#it’s funny bc like. i listen to all the elbow albums i kinda just sometimes pick one to play off of whatever mood im in etc etc
and-i-said-fewer · 2 years
little fictions is the only album I know by heart cover to cover, but I certainly enjoy the others!
you’ve made my day
holyyyyyy shittt im so sorry i didn’t see this before but it’s only *checks watch* well over a month late !! (sorry.) but yEA my mancunian friend introduced lil american me to elbow and theyve topped my spotify wrapped (yes even above tad) the past two years lol their stuff means a lot to me and is also So Good
but fs like. again i would Not ever insinuate that elbow is Niche or Unpopular—literally played the olympics etc etc—but i do think that they aren’t necessarily in The Minds Of Fandom™️ very much. but MAN they have such a great discography and sm good songs it’s like *makes aggressive grabby claws at the air* so much potential!!!! overlooked!! unseen!! (yes i’m being dramatic. not sorry)
anyways if anyone who sees this listens to elbow PLEASE hmu i love talking abt elbow songs
aaaaannndd uuuhhhhh 👉🏽👈🏽 hopefully not beign too pushy but uhhh. if anyone here wants some fandom related recs……. i’ll just throw out a couple so i’m not being Too Much but:
hotel istanbul [listed as a non-album track under the seldom seen kid (bonus tracks version) album on spotify] - oh my god if anyone listens to One [1] song i write here PLEASE let it be this one. every time i scroll through geraskier playlists and don’t see this song i feel Robbed. to me it feels sooooo them but no one else knows about it and i lose my mind. idk if musically it fits everyone’s vibe check but Lyrically. holy fuck holy shit. like to my understanding it’s abt a guy who’s havin a shite day but this other person’s presence makes them feel better or smthn??? anyways it’s fuckinnnn haaghhh i’m- it literally goes “damn your eyes / so blue” LIKE????? i lose my mind over this song in geraskier context every time someone Please listen to it and tell me if i’m going insane or not
puncture repair [under leaders of the free world album] - man i love this lil guy sm. diff energy from hotel istanbul but i see this one as the quieter geraskier moments, the travelling together for 20 years. it’s so quiet, it’s so routine, it’s motions that are muscle memory, it’s care etched in creases, it’s thoughts traced through nerves for the thousandth time. also works from either pov i think
bones of you [under the seldom seen kid album] - i think?? this could be a yennefer song??? either abt istredd or just like her past life. also sonically i rlly like the vibe for her, dunno if anyone else’d agree w that tho
audience with the pope [under the seldom seen kid album] - ok honestly i dont know if this one’s very accurate since i wouldnt call myself an arbiter of quality yen&geralt vibes, but i do think of them when i listen to this song so,,? do with that what u will
anyway i have oodles and oodles of these but these ones that r like, supported lyrically the best ig??? sorta?? maybe not but yea ive got elbow-witcher song thoughts for Days but the other ones are maybe more vibes-based so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but if anyone’s intrigued…… i mean hmu
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sky-bee42 · 2 years
So this week at school we've been spending the first half of the day in grade levels + ive been spending my time with my 2 best friends ive known since 6th grade, H and L, and our sort-of friend F who is... nice, but seems to have no awareness of what's going on around her half of the time (and it REALLY annoys me and H) and today me L and H were talking about prom plans (none of us have gone to a school dance in years and we along with my other best friend K all decided to go this year because why not) and how we need to go out dress shopping for L since we have a running joke that he's the ultimate disney princess, so we were trying to figure out when we can go and then F chimed into the conversation asking ehat we were talking about and we tried to put it in vague terms but then we ended up explaining it all and then she started inserting herself into the scenario with the way she was talking,, like "are we going to get to pick out a dress for L?" ("No, he gets to pick it out himself") and it was just kinda weird, and she kept bringing up alternative ideas to the stuff we were talking about (we've been talking about doing this ALL year) and she kept going like "what if he gets a suit?" and we were just having fun trying to figure out what kind of look he should go for and she just kept getting caught up on weird logistical points?
Also the seniors are all going on a trip in may and H was saying that shes mad because the new harry styles album is dropping the day we come back so shes not going to be able to listen to it until we get home. F responds by saying "or you could just bring your phone with you haha" and we were like "...that's against the rules, and if you get caught that can ruin the trip for everyone" but she said "well it'll be fine as long as you don't get caught" which we then had to further clarify "but the POINT is that you might ruin it for everyone else, it's a SELFISH thing to do" (this was right at the end of class so i didnt get her response to that)
I've known F for 12 years i think now, and she's always kinda been like this. I was friends with her when we were in 1st grade but i remember having to cut her off because i thought she was too annoying to be around and i honestly think she has gained very little social awareness in that time. She tries really hard to fit in with our group and I know it's not fair to "other" her, but I'm much closer with my other 3 friends and we get each others humor and we really care and listen and have a good flow of conversation all of the time and then F will just chime in with random stuff that's out of context, focusing on the wrong thing, or just react to something way out of proportion to the situation (screaming laughing at things that are only marginally funny) and constantly falls behind in the conversation because she gets caught up on trivial points,, when she falls behind or zones out of the conversation we try to bring her up to speed but it kind of interrupts the flow and the vibe every time so conversations with her always seem really disjointed
Also F has like,, no concept of personal space?? Last week we were sitting in financial literacy and i was doing crosswords on my ipad bc we were getting instruction and multitasking helps me focus and SHE LEANED HER ENTIRE BODY AROUND ME TO LOOK AT MY SCREEN and it sent me into sensory overload in the middle of class and i had to put my headphones on and put my head down and then i was in a bad mood for the rest of the day,, she also sprawls her stuff out kind of everywhere and this one doesnt bother me as much because she usually stays to her half of the table but sometimes she really pushes it and sometimes she bumps me with her elbow,, also her main way of getting my attention is tapping my arm instead of anything verbal and i don't like spontaneous uninvited touch like that and it's partially my fault for not telling her but i just don't like that her default is tapping my arm. Also there have been times in class where i've been stimming (my stims tend to make moderate amounts of noise if im not careful bc i do a lot of tapping and leg bouncing) and she (who has ADHD) will turn to me and tell me to stop then start chewing gum loud enough to set off a decibel meter and I'M not gonna be the asshole that tells her to stop doing HER stims so i let it slide
ITS NOT JUST SOCIAL ISSUES EITHER, she also has to ask for help on every single assignment we do in both classes we have together. It doesn't matter how easy the questions are on a worksheet, she asks me what I put on OPINION questions. At the start of the year she got me to make her spreadsheets for every financial literacy homework assignment we had even if we were supposed to be doing the math by hand (i let it slide because she's dyslexic) and i had to figure out how to help her without literally just giving her the answers. And when it comes to math class I'm willing to help because I do really like math, but when it takes 5 minutes to explain how to write a 2-sided inequality to an 18 year old it starts to get a little annoying. I walk everything out for her step-by-step but even then she doesn't seem to ever absorb anything I'm telling her? It seems like she just wants the answer and to move on instead of actually learning which is frustrating as someone who has always genuinely loved learning.
Idk i have complicated feelings about F and always have,, our moms are friends and she really seems to want to be my friend but i just don't like being around her that much and our personalities don't mesh very well
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