#it’s almost like a spunky happy mood
animazed · 2 years
ngl fam
I smoked not too long ago and I am in a great and really nice mood
a really fun headspace, especially while listening to chill music and relaxing and unfazing my eyes
Just really relaxing and nice and happy
I need to do this more often man 😌
This is so fucking NICE (like serene and sweet and happy-awareness nice) and just happy and it is such an amazing mellow, happy frame of mind. No wonder people do this so much - it puts you in a nice frame-of-mind. I’d also totally destroy my life for this 24/7 all waking hours. So worth it to be feeling this
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buckslafdhoodie · 4 months
give us the explanation !!!!
Without further ado—
the list of reasons that I wholeheartedly believe the Buckley siblings are, in fact, just a torti and a goldie in disguise as humans:
Maddie is so spunky. We may not see it when we first meet her, still reeling from her experiences and the escape from her ex-husband, but it is so abundantly clear that she has this lovely, quirky, fire-y attitude that is, coincidentally, often a trait seen in tortoiseshell cats! Many call it a tortitude! Tortoiseshell cats are often hailed by vets and cat owners alike as super spunky, independent, and occasionally feisty. Sound familiar? (Josh and Maddie’s friendship is one very stellar example of it in action!)
Buck’s often blind loyalty, even when it turns toxic, is so quintessential golden retriever. From his trust in ex-partners to his trust in Bobby, the 118, his parents, Buck has had SO MANY INSTANCES of his trust being broken, of his blind faith and loyalty being used as a shield, leading to Buck himself getting ruined mentally and occasionally physically as a result. Many breeds of dogs are known to be loyal to a fault, but golden retrievers are on another level. One of the reasons that a decent portion of service dogs are goldens is due to their temperament, their ability to focus on a task for the purpose of helping their person out, while still being social enough to handle large crowds of people.
Maddie values her own space and independence while also being close to a select few, sometimes finding herself drifting far away from those she cares about for longer periods of time but always. coming. back. Much like a cat and their people, Maddie spends a solid portion of her time separated from the rest of her family (and extended 118 family), between her job in dispatch, where it is almost always her alone on each call, and her yearning to have her own place, her own stuff, her own memories after moving to L.A, I’d argue that Maddie is one of the most solitary characters in the show, but that does not make her cold or rude, but instead highlights how happy she is when she gets those moments with Chim or Buck or Josh or the many MANY members of her new west coast family!
Buck is task-oriented and “trainable”, for the lack of a better word. This one doesn’t need much explanation— look at his history of rehabilitation! Buck wants to get back to work? He will break records doing so. He found a structure and a skillset in firefighting that he loves and genuinely continues to improve upon. You can also insert here Clipboard Buck, the ultimate malicious compliance, task-oriented, trying to be helpful golden retriever in a man costume. Many Goldens are renowned for their technical abilities, and some are even known to take advantage of their knowledge to open doors they shouldn’t open or game their owners for extra treats.
Here are some rapid fire extras as well:
This is not the case in every house, but with every cat/dog house I have been in with bonded animals, the dog is always enthusiastic and ready to play but tries to respect the cat’s boundaries (sometimes the dog forgets and they get into spats but they always somehow end up playing or napping nearby by the end of the night anyway). Buck and Maddie may have their moments of upsetting one another but at the end of the day, they will always be there in each-other’s corners.
Color-scheme wise, it tracks.
Siblings who would go to war for their loved ones would of course be some of the most loyal yet often underrated protectors (cats being prone to sensing mood shifts and often moving to comfort and stand by their side while dogs will get defensive and physically fend off any who wish their people harm).
Buck and Goldies both being eager to experience anything and everything while Maddie and Tortis are more cautious and selective, more likely to stick to what they know (Maddie hopping jobs to dispatch to continue helping people in dire situations like when she was a nurse, for example)
I have more, honestly, but this list ALREADY got away from me. ,:))
(special shoutout to @kinkley-are-adorkable-flirts and @operator-please-take-my-call for requesting more!!)
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sweetestdumpling · 7 months
Extend your arm forward, control your breathing, pull back, contain your emotions.
It was simple instructions, ones she used to only think about in the moment, but forget the second her attention was grabbed by something else.
Even with the growing noise around her, she never stopped her movements, keeping her focus and breathing even. That is, until she felt a light tap of a finger on her thigh.
"Excuse me, Jiějiě..." It was the voice of a young girl. Almost immediately, Xiaoyu opened her eyes and got into a standing position before looking down at her with a smile.
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The girl looked nervous, but there was no need for her to be. Xiaoyu gave her time to gather her thoughts, which didn't take very long, before she held her hands out towards her with a shy smile.
"I made you some bracelets! It's a present...as a thank you for everything you've done, a-and helping me."
"For me? Ah, Xièxiè! You're so sweet!" Xiaoyu gently took one of the bracelets, holding it up to the sun. It was stitched together with orange yarn, and what seemed to be glitter sparkling in the sunlight.
"I know it's not...exactly the best and it...might be a little tight since I didn't know your size but I wanted to share something with you..."
The girl shyly looked down, perhaps embarrassed by her stitching, but Xiaoyu easily placed it on her wrist.
"Fits like a glove!"
The girl seemed to beam at that, Xiaoyu quickly grabbing the other one and holding it out for her to place her hand through. Once the girl realized this, she eagerly placed her hand through.
"Hehe, see? We match!"
The girl laughed, something Xiaoyu hasn't heard in a while. It felt good to see her happy again.
"If...If I make you anything else, will you wear it?"
"Of course! I want to see how much your embroidery improves. Before long, you'll be teaching me something!"
"Me? Teaching you?" The girl sounded in disbelief.
"Yep! I was never good with my hands, at least with silk and a needle. It wasn't until Yéyé stepped in did I know what to do with them."
At the mention of him, the girl's mood seemed to dampen. It wasn't her intention but Xiaoyu couldn't blame her for it either. Jinrei knew how to make a name for himself, ever since he was young. Not having his spunk around anymore left an obvious hole, one that Xiaoyu didn't realize she missed until it was already too late.
"I miss him." The young girl's voice interrupted Xiaoyu's thoughts. She gave her a smile, and a gentle pat on the head.
"I do too. But it'll be okay, next time we meet up, I'll teach you a few things about stances while you keep teaching and showing me your sewing skills. Deal?"
Xiaoyu held her pinky out, the young girl using her own pinky to complete the deal. After a few more exchanges, Xiaoyu waved the girl goodbye, watching her disappear in the distance before sighing.
She sat down on the grass, listening to everything around her this time. The wind, the laughter, the talking, the birds, the whistling.
She was spunky when she was young, childish too, maybe she got it from him. Xiaoyu didn't know anything about his life when he was younger, but she knew he got his wisdom from somewhere. She only learned about his connections to the Mishima family once she was older.
Maybe she would have turned out to be more traditional if he wasn't around, maybe she would have eventually gotten better with her sewing skills like her parents initially wanted.
Xiaoyu was loud, rambunctious, maybe even a troublemaker compared to her more relaxed parents. They didn't know what to do with her, so eventually, he would suggest her to put all that energy into fighting.
It was thanks to him that they changed their minds.
"I'm still learning, Yéyé. I've gotten better but...I still have a lot to learn. I won't let you down, I promise."
Her phone soon began to vibrate, the young girl glancing down to see a message from her father. She quickly took hold of it, seeing the time, and immediately letting out a yell.
"Ah, I'm late! They're gonna kill me!"
Metaphorically of course. Xiaoyu quickly gathered up her things, haphazardly placing her jacket into the bag as she stood to her feet, running off and away from the park. Eyes watched her curiously but she paid them no mind as she answered her phone.
"Yes, Bàba? No, I didn't oversleep, it's still..." She checked her watch. "...well, not morning anymore but it's not late! It's only after 12! I'm on my way right now! I'll pick up some jianbing on the way! Tell Māmā not to start without me!"
Maybe there were still quite a few things she needed to get better with.
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lovebvni · 3 months
Hiii, I saw your reading requests are open again.:) I was wondering if you could do a reading on my s/o Loki, in my Asgard/Mcu dr just if he has anything he has to say to me to help me, I’ve been struggling lately and hearing from him would help. Or if he just wants to say anything in general. I love your account.
Yeah! I got u!
i felt guided to start with a shufflemancy, so that’s what i’ll do.
i shit you not, in ha mood by ice spice came on.
it could be kinda a joke but at the same time i feel like loki is saying embrace yourself, “the fun and spunky side i know” is what i hard specifically. he doesn’t want you to feel so much like “oh. this is the routine. i must stick to it. running shifting.exe program”
have self confidence and have fun with shifting. don’t make it a chore, it’s more of a lifestyle if anything.
mother knows best is the second song to come on, and although the beat and tone of the song is very different, i feel like you’re almost forming your opinions out of other people’s when you really need to find yourself within shifting. find your self confidence, find your happiness, and not conform to what other people are saying.
and even if you do get inspiration from other bloggers (and even me) don’t take what they say as fact. what i say is not fact. i am not a factual being. my beliefs change, and have changed a lot.
find your own beliefs, and if they are similar to someone else’s then HELL YEAH!!
let anyone else control you is the heavy message here. i pray you’re doing well. and loki really wants you to know he loves you, but he sees you as someone bigger than you’re allowing yourself to be.
i pray this reading helps you!! send in a review if i can improve! <3 i love u!
(the final song that came on while wrapping up this reading was the greatest by billie eilish which could be a message for you)
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clovermarigold · 2 years
Daggers and Daffodils Chap.11
Dagur x Reader
Hi! I'm happy to say that this is the final chapter before we dive into the real story. I was going to make this entire chapter about the red death battle but changed my mind, soooo skip. And I'm happy this chapter features Dagur (For the first time in what feels like forever).
Narrator POV
Toothless cringed with a low growl as you pressed the salve onto his cut. "Sorry bud, but this will help it heal". 5 days ago, toothless and Hiccup had gone head-to-head with the Red Death. Hiccup was nearly killed, but thankfully toothless was able to save him at the last second. Hiccup was still asleep, and toothless was pretty banged up after the fight. Unfortunately, Gothi didn't know much about dragon anatomy, and even less so, a night fury. So, you had taken it upon yourself to learn and try to help as much as you could. Turns out you were pretty good at medicine when it came to dragons, and it made you feel better; knowing you were healing them rather than hurting them.
Your attention was drawn away from toothless as you looked to see a familiar green terror with her head stuck in your jar of fish oil. "Scabbard! Bad " you had come to love the small dragon; she was a spunky little thing, always ready to fight dragons 50x her size. Once you finished rewrapping toothless bandages he returned to his side along Hiccup, curling his body around the bed. "Well bud, I think your cuts are almost fully healed" he let out a low purr as you scratched under his chin. Your smile faded as you shifted your gaze towards the still asleep Hiccup. Hiccup had been asleep for 5 days, and though Gothi told you that he was just resting, it didn't help to calm your nerves. And it was only made worse when you imagined how Hiccup might react to waking up to one leg missing.
Sensing your souring mood Scabbard brushed herself against your leg. "Heh, thanks girl. Well, I'll see you later than Hiccup" You whistled, calling for Scabbard to take her usual perch on your shoulder as you left to find Astrid.
"Hey Y/N, wanna ride on a real dragon" Snotlout chided as you walked through the village. "No thanks." you deadpanned, "Your record for actually staying on that dragon is less than 5 minutes". "Hey! I'll have you know it was 6! And for you information, his name is Hookfang" you ignored him, making your way to the newly repurposed arena.
You were used to the teasing of your friends. You had tried to connect to Berk's new resident dragons, but it never really clicked with any of them. Scabbard didn't make it any easier either. To put it simply, she didn't like the idea of sharing your attention with another dragon. After all, another dragon meant less belly rubs, and she couldn't have that.
"Morning Astrid" you greeted; Astrid was readying Stormfly for your usual morning flight, which was TOTALY not a patrol, you sighed 'Still trying to take care of everything and everyone. How is this girl not tired?'. "Morning" she greeted. "I overheard from Bucket and Mulch that they were attacked by a dragon while they were out fishing yesterday. We should be sure to check that out". You raised a brow at her, "I thought you said this was just a morning fly". "Yeah, well, it is. Were just... dropping by out of curiosity and concern as friends". "Uh huh" you made your sarcasm thick and audible. Placing yourself behind her on Stormfly Scabbard wrapped her tail around your arm in case she lost grip of your shoulder, and you took off.
Berkians were still getting used to the entire 'dragons in the village' thing, but they could understand that this was what was best for everyone. Life on Berk was changing for the better. As to be expected, giving the twins control over a creature that was a live explosive resulted in a number of... 'incidents', but other than that Berk was peacful. You noticed how Astrid petted Stormfly as you flew and couldn't help the tinge of jealousy that twisted in your gut.
"Looks like a small storm" Astrid said. You and Astrid hugged the water as dark grey clouds drifted above you, beginning to rain. You all jumped in alarm at the sound of a scream.
"Look!" not too far away was Bucket and Mulch, waving around their paddles at what looked like a large yellowish dragon with a crown of horns and a second set of wings. "Oh Odin!" Bucket exclaimed before noticing you and Astrid, "Oh, girls! Help, its trying to make of with our net". With a strong tug the dragon began to lift half the small fishing boat, the net still tied to it. Stormfly dove towards the boat, firing a warning shot close to it.
"Hang on" Astrid told you, swiftly turning Stormfly. "It's too dangerous to leave out here, we need somewhere to put it" she looked back at you. "What, do I look like, Hiccup? I don't know!". You ducked as the dragon blasted a concentrated ring of fire. "The arena" Astrid said. "Got it", once Stormfly was close enough to the arena, you jumped off, landing in a controlled roll.
You looked up to see the four winged dragon pass right over me. You used a narrow shortcut to get to the arena where Fishlegs, the twins, and Snotlout were getting ready to put away their dragons. "Out of the arena! All of you".
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Fishlegs asked. "Rogue dragon. We're going to trap it in the arena". They mounted their dragons as Snotlout complained about never getting a break and the twins argued about which of the two the dragon would rather eat. Running outside of the arena you waited by the gate, ready to close it in.
Stormfly flew in with the dragon not far behind her, using the dragon's wingspan against it, Astrid made a sharp turn and circled back out. You closed the gate quickly causing the now trapped dragon to blast fire through the chain roof of the arena.
"It's trapped" Astrid said with a sigh of relief.  "Fishlegs, do you know what dragon this is? I've never seen it on Berk before" you asked. "Huh? Two sets of wings, crown like horns, if I recall correctly, I think this is a Storm Cutter" the dragons thrashing and blasts stopped, content to pace around the arena glaring at you. "Storm Cutter as in; the dragon Stoick the vast nearly hunted to extinction?" Astrid asked.
As a child you were told about your father's distaste for the Storm Cutter. Soon after you were born your father had slain every Storm Cutter within 10 islands from Berk, though he never told you why. "Well, until were able to find a new place for it, it'll be staying in here. I'll keep an eye on it. Astrid, could you tell my dad? He'll need to know the arena is being used".
"Are you sure that's a good idea Y/N" Astrid asked. "It'll be fine. He's stubborn, but I think I'll be able to stop him from doing anything reckless" she nodded before heading towards the village.
The others left soon after leaving you and Scabbard alone with the dragon, which eyes hadn't left you for a second. You sat down on the ground facing it through the gate, Scabbard curling up in your lap. "Oh, sorry Scabbard, this one's ticked off as it is. It might be best if you wait at home" not listening Scabbard sniffed the air creeping out of your lap towards the gate.
"Scabbard no!" before you could stand up to stop her, she crawled through the gate into the arena. Scabbard slowed her crawling, practically dragging herself on the ground towards it. The Storm Cutter looked down at her with more disinterest than you'd seen Astrid give Snotlout's advances. She let out a pleased chirp before petting herself against the Storm Cutters leg, only to be pushed away.
Your panic subsided as you realized Scabbard was safe. Suddenly a loud growl echoed through the arena. However, the growl wasn't from the dragons throat, but the dragons stomach. "Oh, you're hungry. Scabbard keep an eye on him".
Carrying the basket of fish back towards the arena I realized it was kind of counterproductive to say I'd watch the dragon only to leave 3 minutes later, but Scabbard could handle it... right?
"Ok, I brought lunch" Once I put the basket down, I looked back at the dragon suppressing a laugh at the sight of Scabbard sprawled out on its head. It huffed irritated at me shaking her off. "Here you go" I threw a large fish into the arena, which it sniffed cautiously before taking it into its mouth.
"See, not so bad- Ow!".  The Storm Cutter let out low chuffs as though it was laughing at me. "Did you just throw a fish at my face" as if mocking me the dragon moaned and chirped, imitating my voice. "Ugh, you got more sass than Hookfang" the dragon, now comfortable and proud of its work flew up to the cage roof, clinging onto it like a bat settling in for a nap.
"Well, I guess we'll need something to call you. And since you're so keen to being a smart mouth, we will call yoouuu... Silvertongue". Scabbard realizing her 'play mate' was sleeping exited the arena crawling back onto my shoulder.
The rest of the day was less eventful, Silver Tongue had woken up a few hours later and finally ate the fish (though not without making me dodge a few first). Despite his (I found out thanks to a book Fishlegs gave me later in the day) standoffish attitude, he eventually grew less tense around me. We weren't by any means best friends, but he stopped growling at me anytime I attempted to get closer to the gate without fish. This paired with the fact that Scabbard had finally found a dragon she'd be willing to share my attention with gave me hope that Silvertongue might become one of my dragons. "Wouldn't that be nice Scabbard" I said stroking her back as she napped, "We would stop being teased for not being able to fly, and I'd finally have a dragon to call my own. No offence". I looked to see that the sun was now setting, "Ok, girl. let's head home". I looked back to Silvertongue one last time before I headed home with a smile.
Narrator POV
This smile, however, was short lived on your walk back home. As you neared your house you saw your father seething as he stormed towards the arena, Gobber following behind him. "Stoick, don't you think this is a bit much?" he asked. "Dad? Is everything ok?".
"Ok? Ok?! I just got out of one of the longest meetings I've been in all year, to find out there's a Storm Cutter in our arena". "Dad, we've been over this. Dragons aren't bad" he inhaled sharply before grabbing your wrist carefully but forcefully towards the house.
Silence filled the room as you awkwardly shifted your weight. "I want it gone by morning" your eyes widened. "Dad! This dragon may be my only chance at having one-". "Berk has plenty to choose from". "None that like me! None that Scabbard likes" his eye softened. "What is with you?" your anger dissipated as you took in the solemn look he had. You spoke softly "What made you hate Storm Cutters so much?". With a sigh your father sat, remaining quiet for a few moments. "It's the dragon that took your mother".
He inhaled deeply as a light glaze covered his eyes "You and Hiccup were in the cradle that night. It had broken into our home, and your mother went to protect you. I ran as quickly as I could but by the time, I grabbed you and Hiccup-" he paused, choking. "After that day, I was so angry. Every Storm Cutter on berk and every voyage I made, I killed... But, it didn't help". Quiet racked the house in-between his pauses, you unknowingly holding your breath as your eyes grew watery.
He looked at you ashamed, then sighed "Do you really think, you can tame this thing?" you nodded. "Then you can keep it" he gave a weak smile as you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. You hoped this would work out, that Silvertongue could help your father move past his rage, and that he would tell you more about your mother, but for now you'd just have to wait and find out.
Dagur POV (YES! Took me long enough)
I sat on my throne in the great hall as the herald recounted news. It was all so boring. "Are you trying to bore me to death?" I asked. "u-uh, no, your derangedness" he quivered 'how pathetic'. "Really? Because if you are. Trying to kill your chief is punishable of death" I smiled as he stammered out an apology. "Alright! Alright! You're spared, now get out of my sight". "Your derangedness?" someone asked. "What now?" I asked turning to see it was a courier.
"Letters, your derangedness" grabbing the number of scrolls I placed them on the table in front of me. "Ah, it seems our friends from outcast islands have replied" I announced to the hall, their fake and fearful cheers of joy beginning to annoy me. "With an alliance between the Berserker, the Outcasts and Berk, there will be nothing stopping us from taking control of the entire archipelago" a grin spread on my face at the idea of both the archipelago under my control and Y/N at my side. It was at this moment that my eyes caught on a familiar insignia, and the sounds of cheers from the hall seemed all too loud. "Everyone OUT!" with a flinch everyone scattered out of the hall, but I could care less.
Cutting the parchment carefully to not damage the seal or the letter itself I opened it. I felt my face nearly ache with the size of my smile 'she's never written to me before. Maybe she's finally in love with me!'. She wrote about how her father was out on a voyage, and I had half the mind to go and grab her before I read her telling me not too. 'Cheeky girl, knows me so well'.
'She's in dragon training now. She'll go through it like a breeze.' I felt my face heat as I read her threatening Anson. She was always so cute when she was worked up. There was a sentence that was scribbled out and relpaced with 'See you next year'. "Hmm" my smile fell, what wouldn't she want to tell me. Noticing the candle in front of me I had an idea. I held the candle closely behind the letter, careful as not to burn it, the light revealing the original script. My smile returned as my face felt hot and I started to laugh unhinged "She misses me!". Oh, I could not wait for next year.
Thanks for making it through the chapter guys. Also sorry for the false alarm, honestly thought I wasn't going to make the deadline for this chapter.
Next update should be out by 5/20/22
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joheun-saram · 4 years
otsukare sama deshita (sope)
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Summary- Hoseok knows the perfect partner for his new song, but will Yoongi agree?
word count- 1.6k
pairing- Hoseok x Yoongi (platonic)
rating- G
genre- friendship, fluff, slight angst (not really)
warnings- none
a.n- HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAN!!! 🥳 I wrote this as a birthday present for @eternalseokjin but in typical mars fashion, i was late. I hope you enjoy my first mxm fic. this is my take on how hobi convinced yoongi to perform with him. when i floated this idea on the net people thought it was gonna be a crack fic, but honestly i think yoongi respects hobi too much to protest a lot lol
A huge shoutout to @hoebii​ and @hobisbeautifulass​ for beta reading this! 💕
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask! 💌
perm taglist- @cheesecakes-randomshitz, @aroseforyoongi
Hoseok was excited. In fact, he was beyond excited. He had spent the Japanese tour leg writing a song that he felt was the perfect mix of goofy and talent, if he could say so himself. A cheerful, optimistic song that portrayed his J-Hope persona to a T. He knew it wasn’t going to go in any of the albums; he had told his fellow co-writers in Japan as much, but he just knew that ARMY would love it as soon as he unveiled it. The only thing that would make it better would be if he could get a certain friend of his to join in on the antics. A certain grumpy friend that sat across from him zoning out as he sipped his iced Americano, even though it was close to 10pm.
“Hyung, can I run something by you?” Hosoek asked, feigning an air of nonchalance, as he rolled his chair closer to the couch Yoongi was sprawled on. He rested his feet against the cushions, leaning back against the chair, his fingers drumming against the arm rests. He didn’t want to admit it but he was a little nervous. Chances were that Yoongi would agree to his proposition; he was usually very easy going and enjoyed the fanservice that they partook in. However, lately Yoongi had been pretty stressed, short tempered and tired, snapping at everyone. He hadn’t shared why, but Hoseok felt it was something personal that he didn’t want to pry on. 
Hoseok’s voice broke Yoongi out of his thoughts as he looked up to the brightly dressed man in front of him. He mirrored the frown on Hoseok’s face as he hummed for him to continue. Yoongi would never admit it, but he was in no mood for a conversation; his head running through the overwhelmingly long to-do list he had to accomplish before the end of tomorrow. The longer he looked at Hoseok sitting in silence, the deeper his frown got. What was he so fidgety for? It was putting him on edge, not to mention adding to his stress.
“Spit it out, Hobah,” he snapped, sighing a little in frustration as Hoseok cleared his throat tentatively. 
“Well… I wrote this song. I was wondering if you wanted to perform together.” That’s it? Hoseok just wanted to perform a song together? What was the big deal about that?
“Yeah okay. Sure,” Yoongi acquiesced easily, much to Hoseok’s surprise. Hoseok’s face broke into a large grin, one that brought a small smile on the older rapper’s face. 
“Promise?” Hoseok asked, almost bouncing excitedly. Yoongi furrowed his brows suspiciously, knowing that there was no way he was this giddy about a simple duet. Something had to be up.
“You’re making me rethink this…” Yoongi said as he looked over the rim of the plastic coffee cup in his hand, missing his mouth with the straw before capturing it with his lips with a huff and an eye roll. Hoseok chuckled at the action before continuing.
“Oh come on! It’ll be fun! I can just imagine ARMY’s excitement! A Sope unit song!” Hoseok radiated enthusiasm, lifting Yoongi’s spirits as well as the corners of his mouth. He really was a ball of energy sometimes, his excitement almost contagious as he never failed to energize Yoongi, even when all he wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep his life away.
“Fine. Let me hear it first,” Yoongi said with a snicker, eager to hear the masterpiece his friend had created. He couldn’t help shaking his head with a smile as Hoseok excitedly stood up, almost hopping to the computer to play the track. Yoongi smiled as the track played, habitually fidgeting with his lip in concentration.
To say it was different than any of the songs Hoseok had penned before was an understatement. Yoongi expected vibrant beats and spunky lyrics like the tracks Hoseok had consulted with him on for his future mixtape but this song was a rollercoaster, a tongue-in-cheek trot song of optimism. He smiled as the track played on, Hoseok’s cheerful vocals a perfect fit for the atmosphere it created. As the chorus played again, Yoongi couldn’t help but sing along to the catchy words under his breath. An action not missed by Hoseok, whose smile only got wider.
As the song came to an end, Yoongi felt his mood lightened, the song already stuck in his head. Hoseok hadn’t written many songs alone before and he felt proud of his friend’s accomplishment. “It’s good. Good job, Hoseok!” Yoongi complimented, a gummy smile on his face.
“Thanks!” Hoseok sang out, his smile quickly replaced by his professional straight face as he continued on with the details of the collaboration, which part Yoongi would sing and the vibe he would add. Yoongi found himself easily agreeing with him. He could do with a fun project, and to be completely honest he was ready to record it as soon as the month was over. However, this thought was brought to a screeching halt as the next words left Hoseok’s lips. 
“So I was thinking we reveal it at the Japan fan meeting.” Yoongi’s eyes widened at the comment. *Was he serious?
“The one in two weeks?” Yoongi’s momentarily forgotten stress was back with full force, and he bit his nail. He had so many things on his plate that adding a song that he would not only have to record, but learn the dance and words to *within the next fortnight made his chest clench uneasily. He always had a hard time saying no to Hoseok but the more he thought about the endless things he had to work through, the easier it became. “Absolutely not.”
“Hyungnim!” Hoseok stretched the syllables cutely in a whine to appeal to his older member. He knew behind all the apathy Yoongi had a soft spot for him and it was not beyond him to use it to his advantage. He jumped from his chair next to Yoongi, an arm around the smaller man’s shoulders as he tried to get him as excited as he was. “The theme to Hwagae Market! We’ll wear cheesy suits and goof around! Come on! It’d be fun!”
Yoongi knew Hoseok was just being his usual self, but he felt slightly suffocated. Shrugging his arm off, Yoongi leaned forward, elbows on knees as he rubbed his face with a groan. He missed the way Hoseok frowned, certain now that something was bothering his friend. Before he could prod for details, Yoongi let out an exasperated sigh.
“I don’t know, Hoseok. Fuck. I’m just so stressed. I don’t know if I can take something else on right now.” Yoongi looked at him, a silent plea hidden in his eyes that made Hoseok’s heart tighten in empathy. He knew all about being overly stressed. It would be a lie to say the life they had chosen was easy and smooth sailing. 
Hoseok always tried to keep a professional distance between his members, not wanting to overwhelm them when they had to spend so much time together by obligation. He always felt he was prying if he asked about their personal lives or struggles, but he also knew that Yoongi never brought up something unless he wanted to share. He just needed a push.
“You wanna talk about it?” Hoseok asked, placing his hand on Yoongi’s knee, trying to coax the rapper into conversation.
“I don’t know…” Yoongi began, but it didn’t take him long to delve into his problems. There was something about Hoseok that always led him to open up without feeling the guilt he sometimes did when sharing his feelings. Although Hoseok was usually loud and energetic, when prompted he was quiet and a great listener. Just looking at his face stoic in concentration made Yoongi feel as if what he was saying truly mattered, regardless if it was a useless rant about work stress that Hoseok himself had. 
It was close to midnight by the time the two had wrapped up their heart to heart, empty beer bottles and half eaten dishes of sundae and tteokbokki cluttering the coffee table in front of them. Hoseok hadn’t expected Yoongi to open up to him the way he did, but he was glad to shoulder his burden with him. There was a reason he was closest with the introverted producer in the group; he seemed to make everything Hoseok said seem important, like it had substance, be it a stupid joke that Yoongi laughed at the loudest, or advice that he could’ve gotten off an Instagram inspiration page. 
By the time they packed to make their way to the dorms, Hoseok felt almost bad for adding to Yoongi’s work load, but the dark haired man would have none of it.
“Nah, Hobi. We’re doing it,” Yoongi said, his voice stern and determined.
“Are you sure?” Hoseok asked, as he climbed into the passenger seat of Yoongi’s car, stuffing his backpack between his legs before strapping on his seatbelt. “It was a random idea. We don’t have to. I can table this song for next year.”
“No. It will be fun. ARMY will love it,” Yoongi replied, placing an arm on the back of Hoseok’s headrest as he turned to reverse out of the parking space, before driving out of the underground lot. “It’s a really good song, Hobi. Proud of you, man.”
Hoseok couldn’t help but chuckle at the earnest praise, feeling instantly shy. He was right though, he realized as he walked off the stage two weeks later, high on adrenaline with a huge grin on his face. His expression was mirrored on Yoongi’s face who clapped him on the back, panting hard.
“Sope des!” Yoongi joked, still laughing at how great the performance went, taking off the shiny sequined coat.
“Sope des!” echoed the rest of the boys cheerfully before rushing towards the stage, as Hoseok laughed putting on the jacket for the next performance.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)
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Part 12: The day for the Provisional Licensing Exam has arrived!! You attend to spectate along with your dad, when he runs into an old colleague of his. Aizawa gets reassured that he’s not a terrible father. Then, an unknown threat turns into an unexpected surprise (feat Todoroki) when a tuff of grey fur shows up. Class 1-A is chaotic and it’s even worse when you’re in the mix.
Word Count: 8.4k
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Before you knew it, the day arrived for Class 1-A to take the provisional licensing exam.
“Stop shoving me!!” You shouted loudly, catching the attention of everyone else who was in the vicinity.
“Hah?! I’m not fucking touching you!!!” Bakugou yelled, his palms lighting up in aggravation and you glowered at him.
“There’s nowhere for me to sit!!” You protested, huffing and crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Fucking deal with it, dumbass!!” He screamed at you and you covered your ears.
Aizawa glared at him, eyes flashing red once in warning and reprimanded for his language and crude behavior towards you, Bakugou grumbled as he sank back in his seat. 
Your eyes scanned for another place to sit aboard the cramped bus. Almost every inch of space left no room for you and shrugging your shoulders, you were about to tough it out on the floor near Kirishima’s feet when a throat cleared softly.
“Y/N,” Ojiro called, his voice almost lost as the rest of the class chattered in a mixture of nervousness and excitement. “Here.”
Your ears perked up as he scooted to the side, making room for you even though now he was pressed flat against the window of the bus. Tail flicking, you paused upon approach, hesitating. 
“What’s wrong?” Ojiro asked, concern seeping into his tone as you halted in front of him. The railing blocked most from seeing the two of you interact clearly, since Ashido was currently engaging the other girls in a game to take their minds off of the pressure of the exam and your tail fluffed up.
He frowned, wondering if he did something that made you uncomfortable. 
Your brow furrowed and your nose wrinkled as your lips formed into a small pout. “There’s not enough room…”
Despite your dejected tone, Ojiro’s shoulders slumped in relief and he smiled reassuringly, patting the spot beside him. Tokoyami had moved to sit next to Shoji in order to free up the space. It would be a squeeze but he didn’t want you to sit on the floor where you could get hit by Kaminari’s unpredictable feet that flew up when he got startled by something or shocked by Jirou’s earphone jack. 
Padding forward, you jolted, eyes shooting open and a squeak tumbling from your lips as the bus went over a pothole in the road, losing your balance. 
You floundered for a second before a muscular tail slammed into your stomach to prevent you from hitting your head in time, lifting you up and carrying you the rest of the way over to him. 
Ojiro was quick to examine you, double-checking to make sure you were really okay after your ears warmed and your heart skipped a beat at his proximity. Just like you thought, his leg was pressed right up against yours in the corner of the back of the bus where the two of you sat in a chair that was only meant to hold one. 
“You’re too clumsy, Y/N.” Ojiro breathed endearingly, patting your head and you pushed against his hand, pouting up at him when he pulled away. 
You took no offense to his words, simply begging for more pets and his chest shook with laughter before he obliged you.
The two of you were locked in your own little world, the knowing look Shoji and Tokoyami exchanging passing by unnoticed as you enticed Ojiro in a spontaneous game of seeing how many times you could get Bakugou to explode before you reached the exam arena. 
It shouldn’t have been as easy as it was the whole ride there. You lost count around fifty times in half an hour because you were laughing so hard you couldn't breathe and Kirishima held Bakugou back as he raged at you. 
Aizawa rolled his eyes at the racket caused by his rowdy students. He was wrong to think you had a calming presence. If anything, it was the exact opposite. 
But you had potential, he was not denying that fact. And you had gotten strong. You were going to be a great hero one day, he was sure of it. 
You were the first one off the bus when it pulled up to where the test would be administered. Since you were still behind, you couldn't take it this time around but Aizawa had gotten special permission for you to watch.
You had a feeling that Principal Nezu also had a hand in that. The chimera had made sure you had everything you needed in order to succeed at his school and he probably thought that this would be an enlightening experience for you.
You liked to think of him as the uncle you've never had. 
The licensing exam changed every time it came around so you weren't cheating by any means. By the time you were going to take yours, hopefully six months later, you would be in the same ring and on the same level as the other students taking it.
Before you could sprint off to who knows where to explore, a hand gripped your arm and hauled you backwards. You pouted as you faced your dad, who was shaking his head at you.
"Y/N..." He warned and your ears drooped, eyes watering.
Aizawa sighed, looking away. No one was a match for your puppy dog eyes.
"Don't run off." He scolded lightly, resting a hand on top of your head to block his view of those impossibly cute eyes but it did no good.
You just tilted your head innocently and stared up at him hopefully, tail wagging behind you.
Rubbing the back of his neck, he corrected himself as he caved into you. "Just don't go too far, alright?"
You nodded eagerly before racing off and he turned to his students who filed out of the bus, giving them last-minute instructions on what to expect once they got in there. They were all panicking.
Mineta thought he didn't have what it takes to obtain his license, Ashido was clinging to Yaoyorozu, Asui was hanging onto Kaminari who was playing with Ojiro's tail and the rest of the class remained indifferent except for unique ticks that gave away their stress.
Iida's vibrating in place, Tokoyami twitching every so often, Koda and Shoji hiding in the back, Aoyama's smile not as bright as usual, he could tell that they were all nervous.
Only Todoroki appeared to be completely unaffected. 
Aizawa tried to keep an eye on you but you disappeared from his sight in a flash and he glowered, wanting to find you but he had a responsibility right now.
Continuing with his brief answers to Iida's endless questions as the class rep fired them one after another, he waved a hand at his students to prevent any more and was going to leave them to get changed into their costumes when he heard his name being called.
"Eraser!! Eraser, is that you?!"
He flinched. He knew that voice.
A woman with mint-green hair in her hero costume waved at him enthusiastically. "It's been so long!!"
Shakily, Aizawa turned around and saw the pro-hero known for making villains laugh with her Outburst Quirk, Ms. Joke. An old friend, if he could call her that. No, a colleague seemed more accurate.
Almost as annoying as Yamada.
He buried his face further into his capture weapon as she approached him. Maybe she would go away if he ignored her long enough.
Fukukado flicked a finger back and forth between them and Class 1-A watched in confusion at the stranger’s sudden appearance. "Let's get married."
"No thanks." Aizawa retorted dryly.
Ashido was already hooked on this love story, her eyes turning into hearts at such a blatant rejection from her homeroom teacher, already forgetting the impending licensing exam. 
Fukukado laughed heartily, doubling over and clutching her stomach. "No thanks?! Good one!!"
Shaking his head, Aizawa stared at her impassively, done with this conversation before it even started. "As always, you've got an unamusing sense of humor, Joke."
"If you married me, we could start a family filled with unbearable laughter and joy." She said with a cheeky smile.
"A family like that can't possibly be happy." Aizawa deadpanned.
She burst out laughing again and Asui smiled, letting go of Kaminari as her nerves calmed down with the ease that her teacher interacted with this woman even though appearing like he was irritated. 
"You guys seem pretty close..." The frog girl commented nonchalantly.
"Huh?" You tilted your head, gazing up at the adults curiously as you came wandering back to their ranks, finding your way to your dad's side. "Dad, I didn't know you were dating someone."
"I'm not!!" He shouted at you, bonking you on the head.
You cried out, rubbing the sore spot forming and pouted. "That hurt!!"
He sighed, then ruffled your hair somewhat apologetically.
"Sorry, kid." He grumbled out shortly and you beamed.
"It's okay!!" You cheered, good mood restored.
"Aww, Eraser!!" Fukukado cooed at you. "She's so cute!!!
You squeaked in surprise when she pinched your cheeks, blinking up at her, puzzled and a little intimidated by her outgoing personality. When she released your face, you darted behind your dad’s back, poking your head out to inspect the strange woman. 
"Emi, knock it off." Aizawa glowered, glaring at her.
Everyone else was just watching, jaws dropped in shock at such a ridiculous and chaotic exchange. They didn't know what to make of it.
The spunky pro-hero wasn't deterred in the slightest, going as far as to drag you out from behind him and hug you. "But Eraser!! She's adorable!!"
Aizawa practically hissed, but he backed off when you didn't seem to mind it. You didn't look uncomfortable, just mildly curious and very interested.
"How do you know Aizawa-sensei?" You asked, echoing the unspoken question that was going through every single person in 1-A's head.
It felt weird calling him that now since he had taken you in for good but hey, it was the most respectful way to address him in front of his potential partner. You still weren't fully convinced that this woman wasn't secretly dating him. 
"We had hero agencies near each other!!" Fukukado laughed brightly, placing her hands on her hips and grinning brightly at the other students. "We'd help each other out, coming to each other's rescues. Eventually, our mutual love turned into—"
"That never happened." Aizawa interrupted, narrowing his eyes at her as if looks alone could shut her up and get her to stop spinning this tale.
It never changed no matter how much time had passed. His glare had never worked on her. Of course he knew it wasn't going to do anything now but it didn't hurt to try.
You were practically preening at all the attention Fukukado was giving you now as you warmed up to her endless amounts of energy, eagerly hanging onto her every word as she told you of the adventures the two of them used to go on when they were younger.
Eventually, she called her class over and they introduced themselves to your friends while you drew back to Aizawa’s side. 
You waved goodbye to Ojiro as you found him in the crowd and wished him good luck as he left to go ready, the two of you heading in opposite directions once Ms. Joke sent off her own students.
Ojiro sent you a smile and promised that he would do his best before Ashido came to drag him away.
But not before teasing him how he couldn't stand to be apart from you.
He ignored her for the most part, looking the other way before she could catch a glimpse of his smile. If he had to deal with her for the entirety of the test, he was going to be screwed. It was already going to be distracting enough knowing that you were watching him in the stands. 
Ojiro pushed it in the back of his mind for now. Test first. He had to get past this first. 
Down the corridor leading into where the exam would be taking place, you skipped ahead of Aizawa despite his best attempt to stop you from going too far, dashing into the rows and rows of seats overlooking the huge arena.
Eyes rounding in awe, your lips parted in astonishment at the setting, filled with all sorts of different terrain and a box in the middle of it that looked kind of awkward amongst the mountains, factories, and made-made rivers.
"This is so cool!!!!" You cheered, jumping up and down as Aizawa and Fukukado caught up to you.
Other than a handful of other teachers and chaperones, there didn't seem to be anyone else here. You assumed that was due to being only the homeroom teachers needed to attend for the first and second years, since the third years could probably handle the transportation all on their own. 
Aizawa let you pick out where you wanted to sit, following you as you finally settled down somewhere in the mid-range that would give you a good view of all the arenas.
You bounced in your seat eagerly as you waited for the test to start.
"Aw Eraser, look!! She's so excited!!" Fukukado exclaimed, pinching your cheek as she took the other seat next to you. 
You whined as she tugged on your cheek again, batting her hand away as you curled up on Aizawa's side for comfort.
His eyes went wide as you snuggled into him but he didn't push you off. He rolled his eyes when Ms. Joke continued to pester him with questions. Where you came from, how old you were, what your quirk allowed you to do.
She was way too curious about all of it and he didn't find it nearly as endearing as he did with you.
Your eyes lit up when the center box in the building finally opened up and Fukukado ceased her relentless questions, revealing all of the heroes-in-training and you were on the edge of your seat as the licensing exam began.
After watching your classmates for a while as they scattered in different directions, you gathered the rules. They had to knock people out with the targets they had put on their body while avoiding getting knocked out by others.
You were stunned as Class 1-A outmaneuvered and managed to outsmart the other candidates at every twist and turn.
How Midoriya rallied the group to stand against everyone when they came after them first and how he managed to come up with a plan to counter so quickly.
You weren't surprised that Todoroki went off on his own but you really wished that he would one day come to realize that he could depend on them too. You didn't know what he had been through, but you knew it had been bad.
You wouldn't push him. He needed to take his own time.
Besides, he had shown that he was more than capable of handling things himself when he was the first one from your class to finish. 
But once you spotted Ojiro amongst the crowd, you found that you couldn't take your eyes off of him. His physical prowess was something to be feared on the battlefield.
You didn't get much of a chance to ever see him in action, Aizawa preferring to separate the two of you so that you weren't distracted by each other while you were training and in the classroom, hence why your desk was all the way in the back where Ojiro couldn't see you.
It didn't matter. It wasn't like you looked away from him at all during class but you weren't going to tell your dad that his seating arrangement ended up having the best view to daydream about your crush. 
Eyes sparkling as you watched Ojiro take down one after another, you were struck with how strong he was and how he managed to use his tail to the best of his ability. All while not moving quite like how you expected him, too.
"Dad..." You trailed off without taking your eyes off of Ojiro. "The way he's fighting..."
"Hmm?" Aizawa hummed, in the middle of looking at something else but strayed from them to align his sight with yours. "Who is it?"
"Mashirao— Ojiro-kun." You corrected yourself hastily when his gaze snapped to you at such an informal use of his name. "He's kind of fighting like you."
The corner of his mouth quirked up in a lopsided grin. "He's been working on his style for a while now, it's come a long way since Ectoplasm helped him with it."
You tucked your hands under your legs, tail swishing behind you as you raised an eyebrow. "You gave him some pointers, huh?"
Aizawa turned his attention back to the several battles taking place. "He's my student, of course I did."
He spared you a glance and rolled his eyes when your knowing grin didn't fade.
"Pay attention." He instructed with an underlying warning to his tone and you conceded for now.
You would get him to admit it one day, that he was the dad of the class. It was inevitable. Fate called for him in the form of twenty-two troublesome kids. 
You watched as your classmates fought and cheered when they finally won, springing up from your seat when you saw that Ojiro passed.
Aizawa, on the other hand, glared at the group of ten students who just barely managed to pass as the limit was called. "So... there were that many of you left."
Fukukado leaned back, grinning at Aizawa from behind your back as you shouted your ecstatic congratulations down to them. "You're happy aren't you?!"
He scowled slightly. "No, I'm not."
"You are!!" She shouted with a loud laugh, slapping her thigh. "Your leg is bouncing happily!!"
Forcing it to still, he schooled his expression into one of indifference when your attention panned to him.
You leaned forward and bent your head, the tip of your fluffy ear poking his cheek cutely before you straightened up to beam at him. "It's okay to be proud of them, Dad. They worked really hard, right?"
Aizawa smiled faintly, resting a hand on your head and ruffled your hair.
"Doesn't matter." He huffed, suppressing the pride swelling in his chest as all twenty of his students passed thanks to their dedication and hard work. "They'll have to train even harder when we get back."
Your grin matched Ms. Joke's and she winked at you as the first test of two was called.
Aizawa didn't have to say it but you both knew. And you were definitely going to tease him later when he put up pictures of you all in his office tomorrow, hanging them proudly for the rest of the teachers to see when they walked in the lounge.
His kids had made it.
For all twenty of them to finish as part of the 100 that were allowed to pass out of thousands and thousands of students, that was already an accomplishment in it of itself. 
There was a short, twenty minute break for the people who passed as they filtered out the ones who didn't, the examiners asking for them to leave so that they could continue promptly after the break was over. 
"Dad, I'm hungry..." You said with a slight whine at the end, unable to help yourself, your stomach growling as if on cue.
Your stomach had been rumbling since the start and it only increased with your apprehension as the numbers were called. The first hundred to pass and the majority of Class 1-A had been in the last ten.
It was a close call, that much was for sure.
Still, they had all managed to pass. You were stoked. Ojiro even flashed you a thumbs up when he succeeded, finding you in the stands so effortlessly you were kind of hoping that it was because he was looking for you too.
Fukukado threw an arm around your shoulders energetically, causing you to squeak and almost lose your balance as she declared that she could take you. Your stomach rumbled again, louder this time and your cheeks tinted in embarrassment.
Removing his colleague's arm from you, Aizawa gestured for you to stand up. No way was he going to let you go off with his crazy colleague. "Come on then, kid."
Bounding up, you raced him to the concessions stand. Well, you raced. He kind of lumbered behind you, finding great amusement in the way your tail would twitch behind you in annoyance once you realized he wasn't racing you.
You pouted as he ambled over to you. "You're so slowwwwwwww."
He flicked your forehead and pinched your cheek in retaliation and you batted him away, growling but there was no bite to it.
Hopping in place, you whirled around and he had to actively jump back to avoid crashing into you.
Not wanting to draw unnecessary attention, Aizawa quickly paid for your armful of snacks that you collected when he wasn’t looking. Nobody needed to see your canines when you ate.
He was wary of your surroundings as you sprinted over to a bench positioned under a large tree, plopping down and tearing ravenously into the food. Settling down beside you, he leaned back against the tree and crossed his arms. 
“How did your internship with Hound Dog go?” Aizawa asked, unable to mask all of his curiosity from you. He hadn’t gotten a chance to ask you yet, he had been too busy training Shinsou for his transfer. 
Cheeks stuffed with food, you attempted to talk around it but all that came out was gibberish and you winced as your dad reprimanded you for talking with food in your mouth. Once you finished chewing, you were able to respond, albeit cheekily since it was so fun to see him like this.
“Why do you ask?” You asked, pretending to be clueless about the fact that you and Hound Dog both picked up on his scent when he lingered near the two of you the first day of your internship. “It went alright.”
At the sight of his irritated scowl, you did a double-take. You didn’t expect him to actually care this much about it, it must’ve really been bothering him.
Your eyes widened. “Did I do something wrong?” 
Aizawa was quick to hush you, pulling you in for an awkward hug as you maintained your hold on your snack, cheeks bulging with food.
“No, kid.” He sighed. “Just wanted to make sure.”
You didn’t push him, knowing that if he wanted to say something he would. He wasn’t the type exactly comfortable with confrontation and you couldn’t say that you blamed him. But you couldn’t deny that you were curious as to why he asked. You couldn’t figure it out. 
“... Why do you ask?” You repeated slowly.
Aizawa’s shoulders stiffened before he forced himself to relax. 
You leaned forward, but your eyes widened as he vocalized his feelings at the time, admitting that he had felt a tad bit jealous that you didn’t ask him to train you. 
He knew that Hound Dog was the best choice for you to train under, you hadn’t had much of an opportunity to hone your quirk for combat and the pro-hero who practically ran security for UA along with Snipe was the topic choice. 
You lowered your crackers, losing your appetite as his words sunk in. 
“I didn’t want to bother you.” You confessed softly, your ears pinned back on top of your head at how difficult it was to express your thoughts into a sentence that made sense. “I know you were busy with Toshi, not that I mind it!! I’m really glad you’re training him and I can’t wait until he joins our class—”
“If he chooses my class.” Aizawa interjected pointedly.
“Oh hush.” You snapped playfully at his negativity. “There’s no way he’s not going to choose us.”
Transfers had the option of choosing which hero class they wanted to be enrolled in. Principal Nezu liked to think of it like a gift for those that worked extra hard to follow their dreams, a reward as their efforts paid off and were recognized. 
There was no way Shinsou was going to choose Class B over Class A when the latter had both you and your dad. 
The corner of Aizawa’s mouth crooked up in a smile. He’d seen a lot of himself in the teenager with the brainwashing quirk. The likeness was uncanny. 
The love for cats and coffee, the sleepless nights, the fact that their quirks didn’t enhance their physical combat abilities. He connected with Shinsou on a level he honestly never thought possible. 
But he was worried that he might’ve been lacking in the attention and love he was supposed to give you while he was occupied with Shinsou’s training.
“You have that look on your face.” You told him, going back to eating your snacks, finishing one in record time before opening another one.
Aizawa scoffed. “What look?”
“The brooding look.” You grinned.
This time, he really did glare at you and you collapsed into a fit of laughter. His eyes softened at the sound. 
“What are you so worried about, Dad?” You said, your fluffy ears poking his cheek as you snuggled up to him. 
“Nothing, kid.” He muttered. He could figure this out on your own.
You shrugged your shoulders, willing to let it go if he was so stubborn to hold onto it. “I think you’re too worried, Toshi’s gonna do great when it comes time for his evaluation.”
Aizawa blinked. That wasn’t what he was worried about at all. Okay, maybe a little bit. But not much. He was more worried about whether or not you felt less loved ever since Shinsou had come into your lives. 
He froze as he realized he had said that last part out loud, mind racing to cover up his mistake when you suddenly threw your arms around him and hugged him tight.
“Of course not.” You whispered in disbelief that he was worrying about you all this time. “That’s what you thought?”
Your internship with Hound Dog must’ve made him insecure about his parenting abilities now that he was officially your dad. You were surprised, you didn’t think anything had the capability of rocking this man’s boat. He seemed so stoic, unshakable. 
It was good to know that even the people you idolized the most were human too. 
“I’m not offended, Dad. Toshi’s family too, right?” You questioned though you weren’t really asking. “You’ve never made me feel unimportant.”
Aizawa had hesitantly hugged you back. It felt wrong to hug you after he just voiced that he was having second thoughts about being the right kind of dad for you and here you were, comforting him. It felt weird.
But it was nice.
“You’re lucky I love you, kid.” Was all he said, a hint of a smile creeping up on his face.
You nodded, smiling softly against his shoulder. “I love you too, Dad.”
After somehow convincing him that you had to have ice cream as you headed back, Aizawa stopped short when you nearly devoured it in a heartbeat. There was nothing left by the time you got back to the stands.
He shook his head fondly as you raced ahead. And by the time he had found his way over to his seat, you were eagerly talking to Fukukado about something. 
By the time the next test started and your attention had been stolen away once more, he waved to catch her attention.
Raising an eyebrow, Fukukado’s tease died on her lips as she noticed the serious expression on his face. She would recognize that look anywhere. Shooting him a questioning look, his gaze flitted to indicate something behind him and she followed it discreetly, with the experience of a pro. 
What she saw had her eyes widening in shock. 
Aizawa’s eyes narrowed a fraction as he gauged her reaction. His heart stopped as she shook her head, slight enough not to catch your attention and his jaw clenched, fists balling at his sides. 
He would take care of them later. 
This time, when the pro-heroes turned their attention back to the arena where the second test was in full swing, there was something a lot more ominous in the air. 
A threat that promised Aizawa he hadn’t seen the last of them. 
“So Eraser,” Fukukado grinned, leaning forward as she caught your attention. “I didn’t know you liked playing dad.”
“Enough, Emi.” Aizawa sighed exasperatedly, masking his distress from you. 
You, however, didn’t pick up on the social cue and scampered behind him before he could stop you.
His voice raised as you left his vision field but before he could twist around to see you, you plopped your chin on his head. “Kid, what are you doing?” 
Your tail was thumping so hard against the back of his chair that he could feel the vibrations through the cheap plastic. 
“Scary…” You whimpered and his head immediately swiveled to the person he had spotted before, narrowing his eyes when he didn’t see them or the thing that they were torturing earlier. 
But before he could instigate emergency protocols and whisk you out of there, you were shakily pointing towards the area where Gang Orca and a mini army had just crashed through the wall and was terrorizing your friends.
Aizawa couldn’t help but relax. You weren’t scared at anything other than the test.
You winced as one of the cement bullets came close to hitting Ojiro and Ashido. “Dad, are they going to hurt them?”
“No,” He said, settling back in his chair now that he knew there wasn’t any threat. “This is a test, remember?”
“I know that, but—” You winced again as Todoroki got hit, immobilizing him instantly, and covered your face with your hands. You couldn’t look. 
Aizawa sighed, reaching up to awkwardly pat your head. It was harder to do when he couldn't see you.
“They’ll be fine.” He muttered, more to himself than to you. “They have to face this if they want to become heroes.”
You nodded, more of a reaction than an agreement with what he was saying. Peeking through your fingers, you shot up with a cheer as a paralyzed Yoarashi from another school worked together with an immobilized Todorki to trap Gang Orca in a spiral of flame. 
“They did it!!” You burst out, a wide smile on your face as the end of the second exam was called. “Way to go you guys!!!!”
Aizawa sighed heavily, slumping back in his seat. Having to see his class go through a test more rigorous than usual was bad for his heart. 
But a proud smile made its way onto his face as his students raced towards each other, congregating around a stage so that they could get their results.
He had said before that they needed to succeed, but that was to push them. The truth was, the fact that they all tried and ended up with results like this even though they had to overcome their personal differences and mistakes just proved that they all had what it took to be just like the heroes that they all admired. 
Annoyed at the warmth that bloomed in his chest, he hid his face in his scarf so no one would see he’d gone soft. 
You smirked, nudging his shoulder. “You’re proud of them~”
Aizawa rolled his eyes and snorted. “You’re just as bad as Mic, kid.”
“Eh?! That’s not fair!!”
“Life’s not fair.”
Pouting, you crossed your arms petulantly over your chest. “I’m telling Uncle Hizashi!!”
At Aizawa’s snort of indifference and nonchalance, you revoked your threat and gave him your very best watery puppy eyes. 
But he didn’t cave like normal. In fact, his attention wasn’t even on you. He was staring off into the distance but you had no idea what he was looking at. 
You were confused when Aizawa hurried to walk you to meet up with his students, but not before whispering something to Ms. Joke that you couldn’t make out, even with your enhanced hearing. 
Then, as soon as Ojiro was within sight, Aizawa motioned to you in some sort of code and left you with him before disappearing from sight. 
You blinked and Ojiro held out his hand for you to take.
“What was that all about?” He inquired curiously and you shrugged helplessly. 
“I have no idea.” You said honestly. 
But the energy buzzing in the air took your mind off of it as Ojiro led you to where the others were at. 
Class 1-A were granted their provisional licenses, with the exception of Bakugou and Todoroki. Both were vastly disappointed but while Todoroki understood his shortcomings in the second test, Bakugou was having a bit of a tougher time coming to terms with it. 
“Bakugou, calm down!!” Kirishima shouted, blocking a rogue explosion from hitting anyone else passing by. “C’mon man, they said you’ll get it once you attend that class!!”
“I don’t need a fucking class with those shitty extras!!” Bakugou exploded, storming off a little ways away to brood and process everything that had just happened.
With the sun setting, the other examinees had trickled out and gone home for the day with the exception of their class while they waited for their homeroom teacher to come back from whatever he was sorting out.
Yaoyorozu, Koda and Aoyama left to go get food from the same concessions stand that you and Aizawa were at earlier. Everyone was starving and Iida figured that some food couldn’t hurt while you all waited. 
Midoriya bounded over to you eagerly, capturing your attention and you congratulated him enthusiastically on his success. While he talked to you about all the interesting quirks he came across, you couldn’t help but stray from him every so often to glance up at Ojiro. 
He was scanning the premises every so often but would mask his concern and shoot you a reassuring smile every time you glanced at him out of the corner of your eyes. 
After the three of them returned, Midoriya flocking to Koda to get some food to replenish his energy as Kirishima dragged a protesting Bakugou the entire way over, you tugged on Ojiro’s hand.
You were worried. Your dad hadn’t returned yet and come to think of it, you hadn’t seen Ms. Joke either. Her students had passed by awhile, saying that they were getting on a train to make it back to their academy but they didn’t say a thing about her, so either they weren’t worried and this was a normal occurrence, or she was in trouble.
Your heart started to beat faster as your mind raced with possibilities of what could have happened and you couldn’t keep up, panic constricting in your chest and your breathing getting heavier until you couldn’t take it anymore.
You couldn’t sit here and wait, you had to help them!!
But your joined hand with Ojiro’s didn’t slip out as you tried to run off in the direction you had seen your dad go in last.
Ojiro’s tail wound around your waist and he hugged you tightly, suppressing his own conflicted feelings as you trembled in his arms. He was worried too, but he had to trust his teacher. Aizawa was more capable than any of them when it came to villains and if one had snuck in, he’d be the best qualified for dealing with it. 
But the security for the licensing exam was flawless so he highly doubted that was the case. Still, he understood your distress. 
Your knees knocked together but you stayed put due to the lock around your middle and you gritted your teeth. 
The apprehension didn’t fade, it only seemed to get worse as the seconds ticked by but when the rugged appearance and bright costume of your dad and Ms. Joke stepped out of the shadows, you were wrestling out of Ojiro’s hold as the breath you had been holding in rushed out of your lungs. 
“Dad!!” You cried out, bursting into tears when you reached him. 
Any other time you would’ve scolded yourself for being so emotional in front of others but you couldn’t help it. He had just left and you didn’t know where he went. It felt just like the first time Ojiro met you and treated your injury before disappearing from your line of sight. 
Aizawa caught you with one hand as you tunneled into his chest, stumbling back a few steps at your force. 
“Geez, kid, what’s the—”
His eyes widened at the sight of the drops of water streaking down your cheeks and he cursed himself for not telling you where he was going to be. He had been so focused that it narrowed his field of vision.
“Sorry,” He murmured apologetically, resting his free hand on your head. 
You closed your eyes as his reassurance and guilt washed over you, batting your head against his hand again just like earlier to show that you were okay. 
You weren’t exactly sure why you got so nervous when people left without any explanation. Maybe because it reminded you of your birth parents but you honestly couldn’t say because you didn’t remember them all that well. 
A soft ‘meow’ snapped you out of your trance and your eyes trailed down to where you heard the sound coming from, a loud squeal erupting from your lungs before you could stop it, startling everyone within a ten foot radius of you. 
Which included Aizawa, Fukukado, and all the students of Class 1-A. 
“A kitty!!” You squealed, catching sight of your dad holding it in his other hand. “Where did you find it?!”
You stretched out a hand to pet it but Aizawa lifted it far out of your reach. Your protest died when Fukukado ushered you a little bit away, still within Aizawa’s earshot but far away enough so that you couldn’t touch it. 
“Why can’t I—”
“It could be a spy.” Fukukado whispered to you seriously and your tail fluffed up. 
“The Quirk Traffickers.” Aizawa glowered, glaring at the small cat as he held it up by its scruff. “Some people were messing with it earlier, tossing it around and holding it up, making a show before kicking it to the side.”
The troublesome kids had scattered before he got a chance to capture and question them so he couldn’t say for certain but he was pretty sure they were involved.
Your fur bristled at those people doing something so cruel to an innocent animal. But that still didn’t explain why they thought it was a spy, let along a spy for the Quirk Traffickers. 
“Eraser thinks it might be a lure.” Fukukado explained, all amusement gone from her eyes as she folded her arms over her chest. “A kid who’s got a shapeshifting quirk that’s being forced to spy on you.”
You couldn’t say you were completely astonished that he had filled her in on your rough past but you were a bit surprised that he seemed to implicitly trust her despite saying that he wanted nothing to do with her earlier. 
How interesting. You would have to question him later.
Ms. Joke jabbed a thumb over to where Aizawa was having a staring contest with the grey kitten who was battered and bruised from the treatment earlier. Your blood was boiling just thinking about it. 
“Eraser’s trying to see if he can get it to change.” Fukukado told you.
Everyone, the students who had crowded closer to see what the commotion was all about and the two pro-heroes, stopped short when you burst out laughing.
“Dad, put him down.” You wheezed, still trying to catch your breath from your laughing fit.
Now everyone was really confused. 
Ojiro, who had overheard the tailend of Ms. Joke’s information, was wary when she mentioned that Aizawa thought the Quirk Traffickers might be involved. He caught your arm but faltered when he saw the twinkle in your eye. You wouldn’t look like that if you were in danger.
Reluctantly, he let you go. 
Aizawa still hadn’t let go of the cat, despite what you had said. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, he just didn’t exactly trust that there was nothing going on and—
“It’s just a kitten, Dad.” You reassured, giggling slightly when the sharpness in his glare dulled just a bit. “I promise it’s completely harmless.”
Aizawa stared at it suspiciously as the creature weakly batted at his hand but set it down in his hands so that he was gripping it gently to not add to its injuries but firmly just in case you were wrong and it tried to escape. 
He hummed lowly, not completely convinced. “And you know this how?”
Tapping the side of your nose, you smiled as you nonverbally reminded him of your enhanced senses. 
“Humans have a different scent than animals do.” You said softly. “If he was someone who had a shapeshifting quirk, he would still smell like a human even in animal form.”
You could pick up on the kitten’s distress at being handled so roughly by so many strangers but you couldn’t say you blamed him. Plucking him from your now shell-shocked dad’s hands, you petted it soothingly, careful to keep your canines tucked away so that you didn’t scare it.
“There, there…” You comforted, hugging it close to your chest. “It’s alright.”
Aizawa couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He had been so convinced after seeing such irregular behavior from people. And while he still couldn’t explain why they had been beating up an innocent animal who hadn’t caused any harm, he supposed it wasn’t important anymore. What mattered was that you were safe.
“I didn’t know you could do all that…” Aizawa trailed off, underlying wonder following his voice. He had no time to feel flustered or embarrassed by his mistake, seeing as how if he ended up being right, you would’ve been in grave danger. 
He was glad that wasn’t the case. Better to be safe than sorry.
You grinned cheekily as the kitten purred contentedly in your hold. “Maybe you should take me with you next time then!!”
“No.” He rejected bluntly and you exclaimed indignantly. 
“Eh?! Why not?!”
“That’s not an answer!!”
Ms. Joke laughed at your quick retorts, planting her hands on her hips now that the threat had been cleared. She was glad you weren’t in any danger and that the situation had been contained with cuddles. 
You stopped petting the kitten as you noticed the longing expression on someone’s face and stared down at the dirty, grey little cat. It could use love. Someone who would care for it and love it to the max. 
You knew just who that was going to be. 
“Todoroki.” You called out, gesturing for him to come over. 
Ojiro hid a smile. He knew exactly what you were thinking. Your kind heart knew no bounds. 
Once the half-and-half boy was closer, you thrusted the kitten out to him so that he had no choice but to take it. “Want to care for it?”
Todoroki blinked at you blankly, an unusual flicker of warmth shooting through his heart as he cupped his hands to delicately cradle the tiny bundle of fur. “I’m sorry?”
You sighed dramatically, a hand over your heart as you pulled out your very best theatrical performance. “It’s just that Dad’s already got a cat—”
“Y/N!!” Aizawa burst out. His students weren’t supposed to know about that!! You were exposing all of his secrets!!
You didn’t miss a beat. “And Coffee doesn’t take too well to other animals, just like Dad with people!!”
“Y/N!!!” Aizawa yelled, trying to scold you but it came out exasperated. He was already defeated. 
By now, Fukukado had doubled over with laughter, clutching her stomach as she lacked the strength to remain standing and collapsed to the ground, rolling from side to side as she laughed hysterically. 
Lowering your hands, you got serious for a second so that Todoroki could see you weren’t messing with him. 
“He needs a home.” You murmured softly, stroking the kitten’s head and your eyes softened as it mewled happily. “Do you want him?”
You knew he had never had a pet before. The two of you had talked before when you caught him staring longingly after the strays that roamed the campus. Those were off limits. The students were allowed to leave food out and pet them, they were domesticated, but because they were enjoyed by everyone, no one got to take them into the dorms. 
He had told you his dad didn’t really ever let him play with his siblings, let alone entertain the idea of getting a pet since all his time was spent training every since a young age. 
Todoroki’s heterochromic eyes grew misty. Out of everyone you could’ve chosen, you picked him. It was true he wanted a cat so badly but to just accept this out of the blue seemed a bit too fast. He didn’t even know if this kitten liked him—
A throaty purr erupted from the soft ball of fluff as it snuggled into his left hand, finding the warmth too heavenly to leave.
You barked out a laugh, a grin so wide that it hurt your face and you clapped your hands gleefully. “I guess that settles it then!!”
“Dad, he can stay right?!” You tossed over your shoulder, already knowing his answer.
Aizawa sighed heavily. “I assume you’re referring to the cat.”
You beamed brightly, bounding over to him without a second thought. “Pleaseeeeeeeee?”
He glanced over the top of your head. “Todoroki, are you willing to take care of it and be responsible for it?”
The hot and cold teen looked down at the kitten in his hands, cuddling up on his left hand. The side that he thought only had the ability to bring about harm to the people he cared about. It had only been a total of five minutes and now he couldn’t bear to part with it. 
“Yes.” He said quietly and Aizawa nodded decisively.
“Alright then.”
The whole class cheered, ecstatic that they now had a dorm cat, even if it was going to be Todoroki’s. Koda was practically bouncing in place with excitement, a sight that had never been seen before. Jirou tried to hide it but even she was enchanted by the kitten.
Midoriya and Uraraka high-fived each other, celebrating the fact that there was going to be a tiny cat roaming around the halls of their dormitory. So cute!!
Animals made everything better. 
Ojiro drew to your side like a magnet. “So that’s what you had up your sleeve.”
You smiled widely. “Do you think I went overboard?”
You knew the kitten would like him. Todoroki was quiet and wasn’t overbearing. He wouldn’t feel the dire need to pet it every single second of the day, but would take comfort in its presence, just like you believed the kitten would come to reflect it all the same. 
Ojiro pointedly glanced at your friends who were surrounding Todoroki, Ashido and Hagkure begging for a turn to hold it and the former giving in even though he clearly didn’t want to let go of it yet. 
“No, I don’t.” He said anyways, laughing along with you when Bakugou demanded to hold it next, only for Todoroki to make him promise not to launch the kitten halfway across the street if he let him.
It was clear that Todoroki was touched by your decision to give it to him. You didn’t know how much he treasured it already. 
“What are you going to name it?” Asui piped up thoughtfully as Midoriya got a turn after the explosive boy.
Todoroki’s brow furrowed and he was silent for a long time as he mulled it over before coming to a conclusion.
“... Soba.”
Uraraka’s jaw dropped open. “Eh?! You’re going to name it that?!”
“Is it not appropriate?” Todoroki asked cluelessly. He thought because of the color it would be a good fit. Plus, you did say Aizawa’s cat was named Coffee. Were all cats supposed to be named after drinks?
Maybe he should change it.
“Just don’t eat it.” Sero said, eyeing him oddly. 
“Ignore him.” Tokoyami said and Shoji nodded in agreement.
Todoroki cocked his head to the side. “Why would I eat it?”
“I dunno man!!” Kaminari exclaimed, throwing his hands up. “You named it Soba!!”
“Ignore them.” Tokoyami corrected calmly and the two of them shifted their attack to him instead for his poor choice of names to approve for the unofficial dorm cat.
“Y/N, what do you think?” Sato interjected, quelling the argument before it could get out of control. He knew you would approve no matter what Todoroki decided to name it, that was just the type of person you were. 
You tapped a finger to your chin in thought. “Well… considering I was just going to call it Dusty, I think Soba is better.”
Your claim sparked outrage at your unoriginality of names, effectively taking all the pressure and uncomfortable attention off of Todoroki and dumping it onto you. 
“Dusty?!” Kaminari shouted, waving his hands wildly.
“What?! I thought it fit!!” You objected stubbornly, hiding a smile. 
“That’s the worst name ever!!”
“Hey, don’t judge me!! I’m uncreative, okay!!”
Kaminari scoffed. “That’s no excuse!! It’s clearly a Cloud!!”
“That’s even worse!!” You shrieked in horror. “The bar was so low, Kaminari, and you buried a hole just to avoid it!!”
Ojiro’s shoulders shook with laughter at your sharp comeback and Kaminari pouted, betrayed, as Jirou, Sero and Sato burst out laughing. 
“All of you, be quiet. You’re giving me a headache.” Aizawa groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose as his students slowly but steadily started to file onto the bus to get back to UA. 
You winked at Todoroki, who continued to softly pet Soba still purring in his hands as his failure to obtain his license faded into the background with every happy noise the kitten made. Today wasn’t what you expected it to be. 
It was even better.
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
The Book of Love - Chapter Three
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Ravenclaw!Reader
Summary: After a breakup leaves you heartbroken and miserable, things start to change for the better when you begin exchanging notes in a library book with a mystery boy.
Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex, Jily being adorable
Words: 2285
A/N:Hope you guys enjoy this part! Please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx 
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Chapter Three
It was always a marvel to Remus how electrifying the atmosphere was in The Great Hall on the day of the first Quidditch match of the season. You could strike a match against the tension. All four houses put aside their inter-house unity and exchanged it for inter-house rivalry. Even Y/N and Sirius were rivals today because it was Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. James walked into The Great Hall, hand in hand with Lily, on the outside he was the picture of confidence though Remus could see through his best mate’s mask and he knew that James was absolutely bricking it.
As soon as he sat down Sirius pushed a plate of toast and a goblet of pumpkin juice towards him, Sirius didn’t look nervous but then again, he never did, “you look peaky mate, you really do need to eat something.”
James merely shook his head and he looked like he was about to throw up and he pushed his glasses up his nose, “I’m not hungry,” he sighed, “Merlin, I don’t want to let the team and the whole house down,” he rubbed a hand over his face.
Lily rubbed his arm soothingly and kissed his cheek, “you won’t let them down sweetheart, you’ve had the team training night and day. You’ll be absolutely fine.”
“Uh oh, here comes trouble,” Sirius smirked and Remus glanced up, feeling his breath get stolen away. It was Y/N.
She was wearing a blue woolly jumper and she’d sprayed one half of her hair dark blue and the other a glistening silver colour. Y/N looked beautiful in that shade of blue, so beautiful that he had to say something, “so, I guess you won’t be supporting Gryffindor today then?” he smirked.
“Wow Remus, you’re so funny,” Y/N said drily but Remus could see the smile that was itching to make its way across her face, “but thank you,” she reached up and touched her hair, “you’re spunky this morning Remus,” she giggled as she sat next to him and stole a rasher of bacon from his plate.
Remus shrugged as he smirked, “just in a good mood is all.”
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully as she gave him a dazzling smile that Remus almost imagined was reserved just for him. Though, in a flash she turned away from him to speak to Peter and he knew that it was crazy to think she had a secret smile just for him.
When it was time for the team to leave for the changing rooms Lily pulled James into a good luck kiss so passionate that Remus and his friends all exchanged awkward glances, patches of pink on their cheeks. Remus wanted to be kissed like that. Just once.
Sirius let out a low whistle as he dragged a hand through his tangled hair, “damn, I need to get me one of those,” he smirked as he looked down the length of the table for someone that would meet his requirements. Peter scoffed with a scowl and Remus shook his head in amusement.
Suddenly, Remus felt warm soft lips against his cheek in a quick but sweet kiss. With blazing cheeks and butterflies in his stomach he turned to look at the girl who was sitting to the right side of him. Y/N was grinning at him mischievously and all Remus could do was raise a questioning eyebrow, the words temporarily stolen from his throat.
“I thought that you deserved a good luck kiss too,” she shrugged nonchalantly while Remus struggled to find his voice.
“But, I’m not even playing, and besides why would you want to give your rival a good luck kiss?” the place where Y/N had kissed him burned pleasantly and he ached to touch it.
“Oh come on Remus, I’m sure no one can be rivals with you for very long, you’re far too nice,” she laughed as she took a sip of her pumpkin juice, “and you’ll need luck because your poor team are going to be simply crushed by Ravenclaw.”
Remus rolled his eyes as he grinned, “wow well, thank you for your kiss, it was much appreciated,” he willed himself not to blush as he rubbed the back of his neck. He had to ask her, the worst that she could do was say no and even if she declined, Remus knew that she wouldn’t make him feel too bad about it, “would you like to walk down to the pitch with us?” he asked as he turned round to find Peter but he wasn’t there and Lily had gone down to the pitch with James, “with me?” he chuckled.
Y/N’s pretty eyes found the table and she smiled almost shyly when she looked back up at him, “I’d like that,” she nodded and Remus could have performed a happy dance, “but of course, I’ll have to sit with my team when the game is on. Lyra would surely disown me if I didn’t.”
“Understood,” Remus beamed as he threw up his hands in defence and they walked out of The Great Hall together. Remus was so happy for this time alone with Y/N that he missed the way that Lucius Malfoy’s eyes followed them, a scowl plastered on his face.
It was a cold but clear day and you could see right across the lack to the snow-capped mountains beyond that was usually shrouded in mist. The amber leaves of the trees in the forest made a gorgeous contrast beneath the white sky. Y/N made a little noise of delight as she took in the scenery and huddled further into her scarf.
“I love clear days like this, it makes me want to draw a landscape of it,” her voice was muffled slightly.
Remus looked at her with polite surprise on his face; he didn’t know that she liked to draw, “I didn’t know that you liked to draw Y/N.”
Y/N shrugged as she tucked a flyaway strand of her hair behind her ear and she rubbed her hands together, “yeah, I got into it over the summer because there are lots of beautiful landscapes where my grandmother lives. It’s not a big deal.”
“I think it’s wonderful,” Remus beamed at her.
“Thank you Remus, that means a lot,” she smiled gratefully.
They walked in comfortable silence until they reached the stands and they both came to a stop. Remus was reluctant to part from her and he selfishly hoped that she felt the same, “well, good luck Remus,” Y/N grinned making Remus chuckle.
“Thanks Y/N, you too.”
“Oh, my team won’t need it but thanks anyway,” she smiled cockily and she gave him a little wave as she went off to find her seat. 
Remus was left feeling a little disappointed, he was almost hoping for another kiss but he supposed that he was lucky to even get the first kiss. The young man quickly shook himself out of it as he picked his way through the buzzing crowd and found an empty seat next to Lily. She smirked at Remus but she said nothing and he narrowed his eyes at her as she turned to face the pitch again.
 As the two teams made their opening rounds of the pitch, the crowd whooped and cheered, and Remus caught a glimpse of Y/N through a cluster of blue and silver. He found himself smiling as she cheered for her team. For the majority of the game it was a very close match and the crowd were on the edge of their seats as they watched the game unfold before their eyes.
James saved some spectacular goals and it was clear that Gryffindor had benefited from their harsh training regime; they were on top form today. They were better than last year though Remus would never admit it to James, he valued his life.
As James saved his third amazing goal, Lily jumped up and screamed, “yes! That’s my boyfriend!”
Unfortunately, Ravenclaw’s defence was just as good as Gryffindors and for the first twenty minutes the score was 0-0 but the crowd seemed quite satisfied, though the same couldn’t be said for the players. Ravenclaw’s form began to falter and Gryffindor were able to score a few goals and the players zoomed around the pitch, seemingly gaining new heart.
The score was 90-30 before the Gryffindor seeker dived to catch the snitch and when the crowd realised that Gryffindor had won, the stadium was filled with ear splitting cheers and deafening boos in equal measure. Remus’ heart soared as he caught a glimpse of James’ face, he had been so worried but in the end he had led Gryffindor to victory.
“He is so getting laid tonight!” Lily yelled happily and Remus had the sneaking impression that James would be getting laid anyway.
As happy as Remus was for Gryffindor, he yearned to console Y/N.
Excitement brewed in the pit of your stomach – it didn’t take much for you to get excited – as you tucked the Transfiguration book beneath your arm as you walked out of the library. On the first day of school when you realised that you had forgotten your textbook, you had sent a letter home so your parents could send it over.
Unfortunately, they took a week to send it over and by that time you were using the library textbook because for one you needed it and there was another reason. It was why you looked for the same book every time and why you kept on returning it. You had been communicating with a mysterious person – who you had recently found out was a boy and he was in your year – through the post it notes you had stuck on the pages. Sometimes you took the time to get to know each other but sometimes it was really random, like today.
‘Chocolate or sweets?’ at the end of his notes he always drew a little crescent moon.
You smiled down at the note as you scrawled a reply, ‘sweets, hands down. Especially sugar quills, I love eating them in potions! 7th year potions are such a drag!’ you doodled a likeness of Slughorn before you closed the book.
You looked into the hospital wing as you went past it and you stopped dead in the corridor. Sirius, James and Peter were all crowded around a bed and they were talking in such hushed voices that you were sure that someone must have been dying. Before you could think twice, your feet carried you into the room and you walked over to the boys and you saw with a jolt that it was Remus in the hospital bed, so that was why he hadn’t been in class today.
It didn’t look like he was particularly hurt, he just looked really tired and you called out before you could stop yourself. “Remus? Are you okay?” 
All four boys looked at you in alarm and a muscle fluttered in Sirius’ jaw as he looked at you with hard eyes, he almost looked angry and protective. Remus offered you a smile as he sat up in bed and winced, “I’m fine Y/N, just feeling under the weather,” his voice was short and you almost shrank back.
“We’ll see you back in the common room, mate,” Sirius told him and Remus nodded, looking warily over at you. Sirius smiled tightly as he kissed the side of your head, “see you later.”
You bit your lip as you sat down on the seat next to his bed, “I’m sorry Remus, do you want me to go? I can if you want,” you stood up to leave and Remus stopped you with a gentle hand on your arm.
“No, Y/N, please don’t go. I’m sorry for being rude, why don’t you tell me what I’ve missed today?” he smiled.
You grinned back at him, watching a trickle of blood ooze from a cut on his head, you knew that he wasn’t telling you the whole story but you didn’t mind, you grabbed a clean cloth from his bedside and began to clean up the blood, “sorry,” you muttered as Remus winced, “and for the record, I don’t think that you were rude. So, what have you missed today?” you whispered to yourself, “well we were practicing our non-verbal spells in Defence Against the Dark Arts,” Remus groaned at your words, “and in potions we were brewing a potion that would change our appearance, you know for us mere mortals that can’t change it at will,” you rolled your eyes with a smile, “Peter accidentally blew up his cauldron and Lily spent the best part of an hour trying to change my hair back from green.”
Remus laughed as he fiddled with a couple of your strands, “I have to say Y/N, that I’m sure you would pull off green pretty well.”
You rolled your eyes at his handsome teasing grin, “thanks Remus,” you laughed. For a little while, the both of you just talked as you tried to get Remus’ mind off his illness and it was working pretty well until you noticed Madam Pomfrey looking over at you, “I should probably go before I get kicked out.”
Remus’ face fell but he nodded all the same, “okay Y/N. Thanks so much for staying with me, I’ll see you later.”
You nodded as you stroked some hair off his forehead, “you’re welcome Remus, I really hope you feel better soon,” you smiled as you got up. “Oh and Y/N?” Remus asked, causing you to turn around and smile at him, “see you in Hogsmeade on Saturday?”
There was a funny fluttery feeling in your stomach that weren’t quite butterflies, “looking forward to it.”
@hp-imagines-07​ @smiithys​ @pregnant-piggy​ @unexpectedurl​ @siriusblackspam​ @elayneblack​ @reylo-hope
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
on the eve
a/n: not me projecting onto college au!tony again !! oh btw this fic takes place at least a year before moments
Anthony was in the kitchen, engaged in a lengthy debate with himself about whether he wanted coffee or hot chocolate and listening to one of his many morning playlists. It felt weird that it was December 24th and he wasn’t listening to Christmas music, weird that he wanted to be comforted by the bitterness of coffee instead of the sweetness of cocoa. He also didn’t care what he drank this morning, because it didn’t feel like Christmas and he didn’t want to listen to Christmas carols. He hadn’t wanted to all month.
The realist in Anthony doubted he’d catch the holiday spirit now. How could he, if he was looking forward to the end of the holiday season on Christmas Eve? This used to be one of his favorite days of the year, one of his favorite times of the year, but it had lost its luster.
He was too tired for Christmas miracles.
Anthony knew himself. He knew he’d been growing disillusioned with the holidays, each year his excitement waning. This year it felt as if his energy hit a new low and would never return again. He couldn’t bring his energy up, and he was too tired to even fake a smile. So he made his coffee and went back to his room, sitting up in bed as Stephen slept.
It wasn’t much longer when Stephen woke up, maybe only an hour had passed. Anthony spent that time thinking and staring out the window, almost instinctively playing with his boyfriend’s hair as he did so.
“People watching?” Stephen asked as he began to stir. He leaned into Anthony’s caresses and looked adoringly at him. “You’re so pretty.”
Anthony scoffed. “Says the prettiest person I know.”
Stephen sat up to face him. “Oh shush. How long have you been up?”
“I think a couple hours,” Anthony said. He shrugged, looking sharply and suddenly at the blanket that was tossed to the side in the middle of the night.
“What’s wrong?” Stephen asked. He was attune to even the smallest changes in Anthony’s demeanor. It was clear that something was on his mind, and it wasn’t the blanket.
Anthony shrugged again, feeling a bit like a petulant child as he leaned to rest his head on Stephen’s shoulder. There was so much in his head, so much stress and fatigue and so many other emotions, but it all caused or derived from one thing. “Does it feel like the holidays to you? Like I know it’s Christmas Eve and everything, but... something doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel right.”
Stephen frowned in thought, stroking Anthony’s cheek with the pad of his thumb. “What does it feel like?”
“Like a grey sky, almost. There are heavy clouds, and it’s not raining yet but the clouds are tired of holding the rain away from the ground. The sky is still going to be grey, but it’s going to rain sooner or later,” Anthony replied, not entirely sure if his description made any sense. “The ground is going to get all wet, the roads are going to be slick and plants are going to be overwatered. Then the clouds will disappear, feeling bad for the damage they’ve caused, but you’ll still be able to feel their weakness in the air. The sky will still be grey, and everyone around will have to deal with the rain ruining their mood and bringing them down. The clouds don’t deal with their problems, they just shove them onto other people and hide.”
Stephen didn’t say anything, glancing at his boyfriend with loving, understanding eyes.
“I feel like a storm cloud,” Anthony continued. “But not one that’s beautiful, or not one that comes to the rescue after a town hasn’t seen rain for awhile. I just feel like I’m not hiding how I feel enough, so I’m going to bring everyone down and ruin the holiday. I kind of want the next few days to just be over so I don’t have to pretend like I’m happy, but I feel selfish for thinking that.”
Stephen hummed, gently kissing Anthony’s hair. “You’re not selfish in general, but especially not for feeling. Most people might be feeling one thing or showing one emotion because it’s right for them, not the standard of how you should be feeling. It’s okay to not be happy, it’s okay to be upset or however you feel. And I know you know all of these things, but it never hurts to remind you.”
Anthony nodded, his head still resting against Stephen’s shoulder. “I appreciate that.”
“I’ll validate you anytime you need Ant,” Stephen assured him, kissing him again.
Anthony was going to say something about how he was too stubborn to be kind to himself and didn���t deserve validation, but in the moment he decided against it. He snuggled closer to Stephen, allowing himself to be cared for in his exhausted state. It was awhile before he spoke up again. “Not sure I’ll be any fun, but if you still want company while you finish gift wrapping—”
“Yes please,” Stephen cut him off. “I don’t care what mood you’re in, I don’t think I’d ever not want your company.”
Anthony smiled, a slight blush on his face as he kissed Stephen. “We could stay in bed for a bit longer before wrapping?”
“We could... but only because I’m cold and I don’t feel like getting up yet,” Stephen replied. He pretended like was reluctant to stay in bed, but Anthony saw through him.
“If you’re still cold we can always sit by the fireplace later,” Anthony suggested.
“I doubt I’ll need it, you’re the best at keeping me warm,” Stephen murmured.
Anthony laughed and rolled his eyes. “That was, in the best way, revoltingly sweet.”
tags: @stark-strange-love2 @h3mmy @maya-custodios-dionach @thespacecryptid @majesticnerdynerd @spooky-n-spunky @doctorstephenvincentstarkstrange @kiwidino @chocopiggy @ocforeverything
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Behind a Name - NCIS Imagine
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo x reader
Warning: none!
Word count: 1025
Reader remembers the five different nicknames Tony gives her versus when he uses her real name.
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The first time Tony had called you that, you had almost slapped him.
The two of you had been photographing and marking evidence at a crime scene when Tony had said, “Hey sweetcheeks, turn around.”
You had turned around only because you had wanted to see who Tony was flirting with, at a crime scene none the less. Tony’s face had broken out in an award-winning smile before snapping a picture of you with the camera he had been using to photograph evidence.
Glancing around you and seeing it was just you, you had stood up and put your hands on your hips. “Anthony DiNozzo, you better not be calling me sweetcheeks. I’m not some waitress you can charm.” He had laughed before returning to photograph the evidence.
Every time he called you that afterwards, you would glare at him, causing him to laugh and sometimes even give you an affectionate shoulder bump.
Tony didn’t call you this often but when he did, it was when it was just the two of you.
He had called you that the first time you had done an undercover mission together. You had had to pretend to be an influential couple at an annual gala for charity.
You had chosen a floor-length, backless black gown paired with a set of silver heels. Your usual two guns and a knife had been reduced to a knife you had holstered to your thigh. As you waited for Tony to meet you, you had started fidgeting with the knife, practising removing it from the holster.
“Much more of that gorgeous and we won’t make it to the gala.” Tony’s voice had made you jump, eyes scanning the area around you and quickly finding Tony. He was casually leaning against the office divider by his desk. Your eyes scanned his body appreciatively, lingering on the strong arms defined under his suit jacket and his well-fitting suit pants.
As your eyes returned to his face, you blushed when you saw he was smirking. “See something you like gorgeous?”
You stammered out an incoherent response, “I-I, you, we ne-need to go.” You stood, grabbed your jacket and rushed past him.
Any other time he called you gorgeous after that, you had blushed deeply and tried to clear your mind of the slightly inappropriate thoughts.
This was one that Tony used often, especially when you were irritated.
He had first used it to describe your attitude after working with McGee as Abby’s tech support. You had spent the better half of the morning struggling to understand any of what Abby or McGee had been saying. Anytime you had asked a question, McGee had let out an exasperated breath before explaining what they were doing.
You had escaped as early as you could and had heaved a sigh of relief once you were back at your desk. Tony had given you a look, but returned to his work. McGee had returned to the bullpen shortly after you, in a negative mood. When Tony had asked him what was wrong, McGee had snorted, gave you a look, and returned to his work.
McGee’s look rubbed you the wrong way so you had snapped, “Well it wasn’t a day in paradise for me either.”
Tony had whistled lowly before commenting, “Feeling spunky today Y/N?”
All it took was one look at you and Tony could tell when you were feeling like this, so he would call you that the rest of the day.
You couldn’t even remember the first time Tony had called you ‘Princess.’ He usually did this whenever he could tell you were feeling down.
He would call you this when you were sick or tired. He would use this nickname when you were working on paperwork late at night. He would refer to you as princess when he knew you were struggling with a case.
He could always tell when you needed to hear him call you this most. 
You loved hearing him call you this because, for some reason, it made you feel like a princess.
A princess in love with a handsome Italian prince.
He called you this whenever you were in a giddy mood.
This happened whenever a case ended well, something good took place in one of your favorite TV shows, the weather was nice, or even when you had just been having a good day.
It seemed that Tony took as much joy in seeing you happy as he did in calling you darling, which made this something you enjoyed hearing him call you.
Your Name
You could clearly remember, and count on one hand, the number of times Tony had called you by your real name. The first time was when you met him after joining the team, not that you expected anything different.
The next time he called you by your first name was when he told you he loved you. He had been sitting next to you in the car on a stake-out and you were rambling about the newest season of your favorite TV show when he had turned to look you in the eyes.
“Y/N?” Hearing him call you that made you shut right up. You turned a shocked pair of Y/E/C eyes on him.
He smiled softly at you before continuing. “Y/N. I love you. I’ve loved you for a while now and couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.”
Tears sprang to your eyes and you had grabbed his face with both hands before planting a solid kiss on his lips. “I love you too Tony DiNozzo.” You had whispered against his lips once you had pulled away from the kiss.
And the last time he had used your name was when he had addressed you in his vows on your wedding day. His vows were simple, but knowing how he had only used your name twice prior, you had been moved to tears hearing him say it again.
Of all the times Tony had referred to you as something, your favorite was when he used your name. After all, who would know more about what was behind a name than a man who used it best to tell you he loved you.
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lofitowns · 4 years
Hey Can I request an imagine, about natsu receiving a massage from a fem s/o pls? Thank you
tough knots
pairing: natsu dragneel x gn! reader
word count: 907
genre: fluff
summary: in which natsu can’t sleep and goes for you for comfort 
warnings: n/a
a/n: i have a few things to say!
     1. i changed my username! i was lovelygranger but i changed to lofitowns!
     2. if you take a look at my rules, i try and keep the reader gender neutral so that’s how i wrote this imagine.
     3. thank you for requesting! i don’t often read or write about massages so it took me some time to come up with an idea! i hope it’s alright and what you wanted :)
     Tonight was one of those rare nights where Natsu was quiet. It seemed an almost unnerving contrast to his normally spunky and intense self. 
     The Grand Magic Games had ended a few days prior, the events finally sinking into everyone’s mind. The dragons, the destruction, and of course, the little blip in time. 
     Natsu’s back slouched as he sat at the end of his bed. His fingers played with the hem of his vest, tugging on a loose thread. The soft sound of snores filtered through the room. He looked at their point of origin, a blue exceed. Happy was curled up on the pillow, the ever-present smile still on his face as he slept.
     The dragon slayer felt stiff, all his muscles screaming at him. He never noticed he was starting to ache until it was too late. The constant movements of the past few days had put more stress, mentally and physically, on him then he would have thought. And the knowledge of what could happen in a year was weighing heavy on his mind.
     He stretched his legs out before getting up and padding towards the door. He tried to open it quietly, but it still let out a low creek. Natsu looked behind him to make sure he didn’t wake Happy before shutting the door on his way out.
     You were laying in bed, clutching the sheets. You had been tossing and turning restlessly for hours now and you so desperately wanted to sleep. Maybe you’d feel better once you were back in your room in Magnolia. You had half a mind to go see Natsu, see if the change of scenery would help. You tried to shake the thought. He went through all that and was probably trying to get-
     Your thoughts were cut short by the sound of a knock on your door. You reached up and rubbed your eyes before slipping out of bed. A yawn rose from the back of your throat, eyes squinting at the new light coming in from the hallway. 
     “Natsu?” You questioned, stepping to the side to allow him entry, “You okay?”
     A sigh passed his lips as he walked to your bed. He stopped when his knees met the edge and belly-flopped, the weight of his body making him bounce. 
     Your eyebrow quirked, you wanted to ask what was wrong but you didn’t want to push him. You moved back to the bed, sitting next to him. You reached your hand out, rubbing the pads of your fingers up and down his back. The relaxed sigh that fell from his lips was nearly muffled by your stiff sheets.
     “Would you... Rub my back?” He seemed almost hesitant to ask, which surprised you. He still wasn’t used to being completely vulnerable around someone. He always felt the need to keep up with his carefree and reckless nature. He just needed your touch right now.
     “Yeah, of course.”
     Your position shifted. His vest was shed as he rested on his stomach, cheek pressed into your pillow. You sat on your knees beside him, leaning over to coast your fingers up and down his back. 
     Touches so intimate had been foreign to him before. He had never thought that much into romantic relationships, always seemingly busy with something else. There was just something about you that made his heart beat faster. 
     It was almost surprising how quickly Natsu realized he craved physical touch. Your hands could be anywhere on his body and he would be content. He wasn’t too fond of it in public though, choosing to keep it as a private moment between the two of you. 
     Your hands rolled over his shoulders, wandered down his back. They dug into the tight muscles of his biceps and brushed over his shoulder blades. 
     Natsu kept his eyes closed, a few murmurs or content sighs passing his lips. But, every once in awhile, his eyes would open to take you in. The moonlight was shining in through the window, giving you a pale halo. You looked ethereal. Like an angel. The look of adoration that filled your face made his breath hitch.
     As you were about to shift your hands, Natsu took the chance to take one of them and press your palm to his lips. Your eyes raised to his face, the pink mess of hair sprawled on your pillow, and the half-lidded eyes. 
     “Thank you,” His voice was soft, you weren’t sure you had ever heard him like this. “I just couldn’t sleep. Thank you for relaxing me.”
     You grinned brightly down at your boyfriend, “Natsu, you know I’d do anything for you.” 
     His intertwined his fingers with yours, his eyes never left your face as he pulled you down next to him. The two of you laid on your sides, faces inches apart. You could feel his warm breath fanning over your lips. Instinctively, you moved forward, crashing your lips together. 
     The kiss was surprisingly soft, his hand holding your cheek. You reached up and placed your hand over his, rubbing your thumb along his bruised knuckles.
     You separated for air, sending each other smiles filled with such fondness. 
     “Come on, let’s try and get some sleep,” Your voice came out as a whisper, trying not to kill the somnolent mood. He nodded in agreement, taking you in his arms and resting his forehead on your shoulder. 
     “Good night, (y/n).”
     “Good night, Natsu.”
thank you for reading :) have a good day!
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
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aesthetic, headcanon & playlist — webtoon favorites
summary: webtoons to minjung are dreamy — hyper-romanticized versions of what she suspects is everyone’s taste of romance. she falls trap to it inevitably, and becomes an avid follower not only because of the topic itself, but also because the drawings are doing beautifully (not the characters but the backgrounds have fun colorations). it’s dreamy, ethereal, and because of that — seo minjung ends up a schmuck for webtoons. playlist summary: sometimes the webtoons she reads comes out with random tracks here and there — where she doesn’t expect much, the songs that come in often make it to her daily playlists and she finds herself getting a better sense of the webtoon when there’s an ost that follows. (her dream at this point would be to sing an ost for one of her favorite webtoons). the songs highlight some of her favorites that play on repeat in the background as she reads then re-reads through each episode for the full mood. the songs balance the indie, light feel guitar strings as there’s no edm-poppy music for the background of these happy readings. warnings: none wc: 489
1. 산들 — 취기를 빌려 — 산들 (sandeul — slightly tipsy) 2. 규현 — 내 마음이 움찔했던 순간 (kyuhyun — the moment my heart fluttered) 3. 치즈 — 이렇게 좋아해 본 적이 없어요 (cheeze — never liked it like this) 4. 적재 — 나랑 같이 걸을래 (jukjae — want to walk with me) 5. 허각 — 고백 (huh gak — confession) 6. 이하이 — 그 한마디 (lee hi — dear you) 7. 노을 — 지켜줄게 (noel — saving all my love)
minjung reads a lot of webtoons and half of them are just used as time killers, despite how much time she invests in webtoons
what starts off as a few episodes ends up in a full night’s binge where she’ll read it through the entire series of what’s available till the sun rises
when she’s left on a cliffhanger, she’ll be shameless and pay the money to get the cookies needed to go onto the next available episodes
between daum webtoon and naver webtoons? she likes the daum ones more, but still has both apps downloaded since she follows a lot of webtoons closely
for the genre, she used to be into the more interesting topics? such as 외모 지상주의 (lookism? i think), but after a while that got the same and boring so she moved onto different genres. 
that led her to the romance, light-hearted love genres — she hates to admit it, but she falls victim to those webtoons one too many times. that includes her favorite school-setting romance webtoons that she reads too many of
she doesn’t let many people around her know this fact? simply because this sort of webtoon reading is relegated to her “alone” time, and she feels slightly embarrassed at the thought that other people would know she reads content like this
still, that doesn’t stop her from being an avid reader. in fact, most times in the van or between schedules she’ll be reading a webtoon — she nearly has one new episode to read on the daily.
the webtoons fall into the certain prototype of a male lead, cool off and collected that strays far from the crowd. then the female lead, which always is some cute or beautiful girl who is either spunky(?) out there in her personality, and steadfast in her beliefs. or just quiet and reserved like the lead boy, and they all fall in love slowly but surely and that deals with a happy ending.
as for specific webtoons itself? she likes 취향저격 그녀 (she’s my type?) because of the lighthearted far-off aspect of it. plus, she considers the ost for this webtoon unmatched as it carries some of her favorite songs at the moment. she also likes 바니와 오빠들 (bani and the boys) for her easy reading, 바른연애 길잡이 (a guide to proper dating?) because that sort of love is almost annoying at times, but she gets caught up in reading it. 우리집이거든요 (this is my house, you know?), 여신강림 (true beauty), 여주실격 (no longer a heroine) as it ties bits with her life in the fame world, 소심한 팔레트 (shy palette) for her art hoe taste, 원수를 사랑하라 (love your enemy) because the main lead drawn is closest to her ideal type?
aka she reads a lot of webtoons for no reason, wastes a shit ton of money on reading ahead. romance is her ish, and this is somewhat of a secret she harbors
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 08 + 09.11.20 lbs
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lmaoooooooo i really love the ice cold way siya operates in. truly a raisinghania sib!
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“siya chal sakti hai!!!” behen, iss ghar mein tumhare dimaag ki alaava sab kuch chalta hai.
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dadi trying to cheer raja band baja hua beta up with his favt. chole bhature. he doesn't seem like the kind who'd eat that kinda food, but ok.
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lmao he's literally twisting and turning in place like kids do when they have a tantrum. i mean, i like it. it shows a more human side to the character, ki just how much anguish and helplessness he's feeling.
dadi like babe, you can't control everything in life, stop being such a bloody control freak ki things not going your way turn you like this.
blah blah anguished rant on how he lost something so important to him.
dadi giving cliche ~~~if it's meant to be yours, it'll come back to you~~~ advice. which is kinda working on him. huh. all kindsa out of sorts behaviour.
“jab tuney kisi ke saath galat nahi kiya hai, toh tere saath galat kyun hoga?” uh okkkkkkkkkkk, that's not how life works. bad shit happens to good ppl all the time. also, he's done lotsa galat shit ok. what did riddhima do for this fucker to paralyse her huh?????? YEH SAB USSI KA NATEEJA HAI. BHUGAT AB.
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dadi saying why don't you talk to riddhima about your issues, and lol he's whining about she dgaf about him coz she left him alone last night when he asked her not to.
dadi left praying ki hey bhagwaan these two fucks’ relationship is in your hands now, this is beyond human interference.
kabir being informed of new developments and accusation of kidnapping ragini is being heaped on siya. BASED ON WHAT EVIDENCE YOU STUPID TWIT??????? THAT SHE CAN WALK??????? SO CAN EVERYONE ELSE YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
“mujhe usse vansh ke aage expose karna hoga.” LMAO BITCH EXPOSE YOURSELF FIRSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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“tum kya mujhe expose karogi? expose toh main tumhe karungi!” YES SIYAAAAAAAAA FUCK  HER UPPPPPPPPPP
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siya saying she just miraculously got cured a few days ago, and was waiting to surprise everyone. sounds sus, but whatever.
but also what kinda terrribleasssssss physiotherapist is riddhima that she didn’t even identify her patient’s progress?????
LMAO SIYA POL KHOLING OF VANSH BHAIYYA SAYING HE MADE HER DO ALL THE SHADY MASK SHIT. “TO KEEP RIDDHIMA SAFE”. haaaan behen, khooooob safe rakha tumne, baar baar behosh karke. pehle se hi iska dimaag nahi chalta, now you’ve managed to give her some kinda degenerative brain disease.
i love how vansh didn’t bother to ask siya how she stopped riddhima’s plans and knocked her out multiple times if she’s in a wheelchair. there’s literally only one person in a wheelchair in this house?!?!?!!!!!! wouldn’t riddhima KNOW who the person in the mask is???? god vansh. you’re such a dumbass.
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lellllllllllllllllllllllllll i am livingggggggggg for siya reading riddhima to filth with a knife in her hand THIS IS THE BEST SCENE OF THIS SHOW YET. esp in her small, child-like voice, it’s fucking amazing.
i wish vansh was the person he is to siya, instead of the fucker he actually is. she literally thinks the worldddddddddddd of him. ugh, i am so soft for this relationshippppppp.
but i also wanna know what the ishani/siya relationship is like? we hardlyyyyyy see them interact. like, we even see aryan push her wheelchair around sometimes, but ishani neverrrrrrr interacts with siya. why????
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ugh riddhima managed to convince her that she really cares for vansh and is trying to do the right thing. she’s literally asking her to kill her rn if she doesn’t trust her. baby sis you’re farrrrrrrrr too trusting.
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“mera dimaag tumpe trust karne se rok raha hai, riddhima, par jiss dil ne tumhe bhaabi bola haina, woh tumhe ek mauka dena chahta hai. ek aakhri mauka. iss baar mera bharosa mat todna. 24 ghante hai tumhare paas. apni taqdeer badal sako toh badal lo warna yeh audio main vansh bhaiyya ko suna doongi.” SERIOUSLY, WHERE WERE THEY HIDING THIS MOST SAYAANI CHARACTER OF THE SHOW TILLLLLL NOW????????!
riddhima has a condition for siya too. i think i know what it is.
omg vansh IS COLLAR PAKADKE YELLING AT ANGRE IN THE WORST WAYYYYYYY POSSIBLE. god vansh, you’re honestly the fucking worstttttttttttttttttttt. angre you need to take up work with someone else, istg, you don’t deserve this shit. kabir treats his sidekick so much better. yet another point in the kitty for kabir >>>>>> vansh.
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seriously, why would you wanna blindfold this dude when he’s in THIS mood????? save it for the bedroom, sis.
empty wheelchair dekh ke he’s yelling at everrrrrrrryone ki how could they leave siya alone somewhere. god. i can’t imagine having to live with such a toxic personality.
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everyone in the house is soooooo happy for siya. like, aryan’s not beaming as much as the others, but he does look kinda pleased. BECAUSE SIYA IS BEST CHARACTERRRRRRR OF THIS SHOW EVERYONE LOVESSSS HERRRRR.
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oh my heart, i am so softttttttt for sibling shit like this. he’s hugging her with suchhhhhhhhhhhh fierceeee affection, i’m crying happy tearsssssss.
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heart eyes for riddhima who supposedly cured her. pls. she did nothing. jo bhi karna tha, siya ne khud kiya hai. iss ridhimma manhoos ko jasoosi se kab fursat mili to do PT with siya and cure her???
siya being gracious and giving credit though. ugh, honestly, this show and this family don’t deserve siya.
lmao she’s saying vansh brought riddhima in though, so actually allll the credit goes to bhaiyya for intimidating this poor woman into treating his sister against her will.
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anupriya giving some fakeass congrats. i hope siya tells vansh that she was the one who pushed her down the stairs a while back. aur kuch nahi toh just for that vansh is gonna kill her dead.
riddhima and vansh still all tense and sad about the ragini thing. OUFF JUST LIVE IN THE MOMENT YOU FUCKS.
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riddhima back at kabir’s to try and find ragini. ughhhhhhhhh i’m just so done with this nonsense. we already KNOW that kabir and anupriya still have her based on the precap from like 2, 3 days ago.
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lol kabir is so pissed at riddhima and her dimaag chalaana. a mood we ALL share.
kabir trying to turn riddhima against siya and riddhima’s like NOOOO SHE COULD NEVER, “USKI AANKHEIN USKI AWAAAZ SAAF SAAF KEH RAHI THI KI WOH SACH BOL RAHI HAI!” uh huh, yeah, like kabir’s are rn????? and vansh’s were before he paralysed you? just a suggestion i’m throwing out there: is it possible that perhaps, just maybe, you’re just very fucking stupid, riddhima, and tend to trust people too easily????
OUFF I’M SO BORED WITH THIS SCENE. we already know from the precap that ragini will knock down a vase but riddhima will never find out what caused it and kabir will make some lame excuse she’ll believe. FWDING TO NEXT.
siya brushes it off saying its exercise stuff for her PT. sure. uh huh.
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bhaiyya knows baby enough ki she’s hiding something from himmm. oh noeeeeeeeeeee.
damn, siya a real one. didn’t give out riddhima’s secret coz she wants to give her a fair chance. again, this show does not deserve this character. she’s too good for it.
she says she just believes in him and knows he’ll find whoever murdered mom. 
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idhar ragini ki marammat shuru. y’all are just exhausting me with this bs. isse maarna hai toh maaro already. ainvayi mein time waste.
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oh dangggggggg, ragini batting for riddhima. saying i know she’ll fuck y’all up. dang, we love the sisterhood feels of this episode!
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“aap ke liye SPECIAL INTEZAAM kiya hai maine.” said with the most polite customer service obsequiousness. I LOVE THIS PSYCHOPATH THE MOSTTTTTTTTTT.
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ragini warning them that once vansh finds out everything, they’re as good as dead. wow, spunky!!!! dude i like her as a female lead better than stupid fucking riddhima. 
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“hmmmmmm, you’re right. lekin usse batayega kaun???” honestly, why do i love his deranged ass so much????
anyway mishra has been delegated the task of stashing her somewhere else i guess. so it’s settled that mishra knows he’s not working for the CBI or whatever and is just a hired goon.
dadi is organizing YET ANOTHER POOJA. lordddddd.
this riddhima and her dumbass mandir jaana excuse that she uses constantly.
ugh dadi your bloody pota needs a fucking therapist, it isn’t in riddhima’s hands to fix his 1001 mental issues.
great, mangalsutra almost broke. foreshadowing.
ughhhhh mummy managed to steal the memory card from aryan. FUCKING IDIOT I THOUGHT YOU HAD PUT IT IN THE BLOODY BANK ALREADY, BUT NO. HE WAS STILL HOLDING ON TO IT AND TALKING ABOUT IT LOUDDDDDDDDLY ON THE PHONE. jesusssss, why he so fuckinggggg stupid????
oh now vansh is exclaiming GREATTTTTTT JOB ANGREEEE as if he didn’t tell him to GTFO, THE VERY SIGHT OF YOU DISGUSTS ME yesterday. fuck, i really hate vansh as anything but a brother to siya.
aaaaaaand riddhima was standing behind him and he turned around and in a veryyyyyyy contrived move got his watch caught in her mangalsutra and broke it.
sis freaking about THE APSHAGUN!!!!!!!!!!!
he’s like arre nahi achcha shagun hai, angre got the cctv footage now i’ll know who kidnapped ragini! and sis is like OH GOD NO THE BAD LUCK IS STARTING ALREADY I’M SO DEADDDDDDD
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“toh main tumhe kho dungi.”
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lmao his face. literally the white guy blinking meme.
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”tum jaanti ho riddhima, tumahra ek ek aansoon mere liye kitna keemti hain? aisa lagta hai jaise mere dil ke ek tukde ko tod ke alag kar diya ho.”
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yeah yeah ok this is a nice moment and all. WHY COULDN’T YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIS DUDE, HUH?????? WHY’D YOU HAVE TO RUIN ALLLLLLLLLL THE GOOD WILL YOU BUILT UP BY KARWA CHAUTH IN ONEEEEEEE MOMENTTTTTTT?????? fuck, i hate you tellywood men and the shit they put my stupid heart through.
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only bappa ki aarti shall fix things now. based on the promo and BTS i’ve seen, things about to get reallllllly realllllllly bad but............ lol let’s wait and watch.
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here, have some dhaarmik #couple goals to take the edge off the anxiety till the next episode.
precap: omfg ragini got through to riddhima and she almost told her that kabir is behind kidnapping her, but kabir got to her and attacked her from the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wendimydarling · 4 years
Oh baby! I noticed you were quiet for sure but didn’t want to bother you as I know even without something bad happening we can all need that break. But, I hope you are okay my darling. I’m happy to have you back even if its only today until you feel better! My messages are always open to you if you need it, love 💛💛💛
Thanks love. I’m about to answer an ask that’s gonna hit me in the feels so I don’t mind sharing with y’all.
My son almost drowned. My tiny, spunky, happy-go-lucky, four-year-old baby boy almost died. Again, he’s fine, didn’t even need a hospital visit he bounced right back and got back in the water (albeit he wouldn’t let me go), but my brain has been on fire. All the what-ifs: what if I hadn’t looked over when I did, what if he’d not made it, what would have been going through his head, what would my life look like without him, he must have been so scared, etc. are going through my head daily.
I was a wreck for a week; not sleeping, constantly checking on him, afraid to sleep. I’m better now, but every now and then my brain says “hey, you haven’t pictured that event in awhile, HERE YOU GO HAVE A PANIC ATTACK” and I’m back to square one. I’m able to recover faster each time but I haven’t been in the mood to write, and when the mood does hit me nothing comes out. 
I’ll get there, just know that I love each and every one of you, and that I’m always lurking, I just might not be as interactive for awhile.
Thanks for the love; I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know!
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Bucky’s Little Ducklings
Dance Teacher!Bucky Barnes X Reader He knew he shouldn’t have said anything, this was Bucky’s fight, and Bucky’s fight alone.  But damnit, Sam couldn’t sit by and watch him crash and burn.
a/n:i’ve been writing this fic for the last 3 months, and i finally managed to finish it, yay me song that bucky was singing
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Little kids roamed around the large and open room, some running over to their parents when they felt too nervous to be by themselves.  Y/N was standing with her little sister, Ella.  She’d been the one to suggest taking dancing classes, and one of Y/N’s good friends taught ballet at the studio.  They tried it out for a few weeks, ultimately deciding it wasn’t for her.  It was how they’d ended up in the class they were currently standing in, waiting for the teacher to arrive.
It was nearing the beginning of the class when he finally walked in, grey sweatpants clung to thick thighs, long brown hair pulled back into a low bun.  He was walking perfection, and Y/N was having a hard time focusing on anything other than him.  The other women suddenly noticed him too, some winking towards him, while others giggled amongst themselves.
Y/N gently nudged Ella towards the other kids, letting her know that she’d still be here once the class was over.  Gladly watching the gorgeous man who’d just come inside.  This was unlike her, no man had ever caught her attention so fast before.  Well, except for one man.
“Don’t leave, okay?” Ella glanced up at her sister, eyes pleading.
“I’m not going anywhere bug, I’ll be waiting right here after class is over.” She smoothed down her hair once more, smiling softly to assure her sisters nerves.
There were so many kids, some taller than others, some small as a toddler.  It was amazing how they all seem entranced with the teacher before he’d even started talking.
“Hello class, I see we have some new faces here, but don’t worry I won’t pull you up here and make you introduce yourselves.  I’m your dance teacher, Bucky, and this is the little ducklings class for everyone whose new.” The name suited him, maybe it was short for something.
Bucky spent time going over the first number, making sure to go slow enough that everyone understood what to do.  It was breathtaking to watch, even if he was teaching them the simplest of dances, he took his time to make sure no one was left out.
Y/N watched him, smiling fondly when she noticed Ella standing up towards the front so she could see him better.  It’d been so long since she’d seen her happy, smiling even, and this was enough to bring tears to her eyes.
“That’s it for today, guys, I’ll see you all next monday for our next class.” Y/N could barely register before Ella was running over, arms wrapping around her legs.
“Thank you!  I knew you’d stay and wait.” Y/N reached down, patting her shoulders gently.
“I promised you I’d stay, now why don’t we head on out so we can get some dinner, I bet you worked up quite an appetite.” Ella jumped up and down excitedly, holding onto Y/N’s hand as she led them out to where she’d parked their truck.
It went that way for months, Y/N taking Ella to her dance classes every monday at seven on the dot, making sure they were never late.  It was the only day of the week neither of them had to worry about anything.  Of course, that didn’t mean Y/N’s crush on Ella’s dance instructor didn’t get worse, oh no, it got much worse.  She could barely look at the man without blushing like a schoolgirl, wondering how often he dealt with this.  She wanted to confide in her friend Nat, but she always had a ballet class during Bucky’s, so she was stuck dealing with this problem alone.
“You did a great job today Ella, I think you should stand at the front for every class.” Bucky was practically praising Ella, her face beaming with joy.
“Can I Mr Bucky?  Pretty please?” Ella was laying it on thick, always using her charm when needed most.
“Of course, you can help everyone else with the new dance we’re doing next week.” Bucky knelt down, ruffling her hair slightly.
Her giggle echoed in the nearly empty room, most of the mothers didn’t bother to stay very long after word had gotten out that Bucky had a child of his own.  How rude could some people be?  He was merely trying to make a life for himself, and his son, and they were ready to tear it all down.
“Don’t tell anyone, but my sister has a crush on you.” Ella had tried to subtly whisper to Bucky, only for the words to echo back over to Y/N. 
“Oh?  She does?” Bucky glanced over, smiling as Y/N struggled to hide her blush from the world.
There was no malice behind his smile, nothing but the pure heart and soul of the man who’d taught her sister how to dance.
“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to be free this thursday, at say, seven?” Bucky looked nervous, arms crossed over his chest.
“I am actually, Ella’s going to see our grandparents, so I’ll be at home until sunday.” She tried to make it seem nonchalant, as if this happened all the time.
“Would you like to get dinner with me?  There’s an amazing Italian place downtown, I’d love to take you.” The world seemed to be spinning, this man was asking Y/N out on a date?  After she’d been pining for months?
All she could do was nod, a high flush on her cheeks as Bucky smiled.
“Great, here’s my number, just text me your address and I’ll see you thursday.” Bucky handed over a business card, his personal number was written on the back.
The date could not come soon enough, that Y/N knew for sure.
Thursday Night What was she going to wear?  Bucky would be here in less than fifteen minutes, and she still wasn’t dressed!
“God, he’s gonna think I’m such a weirdo for overthinking this, it’s not even that serious.” Huffing softly, she pulled on a light cream colored dress, ignoring the memories she had with it.
As long as Bucky liked how she looked in the dress, that was all that was going to matter at that moment.
He arrived at 8:05, smoothing back his hair as best he could, holding a bouquet of roses in his left hand.  She’d always been curious about his metal arm, but refused to bring it up, lest it was a touchy subject for the man.  She put the roses in a vase, before heading down to where Bucky had parked along the street.  
The truck almost intimidated her, reminding her of a night she’d tried so hard to push passed for so many years.  Bucky was a gentlemen the entire ride down, talking about the other classes he’d picked up, even asking Y/N how Ella was doing.  It warmed her heart that Bucky seemed so interested in their lives, as if he didn’t have a full plate as well
Bucky had been right, the food was amazing, taste almost as good as if they were in Italy themselves.
“I don’t mean to pry, and you have every right to not tell me anything, but, what happened to your arm?” Bucky tensed for a few moments, fear racing through Y/N’s veins as she suddenly regretted her decision to ask.
He sipped his water, taking a second to compose himself.
“I was in the army, we were driving down when our Humvee was hit, if it wasn’t for my best friend I don’t believe I'd made it out alive.” Bucky’s eyes darkened for a moment, left hand clenching into a tight fist.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of asked, it’s something personal.” Y/N looked down at the table, pushing the remaining noodles around on her plate.
“Don’t be, most people aren’t as nice about it as you were.” Bucky reached over slowly, resting his metal fingers atop of hers.
The mood at the table shifted, she’d wanted to know more about him, everything that he was willing to tell her.
“Your sister reminds me a lot of my son actually.” That seemed to bring her back down to earth, remind her of where they were.
“Why’s that?” She’d only ever heard about Bucky’s son, no one had seen him around.
“He’s spunky, pretty hyper too, guess I see where he gets it from.” Bucky chuckled softly, finishing off his water.
“How old is he?” It dawned on Y/N then, it didn’t seem like Bucky talked about his son too often, especially not with strangers.
“He’ll be five next month.” Bucky glanced over to Y/N, an unreadable expression on his face.
Was he afraid he’d scare her off?  Like so many dates before her?  Unable to deal with the thought of Bucky already being a parent?
“That’s how old Ella was when I became her guardian.” The painful reminder shot through her like a bullet to the stomach, burning her from the inside out.
“It was an accident, right?” Bucky couldn’t meet her gaze, eyes locked on the plate that sat before him.
“Yes, we were all driving home from the movies, when a truck t-boned us.  My parents were killed on impact, but Ella and I made it out with only a few bumps and bruises.” Y/N could feel the tears well up, silently telling herself to get it together.
Bucky reached over, placing his hand overtop her own that was closest to his.  When was the last time someone had consoled her?  The funeral?  When it became reality that their parents were gone, that she would be raising her little sister.
“I can’t imagine the pain you’ve dealt with for so long, have you not been able to talk about this?” Bucky’s brow furrowed, eyes full of worry as he looked over at Y/N.
“It’s been too hard to talk about, and I didn’t want to worry Ella with what happened, she’s just a kid.” Y/N shook her head, sighing softly under her breath.
Bucky’s hand tightened ever so slightly around her fingers, a frown pulling down his lips as he looked down at her.
“Do you have anyone to help out, when things get rough?” Bucky was more worried now, how had she managed to do this all alone?
“Yeah, my good friend Natasha helps us out whenever we need it.” It wasn’t a lie.  Natasha did whatever she could to help, even if Y/N hated asking for it.
Bucky’s expression remained neutral, but there was something about it that caught Y/N off guard.  Sure, they worked in the same dance facility together, but did they know one another beyond that?
“I used to have someone like that, though I don’t actually speak to him much anymore.” Bucky smiled bitterly, glancing up as the waitress came over.
The table fell silent as the waitress walked to the kitchen with their orders, what would they even talk about after dropping bombs like they’d done?
“Who was the friend you lost?” It was a loaded question, maybe even worse than asking about his son, but Y/N was too curious.
“His name was Steve, we were best friends since childhood, but he had a different idea picked out than heading out into the army.  He ended up moving in with his girlfriend, and she was great, helped keep him out of trouble,” Bucky laughed softly, running a hand over his jaw.
“But they ended up moving to England where she was from, I can’t remember the last time I even spoke to him.” It was obvious how much Bucky was affected by it, how torn up he felt over losing his best friend.
Y/N squeezed his hand, a small smile on her face as she looked at the man who helped her sister break out of her shell.
“He’s the one missing out Buck, you’ve been through so much and you’re still here today helping kids grow and learn.” Bucky’s cheeks tinged pink, a shy smile on his face.
A phone going off grabbed both of their attentions, distracting them for a brief moment before Bucky realized it was his phone going off.
“My friend Sam asked if we wanted to head over to the bar he’s at after dinner, guess they’re doing karaoke.” It didn’t sound like a bad idea, could help Bucky feel better even. 
“Sure, sounds like fun.” Y/N kept a brave face, trying to hide the nerves that were swarming throughout her body.
Dinner passed without any incident, the two of them enjoying their meals respectively until Bucky took the bill from the waitress.  He’d insisted on paying, saying he could easily afford it and that Y/N didn’t need to worry.
She slipped a couple twenty’s for a tip, heading out to Bucky’s truck to go and see what his friend was currently up to.  The drive was silent, encompassing them as Bucky drove to the bar Sam had mentioned they were at.
The parking lot was nearly full, leaving few spaces open for Bucky to try and park.  He didn’t want to risk hitting any of the other cars, nor risk someone hitting his truck.  There was a space down by a motorcycle, big enough to fit the truck, with enough space that he wouldn’t hit the bike.
After parking successfully, Bucky stepped out from the truck and ran around to the passengers side, helping Y/N out.  The night seemed to be heading in a more positive direction, Bucky could see Sam standing outside as he waited for them.
“Bout time!  We were starting to think you weren’t gonna come.” Sam smirked at the other man, gaze landing on Y/N as she stepped up.
“I was out to dinner, thank you very much.” Bucky proudly wrapped his arm around Y/N, glancing down at her nervously.
Sam looked stunned for a few seconds, before composing and introducing himself.  Bucky could faintly see someone farther off, a person he hadn’t seen since he was a teenager.  
“Steve came too, said he was in town and wanted to catch up with everyone.” Bucky tightened his jaw, struggling to cool his emotions that seemed intent on getting the better of him.
“Of course, the more the merrier.” Y/N glanced up to Bucky, his smile seemed so forced and angry.
The silence seemed to stretch on between the two friends, before Sam turned and lead them inside the karaoke bar.  Tension suddenly flooded Bucky like a wave crashing into his body harshly.  Steve looked so different.  Sure, they hadn’t seen one another in a while, but Steve didn’t even look like himself.  He’d grown a beard, god his arms were nearly as big as Bucky’s alone, and he spent his time in the gym when he wasn’t teaching the little ones dances.
“Bucky!  It’s so good to see you.” Steve pulled him into a hug happily, either ignorant to the anger that was flowing from the brunette, or completely unaware of it.
“You too.” Bucky stiffly hugged Steve back, patting him on the shoulder as Steve stepped back to get a proper look at him.
Y/N could suddenly see why Bucky was so angry, they clearly hadn’t ended on such positive terms, ones she wasn’t sure she’d want to hear the story behind.  Bucky had always been more of a private person, and it was obvious as to why.
“C’mon, Nat’s already got drinks waiting at the table, let’s go!” Clint was clapping excitedly, waiting for the fun to really begin.
What could possibly go wrong? Y/N laughed, watching as both Clint, and Sam butchered what they claimed to be Bohemian Rhapsody.  Bucky threw his head back, struggling to take in any air as tears streaked down his cheeks.
“You do realize you’re up next, right?” Natasha smirked over at her friend, the brunette immediately straightened his posture.
“Oh, don’t worry about that, I got something special planned.” Bucky winked, standing up when Clint, and Sam stepped off the stage.
Bucky didn’t even so much as look nervous as he took the microphone, waiting as they set up the next song.  The moment the beat began to play, Y/N’s eyes widened, jaw dropping open in clear, and utter shock.  And that wasn’t the part that floored her, it was that Bucky’s singing was phenomenal.  No one could take their eyes off him, even as he danced, winking at Y/N during the chorus.
It was no secret the man could dance better than anyone in the room, but the fact that he had a voice to back it up.  Well it was downright unfair.  He swung his hips better than most women could, but it seemed so familiar to Y/N, so why couldn’t she place that dance?
Her heart seemed to suddenly stop in her chest, of course she recognized that dancing.
When the song ended, Bucky set the mic down so it wouldn’t accidentally fall onto the ground.  Sam jumped from his seat, clapping like a mad man.
“That was insane!  I had no idea you could sing like that?!” Sam looked between Y/N, and Bucky, eyes wide with shock.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me Sammy boy.” Bucky chuckled, plopping down beside Y/N as he pulled her close.
Steve glanced at how Bucky’s hand rested against Y/N’s shoulder, his metal hand carding lightly against her skin.  Bucky carefully glanced over to Steve, lips pulling into a scowl as he glared over at Steve.  He didn’t get to just come back into Bucky’s life as if he didn’t drop their friendship for a woman that would drop him the moment she found someone better.
“Who’s next?” Clint looked around at their friends, gaze landing on Natasha who had chosen to sit back and watch everyone else.
“Nope, you know I’m not doing it.” She crossed her arms, as if daring him to argue.
“Please?  For me?” Clint was practically pleading, begging.
“Nope, Y/N’s gonna sing next.” Natasha smirked triumphantly, glancing over to Y/N who’d gone pale.
There was no fighting with Natasha though, if she said you were going to do something, you had no other choice but to do whatever it was.  
With a long sigh, Y/N headed up to the stage, picking out her song without much of a second thought.  It was going to be dedicated to Bucky, only he wouldn’t know it, at first.  
The song was sexy, sensual, and everything she’d used in her line of business for the last few years.  No one could resist the way the song wrapped them in a veil, bringing them closer to the stage.  Bucky’s jaw dropped open, watching the way Y/N’s body moved, her lips quirked up in a smile as she sang beautifully.
Bucky wanted nothing more than to run up to the stage and kiss Y/N, wrap his arms around her so no one else could see the way he felt for her.  It was too soon though, even though they’d talked a lot before their first official date, Bucky didn’t want to screw anything up.  Y/N hopped off the stage once the song was over, giggling at the dumbfounded look on Bucky’s face.
“Jeez, no wonder Barnes was hooked on day one, she’s a catch dude.” Sam patted Bucky on the back, heading over to the bar to order another round of shots.
Bucky could feel Steve’s gaze burning a hole into his back as Y/N wrapped her arms around Bucky’s waist.  What could he even say to the man though?
‘Oh, hey Steve, haven’t seen you since you left with Peggy all those years ago, did I tell you I have a kid?’
That wasn’t something he could casually bring up, even though Bucky refused to even say his name at all.  He’d kept that part of his life hidden, choosing to let only the people that truly mattered most meet his son.  Hopefully one day Y/N would be one of those people.
“As much as I’d love to stay and chat with you guys, I gotta head home and take care of Jacob, and I’m sure Y/N has to take care of her little sister.” Bucky seemed almost insistent that they leave the bar.
Clint booed him, followed by Sam who quickly mentioned that Bucky didn’t get out much anymore.
“Sam, when you have a kid of your own to take care of you can talk to me about it, for now you guys can all enjoy yourselves.” Bucky wrapped his arm around her waist, leading them out to where he’d parked.
Bucky felt almost relieved when they neared his truck, muttering a curse under his breath as he heard the tell tale noise that was Steve running after them.  This night had started out perfectly, and it was going to end with Bucky going to jail for hitting Steve in the mouth.
“Bucky, can we talk?  I don’t know the next time I’m going to see you.” When Bucky turned to glare at Steve, he noticed how his eyes were lingering on Y/N.
“It’s late Steve, if you need to talk we can do it when I don’t need to get home and take care of my son, and Y/N needs to get back to her sister.” Bucky was looking for any excuse to get away from Steve.
This was a fight he wasn’t going to lose, Steve wasn’t going to magically come back after over ten years and pretend things were just fine.  Bucky couldn’t handle that kind of hurt again, to be left behind when he needed Steve the most.
“My number hasn’t changed, I work most nights, we can talk in the morning.” Bucky opened the door for Y/N, helping her into the truck before shutting the door, effectively cutting off Steve’s gaze from her.
Bucky didn’t wait for Steve to respond, choosing that moment to get into the drivers seat and head off.  Steve raised a brow, heading back into the bar where everyone else were still enjoying their drinks.
“Clint, who was that girl with Bucky?” He was on a mission, something a little despicable even in his own mind. “Oh, that’s Y/N, Nat knows her too.” Clint gestured to the redhead that was up on stage with Sam.
“You don’t happen to have her number do you?” Steve waited to see if it would work.
Clint immediately pulled out his phone, opening his contacts so Steve could copy the number to his own phone.  Like taking candy from a baby. 2 Weeks Later Bucky stared down at his phone, frown in place as Y/N canceled another date of theirs.  Had he come off too strong?  Managed to finally scare her off with the thought that he had a son that was able to realize who his real mother was?  Ella wasn’t even being brought in by Y/N anymore, she was having Clint take her instead.
“Sam, it’s obvious that I did something wrong, she barely texts me anymore.” Bucky moped into his coffee, sipping it slowly so as not to burn his tongue.
“I find something suspicious about this too, Steve comes into town and suddenly she’s not talking to you anymore?  Especially after you guys seemed to hit it off so well?” Sam had a point, one that Bucky couldn’t ignore any longer.
Unfortunately, fate had decided to play a cruel joke on Bucky’s morning that day, as Y/N and Steve headed into the very same coffee shop that Bucky was sitting in.  He was right, Steve had managed to steal her away, and what could Bucky do?  It wasn’t as if they were actually dating long term or anything, they’d gone on one date.
“Seems I was right, isn’t that just great.” Bucky tried to keep the defeatedness out of his tone, slipping farther down into the seat so Y/N wouldn’t see him.
Bucky wasn’t always a fan of being in public, not since losing his left arm back when he was in the army, and right now he was at his most tense.  Steve was standing a lot closer to Y/N than Bucky ever had, even during their date.
“I’m gonna head home, I got class tonight and I don’t need my mood ruined entirely.” Sam knew that Bucky was wallowing deep within himself, and that by forcing him to stay would only make it worse. “Go ahead, call me if you need to talk afterwards.” Bucky and Sam shared a quick, and quiet, goodbye.
Sam glanced over to where Steve and Y/N had sat down, her face scrunching up as she laughed at a joke Steve had said.  He wasn’t about to sit around watch as Bucky beat himself up over this, not if he had anything to do about it.  So, he did what anyone else in his position would do.  Took his coffee and waltzed right over to their table.
“Well, look who we’ve got here.” Sam knew his smile was friendly and inviting, he’d spent years being a therapist for veterans returning home, so he learned to have patience.
“Oh, hey Sam.” Y/N was still smiling softly, Steve on the other hand looked rather annoyed.
“Didn’t expect to see you two here, especially since this place is really only known to the locals.” Sam leveled his gaze on Steve, who had begun to look uncomfortable.
“Yeah, Bucky told me about this place.” The name seemed to throw her off guard, her eyes glancing around before coming back to the table in front of her.
He knew he shouldn’t have said anything, this was Bucky’s fight, and Bucky’s fight alone.  But damnit, Sam couldn’t sit by and watch him crash and burn.
“Bucky already left, we discussed him coming to therapy again, not that it’s important or anything.” Sam finished off his coffee, placing the cup onto the table and standing up.
“What do you mean?” Y/N was fully invested now, begging for the scraps that Sam was graciously throwing her way. “It’s not my place to talk, you two have a lovely day.” The seed was planted, it would only be a matter of time before Nat was texting him.
Steve wasn’t allowed to ruin Bucky’s life anymore, not if Sam had any say.
~~~ Bucky watched the kids file in slowly, hands shoved deep into his pockets, hair pulled back into a bun to prevent it from sticking to his face when he got sweaty later.  He half expected Nat to bring Ella seeing as Clint was busy with work.  What he wasn’t expecting was Y/N to walk in with Ella bouncing happily at her side.
Class went by quicker than Bucky was ever used to, not that he hated being around kids at all,  that was never the case.  It was mostly due to the fact that the woman he was still highly interested in had finally shown up again.  Steve probably had other plans and wasn’t able to take her out to dinner, so therefore she’d shown up as pity.
Bucky waited until everyone had left to start cleaning up, turning on a playlist of his own that wasn’t really child appropriate.  Who was going to judge him though?  He was alone at work, there weren’t any young minds to corrupt.
“Oh I hope he hears these words, maybe this time he will learn.  You should escape!  Skip town!  You’re better on your own!” Bucky sang the words angrily, loudly as he threw one of the mats down in the corner of the room.
Tears were threatening to spill down his cheeks, hands clenched into tight fists as the song ended, slipping into the next track before.  “Bucky?” Jesus, was his luck truly this bad? “Class is over, the next one available will be thursday at six.” Bucky didn’t turn to look at her, stepping over to the stereo system and unplugging his phone quickly.
“Can we talk?  Please?” Y/N reached for his hand, wincing as he pulled away harshly.
Bucky stepped away from where she was, shoving his phone into his pocket.
“Talk about what?  How you canceled every date I’ve tried to ask you on because you’d rather spend time with the guy that ruined my life when I was eighteen?  No thanks.” Bucky reached for his duffel bag, hoisting it up onto his shoulder with a low grunt.
His stride was quicker than Y/N could keep up with comfortably, the sound of her steps echoing as she caught up with Bucky as he reached his truck.
“He told me about your sons mother, and how you met.” There was a tightness in her tone, that almost sounded like anger.
“She died six months after he was born, so whatever he told you was a bold faced lie.” Bucky threw his duffel into the passenger seat, slamming the door before stepping around to the drivers side.
Y/N didn’t follow behind him though, jaw dropped open in shock as she stared at him through the foggy window.  
“Is that what you wanted to know?  If you had competition since I had a son I almost didn’t know about until after she passed?” Bucky could feel his blood boiling beneath his skin, he’d definitely have to call Sam now.
Y/N stepped away from the truck as Bucky backed out, driving away before Y/N could ask anything else.  
The roads were slick from the rain that had poured earlier in the day, pavement black as night as he struggled to keep his calm.  How could Steve do this to him?  He hadn’t prevented Steve from moving to another country, so why did he seem so determined to tear him and Y/N apart?
The speedometer continued to increase as Bucky drove to the apartment he called home, tears streaming down his cheeks.  At this rate, he was going to chew off his lower lip entirely.
Realization dawned on Bucky as the needle reached 100mph, heart racing in his chest as he eased his foot off the gas.  He could’ve killed someone, torn a family apart like Y/N’s was.  
“Fuck, oh my god.” Bucky slowed down, pulling off to the side of the road and turning on his hazards.  He needed to call Sam.
He picked up after two rings, hearing the distress in the other man’s voice and offering to drive out and bring him home.  Natasha was going to drive Bucky’s truck home, unfortunately Y/N was sitting inside of Sam’s apartment when they arrived.
“I can leave, I don’t want to make this awkward.” Y/N stood up, reaching for her jacket that was laying haphazardly on the couch currently.
“No, you two need to talk, for everyone’s sake.” Sam sat Bucky down in one of the chairs from the kitchen, waiting until Y/N joined them.
The silence stretched on for ages, neither party speaking for fear of what was going to come out of the other’s mouth in retaliation.  What could Y/N say though?  This was truly her fault, she’d let someone else convince her on how things truly worked.
“I should’ve talked to you Bucky, gotten the actual truth from you.” Y/N wrung her hands together, tension bleeding out into the air between them.
“He wanted to get under my skin because I’d called him a coward for running away from his problems.” Bucky took a deep breath, glancing at everyone that was in the room.
This was a secret he’d held for the last ten years to himself, and now they were all going to know the truth.
“His mom was sick, had stage four cancer, we were all pretty sure that she wasn’t going to make it longer than six months.  Steve ended up packing his things and moving out two months after he turned eighteen, leaving behind his mother who was dying.  And over time she got better, the chemo worked wonders and she was back to being herself.  I never told Steve that she made it out, he didn’t deserve to know,” Bucky ran a hand through his hair, fear racing through his veins.
“It ended up coming back after a couple years, only this time there wasn’t anything they could do for her.  Sarah Rogers passed away three days after I turned twenty one, and I was the only person she had left that she’d considered family.” Bucky smiled sadly, wiping at the tears that were falling down his cheeks.
Sam rested a hand against his shoulder, assuring him that he was surrounded by people who cared for him.
“I didn’t tell Steve for months, by the time I did I felt like a coward, if he ever came to visit her grave, well I wouldn’t know.” Bucky glanced over to Y/N, watching the tears well up in her eyes.
“A few years later I met my son’s mother, we were young and stupid, didn’t use protection and she got pregnant right away.  I got that phone call when she was hit by a drunk driver, killed on impact.  Jacob was home with me so thankfully he hadn’t been in the car, but he lost his mother before he ever got the chance to really know her.  And here we are today.” Bucky gestured to the room of people with his left hand, metal shining in the dim light.
It was a tender moment, one that was broken by Bucky’s stomach growling loudly.
“How about we get some food in you, I’m sure dancing took a lot of energy out of you.” Bucky only nodded, letting Sam whip him up something quick and easy.
He could feel Y/N’s gaze on him, eyes rimmed red as she sat in the chair across from him, jaw still dropped open.
“I’m in therapy, things are much better now I swear.” The words sounded like a lie, even to his own ears.
“You’ve gone through so much, god Bucky you’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.” Bucky shook his head, holding up a hand to prevent her from interrupting what he had to say.
“I was already a parent when Jacob’s mother passed away Y/N, you were thrown into that position in the blink of an eye, if anyone’s strong, it’s you.” Y/N blushed, glancing away from Bucky’s intense gaze.
Maybe he was a glutton for punishment, praising the woman who’d recently brought him to tears on more than one occasion in the last two weeks.  Yeah, he was definitely a glutton.
“Can we start over Buck?” Y/N looked downright nervous, and it brought a small smile to Bucky’s face.
“Promise to pick the restaurant for our first date?” Bucky chuckled when Y/N rolled her eyes.
“You got yourself a deal there Barnes.” Y/N reached her hand over, shaking Bucky’s swiftly.
3 Years Later Bucky fixed his tie in the mirror, nerves racing as he sighed softly.  Today was a big day, and he was downright terrified to admit that it was really happening.
“Time to go, they’re waiting for us downstairs.” Bucky nodded, following Sam down to the altar.
It was exactly how they’d wanted everything to be, from the decorations, to the people they’d invited to watch them get married.  And today was the day Bucky was going to make the love of his life his wife.
Life was finally perfect.
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Over the last year or so my friend PriestessOfNox and I have been chatting non-stop about Troll/Smurf ships we love and sometimes come up with, as well as designing ship babies. Here are a handful of our first few.
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Forest the Smoll (smurf/troll hybrid), eldest son of Hefty and Branch and the first smoll ever born. Branch nearly having a stroke when a surprise egg came out of his hair, neither he or Hefty expecting to have a baby of their own but boy was Hefty happy!
Branch meanwhile nearly faints at the idea of raising a pure little offspring who's life and happiness rests in his and his mate's hands. Thankfully when he calms down he's very excited for his little boy.
Forest is a bashful little boy who would always cling to one of his daddies when he was little, and acted grumpy like Branch, but he had their fighting spirit when defending a friend or member of his family. He was a shy singer growing up, freezing if more then a handful of people he's not familiar with watch him sing.
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Twig the smoll. Second son of Branch and Hefty.
Branch and Hefty this time were ready to have a kid... Or so they thought.
Twig is an extremely wild child. Having his dads fighting spirit, as well as an extreme sense of adventure, wandering around looking for something fun to explore or fight!
Thankfully Branch being a crazy prepared troll kept his son safe from himself, a lot.
Deep down though Twig is a sensitive boy. Loving his parents and older brother dearly, willing to move mountains for his best friend in the whole world, and helping out anyone who needs him.
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Petunia the smoll. First daughter of Poppy and Smurfette. Heir to the pop troll throne.
As soon as Branch and Hefty got an egg and realized having a baby was possible, Poppy rushed home with her wife to get their very own egg.
Petunia is the second Smoll ever born, and next in line for the crown when Poppy retires. She's a lot like her mom in many ways, cupcakes and rainbows additude, very social, and LOVES singing her heart out.
She does enjoy calm peaceful moments though, like picking flowers and making flower crowns out of them for her best grumpy friend Forest when he's in a bad mood.
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Bluebelle the Smoll. Second daughter of Poppy and Smurfette.
Belle growing up was a very creative little girl. Give her a stick and she'd be drawing in the dirt for hours.
She'd always love watching Poppy scrapbook and love scrapbooking with her, making her skills grow and grow until she could make the most impressive scrapbooks, beautifully arranged garden, baked masterpieces, and any artsy thing you can think of.
Trolls and smurfs all around would stop to admire princess Belle's amazing work.
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Aura the smurf. Adopted oldest daughter of Creek and Brainy.
Gargamel wasn't the only one who tried making a smurf our of clay and magic. Little Aura being made by an inexperienced wizard, she was brought to life with the body of a child, and due to her creator's sloppy work, her ears weren't fully developed and she couldn't hear.
She was sent to find the smurfs regardless, and she almost did find them. She just ended up finding Trollvillage instead because fireworks going off in the sky is hard to miss.
She was quickly taken in by Creek and Brainy, with the combination of their magic they turned her good and gave her the magic needed so she could hear, the first sounds she heard was her Daddy and Papa naming her Aura and the trolls singing in the village.
She's a rather spunky smurf, loving to sing her heart out, curiously wanting to learn about new things all the time, and having a bit of a rivalry with Forest as she'd like to annoy the stick in the mud smoll.
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River the smoll. Son of Creek and Brainy.
River is a rather calm child, which is surprising considering his best friend is Twig and constantly having to save the crazy smoll's tail.
River was born prematurely. Hatching to early resulting in him having a weak immune system, bad allergies, and his colors getting a little mixed up.
His dads are very protective of him, Creek especially so River grew up learning a lot about meditation, auras, yoga, chakras, and all kinds of stuff his dad knows. Being best friends with Twig though gave him the excitment he doesn't always get to have, and as terrifying as it is, he loves the thrill and knowing he has a best friend who doesn't treat him like he's fragil but still watches out for him too.
And that's it for now! There's a LOT more where that came from though so stay tuned! ;D
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