#it’ll be done entirely in gouache
saturnvs · 8 months
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early peek of the art book/story i’ll hopefully be working on^^
it’s about two horses in the space between life and death and their meeting with the guiding light, whose mission is to lead them to their destination. for one of them it’s life, for the other one it’s death.
it’ll (most likely) be available to purchase on ko-fi as a digital book/e-book as i can’t print and distribute myself. i’ve only barely started the project and have no time frame for when it’ll be done, but i wanted to share the news^^
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ceetaylorcreate · 7 years
Star Wars EU (Legends) Last Hope Painting
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I thought the best way to comment on what I think about Star Wars: Episode 8 “The Last Jedi” is to create this gouache painting of Luke praying for the Star Wars Extended Universe to become canon again. Even if it’ll never be, I will consider it my canon from now on. What Rian Johnson, J J Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy have done to my favorite character, Luke Skywalker, is so wrong. I will never believe Luke would ever think about killing his twin sister’s and best friend’s son in his sleep. Some would say, “He just thought about it for a second.” If I allow myself to believe this, I’d have to ignore Luke creeping into a child’s bedroom, probing into Ben Solo’s mind (committing mind rape) and not only thinking, but IGNITING his lightsaber before catching himself IN THE ACT of committing premeditated murder. “Oh, but everyone changes when they grow older” some argue. However, I’m not sure Luke would evolve into becoming Charles Manson in 30 years. 
I’m not only disturbed by that, Luke’s entire character is off. How does discovering dark side tendencies in his nephew turn Luke into a bitter, cowardly hermit? No way would he run off to a remote island and hide for the rest of his life. I think Disney/Lucasfilm want to do everything they can to destroy the importance of the original characters, especially Luke Skywalker. They want to replace the George Lucas era, reshape and mold Star Wars into their own shallow, homogonized creation. If they really want to go beyond the Skywalker saga, Disney should create a different theme since the main Star Wars theme IS LUKE’S THEME, but I know they won’t have the guts to do it.
Before anyone thinks I’m a sexist, racist, etc., I’m a woman of color and I HATED what "The Last Jedi”, hell this entire sequel trilogy, has done to Luke Skywalker. I’m also not one of these Star Wars fans who hates the prequels. I like and enjoy the prequels, always have. I never thought I’d be on this side the fence. I really wanted to immerse myself into Rey, Finn and Poe’s stories, but the massive plotholes and character assassinations (not only the original characters) have gotten me to the point of not caring about current Star Wars anymore. The ineveitable showdown between Rey and Kylo for Episode 9 is extremely underwhelming to me. Again, I just don’t care. Instead, I’m going back to the many stories that explore Luke’s struggles in creating a New Jedi Order. Reading or listening to post-ROTJ stories where he not only befriends, but marries a beautiful, yet lethal ex-Emperor’s Hand who has a sharp, sardonic wit and is the complete opposite of a Mary Sue. I want to reacquaint myself in the tales that focus on the Rogue Squadron X-Wing pilots, Han and Leia’s SUCCESSFUL marriage while raising their twins, Jaina and Jacen (little Anakin too), and where Lando Calrissian is not forgotten.
Yes, I’ll take back the Extended Universe as my Star Wars canon after “Return of the Jedi”. Disney can keep their “canon”. 
I’m done.
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being-english · 4 years
We’re now officially four weeks into lockdown and staying home, and there’s at least three more to come. I still can’t believe how many people are completely oblivious to it all while the rest of us are trying to keep from getting ourselves and others sick. I can’t count the amount of times that I’ve convinced myself that I was coming down with “it”, only to talk myself out of it and remember we can still get sniffles, and coughs, and headaches without it being the virus, after all the pollen count is rising, spring is here and so is hayfever. 
It was my turn to go out to the grocery store this week, I had been trying to hold off as long as possible but it is incredible what a bit of family guilt can do to a person. I hadn’t been to a public place where other people were, since my last shift at work, so to say I was anxious was an understatement. I was shaking the entire time I was in there, I didn’t know how to get past people, people were all over the place and I forgot so much of what I went in there for. People didn’t care, they didn’t care who was around them and only thought of themselves, which is why this whole pandemic spread so quickly in the first place. If we were even just a little bit more considerate about others, we wouldn’t be in this mess. 
But here we are, staying in our homes trying not to murder the people we are stuck with. For me at least it is going well, sort of. We’ve had a few spats and tantrums and sulked a hell of a lot, but we keep going. We go to bed and wake up in the same place every single day, so there’s no point getting in trouble with the people you share space with. Of course it’s hard, we wouldn’t be complaining about the entire situation if it was easy.
We have to keep busy, or at least tell ourselves to keep busy, so we get to “normal” quicker. I have reviews to write, stories to finish, videos and photos to edit, so really I should be fine and out of people’s hair, yet I keep watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and other shows and movies. This whole isolation business hasn’t played out as I thought it would (although I should have known that I would just end up watching shows and movies), but I have managed to do some things. I’m painting again, I broke out the gouache and put paint on paper, and other than the tendon twitches, it felt really good. I’ve done a little bit of research for multiple things, and I’ve helped people. I helped mum with her quilt and I’ve cooked and baked for the family, and I’m good with that. I finished one embroidery and started another and I’ve learnt things, sure I miss going outside and having a look around and seeing people, but let’s be real I don’t go out for people anyway so there’s not much difference in the short of it.
I should be making the most of the time I’ve got, but if I don’t, it isn’t the end of the world.
Trips are cancelled, and the outside looms. 
But there’s time. And plenty of it.
Stay home. 
Stay safe.
It’ll be over before we know it.
Stay Home. We’re now officially four weeks into lockdown and staying home, and there’s at least three more to come.
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