#it’s a neurodivergent party every day up in this bitch
sassmill · 1 year
Lmfao like a week ago after a bunch of new hire interviews my boss was explaining how one of the new hires explained to her that they are autistic and what support needs might arise in the workplace and she was like (kindly, playfully, because she is an absolute ray of sunshine) “am I magnet for autistic people? I think I might attract them” like please honey this is a museum this is the ideal place to turn a special interest into a career it’s just built in
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A guide to sending me death threats:
- acronyms show a lack of investment. If you care enough to tell some to kill themselves, you should be invested enough to spell it out.
- please make sure to specificy in your death threat why you think I should die -- it will in no way change my opinion, or me sharing that opinion, but it's nice to have for my scrap book.
- bitch please, I've wanted me dead since 1991, you're way late to this party. Infact, I've been on the very edge like 9 times... even death doesn't want me, but you're welcome to shoot your shot.
- children, important life lesson... wishing someone dead should never be shared. Because if they turn up dead under suspicious circumstances you might become a suspect. And if you're actually going to try, the worst thing to do is warn someone! Back alley knife fights beat honorable duels every goddamn day.
- I fear nothing. Including God. Oh no, someone on the internet I don't know doesn't like me, whatever will I fucking do? I've been getting threats here for a decade and I imagine I'll continue to so please try to be original.
- also, can I just say how much I appreciate the irony of being told to kill myself after arguing about ableism in which I said I am deeply bipolar and my brain has been trying to kill me for more than 30 years? Bc nothing says empathy for the neurodivergent and mentally ill like goading someone who could already be suicidal into attempting via cyberbullying.
- and finally, SIGN YOUR GODDAMN NOTES YOU FUCKING COWARDS! I put my username here to everything I write, and my real name elsewhere to the same. If you feel so strongly that you'll wish death on someone, then you should have some courage of your goddamn convictions. Disgraceful.
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saetangfm · 4 years
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( twenty - one , cisfemale , she/her ) ✉ ― hey babes, have you met MALI SAETANG. they’re vacationing here, a few villas down from where you’re staying. you might hear LOTTERY BY KALI UCHIS playing from their villa, it’s their favourite song. yes, they hear that they look like LALISA MANOBAN alot, actually - it’s really uncanny. their friends back home in SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA say that if they were on a tv show, their trope would be THE DITZ , how funny is that? ✎ bunny, 18, she/they , est.
[ paris hilton’s vc ] “that’s hot !” hiii , my name is bunny !! i am a very chaotic person. hopefully all of my ideas for mali is coherent enough. i’m SO SO SO excited for this rp and for you all to meet mali. i am very forgetful due to my neurodivergency so if you ever send me a message to plot don’t be afraid to send it twice to remind me. OK OK , HERE IS MS. SAETANG <33
full name | mali saetang
age | twenty - one
birth date | december 24
zodiac | capricorn
father’s name | aran ( last name to be found )
mother’s name | chailai saetang
orientation | bisexual
label | the ditz
COMES from a long line musician and music moguls well at least on her mother’s side her mother is currently a music mogul , retired musician. her mother quite reminded her of cher. a very forward thinking and independent woman. didn’t need anyone to do anything for her. incredibly talented , beautiful , funny. the whole PACKAGE really. she looked up to her mother very much. her dad on the other hand was more of the scumbag more of the DIRTBAG type. he was a one time fling for her mom. a big scandal when it happened. such a famous woman like her mom sleeping with a nobody. he came and go when he pleased when she was growing up. one day , he just never showed back up. she still loved him regardless even though he showed little interest in her. no matter how hard she tried. she just wanted VALIDATION. craved it. this trend would follow her into adulthood. her mother treated her well though , she had a problem staying at her house busy with work and all. her mother always felt HORRIBLE and GUILTY for this so she gave her money , gifts , and vacations. anything to help her conscience but she always meant well because she loved mali. so mali spent her childhood rotating through nannies , craving the validation from her dad knowing she’ll never get it , and getting PITY gifts and money from her mom.
MALI took up singing as well but more as a hobby to her mother’s disappointment. mali just has a lot of doubts in her singing ability and just doesn’t know if she’ll ever live up to her mother. she’s much more of a typical SOCIALITE. lots of parties and hook ups rather than spending time being typically “productive”. her mother funds these habits out of guilt of her past behavior in mali’s childhood. her current life is just filled with her in the tabloids. MALI’S GONE WILD makes the headline like two times a week and don’t get me started on her dumb tweets that genuinely makes people question her intelligence on a daily.
TYPICALLY , mali is a pretty sweet person. always has her friends back regardless if their friends are in the wrong or not. she’s a little bit of a airhead. think of the DUMBEST quote you can and she has probably said it or tweeted it. she’s one of those people who just goes with whoever she has the most fun with. this gets her in a lot of trouble because the people she hangs out with can be the nastiest bitches girls on earth. tend gets her in a lot of drama. her SWEET and QUIRKY personality makes up for most of this though since she can really charming. she’s not a person who kicks people down to get her way but she will if she has too. can charm her way out of anything truly. just put a smile and twirl her hair. works every time.
bad  influence  . generally all of her friends are kind of bad influence on her but this one in particular is bad. always getting in trouble especially during parties. think of lindsey lohan and paris hilton when they were friends. just a whole mess , a lot of fun , and a ton of bad decisions.
best friends . a group of people she hangs around constantly. this group definitely has to be a lot of fun. doesn’t necessarily have to be the nicest group of people.
frenemies . party buddies or just a person she only hung out with a couple times who she honestly doesn’t really like. just hangs out with them for fun. talks badly behind their back.
flings . this could be multiple people. she kinda falls in “love” with people at parties a lot. maybe it’s the alcohol that brings it out but absolutely loves being loved or at least wanted. keeps them around for a couple and then breaks up them.
enemies . a lot people find her airhead socialite personality annoying.
| honestly just throw any other plots my way if you want !! <3
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magicrainbowkitties · 3 years
This is just a chronological recount of my cool-ass fever dream about being in The Riddler's gang. It'll get long.
References to monsters, possible death (?), and neurodivergencies abound, plus my recounts tend to be overly detailed, so if that's an issue I totally get it.
Still with me? Awesome...
So basically. In this dream, I was a recent hire into The Riddler's gang from the man himself (I should clarify that he introduced himself as Richard and he struck me as more of a cosplayer than anything else. A damn good one though).
I recieved an e-vite to an event called "Riddler's Night Out" at a repurposed convention center in Gotham (which dream me looked into and found it was owned by a guy called Richard Nashton. Go fig). From what I got from the other goons, this was a monthly party of sorts for Riddler's goons and some of his friends, each time putting together something brand new and fun. Naturally, everything else was a surprise, so I was meant to wait it out.
I also feel the need to mention that I lived in a house with a tiny backyard that constantly had a giant orange cat-raccoon-monkey monster jumping over the fence and and walking up to me, but I could somehow read its mind and it kept asking me "do I know you," and when I'd shake my head it'd charge directly at the fence, slam into it, then jump over, ONLY TO RETURN 5 MINUTES LATER and do it all again. If you wanna know dream me's living circumstances.
So the day of the event came and I arrived a little after the main crowd, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Signs bearing graffiti riddles lead me to the main auditorium, in which an absolute THRONG of people, all decked out in green and purple question mark regalia, stood in several layers of balconies and theater seats. It was loud, it was chaotic, and I have no idea what was happening in the center of the room. One of the other members guided me to my seat, which was in the top row, 3 seats away from the big guy (who, by the by, had no distinguishing seating or whatever. He was just hanging out among his gang. Sure, you could tell it was him from a mile away, even among all the others in purple and green suits bedecked in question marks, but he made no real effort to stand out.). Apparently it was a thing that whenever Riddler gave a laugh of any sort (audible throughout this huge forum), everyone else in the room gave a sarcastic "HA HA," because evil.
They talked about this that and the other until a door opened up to the left of the room, and everyone stood up and went through. I was a straggler, and ended up walking-and-talking with Riddler in the back of the pack. When we eventually got to the place everyone else stopped at, he motioned for me to stay with the others.
He looked me in the eye, said "I know you'll do well tonight," and gave me a smug-bastard-smirk. With that, he twirled his cane and disappeared through a hidden trap door.
Next thing I knew, I was in an adult jungle-gym type room, using chains to do weird acrobatics that my fat ass could never do irl (oh yes, and there was Just Dance machines along the wall. A guy in the Lego Riddler Henchman outfit was absolutely destroying every Lady Gaga song). Some of the older goons (one of whom was dressed as a Riddlerized Joker) explained that this was the big guy making sure that everyone got their minimum 60 minutes of exercise for the day, as per the terms of being under his employ. Also, he was doing final prep for the "main event."
Dream fast forward, and I was walking down the hall with a number Riddle-Joker handed me. I entered a giant room with big green squares lining 3 walls, and a huge stage and projection screen facing them. Once everyone was in, the lights went down, and Riddler rose out of the stage like the dramatic bitch he is. He snapped his fingers, and a timer appeared on the screen. "You have one minute to find the square with your number. Go."
I barely made it to mine in time. When time ran out, there were exactly 17 people still trying to find their squares. Riddler tutted, and 17 unclaimed squares turned red. He motioned with his cane towards a door to the left, which swung open, mysteriously glowing red. The 17 walked through in silent shame, and after the last one went through, overly cartoonish screams sounded throughout the room. Somehow, I could tell that the screams weren't coming from the room beyond the door, and that none of the voices belonged to those people.
The red door closed, and Riddler started explaining things to us. He put up some photos on the screen, and told us that we were working on one of the GCPD's cold cases, involving the murder of a family in Otisburg. People who contributed to the discussion and analyzed things well could earn exemptions from "Pop Quizzes," wherein he'd ask a riddle, and anyone who gave the wrong answer would be sent through the red door.
So, the discussion began. I was still trying to understand who the suspects were when The Quiz happened. He showed a picture of Hello Kitty with circles of hearts, a cupid bow, and lil' wings.
"Riddle me this, friends: what's wrong with this picture?"
I stared at it for awhile, until I realized that Kitty had 4 arms. But as I kept staring, I realized the picture was distorting itself. More circles were appearing, another whisker was added here and there, a bowstring dissapeared. I knew exactly how it was being done, too: someone was live-photoshopping the picture.
I was the first to raise my hand, albeit rather nervously. "Before I answer, do I have to be quick or can I give a long-winded answer?"
He laughed, seeming to pick up on what I was actually asking permission for. "Kid, info-dumping is not only ok, it's actively encouraged. Right, guys?"
The other goons shouted their conformation and encouragement.
"Lay it on me, noobie."
So, I took a deep breath and started rattling off my entire thought process, and explaining everything I knew about photoshopping and graphic desig (which, when summoned forth, is significantly more than one might think) to support my claim that "it's a trick question, because the picture is constantly changing in subtle ways."
The most disappointing part is I woke up in the middle of my info-dump, with no confirmation if I was correct, no memory about the murder mystery, and no idea what happened to the goons who went into the red room!
Over all, 8/10 dream, would have again (hopefully I will because this is the first time in a long time my dreams have been vivid and chronological enough to understand what the hell's happening, and remember what happened enough to write about it later).
I just wanted to share this with y'all because Riddler having a whole big-ass thing for his gang members sounded so on-brand to me, plus the fucking cat-raccoon-monkey monster was fucking weird and I will be infecting the world with that soon.
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avoidingadvice · 4 years
Feeling really down about all my health issues lately. I'm really frustrated that every counselor I've spoken to has been hesitant to actually help me and offer me what I need and that my family doctor doesn't seem to actually care and just shrugs and says he doesn't know every time I bring him something. Like I have a long list of symptoms that may or may not be related and I really wanted to start tackling things, but it's so hard to find anyone that wants to help.
When I went to my dr about my wrist he kept telling me to do stretches and wear a brace and whatever. It wasn't until I went in there angry that he did an x-ray and blood test and everything was normal so that was it. He sent me to physiotherapy. Still didn't know why I was in pain. And I can't afford physio so I went once and never went again. And I still don't know why I'm in pain.
I had a bit of a weird flare up the other day and my right hip was SORE. For two days. My left hip was sore for the second day. It was so bad I could barely move. The walk to the end of the driveway to get my garbage can was exhausting. I have these once in a while where my knees and/or hips hurt and I can't walk. I don't even want to bother taking it to my dr because he won't do anything. I ordered a cane online. I'd been debating getting one for some time and I will only need it very seldom, but if I need it at all I should have one.
Idk if he thinks I'm a stupid young person, a stupid woman, or a hypochondriac or something, but I'm so fucking annoyed. I just want HELP. Like yeah, I come to you with something different every time. Because I have SO many things that are fucking wrong. And each time I come to him with something he shrugs and says he doesn't know and won't run any tests unless I get fucking mad.
Ended up in the ER once because of an illness I have since been cured of. It was the only thing he actually helped me figure out and he just happened to know about this obscure illness and when I described my symptoms he sent me to the Reddit forum for it and I was able to get my shit figured out on my own from that. I'll get into this whole thing a different time, but basically it's called Retrograde Circopharangeal Dysfunction, or R-CPD. The Reddit thinger is r/noburp if anyone is interested.
That was one of my earlier things with this doctor and I was SO excited that he helped me with it and I thought that he would be able to help with everything else, too, but so far he's been utterly useless. Only other thing he's done for me is get me a Nexplanon and I'm pretty sure the only reason is because it was only just approved in Canada and he had never done one before.
I just started thinking about all of this because I feel so rejected from absolutely everyone. My partner's cousin and their friends think I'm a bitch because of one time at a party when I was dealing with crippling anxiety and turned down their offer to play a game I didn't know how to play (so like obviously I didn't want to make someone teach me how to play and then ruin the game by not knowing what I'm doing (this has happened before and makes me hesitant to try new things)). They now all think I'm a bitch because of this one thing. I sat on the couch alone all night and not a single person spoke to me the whole fucking time.
But anyway, I just feel like such a major outcast and I feel like nobody wants to help me or be around me or have anything to do with me and it hurts so fucking bad.
And my best friend (he lives a few hours away) invited me to his friends' discord group to hang out on voice chat tonight and I fucking forgot. I totally forgot. Like he's actually trying to include me and get me to make some new friends and I am such an asshole that I forgot. I feel so bad. I am constantly complaining about being alone and I'm being given this chance to not be alone and I fuck it up!!
I was also just really reminded of when I was with my ex. All his friends thought I hated them and I was a bitch. Because when he talked about me he made me sound like a bitch. And he would constantly tell me that his friends thought I hated them. I asked him why and he said it was because I was too quiet. Really he was just telling them I hated them. So I just feel like this is all the same shit, but this time my partner isn't doing it to me. It's all on me. People just don't like me and it sucks. It's not like I'm mean. I'm not a shitty person. I'm not terribly boring. I'm just neurodivergent and "weird".
It's just really hard for me to be happy when the only friends I have I never see and my partner is the only person in the world that actually fucking likes me (like aside from my friends, but, again, I never see them). I just feel alone a lot. And not just like immediately alone. I feel deeply alone in the universe.
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