#it was so simple it got me thinking my dumb ass can actually do this lol
713-4th-ward-g · 2 years
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
ok but Can you image the total shit show it’d be if reader somehow rizzed up BOTH Andrew and Ashley?? 😨 literally preying. Like imagine reader is not necessarily popular, but they definetly are one of the most attractive people in the class if not the most
Andrew Graves x Reader x Ashley Graves
TW: Some nasty cat fights between the Graves siblings, everyone has a potty mouth, mentions of unaliving eachother, not proofread, reader just wanted a cookie.
♥︎Notes: This was actually so fun to write. I always love writing arguments between my two favorite assholes and watching it burn from there. Enjoy this messy headcannon and sorry it took so long<3.♥︎
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Someone call the police, ain't no one coming out of this alive.
First, we gotta start with how you rizzed up the siblings. Starting with Andrew,
I can already see that to get through Andrew's heart, you gotta be funny.
Yes I know that this brooding son of a bitch is dressed in only dark colors, but he values some humor and I feel like the way through his heart is that.
You were in class chatting with a classmate near Andrew's desk when the classmate brought up your history teacher. Uptight, strict, and a prick, you said, "If he berates me anymore for my red pen, his head will go so far up his ass he'll find his own bullshit."
Unexpectedly, both of you heard a snort. Searching for the source, you saw Andrew covering his mouth with his hand, horrified by the sound he had just made.
You smiled at him and brushed off the snort to the classmate, "I think we're hearing things."
That truly made his heart flutter.
He had started sitting closer to you after that. Whenever he got ready in the mornings for school, an extra step in his routine was to hope that you were coming too.
"Hey Andrew," you walked by Andrew's desk.
"Y -Y/N! Hi..." Andrew mentally cussed himself our for the stutter.
It was dumb...really dumb.
But it made Andrew smile and feel giddy when he walked home.
I feel like Andrew would be very tame when it came to his feelings for the reader.
He'd blush when you're around and check in with you to make sure you're okay. He'd be too embarrassed to actually ask you out, but he would definitely try to find excuses to hang around you.
Now, the only natural explanation for Ashley's involvement with you would be that she saw her brother with a dumbass grin one day and HAD to investigate.
So, how did you rizz up Ashley?
Well, it's simple, really,
She went to your house to get a clear look at you and saw you dancing through the window,
You were fun and disgustingly too kind.
But somehow, that fun energy intrigued Ashley. You would smile at her randomly when she corssed the street. You had no idea who she was, and yet that smile irked Ashley (in a somehow pleasant way).
"Hey guys!" She cheerfully entered the classroom doorway, a spring in her step.
Andrew turned to look at the voice and immediately felt a muscle in his forehead twitch. "Great," he thought, "another one of Ashley's ploys so that she can harass any woman out of my life."
You, of course, were baffled at seeing this girl suddenly love up on you, but judging by Andrew's murderous smile towards her, you figured they were related somehow.
But instead of Ashley being an ass towards the reader, she began to cling to their arm.
This began a looooong sequence of events where it would go one of the following ways,
You'd go to a spot around town, invite one of the Graves siblings, and no matter how secluded, isolated, unknown, or illegal said spot was, the other Graves sibling would find and join you.
This definitely opens the possibility of more intense sibling fights.
I say intense, but it's more like,
The fights would get so loud that the neighbors would call the police
By the time the police came to knock at the door, Ashley was pulling Andrew's hair and trying to put him in the washing machine, while Andrew was clawing at Ashley's face and trying to smack her head against said machine.
When Andrew (and for some reason) Ashley came to school, you were startled by how banged up both of them became. Still, when you asked about it, all they did was brush you off (and stomp on each other's toes when you weren't looking).
While they did loath each other for trying to steal Y/N from one another, they never doubted the protection they felt they owed to Y/N.
Some random classmate decided to hit on you and make you verryyyy uncomfy. When you recounted the tale to Andrew, he refused to leave you alone for weeks, constantly fantasizing about bashing the guys face in.
ASHLEY ON THE OTHER HAND would absolutely demolish any shithead who tried hitting on you. "They needed to be punished!" Is the last thing she said, and the last time you ever saw that classmate.
Was it risky? Yes. Did Andrew scold her for it? Yes. Did either one of them regret it? Hell no.
Overall, the entire relationship is a complete shit show. And even if you begged them to play nice, they'd still fight over you.
"Ashley, can you help me? I can't reach that cookie jar."
Ashley sprung up from her seat. "Sure thing, N/M~" But just as Ashley was going to reach for the jar, Andrew pushed her into a pile of trash bags in the kitchen and proceeded to grab the jar for you.
"Here you go, Y/N," Andrew smiled at you while you panicked on who to check in with first.
Suddenly, from the pile of trashbags came, "Andrew, you ass!"
Fight or flight kicked in, and you immediately bolted out of their kitchen. Having remembered plenty of their fights, you decided that for today, you were perfect content with just going home. That was enough Graves for today...
Yeah, that was plenty of Graves for today.
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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lanawinterscigarettes · 2 months
The Breakfast Club members at the beach
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Warnings: swearing, smoking/weed usage mentioned
A/N: just got back from my vacation at the beach and since I wrote nothing while I was gone (oops) I decided to do it now
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Claire Standish
Her parents definitely own some sort of vacation home on a private piece of land that she visits every summer (rich people things yknow)
Usually stays on a towel by the shoreline. She doesn't get in the water and if she does it's only to dip her feet in so she doesn't get her hair or makeup messed up
She'll flip through a magazine or something while waiting for the sun to give her the perfect nautral tan
Andrew Clark
He loves the beach but I think he spends more time in the hotel's gym than by the actual ocean since his dad's so strict about him staying in shape even during the summer
Totally the type of person to get up at the fucking ass crack of dawn just to run down to the very end of the shoreline and back. Man's crazy
Extra snacks must be packed if you're going with him because otherwise he'll eat them all in the first day of being there since he needs the calories
Brian Johnson
Poor boy's so overworked from school he has no idea how to relax properly, if his parents would let him that is
Even when on vacation he's still copying notes down from textbooks and flipping through flashcards for stuff that's not getting learned in school until the new year rolls around
He probably sneaks away at some point to use his (really shitty) fake ID to buy some edibles at one of the boardwalk shops to help him calm down some. The cashier is either too stoned to notice he's not twenty one or just doesn't care
John Bender
His reasons for going to the beach are pretty simple: weed and hot people (both guys and girls). Believe me when I say he can and will shamlessly ogle anyone he finds attractive when walking on the boardwalk
Pretty much all he does when there is get high. He has no need to visit any of the shops (other than the cannabis ones) and the beach itself doesn't interest him much
It entirely possible that he might just hang around the boardwalk the entire time, smoking a blunt while flirting with anyone who might pass him by
Allison Reynolds
She takes a couple different busses to go down there for a day trip as she doesn't have anything better to do
Might walk around the boardwalk for a bit, checking out the stores and stealing borrowing from a few of them, stuffing anything she likes that's small enough to carry into her purse
In the evening she sits on the shoreline with her sketchbook and doodles the sunset before heading back home
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End notes: I promise I'm working on my asks and stuff okay I just tend to get distracted easily and forget
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
Main masterlist | The Breakfast Club masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @missmewts @ghot-girl @your-next-daydream @alexxavicry @noisy-dumb-piece-of-shit @lovelyy-moonlight @theonetruepotato87
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therealcocoshady · 8 months
Recovery - Chapter 5
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Eminem x Reader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : Y/N spends the evening with Marshall after avoiding him for weeks.
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For the following weeks, you drowned yourself into your work in order to restrain from thinking about Simon or Marshall. The only people you saw were either at university, at home or at meetings. You were especially grateful for the latter, as you found yourself craving relief from either pills or alcohol. Thankfully, going to meetings and therapy kept you sane and you were able to fight the urge. You went to the studio once or twice, as Jamal invited you, but you sort of avoided Marshall. You saw him, but apart from greetings and small talk you didn’t go out of your way to have actual conversations and meaningful exchanges with him. 
Thursday night came and, for the first time ever, you had the house to yourself. Jamal and Talia were celebrating their fifth anniversary by going on a dinner date. Your best friend was so worried for you that she almost cancelled their plans, much to her boyfriend’s dismay. Thankfully, you had convinced her to leave you alone in the house. 
I’ll be fine, you said. You guys deserve a night out. 
Are you going to be ok ? I’ll have my phone with me and you can call me if you need ! She said. 
Babe, you’re worrying too much. She should be fine for a few hours, Jamal said rolling his eyes. 
Yes ! You said. And I promise the house will be intact when you come back. I won’t set it on fire or anything, you added jokingly. 
You sent them off to their date with a smile. Before closing the door, Jamal looked at you and pulled you in for a quick conversation. 
Look, I know you’ll be fine, we trust you and shit, but you know you can also call Marshall if you need, right ? Actually, it might be cool if you did. He asked about you the other day. I think he misses you at the studio, he said with a wink. 
Really ? You asked. 
Yeah. He seems to really like you. I don’t think I have seen him like this with anyone else. And I’m not dumb, you know. 
What do you mean ? 
I know you like him. 
What ? I don’t, you said with embarrassment.
Is there any other reason why you have avoided him like the plague these past three weeks ? Or any conversation about him ? Jamal asked with a grin. 
It’s… complicated. Can we leave it at that ? You pleaded. 
Look, it’s none of my business, but you like him and he cares a lot about you. It’s all I’m saying, he said before leaving. 
You were kind of intrigued by what Jamal had told you. Had Marshall really asked about you ? If so, why hadn’t he called you directly ? 
After giving it a lot of thought, you decided to text him. 
To : M 
Hey. How are you ? 
You felt your phone buzzing almost immediately. It was him calling you. 
Hey, he said. Are you alright ? 
Yes, you said. How are you ? 
I’m good. 
There was a moment of awkward silence. 
Am I bothering you ? You asked. 
I’m the one who called you, he said with a chuckle. 
Right, you said as you blushed in embarrassment. 
I’m not busy anyway. I’m at home just chilling. Do you want to come over and hang out ? He offered. 
Uh… sure. Text me the address and I’ll get a cab. 
Will do. 
He texted you his address and you quickly got ready. You kind of struggled to choose an outfit. You wanted it to send just the right message : “I made an effort because I want you to see what you missed the other night but I also don’t want you to think I am trying too hard”. After a careful examination of your entire closet, you put on a pair of skinny jeans that showed off your figure, a simple tee-shirt and your hoodie from Uni. You knew the jeans showcased your ass perfectly and, since he had already seen you topless, it was just the area to highlight. 
You called a cab and got to his place. You’d never been here before. You found yourself in front of a mansion that was easily five times as big as your childhood home. You rang the doorbell and were greeted by Marshall who just got out of the shower, all dressed but his hair still wet. You were scared it would be awkward, seeing him for the first time in three weeks, but he greeted you in his usual way, by giving you a hug. Only, it felt a little different this time, probably because it was just the two of you, and you could remember the feeling of his skin against yours. 
Thanks for coming, he said as he led you to the living room. 
I’m happy to see you, you confessed. 
Are you ? I’ll be honest, I kind of thought you were avoiding me, he said with a shrug. You were sort of… distant ? 
I wasn’t sure you wanted to see me either. You haven’t called or visited Talia and Jamal like you usually do. 
I was thinking you might need time to think. 
“About what ?”, you almost asked. But you didn’t. You didn’t want to make things awkward. 
I’m a bit better now, you told him. 
Good.  So… do you want to talk about last time or…? 
Do you think we should ? You asked anxiously. 
You weren’t sure there was a need to add anything. And you were sort of embarrassed at the memory that you jumped on him and he pushed you away. 
I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, he said. 
It’s fine, Marshall. We’re adults, you said. 
So you understand why I pushed you away ? He asked carefully. 
Look, you don’t like me like that, and that’s ok, you said. I acted on impulse. You were here, I was sad and hurt, I needed to change my mind, I was attracted to you and… well, you were here so you remember what came next… 
I think you’re amazing, he rectified. I didn’t want to take advantage of whatever it is that you felt that night. 
You looked at him, biting your lower lip. It’s true that, as horny as you were, you probably weren’t in your right mind. If anything further had happened between the two of you, it might have added to your confusion. You nodded. 
Also, I’ve had time to think about it some more, he admitted. And I know for sure it would have been a bad idea anyway. 
Yeah, maybe, you said, even though you felt a little disappointed. 
I mean, I’m almost twice your age and you’re recovering, so… 
Yeah, yeah, I know, you cut him. 
Even though you knew he was right, you didn’t really want to hear it.
I’m glad we’re on the same page then, he said with a smile. 
Again, I’m sorry. I didn’t want things to be weird. I just… you started. 
I know. We’re cool, he assured you.  
You stared at each other for a few seconds and chuckled. His smile helped you ease a little, although you couldn’t help but feel a tad disappointed. As right as his arguments were, you were having trouble getting the other night out of your head. 
I was about to watch a movie when you called. Want to do that ? He offered. 
Sure. What are we watching ? 
I’m in the mood for something scary. Why don’t you pick ? 
There’s one I haven’t been able to get through, you admitted. It’s « Us ». Have you seen it ?
Really ? You’re that much of a pussy ? He joked. 
Shut up ! It’s really scary, ok ? I had to stop midway. It gave me nightmares. 
I haven’t seen it, but now, you got me intrigued, he admitted. Come on. 
He got up and waited for you to follow him. You were already in the living room in front of a massive TV. You were confused. 
Aren’t we going to watch it here ? 
No. It’ll be better in the home theater, on the big screen, he explained. 
He led you to his movie room that had a big screen and huge couches. It could easily fit twenty people, with plenty of room to spare. The room was complete with a fridge and every couch had pillows and throws on it. Perks of having a lot of money, you guessed. 
Drinks ? He offered while opening the fridge, which seemed to contain all the sorts of alcohol-free beverages you could think of. 
Yeah, sure. I’ll have a Dr Pepper please. 
You sat next to each other and started the movie. The room was pitch black and the only light was coming from the screen. Every scene seemed to startle you, which never failed to make Marshall laugh. 
Come on !!! You can’t tell me that isn’t scary, you said. 
I don’t have time to be scared, you’re shitting your pants for the both of us, he chuckled. 
Shut up, you pouted. 
One very scary scene came up and you spilled your soda all over yourself and Marshall. 
Shit, I’m sorry 
Relax, he said. 
Your top was soaking wet and so were the tee-shirt underneath and your bra. Thankfully your jeans were intact. 
Marshall got up and brought tee-shirts for the two of you to change. 
Give me your clothes, I'll put them in the wash, he said.
You turned around and took your wet clothes off as he did the same. You put on the tee-shirt he gave you and turned back, only to see him shirtless, which made you blush. Thank god the room was still dark enough. He was staring at you intensely. 
Are you alright ? You asked. 
Yeah, he said as he bit his lip while quickly putting on a clean tee-shirt.  
Had he been staring at your naked back ? You found yourself amused by the idea. You were also slightly aroused by the sight of him half naked, even though it was dark and you couldn’t see much. You knew you shouldn’t be thinking about him that way, but you couldn’t help it.  You sat back and resumed the movie. Once again, you jumped at every scene. 
Thank God you don’t have a drink anymore, my wardrobe wouldn’t be big enough to provide changes of clothes, he laughed. 
Shut up, you said. 
Quit the attitude, he playfully warned you. Or I’ll leave you alone to watch the movie. 
Please don’t, you pleaded.
The only reason you kept watching is because you were with him. You were so scared you wouldn’t be able to watch it on your own. Especially in such a big house. 
What is so scary anyway ? He asked. I mean, it’s kind of creepy but it’s not too bad. 
There’s just something about the atmosphere you know ? You explained. Also, I once got lost in a fun fair when I was four and it reminds me of that time. I thought I’d never find my dad back. My mom had died a couple of years before and I… I thought I would never have a family again.It was super scary. 
He nodded and put his arm around your shoulders. 
Better ? He asked. 
Mmmh, you nodded as you felt yourself blushing. 
You rested your head on his shoulder and watched the rest of the movie. 
God you move so much it’s impossible to focus, Marshall complained. I should tie you up or something. 
You stared at him with your mouth slightly opened as you waited for him to realize what he had just said. 
Not like that. Idiot, he rolled his eyes laughing.  
Perv, you said playfully. 
Don’t start, he warned you with a smile. 
You bit your lip, knowing full well you could be bratty enough to indeed start. However, you decided to be reasonable and not to do anything. 
We have about twenty minutes of movie left. You think you can sit still ? He asked with a grin. 
You rolled your eyes and watched the screen as your only answer. Only you weren’t really watching. Your mind wandered and you thought of Marshall’s touch as his hand grazed your arm. His words came to mind. You wouldn’t be against him tying you… you gnawed on your lip. You were a horny mess. You had been for about three weeks now. You took a look at him, focused on the screen.  It was hard not to stare at his face. His blue eyes, his nose, his perfect lips. You didn’t really believe in God, but if He did exist, Marshall was a fine specimen of His creation. You forced yourself to look at the screen but soon found yourself burying your face in Marshall’s neck as a screamer scene came on. He jumped a bit, probably more startled by you than the movie. 
Pussy, he whispered before laughing. 
You didn’t reply, your face still in his neck, but you still lifted your middle finger in his face. As a response, he firmly grabbed your wrist and put your hand down. He let out a sigh. 
I’m gonna have to teach you some manners, Y/N, he scolded you. 
You started it, you replied. 
Still, you should learn how to respect your elders, he joked. 
Ok grandpa, you whispered in his ear. 
Fuck you, you brat. 
You let out a laugh as the movie came to an end. You were still in Marshall’s arms and, even though you were glad the movie was over, you wanted the moment to last a bit longer. 
So ? You liked the movie ? You asked. 
I did enjoy the few parts I could focus on, he said with a smile. You know, when you weren’t ruining my clothes or jumping on me. 
It was scary ! You defended yourself. 
Some parts were kinda creepy, he admitted. But you’re worse than a kid with ADHD ! 
I’m not ! 
You are. And it’s the last time I’m ever watching a movie with you, he said with a laugh.
You pretended to pout as you crossed your arms to your chest. Marshall proceeded to ignore you as he got up to turn off the movie and turn on the lights. 
Pouting won’t work, he said with a grin. Three kids, remember ? 
You playfully rolled your eyes at his comment. 
Behave, Y/N, he said. 
Make me, old man.
Before you could move, he was pinning you to the couch, crushing you with his weight. 
Now, you better apologize to me, he said with a smirk. 
In your dreams, maybe, you replied. 
He proceeded to put even more weight on you, crushing you even more. You could hardly breathe. 
Marshall… you pleaded. 
Apologize, he said playfully yet firmly.  
You ignored his order as you tried to squirm from under him. He did his best to pin you down, grabbing your wrists in his hand and holding your arms over your head. It was not the desired effect but you found the situation extremely hot. To be fair, you didn’t need much. Without really meaning to, you let out a soft moan. 
Y/N… Marshall groaned. 
God, your name in his mouth sounded so hot. You looked at him with so much desire. He closed his eyes and maintained his firm grip on your wrists. 
You’re a brat, he whispered in your ears. 
That’s why you like me, you whispered back. 
Fuck it, he said as his eyes darkened and his face moved closer to yours.
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zmediaoutlet · 11 months
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Survey results time.
At time of downloading the data we got just over 300 responses, which is not bad for a survey that was long and complicated to take! I'm sure my shamelessness helped. Being a survey for a specific crowd, we also didn't get anyone (as far as I could tell) taking the survey in bad faith, which is a legit surprise. Special shout-out to the several people who, when asked to write literally anything to say they understood what was going on, wrote "literally anything"; additional shout-out to the person who wrote "penus and hole" (sic). You get it, anonymous person.
I'm going to share the top results for the questions here, but I'll also include the raw data as a sheet at the end in case anyone wants to actually go through it with a fine-tooth comb. This is not a survey where cute pie charts or graphs would be useful or readable, so get ready for some sweet-ass numbers:
Story Genre
Unsurprisingly, our leaderboard for most favorite story genre in the 'Anytime!' category is as follows:
Hurt/comfort (153 votes)
Angst (142 votes)
PWP (139 votes)
We just like the guys to get the shit beaten out of them, angstily, and then they can feel better by jerking off about it. The ideal evening.
The big loser in genre, with 34 buds flat out saying "not for me", was Dark!fic. That said, Dark!fic also got 112 votes (third highest) for "has to be JUST right," so we can probably take from there that while as a group we don't hate dark content, we have pretty strict definitions for a) what counts as dark, and b) what kind of dark we're willing to take.
Gencest/gen was arguably the most 'eh, idk?' of the genres, with respectable showings in every category from Anytime to No; most people don't hate it, but people aren't really seeking it out either. It's definitely There.
Story Setting
The winner of most 'Anytime!' votes for story setting is close to my heart; the podium is:
Bunker era (142 votes)
Canon-close, codas, etc (129 votes)
Pre-series/weechesters (126 votes)
It feels good to know that canon is on our side. This may help explain why various alternate universe settings didn't do so hot with the respondents -- the least fave according to this survey is an age!swap AU, followed by a raised apart!AU. Writers who are making Sam the big brother who lives in Cleveland while baby Dean lives in Seattle, you keep living your truth, but readers are rearing back.
That being said, while Canon Divergence isn't an overall winner, it has a full 149 votes in the 'Dig it' category; so, while we may generally prefer canon, we're willing to be led on a garden path away from it. We just want canon to be within shouting distance, at least.
Canonical Character Variants
Here's where the survey gets more complex. I've always been interested in how and why people are fandoming about things, and simple 'yes/no' surveys rarely dig into that meat. The point of the superego/ego/id separation is to really interrogate -- hey, do you like to read about (for example) soulless!Sam because you find it interesting on a high-minded level, or because your heart-strings are getting tugged even if you think it's kinda dumb, or just because it makes you so hornt-up you can't think straight? All are valid, and all are possible simultaneously, but it's interesting to prod at to see how the interest is working. You might also just be like, eh, it's fine, or GOD, STOP, and that's fine too. So, with all that said:
Superego winners:
demon powers!Sam (202 votes)
soulless!Sam (177 votes)
blood addict!Sam (160 votes)
Y'all like to really brain about how Sam is fucked up. I get it.
Ego winners:
Trials of Hell!Sam (186 votes)
blood addict!Sam (180 votes)
demon powers!Sam (161 votes)
Still all Sam, and no surprise that his saintly pale sleeplessness is winning the heartstrings battle.
Id winners:
demon!Dean (205 votes)
demon powers!Sam (175 votes)
blood addict!Sam (165 votes)
Again, no surprise: fandom girlies (gn) love their bad boys, lol. Soulless snuck in at #4 here with 163, presumably because working out still wearing a belt was juuuust dorky enough to kick him off the podium; #5 was Smith & Wesson at 162, probably because if they'd been left in that AU for ten more minutes they would have been fucking over the top of Dean Smith's desk. Glad we're all on the same page, there.
The nopes here were an interesting mix. In the full-on No Thank You category we had Michael!Dean and Gadreel!Sam (with 52 and 53 votes respectively) -- it would be interesting to know if that was due to dread of the storyline specifically, or just how No Bad Wrong it felt to have it happening. These two also led the 'meh' category, although they were joined on the podium of bad by Endverse!Dean (128 Meh votes), which frankly shocked me. Y'all aren't into his thigh holster? C'mon now. Sure, he murders his friends without compunction, but -- thigh holster!
Story Tropes
These ones were fascinatingly all over the place, which is exactly why I wanted to do this. Going to just run down the S/E/I podiums real quick, then 'Hard sell', then No --
Superego winners:
Outsider!POV (211)
Someone Finds Out (191)
Mental health issues (190)
Ego winners:
Mutual pining (252)
First time (242) AND Sick/injured (242)
First time in a long time (235)
Id winners:
Jealousy/possessiveness (224)
First time (218)
First time in a long time (180)
Now, part of what's interesting about these is how they fall off in other categories. Outsider POV wins handily at Superego with 211, but then drops all the way down to 92 votes at Id -- which isn't nothing, but clearly it's preferred to have a heckin' think about how other people view the incest relationship, rather than thinking it's just So Hot that people might. Similarly, while people do think it's so so hot for one brother or the other (or both!) to be possessive at 224 votes, when it comes to the superego that drops right down to 134 votes, presumably as the brain wakes up and goes RED FLAG!
Entering the land of no thank you, we shall have two anti-podiums:
Real hard sell:
Infidelity (127)
magic/powers!Dean (125)
Unrequited/no relationship upgrade (110) AND "Carver Edlund" fandom
This is a much more mixed bag. Infidelity and Unrequited are no surprise here, because it Feels Bad, Man; magic!Dean also not really a surprise, given that most of our respondents prefer being closer to canon, and Dean is very much our mundane buddy in the show as presented. (A delightful buddy, but a distinctly nonmagical one.) Carver Edlund fandom makes me laugh mostly because it's such a bananas thing to exist in the show. Sam and Dean reading big bang fics about each other? Collectively we just... don't know what to do with that. Weird.
Squick/No/Maybe one exception:
Permanent character death (140)
Infidelity (108)
Eating disorders (102)
Again, no surprise in the anti-winners of 1 or 2 here, but number 3 surprised me, personally. ED fic used to be a pretty big wedge of common tropes that people would seek out. Perhaps it's gotten less popular over the years? Or perhaps just that the people who like it REALLY like it and so chat about it out loud, while those who don't quietly bury it in sand, lo as a cat does with their leavings.
Most extreme delta in 'general interest' (whether that be S,E, or I) to 'ehh' (whether that be Hard Sell or Squick) is first time. Y'all loooove your first time.
Sexy Tropes, Vol. 1
This is where I really wanted to know if people could pull apart their interests between brain and heart and guts. Hopefully people were honest, as requested. Some of them we know are slight liar answers, because the hits on AO3 tell a story that can't be refuted -- nevertheless, here's what people were willing to admit to.
Bulletproof kink/will read any version:
Bedsharing (158)
Incest kink (139)
Size kink (133)
your friendly neighborhood survey creator is jumping up and down going 'wooo' that size kink made the podium. also I hope everyone understood that incest kink meant, like, indulging in the incest of it all via 'oh you're so totes my brother and i want to suck your dingle for that reason specifically', but I realize that could've been clearer.
Easy sell/you don't have to work hard for me to enjoy:
shameless bottom!Dean stuff (151)
switching (147)
voyeurism (138)
the first one here genuinely surprises me considering what I see getting written most often; is this a case of just not being in the right venn diagrams, or the 'easy sell' just not matching up with what people are being sold? Curiouser and curiouser.
Medium sell/not my fave, but I can see how it appeals:
bad/awkward sex (120)
phone sex (114)
in [drug/alcohol] veritas (110)
edging into awkward town in a few ways here: we don't love these, but we can see how it'd be fun. or not fun, in the case of bad sex.
Hard sell/this is unbelievable or uninteresting so you have to work hard to get me to enjoy it:
always-another-gender!AU (84)
multiple Sams or Deans (73)
genderswap (magic) (72)
so, in general, we prefer to keep the penises around and intact, but just one Sam penis and one Dean penis, please. Here, I'm interested that the volume is much lower than in the top category: maxing out at 84 hard sells compared to 158 bulletproof options means that we're willing to give more of these tropes a chance, even if they're not our faves. How accepting we are!
Squick/no/maybe one exception:
always-another-gender!AU (83)
A/B/O elements (65)
multiple Sams or Deans (51)
strong overlap with the hard sell; and, keeping in mind that people were able to choose multiple options, it's possible that some of those were identical votes. Again, please keep the penises straightforward and only two at a time. A/B/O is interesting here, especially given what we know of how well it does on AO3; while it's a big squick for a lot of people, it also has decently high votes in bulletproof/easy, averaging 82 votes. Mixed bag!
Sexy Tropes Vol. 2, Electric Boogaloo
Bulletproof kink/will read any version:
Possessive/claiming sex (129)
Marking (hickeys/bruising) (116)
Hair pulling (103)
Let's glance back up at the Id winners in the story tropes above, hmm quietly to ourselves, and move on.
Easy sell/you don't have to work hard for me to enjoy:
Marking (hickeys/bruising) (135)
Hair pulling (130)
Possessive/claiming sex (121)
Well, that's boring. So let's expand so as not to be repetitive:
4. Dub-con (116) 5. Dom/sub (113) AND Underage (113) 6. Knifeplay (107)
There we go. Pretty easy to put all of those into one fic, too.
Medium sell/not my fave, but I can see how it appeals:
Blindfolds (128)
Painplay (116)
Shibari/rope play (112)
We're starting to lose interest as accessories come into play. Interesting to compare D/s and its relative success against painplay -- so, tell him what to do, but don't hit him while you're doing it. Fair enough.
Hard sell/this is unbelievable or uninteresting so you have to work hard to get me to enjoy it:
Fucking machines (94)
Vore (80)
Mommy!kink (77)
Entertaining mix here, haha. General feasibility may be rearing its head here. (Also, for my own entertainment: daddy!kink got 67 Hard Sell votes. People generally prefer to keep it as horizontal incest, not vertical incest.)
Squick/no/maybe one exception:
Feederism (164)
Vore (161)
Extreme underage (157)
No surprises here, although some fans of the nibbly variety of wincest may be disappointed by vore's poor placement. Note also that 'extreme' is in the eye of the beholder; we'll leave aside value judgments, as we have for the whole survey, and note that people are not indulging in a version of underage they find to be personally past the line, or at least are not admitting to that.
At a glance, the closest matchup between bulletproof for some and a squick to others is bloodplay, with just 1 vote separating the two categories: 44 bulletproof, 43 squick. Next time someone tries to tell you that 'everyone' likes or doesn't like something, please take it with an entire shaker full of salt.
Dynamic & Position Preferences
I tried to encourage people not to think too hard about this one and just answer on instinct. Who knows if that worked. But here are some overview takes:
Toppy/dominant: Sam takes the lead here, with 69% of respondents being in the 'Love it!' category. Nice. (217 votes)
Dom Dean earned a respectable 52% of 'Love it!' votes (163).
However, I was also interested to check out the inverse --
subby!Sam: 44 'Very no thank' votes (13%) subby!Dean: 27 'Very no thank' votes (8%)
It's interesting to leap way back up and compare that against 'shameless bottom!Dean stuff' doing so well in the rated E categories. Makes you ponder.
Actual sex position: Frequently switching takes the win here, with 61% of the vote (194 votes). Sam always topping edges out if people must choose, with 144 votes; Dean always topping is our lowest choice, with 112.
Service!topping: this is a fairly niche fic type, but it does still exist -- I guess in a world of bottoms someone's got to actually get up and do something, and it is hilariously an almost perfectly even split:
service!top Sam: 50.17% (151 votes) service!top Dean: 51.50% (155 votes)
A healthy percentage of people said they didn't care about these questions either way, and more power to them. However, they were wildly outvoted by those who did.
Multishipping Time
Our final categories are when other people get their grubby hands on Sam or Dean, either canonically(ish) or in our fandom activities.
Canonical relationships for Sam
Jess wins, quelle surprise. :) 161 people Dug It and who can blame them.
Amelia LOSES, shocking no one: 112 people said Fuck That.
Eileen was definitely a mixed bag; her results, in order, were: Meh: 92; Fuck that: 76; Worse than meh: 66; Dug it: 44.
Canonical(ish) relationships for Dean
Note here: it was too unbalanced if we only went with people Dean officially dated. However, the show leaned hard into a few unrequited male relationships for him, which we included here, and no one sent me hate about it so I guess that was fine.
Benny wins the Love It! category with 129 votes, barely edging out Cassie at 122. Benny is best boy, so that fits.
Cas loses with a full 99 Fuck That votes, which is probably what we'd expect from a wincest survey. That said, he also got 93 Dug It votes, so it's a pretty balanced showing.
Poor Lisa sits firmly at Meh with 148 votes. It's not that we hate you, Lisa; we just don't really know what to do with you. Which is pretty much how the relationship went in the show.
Shipping Sam like FedEx
We returned to the S/E/I model for shipping as we did for tropes, because it means something very different to go 'oh sure, I can see how that would be interesting' vs saying 'I want them to fuck rawnasty and I don't care why they're doing it.' Apologies if I left out your favorite side-ship but, shit, there's only so much time in the day.
So, we return to the podiums:
Ruby (132)
Rowena (121)
Cas (102)
Rowena (121)
Cas (106)
Ruby (90)
Ruby (125)
John (121)
Rowena (118)
So that was going on sedately until Dad came in like a hammer. Fascinating. On the other hand:
Lisa (234)
Donna (222)
Claire (219)
Interesting to me that these three are ladies that Sam theoretically could have got up in but people are not into it, regardless. This is slightly different to Dean's 'no' category -- spoilers for three inches of screen space!
Dean, Shipped by UPS
John (129)
Benny (115)
Lisa (99)
Benny (134)
John (116)
Lisa (102)
John (147)
Benny (128)
Crowley (114)
Well. That tells a slightly different story, ahem. Enjoy the various tropes that will be applied, Dean! And then we get:
Amelia (245)
Kevin (223)
Gabriel (217)
Comparing to the Sam 'no' above -- these three are slightly more 'traditional' Sam ships, though the wincest shippers are nevertheless not into them for Sam, either. Dean literally never spoke to or saw Amelia on screen, so it'd be a determined shipper who'd make that happen. Not undoable, though!
Syke: there isn't one to be made. This really shows how diverse the taste is in the wincest community, or at least in the wincest community that a) happened to see this survey over the last five days and b) bothered to take it. This particular group leans slightly toward e.g. toppy Sam, or slightly toward switching, but when you look at raw numbers what you see is that at least one person LOVES every single one of these things, and at least one person fucking HATES every single one of these things, and so -- so what? Write what you want. If you see a niche of something that you love where you feel like not enough people are writing or reading, try to fill it. If you're worried "no one" will like it, well -- you're wrong. Someone will. It just needs to get seen by the right people.
That's where fandom comes in, to spread the love even if something isn't bulletproof for us -- reblogging a post to say, 'hey, my mutual made this thing, look at it!' What a joy it'd be if someone saw it and loved it to absolute shattering bits, and then found their little bulletproof community, and happiness was made. What's the point, if we're not making each other happy.
Thanks for participating if you did, and reading all this if you did. Here's a link to a google sheet (read only) with all the tables of raw data if you're interested. I'll post some of the more entertaining fill-in answers later.
s&d shipping survey results: November 1, 2023 - Google Sheets
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hyunniesgirl · 11 months
hello it's my first time requesting can i request hard dom seungmin with exhibition kink. like doing it secretly when they are having a movie night with their friends -🌻
Hello 🌻anon!! Thank you for your request. I hope you like it!!
Word count: 1,466
Warnings under the cut.
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Warnings: unprotected piv, hair pulling, reader is called names(whore, dumb), I think that's it let me know if I forgot something.
Since the first time you met them, you got along pretty well with all your boyfriend's friends. It did help that they are all really sweet and have so much in common with you, so you just enjoy talking and spending time with them.
Seungmin and the others barely have time to rest or take care of themselves, so you came up with a plan, a rule, actually. Every Friday it's mandatory for everyone to come home on time and you don't want to hear excuses, you want them all at home to have dinner together and watch a movie. They need some quality time and you're there to help them with it.
You just didn't expect your boyfriend to be so fucking shameless, caressing you inappropriately while his friends are seated around you on the floor. The movie is pg13 but his touches are most surely not.
Fucking hell, you want to tell him off but you're too afraid to attract any attention to you two, his fingers are brushing the inside of your thighs, dangerously close to your pulsating core and you can't believe you actually want him to do it, is something wrong with you? Of course not, it's normal to have a reaction like that, he's been caressing you for more than ten minutes, you just want to end this agony.
You're covered with a blanket but you're still afraid that the boys will look at your flushed face and your heavy breathing and instantly know what's going on. So you just get up suddenly, startling Felix and Jeongin who are seated close to your legs.
"Woah, I'm so sleepy", you say, yawning and chuckling awkwardly, watching the boys glance at you, not really interested in what you're saying.
You walk out of the living room, looking behind to make sure no one is watching. You close the door after you enter the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror, if it wasn't dark in there they would absolutely know something was up, if your breathing and flushed face didn't give you away, the fact that you're sweating like crazy in this cold ass apartment would.
You wash your face, tossing water on your neck to try and cool yourself down. How does Seungmin do this to you with just a touch?
You take a couple deep breaths before opening the door and walking out of the bathroom, confident that you won't let him mess with you again.
That would be a good plan, if you didn't feel a hold on your wrist, pulling you back and throwing you against the wall. Before you can process what's happening, Seungmin is caging you.
"I didn't say you could get up", he tells you.
"I was feeling sleepy", you lie, avoiding his gaze.
He scoffs, pressing his body against yours. You can't look at him, eyes wandering on the movie going by in the living room, too afraid you're actually going to give in if you see the way he watches you.
Seungmin has this kind of power, you never really understood how, but a simple glance from him can make you melt and you will do anything he wants after that.
"Why aren't you looking at me?" He asks, a teasing smile on his lips, he knows exactly why you are not looking at him.
He chuckles, sliding his hand to hold your face, squeezing it so hard it almost hurts, forcing you to face him.
"You know, I don't like it when you act like this", he tsks, sighing, "You make me be mean, and I don't like it when I have to be mean to you"
You scoff, a teasing smile on your lips.
"Except you do like it"
Before you can even think, Seungmin is sliding his hand from your face to your hair, grabbing a handful and pulling it so hard it actually brings tears to your eyes.
"You should shut up if you know what's good for you", he says, gritting his teeth.
You can feel your underwear uncomfortably soaked, it's kind of embarrassing how turned on you get when he's mean to you. Seungmin trails his other hand down, sliding it to the hem of your dress and running his fingers lightly along your thighs.
You hold his arm to stop him, trying to look to the living room to see if anyone is looking at you two.
"Stop it, what if someone sees us?", you whisper.
And he scoffs, forcing his arm out of your grip and pressing his fingers against your panties, chuckling when he feels how wet you are.
"Oh, what if someone sees us?", he mimics your voice, "if they see us, they are going to know how much of a pervert you are, getting this wet even though you know you can get caught"
He slides your panties to the side, sliding two fingers inside you, making you moan automatically. You gasp, covering your mouth and checking if the others didn't turn around to see what's going on.
"It doesn't look like you're scared", Seungmin says, rubbing your clit while moving his fingers in and out of you, "I think you like it, the danger of someone catching us"
You shake your head frantically not taking your hand off of your mouth, afraid you will make another dirty sound if you speak.
"I think I should test your resolve, see if you really don't want them to see you being the dirty whore I know you are" You start panicking, what the hell is he gonna do?
Seungmin takes his fingers out of you, leaving you with the feeling of emptiness. You should be happy about it, so why do you feel so frustrated?
He puts his hands on your hips, turning you around in a single movement. Then you hear the sound of his belt being unbuckled, he's not going to do it, right? He's not going to fuck you in the middle of the corridor with his friends right ahead, watching a movie, right? Right?
"What the fuck are you doing?" You ask, when you feel him sliding your underwear to the side and the tip of his hard cock teasing your entrance.
"Are you dumb? I already told you, I'm going to test if you really don't want to get caught, so shut the fuck up and take it", he doesn't even finish talking before thrusting into you.
"Fuc-", you cover your mouth with a hand, digging your nails into his arm that's holding your hip firmly.
He takes his other hand and grabs your hair again, pulling it by the roots, making you dig your nails even harder, feeling the skin break underneath them.
"You think you're so smart", he gets closer to your ear and you can feel his thrusts even deeper, "you should learn how to listen, if I tell you to shut up, you do it. If I tell you to look at me, you do it. If I want to fuck you with my fingers in front of everyone, you should take it"
His cock is sliding so well in and out of you, you can feel the bliss of your high already growing. You really should let him do anything he wants to you, because anything he does makes you feel so good. You groan, feeling your orgasm coming, your legs are weak, if Seungmin wasn't holding your hips, you sure would fall. You bite your hand so you won't moan loudly when you finally reach your release and you know he can't take much more of your tight squeezes on his cock.
"I'll make sure to leave you full of my cum, alright?" He tells you and you can't do much other than nod, feeling his thrusts faltering and soon enough you hear his groan, followed by the warm liquid spilling inside you.
Seungmin pulls out of you, turning you around and kissing your forehead before fixing his pants. Now you're truly sleepy and he can see that, so he tells you to go to his room and lay down, soon he'll be there and you do just that, falling asleep the moment your head hits the pillow.
Seungmin sits on the couch, he already watched this movie so he knows it's close to the end.
"If you're going to pull this shit right behind us you should as well invite us to join", Minho says, not taking his eyes off the screen, making Seungmin snap his head to look at him, he really thought they didn't hear them, but knowing they did actually turned him on.
"I mean, sharing is caring, right?" Jisung jokes and the others laugh, but they can't help but wish Seungmin actually shared you with them.
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restinslices · 9 months
Could you do the Earthrealm champions being invited by GN!reader to dance with them in a video?
If you need song ideas for this request, I got you covered:
Bet y’all ain’t know I like K-pop. Expect the unexpected. My internet is being dumb asf and I cannot add gifs so you’re getting dumb pictures I found on Pinterest
Johnny Cage
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“I’m a star sweetheart, I don’t have time for silly videos”
*Proceeds to dance with passion*
Johnny cannot take shit seriously so if you think he’d be too proud to do a little dance for a video, you’re smoking 
He probably wears something way over the top for the video as if he’s actually performing for a crowd 
I don’t think Johnny is a natural dancer but he makes do. He probably practices to make sure he doesn’t look stupid and you’ll have to record the video multiple times until he’s satisfied 
“I don’t like that one or that one or that one or-” “I’m gonna find a new partner. Oh my gosh”
Honestly I think he has more fun than you
“I think I should add ‘dancer’ to my lists of talents”
He probably asks to do it again
Idk if I see Johnny being into K-pop but the interest would start here and spiral 
I also feel like he enjoys dances from girl groups more than boy groups. I once again don’t know why I think this way but it makes sense in my head 
Likes more simple dances. It keeps the focus on his pretty face and outfits 
“I think I’d be fantastic in a girl group” “Ok Johnny”
It’s giving “nurse! He’s out again!”
He has a new hyperfixation now. I hope you’re proud of yourself 
Favorite thing to dance to is Cupid by Fifty Fifty 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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Only does it because you asked him to, and even then he doesn’t really want to 
He doesn’t hate dancing but he just doesn’t do it 
Considering he escaped from the Yakuza, him being in a video with you isn’t the best idea. You can call him paranoid. He calls himself careful. 
When he finally agrees, he's wearing the most obnoxious get up; hoodie, sweatpants, a hat, glasses, a mask and gloves. It's so no one can know who he is, but who in the Yakuza is randomly watching dance videos?
He won't change his mind though and wears it all.
You have to do an easy dance otherwise he'll sweat himself to death 
I don't see him going out of his way to do it again. It was alright to him. He's not big on dancing so learning a dance then doing it wasn't the best way to spend his time. Also he was extremely sweaty so he's not tryna do it again 
He will if you ask, but he won't bring it up first 
He's trying to not be noticed but people can't help but notice him 
I feel like he favors boy groups only slightly. Favorite thing to dance to is Still 24K by 24K but only the chorus because once again, sweat and heat. And YES I picked 24K because I'm never letting their name die. I miss them 
Kung Lao
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“I have better things to do, like training new recruits at the Academy” “If you're too scared of me dancing better than you, just say that”
He learns the dance that night 
He's competitive so what's supposed to be a sweet couples thing, turns serious 
Wants to do a hard dance just to prove how great he is even if it's stupid 
Legit is angrily typing “hard kpop dances” and picking one at random 
He has you ask the audience to comment who danced better or do a poll
If he wins, he's ecstatic and wants to continue showing off. If he loses, he's bitter. The vote was rigged. Real “Stop the count!” type shit 
If he loses he wants to do it again so he can do better. He legit can't let it go. The problem is he keeps diving into hard ass dances and refuses to start simple 
You have to pry his hands off the keyboard and help him pick something simple 
Once he stops being stubborn then you two can actually have fun. Dancing can become a regular thing, but he's gonna keep making it a challenge 
In his eyes, he always wins 
Idk if he has a preference for boy or girl groups. I'll say his favorite thing to dance to is Monster by Exo because I feel like he'd want to do Chanyeol's jump 
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I think he'd be shy at first. Super Shy if you will 
He doesn't wanna fuck it up, yk? After being told it's not that deep and it's just for fun, he agrees 
Besides Johnny, he's probably having the most fun. I feel like he enjoys spending time with the people he cares about and this is doing just that 
Wants to do it again because it's spending time with you and it makes you happy 
Before I even end this, he's a girl group stan and I'm standing on it
Idk why but I think he'd like 4Minute and I'm not changing my mind. He'd be bummed they're not together anymore 
Honestly, his favorite groups have probably all disbanded or are on hiatus. He's not having a good time 
“I like 4Minute” “disbanded” “2NE1?” “disbanded” “Miss A?” “disbanded” “CLC?” “I don't think they're disbanded but they're doing their own thing” “I hate my life”
I just feel like he'd have bad luck 
Dancing becomes a new hobby though. He can't always be getting rid of threats. 
Mainly does it with you 
His favorite thing to dance to is Whatcha Doin’ Today by 4Minute. Honestly I can see that being his favorite song which is a real shame cause I think his favorite would be Jihyun and she got like, one line (I'm projecting)
Liu Kang 
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Big problem with your plan. He has glowing eyes and shades hardly dull them. How's he gonna hide that? 
With TWO pairs of shades of course 
I think he'd be reluctant to make the video because his existence isn't supposed to be known by random people 
He'd be willing to dance with you alone, he's just not sure about the video and he won't be sure until you come up with a good idea that'll get rid of that problem 
You can post it on your close friends though. They make sense 
I feel like he'd like dancing to some random ass unknown group from the 80s or 90s. Who even are these people?
He did watch as civilization grew so he's seen tons of groups form and disband so I guess it's not surprising he knows smaller groups. 
Idk if he'd have a preference for boy groups or girl groups. If it's good music, it's good music 
I don't think it'd become a new hobby for him. He's not reluctant about it like Kenshi, it just doesn't interest him as much as you'd like 
He makes it known he's doing this for you. Not in an asshole way, but in a “I really like when you're happy” type of way 
I'm NOT looking up old ass groups just for this so imma say his favorite thing to dance to is Kard in general. Why? Idk. I’m spreading an agenda
I wanna write more MK1 intros but I’m brain empty. I’m miserable This was also short. My bad anon. Everyone has around 230 words
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ask-unpleasant · 20 days
hey chat sorry for the month of inactivity. i was unmotivated to do anything with this blog
but then i looked at some of the art on here and realized that i just lost my love for the character designs. so you know how we're gonna fix that? we're redesigning some characters bayybeeee 😈
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starting with the man the myth the legend, here is UNPLEZZIE 2.0
he's probably the only one i had genuine problems with other than not being very aesthetically pleasing. he seemed too boring, his proportions were always a bit wonky, and the way he became more and more simple the more i drew him dumbed him down to just...awkward.
for this redesign, i kept all the features that made him my unpleasant. the only really signature thing i changed was his hair, sorry not sorry he had to fire his barber. i changed his scars to be far less opaque as to not clutter him up (which was the main reason i left them out most of the time), the only drawback is that i'm no longer just scribbling them in with a brush, they're actual geometry, so i cut back on the arms just for my own sake. also his tail now looks (and acts) like an actual docked tail.
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creepy was probably my least favorite character to draw. its head shape with the hair that always ends off screen, the 4 arms, the lack of any real way to move visible, it has always been a mess of a character. don't get me wrong, creepy is my second favorite character to write for (beaten only by neuro), i love its personality and its inflection, i just never got the chance to show that because i hated drawing it so much.
so for the redesign, i've basically reimagined it. its face hair now has an actual definitive ending, it has a more unique shape, and is just much more expunged-friendly in my opinion. it looks even more like its mom now...
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next is this one, i thought she was american. here's PARANORMAL 2.0
i'm gonna be totally honest i have no idea what i was doing when designing para for the first time. that outfit was 100% subconsciously stolen from some other character i can't think of right now. it also really just didn't fit her character at all. also i dont know why i gave her boobs???? what????
anyways for the redesign she's basically a whole new design now. i wanted to play with some shape language. also, para always had a sort of inhuman quality to me, despite her personality, so i've given her inverted eyes and some animalistic features. i guess it adds irony or something, i dunno.
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and finally, the moment GERIATRIC CAT you've all been waiting for, UNNERVING 2.0
in truth nervy's design is my favorite. the only gripe i had is the lack of legs, like with creepy. also i had to give her one of the same pride flag ass gradient as the rest so she'd fit in with the rest. other than all that i love her she is perfect just the way she is with minor adjustments
that's all the redesigns done!! i only did these 4 because stabby is not mine to redesign and NEURO is perfect just the way it is. feel free to give me any constructive criticism for these redesigns, i can always tweak em a bit. also the more stripy gradients wont a pattern that follows the contours of the body but rather just unmoving plaid always. i hope this lengthy yap sesh contributed something to something, maybe gave some insight into my characters.
and if you got this far i put a public discord server link in the intro post. you dont gotta ask anymore. dont tell anyone....shhh....*lovingly puts my finger on your lips* *smirks* *bolts away* *gets hit by truck* *instantly fatal*
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decaydanceredacted · 4 months
pete fighting uhh pinning him down. and uhh. pussy. yeah. so like. Sorry i went on a rant i’ve been stuck on this specific thought for days and i thought i’d save it to submit it. :-)
to start off, pete’s a good fight, honestly. he’s physically strong and relatively little - so he can move pretty quick and hit pretty hard. so its pretty hard to get him down onto the ground, but not too bad. it’s some deserted parking lot, the van blocks the streetlamp from really lighting us up. so i get him on his back. he’s probably dressed in something skimpy, because he’s a whore, and his hair is probably all messed up. he hasn’t had the chance to fuck with it in a few days, so its curled up at the edges from sweat. he’s grimy. sweaty. probably smells terrible. but he kinda looks pretty like this - sort of grouted at the seams. he’s very pretty, actually. his lips don’t get any less plush just because his teeth are bared (nice teeth too, by the way).
also, he’s got a collar on. because he’s a whore? i mean obviously. it’s simple black leather, a single strap around his throat with a couple studs. he’s been wearing it all day and nobody has even questioned it. so, he’s pinned down. arms under his waist just enough to restrain him, with my knee on his stomach, the other up by his hip. he’s squished in half, his thigh got caught between my legs and is now resting sort of over my hip. i’ve got a hand on his chest to keep him down, the other grabs at his collar before i can think of anything smarter to do. if he wasn’t more aware of his loss, he’d probably have tried to bite at me.
the part of this i’ve really been stuck on all day is telling him something like “down, boy” or “heel” or “don’t bite, hound” or really anything that would remind him he’s a puppy to me. (have you seen the guy? have you heard him talk? he’s a doggy!) and watching how he would sort of melt under it. relax back into the concrete just enough to tell me he’s given up. (usually, people would simply dismount (?) him at this point. but i unfortunately need to fuck him so bad that my head hurts when i think about his pussy so. here we are.) since he’s scrunched in half, his belt is pretty easy to undo, and there’s really no reason to be gentle about it - so i think i’d get his jeans up to about midway on his thigh (i would have to take my knee off his tummy but that isn’t really a problem because he’s not gonna fight back.)
he’s a fucking loser. not only because he’s a nerdy sorta freak, but because he lost the fight and he’s being undressed on perhaps the dirtiest concrete in all of the midwest, several hours after dark. non-losers would be at a party, or maybe asleep. (so, basically, he’s fucking embarrassed. a little guilty. kinda like the face doggies give you when they know they shouldn’t have done something, and they just did it in front of you.)
pete’s teary, flushed, and doing his very best to avoid the embarrassment of eye contact right now. because his pants just came off, and the shitty boxers he’s wearing are absolutely soaked through because his dumb ass can’t even get called a bitch without needing to jerk off after. (he nearly came in his pants the second he was on the ground. it’s loser behavior.)
i’d probably be actively making fun of him for it, too. like “jesus christ, dude, one punch and you’re wet through your panties?” or maybe tugging the collar and making a joke about how he must be in heat. follow it up with quite literally any sentence containing the word breed and he’s out of his mind.
i need to shove his boxers up and spread his cunt open. brush his t-dick as gently as i can just to watch him squirm. start off with one finger, dragging it in and out at a pace that would definitely make him whine. (or, try to get up so he can take over - only to be shoved back down by a hand on his throat.) (i want to feel his insides. he’s gotta be super worked up, so no matter how you’re touching him, he’d be twitching.) while he’s probably yipping up a storm (because he’s a puppy! yip yip woof!) i’d take the opportunity to get a second finger in and start on a moderate pace. two fingers, not even going that fast, and he’s losing his fucking mind. uselessly babbling and trying to shove his hips down onto my hand.
absolutely nothing going through his head, i’m sure. if anything, probably some word-soup that ends up only consisting of “puppy, please, cum” or something of that nature. not a single sentence or complex thought. i wanna watch him cum his dumb puppy brains out. barely able to move but thrashing around anyway. i’d get a hand on his collar and pinch it just a little tighter when i feel his cunt start to seize up. (i think he’d start silently, or maybe just with a mumble (something like “fuck, i’m cumming, m’ gonna cum.” again. no complex thought in that thing!) and then devolve into whining as loud as humanly possible. borderline barking. cause. yeah. you get the gist. woof.) i wanna watch him shaking and trying to compose himself after - eyeliner running down his face, red cheeks, bloody lip from our fight.
i feel like this is already too long so i’ll leave rhis one here and maybe come back later to put another incredibly long psot int he askbox. You know what it’ll be. i’ll be fucking that band guy that barks
-⚙️ gear anon :-)
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
If you're still doing the word and number/song game.... how about the word Gentleman😏.
And song number 25 (and Yoongi ofcourse... it is always Yoongi🫠)
i was genuinely shocked that i found gentleman in any of my wips
Like a true gentleman, he let you ride out the wave squeezing him however hard you needed to until you collapsed back onto the bed.
Eat it, eat it 'til you break a sweat / Lick it all, give your all 'til you outta breath (Ah) / Eat it, eat it, eat it 'til I cum / Gimme some, gimme some 'til I'm goin' dumb
» pairing: dom!yoongi x sub!reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | established relationship | pwp | smut
» wc/date: 1.3k | January 2023
» warnings: bondage (tied wrists and ankles with rope, but that's it) | yoongi's tongue technology obviously | overstimulation
» notes: lol the song you picked was babydoll by ari abdul, but that's the song i used as inspo for my oneshot, "babydoll", so i'm giving you a different song 😌 i got a little carried away but it's yoongi eating pussy, can you blame me???
» masterlist | AO3 | send me ur thots 👅
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“What safe word do you want to use?” 
“Safe word?” 
“Yes, Y/N,” Yoongi huffs against the side of your neck. He bites down on your shoulder a bit too hard, and you let out a small whine of pain. “What’s your fucking safe word?” 
“Do we actually need one?” 
Yoongi sits back on his knees. The look he��s giving you is deadly. 
You’re a bit concerned by how much it turns you on. 
Your eyes flicker down to the items he’s clutching in his fists - fists he’s clenching because you’re being difficult again. That’s how you ended up here, isn’t it? The more frustrating you were, the more clothes Yoongi ripped off. 
“Yes, we do.” He unravels the black rope, detangling it so you see three strips of equal length. Your stomach twists. “How about the color system? Green for good, yellow as a warning, red for a full stop?” 
You nod. 
“Words. Or I’m leaving.” 
Ice water. That’s what his threat feels like washing down your spine. You don’t like the idea of being sprawled out naked on your bed, all riled up, just to have Yoongi leave. 
“The color system is okay. We can use that,” you elaborate. It finally satisfies him, and you’re gifted a lip-bruising kiss as a reward for finally cooperating. 
His lips distract you from his hands until you’ve got both arms pulled above your head. Your small sound of surprise is muffled by his tongue slipping inside your mouth, but he eventually pulls away to watch his hands as he ties your wrists to the bed frame. 
“I know you said you were up for exploring anything, but I don’t want to go too hard or too far with you too soon. This type of restraint is pretty vanilla, in my opinion. It’s low-risk, simple.”
Before you can say anything, he’s already at the foot of the bed, using the longer pieces of rope to tie your ankles. The ropes keep your legs spread. You’ve got enough slack to bend your knees, but you can’t close your legs. 
“How do you feel about this?” For a moment, the lust is gone. Yoongi stares up at you from between your legs with a gentleness that has you speechless.
“Y/N, color,” he tries again. 
You blink a few times. “Yes, yes it’s fine. Green. It’s fine.” 
You want him so bad it feels like your pussy is on fire. Your clit is throbbing so uncomfortably from the lack of stimulation, and you can feel your arousal trickle down to your ass. It’s embarrassing, but you can’t close your thighs to stop it. Resting your head back on the pillow so you can stare at the ceiling feels like the best option to hide your embarrassment. You know humiliation can be part of this type of roleplay, but you don’t think Yoongi means to do that. You’re just painfully shy around him sometimes. 
Suddenly, you feel something warm and wet flick across your clit and you cry out, hips bucking up in desperation. You hadn’t even felt Yoongi’s presence between your thighs, but it almost immediately disappeared. 
“Yoongi!” You gasp. 
You don’t get a response other than the feeling of his warm breath on your skin again. The tip of his tongue swirls along the inside of your thigh. 
He takes a bite, tongue swirling your skin again as though he’s soothing you through the pain. Earlier, he’d instructed you not to look at him. It makes everything more exciting; you can’t anticipate what he’s going to do. 
Just when you think he’s moving to repeat his action on your other thigh, Yoongi suddenly returns to your pussy. He laps up your arousal, licking over your entrance. With a pointed tongue, he presses a bit harder against your entrance, the tip of his tongue slipping inside before he removes himself from you again. 
“Ah, fuck, Yoongi. Please, Yoongi, please.” You’re practically crying, hips jerking every time you feel his breath against your skin. You’re frantic and he knows it. 
Licking a stripe up your lower lips, he sucks one side into his mouth, tongue massaging your skin. The slight nibble of his teeth sends goosebumps prickling up your thighs. If your nipples weren’t already hard from Yoongi’s lips on them earlier, they certainly would be now. 
“You’re fucking creamy, baby,” Yoongi groans into your pussy, and there’s something about the gravelly tone of his voice that makes you feel like you’re going to explode. 
His tongue slowly circles your clit a few times before he’s suddenly lapping against it with quick, sharp motions. The point flicks against you over and over again. 
He’s breathing hard; you can feel puffs of his hot breath fade cool against your burning skin. When he pulls away to catch his breath, you can see how his lips and chin practically shine with your arousal. 
He quickly unties your ankles and tosses the ropes to the floor. The quick action has you lifting your head, but a low grunt makes you pause. 
“Don’t you fucking lift your head,” Yoongi commands. 
You swallow down a whimper, yet it’s much harder to follow instructions than you thought. Your head starts to lift immediately. You get a peek of shocking orange hair between your thighs. A stinging slap to your thigh forces your head down. 
“Why don’t you listen? Hm?” His questions are snappy, but the chuckle that rumbles from his throat tells you he’s amused and not angry. 
“I don’t like you bossing me around,” you mumble.
Instead of letting your legs go, he squeezes the backs of your thighs and pushes forward and up, close to lifting your ass off the bed. The new position gives him easier access to your pussy when he props himself up on his elbows. 
“Do you want me to stop?” 
You shake your head, but you’re not sure if he’s looking at you. 
“Still green,” you say with a shaky exhale as Yoongi returns to your pussy. 
Now that he’s got you in this elevated position, it’s clear he’s no longer teasing you. He’s got a goal. The fast, consistent rhythm he adopts as his tongue laps at your clit is proof of that. You’re wet enough that the room fills with the sound of Yoongi’s lips sucking your clit and his tongue drawing circles and zigzags. 
“Ah, ahh, fffuuck, Yoongi, fuck, don’t… don’t stop…” 
You frantically pull against the rope around your wrists. He must have been worried about tying you up too tightly because you’re able to wiggle out of it. Your hands immediately dig into his messy hair. If he’s mad that you freed yourself, he doesn’t make any indication. 
No one has ever managed to get you off by only their tongue. Having a finger or two in the mix is usually what pushes you over the edge, but you’re quickly realizing that Yoongi isn’t like your other partners. 
With a low groan, Yoongi ruts into the mattress; you can feel each subtle thrust make the bed ram into the wall. The precise movements of his tongue, paired with the knowledge that he’s turned on by pleasuring you, are what finally make you cum. The force of it knocks the air out of you; you can’t even manage to moan, only throw your head back in a silent scream as Yoongi continues lapping at your pussy until you’re clean and trembling from overstimulation. 
You let out a long hiss of a sigh when Yoongi eventually pulls away. He lets your legs drop to the side and kneels between them, a smug look on his face. 
“How was it?” He’s a dick for asking and he knows it. 
You open your mouth, but still, nothing comes out. 
“That good, huh?” The smug look intensifies and there’s nothing you can do but try to catch your breath. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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7 Minutes In Heaven (w.m)
WandaxG!P Reader
 Just to keep the book updated If you have a request message me babes.
Y/ns POV:
"Who wants another drink?" I yell as I walk towards the bar hearing a chorus of no thank yous I turn to double check "definitely no one wants a drink I'm not getting back up" I laugh as I grab a beer I scan the group and catch eyes with wanda she's so fucking beautiful I've never had the courage to make a move the rest of our friends know I'm head over heels for her but I just can't find the courage "can I have a beer please" she says a trace of her accent seeping through I smile and grab an extra beer opening both walking back over to sit down "here you go wanda" I say getting a little shy as she smiles "thank you y/n" I smile and look around "ok Tony what ridiculous games have you got planned tonight" Natasha smirks leaning back into the couch beer in hand making me laugh "well since you asked I was actually thinking of 7 minutes in heaven unless yall are scared, simple rules you spin the bottle whoever it lands on you take to the closest minimum is kissing you can't just stand there awkwardly otherwise you have to drink a disgusting alcoholic mixture of my making" he explains as if we're dumb "ok old man we get it" I state making wanda giggle "I'm not going first " Bruce exclaimed no surprise there "I'll go first " Sam yells excitedly, I take a drink as the bottle spins we all watch intensely as it slows and lands on Maria "ohhh shit" we all yell laughing as they walk to the closet and the timer is started I decided to talk to wanda to waste the time
"I know you've been here like 10 months now but how are you settling in" she smiles getting a little closer to me "yeah it's OK I love this weird family we all have it makes me feel safe the people here make me feel safe" she whispers with a blush "times up guys get out" Tony yells as we all look at them fixing their clothes and whistle  "my turn" wanda says looking at me then the bottle as it spins I sit and pray it lands on me because no matter what happens I can blame the game but still get to at least kiss her "Y/N and wanda woo hooo get your asses in the closest " Tony yells snapping me out of my thoughts as I look up shocked "wait what happened" I look around then down at the bottle pointed at me I look at wanda and whisper "if your not comfortable with this it's OK I'll take Tony's poisoned concoction" she smiles and stands up grabbing my hand I guess she's OK with it we make our way to the closet as the door closes behind us. 
"We don't have to do anything ill just pretend we made out" I whisper rubbing her arm "oh believe me I want to do this" she whispers as she leans in locking her lips against mine making me moan at the feeling as butterfly's fill my stomach I slide my hand down to her waist pulling her flat against me deepening the kiss as my tounge explores her mouth after a minute we break away "that was amazing" I whisper leaning my head against hers "yes it was" she grabs my tee and pulls me back in for a kiss as my hands roam down to her ass "is this ok" I mumble against her lips making her giggle "fuck yes " I smirk and squeeze her ass pulling her against me as my bulge starts to grow she looks up at me biting her lip "are you..hard" I blush and hide my face not saying anything "y/n it's OK I like it" I bite my lip and lean in to kiss her again "times up love birds" Tony and Nat yell as the door is pulled open making us turn to look at their smirking faces "wait that was 7 minutes" I groan making wanda giggle we walk out as I try to discreetly fix my bulge, I sit on the couch a little uncomfortable as wanda walks over sitting on my lap smirking she leans into whisper in my ear "the other seats are taken hope this is ok" I bite my lip and nod "its more than ok but might be a little uncomfortable my little friend isn't listening to me" I whisper making her bite her lip "I know I can feel it makes this seat the best in the house" I feel myself getting harder at her words,
we continue to drink and laugh as the night goes on "hey I'm gonna head to bed feeling a little tired" I lie earning a few raised eye brows "oh you know what me to I feel so tired" wanda says with a fake yawn we both get up and walk upstairs towards wandas room "thank god I thought we'd never get to be alone" she whispers as we walk into her room I grab her waist pulling her into me smashing my lips against hers in a bruising kiss making us both moan I pick her up walking towards the bed gently throwing her on the mattress as she giggles looking at me "please just fuck me I've spent the last 2 hours being teased by your dick I could feel everything" she moans as I start to undress wanda following my lead leaving us both in our underwear
"fuck wanda you're so beautiful " I say as I climb over her leaving kisses along her jaw earning quite moans "no you are y/n" she says sitting up as she runs her finger tips down my stomach towards my boxers "look at that bulge you look huge"she whispers as she slowly slides them down making me kick them off she gasps as my cock springs out to action "mmmh fuck" she breaths making me smirk I groan as she wraps her hand around my cock moving her hand slowly her eyes never leaving mine "uh fuck wanda just like that feels so good" I groan as she words her hand faster making me lean my head back at the pleasure I pull away making her look at me confused "I'd rather be inside you right now baby I've been so horny since your lips landed on mine" I lean down kissing her stomach as I pull her panties off slowly my eyes instantly going to her cunt making me groan "fuck" I moan as I run my finger through her wet folds making her moan trying to grind against my finger "mhh such a needy girl" I smirk pulling my finger away "please daddy" I look at her and groan as the words leave her mouth I quickly flip her onto her stomach gripping her hips bringing her ass up I rub my hands over her ass taking in the sight "fuck wanda" I moan as I rub my cock through her dripping folds earning a whimper from the redhead "please daddy don't tease me" I lick my lips and gently start pushing into her groaning at how tight she is "fuck yes" she moans as I sink deep inside her making her gasp "you're doing so well babygirl" I gently rub her back as I stay completely still letting her adjust to the size "you can move now" she breaths out I start to thrust slowly gripping her hips making us both moan she grips the sheets "fuck daddy faster please" I grip her hips thrusting faster and harder the sounds of our skin slapping together filling the room"uhh fuck wanda so fucking good" I moan thrusting harder and faster I grip her hair pulling her up gently so her backs against my chest I wrap my arms around her chest playing with her nipple as I continue my brutal pounding turning her into a moan mess "mmmm mmmmh" is all I hear I pull almost all the way out just to slam back in repeating my actions she opens her mouth as a silent scream leaves her mouth I slide my hand up to her throat and squeeze gently "mhh cum for me babygirl be a good girl for daddy" I feel her walls tighten around my cock as I continue to thrust faster I feel my orgasm approach as I slam deep inside her and cum with a loud moan pulling her closer to me kissing her jaw as we both come down from our highs "holy fuck wanda that was amazing" I say as I slide out of her slowly earning a moan I quickly run to the bathroom getting a damp cloth "y/n what are you doing" she says sleepy "getting a cloth to clean you wanda" she smiles as I clean her gently not to over stimulate her "stay with me please" she whispers as I finish cleaning myself "of course wanda anything for you" I smile climbing into bed as she cuddles into my drawing shapes on my chest "I've wanted to kiss you for the longest time" i confess quietly "me to y/n " she whispers with a yawn I pull her closer to me as we drift off into a peaceful sleep. 
AN: just a little update to keep the book updated If you have any requests message me they are appreciated haha, word count is 1.6k
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For my Danny Phantom/isat idea. I adore their dynamic so much yall don't even know: (Act 6 on the top of the House. Danny leans against the wall near the bottom stair. Notably, in the loops, he sat on the bottom step)
Siffrin: Hey, Danny.
Danny: Hey, Frin! Feeling better? Less explodey?
Siffrin: (You take a moment.)
Siffrin: (...)
Siffrin: (Yup! You're tired, really tired, but... you're doing fine. No better than fine. Good. You're doing good for once.)
Siffrin: (You nod.)
Danny: That's good, dude. When we get back, take a nap for like. Ten years.
Siffrin: (laughs) I'll stick with a night's sleep. But. Yeah. I will.
Siffrin: ...I'm sorry.
Danny: I'll stop you right there.
Siffrin: (You stop right there.)
Danny: ....
Danny: (sighs) Look. I don't like what you said. Getting back home... I need to try. And no one else, not even you are going to stop me.
Siffrin: (You nod. The idea of losing him hurts but... if Danny wants to go home, you're going to help. No matter how much it hurts to think about. Besides, it's going to take a lot more than simple craft to get him there. The teen is smarter than he gives himself credit for, but still. It may be impossible on his own. So, even if you lose him, you and the rest of your family are going to be there right beside him until the end. He shouldn't ever have to do this alone).
Danny: ....But, I get it. I really do. I... Let's just say I know what it's like to almost lose my family too.
Siffrin: (What!?)
Siffrin: What!?
Danny: Not the point!!! Just!!!
Danny: ...I forgive you. What happens in the time loop stays in the time loop.
Danny: Unless you want to talk about it.
Danny: You should talk about it.
Danny: But I mean. Whatever happened is fine!!! Like if you did something weird, or if you killed one of us-
Siffrin: (WHAT!!!!)
Siffrin: I WOULD NEVER!!!!!
Danny: !!!
Danny: Never said you did!!!! But I wouldn't mind if you tried???
Siffrin: Danny????
Danny: I don't know it's a time loop!!!! They're weird!!!
Siffrin: (Wait. The way Danny talks about time loops...)
Siffrin: Danny... have.... have you been stuck in a time loop before?
Siffrin: (With how many weird things he's casually mentioned, you wouldn't be surprised.)
Danny: No!!!! I mean I've time traveled-
Siffrin: (-He's What)
Siffrin: (Scratch that. You can be surprised-)
Danny: -But no time loops here!!! We've just got a lot of stories back at home about time loops.
Siffrin: Is... is that a common thing back in your dimension?
Danny: I mean after this movie- wait you don't know movies- we've got this... story we've told called Groundhogs Day. Some asshole dude was so mean to everyone that God put them in a timeloop until he became a better person.
Siffrin: ...
Siffrin: ........Did this actually happen to someone?
Danny: Nah. Back home people compare every time loop story to it. But I'm pretty sure it was fake. Probably.
Danny: (muttering) But I can see Clockwork putting someone in a time loop.
Siffrin: (You feel your headache coming back.)
Siffrin: Okay that's enough.
Danny: (laughs) Suuuuuuure.
Danny: ...But Siffrin, just. I am sorry for saying you were just like Vlad. You aren't. At all.
Siffrin: (You're not sure you agree. You were acting possessive, creepy, imposing, all things you know how Danny described Vlad.)
Siffrin: But-?
Danny: You aren't. Vlad never apologized. Ever. He never even tried to really get to know me. He... You're not like him at all. I've never felt safe with him, and maybe that's why it hurt when you...
(Danny frowns, hands clenched to his sides).
Siffrin: (Danny...)
Danny: (lets out a heavy sigh) But you're not Vlad! Vlad is a dumb fruitloop too up his own ass to care about anyone except his own ego. And you! Just need to go be sleepfrin.
Siffrin: (...?)
Siffrin: (He's looking at you, for something?)
Siffrin: (Oh.)
Siffrin: Was, was that a pun?
Siffrin: (It was an awful attempt at one if it was).
(Danny's face falls. Oh, stars it was. Oops!)
Danny: ...go away now.
Siffrin: Danny.
Danny: No.
Siffrin: I'm dansipointed in you.
Danny: :0! (starts laughing)
Danny: (He starts to move his hand toward Siffrin.)
Siffrin: (It's a fist bump!!! A Danny Fist Bump!!! Finally!!! You get one too!!!)
(You try to meet his hand halfway, but Danny's hand goes around?)
(Oh! He's trying to hug you!!! The sideways ones like he gives Bonnie and Mirabelle!!!)
(You try to save it. You quickly switch around to do an over the shoulder hug that you totally were going for the entire time.)
(You didn't count on Danny doing the same thing, but in reverse. His arm falls as yours rises, and he's left awkwardly raising his fist in the hair while your arm flaps uselessly behind him).
Danny: ...
Siffrin: ...
Danny: We're bad at this.
Siffrin: (You nod.)
Danny: Ummm. (He doesn't put his fist down)
Danny: Oh! How about this?
(He wraps his arm around your shoulder, hug fully completed this time. Yours settles in behind him. But, his fist is still raised, waiting for you to complete the signature Danny Fist Bump)
(How can you refuse?)
(It's a simple. Just a little knock of your knuckles together. One moment of contact before it's quickly gone.)
(It doesn't stop feeling like the world.)
(You realize Danny hasn't let you go.)
Siffrin: Danny...?
Danny: I'm glad. (he rushes out, his voice is tight) I'm glad there was something going on, Frin. That we could do something to help.
Danny: I... I didn't want to lose you too.
Siffrin: (Danny...)
Siffrin: I'm here! I'm right here...
Danny: Good.
(He squeezes you one more time and lets you go.)
(......You don't know his other family. From his stories, you're not sure you want him to go back to a life that put a teenager in charge of protecting the world. But, if Danny wants to go home...)
(You understand more than anyone. That need. It's not fair to tell him it's impossible for him to go back just because it is for you).
(You just hope that there's someone there that misses him as much as he's fighting to get back to them.)
Danny: Now, go take a nap or something, you're gonna fall over the rail. Then what? All those time loops just to die to gravity?
Siffrin: Not the worst way to die!
Siffrin: (You would know!)
Danny: Don't I know it!!!
(You both laugh.)
(You wave goodbye, and head off to another family member.)
Siffrin: (...before the loops you tried to discourage Danny making jokes about dying.)
Siffrin: (You probably should now too).
Siffrin: (But you know what they say about beating dead horses-)
Siffrin: (...........Don't?)
Siffrin: (...)
Siffrin: (Eh. You'll see where the jokes take you. After all, you have time to figure it out).
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What is Twisted Wonderland and how would you sell someone on it?
Ohoho. Ohohohoho. Anon. You have activated my trap card >:D
(I'm about to be soooo annoying/unhinged and I'm sorry. I'm not.)
Alright, so:
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Twisted Wonderland is a Disney mobile game made in Japan and co-produced by Aniplex. (Yes, that Aniplex.) I'm not here to sell you on the game, so much as the story, but it is a sort of story-book rpg with turned based fights and rhythm games, where you build character units from a gacha pull. As far as gameplay goes, it's very simple, and most of the emphasis lies on the characters and the story. And it's wonderful.
The on-the-box description of this game doesn't do it justice, per se, but that might be because Disney has a little bit of influence on it and they suck at knowing who their target audience is. It is about a high school based on classic Disney villains—but no, not in the way you're thinking, because I once made that mistake too. It is not a villain school. Rather, the world of Twisted Wonderland is its own entity, with characters built as sort of nods or foils to classic Disney characters. The world itself is somewhat built with these films as its past, and history has become so twisted (ha) that modern society views some of these classic villains as the heroes or supporting characters of their stories, and respect them as The Great Seven. (The seven in question being the Queen of Hearts, Scar, Ursula, Jafar, the Evil/Raven Queen, Hades, and Maleficent. None of them are remembered by name, though.)
The game takes place in the modern era, a society with both technology and magic. Specifically, it takes place in a magic high school called Night Raven College, an all-boys dormitory prep school where the only requirement to get in is a magic mirror that peers into your soul and determines whether or not you can a) do magic and b) kin the Great Seven. And, of course, the player character is a regular-ass human who gets isekai'd in and gets stuck with a talking magic cat direbeast named Grim.
Now. That is the general synopsis. I, on the other hand, affectionately call this the Mental Breakdown game.
See, here's the kicker. The magic system is pretty nifty; while it's functions as a standard magic-is-magic sort of soft system, it has ✨consequences✨
Magic has this byproduct called blot. It's this icky stuff that builds up when you a) use too much magic and/or b) are emotionally distressed. But less so in a "I'm panicked right now" sort of way and more so in a "I have chronic depression and/or anxiety" sort of way. And, when a mage is powerful enough, and sad boi enough, and then goes and uses way too much magic and sad boi juice in one sitting, this amazing phenomenon occurs called "overblot"—which is pretty much a super-powered evil form that turns the mage into the darkest form of themselves and then uses magic until they die.
Naturally, this happens in the game. A lot. The formula is pretty much that each "book" of the story, there is an overblot. One for each of the seven dorms, which are based off of the seven villains/the movies they come from. (And "based on" is pretty loose. Yes you can see the similarities, but these are dumb teenage boys with their own hopes and aspirations, and, sometimes, the game completely lies to you about what character they emulate the most. The guy who's Jafar? Well yes but he's actually just a really stressed out Genie stand in. The Hades guy? Whoops that's Meg. Is that a card soldier or the White Rabbit? Doesn't matter, he's got problems.)
The characters are so well written. I could gush about them forever, and they are the driving points of this plot and it means everything to me. They are some of the most traumatized and messed up individuals, but also, they are dumb teenage boys who do dumb teenage boys things. It is all incredibly well balanced and startlingly realistic for a game that amounts to beating the emotional constipation around people. Mostly because it cannot be beat out of them. The blot can, but they have to deal with their emotions with their own two hands, with varying levels of success.
And the shenanigans!!!! Oh, the shenanigans. I call this the Emotional Trauma game but I have once laughed so hard someone heard me through the floor. It's not all doom and gloom for sure. Sometimes you're watching your friend fall apart because his toxic mother instilled debilitating perfectionism and slowly start making enemies of everyone and sometimes you're sending three of the most gremlin students plus one cinnamon roll to infiltrate a gala that a bunch of weather fairies are throwing in the greenhouse because they stole your temperature regulating magestone to be shiny jewelry and you want it to stop snowing inside your dorm room. And sometimes you can have the exact same character who experienced losing his little brother right in front of him gush about a magical girl sledding anime and all of his gacha games. It is the best of both worlds.
And, that's not all! No, no. We get amazing character interactions. Not just pre-determined friend group interactions, but also random interactions. Yana Toboso (the writer/artist) really likes to stick names in a jar sometimes and make them interact and it is the best thing ever. Every single one of these characters I hold in my hands. Every single one of them gets to have their moment to shine. You can emotionally invest in all of them and be rewarded for it.
The game itself is free and pretty easy to get into. There's not really a bad power creep so you can get through it with what you got. Of course the fun part of collecting cards is that there are stories attached to them that you can watch, and those are also sources of joy. (And it's well documented, so you can find things online pretty easily to catch up and see more.)
I just think it's neat. (Read: I accidentally became wholly obsessed with this game and its characters and they are all blorbos to me.)
You should definitely fall into this rabbit hole with me :))) It's so worth it :)))
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ebonysplendor · 6 months
The Science of Staying Awake Review 👁️
TL;DR: Sleep is often for the weak, but having, what is likely but claims not to be, a hallucination being violently in love with you is something that is not for the weak. Apparently, it's not for the living either...
Game Link: https://viscereye.itch.io/the-science-of-staying-awake
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Unnamed MC (referred as "You"), Yandere LI, Choice-heavy storyline Spiciness: 0/5 -- Not exactly wholesome because violence but no option to buss it open so no spice LI Red Flags: 1.7/5 -- Physically abusive, Crosses boundaries...other than that, he be's a touch starved boi who just wants cuddles
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Before I say anything, I just want you to read this:
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Let me tell you, I had no idea how accurate that description was until I played it. That is a damned accurate description, and quite frankly, the only way to describe the experience that this was.
Anyways, I had ran across it when going through my game files, and I was like "Oh yeah! This game exists!" and decided to write a review on this one. I played this game many moons ago, and frankly, I don't see many people talking about or referencing this one; I honestly feel like more people should know about it, because there is a game to be played here. I mean, how many people are actually going to run across this review, I have no idea, but shit, hopefully it'll get a few extra downloads, because as "cheesy" as it may look, this was actually a pretty damn good game!
Honestly (and respectfully) speaking, you know how you look at a game, and you're like "This is probably going to be bad, but I'm curious"? From looking at the backgrounds they used, the description itself, and how they described the game as "cheesy" and a "creepypasta fanfic", I honestly thought this was supposed to be one of those "intentionally bad but funny as hell" games for jokes, but...yeah, no. If it was meant to be that way, I didn't get that at all.
I'll explain more in the actual review portion, but I'm going to go ahead and cut to the chase. As always, I give you the disclaimer that -- and those that have been vibing with me since the start of all of this already know -- I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
Just as a side note, I think I do say that verbatim every time I write a review -- between that, "so boom", and the whole "drink water, don't be dumb" thing lol. I might switch it up one day, but that's honestly how I talk in real life. Like, can you not tell that I type the way that I speak? I mean, if it was something for college or work or something, yeah, I'm going to code switch, obvi, but for stuff like this? I'm pretty much talkin' to y'all like y'all are the squad because...well, y'all are lol.
Anyways! Enough chitchat, let's get summarizing.
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So, boom (lmao ya see?).
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We're in class, and we're tired as fook. Like, it's not even that "Damn, this class is boring" type of tired; it's that "I deadass haven't slept in 2 days, and I'm starting to hear colors and see sounds" type of tired. That "Ayo, why does this hard ass desk feel mad comfortable all of a sudden" type of tired. That plain and simple "a bitch is TIDE not tired" type of tired. Anyways, we recognize this as a current problem, and we know that we've gotta do something about it. Expeditiously. So, we hit up the vending machine, get something to wake us up a little, and then head on home.
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When I say that it took everything to get up those stairs and to our bedroom...listen.
Like, as soon as we got through the door, we dropped that backpack to the floor, and we dive -- you hear me, dive -- into that bed. Now, with the way that we were feeling, dreamland should've been immediate. To be real with you, we were probably asleep by the time we were mid-air, but like, when we landed, we landed on something, and this something -- or rather someone -- goes "Ow". Like huuuuuuuh?
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Again: Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? Fuck you mean, "Ow?" Like who the hell is yooooooooou?!
No, like, we literally ask who he -- ...it? --- is, because clearly, he was not here when we left, let alone just chilling in our bed, but he's just super casual about it, like, "Oh! I'm Vance!". Like, oh, right, Vance; that suddenly makes this whole situation totally normal and nothing to worry about -- as if that were even slightly true.
Here's the thing though, oddly enough, it actually is kind've true. See, we're not scared of him as a...whatever he is, but something about him is just...not right; something is very clearly off. Like, when he had introduced himself, he had shook our hand, and we immediately got this mad intense feeling of dread that we couldn't describe, and something about it just kind've made us feel like we were, quite literally, spiraling into insanity.
Naturally, we pull ourselves away from him and step back -- that spiraling feeling and anxiety is instantly gone. As you've probably guessed, it didn't take us long to put together that it's not good for this "Vance" creature to be too close in proximity, let alone anywhere near us.
He kind've picks up on this, and he's adamant that he's not going to hurt us. Still, we try to explain to him that, while we're not really threatened by him, we get this weirdly intense feeling whenever he's nearby, and he essentially needs to stay a little more than an arm's length away at all times; frankly, the further away, the better. Well...
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He didn't take that well, and now, we feel threatened by him.
I hadn't mentioned this before, but Vance was already pretty upset that we wouldn't really let him come near us, let alone cuddle with him, but now he's extra pissed because we're essentially rejecting him altogether, even though he's, quite literally, driving us insane.
So, now that he's like this, we've got to get the hell out of there because, now, we aren't sure if he's still on the whole "I'm not going to hurt you" energy like before. That being said, we completely bolt, and he's like "Nah, bring that ass here, boi". Panic. Big panic time.
So, we do. We run off, but it does no good, because he finds us.
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Granted, he doesn't know exactly where we are, but it doesn't matter because we're completely cornered. What are we going to do?
Well, let me rephrase that I know what I'm going to do; better yet, I know what I did. Now you guys on the other hand? Lol, I'll guess you'll have to play it for yourself to see what y'all are going to do.
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I had honestly forgotten how good this game was until I had replayed it to grab some screenshots and to get a refresher on what actually went down. I'm not even kidding about that. My love for the game had literally re-sparked, and I can't believe that I forgot how good it was. If you've read my past reviews, you know that I mentioned at one point that I become an absolute slut for a choice-heavy game -- this is a choice heavy game and a damned good one. Speaking of choice-heavy...
Just to get off topic very slightly, you know what was crazy? When I went to replay it, apparently, I had done something different than when I had first played though the game and lmaoooooo, do you know that I had ended up finding THREE more endings? Wanna know something even crazier? One of them was a secret ending that I didn't even realize that I had gotten to!
Now mind you (lol you know the story is about to get a lil' spicy when that's said)! I had already unlocked like...if I remember right, like, 14 endings at this point, so when I found these other endings -- again, by total accident because, at this point, damn the review! I'm legit replaying the game for me, now -- I was now sitting at a grand total of 17 endings. So, now, I'm like "Ayo, what the hell?". Like, my mind is blown, because I was so sure that I had found all of the endings and completed the game. Remember, I hadn't touched or thought about this game in literal months because I was that confident that I had finished it. So, it's like, how many endings are there if I'm still managing to find more?
Naturally, I sprint to the dev's game page to conduct research on this burning question, and I am reading everything that there is to offer, but there was nothing. No "hey, this game has x amount of endings", no walkthrough map, no nothing. Did that stop me, though? Nah, because surely someone had experienced something similar to what I just had and was also like "Damn, how many endings are there...?". Lmaooooo well, I was right. You know what the answer is?
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19. There are nineteen endings in this game.
I already knew the answer, but I go back to count the amount of endings that I have; there's 17. I dig into the game files for some more hints, and I find two icons (you'll know what I mean when you play it) that I've never seen before. Oh, okay. So, it's confirmed, but let me make sure that I've got the details straight:
Are you seriously telling me that, not only had I incorrectly assumed that I had all of the endings and finished the game because I had gotten all of the achievements, but the fact that I found three other endings -- again, by accident! -- doesn't even matter because I'm still missing two more because there's NINETEEN ENDINGS total?!
Wild. Chaotic even, and you're damn right that I'm here for it all. I LOVE that there are so many endings. I love even more that I have other endings to look for because I'm totally in love with this game all over again. Even though, lol, it was the deadpan, nonchalant "19" from the dev for me. The dev said "I said what I said, and what about it?". We love to see it.
Anyways, I'm a huge advocate for this game. If you've got some time, definitely give it a try. I highly recommended, and Vance is a pretty sweet dude, if you can find that side of him, I mean. Also, just for a very light spoiler but not really, the real ending was so sweet to me. Like something about it, it just...I don't know. It was just a warm feeling that washed over me when I had read it, and I was just like "That was actually really cute?" Bittersweet, even. Like, ugh, I am honestly really pushing for more people to play this game. It was genuinely so good, and I hope that the dev comes out with more visual novels. I truly forgot how in love with this game I was until I replayed it. This has, highkey, been a great experience.
Anywho, it's time that I stop my rambling and end it here. If you'd like to give this game a go for yourself and discover all 🌟nineteen🌟 endings -- which I highly recommend that you do -- a link to the game is at the very bottom of this post as well as at the very top. Hell, I'll even put the link right here so you can get to it quicker. If you're feeling extra motivated, visit the dev's page and post a comment telling them how great of a job they did and give them that extra validation to let them know "Hey! You're pretty good at what you do! You should keep doing the thing!". I didn't see where you could donate to them, but assuming I just missed it, remember that monetary validation is always helpful as well.
That's all from me though! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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The Science of Staying Awake
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not-goldy · 11 months
Not your followers thinking Jimin doesn't need to be big star also. Are they even sane ??? EACH AND EVERY MEMBER IN BTS IS AMBITIOUS AF, ESPECIALLY JM. But unlike JK, JM is not airhead to keep on saying he want to be next big thing, want to be seen as this het fuckboy who only sings about sex to be seen as mature, want to be one and only kpop star to do so bla bla bla all while not lifting a pen to write songs, won't have streams and sales without a 938397328 versions and all that mediaplay from company. Or atleast the bare minimum hold a mic properly and talk/sing without fidgeting and embarrassing yourself. How you gonna dominate western market without even communication skills lmao.. those times when he used to stand in shade of RM is gone lol. Jk's big project DREAMERS debuted under bubbling 100 while JM gave that YG company their 1st hot 100 entry by a collab. So saying JK is this and that while we are not seeing results organically is dumb af. Golden maknae because he sing and dance some white man's songs which company already bought success for ? Oh there's 100 other artists who sings and dance way better than him. He can't hold 5 mins on stage if he's doing a dance battle with Jimin lol.
What company doing to members IS INJUSTICE AF.. especially Jimin who fucking proved he can also be the 'next big thing'. But they conveniently sweep him under rug so his shine won't affect their industry plant launch. Or why can't they support him too ???? Is it that difficult ? JK didn't do a shit and got everything. I BET HE WONT DEBUT NO.1 FOR SEVEN NOR GET ALL THOSE RECORDS IF IT WAS NOT THE PUSH FROM SCOOTS. BE FR. Go and check his BB points to see how payola impacted his chart. It would've been a -48 like 3D on second week too. While what we asked for Jimin was the deserved support in 2nd week for a song which fucking went no.1 with fans support and artist impact alone. It's NOT secretly wishing JK's treatment for JM, but asking what he fucking deserves. Literally any company will give the extra promos for his in 2nd week but not hybe who's on a mission to sell themselves to somehow establish JK in west 😬
And don't say JM will chose me over JK. Did I said I want JM to chose me ????? THIS IS HIS CAREER HE WORKED HARD FOR NOT A FUCKASS RELATIONSHIP. Even if you look at their relationship also, it's the same lol. JM keep on giving and giving him his everything while JK sit back and enjoy Jimin while not even bothering to post a simple bday wish or go and meet him even after him begging a 100 times.
YOU CANT CALL OTHERS JK ANTIS BECAUSE THEY SEE TRUTH AND SAY IT OUT LOUD. Ask him to play fairly like a man 1st, then we will see who's the real winner here ?
You are crazy if you think money, connections, power, politics, privilege and luck play zero role in making a star. Please find other 2 yr olds and hug them, don't bring this shit to the adult table its embarrassing.
I'm embarrassed for you.
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Go weep somewhere else.
You gonna come on the internet and bitch complain bout how the entertainment industry is not fair WELL BOO HOO CRY ME A RIVER YOU LOSER.
And make sure you come with a costume next time so we know the circus from whence you came Missy Clowniot.
You give PJMs a bad name you ASS HAT
You sound like those whiny kpop losers who complain BTS has privilege and connections and power and their lame loser favs don't- as if power and connections are things you throw on people's laps.
And the fact you out here farting yourself in the name of Park Jimin irks me so much. Here's the truth you want so bad, YOU SUCK. And you making Jimin out to be pathetic too damn.
Now I know it's not Park Jimin you out here acting like he's inferior and a victim and a loser who needs the bar to be lowered and for people to choose him love him play fair and nice before he can win. Child THE AUDACITY.
I know he's not the one you fucking dragging through the mud indirectly with these brain dead waste of breathe rants.
The nerve and audacity for you to even compare him to- WELL ANY ONE I'M ABOUT TO PUT HANDS ON YOU FOR THAT.
It's the lack of intelligence and you not taking a hint and you not knowing when to stop- FUCK IT LET'S GET NASTY THEN.
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
I think Rocket would be like, INSANELY good at Hanayama Enigma puzzles. They're these little puzzles made out of interlocking metal parts, and the goal is to take them apart and then put them back together. I could see him just coming across one and fiddling with it for a few seconds before having it taken apart not even realizing it's supposed to be a challenge. He's so good at intuitively knowing how things fit together that these puzzles would be no match for him.
sorry for my delay, sweet nonnie. i've been a little burnt-out and reclusive lately, and i apologize! i'm back now (sorta), and so grateful you sent me this ask. i had to look these up and then i fell into a hole watching youtube videos of people solving them. wild. my brain does not work this way.
rocket's brain, however, absolutely works this way. you are 100% correct. of course, you'd know. the first time he sees you fucking around with one of these puzzles, he peers over your shoulder for a whole two seconds before being like, you're doing it wrong.
you don't even know what i'm trying to do, you say, annoyed, and he rolls his eyes.
fuck off. do too. twist that piece there. no, not that much. moron.
you follow his less-than-stellar directions - more out of curiosity than anything else - and outside of a few false starts when he's just not being clear about what he wants you to do, every new step takes you closer to the perfect solution.
it would be enraging if it weren't for how fascinated he looks. not by the puzzle itself, so much as the idea that it is a puzzle. for him, it just makes sense. he looks at these pieces of metal and - from your perspective - it's like he can see right through time, to the thing it's supposed to be. and god forbid he gets his actual hands on it. he's even faster when you convince him to try one himself and to do it blindfolded. if anything, it's almost like his eyes get in the way.
of course, it makes sense. every gun and weapon and ship he builds is ultimately just a bigger puzzle.
he doesn't understand why any of these toys are more difficult for you to figure out than something as simple as a clothespin, and that's what's got him all entranced. if you can understand how a key works in a lock or how to take apart a quad blaster to clean it, why can't you understand how to dismantle this tiny sculpture and put it back together again? that's the real puzzle, as far as rocket's concerned, and it's the one he decides he's gonna solve. so he starts making puzzles of his own - for you - little bits of interlocking metal, shapes that come together into new shapes. he tries to figure out the perfect combination of pieces that makes a thing hard for you to solve, but not too hard.
when a planet isn't being saved and the galaxy doesn't need guarding, this is how the citizens of knowhere find the two of you: in the dim dusky light of the artificial knowhere sunset, sitting outside mantlo's with either a pair of gargleblasters (yours is watered down) or milky fizzes, depending on the night. both of you are clinking away, the streetlights reflecting on the smooth glossy pieces of metal in your hands. you're trying to figure out the most recent puzzle rocket has given you, and rocket's busy bending and twisting metal to make the next one.
i'm using you, he tells you one night, after he's finished crafting your next puzzle and is just drinking his booze and looking down the street, watching people snack on streetfood and the star children play something like tag because drax is a pushover when it comes to enforcing bedtimes.
yeah? you mumble distractedly.
mmhm. he nods solemnly. i figure out how hard a puzzle is, depending on how long it takes your dumb ass to solve it. then, when some asshole comes to ask me questions or wants something, i give it to them so they get distracted and leave me alone.
yeah, okay, captain, you drawl, taking a sip of your drink and going back to the cool metal between your fingers. you've seen him doing exactly what he's describing, but you've noticed he never gives anyone a puzzle that's too difficult for them - just something for them to wrap their minds around for a few rotations, something to stretch their brains. they're always so proud when they come back to their captain with their toy figured out, even if he just gives them a blank stare - pretending he really does think they're idiots.
of course, the people of knowhere see right through him.
rocket's such a hard ass, you mock. who knew.
he makes a typical scoffing sound, but when you look up, you can see him: watching his people with soft eyes. nebula's out today, talking with some of the vendors, and one of the kids is perched on her back. you can hear drax laughing down the street, and somewhere, cosmo barks happily. rocket's shoulders are relaxed, and his tail flicks lazily, and you're not sure you've ever seen him so at ease.
you lean over and nudge him with your elbow.
joke's on you, bud.
everyone here just thinks you're handing out presents because you like them.
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