#it’s my time capsule post lol
luciesartblog · 3 months
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2014 ~ 2024
10 years apart! 10 years exactly from the first upload, in fact! 2014 was a big year for me in a lot of ways, and this drawing has always felt like a time capsule of that era because of how much I experimented with it - I have never been one for drawing backgrounds, any time I do one feels like a momentous achievement, frankly - and how proud I was of it at the time. Apologies for the repetitiveness of the redraws, but they’re genuinely very cathartic and are pulling me out of a pretty serious slump.
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
"grown up friendship is so hard" -- true BUT it has the added benefit of adults being genuinely excited to reconnect after long periods without contact. sure it's easier to make & keep friends in the vacuum of young adulthood, but now i can pretty reliably hit up friends from past eras of my life like "hey im in your city! it's been two years since i last texted, but do you wanna grab coffee?" and once you get past the first awkward five minutes you remember that you know each other and fall back into a rhythm. that's cool! and something you can only experience by getting older.
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something a little silly
(he's not actually angry at the "drugs" thing, just busy trying not to die)
oh i almost forgot
transcript of my bad handwriting:
Page 1 Panel 1: 2013, 1:38 pm (sfx: DING DING DING)
Panel 2: 9th period, 1:40 pm
Peter's internal thought bubble: "Oh shit my meds"
Panel 3:
Student 1: Hi, Mr. Parker!
Peter: mm-hm
Panel 4:
Student 1: Mr. Parker? Hello?
(Student 2: Huh?)
Panel 5:
Peter: Hm?
Student 1: What are those, tic tacs?
Student 2: No, he's doing drugs!!! (In class!)
Text pointing to Peter's hand holding his pills says "PTSD medication"
Peter: HKFGH (choking noise)
Page 2:
Panel 1:
Student 1: Are you okay?!
(Student 2: oh fuck)
Panel 2:
(sfx: WHEEZE)
Peter: It's not DRUGS!
Panel 3, Peter cont.: Well, I mean, it is drugs, but it's prescription—it's medication. OK?
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meii-jasmine · 1 year
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I’ll honestly be shocked if you remember me or this picture but I’ve been having a huge Zelda nostalgia trip for the past few months and just had to reach out to you when I discovered you have a Tumblr.  This is the very first picture I posted to deviantart 10 years ago, and the comment you left on it welcoming me into the fandom has stuck with me ever since as one of my happiest online memories.  My account (IndependantArtist) has long since been deactivated but I have so many fond memories of your art and fanfics about Vaati and Gufuu and everyone else.  You and so many other artists like Ferisae and LileahWest were a huge inspiration to me and I just wanted to say thank you for the happy (and admittedly quite edgy XD) times <3
( submitted by @1caru )
Howdy there!!
First off, I’d like to thank you for reaching out! Oh my GOSH the nostalgia really hit REAL STRONG with this one!!! I think I do have vague memories of this, sadly very vague and fuzzy, but I am so touched to hear that!! Words can’t describe just how happy I was seeing and reading this in my inbox. Seeing your art now, it’s just such a lovely feeling seeing how much you’ve improved through the years too!! So glad you stuck around.
You’re very welcome! And thank you very much as well for making my day with this!!! Hahaha. Man those were some edgy times, but hey I guess it makes for the memories and really does make facing the present and the future all the more meaningful! <33
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mer-se · 5 months
“I remember ‘chasing storms’ with you and your mother” :’)
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penname-artist · 1 year
The other day I observed something I hadn't looked at in a bit: my old 'Emergency' series. It was finished a while back, at the end of 2021. And something I realized, while going through it and reposting chapters to Wattpad (just to say it's available in multiple places), is that the me who wrote it was...very different from the me looking at it today.
Specifically, I was a very angry person before I finished that series.
I was mad at the world and at God for a lot of things. A lot of losses, a lot of mistakes. In a sense, Emergency was the fic that I poured my heart into to drain it of those emotions. I grieved through writing a series. And since I've finished it, I haven't written nearly anything quite so dark. Smuttier, definitely, but never anything quite so big, or so painful. Let me remind you that Emergency is a series that includes character murder, other character death, kidnapping, characters bleeding out, active shooters, ghosts, possession, and a lot of extremely emotion-heavy scenes. It was a swan song of its time, but it was no lighthearted story. I dropkicked my grief into it, and it does show.
Which is what makes the separation between the then and now so weird to me.
I do still grieve my losses and my missteps, but not nearly as often, and not nearly as strong. They happen more often like waves, not like whole storms. Even right now, I already know as we barrel through July that I'm getting closer and closer to a time period full of heavy reminders: that it's been two years now since I was forced to remove myself from a server and group of people I was unable to be around safely anymore. Two years is a lot of time, and it still feels like I blinked and it was all gone. So yeah it's going to get heavy again, I'm almost certain that it will, but, somehow, I know I'm going to get through it. I've gotten through every other anniversary date so far, in the threeish years since my first major incident occurred.
Fics still poke through that you can tell have a heavy emphasis on my emotional state. It's one of the best and safest ways I've found to feel my emotions without the need for someone to hear me through it. Emotions are messy, and I don't like leaving them in the hands of others if I can help it. But through the metaphors of Blade and Nick going through a breakup, or Cabbie finishing the job of a horrible person in his childhood, or running away to a new life and a new beginning on a train car, there is a sense of draining those remaining heavy emotions and clearing out the dust and clutter to make room for more important things, and it's helped me immensely to regulate myself in a healthier way.
I'm not the person I was a few years ago, and I'm continuing to grow and change and toss out a few more old things. And I know I have proof of that growth, too. I deleted old messages, songs, poems of 2021. I got rid of some reblogged posts I didn't want to keep up anymore. I reworked my strategies and I'm using a whole manner of effective blocking measures, and trying to learn some better coping mechanisms when I come across names or faces or triggers or anything that will eat at me if I let it. And Emergency is finished. My God that fic is finished. I don't even want to look at it anymore because it's like a time capsule lost to time, it's so messy I would never have the time nor energy to readapt it to the present. It's okay, I've got a lot of new things that are coming out that have just as much significance for their own time periods.
Anyways thank you for indulging with me in this self-reflective spiel of mine. If you've been around for any number of time you've probably grown used to me doing these lol. They're fun to make and discuss. Human adaption and internal evolution is so wild. And it's so cool to observe.
So yeah there's all that. Have a good Thursday folks, and til the morrow.
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yellobb · 2 years
Yellobb’s Year In Review
I definitely stole the idea to make this shortened and not as ugly, so thank you Em and Raen for that 😆
I posted 1,900 times in 2022
That's 749 more posts than 2021!
126 posts created (7%)
1,774 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,305 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#the simon snow series - 339 posts
#simon snow - 286 posts
#baz pitch - 245 posts
#toh - 213 posts
#snowbaz - 205 posts
#the owl house - 203 posts
#m rambles - 103 posts
#toh spoilers - 94 posts
#hunter toh - 73 posts
#current events - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i didn’t make either simon or baz a vscode user in my fic because you only find vscode after you’ve healed internally and they haven’t lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My Simon Snow birthday art, where I screwed up and gave the last Simon a random age instead of looking up how old he really is
118 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
That post about how 40k words is classified as a novel got me thinking: how many people in the Simon Snow fandom have written not only a novel, but a longer novel than the source material?
Please note that, while I could probably get the data for what authors have written more than one/all of the books composite, this is mainly focused on the lengths of individual works. I used the Carry On fandom tag on AO3 for searching, since the Simon Snow and related fandoms tag has one fic that would place, and it’s a Fangirl fic, not a Simon Snow fic and AO3 is where most of the fics seem to be posted anyway.
This post is too long and I tagged too many people, so shortening it for y’all
180 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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Based on this reel I saw the other day that immediately screamed Simon and Baz
(Click for quality)
209 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Thinking about how viscerally affected I was watching Kate in Don’t Look Up. How she is the only one who shows the very human reaction of being furious that people are making light of this thing that will be everyone’s doom at the beginning, but is essentially written off as being too emotional and “crazy”. How throughout the entire film this brilliant astronomer who LITERALLY DISCOVERED THE FUCKING COMET is discredited and ostracized for being just a tiny bit upset about everything and made out to be an idiot that no one should listen to. How she chooses to grit her teeth and bare it, but it blows up in her face because she still isn’t acknowledged. How she continues to try with all her might to save everyone until there’s no other way, but she still fails because there’s just too many forces working against her. How even when she doesn’t give a shit anymore because she’s just so tired of being pushed down she still cares so much, she just has to come to terms with the fact that she tried, and maybe that wasn’t enough, but that’s all she could do.
431 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Eldest AFAB sibling, queer, neurodivergent, former gifted kid, perfectionist culture is curling up in a ball and sobbing at all three of the Madrigal siblings’ solos
436 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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anarchofeedism · 2 years
PSA: as i'm noticing that i'm starting to reblog a lot of non-feedist stuff lately, i'm gonna start tagging these posts "blog"
thank you
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lifenconcepts · 9 days
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universestreasures · 2 months
@shachou Sent: The caretaker muse vibes ... sentence starters (Accepting)
"You're enough. You've always been enough." (For Mokuba)
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The shout from the boy echos loudly, so loud everyone outside his room could hear. Admitting failure was something that Mokuba hated as much as his brother. It was one of the things they had in common as people who took pride in what they care about and work hard on. However, it was for his very pride that felt such frustration and anger at himself, enough for him to swipe all the sealed capsules off of his desk and onto the ground of his bedroom.
The younger Kaiba felt disgusted with himself, thinking back on his past actions. What was the point of being a champion or having a high Capsule Rank if he only won through underhanded means? Where was the pride in a victory like that?
His focus back then was to improve his gaming skills to get his brother to notice him. He was well aware of that. But in the end, that got him nothing but punishment and rejection, no doubt making him appear worse in the eyes of his elder brother.
Until now, he hadn't any time to process these feelings. Mokuba had been focusing on taking care of his brother when he was in his coma, after all. Now that they were both back to a sense of normality (one that he was still trying to adjust to), he was able to finally tackle this emotional weight he had been repressing for over half a year.
And he wasn't handling it well if his little tantrum swipe was any indication.
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"Ugh, I hate myself for being so fucking pathetic!" He slams his fists against his now clear desk, the agitation in his voice clear as day. "If I was so good as I claimed to be, then I wouldn't have needed to rely on cheating to win all my tournament games! Not to mention, even with cheating, I still lost to Yugi! Twice!"
Losing to Yugi was the wake-up call he needed, and he'll always be grateful to him for that. However, that didn't erase the shame he felt with himself for how low he stooped. To even call himself a 'real gamer' felt undeserved.
"This just proves it. I'm not good enough! I'm not good enough at Capmon! I'm not good enough at contributing to Kaiba Corporation! I'm not good enough to be Nii-sama's...!"
He then hears the door open, the noise quickly stopping his words in his tracks. Mokuba lifts his head to face the person who had entered the room, purple eyes now meeting the cobalts of his elder brother. What was he doing here? And more importantly, how much did he hear of the boy's cries?
"N-Nii-sama..." Mokuba's tone of shaky breath conveys his panic as if he was anticipating a scolding. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell like that! I was just...!"
"You're enough. You've always been enough."
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"Huh...?" It took him a minute to register what Seto just said, for never did the boy expect such words to come from his mouth "I...I don't understand..."
He was truly at a loss for words. Not only because of what those words meant (ones he struggled to agree with considering everything), but also because it was his brother who was saying them. When was the last time his brother encouraged him like this? Back at the orphanage, right? Those days seemed so far away now, the days when his brother was his biggest supporter.
"Why would you say that? I mean...all I've done is prove what you said back then is true. That I'm...I'm just a loser who isn't worth the time of day or his big brother's faith."
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Sometimes, going through my likes is depressing because it's just full of bloggers who haven't been active in years, when it comes to the Queen fandom 😞
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i kinda don't wanna write a fic if it's only gonna get like four notes max when i post it. tbh.
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I finally own this album on vinyl! I got into Skinty Fia over December, while reckoning with my new home in Seattle. For me it captures the feeling of moving to a new place and struggling to find something you call home there. Alienation and adjusting to the new
my favorite three songs:
Bloomsday - leaving what you love behind; ironically reminds me of returning to the Bay Area over winter and the trek that involved
Roman Holiday - trying to become familiar with/at home in a foreign place; reminds me of overcast skies common to Seattle
The Couple Across the Way - feeling both familiar and alienated within an environment you've known for a lifetime; feels like returning to the Bay after the end of Fall quarter
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honeypawsart · 10 months
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"Hi, my name is Dr. Johnny B. Ohnn. No, not the Ohnn you're thinking of. I'm from an alternate dimension (EARTH-0164). If Johnathon Ohnn didn’t become The Spot because of the supercollider explosion, but rather just accidentally dropped the dark matter capsule. Causing a slow spread of dark matter to corrupt his body over time. That's me."
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Dr. Johnny B. Ohnn is an ex-Alchemax lead scientist who designed and began the creation of the Supercollider. On the day of the funding ceremony for his project, he accidentally dropped a canister of dark matter he extracted from a mini-collider test model, which he was to use as a demonstration for the presentation. The dark matter painfully spread to several portions of his body. However, instead of support after his accident, he was ridiculed by his respected friends and coworkers for being so clumsy and unprofessional. "Butterfingers" was a common yet silly thrown at him afterward. Johnny quit his job out of frustration, turning on the Alchemax company to make them pay for his deformities... using them to his advantage.
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Johnny is generally very grumpy. This is due to his dark matter deformities being very uncomfortable. It feels like burning, itching, and chronically painful to deal with daily. The black spots feel void of sensation however, it's the white areas that hurt him the most. He uses cold water showers and drinks to help soothe the pain. The dark matter corruption on his body feels like jello, memory foam, or oobleck to the touch; it's solid at first but things can sink into the nothingness void.
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The corruption is relatively slow, and by the time he's 41 years old, he's 80% corrupted. At this point in time, although he's still clumsy as ever, he's more confident in his ability to use his powers to his advantage. He adopts the nickname "Milky Way" then (based on another popular chocolate bar candy).
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Johnny also has a pet shrimp named Shrimptin Beck. Later on in his isolation, he builds a functional Mysterio robot suit for Shrimptin to move around and help with his crimes. They sort of have a "Megamind & Minion" relationship haha
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Johnny B. Ohnn is not a huge fan of his dimension's rendition of Spiderman. Her name is Lucky Charm, and is the exact polar opposite of Butterfingers. But you know what they say about "opposites attract" ;)
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Earth-0164 Spider-Man, aka Lucky Charm! Works at the Trophy Bugle casino part-time! The rest of her time is spent saving their city using their very luck-driven superpowers! On their off days, Gwen Amber (lol yes that is my actual first and middle name, cringe is free) works as a regular employee at the Trophy Bugle Casino, owned and run by J. Jameson who HATES Lucky Charm for potentially ruining his business. Butterfingers ended up hitting up a casino after his accident- he always loses and gets frustrated with the hosts and that’s how he and Lucky Charm meet the first time, but she INSISTS on trying to make him better outside of work so they sort of get close as they teach him ya know?? Meanwhile, he doesn’t even realize that out of all the hosts at the casino, the one he happens to bump into is the hero he should hate for being against his motivations.
✮ ✮ ✮ That's all I have for now in the Earth-0164 canon!! I hope you guys enjoy this sort of long, info-dumpy post! He also has an official Spotify Playlist! Fan art is 100% welcome of Butterfingers. I also don't mind if you draw yourself/oc with him. Just please realize some boundaries with him. I will not tolerate any sort of "proship" art of him with any underage characters, since he is an old man (36-41 years old). He's very special to me, so please be respectful about that!
He's also my OC, so please tag me in any posts of him as well! He has a tag on all socials as #butterfingersohnn as well! All fan art is uploaded to his toyhou.se page.
That's the end!! Thanks for reading :D
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hooked-on-elvis · 8 months
How did Elvis took care of his awesome hair? 🚿🍃
Plus, a quick overview on one of the King's hairdressers and Memphis Mafia man, Larry Geller: How somewhat he was the friend Elvis needed and how Elvis' over-controlling inner circle banned Geller from their surroundings for a while.
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I was actually looking if I could find Elvis' haircut name - precisely the type of haircut he had on the '68 Comeback Special and "Charro!" (1968), since I'm a girl and I have zero idea about the names for male haircuts but I just love that haircut he had so much I wanted to talk about it... anyway. But I found an article about Elvis' hair care routine and that sounds very interesting to me, so it might be something you wanna know too.
This is told by Larry Geller, so this means this was Elvis' hair routine starting from mid 60's on, precisely from 1964 to 1967, and possibly also from late 1972 to 1977 *, periods in which Larry was responsible for taking care of the King's hair.
Geller, who will be launching his own line of organic hair products later this year, tested out some of his first custom mixes on Elvis. “I used to go to the health food store and get a benign base shampoo and get some vitamin capsules and pour 99 percent pure aloe vera and other herbs into it, and shake it up,” Geller tells Yahoo Beauty. “That’s what I used on Elvis’ hair. He said to me, right from the get-go, ‘You can do whatever you want with my hair, but one thing — make sure I keep it!’” Source: Yahoo Beauty: Elvis Presley’s Hairstylist Spills the King’s Secrets by Lilit Marcus. The article was shared on a Graceland's website on January 28, 2014.
Elvis, you're the best, man. LOL. Just that comment is worth this entire post. It made me laugh. But the article goes on.
Then there was the daily routine. “I shampooed his hair regularly, usually every day. I would massage his scalp for a few minutes, then brush his hair at least 50 or 60 strokes. I was focused on long-term health of his hair, which was so important,” Geller explains. He also used products like vitamin E and jojoba oil to style Elvis’ hair and replace conditioner. Hairspray was used to set it, with Geller alternating multiple brands so that none of them would dry out Elvis’ coif too much. As for its color, Geller dyed Elvis’ hair every two to three weeks with a L’Oreal formula. What did the two men discuss during all that grooming? Religion, philosophy, books, life, and anything else you can think of. “Elvis had everything,” says Geller. “He was an extraordinary human being. He had the greatest eyes, the greatest voice, fans galore. He also had great hair.”
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Elvis in "Frankie and Johnny" and "Spinout", both 1966 movies.
Larry Geller styled Elvis’ hair for: "Roustabout" (1964), Girl Happy (1965), Tickle Me (1965), Harum Scarum (1965), Frankie and Johnny (1966), Paradise, Hawaiian Style (1966), Spinout (1966), Easy Come, Easy Go (1967), Double Trouble (1967), and Clambake (1967). Geller prepared Elvis’ hair for the last time for his funeral in August, 1977.
Elvis' hair must have been so good smelling and soft. Washed every day, organic products to make it smooth and shiny as it was. 🫠🥹
Now, if you want to understand why there's a pause in Larry's association with Elvis, here it is:
On March 9, 1967, Elvis was staying in him home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, and one incident (Elvis tripped over a TV cord in his bathroom and banged his head against a porcelain bathtub) caused the beginning of the production for the movie "Clambake", for which he was preparing to, to be postponed. Colonel Parker was fuming when he heard about the need for Elvis to take a couple of weeks of resting to recover from the mild concussion he had. It was a critical moment in Elvis' life. By the time the filming begun, Elvis even put up some weight from his normal 170 lb (77 kg) to 200 lb (91 kg) — I said it before, whenever this happened to Elvis' body it was because he was extremely distressed. He was an emotional eater.
Getting back to the accident, Parker even thought Elvis did it on purpose not to fulfill his Hollywood commitment since Presley clearly was not happy about his movies anymore, something Parker somehow blamed it on Elvis' spiritual quest. He pulled some strings to manipulate Elvis to remove Larry Geller from his inner circle by saying to him that all that spiritual thing was getting too much into his head, distracting him from his business obligations. If not enough Parker said to Presley that Larry Geller was brainwashing him because of some personal agenda he must have had in his mind — it's mentioned by someone, somewhere (i'm sorry, I'm not gonna remember where I've read it now) that Geller was planning on using Elvis' money to open a religious study center or something like that).
Basically, Parker thought Larry was a threat because if Elvis decided in throwing his career away, like some say he was by becoming a preacher, Parker would lose his most profitable and only client. Consequently all the religion and spiritual "shit" (as they called) that Larry Geller had put inside the King's head (as they thought), presenting him with many books and having deep conversations for hours with Elvis about several religious and spiritual subjects but not exclusively that, they also talked about meditation and self improvement as a human beings, astrology and so on, all of that was threatening Parker's plans over Elvis.
But Parker didn't make it on his own. Even Priscilla says in her memoir book that Elvis was obsessively reading non-stop and wanting to share his learning with everybody else, but his friends and herself didn't care about none of this self-improvement and religious talk. His inner circle even looked at Presley's spiritual quest as somewhat annoying, including Priscilla. Their thoughts about Larry Geller were something like "Larry changed his mind. Elvis is not spending time with us as he used to." Ugh!
Nobody actually told Larry to leave, tho, and Elvis wouldn't do such thing if he didn't have a good reason to - until this point Larry was a confidant to him, one of the only people he could talk about life and wonder what was God's plan for him, his true life mission, something Elvis would never cease trying to understand. However, Elvis' inner circle and Colonel Parker begun making Geller feel uncomfortable, unwelcome among the group, while they took Elvis' attention back to them, practically forcing Geller to decide to finally leave and go away for good, and he did it. But it was not something definite.
Many things happened in Elvis' life since Larry Geller and him went different ways but by August 1972, tho, Geller got back in contact in Elvis when he attended one of Presley's concerts in Las Vegas, and from then on Larry begins working for Elvis again, till the end of the King's life in 1977.
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therentyoupay · 1 month
Which of your last five works is your favorite/extra special to you?
you will make me choose between my own CHILDREN??? 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 💕💕💕💕💕 seriously, thank you for always asking such thoughtful and interesting questions to play with 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏
here are my last five works, from most recent (1) to least recent (5).
🌟 updated aug. 24 (today, lol): more than you know the first collab i've ever done with CO-AUTHORING!! i've done writing+art collabs before, like for not in so many words, which was our KRIS+XRIS super fun soulmate!au, but mtyk is my very first author-author collab (+AND ART/PRODUCTION lmao) and this would literally only be possible with a twin flame like @callimara, i literally could not imagine trying to take on (let alone accomplish!!) a project of this caliber with anyone else!! 😂😭✨ so, this one is extra special, for sure 💕
posted aug. 21st: only honor a very quick ficlet that i did not expect to write, and love, about dragonmother!elsa and astrid in a brotp!alliance ❄️🔥😂
🌟 posted aug. 17th: two homes a full-length one-shot that i REALLY did not expect to write, to answer the question of "how might elsa fall first, before jack?" this one is also so so special to me because it's been like, a solid 9 years since i sat down and wrote something like that all in one sitting, in a true, good, ol'-fashioned one-shot 🤣🌟
🌟updated. aug. 7th: snow globe i love this modern au that i created out of the prompt, "just say it," because i feel like it really represents the kind of genre that i'm most interested in reading at this stage in my life! i feel like each of my stories is, in so many ways, a time capsule of who i was as a person, and so i'm really especially loving this story on an emotional, intellectual, and creative level 💕 so that's extra special, too 🥺💕🌟
posted jun. 19th: uninvited another prompt-based ficlet, based on "Jelsa + office/workplace AU for 3 sentence fic please?" that i really loved writing!! 😭💕 writing quick little ficlets and micro-fic for askbox prompts can be so soothing and refreshing 😭💕💕
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