#it’s actually a realllllly good song
I always forget Taylor Swift has a song on the OG Hunger Games movie soundtrack and it’s heartbreaking 😭
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fishbloc · 8 months
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and even when we lost ourselves to something in between the words we shared are all still there to show us where we'd been i'll go wherever you go
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in-som-niyah · 6 months
hi!! i’m literally so obsessed with your work i’ve been scrolling your profile all day 😭😭 i was wondering if you could write something about jason x fem!reader getting married? mostly fluff but ill never say no to some good smut
a/n: "i’m literally so obsessed with your work i’ve been scrolling your profile all day" WHAT DO YOU MEANNNNNNNN STOP UR GONNA MAKE ME CRY THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME HELLO??? like wdym u like my work so much u spend so much time on my blog i love u gimme kiss
anyway this prompt is *chefs kiss* bc we all know Big Bad Jason Todd™ is such a loverboy softie but most of all he loves hard.
I think that before he met you he never thought that he would be so enamoured with someone who also feels the same way about him at the same time, that also wants to marry him??? He thinks he's too flawed and violent and abrasive for someone to even like being around him. So marrying him??? haha you're funny.
But after YEARS (yes, it takes him years of a committed relationship with you to fully trust that you actually like being with him for an extended period of time, let alone forever) of handling his emotions, outbursts and injuries with grace while still giving him a whack at the back of his head when he's being stupid, he considers marrying you.
Remember, Jason Todd is fucking scared himself, and he doesn't want to scare you off with a ring that literally promises forever with him. Though he loves you, he wants you to be happy in the end. Will you be happy with him in the end?
It takes a lot of mental and emotional strength to overcome these fears that swirl around his head.
When he does get over it though, he's so attentive yet sneaky when picking your ring. There's a luxury jewellery store on the way to your favourite clothing store at the mall, and he literally takes you to the whole mall just to pass by the store. He always looks to see what your eyes catch, what you like and don't like. Doesn't matter if he ends up spending hundreds since you're at the mall so much, he'll do it just to make sure he gets exactly what you want.
Jason also uses his extensive detective training to find out what cut and stone you want on the ring. He's ok with diamonds, but would want something more unique and personal for his love. He wants something that always reflects you, no matter the occasion.
Side note: once the ring comes he would definitely put together a photo album of pics he took of the ring in plain sight while you're completely oblivious just for shits and giggles
Finally, when it's time to pop the question, he doesn't do flashy and big productions with lights and letters and petals and stuff.
He would be dancing in the kitchen with you on a lazy Saturday, eating pancakes and bacon and when the song ends just casually asks "if I were to ask you, would you marry me?" Now he looks collected as he lovingly smiles down at you but is actually shitting himself until you say that you would in fact marry him if he asked. Then he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the most perfect, detailed, gorgeous ring you could ever ask for while properly asking you to marry him. Cue the waterworks (from both of you) and the celebratory make-out sesh.
Y'all definitely fucking the night of the proposal though
I feel like it would be realllllly possessive since yk you literally belong to him now
"tell me who this pussy belongs to, pretty girl" Knowing full well you can't answer because your eyes have already rolled back mid-stroke and you're babbling incoherently. It does, however, put a smug ass smirk on his face.
a/n pt2 bc i can't shut up: i hope u like it!!! i wasn't in the mood to write anything smutty but idk im in my soft era for jason i just want his stoic self to love me :(((((
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alltheselights · 1 year
Hi Emma what were the highlight moments for you from yesterdays concert?
Oooh a fun question!
The intro. I don't know how long it actually was (I'm sure there are videos floating around) but the intro with the lights and the screens and the building music felt like it lasted a really long time and it seriously got me so pumped like....my stomach was in knots. I loved the Walls tour intro but this was next level. So good.
The Greatest as the opening song. I knew he was going to do it, but it exceeded my expectations. It really gets fans into the show and has everybody screaming.
Saved By A Stranger. Definitely didn't expect him to sing this one, but you could really hear his vocals for it (I think a lot of people weren't familiar with it, unfortunately, so most people weren't singing along, but the benefit of that is that it was very easy to hear him and not the screams of the crowd) and he sounded SO angelic. Videos don't do it justice.
The 505 cover. I swear, Louis chooses the best damn covers. I'm not even familiar with that song because I've never been an Arctic Monkeys fan, but as soon as it started, I was like, yup, this is another 7 or Beautiful War winner.....it sounds SO great with his voice and the atmosphere perfectly matched the concert.
The MegaMix. I'm SO happy that we got All This Time and I love that he mixed the two dancier songs together into one....it was amazing. Such a fun part of the show and a nice change of pace.
Saturdays. This was a personal highlight not just because I love that song and he sounded so amazing in it, but also because I was on the left section next to the stage so he was closest to me during that part. It's funny because the fast songs are SO fun, but the slower songs when he can show off his vocals are just as enthralling for me. It's a perfect balance.
Silver Tongues as a closer. I wasn't sure about this one when I saw the setlist because it's not one of the more epic, larger than life songs on the album - I envisioned it in the encore, but still pictured a more KMM-like ending song. However, I quickly realized when the beat kicks in why he chose it. It was so fucking fun to have us all screaming BUT I DON'T FEEL LIKE GOIN' HOME at the end of a show because that's how we're all feeling.
It was really an amazing show. I must confess that I wasn't looking forward to it as much as I expected because I've been so disheartened by some of Louis and his team's choices in recent months and it's gotten really exhausting to be a fan. Once I was in it though, it was very easy to remember why I've stuck around so long.
I loved last year's show and had an amazing time, but I really do think that he took this tour to the next level. There are some songs that I miss and I don't necessarily love all the setlist choices (I think he could choose better 1D covers tbh), but overall, the show was just incredible and well worth the money. I have tickets to a show in July too and I'm not usually one to go to shows multiple times, but I'm so glad that I am for this tour. I realllllly want to see it again.
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Omg imagine Taylor in an interview talking about how she wrote a song (you can choose which) about her close friend and her life and the swifties and Matty stans go wild
blinking. i am convinced some of you are actually in my brain because this is quite literally a concept i have been toying around with and maybe already drafted and written so i will again not be going into tooooo much detail here (also u all might be mad at me when that part is posted and i will be here for the shinycollarboneapologist slander ok)
but taylor is realllllly good at stirring up buzz for songs and stuff, so on top of talking about it in an interview, i'm sure she's hidden a few easter eggs in the music videos and song teasers and such. and the internet possibly breaks for a few days. (she's done this all with yours and matty's consent though because she's a good friend and not about to do all of this without asking, first off). but everyone is going wild on twitter and picking apart EVERY detail of EVERY song with fine tooth combs. there's flashes of tattooed chests and hair that looks way too similar to yours in the music video for it to be coincidental, a lot of quirks that you and matty share are in the video as well and its just overall fun for the three of you to sit and watch chaos ensue on twitter.
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vivisols · 6 months
how does she interact with DJSS? Is she in a band or is she a solo musician? Is she a pedestrian or a new NSR head? What’s her personality? How she interact with the other NSR heads? What inspired her? How does she meet DJSS? Is it a good meeting or a slow burn situation? Have you thought about her story and arc? Does she change DJSS’s self absorbed personality, or is it a “only nice for her” type thing? Does she have any nicknames? Any family, or friends? I also just realized she might not just go by she/her as well so what are her pronouns? What are the others feelings of her? Which district does she live in? If any at all? Can our ocs be friends? Is that the only art of her? And does she come in before or after rock revolution? After the main game concludes? During even? And if you have any more facts about her after answering these, can you plleeeassseee share them?
man that was a lot of questions, but you did say go wild, thanks!
-oh djss and zoleil interact aaaaalll the time, whether during NSR meetings or during their free time!!!! they are often texting or calling or hanging out 24/7,,, dates are super frequent with them!! their interactions are always pretty positive :3 they’re just vibing and deeply in love!!!
-she’s a solo musician through and through!!!! save for the occasional collab of course :3
-she’s an NSR head/charter!
-her personality,,,, very VERY tough to pinpoint when im not writing it lol but! the gist of it is that zoleil is typically pretty reserved and mellow. she’s usually just minding her own business and vibing most of the time, though she can be fairly outgoing if she feels up to it! she sure won’t turn down a party if she gets invited and she usually doesn’t mind hosting them either! she’s usually rather polite, although she’s suuuper impulsive and often does things in the heat of the moment. she mostly makes a lot of impulse purchases and is a LOT more emotion based as opposed to logic based!! even though she bottles up all those feelings… she is also the type to hold a deep, scathing grudge against someone for AGESSSSSS LMAO o_O zoleil also struggles with internally making everything a competition as well as some anger issues, though she’s definitely calmed down somewhat by the time of the game! well, until the rock uprising, that is :3
-realllllly varies depending on the head! obviously she’s on like. the best of terms with DJSS bc they r married LMAO xD shes a more icy towards sayu and her team, as she doesn’t really see the appeal of the whole gig but respects the effort put in anyways! she’s kind of friends with yinu and her mother, though they aren’t really close. more like… acquaintances that see each other really often lol zoleil is pretty close with neon j and was actually friends with him before she befriended DJSS!!! she thinks 1010 are neat and cool :] she’s pretty close with eve too and they often have long talks about art and things hehe (fun fact! zoleil and eve are both demisexual (like. Me. hehehe :3c)) …and she is usually sucking up to Tatiana and trying to win her favor for one reason or another (to no avail i may add, tatiana knows what she’s up to and gives her absolutely no special treatment because of it LMAO)
-a whole lotta things inspire her! but mainly clouds and the sky and general feelings of airiness/floatiness! for her music, she mostly just wanted to try something new! after her first song got really big out of the blue one day, she got super invested in making music and wanted to keep trying new things lol
-she meets him through NSR meetings before the game! -their whole relationship is very VERY slow burn bc they start off as workplace ‘rivals’ always trying to one up each other,,, im such a sucker for that trope omg xD whether on purpose or at random, they keep ending up being made to do things together until eventually (and very annoyingly in their eyes at first) they start to realize that the other person isn’t actually so bad. then they slowly start to become friends! cue 3 years of pining before an actual romance is developed LOL
-i think about her story ALL the time…OUGHHHH,,,, the VERY short summary is that like djss she came from a smaller town (tho not the same as his) and eventually moved to vinyl city after a few of her songs started getting really big. something something she gets scouted by NSR from there :3 her arc mainly focuses on moving on and letting go!
-zoleil kind of changes him for the better but not too much!!!! he’s still mostly only nice to her, though he’s a bit more open to others than he was before. keyword: a bit. he’s still preeeeetty self centered lol!! it’s really a minuscule difference but still a noticeable one!
-DJSS usually calls her ‘Zo’ but will occasionally use ‘Zo-Zo’. she thinks the latter is deeply embarrassing (because of how much she loves being called it and how sweet and adorable she thinks it is hahaha)
-she’s got a bunch of friends, but she’s really only super close with a few! as for family, she has a mother, though she’s cut contact with her.
-she/her!!!! (though she doesn’t mind they/them or it/its on occasion)
-DJSS loves her very much! (:3c the sayu team thinks that she’s a bit too harsh at time, but they still respect her like she respects them at the end of the day! yinu’s mom thinks she’s way too unserious and as a result doesn’t talk to her much outside of work. yinu doesn’t really care to interact with her lol neon j thinks shes a good friend, if not a bit quiet at times! and 1010 are usually of the opinion that she’s silly hahaha tatiana thinks she’s very talented. though she also thinks that zoleil needs to stop asking for her opinion on every little thing ever. she is also fully aware of when zoleil is being the equivalent of a teachers pet and trying to win her favor still respects her despite that, even if she does get a bit fed up with her antics at times hehe
-she lived in her own district, aka the lumiere district! before she moved in with DJSS in the cast tech district of course :3c
-she joined NSR years before the rock revolution and she has a part during the game too!!! i think about her potential boss fight SO much ajshdhsjjxnx….
-she’s been an oc of mine since 2022! may 29th mark. 2 years since her creation (IM NOT REAADY AAAAAA)
-as i said before, zoleil is demisexual! she’s also omniromantic :3 AND she has ADHD! wow guys i wonder who she got all that from isn’t that crazy that we have so much in common 😁😁😁😁
-she and DJSS have collaborated 9 times now. for funzies!
-she’s one of my most redesigned ocs, if not THE most! she’s gone through like 20 different designs,,,, her last one is still rotating in my brain
-her left ring finger is actually slightly crooked! she broke it when she was a kid and it didn’t quite heal properly…
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haemosexuality · 2 years
My sister likes Steven universe and she showed me and like wow that just burst into song like a musical? Also the songs are so good! I love that lady who's the fusion of Ruby and Sapphire I love her voice! Also pearl was really in love with rose quarts like realllllly like ruby and sapphire aren't the only lesbians! Damn this is better than I thought.
WATCH ITTTTTTTTT ik it can feel a bit ridiculous watching a show for kids but its actually rlly good. and yeah pearl and roses tragic romance is one of the best stories ive ever seen...... it kills me............ and also theres bismuth shes a lesbian too like extremely
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northern-passage · 3 years
Hi, I'm so sorry for all the assholes that keep harassing you so I'm actually here to send you a little love!
I love tnp so much, I looove the ambiance of the game and your writing is realllllly good! (the horror and dream sequences are my personnal favorites) Also I love the characters SO MUCH we can feel how distinct and complex they are. They feel real and so does the MC. And that post with the "I'd die for you" alignement got me screaming I can't wait to see what Clem is hiding. Also can't wait to learn the song with them 👀 And give Noel a big smooch 👀 And one to Lea too 👀 And of course another to Merry 👀 (oh and another thing that got me screaming is the "kiss them" on a previous preview post, can't wait to see what's that about as well and with the whole game really I can't wait so learn more about the world, our sibling(👀?), the characters and see the story and the mysteries unfold). Tnp really is one of my favorite IF and I wish you the very best for the writing and the coding and the moving to twine (which also looks really good btw!)
Thank you for your hard work and for sharing this story with us 💖💛
thank you!!! 🥺💞
i can't wait to write more horror sequences.... and i'm excited for you all to get the "kiss them" scene too 👀
thank you again this is really sweet ❤️💗
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neacle · 3 years
How did they first meet? At the championship race lmaoo
What was their first impression of each other? When Electra first entered, Greaseball was pissed at his arrogance, flashiness, and cockyness, but also extremely attracted to his gracefulness and beauty (tho he didn't know it at first and just mistook it for anger lmao) Electra was attracted to GB from the start, but pissed when he challenged him and took his components. But he tried to flirt and tease for the rest of the race, with little success
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Not really lmao The components think little of Greaseball and mostly think he's dumb and wasted energy. But they support Electra nonetheless, naturally. Dinah is very keen on getting them together tho, GB's apparent change and slow but steady growth a clear sign that his thing with Electra is good.
Who felt romantic feelings first? Greaseball. He's dealt with love and relationships before, and despite him being a bit of a "skirtchaser", he wears his heart on his sleeve. He falls fast and hard, even if he doesn't want to admit it
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Eh, yeeeaaaah Very hard lmao. They're just having a fun no-strings-attached sort of thing 🙃 They're just sleeping together, they're just blowing off steam, what are you talking about. Feelings are hard, feelings lead to hurt
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? They would both laugh and think it hilarious. Electra would never steep so low as a Diesel, wtf. Greaseball would perhaps be more...annoyed, in a macho-man sort of way. He only likes girls, after all, he's a MAN™
What would their lives be like if they had never met? Oh, wow hmmm If they'd never met, I believe both would go on like they did before the Race. More arrogant and selfish, and GB prob wouldn't have lost the race, but then again who knows? So he'd still be a bit of a bully, and Electra would still be spoiled (more spoiled) and look down on other's
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? Dinah did, she made it so that they *had* to confess, she put them in a tight spot, so to speak lmao You'll just have to wait and see....
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? They will! And it will go very well, and be very sweet 😌
What was their first kiss like? Well.... Chaotic, just after the crash, Electra reached over and pulled GB in. He wanted to tease but he was also completely done with this shit and wanted to show his interest. GB doesn't remember much, but he remembers the kiss and that he liked it very much
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Not really, except that this is Electra's first relationship, but everything else they've both done tons of times before lol
What’s their height difference? Age difference? There's 4 inches between them (10 cm), Electra is 6,4-6,5 and GB is 6,1 And while ages aren't realllllly a firm concept in the trainworld, if they were human, Electra is 26 years old, and Greaseball is 34, so 8 years between them
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Ehm, well Purse and Joule is super thirsty for GB and gets along great with him. Volta doesn't really care for him, Wrench despises him and Krupp is just tired lol. They have a quiet understanding tho of staying away from each other Electra gets along great with Dinah, if she counts lmao. They're a little stiff around each other at first, but then forms a very sweet friendship. He doesn't care much for Tank, Gear and Lube. They exist and are dumb.
Who takes the lead in social situations? Well, that depends on situation. Electra is very talented at being social. But actually rather hates it if it's not from a distance. He thrives in attention, but isn't that talented with smalltalk or just being generally pleasant. Greaseball is a leader and charismatic, so he's very much a presence that people want to be in and talk in.
Who gets jealous easier? Both. But maybe Greaseball a liiiiiittle more
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear? That depends. If it's out in public, Electra likes to tease him. If it's in the bedroom, GB's got a filthy mouth.
Who said “I love you” first? Greaseball, he's more vocal
What are their primary love languages? Touch, cuddling, kisses, stroking the cheek and fondling the ass lmao
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines? Greaseball shdsgfdgssgf Electra just rolls his eyes but secretly enjoys it
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? So often, they can't keep their hands or mouths away from each other. As soon as they get together officially, they make everyone gag around them lol
Who initiates kisses? Both, they like to kiss a lot 😌
Who’s the big and little spoon? Greaseball is always the big spoon, and Electra loves to be embraced, so little spoon all the time
What are their favorite things to do together? Fuck each other Explore, go on excursions, sunbathe, and cuddle
Who’s better at comforting the other? Greaseball is better at that, he's had more experience, while Electra often is the one that's been comforted for his whole life lol, so he's very awkward
Who’s more protective? Greaseball, he must protect his delicate Racer bf hngggg But Electra likes to zap whoever messes with GB
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Physical, they're both very awkward with their words lmaoo
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? Oh wow, ehm...i have a whole playlist but here are some right at the forefront of my mind lol Never or Right Now by ELFL Man to Man by Dorian Electra Still Don't Know My Name by Labrinth So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings by Caroline Polachek
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? So many.... Greaseball calls Electra "Darlin', baby, Lexi, Lex, Ellie, honey, my girl, my fella, pretty thing, brat" Electra calls GB "G, baby, handsome, big guy, my man, honey, lump, brute"
Who remembers the little things? Electra, he's very meticulous lmao
If they get married, who proposes? Marriage is a human thing, and even if railfolk do get like...officially coupled to each other, i'm not sure they would. Plus that Racers aren't allowed to like, enter civil partnerships with other engines or carriages. But GB would propose if they could
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? Grand, everyone is is invited.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? No kids, ew
Do they have any pets? Nope lol, GB would be a dogperson but animals make Electra uncomfortable
Who’s the stricter parent? Again, no kids, ew lmao
Who worries the most? Electra, he has a diagnosed anxiety disorder gdgsfgdfsdfd
Who kills the bugs in the house? GB, he attacc, he protecc
How do they celebrate holidays? Parties, but often smaller ones, just closest friends and the components
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Electra lmao. He tries everytime Greaseball has to go to work in the yard. He's never succeeded because GB is actually a very good and hard worker, but damn if he hasn't gotten close some times
Who’s the better cook? They don't really eat, but if they did, GB would. He's picked up some things from Dinah lmao
Who likes to dance? Both, but Electra loves to go clubbin' so I guess Electra more? But they very much enjoy to dance together Thank you looooooofe <3333
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nothewraith · 4 years
ok here’s our cursed retelling of the purim story i wrote in 2016. i dont feel like going off mobile so theres no read more. suffer. i cannot vouch for accuracy or anything this is just copied from a text i sent to my friends in 2016 that no one responded to :/ chag sameach
So these are our characters:
King Ahasuerus: fuckboy. Fuck king? Super oblivious
Queen Vashti: poor woman who didn't deserve Ahas' shit
Mordechai: fearless leader of the Jews at the time.
Queen Esther: our disney princess/queen/hero. Girl power!?
Haman: BOOOOOO (in tellings of the story, the audience will make noise to drone out his name when it is said) our villain, the prime minister. The namesake of hamantaschens, which my dad named his dog when he was younger
So our story in Shushan, set after the fall of the Temple and Persia was the sovereign power over the Jews. Our fuck king Ahasuerus had been in power three years and was throwing a massive party. This is his where his fuckboi identity shows thru most. His wife, Queen Vashti, was chilling with her homegirls. A few days into the party, he commanded her to appear in front of all his party men to show off her beauty, and, as one may expect, she was like wtf no. Fuckboi was super pissed and had her executed.
Well, the king couldn't be wifeless for long. It was suggested that he host a beauty contest to choose a queen, and he took to this idea, because he's a shallow piece of shit. At the time, Mordechai was the leader of the Jews, and he had raised his cousin Esther as his own daughter. She was forcibly taken into the contest and was chosen by the king. As per her cousin/dad's instruction, she didn't tell anyone, not even the king, she was Jewish. Shortly after she became queen,
Mordechai overheard two of king's chamberlains plotting to assassinate Ahasuerus and had them hanged.
Haman (BOOOOO📣📣🔈) was appointed to be the Prime Minister. He is super Disney villain-y and definitely sings an evil plotting song. Actually, imagine him singing "Be Prepared" from the Lion King whenever he plots. Anyway, Ahas issued a decree to bow down whenever Hamen appeared. Mordechai refused to bow down, because Hamen would walk around with a large idol necklace. Hamen was like out of his mind mad and swore to take revenge against all Jews. He threw lots for the lucky day he would carry out his plan (BE PREPARED), which fell on the 13th of Adar.
Hamen offered the king money for permission to exterminate the Jews. Ahasuerus, the pushover, was like lol keep ur money do what u want #liveurlyfe. Hamen sent declarations that ordered the people to kill all theJews on the 13th.
Mordechai, being the super smart babe he is, became aware of the plot. He sent a message to Esther to approach her king and beg for him to spare her people. Esther responds anyone who approaches the king unsummoned could be put to death if the king decided not to extend his scepter. She had not been summoned in 30 days! Mordechai is like girl you can do this you're are only hope!!! Esther is like ......... but agreed to put her life in danger to try, but have the Jews fast and pray for three days.
After the three days, Esther enters Ahaseurus' quarters. He extends his scepter, but like tf u want??? She requests to have a small feast with him and Hamen.
At the feast, the king asks if she has anything to request. She asks for them to join her again tomorrow,and she will tell Ahas her request then.
On the way back from the feast, Scar...sorry I mean Hamen....passes Mordechai who still refuses to bow. Hamen is super pissed. His advisors tell him to erect gallows and get the king's permission to hang the thorn in his side. Hamen is like hell yea and prepares to ask the king tomorrow.
That night, the king asks his servants to read from the Royal Chronicles, which includes Mordechai saving him from the chamberlains. Ahaseurus is like yo man was this guy rewarded? To which they answered no.
The next morning, Hamen is approaching the king to ask permission to hang Mordechai. Before he can speak, Ahaseurus is like okay bro i need your advice- what would you do to honor a super bro?
Hamen is like ok yas he's talking about me, so he advises the king to bring him royal garments and horse, have a noble dress him, and lead him thru the streets. Ahaseurus is like yeayeayeahhh good idea. Btw wld u mind doing that all for my bro Mordechai?
So rn Hamen at that scene where the villain just humilitated himself (like all muddy or something trying to get the hero) and is realllllly pissy. He rushes on to go join Esther and the king for the second feast.
Finally, Esther presents her request to the king at this feast. She says, and i quote bc this is super eloquent and badass "If I have found favor in your eyes, O King, and if it pleases the king, let my life be granted me by my plea, and the life of my people by my request. For my people and I have been sold to be annihilated, killed and destroyed!" Esther then identifies Haman as the evil person who wished to perpetrate this. Ahaseurus is pissed out of high hell but thats not it. He is informed the Hamen built gallows for Mordechai, thats the last straw- he orders Hamen hung from the very gallows he erected. Mordechai is appointed in his place 😏😏😏😏
But thats not all!
Hamen's decree was still in place. Since a kings edict can not be rescinded, the cousins wrote up a counter which allowed the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. Cue big celebration.
On the 13th, the Persian Jews killed THEIR would be killers. Like, surprise bitch:)))
Esther asked Ahaseurus to have one more day to celebrate, the fourteenth, which he granted. The Jews killed yet more enemies, including more of Hamen's sons. Then, they rested on the 15th.
Basically, now Jews reenact this glorious irony, wear costumes, and do other celebrate-y things on Purim.
hope you all enjoyed that disaster:) happy purim
( @sunsummoner bc u asked :/ )
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purgatoryandme · 4 years
Books of Your Life
Tagged by @bubblesthemonsterartist (thank you! I love that people are chatting about books)  Childhood Book: The Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce. These books started a lifelong love of rogues and appealed to my general adoration of all things magic + knights + LADY knights. God, I love Alanna and George so much... Reading List: I read mostly non-fiction now when I’m actually reading books in print. Right now I’m digging through:  Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond Tournament of Shadows by Karl Meyer and Shareen Brysac The Howdunit Series Book of Poisons  And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts And one fiction piece, Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.  ALSO I STARTED MAGIC FOR LIARS AND THEN FORGOT ABOUT IT OH NO!?!?!?!?!?!? I LEFT IT IN MY CAR FOR LIKE THREE WEEKS WOW. I’d recommend all of them except for the book of poisons, which isn’t really what I want from a reference book even if I understand that’s not quite the point of this series. Wolf Hall is especially good, though I never get to read enough of it in one go to really get my head inside its world. If I could only pick one for somebody to read, though, I’d pick Guns, Germs, and Steel in a heartbeat.  Recently Read: I polished off all of Malcolm Gladwell’s books in 2019. What the Dog Saw is my favourite of them all, though The Tipping Point is probably the best general read. I reread The Penpal Series by Dathan Auerbach a few months ago and honestly still consider it one of my favourite horror novels of all time. I also reread Thomas Middleton’s A Game at Chess (does reading a play count???) because I realllllly want to use it for something someday and am just not quite sure what yet. I...uh, I also (this is not a recommendation) read the entire After series in the beginning of this year with some buddies.  Tagging @dreamcatchersdaughter @rayshippouuchiha and @all-inmoderation because I’m curious about what genres y’all read! 
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My honest thoughts on the Top 20 (that noone asked for)
I keep ranting about this show, but still continue to watch it (I'm a hypocrite I know lol)
Tbh i just needed a place to put my thoughts out there.
Also I'm kinda less invested in the trainees overall than I was in s2 for example, so if it gets repetitive, my apologies.
#1 Kim Yohan
Mnet's star boy
I'm sure everyone is aware that mnet wants him to be the center
99,9% gonna make it
Not complaining tho, he's got the talents and the looks
Even if I'm not a big fan of his rapping
#2 Kim Wooseok
Solid vocals
The top is kinda lacking main vocals, so I'm hoping he makes it
Mnet tried so hard to make him seem cold and arrogant
But if you've actually paid attention you know that's not the case
#3 Lee Jinhyuk
A good rapper and leader
When he blew out all the candles with the baseball bat, that was kinda hot?
Solid talents throughout the entire show
#4 Han Seungwoo
Vocals, man, his vocals
Nice tattoos
Tbh idk if I want him to make it or stay with victon
If he does make it, the vocals for the final lineup are saved
#5 Kim Mingyu
Honestly, not a fan
I guess he's handsome and has a really good attitude
But that's not enough for me to want him in the final lineup
He just looks so awkward on stage
Sorry to all the mingyu fans out there
#6 Cho Seungyoun
Literal god
Can do everything
Main rapper? Yes
Main vocal? Yes
Solid dancer? Yes
Leadership? He's got it
Great stage presence and charisma? Cho Seungyoun
Good looks and a sense of humor? That's him
Can you tell that he's my top pick lol
#7 Nam Dohyun
Good rapper
The scReaM
Younger than I expected? Especially with that voice
Not someone I'm actively supporting, but I wouldn't mind if he makes it
#8 Song Hyeongjun
Stood out to me back in Class X
Not so much since then
I'm just not into cute guys at all
#9 Lee Eunsang
Reminds me of Park Woojin when he dances
Also not someone I'm actively supporting, but wouldn't mind if he makes it
#10 Keum Donghyun
I only remembered that he was in Super Special Girl cuz they showed that in ep 11
But i did enjoy his rap there
Felt bad that he only got like 10 words for the final performance
(that was him right? If not, I'm sorry dude)
#11 Cha Junho
I know he's more than an L-lookalike
But that's all I think when I see him
His U Got It performance was surprisingly good
Not someone I actively follow tho
#12 Son Dongpyo
I'm sure he's talented, but i haven't really paid attention
Again not someone I actively follow
Again, I'm realllllly not into cutesy guys
#13 Hwang Yunseong
Great dancer
Woollim got a gem with him
I'm sure he'll be a great asset to whichever group he debuts with
#14 Kang Minhee
Actually a good vocalist?
Didn't know that tbh
#15 Koo Jungmo
Don't remember much of him, except that he was ranked 9th for a while
And that that somehow correlates with his name?
#16 Lee Hangyul
Stood out to me since The Unit
I love his husky voice
#17 Song Yuvin
I think the final lineup needs someone like him
Even if I was kinda annoyed that suhwan was in his shadow the entire time
I just hope that the final group has solid vocals and not just a bunch of rappers
#18 Ham Wonjin
Was I the only one that thought mnet tried to evil edit him?
Like when they were recording, and they kept zooming in on his sour expressions whenever someone did well? Eventhough he was in a bad mood bc of his throat and not bc of his members?
#19 Tony
I SCREAMED when he made it
I didn't think he would
But he did so well as the center for Monday to Sunday
Got a pretty voice
A tall bby
#20 Lee Sejin
Not much comes to mind tbh
As you might have noticed, I don't have much to say about many with a "cute" image. I have nothing against them, as I'm aware that they are indeed talented. But they just don't appeal to me, so I'm not actively going out of my way to cheer them on/find out more about them. I'm sure you all have people that you just don't click with.
Edit: it's been a couple of days since the 3rd elimination and I've settled my feelings. I realized that, looking at these finalists, I won't be mad, no matter what combination of trainees ends up debuting. Yes, I might not be as interested, but definetly not mad.
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darlingnisi · 5 years
A Night at the Park
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(Picture by Paisley Park)
So I like to go to Minneapolis this time of year, every year. I was waiting around for an event whether it be for PRN Alumni or otherwise...and then saw Paisley Park announce a live music concert, an EP release party by a one Nooky Jones. I hadn’t heard of them before but upon seeing the promo for it, I booked as I love the sound (and didn’t REALLY need that much of a reason to get up here anyway).
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Paisley Park (@officialpaisleypark) on Aug 1, 2019 at 10:27am PDT
So I got VIP for this as well as an Ultimate Experience tour while I was here to see what had changed since my last ones.
I won’t rehash the tour and will actually let Chuck Earling explain what goes down as it was the same experience. I will say there were a few new things since my last Ultimate tour like P’s driver’s license circa 1997 or so, the My Name is Prince vest (love the low budget way it was made lolol)...and handwritten Soft and Wet lyrics in a spiral notebook from yesteryear. Also shout out to Heidi the tour guide! I love having guides who did hang out at Paisley over the years to bring the personal touch and stories to the experience. 
If you didn’t catch my quick debrief while leaving Paisley, check here! TLDW : Asked about Celebration 2020. They said it’s definitely happening, but they weren’t sure when yet.
Okay so fast forward to the Nooky Jones event.
As a VIP ticket holder we were allowed into the NPG Music Club room before the event to meet the band members and have a drink.......
Yes. THAT kind of drink.
Y’all know how the purple bubble gets upset when such things are mentioned. For the record though, from folks who had private dinners at Paisley, wine was often served there by Prince, especially in the later years. It seemed to be more of a licence/liability thing as to why it wasn’t at parties than a hard no morality thing. Much easier to manage when you’re enjoying a glass or two with a few people you trust to act responsibly vs a few hundred!
Everyone that I saw was very respectful at this event. No one sloppy drunk. No drinks allowed near the couches or artifacts. Everyone did a great job adulting and respecting the space! 
After a while we were invited into the soundstage where they had P’s clothes set up timeline/runway style on one side of the room, his Bently, BMW Roadster, and Prowler in another section, a stage set up for The Gold Experience/Emancipation clothes in another section, and a Piano and Mic stage in another section (all of the artifacts were on elevated stages about 4/5 feet high and behind velvet ropes as well for their protection). There was also a DJ playing here with party lights sweeping the floor. It was a great vibe!
Some people danced, some talked, some sang along with the music, some checked out the displays around the room...and of course the merch store was open...a lot to do while waiting for the main act! (Again bonus points from me for #TeamIntrovert you can just keep to yourself and have your own experience if you want and feel entertained!) 
Nooky Jones took the stage without too much waiting around and they were fantastic! They did their own music as well as covers of other soul songs (and P too!)
Check out their EP Like Candy! It’s available everywhere!
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Toward the end of their set they opened up the NPG Music Club again which I was grateful for. I went back in there to sit down in the quieter space. Super appreciate that that was an option! 
As the main show ended, folks who did that VIP package migrated back into the club room as did the DJ who spun a mix of Prince and other artists. Haha Lizzo, Bell Biv Devoe, Bobby Brown....maybe the running man happened? Maybe it didn’t. Overall it was a good test run as Paisley Park as a night time adult music venue! I remember standing at the back of a packed soundstage, looking around at everyone having a great time, looking at the silhouette of Prince in the moon hanging on the wall, looking at his symbol glowing in the corner, listening to real musicians playing real music with real instruments and I couldn’t help but tear up. My heart was so full to see the tradition Prince started of showcasing talent continuing on while he oversees from the spiritual realm.
I hope these events continue and that they will be as well supported as this one was! Sold out! It super helps when they announce things well in advance so that people can plan and budget to be there! Week of tix to Minneapolis are close to 1k each!
Only complaint : Real food please! Due to the lack of late night options in Chan since Perkins closed, it would be good for people to have food as an option for these events as well! Also, does it realllllly have to end at 11? Was just getting my second wind and it was time to go! Haha...
(Also if you guys bring back the concert screenings and announce those well in advance in a Concert/Party combo, that....would be amazing.)
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waterparchive · 5 years
Toxic Fandom, Public Heartbreak, And The Feedback Loop
Travis Riddle – October 29, 2019
Fandom by Waterparks is one of my favorite albums of the year, regardless of the fact that…I am friends with the band. There was not a single track that immediately stood out as my favorite like Take Her to the Moon and Peach on previous albums--but I think that's because everything on this one is so good, it's impossible to choose one. I Miss Sex/War Crimes/I Felt Younger would probably comprise my top 3, but every song is fantastic. And the album is on the shorter side but you truly don't feel that length, these songs all go through so many different movements--lyrically and musically--that every song is just dense as hell and it feels a lot longer than it is, while still not feeling overwhelming or messy at all. It flows great and hits some really interesting themes.
This write-up was initially sent to Awsten on the album’s release date, and I’ve edited it a little below for clarity/brevity, because I would not shut up about it.
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1. Cherry Red - Starting the album off with that bark/yell is so tight. A year and a half ago in that parking lot going to get crawfish together I didn't really "get" this song, but after hearing the album several times it really clicked for me. I love how it acts as kind of a setup to the whole thing, getting the listener into your mindset and introducing one of the main themes of the album. I also like how it continues your color motifs; "blue and yellow let’s get together and be green" has now gone bad and turned to sour green, and it seems like cherry red is replacing yellow (red + yellow = orange hmmmmm). I also love how "You know I died for you" ties into the closing track, "I said I loved you to death so I must be dead."
2. WWHN - A really great choice for the first full song of the album to set the tone for the Fandom theme in contrast with Cherry Red setting up the emotional side of the lyrics. It's also a goddamn jam so it's great at hyping up right at the start hahah. I've probably told you everything about this already but I like what you're saying in this, and how it's something probably every single artist goes through in their career, but no one seems to say in a critical way (that I’m aware of). I'm sure this and other songs will make some fans upset because they're being called out but I like that, and it's some stuff that needs to be said.
3. Dream Boy - Lots of good stuff about fan expectations in this, dressed up in metaphors and really catchy pop to catch people off-guard. Love the phrase "Build-A-Boy, pick your pieces" and "Do you believe in love and is it because of me?" With people's weird way of crafting their whole lives and beliefs and desires on these celebrities that they don't know personally at all yet are so invested in.
4. Easy to Hate - I feel like this is the most straightforward and "simple" song thematically, but man it is so catchy. The sound effect that I'm sure is your voice in the opening before the verse is so damn cool. I like this first real hint of the colors turning to red. This is thematically pretty similar to other demos like ********* and Play and stuff so with how catchy and big this chorus is, it's easy to see why you chose this one to cover that topic. I'm also a sucker for someone doing the chorus in a song but stripped down like you do here. Those harmonies in the final chorus are also soooo good..........
5. High Definition - You're on some Imogen Heap-ass shit here and it's dope. I like this as a single choice since I feel like the emotional side of the album really hinges on this track--it's not a breakup album in the typical sense (aside from like Easy to Hate and Worst), but rather it's about the aftermath of the breakup and the emotional state surrounding that, the doubts and insecurities and vulnerabilities of losing trust in everybody due to one person’s actions, and this song is such a direct and succinct and sad encapsulation of that. Hate how this whole song makes me feel for my friend but it's also really pretty and good.
6. Telephone - This is some real Hellogoodbye-ass shit here with the ending of the chorus hahah. The juxtaposition between this and High Definition is interesting, basically both songs coming to the same conclusion--not committing to a relationship--but in totally opposite ways. With this one basically being "I won't tell you how I'm feeling, I'll just go write lyrics/sing voice memos/tweet." Is this about the damn pretty Target girl you tweeted about once? "Now I'm living on a target" and "all these aisles feel like miles" hmmmmMMM. This wasn't my favorite when I first heard it but it realllllly grew on me and now I love it. The chorus is so good and I love what you're doing with the music/harmonies in the background of it. Also the dumb shit after "I'll follow" always makes me laugh. Then the dichotomy between this/HD is emphasized in the closing Wedding Singer sample which I feel like represents the fandom; you’re going through this huge emotional turmoil, but we’re reaping the benefits by getting great songs out of it.
7. Group Chat - It works as a goofy little interlude but I also like what it says thematically (if I'm not just pulling this out of my ass anyway). On one hand it seems to me like a commentary on the inanity of some fan group chats, how in some of them they all act like they're best friends but really it's just a surface-level friendship. "My name's [whatever] and we're all friends! :D" and then also with the effect on your voice, seems to imply to me how mentally draining everyone in the fandom can sometimes be on you more so than Geoff and Otto.
8. Turbulent - I know some people just gotta have their metaphors and shit in their lyrics but I love how direct this song is. Just plainly stating things makes them feel so much more raw and real. I can't see how you could more powerfully convey the anger and hurt than with "I'd unfuck you if I could." Also the "sOoOoO" in the second chorus is still best part (also the barks). Also the pitched-down backup vocals are tight in this song, really gets you into the frantic, pissed off headspace.
9. NBA - I like the potential double meaning of the chorus in this one; everyone in LA looks like you cause I'm missing you and seeing you everywhere, but also it’s kind of insulting, like "everyone in LA looks like you, you're not special." But aside from that, another very pretty albeit sad song. The chorus with full instrumentation and harmonies really hits hard. I also like the 11:11 connection with tying breath in knots; you're always really great at bringing back recurring images and lines in your writing, it makes your discography feel really connected and like you're actually writing these things, it's not some producer in a studio writing lyrics for you. These songs all lead into each other; the songs on Fandom could not exist without what came before in DD and Entertainment. That evolution is always really interesting to see, how these different motifs recur and change their meaning over time. I assume the main metaphor of this might also be a callback to Crybaby with “chasing through dreams in bloom.”
10. IMHSBALIDWDA - Definitely one of my favorites, it's just so damn fun. And once again some cool vocal effect you have going on in the background, which I always love. The lyrics here are fun but also biting; I've been thinking of this as a commentary on how fans don't really care about an artist's well-being or life even if they try to act like they do, they just want new songs and good performances and new merch etc. etc. no matter what it means the artist is going through or how they feel when they sing these emotionally devastating songs. So the chorus to me is kinda like a self-care anthem in a way, setting aside all the negative stuff and admitting to yourself hey, at least I feel kind of better now; maybe not entirely better, but I'm getting there.
11. War Crimes - Another song with sad lyrics but musically it goes so damn hard, another favorite. "I'm forgetting how to hate myself" is one of my favorite lyrics on the album, as is "My death will be the fandom." I don't even totally know what to say about this song cause sooo much is going on and it's just crazy. "Let's go!" is also a favorite moment. And the "I saved my own life" calling back to Not Warriors is tight.
12. [Reboot] - Hey is "I need to sleep alone" a reference to Sleep Alone!!!!!?!???? I've already talked to you about this song a lot too so I don't have much new to say. The vocal effect on the bridge is dope. The breaths before verse 2 are maybe my favorite part, as well as what you do on "all on you" including holding out "you" into the chorus. And whatever's going on in the background at the end of that second chorus, I can't tell if it's vocals or instruments or what, but it sounds really cinematic and cool.
13. Worst - This new version is so cool, it has so much texture that the demo didn't. Vocals are also really pretty. The added bass and electronics really add a lot of rhythm and an interesting vibe to this; the bass is almost jazzy in a way? But then the electronics/percussion are almost like a dance beat but really stripped down? I dunno, it's such an odd combination, especially with the guitar just being acoustic. One of the most interesting songs on the album sonically despite being comparatively "simple" at first listen.
14. Zone Out - My least fave just because it's such a simple interlude, but what I like that it does is like...basically comments on the preceding songs I guess? It's like a question to the listener. At the beginning you've got Dream Boy setting up their expectations, then this comes at the very end and essentially asks them, "After hearing all of these angry heartbroken songs, am I still your dream boy? Do you still think love exists because of me even though I've gone through all this and don’t believe in it myself?" I like that it makes the listener confront their previous feelings and expectations before we dive into the finale.
15. IFYWWM - First off I absolutely love the effect you put on the vocals at the start of this, especially with how that effect abruptly cuts off; it's so weird and interesting and I never get tired of hearing it. The difference between the demo and this final version is amazing, I love this song. And "I said I loved you to death so I must be dead" is such a great one-two punch; it hits hard as a "fuck you!" line with being a way to say you don't love her anymore, but then you realize how sad it is that the effect has been this emotional death that pervades the entire album and eventually leads right back into Cherry Red. Which is also a depressing ending; it's so abrupt without any closure about anything talked about on the album, and the way that it circles back into the opener kind of implies to me that maybe there's a sense of circularity to everything, it's unending, the songs will always be fueled by heartbreak and the emotional trauma will never go away and dealing with it in the public eye of the fandom will always be overbearing.
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survivingthejungle · 6 years
tagged !
@queenvaleska is the CUTEST just a psa if u didnt know already.
lets get it poppin
1. Nickname: most people call me by my middle name, but i also get called Kelly G and G Money by my close friends lol
2. Star Sign: Virgo!! (aka the best) im also an aries rising and a taurus moon. so that explains a lot.
3. Last Film I Watched: hmmm.. i believe it was Inception
4. Favorite Film: 10 Things I Hate About You. kat stratford is all i aspire to be and more. once in one of my classes a girl i know was like “hey you remind me of kat” and then the whole rest of my class was like “SHE IS KAT OMG” and then i almost cried bc i was like u guys have no idea.... how much that means to me...
5. Favorite TV Show: this one always changes. right now it’s between Peaky Blinders, Brooklyn 99, and Vikings lmao
6. Favorite Actor: Chris Hemsworth! my boy. closely followed by Cody Fern and Tom Holland, my other boys. if we’re talking actresses, i love me some Zendaya, Blake Lively, and Viola Davis.
7. Favorite Book: toughie! i really really love The Alchemist by Paolo Cohelo, and of course The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Native Son by Richard Wright is up there too! in fact i wrote my research paper on it lol, i’d def reccomend reading it.
8. Favorite Musician: FLEETWOOD. MAC. stevie nicks is a god. and DAVID BOWIE. i love my goblin king. also hozier, paramore, and the avett brothers are phenomenal. and birdy! she hasnt put anything out in a while tho and im kinda bummed
9. Favorite Song: of all time? probably Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root OR Midnight City by M83. but theyre pretty closely followed by any and all fleetwood mac and bowie songs, as well as What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club.
10. Song Stuck In My Head: surprisingly nothing right now! although on the way home from work tonight i was listening to Love Story by T Swift on repeat... it’s such a feel good bop idc
11. Favorite Food: chipotle no cap. and pro tip from your favorite vegetarian, if you don’t get any meat, the guac is free ;-)
12. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough. ALSO double chocolate brownie. and vegan cinnamon buns from ben & jerrys ooooh yummy
13. Other Blogs: nice try, you won’t ever catch me linking my main on here, i like my privacy too much
14. Following Count: 42! i like to keep it low idk
15. Followers: 458
16. Get Asks: yes!! and i wish you all would send in more, i love getting them!!!!
17. Dream Job: I realllllly wanna be an environmental lawyer!!
18. Dream Trip: it’s actually one of my life goals to go to Spain!! i’m planning on studying abroad there one day, and potentially even living there for a while if things go well!
19. 3 Adjectives To Describe Myself: independent, passionate, and honest :-)
20. Any Instruments? actually yes! i can play the ukelele and piano a bit
21. Random Fact: i can speak spanish! im a little rusty bc i don’t speak it as much as i used to, but i can read and write like nobody’s business lol
im not gonna tag anyone buttttt anyone feel free to do this if you want! its fun!
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feedmeramyun · 5 years
Fifty Questions Tag Game!
I was tagged by @sweet-teeth-mfs
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Hi, it me, Bee. 
1. What takes up too much of your time?
Realistically, work? I work an office job to pay my while I finish my PhD:  it’s a good job and luckily I don’t hate it (not to mention I wouldn’t even be able to do my PhD without it) but it’d be great to have that time to work on my academic projects.
2. What makes your day better?
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
I didn’t do a lot today, but it was announced Lee Min Ho has been discharged from the military so that made me happy! 
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
So. Many. Places. But forced to choose right now? Rabanastre from Final Fantasy XII.
5. Are you good at giving advice?
Lots of people ask me for it, but I think that’s because I have a very logical and rational understanding of the world. I’m not great at understanding feelings (or remembering they exist...).
6. Do you have any mental illness?
I do! My family is particularly blessed with mental health issues and I inherited my fair share of them. I’ve learned to accept them as part of me though, and I’m mostly at peace with that now: but always happy to talk honestly and frankly with others about them.  
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Yes, ain’t that a blast. 
8. What musician inspired you the most?
As a teen, Kurt Cobain (so predictable!) was extremely important to me. I’m also a huge fan of Shakira: her work ethic and creativity has been a massive inspiration for me. Kpop wise, I’m in awe of female idols breaking down boundaries and forging their identities (in particular Sunmi, Hyuna and Hwasa), and of course Taemin in his explorations of gender, identity and style. 
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
Mmm, in my way. My spectrum of emotion is quite different from most peoples, so for a while I wondered if maybe I couldn’t love. Now I’m older and have a better perspective of myself I realise I can and do love, its just different. 
10. What’s your dream date?
This gets asked all the time, and I generally don’t know? Probably something low key that mostly revolved around food.
11. What do others notice about you?
I asked Edie and she said my eyes.  I quote: ‘You have very bright, round eyes. Very expressive.’ 
(What she actually said was my cuteness but I’m a grown woman dammit.)
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
I didn’t ask Edie this but I’m PRETTY sure she would agree it’s my inability to let something drop if it’s wrong or illogical, even if I know it’s supposed to be a joke. I just can’t help it. 
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
14. How many exes do you have?
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
Spotify helpfully won’t tell me how many songs, but apparently its 12hrs 42 mins. 
16. What instruments can you play?
Guitar. I was in a band as a teenager, but I haven’t played in years. 
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
It’s a close tie between food and Do Kyungsoo. 
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
I’m lucky to have ticked a few places off my list (South Africa, Central Mexico, Moscow) but I’d really like to do a food tour of China, Japan and Korea soon. I’d also love to see St Petersburg, Machu Pichu and Teotihuacan.
19. What is your zodiac?
20. Do you relate to it?
I know literally nothing about astrology. 
21. What is happiness to you?
Being content, being able to enjoy the people and things I love. 
22. Are you going through anything right now?
Some stuff, a few things. 
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
Oh boy I make terrible decisions on a daily basis.   
24. What’s your favorite store?
Sostrene Grene.
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
It’s a human right. 
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
No. I have goals and things I value, but it’s not really my style.
27. Do you have a favorite album?
Singular? No. Favourites however would be:
Donde Estan Las Ladrones Shakira
Nevermind Nirvana
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside of Me Brand New
Warning Sunmi
Love Shot Exo
Want Taemin
28. What do you want for your birthday?
The manga boxset of Nausicaa
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
As previously mentioned, Edie would say that I’m cute. 
In honesty, I’m not sure. I think it depends on the setting: I seem to either come across sweet or intimidating, with no real in between. But I wouldn’t say I’m especially either. 
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
Probably early twenties. 
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
On my bedside table. 
32. What word do you say the most?
Probably fuck? I have a bad habit of starting sentences with I either ‘Well...’ ‘I mean...’ and ‘I feel like...’ 
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
Mid 30′s maybe? I like to be mostly on the same page as someone. 
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
As with above, so probably 25?
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
I tend to cycle through genres depending on my mood, but I unashamedly love some good Pop. 
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
I like the UK, even if we’re in a state of complete political turmoil right now. I’d probably leave England for Wales or Scotland if it weren’t so far from family. I toyed with moving to Spain for a while, too.
38. What is your current favorite song?
Prism by SHINee! (I’ve been having mad feels since Minho left)
39. How long have you had this blog for?
Uhhhh since Edie made me? 
40. What are you excited for?
The farmers market on Saturday (with my friend and her adorable kids).
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
I made the posters, promotional materials and edited the photos for our conference next month. 
43. What do you want for Christmas?
I realllllly want to go the new Star Wars experience at Disney. 
44. What class do you did you get the best grades in?
History, English and Media Studies. 
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
A 5? I got my period and there was a huge thunderstorm earlier, though. 
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
Hopefully in a full time lecturing position at a University. 
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
I’m not sure, it depends what you would class as heartbreak: I remember crying my eyes out when the Sailor Scouts sacrificed themselves for Sailor Moon in the Dark Kingdom. 
48. What age do you want to get married?
Whenever, really. 
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
Power Ranger, Jedi, Princess of Power, Digidestined. And then a journalist or writer. (Which, I kind of am?!)
50. What do you crave right now?
Diet coke
I tag @ouuchyie, and any one else who wants to do it! I never really have any one to tag in these, since Edie tags me. Come say hey. I’m nice, mostly. 
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