#it’s 4 am and i was listening to the dmc 3 soundtrack and thinking
solynacea · 5 years
So, I was replaying Devil May Cry 3 recently, and happened to binge the anime not too long ago, and I realized something about Dante’s character that I don’t think has been addressed. (Not that I’ve seen; if someone has written a meta about this, please send me a link!) Note that what I’m about to go into is based on my limited memory of the plots of Devil May Cry 1 and 4, my recent play throughs of Devil May Cry 3 and 5, and the anime, as well as my personal inferences.
There’s an interesting facet to Dante and how he treats demons. I remember browsing FF.net and Deviantart years ago, after first playing 3, and seeing so many stories that revolves around Dante absolutely hating demons. But I don’t think he does; not, canonically, in such a violent way as is sometimes written. Does he like them as a whole? Probably not. Even the ones I’m about to mention are treated rather scathingly by him. However, I think how Dante reacts to demons revolves entirely around how they themselves act.
In DMC 3, the only demons he kills are the low level spawns (after they raid his shop and wreak havoc in the city), Leviathan, and the Gigapede, none of which are shown as capable of reason/regret/etc. He has plenty of opportunities to destroy more powerful ones: Cerberus, Agni & Rudra, Nevan, Beowulf, and, hell, even Jester before it’s revealed that he’s actually Arkham in disguise. But what does he actually do? Fights them, beats them, and lets them live on as weapons, with the exception of Beowulf.
Each and every time Dante encounters an opponent who can talk to him, who presents a challenge, he’s intrigued, if mocking. And he never kills them. Each one, after witnessing his strength (and, I think, his compassion, a concept that is odd to demons but cements his role as a true legacy of Sparta, who cared so much for a weaker race that he ultimately died for them) offers their soul to him as a weapon, and he accepts. And, in the case of Agni & Rudra, who are demonic swords with souls, he takes them along under the condition that they say nothing.
(For an interesting contrast, consider how Vergil, after defeating a weakened Beowulf, mutilates his corpse. Strong enemies equalling weapons is nothing new, but Dante earns those weapons with the consent of the enemy he beats, whereas Vergil ruthlessly slaughters the enemy to acquire the weapon. Devil nature versus human nature in play, which has always been a core of their conflict.)
In DMC 1, he rather violently meets Trish, who he has every reason to hate. She’s a demon made in the image of his mother, meant to manipulate him to his death. But when she proves that she can change, he grows to respect her, and even mourns her apparent death. They wind up working together for a while and are still close in the events of DMC 5, decades later. And, in the anime, he repeatedly spares Sid, despite how much the demon annoys him, until Sid betrays that good faith and tries to destroy the world. Only then does Dante kill him. There are the demon swordsmen, as well, who he only fights at their demand, and who he makes a grave for after killing them.
Time and time again, we’re shown situations where Dante could be more like his father. He could be a cold warrior who obliterates his enemies, but each and every time, he chooses compassion. He chooses to embrace the parts of his humanity left to him by his mother, to use the power of his bloodline to protect those who cannot protect themselves, even if that compassion means letting demons live on as weapons or locked away behind trinkets like bells. He gives the opponents who are still capable of change a chance to do so, only striking them down when they prove that they’re committed to causing great harm.
I know this has been rambling, and maybe one day I’ll sit down and do a proper meta about it, but man . . . Dante really is just a good guy with a bad past and no good coping mechanisms.
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reimahowaido · 3 years
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I’ll get to those Magic Crafter Dragons I sweeeear But first, fun stuff from Discord. Dunno who made the original, it was just posted on a server, but yeet I did it anyway First of all, I don’t play a lot of games. I like games and the idea of them. I enjoy people playing stuff, I love watching others play. It’s that little sibling culture. But lemme toss a word or few about all of these. Though first of all, I only own 4 of the 8 games listed and even still I’ve only played 3 of them xD R.I.P. Pokemon Cafe Mix - The game is just Super Cute. Like oh my god Aesthetics! Adorable, every pokemon looks so nice and I just want to go to the cafe and taste everything and just chill. Please. It looks so cozy and relaxing. Gameplay is fairly simple too. Sometimes things seem a bit BS but in one way or another I’ll get through every stage etc. so it’s not too bad. Most of the time relaxing, can be addicting because of how simple things are. But really I love the game and I hope one day they’ll add more of the pokemon I like xD Buizel is my current favourite <3 It’d be nice seeing Mienshao or Mienfoo for one, maybe Glameow as it doesn’t get a lot of attention. We got Gogoat, but I wouldn’t mind a Sawsbuck or Deerling Pokemon Black 2 - To keep the Pokemon trend going, this is my fave out of the mainline games. I’ve been a fan ever since the first generation, I’m older than Gen 1 at that. But yeah, we did buy games but Nintendo stuff was too expensive and so I never really got to play those growing up. Black 2 was the first game I ever bought, for myself, with my own money. It was my first game and I loved it dearly. Still do and man I’d Love to replay it, but the curse of only 1 save file is cruel. I don’t want to restart my first ever save file. Currently I have no way of transferring anything over and I even have a Shiny Gothorita there (as underwhelming as it is, it was my first ever shiny). I love these games~~ Lots of different pokemon to choose from, great story, the fact that it’s a sequel is so freaking cool and unique I Love It So Much. Of course it’d be cool to have some extra things to do in it, like cleaning my badges, contests would be cool, I loved the mining stuff in Gen 4 when I got to try it on my friend’s Platinum save file as a kid. Speaking of, Gen 4 games would probably be my favourites, if I ever had the chance of owning and playing any fully. They have soooo much to do in them! Gen 5 is good and certainly up there in faves, but bruh, Gen 4 had all sorts of extra stuff, especially Platinum, and in HG/SS you had Pokemon following you like bruh that’s Crazy and I’d love to have that for a game I own, it’s like a dream Honorable mentions to Mystery Dungeon and Gen 6′s Pokemon Y for some grand memories. Firstly Pokemon Y, the second game I ever owned I think, great fun. I played that game for hooooooooours and it’s the only Pokemon Game that I’ve both played as a Nuzlocke and actually reset to play again. Also the first gen where I actually really got into competitive stuff, breeding for natures and stuff, and I’ve caught so many shinies in Y and Omega Ruby (mostly Y, OR has 1 shiny in Pidove, while Y has Ninetales, Pachirisu, Burmy, Gligar, and perhaps some other ones I caught/hatched myself). Mystery Dungeon games get a mention for having cool stories and I like the idea of the personality test and stuff. I’ve never played or owned any of these games, but I’ve watched Marriland play a handful of the games and currently am enjoying MDB playing through the first games in the series. Also a quick bloop on Colosseum being Cool as heck, and Battle Revolution gets a shoutout for looking so freaking good, having amazing music and making me search up videos with my favourite pokemon and just looking and watching hundreds of videos just because they looked so nice
Fire Emblem has to be the 2nd series of games I’ve gotten the most into. Although I’m a fairly new fan and my experiences and knowledge are limited, I do still enjoy the series and games - both old and new - a bunch. I only own Awakening, Conquest and 3 Houses, but I’ve again watched others play the past games a bunch, so I have some knowledge and memorable moments from those games too. Now I haven’t actually gotten myself to play 3 Houses yet, I’ve seen playthroughs of the game already and know the story etc. But yeh. Still, I’d say that I’ll probably like 3 Houses more than Awakening and Conquest. Awakening is nostalgia galore for me, but it does have its things with the story and characters and stuff. It’s nice, but I dunno, I just feel 3 Houses has an edge on it in some way. Maybe it’s just... Less controversial? Less Flame Wars? Maybe? Fates games, well, we all know the big glaring thing here. The story. And some of the characters suffer from this too. I kinda do wish that the Player had a biiiit more control in how the story went and played out, like I feel you definitely could have saved Scarlet in some way still, and all that. But eh, there’s enough stuff for me to go and prefer 3 Houses over it. And yes, I like choosing the members of my team and playing however I like, so giving me the ability to class my characters however I want is going to be a mistake as I’ll just make everyone a mounted unit and get destroyed but hey! Options :2 Variety :22 Great tiiiiimes~ Also it’s Blue Lions for me, Golden Deer Second Now for the games I don’t own. I chose Radiant Dawn because the Tellius games are just so good. I love the character in them, the story is pretty solid and the worldbuilding is cool too :2 I like both of the games, and while Path of Radiance is more coherent and doesn’t give split the characters up a bunch, Radiant Dawn has More of the great characters :2 Yes I know, not all of them are as fleshed out and thought out as the first game’s characters, but yo I still love them. I love a good continuation to a story. I love a ‘hey maybe it wasn’t as Black & White as we were made to believe’ twist. Also just hella good memories from watching BigKlingy play these games. The audience memed Aran to the final levels. We did it, he did so well, Aran deserved to be there xD Radiant Dawn also brings us Nailah, who is just. Yeah, you speak to me on so many levels, I’m easily readable. But also, woman, wolf, strong, yasss~~ Also I love the idea of the Jaegan character being a Thief/Assassin. That’s just so different and cool to me after all these Horse Units. And I’m the one guy who likes Levail and would love to see more of him. Give us more of Levail, the man who almost made it to being playable. Man. Levail is probably the one reason I’d pick Radiant Dawn over Path of Radiance xD The other game I’ve watched BigKlingy play through (and that’s my only experience on that game) is Sacred Stones. Pretty solid game all in all. Story, characters, but speaking of that story, if you really think about it, it’s Hella Dark, and that’s actually kinda cool in a way. I’m not that into dark stories, but here it worked. Also watched PhoenixMaster1′s playthrough on the Echoes game. I do like the game, if i find it one day I Might buy it but I’m not like in a hurry to get it. It was cool though, different for reasons but hey~ Also, Berkut, yes. I’m one of those people who like this angry man. But come on, he was really good xD Spyro I’ve already talked about in my lengthy little thing that I’ll get to continuing eventually xD But yes, I freaking love Spyro, my childhood, still very enjoyable experience full of great memories Metroid Fusion - Oh boy here come the nostalgia~ I’ve actually never played any Metroid games myself. I got introduced to the series in the early 2010s through youtube videos. I’m fairly sure it was me looking through dozens and dozens of Top 10 videos, several of which were on ‘the scariest bosses’, either unexpectedly scary or something else. But guess what, Nightmare from Fusion was in there, and I Think the person in the video said something on not wanting to even show the final forms of Nightmare’s face because it was that horrifying to them. And honestly? The fact that they didn’t show how bad it got, mixed with my morbid curiosity and woop, here I go~ Down the Metroid rabbithole where I watched a lot of videos on people fighting Nightmare and the other bosses in the game, eventually going into watching full run-throughs of the game and enjoying my time. Game looked pretty good, soundtrack was really nice too. And so I ended up on listening to a lot of the game series’ music and getting more familiar with the other games and the lore too. Learning to know that Samus was a lady was also hella badass. Fusion started it all for me, and while Super Metroid is cool, people also just play it a loooot, especially the Speedrunners, there’s also plenty of hacks based on that game and yeah I get it the game is Good, but that makes Fusion all the more special to me~ Devil May Cry 3 - Ok so again, I’ve not played any DMC games myself. This one again though is nostalgia ocean for me~ 2010 or such, I’m on some forum, said forum has a forum game based around songs or such and someone links one from this game. I Think it was the Doppelganger battle theme, or then I just found that one and listened to it for hours among the other battle themes these games have because they’re soooo gooood~~ DMC 4 was fairly new at that time, but I remember Gredo’s and Agnus’ themes being up there in songs I listened to a lot too. My experiences and stuff on this series was fully based on the songs, images on said songs, bits and pieces of the cutscenes of these games I saw and comments I read. I didn’t get too deep into DMC back then though, but I did have a bit of knowledge here and there, even if my idea of the stories in all the games was, well, I wouldn’t call it warped, but I definitely had imagined the story going differently to how things actually went xD Still, as a few years back I returned to DMC out of that feeling of nostalgia, and discovered DMC 5 had Just been released, boi, I was In. And I watched through cutscene compilations, playthoughs and what have you on all the games (Except for DmC, boot to you ReBoot), and it was quite the hype time~ I enjoy the chracters, the story that there is around them, and just how carefree and fun stuff can be. The party sure did get crazy~ Lost Dimension - The last game I have on the list there. This might be a weird one and I get that yeah. How many have even heard of this game? I sure wouldn’t have ever known of it without BigKlingy’s playthrough of it. But that playthrough was full of memories, I should really rewatch it one day~ I may not remember an awful lot about the game, but I do keep coming back to it in one way or another. I liked the character designs, the fact that all of them were unique and had their own abilities, there was a bit of story around all of them, the traitor system had you thinking & made each run a little different... That’s some Cool Stuff! The game might be a bit obscure and seriously not known at all, but for what it was, it was great and I enjoyed it a bunch! And now for stuff that wasn’t on the list but I kinda still want to mention. Because why not~ IB - This Almost made it onto the list, but I felt a little closer of a connection to the other games on it. But IB is one of those games from the early 2010s that I also got introduced to through the wonderful world of Youtube. I have forgotten the name of the person whose playthrough in the game I watched. But I watched a ton of people play this game. It was just. So cool. The puzzles in this game were nice and the fact I myself could solve and understand them too was pretty nice to me, and for some reason I just enjoyed watching other people react to the game and try solving stuff. It also had a couple different endings so watching and seeing what the other people got was also interesting. Great memories~ Witch’s House / Ao Oni / Mad Father - And all sorts of other horror games that kinda fall under this grouping and style and stuff. Yeah, IB kinda opened a bit of a thing for me as I realized I greatly enjoyed the horror games with puzzle elements to themselves + a bit of story here and there. There’s definitely much much more than these 3, I watched soooo many of these games being played by others. Ao Oni I may have discovered through my Hetalia phase though, HetaOni, if any of you still recognize that name. Daym. Although at first I didn’t want to watch HetaOni because of the portraits. Pfffff I thought the person who made them was being mean to some of the characters, but nah, I’d later learn that those were simply just mimicing the ones from the original game. But yeah, Ao Oni had a dozen variants and things inspired by it so those kept me busy for a whiiiiiile Hades - Now here’s a cool recent game! Again, haven’t played it, but it looks cool. The story is nice, character designs are God Like (hehe), soundtrack is super cool, aesthetics and oh my god everything is voice acted oh my gooood. This game is just. So cool. And the team who did it seems really cool too and are seemingly full of nice amazing people. This is definitely some great example work on how things should be done :2 Definitely something to look up to, I love everything about them~ The only reason Hades isn’t up there is because of its recentness and my brain not managing to think of it somehow even as I struggled to come up with stuff (I was mostly trying to think of stuff I had played, so that’s one thing. I even struggled to remember DMC because my current hyperfixations are elsewhere and that’s freaking Wild considering how much I enjoy DMC) But yeah, Hades is Super Freaking Cool Crash Bandicoot - These games I did play as a kid actually, the 1st one was way too hard and the 3rd one was my favourite. I like Crash, these games were nice too and I have plenty of good memories with the game, just not enough to make it up there on my list. Yeah it sounds stupid that I’d take out a game I actually played and replace it with stuff that I didn’t, but... Hey, my list Minecraft - Watched several videos on other people pllaying this game, I know of it, I respect it, but I’ve never played it myself and stuff. It’s cool but didn’t make it on the list Animal Crossing - Riiiiiight, these games seem adorable and I wouldn’t mind owning an AC game one day. I’d probably reset continuously though to get Skye in my town/village/island, she’s my favourite xD If the recent game had cost lest I might have gotten it. 60-70€ is just, a lot of money Persona - I guess I’ll mention these too. My experiences are through Bigklingy’s videos again. 3 is a fave, 4 seems cool, 5 I don’t know a lot about but it seems nice too. I probably wouldn’t be able to play these games myself, since some fights kinda need certain things and strategies and you can’t really just pick whatever and whom ever and roll through with brute strength. I mean, I Guess you could, but that might not be as fun in the long run? Who knows, but it’s not exactly like Pokemon or Fire Emblem in those regards you know The big conclusion is that I like all sorts of different aesthetic looks, mostly probably natural with some brighter colors in it. Stories are good, I love stories! Good characters with nice designs and backstories are really nice too. Things being thought out and built nicely is great you know? A little bit of strategy, fantasy here and there. Nothing too dark and gloomy or ‘hyper realistic’ or what have you. I guess no first person shooters either, though combat is fine. Games where I can pick and choose what to use and what kinds of ‘teams’ I build and the ‘members’ I use in them is nice. I do love watching others play, but with games like Pokemon & Fire Emblem I have that drive of choosing who to use and having my own unique experience kinda gets me to buy the games.
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crying-axolotl · 7 years
20 questions
I was tagged by @narika-a (i love herrr ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ ) Thank you for tagging me and doing your awesome writing!!! (ily even if youre on semi-hiatus) (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 blogs youd like to know better
Name: Dom
Nickname (oh god, here we go): Dalai Lama, Dominican Republic, Dominoes, Little Diddle, Fucker ect.
 Gender: Girlie Worlie
Star Sign: Aquarius
Time right now: 9:30 AM
Last Thing I Googled: Revenge of the Starfish (unless u mean this literally but it was just music)
Height: 4′7″ (144cm) (i know, i get shit all the time)
Favorite Bands (im gonna include solo artists bc if not this is rlly hard): Yelows mob, Block B, VIXX, Ravi, UNIQ, Jay Park, MADTOWN, Dumbfoundead, BTS, Marianas Trench, Zico, Mino, ikon, seventeen, Herbal T, WAX, Hopsin, JubyPhonic, Monstercat, Sam Hart, Monsta X (???kinda???), Exo-K, KID SISTER, Little Mix, NCT, eastie Boys, RUN DMC, Twice, Rich Chigga,  then lots of random stuff like video game soundtracks.
Last Movie I watched: Zootopia/Songs From The North
When Did You Create Your Blog: Shit bro liiiiike 5 years ago sooo 2011
What Do You Post: Actually, I’m never rlly active anymore. I only use it to read fanfic and read kpop scenarios. Occasionally i’ll reblog those but I dunno rlly.
When Did Your Blog Reach It’s Peak?: I mean, I guess it peaked when i actually used it. It only started going down because i stopped using it.
Do You Have Any Other Blogs?: yeah actually, one was a kpop snap thing for block b and the other was pure venting. @snapping-bees @candied-icecream both are inactive ofc
Do You Get Asks Regularly?: Nope, and im kinda glad, I don’t realize when I do get them. Like this right now, I didnt realize i was tagged in this until last night.
Why Did You Choose Your URL?: It used to be raging-otaku which was me making fun of myself bc i rlly like anime before kpop, but this one was bc i lly like axolotls and sadness is such a delicate feeling and idk i like being vulnerable sometimes and crying is nice so idk i just, idk i just rlly like angst i guess. i used to feel melancholy all the time too. im just a sad person in general. shits tough i guess. idk. im happy i promise 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Following (oh god) : 2,208 I just think everyone posts good shit ok dont judge
Posts: 37,280  (ง ˙o˙)ว
Hogwarts House: I have no idea, i was never even slightly into harry potter. uhm, i go with the blue one bc i like blue. or green, green is good too.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pokemon Team: Mystic, I never rlly payed though. i played pokemon go for like half a day. That was it.
Favorite Colors: Blue, Green, Silver, and Teal. I LOOOOOvE TEAL, to me its like a mix of all three of those. Oh and brown!!!! brown is so under appreciated!! I also like most colors. I’m just not about yellow. I want to like yellow but i just dont.
Average Hours of Sleep: uhm, around 5. I go to bed around 10 pm, wake up between 3-5 am. so like go to sleep: wake up, 10pm-12 / 3-5am
Lucky Numbers: 43!!!!!!!! (it was “my” number in school)
Fav Characters: Shit bro, uhhh, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadshi, Usami Akihiko, Lee Kang Hoon (Noble My, Love), and literally everyone from Coffee Prince oh my god. I love them so much  (Ō̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ ԑ Ō̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ ૢ)
How Many Blankets do you sleep with:  one comforter! (and 2 pillows)
What I’m wearing right now: Wow! You caught me not wearing spandex for once!!!! Im wearing short shorts right now, with a band tee. a band i never listened to but this design is cool af. Muse.
Dream Job: let’s not talk about it. maybe a dancer of some sort.
Dream Trip: let’s not talk about it.
I taaaaaaaaaaaag: @eggwaifu @oppamansae @zerodelta @xion-snow @hyperbolic-alcoholic @burnt-toasty @bubblestxt @ jmihelic and the admins of @idolized-scenarios and @bts-got7-snaps if they have free time
Ok it’s rlly hard to tag ppl, so im stopping here, if anyone else wants to do it please do! dont hesitate! be sure to tag me so i can see it ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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