#it’s an online interview so i think cancelling wouldn’t be too much of a dick move because presumably this person is interviewing all day
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Can’t tell if I actually genuinely think this job interview tomorrow is a bad idea, or I’m just trying to convince myself it is because I don’t want to do it
#it’s an online interview so i think cancelling wouldn’t be too much of a dick move because presumably this person is interviewing all day#but i’ve already told people about it so they’ll be like ‘hey how did the interview go :)’ and i don’t want to say i cancelled it#but. look this place gives me bad vibes#the business isn’t even open yet so i’ll be one of the first staff hired and chances are i’ll be hauling stuff all over the place#and helping set up. and that just sounds annoying and difficult#plus i thought it was just retail but i looked it up and they have a bar??? which means they probably saw my bartending & barista experience#and that’s why they want me. these people are not going to let me sit down and uhhhh i have an arthritic knee. i need to sit down#also the employment satisfaction reviews are really terrible#i’m talking like; people mentioning they were getting abuse from customers and still weren’t allowed to ban them#but comparable businesses would absolutely ban those type of customers on the first instance#at this place they just let them stay though and you have to serve them even if they’re clearly abusive and not in their right mind#i also saw that you get asked complex mathematical questions in the interview and listen. my brain is mostly fog right now#every single one of my prescription meds is clashing with one of the others and making me sleep 10 hours a day#and my brain feels like a tired soup even if i have slept 10 hours#(or 9. or 8. or 7. it’s basically a 24/7 thing)#suffice to say i don’t think i’m going to be doing fucking mathematics#also it’s a teams interview and i hate them. although it is kind of nice to not have to take the train for half an hour just to be rejected#OH THAT’S THE OTHER THING. they open at 8:30 and it takes me half an hour to get there#so if they want me in right at opening i still need to get a bus at like 7:50. but more likely it’ll be way earlier than that#soooooo it’s not actually much better than my previous job where i was getting up at 6 to get a train at 7:10 to get to college at 8#to sit around for an hour or more waiting for class to start. 🧐#i know i live out in the back of the back of beyond and i will therefore have some stupid commutes. but come ON#and if i work the closing shift instead there literally isn’t a bus late enough to facilitate that for me. they stop at 8pm. when will i win#i’m just going to send an email cancelling it even though it’s the middle of the night and then i’m going to withdraw my interest on indeed#and then i’m going to bed#and if anyone asks; they made me do maths in the interview so i burst into tears and started eating the drywall#personal
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starwitch3000 · 5 years
What’s Your Story - 1
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader 
Summary: After having a not so great couple of weeks the reader finds their way to The Milano a dive bar in NYC where they meet the owner Peter Quill
Warning: Drinking and language 
masterlist - ff.net
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You were having a terrible day. Well, maybe more accurately, days plural. You were up for a promotion at work, you were currently an editor at an online news website, but your so called “in the bag” promotion your boss had promised was instead handed to some new guy they hired. You were bitter because you gave this job 3 whole years of your life and this was the thanks you got.
Another thing, your boyfriend of a year dumped you a couple of weeks ago because he got a job offer overseas and didn’t think you’d want to go with him, not that he asked. He also didn’t want to do a long distance relationship because he just wasn’t feeling it. So now he’s dead to you.
The list of tiny annoying day to day things just kept piling on your shoulders. Like someone taking your coffee order and having to pay for a new coffee because the barista didn’t believe you. Having your cab taken 4 separate times by 4 different people. Being sent an email by your boss asking why you weren’t in a meeting that you clearly were and participated in. Having your lunch being stolen from fridge in the break room and never getting your lunch bag back. Having to buy a new lunch bag.
With everything piling up things just became too much. That’s why you texted your best friend, Natasha Romanoff, to meet up for some drink at a bar near your apartment. She agreed and you headed out to make your way there. Your sour mood prompted you to walk and the fact that the bar you were heading to, The Milano, was only a couple blocks away.
You made it to the bar and headed in. It was a Friday night so you were a little surprised to see that the place wasn’t too terribly packed. Though you had to admit this place was a little run down and the people that were there looked a little sketchy. This is New York after all so who were you to judge.
You headed up to the bar and took a seat at it. You pulled out your phone while you waited for the bartender to finish up the customer he was already with and to check and see if Natasha had sent you an update.
She had.
Not a good one.
Work called have to bail. I’m so sorry you know I’d be there if it weren’t important. xx
Frowning at your phone you hadn’t realized the bartender approached you or that he was talking to you.
“Hello?” he whistled waving his hand slightly in front of you, “you’re not deaf are you? Cause if you are then you’re totally making me feel like an asshole right now.”
“Huh?” snapping out of the pity party going on in your head you looked up at the bartender. He was a tall, well built man with dark blonde hair and green eye. He looked stupidly handsome and you couldn’t help but stare. He tossed the towel in his hands over his shoulder as he raised an eyebrow at you. You coughed wishing you could sink into the floor and disappear out of embarrassment,  “Sorry?”
“What can I get ya?” He repeated with a kind but snarky smile. He totally noticed you gawking at him that asshole.
Well Nat left you hanging but you were already here so why not, “Whisky neat cheapest you got.”  
With a bit of flare he tossed your glass into the air catching before setting it on the counter to pour your drink, “Here you are,” He slides the glass over to you with a charming smile, “enjoy.”
Show off.
You gave him a pressed smile and lifted the glass in thanks as he went to take care of a new customer. Taking a sip you looked down at your phone unlocking it to Natasha message.
No worries. Call me when you can. xx
You sent her a quick reply just so she knew you weren’t mad, disappointed sure but not mad, you knew how seriously she took her work. You wish you felt the same honestly, but this past week at work had you reconsidering what you actually wanted from your job. Sure it paid well enough and you had been there long enough to be on the company's insurance plan, but that was about it. You landed that editing job straight out of college and you were so proud of that for so long. Maybe your pride had hidden what you really wanted to achieve.
“So what’s your story?”
Pulled from your thoughts you tighten your grip on your phone and looked up to see the bartender had made his way back towards your end of the bar where you sat alone.
“Excuse me?” You asked confused.
“What’s your story?” He asks again, “What brings someone like you to The Milano alone on a Friday night?”
“I’m sorry, someone like me?”
“No offense ma’am but you don’t exactly fit the demographic of this bar,” he shrugged as you both took a glance around at the other patrons of the establishment. You found he was not wrong. Most of the people looked like they were criminals. Covered in scars and tattoos with permanent scowls on their faces.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Taking another sip of your drink, “I think I fit in perfectly here.”
He snorted, “Right. I guess you are just as brooding as the rest of these chumps.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you scoffed offended.
“Walking in here with a look on your face that says “I’m thinking about murder” and sitting all by yourself nursing a whisky,” He explains then nods to himself, “No you’re absolutely right you fit right in.”
“Huh,” you breathed loosening your phone from your grip and set it down next to your glass. You processed his words for a moment, it makes you wonder if he was checking you out when you first arrived, looking up at him he seemed to be doing that. His head slightly tilted and eyes slightly darkened as his eyes traced your face. Biting your lip you asked, “I really look like I’m thinking about murder?”
“You telling me you’re not?”
“No, but to be fair I have been tossing around the idea of some light arson so that could be what you’re picking up.”
“Arson?” His eyebrow cocked up intrigued, “alright now you’ve got my attention. Let’s hear all about this.”
You snorted as if you hadn’t already had his attention, “You really want to stand here and talk to me?”
“Well if I’m being honest this place is a little slow tonight and unless a bachelorette party comes stumbling through those doors you’re the most interesting person I can be talking to right now,” He explains.
You laughed and shook your head, “Dunno, that guy seems pretty interesting,” You nodded your head to only other guy actually sitting all the way at the other end of the bar. He was hunched over in his seat picking at the label on his beer as he intensely read the subtitles of the movie playing on one of the tv on the wall, “maybe you should find out what his story is.”
“Nah that’s just Kraglin I’ve known him forever,” He explained playing with the towel in his hand, “You however mentioned arson and I would like to hear all about it. What do you want to set on fire the most?”
Rolling your eyes you decided to play along, “Do I have to pick just one thing?”
He gasped, “A serial arsonist. This just keeps getting better. Let’s start with the one thing you want to burn the most. Like if you could set this fire right now what would it be?”
“Okay,” you let out a long breath and thought it over. What to burn first, “Probably my bosses office - wait no, my ex.”
“Work trouble and love trouble? That’s a nasty duo.”
“Yeah well my boyfriend dumped me for a job overseas. He’s going to be some regional manager for whatever doing whatever in Turkey. He didn’t want me to move with him so he just ended things,” you explained bitterly.
“How long were you guys together?”
“Little over a year.”
“Geeze,” He hisses in sympathy, “Did you guys even talk about it?”
“Nope,” you said popping the p, “He just decided for me that I wasn’t going to move with him.”
“Would you?”
“If he asked me?”
“Yeah I think I would have. We were together for so long I thought we were good. If he asked me I probably wouldn’t have given it a second thought,” you answered hating yourself slightly for all the time wasted on him.
“What about if he walked into this bar right now and asked you?” He asked.
“I’d kick him straight in the nuts,” you immediately answered.
“I don’t think I like how quick that response was,” He grimaced, “Yikes. Now what about your boss?”
“Well,” you sighed, “I usually don’t have any issues at work but recently I was up for a promotion and he told me that the job was basically mine they just had to do other interviews so that the higher ups didn’t think it was favoritism or whatever.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m an editor for an online news outlet. Been there for like 3 years now.”
He nodded and let you continue.
“So they had a couple of interviews and decided to give the job to one of those guys and not me. I asked my boss why and he said that this guy was much more qualified for the position and he figured I wouldn’t care so much anyways,” you finished feeling the same bitterness that you felt when you had left your bosses office after being turned down from the promotion.
“That’s shitty,” He sighed, “What a dick man.”
“Tell me about it,” you rolled your eyes taking a drink.
“Ay Pete, hand me another beer would ya,” Kraglin from the other end of the bar interrupted waving his now empty bottle toward the bartender, Pete you guess.
“So that’s what brought you here?” He asked cracking a fresh beer open and sliding it down the bar towards Kraglin not breaking the flow of his conversation with you, “A deadbeat ex and a shithead employer?”
“I was actually meeting up with a friend,” you explained watching Kraglin nearly tip over the new beer over but saving it last minute, “but she canceled last minute because of work.”
“You want to set her office on fire too?” Pete asked preparing himself for another story.
You chuckled, “No, god no. She’s a detective usually when she gets called in like this there is usually a dead guy.”
“Oh,” he paused, “well shit. Better be careful with all this crime you’re about to commit. Don’t worry I wont tell.”
“Gee thanks stranger,” you teased causing him to laugh.
“It’s Peter actually. Peter Quill owner of this fine establishment,” He declared gesturing around the bar.
“Fine establishment?” You questioned, “Weren’t you the one saying this place was running slow on a Friday night?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Peter gasped in mock offense, “Is the not New York, the city that always sleeps?”
“Not sure that’s how it goes Pete,” You shook your head sympathetically.
“Pretty sure that’s exactly how it goes.”
“Whatever you say man. I’m (Y/N) by the way. (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you smiled, “Now you’ve got a name to give the cops when you go to snitch on me.”
“Okay first of all, I would never snitch. Have you seen the people in this bar? They would eat me alive if I was some kind of snitch. Secondly, I am one hundred percent sure that’s a fake name now, but I’ll call you (Y/N) anyways,” dramatically he put air quotes around your name when he spoke.
“Anyone ever tell you that you’re dramatic as hell Pete?” You asked with a smile.
“No not even once,” he frowned, “alright maybe a couple of times, but that’s not the point.”
“And what’s the point?”
“I feel for you man,” He said sincerely, “getting dumped fucking sucks and then not getting a dream job on top of that? It’s rough.”
“Well I wouldn’t call it a dream job,” you said thinking it over, “Just a different job. Rising through the ranks. Getting better pay. Got any pretzels?”
“What’s your dream job then?” He asked reached over for a bowl of pretzels on the bar handing them to you.
You thought over his question for a minute while snacking on a pretzel. What was your dream job? You were an English major for a reason, because your passion growing up was writing. You used to write all the time what happened? This job that’s what happened.
You sighed knowing exactly what your dream job was but also knowing that it’s nearly impossible to get where you want to be.
“(Y/N)? Did I lose you?” Peter questioned and you looked up to meet his gaze.
“Sorry, no, just thinking it over,” you apologized.
He sighed exasperated, “what’s the dream job haunting your dreams?”
You rolled your eyes, “I guess I’ve always wanted to be a writer. And not some shitty news writer. Like my own stories. Put my own thoughts and opinions on paper and see who picks it up you know?”
“So what’s stopping you?” Peter blinks watching your face carefully.
Squirming under his gaze you suddenly felt the pressure, “Me I guess. I don’t know where to start or if I’m any good. I’m just paralyzed by my own fear of failure and it makes me want to stay where I am and just blend in for the rest of my life. Always having opportunities placed in front of me but never getting to experience them.”
“That is a load of bullshit,” he scoffed.  
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I think that is all a bunch of bullshit,” He repeated a little harshly.
“And what gives you the right to say that? You barely even know me!” you jumped feeling overwhelmed by his confrontation.
“Sure I do your ex is a douche, your best friend is a cop and your name is probably not (Y/N),” He shrugged, “That’s pretty much everything.”
Baffled you shook your head, “I don’t really think it is.”
“Well,” He started placing his hands on the edge of the bar leaning forward, “It’s plenty enough for me to know that you’re going to be miserable if you keep doing what you’re doing because guess what, you already are.”
“I’m not miserable,” You interrupted, “I’m just having a bad week!”
“Who is the bartender here and who is the girl drinking by herself?”
You refused to answer.
Smugly he continued, “This is my job honey, I know people, even when they don’t want me to. And right now I know that you are stuck not because you’re afraid of failing. You’re afraid of wasting your time and you wont accept that you already have. You wasted a year with some dickwad who didn’t care enough to get your opinion on your relationship together. You’ve wasted your time working for some assholes that don’t recognize your desire to achieve more. It’s time to pull your head out of your ass and take something that you want.”
You hated it. You hated every single word that left his mouth. You hated the way he said it. You hated how it sounded. Mostly you hated that it was all true.
“What the fuck dude?” You huffed feeling out of breath for him. Peter was proving to be extremely long winded.
“Am I wrong?”
“Well no, obviously, but can’t you just let a girl wallow in self pity for an evening?” you question, “Geeze.”
He rolled his eyes standing up straight again, “You’re way too pretty for that sweetheart.”
“Great. Good to know. Next time I just want to drink and feel sad I’ll just stay at home then,” you nodded to yourself looking at the remainder of your drink in your glass.
“Sorry didn’t mean to overstep my boundaries, “He sighed, “but this bar is my life, even though some of us here are unimpressed by that,” he shot you a cocky wink, “and if someone hadn’t told me to get my head out of my ass and do something I love then we wouldn’t be here today.”
“And who was that?”
“Well my mom always told me to do what I love but after she passed away it was my foster dad that was always telling me to get my head out of my ass,” He explained.
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Not it was for good reason,” He said, “I was a shithead.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes “was”, “I meant about your mom passing. I’m sorry to hear that. My mom passed away too when I was younger.”
His lips pressed into a line and he nodded looking at the surface of the bar, “It sucks.”
You nodded in agreement settling into a silence. Loss was something you both seemed all too familiar with. You had noticed that he had said foster dad and not his dad but you didn’t want to bring up two intrusive topics in a row. Things felt a little too personal and that’s saying a lot seeing as you just told a random stranger all your most recent problems. It’s clearly something he’s used to him being a bartender and all. People must come in here and bare their souls to him all the time.
The sound of your cell phone buzzing made both of you jump. You picked it up to see Natasha picture flashing across the screen. A wave of confusion and mild panic hit you.
“Sorry hang on,” you told Peter and answered her call never knowing when it could be an emergency, “hey what’s up?”
Through the phone all you hear is her aggravated sigh, “Just got finished dealing with a bunch of teenagers who thought it would be funny to prank call some detectives about fake homicide. They didn’t even use burners to hide their identities or anything but were oh so shocked that they got caught.”
“That awful. What’s going to happen to those kids?” you asked biting your lip listening to your friend.
“Don’t know probably community service. I’ve been dealing with hysterical parents for the last hour. They’ve got court dates and the judge will decide the rest,” she sighed through the phone, “In the meantime I am free again and really want some extra cheesy pizza from Romeo’s, want to come over and yell at each other?”       
“Wow,” you replied, “you really know a way to girls heart don’t you.”
“What can I say? I’m a gifted individual now come on over and I can show you more of my talents,” She teased.
“You gotta stop it with the dirty talk babe I’m in public,” you said causing Peter to laugh.
“Where are you?” Natasha dropped the teasing tone instantly curious, “Is that a guy?”
“The Milano,” you chose to only answer her first question.
“Seriously? You still went?”
“I was already here when you bailed,” you explained, “figured I’m already out might as well get what I came for.”
“Is that place any good? I know we’ve been meaning to check it out and tonight would have been that night if not for, you know, teenagers,” the bitterness of her tone did not go unnoticed.
“Eh, it’s alright,” your unimpressed tone was purely for Peter listening to just one side of this conversation, “It’s kind of dirty but they’ve got pretzels.”
You grinned as you earned a glare from Peter.
“Hot guy I hear ya,” Natasha murmured understanding the context of a situation she wasn’t even a part of, “tell me scale of one to ten where is he?”
“Eh, maybe like a three,” you replied loving the baffled looks you were getting from Peter seeing as he thought you were still talking about his bar.
“Shit really?” reading way more into your reply than you had intended, “look if you need to bail in order to get some I will not blame you.”
“Nah it’s not like that.”
“Oh really?” she questioned, “or are you just saying that because he’s standing right in front of you and you too scared to admit you want to jump on him and ride him till sunrise?”
If not for the little bit of alcohol in your system you would probably turn beat red hearing your friend say this while you stare directly at the man in question. You bit your lip considering it, “No I’m pretty sure it’s just because you enticed me pizza and now I’m going to hold you to that.”
Natasha laughed, “Alright I’ll order it now see you in a bit.”
“See you,” you smiled and hung up the phone.
“Someone have a hot date?” Peter asked sounding slightly disappointed.
“Yeah sorry to leave you like this,” you grabbed your wallet out of your purse only to look up and see his pout, “really? Pouting? Is that how you get all of your regulars?”
“It worked on Kraglin,” He shrugged dropping the pout.
“Sorry I’m just not that kind of girl,” you took out some cash and paid for your drink, “the only way to keep me around is food and sorry but pizza trumps pretzels.”
He gasped in fake disbelief.
“I know. I’m sorry but I make the rules and that’s just how this one goes,” you shrugged and got out of you seat. For the first time all week you finally felt yourself settle into a good mood. It made you feel lighter. You smiled up at Peter, “Thanks for the talk. I really needed it.”
“Anytime,” He smiled softly, “You’ll know where I’ll be.”
With that you left and headed toward Natasha place anxiously anticipating some pizza.
chapter two
Alright chapter one stay tuned for more. Also sorry for any mistakes things can slip by when proof reading but if I don’t post this now I never will. So let me know what you think and I promise chapter two is on its way! ~Star
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lauraklly · 5 years
Interviewee 1
Rebecca, 20, F
I am single
Not single - been in a relationship for a year, met a festival
I have used a dating app
I can name 5 dating platforms
Tinder, hot or not, sugar daddy/babies (seeking arrangement?), farmers dating
I have experienced some form of catfishing
Fake profile added her on facebook
I think dating apps are helpful
Generally, no. Knows people who have had long term relationships, personally thinks they aren’t helpful, when she was younger - made her feel wanted, personally wasn’t helpful to her now. Has used tinder when she was younger, wanted to make herself feel good - age 15, 16
On average my experience with dating apps has been positive
Negative experience -  unsolicited dick pics, heard of stuff where things may have gone wrong
I have met up with someone from a dating app
Has met up with someone from a dating app for a friend (as a safety buddy - went to the movies to make friend feel safe)
I have made a meaningful connection from a dating app
Hasn’t made a meaningful connection
Added information
Enjoys the idea of our interview - having the swiping idea
Make it a bit broader - relationships in general, making friends online
Interviewee 2
Willow 20 F
I am single
Single for life
I have used a dating app
I can name 5 dating platforms
Tinder, bumble, sugar daddy one
I have experienced some form of catfishing
Instagram catfishes, uses bumble, but not tinder. More prone to catfishes unsafe, more legit, less sleazy
I think dating apps are helpful
Not helpful, but offers validation, and will not use again
On average my experience with dating apps has been positive
Neutral, not positive nor negative, boring not exciting enough, meeting people in person is better
I have met up with someone from a dating app
Met up with 1, went on 2 dates, knew them mutual friends, dog died so she wasn’t in contact for a short period then didn’t hear anything
I have made a meaningful connection from a dating app
No meaningful connection
Added information
Not looking for a partner
Feels like a game, doesn’t feel genuine
Depends on who, changes the outcome
Signifier, to show intentions.
So many people, repetitive
Interviewee 3
Have you used a dating app or website?
Popular, knew that everyone was getting on there.
Through friends and the internet
Have you ever met up with someone from a dating app?
How was that experience?
Do you think dating apps/websites are helpful?
Easier, than trying to figure out every chick you feel like talking to is interested or not.
Are you single?
Have You made a meaningful connection from a dating app/website?
Have you experienced some form of catfishing?
Can you name 5 dating platforms?
Tinder, Bumble, OKcupid, Christian singles, Grindr
Would you say your main form of communication is online?
What outlets do you use for communication?
Messenger, Snapchat, Discord
Would you say you prefer talking to people in real life?
Guess so, no i changed my mind
I feel like i don't have to accommodate them, usually if i’m talking to someone online i don't have to entertain them. It depends on the situation, hanging out with people is still better in real life but it depends what your doing and how often you see them.
Discord, It’s easy to leave/end a conversation less effort to get into one. Same with messenger. But i'd prefer if i didn't have to use any of them and everyone was always around all the time.
Meeting new people in real life make you anxious?
Depends who the person is
Random stranger
Not really
Friend of a friend
Someone's family
In a situation where you feel like you have to make a good impression.
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Yeah if they're cool. Especially if i've heard of them before, if i know of them. It’s a bit of a two edged sword because sometimes you get on instantly or you meet people that are just too different from you.
Are you currently using any dating apps/websites?
What did you like/dislike about the using app?
Easy to set up easy to use
Inconvenient for people that don't live in a city.
Making you pay for a feature that should be added and free to use.
What's something that helps you feel closer to other people?
Common interest common hobbies
Similar age
Mutual friends
Do you think people make connections online are not as strong as real life?
Not as good but if you meet someone online and you've never met them they only show you a part that they want you to see.
Couple who met in school vs a couple who met in a dating app are either superior?
Still genuine , Just a starter. Seen as something that's, perceived as something to be embarrassed about. New age.
Interviewee 4
Female, 20
I am single
No - in a relationship for 4 years
I have used a dating app
Yes, when I was younger
I can name 5 dating platforms
No; Tinder, Bumble
I have experienced some form of catfishing
Yes, on facebook and instagram fake accounts have added me/followed me. Someone at my school catfished her ex boyfriend and made a fake profile and everyone talked to this profile - the boyfriend thought he was dating the girl I think?
I think dating apps are helpful
Yes - people can get a lot of positives from them, but there’s also a lot of negatives
Positives - connections, new people, relationships, ego boost
On average my experience with dating apps has been positive
I guess (yes), was great for the ego lol
I have met up with someone from a dating app
Not really (no)
I have made a meaningful connection from a dating app
Uhhh, my boyfriend and I also talked on tinder but we had talked on facebook first (before we were together)
My main form of communication is online
Not really
I prefer to talk to people in real life
Yes - can take things the wrong way online so real life is easier and you can make more of a connection
Meeting people in real life makes me anxious
I like to meet new people
Interviewee 5
Katelin, Female, 20
I am single
I have used a dating app
I can name 5 dating platforms
No, Tinder, bumble
I have experienced some form of catfishing
Yes, Not in person, but definitely have come across fake accounts
I think dating apps are helpful
Yes, I think they can be used for many different things to suit different individuals needs, or if you’re shy/take time to get comfortable speaking in person it’s a good way to start
And to meet more people
On average my experience with dating apps has been positive
Yep! I got what I wanted and could choose to ignore what I didn’t
I have met up with someone from a dating app
Yep, twice
How was that experience?
Mostly good, but you definitely can’t get your hopes up because people tend to be more flaky and cancel last minute. Can be slightly awkward at first/depending on who you’re with
I have made a meaningful connection from a dating app
No because that’s not what I was looking for
My main form of communication is online
Yes, mainly because I’m not constantly with who I’m talking to online
I prefer to talk to people in real life
That’s a tricky one, yes because it can be much more meaningful and real, you can tell someone’s emotions and if they are telling the truth, but then no because you can take time to think about a reply online and it can be a good build up until you’re actually with them
Meeting people in real life makes me anxious
Yes, especially if it’s a stranger because you never know how it’s going to go, you’re completely outside your comfort zone
I like to meet new people
Yes definitely, life would be boring without new people
Interviewee 6
Female, 25
Have you used a dating app or website?
Most popular/Most heard of
Friends using it, good features like location
Have you ever met up with someone from a dating app?
How was that experience?
Positive mainly
Do you think dating apps/websites are helpful?
Takes away the initial awkwardness of trying to find out if someone is attracted to you Creates more opportunity to make connections
Are you single?
Have You made a meaningful connection from a dating app/website?
Have you experienced some form of catfishing?
Not really
Can you name 5 dating platforms?
Tinder, Bumble, Match.com, OKcupid, Grindr, POF
Would you say your main form of communication is online?
What outlets do you use for communication?
Would you say you prefer talking to people in real life?
Not really
There's less tension and anxiety involved when talking to someone online. Especially via messages.
Meeting new people in real life make you anxious?
The pressure of leaving a good impression
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Yes, expanding your circle of people generates new opportunities to learn things and become more understanding.
Are you currently using any dating apps/websites?
What did you like/dislike about the using app?
Customizable setting
Large user base (tinder)
Creepy people
Not everyone has the same intentions
What's something that helps you feel closer to other people?
Similar outlook on life
Same humour
Do you think people make connections online are not as strong as real life?
The opposite
Interviewee 7
Grace, F
I am single
Yes, never had a bf
I have used a dating app
Nope, weird, people use them to hook up, not really serious, don’t want to see people you know, parents etc finding out, everyone has mutual friends
I can name 5 dating platforms
Tinder, bumble, okcupid
I have experienced some form of catfishing
Never talked to anyone online that hasn’t met in person
I think dating apps are helpful
Yes, for some people, getting married when you’ve never met someone
My main form of communication is online
In real life more, 70 30,
I prefer to talk to people in real life
Yes, hard to express yourself through writing, emojis,
People do make connections but wouldn’t do it herself, different form of connection, weird
Would delete facebook but need it for uni, convenient
What do online connections not have - parents are against that kind of thing - if it’s not in real life it’s not real
Not against it, but wouldn’t personally chat online like that
Dad works in IT, against companies having data, big on security
Online security - important
Would be cautious messaging someone even if they knew them - would only message a close friend
Doesn’t really use snapchat and instagram
Meeting people in real life makes me anxious
No - sometimes can get anxious meeting new people, if she doesn’t know anyone
I like to meet new people
Something that helps you feel close to people
Talking to people, talking about deeper things, spending time with them
Interviewee 8
Charlie, 20, M
I am single
Yes - been single for a couple years
I have used a dating app
I can name 5 dating platforms
Tinder, grindr, old myspace, foreign ones?
I have experienced some form of catfishing
Yes - found someone using friends pictures, tried to hit him up, that’s not you lol
I think dating apps are helpful
Mixed bag, good to meet people online that you wouldn’t usually, physically finding people there’s a lot of bullshit, online you’re straight to the point, common interests, a lot of risk, people seeing you on them and then your work knows etc, privacy is important
My main form of communication is online
Tries best to make it physical, but spends a lot of time on group chats, uses messenger, snapchat, used to use skype a lot or viber, instagram less for communication
I prefer to talk to people in real life
Enjoys both, online there’s a lot of communication, misplacement of a full stop, consciousness
Always going to be issues with text based communication, not a fan of emojis, enjoys the horse emoji, friend said she wanted to f**k a horse, uses horse and water squirting emoji, person with cowboy hat is fun
Meeting people in real life makes me anxious
No, depends on the person, if you were meeting Elon Musk would be a bit nervous
I like to meet new people
Yes, likes making jokes, last year for minor got grouped up, friends with them now, spends more time in WG with those friends
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noexit-ff · 7 years
31. Part 3
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I told Robyn about telling the family first before the world and now look, she has been on the phone non-stop. I have been trying to sleep but no, Robyn and her mom have been back and forth and then her auntie calls and then her grandfather, Robyn’ family is dramatic. My family just text me congratulations, my mom did call but I ain’t pick up. I told Robyn this and she didn’t listen, women never listen and I wish she would. I am sick of hearing but mommy, it is annoying. Least she has woke me up because Ant wanted to have breakfast with me down there, probably see the boys because I didn’t get to see them yesterday. I really wanted to tell family and friends first, shit would be better but Robyn was wanting to do it now, if I said no then she would drive me crazy until I say yes. But then again, it has sent a message of fuck you to the world, their stories seem to have changed into Chris Brown and Rihanna expecting their first child and that we are happily married but it wasn’t that yesterday. Turning the volume up on the TV from the bed, Robyn walked back into the bedroom “niggas give us too much power, I am telling you” we made the news, how can shit like this make the news. It’s fucking crazy, how much power we have, this shit is lethal “we actually made the news” Robyn said looking at the TV “I said we made the news mom, I am sorry” rolling my eyes, she can deal with that.
I am not leaving this bed, it’s barely turned nine, this is so wack. This is how early her family been bugging “why can’t you get the door?” Robyn questioned “with my dick out? No, you get it” grabbing Robyn’ pillow from the side of me and placing it behind my head, Robyn stormed off to open the door. I think people are just hype as fuck, I refuse to look at my phone until shit has calmed down. It’s mostly happiness though “it’s just me” hearing Jen say, everyone is awake today “busy night for us, morning Chris” smiling at Jen “you come to warm me up in bed?” pulling the cover back “weird thing, you know I had a dream about you” she pointed at me “ok, I need to go mom. I will call you, love you bye” Robyn finally getting off her phone “your family is so dramatic, I can’t be dealing with that shit” rubbing my head “but wait Robyn, please tell me about the dream. I want to know” grinning at Jen “a dream about Chris? Was I there?” Robyn said as she sat down on the bed “oh no, look it was just a dream. I don’t know why it came up” with the look on Jen’ face it was a nasty dream “you having freaky dreams about Chris Jen?” Robyn questioned, she is actually blushing “wow, bitch. Tell me. You lucky you my friend but tell me” busting out laughing “I like my meaty women too, more cushion” I winked at her “come on Jen, so tell” this is funny to me “it was not my fault ok, I went to sleep perfectly fine and then I wake up confused. Robyn was just saying about your tongue and I don’t know, god. I don’t know, I feel like a whore” Robyn looked at me and I looked at her, we both laughed “fuck you both, I don’t know why. I didn’t imagine having sex but it was leading up to the part, you was taking me out. Look fuck you both, I just can’t deal anymore” this is so funny “ok, so you had a wet dream about my tongue, I think there was more to it but it’s ok. Do you ma’am” poor Jen.
“Jen, you hot now? Taking your hoodie off and shit” she threw the hoodie at me “tell your husband off, please” Jen said to Robyn “leave her alone, so how come you are here early and you knew we was awake?” Robyn asked, placing Jen’ hood to the side of me “Chris was online on WhatsApp so I knew, so my phone been going off like shit. I am sure Ant has too, the hype is real. Every news outlet wants you, there has been nothing but praises and happiness. I think they get it, you ain’t playing. They want exclusive pictures, stories, interviews. E was the first, I said no of course. It’s up to you both on everything else, I got a call from Jay. He wants to see you Robyn and Chris. There has also been leaked gossip someone from Roc Nation must have overheard and told, because RCA contacted me and said about Rihanna, husband and wife together on the record label and I was like this has been less than twenty four hours, no. I have not been to sleep, I swear I am up to my eyeballs in coffee. Ant wants breakfast doesn’t he?” nodding my head at Jen “he said he got us a table, we have things to speak on. I have my interview but I cancelled it. I am not promoting the album anymore, I cancelled it all since everything popped off” rubbing my stubble “ok fine, so we need to get dressed and meet downstairs yes?” saluting Jen “unless you want to watch me get dressed? Only for you Jen” Robyn hit my arm “leave her, we will be there” I am going to tease her so much now.
Holding the door open for Robyn “come on, let’s go. What happened to wearing normal clothes? You still wearing my things” Robyn walked by me “I need to go shopping, you and I. Today” rolling my eyes mad hard, I wanted to chill with my friends because I never got to see them at all. Walking out of the room “how about you go with Jen and Mel? You know you are going with them anyways, why me?” walking around Robyn “so you don’t want to go shopping with me? I want to see some baby things too” Robyn is about to get offended if I say no, to save myself I will say yes “yes I do, I mean who wouldn’t want to go shopping with their wife” Robyn squinted her eyes at me “mhmmm” walking on to the elevator “what was your mom saying besides crying?” resting my back against the elevator “why didn’t you tell me, are we not close anymore. Why do this to me, I am crying. My first grandchild. I just said to my mom that I was scared, after everything that happened so she understood but then started again. I left my phone in the room, I keep getting calls about everything. I know it’s happiness and good things but I just want some peace now” she wants peace when I told her to do it my way, she deserves it but I won’t say anything.
Shaking Ant’ hand “Morning daddy” he said, busting out laughing “hey, I don’t need you to tell me that you are also having wet dreams about me too” walking down the table “shut up” hearing Jen say “niggas” dapping Lo, Sinko, Hood “what’s good daddy” shaking my head “nah, y’all can’t be doing this to me. Shut up” slapping the back of Sinko’ head “this is my nigga J” Lo pointed at this guy, I don’t even know who he is “cool” shaking his hand “Cass, Frank, Rich” walking back over to Robyn, she won’t be impressed if I do not sit next to her and we have business to discuss. Shuffling my chair in “this is lovely, we can stare into each other’s eyes” placing my hands under my chin staring at Jen “why are you like this?” sitting back in my chair laughing “Mel you hear this? Jen dreaming about me, when you said about my tongue she started getting wet over it” I yelped out “ooouch! My leg” leaning my hand down rubbing my leg “you will get more, shut up” Jen spat, Mel cackled “ I have two legs, I can kick you both” raising my hands “aight, I got you. I like it violent, it adds a little spice to the bedroom” Jen put a finger up at me.
Robyn took my glass of Orange Juice “why don’t you have your own?” wiping my mouth “there is none left, it all has been taken” placing the napkin in my plate “so your schedule is clear now, Jen and I have been speaking. You and Robyn are practically at the same point in things but we had a little disagreement, besides the Puma photoshoot you have nothing going on. You have time between now and April, I am saying for you to do a few festivals overseas. European tour. Leave America, that will bring you to April. If you do that then when the baby is born, give it a year. You and Rihanna can tour America together, then Rihanna can do Europe and you will have a free schedule to be a dad at home. Now Jen doesn’t agree and said do a tour all the way through, I personally think that is too much. The baby will be everywhere, you both constantly will be busy. You told me that you don’t want a carer for the baby so I think this will work” Ant has made good points “what if I want to take the baby with me to Europe?” Robyn said “then you will have Chris to be there and look after the baby, you both can do what you like. That is fine but that is my idea, speaking to Chris’ record label they are happy with it” I agree with Ant “I want my baby with me” Mel looked at me and I looked at her “speak on it” Mel said to me, I don’t like upsetting Robyn “look” shifting in my seat “we are having a baby, I want this baby to have the both of us but at times that won’t happen” staring into Robyn’ eyes “what are you trying to say?” licking my lips “that I don’t think I want our child to be hopping in and out of tour buses, one minute cold and the next we in a hot country. We get stressed out just touring. If we are both performing constantly then what about the baby? Who’s watching him or her when we are on stage. We going to be too tired, I don’t want to travel with the baby like that overseas” Robyn is not pleased “this is something we can discuss later though” Jen said “no, we need to speak on it now because he needs to sell tickets” Ant didn’t tell me it would be this difficult “only you and Robyn can tell us what you want” Robyn is already not happy.
Getting up from the chair “come” holding Robyn’ hand to get up “we will be back” intertwining our fingers together as I pulled Robyn along, we need to speak away from everyone “oohh sorry” this white lady hit into me and then looked up at me “it’s ok” walking around her “oh my, that is Chris Brown” hearing her say, walking up the steps “where are we going” turning the corner and seeing the lobby seating area “just here” letting go of Robyn’ hand as we both sat down “we need to talk on this, together. I don’t want you upset with me, I agree with Ant and I know you don’t. We having a baby together and we need to decide on shit together” I know my wife, she is not happy “I don’t really want to leave the baby with you, I will miss it so much” nodding my head “and I get it, unless you don’t think I will be good on my own? I won’t be offended?” I will be offended “no, you will be fine. What about the scans? I like to have you around me” holding Robyn’ hand “I will go after the gender reveal party? Things should be settled, I want you to be happy. If you don’t agree then say it” kissing Robyn’ cheek “he’s not wrong but I will miss you, fine. Let it happen that way” she knows it’s logical.
Sitting back down at the table “do it that way Ant, it’s fine” I said placing my arm behind Robyn’ chair “so what about Jay wanting to meet you?” Jen asked, Robyn looked a little taken back by him wanting to see her “why?” Robyn questioned and Jen shrugged, Robyn looked at me “what do you think I should say?” she asked, she is asking me “deep down, fuck him. Say no, but I will agree to what you want” Robyn nodded her head “I decline it” Jen looked down typing something out “next one, are you wanting to do interviews, any at all? They want you both, paying a lot?” Robyn and I looked at each other “for now no” I said to Robyn “then no” Robyn said “ok fine, so is everything just going to be what ever you both want to put out on social media yourselves right?” Jen said, nodding my head “I don’t care about nothing, they the same ones to jump on my dick about cheating and now they all want a interview, I am out” Robyn rested her head on my shoulder “are you leaving the label? This is the question I need to know” Jen questioned Robyn “I just need time to digest things, I need to speak on things so hold out. I will tell you” there is a lot going on right now.
Feeling a nudge at the side of me, turning my head and seeing Sinko. He walked off “I will see you in the hotel room babe, I just need to speak to Sinko” I said to Robyn “I will be there” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ lips, she looked at Sinko and pulled a face “ok fine” she let my hand go, pulling my sweatpants up a little walking over to him “got a blunt nigga?” he asked, shaking my head “nothing with me, where we going?” he walked outside the hotel “Cass is here, we good” looking behind me seeing Cass behind, chucking to myself looking through the window and Robyn is still looking at me, she worries too much “let’s just stay here” Cass said “we need to go back in” Cass is right we do “just wanted to get some air with you, you know. You be too covered in Barbados” side eyeing him “you mean my wife, when she is around I got to give her my attention. She is carrying my future” Sinko lit the blunt “you want some?” shaking my head “what’s up anyways?” it’s kind of cold out here “just wanted to speak to you, you doing anything today?” I paused thinking “oh yeah, shopping with the wife” Sinko snorted laughing “we might as well go with you, we need to get some things. I mean me of course. But I’ll come along” this is random, why drag me out here to tell me this “you know that nigga Adam, I can get bloods to get him? He wont fuck with you again” stuffing my hands in my pockets “I don’t think he will fuck with me again, it’s cool” I think shit just needs to calm down now, I don’t want it to get deeper.
Closing the door behind me “I told you I would be back” walking into the room “oh baby” seeing Robyn in nothing but her panties “your nipples have gone different you know, can we have sex? Just quickly, please” Robyn covered her boobs with her arm “no” stepping in front of her so she can’t go to the bathroom “I said please, please? Why did you look at me like that through the window? It was odd” lifting my hand up, pushing Robyn’ arm away from her boobs “I don’t know, I just had a weird feeling. I didn’t want you to be with him” she shrugged “weird, so can we have sex now? You’re already naked, show me your nipples. Let me suck, why you playing for?” she is being mad annoying “because I want to go shopping and yeah” mean mugging Robyn “seriously? I have not seen you in ages and you won’t have sex with me? What’s wrong? Are you shy? Upset?” I think there is something with her “nothing, just don’t want sex” looking at Robyn so confused “ok” I am turned off now so it doesn’t matter “didn’t think you would be back so quick” is she hiding from me, I am deflated now so it doesn’t matter.
I am not over Robyn shutting me down with having sex, that shit is so wack to me “y’all got a whole convoy of SUVs out there” Ant said “yeah the boys are coming with us that is why” the elevator doors opened, letting the ladies get off first “you want those dumb ass niggas with y’all? I am going to RCA” I shrugged “they want to come, extra bodies bro. I will call you, we could do something later” walking the lobby “alright, go and have fun shopping” the boys got up from the seats in the lobby, all I can say is my wife is back. She is wearing a long tee but I think it is not long enough, her legs are out. An oversized black blazer and white heels. She should cover herself up but she is her own boss, the tee is a little tight though “boss” Rich said smiling at me, he held the door open for us “congratulations Chris, you’re going to be a father. How do you feel?” the paparazzi guy shouted “you tell me?” I said “are you excited Chris? Rihanna! You look beautiful” I wish they would hurry up and get in the car so I can get in the car and stop hearing the bullshit behind me “Chris, how are you feeling?” climbing into the SUV finally.
I should have went with the boys, the girls are just complaining at the fact the boys are coming but they are my homies. They cool and they can protect them all, they will do anything to protect the people I love. I am just quiet as fuck, I am still not happy with Robyn denying me of sex like that. She can’t be doing that to me, that is bullshit. I want sex, I love sex and Robyn knows it. My phone started ringing in my hand, seeing that Lo is calling “nigga” answering the call “we got left behind, paparazzi are no joke. They followed you, where you going?” I paused not knowing, looking behind me and not at Robyn “where we going shawty?” I said to Jen “Barneys” winking at Jen “Barneys, meet y’all there” disconnecting the call “wow, not speaking to me then” Robyn said to me, placing my phone on my leg “you tell me” I shrugged “because I said no to sex? You have a face on?” I don’t know why she is saying it when she already knows the shit, looking out of the window “look at me” Robyn said, turning my head looking at Robyn “don’t do me like that Chris, I need you even at times when I can’t give you sex” she said in a whisper “can’t or won’t?” I said back “won’t, I don’t feel good in myself. I am going through changes and at times I don’t want to have sex because I don’t feel sexy Chris, do you just want me to lay there for you? Is that it? My body doesn’t feel sexy for you, what don’t you understand?” nodding my head “I do, it’s ok when you are feeling horny and jumping on my face and shit. Ok Robyn” I don’t even want to know “you’re not the nigga carrying our fucking baby Chris, I am going through this. Yes you right, I was fucking horny because my hormones are going though shit but ok. I hear you, don’t worry. I will lay there with my legs open to get your quick nut” Robyn is so frustrating, let me just be quiet “now you want to be quiet after you made such a remark, whatever nigga” there is no stopping Robyn now.
While Robyn is shopping let me call my mom back, I am bored already. Pressing my phone to my ear, my mom is going to be unimpressed with how long I waited to call her “ooohhh my baby boy, I am so happy for you” my mom half shouted in my ear, chuckling down the phone “thank you mom, shit has been so crazy. I wanted to tell you in person but Robyn was done hiding, this is some real crazy shit for me ma. I am going to be a dad, I have to be responsible for a little kid that is mine” my mom cooed out “this is your calling baby, you need this. You need a mini you Christopher, you are going to be so good. I am over the moon, your sister and I cannot wait to see you. I am going to be a grandma, I have been wanting to be a grandma for so long Chris. I don’t want you to ever think you can’t be a good dad because you will be” seeing my homies, they took forever to come. Dapping Sinko “thank you mom, you know I appreciate you. I may need you at times, I am so overjoyed though. I do hope we have a girl, she finna have your nasty ass laugh” my laughed out loud “see, nasty ass laugh” laughing with my mom “shut up you, come home soon baby. I am so happy for you both” I can tell in my mom’ voice she is so happy “thank you, see you soon mom. Love you” checking on what Robyn is doing, she is still talking “love you too, bye” disconnecting the call “y’all took forever” the store assistant walked by us “she looking like a meal” Lo spat, I ain’t finna look at what he is looking at.
Walking by Robyn, Mel and Jen “he is paying so it’s ok” Robyn said “get them” Mel looked at me laughing “shut up bitch, I can pay for my own shit” Robyn is so damn annoying at times “y’all look lost, I don’t why they came” let me just go back to my homies, she is ready to have another argument “you know this is wack, we should be doing our own thing. You just whipped” waving Sinko off “you want me to explain again to you? You came here, I didn’t ask for you. You right, I am whipped but married to Rihanna wouldn’t you be?” Hood whistled “I would be crawling on my knees my nigga, slave shit” Hood spat, he is a dumbass anyways. Turning around “do any of you want any help in the men’s department at all? It can be a little boring here, I can tell you all the latest things we have” rubbing my chin laughing but my laugh soon stopped, this is a joke. This is not real, how can Jessica be here. My eyes went to Robyn and then back to Jessica, is this a joke “ooohhh shit, Chris’ fuck girl and wife in one place” walking by the assistant, rushing over to Robyn because I want to go now “y’all ready to pay now?” I said whie looking over at Jessica, she looked at me and had the nerve to wave “barely that, I need to find more things. Make yourself useful and look at things” placing my arm around Robyn’ shoulders “now you want you to touch me, I am still annoyed” I feel like Jessica wants something to happen, I don’t know. She seems reckless, pressing a kiss to Robyn’ cheek but my eyes never leaving Jessica. Clocking Mel watching me and she looked at what I am looking at, she looked at me and I reached over placing my hand over her mouth. Jen pulled a face at me “what are you doing?” Jen asked “I was just playing” moving my hand away from Mel’ mouth, Mel just stared at me.
Robyn shrugged her shoulder “your weight on me, I didn’t say you can touch me. You have been rude” why is this bitch coming closer, she is crazy and I don’t like it “Chris” hearing Cass say, looking behind me. He pointed at Jessica, turning my head “Robyn, I am going to tell you something but you can’t pop off” Robyn froze with the heel in hand “I am holding a heel so be careful what comes out of your mouth” Robyn is always violent somehow “I don’t know how this happened” seeing Cass walking over to Jessica, he is getting rid of her. Feeling Robyn’ hand on my chin dragging my head back to her “speak” but then seeing Robyn’ facial expression change “is that the bitch, that is her isn’t it?” I cringed “Cass is dealing with it” Robyn hit my face away “I said what I said” Robyn threw the heel, did she just hit my face “Robyn, don’t you dare” Mel chased after her friend, the store assistant helping Robyn just stared at me and I looked at him “Cass, you fucking get the fuck out of my way. That bitch kissed my husband, who are you protecting you dumbass!? Me or her, move and that shit is an order” jogging by the clothes “just because I am Rihanna don’t mean I won’t hit a bitch” I gasped seeing Robyn grip Jessica’ braided hair and punched her straight in the mouth, pushing by Mel as Robyn kept punching “Robyn, let it go. Stop it” grabbing Robyn’ wrist so she can stop punching “your husband tasted good bitch” Jessica started throwing her arms around and I know where she is aiming “let it go now!” I half shouted at Robyn, she let her hair go and pushed at my chest storming off. Jessica fell to the ground at the side of me “she pass out?” Cass said looking down at her, Jessica moved her head “she is alive, get rid of her” walking off.
How is this bitch still following me, she is still being bold as fuck for what “I want your security camera recordings, don’t fuck with my niggas. Frank, get that shit. I ain’t having another headline” walking towards to Jen “why is she blaming me? The fuck did I do?” walking into the changing room, luckily this department been dead from when we entered, but how did Jessica get on the floor “I’ll go” Mel said, walking around Robyn to see her face “I don’t want to see you, the last person I want to even speak too. You have been bugging me since this morning, you want to go on tour, then you want sex and you get mad at me and now this bitch!” rubbing my face “will you shut the fuck up about our sex life, act right ok? They can fucking hear, I don’t want it. I am sick of your stank attitude, don’t talk down to me saying I will lay there just for me to bust a quick nut, it’s never like that. I never do you wrong, I never said that shit to you but you do me!? Are you being real, I swear to god Robyn you shout again about our sex life I am walking off, act right. Not some ghetto hoodrat, I know you did what you did out there but stop it” Robyn looked down at the ground not saying a word back “you’re mad stupid for even attempting to hit a bitch that is obsessed with me because if she hit your stomach, then what? You don’t think” Robyn got up from the couch “I am a shit person, I get it” I don’t know what the fuck Robyn is going through but I don’t know what to do, she keep on walking off too.
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