#it’s not even funny enymore
thatonepeppi · 4 months
gale dekarios from water deep from fartrune: i love my cat, cooking and chess! i love to read by the ocean and write poetry in my grand townhome in one of the largest and richest cities on the sword coast. and i have a great relationship with my mother. i am smart, witty, but also so so kind and genuinely caring, did i also mention i have self worth issues?
me: i want you. carnally.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 7 months
uhhh can I still ask for Riddle and or Idia be given the Four Sword somehow. The sword that can split the wielder into four aka FOUR RIDDLES AND OR IDIAS :D
So I went on google to research :'3
Found 2 interesting things.
This logo that looks like Idia's tablet logo
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2. This paragraph on the sword abilities
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dunno anything about Zelda games, but damn this was a miss
I bring these up, bc the first one seemed funny. The other one is something that I would like to actually use if we are gonna hypothetically gib these 2 the sword.
Now for the cases:
Riddle's case:
If he came to have the 4 sword, it would be Ace's nightmare. The 3 different Riddles I think would split from the original would be his most proeminent emotions. Riddle is a very emotional guy at the base, so I see the sword splitting that up in 3.
The 3 emotions I would think of are:
Anger(pray for Ace :'3)-in an orange-y fire palette. He has a much stronger attack than og Riddle, but his defence is little to none. His name would be Ro.
Sadness(this one doesn't do a lot since he cries so much)-Blue all the way for this one. His gimmick is that he's great at escaping and pushing away enemies, more versatile in situations that require terrain use. For the name, I fell on Remi.
Love(be it platonic or romantic, this one is a cuddlebug)- Very barbie-pink in terms of palette. This one is set on protecting everyone. not the best attacks, but an impeccable defense. As a name, his given one would be Riri, bc it sounds cute. :'3
Of course, being clones, they are dissapearing when og Riddle runs out of energy, but they are meant to complement each other and as such, making the og actually the versatile one.
For interactions, I see that Ro is very set on beating Ace up. Remi is just sitting in a corner and being all gloomy and sad, thus no one can actually do smth about it. And Riri is the peace-maker for either the Riddles or other people. He has that nice way of expressing affection, ya know. :v
Idia's case:
I bolded in Riddle's case that he gets split by emotions. Well, It's important here, bc unlike Riddle, Idia's clones resemble stages of his own life in terms of mentality. Baiscally, Idia's 3 clones are split by Idia's different views along time. Thus we have another kind of chaos, since these 4 can't see eye to eye enymore.
The 3 views I thought of are:
Innocence(the only happy guy I guess :'3)- This one stems from before the incident, thus is an Idia who always wants to go on adventures. A bit rushed, but he has the spirit, ya know? :'3 His primary collor would be bright purples, while his name would be Idy, bc if u know, u know U-Ub
Denial/Delusion(oh this one is difficult)- post the incident, thus this one is used to dissassociate and always deny bad things. For him, nothing bad ever happens, because he doesn't want to admit it. For a name, I came up with Ei, because it's short. Along that, his colors are always in tones of grey, despite his very 'outgoing' personality :v
Uncaring/Feral(a personal favorite)- Filter? wut that? This one has absolutely no shame or self preservation. Want to burn the school down? He's already doing it. A menace and he knows it. He just doesn't care about outside opinions anymore. WILL BITE TOO. Unlike the other 2, this one has different shades of green and even warpaint marks on face, bc why tf not??? He was names Dante, but everyone also reffers to him as public enemy no.1.
Ortho is always protected by every version of Idia. Althrough, the Idias themselves have a hard time getting a point across or getting to an agreement. They only agree on smth when it's for Ortho's sake. :'3
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cecii22me · 7 years
stranger things: high school kids
Shy and still boy in the classroom.
Best artist in the art club.
Work in a pub for help his family.
Problems with his overprotective mother, seriously mom I was possessed only one time!
He know everthings in the freking town, he even know when you stopped pissing in the bed so dont joke with he or his fiends.
Do you ever met that guy who is funny and friendly and everybody love him? That is Dustin.
animals are his fiends. he has a zoo in his home.
Girls love him! He is such a gentleman! Thank you steve.
Even bullys like him! He always help them with the difficult subjets and he´s hilarious.
But if they dont like him...
Well, just remember than he is a crazy scientific and he really like explosions.
Of curse he is in the science club.
Very good in history war.
knows how use a gun since he was 13.
Teachers always hear him becacuse sir nobody can argue with that boy and win.
 game boy and hacker of the city. security cameras are not a problem enymore.
leader of the audiovisual club.
He always break up and start again with the same girlfriend,do you guess who is the girl?
 She´s the queen of the high school however She´s a sport girl.
She´s very pretty but she don´t have many suitors because she, her family, her friends and her boyfriend are very scary, even if they don´t know.
She always is punished for something. This thing is  predominantly be much sassy with the teachers and figh with puncks with a baseball bat of nails. Calm down sir, I only want to scare them I really dont go to kill them.
I dont knows in te 80 there were female soccer teams, but if they dont have one, she found it.
Yes she is the girl, and the broke up are her fault, its nothing seurius but she´s very moody and this thing happen.
president of the student center.
Organize protest for enything who annoying him. Adults and he are´t the best friends.
His friends are in the best clubs of the school so he use their power to control the school.
Sorry girls, but this boy is alredy married.
What? She name is Jane? I thought that it was eleven. She is so mysterious than students only know her real name when her punk sister came to find her and called her jane. And WTF with her family?
The poor thing don´t do fine in her class. Lucky her, she has the smartest friends in the world.
Somethings shes a fashion girl, somethings is a punk girl and something she hasn´t got a style. All depens of her day.
Work in the same pub with Will and is not her fault when eggos disappear.
She dont have a club, but she is always ready for help her friends with something. 
bad and mysterious things happened to bad people who bother her friend or girs who watch very often at Mike.
The kids arent afraid from high school or bullies and they don´t need help for fight because they alredy saw heel and they survived. High School its a funny experiment.
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