#it’s refreshing to get a svsss ask so thank you!
mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from SVSSS? And why do you love them? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
Hello, a svsss ask! I do not mind at all 😊
Top 5 SVSSS Characters (the last three are not ranked):
Luo Binghe: what can I say, I love a character who suffers grievously trying to achieve what should be a fairly simple wish, only to be rewarded with it finally at the end
Shen Qingqiu: thought he was hilarious on my first read, but found him absolutely enthralling on my second because of how I was able to pick up on him consciously choosing to be a good person in this book with how he attempted to cope with this violent new world by trying to remain unattached but ultimately failing and changing the narrative because he is literally that good of a person
Liu Qingge: literally was always, always there when Shen Qingqiu needed him, fought Luo Binghe every day for five years and lost every time just for the chance to give sqq a proper burial; best shidi ever
Gongyi Xiao: he was just honestly such a sweet kid, and his death came so far from left field I thought it was a joke the first time I read it
Zhuzhi-lang: my precious cutey snake boy who I ALSO didn’t realize died until my second reread 😭😭😭 upon the reread, I’m pretty sure I like him for the same reasons I like lbh because they are practically the same character with only the slightest differences in their narratives and character arcs
Top 5 Favorite Moments:
The Marriage Extra where sqq is so excited to get married to lbh that he has them do it directly after lbh’s botched proposal—even though lbh spent so much time planning for a proper wedding 😭—then after they consummate it, him calling lbh “dearest husband” without any reason or prompting
The entirety of the Holy Mausoleum Arc when sqq finally learns how all of his conceptions of his version of lbh are wrong and that he’s been blaming lbh for things that other characters were actually doing
The fight between Zhuzhi-lang, sqq, and lbh where zzl is trying to remove the seeds from sqq’s arm, lbh is trying to kill zzl for touching sqq, and sqq is trying to keep everyone alive and not expose lbh’s presence to Tianlang-jun lmao
The argument at the inn about who gets to sleep in a room with sqq, only for sqq to take a single room for himself, forcing lbh and lqg to share (and then both of them avoiding the room like the plague LOL)
Every time sqq saw a vision (whether in the deep dream extra where he gets sucked into lbh’s memories of while he was dead, or when he revisits Shen Jiu’s memories that he did not have access to) of lbh suffering and his first instinct was to try to hug and comfort him, despite never being able to directly interact with lbh in them.
Bonus: the extra where they go back to the town with the skinner to investigate a haunting and lbh tries to hold sqq’s hand while sqq playfully dodges him, and they both acknowledge it as their form of flirting cause sqq loves playing hard-to-get
Most of these revolve around bingqiu as a couple, but I really love how much sqq loves lbh and the ways in which the narrative cleverly shows it since he’s prone to hiding this affection in his words
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namelessexistence · 3 years
Hi........if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (canon or non-canon)? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hi, sorry for not answering sooner.
I'll start with my favorite Canon couples
Wei Wuxian x Lan Wangji (MDZS)
MXTX invented romance when she wrote SVSSS, and perfected it when writing MDZS. The fact that WWX is my favorite character ever helps too. They are a perfect couple, I love them. Love them with their kids. Give them all the kids.
Luo Binghe x Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan
Are they problematic? Yes. But it's not like MXTX didn't notice some things LBH did were kinda messes up. It's a flawed and interesting relationship, but they truly care about each other so much. LBH is my second SVSSS character, and that "I hate myself for not being able to get anybody to stay" line always get me. And that Q&A extra is perfect, an underrated gem. I'll write a post about it someday.
Tianlang-Jun x Su Xiyan (SVSSS)
My third and fourth favorite characters from SVSSS. We didn't have much of them, but what we had was great. An ambicious, cold and ruthless human woman and a carefree, romantic and kind of naive Demon Emperor, how can someone not love it? The Demon Emperor acting as the classic, steryotipical, romantic young donzel, and the human acting as a Young heir from a rich family. She takes him to plays, buya gifts and essencially act as his sugar mommy. Love this dinamic. Also the teasing between them. Not to mention all the angst.
Michaela x Clarith (Evillious Chronicles)
The sad tree lesbians. The most wholesome relationship in EC. Do I need to say something else?
Amy Santiago x Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Yes, I'm aware of the problema of this show, but I still live their relationship. What's worthy to point out is the fact that I didn't ship until they actually got together. There wasnt anything special before, seemed really cliche that they would get together. But I love their dynamic when they're already together. Mostly because I was afraid it would fall into that trap where the writers doesn't know what to do with the couple and how to keep the story interesting, so.they start to include unnecessary love triangles, cheating, drama, and so on. Avoiding this made Peraltiago really refreshing
Zazzalil x Jemilla (Firebringer)
Rivals to lovers. My first Canon gay rivals to lovers. And both of them had valid points of view that seemed opposite, but actually needed each other to be complete
Lelouch x Shirley (Code Geass)
Yes, from all the girls who are romantic interests for Lelouch, I ship him with the most normal one. But It just gave me the vibe that Lelouch wanted to be with her. The tragedy is that he coudn't, even if she didn't die. She was part of a "normal" life that Lelouch had to gave up of in order to achieve his goals.
Now, for my fanon favorite ships
Gai x Kakashi (Naruto)
I talked about my love for Rivals to Lovers. But what about Rivals AND Lovers. Gai got close to Kakashi after Kakashi lost everyone he had loved, took him from that state of loneliness. And they were showed together at chapter 700, showing they remained close and that their relationship is important.
Sal x Larry (Sally Face)
Their friendship was precious and perfect. And, in my defense, they were not step brothers when I started shipping it. And I completly missed the HenryxLisa happening in the backround when I first played.
Sal x Travis (Sally Face)
I know, I know, the "homophobic bully is actually gay" is a cliche by now, and a problematic one. But there's some merit to the Idea of a gay teen being raised in a conservative family and being emotionally damaged for that. It's a thing that happen. Assuming that every homophobe is secretly gay is wrong and takes away the blame of the people opressing us, but internalized homophobia exist. And Travis was just a teen. Also, I'm soft to the Idea of Travis falling in love with someone who's kind, rather than someone who's atractive. I think a lot about that note he wrote.
Zuko x Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
I can't really explain, but I love this concept so much
Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown (DC comics)
My girls. I love them so much. Every scene of them together is a treasure. Their personalities match so well. Also, batfam is the best part of DC, and I won't hear any argument saying otherwise
Lapis Lazuli x Peridot (Steven Universe)
I loved their relationship living together,they were so cute.
Bruno Zero x Gallerian Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
I love them and I love them together. Bruno is underrated and Gallerian is my favorite from the seven sinners.
Lukana x Lilien x Rajih
They are in a Poly relationship and I'll die on this hill. I love the three of them traveling together trough the world and raising a child.
Xue Yang x Xiao Xingchen (MDZS)
Another messed up ship, but I can't help being captivated. XY feel for the first person who showed him kindness and that gives me feelings. There's Also this line from A-Qing
“They used to often night-hunt walking corpses, sometime in the past. Now it’s usually ghosts, animals that behave weirdly, and so on.”
XY did horrible things, I can't find the words to describe how twisted it was how he tricked XXC into killing inoccent people. But this line from A-Qing implies he stopped. On his own. That doesn't take his blame away, but it's worthy noticing. He stopped, he showed no signal that he would have told XXC the truth If SL had not showed up and A-Qing found out the truth. Even after killing SL, he seemed to have the intention to come
back to his pacific life, only when It was all already falling apart he told XXC the truth, but only after trying to get XXC to sympatize with him.
Liu Qingge x Original Shen Qingqiu/Shen Jiu
Rivals to lovers is great. All the misunderstandings that tainted their relationship. LQG judged quickly and SJ refused to fucking explain himself even when he really should. LQG saw the world in black and white, and SJ was too gray. LQG was absolutely loyal. Once someone has his loyalty, he would fight the most poweful being alive for that person. He would fight over and over, despite knowing the result. He would start a war with one of four great sects. And I'm sure there's nothing SJ would value more in a partner than someone who would never abandon him.
Original Luo Binghe x Original Shen Qingqiu/Shen Jiu (SVSSS)
I said in previous posts that I believe Bingge loved SJ and that they were originally meant to get together, before Airplane shifted the genre for money. But that's for it's own post. SJ is my favorite SVSSS character. And this ship has some much potential, to dark fics, to angst, to fix-it fics, there's variety.
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nyerus · 4 years
Hi, nyerus.....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Thank you so much for asking! I would love to! (Apologies for the delay, and also for how long this is lol....)
1.) Xie Lian: I could write forever about why I love him, but XL is just a really great character who subverted my expectations. He's gentle and compassionate, but also funny and snarky on the inside. His character arc is the classic hero's journey but told out of order. So we meet him when he's already wise and world-weary, then get to see what he was like before, and how he finishes his journey later on. He's extremely inspiring, to show that our choices and our actions are what make us, and ultimately no one can take those from us.
2.) Hua Cheng: This is no surprise! I also just adore HC for being a very intense character! He's completely devoted to XL and that zealotry is very unique in a character. He's 100%, not 50, not 75. While he has a lot of relateable aspects, this part of him is utterly fantastical, on the level only myth and fable can achieve--which tracks. After all, he isnt a Ghost King for nothing. In the story, he is the embodiment of the purest devotion, no strings attached.
3.) He Xuan: I actually like him for the same reasons as HC! He too is a walking fable, only instead of devotion, he represents vengence. (They're actually like foils of each other, which is quite neat.) I really adore his arc, and how murky his whole character is. It tells a cautionary tale of how sometimes, our worst enemy--the one who makes us most miserable--is often ourselves. SWD wronged him greviously, but HX's obsession with vengence ultimately prevented him from getting the peace and recompense he wanted in the end. Absolutely stellar storytelling.
4.) Mei Nianqing: While I often question his motives and methods, he is still a really good character. Caught between wanting to be a mentor and protector to XL, but still loving (platonically or romantically, that's up to you) JW. He's the only father figure in XL's life that actually took him seriously, even if he did have to come around to it. But ultimately, he was proud of who XL became even before he ascended. He was just terrified of XL drawing the attention of the one man he shouldn't--and did. However his belief in superstition and fear of Hong Hong-er also makes sense, even if it's sad. MNQ is also just a quirky and fun dude lol.
5.) Mu Qing: I really like how complicated and murky MQ's is in terms of his inner turmoil. I'm somewhat similar to him in the way he thinks, and it's real work not to make things worse for myself by expecting the worse. His background makes him naturally suspicious of... basically everyone, all the time, and it's honestly understandable. Ultimately, he does understand that you can't make assumptions about people's intentions by projecting your own insecurities onto them--which I think is something everyone can relate to. I really like his subtle journey of self-realization and self-forgiveness, and he ends up far better for it.
1.) Lan Wangji: I love the fact that LWJ was just so ready to Night Hunt himself to death upon the loss of his beloved. As you can tell, I really like complicated characters who have extreme traits, haha! That being said, I just also really like his stoicism and reliability.
2.) Wei Wuxian: Naturally, it's hard not to love WWX! He decided "yeah maybe the ends do justify the means" and went for it. To us, he is the hero. To the regular people of the world? Whose ancestors were dug up and disturbed to be used by the Yiling Laozu? His blackened reputation is not without cause! (Like... JGY literally has done more positive and helpful things for regular people than Wangxian, but those metas already exist lol.) Once again, his gray morality is what makes him so damn good, and can be debated at length!
3.) Jiang Cheng: JC gets a bad rep, but oh boy he doesn't make things easy for himself at all. However if I was in his position, I probably would be much worse off. He lost EVERYTHING, and still trudged on because there were people who depended on him. His hatred of the Wens also makes sense in the context that... that's often how humans react to and process extreme trauma. We find something to blame and *waves at literally every major conflict since the dawn of time.* (His rumored torture of innocent people due to that is reprehensible, of course, but given that MDZS is a book about how rumors can make or break someone's life... we should take that line with a grain of skepticism, much like all other hearsay.) He's not typically the type of character I like, but I found him really interesting to read.
4.) Jiang Yanli: I really love JYL, who decided to be the emotional backbone of her family from the time she was a child. It was an undue and extremely heavy burden to bear, but she did all of it without complaint. That's strength. I think many elder siblings can relate to her having to step up and be the third parent, when the actual adults fail at it.
5.) Wen Qing: I really like her arc in the novel, where she makes some of the hardest decisions anyone will ever have to make, over and over and over again. I don't typically love very "rough" characters, but she has ever right to be that way (and it makes sense for her character, and isn't just a tacked-on character trait like hair color or eye color in a CC), and honestly I want to marry her very seriously.
1.) Luo Binghe: Probably the most misunderstood main character of all of MXTX's works. LBH is neither truly a crybaby nor is he a ruthless maniac. He's right in the middle, in the valley of misanthropy. And yet, he knows just how to use his charisma to get his way. Cunning and devious, intelligent and ruthless. Meanwhile, he craves love and intimacy--something he could only ever dream of.
2.) Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan): Extremely refreshing to see an transmigrator know how to handle transmigration almost flawlessly. (Me reading/watching other works with this trope and wanting to tear my hair out at the protags = me sympathizing on a personal level with SQQ.) This also proves to be SQQ's fatal flaw!! His knowledge of the novel is both a boon and a obstacle to him, and prevents him from understanding the other characters as people until he lets go of his pre-conceived notions. And of course, his snarky as heck inner dialogue is amazing.
3.) Liu Qingge: I don't actually even know why I love LQG as much as I do. He's just neat.
4.) Tianlang-Jun: Honestly same goes for TLJ. He's just great though, and I have a blast reading about him. He wanted to see the good in humanity, and ultimately comes around after writing them off.
5.) Yue Qingyuan: He's a fascinating character. Harmless on the outside, but a quagmire on the inside. His love for Shen Jiu was quite... problematic, in that he saught forgiveness from SJ, without actually ever taking the time to understand him or to make amends. Patronizing and judgemental, yet willing to let SJ get away with literally anything because of his own unresolved turmoil, etc etc. Fascinating.
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