#it wasn't even the worst thing but it sure is wild to hear a man blithely admit he hasn't given his long-time employees a raise in 15 years
beastbelow · 7 months
What the fuck is wrong with people.
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kittykattropicanna · 8 months
girlfriend, i love how we jumped straight to marriage with mechanic!Simon but I'd love to know a bit more about the phase before he managed to lock down his girl for good.
What if, her ex comes looking for her? Some prim and proper, sleek wolf of wallstreet business typa guy appears at Price's Body Shop, recognizing her car and asking about her. No idea how he found her because he usually doesn't go into these parts of town, maybe someone saw her car, maybe she forgot to turn off / delete her location app.
Sees her at the shop and tells her to come home, this part of town is no place for her, he's sorry, the other woman didn't mean anything, he wasn't serious about kicking her out, whatever, you know the drill.
She's not impressed, unfazed, cool as a cucumber because her mind is filled with her new boy toy mechanic!Simon and she keeps drifting off to last night's memory 🤭
Listen, I love a woman who stands up for herself but you really can't expect your possessive new self proclaimed boyfriend and his crew to watch silently while your ex is trying sweet talk and win you back right in front of them, right?
Also, why is Simon being so weird after? There is nothing to worry about, she thinks he's perfect and exactly what she never knew she wanted. I guess she needs to prove it to him by taking matters into her own mouth hands 🤭🤭 pamper him like no one before
Foaming at the mouth at this ask, I wrote the marriage ask before I got to this one because I really wanted to drive home how fast he preposes, but I would love to elaborate about your relationship before he preposes, you’re in a very valuable position and absolutely cling to him for support :((((( it did change a couple of small things to help the story flow better, I hope you don’t mind ;)
Si knows from the start that you're the one :((( you guys act like you've been together since high school even though you've only know each other for a couple weeks :33333 But when your friends start calling, begging you to come back home? telling you that Si is manipulative and a bad guy that's taken advantage of your venerable state >:( of course he gets insecure :((( then your ex shows up?? a man that's the complete opposite of Si, he really starts to doubt himself :((((( lucky you can show him just how much you appreciate him with that mouth of yours ;))))
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tw: loosing friends, controlling ex, possessive!Simon, insecure!Simon, sub!Simon (kinda?), insinuated violence, a lot of lore in this one??? so like porn with a plot??, smut, blowjob, face fucking, deep throating, L bomb (like twice??), talk of reader submitting to Si, there's just a lot going on tbh but baby...you're a giver and THATS for sure, basically you're just looking after your mannnnn and he loves you for it
Mechanic!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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Obviously your friends call after they hear you broke up with your ex, they can’t find you anywhere and start freaking the fuck out! they love you so much and they’re scared shitless!!!
They only found out you were even missing because you didn’t turn up to brunch on Thursday :((
They called you, and of course you didn’t answer….you were busy ;)))
That obviously raised some alarm bells for everyone straight away, so their next point of contact was obviously your ex!!
Then the reality hit…. You had been missing since Monday night, he kicked you out after a bad fight and nobody had been able to get in contact with you……
Everyone obviously thinks worst case scenario. Car crash, kidnapping,…. maybe you ran away, or god forbid, something worse, maybe you weren’t even alive anymore, I mean, its been fucking days!!!
If someone were to have taken you, you could be out of the country by now, your body could already be decomposing somewhere never to be seen again, maybe they could have saved you if they new sooner :(((( got you the medical attention you needed before you succumb to your injuries…
Obviously everyone is going wild back home, freaking out and doing everything in their power to get in some kind of contact with you. 
But no ;))))
As your phone buzzed and pinged with messages, vibrating on Si’s bedside table as he held your naked frame against his broad chest :3333
You were fine, more then fine actually :))))
“Don’t worry about tha’ baby, answer it later they’ll be fine” Si’s morning voice muffled into your hair, strong arms tightening his grip around your waist and his hard cock pressed up against your bare arse ;))
A couple days after Si saved you and towed your car, everything that happened hit you like a ton of bricks. You were kinda disoriented and fuzzy, still a little shaken by the experience and hadn’t really processed that you were in fact living with Simon now….
The warm feeling of toned arms wrapped around you and a hard chest against your back didn’t register it first….. but you never protested :333
Droopy eyelids snapping open ungodly wide when it all hit you :( like, holy shit, there was no way you’re actually doing this, there is no way you fucked a random mechanic, let him take you home, fell asleep in his bed and then just never left????…. that’s batshit crazy behaviour! 
What made it even more jarring was from day one, when Si stirred awake he’d simply pulling you closer and kiss your temple like he’d been married to you for 30 years :3
There was no awkward small talk, no “you’ve overstayed your welcome now, i’ll drive you to a motel” or “what time do you think you’ll call a cab”, a simple kiss and a “how’d ya’ sleep princess” deep and groggy, a smirk on his lips as he kissed the back of your neck :)))
Your body relaxed instantly, for a man so big, there was a certain gentleness about him, a protective and calming aura he carried so effortlessly, you truly felt comfortable here…. It was such a strange experience but the idea of leaving his bed made you wince :(((
Even the morning routine you quickly created was natural!!
The tea and coffee lived on the top shelf of the cupboard, sitting at his two seater dining table Si happily watched your cute little arse poke out the bottom of his shirt :))) you had to hop a little bit to bring the tins forward, but all he could focus on was your bum and thighs jiggling >:((
He absolutely didn’t strategically place everything a shelf higher so he could see you do this exact thing the every morning….:333333
He was running unbelievably late for work but he couldn’t care less, the whole morning was filled with quick pecks and giddy smiles. From an outsiders prospective, nobody could guess you met a couple days ago :)))) 
Holding your waist as you make his lunch for him :)))) following every instruction perfectly :))))
Whispering “good girl” into your ear and kissing your neck gently as you pack his meal into his work bag, fat cock flush against your arse still concealed in his thick work pants, grinding slowly only relieving him slightly >:(
He wanted nothing more then to take you then and there, but the idea of you having to wait around for the rest of the day :((( thighs rubbing together and needy for him was wayyyy more appealing to come home to :( his such a meany
Leaving £100 on the kitchen counter for you, kissing you before he leaves, whispering into your lips to treat yourself :((
“You’ve had a long couple days sweethear’, get ya’ nails done for me, yeah? Get em’ pink or somthin’, okay?”
Obviously you’re memorised by this man at this point… how could you not be? 
 Agreeing with a slow nod and stars in your eyes as he kisses your nose 
Nobody had ever looked at him like that before….
“That’s ma’ girl, i’ll be home by six”
When he finally rocked up at work, Price was pissed beyond belief, Gaz was working on multiple cars at a time due to his absence and Johnny looked like he could kill him as he sat in Si’s office, a line of annoyed customers leading outside the shop.
Soap new absolutely nothing about quotes and insurance claims and all this other bullshit that Simon dealt with as the manager.
Gaz had a hundred questions for him about what he suggested for certain repairs, it was pure chaos!! 
But Si couldn’t find it in himself to be stressed, walking into the shop with a shit eating grin, completely bricked up and care free :))))
He’d never been happier then in that moment. 
But I want to fast forward to when your friends finally got a hold of you a week after you went missing….
It was the strangest surprise as well as their biggest relief when you answer. 
You were completely fine, they could basically hear you smile through the phone……
You started banging on about how you met this amazing guy named Simon, how his a super gifted mechanic, a complete gentleman and how you’re both deeply in love and never been happier!!
Reassuring them that you’re absolutely fine, better then fine actually, you’re safe and loved and don’t plan on ever going back home 
And all your girls are like 
“Babe….you can’t be serious right now? You’re not in love, you’ve been gone a week! And did you say you moved in with him!? A fucking mechanic!? Have you lost your fucking mind??? What about your job??? What about the entire fucking life you built here?!!!”
“That’s it, give me the address right now, we are coming to get you immediately. You’re coming home and never talking to this weird fucking Simon guy ever again. Got it?” 
Of course they don’t understand:((((( why would they!?
You’ve finally found your person, it doesn’t matter if you have known Si for a week or a thousand weeks. You’re not fucking leaving!
This courses massiveeeee tension in you’re now ex friendship group. 
Half your girls think they should cut you off immediately, staying friends with you only means supporting the relationship and that’s something they’re absolutely not going to do >:(((
The other half think its important to keep in contact with you, they want to be there when you finally “come to your senses” and “need an out”, whatever that means :/….they even insisted on meeting Simon, just to sus out the situation and see what’s really going on, but of course you deny. 
Some even try to convince you that your ex was way better for you then Si:((((( how everyone thought you would end up getting married eventually, how there’s still time to realise you’ve made a mistake, that your ex was more then willing to take you back and everything would go back to normal!!! 
“Babe, this Simon guy is manipulative, okay? You’re emotional and vulnerable right now and his latched onto that knowing you’re going to cling to him for support. His taking advantage of you babe! I know you think you’re in love and that he says all the right things but its an act! Hello? Are you there? Can you fucking hear me!!??’
They’re just trying to ruin everything though >>:(((((( 
Your friends never saw how your ex treated you behind closed doors and they could never understand the connection you and Simon had :(
When Si came home from work to you wrapped up in a blanket and crying on the sofa, he was ready to kill whoever caused you so much pain….when he found out it was actually your friends, his heart ached for his poor girl :(((
“Listen to me petal, look me in the eyes, you don’ owe them anythin’, they jus’ don’t understand, alrigh’ don’t cry baby, come on” 
Wrapping his big musealy arms, covering you in his post work sweat and musk as you cling to his oily work shirt :((((
Of course you end up cutting off your friends. They could never understand what you and Simon had, if they really cared about you, they’d at least act like they were happy for you, not rip into you and try and push the narrative that you’ve been “manipulated” and “taken advantage of” while in a “venerable state” ://
Si absolutely agreed as well :( you didn’t need to worry about them anymore, they’re in the past and you’re moving forward with your life, its not your fault they haven’t grown up yet ://
Plus!!!! He would love to introduce you to Prices wife and the other girls at the bar he regulars…. Sure they may be a little older and all have children but you’re such a mature girl :((( you’ll get along with them just fine :3 
Its definitely not because he wants to bring you around his friends chubby babies, planting the seed in your mind subconsciously, or consciously about having your own little family ;)))
Start taking the steps to really integrate you in his life and friendship circles ;))))))
He knows what his doing :3
You get along with everyone so well too, girls wine nights, being invited over to friends houses for dinner <3
Simon tucking his hard cock into the waist band of his boxes as you bounce one of your friends babies on your hip and coo to them :((((
You would be such a good mama to his babies :( your genetics mixed with his would make the cutest little humans and the image of you pregnant that won’t leave his mind is starting to drive him absolutely fucking feral :(((
Life is so good for you and Si at the moment :((((( of course your stupid fucking ex would come around and try to ruin it for you…..all for him…..
Your ex couldn’t of been more different from Si :(
Clad in a business suit and ridiculously expensive watch, a clean haircut, pure leather business shoes and smelling of expensive cologne, he absolutely stuck out when his Tesla pulled into the shop carpark…. 
An obviously disgusted look on his face as he entered the front office, not trying to hide his disapproval as he looked at the chipped paint that peeled off the walls and the overwhelming smell of fuel that had seeped into everything within a 50 meter radius, buttoning his suit jacket and dramatically watching his step as he walked on the stained concrete that covered the front office floor :////
Your ex was such a pretentious prick >:( if it wasn’t high luxury, he’d look down on it like it was dirt :/
The thing is, he didn’t actually care where you were after he kicked you out, he just assumed you would end up on a friends couch or something. The idea that you would run off with a random “dirty” man and enter a relationship literally hours after he broke things off enraged him. 
But everything changed when he got the news you were living with “Si” a couple hours away and you were “deeply in love” with him. 
He played the “distressed”, “regretful” boyfriend to your friends, trying to get as much information out of them as possible under the pretence of “keeping you safe”
Yeah…..right :///
His ego couldn't handle it! How dare you just move on like he was nothing!!! sleep in another mans bed without regret and start a new life with him not even being an afterthought!!!!>:( 
You were meant to be heartbroken!!! Turn up on his doorstep and beg for his forgiveness as he laughed in your face :((
But you just moved on?????
He wasn't having that. 
You were supposed to worship him, not replace him with some piece of shit mechanic >:(
Your friends fed him a lot of useless information, But there was one sentence that tied it all together. 
In the middle of your rant about how much you loved Simon, you mentioned he worked at “Price’s Motor Repairs”
Nobody had heard of any repair shop with that name from around the area, but it was enough information for your ex to track you down…
Alarm bells went off in Simons head when he saw him walk in. He wasn’t from around these parts, that much was certain, and the way his eyes snaked over his name tag and an almost cocky grin spread across his face, he new something was up and it wasn’t good. 
Your ex definitely turned up at like 5:59, a minute before Si was meant to close just to make it as inconvenient as possible for him >:/
Si never asked about your ex, he didn’t want to know. He didn’t care what his name was or what he did for a living, all he new was that he was a dickhead and that was enough to put him off. You were his now, your ex wasn’t relevant :((((
It didn’t even cross Si’s mind that this guy could possibly be your ex. It was probably just some wanker that broke down while he was passing through. So he gritted his teeth and walked outside to check out this “broken” car 
It felt like a wild goose chase. He claimed there was something wrong with the motor, he checked it out, there was nothing wrong. He then claimed his AC wasn’t working, he checked it out, there was also nothing wrong. 
This went on for about 20 minutes before Simon snapped >:(
“There aint nothin’ wrong with ya’ car mate, get that fuck out of er’ before ya’ start wishin’ ya’ did”
Snarky and satisfied, your ex left without a fight, pulling out of the shop and parking far enough down the street that he could see Si pulling out of the shop and heading home…. Leading him to directly to you without a fight….
He followed behind at a safe distance. Far enough away that Si didn’t notice he was being followed, Poor Si was beyond tired, paired with the dim lighting of the sun going down, he didn’t even notice someone was tailing him:(( he was on autopilot :(
All he wanted to do was get home to you, eat his hot meal that you prepared for him and slug on the couch with a beer, you cuddled up against him and block the outside world out for the evening :((
But after arriving home, the second he sat down for dinner, three obnoxiously loud knocks echoed off the front door.
When you saw he didn’t move, you stood up to answer it for him 
“Jus’ leave it lovie, can’t be anythin’ important this time of night”
You explained there was an older lady that lived a couple apartments down, she started developing dementia and was in the early stages, she could still look after herself but often forgot small things like buying eggs from the grocery store or how to turn the TV on, she asked you for help all the time!!! and you were sure it was just her!! Of course it was! Who else could it be!
Simon wasn’t convinced. There was no way an old lady could knock with that much force.
He followed behind you hesitantly watching you swing the door open with a smile, only to reveal the piece of shit that was at the shop an hour earlier…
Si was honestly confused as fuck for a second, only for it to all fall into place when this guy started calling you “baby” and demanding for you to come home…..
His first instinct was to pull you behind him, he was beyond shocked when your ex grabbed your wrist with force, making sure Si couldn’t move you out of his line of sight without hurting you…
“Baby, you are coming home now, look at the state of this.. this.. drug addicts flat! you’re coming home with me immediately, stop fucking resisting!” Your ex spat getting more and more enraged by the second
You couldn’t go home, you were home, Si was your home :( But before you could get a word out, Si had your ex by the bicep, the pure force of the grip sending him into cold blooded shock, muscles tensing he lets go of your wrist out of pure shock :((
“Get inside n’ lock the door” he mumbled lowly before slamming it so hard the framework shook violently, you swore the hinges could of given way :((((
Once Si finally returned, you could tell there was something wrong :( something about the way he wasn’t all over you like normal, there was a purposeful distance he put between the two of you, almost like he didn’t want you there :((
After poking and prodding him, it all finally came out 
“Ya’ know I could never give ya’ the life that he could doll…. All that fancy shit” a coldness behind his eyes, almost defeat taking over his expression :(
“I know I aint ya type baby, you’re one of them high class type, ya’ don’t belong down ‘ere with me….I’ll drive ya’ back in the mornin, okay? I’m not taken no for an answer, go start packin’’” :((((
He was so defeated, if you could see his heart you could of sworn it was ripped into separate pieces :((
He went on for a good 10 minutes like this, you know he was doing what he thought was in your best interest, but Jesus Christ did it sting :(((
Little did he know your ex was almost £50,000 in credit card debt, you payed for almost everything during the duration of your relationship :((( he never treated you to any sort of luxury like Si did :( never got you flowers or paid for your nails….
He truly thought that your ex had a one up on him…. That you would consider going back to him because of his “wealth”???
Getting off the couch and slowly sinking to your knees in front of him, you reach for the belt of his pants, slowly undoing his buckle :((
His mind is racing so much, so paranoid and distracted that he didn’t notice the sound of the metal being undone :((((
He always focused on your pleasure, making you feel wanted :(( it was your turn to appreciate him, with actions this time :333 
Si completely stops mid sentence when your warm, delicate hand palms his soft cock :(((9 
He looks down at you slowly, all worry leaving his body as he sees you down on your knees, submissive eyes looking up at him threw your eyelashes and pout on your face waiting for his reaction :(((
You could never leave Si :((( you needed a real man :(( you needed the man in front of you with his thighs spread wide and cock hardening right before your eyes :(((
Palming him agonisingly slow, he grinds against your touch desperate for more friction :((( you tell him how you’d never leave him :(((( how his the only one for you and you couldn’t survive in a world like this without him by your side looking after you the way he does :((
Soft grunts leaving his lips as he pleads with you to take out his length and stroke his now hard, aching cock >:(
“I know baby, I was stupid to think tha’, I know, jus’… jus’ pump it for me yeah?’” Growing increasingly desperate as you don’t follow his command >:( telling him you’re looking after him tonight and that he doesn't need to worry :(( how its his reward for being so big and strong, defending you from your ex and being a man :(( that all he needs to do is relax :((
He audibly whines, a sound you had never heard from him before, when you finally slip his girthy cock out of his boxes.. .
You smile up a him as you kiss his tip and squeeze your thighs together at just the thought of pleasing him and not receiving any physical pleasure yourself :))))) 
Letting out a soft feminine giggle as pre cum covers your lips, Si having no choice but to sit helpless and watch the show you’re putting on for him :(((
He could absolutely take the lead if he wanted to, but something about you treating him, sucking his dick solely because you wanted to and not expecting anything in return was an offer you couldn’t turn down ;)
Teasing Si was fun but he deserved more tonight :((((( if it was up to you, lapping at his swollen tip for hours until he finally releases a desperate hot load onto your face would be a dream, but not tonight, Si gets everything tonight ;)
Slowly circling his leaky tip with your thumb, a soft groan falls from his lips as he sinks further into the couch :(((
Pumping him lightly, you place soft kisses from the top of his cock to his base :(((( Si bucking his hips and pleading with you threw his eyes just to suck it :((((( he tries so hard to hide his whines through deep groans but fails horribly :((( he was so tired tonight, emotionally and physically, any self control he would normally have was out the window :((
Taking your tongue, you lick from the base to the tip, salty sweat and pre cum filling your taste buds as your tongue glides up his vainy shaft :(
Si jerks forward a little at the sudden warm contact, throwing his head back as he eases into the warm sensation :3333
Without hesitation, you deep throat his 8 inch length, his tip hitting the back of your throat and your eyes watering instantly :((
Si’s callused hand instinctively grips your hair, rough grunts bounce off your apartment walls as he helped you set a ruthless pace, your mouth being abused and jaw aching from his sheer girth :(((
“That’s it Darlin’, fuck ya’ such a good girl for me, look at ya’ look at tha’ beautiful fuckin’ mouth taken’ me” 
Holding your head still as he throat fucks you, your saliva dripping down your chin and onto the dirty cream carpet that covers the living room floor:(((
Seeing the small bump of his cock appear at the front of your neck with each brutal rut :(( your flushed cheeks and teary eyes make a small cocky smile spread across his face >:( 
You were his! All his! Claiming your throat and having full control over how he fucks it makes his achy balls tighten as they slap against your chin :((
“That prick could never fuck you like I could, he’ll never feel ya’ fuckin throat again” he was so close to his release :((( Si was normally really good at holding off but the possessiveness of claiming your mouth with thick cum was pushing him over the edge in a matter of minutes :((((
Grabbing your hair tighter, he forcefully makes you deep throat his dick, your nose touching his pelvic bone and buried in his musky pubes <3 moans from your full mouth muffled by his cock shoved deep into your throat >:((
He cums hard…slow, deep thrusts as ropes of his salty seed run down your throat, you have no choice but to swallow his semen that his so politely given you :((
With each thrust, he lets out a quiet and strained “mine”. Its more to himself then you, reassuring himself that you were in fact his and his to keep :((
You remove your abused mouth from his cock, slowly pumping his now semi-hard dick with a dopey smile on your face, cum leaking out the corner of your mouth as you innocently look up at him and place a kiss on his swollen tip :))
You look so beautiful, covered in his cum and claimed :)
He leans down to kiss you, a thank you for what you did for him, but before he could even open his mouth you whisper a quite “I love you” into his lips… 
the first “I love you” you and Simon had ever shared :((
Its safe to say he said it back :333
And he says it again with his face inbetween your legs a minute later ;)))
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okay, okay, okay, I know I promised to upload this after work like....days ago BUT I totally forgot I had a concert on and didn't have time to finish writing it AND THEN this guy im talking to came over to meet my dad and everything just pilled up im so so so sorry...BUT in my defence, this is over 4k which is my longest fic ive written so far, I love y'all I promise
Request are open for Mechanic!Simon, I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free send them through and add to the AU.
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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evilbihan · 7 months
Bi-Han is an honorable man
I can't believe that I'm making yet another post pointing out the obvious but every time I go into a Youtube comment section I'm starting to question whether me and the rest of the Mortal Kombat fandom have even played the same game.
1. He shows opponents mercy
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Sub-Zero: You want peace? Let us be. Liu Kang: The Lin Kuei's sins aren't easily forgiven.
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Sub-Zero: Surrender and Shao will show mercy. Mileena: If you believe that, you're a fool.
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Sub-Zero: Walk away while you can. Raiden: I'll never give up, never surrender.
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Sub-Zero: I won't hold back, Brother. Scorpion: Do your worst.
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Sub-Zero: We have no cause for dispute. Kitana: You aided Shao's attempt to steal the throne!
These dialogues honestly speak for themselves already, they don't even need explaining. Compare that to actual villains like General Shao who sends Reiko after Bi-Han to kill him simply because he "doesn't like loose ends" even after Bi-Han saved him or Shang Tsung who killed Reptile's family out of nothing but sheer cruelty.
The fact that Bi-Han is willing to let people walk away from a fight, that he gives them a chance to walk away alive, speaks volumes about his personality. He warns his opponents in his intros and even during his end of round taunts ("Flee now and live."), he tries to solve things peacefully and without violence if possible. He's not bloodthirsty, malicious or eager to kill anyone, but will do so if given no other choice.
Despite Bi-Han's flaws, a man willing to show an opponent mercy is an honorable man. SPOILERS AHEAD: May I again remind you that Kuai Liang is not willing to show a defeated and dying Bi-Han mercy when he gets turned into Noob against his will? Not only that, but Kuai Liang wouldn't have hesitated to kill Frost who is probably around Hanzo's age at his own wedding if Harumi hadn't stepped in to save her. Harumi had to beg Kuai Liang to show someone mercy, while Bi-Han grants it without a second thought. Like it or not, at least in that one aspect, Bi-Han is the better man.
I don't know why some people think of him as this aggressive guy going around trying to pick fights with everyone when all he wants is to be left alone? It's wild to me how people think he's the problem here.
2. He respects/admires their fighting skills
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Sub-Zero: You will surely test my might. Ashrah: I will overwhelm it, Sub-Zero.
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Sub-Zero: This fight I will long remember. General Shao: Who says you will survive it?
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Sub-Zero: I'm pleased to fight Outworld's foremost mage. Rain: Will it also please you to lose?
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Sub-Zero: I hear your skills are formidable. Li Mei: As are those of all who have been Umgadi.
Can we also talk about how respectful Bi-Han is towards his opponents? He compliments them on their skills as opposed to Kuai Liang who even talks down to his own allies. Yes, Bi-Han is arrogant, but he can still acknowledge other people's strengths and respect them, even if they are his foes.
3. He admits when he's wrong
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Sub-Zero: I was wrong to trust you. General Shao: Yes, Earthrealmer. You were.
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Sub-Zero: I wasn't aware of Shang Tsung's experiments. Liu Kang: Had you known, would your choice have been different?
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Sub-Zero: Your mother's death is regrettable. Kitana: I consider you complicit, Bi-Han.
You can say what you want about him, but he certainly takes responsibility for his actions and even shows regret over some of them. Bi-Han might not be the most compassionate character, but he does express some sympathy towards others. Compare that to Kuai Liang who tells Havik it's his own fault that his face was burned off as if he had nothing to do with it. Yes, Bi-Han doesn't show much sympathy towards Baraka for his condition, but neither does Kuai Liang. Why Kuai Liang is still considered the more honorable brother regardless of that and his very obvious ableism, is beyond me.
Bi-Han's good traits are all too often overlooked. I don't know if it's because people don't pay attention to intros, but it's so easy to see he's not a bad person deep down. It's just the media comprehension skills of most MK fans that are seriously lacking.
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wren-of-the-woods · 10 months
Hello! Thank you so much for what you do- could I please have some recs for geraskier fics where geralt is the one pining harder?
Here you go!! I wasn't sure how to categorize who was pining harder in all of these (since our boys are masters of longing lol) but these are all stories where Geralt loves Jaskier very much, and I highly enjoyed them all!
favorite by @asweetprologue (Rated G, 5.8k)
Jaskier gets Geralt a gift, and it makes Geralt realize he doesn't know enough about what Jaskier likes. He forms a plan to figure it out.
i’ll kiss you slow by @paintedcrayons (Rated T, 4.9k)
Geralt is not being creepy. He’s not. He’s just looking out for his friend (with a questionable choices in lovers). Lately, Geralt has started to notice the way people treat Jaskier’s affection like a means to an end. They kiss him only to move to the next step, dance with him as pretense to get him into their beds. He would like nothing more than to kiss Jaskier for the sake of it. (He does.)
time and time again by @samstree (Rated G, 5.2k)
Marriage proposals, through the years.
The Best Laid Plans by @dhwty-writes (Rated T, 5.5k)
Geralt is in love with Jaskier. In order to finally get him to admit his feelings, he devises a ten step plan with Lambert, Eskel and Vesemir.
A Friend in the Wild by @samstree (Rated G, 1.6k)
In which Geralt acquires a tiny friend who wouldn't stop following him.
Weak and Wanting by @sociallyawkward--fics (Rated T, 36k)
Geralt had thought that inviting Jaskier to Kaer Morhen after all these years would be a good thing. What he didn't plan on was his brothers deciding to have a little fun with their situation. Lambert and Eskel really needed to stop meddling in things they didn't understand, especially when it came to his bard.
Tell It With Your Heart by @bambirex (Rated G, 2.5k)
While Jaskier always says what's on his mind, Geralt works a little differently. That doesn't mean he cannot tell Jaskier how he feels - he just does that without words.
Repeat After Me by @onwardorange (Rated G, 7.3k)
All it takes is (nearly) three years, two meddlesome brothers, and one exasperated sorceress to get Geralt to admit his feelings for Jaskier.
Love Me Better, Send A Letter by @rebrandedbard (Rated T, 12.5k)
Geralt and Julian have been exchanging letters since participating in an inter-school pen pal program in high school, and Geralt has been pining away for Julian for over a decade since meeting by chance one faithful day in Posada. Between work and Ciri, he hasn't had much time for travelling, but he and Julian still exchange their letters faithfully. Finally, Julian's equally busy life coincides with Geralt's long enough for a short visit, and Geralt has the chance to finally introduce Ciri to the man she knows only on paper. Things would be perfect ... if Julian's visit didn't fall within the week of the concert of Ciri's favorite musician, Jaskier.
Music is no solution by @thecrownprincessbride (Rated T, 4.3k)
Jaskier has self-doubts, and Geralt is there for him.
A Careless Omission by @samstree (Rated T, 5.4k)
Jaskier reveals he has a type. Geralt behaves strangely.
Highway Angel (To the Dark I Said Pour and Forgot to Say When) by @fangirleaconmigo T, 2.8k
Geralt is a long haul truck driver. With long stretches on the road away from his family, and with no one to keep him company but his loyal dog Roach, he has to brave most of his life completely alone. Then one day, just as he is passing the city of Oxenfurt, he turns on the radio and hears a voice.
zero for ten by @yaelathewordsmith (Rated T, 10.4k)
The blue-eyed boy on the school's cricket team seems determined to bowl Geralt out. The worst part is, he isn't even fucking trying. * Or, the ten times Jaskier held Geralt's heart in his hands without knowing, and how Geralt grew to want him to keep it.
(You can find my other reclists here!)
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redrobin-detective · 10 months
the first language
Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth. ~ Margaret Atwood
"Simon! Simon!" Finn shouted excitedly as he and Jake burst into Simon's house. Well it had technically been Marcy's first but though it's only been a few months since Simon became human again, it felt like it had always been their place. "Wait until you hear about this crazy wild monster we foug-"
"Stop," Simon commanded, peeking around from around the kitchen wall to give them a light glare, his lips pressed together in a line. He and Jake froze midstep. Finn was a bold teenage adventurer who took orders from no monster, king or extraterrestrial entity. Until Simon, only PB could boss them around and even that wasn't a sure thing. The older human flicked his eyes over them with an unimpressed stare that made Finn want to shrink into himself. Even without powers or magic, Simon was way more intimidating than Ice King. 
"You boys are filthy and I just cleaned up the place." Simon sighed and rubbed at his eyes underneath his glasses. "There's a hose outside, wash off the worst of the dirt and other various stains. I'll leave towels on the porch and for god's sake take off your shoes before you come in."
"Yeah okay, sorry Simon," Finn said, trudging outside and turning on the hose to spray down his arms and legs. Now that he looked, they were pretty gnarly covered in mud and monster guts.
"Simon's kinda like a mom, dontcha think?" Jake added as Finn sprayed him down with the hose. He laughed as Jake guzzled some of the water and spat it back at him. 
"I mean I guess," Finn shrugged, pointing the hose up so they both were getting rained on. "It's kinda nice you know, to be fussed over. It's different."
"I fuss over you," Jake frowned.
"I know man and I appreciate it," Finn said, showing his appreciation by spraying Jake in the face. "I can't explain it but it's different with Simon, kind of like how you and Lady have your own thing going on that's special but separate from what you and I have."
"Yeah okay," Jake responded. "Is that why you insist on stopping by to see him anytime we're in the area?" Finn didn't answer, instead impressing Jake but wiggling the hose to make it look like a snake. They continued to laugh and splash each other with the water until Simon stepped outside and hung some towels on the porch.
"When you're done playing, I have hot chocolate waiting for you. Then you can tell me all about your latest adventure," Simon smiled before stepping back inside. Finn whooped and rushed over to turn off the hose. Hopefully Marcy wouldn't be back before all the water on her porch and front lawn dried. 
They toweled off and Finn did remember to take off his shoes before entering the house. The place looked different from when it was just Marcy living there. The small loveseat had been exchanged for a bigger couch along with some mismatched armchairs. A keyboard was propped in the corner next to Marcy's bass. The house was cleaner, more organized with Simon around. It really felt like a home.
Simon was at the stove, stirring something in a pot as they took their seats at the kitchen table. Their assigned mugs were set out for them and snacks were on a large plate in the middle. He and Jake dug in. Simon came up behind them and poured the hot chocolate into their mugs from the pot and sat down, pouring his own cup.
"Finn, your hat still has blood on it," Simon noted, taking a sip. "How do you usually clean it?" 
"Oh uh you know, I usually just rinse it off and if it gets too grody or it comes to life, I go skin another bear," Finn said awkwardly. Simon nodded as if he expected such an answer and excused himself to go get something.
"Ohhhh Finn's in trouble with Mommmm," Jake sang under his breath and Finn kicked him under the table. Simon returned with a box of something before it could escalate into a full out foot war.
"Animal skin usually requires special care, it's doubtful those products exist anymore so we can also use shampoo to get some of those stains out. May I?" Simon asked, holding his hand out.
"Oh yeah, thanks, Simon," Finn said pulling off his hat which caused his long hair to flop against his shirt with a wet plop. Jake snickered, it was probably getting time to cut it again. Like his hat, it was getting dirty and tangled, easier to just shave it all off. Simon turned on the sink and began gently washing the hat. 
"I've talked a bit to your mother and some of the other Islanders and the history of humanity and the animals hats post-apocalypse really is interesting," Simon lectured. "The hats originally were intended to keep people warm in the elements but evolved to protect humans from vampiric attack, covering their vulnerable neck area. Even when vampires went extinct, humans continued to wear the skins as a form of cultural identity."
"Mom uh Jake and I's Mom said I was wearing a hat like that when they found me. It used to be the only clue I had about where I came from so I kept making similar hats in case someone was looking for me." Finn took a long sip from his cocoa to avoid the look Jake was giving him. He wasn't usually one for sentiment but hanging out with Simon usually made those deep inside feelings spill out.
"Okay, we'll just let that soak and- Finn," Simon said before turning around and sighing. "Finn, your hair is a mess. I keep telling you it's not healthy to jam your hair in that hat 24/7. Your scalp needs to breathe, especially with all the running around you do. Here," he grabbed the towel from earlier and wrapped it around Finn's shoulders. "Let me wash it for you and try to work out the worst of mess."
"Oh uh you don't have to it's fine, I'll take care of it when I'm home," Finn stumbled, embarrassed. Ice King had been a mess but Simon always looked so put together. It made Finn a bit self conscious but then again, until recently, he didn't have any other humans to compare himself to. Simon gently guided Finn back to the chair, tilting his head back. 
"I want to," Simon smiled from his upside gaze. "I used to do this all the time for Marcy. Besides, we humans have to take care of each other after all." Simon poured some shampoo in his hands and went to work on Finn's hair. The feel of fingers scrubbing at his roots, running through the length of his hair and massaging those sensitive, untouched areas of his head made him go boneless. Finn groaned, worried that his bones had become soup and he'd slide right out of the chair and into a puddle on the floor. He can't remember ever feeling so relaxed in his life.
"Oh my glob Finn, are you alright? What did you do to him?" Jake demanded but Finn barely noticed. He felt like he was in the 47th Dead World or something where everything was good and nothing hurt.  
"Head massages are relaxing to humans," Simon paused in his scrubbing and Finn moaned in disappointment. "Has he never had one of these before?"
"Mom and Dad used to pet us and I do it to Finn sometimes when he's upset," Jake defended.
"He's not a dog," Simon said, some unnameable emotion in his voice. "I'm sorry, I suppose I'm taking for granted what it was like to live in a society designed by and for humans. Finn, I'm going to rinse out your hair and start working on these knots. You really should work on maintaining your hair if you're going to keep it long. It's such a lovely color and texture."
"Hmm don't really know what to do with it, no one really had hair like mine," Finn mumbled as Simon rinsed the shampoo out.
"I suppose so and Marcy's is much thicker and textured requiring different styling," Simon mused out loud as he massaged some thick goop and gently, so gently, began working out the knots. Finn could die here happily. Jake hummed and stretched himself so he could see what Simon was doing.
"What's that stuff?"
"Conditioner or my best homemade equivalent with honey, olive oil and milk. It softens and moisturizes the hair and scalp. It will help prevent the hair from tangling so easily and overall keep it healthier, especially if he's going to continue to wear his signature hat," Simon explained. They chatted easily about human grooming methods while Finn's eyelids fluttered in relaxation, drifting in and out of the conversation as the comb made long, easy swipes through his hair before rinsing it out again. He loved his Mom and Dad, knew they did his best with him but he knows he missed out on something being raised by dogs. If he could recapture even a little bit of that missing piece with Simon...
"Finn? You still with us? Ground Control to Major Tom?" Simon teased, gently tapping at Finn's forehead. Finn blinked up at him. "What do you want me to do with it? I can braid it, put it in a ponytail, leave it flat." Finn wasn't ready to stop being touched.
"Braid please," he said quietly, sighing in contentment as Simon began combing and separating the strands.
"I'll write some notes on how to best care for it. Maybe next time you talk to your mother, you can get some ideas on what they've have been doing since I was last around." He paused in his braiding. "There's so much to being human, Finn, both past and present. Maybe it's selfish of me but I want you to proud of who you are. You may not be the last human anymore but that just means you're not alone. And we're done, not bad considering it's been about a millennia since I did my last braid."
With great reluctance, Finn raised himself up from the back of the chair. His braided hair was still wet but it felt cleaner and lighter than it had in a long time. Moreover, tension Finn didn't even realize had been in his neck, head and shoulders was gone. Jake suddenly popped into his vision.
"Bro, you look so pretty also like you just had the best rest of your life," he smiled awkwardly. "So is this like human equivalent of getting scratched in that itchy spot behind your ears? I guess that didn't really do anything for you, huh?" Finn smiled and reached up to scratch Jake's ears, smiling wider when Jake's tongue lolled out in satisfaction when Finn got to the right spot. 
"So I'm still waiting to hear about this monster you two got so dirty defeating," Simon added, cleaning up his supplies. Finn and Jake regaled Simon with the story of the evil monster they'd fought which had been terrorizing the Goblin Kingdom. Finn had felt tired initially but was reinvigorated, animatedly reenacting the epic battle. They finished their cocoa as Simon discussed his own research into the history of Ooo. They decided to head out soon after as BMO was probably getting lonely back at the house. Simon handed Finn his now cleaned hat and a container of the hair products he'd used.
"The animal skin needs to dry fully before you put it back on but it should be good by tomorrow. You should wash your hair when it's dirty or at minimum every few days. Shampoo first, rinse then a small amount of conditioner before rinsing that out too. And do try to keep your head uncovered every now and again," Simon said, before patting Finn's shoulder. "You can call or stop by anytime if you have questions about anything."
Finn had searched his whole life for answers, for comfort, for someone like him. His dad had been a massive wad and his mom was nice but disconnected. But the former sad wizard he used to beat up had shown him the best way to wash his hair. Life was funny like that. He couldn't wait to see what it was going to throw at him next.
"You're gonna regret saying that because I have about a bajillion questions."
"I'll do my best to answer them, after all, we've got all the time in the world." 
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axxa-the-allikatt · 2 days
Hi, could you write bottom Dom Jing Yuan X Top Caelus? Thank you
Of course! Thanks for the request. Sorry if it's not exactly what you asked for, I realised that you hadn't specifically asked for smut or fluff, so I kinda added both. And it's a bit lengthy too. Hope you don't mind!
Caelus X Lover Jing Yuan
One of the worst things about having a long distance relationship ship, was, as everyone knows, not being able to be in touch with them for long periods of time. And by touch, I mean to include physical too.
Although his job as a general didn't give Jing Yuan enough private time to indulge in his little 'fantasies, he often found himself making up more and more excuses to be alone. And if someone might have accidentally barged in on his 'alone time', they'd see the poor man on the verge of a breakdown, one of his legs thrown on the arm of the couch, his legs spread open as he pushed his fingers as far into his tight, needy hole as he could, shamelessly moaning out Caelus' name over and over again and whimpering about how it wasn't deep enough, about he needed Caelus to rearrange his insides, fuck him senseless, oh god anything, please~
As more and more days went by, what with Caelus and the astral crew held up in penacony, most of the people in Xianzhou began to notice the change in the General's behaviour. He was growing more and more... impatient. It was the first time in a long time the residents of Xianzhou had seen their 'Dozing General' so worked up. And since the relationship between him and Caelus were yet to be made public, the speculations regarding his behaviour were growing wild.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jing Yuan received a message from his lover, informing him that he would be back in Xianzhou within a day or two. As he had informed, two days later, the Astral express dropped Caelus off at the Xianzhou gates, where his beloved lover was waiting for him, along with a few others who were excited to hear the stories of the penacony's incident. Oh how Jing Yuan want to shoo them off, tell them that he wanted some alone time with his lover. And if the situation was so, he wouldn't have hesitated to drop on his knees, right then and there, and give Caelus a blowjob, because he had been through so much trouble in penacony hadn't he? Wouldn't he be so grateful for his lover, who was so eagerly waiting to help him 'relax?
But Jing Yuan was sure that his lover was as excited for their time together as he was. All his confidence shattered when Caelus merely gave him a lousy hug, as he let himself be dragged away by the others, laughing and narrating something animatedly. Why wasn't he protesting, at least lying that he was too tired and that he'd rather ho home? Didn't he want to spend time with him?
Jing Yuan knew it had been a bad idea getting into a relationship with Caelus so hastily, when he'd only know for a few months. But oh how he loved being in the presence of the trailblazer, so much so that just holding hands would usually make him giddy. Had he met someone in penacony, someone who made his heart race like he did Jing Yuan's?
Just the thought made his blood boil as he slowly made his way back to his home. He would make him realise, he decided, who he really wanted. And even after tonight, if he still wanted to part ways, then Jing Yuan would accept it, not that there was much else he could do. He walked into his room as he slowly planned out all he would be needing to do tonight.
On the other hand, Caelus was trying his best to slip from the grasps of the Xianzhou residents, who seemed to be wanting every little detail of all that had gone down in penacony. He half heartedly narrated something, his heart and body twitching at the thought of going back home tonight, back to his sweet lover.
Finally after a half hour of telling the incidents of penacony, he was finally able to leave, muttering about how hungry he was, although he had eaten like a king on the astral express not an hour ago. Making his way to Jing Yuan's house, he had a skip to his walk. He entered the house, not bothering to knock, as he called out to his lover.
"Jing Yuan? Sweetheart, I'm home!" With a second, Jing Yuan was in front of him, crashing into his arms as the almost toppled over. Caelus let out a laugh as he managed to twirl the man around, pressing a kiss against the top of his head. Jing Yuan hummed as he stayed in his arms for a while longer before he began pulling him to their shared room. "Whoa! Slow down, baby, what's the rush?" He chuckled, but Jing Yuan continued to tug him along, until he was in the room, before he sent Caelus inside, and entered behind him, locking the door behind him.
Caelus took in a breath, enjoying the smell of his lover's favourite cologne. Ahh, he had missed this. He let out a surprised yelp, as Jing Yuan spun him around, then pushed him, right onto the bed. "What's the-ah" his words got stuck in his throat as his lover pushed his back into the bed, pinning his hands above him. "You know." Jing Yuan began, settling on top of Caelus, his knees on either side of his lovers hips, "you've been unnecessarily mean to me ever since you came back." He whispered as he leaned towards his ear, licking the shell.
Caelus felt a shiver run up his spine. What he had done, he had no idea, but whatever was going on now, he loved it. The change in Jing Yuan's tone, which was usually light and hearty, made him want to moan. But he merely gulped, as Jing Yuan pulled a pair of handcuffs, chaining both of Caelus' hands to the bedpost. "You deserve to be punished, don't you?" He asked sweetly. M/n only nodded, still no idea what was going on, but if it meant what he thought it meant, then god he could do this all day.
Caelus watched with heavy breaths as Jing Yuan pulled off his clothes, piece by piece, and then leaving Caelus fully clothed, began to make a show of fingering himself, scissoring his pretty hole, until his untouched cock leaked with pre cum, trailing its way down. Caelus could only let out needy whimpers, whining about how he wasn't being fair, to release the handcuffs so he could touch him, feel him, after so long. God, his pants were feeling too tight.
Jing Yuan smiled at him, as he got on top of him, finally releasing Caelus' cock from its prison, as it sprang up, already leaking with pre cum. "Look at you~" Jing Yuan cooed, "You're leaking untouched. Such a needy little thing aren't we?" He murmured as he leaned down, pressing his lips against Caelus. Really, he was happy that he wasn't the only one who was desperate. It fueled his confidence for what he was about to do next.
Caelus moaned into the kiss, finally happy to get some physical affection, before he yelped into the kiss. Jing Yuan had started riding him, and hadn't hesitated to bottom out first thing. Considering how both of them hadn't done this in a while it only took them a few seconds, before Caelus was whimpering, "Hah~ oh god~ Baby please- ohgodohgodohgod~ Cu- hah ~ pleasepleaseplease let me cum~" But of course. If he wanted it to end that quickly, Jing Yuan wouldn't have even bothered taking the lead. Oh no, this was punishment, Caelus, don't you remember~
Just before his orgasm hit him like a train, he felt Jing Yuan slide off his cock, making him cry out in dismay. "Come on love~ we aren't done yet~" Jing Yuan whispered as he slid a cock ring onto the base of Caelus' now weeping cock. At this point Caelus mind was too mushy, what with him not being able to touch himself or Jing Yuan, and his denied orgasm. The only words that came out of his mouth were repeated please's and oh god's.
Mean while, Jing Yuan was barely keeping it together, really. He was a major pillow princess most of them.. well all of the times they had sex, until today. He knew he wouldn't last as long as he wished he would. So why not make the most of it? He shuffled back slightly so that he could bend down and give a kitten lick to the red tip of Caelus' cock, then another.
Soon again, Caelus was moaning out sinful profanities, crying and begging his beloved lover to uncuff him, to please please let him touch him, please.
Jing Yuan moaned, as his cock now hit the back of his throat over and over again, making him gag. Then, finally, he couldn't help it as his hand made its way to his own cock, which was close to untouched, as he began jerking off, his hands and mouth moving in unison, until his milky white cum sprayed all over his chest and Caelus' thighs, at the same time as his lover had a dry orgasm, as he pulled back from Caelus.
He was met with the sight of his lover, his eyes watery, his lips swollen from biting on them too hard, his back arched so beautifully at yet another denied release. Jing Yuan's breath caught in his throat as lightly traced the trailblazer's smooth abs. "One more round and we'll call it even, okay sweetheart?" He asked gently wiping his lovers tears, who merely whimpered in response.
Jing Yuan pulled off the ring on his cock as his slid himself onto it, this time slowly, as he worked his way up a gentle rhythm. After what felt like forever, but was only just a minute or two, Caelus felt the familiar knot in his stomach, for the third time this night, as he released his seed, deep inside Jing Yuan, who immediately followed with an orgasm of his own.
Exhausted, yet content, Jing Yuan bounced up and down a few more times, to ride out their orgasms, as the flopped on the bed beside Caelus, cum dripping out and down his creamy thighs, as he leaned over to uncuff him, rubbing his wrists gently after he did. Caelus brought his hands down, whimpering as he did, finally feeling the blood flow into his arms.
"Sorry." Jing Yuan whispered, nuzzling his face into Caelus' neck. "Sweetheart, I'm the one who's supposed to apologise." Caelus answered, kissing the top of his lovers head.
"Although.. I still don't know what you were mad at me for."
This was when Jing Yuan realised that Caelus wasn't trying to distance himself from him, let alone cheat.
The general had been for so without him that he let himself think the weirdest of things, when the reason for his behaviour was the same reason he had fallen for him. The trailblazer was just oblivious and stupid. He was his oblivious and stupid boy.
Anyways, as I was saying, this was one of the cause and consequence of the hardships of long distance relationships.
Sorry if this seems rushed. I have exams going on in college, but I also didn’t want to post this too late, cuz I lose motivation quickly.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Reblogs appreciated~ Todaloo~
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marypsue · 1 year
Good fucking movie though. A lot to chew on. I have Theories.
So! It's been said before, and not by me (although it was the illustrious and lovely @daddygrandpaandthebeaver who first brought it to my attention), that if Miles is an anomaly and was never meant to be Spider-Man, then it doesn't make sense that he should have to follow all the 'canon events' of a Spider-Man story. Unless, of course, following 'canon events' is what makes you a Spider-Person. Or, at least, somebody thinks it is.
Miguel introduces himself by saying that he's Spider-Man (of course), but then follows it up with, "But I'm not like the others." This is while we are watching him inject himself with something that's visually indicated to be mutant-spider-venom, something that heals a wound in his shoulder and a tear in his suit. The obvious conclusion, of course, is that he's 'not like the others' because he's some kind of energy-shooting vampire government experiment, which we get to hear about a couple times in dialogue. Or possibly because he's got that whole High And Lonely Destiny bit deeply, deeply internalised. One of the two.
But! Not a single line of dialogue in this movie was not on purpose. And Miles comes right out and says it himself, during the big climactic chase scene. "Claws? Is that guy even a Spider-Man?"
Excellent observation, Miles! I don't think he is.
There are the claws. There is the vampire thing. @daddygrandpaandthebeaver also pointed out that Miguel didn't have the Spidey-Sense. And he has to give himself, from the looks of things, regular infusions of spider venom to keep his shit stable. Oh, and there's the little fact that Miguel's whole backstory and motivation is that he tried to take his own place in another dimension once already. This guy has 'imposter' written all over him in 72-point neon font.
So why would he be pretending to be Spider-Man, and why would he be playing enforcer to make sure that the worst moment in any Spider-Man's life always plays out, over and over and over and over and over again? Well, it veers into wild speculation, but like I said, I have theories.
I don't think, in his original universe, that Miguel was its Spider-Person. But I think he was close to them. And, unfortunately, I don't think he knew that until it was too late. Because I think, in his original universe, he was originally a villain. The claw thing makes me think, especially if we're playing off ITSV (and Miguel's motivation is Fisk's inverted, which is super cool, so we're definitely playing off ITSV), probably a Prowler, but the 'government experiment' thing and the imposter situation now has me wondering if this might be how they're going to sneak Venom in there. And I think, much like Uncle Aaron, he was unexpectedly thrown up against a superpowered brat in a lame costume mask.
Only, unlike Uncle Aaron, he didn't stop.
The video we see of Miguel and his daughter makes her look very young. But in the flashback - which, I'll admit, we don't know how much of that may have been fabricated - she looks a lot older. Like an older adolescent or a young teenager. Maybe...about the age Gwen and Miles were, in ITSV?
I think - and, again, wild speculation, but it'd be so thematically coherent! - that Miguel's original daughter was his original universe's Spider-Person. And I think he only found that out after he'd already killed her.
If that's the case, then everything he's doing, the whole 'canon event' situation, makes perfect sense. He has to try to fit Miles into the mold of a Spider-Man story, even as an anomaly. Because Miguel is an anomaly. Because if it's necessary for some kind of tragedy, some kind of unthinkable loss, to happen, in order to create a Spider-Person, in order to create a hero, then what Miguel went through (what he did) was necessary, for him to become the Spider-Man he is now. If the 'canon events' have to happen in order for the whole dimension to continue to exist, then it wasn't only necessary, it was inevitable.
And Miguel really, really, really needs that awful, unspeakable thing that he can never undo to have been necessary and inevitable. Because if it wasn't? If it was just a choice he made, one he has to live with the consequences of? If he could have made a different choice?
Well. That'd be the one thing he really couldn't bear.
(Side note, but if this theory is even slightly correct, then I am also very very very worried about Peter B's daughter.)
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goldentigerfestival · 7 months
so I finally found a subbed version of PS3 Vesperia recently (what the DE was ported from), and that means I am now properly enabled to further make my arguments LOL. basically since the DE text is still in English and there are no subs for what's actually being spoken in the JP audio, it's harder for me to make some points since sometimes people will just listen to audio in JP but not really understand what's going on and have to rely on the English text (which again is localized and not genuinely translated, and in a lot of major cases with Vesperia, it's pretty egregiously bad).
idk how many posts I'll end up making about the bigger changes but I do want to cover some of the things that rubbed me the wrong way with unnecessary and even harmful to Yuri's character changes.
for instance, Yuri has a skit with Estelle that was heavily altered in the dub, originally talking about how he can't find himself being grateful to someone like Raven for showing them how to sneak out of the castle. his reasoning is basically that Raven is shady and he's not sure he should be grateful to someone like that, and is confused as to why Estelle would be so grateful when she doesn't even know him (because in his mind, he knows the guy feels somewhat shady from meeting him and isn't sure he wants to trust a guy with those vibes).
in the dub they just kinda... make him sound like an ungrateful jerk and not so much because he's not sure he wants to trust Raven. the dub skit doesn't make it sound like it's an issue of his with Raven specifically and that he just generally doesn't feel grateful for the aid (and that in general one shouldn't feel grateful for aid like this), which gives off a really wrong impression of him that doesn't hold up throughout the game.
Yuri wasn't wholly ungrateful for the gesture itself, but because of who it came from - and let's face it, getting that info from a guy in jail who had to be taken out by the commandant himself wouldn't look good in the eyes of an average citizen.
the dub really hurt Yuri's character in a lot of ways, but ever since I'd first played the game on the 360 yeaaars ago, that dubbed skit rubbed me the wrong way even before I knew the JP audio and now that I can show others the full JP context (again, can't really do that with the western release because the dialogue is still written in English so some people can hear the audio but if they don't understand it, the message they take away from it is still whatever is written in the localization) I really want to talk about some of the more damaging changes (in particular about Yuri because he got the absolute worst brunt of it). the skit is one example of a lot of weird changes that make no sense and unfortunately one of many that changed the entire meaning behind something Yuri meant/was doing.
there are a lot of weird cases of them just adding in entire sentences for no reason that don't really make sense or fit, but I probably won't cover those or at least in much detail. it's some of the bigger things I want to talk about because I feel like there's a huge disconnect in a lot of cases between western fandom Yuri and actual Yuri, and western fandom Yuri is partially if not mostly a result of the dub just yeeting entire aspects of his character out the window at the speed of light because dear heavens we simply can't have a cool adult man show a range of emotion evidently.
...on that note it's very wild to me how often they remove all traces of people calling Yuri an idiot. Karol had multiple but only got like one in in the dub. yeah.
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theartofangirling · 5 months
hi! im not sure if you still answer asks asking for book recs but i figured ill just shoot my shot
i saw your book rec flow chart (which--wow, the amount of effort and care that went into that, i cant appreciate it enough) and in it you described radio silence as about finding a best friend which got me wondering if you had any other book recs like that?
(sidenote your book recommendation tag is a goldmine for queer book recs, you have excellent taste)
I am ALWAYS up for giving book recs! and I'm so glad to hear that the flow chart has been helpful!
as for other books about finding a best friend, I gotta say Radio Silence and Loveless are basically the cream of the crop. a few others that fall into that category:
i want to be a wall - this manga series is about an asexual woman and a gay man who get married to stop their families from bothering them, and their friendship is the sweetest thing I've ever read!!!!
what stalks among us - a ya horror about two best friends stuck in an unending corn maze, featuring a super strong platonic bond
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow - this wasn't a favorite of mine for entirely unrelated reasons, but I did love the friendship at the heart of it
a psalm for the wild-built - I ADORE Dex and Mosscap's friendship
in other lands - this has a prominent romance, but even more important is the friendship between the main trio
strangeworlds travel agency - a middle grade fantasy adventure with a delightful male-female friendship that makes my heart so warm!
the raven cycle - I mean, all of these characters are in love with each other. if you want friendships so strong they rewrite reality, to the extent that the author said that "the worst thing that could happen is that they could stop being friends," this is the series for you
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Solving the Future au (4)
"...I'm sorry, but could you repeat that?" Akito wasn't sure if he heard KK right. For a second he thought he heard the older man ask him and Mari to-
"Join. My. Team." KK explains that since they were all obiviously on the same side, by which he means that they all hated Hannya, it shouldn't be too much of a issue for them to join forces.
Akito's considers the pros and cons of KK's offer.
Cons: It could be a trap, KK's team might never fully trust Akito or Mari, someone might find out about Akito being a time traveler.
Pros: A bigger support system, joining KK's team could help Akito prevent more unessary deaths, Mari meeting Erika and hopefully becoming friends, KK helping Akito with his weaving, etc.
After talking it out with Mari, Akito decided to take the risk and take KK's offer in joining the older man's team.
He'd go on to tell Mari later that, NO, he didn't blush like a school girl when KK smirked and said "Good choice, pretty boy."
And with that, Akito and Mari joined KK's team.
To be honest, it was a rather awkward start between the siblings and the rest of KK's team.
No one seemed to know what to make of the other, and it was obivious that KK's team didn't really trust either Akito or Mari, but that was fine. The siblings were used to handling things alone...
Though, a surprise came in the form of Erika taking the first step in actually talking to the siblings. A question here, an answer there, and soon Erika was talking easily to Mari.
Soon the others followed. Dale, the bear like man, quickly warmed up to the siblings after Mari started curiously asking him some questions about certain folklores
Ed came next. The quiet man came across Akito after the younger man came back from a solo hunt.
No one was in the base at the moment besides Ed, and when Akito stumbled in, eyes full of wild panic and breathing heavily, Ed knew he just couldn't leave the younger man alone in his panic.
On Akito's side of things, he had just been doing a normal hunt, but when a familar woman dressed in red came at him, Akito panicked.
In the last timeline, he always had a hard time dealing with Kuchisakes, especially RED Kuchisakes.
Hearing how they scream and laughed as they chased him through Shibuya's foggy streets, feeling the slashes from it's sheers. It was horrible.
And what made it worst was the time when KK was taken from him, leaving Akito all alone and powerless in a visitor invested city.
He could still remember the Kuchisake that ambushed him while trying to save KK. It nearly killed him, and Akito was still unsure how he managed to escape with only a scar on his back from it's sheers.
After that he just developed a fear of Kuchisakes. KK in the last timeline thankfully didn't tease him and usually took over if a Kuchisake was attacking.
But now? Akito didn't have KK to take over. He was too afraid to admit his phobia to this KK in fear of being laughed at.
Akito flinched when a hand touched his shoulder. It was a light touch, barely even there, but enough to get Akito's attention.
This made Akito panic even more. No one was supposed to be at the base today!
The light touch leaves and someone sits down beside him on the floor.
Slowly looking over, Akito sees it was Ed, and he had... a rabbit?
Akito blinks, looking at Ed and the rabbit in confustion. "Ed?"
Ed just holds the rabbit out, silently gesturing for Akito to hold it.
This leads to Akito cuddling the rabbit, which he learns was a girl and her name was Muffin. She was Ed's support rabbit.
After few minutes of cuddling Muffin, Akito finally calms down and timidly looks at Ed who was staring at him with worried eyes.
Akito ends up telling Ed what triggered his panic attack, which leads to the rest of the team finding it out as well. Thankfully, no one laughed at his fear and even tried to help him with it.
Now for the final person on KK's team. Rinko.
She was the hardest nut to crack, as she didn't trust Akito and Mari since day one. She was more than a little rude at times, and kept giving them distrustful glares.
But after Erika started talking to Mari, Akito noticed how Rinko was slowly, but surely softening up to them.
The moment Akito knew Mari won Rinko over was when the woman gave Mari a head pat after she came back from a successful hunt with Erika.
As for Akito himself, it was when Rinko noticed how he was eyeing her bike with interest and asked if he knew anything about bikes.
They ended up spending time in the garage together, tinkering away at Rinko's bike and just talking about random things.
Once Akito knew that KK and KK's team fullied trusted him and Mari, the siblings took the group of to meet their Nekomata friends.
It was funny seeing their reactions. Erika in particaular looked like she acsended when some Nekomatas kittens started demanding pets from her.
Through as funny as it was to see the teams reaction's to the Nekomatas, it wasn't funny when Akito's Nekomata healer started getting on his case about if he's been drinking all his medicine.
"What medicine?" KK, along with the rest of the team, not including Mari who already knew about his condition, looked to Akito for answers.
"...And make sure he drinks one everyday! Heavens knows this boy needs all the help he can get!" Akito was pouting as his Nekomata healer was talking to KK. Geez, treat him like a kid, why don't they?
Despite his pouting, Akito was glad he didn't have to hide his condition or medicine anymore. Sure KK and the others, baring Mari, had questions about his past injuries, but thankfully they never pushed too much.
Besides that, Akito was happy. His sister was alive, he had friends, and yeah, he still had to deal with Hannya, Shibuya, and the possiblity of Mari, KK, Rinko, and Erika dying again, and still debating whether or not he should tell KK and the others about him being a time traveler, but for now, all was well.
"What are you smiling about, pretty boy?" KK's voice knocks him out his thoughts. Akito just hums, his smile becoming soft as he glances at KK. "Oh, no reason."
KK squints at him, clearly not believing his words. It made Akito laugh. "Keep squinting like that, old man, and your face will get stuck like that!"
"Old- I told you to stop calling me that, you brat!"
Akito only laughs harder at KK's indignant yells.
Yep. Today was a good day.
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miiilowo · 9 months
I'm using a controller for ultrakill, but after you said there's other switching options I did mess around with the remote and discovered going up on the d-pad switches weapons! I don't really use it, but I am getting better about weapon switching! And using the other weapons in general, so now my bigger problem tends to be accidentally switching to the railcannon instead of the shotgun and briefly wasting that shot!
I made it through act I! I'm very much just going all the way through with the intent of actually trying with challenges and secrets um. later. Much later. Gosh all these levels have such awesome designs, the lust and gluttony layers were amazing
Mindflayers are my greatest non-boss enemy, I really need to remember to use the red arm like the enemy menu recommends, I've purchased every weapon I can afford! All that's actually available that I don't have yet are two railcanons, I'm thinking of getting the screwdriver
The corpse of king minos was a cool fight! I did not realize that the large body I saw looking over the layer was going to attack me! I died an awful lot, but it wasn't the worst boss fight I've had, I kept trying to parry the snake attacks in the second phase fight but after I gave up on doing that and dodged it went more smoothly :>
Gabriel!! Gabriel beat the shit out of me! By alot! I had 60 restarts in 20 minutes! Easily the hardest and most frustrating boss ive faced so far! All the guides I could find in game said to remember his attack pattern, but ah,,, Gabriel is very fast and hits like a truck so only the knowledge of his attacks I managed to figure out was "I can probably dodge this one" and "I probably can't dodge this one" in the end I didn't learn anything to beat him so in the rematch I'm pretty sure exists I am absolutely screwed 😎👍
I ended up cheesing it because while jumping around I accidentally figured out that if you're standing next to the wall Gabriel actually keeps close to you, which makes attacking and getting blood much easier. Personally I prefer this over the proper fight because it feels like he's trying to pin me to the wall. I am tempted to draw Gabriel pinning V1 to the wall.
Man, the Gabriel fight is so so cool in game. Like??? Ough??? He tells you to turn back but There is no way to turn back all you CAN go is forward because your stuck going down and down and if you stop now there's no where to go and MAN. OH MAN. ITS SO??? It's so very cool and awesome that Gabriel is the first voice you ever really hear. The first one to speak to you. That's so wild. Imagine how V1 felt. Hearing an actual voice, after a journey filled with only screams and grunts and gunfire, to face silence in the layer of gluttony, expecting to hear the sounds of more enemies being summoned to the area, maybe to suddenly be attacked, only for a voice of all things to break the silence. Only to be spoken to
Oh yes this is good. This is very good. Get worse about this game keep analyzing it get horrible with me (you should draw that also btw)
I do recommend the malicious railcannon over the screwdriver. I don't use it a whole lot personally and I haven't really met anyone else who does, though the malrail is also pretty easy to blow yourself up with so um. Scratching my Chin. Up to you on that one
I am glad you like it this much, I do genuinely think ultrakill is one of the best games ever made despite not even being finished . Might be a little bit biased. If you need help with anything I will be able to provide it ^_^
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So the new Glass chapter. No time for a proper analysis so have my immediate thoughts:
Crime boys fight! I love your fights. They’re always set up so well. The first time crimeboys fight is when they are stuck in their little co-dependent bubble and know each other well enough to have serious ammunition to hurt. I am still obsessed with the way you allow characters to dig and get bloody down to the bones. (I also really love the words as knives and actually cutting open Wilbur’s mouth as he draws blood methapoheres.) I wish I’d known there would be a fight, I would have gotten popcorn. Several of these lines made me winch.
Also, Wilbur’s whole, I’m not a person vs. Tommy caring about him and seeing how much it’s hurting him is very on point this chapter. Same with the co-dependency. Wilbur has spent very little time apart from Tommy. This shows especially in the entire market scene. On both sides btw. Wilbur is very overwhelmed and Tommy helps clam him down just by being there and holding his hand. Wilbur gets more stressed when Tommy is gone.
Also, Tommy’s idea to go out is very stupid, but his plan to prove that Wilbur wants to stay is even dumber and putting them both through so much stress. Like Tommy was very sure of himself, but as he actually left Wilbur alone the anxiety probably kicked on cuz of Wilhur had left, Tommy would be in some much trouble and Wilbur would end up back in his cage. Also, Foolish noticed (and recognised?) Wilbur and might be able to get that info back to Eret. The question is what happens then. Also it was way to risky either way. Also, Charlie finally getting a tooth as bribery.
I’m ignoring a lot for now, but I do want to talk a bit about Tubbo cuz I totally forget Wilbur didn’t clock him as hard-hearing and it made me laugh. Also, Tubbo hops on the bandwagon of “doesn’t fully understand or trust Wilbur, but knows he will keep Tommy safe and is grateful for that’. Also, I like him forgetting his clothes, it makes him feel more human despite the fact that we’ve mostly seen the worst of him.
One more detail, after the fight, Wilbur takes off his blindfold and the narration reverts to just pronouns again. He goes back to being nothing. And that, with the context that he just screams that he’s empty at the top of his lungs, hurts so, so, so much. This chapter really came for our throats, damn. I just remembered Wilbur there’s also the Wilbur (not) deserving better comment. Bee, what are you doing to this poor man.
Actual last comment for tonight: We get vicious Wilbur again! Yeay! I missed him! He’s fun when he’s got bite!
YEAHHH the fight was so wild to write because, um, well here's a fun fact about the chapter.
the fight wasn't planned literally at ALL. there wasn't supposed to be a fight in this chapter! it just happened!
literally wilbur and tommy were supposed to just talk about going to the night market and that was it. no arguing. no disagreements even. but the dialogue just ran away from me and next thing I knew they were in the middle of a very intense argument and I was like "well okay I guess we're going with this now" and i had to sit back and rethink my entire chapter plan to see if i could still do it because it was a huge tone shift from what I originally had in store. tbh though it works so much better this way and I'm so glad you enjoyed reading the fight. I love writing fights. it's a constant balancing act of "how far can these two characters push each other before things move past the point of no return?"
oh yeah they're so codependent at this point. wilbur was overwhelmed in general from the night market because he literally hasn't been in public spaces like that for basically a decade at this point. like yes the palace held balls, but those weren't super frequent, and that was just about the only time he was around more than a handful of people at any given moment. so he was going to be anxious no matter what, but the separation from tommy really got to him.
and also yes the second tommy left wilbur to go get the food he was like "what the fuck did I do what did I do I'm so goddamn stupid fuck shit-" because he was terrified wilbur was really going to leave. he'd been acting confident, but their argument shook him way more than he let on. so yeah it was really stupid of him, but it worked!
the funny thing about wilbur is that he's so absorbed in his own problems half the time he won't notice the most obvious shit like tubbo being hoh. tbf both times he witnessed people signing at tubbo or tubbo signing at others he was stressed out about various other things, but still dude c'mon.
the reason I included tubbo forgetting his clothes was bc i realized i had already described him folding his arms over his chest and stuff which he wouldn't have been able to do with clothes in his arms, but I didn't want to go back and rewrite wilbur initially seeing him to say he had clothes in his arms either. plus, I needed something he could say as he left, so I just ended up throwing in the line about him forgetting his clothes bc I thought it was funny lol
:) I have a great time deciding when to just use pronouns for wilbur vs when to call him the pythia. it's something I'm always aware of when I'm writing this fic and it's so fun to play around with. poor guy :)
YES VICIOUS WILBUR I loved writing him being a dick again I've also missed him
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iamaslutforcoffee · 2 years
Home Sweet Home Chapter El
I could stay awake just to hear you breathin' "
Eloise squinted as her eyes opened, the light from the early morning sun pouring into the small little bedroom in the cabin.
"Watch you smile when you are sleeping, when you are far away and dreaming"
She smiled when she realized Eddie was up somewhere singing along to the radio, to her favorite song. She sat up yawning, and checked her phone for updates from Wayne about Harrison.
He was doing just fine, and in the words of Wayne Munson he was "tearing shit up like Eddie did at that age". She smiled knowing that her son-- their son, was in great hands.
She pulled herself from the bed and smiled. For once she actually got a great night's sleep, not having to wake up for the baby and for that alone she knew she owed Wayne and her Dad a huge favor..what ever it would be.
"I could spend my life in this sweet surrender"
Eloise rose from the nights bed and looked in the mirror, seeing the dark marks left on her chest from Eddie's intense need to physically show who's she was, as if it was ever a question in anyone's mind if she wasn't Eddie's.
As she walked out to the living room, she smelt bacon and the faint smell of vanilla. Slowly she peered into the kitchen, Eddie was in his boxers, hair halfway up and cooking breakfast.
He was also singing along to the radio, his smooth voice hitting every key and Eloise smiled.
She couldn't help but think to herself that he was heaven sent, and picked just for her.
"I could stay lost in this moment forever.
Every moment with you is a moment I treasure"
She sat at the breakfast nook admiring Eddie while he moved around and kept cooking, pretending not to notice her there.
"Eddie, Baby?" She called out.
"Ah! My queen has awakened!" He replied, popping a plate infront of her that had her favorite little breakfast foods on it.
"Eddie.. why did you make breakfast? I told you I would cook since you got dinner." Eloise smiled, kissing Eddie on the cheek gently.
"I told you.. you deserve to relax and let someone else take care of you for once." Eddie faced her, syrup caking his chin and lips. The man loved his pancakes, that was for sure and certain.
"What ever you say, Edward." She shook her head, taking a small bite of the eggs on her plate.
As the couple continued eating their breakfast, Eddie spouted off ideas for the next Hellfire campaign.  For the first time since..well, ever.. Eddie was kinda stumped on what to write. Although if it was ever brought up he wouldn't admit it.
"The second idea.. the one with the Vecna guy? Or the mindflayer? They both seem like a pretty good character to start the new match off with, Eddie." Eloise rused, while Eddie sat besides her with papers everywhere amongst the breakfast table.
"Yes, but which would YOU personally start with?" Eddie asked, pencil in his mouth and eyes wild. It made her smile to see him trusting her to such lengths for her opinion on his favorite hobby.
"Toss a coin, what's the worst that could happen?" She shrugged, scarfing down the rest of her meal and smiling.
Eddie's eyes lit up as he found a random coin in his pocket and tossed, kissing his hand before opening it and smiling.
Eloise didn't bother even asking, knowing the option already that won.
"Vecna?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Vecna!" Eddie answered proudly, continuing on his campaign writing.
"How did you manage to make an excuse to post-pone hellfire? That's such an important thing for you and those kids.."
Eddie produced a half witted smile, not looking up at his girl once, but he did smile and shook his head.
"Do you want me to be honest or lie?" He asked, his tounge sticking out slightly as he finished up the papers.
"Honesty, please. I could only go so far with the lie " she laughed, already imagining what Eddie would have come up with.
"I told them I was planning on making Harrison a sister with you" he shrugged as he looked up, his brown eyes piercing hers and a bigger smile on his face.
"Eddie! Those kids did NOT need to hear that!" She yelped as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
"Edward Munson! Put me the fuck down!" She screamed. He reached up and swatted her ass, much to her displeasure and tossed her back on the bed once he made it to the master room.
As he climbed over her he just examined her face. He noticed she still had the same scar on her cheek from when he accidentally swatted her with a branch when they were kids. She had some bags under her eyes, more than a usual teenager but she wasn't a normal teen. She was a mom, and carried his child. For that he would forever spend the rest of his life trying to repay her.
"Did you really want another child with me, Eddie? " she asked, pausing to gauge his reaction. It caused a small smile to form on Eddie, and images of her pregnant and them enjoying their life together with their kids swelled his mind and he smiled even more.
"Yes.. I wasn't there for Harrison and it kills me.. I want to be there for the next one, m'lady " he spoke softly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Dont you think we'd have to be together for that?" She asked, repeating the same action on him.
"You really think you weren't my girl, Eloise Faye?" He asked, faking to sound heartbroken.
"Well.. I mean.." she started speaking and Eddie wildly shook his head.
"Nope, you are always going to be my girlfriend. And when I can afford it, I'll get down to your dad and ask him and your brother if I can ask you to marry me. And then we'll have the best life.. and ill give you everything you could want and deserve" he spoke softly and kissed her.
Oh, how Eddie failed to realize he already has done just that, and she couldn't wait to show him.
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slow-button-off · 2 years
What all of you are omitting, or didn't hear/read, is that he also said that this was the worst perfomce weekend they had had all season. He knows it wasn't a great race and isn't super happy about it, as some people are saying or implying.
But I think many people forget he didn't have the throttle issues that Charles had so I'm sure his car was easier to drive than Charles', and most importantly man hadn't finished a lap between the two previous races. So I think that being able to finish instead of another DNF, which was a risk as Binotto said our goal is both cars finishing the race, without further problems than what they already thought were going to have isn't a disaster. Yes, it is a disaster if you compare it to the first race of the season but they already knew that the max position they could get here was 5th.
It was a possibility that Ferrari was going to suffer in Mexico, we all knew that, and unluckily it happened, but the car is not going to work the same way in Brazil or Abu Dhabi, or at least in theory it shouldn't.
I feel that at this point the stress of the season is making a lot of people overanalyse every single word that is said to be able to blame/hate someone for how the season is going.
I know he said that. And like I said before he didn't say anything wrong!
I'm happy that the balance was in a way that he liked. I am happy that the car felt good to drive outside of pace. And I am also very happy that he actually got to finish the race and wasn't taken out.
But even with him saying that there was no pace and even if there is no issue with it it just still sounds a little bit funny.
Yes he didn't have the engine issues that Charles had and the engine was turned down a bit more.
But they also fucked up the setup real bad. Like real real bad!
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Like look at the average sector times throughout the race. They are 4 tenths down in S2 alone and that isn't the engine power sector. And another 3 tenths in S3. But even the gaps to Merc are wild in S2 and S3. And Carlos had clean air for the most part so his S2 and 3 aren't affected by dirty air.
That's not just a turned down engine because in S1 where the straights are it looks ok. That's a majorly fucked up set up.
I don't know how much that messed up setup fucks with the balance of the car as in if the balance would be different if they had set the car up properly. But it just also sounds a bit funny to say the car was good to drive when the setup was this bad.
Again, he didn't say anything wrong! And I am very happy for him that he feels more comfortable and like you said it's not like he pretended that there was loads of pace.
But just the timing all things considered makes it sound a little bit weird.
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ohheyjudesummers · 1 year
What We Yearn For (Original fic)- Prologue
It was a mistake. That much is evident to Brielle once the man she attempts to commit to both cheats on her and helps put her in a situation she must deal with alone. and she's content with that. So for the life of her, she can't fathom why her boss's young, wild, and free nephew, Milan, keeps inserting himself into her life at every corner. However, she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the extra ray of sunlight he brought into her life.
But perhaps she's flying too close to the sun.
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"I hate him so much sometimes, Brielle! "I know it’s a bad thing to say, but I can’t help it at this point." The girl blurted out at me, giving her tearful hazel eyes the most furious of rubs.
Maybe this is what I get for not minding the business that pays me. Although I do feel like I owe her since she put me on to an inexpensive diner around here that has decent prices for great food portions, in my current place in life where my appetite could seem endless, that was a gold mine.
Maybe I could put up with whatever was going on here for a little while longer.
"Hannah, I know you're going through something, but if you want to talk, you know I'm here, right? There's no need to hold whatever it is in or anything." I tell her.
Hannah and I were not, in fact, friends. We simply worked together, and sometimes that was enough for me to get my fill of interacting with her. She wasn't the worst person in the world, but she could be a bit dramatic and egocentric at times. As a result, it was difficult for me to connect with her on a deep level or even find common ground. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes she was good to talk to on a superficial level. And at work, she was a much better social butterfly with customers than I was.
At the very least, she was.
Whenever it tends to come to my coworkers' personal affairs, I try to keep my mouth shut; it's my method of respecting boundaries. However, on occasion, I’d hear Hannah bubbling about a guy she'd been talking to. She always walked with an extra pep in her step and seemed eager to start work. But lately I noticed a decline in her mood—it seemed erratic and tense. Her attention always seemed to be elsewhere. particularly at her phone. At the sound of a notification, she’d make a beeline for it, only for her shoulders to slump when she got to the screen.
Today was slightly unique. Just a little bit.
It was the end of our day, and as I was putting items away, she had been organizing our scheduled deliveries—until something on her phone prompted her to stop. She hurried to the backroom, but I didn't make a quick motion to follow.
It's not your problem, Brielle.
You have your own issues to deal with.
She'll be just fine.
These were things I told myself as the seconds ticked by while I was out in front. I even tried to distract myself by finishing up the organizing tasks she’d been doing on our computer. Until I noticed that Hannah failed to mention or acknowledge the delivery of a freestyle bouquet that was actually due a little over thirty minutes ago. I typically don’t mind putting together freestyles when requested. But I generally prefer it in advance.
I quietly squeezed the bridge of my nose and counted backward from ten while breathing.
I had only a few more short days before I took a little time off. I wouldn't have to deal with Hannah's condition for a while. In the meantime, I needed to maintain my rationality and make sure my work days passed as smoothly as possible. And what played a major part of that was the emotional state of my co-workers. This issue that was going on with Hannah was influential enough to plague her performance at this point, and I saw on our schedule that I was paired with her at least once more before my break. And I could not have her like this with me.
Hannah, I really mean it. "If you need to blow off some steam, I promise not to judge."
Even if I did judge, I'm sure that God would give me the most bewildered look.
As dramatic as Hannah's story might very well seem, I didn't have a pedestal to stand on when it related to dating men. It wasn't like I was in a secure and meaningful relationship—not that I needed to be in one. This past year, I've learned my lesson and acknowledged the fact that I'm not built for that type of relationship. I wouldn't mind being alone. especially if it meant not making the same mistakes as Hannah did.
"I'm keen on the idea of this guy. I figured the feeling was mutual, but he's not putting in any effort. I'm at a loss." Her voice is muffled, and her face is buried in her hands as she speaks. Her shoulders rattle as she sobs before ultimately bringing her face, flushed with an angry red hue, up to view. "At one point while we were hanging out, he even said he liked having me around!" I've been messaging him for weeks to consider inviting him out. and he's just now actually replying to me, and you know what he says?"
The sudden pause causes my eyes to shift.
Oh, it’s not a rhetorical question, is it?
"No, what did he actually say?"
"To be safe, and that he doesn't think we’re going to be able to hang out again in the future." And then he addressed me as Hailey. Her face twisted at the name. "I think the name was a typo or something, but I’m more concerned at how he doesn’t even explain why he doesn't want to hang out! Men are such pigs!" She abruptly rises from her seat. "I can’t stand them! They’re the absolute worst, you know?"
Oh yeah, we can definitely agree on that.
Men were like baskets to me at this point. And, as untrustworthy as those baskets could be, civilization or customs tended to encourage people to put their eggs in them when it came to partnerships. My former wild way of living in the past isn't the issue either; even relationships blessed by religion could be doomed. I can identify at least three texts inside the Bible that either are hostile to women or tell of mind-boggling occurrences where women tumbled at the hands of a man.
I tried to be open-minded and play with the idea of monogamy, and yet I immediately learned how terrible it was as both a concept and an actuality. To me, there wasn't anything particularly wrong with how I lived or what I did with men. But I'm sure it wasn't my stepmother's expectation when she made me read the Bible anytime, she felt I needed a reminder on how to act when I became rebellious. Well, maybe she did accomplish something; hearing the viciousness of her voice on repeat as a child has actually persisted into my adult life. My inner self isn't really my favorite place to lose myself in.
So, there was a reason I felt a little lost when given the responsibility of comforting Hannah; I didn't even know how to comfort myself.
Even so, I felt it was important to search my brain for something. I didn't want to make things any more unpleasant than they were already.
"Hannah, I know people letting you down can hurt incredibly, but maybe you could use this moment to focus on yourself? You know, treating and spoiling yourself with attention instead of wasting it on some guy who won’t communicate? "You'll find another man eventually, I’m sure."
At this point, Hannah’s back slowly straightens. Silence fills the room as she sniffles and tucks a lock of her russet-brown hair behind her ear.
"I’d be lying if I said I felt completely better. But I suppose you’re right. I was just so thrown off! He came and went so suddenly. "But I guess some men are like that." She sighs, standing from her seat.
While I know it might take a while for me to fully get over this guy, there is some relief in seeing her stop crying.
Whoever he is, he must have enough influence to put a girl like Hannah in this condition.
While Hannah wasn't like me, who was slow to label relationships but didn't seem to mind having some innocent fun, she didn't have a problem flirting with men. especially the ones who passed through the flower shop. From what I overheard, she took great care of them. Still, with her teasing nature that snagged her a few heart-struck favorites, I don't think any of them held her attention. It may have been a game for her, which I felt was fine because nobody got hurt.
But I believe she must have met her match with this man.
I just hope we don't run into him again anytime soon.
Speaking of time.
I cast a quick glance at the wall clock hung above the door.
It was thirty minutes past closing. The commute from here to my home wasn’t so bad. But I had to make that delivery of sunflowers and daisies to that customer, which would add to the stretch of time. My feet were already killing me, and I felt a mixture of tired and hungry, which was expected lately.
I got up from my seat.
I know she likely won’t get over him so easily, but I’m a little envious of her financial level of self-care.
My feet ache just remembering her mention of a spa. Admittedly, my aches weren’t as prominent as they were months ago, but they were still present. I'd read that they usually stop by now. However, logic tells me that everyone's condition affects them differently. But I knew this wouldn’t be forever. For now, I needed to focus on more important matters.
"You're going to be ok, right?" I inquired, as Hannah rummaged through the employee lockers.
"Eventually, I’m sure I will." Until then, though, I’m going to indulge myself in a lot of spa days after work. "And perhaps visiting that diner I told you about for some comfort carbs," she replies with a shrug. "I know we don’t talk much, but thanks for listening to me, Brielle." She waves, departing without so much as a second thought.
My gaze caught sight of myself in the full-body mirror we have in our locker room. I approach it slowly to examine my full front profile before turning to the side. Keeping my eyes on the mirror, I grab the hem of my oversized green sweater dress, lifting it just under my breast. My gaze was drawn to my protruding, round belly. Just as I planted a gentle hand on it, I felt a soft push against it from the little human who seemed to be extending his stay inside of me.
I had significantly more crucial things to think about than myself, and crying about it now was useless.
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Authors note:
So this is one of my original stories that I've been writing and plan on doing a second part to it (But one at a time) I first plan on completing this at least by the end of this year. while I do have this on kindle (Which makes it easier for me to keep track of and respond to comments and for you to have an organized library of my writings to keep with you on the go when you want a little escape) the first three parts/chapters of all kindle vella stories are always free so I thought to post the first three parts on A03 and my tumblr. You can find the other unfinished and unedited earlier drafts of a couple of chapters to what we yearn for on my wattpad and my literotica account, but admittedly, they aren't as consistent and different (seeing at this is final draft and those were the former.)
I'm still planning on writing fan fic's though so stay tuned for that <3 thanks so much for hanging in there with me <3
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goosedawn · 3 years
//Oh gods, welp, here I go [cracks knuckles]
//Tiny farmer Techno Au,,,, prepare for some future lore cjkhcxk
Timestamps from: "I Became the Mayor of Skyblock" by Technoblade
(5:39) "I decided to call in an old rival..." - Technoblade
Techno continues on with his life for days on, but finally, he somehow finds his way to society again, seeing that the entire town has been taken over by a tyrant of a mayor. The townspeople called for aid, and from the depths of his cold heart, he decided to help (....what do you mean he only did it so people would buy his potatoes-).
For a bit, he did his work by himself, only getting help from some other living scarecrows (listen, I really like the idea of some scarecrows coming alive [cough] PHIL [cough]), TimeDeo and Jyn (...? Is that how you spell their name?). (Dunno what the process for taking over the mayor would be exactly but,,, chchskdlcx,,,)
But you can only do so much work with... living scarecrows. With a bit of reluctance, he calls for help from SquidKid. And then together they defeat Dante :]
(Also, it's funny to think that the town has a mayor that they've never seen. All they know is that the previous mayor is gone, and the new one is pretty chill. /Lh)
(6:31) "Is there any way to do the teleport room without just like.. guessing?" - SquidKid
(6:36) "You are like... little baby, watch this." - Technoblade
Being tiny has its perks.
"Wait, what do you mean you can solve this maze in an hour or less?"
Techno turned towards the bigger hybrid, crossing his arms as he nonchalantly stared up at them. SquidKid only gives him a baffled look back, their tentacle-like hair slightly sprung up to further show their confusion.
He knows this only because he's known the man for far longer than they've known him.
He knows more personal information than should be shared, somehow finding the other farmer's parent's numbers along with a few other things. He had jokingly pocketed away the parent's number in the back of his mind, although, he had no real plans of ever using it. Well, maybe he had played with the idea of calling SquidKid's parents to dunk on the fact that a wild borrower had been winning their competition, but he ultimately decided not to for obvious reasons.
He knows the hybrid's schedule like the back of his hand, having to work around it for the better part of an entire year. Using that knowledge, he had sabotaged countless of SquidKid's tools, poking small, unnoticeable holes into their hoses and irrigation systems.
And he knows SquidKid's behavior from how they speak to how they express any sort of emotion. Lies were easily debunked from the small twitch of the corner of their mouth as they suppressed a smile, and anger was easily shown from how their strange hair pieces would spike up.
Yet, he can't help but feel slightly at unease in front of them. He supposes it's only natural, seeing that there's a huge height difference between them. Plus, this was practically the first time they've been closer than two fields of length in between them. Well, disregarding the times he's gone snooping around the bigger farmer's place, but that's neither here nor there.
"Squid, look at me," he raises his hand, gesturing towards himself, "I'm tiny, yes?" the squid hybrid nodded slowly, and he pointed at the stalks of tall fern and crop, "to you, this would basically be a wall you can't get through. For me, though...."
He jumped off his perch, tightly holding his trusty bag and sliding towards the flora before easily disappearing behind the thicket and appearing moments later at eye level, holding the stalk of the crops easily,
"It's easy to go through."
SquidKid makes a quiet 'oh' sound with another nod of their head, looking slightly in awe. The amazed look turns to one of confusion again, though, and he awaited their next question with a raised eyebrow, "but... the maze is big, how are you going to get through it all without tiring?"
Techno grinned, lifting a hand to his mouth and loudly whistling. He doesn't hesitate to slide back to the floor as a blur of white fur bounds towards him.
"Carl!" he exclaims, wrapping his hands around the rabbit's fluffy neck and combing through the fur with his fingers. He backs away to pull out a broken-off piece of a carrot, feeding it to the eager bunny before turning towards the astonished squid hybrid with a grin, "my noble steed," he waves a hand towards the still feeding rabbit.
"You tamed a rabbit," they dumbly point out, having to metaphorically pick up their jaw off of the floor.
"Yup, I did. you can stop gawking now," he huffed, "you're going to catch a bug with your mouth if you keep your mouth wide open."
"...And you named it Carl?"
"What kind of question is that?" he snorts, shaking his head, "yes, I named him Carl, and yes he's going to be the one helping me through the maze. Any other silly questions?"
The man stumbles over their words for a second, and he amusedly watches from below, "I- yeah, yeah, you bozo," they finally settle on saying.
"Alright, cool, I'm going to go find the exit now," he turns away from the hybrid, climbing on the back of the rabbit's back, "see you there."
He doesn't give SquidKid the chance to respond, already setting off through the thicket. And he sure doesn't suppress the grin that crawls up his face as Carl bounds past stalks and stalks of crops.
Having distracted SquidKid enough to get away, the bigger farmer had barely thought to ask how they themselves would traverse the maze.
They must have realized soon enough, though, since not seconds later, he hears a strangled yell of his name along with a loud groan.
Pain, it's been too long since I've written something /Lh
"(Also, it's funny to think that the town has a mayor that they've never seen. All they know is that the previous mayor is gone, and the new one is pretty chill. /Lh)"
When the townspeople come to greet the new mayor, they come thinking that it's SquidKid who's done everything since it's always been SquidKid going into town and doing the talking- the scarecrows being unable to do so for obvious reasons, and Techno unable to do so without revealing his entire existence.
So when the sheepish farmer calmly explains that he's just a helper of the mayor, they're... rightfully confused. At first, they want to know the real identity of the mayor, but SquidKid wearily tries explaining that said mayor really doesn't want to be revealed. They only conceded when he shakily points to the unknown farmer's territory, most of them getting the message.
Techno is very thankful that SquidKid doesn't take his title and also doesn't reveal his existence.
"It would have been so easy for the squid hybrid to just pluck his tiny form from their back pocket and shove the wrathful spotlight onto him.
He wasn't even able to even escape now as he found himself stuck in the hybrid's pocket. The crowd had come quickly after SquidKid had removed the other mayor for him, and he remembered feeling panicked as he stared at the other hybrid. The next thing he knew, he was shoved into their pocket.
He couldn't get out without tumbling to the ground with a splat, and, even worse, the possibility of one of the townspeople pointing him out with gossip-drinking eyes was incredibly high too.
He shakily gulped, greedily taking the air around him as he tried to stay calm. He never liked being near anyone- not even the scarecrows - so the second-hand contact with his past rival was not the finest experience.
"I- uhm," the squid hybrid stumbled over their words, "t-the mayor really would rather not... have the entire town to greet them.."
The crowd hushedly mumbled to each other, and one straggler called out, "well, tell them to come out anyway!"
By the Blood God, he hated this. He shrunk to the bottom of the pocket. This was one of the worst worries for a borrower; he had already been pushing his limit with the scarecrows and SquidKid, but this was another level for him.
"...Uh, well, in that case," he felt SquidKid shift, and a hand brushed over his pocket. He tenses, waiting for the fingers to tug him out and waiting for SquidKid to finally prove that they're not as kind as they look, for them to finally get some semblance of petty revenge.
"You can find them over there." He pauses, confused to as why there's no hand reaching down for him. The words finally dawn on him, and he's both relieved and perplexed to what SquidKid could have meant by that.
But hatever they've done has made the crowd fall unnaturally silent, and so he's at least a little relieved for that too.
The same voice that was brave enough to speak before pipes up, "you mean the ghost farmer?"
....He didn't know that the townspeople had come up with a name for him, but he's suddenly thankful that he's gained enough popularity that people stop and gawk.
"Y...Yes," SquidKid slowly acknowledges the villager, "they were the one orchestrating all of this. I was just helping with the... talking parts," the hybrid is silent for a moment before they burst into a stammering mess,
"And- uh, I-I should take my leave now, b-because I should really h-head back and ch-check up on them," he feels the bigger farmer start to take a few steps back, supposedly away from the crowd, "I'll answer any questions later!"
He has to push against the fabric to keep himself from bouncing around in the pocket as SquidKid starts running. He faintly hears the townspeople shout for the male, but it's muffled through the fabric.
As it starts to seem as if the squid hybrid would never stop running, they finally start to slow down, their breaths coming out labored and airy.
He doesn't speak up for a moment, letting the other regain themselves first. When they finally seem well enough, he speaks up,
"That's the best you can come up with?"
chKFCHKDSJFSDF oh my Primes, this is so LONG,,,, I have no idea how to write SquidKid,,,, plus, I had no idea how to like,,, oOGHgds,f,, pain.
Anyways, hope you had fun reading ALL of this cchjxcvxkdsf,,,
i dont have anything to add this is just fantastic,,,,, DEO AND JIYN AS SCARECROWS AS WELL,,, FBJHDKUHSJHHDV,,,,,, i love that techno gets to have Carl still 🥺🥺🥺 and him leaving squidkid on the other side of the maze??? FHJBDJNJKBF
ALSO 🥺 squid protecting techno and not telling people abt him,,,,, aaajfhkdojfh good,, i also appreciate that everyone in the village just has to be like. "the ghost farmer is mayor????... well this isnt the weirdest thing thats happened to me"
SQUIDKID RUNNING AWAY,,,, "ill answer any questions later" djhshhjhjhbhbfhdjhbe
*holds this gently* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i adore
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