#it’s my first time drawing feet shuddup
First drawing of Bluefang vs recent drawing of Bluefang(under the cut cuz man nipples and hair)
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My headcanons:
-neck fur/hairy chest, legs and back in general.
-not as wide and bulky as his brothers Redfang and Greenfang, because he doesn’t train and fight as much.
-tall, at least 7 or 8 feet tall.
-gentle giant, afraid of hurting someone, pacifist until family or loved ones are involved.
-awkward after/before intimacy, the type of person to say “Yippie!” When his s/o takes off their shirt,
-loves cuddles, especially after intimacy,
-loves fishing, releases fishes he wouldn’t eat,
-loves cooking and baking, his favourite dish is pork chops, and favourite dessert is carrot cake
-canonically Evanore’s best friend since childhood, and lover
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dreamy625 · 3 months
Contrary to popular opinion - ficlet
I wrote something silly
Words: 1381
Content: Little bit of swearing
“So we’re really going to do this then?”
“We agreed it’s time, didn't we? But we don’t have to, if you’re getting cold feet?”
“No, you’re right. It’s been nearly two years, we can’t keep hiding it. I just worry how they’re going to react.”
“They’re our mates and they love us. Well, sort of. They might be shocked at first, but I think they’ll be okay with it once they get used to the idea. And if they aren’t, well, fuck ‘em!”
“Yeah, fuck ‘em!” echoed Steve, with more resolve than he really felt. 
Steve nodded and reached out his hand to grasp Phil’s. 
“Here we go then.” With his other hand, Phil pushed open the door to the Rec room and greeted the rest of the band. “Morning, everyone!”
There was a chorus of ‘morning’s and ‘how do’s from the various band members and techs scattered around the room, and an unintelligible grunt from Sav, who hadn’t had enough coffee to form actual words yet, but, engrossed in newspapers and the morning mail, no one looked up. 
“How are we doing this fine day?” he continued, hoping to draw at least some eyes towards them.
Joe looked from the football scores to the window and then to the two guitarists. “It’s raining?”
“Err, that is a fine day in Holland, need the rain to fill up the canals!”
Joe frowned but decided it wasn’t worth questioning the logic of this and just went back to his paper.
Phil steered them in a circuitous route around the room, stopping to greet Rick.
“Morning lads.” The drummer looked up. “Nice shirt, Steve.”
“Thanks, it’s new.”
Impatient, Phil prompted, “Notice anything else?”
Rick squinted at the two of them. “You got your hair cut?” he hazarded.
“Oh never mind.” Phil gave up, dragging Steve away to the breakfast buffet.
“The doughnuts are good today!” Rick called after them.
“It’s not working,” puzzled Phil as they busied themselves pouring tea and choosing pastries, “maybe we’re being too subtle?”
“I’ve got an idea…”
Steve started rattling crockery until at least a few of the people scattered around the room looked vaguely in their direction, and then pounced on the other man with what looked like it was going to be a giant sloppy kiss, but ended up more of an awkward peck with their noses bumping. Other than Sav rolling his eyes, there was no reaction. When Phil blinked and recovered from the inept surprise attack, Steve’s expression was a pained cringe. Phil grabbed his shoulder and almost pushed him out of the door into the corridor and away from the audience.
“What was that? Even I didn’t believe that!” 
“I know, sorry, I got nervous at the last second.”
“Well it was a good thought, but no one batted an eyelid. At this rate we're going to have to screw on the mixing desk before anyone notices anything.” 
“That seems a bit extreme. Not to mention uncomfortable.”
“So we need a different approach. Something a bit more obvious.” 
“How about we start referring to each other as boyfriends?” 
“That might work. And we could call each other darling?”
“But we don't even do that in private?” 
“Well I can't call you my actual name for you now can I, Bunny?”
“No, please no.”
“See, that’s why it suits you so well, because you’re so cute.” He reached up and booped the blushing man’s nose.
“Shuddup,” Steve muttered, but he couldn’t hide a pleased little smile.
Back in the lounge, Sav turned to Joe with an observation. “Is it just me, or are those two even weirder than usual today?”
“The snogging you mean?”
“No, they’re always doing that. The muttering in corners. I think they’re up to something.”
“Plotting more of their shenanigans probably. Remember the day they spoke in Spanish accents?”
“And that time they tried to do everything backwards and Steve fell down the stairs; and when they pretended to be each other for an entire week.”
Joe shuddered. “The sight of Phil trying to fit in Steve’s jeans will haunt me for life!”
During lunch Phil asked for ‘water, for my boyfriend’, ‘ketchup, for my boyfriend’, ‘extra napkins, for my BOYFRIEND’ and so many other things that the exasperated waitress eventually just brought him a tray of condiments and cutlery, and on the journey back to the studio, Steve sat on Phil’s lap, even though there were enough seats for everyone. But still no one commented, or even acted like their behaviour was the least bit unusual. That evening, back in the room that was ostensibly Phil’s, though in fact they shared it, they reconsidered their strategy.
“There’s nothing else for it, we're going to have to actually tell people.”
“You do it, you’re better at words.”
“But you’ve known them longer.”
“That’s why they’ll be shocked. But everyone knows you’ll shag anything with a pulse, so they won’t be that surprised you’re shagging me!”
“Cheeky!” exclaimed Phil with mock offence, poking him in the ribs. Then he turned serious. “You know it’s not just that, right?”
“I know. I don’t understand why you’d pick me, but you did, so…” He shrugged.
“You are ridiculous.” Phil threw an arm round the other man’s shoulders, pulling him close and kissing him on the forehead. “I love you, you pillock. And tomorrow we’ll tell everyone and then I won’t have to pretend not to any more.”
“That’ll be nice,” murmured Steve, settling into his embrace. 
The time they chose for the big announcement was the end of the day when everyone, Mutt included, was hanging around the studio listening to the tracks they’d put down that day. They’d been twitchy about it all day, but the somewhat anticlimactic response to Phil’s stammered ‘Me and Steve, we’re… well… we’re together’ was neither the outrage and derision they’d feared, nor the happiness and congratulations they’d hoped for. It was laughter.
“See, I told you they were up to something,” crowed Sav.
“Gotta give it to you, lads, this is real commitment to the bit,” added Mutt.
“No, really,” protested Phil, “we are a couple. Partners, boyfriends…”
“We’re in love,” declared Steve, flushing pink. 
“Nah, you’re pulling my leg.”
Phil resorted to desperate measures, grabbing Steve round the neck and giving him a passionate kiss, squeezing his arse for added effect. 
“Would we do that if we weren't a couple?"
Joe and Sav looked at each other and nodded. “Yes?”
“Definitely,” confirmed Rick.
“You've always done that.”
“Well we've ALWAYS been a couple!” insisted Steve.
That revelation finally shocked everyone into considering it seriously.
“What do you mean always?”
“Err, since we were rehearsing for the Pyro tour. All that time together working out guitar parts. We sort of… grew on each other.”
“Then there was a bottle of Jack Daniels and a hotel room with a really big bathtub…”
“Phil! They do not need to know that!” He looked around the control room. “How did you never even suspect? Sav, you’ve stayed at our flat in Paris - didn't you wonder why we’ve only got one bedroom? And Mutt, you noticed our matching necklaces. And everyone always comments that we spend all our time together.” 
Rick shrugged. “We just thought you were best mates; like Joe and Sav, they're always together.”
“Hmm, maybe there's something they need to tell us too?” mused Phil.
“FUCK NO!” Joe and Sav hollered in unison, leaping six feet apart.
“No offence, mate.”
“None taken. You’re a fine figure of a man, but you’re not my type.”
Joe decided not to think about whether he was flattered by that remark and turned back to the newly-revealed couple. “You’re serious about this?”
“Like a heart attack.”
“Then congratulations are in order.” Sav stepped forward and gave them both a back-slapping hug. “We should go get drinks to celebrate!”
Joe still looked a little concerned. “Are you gonna be doing that… smoochy stuff… all the time now then?”
“Maybe,” stated Phil defiantly.
“That might take a bit of getting used to, but, okay. Happy for you, mates.”
“Do we have to start playing disco now?” quipped Rick.
“We’re not GAY,” snorted Steve.
“We’re not?” Phil lifted their still-clasped hands.
“All right, we’re a bit gay. But we’re not that gay.”
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erensthottie · 3 years
Bonnie & Clyde — 1
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[Eren Jaeger x black f!reader]
[Song] ‘03 Bonnie & Clyde | Jay Z & Beyoncé
[Warnings] swearing, use of marijuana, act of robbery, a bit of sexual activity, mention of blood
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“WOO! Fuck yeah! Let’s go!” One of the robbers yells as he runs out of the bank smiling big with two duffel bags full of money. Smiling with him, another taller than the first runs behind him to the food truck that the getaway driver awaits in.
Running out with more duffel bags in y’all hands, you and Eren race out to the truck. Helping you in, the robbers take the bags throwing them in, and grabs onto your hands so you can jump into the moving truck.
Just then you guys hear the sound of police sirens blaring from around the bend. Coming at full speed they drift the corner, accelerating to catch up to y’all. Making eye contact with one of the officers, you smirk, blowing them a kiss and a wink before you and Eren close the doors.
“Step on it Alert!” Eren yells to Armin in the driver's seat.
Taking your seats, you sat in Eren’s lap, legging draping over his as you enveloped your arms around his neck full out making out with him. His hands rest on your lower back and outer thigh pulling you close to him, tilting his head to the side, deepening the kiss even more.
“Your so bad you know that?” He smirks at you, slapping you on your thigh making you jump, giggling and smiling pulling him back in.
“What now boss?” One of the robbers asks as he takes off his mask. The same one who ran out first.
“Yeah, boss?” The other one, the taller one adds in.
Eren stops kissing you for a minute, still holding onto you looking at both men.
“Well, Connie… Jean. Now, we celebrate.” He smiles looking back at you.
“What’d you say beautiful?” He rubs your thigh, eyes never leaving yours.
Face getting warm and your body heating up, you softly nod with a low hum, looking right at him, leaning back into him for another kiss which he gladly accepts.
“Yeah!” Everyone cheers.
“Yes sir.” The men voice, bowing and taking their half into their duffel bag.
“Sir, the chef has informed me that dinner is prepared and ready.” A man with freckles told to Eren.
“Sir, the chef has informed me that dinner is prepared and ready.” A man with freckles told to Eren.
He grunts and makes his way to the route of the master bedroom which you currently stayed.
“You guys can take a plate, me and Y/n will take our share later.” He says as he walks over to the elevator down the hall. Getting in, he presses the third floor and leans back on the railing.
“Beautiful?” He calls as he walks into the living room from the elevator making his way to the room.
“Yes, darling?” You walk out, leaning against the door frame in a small lingerie dress that barely covered your thighs and ass.
Eren's eyes widen and his face turns red as he stops in his tracks. Dropping the bag, Eren lowers his head smiling, tongue poking his cheek while he scratches his chin. He slowly tilts his head back, with low eyes and inspecting your beautiful and amazing body in the sensual and seductive outfit.
"You know," he starts as he untucks his dress shirt, undoing the buttons on it then throwing it somewhere in the living room making his way toward your direction.
"You really are something right. This all for me beautiful?"
Eren unbuckles his belt allowing it to cascade to the wood tiles. Only inches away from you know, he wraps an arm around your body and pulls you close enough, placing a hand on the back of your neck guiding you to lean into the kiss.
You both makeout, entangled in each other pleasure blindly navigating through the room and successfully finding the bed tumbling right onto it while being able to not break the kiss.
"The things that you do to me. It makes me crazy, makes me fucking mad. I want you, I need you, I need your love and your body so bad. Let me make love to you. Let me hold you and tell you everything you crave hear while I go into your deepest places till I reach that sweet, sweet womb of yours and make you cum over and over on my dick. The same one that you love and cherish with your life." Eren slowly grinds his hips into yours, lips moving down your neck leaving open kisses in their waking.
"Will you let me do that beautiful? Do you permit me to reclaim you over and over again? Tell you I love you? Cum deep into your wet and tight pussy that I love and adore with all my life? Will you?"
Overwhelmed with all the oversensitivity and the burning pit deep in your stomach, you desperately nod your head as you repeat, "Yes... yes, yes, yes. Please~"
"Nah Jaeger, you cheatin' out here." Connie says as Eren puts down a draw four card on the deck in the center of the table.
"No I ain't," he smirks taking a puff of the blunt before passing it onto Armin.
"I'm simply just playing the game Con."
"Cap! Y/n can't be helping you pick out your cards, that's straight bull." Jean points to you settled behind Eren's chair, giggling, eyes red and lidded as you stick your tongue out at him only for him to respond with a playful gasp and clutch chest.
"Oh please, Y/n could do whatever she feels like horseface." Eren quips leaning his head back to wink at you.
"Hey! I don't have a horseface you pigeon." Jean claps back.
Everyone including you burst out in laughter, unable to hold it in being that you all are under the influence.
“Marco, it's your turn.” Connie softly nudged at the man spaced out after putting his card down.
Marco blinks a few times to stop himself before looking at the cards in his hand and selected two number five cards, or what he thought were two six cards.
“Ayo, yo, pick up two fo’ your mistake!” Jean says as he starts to pull out cards for him.
“Huh? How?” he protests.
“Fuck is this?” Armin picks up the yellow six and nine card that he had put down.
“Ohhhhh.” Jean mocked.
“Leave me alone, I'm smacked aight?” Marco explains taking the cards from Jean.
“Uno,” Eren says wiggling his last card in between his fingers.
Armin went a place down and a red draw two, leaning back in his chair with a smile, taking another puff before pasting the blunt to Jean “Uno.”
Eren daps him up telling him ‘that's what's up.’
“How the fuck y'all got Uno already?” Jean takes a hit inhaling picking out his cards and putting them down before passing on the blunt to Connie.
Taking his turn with the blunt and cards, he skipped Marco and Eren pointing to Armin to go.
Eren gives him a death look and shakes his head.
“Hey, it's just how the game is played.” he put his hands up passing the blunt to Marco who was once again spaced out.
“Dude, just go to sleep, Y/n will take over for you.” Connie shakes him back to consciousness.
“Yeah, I'll take ‘em for you.” you smile and take his cards taking his place in the chair before hugging him goodnight.
“Another hit Y/n?”
You nod taking the blunt from Connie and taking a deep inhale of the smoke and holding it before exhaling it out through your nose.
“Ou, he got some good cards,” you say sorting out the cards in your hand before you put down four skips.
“WOW!!” Jean and Connie say in unison.
“That's what we doin’ now beautiful?” Eren looks at you, holding the card to his chin.
“As Connie said before, that's just how the game is played.” you retort sending him a kiss.
“Hey, hey. Don't put me in this.” Connie said.
“I’ma getchu back don't worry.” Eren declares.
“Threat or a promise?” you test him.
“Take it how you wanna beautiful.” he jerks his eyebrow.
“If y’all wanna fuck just say da, damn.” Armin snarky remarks make Jean and Connie fall out of their chairs laughing.
“Shuddup Armin.” you joke laughing along.
Continuing with the game, you place down a reverse card making the rotation go counterclockwise. Connie went and put down a plus two to which Jean added another one. Armin then grinned at them putting down his last card, draw four saying ‘uno out’.
All eyes on Eren he looks back at everyone before looking at you.
“I told you I'll get you back right?”
Without saying more words he placed down a draw four on top of Armin’s. Everyone in the group gasps and ooh’s while they look between you and Eren.
“Pick up eight beautiful.” he says as he caresses your cheek.
You gasp, “Oh my God, noooo.”
“It doesn't work like that baby.” you say as you kiss his hand putting down an additional draw four card making the total 12.
From across you, you heard someone stifle their laugh, snorting in the process. You turn to see Armin with his hand over his mouth face slowly turning red from now breathing. He shakingly points his finger towards Connie’s direction. You turn in confusion and see him with a straight face, looking at the pile of cards.
Everyone except him and you die of laughter, toppling over. He softly places the cards on the table, scooting his chair out, rising and walking away.
“No, No Connie wait!! I’m sorry!” you try your hardest not to laugh, trailing behind him, slightly stumbling from feeling high. He didn't answer only continuing to walk till he walked to his room, entering and softly closing his door.
Y'all hear him yells at the top of his lungs and you laugh even harder than before. It's probably the hardest that y'all ever laughed in your life. You're laid out on the floor, holding your stomach as tears come out of your eyes and you buffer in place silently laughing. Eren laughing loudly head held back stomping his feet on the floor. Jean once again on the floor also laid out like you, shaking in laughter and he screams out with laughter, having that Windex bottle laugh. Armin jumping in his chair, wheezing and crying once in a while snorting loud as hell.
“Did something happen?” Marco voiced.
He was in front of y'all, rubbing his eyes in his oversized onesie with his blanket wrapped around him. That only made everyone succumb to laughter. Armin fell out of his chair onto the floor, Eren slouched in his chair in an uncomfortable position, Jean face down into the carpet and you on your back in an almost starfish position.
Marco freaks out, runs to each of your sides to check up on you only to be met with snores and soft breathing. Y'all laughed yourselves to sleep, who the fuck does that shit? Being as caring as he is, Marco uses the couch cushions and places them under each of the guy's heads, and covered them with blankets, even leveling Eren’s legs so he could be more comfortable. He picks you off the ground being sure not to wake you up and puts you on the big couch right by Eren covering you with a blanket as well.
He cleans up and puts out the rest of the light blunt in the ashtray and packs up the Uno cards. Turn off the light and whispers goodnight before leaving to his room.
All rights reserved to @erensthottie
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Nothing On But The Radio
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Pairing: Jared x Jensen  Rating: 18+ Tags: SAXX, clothing kink, dirty talk, degradation, blowjob, anal fingering, object insertion (DO NOT try this at home - not safe), anal sex Word Count: 2.7k  Created for: @spnkinkbingo - SAXX | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Dirty Talk Prompt: @downanddirtydean 's 500 follower celebration challenge: “The internet is more than just naked people. You do know that?” - Congrats on the milestone babe! 
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“The internet is more than just naked people. You do know that – right?”
Jared jumps in his chair as Jensen comes up behind him on set. He had been scrolling through the SAXX website to stock up on a few necessities, which isn’t necessarily embarrassing, but still not something you want people looking over your shoulder while you’re doing. “They’re not naked, Jensen,” Jared scoffs, going back to adding more pieces to his cart. “And stop stealing my lines,” he adds as an afterthought when he realises that Jensen was quoting Sam to him.
“Okay, mostly naked,” Jensen laughs and leans over the back of Jared’s chair, their heads almost touching, but not quite.
“Dude, do you mind?” Jared chuckles and tries to put some space between him and his co-star.
“Yeah, I mind. Lemme see,” Jensen grabs for the phone and starts scrolling through Jared’s cart. “I want to pick something out.”
“Why? So you can steal them for yourself?” Jared grins.
“No, so I can tear them in half before I fuck you in them,” Jensen whisper-growls into Jared’s ear so no one else can hear him. Jared goes bright red, checking no one is near enough to overhear them. “What, you embarrassed baby boy? Don’t want everyone around here knowing a big, strong guy like you lets himself get fucked in the ass every night?” Jared is pretty sure he’s stopped breathing. “Don’t want them to know what a little whore you turn into the second I get you alone and on your knees?”
“Jesus, Jen, fuck,” Jared gulps and steadies himself, trying to get a handle on the erection that is starting to push a little too insistently against his zip. “Shove the dirty talk, will ya? We’ve got a whole other scene to film before they let us outta here.”
“So is that a yes to buying whatever I pick out?” Jensen smirks.
“Yes, fine,” Jared concedes and sinks back in his folding chair. “Just nothing pink, yeah?”
“Oh, I am one hundred percent buying you the pink ones now,” Jensen grins and Jared drops his head into his hands. Why is his boyfriend such a doofus?
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Their little exchange is all but forgotten until Jared drops by his trailer and sees Jensen waiting on the steps for him, brown cardboard box in hand.
“Terri dropped off a package for you,” Jensen waves the box around in case it hadn’t been obvious to Jared what he meant. “I told her I’d be sure to give it to you,” he grins. Jared’s heart skips, knowing exactly what is in that box. Well – not exactly what is in the box. He knows everything he added to his cart before Jensen got hold of his phone, but Jen hit ‘purchase’ before he passed it back, and deleted the receipt, so there was no way for Jared to figure out what Jensen had ordered.
“Why do I feel like there’s a decent chance you’ve hidden a bomb in here,” Jared asks as he gingerly takes the package from Jensen and pushes into his trailer.
“Because you’re weird,” Jen laughs, staying on the pavement. “They need me for blocking checks but we’re done in time for dinner if you’re free?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” Jared nods.
“And, Jar–” Jared turns back around at Jensen’s call. “I count on seeing you in those tonight.”
“Which ones?” Jared calls back, a feeble attempt at a joke.
“Oh, you’ll know which ones,” Jensen laughs, and Jared can feel the hunger in it. He gives Jared a perfunctory salute and makes his way back to the soundstage, leaving Jared with his new package.
As soon as the trailer door is shut, Jared tears into the box. The relief he feels upon not seeing any pink is immediate, but it’s closely followed by suspicion about what Jensen actually did buy him. He quickly skims through the items and finds the culprit – a pair of black briefs that are really testing the limit of the definition of ‘briefs’. Jared is positive that these will barely cover any part of his body, and when he tries them on a few minutes later, his suspicions are confirmed. He looks like a hooker in a g-string. Almost certain that he is going to regret this later, Jared pulls his jeans back on over the new underwear and gets redressed.
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When Jared and Jensen stumble back into their shared apartment later that night, very much worse for wear courtesy of the new whiskey bar downtown that Misha recommended to them, Jared had mostly forgotten that he’s wearing ridiculously skimpy underwear. Jensen, on the other hand, hasn’t been able to get the image of Jared in the tight black briefs he’d bought him out of his head – and now he wants to see if the real thing measures up to his imagination.
“Right, J-rod,” Jensen claps once to get Jared’s attention and points to their bedroom, “bedroom, strip, now.”
“Romantic Jay,” Jared grins dopily but does as he’s told.
“Trust me, ain’t nothing romantic about what I’m planning on doing to that ass of yours,” Jensen laughs and follows Jared, catching the recently-shed flannel Jared flings down the hallway at him.
“Bettin’ on it,” Jared smiles, stripping out of his t-shirt in the doorway to their room and dropping it to his feet. Jensen can see the waistband of Jared’s underwear peeking above his jeans, the little ‘SAXX’ right in the centre of the deliciously cut vee of Jared’s hips. Jensen wants nothing more than to run his tongue along the line straight to Jared’s cock – and then he realises there’s nothing stopping him, so he drops to his knees in front of his boyfriend and does just that. He drags his tongue across Jared’s skin, smiling when he hears his intake of breath, and moves lower and lower until he reaches the ‘SAXX’ label and sucks it into his mouth. Jared jumps when Jensen lets it go and the elastic snaps back against his stomach. “Jerk,” he whines.
“Shuddup ‘Sam’,” the intonation is heavy in Jensen’s words and he drops into his ‘Dean’ voice, grinning as he undoes the button and zip on Jared’s jeans, tugging them down harshly and leaving him bare except for the skimpy underwear. “Unless you want me to make you my bitch tonight?” Jensen uses his Dean voice again as he leans into mouth against the erection straining in Jared’s briefs, the black cotton bulging so much Jensen’s surprised Jared actually fit himself inside them in the first place – now he was hard they barely cover anything.
Jared moans at the feeling of Jensen’s mouth against his cock. Something about getting sucked off through fabric always hits a bit differently than just having someone’s mouth on your dick, and right now, with Jensen suckling intently on the tip of his dick through his briefs, this is hitting exactly the right spot for Jared. “Fuck,” he whimpers, threading his fingers through Jensen’s hair, “Jen, you know if you want me to be your bitch, all ya gotta do is ask,” Jared pants, looking down to meet Jensen’s eyes, which are smirking up at him from where he still has his lips wrapped around Jared’s dick.
Jensen pulls off of Jared with a grin and gets to his feet. “Yeah I know, baby boy,” he coos and pulls Jared in for a heated kiss, tongue pushing its way between Jared’s lips, hot and wet. “Now, be a good little bitch and go get yourself ready for me, yeah?” Jensen smirks as he watches Jared nod and trip over his own feet in an effort to get to the bed quickly. He gets the lube out from the nightstand and goes to take off his underwear but Jensen hurries over to stop him. “Nuh uh, sweetheart. Keep those on for me,” Jensen orders with his hand clenched around Jared’s wrist.
“Sure,” Jared gulps, wide eyed, and moves his now slick fingers behind him and sneaks his hand beneath the waistband of his briefs to find his entrance. Jensen watches Jared hungrily as he fingers himself open, undressing all the while; plaid, then t-shirt, then jeans, then boxers – all one by one dropping to the floor. Jared moans when Jensen starts to stroke his own cock, admiring the drop of precum that’s already spilling over the dark pink tip. “C-can I?” Jared stutters, eyes locked on Jensen’s fingers moving slowly up and down himself.
“Yeah, c’mere baby,” Jensen kneels on the bed and shuffles closer so Jared can reach him with his mouth. The second he’s near enough, Jared sucks Jensen between his lips, running his tongue along the underside all the way to the hilt, until his nose is pressed snuggly against Jensen’s hip. “Fuck, forgot how much of a cockslut you are when you’re drunk,” Jensen chuckles deeply, combing Jared’s hair back off his forehead so he can watch him start to move up and down on his dick. “That’s it baby. Shit, your mouth feels so good,” he groans, closing his eyes and bucking his hips into Jared’s eager throat. “Such a good little slut letting me fuck your mouth while you finger that ass open for me. Got you wrapped around my little finger don’t I, bitch?” Jared moans around the cock in his mouth but Jensen doesn’t let up enough for him to get a proper answer out. “Yeah, thought so,” he scoffs.
Jared hums and moans around Jensen’s cock as he continues to finger himself. He’s definitely stretched and slick enough now, but he loves the feeling of Jensen using him like this, so he’s not gonna stop until Jensen tells him that’s what he wants him to do. After a few more minutes of Jensen fucking his throat, Jared feels him start to tense and jerk, and he knows Jen is close.
“Stop, stop, fuck baby,” Jensen groans, pulling Jared off his cock by his hair, and drawing a whine from the younger man. “Don’t want me to cum before I get the chance to fuck that ass, do you?” Jared shakes his head weakly, still pushing his fingers lazily in and out of his hole. He whimpers when he pulls his fingers out, and Jensen smirks down at him as he tries to once again take off the pair of SAXX. Jensen catches Jared’s wrists and holds them behind his back, pushing him onto his stomach. “I didn’t say you could take those off,” he growls against Jared’s ear, nipping at the skin and pulling another whimper out of him. Jensen sits up, keeping Jared’s wrists pinned in one of his hands while he reaches for the lube with the other to slick up his cock. “Your ass looks so good in these baby, look like such a little tease.” He lands a harsh slap against Jared’s backside, making Jared jump and cry out. “Imagine if all those fans saw more than just the label peeking out over your jeans, saw what a big man whore you look like with nothing but these on.”
“Jen, please,” Jared groans, humping against the bed to try to get some kind of friction or relief. “You want me to beg, I’ll beg, please for the love of God, put your cock inside me.” Jensen just laughs and spanks Jared again, even harder this time. “C’mon Jen, please, need you,” Jared pants, looking over his shoulder to catch Jensen’s eye. The desperation on his face is clear as he moans – “Need something inside me, please Jay.”
“You need something inside you baby boy?” Jensen sympathises, relinquishing his grip on Jared’s wrists, but the look of mischief in Jensen’s eyes makes Jared nervous.
“Yes, fuck, please,” Jared begs again.
“We can fix that,” Jensen smirks, reaching forward to grip just under the waistband of Jared’s briefs and wrenching the seam apart, the underwear ripping easily under Jensen’s violent influence. Pieces of the briefs come away in Jensen’s hand and he grins, getting an idea. Eyeing the shine of Jared’s hole, Jensen gathers some of the lube leaking out and smears it over the cotton, which is already damp with lube and Jared’s precum where his cock had been leaking. Bunching up the sopping cloth, Jensen pushes a finger into Jared to check he was still adequately open, then he shoves the torn material inside.
Jared chokes on his moans in surprise at what he’s feeling. The ball of cotton is pressing just against his prostate and it’s a very weird sensation but he can’t deny it feels good. “Fuck Jen,” he groans, pushing off his stomach and onto his hands and knees. Jensen lets out his own groan when he sees Jared’s hole winking up at him, showing him glimpses of the black cotton he’d just shoved inside him. He ruts his cock along the seam of Jared’s ass, catching the tip on the edge of his hole and dragging groans from both men. Jensen can’t hold himself back anymore, and he finally pushes himself into Jared, moving agonisingly slowly to tease the younger man as much as possible.
“You dick,” Jared pants, dropping his head to rest against his arms and pushing his hips back into Jensen’s cock, forcing him the rest of the way inside.
“Someone’s eager,” Jensen tries to keep his tone light, but now that he’s inside Jared, who keeps clenching his ass around his cock in an effort to get him to do something, he’s lost the majority of his composure.
“Just fucking fuck me already,” Jared hisses, bucking his hips back again. Jensen is tempted to make Jared wait, and beg for it – tease him until he’s crying in desperation – but he knows even he won’t last that long. As he draws out and snaps his hips back in, the tip of his cock brushes against the cotton he’s shoved into Jared and the sensation is electrifying. The little bit of slick friction just on the tip of his cock every time he fucks into Jared is so fucking good, he can’t get enough, and his pace turns frantic quickly. “Fucking hell, fuck yes,” Jared moans beneath him, spurring him on even more. “You fuck me so fucking good baby, shit, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’–” Jared’s words trail off into unintelligible whimpers as Jensen pounds into him mercilessly.
“Yeah, fucking love how good you take it baby. Gonna cum on my cock like a good little whore? My good little bitch, huh?” Jensen grits out breathlessly, draping himself over Jared’s back and angling his hips so he knows he’s dragging his cock over Jared’s sweet spot with every push in.
“Fuck, please, please,” Jared whimpers, turning his face to Jensen’s and clumsily trying to press their lips together. “I– I’m.. fuck,” Jared keens and Jensen growls his approval against his ear.
“C’mon, cum for me baby boy, wanna feel you cum,” Jensen snarls and he feels Jared let go, his hole spasming around Jensen’s cock as he empties himself in long white ropes onto the bed beneath them. Feeling Jared lose control is all that Jensen needs to go over the edge himself. He finally lets himself cum, grunting as he slams his hips into Jared one last time and stills, the tip of his cock pressed against the ball of black cotton still nestled inside Jared, now covered in Jensen’s cum. That thought brings a satisfied smirk to Jensen’s lips.
When their breathing has settled, Jensen carefully pulls out of Jared and rolls off of him, collapsing on the bed. Jared drops on top of him, nestling into Jensen’s chest and giving him a small kiss.
“That was really hot Jen,” Jared smiles drunkenly – though whether he’s drunk on whiskey or his orgasm, Jensen can’t tell.
“Just like you, baby boy,” Jensen says softly, kissing the top of Jared’s head.
“But,” Jared says shiftily, glancing up at Jensen.
“But?” Jen prompts, defensively.
“How am I supposed to get this fucking underwear out of my ass?”
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Tag List: @vulgar-library @tintentrinkerin @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @whoreforackles @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @delightfullykrispypeach @05supernatural20 @akshi8278 @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @stoneyggirl @walkersbabygirl @austin-winchester67​ 
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devildom-tyrant · 4 years
Hi, sorry to bother you if you've done this already, but I've read your drabble where MC is comforted after a nightmare by the brothers (Mammon, Beel, and Satan) and it just makes me so soft I love it so much I keep rereading it. So I was wondering if you could do another with Asmo and Levi (and possibly Lucifer)? Obviously no pressure or anything, I'm a writer myself and understand that inspiration can be fleeting at times. Anyways, thank you, have a nice day/night!! 💖
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You wake up yet again, jolting from your rest with your heart pounding in your throat.  It takes you several panicked breaths to realize that you’re in your room, safe in your bed, and it was just another nightmare that jarred you from your slumber.  
The details are foggy, but you can still remember the laughter, and the feeling of someone hating you with every fiber of their being to the point that they wanted you dead, that they were thrilled that you were dying.
Your bed sheets are a tangled mess around your legs, and you hastily kick them off, sitting upright and rubbing the sleep from your eyes with one hand, while you blindly reach for your D.D.D. with the other.  The screen lights up, showing that it’s past 3AM, and you fight back a groan.  You’re exhausted, but you know you won’t be able to go back to sleep like this.  And if you show up to class half-asleep again, everyone’s just going to worry about you.
You switch on your bedside lamp and weigh your options, your gaze riveted to your D.D.D.  
Automatically, you scroll to Lucifer’s name.  At this hour, he’s likely to be asleep, though you know that his work usually keeps him up rather late.  If you texted him, he would likely be worried... After all, you rarely reach out to him for help, not wanting to burden him when he has enough on his plate with Diavolo.  
Several minutes pass with your screen pulled up to your text messages with Lucifer, before you finally suck in a deep breath and hastily type out: “Are you awake?”  Before your mind talks you out of it, you hit Send and then immediately panic.  You really don’t want to tell Lucifer about the nature of the nightmares, nor do you want to admit to them in the first place and skew his view of you.  
An R for Read pops up next to the text, followed by three dots to indicate his typing, and you mentally flip your shit.
“I am now.  Why are you awake?”
Shit, did you wake him up?  You chew on your bottom lip, and carefully type out your response.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.  I was just having trouble sleeping and wondered if you might be up, that’s all.”
You follow that text with a sticker that’s sweat-dropping and smiling apologetically to keep it light-hearted.  Lucifer texts back immediately:
“Come to my room then.”
You hesitate at that, your heart pounding in your chest.  Did he just--?  Is he asking you to--?
“We can talk or listen to one of my records if that might help you.  Or I may have some tea that could help.”
Oh.  Your panic eases a bit, and you acquiescence, typing out an All right before rising to your feet and making your way to his bedroom.  You feel as if you’re sneaking through the house, and it almost makes you feel guilty; it’s too quiet when everyone’s asleep.  However, you make it to Lucifer’s room without incident, and he opens the door before you even knock.  His expression is neutral, until he catches a glimpse of your tired, haggard appearance, which brings a light frown to his features.
“You look like hell,” he bluntly states, moving aside to let you in.
“I’m in hell,” you shoot back, to which he chuckles.
“Essentially.  But that’s never stopped you from sleeping before.”
His tone is pointed, and you feel as if he knows exactly why you can’t sleep.  He’s always been sharp, usually one step ahead -- or so it seemed until recently.  Now, you know he’s not infallible, and he doesn’t know your every move.  He’s fishing, hoping you’ll take the bait and talk to him about it.  But as much as you’d like to, you’re also stubborn -- and so very tired.  It’s a talk for another time.
“I’m sorry if I woke you up.  I thought you might be working late or something,” you admit, skirting the issue and taking a seat on the edge of his bed.  He quirks an eyebrow, but moves to sit at his desk.  
“Not this late on a school night.”
You can’t help but laugh, your thoughts a little more uncensored thanks to your lack of sleep.  “Sorry.  That sounded weird coming from you.”
“What?  It’s the truth.  Our little sleep study proved the importance of rest before classes, didn’t it?”  A smile plays at his lips at the thought of that, and the memory makes your cheeks heat up.  Suddenly, his bed feels huge, yet this room feels so small, drawing the two of you together.  You shouldn’t have come up here this late.  
“I--”  Part of you knows you should say that you can sleep now, that you’re fine, but you’re not.  “I wish I could sleep, but I’ve been... having nightmares, and they’re stupid, but I just...”
Your voice trails, and Lucifer moves from the chair to the bed in an instant, all traces of his teasing smile gone as he pulls you against his chest.  He doesn’t have to ask what they’re about; he knows.
He holds you in silence for a moment, while your heart hammers so hard, you know he can feels it.  Finally, his deep baritone murmurs, “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
Your name comes out on his lips, and you feel your eyes watering, but you blink it away and shake your head.  “I’m okay.  I’m okay now.  Can we... lie down for a bit?”
The request comes out small, fearful of rejection, yet afraid of the acceptance as well.  Wordlessly, Lucifer lies back on the bed with you, his arms wound around you tight, one hand lightly trailing along your back.  You curl into him, burying your face in his chest (his heart’s beating quickly, too, some part of you registers), and slowly begin to drift asleep.
In your semi-consciousness, you realize Lucifer’s humming a melody you’ve never heard before, yet it makes you feel so safe.
You know Asmo isn’t awake at this hour; he’s always told you that he needs plenty of beauty rest for his skin.  Still, you can’t help but click on his name, wishing that he was up so he could comfort you.  He’s so light-hearted, smiling and looping his arm through yours, and that casual intimacy has always put you at ease when you’re around him.  It makes it feel like you’ve known him forever. 
It’s that feeling that makes you type candidly, your thumb flying across the buttons.  
“I can’t sleep.”
If he doesn’t respond, then that’s fine; he’ll likely ask you about it tomorrow or give your tips to combat the bags that will surely be beneath your eyes.  To your surprise, however, an R pops up next to the message, followed closely by Asmo typing.  
“Then sleep with me, darling.”
That’s a dangerous double-meaning coming from the Avatar of Lust, but with your anxiety ramped up to an 11, you’re definitely not in the mood for that kind of distraction.  As you make your way out into the corridor and toward his room, you type out a clarification.  
“Just sleep, okay?  I had a nightmare.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take your mind off it.”
When Asmo opens his door, you give him a lop-sided grin.  “You perv.”
“On the contrary, darling, what I said was completely innocent.  Check the chat log.  If you took it wrong, well... then, I must be rubbing off on you.”  Asmo smirks, automatically looping an arm around your waist and pulling you close.  To his credit, he’s never groped you (without implicit permission), so you’ve always felt at complete ease with his physical affection.  
“You’ve definitely been a bad influence,” you joke, not that your mind wasn’t dirty before you came to the Devildom.  “But I’m really tired.  I wanna be able to sleep.”
“Of course.  But you’re so tense!  Here, lie down on the bed and let me loosen you up.”  There’s a dirty joke on both of your tongues, but you’re too drained to make it, and he’s trying to be on his best behavior.  You comply, however, plopping down face-first onto his luxurious bed, while he sits beside you and begins rubbing the tension from your shoulders.  Asmo knows what he’s doing when it comes to massages, and his bed has a heavy floral scent, likely from the lotions and perfumes he uses often.  It’s so relaxing.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks, surprisingly energized for this time of night.  It’s obvious that you woke him up, but strangely enough, he isn’t complaining about the interruption to his beauty sleep.
“Not really.”  You’re starting to feel guilty about keeping him up.  “Hey, I think I’m good on the massage.  Do you mind... cuddling?”
His hands still on your shoulder blades.  “You don’t have to ask me twice.  I always want to cuddle with you!”  Grinning excitedly, he climbs beneath the covers beside you, and wraps you up in his arms.  He’s so warm, and you feel so at ease, surrounded by his soothing scent.  You wind your arms around his slender frame, and he grins, pulling you in tighter, facing one another.  
“You’re such a cute human.  You sounded embarrassed to ask just then.”
Your face flushes.  “Shuddup.  I just want you to get your beauty sleep,” you mutter, which only causes him to hug you tighter.
“Aww, you were worried about me?  You’re so sweet!  I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, silly.”  His hand trails along your back, just barely beneath your shirt so you can feel his skin on yours.  He tucks your head beneath his chin, but you can tell from his voice that he’s still grinning broadly.  “Just relax and fall asleep with me.  You won’t have a nightmare as long as I’m holding you.”
Asmo rocks you gently, until your abashment fades and you feel yourself succumbing to sleep at last.
He’s right.  
You don’t have another nightmare that night.  
If there’s someone you know is going to be awake and gaming at 3AM, it’s definitely Levi.  You click on his name, and type out a quick text:  “I can’t sleep.  Do you wanna come to my room and binge something?”
He reads the text within seconds and starts typing, just as you anticipated.  
“Raiding.  Come to my room instead?”
Even if you can’t sleep, you want to.  You want the company, a distraction, some comfort.  You would go to his room -- you’ve pulled plenty of all-nighters there, but... that’s what they were.  All-nighters.  His bed is literally a bathtub, and the one time you decided to take a nap in it, your neck had a wicked cramp in it for days. 
“I’m tired, though.  I was hoping we could watch it in bed and maybe fall asleep halfway through?”
This time, he reads it and doesn’t reply right away.  You see the three dots start and stop, and you’re not sure if he’s at a pivotal point in the raid, or if he’s too flustered by your invitation to properly respond.  Levi’s stayed in your room plenty of times, but he’s usually camped out with pillows in the floor, and if you happen to drift off, he keeps telling you random trivia about the show and shaking your leg until you make a noise that you heard him.  You’ve never fallen asleep with him.  
Your D.D.D. finally chimes with a notification.
“Did you send this to the right person??”
“Yes, Levi.”
“Oh.  Then you meant you want me to stay until you fall asleep.  For a second, I thought you meant sleep with you in your bed lolol.
Okay, after the raid.”
You know it’s just Levi being Levi and assuming you don’t feel that way about him, but with all the nervous energy you still have over the nightmare, you can’t help but feel your eyes water.  As childish as it sounds, you just want him to hold you so you can feel like everything’s okay.  You know you need to spell it out, but you leave his message on Read and pull the covers up to your chin, closing your eyes.  
... It’s too restrictive.  You kick at the covers and pick up your phone again, but... you can’t bring yourself to send another text, begging him to hurry.  You can always go to his room; the invitation stands.  Instead, you waste your time weighing your options, becoming more anxious, and ultimately, getting up to pace around your room.  
 About fifteen minutes pass before you hear a knock at your door, but it feels as if it’s been an eternity.  “It’s open,” you say, loud enough for him to hear, and Levi steps inside with a box set tucked beneath his arm.  
“Okay, I brought I Accidentally Became a Magical Girl, but the Transformation Sequence Takes So Long that the Villains Keep Attacking Me Halfway Through, and I Keep Losing but at Least I Get a Rose for Trying.  It got really good reviews, and I know you said you wanted to see more comedy anime.”  He smiles with such sincerity that you can’t help but feel guilty over tearing up a little earlier.  Just being around him makes you feel more at ease.  
“Thanks Levi, that sounds great.  Pop it in, and let’s give it a go.”  You smile doesn’t quite meet your gaze, and even though he’s a shut-in, it doesn’t go unnoticed that you’re acting different.  He pauses, but then shakes it off and starts setting it up, while you sit down on your bed.  As the first episode starts, he sits down beside you on the edge of the bed, while you’re sitting with your back against your pillows.  He starts telling you trivia about the animation studio and apparently, how the manga is actually more ecchi than the anime.  “OHHH, but I didn’t mean that I brought an ecchi anime for us to watch!  I mean, it’s sure to have some fanservice, but... but that’s just to be expected, right?  I wasn’t trying to be -- to be an Asmo or anything, I just thought you’d like it because it’s, uh, it’s supposed to be funny, and I--”
You lean forward and rest your forehead against his shoulder, cutting off his flustered explanation.  “You know I don’t mind that, Levi,” you assure him, before reaching out and grasping his sleeve.  He’s tense; even though you can’t see his face, you know it’s bright red, and you can feel the weight of his stare.  “I’d love to watch it with you.  I just... Will you lie down with me while we watch it?”
“L-l-lie down with you?!  Just-- just like that?!  Is this a joke?  Is this some kind of weird normie--?”
He breaks off as you finally raise your head to meet his gaze.  Levi can tell something’s amiss; he isn’t oblivious, he just lacks self-confidence.  He softly says your name.  “Why can’t you sleep?”
“I had a nightmare.  About, well... what happened back then.  In the foyer.  When... Belphie, uh...”
“Oh.”  He slides an arm around you, pulling you closer against his shoulder.  You feel so weak admitting that, but Levi isn’t judgmental; he just offers you the comfort you so desperately wanted from him.  “I didn’t know.  I thought you were just awake because you drank too much coffee or were bored or something.  If... If it’ll make you feel better, ye-yeah, I... I’ll lie down with you.  If you really want me to!”
He’s still flustered, but he doesn’t think you’re joking anymore, so you smile and nod against his shoulder.  “I’d really like that, Levi.  Thank you.”
His face turns even brighter.  “Y-yeah, no problem!”  
Levi slides under the covers after you straighten them out, and you settle in beside him.  His back’s up against the pillows now, so you snuggle into his side until he lifts his arm and gingerly puts it around you.  Your cheek settles on his chest, and he audibly gulps, but doesn’t move.  
Halfway into the episode, he starts pointing out the manga differences again, and you both laugh along with the gags and tropes throughout the show.  Levi becomes more comfortable and trails his fingers along your back, and you throw one of your legs over his, cuddling closer.  He keeps talking, this eccentric, passionate part of his personality being something you absolutely love about him, and the low murmur of his voice lulls you into a peaceful sleep.  
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Onsra- Chapter 36: With You...
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banner created by: @envity ♥️
pairing: vampire!jungkook x female reader (also vamp!tae x ga-in oc & vamp!jimin x yuri oc)
genre: E2L, romance, drama, horror, angst
warnings for this chapter: fluff but also some sad shiz. sad koo and y/n, and some language
word count: 6k
Onsra: ML, Previous
I want to thank you all for being so patient, I'm sorry it's so late. I hope the fluff makes up for it :')
You are the sunlight, risen again in my life.
The second coming of my childhood dreams.
I don’t know what these feelings are.
Whether this too is in a dream.
“Wake up, sleepyhead.”
Your eyebrows scrunch together, the soft melodic voice that was in your dreams quietly slipping away as you try to grasp it with the last bits of unconsciousness in your mind. When you let out a tired little sigh of disappointment, a tiny chuckle sounds right next to you.
Your eyes open slowly, the heavy feeling that they’re being weighed down by bricks making you groan before rubbing them. When they finally open all the way, you’re met with Jungkook’s pale face, looking down at you sweetly. 
His big crimson eyes watch you carefully, and you’re reminded of how truly innocent they look when he’s happy; despite the disconcerting color that would make any normal person draw back in fear. As you stare into them, you feel like you can almost see a flicker of life, and you imagine what they must have looked like before he was bitten.
You’d bet they used to hold all the stars in the sky.
Jungkook reaches out a finger and brushes a sweaty strand of your hair from your forehead as he whispers, “Hi, little flower.”
“Hi.” You blink a few times, a crooked smile forming on your face at the sight you get first thing in the morning.
“How did I end up here?” You ask tiredly, rubbing your eyes again and stifling a yawn. You look around your room with curious eyes. Jungkook smiles, his fingers still dancing across your cheeks as he gets all your hair out of your face.
“You fell asleep in the backyard last night and I brought you up here.” He says, watching you with so much interest that it makes you fidget awkwardly. You’ve never seen someone stare at you with so much awe and love, especially first thing in the morning when you must look half dead.
“T-thank you.”
“Am I making you nervous again? Sorry.” Jungkook breathes out, embarrassed as he moves back a little so you can sit up.
You shake your head, trying hard to swallow. “No, it’s okay. I’m just awkward.” You laugh nervously and Jungkook’s eyes squint in fondness.
“Are you hungry? Everyone already ate breakfast.” At Jungkook’s words, you frown unconsciously, disappointment seeping into your mind at having missed another family mealtime. Jungkook takes your hand quickly when he sees that you’re upset, “I’m sorry. Seokjin hyung and I thought you needed the rest since you were sleeping in, even after the food was done.”
You swallow your disappointment and shake your head, forcing a small smile onto your face. “I needed the extra sleep, I guess.” Jungkook nods and smiles, still gently holding onto your hand, making your heart skip a beat.
“I’ll get you something to eat, you just stay here and rest, alright?” Jungkook stands up before kissing the back of your hand and setting it down, “I have a lot of things planned for us to do before-“
He cuts himself off and you frown at that, “Before what?” You ask curiously. Jungkook just shakes his head. “Nothing, I just meant since you’re feeling better, I have some things planned…that’s all.”
“O-oh, alright.” You give him a bright smile, which he returns before scurrying out of the room, then you hear his footsteps bounding down the stairs, his voice echoing in the old house as he searches for his eldest brother.
“Cute.” You mumble, your cheeks tinted pink while the feeling of his kiss on your hand lingers.
Not five minutes later, Jungkook is coming back in, a tray in his hands as he kicks the door shut behind him with his foot, carefully bringing the tray full of food over to you.
“Oh, Kook. You didn’t have to do this.” Your cheeks start to flame again as he chuckles, sitting next to you and putting the tray on your lap. “Hyung helped me. Eat up y/n, you need your strength.”
You thank him before digging into the food, not wasting a second in case he decides to try and feed it to you himself if you don’t hurry up.
When you’ve finished breakfast and gotten dressed, you make your way downstairs to find Honey in the living room with Hoseok and Yoongi. The little girl is sitting on Hobi’s lap on the couch while Yoongi is on a chair in front of them, a children’s book on his knee as he reads the story, holding the book for Honey to be able to see the pictures. Your heart melts at the sight of them, Yoongi trying his best to do different voices- much to Honey’s delight- and Hobi smiling brightly while he carefully brushes the small girl’s wisps of golden hair.
Honey’s eyes drift over to you and she squeals happily, sliding off Hobi’s lap and running to you. “Flower! Flower!” Her tiny voice shouts happily, despite not quite being able to pronounce the word correctly, her ‘r’s sounding like ‘w’s. She had overheard Jungkook call you that at some point and ever since, that has been her nickname for you.
“Honey, hi!” You scoop her up in your arms, not noticing Jungkook coming out from the kitchen after hearing your voice. He smiles softly at the sight of you cuddling with the tiny girl, something aching in his stomach, which he immediately tries to push away. He blinks rapidly, shaking his head to clear it before walking over to the two of you.
“Koo.” Honey whispers, looking at him over your shoulder, her bright blue eyes shining. Jungkook smiles sweetly at her and waves, “Hi, little one.” He says to her as you turn to see him.
“Oh, hi Kook! Sorry I took so long getting ready.”
Jungkook looks at your messily brushed hair and oversized black t-shirt, that no matter how much you try to wash and iron, refuses to get unwrinkled. His eyes trail down to your ripped blue jeans and dirty sneakers.
He feels his tummy tickle, wanting to just cover you in bubble wrap and keep you safe forever. Jungkook clears his throat and shakes his head, “You didn’t take long at all. Are you up for some fun today?”
“Fun, fun, fun!” Honey squeals, wriggling out of your arms and wrapping her arms around Jungkook’s leg, holding on for dear life. Jungkook looks down at her in surprise and you see his lips twitching up into a smile.
He crouches down as she finally lets go of him, so now he’s eye level with her. “You’re having fun with Hobi and Yoongles, aren’t you, Honey?”
“Yah! I told you to stop calling me that you little shit- I mean brat, she’s going to pick it up!” You hear Yoongi shout from the living room, causing a burst of giggles from all of you at the older boy trying his best to control his habit of cussing. The smallest one picks things up quite easily as you all learned yesterday when she shouted an expletive at the dinner table, causing Jin to scold everyone for their terrible mouths while trying his best not to laugh.  
Honey nods vigorously, then she shocks Jungkook further by wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. “Good boy, Koo.” She whispers before her little cheeks turn pink and she runs back to hide in Hoseok’s lap.
You laugh at the pure astonishment on the vampire’s face at the affection from the tiny human. “Aww, I think someone has a crush on you, Koo.” You tease as he laughs and gets to his feet, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
Jungkook grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his before leading you to the front door. “Let’s just go.” He mumbles in embarrassment. You’re positive that his face would be a bright pink right now if he was a human, the thought making you giggle.
“So, what are we doing today?” You ask as Jungkook leads you through the forest. He just turns and smiles at you but doesn’t say a word. You roll your eyes playfully at his ability to keep a secret when he wants to.
When the two of you arrive in the cave where you first found Koko, you smile happily. “Oh! We haven’t been here for a long time.” You drag your fingers along the cold walls that are slightly damp. Jungkook walks over to a bag in the corner of the dark cave, he pulls out a flashlight and turns it on.
Then he points to a dry spot on the floor, “Sit.” He says simply, then he smiles when you oblige his request. Jungkook moves to sit next to you, his knee brushing yours and making goosebumps break out on your arms. You fight the urge to slink away from him, fearing that he can tell your heartbeat has sped up considerably.
But Jungkook doesn’t make any indications that he knows you’re trying not to combust, so you take a few breaths to calm down. You watch as Jungkook turns the flashlight to face one of the cave walls and props it against some rocks so that the beam will stay fixed on the empty wall of the cave.
“What is this about?” You giggle and he looks at you, his eyes shining with excitement. Then he puts his hands in front of the flashlight, projecting a giant shadow of his hands on the wall as he makes them look like a little dog, opening and closing its mouth.
Delighted giggles spill from your lips as Jungkook announces triumphantly, “A shadow show! See?? I remembered today when I used to do this as a kid all the time with my mother.” The look on Jungkook’s face as he watches his hand shadows on the wall is exactly how you feel.
You smile sadly and pat him on the head, “You’re adorable, Jeon Jungkook. And you know exactly how to make my day.” Then you put your hands in the beam, making a little bunny to hop over to Jungkook’s dog. You two keep playing around with the flashlight and shadows for longer than you thought you would, making up silly stories and laughing your heads off. You’re not sure how much time has passed when Jungkook announces that it’s time to go.
“I have more planned for today.” He states matter-of-factly, making you laugh again.
When you look back at him, your laugh cuts short seeing the way he’s watching you. “What is it?” You ask nervously, afraid something is on your face.
Jungkook gives you a half smile as he scoots closer, leaning in slowly. Your heart pounds heavily in your chest as he gets closer. No matter how many times he’s kissed you, it always feels like the first time, and the butterflies in your tummy always freak out on you.
“I know you won’t believe me.” He whispers so quietly you barely hear him, the only reason you do is because he’s only a few centimeters from your face. “But you’re beautiful when you laugh, it just makes me so happy to see you happy.”
And for the first time in forever, you don’t feel the need to argue with him.
Jungkook smiles at your silence and leans in, pressing his lips to yours gently.
The flashlight beam still shines against the cave wall, projecting the shadows, taking a fleeting picture of the exact moment that you realized, maybe you aren’t so unlovable after all.
~                 ~                 ~
“Ok, read.”
You laugh at Jungkook, who’s settled himself comfortably on the soft grass with his head in your lap as you lean against the willow tree in the clearing.
“I’m serious, y/n! I’ve been waiting for so long, read to me.” The pout evident in his voice makes you bite your lips to keep from smiling. “Ok, you little baby.”
Jungkook sighs in satisfaction and snuggles his head more in your lap, one of his hands reaching up to play with the hem of your shirt as you open your copy of Beauty and The Beast and start to read.
As you read, you run your fingers through Jungkook’s thick locks, massaging his head and making him sigh in content. Jungkook doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy, sitting here with the most important person to him as she reads to him and plays with his hair gently.
This is what heaven is like, he’s sure of it.
When your voice starts to crack a little as you’ve been reading for so long, Jungkook reaches up and takes the book out of your hands gently, smiling at your sleepy expression. “I don’t think I’ve ever talked that long in my entire life.” You mumble tiredly, making his smile widen even more.
“Lie down, y/n.” He whispers, then he helps you to scoot away from the tree enough to lay on the grass as you close your eyes. Jungkook lies next to you, putting one of his arms under your head as a pillow for you and another wrapping around your waist. He pulls you closer and snuggles his face into your neck.
“I’m scared.”
He lifts his head to see that you’re still keeping your eyes closed, “What are you scared of, love?” He asks, concerned.
“I’ve never been so happy, and I don’t want it to end.” Your sleepy voice is laced with tears and it makes his throat close.
“It won’t, I promise.”
“How can you be so sure?” Your eyes are open now, one little tear slipping down your cheek before Jungkook wipes it away.
“Please, don’t cry.” He breathes out, desperate to make you happy. “I know that no matter what happens, I’ll always love you, that can never change.” Jungkook’s hair is draping over his face as he leans over you, his eyes scanning your features.
“Why do you love me?”
Jungkook knew this was coming, so he takes a deep breath to keep himself from crying. “I love you because you have a beautiful heart, but you’re far from perfect. That makes me love you even more, because you’re just you, and I love that. You never hurt me, even when I was so cruel to you, you always found it in your heart to be kind to me.”
You sniffle as he continues, “I love your eyes, and your nose and your mouth.” Jungkook lightly kisses each and every part of your face as he names everything on you. “I love your hands, and fingers. I love how silly you are, and I love how unpredictably predictable you are.” You laugh at that, “That doesn’t make sense, Kook.”
“It does when we’re talking about you.” He smirks before going on, “I love your laugh.” He tickles you a little, making you giggle, then he kisses your lips, “That’s the one, alright. And I love your dirty hair.” He plants one last kiss on your hair, making you laugh harder. “You’re gross, Kook.” You look away from his piercing gaze.
“You see the good in people, y/n. Sometimes when they don’t even deserve it. And I love you for that.” Jungkook lays his head on your chest, placing his ear over your heart as he listens intently to the rhythm it makes.
It only takes a few minutes for the sounds of a heartbeat and steady breathing to lull the two of you to sleep, the warm air enveloping you both as you lay in the shade of the willow tree, lying safely in each other’s arms.
~                 ~                    ~
“No, no. You’re doing good, try again.”
You smirk at the sight you’re met with when you walk into the kitchen to see if Seokjin needs any help with dinner.
It turns out he has plenty of help already.
Sooyoung is muttering to herself as she awkwardly maneuvers the knife she’s holding, trying her best to cut an onion the way Seokjin showed her earlier. She sighs and sets it down, her tiny hands looking even smaller next to the big knife.
You’re about to walk in to help her when Jin moves next to her again, neither of them seeing you in the doorway. You watch with a smile small as he takes the knife, “Aren’t you a nursing student?” He asks.
“Yes?” Sooyoung’s quiet voice responds, and she pulls at the sleeves of her long shirt over and over anxiously. Jin takes her hand, his own looking massive next to hers, and places the knife in it again, then he moves behind her and holds the onion with one hand over hers, and the knife, one hand over hers once again.
You start backing into the hallway, not wanting to interrupt them, then you hear Jin speak gently.
“Since when do nursing students, of all people, give up? Try again now, come on. I’ll help you.”
You’re biting your lip so hard so as not to giggle as you turn to run the other direction, when you run into a hard chest. A tiny squeal escapes your mouth and you look up to see Jungkook smiling down at you.
“What are-“
You clap a hand over his mouth and push him into the downstairs bathroom. Locking the door and breathing deeply, you turn to tell Jungkook why you were sneaking around when you see him smirking at you.
“W-why are you looking at me like that?” You look away from his gaze, not being able to keep it for very long.
“I never took you for this kind of girl, y/n. If my hyungs found us in here, we’d be in big trouble.” Jungkook muses tauntingly.
“You little-“ You seethe, your cheeks burning as you try to find the words you need. “Shut up, you pervert!” You hiss, making Jungkook chuckle. “I’m not the one that gagged you and dragged you into the bathroom, now am I?” He asks innocently.  
You blink, “W-well no…b-but I have a good reason!”
“And that is?” One of his eyebrows quirks up and he crosses his arms in front of his chest. You have to peel your eyes away from the veins on his forearms that are extremely visible when he crosses his arms like that…
No, not now!
“Well, I think Seokjin likes Sooyoung.” You blurt out, instantly feeling bad for possibly outing one of their secrets. Jungkook’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline and his mouth drops open in surprise.
“SHhhhuddup!! Stupid!” You smack your hand over his lips again and he breathes a chuckle, then he reaches up and moves your hand off his mouth.
“Don’t be mean, y/n. I’m not stupid.” He pouts, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
“Well, I’d hate to see what you’d do if you were then, if this is you being smart. Don’t you know how to be sneaky? Unless you want the whole house to know we’re in here then be quiet!” You whisper sharply as you look at the door anxiously, not wanting anyone to barge in and get a completely and utterly and totally wrong idea about this situation.
“Ok, ok. I’m sorry. Now, tell me what you saw.” Jungkook’s eyes are practically shining with excitement to hear the details and you soften instantly.
“Ok, so. I went in there and Seokjin was being really cute and sweet with Sooyoung and-…what’s the matter?” you look at Jungkook in confusion, not understanding why he suddenly looks upset as he pulls away from you.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You’re scared that the dark cloud in his mind might have come back, but then Jungkook scoffs in annoyance. “You called hyung sweet and cute…” He looks away and you laugh in disbelief.
“Seriously? You’re jealous of Jinnie when I’m literally telling you about how cute I think him and Sooyoung are together? That doesn’t even make sense, Kookie!” You start to laugh harder and he glares at you.
“It isn’t funny. What if I was the one that saw it and I was telling you that I thought Sooyoung was so sweet and cute and whatever. How would you feel?” He snaps back and you feel your blood heat up at the thought of it, then you snap out of it.
“Ok, I’m sorry. I get why that would upset you, I won’t do it again.” You smile at him, but he still glares at you. “And stop calling him Jinnie!” He huffs, leaving you shocked at his behavior.
You frown and cross your arms, moving to the door to lean against it as you pout. “You don’t have to be so controlling, Jungkook. Geez, you just ruined the whole mood.” Jungkook softens and walks over to you, putting his hands on either side of your face as he leans in to kiss your nose. “You’re right, that wasn’t very thoughtful of me. You can call everyone whatever you want, baby. I’m sorry.”
You try to bite back your smile but break when Jungkook keeps pecking your nose, “Ok, ok. I’m not mad. And if I had known it bothered you, I wouldn’t have done it. I just don’t like it when you tell me what to do like that, it makes me feel like you’re controlling me, and that doesn’t feel very good.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was controlling you. I just got overwhelmed and I said what I wanted without thinking.” Jungkook frowns guiltily.
“Hey, I forgive you. Do you forgive me for being inconsiderate about my wording?” You ask him gently, not wanting the mood to be sour anymore. He nods and you smile brightly, which makes him smile again.
“Ok, now tell me what you saw them do-”
Knock, knock.
You and Jungkook jump away from the door when someone knocks on it harshly, then a voice comes from the other side, “Jungkook, I need to use the restroom. Are you done yet?  You’ve been in there forever.”
Jungkook looks at you with wide eyes, neither of you know what to do in this situation. Then Jungkook clears his throat, “Uh, yeah. G-gimme a sec, please.”
A loud sigh comes through the door and you try to stifle a nervous laugh.
“Fuck.” Jungkook breathes out, running his hand through his hair. “It’s not funny, y/n! You want to know who’s going to get skinned alive if they find us locked in the bathroom together? Well, spoiler alert, it isn’t going to be fucking you.”
You bite your lips, his words only making you want to laugh harder.
He points an accusing finger at you, “This is your fault, you remember that.”
Then Jungkook pushes you behind the door and cracks it open, smiling nervously at his older brother. “H-hyung, sorry.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Ok, it’s fine. Just let me in now, please?” He looks at the young vampire expectantly. Jungkook clears his throat, “Uh, yeah, ok. Oh! Hobi hyung is calling you.”
“Hoseok knows I was going to the bathroom.”
“Did I say Hoseok hyung? I meant Joon hyung.”
“Get out of my way you little shit, what are you hiding?” Yoongi pushes past Jungkook and opens the door, making you shuffle back until your back hits the wall. Then Yoongi looks behind the door and scowls when he sees you standing there.
“Hyung! Why’d you do that?” Jungkook seethes, but Yoongi just shakes his head and smiles. “Get out of here, you idiots. I know you weren’t doing anything, what do you think I’m stupid? Kook is too nervous to even look at you for more than a few moments, I doubt he’d try anything scandalous.”
“I have to use the restroom! Get out before I tell Seokjin you’re getting frisky in here!” Yoongi scolds you two, pushing you both out after sending you a quick wink. Jungkook is sputtering in humiliation at his hyung’s usage of words while you try to stop laughing at his expression.
“H-he’s an idiot, y/n. Don’t listen to anything he ever says.”
“Alright.” You try your best to stay calm and not burst into another round of giggles. Jungkook just shakes his head in annoyance and stomps towards the living room.
~                       ~                        ~
“Oh shit, Jin hyung is whipped.”
Jungkook giggles when you shove his arm, trying to hold in your own laughter. He looks back at the eldest who is kindly and calmly talking Sooyoung through the making of dinner.
“Seriously though, he is totally falling for her.” Jungkook whispers.
Both of your heads are peeking around the corner of the kitchen, watching the pair cook dinner. You have a moment of wondering if maybe this is a bit creepy, then you shake your head and decide that it isn’t.
Look, it’s cute ok?
You can’t help but watch them and root for Jin. He deserves to be happy, he’s always putting others first before himself, never taking much time to take care of his own needs and wants. Sooyoung coming and befriending Jin couldn’t make you any happier. He’s finally got someone to hang out with all the time, and it brings a sense of relief to you knowing he isn’t lonely when you can’t be there to hang out with him.
“You better be nice, Kook. Don’t tease him and make things harder for him, ok?” You turn and glare at Jungkook, who looks at you, offended. “I wouldn’t dare.” He scoffs and your glare gets harder.
“I’ll deal with you myself if I find out you’ve done anything to make him uncomfortable, you understand?” Jungkook laughs internally at the stern look on your face as he nods. He finds it amusing that even when you’re really nothing compared to him with strength, you can still make him do whatever you say.
You’ve got him wrapped around your little finger, and he loves it.
~                             ~                                ~
After dinner that night, you offer to do the dishes, to which Jungkook automatically volunteers to help you with.
You’re scrubbing a plate and rinsing it as Jungkook twirls the dish towel in the air, busying himself while you clean the dish for him to eventually dry.
“I feel bad that you always help with the dishes, Kookie. You don’t use them, so it isn’t fair.” You frown and hand him the now clean plate. Jungkook takes it and smirks, “Do you want to give me a kiss to make up for it?” He asks playfully, making you roll your eyes.
“Goodness, you’re incorrigible.” You mutter before dipping your hands back into the soapy water to find more dishes. Jungkook just laughs and puts the plate away, then turns back to watch you wash.
“Kook, you’re giving me heart eyes again.” You say simply, handing him a cup and diving back in the sink for more. He giggles, “And? Something wrong with that?”
You shake your head, “Not at all, but when you’re looking at me like that as I’m elbow deep in dishwater it’s kind of a strange combo.” You laugh to yourself as his smile brightens.
“You know it takes a certain kind of girl to look as beautiful as you do while cleaning dirty dishes, I’ll give that to you.”
“And I’ll take it.” You say with a smile, handing him the last of the silverware to dry and put away. “Do I really not get a kiss though?” Jungkook pouts and you shake your head in amusement, “Ok, a quick one. Close your eyes.”
Jungkook obeys instantly, squeezing his eyes shut and puckering his lips.
When the cold and wet feeling of dishwater touches his lips, he flinches back, spluttering and coughing. “Agh! You did not just put dishwater on my mouth you little brat.” Jungkook wipes his lips aggressively as you laugh. Then, he scoops up a handful of bubbles from the soapy water and plops it right on your head.
“Hey!’ You scream and grab more bubbles of your own to attack him with. You two end up squealing and running around the kitchen, covering the whole place with bubbles until Jin finds you making a mess and scolds the two of you for being foolish.
But you can tell he doesn’t mind when he sends you a quick wink before grabbing a handful of bubbles and practically slapping Jungkook in the face with them.
“Yah! Why me??”
~                             ~                                ~
The house creaks quietly as you make your way to your bedroom door, pausing to look back at the girls sleeping in the bed and on the floor.
All of them are sleeping soundly, so you smile and turn the knob, slipping out quickly and closing the door silently.
You knock softly on Jungkook’s bedroom door, waiting to hear his response. You frown when he doesn’t answer right away like he usually does. Instead, a long silence drags out, making your stomach turn.
“Kookie?” You whisper softly, trying not to wake the whole house.
When your call goes unanswered, you crack open the door slowly and look in the room. Moonlight shines through the blinds and cascades across the floorboards. By the tiny amount of light, you can already see that Jungkook isn’t in his bed. The covers are all messed up, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
Sighing and closing the door again, you turn to go down the hallway and towards the stairs. The stairs groan when you descend them, and you cringe at the sound. When you make it to the bottom you flinch when you hear a small sound coming from the living room.
This time you know exactly what it is, so you don’t hesitate as you hurry into the living room to see Jungkook sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. A pained sigh leaves your lips at the sight of how broken he looks, suffering alone.  
He looks up and you see the tear streaks down his cheeks, his deep red eyes reflecting pain and regret. “Jungkook-" You breathe out before he cuts you off. “Y/n, I don’t want this. Y/n, I want to be a human again. I don’t want to die a monster.”
“Jungkook, you won’t die, and you’re not a monster.” Your heart clenches.
Jungkook doesn’t seem to hear you as another choked sob leaves his throat.
“I’m sorry I found you…I’m sorry I brought you back…I’m sorry that I fell in love with you.” You walk over to him, gently taking his slumped shoulders in your hands and making him look up at you.
“Don’t say that Jungkook. I’m grateful I met you. I’m glad you love me.” His eyes shine with a fresh wave of tears and he pulls you into his lap. “Don’t ever apologize for loving me, Kookie. Because loving you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I know now. You’re the one thing I never knew I needed.”
Jungkook bites his bottom lip, his eyes shining with unfallen tears as he takes a shaky breath. “Why aren’t you sleeping, love?” He wipes his eyes and clears his throat, tightening his grip on your waist and pulling you closer on his lap.
You stroke his hair gently while he tucks his head into the crook of your neck. “I couldn’t sleep.” You murmur softly, closing your eyes and laying your head on his as you whisper, “I just missed you.” Jungkook sniffles at your words and you feel his hand searching for yours, giving it a tight squeeze when he finds it.
“There’s something bothering you.” You say as you lift your head, watching him left his slowly, meeting your eyes. He looks away and you take his chin, pulling him back to look at you.
“It’s me, Kookie. You know you can tell me anything. Besides, I’ll just find out anyway and then it’ll be worse if I don’t hear it from you.” Jungkook sighs at that and pulls you to lay down on the couch.
“I’m just trying my best not to give up.” Jungkook whispers brokenly, his eyes closed as he lies next to you. You feel your heart stop in your chest at that.
“I hate everything that I am.” Jungkook continues, his voice low and full of emotion. “But when I’m with you, I feel human again.”
Without opening his eyes, Jungkook reaches a hand out to caress your cheek with his fingers, his other arm still wrapped around you. You shiver slightly at the cold touch of his skin. “Your skin is so warm.” He chuckles quietly. You smile sadly and take his hand in yours as he keeps talking, “What I wouldn’t do to be a human again, just so I can feel everything like you do. I want to feel, y/n. I want to be a human again.”
“I know, Kook.”
“I feel like there’s always a thin curtain separating us, and it kills me. I just want to feel my heart pounding for you like I know yours does.”
When you open your eyes to look at him, you see his crimson orbs gazing out the living room window, his eyes have a faraway look to them as he lets himself say what’s been on his mind.
“That’s one thing that I know I always took for granted.”
“What?” You ask after he doesn’t speak for another minute. Jungkook blinks slowly, “We know that when we die, everything stops. When there’s no pulse, we’re gone, done. So, I took my heartbeat for granted, I never thought I would lose it until the day I die. It’s something so simple, but I miss it so much.”
You blink back burning tears and take a deep breath, then you take his hand, “Close your eyes, Kookie.” He looks at you curiously before closing them like you requested.
You gently put his hand over your heart, letting him feel the steady and strong beating, watching as his lips curve into a small smile. He sighs happily and pulls you closer to him to the point where there isn’t any space between you at all anymore.
“My heartbeat belongs to you too, Koo. You’ll always be a human at heart, no matter what you look like on the outside or what any voice inside tells you. The most beautiful part of humanity is when a human is broken and doesn’t give up. Humans were never meant to be perfect. We’re made to be broken and rebuilt again and again.” Your words reach into the deep crevices of his mind that have been untouched for as long as he can remember. He lets out a shaky breath as you continue, “I love all of you, Kookie. And I’ll always be here, I promise.”
Jungkook lets himself melt into the couch, focusing all his attention on the beating of your heart through his palm while your words gently flow through his aching mind. He imagines that his heart beats at the same pace, joining in time with yours. Jungkook eventually falls asleep, for the first time in a long time, his mind is clear as he lets himself relax into a deep slumber.
Dreams of beating hearts and warm caresses fill your heads as you sleep away all the fears that will eventually come crawling back into the depths of your minds.
But for now, an escape is all you can ask for.
The next morning, Namjoon is the first awake, and the first to jump back in surprise when he finds the two bodies tangled together on the couch, puffy eyes and messy hair a more human and beautiful picture than he ever thought he’d see in this household.
He smiles and quietly grabs his book from the shelf, glancing back once before moving himself out of the room, ready to explain why no one can go in the living room for now.
Because even if it’s just for one more hour, he wants to let you two dream.
a/n: im weak for soft vamp kook :')) tysm for being so nice ;-;
taglist: @jjungkook99 @ditttiii @fekitza @rubinora @xxxanimangxxx @jkhey97 @your-best-behaviour @adelina1299 @lettersforjoon @karissassirak @krystle1990 @elliegrace1999tvd @hopeworld-baseline @nikikookie @howbizarre @squidyelmosquidbutt @jeonjungkookismyfuture
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
Vox Populi [1]
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[so I decided to combine the first and second chapter together😬]
Pairing : Park Seonghwa / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Fluff, Smut, Post Apocalypse/ Dystopia! AU
Words : 4.4k
Previous Chapter. - Next Chapter.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
-3rd Person P.O.V ; 2135-
Soldiers, hundreds of thousands of them all fought for their lives, for their country. So many were blinded by the vile words spewed out by the crooked presidents or prime ministers that ran their oh so beloved country, while there were some that didn’t believe in this war but had no say in whether they wanted to participate or not. Their country’s laws are set in stone, normal law abiding citizens had no power to argue and were many times forced to follow the laws they don’t agree with. Many signed up willingly for this war, others were drafted, every country involved sending thousands of men and women to die for a war that would lead to nothing in the end. 
A woman cried out as she lunged at the man that had shot at her hand, forcing her to let go of the gun she was using. All she had was a knife while he was still fully armed but that didn’t stop her, she was fighting for her life. The man looked at her with wide eyes, her words not registering in his mind, the language she was speaking foreign to him but one thing he could understand was the murder in her eyes. She was out to kill. As shaken as he was at being thrust into this war at such a young age he knew there was only one thing he had to do to survive. It was either kill or be killed, and he wanted to make it back home alive. So with a cry of his own he began to fire just as the woman got within arm’s reach and in the next second she dropped dead at his feet. The man, no, the child, a boy no older than seventeen stood above her, terrified of what he had just done. He looked around, bewildered, not knowing what to do next.
“Get moving, soldier!” A woman that was about the same age as his mother yelled out to him, her uniform the same as his, “Move if you want to live!”
She grabbed a tight hold of his vest, pulling him along with her to get him to move. He stumbled over his own feet but her tight hold refused to let him fall. She grit her teeth as she dragged him along, ignoring the pain that spread across her side, her blood seeping through her clothes. She could have easily left him behind and gone to camp on her own but seeing him standing in the middle of a battlefield, looking like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car she sprung into action before she could stop herself.
“Do you know how to get back to camp?!” She asked, shouting over the sounds of guns firing and people crying out in pain.
He didn’t respond, still shellshocked. She cursed under her breath, knowing he’d be helpless on his own. She thought back to her own family back home, the laughter of her youngest son ringing in her ears. Her eyes welled up with tears, the blood loss already making her light headed. She knew she wasn’t making it back home but if she could save this one boy then that’d be enough for her. So she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and dragged the boy behind her to camp, her wish to go home to her children thrown out the window.
“Sir, we’ve lost too many soldiers. We need to bring them home so we can regroup, think of a better strategy.” The general urged the secretary of defense, the president sitting there in silence.
“We’ll just do another draft-”
“I don’t want any more children! The youngest one I just saw was sixteen! We’re sending them out there to die when they haven’t even properly experienced living!” The general shouted, losing his composure.
“Then what is it you suggest we do, general?” The president asked, speaking up for the first time since the meeting started, “Don’t tell me you’re trying to suggest we surrender and back out of this war entirely?”
“Sir, there’s no way we’ll win this war anymore. When it first started yes, we had a big chance of winning but now? We’ll be buried alive.” The general argued, his voice softer but still firm.
“We’re not backing down, General Scott. We’re the most powerful country in the world and if we back down-”
“Sir with all due respect the power we once held means nothing now.” The general cut him off, trying not to lose his composure once again but if they continued to insist he doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to hold back for.
“What if we could turn the tide, general?” 
The general furrowed his brows, confused, “How?”
“Secretary, how many missiles can you get ready by this afternoon?” The president asked like he was asking about the daily value menu at his favorite restaurant.
“I can have them all ready within the next hour.”
The president nodded, opening his mouth to speak but the general beat him to it, his voice panicked as he spoke, “You’re not seriously saying you’re going to nuke them. The radiation will kill us all! Is your pride really more important than the millions of lives you’re prepared to kill?!?!”
“If it means we win this war then I’ll do whatever I deem is necessary.” The president spoke without a hint of remorse in his voice.
The general stared at him with wide eyes, mortified. He opened his mouth to continue arguing but he shut it just as quickly. Grinding his teeth he tore off the patch on his arm that displayed his rank. Along with that he took off his hat and threw them down onto the table in front of him.
“I won’t be a part of this any longer. Find yourself a new general, I’m going home.” 
The two watched him leave in silence, not bothering to stop him. Without a word the president nodded at the secretary, giving him the go ahead to get the missiles ready. What the general didn’t know is that these missiles weren’t toxic...but the damage they would inflict on not just the overall population but the planet would be catastrophic. It would take centuries for humanity to get back onto their feet and even then  it would never be the same as it was before.
-Y/N’s P.O.V : 2650-
I groaned, writhing around on the ground at the pain that bloomed from my back. I looked up at him through narrowed eyes, slapping his hand away as he held it out to help me up. I heard him chuckle softly under his breath. He crouched down in front of me and ruffled my hair and I slapped his hand away again.
“C’mon Y/N, don’t be a sore loser. You’re the one that asked me to train you.” He said, reaching out to grab my arm, helping me sit up.
I shrugged out of his hold, rolling my shoulders back as I tried to alleviate the pain, “You could’ve at least gone easy on me.”
He smirked, placing his hand on my shoulder but this time I didn’t move to shrug his hand off of me, “If I went easy on you then you wouldn’t learn anything.”
“But I’m your daughter!” I whined like a child, a fond smile replacing the smirk on his lips.
“And because you’re my daughter I don’t hold back. Anyone trying to kill you won’t hold back and you need to learn how to defend yourself properly.” He explained, helping me to my feet. 
He looked like he wanted to say something else but a voice coming from our right stopped him, “You’re as ruthless as always, Marcus.”
We turned to look for the source of the voice, already knowing who it was. Park Junhyuk accompanied by his son Seonghwa came up to us. Junhyuk had a gentle smile on his face while Seonghwa merely looked around, watching the others in the room spar. I could see the fascination in his eyes, knowing just how much he loved to fight. I find it a bit unfair that he not only was a genius but he could also hold his own in a fight. I chuckled under my breath at seeing the look on his face, drawing his eyes to me. The moment he met my gaze a soft smile tugged at his lips. He sent a quick greeting to my father before making his way over to me.
“More like getting my ass handed to me.” I grumbled as I dusted myself off.
He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest, “It's rare to see you lose in a fight, serious or not.”
I scoffed as I shoved at his shoulder lightly, “Shuddup. I’d like to see you win against my dad in a fight. He isn’t the commander of our guard for nothing.”
Even though I was grumbling there was a bit of pride in my voice. My father was the best fighter, the best hunter, the best shooter, the list goes on and on. It was a mystery to me why he wasn’t the one leading us but when I did ask him that one time curiosity got the better of me he simply told me he wasn’t built for politics. He was more than content training his fellow officers, hunting outside of the walls, and keeping the peace.
“Oi Y/N!” 
My head immediately looked for the source of the voice, already knowing who it belonged to. Just the sight of him had me sighing heavily. The moment he reached me he slung his arm over my shoulders, hugging me close to him. I grit my teeth at the gesture, unaware of the annoyed look that crossed Seonghwa’s features for a second before it vanished when I elbowed Nikolai in the gut.
“What do you want, Nikki?” I asked, slightly irritated but not enough to be genuinely angry with him.
Nikolai was a few years older than I was, one of the few ‘Russians’ in Liszto. He grew up a few doors down from us so we had known each other for quite a long time. I didn’t particularly hate him but he always found a way to leave me wanting to wring his neck with my bare hands every time he talked to me. But, as much as he annoyed me I was still fond of him, he was like that older brother I never had.
“Wanna spar? I have some free time and I’m just itching to kick your ass.” He taunted, rubbing his hands together with a shit eating grin on his face.
At his taunt my lips curled upwards as I rolled my shoulders, “Oh ho, you’re on. Get ready to eat your words, Volkov.”
He chuckled as he slipped out of his jacket, throwing it over a nearby chair as he rolled his own shoulders. He began to jump in place, loosening up, the grin never falling off of his face. I rolled my eyes at the giddy look on his face but I was also excited to spar with him. The only one that could get me on my ass within seconds was my father and the only one that stood as an equal with me in terms of skills was Nikki, all our officers were nothing but child’s play to me. Nikki and I had spared a fair amount of times and not once had they ended with either of us being the victor. Just as I was about to get into it I stopped, suddenly remembering that Seonghwa was standing right there and we were in the middle of talking when Nikki interrupted us.
“Ah...Seonghwa I-”
Seonghwa stopped me before I could continue with a shake of his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “Go ahead, I’ll still be here when you’re done.”
I beamed back at him, my excitement returning. I turned on my heel and got into the makeshift ‘ring’ with Nikki. The moment the other officers saw us standing in the ‘ring’ a chorus of murmurs were heard before they gathered around. 
“C’mon, Nikki. I’ll let you throw the first punch since you’re the one who challenged me.” I taunted, fixing the fingerless gloves on my hands.
He let out something that was a mix of a scoff and a laugh, the sound airy but he offered no reply, instead he took a step forward. He brought his hands up and I did the same. Just before it all started I slowly exhaled through my mouth, relaxing. Nikki circled, trying to get around me to get me from behind but I met him step by step, not allowing him to. Nikki threw the first punch, one I easily dodged. He threw another and another and I dodged and blocked every one. If I were anybody else I would think he’s not much of a fighter but I’ve gone up against him enough times to know he was just warming up.
We went on like that for a few minutes, that is until I swung for the first time but not with my arm. I bent down low and swiped at his legs. Nikki quickly jumped back, my leg narrowly missing him. Staying low to the ground I charged at him. As soon as I got close he brought a fist down. I dug my heels into the ground and pulled back, grabbing onto his wrist as I did so. With a smirk I pulled on his arm, swinging a leg at his stomach but I never made contact. He swiftly blocked my kick, his hand grabbing onto my ankle.
“Your kicks are as annoying as ever.” He huffed out, his grip on my ankle tightening slightly but not enough to hurt.
I smirked, my eyes shining brightly, “They’re reserved solely for you.”
And with that I jumped up, kicking at his chest with my other foot. He instantly let go of me, stumbling back as he gasped for breath. I didn’t give him much time to recover as I charged at him. I swung at his legs, successful in kicking them out from under him this time. He groaned as he landed on the ground but he didn’t stay down. With his arm he swiped at my legs. And just like him I landed on the ground. Before I could even recollect myself he was hovering over me. He brought his fist down, intent on landing a punch to my face but I moved out of the way just in time. I grabbed onto his wrist and brought my legs up, squeezing his bicep with my thighs and forced him to the ground. Pushing his shoulders and torso down with my legs I hyperextended his arm, laying flat against the ground. I felt him claw at my legs but I refused to let go. The next thing I knew I was being lifted up from the ground, no longer feeling the hard surface. 
“No way…” I murmured under my breath. 
Knowing what he was about to do I loosened my grip, trying to get away but I wasn’t quick enough. Within the next second he had slammed me back down onto the ground, the air leaving my lungs. My grip all but disappeared as I clawed at my chest, gasping for air. I withered on the floor, mistakenly rolling into my stomach. I realized my mistake when I felt him on me, his arm wrapping around my throat from behind, putting me in a chokehold. I had already been struggling to breath with being slammed into the ground but now it was impossible to get any air with the chokehold he had me in. I clawed at his arms but that only had him tighten his hold, a breathy chuckle falling from his lips. 
“I think this’ll be my win, doll.” He teased in a strained voice. 
I clicked my tongue, continuing to claw at his arm but it was no use. I wasn’t going to get out of this easily. Just as I was about to lose consciousness I saw some shuffling from my right. I looked over to see Seonghwa had taken a few steps towards us but stopped the moment my eyes met his. I gave him a glare, silently warning him to stay back. He hesitated but didn’t move to take another step. I could tell he was worried but Nikki and I had never given each other injuries that couldn’t be taken care of with a bag of ice and some rest. Gritting my teeth I dug my nails into Nikki’s arm, bringing my head forward and snapped it back. Nikki cursed loudly, his hold on me disappearing. I brought my arms up and propped myself up, pushing him off of me. I turned around to land the finishing blow and he went to do the same. We froze at that exact moment, my fist inches from his face and his inches from my ribs. Seconds passed before we each broke into a smile.
“Ah...I think you broke my nose with that headbutt.” Nikki groaned out with a chuckle, wiping the blood that had flowed out of his nose.
I rolled my eyes and scooted over to him, grabbing his face in my hands. I moved his head from side to side, inspecting his nose to see it was in fact crooked. I frowned, feeling guilty that I actually broke it. I moved my thumbs to the sides of his nose, mumbling an apology under my breath before snapping the cartilage back into place. 
“I thought we’re not supposed to break anything…” He whined, pulling my hands away from his face.
“I’m sorry.” I said under my breath but flicked his forehead lightly, “You’re the one who put me in a choke hold! What was I supposed to do?”
“Tap out!” He cried out dramatically with a pout, gingerly touching his nose, “You’re ruining my good looks.”
“Oh please, you're pretty enough that a crooked nose won’t do anything damage to your dating life.” I scoffed without giving it much thought, missing the way a small blush bloomed on his cheeks as I got up.
I held out a hand to help him up. The instant he was on his feet he ruffled my hair like he used to when we were younger and like then I shoved his hand away, punching at his arm lightly. While this was going on I was unaware of the look Seonghwa had on his face as he watched this all go down. In fact I was so busy screwing around with Nikki I didn’t even notice Seonghwa had left in the middle of it.
“That was some nice fighting skills.” Junhyuk said, walking over to Nikki and I with my father in tow.
My father had a proud smile on his face, placing a hand on Nikki’s and I’s shoulders, “They’re the best fighters I have at my disposal, though this one needs a little more work,” My father said, shaking me lightly.
“Oh c’mon, not even Nikki can beat you.” 
“No but he doesn’t give up like you do when I knock you down.” He shot back, Nikki giving me a smug grin.
I scoffed with a roll of my eyes, “There’s no point in me wasting my energy when I know what the outcome will be.” 
“I see you’re not getting the message your old man is trying to drill into your brain.” Nikki said, digging a knuckle into the side of my head.
I glared at him as I shoved his hand away from me, Junhyuk’s laugh drawing my eyes to him. Looking at him like this reminded me how much he and Seonghwa looked alike. Speaking of Seonghwa I looked around only to find that he was nowhere in sight. I furrowed my brows, frowning. 
“Alright, get going to the mess hall you two. I have a few more things to discuss with Junhyuk. Get Adonis a plate.” My father said, directing that last part to me.
Nikki saluted my father in a bit of a mocking way before slinging his arm over my shoulders and walking the both of us out. I didn’t shove him off of me this time, thinking back to where Seonghwa could’ve gone. I tried to rack my brain to figure out when exactly he left but I kept coming up empty. I was so lost in thought I didn’t hear Nikki calling out to me until he pulled on my ear, snapping me out of my stupor. I cursed and swatted his hand away, elbowing him in the gut.
“What the hell?!”
“What are you spacing out for?” He asked, rubbing at his side, “You’re gonna burn out your brain if you keep thinking so hard.”
I didn’t even have the energy to bicker with him as my mind made its way back to Seonghwa. Maybe he left after trying to step in. Was he angry that I started to fight while in the middle of a conversation with him? He seemed fine at first, he even said he’d be there when I was done. Maybe he had something urgent came up. Whatever it was I’ll just have to wait to ask him all this when I saw him again.
-Nikolai’s P.O.V-
I glanced at her from time to time as we walked, noticing that she still had that far away look in her eyes. I knew what she was thinking, she was always thinking about him. Ever since we were teenagers he’s all that occupied her mind in her free time, I hated it. I sighed heavily, knowing there was nothing I could do to get her mind off of him, it’s like she tuned out the whole world any time he was involved.
I glanced at her once more, frowning at the dirt that had smudged across her cheek. Without thinking I reached over and gingerly wiped the dirt away, the simple action finally drawing her out of her thoughts. She pulled away from my fingers, her hand grabbing onto my wrist to stop me.
“What are you doing?” She asked, clearly confused over the action.
Her words seemed to snap me out of it, realizing what I had just done. My eyes went wide for a moment, a blush coating my cheeks as I pulled my hand out of her grasp. I took a step away from her, the arm I had slung over her shoulders now falling back to my side. I opened my mouth to offer her an explanation but no words came out. She waited patiently for an answer but since I didn’t give her one she let a soft smile tug at her lips, her fingers touching the side of her face that had been smudged with dirt. She pulled back to inspect her dirty fingers, chuckling softly.
“You dote on me too much.” She said under her breath, barely loud enough for me to hear.
I scoffed as a reflex, combing my fingers through my hair as I tried to answer as nonchalantly as I could, “Well, duh. Who else is supposed to do it if not me?”
She rolled her eyes, hugging her arms to her body as a gust of wind blew past, “Careful, the ones basically throwing themselves at your feet on a daily basis will eat me alive if they hear you talking like that.”
I relaxed at her words, a little hurt by them. Sure I caught the attention of some people in this city but the one I wanted to notice me wouldn’t even so much as look my way...well at least not the way I want her to. I inhaled sharply before exhaling slowly, slipping out of my jacket and draping it across her shoulders to warm her up.
“If they have a problem with you then I’ll deal with them,” I mumbled as I began to walk towards the mess hall again.
I hadn’t even taken more than two steps when I saw him standing outside of the hall, his hands shoved into his pocket as he looked over at us. Y/N hadn’t noticed him yet, going to start walking when I reached out and stopped her, turning her around so she had her back to him. She gave me another puzzled look, about to ask why I stopped her when I suddenly pulled her into me, hugging her tightly to my chest.
“Nikki!? What are you doing now?” She asked, her voice muffled by my shoulder.
As I hugged her tightly to me I glared over at Seonghwa, his eyes glaring back. Even from where I was standing I could see his jaw clench, his hands now out of his pockets and balled into fists at his sides. I smirked at seeing the reaction I wanted. 
Y/N had pulled away slightly, looking up at me with worry filled eyes, “What’s gotten into you? Are you alright?”
I let a fond look cross my features as I pulled her into the hug again, “Nothing, I’m fine. I’m just feeling sentimental all of a sudden and I wanted a hug.”
I felt her sigh heavily, relaxing in my hold as she wrapped her own arms around my waist, “It’s been awhile since you’ve needed a hug. Are you sure you’re okay?”
I nodded even though she couldn’t see me, savoring the hug as I gave Seonghwa a sly grin. I only kept her in my arms for another few seconds before finally pulled away, placing my hands on her shoulders.
“Okay, hug over, I’m good now.” I said, returning to my old self.
She laughed, shaking her head at my behavior. She still had yet to notice Seonghwa so I went on ahead, the look on my face a stern one. Seonghwa just stared at me without saying a word, his arms crossed over his chest. Just as I reached him he spoke.
“Watch yourself, Volkov.” He spat through clenched teeth.
“I should be saying that to you, Park. You and I both know who’d win if we ever fought.” I said in a low tone, giving him a once over from head to toe, a teasing smirk on my face, “ байстрюк.”
I spat that last word out with as much hatred as I could, bumping my shoulder harshly against his as I passed by.
[байстрюк = bastard]
[a/n : I’ll be trying to insert as many languages as I can into this but I’m only fluent in two and can barely pass with this new third one I just recently learned. I will be using google translate for the rest so if its wrong please don’t hesitate to correct me]
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for the soft sentences!! “I just — I’m breathless, okay? Whenever I’m with you, it happens.” ~ the bees were just racing each other and blake beats yang, blake gets smug about the win while yang catches her breath (I love all your work, you’re truly amazing 😍)
You’re so sweet, thank you so much! I’m glad you like them 😊
‘Hah! Yes! No Blake in sight!’ Yang thought to herself with glee as she leaned against the tree and panted heavily, desperately trying to draw air into her overworked lungs. She might have Blake beat when it comes to strength but Brothers be damned if Blake wasn’t a formidable opponent in a race. Hell, Yang’s partner usually won their races. This was probably the first time that Yang had won. Ever.
“Wait…” Yang murmured to herself, as she huffed and puffed. “Where-“
“Took you long enough, sunshine.”
Yang let out a surprised yelp and fell backwards, lifting her head to glare up into the tree to see Blake casually reclining on a branch, one foot dangling as she read a book.
“You- how long-“
“Long enough that I had to pull out my book. You were taking too long. I was getting bored.” Blake smirked down at Yang as she flopped against the floor dramatically, chest still heaving. “You okay down there?”
“I just — I’m breathless, okay? Whenever I’m with you, it happens.” Yang grouched, crossing her arms with a pout.
“Make me.”
“As soon as I catch my second wind?” Yang said as she pointed at Blake. “You’re eating those words, Belladonna. I’m kicking your butt all the way back to school.”
“Aw… I think that might be the cutest threat that I’ve ever received… and trust me, I’ve had several.” Blake quipped as she jumped down and walked over to Yang and playfully nudged her ribs with her foot. Sometimes, Yang swore that Blake was making a joke purely for her own benefit, leaving the rest of them, at best, confused and at worst; concerned. “You wouldn’t do a thing. You like me too much… Gods know why.”
“No comment.” Yang muttered, rolling her eyes when Blake’s own amber ones gleamed with delight. Apparently, that was all the answer Blake needed to continue being a little shit.
“Really? Because I’m pretty sure that, since we became partners, you dragging me on adventures and trying to impress me is a good sign that you like me.”
“Okay… one, I didn’t drag you. You came willingly!” Yang glared up at Blake. “Two, I was not trying to impress you! And three, of course I like you! You’re my best friend!”
“You begged me to let you help me.” Blake smirked as she counted off in her fingers. “You literally punched the cap off of a bottle of pop for no good reason. And finally…” Blake quirked an eyebrow and smiled sweetly down at Yang. “You’re my best friend too. Now get up, loser. We’re going sparring with Ruby and Weiss.”
Yang huffed, trying to fight back a smile as Blake took her hand and heaved her to her feet. Yang pretended to pout as they walked, until a strong, lithe arm wrapped around her waist as Blake leaned into her slightly. Yang sighed dramatically as she draped her arm over Blake’s shoulder and smiled.
She never could stay mad at her.
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fallen029 · 5 years
The kitchen counter was littered with a concoction of assorted ingredients and cooking utensils, enough so that just looking at it gave the Slayer a headache. It was as he stood there, staring in a bit of disbelief at the mess that had befallen his poor kitchen in what felt like no time at all, that a frown began to tug at his features. He growled then, just a bit, as he finally found the exact word he wanted to fall from his mouth.
"Demon," he whispered hotly, but it was loud enough, apparently, for the woman to hear over her own humming.
It was her, of course, the demon Mirajane, who saw it fit to destroy his kitchen in such a way. She stood there, in one of her standard dresses, happily bent over the stove only moments before, but did look back at him then with one of those bright grins of hers.
"Dragon," she tried to growl back, but to came out as a laugh and, just as quickly, she was turning back to the pot she was stirring. "Finally decide to get up, sleepyhead?"
"What are you doing, woman?" he questioned in the most unwelcoming of ways. "Huh? A man shouldn't have to worry about waking up to a disaster zone just because... Why are you here, exactly?"
"Well," she began with something of a sigh, "as you know, there's gonna be a big party at the hall tonight. You know, to celebrate the start of spring?"
"Since when is that a thing?"
"Since I made it one."
Of course.
"And," the woman was going on as, abandoning the pot, she went over to start chopping some vegetables on the counter top, "there's not really enough space in the guildhall kitchen for me to get the beginning preparations ready because, well, you know, Kinana is already so busy making breakfast and lunch orders, so I needed to get the early prep stuff started somewhere else."
"You ever try your own damn house?"
"I did," she offered with a nod."But my kitchen is just so small and, well, my house is really, especially with Elf and Lisanna lurking around too, so-"
"So," the Slayer finished for her, "you decided to break into my place and wreck my kitchen instead."
"It's not breaking if you have a key."
"Tell it to the constable."
"Awe, dragon, I know you've been laid up recently, but it's super cute that you have to rely on the city patrol for protection."
This finally seemed to draw real ire out of the man as, instead of making an off-handed remark, he literally turned away from her, a sour look replacing his put on annoyance. It hadn't been a good time for him, was all, recently. He'd gotten hurt out on a job and, well, he was taking some time to recuperate and train up before going back out again. The Thunder Legion, the best publicists a guy could ask for, played this up for the man to others, claiming his hiatus and seclusion just showed how clearly superior he was to the rest of them. Yes. Obviously. He had enough jewels to take a few months away from work while their pathetic, lowly mage selves couldn't scrape together enough jewels to survive a rough week.
Still, Laxus knew, obviously, the real reason that he was hiding out in his apartment, wasting his days away. Before, in the earlier ones, it was to hardly get out of bed, far too laid up for much else, but as he was feeling a bit better now, he mostly brooded around the apartment. When she wasn't working, which wasn't often, he could expect the demon to drop by, ever the doting girlfriend, and he was usually welcoming of this.
When he'd first noticed her presence, only a few minutes before, it had been with groggy recognition of not being alone. Rather than panic, however, as the woman's scent hit his nose, he was intrigued originally. He didn't know her to be off that day and, well, if she was showing up to spend time with him, that was a welcome surprise. But after shoving out of bed and stumbling into the kitchen, he hadn't found her scrambling him up some eggs or frying some bacon. Rather, he'd stumbled upon this nonsense and, well, he couldn't exactly say he was surprised, but he also wasn't too pleased.
That had more to do with the fact she was teasing him though.
"Oh, Lax," Mirajane sighed when she took in the man's sour expression. "I was just kidding. You know that if you need someone to protect you, I'm always available."
"No one," he told her crossly, "needs to protect me."
"You...have bodyguards though. I mean-"
"Shuddup." Sulking, he came further into the kitchen. "And we're going to be going over personal boundaries."
"If it's that big of a deal," she told him with a frown over her shoulder, "then I'll just leave. Is that what you want?"
"No." He slammed down into a chair at the kitchen table then, glaring at her as he said, "But you're going to make me breakfast."
"Oh, I am?"
"Yeah," he told her icily. "You are."
Laxus wasn't sure why he didn't realize this would result in cold, soggy, bland cereal, but then again, he never claimed to be omniscient.
Things felt rather tense, which was rare between the two of them. While he was prone to disgruntled rants, it was rare for her to respond with anything other than her typical pleasantries. When she was equally as angry at him, they could have a stalemate for hours.
But that was the thing. Mirajane, the demon, she could live with it. Him being upset with him. No matter what the duration. But Laxus didn't like for his girlfriend to be mad at him (even if he didn't feel like he was the one in the wrong to begin with) and eventually the tension seemed too much for him to take.
"Is there anything I can do?" he asked after mostly pushing his cornflakes around in their bowl. Getting to his feet instead, he refused to apologize, in any situation, but did find himself asking while nodding at some still unchopped vegetables, "Demon?"
And she still had a bit of a glint of annoyance in her eyes, but did mutter something about him helping out and, well, Laxus might not know how to say sorry, but he definitely knew how to get back on the woman's good side. And, slowly, this came to fruition as Mirajane could never hold out for long, once he'd already broken, and soon enough she was back to singing, loudly now, rather than the low hums she'd had before, when he was sleeping, and Laxus just had to admire her, he always had to admire her. Imagine being worked like a dog and still finding it within yourself to be pleased by this fact.
His woman was something else.
She was though, his woman, which is why when the time came where she began bowling things up with the intent to transport it all back to the hall, where she'd finished food prep, Laxus had to let out a ragged sigh before offering his assistance.
"But Laxus," she asked with a sly smile, "you haven't been down to the guild in over a month."
And it all made sense now.
Glaring at her once more, he growled all the way to his bedroom, intending to get dressed regardless of his aggravation.
"You," he accused as he tugged on his clothes regardless, "planned this, didn't you? Huh?"
"I don't know what you're-"
"Just to make me go back there?" He looked at her in exasperation as the woman joined him in the bedroom. "Why, Mirajane? You dirty, lowdown-"
"Loving, thoughtful, caring-"
"You," he finished with a heavy finger of averment, "are tricky."
"I," she challenged, not used to getting a finger waved in her own face, "am helping you, dragon."
"You have to go back eventually." She dropped her shoulders some then, as well as her tone. Softly, she said, "Everyone fails sometimes, Lax."
He sneered and really thought about it then, just kicking the woman (and all her half finished dishes), out in the cold. But there was just something about her. There was always something about her. It sucked the most, honestly, when she began to smile only seconds later in response to the long, drawn out sighing groan he let out, releasing everything inside of him that could, honestly, probably murder the woman in that moment.
"I," he told her as, finally, he tugged on his coat and they went back into the kitchen to divvy up the pots and bowls to carry, "hate you."
"You love me," Mirajane challenged with a look. "And I love you. I wouldn't force you to go back if I didn't."
"Force. You heard that, right? What you just said? Do you listen to yourself? Force. Fucking force." Laxus could be led to water, he could even be made to drink it, but damn it if he wasn't going to bellyache about it during. "You're forcing me to do this. And that means that whatever psychological affects this has-"
"You're so dramatic."
"-are your fault." He even shook his head. "You're evil. Vindictive. A tricky-"
"Demon." She was headed to his front door then. "Now come on. Everyone will be waiting."
"Every- You told them I was coming?"
"What do you think the party is really for, Laxus?"
"Mirajane, I'm not a fucking child! I-"
"Then quit throwing a tantrum and hurry up." She grinned at him over her shoulder. "All your friends are waiting to pick you right back up."
"My friends," he told her sourly, "are going to get their heads slammed together. All three of them. For going along with this."
"Your other friends then."
"I don't have any other-"
"Most people keep that to themselves, Lax."
"When I told everyone we were having a party to get you back out of your shell," she insisted, "they were all supportive."
"Yeah, because you said party," he challenged. "And they just all wanna go and drink and hear you play your guitar and eat and-"
"And remind you why you're so special to us."
"I'm special to you."
"No, I meant… No one's going to give a shit about me," he griped. "This party, it wont' have anything to do with me. This is one of your dumbest ideas-"
"Is it? Huh?" They were out on the street now, arms loaded up, but she was still all grins about their lengthy walk to the hall. "Everyone already knows you're coming out of hiding, so they won't gawk and gossip about it; they've already done that. And by the time we show up, most of them will already be too drunk to care about you. So you can just fade right back into the woodwork if you want. If you ask me-"
"I haven't. At all. In fact, I don't want to hear from you again all day."
"-this is the best idea I've ever had."
When this only got stony silence out of the man, Mirajane titled her head back to stare up at him for a moment before grinning quite openly. And damn it, fucking hell, he wanted to be so mad, so angry, so...so…
"You're a demon," he muttered softly, trying to fight a grin from spreading across his own mouth. "You know that?"
"Most people can just say thanks, you know, dragon."
As he kept completely silent, much to the giggles of the woman, he knew.
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Ash and Eli, part 4
“Hey, Ash.”
Eli’s dumb voice makes Ash’s nose crinkle up, eyes squeezing tighter shut. “Shut up.” He was wheezing when he was unconscious, and he still is - the idiot tries to sit up and falls back onto the floor with a groan. “Eli.”
“Why do I feel like shit?”
“‘Cause you got the shit beaten out of you,” The other twin answers, not missing a beat. Asher opens his eyes to see his brother smiling down at him. Smartass.
“You gonna help me up, then?”
“Don’t you want me to heal you first?”
“Oh. Yeah. Do it, then.”
As Eli places one hand at his twin’s waist to turn him a little, looking to see how the bruising wraps around his torso, Ash looks for a distraction. “Where’s Lux?”
Eli’s only using one hand. He’s also got a shirt on, one he didn’t have before. Maybe Lux gave something up so that Eli could have it. Ash doesn’t know. Lux is overly kind like that.
“Got brought upstairs.”
Eli’s hand holds steady where it hovers above his brother’s chest, and he doesn’t need to chant for the magic - they can only heal each other, but that healing, though limited in who it can be used on, comes easier than the rest of their powers.
And Ash is always the one to overuse his magic. Just doesn’t pay attention. Eli always warns him, he can feel it - he says that, says it feels weird, badgers Ash until he cuts it out. They try to appear identical in every way to hold off anyone getting close, but really, Eli’s the responsible one.
His hand starts shaking, where it’s pushing magic into Ash’s chest, but Ash is too busy tipping his head back and grinding his teeth together. Mending ribs with magic. Not fun.
Eli’s breathing becomes louder, more strained, and his hand lowers to meet Ash’s chest to keep pushing magic into it, and - suddenly, everything’s wrong with this. Ash feels a distant, aching hollowness in his core, like hunger, but stranger, more pressing - and Eli’s hunched over him, finishing up the work so his brother can breathe well again, but - the collars - they have runed collars, to keep their magic suppressed, and Ash totally forgot because his ribs hurt like hell, and the collars don’t come off so Eli’s pushing through it.
“Eli - fuck - Elian, stop!”
The healing’s done, and Eli’s so drained, he’s swaying where he sits, one hand at his stomach like he feels ill. He never overuses his magic, never, Ash can feel it in himself, that his twin’s magic is twisting in discomfort. Ash sits up quick, and takes Eli by the shoulders. “What the hell are you doing? You didn’t have to do that, I would have been fine!”
“Shuddup,”  Eli slurs, and tries to smile, but it’s shaky. “Shut up, Ash, you - were jus’ gonna whine about it… for ages.”
Worried, frustrated, Ash shakes Eli to try and jolt some sense into him. Eli frowns.
“Why did you do that?!”
“Get off me, Ash,” Eli deflects, the hand he used to heal his brother trying to shove away one of Ash’s arms. He doesn’t succeed, so in some kind of dim parody of how they wrestle when they’re arguing, or being goofy, Eli’s other hand comes up to take hold of Ash’s other wrist, trying to shove him away.
Ash yanks his arms back to look at his left wrist, at an odd too-warm sensation. It’s red. Two streaks of blood where two of Eli’s fingers were, the rest a smudge.
He snatches Eli’s right hand quick to see the blood staining it. “You’re - Eli, you’re -” The shirt. The black shirt, that Eli’s hand was pressed to.
Hazel eyes watch the other pair go wide in fear-fury-panic, and the shirt’s being yanked up and off. Eli is pale; they used to be tan, have been losing that trapped down here, but - this is too pale - there’s blood leaking from torn skin at Eli’s gut. Was he - he was stabbed. That fucker stabbed his brother. Hurt him, while Ash was out - after knocking Ash out - stabbed his brother, and… Eli was trying to play that off?
“You wanna punch me?” Eli asks, grinning like a dumbass again, shoulders hunching in as he starts to lean listlessly. Ash grips Eli’s shoulder and pushes him over a few inches to lean on the wall.
“Fuck - fuck - HEY, ASSHOLE!” He turns to look up at the stairs, bellowing to be heard. “GET THE HELL DOWN HERE AND FIX MY BROTHER!”
Eli’s hand is to his stomach, again, over the wound. His face is tight, now, and an occasional tremor wracks through him - no more smiles.
When Ash tries to pry his hand away from the source of the blood, Eli gasps jaggedly.
“Don’t - Ash, don’t, please…” His voice cracks on the please. Ash wants to drive his fist into the wall until he’s broken all the bones in his hand.
“I need to see, okay? I need to see it. I’m gonna take care of you, Eli, I will, you’ll be okay.” Ash forces his brother’s hand away, the blood flowing more eagerly. Brutally, he shoves his own hand against the wound, to stop it. Eli moans. “Hey. I’m going to heal you. And give you some magic, because your dumb ass used too much… goddamnit, Eli, you’ll be the death of me…”
Just as his magic is pooling at his palm, Ash is yanked back and away from his brother, who slumps down further against the wall without support.
“No - no - Eli!” Ash twists and bucks, a hand fisted in his hair, his hands flying up to try and free himself. One of those hands has his brother’s blood on it. The Hunter came. Ash called him down.
Fighting with all his strength does nothing. He’s shoved into the wall, wrists manacled in turn, and Ash tries to glare right in their captor’s face - but the Hunter’s already walking back over to Eli.
“Don’t touch him! Don’t you fucking touch him!”
Eli looks over at Ash, and Ash can see him trying to toughen up, and then he’s looking up at the Hunter, and he’s dragged up by one arm to be yanked back over to his side of the cellar.
“He’s bleeding - he’s going to bleed out -” Eli’s manacled to the wall, too, his right hand bloody just like Ash’s. “Fix him, you - just - look at him, he’s gonna pass out, he’s going to -” Eli pushed through the runes of his collar to heal Ash, Ash should be able to break his fucking chains with his magic, something - but the Hunter waves his hand, and the runes burn at his neck, reinforced, and - did the guy lower the restraints on their magic for this sick fucking game? Could they have used more magic, gotten out?
When Ash’s vision stops swimming from the collar’s restored hold on his magic, Ash looks across the room and makes a distressed sound to see Eli too weak to stand, hanging from his manacles, though still awake.
“Talk to me, Eli,” Ash begs - it’s pleading, there’s no other way to describe the desperation in his voice. The world is ending. The earth is splitting open to devour them. This is the fucking end of days, if his brother is dying. “Please. Talk to me.”
A dizzy laugh, and a smile aimed at the ground. “Do you… do you remember… when I stole Mr. Schneider’s toad from the science lab… and put it in Mrs. Borden’s desk, and she screamed and ran out? You took the blame for that… proved you took the thing by, by stealing another one, and putting it in - in the principal’s desk, for yelling at me…”
Blood drips down Eli, and onto the floor, every drop making Ash lose his breath even though his ribs are all healed.
“Stop talking like - like -”
The cellar door opens, the Hunter coming down with his heavy boots meeting each step, and - they can hear sniffling, and sobbing, and wet gasps and coughs and a thin frame being guided back down - Lux is back. Lux is allowed to fall to the floor, on his knees, to hunch over and try to choke up more water.
The Hunter stands beside him, nudges Lux’s leg with the side of his boot - Lux straightens up, chest working hard to draw in enough air, and his captor lays a hand on his soaked curls.
“Look at that one, my light,” The Hunter orders, and Lux looks up at Eli, startling when he sees the blood.
“Nnh - nnh - w-what -” He coughs, moans, tries to breathe. “What - h-happened, to, to him?”
Ash watches, hands furled tightly into fists, as the Hunter’s fingers dig into Lux’s hair and twist so he whimpers in fright.
“Wrong question, little one.”
“U-um, um, wh-, um - wh-what, what do you w-want me to do?”
The hand in his hair releases its painful hold, and instead Lux’s hair is scratched through. “He’s going to die if you don’t heal him.”
Lux makes a frightened sound, somewhere in his throat, looking down. His back is still healing from the brutal whipping he got last time he healed Eli, he’s still terrified from his mind being invaded then… “I - please, I c-can’t.”
“You’re allowed to, darling.” The Hunter assures, and Lux is leaning into the touch when the Hunter pulls on his curls to make him lean against his leg. “You’re allowed to use your magic on him. I won’t punish you.”
“B-but - but - it’s b-bad, it’s bad…”
Ash yanks against his restraints, worse than impatient as Eli bleeds more and more. “Lux - please, just do it. Just say yes.”
Lux makes himself smaller - he’s facing Eli, not Ash, Ash can’t see his face, just his back. “I’m - allowed? I c-can?”
“Yes, little one.”
Eli’s limp in his chains, too exhausted to keep his head up.
“Lux. This is my brother. You’ve got to save him. Please. I know it’s a lot to ask - please, look at him, he’s - he’s gonna - I can’t lose him.”
With a shaky breath, leaning against the Hunter for support and to feel like he’s not in trouble, Lux nods. “O-okay - okay, yes, I’ll - I’ll heal him - if - if I’m allowed.”
“Do you want help standing up?”
“Y-yes - yes please.”
Big hands takes Lux by the pale, slim shoulders, and pull him up to his feet. Lux’s fingers dig into the Hunter’s shirt for balance. The Hunter pushes his hands away and leaves him to stand alone.
“You won’t be punished for healing him. But the other one will.”
Lux glances over at Ash, alarmed, but Ash just nods. “I can take it. I don’t care. Heal him, Lux. Please.”
“I… I’m allowed,” Lux tells himself, facing Eli, taking a step closer, waterlogged breaths catching and growing quicker. “I’m allowed, I’m allowed…” He puts one hand on Eli’s left shoulder, the other hand hovering over the wound, trembling. “W-won’t get in trouble…”
“Hey, Lux,” Eli mutters, head bowed. “Yeah, you… you won’t get in trouble. He said that. It’s okay.”
“He s-, he said that,” Lux repeats, and light flickers at his fingertips. His back twinges in pain. “He, he said, I’m allowed.”
“You’re allowed,” Eli confirms, and Lux is standing close, half trying to use his magic, half trying not to. “It’s okay, Lux. ‘s okay.”
“It’s okay.” The light comes steadier, now. Lux starts chanting softly, makes the magic stay and work. His legs start to shake, and he’s all too aware of how exposed his back is right now. The wound closes, the blood slows then stops, and Lux’s magic even erases the scar and clears away the blood because - because he can, and he wants to do well. “I’m sorry,” He says, to no one. The punishment was so, so bad last time, he knows this is bad, but - it’s allowed, right now.
Across the room, Ash sighs in relief to see some color returning to Eli’s pale skin, with a little help from the healing magic.
“Good,” The Hunter says, and lays a hand on Lux’s shoulder to guide him back to his chains, pushing down so Lux sits on the floor to be restrained.
Left with his arms chained up, still feeling scared, wanting more assurances but too nervous to ask for them, Lux keeps quiet as the Hunter approaches Ash.
Then the Hunter touches his hand to Ash’s head, and Ash starts screaming desperately, horror dense in his cries. Lux shakes, looking over to Eli - but Eli’s watching in horror as his brother’s mind is invaded. So Lux curls in on himself as best he can, hides his face against his knees, and tries not to breathe harsh enough to cough. He doesn’t want to draw any more attention to himself than he’s already gotten.
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Hello! I just read your post and I'm so sorry! I can't think of anything for you to draw, but do you mind maybe writing me a minific like the star wars ones you've been making? I just donated some cash for your ko-fi account (sorry for not being able to donate more than that! ;-;) and I wanted you to write me something with "that’s it, that’s it. get it all out. shh" and Codex? Thank you, and I hope everything gets better soon!
(Hey there! Thank you! I haven’t even thought of comissioning fanfics, but I’m glad you did! :D I hope you like it, I made this with all my heart despite being new to the ship. More after the cut.)
When they came back to Coruscantfrom Umbara, both Rex’s and Cody’s men were much quieter than usual. It had hitthem hard, the whole deal. Being betrayed by their general, by a jedi, and bytheir own obedience to the hierarchy. None of them was to blame, that was whatRex would think most of the time, but at the same time, they were all to blame,and that particular thought would hit him late at night while he struggled toclose his eyes and go to sleep.
Cody didn’t seem to be muchaffected. He kept doing his job, taking care of his duties and answering togeneral Kenobi’s calls to new missions. Thisis how it was, Rex had thought, therewas no time to sit and wallow in guilt. There was a job to be done, a war to bewon, orders to follow. Move on, you kriffing sod, even Fives seems to be backto his old self. It was a lie and he knew it, but it had to be enough.
One particular night, Rex woke up tothe sound of low voices whispering in the dorms. He was about to groan anannoyed “shuddup”, for this had been one of his few successful attempts atsleeping when he recognized Jesse’s voice.
“C’mon, Kix, snap out of it.”
Then he heard Kix’s out-of-breathmurmuring in the pitch-black room.
“All that blood… Was like I was backthere again… Trying to fix what was left of him… Trying to stop the bleeding…”
“C’mon, man, it was a nightmare… Goback to sleep, you’ll wake up the captain.”
Rex got up silently, climbing down his top bunkbed. As he got his feet on the ground, he heard Five’s voice in the dark, fromthe lower bed.
“Don’t go too hard on Kix, sir. I’m sure he didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Rex frowned. So Fives wasn’tsleeping either.
“I won’t. Just need some fresh air.Go to sleep, soldier, we have assignments in the early morning.”
“Yessir.”, Fives had answered in atired voice, and only he could make the phrase sound like a fuck off so effortlessly.
Rex waked softly between the bunkbeds, listening to the sounds he knew so well and noticing the absence of somehe knew he’d never hear again. Hardcase’s snoring was amiss, as well as Dogma’ssoft sleep-talking. Rex had had a request placed for Dogma’s release fromCoruscant’s custody, and general Skywalker’s personal friend, senator Amidalahad promised to aid in his trial. Despite the whole thing looking like treason,Dogma had killed an enemy, not a jedi general. That… that sleemo, Krell, he wasa separatist or a Sith, or whatever the kriff the Jedi would address theirdark counterparts. Dogma merely had the guts to do what Rex couldn’t, and Rex was proud of him in the same measure that he was ashamed of himself.
By the time Rex snapped out of hisconjectures, he noticed that his legs had carried him to the 212th quarters, more precisely totheir break room, where he’d occasionally meet up with Cody and even Bly – theyall agreed that the only decent coffee in the whole Coruscant base was the212th, and Bly himself suspected that maybe general Kenobi was the one behind the mysterious brew. Apparently, the jedi were fond of brewing hot drinks and had the whole patienceit demanded. General Skywalker had made coffee for Rex once. Only once. Tookhim a month to get the taste off his mouth, so strong it was. Hardcase was almost vibrating in the same spot after he drank the thing.
The break room is as it should beat… Rex checks his wrist screen. Kriff, almost three in the morning. No wonderall the lights are out, except… he squinted at the pale blue light coming fromthe corner table, which source was a holo-vid being watched by a clone dressedin the plain black undergarments they would wear under their armors, the sameones Rex was wearing. He recognized his scar.
Cody clamped his hand over theholo-projector on the table, muffling the voice that came out of it and clearing his throat.
Rex flicked just one of the lightswitches, enough to turn only two light panels and bathe Cody in the softyellow light. He walked inside.
“Still up?”
Cody still had his hand on the tableblocking the holo-projector.
“Yeah. Looks like you are too.”
“Yeah.” Rex nodded at theholo-projector “Late night assignment?”
Cody looked at his own hand beforepressing it against the object, turning it off.
“Something like that.” he pulled hishand away and looked at the thing as if it was a bomb about to go off “And whatbrings you to the 212th building? Did general Skywalker brew your coffeeagain?”
Rex let a soft laugh out of hisnose.
“I wish bad coffee was the thing keeping me up.”
Cody nodded grimly.
“Me too.”
Rex walked to Cody, sitting besidehim instead of in front of him across the table. Sometimes you just don’t wantanybody looking at your face while you were wrestling your demons, but having awarm shoulder against your own could help. Rex could do that. Sometimes he feltlike he could do anything for Cody, and that very thought scared the kriff outof him most of the time.
Cody, however supported his elbowson the table and cradled his head in his hands, letting out a sigh. Rex kepthis eyes straight ahead in order to allow him some space and not make thingsawkward.
“You okay, Cody?”
“Fine.” Cody groaned “Perfect. Justkriffin’ peachy.”
Rex didn’t say anything. They allshared the same snarky sarcasm, some of them more then others. Kamino knows howmuch Dogma likes his witty remarks. Sometimes Rex thinks about how it would probably be better for them ifthey had someone to talk to. The senators had their advisors, the jedi hadtheir masters, their council. But the clones had no one to talk to. No one toask for advice or guidance in dark times like this one. They had to get up andmake it on their own. Everyone wanted advice from commanders like Cody, Bly,Fox, Wolffe or even Rex himself, and they were happy to provide guidance totheir men, from the highest ARCs to the lowest shinies. But nobody would giveadvice to Rex and the others. They were expected to just know everything. Rexglanced at Cody without turning his head to him. Well, maybe if they could helpone another…
“What happened? Can I help?”
“No.” Cody answered sharply
“Maybe General Kenobi could…”
“There’s nothing the general can doabout this.”
“Well, there must be something…”
“Will you shut the hell up already?”
Cody had lifted his face up again,closing his hands in fists. Rex try to act unimpressed, despite his knowledgeof how difficult it was to get on Cody’s bad side, so his short temper at thismoment was odd at best. He lowered his voice.
“Look, I know you must be feelingbad over what happened in Umbara.”
Cody slammed his fists on the table,not too hard to give out anger, but a calculated nuisance.
“I told you I’m okay.”
“As okay as I am.” Rex replied,finally turning to face him “Talk to me, Cody, tell me what’s going on.”
Cody turned to look at Rex, baringhis gritted teeth and snarling.
“That kriffin seppie, that… that…” it waslike Cody couldn’t find a cursing bad enough to describe who Rex already knewhe referred to “Krell. What he did. I can’t understand it.”
Rex looked deep into Cody’s browneyes that were filled with anger and sighed.
“I can’t either. I don’t think weever will.”
Cody half-shook his head, his facetwisting in revulsion.
“We use to joke about how many of ourmen would survive if we ever were to have them fight against each other.”
Rex closed his eyes and it was as ifhe had been punched in the gut.
“We used to joke about it, Rex.”
Therewas a raw horror in Cody’s voice that made Rex feel like cradling the commander in his arms, but he tried to keep his tone cool and even.
“We never meant it. Huh?” Rex saidas he placed his arm on the table “We never did. It was a joke. It’s not ourfault.”
Cody grabbed Rex’s arm in a tightgrip, speaking between clenched teeth:
“Then whose fault it was?! We ledour men there, Rex. We let it happen. I… I got Krell’s orders for shooting tokill at men with the 501st armor and I just sent my men out there to blasttheir brothers dead. I… I shot some of my brothers dead. If you hadn’t found it out… It could’ve been you or me.”
Rex didn’t particularly like todwell in any thoughts regarding how close they’ve gotten to killing each otherin Umbara. He didn’t know how Cody would feel about killing him, but Rexthought that if he were to find Cody dead by his blaster fire, he’d shoothimself dead right then and there.
“And then” Cody let go of Rex’s arm,reaching for the holo-projector “then I get this…!”
He clicked the thing and a blue-huedprojection of Cham Syndulla showed up in front of them. It was clearly arecording, playing on loop. The general’s voice said:
“…to thank you for your continuoussupport to the people of Ryloth. As a parting question, I must ask where is theclone trooper known as ‘Waxer’. A little girl to whom your troops provided aid during yourfirst time in Ryloth misses him terribly, and her parents yould like to see himagain too. This should be all, commander. We will speak again soon.”
The projection began repeatingitself again and Cody clicked it off. His hand was shaking on top of the table.
“My men” he said, and his breathingwas hitched “said that you witnessed his death. That you were there with him.”
“How was it?”
“His death? How do you think? Likeany other kriffing casualty, quick and horrible and meaningless.”
Cody still held Rex by his arm sotight Rex thought it would bruise but he couldn’t care less about it.He reached for Cody with his free hand, grabbing his other arm as Cody now wore an anguished expression on his features.
“Meaningless. That’s what we are forthem, we don’t mean anything, we’re pawns, war fodders, disposable tools, and I’m supposed to puta smile on my face and tell my shinies to march forward to their deaths,fifteen year olds, I think Kamino is pulling them outta their tubes earlier andearlier each day.” Cody’s eyes were welling up with tears and he lowered his face “Andnow I have to tell a kid that the trooper she used to call ‘brother’ is dead, killed by hisown brothers’ blaster fire, and I’m sick of losing men, sick of training them andwatching them grow and make me proud to then be cut in half by some maniac’slightsaber or something like that, I’ve had enough, Rex, when is this nightmaregonna be over…!”
Rex pulled Cody into his arms, andCody wrestled him for a few instants before giving in and hugging the captaintight and sniffling. For a man big as he was, Cody now felt small like a young recruit.
“That’s it, that’s it. get it allout. Shh.” Rex cooed, caressing the back of Cody’s head. Cody’s shoulders werejumping very softly in small sobs, and it made Rex want to cry. It was so weirdseeing Cody allowing himself to have emotions, the mighty commander of the 212th that would never lose his temper on anything. “I’m here for you. I’ll alwaysbe here for you. I love you, Cody.”
Cody’s voice was muffled againstRex’s shoulder.
“I love you too. I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.”
Cody pulled away from Rex justenough to look at him and there, so up close to him, red-eyed and exhausted,with his eyelashes wet with tears and the arabesque scar Cody had never seemedso beautiful to Rex. Before he could understand what he was doing, Rex closedhis eyes and pulled Cody into a kiss. Cody had gone rigid for a moment to thenwrap his hands around the back of Rex’s neck, smashing his lips harder againstthe captain’s. It felt like the world was spinning around for Rex, and he onlypulled back when he was positively breathless. While still trying to catch hisbreath, he pressed his forehead to Cody’s. The commander of the 212th still hadhis eyes closed, and Rex whispered softly:
“You don’t have to endure this onyour own. We don’t have to.” He ran a thumb over Cody’s cheek “I’ll be here foryou, Cody. That’s all I want, if that’s okay with you.”
Cody opened his eyes, lifting themup and looking at Rex through his dark eyelashes.
“Yeah…” he muttered to then swallowhard “That’s okay with me.”
“We’ll be okay. We’ll find our wayout of all of this.”
Cody nodded and, for a moment right then and there in that dimly-lit room, that almost sounded true.
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