#it’s also just so weird to guilt trip ppl into giving you notes
pbpsbff · 4 months
not a big fan of “reblog if you think (marginalized group of people) are valid” posts because if i have to reblog a shitty post to make that apparent on my account then idk. i’d feel like i’m doing something wrong!
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starberry-skies · 3 years
bestie what it is community please tell me about it
GASP someone to infodump to okok so. basic knowledge community is ur classic sitcom but!! the twist is that its constantly making fun of sitcom tropes (and itself) its really meta at some points but ill get into that laterrr. it all takes place in a community college and ill just go over the main characters for now bc i work in the morningjsjdjdn
jeff- hes an ex-lawyer w daddy issues and a huge ego. his character is okayyy but def not my fave.
britta- described in the show as an "anarchist cat owner". her heart is always in the right place, but shes just... bad at executing some of her ideas (side note: my favorite quote of hers is "you cant blame him, thats like me blaming owls for how much i suck at analogies")
abed- where to begin. hes the best character (who lowkey started my gender crisis) but he's introduced as "quirky weird kid who makes movie references and movies of his friends". important note is abed is v much hinted to be on the spectrum but they never say it outright,, oh also community was made in like. 2010 so keep that in mind. anyway i could be projecting (i am) but abed just knows everyone and himself really well so he just acts a certain way to make everyone and himself happy. he makes movies thru out the series and it gives a fantastic insight om how he sees the world. he takes movies and tv very seriously and i love him for it <33333
troy- my beloved. hes like... himbo at its finest. he starts off as a dumb self-centered jock but eventually evolves into kind and forgiving air-conditioning repair Man. hes bffs w abed but lets be honest theyre in love. like. ill get into that later djdjdsskejdifjfj
pierce- hes an old man bigot and i hate him. thats all you need to know
shirley- christian single mother who's super passive agressive and guilt-trip-y. i like her character but theres not much else to say abt her?
annie- if youve seen brooklyn 99 then imagine like... a younger amy whos also a (headcanon) lesbian. annie JUST got out of highschool (and a pill addiction) and shes just looking for someone to love. shes really organized and she plans her whole life years in advance and she kinda hates herself for it. she was gonna be in a relationship w jeff but the fans were like,,, no??? theres like a two decade age gap???? so they kinda stopped that.
which brings me to my next point::: Troy And Abed Had A Better Relationship Arc Than Any Of The Straight People And They Weren't Even In A Relationship.
ok im SUPER biased here but stay with me. they have a SONG. they share a favorite SHOW. they DRESS UP LIKE THE BEST FRIENDS FROM THAT SHOW CASUALLY. your honor they are soulmates even platonically. at one point in abeds films, annie looks at the camera and he goes "annie dont 'jim' the camera". but im all of abed's films, troy 'jims' the camera... and abed lets him. this doesn't sound like a lot but TRUST ME theres more (also its now 3am so brain is kinda fuzzy lmao).
ok so we got the cast: plot wise? theres a lot going on. the show suffered a lot of growing pains and was notorious for goin over budget. also the creator/head writer (dan harmon) literally always procrastinated till the last possible second to write scripts (also he sxually hrassed someone but he apologized pretty well apparently). but he was a GENIUS. so much so that when they fired him, the show dropped in quality so drastically that they had to bringing him back. abed was basically his self insert btw and thats why when he did leave abed's character went out the window. dan left for season four, which everone calls the gasleak year, bc al the characters were so fucking out of character. i personally dont think season 4 was that bad but. i can see where ppl are coming from.
whoops i didnt say the plot. ok so the whole thing is jeff, remember hes an EX lawer, apperantly faked his law degree so he has to go to community college to get one. on the way he bonds w a ragtag group of misfits he slowly learns to love. they start as a spanish study group, but by the end theyre a community to save the school.
britta and jeff honestly shouldve been the endgame but they fucked it up when they tried to pair jeff w annie. troy and abed are so fun to watch, everyone else is kinda just there.
i heard one person (i think it was @/peachy-pear is there url??) describe community as "the first four seasons are about troy and abed, and season 5 and 6 are about the lack of troy and abed" which like. yeah exactly.
community gets super meta at some points, taking jabs at itself (someone saying "i was under utilized as a character") or jabs at other shows (abed has a whole rant abt how autism is treated like a "super power" which is really good).
ok im really fucking tired and for dome reason i keep thinking about clips from super mario odyssey so i should proooobably sleep lmao
sorry ab the long post i just. like this show so muchhhhhhh
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cielospeaks · 2 years
thoughts on f-h 9/2021 update
the good: sumo rinka and mordecai! oh my gosh words cannot describe how glad i am that theyre the free ones! sumordy is the cutest and most wholesome, the fact his voice lines are that he likes sumo bc its a nonlethal way of fighting are the most wholesome thing ever. best boy. i also love that he seems to do a sumo pose as his untransformed battle pose. best boy. and rinka as the oni chief class(?) is amazing! its cool that they show more flame tribe specific outfits since rinka is the only flame tribe character in 14 (ppl were complaining abt the twins and their dad being the only ice tribe and the others being generic models, but the same is true for rinka? idk. the fans act weird abt the japan inspired classes :/ ) but anyways i love her outfit and design! i love that she has the sumo referee fan thing as her weapon also! and thanks for being 4 star pls come home. also the tana and peo convo was actually really wholesome and as i was hoping, compared both of them having protective older siblings (and again soft confirmed peo and tri are sisters, which im still salty that the book 4 story ditched for the sake of the abusive gaslighting “parents” of the fairies’ story and the stupid askr royals storyline)
the not so good: at worst the storyline of tt is really not appealing to me but its b3 and you knew it was coming, what with the story only having the ubw ripoffs of the main story characters besides eir and hel. its cool that the new character is being brought up to be a competent ruler and i kinda get her beef with eir (but cmon the girl only was ever show not-torture by the people who took her as a war prisoner and manipulated her and now treat her like a pet do you really expect her to do anything else) but i feel like theyll just be killed off/vilified for no reason in order to boost up “askr is so perfect and wonderful and flawless uwu and anyone who opposes them bad”
the as of now??????: puts on conspiracy theory hat. so ok i saw a theory that this lif isnt ubw ripoff bad character but actually the real historical lif. the fact he doesnt sound like a guilt tripping sack of shit in his jp voicelines seems to support that (the eng voice is just regular angry/edgy in both), as well as that askr (the character) mentioned him in the main story recently, and that he doesnt give eir a fucking guilt trip when he meets her in the story. however, a lot of ppl are turned on by bad ubw ripoff character and his ingame code is “lif 2″ so more than likely its the fucking asshole i know and dont like. but hey. wait until his epiteth to judge him. if hes historical lif and hes not a fucking tool i might actually even roll for him in his banner.
what about conspiracy theory and ocs?: so ofc this begs the question: what abt alcinous if the conspiracy theory is true? alcinous, the mysterious man in the “castle beyond memory”, is actually the true founder of askr, High King Lif, but due to being betrayed, usurped, and banished, he goes by his middle name now. well, i actually worked this out when askr started exposition dumping abt historical lif. so Alcinous (who ill call that for easiness’ sake) is betrayed, and a few generations later the “ancient Askr” becomes the Askr of the main series due to the descendant of the usurpers making a contract with the dragon (bull?) and becoming the first king. tbh that makes more sense bc the only relationship i could see alcinous having with askr is him being a total doormat and letting himself be walked on, and having it assumed that theyre best buds (which would parallel ichihara as the summoner, and add to the alcinous + ichihara similarities)
another note abt this is that the fact that these characters get ascendants makes me happy since it means theres a chance tri and plumie can get ascendants in next yrs story. plumie i love and i love the not fully formed idea i have abt plumie betrayal arc (and ursula betrayal/going solo arc that i really hope she gets an ascendant, but thats also partly bc memes), but tri really deserved it as she got super screwed over in literally everything, from being released as a pawn of her abusive manipulative “mother” to being treated like an unstable killer (she killed her and peo’s abusive parents in self defense since they wouldve killed peo if she didnt for fucks sake this is worse than the otr nonsense tbh) and she deserves the good content, even if the game doesnt give it to her. im glad at least tri came home during the leg banner
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
wow im loving this new ask layout.
it was post canon and wwx has been living with his husband and son in cr for a couple years now. jc is still somewhat reluctant to talk to him but he understands. jl comes by to nighthunt with his friends regularly. one unlucky day wwx had a mishap with resentful energy during a nighthunt accident and lsz died in the process.
everyone was heartbroken but wangxian were absolutely destroyed. they stayed in seclusion for months. wwx couldnt stand the guilt and had no face to see his son's friends and the other lans. even when lwj finally had to come out for sect duties wwx chose to stay in seclusion. he abandoned his regular cultivation and swore off demonic cultivation forever. in an effort to cheer up his husband, lwj persuaded him to go on a trip to worship the gods to pray for sizhui's death anniversary.
they came across a small temple, old and rickety and overgrown, and out of kindness they cleaned up and left a small offering. wwx just wanted his family back. lwj wanted a chance to start all over again. it suddenly stormed heavily that evening, so they had to take shelter in the temple for the night, taking caution to ask for permission from the resident god.
when they woke up, they were at the cloud recesses. lwj woke up in his old bedroom in a body that felt too small. wwx woke up startled in a guest bedroom in cr with jyl sitting by his bed.
"a-ying? did you have a nightmare?" wwx choked back a sob and just hugged his shijie for comfort. only then did he notice that he felt too small, and too soft. he looked down at his hands, then at his body. he was somehow a girl.
then jyl's presence in his room would make more sense. girls and boys dorms are separated in the cr. wangxian woke up as an alternate version of themselves with their original memories as well as the memories of their new body. lwj was still lan er gongzi. but in this body, she was just wei ying, a senior disciple of yunmeng jiang.
wangxian met each other again in class and wy took caution to not vex lqr too bad this time, lest he disapprove of their inevitably impending union. jc eyed lwj furiously when he approached wy after class to talk privately. it seemed that the two of them were the only ones reborn.
the first thing lwj did after that was ask his uncle to send a formal betrothal request to ymj for wy's hand. which to lqr was weird, but lz wouldnt budge. he thought lxc could still marry a more proper wife, so its fine.
they spent the rest of the year courting, lwj was in such a rush to marry wy. wy wasnt /actually/ jyl's little sister so it was no issue if she married first. meanwhile, jyl's betrothal was broken. this time by her own brother who punched jzx so hard he broke his nose. wangxian got married a year after they finished studying in gusu.
everyone was overjoyed when wy got pregnant. even mdm yu was happy for her. when their son was born, lwj recognized his soul to be their a-yuan, and wy cried her lungs out in joy. their little son had his old nose, lwj's nose, but now the rest of him look like them too. his hair was midnight black like lz's but with wy's playful curls. he had wy's ears and little constellation of moles on his skin. he even had lz's light eyes.
lqr wouldnt let go of his grandnephew that lan huan had to bargain with his uncle to be able to hold his nephew. after a-yuan could walk, they went to visit lotus pier. the toddler /adored/ jiang cheng, laughing and squealing loudly in his arms. he loved getting head pats by jyl and kept demanding attention from mdm yu by pulling on her skirt or hugging her leg and crawling into her lap. he wasnt so fond of jfm, however, only looking away in disinterest or reaching out his hands to his parents. for once jfm felt left out in his family.
wangxian wracked their brain trying to stop the sunshot campaign from happening, but wrh's power ran deeper than they thought and they could only postpone it, not prevent it completely. the wens attacked lotus pier first, burning it to the ground and killing jc's parents. the jiang siblings ran to cr, but it only served to bring the wen dogs sniffing at cr's door.
wy is talented in cultivation, but having sworn off resentful energy and having to protect the sect's children as well as her own, she could only do so much while her husband was taken to the nightless city.
lwj eventually managed to escape and jc with the help from qinghe nie managed to gather the survivors of his sect. they all went to war and the sun was finally shot. lwj came home to wy just in time to tell him they were expecting a daughter.
this time there was no yin hufu for jgs to fight over, just the remnants of the wen sect. knowing llj would abuse the war prisoners, lwj spoke up and ppl listened when he proposed the wen remnants go to qinghe for trials. civilians are left to themselves while criminals are sent to labor. the resouces belonging to the wen sect was distributed to other sects both big and small depending on how much casualty they suffered under wrh.
jzx fell in love with jyl during the war and got married as soon as it was over. jin ling was born not too long after a-yuan's little sister lan yuyan. together jyl and jzx forced llj to give out resources for jc to rebuild his sect.
3zun still became sworn brothers and wangxian didnt exactly know when jgy got married, so he still married qin su. jgs had jgy kill nmj, and when jgy wont agree to spy on gusulan he had another one sent. lwj sent nmj a missive not to trust jgy with calming and avoided his death.
it took a couple years, but when jgs thought he was ready he even imprisoned jzx and his family in koi tower, depriving them of any communications and arrested disciples that are loyal to jzx.
llj was gearing up to war once again, this time against everyone else. jgs had, unbeknowst of everyone, gotten the note on core melting hand technique and had xue yang learn it.
wangxian reached out to nhs, trying to find a way to kill jgs. realizing that jgs was fully prepared to kill lxc, jgy turned his sights over to jzx, admitting his faults and teaming up to kill jgs. jgs had jzxun attack qinghe, but it was easily defended against. xue yang led the troop against cloud recesses.
xy aimed at the main lan family and injured a-yuan. in a desperate attempt to save his family, lwj jumped out and xy destroyed his golden core. meanwhile, he still sent spiritual energy towards saving his son. distracted by his victim, wy managed to cut xy's head off. back in llj, jgy along with jzxuan and jc attacked jgs's forces in koi tower. jc beheaded jgs and with that this new war was over.
thanks to lwj, lan yuan was fine and his injury was stabilized. however the destruction of lwj's golden core not only take away his cultivation but also mangled his meridians. wy could do nothing but weep with her daughter in her lap while lxc and lqr played healing for her husband.
lwj died in his sleep that night, finally exhaling his last painful breath while wy fell asleep from crying. his funeral along with those fallen during the attack was held a few days after. wy didnt look like herself in the mourning clothes she wore along with the children.
wy was inconsolable and kept apologizing the the children. especially a-yuan. fate had been so cruel on him that he couldnt grown up with two parents twice over. it seemed that in this life too he would be named sizhui. wy refused to move and kept sigil by lwj's coffin.
suddenly su minshan came out of nowhere and started yelling at her. calling her a jinx and an unlucky bitch that shouldve prevented her husband from dying. lqr yelled at him to leave. two and a half year old lan yuyan tried to shoo him away, punching at his knees. but the adult man just kicked the little girl away. jc couldnt stay silent anymore and wrapped zidian around sms's neck and pulled, making sure his neck broke when hitting the floor.
wy didnt say anything. she just took her crying daughter and left. after making sure lan yuyan is alright, wy locked herself in her room for 3 weeks. she didnt even open the door when her kids come knocking and begging.
it broke lxc's heart to see once again two children waiting on their mother's door. he asked jyl for help in persuading wy to come out. when they came in, wy looked like a ghost still in her white mourning robes with a whole head of white hair and her eyes so weary from weeping. she fainted soon after opening the door.
they checked on her only to find out she was 2 months pregnant. the tears start anew for wy and jyl asked lxc to take wy back to lotus pier so she can recuperate with her sworn siblings. lxc and lqr reluctantly agreed and wy came with jyl and jc back to lotus pier. jzxuan became the new sect leader and severely punished jgy along with his father's men while his wife and son stayed in yunmeng.
wy made a promise with lwj once to never let their children be orphans like they were. even if only for her kids, wy tried her best to get better. she stood out in her white mourning robes in lotus pier. wy was constantly surrounded by kids, all wanting her attention. she ate jyl food with the kids and watched jc teach her kids and jin ling how to swim. after a couple months, her dark hair came back and she got healthier. her second son lan shun was born in the middle of the hot yunmeng summer in lotus pier.
after lan shun turned 1, they came back to cloud recesses. wy had some time to accept her loss, but kept thinking abt lwj. after hearing from other lan disciples, lan yuan asked granduncle to teach him inquiry. the first time lwj responded to a-yuan's guqin strings, wy broke down on her knees. wy has been wearing lwj's headband on her forearm, so lwj attached parts of his soul in it. some of it went to bichen, which lan yuan inherited. some went to lan yuyan who inherited wangji guqin. lan shun never knew his father so he didnt want anything belonging to lwj.
for now, wy had to be content with inquires to lwj. for now they had to be content with waiting for each other on the other side.
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horansqueen · 6 years
BabyGirl 5.0
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♥ this is based on a concept i received a few weeks ago and ppl asked that i made a story with it. ♥ i planned 3-4 long parts but i think it’ll be 8-10 short parts ♥ 3.8k. fluff. ♥ there may be smut but i doubt it and IF it happens it wont be as explicit as my other smut works. ♥ i didn’t proofread and if you read my stuff you know i never do because im a lazy ass. ♥ i am not totally happy with this chapter, but i hope you guys like it. Thank you so so much to those of you who still read this story. It means so so much that you gave this a chance and stuck to it as readers. thank you times a million! btw im sorry this is a bit late!! ♥ if you have any questions please dont hesitate.
♥ PART 1  // PART 2 // PART 3  // PART 4
                     5.0  ♥ GUILT TRIP & FIREWORKS ♥
The yell coming from the living room made my lips curl and I  took my hand away slowly, looking up in her eyes. She chuckled and we left everything behind to walk to Chelsea who was searching through the dvds. I glanced back, not liking the fact that we didn't clean anything, but I tried to put my attention back on my daughter as she pulled on a movie, making a few others fall on the sides. She quickly turned to us, her messy hair flying around her face, and held out the dvd to her mom who took a step closer to grab it.
"It's movie time mommy!"
I noticed her face immediately change and I frowned as she looked back up and tilted her head, clearly torn and unsure of what to say.
"We normally watch a movie on Christmas morning." she just explained without sending me a glance. "You're welcome to watch it with us, if you want."
I slipped my hands in my pockets and nodded slowly, a bit unsure of what exactly was happening. All I knew was that this whole morning had changed me. I couldn't believe what being there with them made me feel, and at the same time, I couldn't really explain it. I wanted to stay, and I was happy when she proposed me to. I walked to the couch and took a seat right before Chelsea jumped next to me, making the whole couch shake. She leaned her head against the back of it, a large smile on her lips, as she looked at her mom put the dvd in.
I looked down at her and chuckled at her excitement before I noticed her shirt again. It was an old Ramones white shirt and it made my lips curl into a fond smile, this time. I didn't even look for it, I knew exactly where it was, and i didn't mind. It was not the only thing I forgot at her place and I didn't know if she kept the rest of my stuff but knowing this particular shirt survived through the years was endearing.
I remembered it was my go-to shirt during our lazy sundays, and even if i was always the one who'd put it on in the morning, she was always the one who ended wearing it during the afternoon. The first few times were coincidences, but after a while, I did it on purpose. I loved the way she looked in my clothes, but this shirt in particular meant lazy weekend sex and although it felt a bit weird to see it on a kid, it was also an incredible memory I cherished. And it suddenly hit me. That time we actually 'made' Chelsea was probably one of these mornings and seeing her wearing it now had an even deeper meaning.
"Have you ever listened to the Ramones?" I asked my daughter, grabbing the shirt between two fingers, near her shoulder, pinching it up slightly before letting it fall back.
She looked down at her shirt and then back up in my eyes, shaking her head slightly as she stared at me. For some reason, it made my heart twist and I sent her a smile.
"I didn't know what it meant." she admitted, tilting her head.
I chuckled low and licked my lips, bending down slightly.
"It's a good band." I explained.
She stared at me a bit longer and frowned.
"Are they on spotify?" she asked, making smile more. "Mommy and I, we have a playlist with our favorite songs."
"They are." I answered with a laugh.
The movie started and we both turned to the television. Chelsea let out a loud "Yes!" and I glanced at the dvd box on the coffee table. I felt my heart skip a beat when I read the title and licked my lips as a bunch of questions appeared in my mind. "Smallfoot" was clearly visible, even upside down, and when I finally looked up, my eyes met my ex girlfriend's. She sent me a shy smile before getting up and sitting on the other side of me. I didn't know why she didn't sit next to our daughter but I was too surprised by my daughter's movie choice to ask about it.
"It's Chelsea's favorite movie." she explained in a low tone. "Louis brought her to see it at the movies and when she came back, she begged for me to buy it."
I turned to her and noticed her lips curl immediately into a fond smile. I did the same and just nodded as I heard the movie play near us. Chelsea laughed and then talked with the characters, quoting them before laughing again.
"Did you tell her..."
"No." she cut me in a whisper. "I didn't tell her that her father wrote and sang a song in it. I just... I didn't know how."
I nodded slowly, not really surprised, but kept staring at her. She was close, almost too close, and I was suddenly aware of her arm and thigh pressed against mine. I cleared my throat and swallowed, trying to think about something else.
"For someone who doesn't like getting into other people’s business, it seems like Louis gets in ours a lot." I pointed out, making her laugh.
"Tell me about it." she agreed, raising her nose up in a grimace.
"Hush you two!"
We both jumped and turned to Chelsea who sent us an annoyed look, frowning at us. We waited until she turned back to the tv and looked back at each other, holding a laugh. I couldn't believe I was laughing with my ex girlfriend after so long and I enjoyed it more than I wanted to admit to myself.
"I'm gonna go wash the dishes, you can stay here with Chelsea." She murmured, getting up.
It only took me half a second to get up too and follow her to the kitchen. I glanced at Chelsea who was singing one of the songs in the movie and looked at the screen, smiling slightly. It was making me happy that my daughter enjoyed that movie, even if she didn't know her father had something to do with it.
I grabbed a towel and started drying the dished she finished washing. We remained silent, glancing at each other from time to time and trying to ignore it whenever our fingers would touch. It still felt electric, and I started thinking that if it was not from that big fat lie she managed to keep for five years, we could have a chance. This time, I wouldn't be so stubborn. This time, I would really give her all of me. The problem was that every time I thought about telling her how I felt, I remembered the fact that she robbed me from over four years with my own daughter, and that was something hard to forgive.
"So, that's what it would be like."
I turned to her, getting out of my own thoughts, and frowned. She sent me a sorry smile and tilted her head slightly as I put the towel on the counter, moving my body to face her without really realizing it. She did the same and leaned her hip against the counter, licking her lips. Her eyes met mine again and she sighed in a sad way, making my heart twist.
"That's what it would be like to be a family." she explained in a lower tone, as if she was ashamed. "You, me, and Chelsea."
I felt myself tear up at her words but swallowed my pain quickly, my eyes roaming quickly on her face. I hadn't thought about it but it was true, that's what our life would be like if we had gone through all of this together, as a family.
"Well right now we'd probably be with my family in Ireland, and we'd have a break at being parents because my mom would definitely take care of Chelsea and entertain her for as long as we'd be in her house." I added, smiling fondly at the thought. "And I'd lock the door of my old room and make love to you lazily on Christmas morning."
I watched her as her face changed and she held her breath, probably imagining it the same way I was. It was more of a memory from a few years back but somehow, I had the feeling it would be even better than it used to be. After a few seconds, she blinked a few times and took a step back as if she was trying to push away the thoughts, and me at the same time.
"Well, I guess we'll never know." she just said, turning her back to me and putting the clean dishes in the cabinets.
I watched her for about a minute but when she walked past me, I stopped her, putting myself in front of her and holding her arms gently. She didn't dare to look at me as I let my hands slide down until her hands before finally letting her go.
"I loved you, you know."
It was extremely hurtful to admit it out loud. I had spent years trying to convince myself I didn't have those type of feelings for her, and that losing her hadn't been the hardest shit I had to go through, but here I was now, admitting to her that what we had was more than a fling or some light infatuation. It was real, and she needed to know.
I was just not sure I was telling her for the good reason. Did I want her to know she broke me and that I would have done anything for her? Or did I just want to bring her into a guilt trip she may have deserved?
"I know I ruined it, Niall." she finally apologized in a whisper. "I know it's my fault. But I promise my intentions were good, at first. I didn't want you to give your dream up, and-and I thought you would resent Chelsea and I for holding you back. I-I thought you deserved to do what you like, and to become famous. I knew you were talented, I knew you were meant to succeed. I just... I didn't want us to be what would end it all."
No matter what my intentions were, I had managed to make her feel guilty, and for a reason I ignored, it made something stir in my stomach. Her words were genuine, and although the result was horrible, I knew she didn't mean wrong.
"It still hurt, you know." I pointed out, looking away. "When you wouldn't answer my phone calls and text messages I thought.. I thought it was the only way you found to let me know you didn't care about me, that you never really loved me."
I was bitter, I knew it, but I couldn't help thinking I had every right to be.
"I loved you." she quickly confessed, shutting her eyes tight. "I was... I was in love with you. And leaving you was torture. It was probably the most hurtful thing I had to do in my whole life."
There were so many things she didn't know, and I couldn't tell her. The words were stuck in my throat and I ended up trying to swallow them.
"I'm sorry we misunderstood each other so much that it ended up this way."
We remained silent for a few minutes and I finally sighed, closing my eyes for a while and finally opening them again.
"There's some sort of funfair, for Christmas." I explained, nibbling on my bottom lip. "There are games and shows and it ends with fireworks."
It seemed to take her an incredible amount of courage but she turned her head my way and her lips curled a bit.
"Yea, it's okay, you can bring Chelsea."
My heart was heavy when we looked at each other and I licked my lips, nodding.
"Thanks, but I thought we could all go. The three of us."
I was sorry too, so fucking sorry that it all ended up like this. So fucking sorry that I cheated him of so many memories and time with his daughter. So fucking sorry that I made him think I didn't love or care about him. So fucking sorry that what I thought was the right choice turned out to be a fucking big mistake.
When he proposed we'd go all together, I felt guilty and almost refused, but the way he looked at me brought into me a sensation I hadn't felt in a really long time, one I didn't think i'd ever feel again.
I wanted to be close to him, I wanted to know if he could forgive me one day, and I was ready to do anything to get it.
For once, Chelsea and I were ready on time and when the doorbell ranf on the next afternoon, we both rushed to the door. I was glad my daughter hadn't asked any question about Niall, because I wouldn't have known what to answer. I didn't want to lie to her but at the same time, I wasn't ready to tell her who he really was, and I think he wasn't ready either. Besides, i felt like he deserved to be there when she would find out
The door swung open and Niall's eyes met mine before a surprised expression appeared on his face. He looked good, his hands in his pockets and a long scarf around his neck. He was wearing a beanie and I couldn't stop my heart from skipping a beat. He was dressed casually and It made me feel better for dressing up the same.
"Wow, you guys are ready?" he asked, an amused smile appearing on his lips. "If my memory serves me good, it's not in your DNA to be on time."
I raised my nose in a grimace but sent him a smile, knowing he was right and that I clearly couldn't defend myself. Chelsea rushed to Niall and wrapped her arms around his leg. The look on his face was priceless as he looked down at her, holding his breath in. I was endeared by his reaction and I took a step back to give them more space, even if it was useless.
It was not surprising from Chelsea to hug people, but I could see Niall hadn't expected it at all. When she pulled away, he quickly crouched to her level and sent her a genuine smile that she returned.
"So, Chelsea, are you ready?"
She nodded quickly, her eyes getting bigger with excitement.
"And, is your mommy ready too?"
With a glance at me, she quickly looked back at Niall and nodded again, jumping slightly, barely containing her enthusiasm.
The car ride was quite short and we ended up walking in the streets alongside other people trying to enjoy the fair. The first thing Chelsea asked for were fries but after eating a few, she handed the rest to me and begged for a ride on a carousel.
Niall and I leaned against the fence, both of our phones out, taking pictures every time she would pass in front of us. We hadn't really talked much, and with the discussion we had the day before, I was scared it would become awkward between us.
"Chelsea really likes you." I finally just said, waving back at our daughter again.
"She's incredible." he simply answered, not looking at me. "I know It may sound crazy, but I started loving her as soon as I found out she was my daughter."
I felt my lips curl, understanding the feeling a bit too much. Niall was going to be an amazing father, and I swallowed the guilt invading me once again.
"D'you think it's crazy?" he asked, turning to me, his arms crossed on the top of the metal fence.
His eyes seemed to shine and I shook my head slightly, sending him a smile. I moved a bit closer to him and tilted my head, my hair falling on both our arms.
"No, not at all." I admitted in a whisper.
I felt his fingertips brush gently on top of my hand and hold my breath, staring back at him. These moments seemed to happen so often between us that it was starting to drive me insane. Were we cursed to feel that way around each other forever without being able to get anything more? Was I going to lose him a second time? Once again, by my fault?
"I'm amazed that we actually created... her..."
He sighed and looked down, lost in his thoughts, but all I could focus on was the shivers that ran all over my back as his fingers still grazed on my skin. I wanted to answer, but I just didn't know what to say. He looked back up in my eyes and i licked my lips.
"It's a part of you, and a part of me, and now we will always be linked, you know?" he added, this time taking my hand in his and turning his body gently in my direction.
I nodded again, trying in vain to calm the beatings of my heart. He was close again, so fucking close I could feel his warm breath on my face, and I desperately wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to find out if he tasted the same way he used to, if our lips fit together as well as they used to.
He smiled at me and sighed, finally taking a step back, and watching him back away broke my heart. I tried not to show it but it hurt more than a slap in the face. I don't know what I was expecting anyway. Niall and I have been over for years, and although we had both admitted that what we had back then was real, it didn't mean the love we both felt for each other was still alive. The fact that I lied to him probably didn't help things, and I couldn't blame him for wanting to focus on Chelsea. But I was scared. I was scared to fall in love with him again, and realize that he didn't have these feelings for me anymore. I was scared to see him with an other girl, to suffer from having him so close without being able to really be with him. I was scared I could never find someone else like him, someone I would love as hard and as deeply as I loved him.
"Mommy! It was so cool!"
We both turned to watch our daughter step down from the carousel and run to us. She grabbed my hand with both of hers and shook it hard, making me laugh.
"I want to go again! Please!"
I laughed again but Niall quickly bent down to look in her eyes and answered before me.
"There are many more rides to try, do you want to try this one?"
He pointed behind her and we both looked at the ride with hot-air balloons of different colors that seemed to fly. Chelsea's eyes got bigger and she turned back to Niall, nodding quickly and making him laugh. She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her as I followed them, eating a cold fry.
When Chelsea was sitting in the ride, Niall stood next to me, one of his hands in his pocket as he dug his free one in the punnet i was still holding, grimacing when he noticed how cold the fries were.
"She's so happy to be here." I pointed out after throwing the rest of the foor in the nearest trash can.
"I'm happy too." he pointed out. "I'm happy we're all here together."
I sent him a fond smile. He didn't have to add me, but he did, and it meant more to me than I could explain. I tried to push away the fears threatening to invade my mind again. I had to take it day by day, or else I was going to drive myself crazy.
After winning a pink unicorn for Chelsea in a game, Niall brought us near the river. I held Chelsea's hand tight in mine, a bit scared to lose her in the mob of people surrounding us. I noticed she had gripped Niall's hand too and it made me smile. I felt like things would be easier now that i knew she liked him.
Niall crouched down again and immediately, Chelsea gave him all her attention.
"The fireworks are about to start." he pointed out. "Do you want to get on my shoulders?"
I saw her lips curl and she nodded slowly, waiting for his next move. He placed his hands under her arms and pulled her up easily, moving her so she straddles his neck. She held herself on his head and it made me laugh. His hand grabbed her legs and her head moved back to look at the sky. I felt like a simple witness of a new relationship growing right in front of me and i loved it, every seconds of it. I took my phone out of my pocket and took a picture of them together just as the fireworks started. My lips parted when I looked at the picture, barely believing I got to take a picture like that, especially with a phone. I sent it to Niall quickly and started a video to keep a memory of this moment.
I had no idea how i managed to stay so far away from Niall for so long, but having him around in the past two days had made me feel happy in a way I thought I never would again, and seeing him so kind, patient and sweet with Chelsea was an incredible bonus I hadn't expected. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't hide my pregnancy to him. It brought more bad than good. Unfortunately, it was impossible to start over, and I would never find out what would have happened between Niall and I. We could still save the relationship between Niall and Chelsea, and I intended to do anything I could do to make this work. Chelsea deserved a father like Niall, and Niall deserved to be in his daughter's life. I just hoped that somehow, somewhere, there was also a place for me.
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mythicalsocks · 5 years
22 Questions
22 Questions
Tagged by: @tiny-gay-munchkin
rules: answer the following 22 questions and then tag 22 people you’d love to get to know more (’prolly not gonna tag ALL of those people...)
name/nickname: Surprisingly, my childhood nicknames have a lot of range when it comes to the spectrum of femininity and masculinity. I’ve always been called Mike by family in short for my name, Micah, but certain family also call me by my middle name, Alona, which is much more feminine. But yeah no, names Micah.
zodiac: Taurus (been told I’m very Virgo though...even cancer)
height: 5′8 and a half (Yes the extra half counts because I’m actually that tall. I aspire to be at least 5′10)
hogwarts house: Slytherin 
last thing i googled: Last thing I remember asking Safari is if OJ did it. (Seriously that case did not happen in a point in my life when I’d remember it anyway)
favorite musician: Sorry but I can’t pick just one. Rap, it ranges from RUN-DMC to KYLE and when I’m stuck on something to listen to, I can’t go wrong with 80s hits from Prince, Rick James, Hall & Oates, etc (I can’t live w/o music and absolutely can’t live without my headphones when I’m out of the house).
last song i listened to: “Rather Be” By Clean Bandit (feat. Jess Glynne)
song stuck in my head: “Old Town Road” By Lil Nas X (Not that I’m complaining because I too have the horses in the back)
followers: 165. And I’m pretty sure I speak to maybe three of them at most. I do wish this blog were more popular and that I could interact w more ppl (I used to regularly post about my favorite video games and even produce fan art, but uh you know...school...)
amount of sleep: That has a lot of range which unfortunately makes for a confused mind and body. As an extreme night owl, it's hard to function, in a society that values getting up and at ‘em accomplishing things so early and at a different timetable than I do. But when it comes to how much sleep I get, it’s usually undersleep and slug through the day or oversleep and get that great hunk of guilt.
what im wearing: A domo shirt (this one has a mustache) and yellow shorts (I’m much more fashionable when I’m out)
dream job: A Spoken word artist, A fiction/poetry writer, A social media influencer, model, actor/voice actor, director (Seriously that would actually make me feel satisfied in life, but um, more practically and maybe realistically:) A teacher, journalist, some other boring job...
dream trip: Mexico!
favorite food: Dunno why but I’m going through a real french fry phase now...
instrument: Oof. I’m taken back to when I used to play the violin back in elementary school. I did not have a good instructor. During concerts, I’d be the one kid in the back who just so offkey (When I think of that time I also think of the scratch and sniff stickers she’d give her favorite students. Didn’t get a lot of those, but they were chocolate bunnies). On a more positive note, I’m currently taking piano lessons and though I’m a bit rough around the edges, my instructor tells me I’m doing well and I’m seeing into getting myself into a recording class next year.
languages: English. Honestly, it’s a difficult language in itself.
favorite song: iSpy (By KYLE feat Lil Yachty)
random fact: Sorry. I’m so not fun and interesting enough to come up with some weird fact about myself. Now excuse me while I bury myself under my covers as I rewatch black mirror waitin’ for that new season. This was fun.
With that, I’d like to tag @keyree14 @a-rage-shell @aliebestraum and @sleepyface
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fanfictionlive · 3 years
Stop demanding and guilting your readers to share your work (rant)
There has been quite the rise of people on Tumblr making posts telling others to not only like but to also share fanfictions they enjoy. Not a bad message honestly. I don't think it's wrong to say that it would be best to share their work as well. I agree with it honestly. It would help and support us writers and our work and further motivate us to produce more. It's great to see such support.
However, I am not talking about people who make that point in a fair and good manner, I am talking about people who actually, literally demand for it. You know, guilt tripping readers and villainizing them when they only give a like to your work but don't share it, and then calling them ungrateful or inconsiderate.
For example, here is a post I saw today:
(Since I can't add any photos, I'll just copy and paste their post and tags and censor their blog name out with *their name*)
I just blocked well over 30 blank blogs, ageless blogs, and chronic like button only blogs...and that's just the ones I came across in my notifs.
Why make a blog and do fuck all with it?
And these blogs have fic after fic sitting in their likes from brilliant writers as well as content from amazing creators and it just screams to me that some of you really don't get the whole point of this site..
I done asking for help sharing my work. I'm just blocking ppl that don't deserve free content from now on. 🤷‍♀️
#*their name* is annoyed #if *their name* dont deserve reblogs you shouldnt be reading my work #yet i see you liking every single fic i post #and never sharing a single one #🖕🖕🖕 #content creators deserve better #writers deserve better #tumblr be better
Firstly, why are you blocking random blogs just because they didn't share your stuff? Unless, it is one of those weird bots, that just seems like such a pointless thing to do. Secondly, calling out someone for not sharing your work and telling them stuff like you don't deserve to read fanfiction if you don't share it and then giving them a middle finger is pretty disrespectful towards the people you are targeting, whom I don't think did anything that bad at all. Besides, I think you are loosing more readers by doing this than gaining, since you are literally pushing your readers away who most probably enjoyed your work, and taking away their ability to read your stuff.
Like, imagine if one of the blogs that this person blocked was one of those people with blank blogs who just doesn't want to reblog or post anything but just read and give likes. They genuinely enjoyed that person's work and gave it a like and were planning to read more. But alas, the author blocked you and now you sit there confused and maybe a little hurt that someone blocked you out of the blue and pushed you away even though you didn't do anything.
Listen, I understand that we all would love it if reader's share our stuff. It gives our work more recognition and attention, it motivates us to see that so many people enjoy what we wrote, it makes us feel supported and appreciated. I feel the same way too, I would love it if I see someone reblog or share my works. And I also make sure to reblog works that don't get many notes themselves because I just know the feeling and how happy it would make someone.
But at the same time, you can't guilt or force a reader into sharing your work. It's their choice. We can recommend it, tell people that "hey, shares do help us writers. So please consider sharing". But we can't insult a reader and treat them in such a way if they only give you a like. Even a like means something too you know. It means they enjoyed your work! It's not just some red circle with a white heart on it. A reader gives that because they most probably enjoyed it. Also, you can't demand and expect everyone to share your work either, some will share it, some might not. Not every single blog on Tumblr likes to reblog anyways. As I said before, some just like to keep their blog free of reblogs and posts and just read stuff and give it a like. I have tons of these types of blogs who like my works from time to time.
Don't guilt your reader's into sharing your works, instead, encourage them and let them know why it would be helpful to you and other writers. But if some only end up giving you a like anyways, take it! It still means something. Not everyone who interreact with your work HAVE to share it.
Anyways, I just wanted to vent about this because this is something that has been popping up quite recently for me. Even one of my favorite fanfiction writers always end their work with a similar message but in a way that guilt trips the reader instead of positively encouraging them which was kind of a turn off for me. And I just don't think it's a very healthy mindset to stay in if you are a writer, to expect a lot all the time from readers. Sorry if I sounded too mean btw.
And if the person who wrote that post comes across this: Hey dude, I don't mean any harm or hate or disrespect. From one fanfiction writer to another, I understand that readers sharing our work is something that is very helpful and impactful to us in a positive way. I recognize and relate to that. a lot However, I don't necessarily agree with the way you went about it. I think it's better if instead of blocking people, you should make posts encouraging your readers to share you work in a informative and positive way. But also don't expect everyone to follow it though. Cheers and best of luck in your work ☺
submitted by /u/vonara_laufeyson [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/3AyHDJr
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Ep. 12: “Go Back On Mute” - Jennet
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trying to strategize and my mind is blanking... missing ethan hours :pensivestrawberry:
Here is what happened last round, another essay by Jessica. So everyone started targeting Lindsay again. This was not ideal for me because I'd like to keep Lindsay in the game as long as possible -- right now she is in my final 3 but she also is extremely unlikely to vote against me or really do anything against me. When I came online, everyone was acting as if this had just already been decided which was super annoying. Mikey said "I've heavily heard Lindsay" and it's like.... from who?? From our alliance of three other people?? That isn't heavily, that's everyone else making a decision and just saying I have to go along with it. The annoying thing was I couldn't really push too strongly for Lindsay to stay without that looking suspicious, plus apparently she doesn't really talk to a lot of people so like... I can only do so much. Then I spoke with Jake an hour before the vote and he suggested voting Sam. I said that I found that to be a waste of a move because Sam doesn't have a lot of close allies so we could always just vote him later. Also personally I wanted Sam to stay because I don't think he'd ever vote me out but I didn't say that. Obviously I preferred Sam leaving over Lindsay though, so I mean I'll take what I can get. Then as Jake and I were on call, he gets added to a chat with Jennet, Sammy, and Mikey. I find this very suspicious because ummm I'm supposed to be aligned with three of those four people and it's a very Choice Decision to leave me out of that. I extra do not love that move because I feel like Sammy and Mikey were basically willing to ruin their relationships with me to keep Jennet in the game; they played it off like "oh well I just like Jennet more than Lindsay, we aren't aligned" but I'm not buying it. I don't think Jennet made that chat entirely on her own without any prompting -- I'm pretty sure Sammy and/or Mikey told her not to put me in it which is giving me a huge pause. I told Jake that what we should do is make sure Shane/Lindsay/Sam were voting Jennet, figure out who Jennet/Sammy/Mikey (and mysteriously Jones, who Sammy just magically happened to get to vote his way? Okay...) were voting and then we could just pick who left. I said that personally I didn't want to keep Jennet over Sam because that chat was making me feel like there was a three or four person alliance we weren't in and that if we took out Jennet, we'd be breaking that up. Then I had to talk with Shane and Lindsay which was ummm interesting to say the least. I like working with them but they just??? Will do and say things that make no sense. Like Shane said if we couldn't get the votes on Jennet, we needed to vote for Jake. Ummmmm I am not voting for Jake, Jake tells me things and might be my only lifeline in this game. Anyways, I told them please do not do that let's vote Jennet. Then during the vote, I messaged Jake and I said hey what do you want to do, Sam or Jennet? He told me Sam buuut I said that I was still doing Jennet because I was worried about that alliance being a thing. He told me he'd do that too but then ended up switching back to Sam which is not a big deal, I don't think there's a big conspiracy there I think he genuinely changed his mind during the vote. Even if I knew he was voting Sam, I probably would not have done it? Just because I wasn't supposed to know what was going on.... although I haven't officially said that to Mikey and Sammy. After the vote I nicely :) confronted both of them (which quick note --- how can y'all not only lie to an alliance member but?? not even approach them after the vote????? jury management found dead). They originally tried to tell me it was very last second / imply it was made through a game of telephone and not an organized chat but I was like uhhhh nice try I know that isn't the case. This round if we could get Sammy out.... that would be really truly amazing. I do not want that vote block he has going into the final 7 and even though he says he trusts me, I feel like we just don't connect strategically in a way where I feel like I can actually trust him with information. It's weird everyone thinks Jake is playing the middle because I honestly think Sammy is. A f7 without Sammy is great because I feel like everyone would be very fractured, like when Daisy left, and then they'll all need me to move forward so I'll (hopefully!) be safe. But in order to vote out Sammy, I need Jake (and possibly Jones? or Mikey?) to be on board. For now I'm working on Jake and if I can get him on board, I might let him take the leap to tell Mikey and then I will approach him afterwards. I'm hoping Jake could also pull in Jennet or Jones to make that happen but it's hard to say. I know Jones and Sammy are friends outside of this so I'm very hesitant to try and break that up and Jennet I really cannot read. She's dug her heels in when I've tried to talk strategy with her before and I also get the sense she's too focused on what has happened in the past instead of what could be happening right now. But if Jake tells her the plan, maybe I could get Sammy/Jennet/Mikey/Jones against Jake/Shane/Lindsay, I pull Mikey over and/or Sammy wastes his vote cancel? Who knows.... hopefully people come online soon!
Tbh...I am feeling a bit annoyed in this round with my allies. I am one of the few original Brookesia left so obviously I am feeling a bit nervous that there could be connections too strong for me to surpass. The alliance I am in (called) wants to go after Jess. While I didn't want to contest this idea, I felt as if Jess wasn't going after me so this isn't really great for my game? I want Jess in this game more than I want others so like I tried pushing the Lindsay agenda a bit more just cause I would rather OG Brookesia people not keep going as it looks like that's the trajectory of the game right now. I need to find a way to split up Jake/Jones/Jennet as well and it seems like the best bet is to go after Jake. I know Jones already expressed her feelings about getting rid of Jennet in the future anyways so I know that connection isn't as strong as her and Jakes. I know Jess/Shane/Lindsay all think alike. Mikey wants to do whatever the alliance wants to do. I considered using my vote block power this round but I just don't know if it's worth giving up right now if that makes sense? Like I could flip to Jess/Shane/Lindsay and use a vote block and then vote out like Jake? I love Jake but I just can't be a part of an alliance knowing there are three people who have a tighter connection with each other than they do with me. I need to flip but I don't know if this is the round to do it in. ugg decisions. I love Jess so much and I want to tell her that her name is going around but I don't want it to fall back on me that I leaked so I really just want to observe as much as possible and make my decision right before the deadline teehee.
after tribal i spent like 30 minutes being gaslight by shane and then letting jessica guilt trip herself, a good week
(a little later)
shane won immunity and i bet hes jumping for joy since i told him hes my #1 target but the gag of it all is i want miss jessica out bc shes won a few challenges and shes very complacent/ doesnt make her own moves and just does what others say
(after making a gameplan)
after tribal i spent like 30 minutes being gaslight by shane and then letting jessica guilt trip herself, a good week
I think we may have the votes to get Sammy out.... hopefully Jake is being honest and will at least tie it because I think if he does, we've got this! If he isn't and I am voted out, I just have to say yikes @ Sammy @ Jennet @ Jones ignoring me all day before voting for me? Once again, jury management found dead. Hopefully I survive!
there really isnt any. these ppl are predictable and boring. I wouldnt mind leaving so i  didnt have to pretend to care about their boring lives. im kidding but im not tbh. anyways im voting lindsay shes very fun but i want her out
Okay so no video this week I’m with ~*family*~ but in short I’m continuing my flip-flopping and I’m trying to gun for Sammy this round... he’s just so dangerous and clearly the Touchy Subjects questions are telling of how “safe” he is and the kind of chances he has to win the whole game. So right now we’ve got four votes for Sammy if Shane Lindsay and Jess are being truthful, and if the “five” is being truthful then they should be voting for Lindsay (or Jessica because apparently no one here can make up their minds lmaoooo). I’m hoping that Jennet doesn’t want to go to rocks and she flips to vote Sammy but I’m going to stick with this group, I think keeping Sammy any longer is really risky (especially with his supposed relationship with Jones and Daisy and the potential that he has a block vote advantage??  Just found out about that today eek). So in short I’m hoping Sammy goes this week and hopefully I don’t totally burn the bridge with Mikey and Jennet and Jones? We’ll see hehe 🤪 xoxo gossip girl
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ad360com · 5 years
Wyatt answers a question (Part1)
Telling me not to so something makes me want to do it even more, DJ. Why Israel? Because when I joined this movement, I notice everyone talks about every other country but no serious discussion on Israel. No one is safe from criticism imo. So how about we do that, DJ? Shall we? Let's have honest discussion, DJ. Because truth is coming. It is obvious that elite 1% hide behind good jewish people to commit atrocities and profit on top of them. Much like America. I have no problem admitting that. We are great, but we are also monsters to much of the world. The elite 1% have created the jewish vehicle and manipulate good Americans and good Israelis, they do not care about the Jews. At. All. They hide behind them. In fact, Honest Jews should be most vocal. This common knowledge outside the schizophrenic propaganda bubble in America. Oh trust me, DJ, they don't care if you Jewish or Moslem or Christian. They have plans for each of you. They will use you. Tarnish your name. They will ride you like vehicle, & when you crash, they will use other vehicle. HRC=vehicle. Jews=vehicle. Christian's are vehicles. It's all pretty simple if you put emotions aside and think from perspective of psychotic king. Tbh, all of this new to me, I've only started looking into this topic since 2018. How the good jewish people aren't outraged is beyond me. I really don't get it. It'll be hard, ofc. It's funny. Some Q people follow like no one's biz and have malfunction when Israel brought up even tho Q says "saving Israel last." People afraid to RT etc but my views way up, so obv ppl curious & reading. Massive redpills incoming. Bend over and say ah. One side note. I like Gorka, but he gets foolish and smeared low follower acct I follow not long ago because he asked legitimate Q about Holocaust. Q everything? Gorka called him "denier." That is what I mean. No hate ever, we want honest discussion & curious why the deflections Also I dont always have opinion on the stuff I write about, just sayin. So if you say anything to me like dumb cuck, I'll laugh. I'm just typing what I see. Even from multiple perspectives sometimes But the Q was about the Holocaust numbers. Fair question. So I looked into it. The outright denial is chidish imo and not serious person. People definitely died, and there were labor camps, but numbers get questionable. Yes, yes they do. You can find examples everywhere. There was a single witness who supposedly was in two concentration camps and is the primary source for about 1/3 of Holocaust deaths. It's a nasty rabbit hole, but you figure out that a lot is stack of exaggerations. One of the most obvious is the fact that the Nazi's crematoriums would have had to burn a body about 10x faster than a modern one and be running 24/7 for years with literal zero downtime. There's a reason why they specifically say "Historians agree that 6 million died" because it's just an agreement, not an actual number based on facts. Have you ever seen the Treblinka Holocaust Memorial? It looks pretty strange for a "memorial". Looks like they just     Holocaust historians claim that during WW2 almost 900,000 people were killed and buried at Treblinka. And they claim that later the Germans dug up and burned the bodies in order to destroy the evidence. In 1999 a team of experts used an $80,000 Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) device to check for evidence that the soil had ever been disturbed as . They found no evidence of any soil disturbance. They covered the field with 17,000 boulders/stones and called it a memorial.Now you can't run any more Ground Penetration Radar tests - not without moving 17,000 boulders (which are set into concrete).  Of course, doing this would be disturbing a sacred Holocaust "memorial" - which would land you in jail.  Mission Accomplished. The whole Holocaust thing and the way the elite 1% use as a vehicle is very strange and fascinating at same time. Are you not at all curious as to why this is the only genocide event that needs legal protection by throwing "deniers" into jail? Or do you just happily overdose on the forced narratives? Surely the elite would never lie to you. They aren't psychopaths or anything. Trust us. Genuine Question. Why do we hear about the Holocaust over and over in movies, TV shows, documentaries, newspapers, books, etc. but almost never hear about the HUNDREDS of other historical genocides? It seems very weird until you figure out the real purpose of all this. Ask yourself one simple question, How in the world does Israel get away with their mass murder, ethnic cleansing and brutal oppression - if we're going to be honest. I have criticism for both sides of that conflict, don't get me wrong. I'm staying on outside looking in though. Why are we very allowed to discuss the idea of white privilege, but forbidden from discussion of the hypothesis of Jewish privilege? Foolish if you don't think it applies the other way too. In three words... Guilt/elites/vehicles. Guilt over Holocaust. Sick, but brilliant, no? The ultimate Guilt trip enables the ultimate in psychological manipulation. You see, Holocaust means that they entitled to special rights - the right to forbid people from discussing their disproportionate wealth & political influence. THE PERFECT VEHICLE. How do you not see? A found that the number one reason Jewish Americans give as the source of their identity as Jews is not race or religion.  Instead when asked "What does it mean to be Jewish?", the number one reason given (73%) was "Remembering the Holocaust". Hm. Some people think of it as a secular pseudo-religion called Holocaust-ianity or some shit (combining the words "holocaust" and "Christianity").  Laws in many U.S. states, known as , mandate teaching to all school children. Vedddy weird folks, no? This indoctrinates kids with the belief that the Jewish people are "unique" in their historical victim-hood.  This puts Jews at the very top of the victim hierarchy. This was the goal from beginning, since widely believed victim narrative gives you political power, being top of victim hierarchy give you the most political power.  That's why holocaust-ianity causes people to believe that Jews deserve special rights that no one else has. They mean well, but man are they slow. For example, holocaust-ianity means wealthy inbred morons can manipulate Israel and somehow hold ethical exemption to create type of racist country, whether citizens realize or not. Laughable. Israel is diverse. I know 4 that live in Haifa and they travel all over. Lefties, righties, buncha groups. If Mr.Trump just stomped out the major criminal networks we wouldn't even be dealing with any of this bullschiff. Regular citizens always the ones who suffer. It's pathetic. Normal chill citizens there can easily do what we are doing. What I'm saying is I condemn both sides of region but also support both sides for defending themselves. Innocent people always caught up in the middle. What I'm really saying is that Israel needs to flush their toilet. Not hard to separate elite agenda from normal people on planet. Some idiots will follow like lefties here. Man made systems. Can be infiltrated and can be used as vehicles to manipulate the masses of genuine good people out there. Also dont forget the horrific stuff Japanese did. And then you have them working with China and selling sensitive information and testing out traitorous surveillance tech. Like Hillary. Who is Rothschild pet. God forbid we should ever cut off their billions and cut aid entirely for now - they might really stab us in the back. Holocaust-ianity gives right to violate principle free speech, so people can be censored etc. Use Dan Cringeshaw, but never trust Dan Cringeshaw. He said it best. Said you're allowed to question everything and criticize every govt except for one lucky winner.  Hint: not USA Currently no other vehicle at time has this special political right to protect the victim-hood narrative against people who might use their free speech rights to question the narrative. Also why Obama talked schmack but still agreed to send billions. Elites are manipulating you. The political power engendered by Holocaust-ianity is so powerful that it must be protected at all costs from the blasphemers, otherwise known as holocaust "deniers." Pathetic boring game by 1%. Make no mistake. Creating J victimhood and using as vehicle is nothing new at all. If you start seriously questioning the narratives, some will malfunction and start melting and end up blocking you or telling me "why they are going to block me now" lolol. It's so childish and weird. All we're doing is talking, asking questions, normal stuff. So scary ... ffs.  Literally only thing I remember learning in Highschool was Holocaust and Rwandan genocide only because chill mf teacher put on movie Hotel Rwanda (really really good btw) about Rwandan genocide. We were taught as if Holocaust was the only genocide. Others not brought up. Why? I got indoctrinated by bs and became bored and 100% distanced from all this. When I saw a lot of the truth and became fascinated and interested in our history and cemented love of country and realized there are shit load of atrocities - feels clown like to treat anyone special. I wish more would sit down and look at things more honestly. Even if you dont know answer. I openly talk about all these topics with whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, my best friend Filipino (Dodi), or other best friend Sikh (Deepak), 99% understand none of this is our fault. That's why the state of Israel denies the Armenian Holocaust.  That's also why the state of Israel denies the Polish Holocaust.  And that's why the state of Israel agrees Ukrainian Holocaust must be downplayed.  Even ADL on video bullied Ukraine into There can be only one **top** victim narrative. We can't even trade positions for like a day. Boring!  And that position must belong to the "most oppressed people in history" - the "chosen people". *barf* The clip showing ADL's triggered bullying is from a documentary called "Defamation". Created by an Israeli Jew. Jews aren't a race, they are a religion Jewish supremacists in some top universities teach that Judaism is only a religion and that Jews are really just white people.  Of course, it's not true and they know it. America's Most Famous Rabbi (as well as Israeli scientists) admitted that Jews are a Race, not a Religion. So why do they teach the "Judaism is only a religion" fallacy? They do this so that they can promote the idea of "White Supremacy" imo. If Judaism is nothing but a religion, that means the concept of ["White Supremacy" can be used as camouflage to cover up the fact that we actually live in a System of Jewish Supremacy. Also you do NOT have to be "Jewish." It's a game. Many people like myself are very new to breaking out of the mind control propaganda.  They've had an almost total lock on the information for many decades.  The internet is allowing a break out of the 'forbidden' information. The Jewish Supremacists are clearly freaking out and trying their best to bring censorship to the internet under the cover of "hate speech" laws. Hopefully enough people can be de-programmed in time to prevent the censoring of more internet. The axis of power in the world is doing tilts and Israel has to start wiggling itself into good position with China. As for the US, state of Israel doesn't give two schiffs about US or its people, you are tax farm and buncha fools who will jump to defense when they tell you to. It's going to be interesting to see how they will attempt to wiggle w Chinese, they are less easily manipulated than the Americans. If you step on toes once they will not forget. Not like US which has gaping whole for ass of the huge arse f'ng it has been getting for years now. You should really talk to some Israelis or read what they write online. A few good websites out there. Israel is more critical of Israel than the US is of Israel. It is hysterical to me. Some Americans think Israel is some hivemind and each person is connected with a string. US "ally" Israel routinely caught sending American troops in to do the fighting they should be doing themselves. Israel is not the home of the chosen people. There are no chosen people. What a strange ridiculous idea. Some conservatives get creepy about it. I see in my replies.  Israelis have own interest in mind, always have. We may think they are our allies, but if somebody else gives them a better deal, they will sell us. That's just a fact. We have no real allies. Doesn't mean we end trade or anything. But we should know where everyone's coming from. It's just weird how the influence is all up in media. Hollywood. Basically 40% of all billionaires. Supreme court. Hell, 2% of population, but 80% of peach mints. Those witnesses were.... you'll never guess. Why would people not question this or at least have honest discussion. This was a brief duckduckgo search that took no more than 7 mins. I was reading article on how Tyler perry owns the movie studio in Atlanta, and how it’s bigger than paramount and dream works and other studios combined. So I started thinking about other influences in Hollyweird. Hollywood, I didn’t know this, made up of more than one movie studio. I’m ignoramus to this stuff. So I duckduck the owners of all the major studios in Hollywood. Boy oh boy, they’re all yeah you guessed it. To me, it's more interesting than anything. I'm just naturally curious. And it wasn’t till 2018 that I was exposed to this how Jewish Supremacists manipulate normal Israelis and normal Americans, and that would explain why America is Israel’s ho. Even that tho, the America is Israel’s biatch thing, I still don’t fully understand the foreign policy we have with them but I hear that phrase thrown out a lot by people who are known as "no bs" people. The inconsistency in the Jewish proportion of heavy hitter business people is fascinating. It really is. I’m still a shit and still learning when it comes to this and our ties with Israel. Over last few weeks I’ve been thinking about religions and how there’s really only three major ones, all with some things in common in their stories but with one major commonality, the holy land: I don’t think any of the religions got it right, something could have happened x amount of years ago in my opinion and the religions are essentially people’s versions of the story, most inconsistencies with a few similarities. How would we know. We wouldn't. Could very well be like a game of telephone. I could be wrong though, it could be something else but as I get older my belief in God grows, and idek how to pray to it or what to read about because I don’t think anyone’s got it right. And I'm a Catholic and believe in God. When your team runs the award-giving committee, you tend to win a lot of awards. That said, I have a lot of respect and admiration for the Jewish team. They've got an 'us-against'-the-world' thing going that encourages them work together and achieve some pretty cool things. Unfortunately, 'Us-against-the-world' also implies you can treat everyone who isn't on your team as an enemy combatant. It's this embattled attitude that generates a kind of ruthless, unsympathetic attitude toward players on the other team. And they are FIRST to call out any other group that adopts same strategy. It blows my mind how many people fail to understand this is a MACRO evolutionary strategy for them and they wish to slowly breed out and exile out races they don't like etc. Using Jewish label as a front. Yep, they even gave the White Helmets a Nobel Peace Prize. That shows the level of propaganda they are able to perpetuate against the American people through their mass media apparatus. Tons of Overwhelming Evidence That Israel Supports !slamic Terrorist Groups in Syria. You never hear about the regular, everyday Jews and it's shameful. I obviously know and talk to poor Jewish peeps, but it’s a thing, it’s such a thing to the point that it’s a stereotype. While stereotypes can be offensive or seem irrational because they cast a wide generalization on a large group of people, they exist for a reason and stick around for the same, so they must be true on some level. Not all catholic priests diddle. I went to 2 years of communion classes as boy at a catholic church with other kids and the priests were awesome. That doesn’t take away from the fact that a shitload of kids did get touched and molested by priests on such a large scale that the Vatican was aware. And I have no problem admitting Catholic Church one of most corrupt organizations in world and is used to manipulate masses. Not all Jews are bad or are out to take out America or care to gain influence through high ranking positions. It's all just a game. But we're the ones that suffer and get manipulated. Literally every Jewish person I've befriended, are normal, ethical people who care about living life through what their religion seems just. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that Jewish people, both male and female hold lots of highly influential and esteem positions in America, a country mostly made up of Christians when it comes to religious demographic, and these positions are dominated by Jewish people at an alarming inconsistent rate. Try reversing role and doing that shite in Israel. They'll kick you out so fast your head will be spinning. I watched interview one time with David Ben Gurion and the interviewer asked the former prime minister about Israel's nuclear program. (Israel has never admitted to having nukes, though there's lot of anecdotal evidence saying they do have nukes...but no country has inspected Israel's program since JFK. JFK was very suspect of state of Israel. So interviewer asks DBG if Israel has nukes and he replies, "We have enemies". So that's the situation. If you see the rest of the world as an enemy, you can do anything, because, it's for your survival. The truth is simply pointing out facts made from observations in data causes lots of childish triggering and weird deflection on this subject because of the deep history. Pointing out the inconsistency in that blacks make up 13-15% of the US population but over 70% of the prison population shouldn’t cause uproar or anger but rather curiosity and request of answers. Most videos of police officers will have you believe most cops use excessive force and that there is war going on between inner city black people and white pool ice officers. Total nonsense. Obviously not all blacks are criminals, but something’s fishy there. For a fact a lot of black people in prison did something wrong that led directly to their incarceration but the numbers simply hint at some sort of fuckery afoot, that leads to people asking questions. Doesn’t take a five minute duckduckgo search to realize how many blacks are doing hard time for ridiculous non violent drug offenses. Same thing goes for the cops. One of most stressful jobs ever, all day people are lying to you, when you show up to a situation it typically doesn’t mean something great is happening, pulling people over to give them tickets must feel like a shitty thing to do when a quota is set by dept. most are good at their job. It’s the few who we see in videos that show a lack of training and or skill under stressful situations. And same goes for this except when these observations are made immediate malfunction cognitive dissonance ensues. The difference with the outrage is they have a decent influence on so many sectors of this country, you can literally be black balled for life from anything. The collective identity makes sure that you think in terms of Group first and prior to anything else. On top of this, Judaism actively teaches infiltration of positions of power, politics, msm, and so on simply in order to better their chances at survival by group based nepotism. Imo the narratives have been twisted by the winners. This where the whole “history is written by the winners” phrase comes in. You have a full understanding of just how powerful the influence is when it comes to people just simply speaking about, or asking genuine questions etc.  
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rhodes-jxeiratuel · 7 years
My dearest mother.
Here’s the reasons me and my mom fight.
1) I choose to clean things up when I’m done with my binge watching and that sometimes means falling asleep at 8 am before cleaning
- I wake up the next day and clean almost immediately
2) I am honest with her about things she does that hurt my feelings in an attempt to work on our relationship
- response is her saying “I just can’t do ANYTHING right can I?” “I’m the worst mom ever” .. recap, completely forgetting what she did to hurt my feelings and compounding the problem by making me feel guilty for having hurt feelings.
3) I have chronic illnesses IBS and awful migraines.. as well as chronic back pain. So sometimes I miss appointments or class.. somehow she takes this as HER failing and ME being irresponsible. Like sorry I know, I totally planned to have my head feel like I have 5 cop sirens blaring in my ear while my body has spasms and feels like it’s been kicked by a soccer team for an hour while simultaneously needing to shit my brains out but I’m half constipated half have the runs.. like, MY BAD, I know I’m totally selfish for wanting to feel that way and have make up work to do without even having the benefit of being there for my teacher to explain the assignment or to take notes for the test I’ll have to take when I show up next instead of feeling great. Totally an irresponsible CHOICE mom.
4) I have 0 real “friends” tho I have a ton of casual friends and know plenty of ppl that like me.. she takes this as HER problem as well and always begins arguments by asking me “what are you going to do to make friends I know you’re not happy just sitting here” to which I respond I actually like my alone time because most ppl my age are at bars or clubs and is rather go bowling or play ball. Somehow shaming me for not having friends is a good idea to her when she knows her kid also has depression due to the lack of ppl he knows with values like his.
5) I’m not volunteering during my negative 20 hours a week of free time. Umm hi? It’s me? Your son? The one that’s either got a migraine, is nauseas or on the toilet or is having back spasms? Yeah, remind me when I’m done with my makeup work to go find a place to volunteer at at 3am.
6) I post something deep, but long winded, on social media. She gets mad because see #4 she thinks she needs to make it her job to make me friends and she thinks it makes me weird that I’m a writer. Like, being a writer is something to be proud of. Having a son that cares about intricacies of delicate matters, AND is not just willing but passionate about solving these problems.. it isnt something to turn him away from, it’s something that could make him a real president.
7) I don’t have a job, but like we discussed, I’m a full time student with 0 free time and am working my ass off towards a career.
8) She complains that I don’t like her and that we don’t talk enough.. we don’t talk because everything I have to talk about she would insult and inadvertently attempt to me feel like shit over.
9) I don’t sleep on a regular schedule. But, again, I have health issues and there’s nothing I can do about it. No matter how many times I remind her this, she forgets and scolds me that I need to get my schedule turned around and go to bed earlier. Umm hi, migraine knocked me out for 20 hours. I just woke up. It’s 8pm. I cant just go to bed after sleeping for 20 hours, not my fault.
10) I decide to talk to her about something about the world, I explain how things could be done better and/or what is being done wrong. She tells me stop being negative that it’s not making me any friends. I said sorry I don’t enjoy women being sexualized by our era and I don’t find tricking women into thinking being sexual is empowering. You could convince a 3rd grader he is being excluded from detention by calling it a different name by telling him that he’d get better grades and a better job and make more money if he spent that time studying in a classroom after school instead of playing with friends that would leave for an out of state college anyway and disappear. Idc how much money a famous stripper makes, it’s not empowering, it’s glorified consented sexual slavery.
Remind me how she thinks our arguments are my fault again?
Example of the reason my mom drives me crazy:
Mom are these the flakey(pillsbury) rolls?
What? Oh, yeah (they’re totally not)
Then how come it’s not peeling
What? Oh you just have to use your knife. (her face completely showing she’s lying out her ass)
Mom you don’t have to use your knife on the flakey ones I’m pretty sure these are the regular ones
No max they’re definitely the flakey ones. *storms off*
*thinking to myself: dude who gives a fuck just admit you made a mistake at the store and grabbed the wrong one*
(But remember, my mom can’t be at fault for anything, so she will blatantly lie and cover any and every thing she can.. If she gets caught it’s “I’m just the worst mom ever I cant do anything right can I?!” As she storms off)
Dog. My mom’s a bratty 5 year old.
I try and explain to my brother or sister that she uses or is in severe denial and they say don’t be mean to mom (because they no longer have to deal with her insane frustrating bickering and are in no rush to get on her bad side)
Wtf am I supposed to do? She gives me the rep of a bad son but I literally do nothing but try to make the world a better place and try my hardest to overcome my medical issues. And God forbid I get offended when she lies and manipulates things she did wrong into a guilt trip. Like, help?
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