chest to try and catch their breath. G was just looking at the recent clothing line coming up, knowing they needed to get something nice to wear to see their parents. What they didn't expect was to see MC, clothes hugging their body, the look in their eyes made G's skin heat. Had they seen it before? Those eyes looked so alluring and yet, G can't remember if this is the first time they've seen it or not. G will be annoyed that they enjoy how MC looks, that it does more than make them think about MC. A thought they will try to knock out of their head as soon as it pops in. They will bury the emotions as deep as possible, after they look at the photo a few more times. No matter how much they hate to admit it, they always thought MC was attractive. With a bitter taste in their mouth there is one thought in G's mind, I wasn't the only one who thought so.
💚 Kara - Too cute! She's screen shotting, sending MC a text. "Why don't you ever take cute photos with me?" She was serious in her question, though she ensured to send a few emojis to come off as playful. Granted Kara's online presence is high, these photos she would keep to herself. Just like she did with the memories of when she would spend time with MC when they worked together. There's nothing wrong with thinking your sibling's ex-fiancé is attractive, sweet, funny. Especially when they're your friend. There's no underlying meaning as to why Kara makes the photo her background...none at all.
💛 M - They had seen the photo when scrolling, just something to break up the time between when they waited for their editor to reply back. M had tossed their phone behind them, and hopefully somewhere that they could find later. Their face bloomed with a blush, one they covered under their palms, face pressed so hard against the desk that it would likely leave a mark. They might have squealed appreciatively at the photo...maybe...possibly. To them it almost seemed impossible to be MC, they never looked like that before. Maybe that's why their so flustered, because they looked different. Should they ask MC about it? Damn it....why are you so....in a maid costume though? Alright...time to find their phone.
💜 Isaac - They try to ignore that feeling in their chest, the one that is telling them they like what they see, they want to see more, want to be around MC more. In fact they go so far as to close out the page and try and push the image from their thoughts. Which is easier said than done. MC looks good, great even. So good that it's leaving Isaac feeling like they should have saved that damn photo. That worries them, this feeling of wanting to hold on to them, even just a fraction. They'll make a flirty remark later on when they see MC, because that's what they do, a nice little cover. Flirt and feign ignorance. Ignorance of what they feel for MC, of the potential there.
🖤 Ardent - Damn, color him impressed. In fact color him more than impressed. Who knew the person he sees fighting to keep their eyes open, dressed in pjs, hair all messed up when its time for rent could look like this. Well....to be honest Ardent thought MC looked good like that too, but he will deny it. He thinks MC looks hot, too hot. Unfair really considering he doesn't get to see MC all dressed up. Ardent would be a bit annoyed, because why does the people who get to photograph MC get to witness how good they look and not him. That picture is coming with him, across the hall where he will annoyingly knock on the door until MC answers, and he will make a quip about if you're making such good money modeling he will want more rent. (just to get under mc's skin) "Ya know what, I need a decoy date. Mom's coming in down. Call it a favor? Or..I'll even let you skip out on next months rent."
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Lute sees Vaggie's wings have grown back and tries take them again. She grabs them to pull them off, but her hands burn right through her gloves. Sp, Lute tries to cut them off with her sword, but the blade shatters the second it hits the feathers. That's the power of love, bitch!
this could be either so dramatic or so fucking funny so i'd love to imagine it being Both
(fuck this turned out looooooong XD)
Emily: "Good news!”
Charlie: "YAY!"
Vaggie: "How good can it be, if we had to come all the way to stupid heaven to hear it?
Charlie: "Vaggie, c'mon- We could REALLY use some good news!"
Emily: "Then you'll love this. I looked into it and, Vaggie, you being abandoned in hell was wrong, not to mention Adam never cleared it with anyone else anyway- so you can come back here to heaven! Isn't that great!"
Charlie: "Oh... thanks Emily, that's..."
Vaggie: "Not happening."
Charlie: "Maybe she could have some time to think about-"
Lute: "No.”
Vaggie: "No."
Lute: “An angel's place is in heaven. Hell is a prison for sinners, demons, and the fallen who reject the very order of creation. If you choose to stay down there, then what does that make you?"
Vaggie: "It's making me fucking happy, for one thing."
Charlie: (whispers) "... a happy day in hell?"
Vaggie: (whispering back) "Every single one."
Charlie: (BEAMS)
Lute: "Then you've made your choice. You're not an angel. You’re not one of us. You're a traitor."
Vaggie: "And it's been better company than I had up here."
Lute: "Think so?” (grins) “Sera, respectfully, hell is rebelling-"
Charlie: "We were PROTECTING ourselves!"
Lute: "-they killed Adam and one of their people is up here acting like he doesn’t still sympathize with murderers and filthy sinners. We can’t risk anyone else getting past heaven’s gates.”
Vaggie: “Like I’d ever want to!”
Lute: “So you wouldn’t lead the charge if your demon bitch said the word and pointed at us?”
Emily: “Lute!”
Charlie: “Vaggie wouldn’t-”
Vaggie: “Charlie never would! That’s what makes her different from assholes like YOU.”
Lute: “You think everyone’s as weak as you are, don’t you? She’s a hellborn princess. She just called violently resisting a sanctioned extermination ‘self defense.’”
Lute: “Sinners are not people. They had their chance and burned it. And they’re not the only ones.”
Emily: “But they can be redeemed! We’ve seen it happen!”
Lute: “Once.”
Emily: “It doesn’t matter that it was only ‘once’- it matters that it happened and we still don’t understand why. We have a duty to the people of heaven, but if sinners can find their way here then that duty includes them too! And the exterminations were just wrong from the start!”
Lute: “Careful Emily, you’re starting to sound like a traitor too.”
Emily: “If the other choice is sounding like YOU, then-”
Sera: “Enough! Both of you! Emily is not the one on trial here, Lute.”
Lute: “Then listen to the ones that ARE! Sera, listen to them, listen to HER- she’s made her choice. She’s fallen even more than Lucifer Morningstar did-”
Charlie: “Don’t you DARE bring my dad into this!”
Lute: “-and there should be a PRICE for that. We need to take precautions.”
Emily: “Precautions? What does that even mean? She’s locked in hell with everyone else, like Lucifer is, what more can you even do to her?”
Lute: “Same thing I did before. Only this time.” (draws sword) “I know how to make it stick.”
Charlie: “What?”
Vaggie: “….you… bitch.”
Lute: "Traitor's don't need an angel's wings, do they? Traitors don't deserve them."
Charlie: "Well she has them again now anyway so CLEARLY having angel wings doesn’t mean what you think it does!”
Lute: “It means I didn’t use heavenly steel the first time.”
Emily: “You-”
Charlie: “Don’t. Come any closer.”
Emily: “Lute stop! Sera stop her! This isn’t helping anyone!”                        
Sera: “I have only one question.”
Lute: “Ask and get it over with, we all know what the answer is already.”
Sera: “Hush.”
Sera: “Vaggie. Do you reject our offer of a pardon, and the orders of and service to heaven, in favor of remaining hell?”
Vaggie: “…I do.”
Sera: "Understanding that no other angel has ever done so before?”
Vaggie: “They would’ve, if they’d met Charlie.”
Sera: “Then you are guilty of treason.”
Vaggie: “…”
Sera: “Lute. Make it quick.”
Lute: (grinning) “As the seraphim commands.”
Emily: “Wait-”
Charlie: “BACK. OFF.”
Sera: “You are not in hell, miss Morningstar, this is not your domain and you have no power to draw on here. I will honor our former treaty not to spill hell’s royal blood but do NOT test my patience with it. Emily, restrain her.”
Charlie: “NO-”
Emily: “Sera you can’t! This is-!”
Sera: “Fine. Exorcists, hold the hell princess. And Emily, if you cannot obey a command or bear witness to my rulings then leave before I remove you myself.”
Emily: “I… you…”
Lute: “Kneel. Traitor.”
Vaggie: “Charlie don’t struggle don’t fight them- get those fucking spears out of her face- Emily!”
Emily: “…what…?”
Lute: “I said. KNEEL.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE!”
Vaggie: “Please! Don’t let- AGH- don’t let them hurt her!”
Emily: “I won’t… I.” (grabs Charlie and holds on tight) “I- I have her. Spears down. I, have her restrained.”
Sera: (relieved) “Thank you.”
Lute: "Let's make you look the part first shall we? Trim this hair out of the way?"
Vaggie: "You're pathetic."
Lute: "I'm not the one chained up and crying on my knees."
Charlie: "PLEASE I can make a deal I can make a new agreement with heaven- Whatever you want! What do you WANT from us!?"
Lute: "I want her to hold still. If she flinches, I might nick that left over eye of hers."
Vaggie: "Fuck. You- Ah!"
Lute: "Whoops. Hope that won't scar."
Sera: "Lute I said to make it quick-"
Lute: "We want to it be clean too don't we. I'm just cut cutting off some loose ends- wouldn't want to miss her wings and MANGLE this, would I."
Emily: “Charlie-”
Charlie: “YOU!”
Lute: "There. Now you look just as pathetic as you did three years ago."
Emily: “Charlie just close your eyes, she’ll be okay-”
Lute: “No she won’t.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE-”
Lute: “AARGH!”
Sera: “…….” (horrified)
Lute: “My hand! My sword-” (rounds on Charlie) “Demon BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO!?”
Charlie: “Vaggie? Are you..?”
Vaggie: “….fine. I’m. I don’t think it’ll even bruise?”
Emily: (awed) “Your wings broke her sword. They shattered heavenly steel-”
Emily: “A miracle.” (releases Charlie)
Charlie: "Vaggie-" (snaps the chains off vaggie and pulls her close)
Sera: “Traitor. How did you regain those wings.”
Vaggie: (huddled in Charlie’s fierce hug) “C- someone told me I had to fight with love, and I thought about Charlie, and they just…”
Lute: “SEE!? They were made in HELL they’re as profane as the love that spawned them-”
Emily: “Then they’re not under heaven’s jurisdiction to take away, are they? They belong to Vaggie. Not to us.”
Lute: “Belong to- she doesn’t DESERVE-”
Emily: “And you don’t deserve to cut them off her apparently.”
Lute: “I-”
Sera: “Lute. QUIET.”
Lute: (seething and bleeding from sword shrapnel) “…”
Sera: “You, fallen. If I bent my power on you, I could very likely burn those wings from existence.”
Charlie: “If you want to start a war with hell that’s a VERY good way of doing it. Sera.”
Sera: "...."
Sera: “…you will no longer be allowed past the gates of heaven. You are here on and forever more bound to the regions of hell, regardless of your wings-”
Vaggie: “Fine by f-fucking me.”
Sera: “-and in time you will lose all your divinity. You will bleed a demon’s blood one day.”
Vaggie: “Good.”
Lute: “If you live that long.”
Charlie: (Unholy SNARL)
Emily: (getting between them) “Can I send them home now? Or are we going to do something else to shame all of heaven in front of our guests?”
Vaggie: (sighing) “I’d love to be home right now…”
Charlie: “We’ll be there in a second.” (hugs her tighter) “I promise.” (kiss her hair) “Want to stretch your wings?”
Vaggie: “…yeah.”
Sera: “No, Emily. I will banish them.”
Charlie: “Okay.” (suddenly glaring) “Ha ha thank you Sera but don’t bother. It’s straight down from here and the prison wards don’t stop anyone from coming IN do they?”
Emily: “Are you sure your wings are okay for flying with, Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “That’s what I wanna find out.”
Charlie: “We’ll be fine. And we won’t be coming back.”
Emily: “I’m sorry.”
Lute: “Like you’d have the chance.”
Sera: “Go. Heaven is no place for either of you.”
Charlie: “Wow really I hadn’t noticed! I mean no one in HELL ever tried mutilating my girlfriend in front of me, but whatever I guess!” (muttering) “Sadistic homophobic pricks.”
Vaggie: “Told you.”
Charlie: “You did. You did tell me. I’m sorry I didn’t-”
Vaggie: “I love that you didn’t listen.”
Charlie: “…okay.” (deep breath) “Okay.”
Vaggie: “Besides, there’s Sir Pentious up here now.”
Charlie: “True. They don’t deserve him.”
Vaggie: “And Emily.”
Charlie: “Hm.” (burns a hole in the clouds beneath them) “Ready to fuck off together for all eternity?”
Vaggie: (weak chuckle) “Yeah, sweetie. Let’s go home.”
- they go home-
Sera: “Emily.”
Emily: "..."
Sera: “I hope you will think hard on what you’ve done and very nearly did today. Please.” (touches Emily’s shoulder) “For your own sake. Please.” (leaves)
Emily: “…she’s never going to forgive me, is she.”
Lute: “Oh shut UP. Sera will forgive you for ANYTHING.”
Emily: “I meant Charlie.”
Lute: (disgusted noise) (throws her broken sword down after them) (stalks off)
Emily: (sits down on the edge of the clouds) (finds one of Vaggie’s loose feathers floating by) (picks it up and twirls it sadly as she stares down at the distant warm glow of hell)
-down in hell-
Angel Dust: "Unholy fuck, Vaggie Tales, what the hell happened to your hair?"
Charlie: "Lute."
Vaggie: "Heaven."
Angel Dust: "Huh. Shit that's a bad enough cut to make a guy rethink the whole redeemin' himself stuff to get up there, y'know?"
Charlie: "I know. Trust me Angel Dust- NOW, I know."
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Summary: You had a dream but unfortunately there was a misunderstanding.
Characters: Valtor x Reader (she/her) / Bloom
Words: 1091
Warnings: Implied smut/Nsfw, some spice but nothing detailed. Cuddling with a friend. Secret relationship. Enemy to lovers. Kind of betrayal. (Please let me know if I should add anything)
A/n: Hey Ho. Well, this is only the second fandom for which I post fanfiction and I haven’t written for a while. And my native language is not English, so please forgive me for any mistakes and it was more of a spontaneous idea I had. Please just don’t expect a Jane Austen novel. (I'm not nervous, you are xD) Okay, I’ll stop talking now and just hope that at least one person will kind of enjoy this here. Have a great day/evening/night.
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"Y/N! Hey, Y/N, wake up. You’re having a nightmare." The voice of bloom breaks through the wonderful dream you just had.
"Y/N, come on, please, you have to wake up, it’s all right, I’m here, it’s just a bad dream."
Confused, you slowely open your eyes but the second after you closed them again, blinded by the bright light of the lid lamp.
"Ugh," escapes your mouth while you press your face into the pillow.
"Y/N, finally! Everything is fine." Bloom’s deliberate calming words only add to your confusion. More carefully this time you turn your head to look at her.
The brightness lets small tears shimmer in your eyes, quickly you try to blink them away.
"What’s the matter?" you ask without really opening your mouth but Bloom understood you anyway.
She carefully puts a hand on your cheek, stroking a tear from your skin with her thumb. "Hey, don’t cry. Everything's okay, it was just a nightmare, don’t worry, Valtor’s not here."
Suddenly your eyes widen, "What? Valtor?" Your voice sounds nervous as you're pushing yourself up to sit, capturing her gaze with your own.
"Hey, I told you everything was okay. It was just a bad dream. You called Valtor’s name in your sleep, I can understand it, I often dream about him. But we’re with you, we protect each other, don’t worry."
The Guardian of the Dragon Flame moved closer to hug you. Still overwhelmed you let it happen, placing your head on her shoulder.
You can’t find the right words to get yourself out of this uncomfortable situation. And the only option you have is to play along and just agree.
You close your eyes, still not accustomed to the brightness and two more small tears roll over your cheeks, your chin and finally land on Bloom’s arm.
Your friend sighs, "Back a little, I can sleep next to you, maybe we’ll both dream better."
In your head you hear the laughing of the lord of evil. He's laughing at you for this situation. Gloatingly, teasingly.
You nod indecisively but at the same time shake your head to banish the magician from your thoughts, which rather ends in a strange circular movement.
The fairy lets you go and crawls behind you on the bed, patting on the mattress next to her and slowly you lie down.
With a snap, the light goes out. Bloom approaches you, wraps an arm around you before snuggling up to you.
You grab her hand to cross your fingers with hers.
"Try to sleep a bit more, I’m here now," she whispered.
Your heart is racing incessantly as you can do nothing but nod again, it has absolutely taken your breath away.
For the next few minutes it is quiet, you do not dare to move. Not until you are aware of the regular breath of the fairy. She fell asleep.
You sigh and are sure that your cheek must be red like a tomato from shame.
Your mind worked at full speed to realize and process the things that have just happened. You must summon all self-control to avoid giggling. At the same time, however, you feel your guilty conscience eating through your body, burying cell by cell.
Your friends were always there for you, they helped you every second without asking questions, they trusted you blindly, just like you trusted them. They made every effort to protect and support you.
You all had nightmares about all the things you had to go through and survive. But since Valtor came into your lives, everything has gotten worse. Hardly anyone can sleep for a whole night. Hardly anyone can dream of anything beautiful.
Hardly anyone can feel something like true joy.
But while all your friends were plagued with nightmares and are not allowed to have a careless second because of the dark wizard, he is the reason that you can sleep well. That you still feel something like satisfaction or happiness and can forget all that terrible things for a moment.
It was pure irony.
While they all suffered because of the wizard, every night you dream of his hands gliding over your entire body when you sneaked out of Alfea to meet him in the cloud tower again. How his lips invade every spot of your body, leading you into another dimension. How his rough voice sounds musically in your ears when he groans your name or tells you how perfect you are for him. How his hot breath flits over your skin when you lie in front of him on the desk. How he makes you feel as good as no other has done before.
What was your dream, was their nightmare.
What became your joy, became their sadness.
What deprived them of all their powers was what made you feel more alive than ever.
Valtor was their curse, but he was your blessing.
The more you thought about it, the more your mind became weary. And as soon as your eyes closed, you were back at the sport you were before Bloom woke you up.
In a storeroom in the cloud tower, without clothes, while the magician knelt in front of you, throwing your head back in pleasure.
In the cloud tower, Valtor laughed deeply as he turned his gaze away from the sphere through which he had observed you and your friend.
He could hardly wait to make you blush with the events of today and evoke your shy side the next time you would come to him, your enemy, to wind under him in passion.
He had taken off his coat and pulled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. Sitting in the big desk chair he turned in a semicircle. He looked through the large windows of Miss Griffin’s office into the dark night. Then he leaned back, closing his eyes as well before mentally diving into the same memories you are exploring.
This little fairy had fallen for him, just like he had fallen for her.
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Thanks for reading. 💚
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peachymilkandcream · 11 months
Movie! William Afton NSFW Alphabet
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(A/N: The NSFW Alphabets are their canon events I cannot stop this I'm sorry T-T Also please read the warnings, I don't care if it's fucked my guy literally stuffed children into suits he's fucked up.)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, age difference etc.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) William is surprisingly considerate, when he has the time to be. Most of his life is wrapped up in the chaos of covering up murders and coming up with new machines that sometimes sex just becomes stress relief and he doesn't have time for more. However when he can be convinced to take time away he really does try and care about his wife and make sure she feels clean and comfortable.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Deranged psychos and their hands are a thing I'm telling you. The power in behind them is 100% a secret turn on they won't admit. And when you've made your career the work of your hands, (like child murders and a booming business) you can't help but pick that as the favourite. For her, he's not super partial but he really likes her hair, gripping it, pulling it, is what he daydreams about.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Let's just saw how else did they have four kids, cmon now. ;)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) While it's not inherently sexual William really loves putting fear into others, and he 100% has a r*pe fantasy that he puts her through often. (Although for her he doesn't tell her that's what happening so it's 'authentic') This includes fake home invasions as well when he gets bored of vanilla sex and wants to "spice things up". Poor girl lives in fear daily.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) He has some before they met, mostly teenage mistakes when he had the time. After he started his career it was rare he did simply because of time. He knows enough of what he's doing, he knows how to make himself feel good and that's all that matters right?
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) My guy is a ride or die missionary, reverse cowgirl is the only other he'll consider. Anything else is just uncomfortable in his opinion, and again it's about what feels best for him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) William's very erratic so it really depends on the mood he's in, how his day has gone if this kids annoy him. He has been known to be more humorous on occasion but it's not often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Let's be honest William only gets his hair cut because his wife does it, he doesn't have the time to take care of himself like he should, those are precious moments that could go to his work. So no, he is not well groomed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) This again depends on the occasion, usually it's just stress relief so it's quick and usually not very romantic, but if it's a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday then he'll be way more romantic.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Same as with his hair, he honestly just never has time XD
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Big somnophilia fan, probably a slight breeding kink, lingerie (especially stockings), hair pulling, choking, gagging, knife play 100% (he's a serial killer, I had to).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Anywhere in the house really, anywhere he can get a moment alone. He used to enjoy when she distracted him in his workshop in the basement but now those old parts bring back haunting memories...
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Her being a mother to his children, it warms his little black heart and gets him going. As well as any new sets of lingerie she buys or he buys for her.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) She wouldn't but if she tried to dominate him, he would nope the fuck out of there. My guy is an S tier misogynist and believes his wife should be beneath him literally and figuratively.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) He prefers receiving simply because it plays into the whole gagging thing. Her gagging on his dick as he face fucks her is so hot to him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) As stated before it depends on the occasion, special moments require more slow and sensual whereas annoyance or hurry is fast and rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) His whole life is about quickies, having just enough time to get himself off is what he usually does.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) He takes too many risks, if he's not careful he's going to end up hurting her.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Obviously when he was younger it was more, but now he's a one or two rounds at most guy.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) No no never, no matter what it is he's come to not trust machines around his loved ones anymore.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) If he's in a goofy mood he will, but most of the time he doesn't have time to sit and tease her.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He's actually quite loud, groaning and even soft whimpers are his specialty.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) William has a thing for stockings because that's the first thing he saw her in and he started fantasizing how her thighs would jiggle in them while he was eating her out.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) I'd say he's above average, not too much but enough, he's slightly thick with a few smaller veins.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) His drive has really changed from wanting to have sex to wanted her to relieve stress. So because of all the stress he's under, it's pretty high.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) William is out like a light after, dreaming about his victims or how he disposed of bodies. Solid sleeper while his wife lays awake plagued by waking nightmares of her own.
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rivendell-poet · 3 days
Hello! It’s the same anon who asked you about the Hobbit movies :) I was wondering if you could write (no pressure! I just mostly wanted to share an idea) funny headcanons or a scenario of a female reader (could be a non-Mirkwood elf or someone from a long-lived race) who was part of Thorin’s company and meets Legolas again 60 years later when she’s with Frodo in Rivendell? Reader remembers how Legolas wasn’t too courteous to the Company and locked them up in the dungeons which made her dislike him quite a bit. And let’s just say that she wasn’t all too… thrilled upon meeting him again in LOTR and him joining the Fellowship with her ahaha. Bonus points if she remembers Legolas calling Gimli a ‘goblin mutant’ when he looked at Gloin’s locket in the Mirkwood forest xD.
Again, please take your time with this :) I understand that you have quite a few things to write, and I only want you to write whatever you feel happy writing <3
Hi anon! Sorry it took so long for your request, but hopefully this was what you meant with scenarios. If you'd prefer a oneshot please feel free to put a new request in <3 Thanks so much for the idea by the way, it was super fun to work with. And it genuinely means so much to read the last note on your request, so seriously thank you
*・༓˚✧ ❝𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧’𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲❞ ‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « scenarios »
Gender-neutral reader | Wordcount : 0.5k | TWs : None
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✧ To be perfectly honest, you hadn’t wanted to join the Company in the first place - it was more of a collection of favours than a real desire to reclaim Erebor.
✧ Which made it so much worse when you and the Company got captured in Mirkwood.
✧ (It probably didn’t help that you’d let out a small laughed at the blond elf’s joke about Glóin’s son. In your defence it was funny.)
✧ As an elf, the guards had been cordial to you - and you’d managed to find out quite a few things about the kingdom. Such as the blond elf being Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood.
✧ He tried to visit you, once, holding the idea of having a better bed and better food over you if you gave up the information.
✧  And you may not have wanted to be in the Company, but you’d be damned if you weren’t loyal to them.
✧ So you’d simply refused to speak to him.
✧ Although all that knowing his name, and your time in Mirkwood, really did was help put a name and reasons for your grudge.
✧ A grudge that hadn’t gone anywhere, until now.
✧ Because sitting across you from you at the Council of Elrond was the same elf as the one who you’d only properly seen through bars. Not that there was recognition in his face.
✧ The matters only got worse when you realised the name of the dwarf who was joining you - Gimli.
✧ For the first leg of the Fellowship you don’t bring it up, because the quest to save Middle Earth is (sadly) more important than a simple grudge.
✧ It doesn’t mean that you can’t still be slightly petty to him however.
✧ You never do anything that could endanger him, just subtle things - like waking him up a few minutes before his watch should start, or loosening his dagger from his scabbard only enough to make him confused.
✧ Gimli eventually figures out it was you, but promise not to tell. He’s the only one aside from Gandalf who actually knows of your involvement in the Fellowship, but not of the precise comments.
✧ That’s a little bit of information you want to share on a good occasion.
✧ You decide to finally share the story a little after leaving Lothlórien, because you can tell the Fellowship needs some cheering up.
✧ And when you say it you feel completely justified in waiting this long.
✧ Because you get to watch the elf almost turn pale - as pale as an elf could go - as the realisation hit him.
✧ (The rest of the Fellowship does briefly have to deal with Legolas looking horrified while you laugh and try not to keel over.)
✧ Merry and Pippin join in the laughter as soon as you explain the joke.
✧ And it does the job in cheering the Fellowship up.
✧ Legolas takes it surprisingly well, although afterwards approaches you to apologise in private - genuinely expressing remorse for his actions.
✧ It’s unexpected but welcomed, and you thank him for it.
✧ From then on it becomes an inside joke between you all (especially you and Legolas).
✧ And, when facing what you are, even a simple joke can be one of the brightest lights for the two of you. A light both of you are grateful for.
A/N : Sorry to any readers who wished for comedy, I'm afraid I'm not great when it comes to writing this. But hopefully you enjoyed it! And, honestly, I'm very open to writing more in this universe/with this premise if people want some <3
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« masterlist » thank you for reading *・༓˚✧ Taglist : @celestialhole / @starwars2222 / @xiaoseminence / @withasideofmeg / @nilintakan / @ferns-fics / @chewgazellechew / @recordofragnarokfan2 / @stormchaser819 / @raikan624 ✧ wish to be tagged?
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mushies-stories · 9 months
Could you write one with konig coming home all beat up and sore and his new plus size gf gives him a massage? Thank you!
do i know how to give a massage? no, BUT i did try my darndest. I'm also plus sized, but short XD i hope you like it! thank you for the request! <3
Authors note: this is also my first time writing for König and I do not at all know German so thanks google aha. If anything is wrong or something doesn’t fit right, let me know please!
König X plus sized Reader
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König’s body ached and his mind was tired. Thanks to his last mission he had a very long and rough past few days and just wanted to sleep. With a heavy sigh he unlocked his apartment and pushed through the door with his shoulder. From the hall he saw the kitchen light on and froze for just a moment before he heard your soft humming. A smile came to his lips as he kicked his boots off.
Abandoning his duffle bag by the door he made it to the kitchen without another sound. Not like it would have mattered, you hadn’t even noticed him coming home. He leaned against the door frame, body taking up most of the space while he watched you fuss about the kitchen. You were cleaning and putting dishes away. Swaying your hips and humming along to a song in your head you were completely oblivious to König's wandering eyes. He loved your curved, plump ass and thighs he always found himself groping. 
He had given you a key so if you needed anything while he was away or needed somewhere to go you could go there. In this moment he was grateful to himself. He was getting to see you like this, in his home and caring for him.
You had been so busy with cleaning up after cooking dinner for König so he had something when he got home, assuming it would be really late like he told you. 
It was only when you were finally done and put the last utensil away that you noticed him. Spinning on your heel to leave the kitchen you're started by your boyfriend towering in the doorway. You let out a high pitched yelp and hold your chest over your heart. "König! You scared me!” you gasp. “And what are you doing home so early?” you ask, looking up at him with a raised brow. 
“Tut mir leid.” he apologies and pushes off the door, taking the short stride to you. “Mission went better than I thought it would, got home early.” he mumbles and wrapped one arm around your shoulder and the other on the back of your head to bring you into him. 
Your head rests against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It told you he was alive and safe with you for the moment. “I made you dinner, I just wanted to make sure you ate something decent when he got back.” you told him. The relationship was still new and you didn’t want to push any boundaries by stepping into his space too much. 
“Liebling, it makes my heart warm knowing you care so much to do something like that.” he tells you and kisses the top of your head through the fabric. He really was happy, seeing you here after a long grueling mission set him at ease. He was more thankful for the meal, even if at the moment the only thing his body wanted to do was rest. “Need to shower first.” he says and goes to turn for the bathroom. 
Your hand wrapping around his forearm halts his movements and he looks back down to you, eyes questioning. You give him a shy smile and reach your hands up to the loose fabric of his mask and tug softly, silently asking permission to remove it. You wanted to kiss him, feel his lips since he had been away for a while. Reluctantly he nodded, not wanting to deny you when you looked up at him with big eyes and fluttery lashes. He lowered his head so you could slide it over his head. You set it down on the counter behind you and gasped softly. Brining your fingers to graze over your cheek you frown. He had a few bruises on his cheek and neck, clearly leading under his shirt. He got beat up badly this time around.
His hand engulfed your own then he tilted his head enough to kiss the palm of your hand. “I'm okay Liebling, no need to worry.” he whispers against your skin. 
Your frown never leaves but your heart does skip a beat, he was so soft with you. Even when he was in pain and beaten he stood before you being as gentle and caring as always. Shaking your head you take his hand in yours and start leading him to his bedroom. 
“What is it, Hase?” he asks.
Once you're in his room you let his hand go point to the bed. “Shirt off and on the bed.” you tell him. You know he's not normally one to take orders but he was also a stubborn man, something you learned early on. So, you thought being stern was your best bet since both of you knew you could do him no real harm. 
He cocked a brow at you and looked from the bed to you uncertain. He was still dirty, patched up but he didn't want to take the time to shower on base and came straight home. 
You noticed the look of worry in his eyes and chuckle with a shake of your head. “I'm going to give you a message, then you can take a hot shower and let your musicals relax.” you tell him and crawl into the bed, sitting on your knees. You motioned for him to hurry with a small smile. “Let me help take care of you König, please?” you ask, voice as sweet as honey.
He looked at your plush thighs as you sat. He thought being buried between them would be just as relaxing but he wanted to let you help him however you wanted, either way he would be right here with you. “Alright Hase.” he smiled and the plain black hoodie he had on over his head and dragged his undershirt with it. You contained your look of dislike over the bruises covering his body. You knew he was strong, tough and they just showed you just how well he would protect you… they also meant he was in danger more often than not and that thought scared you. He grounded when he finally relaxed onto the bed. He leaned back a little so he could turn and look at you. “Liebling, it’s really not that bad, just a little sore.” he made another attempt at reassuring you. He knows how bad it looks and just because he was used to it doesn’t mean you were, or really ever would be. 
You smile softly and nudge his shoulders to sit forward. “Hush, just sit there and relax.” you tell him with a little chuckle. Slowly your hands start to smooth over his back, locating the new cuts you found and giving each one a little kiss. 
König let out a content sigh and let his shoulders relax. His muscles loosened up a little too with just your sweet lips on his skin. Taking one more look over his back and shoulders for any you may have missed you started to really give him a message. Pressing your palms into his back and smoothing them up and over his shoulders. you take care to be gentle around any bruises and welts. When you hear a soft groan and see his head tilt forward, hanging lower and much more relaxed, your heart melts. 
The room is quiet for a while you work the knots from his shoulders. His breathing was slow and steady and from what you could see of his face, he had his eyes closed and his lips parted just a little. He was falling asleep.
Leaning up you press a tender kiss to his shoulder and his eyes flutter open. “Falling asleep on me?” you tease with another kiss to his bruised skin.
He nods and turns his body around enough to scoop you into his arms and bring you to his lap. You tried to swat at his hands and protest, telling him he was hurt and shouldn’t be lifting you but just ignored you and buried his head in the crook of your neck. “tut mir leid, your hands felt so good, puttin me to sleep.” he mumbles, his arms wrapped around your cushy middle. 
You lean your head on his and rake your fingers through his short hair. “Alright, go shower so you can get some rest.” you tell him and pat his shoulder. For a moment he doesn't move but when he does it's with you in his arms and is heading for the bathroom. “König, what are you doing?” you giggle sweetly.
“M’still sore, need you.” he says.
And that was that. König soon became accustomed to your skilled hands whenever he came home from a tough mission. Which meant you stayed over more and more, even while he way away. Soon permanently, he would make sure of it.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
OOOH!that ghost kid thing with the digital circus performers was amazing!!! I cant resist but ask.but can you make a headcanons of the performers would react if spirit kid Y/n is more absent today and suddenly after a while appear with more blood than usual..static noise around them..and points at the group and is like “I know who killed me now…” and poofs again away?? they found out who but as like a scare they prank the characters by making them think maybe one of them did..
I feel evil so- XD
Hope u have a good day!!
I'm glad you liked the hcs! Spooky season may be over, but I'm definitely not done writing spooky content 👻
He blinks, and then immediately turns directly to Gangle.
"Oh Gangle, I knew it was you all along. Tsk, tsk." He shakes his head, putting on the cheekiest grin as the ribbon gal cries out that she didn't do anything.
He knows you were just pranking all of them, although he does wonder who really murdered you and how you figured it out.
Given how much you've been disappearing lately, he's sure that it's only a matter of time before your spirit moves on.
Or maybe...you were cursed to forever live inside this game since you had no body to return to.
Then again, he's not sure if any of them do...
All he knows is that during the times he does see you with the group, you seem happier (although the blood and static noises are still prevalent and aren't any less unsettling to see/hear).
Maybe you've already made peace with your existence after solving this huge mystery, content with making dark jokes to cope.
At first she's happy..
Then she's utterly terrified once it sinks in that you didn't specify who exactly murdered you.
All you did was point to the group like you were accusing one of them before disappearing for the remainder of the day.
This poor jester can't remember anything for the life of her....so she can't help wondering if she might've been your killer.
You did arrive not long after she did.
After Jax points this out, she's 100% convinced it was her.
Maybe she unknowingly killed you while wearing the headset and this was some sort of eternal punishment.
It's a thought that keeps her up all night (not that she needed sleep to survive, but she was quite exhausted in the morning).
You do end up visiting her to say it was just a little prank. It wasn't anybody in the group and you didn't mean to freak her out this badly.
That brings her a lot of relief.
Although she's not a fan of your morbid humor (not that she'll say anything about it, though).
The second you vanish after revealing you knew your killer, everyone looks at each other in confusion
"Th-They didn't say who, though, did they...?" She mutters.
"Right, because they know it was you, Gangs." Jax remarks, causing her to freeze.
She's outright horrified he would even remotely suggest that.
Poor girl's scrambling to justify how she couldn't have possibly killed you when she's been stuck in the game longer than you.
Imagine her awkwardness as Jax openly states that he was in fact kidding around..
He also expresses his doubts she'd even be capable of murder...as he recounts her crying over accidentally stepping on a digital ladybug.
She's not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not.
Gangle only fully calms down once you go to her personally and reassure her you were just pranking the group.
Although you'll haunt Jax as payback for trying to throw her under the bus.
They just turn to the group and sigh.
"Okay, who did it? Because they've officially given me the f***ing creeps popping in and out like that."
She's strangled Jax on a number of occasions, so they are very much capable of committing violence...
But she has her doubts since you still hang around the group.
Alongside Jax, she quickly sees through your little joke and rolls their eyes when you admit that it was indeed a prank.
She can tolerate your dark humor, knowing you can't help it given your "spooky" theme.
They suspect Caine murdered you since he seemed most alarmed by your arrival. Plus you never spoke to him much.
But no, he actually helped you track down your killer--who abstracted the second they set foot inside the game and got thrown into the cellar.
Zooble never thought she'd see the day where they were actually impressed at Caine's actions.
Like Pomni and Gangle...he's probably gonna overthink it and grow distrustful of the others, wondering who did it.
You seemed quite confident and serious in your confession---and scary as hell, too.
He proposes they all discussed it at the dinner table and hold a vote on who to cast out (sorta like a certain video game with a name that sadly slips by him).
Ironically, he refuses to say anything and just....stares uncomfortably at Gangle the entire time.
But before any of the talks could end in fighting or her getting sacrificed to the Gloink Queen...you show up again, looking calmer and less bloody than before.
When you reveal it was just a little prank, Kinger sighs in relief.
"Good heavens, you nearly gave me a second heartattack, [y/n]! Why didn't you just say so?"
"...thought it would be funny."
"......AH!! GH-GHOST!!!"
"Aaaand there's "heartattack #2, ladies and gentleman," Jax shakes his head, kicking his feet onto the table with an amused smile.
She's genuinely happy to hear that you knew who your killer was...
Although before she can ask you who, you disappear without warning.
Judging from the way you acted, you were accusing one of them...yet you didn't signal out anybody in particular.
She knows that she couldn't have possibly done it.
So she spends most of the day trying to calm down Pomni and the others (but mostly Pomni) who think they might've somehow accidentally killed you.
It begins to stress her out a little, so she searches for you, and you prank her with something silly.
After making her laugh, you use that opportunity to explain that you were joking with the group earlier, reassuring her that it wasn't any of them and the killer had already abstracted.
Her face falls flat as she realizes you just wanted to see how they would all react.
"[Y/n], that's just...mean." She frowns. "Pomni was freaking out all day, you know."
"Tell her I didn't mean any harm...I guess..nobody here understands my humor."
"I mean I do, but dark humor is more Zooble's and Jax's shticks."
"....true. My bad, Rags."
".....it's okay, dear." She sighs, unable to stay mad at you forever. "I'm just glad you didn't drive yourself insane trying to find them."
221 notes · View notes
Office Hours/Bells is lowkey becoming one of my comfort fics, I love the lore and that they come from a kind of friendship that makes the whole fucked-up-ness of their situation less apparent xd Is there any chance you're considering writing another part? 👀
Also, your writing style is very impressive to me, I love how you go into detail when describing Y/n's feelings and thoughts and I like your vocabulary :3
Office Hours/Bells - Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader (Part 3)
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Pairing: Professor!Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 10 329
Warnings: SMUT (public/car sex, fingering, masturbation, overstimulation, p in v, spanking, cunnilingus, dry humping, thigh humping, slight bimbofication), Obsessive behaviour, Professor x Student
Summary: Life had gone back to normal for Y/n now, back at uni and free to live, but she stayed with Jonathan. Then Jonathan starts getting needy and one thing leads to another.
A/N: I had no intentions of writing another part to this but I had to after this ask, thank you so much for sending me this anon 💚 I love hearing from you lot and I really appreciate it :) I'm glad to write someones comfort fic, it means the world to me.
I made Jonathan not only a horny bastard, but also a teasing bastard cause he's an asshat.
I also brought Edward back cause Y/n needs friends! I hope you enjoy 💚
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Y/n’s life seemed to have seamlessly returned to its familiar rhythm. University occupied her days and she was granted her freedom to leave whenever she wished. Returning to university proved surprisingly seamless. Explaining her abrupt absence required minimal effort, considering the shitty environment of Gotham. In a city with its own set of pressing concerns, the university showed little interest in the temporary disappearance of a single student. Some of her peers questioned her abrupt absence, but she told them it was family matters which made them drop the topic immediately. Her once-close friends, though accepting her explanation, gradually drifted away due to the lack of communication. She understood their perspective, yet the tethering force of circumstance made rekindling those connections a challenge. Nonetheless, in her newfound relationship with Jonathan, those fading ties held little consequence.
Jonathan had become the focal point of her existence, a gravitational force that commanded her thoughts every second of each living moment. Love enveloped her heart, and every morning, she revelled in waking up next to him, ensuring each time he left was accompanied by a heartfelt goodbye. She made sure he woke her up before he departed at ungodly hours just to say goodbye.
Yet, the intensity of her emotions caused many problems. Times when Jonathan would leave without waking her up, she’d frantically dial his phone, calling a hundred times if she had to, only to unleash her frustration over the phone. But Every time, Jonathan responded with unwavering devotion, hastening back to comfort her unrest and lull her back into a peaceful slumber. There were instances when she felt utterly adrift, grappling with the overwhelming weight of existence, succumbing to panic attacks that left her incapacitated. In those vulnerable moments, he would return to a dishevelled scene, a testament to the chaos that was caused by his absence.
Aware that her obsession was a result of his actions, he acknowledged the unhealthy dynamic but he honestly couldn’t care less. Rather than recoiling, he found a peculiar allure in her obsession. Initially motivated by a desire for her well-being, his aspirations shifted over time. Now, he craved her presence unapologetically, indifferent to the means employed to secure it. What once began as a pursuit of what was best for Y/n transformed into an unbridled desire to possess her, regardless of the cost.
"Should I go pick up the rest of my stuff from the dorms?" Y/n inquired, setting her book down and directing her gaze toward Jonathan, who was seated at his desk.
He glanced over at her, considering the question. "I suppose that would be wise. I can drop you off at the dorms to gather your things tomorrow if you'd like. I won’t be able to help you get them though, being a professor and all." Jonathan suggested.
"That’s fine, I have a bunch of suitcases to pack my shit in. I'll let my parents know I've moved into a new rental and won't need to pay for the dorms anymore," Y/n confirmed.
Although her belongings at the dorm were not extensive, the prospect of decorating the warehouse with her personal items excited her, transforming it into a space that felt more like home. She looked forward to the opportunity to drag Jonathan to a department store, determined to infuse the place with a proper sense of homeliness, complete with a well-equipped kitchen. The bathroom, too, demanded considerable attention. In its current state, it lacked any built-in features, as they’d only been there for a week.
Gathering her belongings proved to be a straightforward task. Y/n efficiently packed everything from her compact dorm room into the waiting suitcases nestled in her closet. The prospect of adorning the warehouse with her personal items filled her with excitement. Down the elevator and into Jonathan's car parked outside, she loaded her possessions before promptly returning the key to the front desk.
Back at the warehouse, she eagerly unpacked her bag. Carefully laying out her blankets on the bed, the necessity of being well-prepared for the harsh Gotham winters. Finally having a place for the essential home items collected over the years, like plates and cutlery, added a comforting touch to her new living space.
"You've got quite the haul," Jonathan remarked, observing Y/n pull out an abundance of items.
Raising an eyebrow, Y/n questioned, "You don't like my mugs?" She held up a pair of cat-themed mugs that she had just grabbed from her suitcase.
Jonathan chuckled, "I just didn't expect someone who lived at the dorm to have such an array of things."
"Well, I bought them so that when I was ready, I'd already have everything to fill a house," Y/n explained.
Jonathan arched an eyebrow, "Then it must disappoint you that this is barely a house."
"Nonsense. It means I get to choose how this place is decorated," Y/n retorted with a smirk, asserting her enthusiasm for transforming their living space.
"Oh, really? What's your vision then?" Jonathan inquired, intrigued by Y/n's plans.
Leaning against the modest kitchen, Y/n surveyed their current setup. "Well, I'm not entirely certain about the kitchen yet, but it's going to be a vast improvement from what we have now," she asserted, gesturing towards the pitiful kitchen space, barely accommodating a mini fridge with a microwave above and a small countertop.
"And as for the bathroom, gunmetal grey, I think. Nice tiles, too," Y/n envisioned.
Jonathan raised an eyebrow, a practical concern surfacing. "You do understand we can't have people coming in here to do that work, right?" he pointed out, as this place held all his illegal equipment.
"I know. I can do it myself," Y/n confidently replied.
Surprised, Jonathan questioned, "You know how to tile?"
"Yeah, my mum and dad used to do up houses together. I've got some handiness skills, don't worry," Y/n assured, her tone reflecting both competence and determination. “But besides..that’s a job for another day.”
Jonathan hadn't imagined such a skill from Y/n, but he found himself appreciating the prospect of someone finally transforming their warehouse into something more inviting. As Y/n carried on with her unpacking, the idea of a visually improved environment began to take root.
Y/n dedicated the majority of her class time to envisioning and designing the ideal kitchen and bathroom for the warehouse. Having already grasped the lesson from Jonathan a week ago in private, most of the material seemed redundant. Jonathan, aware of her tendency to zone out, didn’t mind much. He’d never call her out in lectures like the other students.
Armed with her sketches and ideas, Y/n meticulously outlined the placement of kitchen cabinets and various items in her notebook. She opted against structural changes, acknowledging her lack of confidence in altering the layout of walls.
From his desk at the front, Jonathan observed her from a distance. Even at that distance, he could discern a glint in her eyes as she immersed herself in the creative process. His gaze remained captivated by her presence. The subtle way she bit her lip in deep thought, coupled with her choice to sit at the front, afforded him a clear view of her legs beneath the desk. Legs crossed, bare, and accentuated by the skirt she had chosen to wear that day, further held his attention.
Jonathan had always perceived her in a clean, innocent way–until today. Now, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was a dirty old man. Though she wasn't doing anything remotely sexual, he still felt ashamed of himself. To make matters worse, he couldn't tell whether he'd manage to restrain his impulses once alone with her.
The lecture concluded, and Y/n patiently waited for the room to clear before slipping into Jonathan's office.
"I've got some home plans!" Y/n announced, waving her paper triumphantly as she approached him.
Rounding the side of his desk, she brought a chair with her and settled next to him. Leaning in, she shuffled closer, spreading out her papers and indicating the above-view image of the warehouse's floor plan.
"I was thinking we could shift the kitchen over here, away from the bathroom. I mean, having no space between the two rooms is kind of gross, don't you think?" Y/n explained, pointing at the image with her pen.
Jonathan tried to focus on her words, but her proximity, especially the enticing warmth of her thigh against his own, distracted him.
"We can relocate the living space here, and it would be a better setup than what we have now. As we settle in, maybe we could add some walls, but honestly, I'm not confident in my skill set for that right now, so tha—" Y/n abruptly halted her explanation, catching Jonathan's lingering gaze.
"Why are you staring at me?" she inquired, noticing his distraction.
Jonathan, unable to resist, admitted, "Sorry, my Dear," before capturing her lips in a surprisingly passionate kiss, letting actions convey what words couldn't.
She emitted a soft squeak in response to the unexpected kiss, attributing it to Jonathan's attempt to express affection. Detecting an unusual tension in him that day, she decided to let it slide. "It's fine, just don't complain when the warehouse looks weird," she quipped with a playful note.
Y/n rose from the chair and settled onto the couch. However, the lingering trace of her scent and the warmth from her body seemed to cling to him, leaving an indelible impression long after she had moved away.
They arrived back at his hideout later in the night, and Jonathan couldn't shake off the feeling that he was a dirty pervert. All he wanted was Y/n's body all over him, a thought that clashed violently with his normally dispassionate nature. Even when he was a teenager, he never had romantic thoughts about anyone, much less lustful ones. But in his defense, his school was full of assholes and his grandmother would beat the lust out of him. But now, with Y/n in the picture, he couldn't help but feel like he was losing control.
Jonathan had promised Y/n that they would sit on the couch together and watch a movie tonight. She was bouncing with excitement, already making microwave popcorn for the movie. When she jumped onto the couch beside him, Jonathan couldn't help but feel his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to focus on the screen, but all he could see was Y/n's warm, inviting body next to him. Jonathan could feel all the blood rush to his dick, making it twitch painfully under his jeans. Thankfully, Y/n kept a blanket on the couch so he could cover up and pretend that nothing was wrong.
Y/n laid her head on Jonathan's shoulder while he sat awkwardly straight. She thought nothing of his usual stiffness, and for once, he was glad for his natural awkwardness. He could feel her warm breath on his neck, and the gentle rise and fall of her chest against his own. He tried to focus on the movie, but all he could think about was the soft curves of her body. He couldn't help but feel a wave of desire wash over him as he fought to keep his hands to himself.
While Y/n was enjoying The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Jonathan was stuck in a battle with his own thoughts. All he could think about was how he wanted to hear Y/n moan and scream beneath him as he rammed his dick into her. He tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was losing control.
Jonathan let his eyes drift from the flashy colors of the screen to Y/n. He couldn't help but notice the way her leg was thrusted out from under the blanket, her loose shorts revealing the soft, warm flesh of her thigh. 
All he could think about was how he wanted to bury his face between Y/n's thighs and eat her out while her legs squeezed his head. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he couldn't help but imagine the way her body would shudder with pleasure as he brought her to orgasm.
Poor Y/n wanted to have a sweet moment together, but Jonathan's thoughts were ruining it for him. Y/n had no idea of the battle that raged within him, the way he wanted to throw her down onto the couch and rut her like a dog in heat. He knew he had to keep it together if he didn't want to ruin this precious moment with Y/n.
He remained blissfully unaware that the film had ended until the closing credits began rolling, accompanied by the familiar tune of "Ocean Man." Y/n sat up, stretching, and inadvertently causing her shirt to ride up a little.
"I love that movie," she expressed, glancing down at Jonathan, who remained seated, seemingly reluctant to move.
"Come on, time for bed," Y/n insisted, seizing Jonathan's hand and coaxing him off the couch.
As she switched off the TV and put the empty popcorn bowl away, Jonathan stood there, taking a moment to readjust his pants, ensuring they wouldn't expose him. The both of them climbed up the stairs and hopped in the bed. 
"Goodnight," Y/n murmured, leaving a tender kiss on Jonathan's cheek before rolling over.
"Sleep came easily for Y/n, but for Jonathan, it was a different story. He lay awake with his hard dick pressed against his pants, thinking he couldn’t possibly be as horny in the morning as he was now, right? Oh boy, was he wrong.
For the next week, Jonathan felt like a perverted bastard. Every time he saw Y/n, he could feel his dick pulse in his pants. When he took her to the department store to look at cabinets and countertops, he couldn't help but imagine the way her body would shudder with pleasure as he fucked her over each one of them. How cute she’d look laying over the counters, moaning and squealing in pleasure as Jonathan fucked her. 
The two successfully purchased a nice set of countertops without Jonathan succumbing to his usual impulses. To maintain a low profile, Jonathan opted to rent a trailer for transporting the counters, avoiding the attention that delivery might attract. With the countertops secured, Y/n wasted no time and dove into the task of installing them in her designated kitchen space. Jonathan helped in rearranging everything, providing a helping hand as Y/n drilled the countertops into their designated spots.
Y/n was on the ground, drilling the indie shlefs of the lower cabinets. Jonathan walked up behind her and stood there. Y/n was wearing baggy pair of pajama shorts and he couldn’t look away from her ass. He wanted to grab her hips and force his dick inside of her like some shitty porno. Y/n noticed Jonathan standing behind her and looked back. 
"Everything okay, Jonathan?" Y/n inquired, her concern evident in her voice.
Jonathan inhaled sharply before walking away. He hoped Y/n hadn't seen his raging bulge in his pants. Y/n had begun noticing his strange behavior. If he wasn't strange before, he sure was now. She couldn't understand why he was like this. She tried to focus on their task, but all she could think about was the way his eyes had lingered on her body just a moment too long. Could he be thinking of some kind of twisted experiment like he does to his other victims. She couldn't help but feel a wave of unease wash over her as she wondered what was going on inside his head.
Y/n reclined on Jonathan's office couch, casually flipped through bathroom catalogues. As he watched her from behind the desk, Jonathan couldn't help but admire her stunning presence. Flipping through the pages with a smile, Y/n eventually stood up and approached Jonathan, holding a particular page out for him to look at.
"What do you think?" she inquired, presenting the page before him.
Yet, Jonathan found his gaze fixed on Y/n's face rather than the catalog. A face he looked at countless times daily, yet it still retained its irresistible allure, maintaining an enduring power over him. And these past couple weeks, everything about her he admire suddenly brought blood rushing to his dick.
Y/n's smile waned as silence met her question. "Jonathan?"
Before she could react, he swiftly cupped her face in his hands and pulled her into a kiss, leaving her momentarily breathless. She would have gasped if his mouth hadn't enveloped hers. When he finally pulled back, he held her gaze.
"Jonat—" she began, only to be abruptly cut off.
With a forceful motion, Jonathan cleared his books from the table, then effortlessly picked Y/n up from the ground, dropping her onto the tabletop. She squealed in surprise as he stood, the chair screeching against the floor, and loomed over her.
Y/n's heart raced as she realized Jonathan's true intentions. He brought his lips back down onto hers, kissing her with a fiery passion she'd never seen before. He pressed himself up against her, and she could feel his hard member pressing into her. It all made sense to her now. Jonathan was just really horny. All she could think about was the way his kisses made her body tingle with excitement.
She kissed him back, her fingers tangling in his hair. He groaned at her delicate touch and brought his lips down her face, leaving a trail of kisses on her jaw. He sucked and bit at her jaw and neck, leaving marks that would turn into bruises later. His hands glided down the sides of her body, gripping her plush thighs that he had been admiring for the past couple weeks. His rough fingers felt like heaven against her soft skin.
Jonathan subconsciously began grinding his hips into Y/n, and she let out a moan that echoed through the room. Y/n let her hands drag down Jonathan's body, making their way down to his pants, and that's when Jonathan realized what they were doing and where they were. He pulled away from her, but she couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment wash over her.
"We can't, Y/n," Jonathan said, standing up.
"What!? Why not?" Y/n questioned, sitting up from the table, a frown creasing her forehead.
"I'm not going to fuck you for the first time on a desk in my office," Jonathan said.
"Then why don't you make love to me on your desk in your office?" Y/n teased, playfully dragging her foot up the inside of his leg.
Jonathan raised an eyebrow in response, and Y/n, with an eye roll, conceded, "Fine."
Jonathan assisted her off the desk and took a moment to brush her hair, ensuring she looked presentable. "Come on, let's go home," he suggested.
"Fine, but the second we get through that door, your dick is all mine," Y/n playfully declared.
Y/n practically sprinted to the car in the parking lot, surprising Jonathan with her infectious enthusiasm. Once both of them were inside the car, Y/n quickly slid into the middle seat and peppered the side of Jonathan's face with kisses. A warmth spread through Jonathan's neck beneath his collar, caught off guard by Y/n’s affection.
He pulled out onto the road and Y/n was still at his side, her finger drawing pattern on his thigh, her touch like a feather that ignited a flame within him. “You keep this up and I might crash.” Jonathan said, his voice shaking with desire.
She chuckled a little, her tongue darting out to lick the side of his neck while her hand began to wander, tracing patterns on his chest with her tight grip, sending tingles down to his core. Y/n dragged her finger down to his hard member through his pants and squeezed it suddenly, causing Jonathan nearly to swerve off the road. It was a moment of intoxicating desire that he could not control.
"Fuck, Y/n. Are you trying to get punished?" Jonathan inquired.
"Maybe..." Y/n replied with a sly grin.
Jonathan gently removed her hand from his crotch. "Not while I'm driving," he asserted.
"Can you at least play with me then?" Y/n pleaded, pouting.
He sighed, "Lie down," he commanded.
Y/n was caught up in the heat of the moment, her body craving Jonathan's touch. She felt pleasure rush to her core and quickly laid down on her back, her head on Jonathan’s thigh. Jonathan, with his eyes still on the road, brought his hand down Y/n’s body and grasped her thighs. He pulled it back, one of her legs now in the air.
“You naughty fucking girl.” He said, giving her ass a hard slap. “Can’t wait till we're home.” 
She squealed before giggling. “I’m sorry, Professor, I just want you so bad!” Y/n said, her words catching in her throat.
He brought his hand to her core and rubbed her through her shorts. She hummed and grabbed a hold of Jonathan’s arm, her fingers digging into his skin. She started grinding up against it, trying to get more friction, her breath coming in short gasps.
Y/n's body was on fire as she felt Jonathan's hand slide down her pants and into her underwear. She bit her lip and moaned, her hips bucking against his touch. She felt his fingers graze her clit, sending a jolt of electricity straight to her core. He could feel her wetness through her underwear, his fingers slipping and sliding against her. Jonathan did his best to stay focused on the road, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.
He couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He pulled over to the side of the road, his eyes locked on Y/n's. 
“What are you doing?” Y/n asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.
“Come here,” Jonathan said, pulling her right up against his chest.
He could feel her heart racing against his own. He pushed her shorts down her legs and opened her back up, his fingers dipping between her wet pussy lips. She let out a moan, her hips bucking against his touch. His other hand pushed her hair out of the way, giving her neck a passionate kiss. She let out a moan, her body arching into his touch. 
“You’re so desperate for my touch, my Dear,” Jonathan said.
He rubbed his finger in circles at her entrance, teasing her and driving her wild. “Yeah, but you’re the one who pulled over to finger me, Dr. Crane..” Y/n giggled, her voice breathy with desire.
He grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him, his eyes burning into hers. “Keep up that attitude and you won’t be cumming for a week.”
She let out a gasp, her body shivering at his words. “Sorry, Dr. Crane, I’ll be good..” she said, her voice trembling.
“Good girl,” he said, his eyes softening as he kissed the top of her head. He plunged his finger into her, filling her up with his touch.
He pumped his fingers into her hole, her body clenching and unclenching around his touch. The sloppy noises filled the car, her moans and gasps echoing off the walls of the car. The scent of her sex filled the air, making his head swim with desire. He gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her skin as he pumped in and out of her.
“Tonight, I’m going to make you come, over and over again. You hear me?” Jonathan spoke, right up against her ear.
Y/n nodded, her eyes wide with anticipation. Her walls began throbbing around him, her body shivering with desire.
“Are you gonna cum on my fingers, my Dear?” Jonathan asked.
“Mhmm, Professor, I’m so close!” Y/n whined, her voice breathy with excitement.
He rubbed her in circles, his thumb rubbing against her clit, driving her wild. Her breath picked up as Jonathan continued to pump his fingers inside of her and flick her clit. She gripped his arm tighter, her body shivering with anticipation. He rubbed her in circles, his thumb rubbing against her clit, driving her wild. She let out a moan, her body arching into his touch.
It was a moment of intense pleasure that they couldn't resist. She came hard, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy clenched and unclenched around his touch, the wetness of her sex filling the air. He could feel the heat of her body, the passion of their moment bursting forth in a explosion of desire. It was a moment of intense desire that left them both breathless.
Jonathan pressed a kiss on her temple. “Let’s go home, my Dear.” Jonathan said, his voice sweet.
He pulled his fingers out of her, a string of her slick stuck to them. He brought them to his lips and sucked her sweet essence off of his fingers. Y/n let out a gasp, her body shivering with excitement.
Just as Y/n was about to sit back up, Jonathan held her back, keeping her anchored against him. Her body swelled with love at this little gesture. She laid back against him, her head resting on his chest. She could clearly see his hard member sitting in his pants, but she knew she couldn't touch it while he was driving. The drive back never felt longer. 
Getting through the warehouse door, Y/n pounced on Jonathan, kissing him deeply. Her breath picked up as he lifted her off the ground, her body shivering with anticipation. He made his way up the stairs to the bed, dropping her down on it. She gripped the sheets in her fists, her body swelling with desire.
He climbed on top of her, his lips pressing against hers. He moved his kisses to her neck, suckling at the tender skin. She gripped his hair, her body arching into his touch. He thrust his hips against hers, the heat of his body pressing against her. She could feel the hardness of his cock in his pants, the tip pressing against her cunt. She tightened her legs around his hips, pulling him down on her. He groaned, his lips pressing against hers.
 “This is what you wanted?” Jonathan said, seductively.
“Mhmm,” Y/n hummed, her lips biting together.
He bit her neck hard, her body shuddering with excitement. “Say it,” he commanded.
“Yes, Dr. Crane!” Y/n cried, her body arching into his touch.
He smirked, his lips pressing against hers. He continued to grind down on her, the heat of his body pressing against her. She let out a gasp as he ripped her shorts down her legs. 
“Don't think I haven't forgotten about that punishment,” he said.
Jonathan left a hard slap on Y/n's ass, the sting of it burning against her skin. She let out a gasp, her body shuddering with excitement. He rubbed the spot where he had hit her, his thumb rubbing against her skin.
Jonathan grabbed her hips, pulling her up, so her ass was in the air. He spread her legs and gave her ass another slap. 
“Letting your Professor finger you in the car, naughty little girl,” Jonathan said. A hard slap came down on her ass before thrust his fingers into her pussy, the heat of his touch sending shivers down her spine. 
“Playing with your little cunt sounds a lot worse to me, Professor,” Y/n teased.
Another slap came down on her ass, “You calling me a dirty pervert?” Jonathan asked.
“I may be..” she smirked.
“Yeah? So I'm a dirty pervert and you're a naive little girl,” he said, his voice low and rough. He planted a kiss down on her red ass cheek.
Jonathan flipped her back over, planting sweet kisses on her lips. Y/n, eager for more, slid her hands to Jonathan's shoulders, working on removing his jacket. However, just as things were about to escalate, Jonathan's work phone rang, his illegal work phone.
The two of them cursed simultaneously. Jonathan sighed and rested his forehead on Y/n’s with his eyes closed. “You have to be fucking kidding me,” Jonathan said.
Jonathan sat back up, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his phone and promptly answered it. Y/n pouted, propping herself up on her elbows as she watched him on the phone. His voice conveyed clear frustration, and the expression on his face mirrored the sentiment. Whatever transpired, it was evident that the situation was far from favorable.
The call ended, and Jonathan's expression turned somber as he dragged his hand down his face. "I have to head down to Arkham, I'm sorry, my Dear," he sighed.
Y/n's face dropped, desperation evident in her eyes. "No! You can't leave me!" she cried.
"I know, Y/n, I'm sorry. I need to deal with this, the Batman's been snooping, and I can't let that happen," Jonathan explained, gently holding Y/n's face in his hands.
"But I need you!" Y/n's eyes welled up with tears.
"Y/n, if the Batman finds out what I'm doing, I won't be coming back to you at all, and you don't want that, do you?" Jonathan said.
She shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. Jonathan planted a tender kiss on her forehead.
"I'll be back, don't cry," he reassured her.
She nodded, sniffling. "I'll wait," Y/n declared.
"I know," Jonathan offered a small smile before hopping off the bed and walking down the stairs.
Y/n fought to compose herself, determined not to shed any more tears. Left lying on the bed as Jonathan exited the warehouse, she wiped away the traces of her emotional outburst and mustered the strength to rise. Making her way to the bathroom, she assessed her reflection in the mirror.
Apart from her puffy eyes, her appearance seemed unremarkable, but she desired to present her best self for Jonathan upon his return. Opting for a quick shower and freshening up, she hastily ascended the stairs to select an outfit for the occasion.
She tossed her clothes around in a flurry, searching for something alluring to showcase her body to Jonathan. Unfortunately, it seemed her collection of bras and underwear consisted mainly of plain and mundane options. While she did have a couple of lacy pieces, they lacked the thrilling allure she desired. She let out a sigh, berating herself for not anticipating such a scenario.
Preferring not to be entirely naked upon Jonathan's return, Y/n searched for an outfit that would offer him the pleasure of unwrapping her later. Opting for a nice skirt and shirt combination, she believed Jonathan wouldn't mind. Choosing a short skirt, she hiked it up even higher, pairing it with a small shirt that ended just below her breasts and featured a flattering sweetheart neckline.
Adorned in her chosen attire, Y/n felt she looked absolutely adorable and held onto the hope that Jonathan would think the same. Laying back on the bed, Y/n contemplated the moments she would share with Jonathan upon his return. Despite her efforts to stay awake and be ready for him, she succumbed to exhaustion within an hour.
Jonathan wante to kill everyone that fucked up his night with Y/n, he was furious the entire time getting things sorted at Arkham. Hiding his experiments was already a challenging task, and the incompetence of those who worked for him made everything more difficult to an unnecessary degree.
Jonathan raced back to the warehouse, speeding all the way. By the time he arrived, well past 11 o'clock, the faint sound of a radio reached his ears from upstairs. Climbing the stairs, he sighed at the sight of Y/n, peaceful and beautiful, lying on the bed.
Regret gnawed at him for leaving her alone, he should have stayed, leaving the complications at Arkham for someone else to handle.
Noticing her changed clothes, he smiled. She lay on her stomach, her skirt revealing a hint of her tempting silhouette. Chuckling softly, he joined her on the bed, sitting beside her. As he stroked her hair, he could tell she was deeply asleep.
Jonathan planted a gentle kiss on her head before undressing and changing into pajamas. Slipping into bed beside her, he tucked her in, sharing the warmth of the covers.
Y/n awoke to find Jonathan's arm draped over her waist. Uncertain about the moment she fell asleep or when he returned home, a hint of disappointment lingered that they never ended up having sex last night. Nevertheless, the joy of his return outweighed any regrets.
She leaned over to plant a kiss on his lips before gracefully rising from the bed. Jonathan stirred as the bed shifted with her movements, and he watched as Y/n stretched her arms upward and twisted from side to side. Chuckling at the sight of her, with her enticing figure partially exposed, Jonathan's amusement prompted Y/n to turn around and catch his gaze.
"You're up?" Y/n smiled, breaking the quiet morning.
“It would appear that way, my Dear,” Jonathan replied.
Y/n leaned over, giving Jonathan another kiss, and this time, he reciprocated as he was awake this time. Jonathan finally sat up, embracing Y/n in his arms. She smiled, and he swayed her gently from side to side.
“So… are you going to make love to me, Dr. Crane?” Y/n asked, her tone teasing.
She stood on her tiptoes, nibbling at his ear seductively. Jonathan chuckled and shook his head.
“Tonight, my Dear,” he said.
Y/n pouted, “I waited all night!”
“I know, but we have to go to university, and I want to take my time with you,” Jonathan explained with a playful smirk.
Y/n huffed and rolled her eyes. "You better!" she said before making her way down the stairs.
Jonathan chuckled, amused by her playful sulking. He got up, readying himself for the day ahead.
In the car, Y/n moved closer to Jonathan, reminiscent of the previous day. Her fingers traced patterns on his thigh, but Jonathan intercepted her hand before anything further could happen. Y/n huffed but decided to let it go.
Upon reaching the university, the two settled in Jonathan's office, awaiting the start of the lecture. Y/n occupied the couch, attempting to capture Jonathan's attention the entire time. She gracefully slid down the couch, causing her skirt to hike up, revealing her underwear.
Jonathan was well aware of her intentions. He chuckled a little, maintaining his self-control. Just the day before, he struggled to keep his dick in check, and now he found himself edging her. Though his thoughts were running wild, essentially eye fucking her, he managed to remain composed.
Y/n was driven wild with desire, yearning for Jonathan's touch. She didn't care where he touched her or where he fucked her, all she wanted was him. She pulled her skirt up higher, revealing her clothed sex, and sat with her legs open, giving Jonathan a view of what he was working with. Jonathan didn't hesitate to look, but he made no move to touch her yet.
Y/n sighed, "Don't make me hump the couch."
"Hump the couch and I won't be touching you," Jonathan said.
“So..” Y/n stood up from the couch and straddled his leg. "Can I hump your thigh then?" Y/n asked.
"Fine, but no orgasm," Jonathan said.
Y/n giggled and began rocking her hips back and forth, her breath hitching as she felt the head of his cock brush against her knee through his pants.
Y/n was riding Jonathan's thigh, her hips moving in a steady rhythm. Her dress had ridden up to her waist, revealing the black lace of her only pair of underwear. Her breasts swayed with each movement, her nipples hard and poking through the fabric. She was breathing heavily, her face flushed with excitement. Jonathan watched her, his cock twitching with desire. He could feel the dampness of her sex through the fabric of his pants. He knew he couldn't last much longer.
"Such a sweet girl, you are," Jonathan said, his hands settling on her hips as she rode his thigh.
Her knees continued to brush against his hard erection, and Y/n couldn't help but laugh. "Calm down, don't wanna fog up your glasses," she teased, looking up at him with a mischievous grin.
Jonathan pulled her closer to his chest, her ass jutting out. He delivered a hard smack to her ass, making her gasp. "Watch it," he said, his voice stern.
Y/n looked up at him with a sly grin. "Sorry, Doc," she teased, knowing exactly what she was doing to him.
Y/n continued to ride his thigh, her hips grinding down hard against his touch. She could feel the wetness between her legs, and she knew that he could too. His cock was hard, and she could feel it pressing against her. She bit her lip, trying to hold back the moans that were threatening to escape
Jonathan watched her, his eyes burning with lust. He delivered a swift smack to her ass, making her chuckle and him smrik. Y/n looked up at him, her eyes shining with excitement. 
"Doctor, I think I'm gonna cum," she said, her voice shaking with anticipation.
Y/n was on the edge of orgasm when Jonathan pulled her off of his knee. "I don't think so, Dear," he said firmly.
Her building orgasm vanished, and Y/n was left feeling frustrated and angry. "What the fuck!?" she yelled, her hands balled into fists.
Jonathan looked at her with a stern expression. "I said no orgasm," he reminded her.
Y/n huffed, her chest heaving with anger. "Fine. Then I'll just have to figure out another way to cum," she said, turning away from him.
But Jonathan wasn't done. He swatted her ass hard, making her yelp and turn back around. 
"Don't think for a second that you're in control here," he said.
Y/n was furious. She stood up from her position and stormed over to the couch, crossing her arms.
“No time for sulking, girl, gotta be out in 5...” Jonathan remarked.
She got up from the couch, declaring, “I’m leaving now!”
Y/n stomped out of the office door and headed to her usual seat at the front. She was in for a long lecture.
The lecture concluded, and Y/n approached Jonathan, who sported a familiar smirk.
“Ready to head home?” Y/n said.
“For you, yes,” Jonathan replied with a smile.
“What?” Y/n squinted, puzzled.
“I have a meeting, and I've asked Nigma to take you home,” Jonathan explained.
“What, you two are buddies now?” Y/n questioned.
“Doesn't matter what we are; I want you home safe while I'm at my meeting,” Jonathan stated, gathering his belongings.
Y/n sighed, “You better be back before 5, come any later, and I'll be cumming instead,” she teased.
Jonathan chuckled, planting a kiss on her forehead. “He's waiting outside,” he informed her.
Y/n sighed and walked out of the lecture hall and outside. She immediately spotted Edward by his bright lime green car.
“How subtle,” Y/n remarked, approaching the car with its windows down.
“Hello, Y/n. Very nice to see you!” Edward greeted.
Y/n hopped into the passenger seat of the car. “So! Doing favors for Jonathan now?” she asked.
“I owe him... and besides, you're much more fun than that stick in the mud,” Edward replied.
Y/n chuckled as Edward pulled out onto the road.
“I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?” Edward suddenly posed a riddle.
“Seriously?” Y/n raised her eyebrows, looking at Edward. “A map. What am I, five?”
“I see that one was too easy, you'll never get my next one,” Edward said.
Y/n sighed, this was going to be a long ride.
Y/n was mentally exhausted. Being horny for the entire day was hard enough but dWe ealing with Edward's annoying riddles during the 20-minute drive had only added to her frustration. Despite that, she found some enjoyment in Edward's company.
“Would you like to come in?” Y/n asked.
Edward raised his eyebrows. “You really want me to?”
“Well, sure... just no more riddles!” Y/n demanded.
“You ask so much of me,” Edward said, hopping out of the car.
Y/n rolled her eyes. “You’ll live.”
They entered the warehouse, and Edward looked around, whistling in appreciation. “I see you’ve done some work around here,” he remarked.
“You like it?” Y/n asked.
“Much better than Jonathan’s old place. He’s never been the decorative type,” Edward said.
As Y/n led Edward Nigma into the warehouse, she offered, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"
Edward's eyes gleamed with interest. "Ah, the elixir of intellectual stimulation. I'd love one, thank you."
She stared at him for a second, judging his choice of words before walking off. Y/n guided him to a makeshift kitchen area where she had set up a coffee maker. She busied herself with the task of brewing coffee while Edward observed her surroundings, his eyes darting from one detail to another.
Handing him a steaming cup, Y/n took a seat across from Edward at a small table. "Sorry that you had to take me home? Well, not really, you paid it all back by tormenting me with riddles on the drive"
Edward grinned, sipping the coffee. "Well, my riddles are a delight, thank you. Jonathan asked me to ensure you get home safely. You're important to him, you know."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "I guess even Gotham rogues like yourself have a softer side."
Edward chuckled. "You know.. I’m surprised you even stayed."
Y/n maintained her smile, though it held a hint of frustration. "Well... We were friends before everything," she reiterated, trying to explain her perspective.
Edward continued stirring the conversation provocatively. "You sure it's not... Stockholm Syndrome?" he questioned, his finger tracing the rim of his coffee cup.
"No, it's not. He didn't really kidnap me," Y/n replied, laughter accompanied by a hint of stiffness.
Edward pressed further, bringing up the topic of the infamous bells. "Jonathan told me about the bells..."
"That doesn't matter anymore, he took them off. See!" Y/n shook her feet around, emphasizing that they made no sounds.
Edward, persistent in his scepticism, offered a backhanded suggestion. "I'd say you should see a psychiatrist, but I just think you'd find your way back to Jona-"
"Okay, Edward! I get it!" Y/n interjected, her smile tight-lipped, signalling an end to the topic.
Edward chuckled to himself, savouring a sip from his mug, as Y/n subtly redirected the conversation. "So yeah, I did up a nice kitchen and bathroom," she stated.
He observed his surroundings before responding, "Yes, it's a very nice kitchen."
As they continued chatting over coffee, Y/n was able to ignore the throbbing between her thighs for a couple of hours.
As the sun began to set, Y/n sat on the couch, her legs crossed and her eyes fixed on the TV screen. She was getting restless. It had been nearly 5 pm now, and Jonathan still hadn't come home. Edward had left a couple of hours ago, leaving Y/n with little to no distractions. 
She had tried to read, but her mind kept wandering. She had taken a long shower, hoping to relieve some of her tension, but it hadn't helped. Y/n had been feeling a sense of desperation building up inside her. It was like her body was craving something that she couldn't get on her own.
She needed Jonathan. She needed him to make her feel complete. But for now, she was left to her own devices. She sighed and leaned back against the couch, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. She needed to relax.
She flipped up her skirt and slipped her fingers down her underwear, touching herself in a way that made her shiver with excitement. Her hands moved slowly and sensually over her body. She moaned softly, feeling her core throbbing with anticipation. She rubbed her pussy in circles, her hips bucking against her touch. Her eyes fluttered close. She needed to cum. She needed it badly.
The TV was blaring, and Y/n was so lost in her own world that she didn't even hear the door open. She was knuckles deep and close to orgasm.
“Well!” a voice from in front of her spoke loudly. She suddenly gasped, opening her eyes and shaking in fright.
It was Jonathan, standing in front of her with a disapproving look on his face.
"You said you had until 5," he said, looking at his wrist watch. "It's only 4:51."
Y/n shook her head, trying to regain her composure. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice shaking. 
Jonathan shook his head, disappointed. "You think you can just do as you please?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.
Y/n shook her head, her eyes wide with fear. "No, no. Of course not," she said, trying to pacify him.
"Looks like you don't want to cum tonight," Jonathan said.
Y/n begged, grabbing onto Jonathan's arm. "No, please!" she said, her voice shaking. Jonathan didn't say anything else.
He just picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She screamed as he took her up the stairs and dropped her back on the bed.
"What am I going to do with such a naughty patient like you?" he asked, looking down at her. 
"Anything, Doctor," Y/n said, her voice shaking. "Just let me cum."
Jonathan sighed, feeling frustrated. He wanted to punish Y/n and not let her cum, but he could also see that she was desperate too.
"I'll let you cum," he said, "but you listen to me. I'm in charge."
Y/n nodded her head quickly. "Thank you, Dr. Crane," she said, her voice almost breathless.
Jonathan climbed onto the bed, hovering above Y/n. "You're going to cum three times," he said, "with no breaks, okay?"
Y/n nodded her head quickly. "Good," Jonathan said, his tone firm.
He straightened his back, removed his jacket, and rolled up his sleeves. "Move up a bit," he said, gesturing for Y/n to sit back further on the bed.
Y/n moved up, giving Jonathan more room below her. He knelt in front of her, his eyes fixed on her bare pussy.
"You're going to cum," he said, his voice seductive. "And you're going to enjoy every second of it."
Jonathan grabbed Y/n's legs and rested them over his shoulders. He brought his face closer to her pussy, inhaling the scent of her arousal. Y/n's eyes were filled with desperation as she watched him get closer and closer to her wet cunt. Jonathan licked her slowly, taking his time to tease her. He licked up and down her slit, making sure to hit all the right spots. Y/n moaned, her hips bucking against his touch.
His tongue danced around her clit, circling it slowly before dipping down to her entrance. Y/n cried out, arching her back as she felt him eat her out. Jonathan's tongue was magic, teasing and tormenting her. Y/n wriggled underneath him, trying to get closer to his mouth. She needed him to make her cum. Jonathan smiled to himself as he continued to eat her out, his eyes fixed on her pussy. He knew he had her right where he wanted her.
“Fuck, Dr. Crane!” Y/n moaned, gripping Jonathan’s hair.
Jonathan stuck his tongue into Y/n's entrance, pushing it in as far as he could. Y/n let out a sharp gasp, her eyes widening with surprise. He moved his tongue around, making circles and figure-eights inside her. Y/n bucked underneath him, her hips pushing against his face. Jonathan smiled, feeling her walls clench around his tongue.
He was driving her wild, and he knew it. Y/n moaned, her voice thick with arousal. She could feel her orgasm building, and she knew she was going to explode. Jonathan licked her until she could no longer take it. He pulled his tongue out of her, watching as she cried out in frustration. He smiled, knowing he had complete control over her pleasure. Y/n was his to do with as he pleased.
Jonathan withdrew his mouth, adjusting his glasses as he looked up at her. "Enjoying yourself, my pretty patient?" he asked with a smirk.
“Mhmm, yes, Dr. Crane.” Y/n bit her lips, looking down at him.
Jonathan began to finger her, pushing two fingers into her wet pussy. Y/n gasped, her eyes rolling back in her head. He moved his fingers in and out, stretching her walls and driving her wild. Y/n moaned, her hips pushing against his hand. Jonathan smiled, feeling her tighten around his fingers.
He sucked her clit, teasing it with his tongue. Y/n moaned, her hips bucking against his touch. Jonathan's fingers moved in and out of her, hitting all the right spots.
"You're such a desperate girl," Jonathan said.
"Please, Dr. Crane," Y/n said, her voice shaking with excitement.
"I need it." Jonathan smiled, feeling his cock harden at the sound of her voice.
He knew he had her right where he wanted her. "You're going to cum," he said. "And you're going to enjoy every second of it." Jonathan continued to eat her out, his tongue dancing around her pussy.
Y/n moaned, her hips bucking against his touch. "You like that?" he asked, looking up at her. "You like the way I'm making you feel?"
Y/n nodded her head quickly, her eyes fixed on his face. "Yes," she said, her voice thick with arousal. "Please, don't stop."
Y/n's body tensed, her walls clenched around his fingers, and her face contorted in pleasure. Jonathan smiled, feeling her orgasm build. He knew he was driving her wild. Y/n cried out, her body shuddering with pleasure. Her walls pulsed around his fingers, and her cunt spasmed on his tongue. Jonathan continued to eat her out, his tongue moving in circles around her clit. Y/n moaned, her body convulsing at his touch. She rolled her eyes back in her head, feeling the intensity of her orgasm. It was like nothing they had ever experienced before.
Y/n was coming down from her high, her eyes fixed on Jonathan's face. He smiled, knowing she was addicted to his touch. Jonathan's tongue was still on her, lapping up her juices seeping out. She whimpered, pushing his head away lightly.
"No use in that," Jonathan began to unbuckle his pants, his cock already hardening at the sight of her. "I've got all night with you." 
Jonathan pulled his pants down just past his hips, revealing his hard cock to Y/n. She admired it, her eyes fixed on the sight. He stroked it slowly, the dick already slick with her juices from his fingers. Jonathan lifted her legs onto his shoulders, the position she would learn to love. He lined himself up at her entrance, his cock pressing against her wet pussy. He slowly pushed in, watching as Y/n gasped. He smiled, feeling her walls clench around his cock.
Jonathan leaned over top of her, his lips brushing against her ear. "You’re so beautiful?"
Jonathan began thrusting into Y/n, his hips moving in a slow, steady rhythm. His hand roamed up the side of her legs, gripping her ankle. He felt the scars on her ankles and rubbed his thumb over them soothingly. Y/n moaned, her body arching into his touch. She reached up to unbutton his shirt, but he grabbed her wrists and held them above her head.
"I'm in control," he said, his voice firm. "You're mine to do with as I please." Y/n whimpered, her body shuddering with pleasure.
“Sorry, Dr. Crane,” Y/n said, breathlessly.
Jonathan's erection was big and hard, sliding in and out of Y/n's pussy. The feeling of his cock hitting her walls sent shockwaves of pleasure through her body. She could feel every inch of him as he pounded her. The sound of their flesh slapping together filled the room.
Y/n's head fell back and her eyes were closed tightly as she enjoyed the ride. Jonathan's breath was heavy as he groaned, continuing to thrust into her. He'd never felt something more heavenly, he knew he'd be addicted to the feeling of being inside of her. He continued to thrust, hitting the sweet spots inside of her.
In the position she was in, with her legs over his shoulders and arms above her head, Y/n was at Jonathan’s whim completely and she loved it. She felt his every stroke deep inside her, the burn in her pussy building with each thrust. His musky scent filled her nostrils, and she couldn't help but moan in ecstasy as the heat between them grew.
“You're such a good patient, Y/n,” he whispered against her ear, his hot breath making her wetter. Jonathan's words sent shivers down Y/n's spine.
Y/n couldn't help but moan in response, arching her back as his cock hit her sweet spot again and again.
“Oh, fuck,” she gasped, “I'm your patient, Dr. Crane.”
With that, he fucked her harder, taking him deep inside her as she called out his name. Jonathan's thrusts grew harder and faster, his hips pistoning into Y/n's pussy with a force that made her gasp. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he growled, his eyes locked on hers.
Y/n's head fell back as she felt the burn in her pussy grow, her breath coming in short gasps. With each thrust, Jonathan's cock hit her sweet spot, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She cried out in ecstasy, her nails digging into her palms as she urged him on.
Y/n felt her second orgasm building, her breath coming in short, heavy gasps. Jonathan's cock was still inside her, his eyes locked on hers as he watched her writhe in pleasure.
“Aww, is my little patient about to cum?” Jonathan mocked.
She had no time to answer when her body began shaking all over again, underneath Jonathan. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her, leaving her panting and weak in his arms. Jonathan kept up his pace, his cock hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. Y/n couldn't help but wonder how he was able to hold on for so long without cumming himself.
Y/n felt overstimulated, her senses on overload. Jonathan's cock was still pumping in her, his eyes locked on hers as he watched her writhe in pleasure, Jonathan fucked her harder and faster through her orgasm.
“Doctor, it's too much!” she gasped.
But Jonathan was unmoved. ”I don't care what it is, I'm gonna make you cum two more times,” he growled, his eyes locked on hers.
“B-but I've already cum twice! You said three!” Y/n cried. 
“I changed my mind,” Jonathan replied, his voice low and sultry.
Y/n knew that if she said stop, he'd listen immediately. But she loved the idea that Jonathan was doing this all by force, his cock buried deep inside her as he pounded into her.
Jonathan suddenly flipped her over, Y/n lying on her stomach. Jonathan hovered above her from behind, lining himself up before pushing inside of her again. His body weight above her kept her in place, giving her nowhere to move.
Y/n felt the heat of his breath against her neck as he growled, "You're mine," into her ear. 
She couldn't help but shiver, feeling so desired and taken. As he pounded into her, Y/n couldn't help but cry out in pleasure and overstimulation, her body responding to his every move. The pallets holding the bed up slammed against the floor, the sound echoing through the warehouse.
His hands gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her skin as he pumped into her. Y/n pressed on the mattress, feeling the heavy thud of his cock against her pussy. Jonathan's face was beaded with sweat, he enveloped Y/n in a warm embrace, his arms encircling her shoulders and waist, securing her close to him with a tender grip.
Y/n gripped his arm and sat around her shoulder, trying to hold on to reality. Tears pricked her eyes as Jonathan pounded into her. Y/n could feel his cock slide in and out of her, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks. It was intense, and Y/n couldn't help but beg for more.
Her voice cracked as she pleaded, “Pleae! Don't stop!” Tears streamed down her cheeks.
His rough features softened as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, just below her eyes, “You're so beautiful.”
Their breaths came in short gasps as he pounded into her, his movements becoming haphazard. Jonathan's movements became unsteady as he neared his own orgasm, his breath coming in short gasps. Y/n felt his weight shift as he slammed into her, his expression twisting into a snarl. It was a surprise his glasses never fell off with how animalistic he was.
“F-fuck, I need to pull out,” Jonathan shuddered.
But Y/n held onto his arm tightly, not allowing him to move. “No! Please, Dr. Crane! Don’t pull out.”
Jonathan's muscles tensed, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he came, his body trembling with the force of his orgasm. Y/n felt him pulse inside her, his hot cum filling her hole. But he didn't slow down, his thrusts becoming even more forceful as he continued to pound into her, ignoring his own overstimulation.
Jonathan's cum seeped out of her while he continued to pound into her, the sticky liquid dripping down her mound. Y/n had no time to think before her third orgasm came crashing down on her like a wave as Jonathan's thrusts grew even more frenzied. She cried out his name, her voice lost in the storm of pleasure that coursed through her body as her heart pounded in her chest.
Jonathan looked down at Y/n, her eyes glazed over and her body trembling with overstimulation.
“That's three,” he whispered, his voice rough with lust. “You can give me another one.”
Y/n couldn't form a coherent thought, her mind lost in a haze of pleasure as she felt Jonathan's cock pumping in and out of her. All she could do was moan and blabber.
"Is my patient all dumb, hmm?" Jonathan's voice was a low rumble as he held her face in his hand.
Y/n couldn't speak properly, her eyes rolling back into her head as he continued to thrust deep into her. She could feel his smile against her cheek as he looked down at her, the corners of his lips curling up in amusement.
Y/n's cunt was so overstimulated that it was numb with each thrust, but she could feel all the overwhelming pleasure that coursed through her body. She knew she wouldn't last much longer, her orgasm building up inside her like a storm brewing on the horizon.
“Fuck, already throbbing around me,” Jonathan muttered, mocking her. 'My sweet little patient is about to cum again, and it hasn't even been two minutes."
Jonathan felt his second orgasm nearing as Y/n was nearing her fourth. He gritted his teeth, his eyes darkening as he continued to pound into her.
“That's it, patient,” he muttered, his voice rough with desire. “Let it all out.”
Y/n's body arched sharply as her fourth orgasm crashed over her like a wave, her sobs of pleasure echoing in the room as Jonathan's own orgasm hit him like a bolt of lightning. He growled out her name, his heart pounding in his chest as he came, his body trembling with the force of his orgasm. They were both left panting and gasping for air, their bodies still pulsing with pleasure as they stared at each other in awe.
Jonathan stopped fucking Y/n and just held her, their bodies still pulsing with pleasure as they lay in a tangle of sweat-soaked sheets.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his voice rough with emotion as he whispered, “You did well, Y/n… my pretty patient..” 
Jonathan gently pulled out, tenderly turning her over. In her dazed state, he handled her with utmost care, cradling her in his arms. Y/n snuggled closer to Jonathan, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Their clothes, damp with sweat, clung to their bodies.
"Do you want my help having a shower?" Jonathan inquired of Y/n.
"Mhmm, later," Y/n whimpered.
"You really should freshen up, my Dear," Jonathan insisted.
"I can barely fucking think, let alone stand. Later, please," Y/n whined, her eyes closed.
Jonathan sighed. “Hour rest, then you’re showering.” 
“Okay, Dr. Crane,” Y/n murmurs, jokingly.
Jonathan chuckled softly, shaking his head, and simply held her close. Both of them knew that sex would now play a significant role in their relationship now, as neither could get enough of each other.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it. I plan to make some more for this series and feel free to request other stories too. I can't imagine it being a long series but I do have plans to write more. 💚
I began writing the smut scene while the poll was still going, so I started with calling Jonathan Professor Crane as it was in front but it ended up being Dr. Crane in the end, so I adapted to that, thank you everyone for voting in that poll, I appreciate the help :)
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lutorao · 27 days
Zoro, Law , Luffy
Chapter 1027 : "Defend Luffy!" made to do this analysis
in the 2 episodes Zoro appears, and we know how things unfold later, but that's not what I'm going to talk about right now
why Zoro and Law?! I'll explain that for sure
Zoro is the only member of the crew , I mean the only member why Luffy came to the marines. he didn't meet him by chance, Luffy didn't find Zoro by chance, as soon as he heard his name, he immediately decided that he had to find this person, which is not really the case with other crew, whom he met by chance and then saved them
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call me fool if you want but luffy's voice makes me believe that he was flirting a little bit isn't he?!
like look at him :xDD
many people saying that Usopp is his best friend, yeah i agree he is one of the closest friend, but let's don't forget that Zoro was the reason why luffy didn't came to Usopp in water 7 after his "betrayal" (was it betrayal or not it's up to your opinion)
Zoro is the only member from the crew that luffy really listens to and agrees without hesitation
Zoro is the only person who can stop Luffy and change his mind ( and we have a lot of examples)
Zoro is the person luffy trust most
like he fell asleep in the middle of the war, even though the two Yonko were fighting he still fell asleep because he knew for sure that no matter what happened Zoro would protect him
Before that, Zoro did the same
The trust of these two towards each other is on a different level
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Also Zoro was the only person on his team that Luffy had a blush on, have you ever seen Luffy so eager to see someone else from his crew :xD
i think we don't have to talking about Zoro's loyalty but what about Law's
he mentioned he wasn't going to betray luffy so didn't
i said before that luffy only listens to Zoro right?!
but there was one moment when he listened to Nami
it happened in Dressrosa , when Doffy shot law and kidnapped him , and Nami said that Law sacrificed himself In order to maintain the leverage they had against Doffy, they needed to believe in Law's plan to go to Zou so that his sacrifice would not be in vain (Later I will also analyze Dressrosa, there will be much more to talk about)
and luffy listened
reason: Law ✨
Luffy's relationship with Law is very different from Zoro's, I think Zoro and Luffy's duo was formed as best friends,like partners in crime , "If you kill someone, I will bury the body " something like that
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But towards Law he feels a different responsibility, law is not a member of his crew, he is not someone who "owes" him loyalty or to protect his life but he did
<<How much Luffy tried to get Law's attention or whether law would like him is another story (if you are interested, see its analysis here https://www.tumblr.com/l-in-the-light/760201641742008320/the-most-embarrassing-series-of-posts-about-lawlu?source=share ) >>>
When Luffy fights Kaido and loses, law was worrying and about what? what are you thinking ? on the plan ?! obviously , but also:
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I repeat this many times in my posts and I will also say that the relationship between these two idiots is much calmer in Wano, no matter how funny law looks when he is angry with Luffy , when he is in front of him he just can't do anything
he is like "babe are you okay?"
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yes law no one can deny luffy's cuteness and as long as your weakness is cute things 🥱 you are one of them , i m sure he repeats himself "stop being cute" when he sees luffy or "stop smile at me like that" ,"stop look at me with those big eyes"
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I want to remember one moment when Kidd says to Law "Congratulations you finally became Mugiwara's subordinate"
"FINALLY"???? umm
When Luffy falls asleep in the middle of the war and Killer starts laughing and asks Law what he thinks about Luffy, law says that they only have an alliance and nothing else
law's thoughts: first of all, I won't bother to explain anything to you, and secondly, if I told you right here and now that we are dating and he is with me , this crazy overprotective swordsman will cut me to pieces here, no thank you 🙂‍↔️
so i swear those two knows something , even Killer and Kid noticed
c'mon seriously, It was so obvious that even Kidd and Killer noticed
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And here is episode 1027 when Law and Zoro try to protect Luffy from Kaido, two swordsman , two extremely attractive swordsman try to protect Luffy and are ready to die
I'm even a little jealous of Luffy if these two man tried so hard to protect me hmm i don't mind honestly
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Law: don't talk to me with this soft voice, what are you about babe , of course i am ready to die along with you
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katyspersonal · 3 months
So like... thoughts on Messmer's crew? Not the man himself, just the guys he hired.
I actually found the remaining two Fire Knights just recently! :D I didn't post about it yet, but I assume this is all of them! ...I hope. Shadow's Keep has too many turns. Who knows.
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This is sweet how they all are close with Messmer and stood with him no matter what.... Unlike THESE traitors:
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(Sorry I forgot to copy the screenshots so have bad phone images fshhds) Like @heraldofcrow said earlier, it is really stupid how they could accept like genocides and whatever but drew the line at him being a snake sdfhfghds Well, Fire Knights definitely didn't!
Queelign was the first one I've met, and apparently in the wrong order since I missed him in Belurat and had to go back there! And I instantly hated that zealot, even before I had the picture of what exactly Fire Knights were!
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^ As if Queelign's dialogue was not enough, he also dropped THIS! The reason I will ALWAYS respect Miyazaki no matter what is that he always finds the way to throw a jab at this particular grudge at human race fsdhfdsh
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He is still a terrible person, but since then I warmed up to him when I've found some potential in him! He is not only the most fleshed out from the Fire Knights, but also in JUST the right way! He is very passionate and fanatical, but also very genuine and naive with his feelings. And he not only wants to be like Messmer, but also has very strong fixation on Marika! Like I keep joking, she is such a bad mother that even people who aren't her children have mommy issues over her fhhdsf
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But he also, interestingly, reflects that weaker, childish part of Messmer that still wants his mom to love him. Whereas Messmer is at least good at repressing it, with Queelign it is completely loose and earnest, and the guy is probably not aware! He IS like a little version of himself in this way.. Not sure whether Messmer dislikes him, or pities him, or maybe at least several times told him to NOT try to be like him! In any case, it is really cool how there is the guy who gives that interesting insight. You could write headcanons essays on the psychology between Queeling and Messmer, or just Queelign. I wrote an essay on what could transpire if Tarnished healed him instead (I believe he dies when we find him, from deadly wounds since we only access his chamber after beating him twice).
Like, you can work with this character, you see what I mean? I never found a similar rambling potential in, say, Alfred or Lautrec. They're religious fanatics too, yet that was exactly ALL I could tell about them. MEANWHILE I've made like FIVE posts about Queelign already and they are all substancial! And, boy, any writer WANTS a strictly cruel, fanatical, irredeemable, negative character to give something to talk about besides just kicking the topic of them being bad. If you are writer, remember to similarly give the topics of discussion to your villains! I agree with what Izunia said earlier:
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+ Correction though: Petrus does NOT belong in the list of fanatics xd He has opposite problem! He is a selfish, opportunistic, corrupt, cowardly parasite that benefits from the religious institution and doesn't actually HAVE any beliefs he will kill and die for. He kills for his benefit, like how he killed Reah after her being rescued clearly so she would not rat him out, ie risk his position as elite cleric! There is a good reason why of all cleric/religious/etc characters he is the only one who has no simps!
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This guy kicked my ass a couple of times, but if Fire Knights are Messmer's most important people, that makes him second most important person in his army? ...okay third, after his wife Rellana fsdjhdfhssd Really clever how only the captain wears a helmet fashioned after this creature, since he keeps Messmer's military forces in check here
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1) I also assume that the "loneliness" Wego experienced was from having outlived the people he held dear as not only being in the military but also elder! Because why else would he be strictly lonely, if he has friends within the covenant? Like look right here, he had a pupil! :p 2) This implies that disagreeing with Messmer was a huge risk.. but not only Messmer spared him, but also actually listened to his request!
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So basically, Salza is okay with burning people and their homes, but he draws the line at destruction of like, culture, knowledge and ancient architecture fshfds And not he alone:
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It were Fire Knights who asked Messmer to have the Specimen Storehouse, so there is at least historical remains about the species they destroyed! So as funny as the double standard looks, it makes a lot of sense; like it was mentioned earlier, all Fire Knights were nobles at the Erdtree! Of course they have it internalised to preserve culture and knowledge for the future! They all had to be well-educated and well-cultured people, not sympathising with the type of hatred that aims to erase as much as history! And at the same time, being educated didn't help them to consider not participating in the HoLy cRuSaDe to begin with..
And this is so human. It is very realistic. There is a lingering misconception that it is ignorance, poor quality of living, low class, bad past or all at once that makes people prone to crime, but in reality there are criminals in every class and every demographic. We should not attribute the root of all evil, crimes and harmful prejudices only to concrete group, because this is always just a matter of multiple people gathering and deciding to do something. When it is not mistreatment and despair that drives people to evil, it is power and corruption, because people ARE evil by nature.
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So yeah, I really like what they did with this covenant! They did well with giving the sense of each of them being an individual by naming and distinguishing five characters like this! For Soulsborne games, this is rich x) They have some tweaks to their outfits or weapons, they have characterisation that makes them unlike each other, and THIS is what's wild; how so many people that clearly can and always could think for themselves ended up here! Queelign too! I could speculate that Alfred has been indoctrinated and brainwashed since young age, or that Lautrec lost his marbles after some sort of grasp by Fina, but Queelign apparently was no less of a noble that decided to go like his peers, nor he'd be any more embraced by Marika than everyone else with grace! He is Just Like This fshdfhs
They made the covenant very real an interesting. (Also rich for creating OCs if you like writing awful people and want to be close with Messmer 😔)
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
I am craving for some Sub!Robin from teen titans (the one from 2003) smut with fem!reader. Like, reader being a superhero from his group that is just flirty by nature and has this smug grin always on her face. And Robin can't help but feel nervous around her (but pretending he's not-) until one day it just happens and when he tries to dom the reader he finds out that he is gonna be the one dominated and not the other way xd
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warnings: smut, fem!dom, cunnalingus f! receiving, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, mentions of scars (from being a hero), creampie
robin finds out the hard way he’s much more turned on by someone who takes control of him in bed
The titans had the day off. Rare, almost extremely rare seeing as Jump City was almost as chaotic as Gotham or Blüdhaven. But Blackfire had convinced them all to go to a ‘killer’ party downtown so she can bond with her little sister.
Y/n didn’t mind, she loved the party scene. Guys that were so easily flustered, girls that all loved how confident she was, and how annoyed Robin looked when she talked to everyone. He usually played it off, not well, but he tried his best.
Blackfire’s laugh caught her attention. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing. Just how hard Robin is eye hanging you right now.” y/n glances over at the spiky haired boy and indeed he was watching her with an unreadable expression.
She rolls her eyes while Blackfire spins her to the music. "He always acts so jealous. It's funny really, I just wish he'd grow a pair ya know? I can't keep playing cat and mouse like this. No matter how good a cat I am." Both girls giggle until the subject of their conversation walks over.
"H/n, Blackfire." He greets the two who just look at one another.
"Hello Robin. What can I do for you?" Y/n smirks and stands closer to him. Her face leans in to look up at him with a cocky grin. "I'd be happy to take orders from my great and intelligent leader." Her voice just oozes with the confidence only she possessed. Not even Blackfire would compare her charms to her friends. Even if they were two of a kind.
Robin clears his throat semi-awkwardly. "We need to talk."
"About what?" She smiles playing dumb. It only made it more difficult for Robin. She loved putting up a naive front to mess with him even more. It was the only way to best the normally composed Robin.
Especially since they had a past.
Robin grabs her wrist and pulls her away from the blaring lights and pounding music. “Hey what’s this about?” Now she was genuinely confused. It wasn’t like him to get all pent up. She tilts her head and before she can speak lips crash onto hers.
Robin presses y/n against the cold wall, his lust overwhelming. Her fingers curl into his slicked back hair while his hands roam her hips. “Fuck,” She mumbles before Robin pulls her into a random bedroom.
They both fall back onto the bed with Robin pushing aside her clothing to get them off as soon as possible. "You knew exactly what you were doing, didn't you?" He mumbles against her neck desperate for a response. There was no way she would do all that without wanting this type of reaction from him. She knew him too well to do that.
"And if I did?"
Robin's breath hitches slightly at her tone. She was enjoying this, his little outburst. It was entertaining her. The thought turned him on more than he would like to admit of course. "Then you're a bigger slut than I thought you were."
Just like that she yanks his hair back and looks him dead in the eyes, she was feeling different tonight. "Call me that again and I leave you here alone with your hand to get you off. Got it?" Dick gulps and nods. Y/n smirks and fumbles with her utility belt. "Now, be a good boy and help me with this."
Like an obedient lap dog he does as she says. Wasting no time in undoing the belt and discarding her bottoms. "Perfect. Okay Robin, eat." She pushes herself up more on the mattress and spreads her pristine built legs for him. Robin, ever so desperate to please, begins sucking at her clit and eating her out like a starved man.
Moans leave her mouth while she holds onto his hair. "Fuck, you're doing so damn good. Yeah. Right there. Right there. Fuck!" Robin doesn't stop while he holds onto her thighs for support. Her moans made his cock strain in his pants and her praise made him even more sprung.
Robin had y/n swearing like madwoman with how well he was doing. It drove her crazy. Her legs were shaking by the time she came, but when she did you could bet Robin was ready for whatever she told him to do next. Look at him, what a sub.
Y/n giggles while Robin starts to leave sloppy kisses all over her body. Each and every scar left from their many battles and even the ones before the team. "Okay okay, let me have my fun now." Her tone was almost sadistic; her eyes glowed with ecstasy and lust. Almost glazed over with a far off look. Like she was lost in her pleasure.
Robin doesn't get a chance to react when she uses her strength to flip him over and sit down on his stomach. Her cunt was still dripping wet and she could feel his erection on her ass. "You're so god damn needy Dick." His real name was a rare gift he got to hear, but god did he love to hear her say it.
She swiftly removes his bottoms and is surprised by just how hard he was. Unlike every other time, her being dominant turned him on the most. Interesting. Y/n crawls over him before kneeling above his hardened dick. She carefully spreads her pussy and lines them up.
"What no condom?" He sputters out from his lack of breath. She just smiles at him.
"Happy birthday Grayson." His eyes shut from the amount of pure pleasure he feels from her warm cunt swallowing his dick whole. It never failed to knock the breath from his lungs. "Fuck, you're so big."
Robin tries to grab at her thighs to have some sort of stability, but she instead grabs his hands and holds them above his head. Her strength allows her to push his wrists into the mattress while she begins to rock her hips. The music outside was now silent to them because of how enveloped they were with each other.
Y/n leans over Robin and smiles while her hips set a steady and fast paced rhythm. Her ass bounced on his quivering dick while he whispered out praises. "You're so tight. Fuck, you feel so good y/n." He was coming undone by the minute.
Her teeth start to graze over his skin making him shiver. "Quiet now D, wouldn't want anyone to walk in." He practically ignores her when she begins to bite down on his neck.
"Fuck!" She just chuckles and starts to suckle gently. Her rhythmic bouncing is met with him bucking his hips upwards to meet her throbbing cunt. Y/n moans into his neck, feeling her orgasm creep up on her once again. "Wanna cum birthday boy?" A series of rushed and quiet yes's slip from Robin's lips.
Their speed increases while Robin starts to hit deeper with his stronger thrusts. She lets go of his hands and arches her back in pleasure. "Oh my god!" She moans out while Robin grabs her hips to start bringing them down faster. "I'm so close!"
Both of them are oblivious to the unwinding party as they chase their highs. "Fuck y/n, I'm gonna cum. Where do I?"
"I said, happy birthday. Didn't I?" Her voice is strained and pitchy while she grinds desperate for her release. Robin can feel his looming and before he knows it he brings her down and fully bottoms out before spurting his cum into her awaiting cunt. "Fuuuccking hell!"
Y/n clenches down around him when she feels the tension in her stomach break and she cums. She sighs before collapsing down on the bed next to Robin. His breathing starts to steady when he turns to face her.
"Hope you liked your gift, birthday boy."
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onskepa · 1 year
Hello, could i get a neteyam x human fem reader one? Neteyam and reader were together for a short amount of time and they didn't have time to cuddle or stay together. One day Neteyam comes at the lab to meet with reader and forgets how small she really is. She's a rly short girl, maybe 4'11 (148 cm) so she smaller than all the humans from the lab. He takes advantage of it and corners her to the wall knwoing she can't escape or manhandles her like a doll. OML I WANT A NETEYAM IN MY LIFE SO BAD
Sorry if this was already asked but i don't remember if i requested this. Like ik i requested this but don't remember who i requested. Thank you
Hellooooooooo~!! You're the first to ask for a short reader! Which is refreshing to see XD Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this one~!!
A little tug here, a little pull there
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The humans are very different from each other. Some are tall, others are shorter, some have facial hair, others have short hair, different skin tomes, different accents, etc.
How humans look like has always peaked the sully children's interest. Norm is a funny looking human, tall, lanky, scrawny, and very smart.
But there is one human that never fails to catch interest of neteyam. That is Hi'i. Neteyam and hi'i have known each other for almost their entire lives. Know each others secrets, habits, hobbies, likes, dislikes, evertthing.
But if there is anything that always gets neteyam by surprise, is just how small hi'i is.
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Comparing all the humans height together. hi'i is the last in line, as being the shortest of them all. And neteyam likes it. Its not secret to everyone that neteyam likes to tease hi'i about her height.
It doesnt help since all na'vi are very tall, so when hi'i is next to tuk. Hi'i is very baby. So neteyam cant help it! He enjoys carrying her around , can easily pick her up as she weight less than a leaf.
So when they began to officially date, oh Eywa did the teasing turn up 10X more.
So every time neteyam goes to the lab to see his little lover, he really means little lover. Standing at 4'10 ft tall. So small. So little. So cute.
As the son of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, he has many responsibilities to do and a face to uphold. So unfortunately he doesn't get to see his little lover as much as he liked. But if there is one benefit to it all. It is that he will be NOT be constantly surprised how small his little lover is. He forgets most of the time but enjoys being reminded.
Like right now. Standing before him was his cute, small, little lover. "I see you came with big anticipation" hi'i smiles as she tells him. He nods in agreement, "of course, whenever I have the chance, I will always come see you".
Both sat in hi'i bedroom floor, just spending some quality time by listening to music and talking about each others days. But one thing that is consistent, is neteyam having the need to touch hi'i everywhere.
"neteyam, I think you have my body mapped out by now" hi'i giggled as neteyam's hands roam on her legs. Gently kissing her on the cheek, neteyam replies "ma'yawntutsyip, even if I know every inch of your body, my hands will never be away from you. You are just too cute to not handle".
Every praise, every comment neteyam says, hi'i cant help but be a blushing mess. It will never get old no matter how many times he says it.
"still, at some point you will have to stop" hi'i says, that only made neteyam want to explore more. From her legs to her arms, neteyam buries his face at the crook of hi'i neck. She gently placed her hand on his cheek.
"I don't wanna..." hi'i giggles at his childish act. Was a cute sight to see him pout and be clingy. Not everyday he can act like his age or more childlike.
"neteyam, give me a moment I need to get something from another room" hi'i says as she tries to wiggle out of neteyam's grasp. "no, I want you to stay like this. Whatever it is, you can get it later".
Hi'i slightly groans. "No because then I will forget about it, I will be back, it will only take two minutes I promise". Finally out of his grasp, she makes her way to the door only for neteyam's shadow loom over her.
"its just two minutes, not very-EEP!" hi'i almost fell down when neteyam cornered her. Placing his two long arms beside her body as means to refrain her from escaping. His golden eyes narrowing down at her, smirking a bit, giving a glimpse to his sharp fangs.
Seeing his fangs always make hi'i go weak on the knees. One of her many weaknesses.
"If I said no, then it is no. Now come here, let me hold you" effortlessly, as though he is holding a kitten. Neteyam picks up hi'i in his arms and sits back down with her being cuddled. Hi'i doesn't say anything since she is too busy blushing red and her mind is a puddle.
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And that is it for this one! Hope you liked this one! Until next time! see ya!
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hi'i = small
yawntutsyip = little beloved
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sunnynwanda · 4 months
Hi! Ive been following you for a long while and I love your writing so much!
If you feel like it, could you write a hero x villain, one of which is the type to get touchy and playful when drunk and accidentally confesses to the other like that? With the other being surprised
Ofc you can take it in whatever way you want! :D
Do Your Worst
Warnings: intoxication, slightly suggestive (i guess?), bad flirting xD
Villain was stoic. Cold as ice, unmoving as a mountain. They never flinched, never winced, never recoiled. No matter how strong the blow was, no matter how bad it hurt. No muscle dared to twitch on their carved face, not one sound escaped their pale lips.
They were made of stone - Hero was sure of it. 
Here remembered their first battle with Villain, the power of their blows unmatched, rumbling in the emptiness of the building, concrete crushing under their fists as they chased Villain relentlessly. In retrospect, Hero knows they must have broken at least five ribs, if not more. Yet, the only reaction they got from Villain was a quirked eyebrow - a mocking challenge. A dare to keep going, to give more. Bring it on.
Do your worst. 
Hero hated those words despite having heard them a thousand times before. A spark ignited deep within, turning into lightning, rushing through their veins like a wave. Passion and power. Hero had no idea where to draw the line. Villain was insatiable in their hunger, unstoppable in their pursuit of a thrill. Yet there was no satiating Hero's thirst either - they wanted more. More fire, more freedom. More of Villain.
But Villain was the epitome of indomitable. Impassive. Equable.
All the more surprising was the state they found Villain in today. No, surprising was not the word for what they were feeling. They were struck dumb, astonished, speechless. Anything but surprised as they take in the look of Villain swaying on their feet and coming to a halt in front of them with the sweetest pout on their soft lips. 
"Baby-y," they exclaim, excitement colouring their voice in a way Hero has never heard before. "What are you doing here?" 
Hero staggers back, their eyes blown wide. Villain attempts a smile, their lips curling up to reveal the dimples on their cheeks. Hero feels their heart skip a beat at the sight.  
"Villain, are you alright?" They start cautiously, part of them suspecting that their nemesis has been drugged. 
Villain nods, failing to form a stern expression and setting on an adorable frown. "Mhm. Missed you. So much." Their words come out slurred but manage to send Hero's eyebrows up into their goddamn hairline. 
"You... what?" Hero mumbles out, breath hitching in their throat as they process the words. They are quick to react when Villain stumbles forward, gripping Hero's outstretched arms for stability. 
Except, they don't stop at that. Once Hero steadies them and lets go of their hands, Villain doesn't step back. Instead, they wrap their arms around Hero's waist and rest their chin on Hero's chest as they tilt their head up. 
"Hi, baby," they muse, their pupils dilated from intoxication. Hero's throat goes dry at the sight, their hands twitching to touch Villain's flushed cheekbones, brush their fingers over the sensitive skin, ignite them the same way Villain's words have them on fire. 
"Hi," Hero breathes out, their mind spinning. "You're drunk." They state the obvious, earning a deep rumble of a chuckle from Villain. 
"Mhm," Villain hums, leaning closer, their chest flush against Hero's. "And you're pretty." 
"I- w-what?" Hero stutters out, their brain short-circuiting when Villain's hand slides up their chest to their neck, their fingers brushing the side of Hero's neck. "What are you doing?"
"Hm?" Villain looks up at them, blinking innocently and sending a shiver down Hero's spine. Holy mother of god. 
Hero wants to remove Villain's hands from their body, they really do. But, the moment they actually try, Villain gives them the most adorably heart-shattering pout they have ever seen, and who the hell is Hero to refuse them? 
They sigh heavily, cupping Villain's jaw, their thumb rubbing soft circles into their cheek. "Shh, let me get you home, okay?" They ask, gazing intently into Villain's heavy-lidded eyes. Villain nods, leaning into their touch with unexpected desperation, their lips parted in strained pants.
Hero draws them closer, holding them upright, but almost drops them when their apathetic nemesis yelps. Hero stares at their enemy cradled in their arms when Villain does the unthinkable. They giggle. The sound rings through the air, and Hero all but dies on the spot, their mouth hanging agape for a moment too long, drawing another soft laugh out of Villain, who must have decided to break Hero's mind because they wrap their arm around Hero's shoulders, nuzzling into their neck. 
"I've wanted to do this for so long," they mutter against Hero's skin, sending a flood of lava down their throat. Hero lets out a guttural groan, barely restraining themself from lifting Villain's head from their shoulder and devouring them on the spot. 
"Villain, please," Hero whispers, unsure of what they are pleading for - for Villain to stop or to keep going. Keep ruining me.
Villain shakes their head, their lips brushing against the side of Hero's neck when they speak again. "I won't have the guts to say this when I'm sober," they confess, and Hero freezes, too stunned to move, speak or even breathe.
They can't remember what they need the air for when Villain's cold fingers trace the outline of their lips. They feel intoxicated, Villain's drunken state influencing them in the strangest way possible, making them feel lightheaded like no alcohol ever could. 
"Villain," Hero warns through gritted teeth, struggling desperately to maintain control and composure when Villain stands on their tiptoes, leaning on Hero's chest for stability. "One more word from you, and I won't be responsible for my actions."
They press their forehead to Villain's, their eyes meeting with scorching intensity, Hero's gaze glowing with insanity and desire.
Villain might be made of stone, but Hero isn't. 
Hero is on the verge of falling apart, crumbling under Villain's smouldering hands like they are made of clay. 
"Do your worst," Villain whispers against their lips, and Hero loses it, capturing Villain's mouth, crushing into them with a groan rambling in the back of their throat. 
No, Hero is not made of stone. And neither is Villain.
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A/N: Hi, sweetheart! Oh my, thank you so much :) You have no idea what this means to me and how good it makes me feel to receive requests and notes like this! Love you with all my heart <3 xo Sunny
Taglist: @marvellousdaisy @alltimelowing@lateuplight @surplus-of-sarcasm@betwist@excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers@miaowmelodie @thatonerandomauthor @hhabaddon@burningoutlikeicarus @daemonvatis @weepingcowboywolfbat @thelazywitchphotographer @kaiwewi @soul-of-a-local-bard @pigeonwhumps @aflyingsheepnamedrose @thatneptune @ohwellthatslifesstuff @worldsfromhoney@thiefofthecrowns @crow-with-a-typewriter @qualityrabbitsoup @stargeode@villain-life @villainsblood @whumpifi @glassthedumbass @silviathebard @misskowe @ayeshaturnedtoashes4444
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