#it will be mostly fluff probably
pigeonfisch · 2 years
starting a sebagrelle oneshot collection
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necrotic-nephilim · 14 days
au - tim sneaking out of jason's room one night at the manor and accidentally locking eyes with dick who is sneaking out of bruce's room at the exact same time, breakfast is very awkward the next morning
(i did think of having it be jason instead of tim but honestly jason has 0 shame and even less issue outing himself if it means fucking with bruce and, to a lesser extent, dick)
i'm cackling I love these types of things so much. they're so silly. sometimes we deserve mindless crack for these ships. have a *very* low effort ficlet bc this just makes me snort, enjoy <3
Dick closed Bruce's door as quietly as he could. Usually, he didn't have to sneak around when he slept with Bruce. But the temporary room Bruce had given Jason in the manor was just down the hall, and Dick didn't feel like looking Jason in the eye if he walked out of Bruce's bedroom in the morning at the wrong time.
Just because he was pretty sure Jason knew, didn't mean he needed confirmation and confrontation.
Dick had almost caved to staying in bed with Bruce when Bruce tried to pull him back down, but he kept some level of wits about him, prying Bruce's arm off of him and giving him a final kiss on the cheek before heading for the door.
The one thing Dick did allow himself, though, was wearing one of Bruce's shirts instead of his own. It was a size too large on him but smelled safe and comforting. Dick breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the door latched silently. He let go of the handle, turning around to creep off to his own bedroom in another wing.
And found himself staring at another figure.
With all of the lights off and only faint moonlight streaming through the windows, Dick couldn't tell who it was, at first. His reaction was embarrassing no matter who it was, jumping nearly a foot backward and clutching a hand over his chest.
He was a goddamn vigilante. This was just embarrassing.
The other person wasn't nearly as shocked as Dick, but they stood perfectly still, staring with wide eyes that faintly reflected what little light illuminated their face. Dick squinted, leaning forward to see who it was.
"Tim?" Dick hissed, trying to keep his voice to a whisper. Bruce had fallen asleep and if Dick woke him up now, he was never going to get the stubborn bastard back to bed.
Tim, still looking like a deer in headlights, just blinked at Dick.
"What are you doing up this late?" Dick asked. They'd all agreed to take tonight's patrol off, letting Babs, Helena, Dinah, and Zinda handle it in exchange for tackling the massive human trafficking ring in the morning with fresh eyes and cleared heads. The job was the only thing that had gotten Jason to agree to work with them in the first place. Bruce barely managed to strong-arm Jason into sleeping in the manor, with a decent amount of guilting from Alfred.
Jason, who was in the room only a few feet away from Dick. The room that Tim's hand was resting on the doorknob of.
"That's Jason's room," Dick said slowly.
Tim just nodded. "I know." He wasn't whispering like Dick was, but his tone remained impossible to read.
He just saw Dick walk out of Bruce's room. Had he put it together? It was Tim, after all. if he hadn't yet, Dick assumed he only had a couple minutes before it dawned on Tim.
"What were you doing in Jason's room?" Dick frowned. If he focused on Tim, it could keep the focus off of him for as long as possible. Dick tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating.
Tim's expression was hard to make out in the dark. "We were talking about the case." Still, his tone remained entirely neutral.
Too neutral, for Tim.
"At two am?"
"Well, what were you doing?" Tim huffed slightly when he said it, folding his arms over his chest.
He was shirtless, Dick just realized.
Shirtless and coming out of Jason's room.
"I was-" Dick stumbled over his words, choking as he tried to come up with an alibi. "We were talking about the-"
"I already used that excuse, pick your own," Tim deadpanned. Dick was pretty sure he also rolled his eyes. "I've known about you and Bruce for years, you know. You don't have to pretend."
The noise that came out of Dick's throat was almost as mortifying as the realization that not only did Jason likely know, but so did Tim.
"It... okay it has not been years," Dick's face was hot and he was glad it was too dark for Tim to see his blush. "I mean- it's been a while but not years-"
"Whatever you say." Tim shrugged, sounding unconvinced. "There have been feelings between you two for years, close enough for me."
If Dick died, right here, in this hallway in front of Bruce's door, he hoped the cause of death would be put down as homicide instead of natural causes. Because every word from Tim's mouth made another piece of Dick die inside, just a little.
"It's none of your business either way." Dick tried to stand up straight to sound more in control of the situation, clearing his throat.
"Trust me, I don't want it to be my business."
Dick would've laughed, if this was happening to anyone but him.
"What about... you and Jason?" Dick asked carefully.
Tim shifted on his feet. "What about it? I told you, we were talking about the case."
"Right." It was Dick's turn to roll his eyes. "In his bedroom, at two am, without your shirt?"
Tim stared at Dick for a long, torturous moment. A moment that made Dick agree with Tim, about not wanting to know any sordid details.
"I'm going to bed," Tim said suddenly, turning away from Dick. "Goodnight."
Dick had a thousand more questions he wanted to ask. How Tim and Jason even got together, when it happened. Last Dick knew, they could barely stand to be in the same room.
But Tim was walking away at an alarmingly brisk pace and Dick just sighed. He was too tired and mortified about his own secrets to chase Tim down for an impromptu interrogation that would just end up embarrassing them both more.
Maybe it was best for Dick's sanity if he didn't know the specifics.
Dick didn't consider how awkward it would be until he was standing in the kitchen, staring at Jason bent over a cup of coffee.
Did Jason know Dick knew? It didn't seem like he did, but he had always had a good poker face.
When Tim ambled into the kitchen and grabbed overnight oats from the fridge, he didn't even look at Dick. He seemed to be pointedly avoiding it, sitting as far away from Dick as he could at the oversized dining room table.
All while Dick couldn't seem to stop staring.
"Your cereal is going to get soggy," Jason muttered, and it took Dick a moment to realize Jason was talking to him. "At least eat it before trying to explode my head with your mind, or whatever your staring problem is."
"I'm not-" Dick stuttered. he shut himself up with a mouthful of cereal when Cass gave him an odd look.
Would she be able to figure it out just from his body language?
Dick had never fully understood the lengths her ability to read people could go. he looked away from her and stared at a random spot on the table, trying to eat at a normal pace.
Bruce was the last to wander into the kitchen. He squeezed Dick's shoulder as he walked by, making Dick jump. It was an innocent enough touch that no one would question, but all Dick could think about was the brief look from Tim before he quickly averted his eyes again.
The silence around the table was going to eat Dick alive. He started eating cereal faster.
"Oh for fuck's sake," Jason broke the tension, throwing his head back and slamming an empty mug down onto the table. "Everyone knows you two are fucking, alright?" He gestured between Dick and Bruce. "Stop being so goddamn weird about it, you're acting like there's a bomb in the room."
Bruce choked on his coffee. "Jason." He tried to sound reprimanding, but his voice was a few octaves too high.
Dick threw his hands in the air. "I knew you knew about that, but I didn't know about you and Tim until last night so excuse me for feeling a little awkward."
"You didn't know about what?" Bruce nearly yelled, spinning around to face Jason.
"Damnit, Dick!" Tim groaned, putting his head in his hands.
Jason just scoffed, pointing a fork at Bruce. "Oh don't even give me that self-righteous bullshit-"
Their argument went back and forth while Tim just rubbed his temples, muttering to himself and glaring at Dick.
Worst of all, Dick was pretty sure Cass was giggling next to him under her covered mouth.
Dick just sighed and ducked his head, dutifully waiting for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
So much for his breakfast.
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fatedroses · 17 days
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I know I design him with the intention that he becomes an evasion tank, but there's an irony I find very amusing in making his new magitek armor lighter than his original.
#ffxiv#sketch#concept#zenos yae galvus#adventurer zenos#I'm probably gonna mess with the design more involving his grieves and the belt design#but I'm at least happy with the mask and the marble aesthetic for the upper half of his helm#even if it reminds me heavily of sentai helmets#superhero landing lookin ass#what is not shown is tsu having to heavily bribe nero for the auto-equip tech that he has#aggressively even#...wait that actually does just make him a power ranger#WHOOPS#anyways I also just like the idea of- after a while- him and estinien just keep getting tackled or chased by kids that think theyre cool#and zenos in particular trying hard to shoe them off for a variety of reasons lol#I just get the mental image of him picking up any one of them that approach him- turning them around trying to get them to just walk off#or him “begrudgingly” nudging a ball back and forth acting like hes just trying to move it away from him#I also drew the bottom right with the thought of him not being used to short hair- and he's just stuck having to constantly brush it back#takes the helmet off and it all just fluffs up- and you just hear a sigh through his mask LOL#and then with the cloth- he can turn it into weapons he's used before in case of emergency or utility- like a scythe or the katanas#mostly because as I write adventurer zenos- unless it requires stabbing or slashing he's usually just going to be up front brawling it#look you gotta understand- the final fight lives in my head rent free and I adore the concept of brawler/pugilist zenos
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clowningcrows · 6 days
there may actually be an anderperry one shot coming up soon yall....
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been thinking about an au where Jay is raised by Cliff Gordon and meets Cole at one of his dad's concerts. they become childhood friends or something but lose contact. there is bruiseshipping
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pharaohbean · 8 months
due to a. number of reasons (including but not limited to breakdowns on multiple bodily levels [emotionally i want to cry but mentally i cannot and therefore i only cry for about 5s physically which is Not Enough]) i am currently seeking fluff (sfw only!!) for my ships (tagged). can be on tumblr or ao3 or whatever- tumblr pls dont let me down /lh
comment or reblog with links or titles! im not afraid to go searching lol
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peaches2217 · 1 year
Traduzione, Per Favore?
EDIT: AO3 link!
“What would my name be in Italian?”
Mario studied the princess’ face briefly. Her sapphire eyes sparkled in the afternoon sun, full of sincerity and curiosity; he almost wanted to make something up, something exotic-sounding yet convincing enough that those crystal eyes would shine even brighter.
But she was far too clever for that. She’d see right through him. Or worse — she would be so giddy that she’d believe him, then eagerly relay what she had learned to Luigi, and then his brother would never let him live it down. Mario, impulsive as he could be, knew how to calculate risk and reward, and that was one risk not worth taking.
“...Peach.” Uttering her name sent a chill through him that he only barely repressed— no, that felt so wrong, far more intimate than he was permitted to be with her. “Principessa Peach,” he corrected, and he pulled his cap from his head, absently fanning himself with it. It was a warm day. He could easily pass the color he felt pooling in his cheeks as a consequence of the weather.
The princess’ face fell. “Oh,” she said, soft, but curt. Her brows furrowed, and her lips gathered into a gentle pucker. Suddenly, Mario was happy he hadn’t given into his earlier temptation, because how many people had ever seen the beautiful and regal Mushroom Princess pout?
It caught him off-guard enough that he chuckled, and that in turn softened her downtrodden expression. For a moment, she graced him with a gaze full of the fondness and warmth he’d become so familiar with… and then the pout returned with an indignant force. And, of course, that only made hiding his amusement that much harder.
“Don’t look at me like that!” she chastised, though the dimples that formed in her cheeks betrayed her lack of sincere ire.
Mario, already luckier than most, supposed his day couldn’t get much better than this. 
Oh, he was so glad she had expressed interest in learning his native tongue. It was an interest she’d held for some time now, she had confessed — “It never felt right to ask,” she admitted one day, looking down as she tapped the tips of her fingers together, “since it’s one of the few things you and Luigi were able to bring from your birth world. I… felt that asking to partake in it would be overstepping.”
Mario had never seen it that way. To him, it was one more thing he could share with her. One more wall between them that didn’t seem quite so insurmountable anymore. 
Granted, he didn’t fancy himself much of a teacher, so he mostly just taught her assorted words and phrases over their bi-weekly tea and pastries (merenda, as she had learned last week; today he was greeted with an uncertain yet cheerful “Facciamo merenda!”, and were he any bolder, he would have asked her to repeat it over and over again, just for him). And as endearing as it was, the thought of the princess privately straining to overhear one of the brothers’ personal conversations just so she could enjoy the foreign melody of their otherworldly tongue, he certainly enjoyed this approach much more, and could say with certainty that she did too.
Still, as she sipped at a fresh cup of peony tea, something a hint sour lingered in her expression. 
“You’re disappointed, Princess?” he guessed. She hesitated for a moment, clearly prepared to deny the accusation, but she sighed instead and leaned back into her chair.
“It’s so silly, I know.” She shook her head with a small grin, as if in disapproval of her own behavior. “I just thought… well, I’m named after a fruit. Surely you have a word for ‘peach’.”
“Yes,” Mario agreed, pulling his hat back onto his head now that he was properly cooled, “in which case you would be Principessa Pesca. But you’re not a peach, are you? You aren’t small and round and fuzzy.”
“No,” Peach agreed in turn, “that would be you.”
The force with which she clapped her hands over her mouth sounded downright painful. 
In the ensuing silence, they gaped at one another, him in astonishment, and her in pure, stupefied horror; the white silk of her gloves only served to make her flustering features look redder still. And that did him in.
The shock of her response melted into pure mirth, and Mario buried his face into his hands, his shoulders shaking and his breath coming in gasps. “Hey, there’s a new phrase for you to practice!” he offered where he could find air. “You can tell people, ‘Il mio amico Mario è tondo e peloso, come una pesca!’” Somehow, he found himself hoping she actually would. Never had he been so delighted to be 5’1, over two-hundred pounds, and scruffier than his own father. 
And that was before the most wonderful, most heavenly sound he’d ever heard even hit his ears. Once it did—
It was like windchimes on a cold winter morning, singing out into bright and beautiful emptiness. Like laying out on the rooftop of the high-rise he and Luigi once inhabited and watching the stars, forgetting about bills and budgets and feeling for one fleeting instant like he was alone in the universe. She was laughing, really and truly laughing, bent ever so slightly forward under the weight of her amusement, eyes screwed shut and brimming with unshed tears.
Mario forgot his own amusement, even as Peach sputtered apologies and wiped at her eyes. He’d never heard her laugh. Giggle, yes, but nothing like this.
She looked up at him, eyes still brimming and squinting, face still pink with shame and humor. Her light lipstick was smudged at the corners of her mouth, and he noticed now that it stained the palm of her right hand as well. This was, to some extent, the most human she had ever looked.
A dull but urgent pain coursed through Mario’s body, and only then did he realize he’d stopped breathing.
He could die, he thought as he sucked in a breath as quietly as he could manage, he could honestly die here and now, and that thought didn’t worry him nearly as much as it should have.
“...Princess.” Mario scrambled his head for ideas. He needed to hear that laugh again. “What… what would my name be in English?”
Peach looked confused for a moment — right, it wasn’t called English here, though what it was called had escaped his memory — but she connected the dots quickly enough, and her lips began to quiver.
"Oddio!" Mario called, almost choking, because a well-meaning but sheltered Brooklynite had once suggested the brothers advertise themselves as Mark and Louis to attract more business and fewer bigots. Had Luigi told her that story?
The laughter began anew, with renewed vigor, and Mario stifled as much of it as he could into his glove just to hear hers better. It was even more wonderful the second time.
“No,” she said as the last of her giggles died down, “I can’t see you as anything but Mario. Your name is perfect as it is.”
“And yours is too!” Glancing down, Mario caught sight of a miniature tart on the tiered tray between them, lemon-flavored, from the looks of it. “You have a lovely name, Princess,” he assured her, plucking the delicacy from its resting spot. All that revelry had made him hungry again. “It needs no translation.”
“I’ve learned today that I especially like hearing you say it.” 
Mario blinked, the tart in his hand suddenly forgotten.
Peach’s eyes locked onto his and commanded his full attention. She dabbed a cloth napkin at the corners of her mouth, correcting her makeup, and smiled softly. A feeling not dissimilar to his earlier air-deprived pain returned, as though his entire abdomen were being tied into knots like a big balloon animal, though he knew for a fact he was still breathing.
“You needn’t be so formal all the time, you know,” she said. When she set her napkin back onto the table, she looked once more as she always did: perfect, as though she were carved of marble. “You are my friend.”
Was that… an invitation? Mario gulped at the thought. He knew full-well how Peach cherished him, and she in turn knew he loved her just as much (and then some, but that she would never learn about, he’d decided long ago). But she was still… and he was just…
“I’ll… keep that in mind,” he finally said, nervously glancing back to his tart, “Princess.”
The silence that fell between them as he chewed wasn’t uncomfortable, per say, but it felt oddly heavy. Something in Peach’s smile changed, and she glanced down as well. But before he had time to analyze what that change was or why it made his chest feel tight all of a sudden, she reached for the teapot sitting beside the tray.
“Now,” she said, leaning forward to fill Mario’s half-empty cup, “walk me through that last one again, please?”
Mario raised an eyebrow, because speaking through a mouthful of lemon curd would be unbecoming. He wondered for a moment if a bout of such poor manners might make Peach laugh again. 
Peach struggled through a few syllables as she refilled her own cup: “Eel-mee-oh, um, ah-mee…”
Mario made a noise of understanding, swallowing the last bite of tart and wiping the crumbs from his mustache. If he couldn’t hear her laugh again yet, he could at least hear her still-untrained accent, and that was almost as good. “Il mio amico Mario,” he started, initiating a call-and-response sort of game. And when she learned what she was saying, she laughed once more, a sound Mario knew he would be addicted to by day’s end.
Maybe one day he could return the boldness she’d shown in teasing him today. Maybe one day he could accept that invitation, could call her la mia amica Peach instead of la principessa, could really and truly feel he deserved her presence, her companionship, her friendship. 
One day, maybe.
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necer0s · 5 months
So I just finished a relisten of The Magnus Archives, and I’m having real trouble finding any fanfics that mesh with my personal headcanons and understanding of TMA. I love a good fix-it time travel fic, but it’s so hard for me to read a fic that professes to fix canon if it doesn’t deal with the fact that the Web is sentient and perfectly able to arrange a different apocalypse if the Entities aren’t destroyed or somehow bound to never enter reality. Does anyone have a TMA fic rec where the Entities themselves are actually dealt with? I know Esama wrote one, but I’d really love to read more.
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glassdollls · 1 year
i would drive on (to the end with you)
a fake dating wilmon fic
“I think you’re plenty likable,” Wille blurts as he brings his own dish to the trash can and begins scraping the considerable amount of food left into the trash, once they’re the only two left behind.
“What?” Simon asks, halting his rhythmic movements as he continues scrubbing the dried egg off the pan.
“Earlier, you said no one at school likes you, and that you’re not likable,” Wille reminds him, setting the now clean plate onto the counter beside the others, he shrugs, a shy smile betraying his nonchalance, “I like you.”
read chapter 9
read from the beginning
After transferring to Hillerska the summer before his third year, and leaving his toxic ex-boyfriend, Marcus, back at his old school, Simon becomes the only out gay kid among all the elitist assholes he's sworn to keep his distance from. That is, until he finds out the most popular boy in school, Wilhelm Lindberg, isn't as straight as he thought he was, and he thinks they might just be able to use that to the both of their advantages.
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A FluffyNight drabble to celebrate reaching 50 followers on this account. It's pretty short & not beta read, but I think it's alright for being written in one sitting. Happy reading!
Beep! Beep! Beep! The sound of Ccino's alarm forced him awake, pulling him out of the pleasant dreams he had been having. Even now, Ccino could feel them slipping from his skull, leaving him wondering what exactly he had been dreaming about.
The continued beeping of his alarm pulled him from his thoughts & Ccino groaned, pushing his face into his pillow. Blindly reaching for it, Ccino attempted to turn it off without looking, knocking his hand against the other things on the nightstand before finally managing to push the button to silence it.
Blissful quiet filled the room as Ccino felt Nightmare shift next to him. Arms wrapped around him & pulled him close, holding Ccino close to Nightmare. Ccino smiled sleepily, turning on his side so he faced towards the other. He hummed quietly as he observed Nightmare looking back at him with a lidded socket, an annoyed expression on his face.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Whispering so as to not ruin the atmosphere, Ccino questioned worriedly. Nightmare shook his head & moved slowly, readjusting them both until they were situated comfortably against each other.
Ccino smiled wider & closed his sockets, holding the other in his arms. Together in each other's arms, they both quietly drifted back to sleep.
Bonus scene!
A shrill beeping jolted them both back awake, causing Ccino to jump in Nightmare's arms. Grumbling to himself, he slowly sat up & reached over to the alarm, shutting it off.
Sitting up properly, Ccino stretched his arms above his head & groaned as he heard his joints pop, rubbing the bottom of his sockets with one hand. Picking up his phone & turning it on, his sockets widened in shock as he let out a loud, "Shoot!"
Scrambling & throwing the blanket off of himself, Ccino barely noticed as Nightmare sat up in alarm. "Is everything alright?" Ccino stammered out a reply, mild panic in his voice as he began changing out of his pajamas.
"Everything's fine! We just overslept a bit!" Relaxing slightly, Nightmare observed as Ccino got ready for the day, rushing around quickly so he wouldn't be later than he already was. If he concentrated, he could swear that he heard the meows of hungry cats impatiently calling for their breakfast.
Hastily walking over to Nightmare, having gotten dressed quickly, Ccino leaned over & placed a chaste kiss against his lovers cheek, smiling. "Love you, see you later!" With that he exited the room, leaving Nightmare sitting alone on the bed with only a warm imprint of where Ccino laid as company.
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carogdraws · 10 days
Hey can I make fanart of your mike afton?
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I love to see anyone make fanart of my AU characters or ocs, so go right ahead!! ^^
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bonestrouslingbones · 1 month
btw one of the things i want to do when i really rap up atbb for real is spontaneously get the energy at will to do actual updated fullbodies of the main 4 since now i actually have the ability to draw them the way they look in my head & have the skills to put some more variety in their shapes. basically i wanna
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#warning big character design rambling in these tags but like. were u expecting any less#if ur wondering what changed-#first of all everybody has bigger hands bc i'm actively deciding to commit to that decision because i like it :3#next russ is a bit taller . i'll probably change some other things like making his armor look more solid & making him look more frail#-without it but i dont wanna pick up my tablet rn so thats all i feel like editing with my mouse lmao#edge has the biggest changes mostly in just being Wider. i want to make him Look stronger yknow#currently its just one of those annoying “skinny anime girl actually has 2d spraypainted abs and can lift a truck” tropes that i Hate#its a lil too many triangles when he should really be more like a triangle-flavored square. yknow#that being said the weirdly feminine hips were not intentional but only time will tell if they make it into the actual final design or not#i will not be making his pauldrons wider than they were originally. those things are already wacking everything around him they're fine#fluff's change is just being a bit skinnier so he looks more pathetic and sad. probably gonna try to make him look a bit younger too#but age is hard to represent with skeletons from The Land Of Sharp Features#i might also change up his pants/shoes more idk. Baggy Everything makes a very difficult silhouette and the boots are just boring tbhh#they're the bi flag but i dont think a single person has ever noticed lmao#and stretch's biggest change is that he's going to Have A Fullbody Reference That Isn't From 2019#probably make his hoodie longer/looser so i can make the transition to the leggings less awkward & show off his tank under it a bit more#the leggings & sneakers get to stay tho i think. the red wraps the design up well & the chicken legs are funny to me :>#and karma isn't here but he'll probably also get an update to be more square as well. and NOT SKINNYYYYYY#i gotta cram some more emotional repression & inferiority complex hints into his outfit so his post-void look contrasts more its IMPORTANT#AND ALSO NEVER USE UNDERTALE SPRITES AS A REFERENCE FOR ARMOR EVER EVER EVER AGAIN#that being said im really excited to one day finally sit down and draw his post-void design i think i'll have fun with that one#theres a reason my sf bros dont really fit their “roles” in the au yet like undyne & alphys do. hehehe#basically to sum up all these tags: becoming more skilled at art is a curse because you KNOW you can do things better now
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sysig · 10 months
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These cute adults, wth (Patreon)
And a Bonus Fionna
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Because she’s still a kid lol
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Betty Grof#Winter King#Fionna Campbell#Like I said! She may be an adult but she's still a kid! Emotional maturity and all that#She's doing fine ♥ Fionna's a good lad#Anyway - mostly just an excuse to draw the Wintrigrof trio pulled closer to my style lol#I got curious and it turned out fun ♪ I Have to make them fluffy you must understand this#Simon's under-fluff is really one of my favourite little quirks I've given him lol it's just so fun to shade!#Plus I always enjoy his kind of design - the bowtie the lapels the tired eyes and fluff and glasses and nasolabial fold and button down#He has so many good elements :D#And his younger self is just cute as heck ♪#Little vest moment to denote his youth lol#Betty has so many glasses designs ahh I probably could've done several with just her! Decided to also stick with her younger look tho#She gets the dot eye style inside the anime frames inside the glasses frames since that's what her eyes normally look like hehe#Simon gets light eyes with pupils! Differences in eye styles! It's fun#And then Winter gets full on weird eyes - I had the idea of him wearing contacts and his glasses being strictly aesthetic at one point lol#Ice contacts :0 I made a quite mini of him offering some to Simon and he's like ''I think you can only have those 'cause the Crown''#And he's like Oh Yeah Haha nevermind :)#He is also quite fun to draw like that ♪ Pretty man (derogatory (affectionate))#And as said - little Fionna 'cause she's cute <3
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deeva-arud · 3 months
Can I ask you to explode so I can pick at your remains and examine your brain? I wanna see what’s going on in there to have all these wonderful artworks flowing out of you.
Not hate btw- who knows :) you might benefit from being exploded <3
Hmm...... you know what?? I'm kinda stressed rn and I see the benefits of exploding, I'll make sure you have VIP access to my brain for this splendid idea!! JK JK- this is genuinely cracking me up and making me feel giddy at the same time, it's the first time someone tells me they want to study me because of my art 😭​😭​😭​ Alrighty!!! the secret formula for my art ideas is--
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CT-9904 | Crosshair & Clone Trooper Hunter, Batcher the Lurca Hound & CT-9904 | Crosshair, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & CT-9904 | Crosshair Characters: CT-9904 | Crosshair, Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars), Batcher the Lurca Hound (Star Wars), AZI-3 (Star Wars), Omega (mentioned), Asajj Ventress, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), The three young clones from Setron, Shep Hazard, Lyana Hazard, Royce Hemlock (mentioned) Additional Tags: CT-9904 | Crosshair is Bad at Feelings, CT-9904 | Crosshair Needs a Hug, Crosshair is Batcher's second favorite person ever, AZI the training droid, Crosshair has therapy, send Hunter the bill, send Shep Hazard the bill, oh fine Crosshair tries hard at self-help, tw: mentions torture, CT-9904 | Crosshair Has PTSD, spoilers for s03ep11 Point of No Return, some inconsistencies with canon maybe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, this would be totally non-canon once s03ep12 rolls in, Crosshair POV (mostly) Summary:
When a possible lead in finding Omega lands on their laps, the Batch use the time on standby for potential intel as a chance to recoup. Crosshair, feeling the heaviest burden, does his best to regain what he had lost. The best part is: he’s not alone.
When the classic “filler beach episodes” turn out to be Crosshair’s re-training montages.
Set post-s03ep11 “Point of No Return”
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gloomysoup · 1 year
thinking ab starting a tumblr-exclusive teacher!steve/rockstar!eddie au but it's mostly steve being incredibly vague and mysterious whenever anyone he works w (or students) ask ab his husband or his life outside of being a teacher
probably set in modern times w snippets of like eddie being on social media & interacting w fans
idk i had thoughts MONTHS ago but it's on my mind a lot again so maybe i'll do it
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