#it’s a small school with small class sizes! it miraculously doesn’t include any of the age groups I struggle with!
unmaskedagain · 5 years
Agent Marinette
Okay I have struggled all week with a massive case of Writers block and today I beat it. This a crossover fic. Guess it by the end.
In retrospect, Marinette should’ve realized eventually other forces outside of Paris would take an interest in the masked heroine. At least they had been polite enough to wait until AFTER Hawkmoth was defeated.  
Marinette was eleven when she became the hero Ladybug. And her world shattered a bit.
Marinette was fourteen when Hawkmoth was finally defeated.
Marinette was fourteen when Ladybug retired. And her world shattered again, this time a bit more.
It had taken nearly every miraculous they had to take the villain down but eventually, Gabriel Agreste was taken down, his memories of the miraculous erased. (Nathalie with him) His son Adrien Agreste surrendered his own miraculous, his position as Chat Noir, and his own memories of being a hero and everything he’d ever learned of magic and Kwami. All to prevent his father from ever learning of them again.
However, erasing his memories of his life as Chat Noir, unavoidably included erasing his memories of his friendship Ladybug, with Marinette. A friendship that had grown stronger, in and outside the mask, over fighting the evil that haunted Paris back together. Keyword: together.
On the same day, Ladybug had lost her best friend, Marinette did too. Both lost the boy she thought she’d marry one day. They could never be together. She’d have to lie to him for the rest of their lives. Marinette would never be able to do that. And she wouldn’t let Adrien’s sacrifice be in vain.
So she distanced herself from him. She couldn’t look at him without seeing Chat Noir. She couldn’t look at him, knowing she knew just about everything about him but he knew nothing about her. To him, Marinette was just some girl in his class; a sort of friend he was never really that close to.
Strangers, really.
It was why Marinette transferred out of Bustier’s class. The best thing for her heart was to stay away.
Still, she thought in a way, it was a happy ending. The best happy ending she could get. Hawkmoth was gone. Paris was safe. Ladybug was retired. Fu had reclaimed all Kwami and had disappeared. The world was good.
Until it wasn’t. Until one rainy Thursday. Her parents had gone out for a date night. They never made it home. There had been an accident. The other driver had been drunk. The funeral was on a Tuesday.
Marinette’s world had shattered once again, more than ever before.
Marinette was an orphan.
Her grandmother Gina sold the bakery, put the money from the sale and the life insurance into an account for Marinette, and moved Marinette into a nearby apartment, and then was gone. Legally, the older woman was Marinette’s guardian. But otherwise, Marinette was on her own. It was fine. Her dad had always warned her that his mom was a free spirit who never liked to be tied down.
She would talk with her grandmother once every other month if she was lucky. They primarily only communicated through email. The reception was spotted in the parts of the world Gina like to frequent.
At only fourteen, Marinette got used to paying bills, buying groceries, and virtually being an adult. She got used to living alone. Just like she got used to not being a hero anymore. Just like she got used to not having any friends after Lila came knocking on the class’s door.
A year later, the young girl was thriving. Her grades were at the top of the school, right after Max. She was class treasurer and on the track team, having missed the feeling of running as fast she could. She started Kuoshu classes; her mother had always wanted her to learn Chinse martial arts for defense. And Marinette missed the adrenaline she used to get after a fight.
It was a good life. A simple life. Marinette had only normal life worries to be concerned about.
…Again, she really should’ve known the other shoe would drop eventually.
Still, no fifteen-year-old girl who was minding her own business, casually walking down the street, wanted to suddenly have a black bag over her and tossed into the back of a van. In fact, it was every girl, woman, and human being’s worst nightmare.
She was tied up. She was gagged. She couldn’t see. She couldn’t hear. Marinette had no idea how much time had passed. Or where they were taking her. Or who had taken her? She fought the tears that burned in her eyes as she struggled with the bonds around her hands. No matter how hard she tried, they wouldn’t break or budge. By the coldness of it, she knew she was either in handcuff or something similar made of metal.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, Marinette felt herself be picked up and carried. She struggled against her assailant. She tried to kick her with her bound legs, hit with her tied fists. Nothing.
Marinette found herself being lower onto something. A chair she quickly realizes as she pressed her back to it.
Suddenly, the metal band around her hands released. Marinette quickly pulled the black bag off her head, undid the tap around her mouth, and took the plugs out of her ears.
She was in a mostly black room that only lights overhead, a vent the size of a phone, the table she sat at, and a large mirror across from her. Marinette figured it was a two-way mirror-like on cop shows, and that she was being watched. However, what concerned her most was that there was no sign of any door. Just walls and that mirror.
There was no escape.
Marinette glared at the mirror, at whoever was behind it.
She didn’t know how long she waited as she plotted her escape. Considering all variables for when they came back to her. Would they have guns? How many people would there be? Could she fight her way out? And just who her kidnappers could be? Child traffickers? Serial killer? Her past enemy, Hawkmoth, comes back for revenge? Who?
When a portion of the wall, next to the mirror opened, Marinette tried not to flinch back in surprise.
In walked a man at least twice her age. He wore a black suit and tie with a serious expression on his face. He was handsome with short dark hair and dark eyes and cheekbones that could cut glass.
The door closed behind him once he stepped through. He said nothing as he sat down in the chair across from her. They started at each other silently.
           Marinette cracked first, “Who are you? What do you want? Where am I?”
           A small smile appeared on the man’s face, “You’re a very hard girl to track down, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’d have thought it would’ve been easier considering all you’ve done.” He had an American accent.
“Track? What?” Why would he want to track her down? “I didn’t do anything. Nothing! Okay?!”
           He gave her a curious look, “Really? Well, I wouldn’t call saving all of Paris on a nearly everyday basis for what two years, nothing.” He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Don’t try to deny it. We have pictures, videos; evidence.”
           It was like someone had thrown ice water over her head. Marinette swallowed the lump that had built in her throat. “Who. Are. You.” She managed to get out.
“Me? I’m a friend,” He answered. “You can call me Black Heart.”
“Black Heart?” Marinette snorted. “You’re serious?”
“Oh because Ladybug is so much better,” He rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I have questions. You’re going to answer them.”
           He wanted to know about the miraculous, she guessed. Or how she got her powers. Marinette crossed her arms, “I have nothing to say.”
           Black Heart chuckled and stood up. He put his hands on the table, “Listen very carefully, Marinette. Because there are only two ways we can do this.”
           Marinette smirked, “Is one of them the easy way?”
           A look she couldn’t recognize briefly flashed over Black Heart’s face but gone just as quick. “No,” He answered.
“Who are you?” He asked her.
           She paused before answering, “…My name is Marinette but you know that. I was the hero Ladybug but you know that as well.”
“What happened to HawkMoth?”
           She felt fine answering that. However, she gave the same answer she gave to the press, “Hawkmoth was defeated. He was stripped of his powers and destroyed.”
“You killed him?”
           It wasn’t the first time Ladybug had been asked that question. “…Yes.” She lied though it didn’t feel like much of one. Hawkmoth was dead after all.
           Blackheart nodded. “What happened to Chat Noir? And the other heroes? Dead too?”
           Marinette fought to keep her face blank, her fists clenched. “Yes,” She said. “They were causalities of the final fight with Hawkmoth.” Technically not a lie. Every Parisian hero had given up their miraculous once and for all after Hawkmoth was gone. There was no need for them anymore.
           The man raised an eyebrow, “Gabriel Agreste is still very much alive last I checked.” She reared back as if slapped. “So is Adrien is otherwise known as Chat Noir. Alya Cesaire aka Rena Rouge, her turtle boyfriend. The monkey guy. The tiger. The snake; Luka, I believe. All alive and kicking. So much for that lie…”
“They were retired,” Marinette growled. “Permanently.”
“Truth,” Blackheart nodded. “How did you erase their memories?”
           It had taken the combined power of Fu, Marinette, Tikki, Wayzz, and Plagg to do it. “I didn’t do anything.”
           Black Heart gave her a hard look, “Where do your powers come from?”
           Marinette smiled, “I don’t have any powers.”
“Fine! Where do Ladybug’s powers come from?”
“I am Ladybug,” She told him. “And Ladybug doesn’t have any powers.”
“You mean anymore?”
           Marinette nodded slowly.
           Black Heart sat back in his chair, “You’re telling me that you busted your ass saving Paris for two years, only to have your powers taken from you? You were tossed to the side just like that? Like you were nothing? I’m supposed to believe that.”
“I wasn’t needed anymore.” By anyone.
“You took down one of the biggest threats to this world,” The man said. “You fought. You bled. You sacrificed everything. From what our intelligence has gathered, you even gave up the love of your young life. Only to be cast aside; alone, forgotten, abandoned…”
“That’s not what happened,” Marinette shook her head.”
“You weren’t useful anymore,” Blackheart tutted. “So you were thrown away; left to fend for yourself in a cold, cruel world. No friends, no family,”
“Shut up,” Marinette whispered.
The man leaned forward, “How many internships did you turn down because you were too busy being a hero? Two? Three?”
“Shut up!” She said louder.
“Wait, it was five. That’s right.” He continued on as if she said nothing. “Five internships with some of the biggest names in fashion today. And you gave it up. Now what you have to show for it? Nothing!” He said. “You live this mundane life halfheartedly, struggling to find your place again, trying to get back even a fraction of the feeling you had when you fighting for this world!”
“SHUT UP!” Marinette roared.
           Black Heart shook his head, “I asked you who you are. But I already know who you are. I know who you were. You were a hero, a martyr, a leader, a little princess who believed in fairytales and the goodness of people. You were someone who believed this world could still be saved! So I just want to know three things. I have three questions to ask you and then you never have to see me again! You can go back to pretending to be whatever the hell you want. I don’t care.”
“What?” Marinette asked. “What could you possibly want to know?” Need to know that he didn’t already. “Huh? Just tell me!”
“Do you still believe this world can be saved?”
“Answer the question.”
Marinette blinked, “Yes. I do.”
“Are you still willing to fight for it?” Black Heart asked.
           He smiled, and leaned back in his chair, “Last question… What do you know about Shield?”
           Well, that was a twist. Marinette’s eyes went wide. She knew a lot about shield. More than any normal teenage girl should. But a former Ladybug had been an Agent. And Tikki told her everything... It was founded by Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. Shield started the Avengers. They had been protecting the world for decades.
“A lot,” Marinette answered. “What do you want?
           The man gave her a small smile, ���World peace.”
           The doors of the room opened again in walked a beautiful young woman with long hair a bright smile on her face, “You done traumatizing the poor girl yet.”
           The man groaned, “Dammit, Skye.”
           Marinette officially joined Shield the next day.
           Skye showed her the ropes and explained until she garnered some trust, most would give her their full name; maybe only even their code name.
           In another life, Skye hadn’t joined Shield until she was well into her twenties. In this life, she was recruited by a woman named Hill as soon as she graduated high school. It had been nearly ten years since. Skye had met Black Heart when she was about three years in, and they had disliked each other.
           Now they mostly tolerated the others’ existence. Only really dealing with each other on missions.
           Skye would be gone the next day. And Marinette would only see her once in a blue moon.
           Marinette would withdraw from school and finish her education taught by some of the greatest minds in the world. She would give up her apartment, and leave Paris. She would call her grandmother one last time for what would be months to let her know she was going to travel the world; her grandmother was pleased as she had done the same when she was not much older than Marinette. Gina disregarded the fact that she had been a legal adult at the time.
           It would be the last call she made from her phone. The line was disconnected and the phone tossed.
           Then she visited the place that had been her parents’ bakery, not their graves; because she would rather remember them alive, happy, and loving, then dead in the ground. And she told them goodbye.
           Before leaving Paris for good, she dropped off a perfectly wrapped green and black present off at the Agreste home. Adrien’s birthday was coming up. Inside the gift box was a black leather jacket with cat-shaped buttons. She handed the gift to Nathalie.
           This time, however, Marinette was quick to tell the older woman that MDC was sewn inside on the jacket; multiple times.
           Then she walked away; not looking back once.
It was the last thing Adrien would ever get from her. The last thing he would unknowingly have of Chat Noir. Ironically, the masked hero the blond had come to idolize in recent times.
The jacket was all she could give him of his as a hero, and not even a fraction of all she had wished to give him.
           One day he would forget her altogether. One day she would just be a random former classmate of his whose name he couldn’t quite remember.
           However, Marinette would never forget Adrien Agreste and Chat Noir. She would remember when Adrien was Chat Noir, one of the greatest heroes Paris would ever know. And she would remember Chat Noir was Adrien, and Adrien proved to be a greater hero than even he ever dared dream Chat Noir would be.
           Marinette would remember because she owed him that much at least.
           The night she left Paris would be the last time she dreamed of a life with Adrien. A life where they got to grow old together; one where wedding bells were heard. And he’d kiss her every time she left. And she’d kiss him every time she came back. A life where they got to see where their love would take them, and maybe one day hear the pitter-patter of little feet on their floor.
           A life where Marinette did actually become a fashion designer. A life where she married Adrien, Alya was still her best friend, her parents were alive, the world was good and kind, and two heroes got the finale they deserved.
           A life where love was enough, and they got their happy ending. The forever they never got would haunt her forever.
           Marinette was fifteen when she went she joined shield and went back to doing what she did best; helping people, saving the world.
Marinette was fifteen when she became an Agent of Shield.
           Marinette was fifteen when she learned how to shoot a gun.
           Marinette was fifteen when she joined Black Hear became her mentor. The training had been a killer. More than once, Marinette had nearly quit.
           Blackheart would just shake his head at her and say, “Life is tough, kid,” He’d give her an easy smile. “But so are you.”
           Marinette smiled.
“You and me?” Grant said. “We’re the same. We’re Kevlar. We do whatever it takes to complete the mission. We get the job done. Keep our feelings and emotions; personal wants and desires in check. For the greater good. Its who we are. Whatever it takes.”
“Whatever it takes,” Marinette repeated back. “But that doesn’t mean we have to shut people out; each other out.”
“Yes, it does,” Grant said firmly. “Yes, I do.” He stopped talking and look Marinette in the eyes, “There are things about me you don’t know. I’ve done things I… Thing you wouldn’t like if you knew.”
“We all have,” Marinette shrugged at her father figure. “It’s a part of the job. I get it.”
           Grant smiled at her, “I know you do. I know you would. We’re the same. We know this world isn’t all happiness and rainbows but we don’t stop trying to save it. We don’t stop believing it can be saved; that what we’re doing has a purpose. But there are things I can’t tell you. Things about me… that you wouldn’t like if you knew. One day, I hope you understand though. I know we will. We’re the same. But You’re good.”
“So are you,” Marinette said. “Grant, you’re like the best guy I know. You’re good.”
“Not always,” Grant looked away. “You need to know, Marinette, I’m not a good man.”
“I believe you are.” She stated, “You can’t convince me otherwise.”
           It would a year later after much trust was built, and they had gone of dozens and dozens of missions that she finally learned his real name.
Over the next few years, Grant became like a father to her. And to him, she was like a daughter. He taught her everything he knew. Marinette did everything she could to make him proud. He made her believe that they could really save the world, change the world for the better.
Where Grant went, she followed; most of the time. Sky would slowly start to show up more and more; until it was clear she wasn’t going anyway.
Whenever she was hurt, and the mission was over, Grant would tell a story about his past.
           Her favorites were the ones about a monster who loved the sky. It was clear that it was about him and Skye. “Do you want to hear a story, princess?” He smiled. “It’s about a man who struggled with his demons his entire life. Who asked for love throughout his entire life. But he never got it. Until she came. She made him feel important. She made him laugh. She made him better. She became his world.”
           Marinette couldn’t understand what was stopping the two from getting together.
           She met Nick Fury when she was seventeen and was sent on the first on her first solo mission.
When she was eighteen, Grant and Skye were approached by a man named Coulson. The same Coulson that had supposedly been killed by a god named Loki. The strangest part was Marinette was tapped to join too.
The team consisted of Coulson, May, Grant, Skye, Fitz, Simmons, and Marinette.
They were a team. They became a family.
However, then John Garrett was revealed to be Hydra; a man Marinette had thought she knew well. (Grant killed him. And she mourned with him the man they thought John was.)
           Then project insight happened. Nick Fury was killed. Captain America exposed all of Shield in an effort to reveal Hydra.
           Shield was labeled a terrorist organization.
           The team was on their own.
But, Marinette thought more than once over the next coming months, at least they had each other.
They ended up at a place called Providence. They were given lie detector tests by Agent Eric Koenig. “Fury designed this himself,” The portly man said. “He wanted a lie detector Romanoff couldn’t beat.”
“Did she?” Grant asked
“Like Fury would tell!”
                       Marinette sat in the machine and tried to relax.
“We’re going to start with some easy question,” Eric told her. “Can I have your full name?”
“Marinette Clarissa Dupain-Cheng.”
“Eye color?”
“Blue,” Marinette stated.
           The agent nodded, “Have you ever been married?”
           Marinette shook her head, “No.”
“Please list your immediate living family.”
“My grandmother Gina,” Marinette answered. “My grandfather. I considered my team my family though.”
“What’s the difference between an egg and a rock?”
           Marinette gave him an “Are you Serious” look, “One's food, ones a weapon.”
“Have you ever heard of project insight?”
“Have you ever had contact with Alexander Pierce.”
“I have,” She answered honestly. “Once. Just after the New York Invasion. Agent Hill introduced me.”
“You wash up on a desert island, alone. Sitting in the sand is a box. What’s in the box?”
“How big is the box?” Marinette asked curiously. “How did it get there? What island am I on? Am I near freshwater.”
“Just say the first thing that comes to your mind, Marinette,” He told her. “What’s in the box?”
“A pair of earrings.”
           Eric gives her a funny look but notes her age and shrugs it off. Spy teen girls were still teen girls, after all. “Shield no longer exists. The agency has been labeled a terrorist organization. So why are YOU here.”
           Marinette thought about the question. She had thought about it before. Shield had fallen. No one knew who was or wasn’t Hydra. She should’ve been gone in the wind. However, she had never even considered it. “Shield is all I have. Ward, Skye, Coulson, May, Simmons, Fitz, Trip; they’re all I have. They’re my family.” She told him. “And truthfully, I joined Shield because I believe this world is worth saving. I believe it can still be saved. I believe that it is good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”
“I love Lord of the Rings,” Agent Eric Koenig grinned. “Let’s get you a Lanyard, Agent Dupain-Cheng.
           While Skye, May, and Grant stayed at Providence, Marinette joined Coulson and the others.
           When Marinette returned to the base after saving the Cellist lady. The bus was gone. May was gone. Grant and Skye were gone.
           What was left of the team had debated long about what had happened; why the three had left.
           When Coulson said, “Worst case…  We've had a wolf in the herd the whole time.”
           Marinette didn’t believe that at first. Not until she heard the scream. Saw Agent Eric Koenig’s body. Saw the word written on the picture.
           Ward is Hydra.
“Not Ward,” Fitz said.
“Not Ward,” Marinette repeated. “Not Ward.” Skye was wrong. She had to be wrong. Ward couldn’t be Hydra. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t.
           Then Simmons gave the analyze of Agent Eric Koenig’s murder.
“Ward did this,” Simmons said.
           In a fury, Fitz smashed a few things.
           Marinette could only stare in space as the words penetrated her mind.
           Ward is Hydra.
           The man she thought she knew the best.
           The man she had sworn her loyalty to, had given all her trust to, had loved like a father.
           The man who had gotten her to swear loyalty to Shield.
           Grant Ward had been her S.O. Her mentor. Her leader. Her captain.
           Grant Ward was Hydra.
           And just like that, Marinette’s world shattered again.
           And just like that, everything she ever thought she believed in was questioned.
           It would be months before she saw him again, and by then it had been confirmed without a doubt Grant Ward was Hydra. He was the enemy.
           He would try to kill the team multiple times.  Grant Ward would do everything he could to get her alone to speak with and or to Skye. Like he could change their minds. He had gone full psycho Hydra and didn’t seem to be stopping any time soon.
           Marinette was captured by Hydra not long before her twenty-first birthday.
           She was tied up and chained to a desk.
           Grant Ward walked in with an easy smile on his face, “Marinette. This brings back memories.”
“Old Blackheart himself,” The bluenette hissed back. “Good to see you again. Oh, Wait! As your lot puts; Hail Hydra, right?”
           He nodded and sat down across from her, “Ladybug.”
“Just kill me,” Marinette shrugged. “I won’t tell you anything. You know I won’t. I won’t Hydra. You and the rest of the freaking Nazi can go to hell.”
           Ward looked shocked, “Kill you? You really think I would… I would never hurt you, Marinette!” He told her. “You have to know that. I would never want to hurt you.”
“Maybe not want to,” Marinette looked him dead in the eye. “But you will. All apart of the job, right.”
“Do you think this was easy for me?” Grant asked. “You of all people understand how hard it was; the impossible decisions that had to be made. You know what it's like to make a choice that breaks you inside. But we make them anyway. I made them anyway. Because that’s what I do. What we do.”
Marinette shuddered. “A Double Agent. Do what needs to be done. Betray everyone who loves you, cares about you. Because we don’t matter, only the mission does. Right? That’s what you tried to train into me; anything for the mission.”
“No!” Ward shouted. “That’s who you were before I ever met you. You don’t get to put that on me. That’s why Shield wanted you. Because you did whatever it took to stop Hawkmoth for good. Whatever it took for the greater good. That’s how I knew we were the same.”
           Ward stood up, “You’re good. I get that. I’ve always known that. But you understand me. You’re a soldier. I’m a soldier.”
“You are a monster,” Marinette said. “You finally convinced. There is no good for you.”
           Coulson, May, Lincoln, and Skye rescued her not long after.
           Grant and Marinette would face off with each other multiple; fighting to the death; fighting for the cause.
           Then one day, Simmons would be gone, Coulson would go after her, and when they came back; Coulson would tell her Grant Ward was dead. He killed him.
           Marinette wouldn’t ever admit it but her world shattered just a bit.
           However, Marinette would see Grant again but he wasn’t Grant. He was hive. And Hive would nearly take Skye from the team. He would take Lincoln.
           After months of fighting the monster for months; doing whatever it took to bring him down; Lincoln, a pretty blond man with light-colored eyes who dared to be a hero, sacrificed himself.
           And for the first time in years, Marinette was reminded of Adrien Agreste. She had thought about him occasionally, sure. But seeing Skye cry over Lincoln had reminded her just deeply of her own loss. And remember that she was the one who erased his memories. He wanted the last thing he saw to be her before he never remembered her again.
           Marinette was twenty-two when she went to the funeral of Grant Ward. It was in Paris. Marinette was the only one who went. There was nobody to bury but still, Marinette had him laid to rest, not too far away from her parents.
           No matter how hard she had tried, Marinette couldn’t find it in her to hate Grant. She had loved him too much. He had been such a big part of who she was.
           And she owed it to him to finally see him laid to rest. It was her duty, she supposed.
           That was why she buried him in the once place she once thought she’d never return. The place where she once dreamed of another life.
           As she stared at his grave, once again she dreamed about another life.
           A life where Hydra had never returned. Shield had never fallen. The Avengers weren’t torn apart in a civil war. The world didn’t seem to always be on fire. Skye was still an Agent. Fitz and Simmons were married. Tripp was alive. Lincoln was alive. And Grant Ward was good.
           It was a nice dream but she’d leave it in Paris with all rest of her childhood’s hopes, wishes, and dreams.
“You were right,” She told Grant, speaking directly to his headstone as if he was there. “We are the same. I do understand. I’ve always understood. In the end, we always do our duty. Its what defines us. Rest in Peace, Ward.”
           Marinette walked out of the cemetery with her head held high. She would stop for ice cream, and cross paths with a tall, handsome, green-eyed, blond man. He’d look right through her.
           And it only bothered her a little.
           Months after she left Paris again, for good she swore, she would hear on the news about the untimely death of Gabriel Agreste.
           She would notify an hour later that Master Fu has surfaced in Paris again. The man had been watched by Shield for years.
           She would be told that Master Fu had been spotted around Agreste home.
           Marinette didn’t blink twice. It wouldn’t matter. Everyone had moved on. Adrien had moved. Marinette had moved on. And as far as the world was concerned Marinette Dupain-Cheng was dead. She had died years ago.
           Seven months later, Coulson would bring her in to help train a new recruit. She would walk into the training room of the bus and see a tall, a tall, handsome, green-eyed, blond man with hope clear on his face, standing next to Coulson, looking at her like he was seeing the sun for the first time in years.
“Kitty?” Marinette whispered.
“My lady.”
           Marinette was twenty-three when her world shattered yet again.
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sincerelymarinette · 5 years
A Recorded Life (27/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 2362 Chapter Summary: Adrien has seemed strong through everything since his identity was revealed, but what happens when it comes crashing down on him? Marinette is overwhelming herself with work, and waiting for an important phone call. To make a hard day even harder, the first Akuma after their identities were revealed comes with determination. Author's Note: Adrien's emotional vulnerability? Check. Marinette stressing about everything? Check. An intense Akuma? A CHECK. I love love love this chapter. There are so many emotions and I can see it so clearly in my mind, especially the end. I also...tried to draw something for the ending because I could see it so clearly. I included it, and it's very cartoony. I'm a graphic designer with very limited traditional art skills, but I still think it's cute and had fun drawing it. I want to do more, so we'll see if I can get better...I mean practice makes better!
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Birthday Girl
Marinette was freaking out. She sat at one of the tables by the window in the bakery, eating a croissant for breakfast and working on her computer. It was Saturday, so while some places were a dead zone, the bakery was still open, and Marinette had homework to get done. Jagged Stone told her they needed to talk later, and left it open-ended, and that did not help her stress.
As she continued typing answers for school, she looked up to see Adrien run into the bakery with a pant. He had a worried look on his face, maybe that he could even cry. Marinette stood up as soon as she registered his face, and Adrien saw her. "What's wrong?" Marinette asked.
Adrien came over to the seat across where Marinette was standing, collapsed into the chair, and breathed shaky breaths. "My father wants to pull me out of school," He said, close to tears.
"What?" Marinette asked, sitting down.
"He wants to pull me out of school," Adrien said, putting his hands over his eyes to stop himself from breaking down. "I won't see any of my friends, and I will be supervised the whole time...I might not even be able to be Chat Noir anymore!" He told Marinette, muffled behind his hands.
Marinette's face looked angry. "He can't do that. What did you say?"
Adrien shrugged. "I screamed no, then I pushed past him and Nathalie and ran here," He said. "I didn't want to hear anymore. If I got more upset, Hawkmoth could akumatize me."
"No, we don't want that. He can't take you out of school!" Marinette protested. "That's so unfair."
Adrien finally looked up from his hands, eyes red. "The other night he said that I'm missing class due to Chat Noir. But everyone misses when there's an Akuma! He just doesn't understand."
Marinette gave Adrien a sympathetic look. "We'll figure it out. You just have to plead your case and let me know if I can do anything to convince him," Marinette encouraged.
"So running out was not my best idea?" Adrien asked, only getting a shrug from Marinette. "Oh well, what are you doing?"
"Lots of homework. And waiting for a call from Jagged Stone. He said he had something to talk to me about," She said, trying to keep calm even though she was jumping to conclusions about what the conversation could be about. Before Adrien could reply, Marinette's phone rang. "And I guess it's time," She said, and answered the phone.
"Marinette! How are you?" Jagged asked, sounding very excited.
She looked at Adrien a little confused. "Doing great. What's up?" She responded.
"We are releasing the first single Friday!" He said. "I know you've had that one done for a while, there are a few revisions we have to have, but it's time! And I know you keep pushing away at all the other covers and you're almost done, so this is great! We might even have an album release date soon!" Jagged rambled, but now it was clear what his excitement was for.
Marinette's jaw dropped. "Seriously?" She smiled widely, almost unable to contain her excitement.
"Yes!" Jagged said, sounding like he jumped. "This is going to be great! Penny is going to send you the file, and the email has a few revisions, but it's not a lot. It's going to be amazing!"
Marinette could squeal and scream and do a hundred jumping jacks. She was beyond excited and wasn't sure how to react. "I'm so excited," She said, much quieter. "I'm at a loss for words!"
"Me too," Jagged replied. "And I'm sorry to go so quickly, meetings all day. But I had to tell you as soon as I could!"
"That's okay! We'll talk later," Marinette reassured him.
Jagged sighed, what sounded like a sigh of relief. "Of course. Catch you later!" He said, and the call ended.
Adrien looked at Marinette, worried that something was wrong considering the roller coaster of emotions he just witnessed. "What...happened?"
"The first single is being released Friday!" Marinette repeated. "This is going to be so awesome."
"That's awesome. I'm so happy for you," Adrien said. "We should get ice cream to celebrate. I'm already texting Alya and Nino," He told her before she could protest.
Marinette nodded. "Sounds great, Adrien. Then we can figure out how to persuade your dad to let you stay in school," She smirked. They stood up to get ready to meet their friends to get ice cream, but Marinette almost dropped her laptop when a large crash came from a car landing right outside of the bakery. "Guess we might have to postpone, though."
Marinette rushed to the counter to hand her mom her computer and waved as she and Adrien ran out of the bakery. "Be careful!" Sabine shouted as the door shut.
The two of them ran around the corner, hiding back up against the wall. They faced away from each other, still nervous about seeing the other transform, but also out of habit. At the same time, they both shouted their own words.
"Tikki, spots on!"
"Plagg, claws out!"
They smiled to each other after turning into their alter egos, and flung their weapons to get to the nearest rooftop. Before heading towards the Akuma, they looked to each other. Ladybug sighed. "This is Hawkmoth's first Akuma since he knows who we are," She told him. "This could be a tough one."
"Nothing we can't stop," Chat Noir smiled back. With one nod of encouragement, he started jumping towards the next building. "Besides, if it's as bad as we're feeling, we can always call Rena Rouge or the others for backup."
"Chat," She called after him, he quickly stopped and looked back. "I have to tell you something."
His face turned to look more concerned than before. "Is something wrong?"
"Fu has been calling. I've been too scared to answer and talk to him," She confessed.
Chat Noir nodded with a little sigh. "Okay, then I guess we've gotta beat this the old fashioned way."
The two of them offered small smiles to each other as they jumped off the roof to another one, going right in front of the Akuma. The girl was flying with rocket boots, and shooting blasts out of her hands. "Ah, Ladybug and Chat Noir, welcome to the party!" The Akuma cackled, flying up to them to only be a few feet away. "And you brought presents! What beautiful jewelry."
"Sorry, kid," Chat Noir said. The Akuma was clearly no older than thirteen, so she must not have gotten what she wanted. "These are ours. But I'm sure we could get you a replica."
"But, I want them!" She crossed her arms, a pout on her lips.
Ladybug chuckled. "You should learn to be grateful for what you have, uh-"
"My name is Birthday Girl," She announced. "And I always get what I want, so give me your jewelry!" She shouted at the superheroes. When they didn't react, she groaned and held her hands out in front of her, and shot at them.
She hit their legs, and it sent both of them propelling backward. Landing on their backs, Birthday Girl flew above them. "All of Paris will attend my birthday party, bringing me only the best gifts that I want. And right now, all I want is your Miraculous!" She shouted, and turned to the streets. She started hitting people with the blasts from her hands, and they started walking towards the building where Chat Noir and Ladybug were sat.
They both got up as quick as they could, their legs aching. Before the people could start coming up the building, Ladybug called out, "Lucky Charm!"
They still didn't know where the Akuma was, and the Birthday Girl was very determined. She was flying around, blasting as many people as she could into her army to get the Miraculous. The Lucky Charm item dropped into Ladybug's hand. "A mirror?" She asked when a mirror in the shape of a circle fell into her hands.
"Got any ideas?" Chat Noir asked.
"Not yet," Ladybug said as she looked around, trying to come up with a plan. "Just don't get hit," She told him, and put the mirror on her side, next to her yo-yo.
"Got it," Chat Noir replied. They both took off in opposite directions, trying to get away from the minions following Birthday Girl. Ladybug was still looking around for clues, when all of a sudden, Birthday Girl grew to twice her size. She was evilly laughing, and the mask on her face faded as she finished a conversation with Hawkmoth.
Birthday Girl stood in between the buildings where Ladybug and Chat Noir were. "Hawkmoth wants me to have everything I want for my birthday, so he agreed to help me. He made me even more powerful so we can share the jewelry you brought me!" She screeched, much louder now that she was bigger.
Her army continued to grow as she was now blasting people without a second thought. She was determined, and every time the heroes deny her, the angrier she would get, and the more people that would chase after Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Hawkmoth knows who you are. Do you really want to endanger everyone around you, Marinette?" Birthday Girl asked, trying to get inside Marinette's head.
And it was working. She didn't know what to do; she froze. "Just let it be over, give me your Miraculous, and you and your friends will be safe," Birthday Girl continued. It was now apparent to Chat Noir that she was granted another power: persuasion. It worked with her reasons; she wanted to make people give her what she wanted. "You wouldn't have to worry about your parents, your school, or Adrien," Birthday Girl said. "If you hand me your earrings, it will all be better."
Chat Noir jumped over to Ladybug's building, but he never landed. One of Birthday Girl's army members caught his tail, and pulled him down. He was stuck in the crowd, his arms held by many mind-controlled people. "Ladybug, don't listen to her!" Chat Noir yelled. "When Hawkmoth gave her more power, he also gave her persuasion!"
"Look at him. He could get hurt, poor Chat Noir. If you give me your Miraculous, I'll let him go," Birthday Girl told her.
Chat Noir watched as Ladybug raised her hand to her face. "You...you promise?" Ladybug asked.
"Of course, just give me the jewelry, and he'll be safe," Birthday Girl continued.
"Ladybug, don't do it!" Chat Noir shouted. "Ladybug, listen to me! If you give her the jewelry, no one will be safe!" He said. "Let go of me, cataclysm!" Chat Noir shouted, turning his hand down to hit the mountain of Birthday Girl's army. They collapsed below him, and Chat Noir was able to catch himself, and get up to the building he was on before.
"Ladybug," Chat Noir said, out of breath. "You're Paris' hero. If you give up your Miraculous, more people will get hurt."
She still wasn't listening. It was like she was in a trance to ignore Chat Noir, still contemplating giving her Miraculous up. Birthday Girl was continuously talking to her, keeping her stuck. "Ladybug!" Chat Noir yelled, as loud as he could, "We will work through this together. We will win!" He said. "More people will be safe if you keep your Miraculous, and all of your friends have told you they're not worried, because you'll protect them!" Chat Noir said. "Trust me, Marinette," He sighed as he did all he could to get her to listen.
Ladybug shook her head when she heard Chat Noir say her name. Quickly, she realized what was going on. Ladybug jumped back, and grabbed the mirror at her waist. She held it out in front of her, aiming the mirror right back at Birthday Girl. "Let's mirror that- you want to give me your Akuma."
Marinette and Adrien sat on top of a secluded rooftop, their Kwami's eating their food. Marinette was hugging her knees, head buried on them. Adrien sat next to her, much more relaxed.
"Marinette, why are you so upset at the Akuma?" Adrien asked.
She lifted her head slowly. "I'm not mad at the Akuma. I'm mad at myself. I let myself fall victim to Hawkmoth's persuasive ways, and I almost gave up my Miraculous," Marinette confessed. "My hands were on my earrings, Adrien."
"Don't beat yourself up over this. The important thing is that you didn't give them your Miraculous," He encouraged. "You were right; the Akumas were going to get harder."
Marinette didn't reply; she just looked out over Paris, quiet for a minute. "I almost failed them today."
Adrien shook his head. "You know better than anyone how persuasive Hawkmoth can be. He takes emotions and makes them so much worse. And now that he knows who you are, he was able to take your caring and emotional side and use it against you. It's a dirty way to play. And he tried, and he failed. He knows we're a force to be reckoned with, and as long as we're partners, he will never win."
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Marinette nodded as she listened to Adrien talk. She released her legs and looked at him, a small smile on her face. "You're right. Ladybug is nothing without her Chat Noir, and we make a great team. We'll talk to your dad about school, because I can't lose my partner, and we'll make time to see Fu. We'll work through this."
"That's the Ladybug and Marinette I know," Adrien smiled. They locked eyes, staring at each other for a moment. Marinette had fully believed she had gotten over her crush on Adrien, but now, looking at him, she realized she was lying to herself.
And Adrien had never stopped loving Ladybug, even if he did push it to the back of his mind.
They both jumped when Adrien's phone rang loudly. "Agh," He sighed when he saw the message. "Gotta get home. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Sounds good."
"Plagg, claws out!"
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98 @evufries
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brathadair · 5 years
Moving On, A Miraculous Fanfic
Marinette arrived home, made it to her room and promptly collapsed onto her bed. She felt Tilki leave her purse and hover nervously around her, but was grateful her kwami didn’t speak- she needed some time to sort out her inner turmoil.
She’d just experienced possibly the worst humiliation in her life to date, namely that of dramatically confessing her feelings to Wax Adrien, who had turned out to be Real Adrien.
She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, but still imagined she could see the many pictures of Adrien staring down from her walls at her.
Of all the times for the beautiful idiot to develop a sense of humor! And then his casual mention of “the girl he loved”.... her insides felt like writhing snakes. She felt sick.
She suddenly wondered if this was what Chat felt like when she turned him down. No wonder he got so pouty.
She sucked in a deep breath and let it out all at once. If she kept up sulking she was going to attract an akuma. She sat up and looked around her room at the many pictures of Adrien, surrounded by hearts and swirls; she suddenly felt 100% done with it all.
She jumped up and began to systematically pluck every Adrien picture from the walls. She pulled down her schedule and erased every entry of his activities. With every picture removed and word erased she felt a little more free. The snakes in her belly began to calm.
Soon her picture frames were empty and her walls bare except for her pictures of her friends. She had a large pile of papers on her floor that she crammed into the bin, then sat back on her heals and wiped a bead of sweat from her eyes.
“Marinette?” Tikki, who had remained respectfully quiet until now, finally spoke.
“I’m alright Tikki. I’m just.... done.”
“So... you don’t love Adrien anymore? You’re giving up?”
Marinette thought for a moment.
“I think I’ll always love him. I can’t help it. But I can let it go. I’m just so tired, Tikki.”
She laid back on the floor, staring at her open trap door over head. “It’s all just too much to handle at once; being a hero, and class president, And managing the band, and school, being a decent friend, daughter.... having my own creative projects. And all this energy maintaining this fanatical crush, for what purpose?! I embarrass myself almost daily, even functioning around him in school is almost impossible! I can’t do it any more.”
Tikki nuzzled comfortingly at her cheek, and Marinette took a deep breath.
“I feel as if I had a certain quota of humiliation to fill in my life and I’ve used it all up prematurely.” She thought of something she’d seen online and let out a laugh “I’m officially out of fucks to give.”
“Does this mean you’ll give Luka a chance? Or Chat?”
“No.” Was her immediate answer. “I love Chat, and if he’d give pursuing my a rest maybe I could even fall for him but... I’m not risking my family and friends by sharing my identity. And I’m not going to date someone while having to hide behind a mask and spending all our time as civilians alone and pining. I’m just not.”
“And Luka?”
“Ugh, Luka is awesome. Smart, kind, talented, handsome, and definitely actually into me. If this world made any kind of sense I’d be in love with him. But I’m just not! And I like him too much to pretend otherwise; if we tried dating it’d be really unequal.”
“Oh Marinette, maybe it’ll be good just to concentrate on yourself for awhile. I’m really proud of how mature you’re being!”
“Really? Thanks Tikki.”
They shared a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Tikki spoke again.
“So.... now what do we do?”
Marinette felt her stomach grumble “First dinner, then homework, then patrol!”
When Marinette left for class the next morning she was weighed down with a large sack, but her chest felt much lighter.
When she’d finished a quiet patrol she’d remembered the chest in her room, and had had a momentary panic; she couldn’t just throw away all the gifts she’d made Adrien! She’d considered donating them but she’d spent so much time and love on them... she’d felt the embarrassment boiling in her stomach again and knew she’d have to get rid of them before moving on. She’d tossed and turned in bed for an hour before coming up with the solution and finally drifting off into a deep sleep.
Now she was hauling a heavy sack up the stairs to her school, her hard earned muscle making easier work of it than most of her classmates would have had. Inside the classroom most of her friends were grouped off in different sections, chatting before it was time to sit in their assigned seats.
Alya waved at her cheerfully, eyeing her Santa like sack in confusion.
“Woah Marinette, what’ve you got there?” Nino asked from next to his girlfriend. Adrien was looking curiously at her too, and though she felt a flutter in her tummy, she quickly squished it.
“I’ve brought gifts for everyone! I’ve been working on designs and side projects for months now, and thought I’d rather give them to my friends than sell or donate them.”
She heaved the bag onto her desk and began digging out items, the rest of the class beginning to gather around her curiously. Marinette carefully avoided Alya’s eyes as she began handing out the gifts; Alya knew who these had been made for, how painstakingly she’d worked over them.
There were gloves, hats, sweaters, scarves, a book bag, a hand crafted leather journal, a cross stitched altered pair of shoes, and more. She even gifted something to Lila- no way she was going to give the liar a sob story of being left out and Marinette had determined to kill her with kindness.
For her part, Lila seemed to understand the move Marinette made by including her, and gushed an appropriate amount over her gift in a way no one else seemed to catch the insincerity in.
The last item of the bag was a leather jacket, styled very similarly to Chat Noir’s outfit with carefully worked black leather. The inside was a sky blue that Marinette always associated with Adrien for some reason, like the bright sunny sky they’d had the day after he’d lent her his umbrella and she’d fallen in love with him.
It was the last item out of the bag, and she tossed her ponytails back in determination as she finally handed it to Adrien. Her hands barely shook.
Adrien accepted it with a relieved look, as if he’d begun to believe he wasn’t going to get a gift. Idiot.
“It should fit, but if I’ve gotten the size wrong give it back and I’ll do some alterations.” She addressed her other classmates as well “if anything doesn’t fit right come by after class and I’ll take some measurements and fix it.”
Everyone was trying on their various garments and bags, shoving pencils into new cases and using their phones to take selfies. There was a murmur of ascent and a large amount of ooohing an aaahing and heartfelt ‘thank you’s from her friends. Marinette smiled, and felt a bit more of her anxiety melt away. This was good. This was letting go and making her friends happy.
Alya touched her arm gently, and tilted her chin towards Adrien when Marinette looked at her. Adrien was very still as he held the leather jacket in his hands, eyes tracing over the immaculate details.
Marinette was particularly proud of it; leather was extremely hard to work with. She’d spent a lot of time, and not a small amount of her personal savings on materials. It occurred to her that Adrien, having worked in the fashion industry his whole life, could not be blind to these facts.
“Marinette, I can’t accept this. This has got to be worth hundreds of dollars!”
It was, and there was no point denying it.
“It’s yours. I made it for you.” Well, she’d made everything for him, but she left that part unspoken. The jacket had been the crowning jewel of the collection.
“I.... at least let me pay for it!” He actually began to dig in his bag like he was going to pull out a wallet, and Marinette wanted to punch him and kiss him at the same time.
“No!” She practically shouted, and he stopped rifling through his bag. “That’s not the point of gifts.”
The bell rang and Marinette was grateful to sink into her seat as their teacher called the class to attention. She mostly kept her cool, and even with the outburst at the end she didn’t feel embarrassed. Her humiliation well truly had run dry it seemed.
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hadeanic · 5 years
Shu will throw 10 coins over into that lake yonder.
You used ten monocoins... A bubbling happens in the lake each time, and you can reach in and pull out (a miraculously dry)...
[Item No. 041] HPA Student Register - A binder that is filled with the class rosters of all the previous Hope's Peak Academy students starting from the very first class up until the ninety-first year's set of classes. It says the accomplishments of each student, their talents, and who the class representative was for each class as well.
[Item No. 214] Galaxy Blanket - A large blanket meant to be draped over a bed for a sleeper's warmth. It has a print of outer space with stars that seem to almost shine.
[Item No. 144] Portable Pizza Kit - A kit that allows you to make small personal pizzas. It doesn't have many options for toppings, but at least you can eat these raw.
[Item No. 029] Amezaiku Scissors - A pair of surprisingly sharp scissors used to cut the sugar when making pieces of Amezaiku Art. Be careful not to cut yourself on them!
[Item No. 073] The Alchemist's Stone: A History - A book discussing the fabled "Alchemist's Stone", what it actually means, and recent attempts to recreate it. Though, this book dates from the 2000s, so "recent" might be a bit... not so recent.
[Item No. 004] Rilakkuma Kigurumi - It's one-size fits all, which depending on your height might mean it's way too big for you. It's incredibly comfortable, and you could probably fall asleep in this easily if you tried.
[Item No. 077] Lost Episode of Full House - It's a VHS tape that claims to contain an episode for an unreleased episode of the sitcom television show Full House. Danny Tanner's eyes on the cover are blood red.
[Item No. 181] Adult Coloring Book - A book full of black and white images meant for the reader to color in with color pencils. The included drawings are very high detail and feel elegant.
[Item No. 117] Kanpei Takasugi's School's Uniform - Wow! You've got a set of Kanpei Takasugi's school uniform! Where did this come from...?
[Item No. 213] Dream Dictionary - It's a book full of interpretations of any kind of symbol, number, color, etc. that can be found in your dreams. With a quick skim, you noticed a stunningly large number of the definitions relate to sex.
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witchreflection · 5 years
Hello friends, I not only translated from Spanish my MP100/GO crossover, I expanded it a bit 
The one where Mob is the Antichrist (WIP)
As it happens with all important projects, when the moment to set the apocalypse into motion arrived, the infernal powers appointed (or may be, sentenced) a committee to oversee all details, and as it happens with all committees, no one ever agreed on anything and only one person (or in this case, being) did all the work[1].
In another world, the unfortunate sap in charge of the allocation of a human family for the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of This World, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan and Lord of Darkness, chose the family of the American Cultural Attaché in the United Kingdom as the best suited for the task, and then devised an ingenious plan (for a demon) where all the actual planning for the interchange of babies was delegated to other even more unfortunate infernal agents.
In this world, however, the outcome of the committee representative’s game of eeny, meeny, miny, moe was different, so the chosen family was that of the daughter of a Japanese home appliances tycoon, and then the committee’s representative forgot to actually delegate the planning until the last moment. This is why the demon Crowley received the following orders alongside a basket with a perfectly average looking, dark haired male baby:
“Corrupt a human so they can be persuaded to steal a child from his mother’s arms, to be unknowingly replaced by our Lord’s son.”
Crowley offered ₤100[2] to a nurse he found smoking in the parking lot to do the deed.
And well, many years later Crowley will wash his hands over the whole affair, arguing that his plan would have worked if that same day, at that same hospital, at the other end of the same hall where Hoshino Nadeshiko-san (full-time heiress) was in labor, Kageyama Akane-san (programmer, alongside her husband at the UK for work) was not in the same situation. Or maybe it would have worked if this nurse were not terribly racist, on top of unscrupulous, and didn’t think that “all Chinese people look the same”[3].
Eventually, the Kageyama family (now including their much-loved Shigeo) had to return to Japan once their contracts and visas expire. In the meanwhile, the young Hoshino Asahi-kun grew a bit neglected by his parents, but with the constant attention and counsel of his kendo instructor[4] and the housekeeper.
Asahi-kun’s 15th birthday comes but no hellhound does.
Crowley and Aziraphale scramble to find out what happened to the Antichrist, and they first search for the nurse who is now in prison[5] and doesn’t know anything of use, then the hospital, where they pick up a paper trail[6] that leads them to Japan.
“Well,” says the demon to the angel. “On the bright side, you do like sushi.”
Kageyama Shigeo is a very normal baby. Average size, average weight, reaches the developmental milestones at the expected ages. His parents love him very much and if Shige-chan has an habit of always managing get things he shouldn’t into his hands, they don’t think too much about it and gently correct him, just as they do when he tries to lick the neighbour’s cat or pulls from mommy’s hair.
When things start to float a bit, they take it on stride, because, well, it is not really problem, it is only small things and not very high, and Akane is pregnant again.
It does take them by surprise when Ritsu-chan keeps dropping his pacifier or a preferred toy and they have to keep picking it up for him, which immediately raises a concern about how many things that touched the floor ended up on Shige-chan’s mouth, and relief that they don’t have to worry about that with Ritsu-chan[7].
As Shige grows, so do his powers, and his family also grows accustomed to them. Soon, every time he cries –which is not often– the furniture will rattle, the rain will not touch him and he would make little and not so little animals swim through the air, or the bath water would float in shapes, but is always to entertain Ritsu or their friend Tsubomi. Sometimes the cutlery will bend, or Shige would accidentally make everything in the house hover 2cm over the floor in his sleep, but he is a good kid and it’s not like he does it intentionally.
Then, after an incident where Ritsu returns unharmed but covered in blood and Shige in in tears, and they don’t tell no matter how much Akane and Hisao ask their children what happened, Shige stops using his powers deliberately while the accidents increase, but they can’t do anything about it, because who do you ask about your child ESP problems? 
Later, people will debate if the well-timed appearance of Reigen Arataka into Shigeo’s life was in fact as “godsend” as the Kageyamas thought the day their child returned home from school happier and more at ease that they had seen him in months.
The fact that the man would also act as a quick response free babysitter and chaperon also helped to improve their opinion of him[8].
Kageyama Shigeo is a very unremarkable boy, but he tends to have a tangible effect in the people who cross his path, and he achieves this despite his powers and no thanks to them, mostly.
Had this been a different world, his powers would have not been obvious, but would have arranged the world around him to his liking. In this one, they never get him what he wants and he has to figure that one all on his own[9].
A list of times the world could have ended ahead of schedule:
After the incident when Shigeo lost control of his powers for the first time and believed, for a second, before he heard him cry, that Ritsu was dead.
All the times Dimple tried and failed to convince Shigeo to help him become a god[10].
The time a technician’s shoelace got caught in his desk chair’s wheel, making him trip and smash his keyboard, almost starting up a chain of events that would have resulted in a Chinese Navy ship colliding with an American one, had he not also accidentally disconnected the ethernet connection of his terminal in the process.
The time Mogami almost managed to make Shigeo lose his faith in humanity.
The time Dimple did achieve godhood thanks to Shigeo’s powers, before Shigeo’s powers decided they could do give it a try on their own and Dimple realised his mistake.
That one incident by the end of Shigeo’s second year at middle school, which is not discussed in public by people in the known, for plausible deniability, you understand. Even thought it was not his fault, he is very sorry and very sure it won’t happen again and he helped put everything together again, and he has been reassured that no one died, miraculously[10].
But the important bit is that it didn’t happen.
*** For a being that some of the time is a snake, Crowley has way too much leg to fit into a tourist class plane seat, and he has time to complain about it at length during the 12 hours flight.
You see, due to the intrinsic nature of airlines, miracling two last-minute first-class plane tickets, does not mean that those two first-class seats actually exist in that flight.
The fact that Crowley was responsible for making flying a terribly uncomfortable ordeal for the masses, was an irony lost on him.
So was the fact that he was directly contributing to the flight attendant’s path to sainthood, attained by her infinite patience.
[1]Except that, in fact, none of them did anything.
[2] The money was fake, but the nurse deserved it.
[3] Yeah, neither I know what Crowley was expecting to happen.
[4] If he’d had the time to pay attention to these things, Hoshino Katashi-san (CEO of his father-in-law’s company and absent but demanding parent) would had made an issue out of the kendo instructor being British. Fortunately, not only he never asked who was teaching his son, but the instructor wasn’t even really British in the first place, nor Japanese as Hoshino-san would preferred, nor anything, simply because the instructor wasn’t born in any country, or region, or geographic zone, as he had been brought into existence by Divine Will before the Creation, and he has been issued the physical form he inhabited after a long and tedious bureaucratic process, and he very much prefers to never have to go through it again, thank you.
[5]After noticing the money she had been paid with was fake, the nurse took a very pragmatic decision by taking the extra baby she found herself with to an adoption agency for rich people, where she received a quite large “fee”. This inspired her to a change in careers and became a full time “recruiter” for the agency, until it was closed under investigations for human trafficking.
[6]Not literally. The paper archive was burnt in a freak accident which was in no way caused by infernal agents with no knowledge about electronic databases.
[7]What they don’t know is that, soon enough, Shige-chan starts picking up things for his brother too when they are not looking. Maybe this is the reason why the brothers built extraordinarily strong immune systems and rarely get sick, maybe it is the other way around. I’m betting in the later.
[8]So did the discreet background check they did(a) on Reigen to make sure nothing untoward would happen. It also revealed that the man had his driving licence and an updated certification in first aid, making him qualified enough to take up child-care professionally.
[8.a] A leftover form their youth, before they decided to use their skills in a more legitimate manner as “cybersecurity”.
[9]With the support of loving family and friends, not that it lessens his effort in any way, but it is nice to mention it and Shigeo likes be reminded of it, too.
[10]But not a god as in God, more like a god as in the inaccurate translation of kami in Shintoism. Unbeknownst, back then, to Dimple, had he succeeded in making a god out of Shigeo, the results could had been less like the Emperor (like he envisioned) and closer (but not quite) to the actual Almighty.
[11]This is still being debated by the people in the known.
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thewritewolf · 6 years
True Sight - Chapter 3
Hello and welcome to the preview of Chapter Three! I’ve gotten back into the swing of things, so I’ve got some August Fluff Month stuff on the way. As always, I’ve only posted the first thousand or so words of the chapter, with the rest (and all the other chapters) on AO3. 
Read the rest on AO3
Marinette was feeling better after talking things through with Chat. While they aren't any closer to finding out who the stranger is, the situation didn't seem as frightening as it had before. She sighed as she set her backpack down on the chaise in her room, pulling out her homework as she did so.
Tikki flew out of her purse and landed on her shoulder. With so many possible things to talk about, Tikki waited for her charge to initiate conversion. In the meantime, her presence was comfort all its own for the frazzled teenager.
She had just gotten home from school, a familiar routine that gave her solid ground in this rough patch: Wake up, get ready, talk to Alya, take a seat. Clash with Chloe – gotta make sure she doesn't help out Hawkmoth everyday. Perform basic pleasantries with Adrien, take notes, eat out with her three main friends. Her heart fluttered for a moment as she realized she could count Adrien among her friends now. She cheered herself on. One step closer! Take more notes, go home.
Sitting down at her desk, Marinette began staring at her homework. Her mind was too preoccupied with the Ladybug side of things that she couldn't focus on the assigned worksheet. Tikki landed in front of her, meeting her eyes. The young heroine of Paris let out a sigh. “Chemistry can wait. I won't be able to work on this until I've settled down a bit.”
“Maybe a walk in the park will help you organize your thoughts? It certainly wouldn't hurt to get some fresh air.” Tikki offered.
She considered it. There was plenty of sunlight left, and the park was beautiful during late autumn. Why not?
A short bus ride later and she found herself wandering through the park with her sketchpad. The park was popular this time of year, and she passed by a few of her classmates.
She spent some time sketching in amiable silence with the other class artist, Nathaniel. He had been working on a larger piece, and was taking a break by doodling in the sunlight. Marinette made sure that he promised to keep her updated with his progress before she moved on.
In her search to find a secluded spot, she stumbled across Juleka and Rose. She thought about calling out to them, but decided that might be intrusive and turned around.
Max, Kim, and Markov were heading to a soccer game Kim was taking part in. She joined them and made some sketches while cheering with Max and Markov. It wasn't too interesting to her, however, and too distracting for drawing. Halfway through the match, she excused herself and spent the rest of her trip on her own.
A couple of hours passed and she found herself out of the park and with several pages filled with sketches. Most were scenes she had watched, some sly sketches of random park goers, others particularly beautiful plant life. Some was design sketches for warmer clothing for her and her partner. Which got her sketching Chat Noir more. Who knew it was so fun to draw his distinctive outfit?
She hummed absently to herself as she roamed the streets of Paris. Tikki poked her head out of the purse she was hiding in to take a look at their surroundings. “Marinette!” She whispered to her charge. “Master Fu lives nearby. Maybe he knows something about the man? I know his parting words have been bothering you.”
Was that why she was feeling so out of it? “I suppose you're right, Tikki, but I don't see why he'd know anything.”
Trying a different angle of approach, Tikki responded. “Maybe he figured out why the ritual didn't work?” With another potential enemy floating around, Marinette would like to have that power boost sooner rather than later.
Marinette came to a decision quickly. With a firm nod of her head she changed course. “We're almost there anyway. We might as well ask.”
She ducked into an alley and made a few quick turns before reaching the storefront – a store which boasted “ancient Chinese secrets” and “world-famous chi massages.” She was glad she had her sketchbook with her, since she ended up having to wait for about half an hour due to a customer's session being already in progress. Eventually that customer left, and Master Fu stood before her, holding open the door while waving her in.
Nodding his head in a shallow bow, he moved past her to pour some tea. Two incredibly small cups and two normal sized cups were arranged on a low table and filled. He took a seat at the table, on the red cushion there. He started the conversation. “My apologies for making you wait, but I cannot act too suspiciously while either of you are here on non-urgent business. The facade I have established can withstand some... eccentricities... but not in great quantities." His face became a mask of gentle concern. "What is troubling you?”
Am I wearing my worries that openly? Or is Master Fu simply very perceptive? Filing those questions to the back of her mind, she answered as she took a seat opposite him. “Do you know anything about that person who we fought yesterday?” As she asked, Tikki flew out from her purse as Wayzz emerged from... somewhere. She didn't catch where he was hiding. They landed next to the tiny cups that had been poured for them.
He stroked his beard thoughtfully. “Possibly, but I can't be sure. Tell me about the fight the two of you had with him. We will address his capability for hunting akuma afterwards.”
Marinette took and breath and gave what she thought was a fair account of the event – their arrival, his confirmation of their identity, his assault and the clashing between weapons. It was as she was describing the rapid exchanges between Chat and him that Master Fu held up a hand to stop her.
“You say that the sword was leaving physical marks on the staff of Chat Noir? You are sure of this?”
Marinette nodded. “I didn't even think that our weapons could be damaged.” She had see them lose their power before, but barring that, they hadn't suffered damage. Which made her a bit less confident in her armor.
“They shouldn't be able to. The number of substances that can damage the main components of the miraculous can be counted on one hand. The most obvious are other miraculous. The others are rare to the point of non-existence or lost to time.”
Marinette's eyes widened. “Do you think that we are dealing with another miraculous bearer?” She wasn't sure what she thought about that. Hawkmoth was bad enough, but at least this one seemed to be willing to fight alongside them.
Master Fu stroked his beard once again. “It is possible – there are still miraculous that are lost or unaccounted for, including one of the seven. But I feel this is not the case.”
Marinette's ears perked up at that. Having the stranger be a miraculous bearer was something she understood and could plan for. But an unknown person being able to harm at least their weapons and probably even their armor was... unsettling.
He got up and walked over to his electronic notepad. Returning to his seat, he began flipping through the virtual pages of the copied book of miraculous lore. While doing so, he spoke. “I have not made progress in deciphering the remainder of the ritual we performed, but I have compared it to the other pages in the text. Specifically, the alchemical recipes that unlocked the specialized forms of your miraculous. It was difficult to notice at first, but the language is subtly different. The potions claim to awaken power from within, whereas the ritual promised to sharpen their powers.”
He stopped and sipped tea while Marinette absorbed the information. So the ritual was meant to hone their abilities rather than be a power boost. Her shoulders sagged. I guess it was too much to hope for a quick fix to our problem. Then her eyes widened as the implications caught up to her. “Do you think that we... summoned this person?”
Master Fu slowly nodded. “That is a very real possibility. The fact that he appeared no more than a day after we performed the ritual and tracked you two down specifically is too great a coincidence to be ignored.”
Great. So they were responsible for adding to their own troubles. Then again, that fight with the akuma immediately afterwards would have been time consuming without help. There was also the relief that this wasn't part of a slow burning plot by Hawkmoth. Which reminded her... “Did you want me to describe the battle with the akuma?”
At his nod, she began. The form of the villain, their brief struggle before the stranger's arrival, his discovery of the akuma's hiding spot, his defense of Chat, and the delayed beeping of their miraculous.
The elderly guardian had been following her story intently, but was surprised with the ending. “That is... very strange. That would suggest they were receiving outside power, sustaining the transformation.” He furrowed his brows and looked deep in thought. “I feel that deciphering the remainder of that ritual has become of paramount importance. Is there anything else you wanted to ask, Ladybug?”
God, it was weird to be called that while she wasn't wearing the spots. She shook her head and got up to leave. Tikki returned to float by her head.
"Good bye, Ladybug, and be careful. We do not know what motivates this stranger."
She still had homework waiting for her, but she found it much easier to focus on after her walk. She got it done in record time, but the sun had long since set. Leaning back in her desk chair, her mind wandered over the day's events.
Her conversation with Master Fu hadn't exactly set her at ease, but she was at least glad that it wasn't Hawkmoth up to any new tricks. He may be getting stronger, but she and Chat Noir were improving as well! As her thoughts drifted to Chat, she was reminded of Tikki and the sustained transformation.
Her kwami stopped midway to lifting a whole cookie to her mouth. She gingerly placed it on the desk and glided over to her charge. “Yes, Marinette?” Tikki watched her with big, round eyes.
Marinette paused. “Did you feel the flow of energy Master Fu mentioned?”
Her kwami crossed her arms and legs over her, eyes crossed for a moment. She looked deep in thought as she responded. “Yes. It was very strange." She opened her eyes and began flitting around Marinette. "Normally, I draw my power from a pool within me – cookies help fill this pool, but there is a steady stream that will fill it over time. In that moment, the stream's flow became much stronger, and I could keep up the transformation with no problem. If given time, we might have even been able to call on the Lucky Charm again.”
Marinette mulled over this information. Most of it was nothing she hadn't figured out on her own, although Tikki put it into more definite terms. “Has this ever happened before?”
“Sometimes. Usually, when there is a lot of magic in an area. It probably wasn't a conscious decision, for what it's worth.” Tikki waited for a response, but Marinette was tapping her finger on the desk, plainly unsatisfied with the answer. Tikki returned to her cookie and was beginning to nibble at it while Marinette watched.
She bite her lower lip and wondered if it would be too much to ask if Tikki knew anything about the ritual. If it was in the guardian book, then that must have meant it had been used by miraculous users in the past, right? Maybe other Ladybugs had dealt with it before, and Tikki would have been there for those times...
Tikki looked at her with eyes filled with sympathy, likely having figured out her charge's next question. “I'm sorry, Marinette. I can't answer questions about past Ladybugs.” The kwami became more vibrant and her voice took on a more hopeful tone. “But I can say that you shouldn't worry about it. This will all work out in the end, trust me!” Her charged sighed, disappointed with the answer, but not surprised by it. Still, she trusted Tikki had her best interests at heart, and felt worry slip away.
Marinette yawned and took that as her cue to get ready for bed. She was able to sleep early for once and she fully intended to take advantage of that. Tomorrow, she would have patrol with Chat, but for now she could relax.
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How fulfilling would you say the available theater-related courses are for somebody who already has quite a lot of experience in theater?
We called upon a few COA experts to help answer this fantastic question. Here are three perspectives: Jodi Baker, faculty in performing arts; Thule van den Dam ‘20; and Kiera O’Brien ‘18. 
Jodi: “I'd say it's important to me for any prospective student to know that our theatre coursework is, probably, super unlike the coursework they have done in high school OR that they might get at a different, larger university, or small college theatre major or BFA program. Our courses are honestly all hybrids and built with the explicit intention of creating connections and means of direct dialogue with other distinctly different disciplines. They are aimed at creating practical structures toward better understanding the contemporary social and political landscape. Personally I think it’s fabulous work (duh--that's the kind of work I am most interested in) but, in all honesty, if a student is coming from a big high school theatre program and wants to do a lot of shows, with big production values and/or get a solid sequence of traditional professional actor training under their belt - then this place might really disappoint. It's important for them to know this before they come.” 
Thule: “Jodi Baker, the theater professor here at COA, is a straight-up badass theater practitioner. She understands how to make theater relevant--and cares about making theater relevant--to those with little experience or not too much focus... but for those who do, she facilitates your figuring out what you need, what the work needs, and it's not easy. She doesn't let it be easy -- theater is practice. Jodi doesn't deal in answers, but in questions and choices. A lot of her work is physically based in methods ranging from Lecoq to Suzuki to Viewpoints. Working with your body in a room filled with other bodies. Listening. Trying. She works on many levels, physically, but also dramaturgically and poetically. With humor, wit, and focus. She has been directing a production every year for the past 5 years here at COA, and they are intentional and sharp productions, moving and generous. Her classes, combined with others' such as Nancy Andrews, who also does performance-based art, push you to make your own work, individually and collaboratively, but she emphasizes process over product. There are a handful of students each year who have spent the majority of their time working with Jodi and pursue theater once they leave (me included). I am 100% sure that I will leave having gleaned only a fraction of what this school and Jodi has to offer in this field. That said, it depends on how you work, what kind of background you've had and where you want to go with it. And, of course Jodi's method simply can't work for everyone; but she is rigorous and thoughtful and is here for you. As is the school. You have to put in the work, just like for anything else, and you'll get out of it what you put in.” 
Kiera: “Personally I found the theater offerings at COA profoundly enriching. I came into COA with a lot of prior theatre training (I attended a charter high school for the arts where I studied theater intensively) but I honestly didn't expect to find any meaningful theatre/performance stuff happening at COA, largely because of its small size. I expected to come to COA and focus in writing in anthropology, not performance. Ha. Surprise surprise. I genuinely think the program Jodi has put together since she started 6 or 7 years ago is exceptional. And I mean that both in terms of the quality of her teaching and the singular selection of offerings that Jodi manages to put together each year.
On a very concrete level: Jodi puts a great deal of work into offering classes that can appeal to a WIDE range of students, which usually ends up making her courses all the more interesting for students who come in with a lot of theatre background.The diversity of students who end up in classes like Movement Training and the annual play production makes for richer conversations and better creative work. But Jodi is also willing to work one-on-one with students with a lot of training to craft higher level classes (I did a handful of independent studies/smaller tutorials with her  in my 3rd year, once it became clear I wanted to really hone in on my theatre work).
[Special Topics in Production] happens annually, so it is possible to be in at least ONE production every year. That’s huge. And because the classes/productions are small you get to work super rigorously right away, which, again, is huge. No freshman/sophomore understudy work.
But I will also acknowledge that COA is not (and never will be) a conservatory, and Jodi is the only full-time theatre person. So that does necessarily limit your options. I think that COA is perfect for someone who wants to study theatre intensively ALONGSIDE other practices/projects/disciplines, but it might not be the right choice if your deepest desire is to only act all the time. We have a great theatre program, but you will still be here to study human ecology. 
Lastly, I just want to say that I think the alumni cohort who are working professionally in theatre right now (after having taken Jodi's classes over the past 6 years) speaks VOLUMES to the odd, miraculous theatre program [she] is cultivating. Khristian Mendez is killing it in the Performance as Public Practice Program at UT Austin, Hana Keegan is assistant directing shows at the National Theatre in London, Andrea Fontana did an internship at LaMama over the summer (one of NYC's premier experimental theatres), Ursula Ostrander is heading to the UK to do her masters in theatre in the fall, Isabel Shaida is training with Anne Bogart in NYC right NOW (one of the preeminent female american directors of the last 20 years), and the list goes on. 
I would say that if you are serious about continuing your theatre work at COA start by sending Jodi Baker an email. And take a look at some of her courses. It's not a traditional theatre program by any means, but for the right students/artists, it's life changing. Truly.” 
If you have follow up questions, be in touch with Admissions! We’d love to put you in touch with any of these three incredible people, as well as other current students and alumni. 
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thewaterheaterguys · 6 years
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