#it’s the only water sign in my entire chart
yuveenti-blog · 20 days
Astrology Observations: ☀️🏡 Sun In Houses ☀️🏡
Disclaimer: When exploring your sun's placement in the houses, you can utilize the Placidus System, but I personally find a stronger connection with the whole sign system. Choose the method that resonates with you the most. This marks the beginning of my house system series, starting with the sun. Following this, I will cover the moon, mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and finally Neptune and Pluto.
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Sun in 1st House: When your sun is positioned in the first house, the sign it occupies becomes particularly potent, amplifying its traits significantly. For example, an Aries sun will radiate Aries characteristics more intensely, exhibiting greater assertiveness and energy than usual. Similarly, a Taurus may display heightened stubbornness, while a Cancer could become even more defensive. This placement not only enhances the qualities of your sun sign but also influences your entire astrological chart, creating a dynamic interplay with your rising sign. If your rising sign competes with your sun, it can lead to a powerful yet potentially conflicting personality. For instance, an Aquarius sun in the first house may express more eccentricity and humanitarian traits than typical, while also appearing more detached and logical. This strong emphasis on your sun sign can create a dominant aspect of your identity, leading to feelings of empowerment or confusion as these energies interact. Ultimately, individuals with this placement often feel a strong urge to take action, with their emotional responses or ambitions driving their behavior.
Sun in 2nd House: When your sun is positioned in the second house, your personality tends to be more outwardly expressed. The qualities associated with the sign in this house become visible to others rather than remaining internal. For example, an Aries in this position will actively pursue their ambitions, showcasing their creativity through their career or hobbies. A Leo sun will radiate confidence, often dressing well and leading a vibrant lifestyle, while a Capricorn will demonstrate their ambition and discipline through tangible successes. A Pisces may express their artistic side, whether as a musician or an artist, and could also explore psychic abilities. A Libra, on the other hand, will likely be social, engaging in friendships, mediating conflicts, and advocating for social causes, illustrating how the second house brings these traits into the material world.
Sun in 3rd House: When your sun is positioned in the third house, your sun sign takes on a more intellectual and cerebral nature. This indicates that your experiences and perceptions are filtered through your mind. For example, an Aries in the third house may become more contemplative, often reflecting on their actions rather than acting impulsively. They might prefer to brainstorm and discuss their ideas rather than execute them, leading to a more cautious approach. Similarly, a Taurus may find themselves overthinking their aspirations, focusing on education rather than direct action. A Cancer, instead of intuitively processing emotions, may intellectualize their feelings, adopting a more analytical mindset. This mental activity can lead earth signs to overthink, while water signs may analyze their emotions. Fire signs might feel constrained by their thoughts, delaying action, and air signs could struggle to connect emotionally due to their excessive rationality.
Sun in 4th House: When your sun sign occupies the fourth house, your personality tends to prioritize security across various aspects of life, influenced by the specific sign. You may experience a strong urge to protect what you have, leading to a cautious approach towards risks, as you constantly evaluate how they might threaten your need for stability. For water signs, this can result in a reserved and shy demeanor, preferring the comfort of familiar relationships and hesitating to share emotions unless trust is firmly established. Fire signs may feel pressured to concentrate on a single idea rather than pursuing multiple spontaneous ventures, seeking stability through focused efforts. Earth signs often emphasize external success, ensuring their family's well-being and creating a balanced life free from struggle. Air signs might find it easier to communicate and express themselves within a close-knit circle, feeling more playful and creative in those familiar settings. Ultimately, for those with the sun in the fourth house, the overarching theme is the pursuit of security.
Sun in 5th House: When your sun sign is positioned in the fifth house, pleasure becomes a central theme in your life, driving your pursuits and experiences. For instance, an Aries in this house tends to embody a playful, almost childlike spirit, prioritizing fun over goal achievement, though their inherent ambition remains intact. In contrast, a Capricorn here may adopt a lighter approach, focusing more on enjoying life and celebrating successes rather than adhering strictly to their serious nature. Fire signs in the fifth house radiate energy and are often the life of the party, constantly seeking entertainment and enjoyment. Earth signs emphasize physical pleasures and the luxuries of life, while water signs are engaging and connect deeply with others, lighting up any room they enter. Air signs, on the other hand, are social and humorous, often thriving in comedic or internet-based environments.
Sun in 6th House: When your sun sign occupies the sixth house, your attention often shifts towards lifestyle choices and aesthetics. You tend to be an aesthetic individual, concentrating on curating a lifestyle that aligns with a specific aesthetic vision. These individuals typically seek a focused approach, avoiding scattered energy, and prefer to channel their efforts into a particular style or ideal life. They require a well-structured lifestyle rather than a spontaneous one, as they thrive on planning and order. For Aries, this can lead to a more concentrated energy, while Taurus may become meticulous about their appearance and health. Leos might aspire to be motivational speakers, embodying confidence, whereas Virgos seek an orderly existence. Capricorns focus on ambition and success, and Aquarians often engage in activism, making their sign's traits central to their lifestyle, ultimately emphasizing aesthetics and personal expression.
Sun in 7th House: When your sun sign is positioned in the seventh house, the sign that occupies this house significantly influences how your personality is perceived in social interactions. For example, if you are an Aries, you may not recognize your assertive or bold traits until others highlight them during interactions, as the seventh house can obscure your self-perception. This house reveals aspects of your personality through relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners, prompting a desire for self-discovery. A Taurus might find that their dedication shines through in their relationships, while a Gemini may express their creativity and intellect more vividly in conversations. Essentially, this house acts as a mirror, reflecting your traits back to you through your interactions, making it possible for you to see qualities in yourself that you might not initially acknowledge.
Sun in 8th House: When your sun sign occupies the eighth house, you possess an intrinsic drive to uncover the truth, resembling a detective who shuns superficiality. You resonate deeply with the essence of things, often feeling uncomfortable in shallow settings. For fire signs, this translates into heightened intuition and perceptiveness, leading you to engage deeply with others about your insights. Earth signs may find themselves drawn to strong spiritual beliefs, undergoing significant transformations throughout life. Air signs often emerge as deep thinkers and free spirits, perpetually seeking more knowledge and understanding. Water signs, too, exhibit profound intuition and introspection, diving deeply into subjects and accumulating extensive knowledge. Having your sun in this house enhances your conversational abilities, as you offer unique perspectives shaped by your explorations. However, you may also grapple with darker themes, including heartbreak and trauma, regardless of whether your sign is Leo or Capricorn.
Sun in 9th House: When the sun is positioned in the ninth house, individuals often adopt a belief-driven perspective on life, influenced by the sign residing in this house. Those with their sun here may have deeply entrenched belief systems, whether they are steadfast like a Taurus or more fluid like a Gemini. For instance, a Scorpio sun in the ninth house might exhibit a strong adherence to their beliefs, guiding their life choices, or they could be more open-minded and less secretive than typical Scorpios. This placement can lead to a strong need for a belief system or purpose, with signs like Aries and Leo feeling particularly driven to fulfill their life’s purpose. Additionally, these individuals may have a constant thirst for knowledge, seeking to deepen their understanding of their beliefs.
Sun in 10th House: When your sun occupies the tenth house, it illuminates your life, making it highly visible to others. You tend to stand out in social settings, often exuding a strong energy that captivates those around you. The sign in this house amplifies your public persona; for example, if you are an Aries, your assertive traits may attract job opportunities that require action and independence. Regardless of your other astrological placements, the energy of your sun sign in the 10th house will be the most noticeable aspect of your character. A Cancer sun, for instance, will radiate nurturing and emotional qualities, while a Leo sun may lead to fame and popularity due to its charismatic nature. Similarly, a Capricorn sun will command respect, and a Virgo sun will be recognized for its organization and discipline. Ultimately, having your sun in this position often drives you to showcase the strengths associated with your sign.
Sun in 11th House: When your sun is positioned in the eleventh house, it amplifies a collective energy within your sign. This means that your traits are more likely to shine when you are with friends or in larger groups, while they may be subdued when you are alone or in one-on-one situations. For instance, an Aries might not display their typical assertiveness when by themselves, but in a group setting, their energetic nature emerges. Similarly, a Libra's need for balance may only surface when they engage in community service, revealing their mediative qualities. Essentially, the energy of your sun is most vibrant in social contexts, making you more approachable and friendly, regardless of your sun sign. This influence encourages connections within various communities rather than personal relationships, suggesting that a Leo might thrive online or a Scorpio could find fulfillment in occult groups, highlighting the distinction between collective experiences and personal interactions.
Sun in 12th House: When the sun is positioned in the twelfth house, individuals often find themselves drawn to spirituality, with the specific sign in this placement influencing their spiritual journey. The twelfth house represents ascension, and those with this placement may struggle due to a profound inner drive to explore their true selves on a deeper level. Many people with this placement feel isolated and burdened by heavy energy, which can lead to confusion about pursuing their desires, as seen in a twelfth house Taurus, who yearns for success and luxury but lacks clarity on how to achieve it. The key to overcoming these struggles lies in self-discovery, allowing them to harness their energy effectively. Water signs in the twelfth house face particular challenges due to the emotional turbulence they experience, making it feel like they are swimming against a strong current. In contrast, Earth signs provide grounding, helping to establish control amidst the elusive nature of the twelfth house. Air signs may grapple with mental health issues due to the vast, often misunderstood mental landscape they navigate, leading to confusion and breakdowns. Fire signs, on the other hand, may experience a clash between their desire for action and the constraints of the twelfth house, creating tension in their pursuit of freedom.
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a-d-nox · 8 months
aphrodite (1388) persona chart observations (part 2)
welcome to my mini valentine's series on the goddess of love and beauty - this month 4 observations will be released regarding the aphrodite persona chart! all observations are in reference solely to aphrodite persona charts. these observations are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/ placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (these are not the only asteroids in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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♀ venus negatively aspecting anchises (1173) people tend to not flirt well? like its always over the top or not obvious at all
♀ venus-aphrodite (1388) people are very dominant in a room - they appear to be very comfortable in their skin, wear the perfect clothes for them, and tend to be confident in their skills surrounding charming others
♀ earth and fire mars people may be dominants, while air and water mars people are submissive; switches may have the mixture of these (see degree and sign)
♀ mars positively aspecting moon may indicate liking feminine qualities in a partner or liking a partner who is sensitive towards you and your needs
♀ mars-pluto people have REALLY high sex drives.
♀ people who can destroy a reputition with drama or gossip tend to have mars-mc or mars-pluto aspects
♀ mars-nn people with positive aspects may find they hook up with a lot of people, while negative aspects do not; they could be on a life journey to learn about levels of intimacy
♀ mars negatively aspecting poseidon (4341 / h47) people could lack authority/dominance in a relationship
♀ air and water jupiters are more likely to question their self-worth; especially, if aspecting the ruler of and/or being in the 8h and/or 12h
♀ water jupiters (this includes those with water degrees or aspects to the moon) tend to be the tate langdon of the chart group: "i would never let anybody or anything hurt you... i've never felt that way about anyone..."; your loyalty and promises run very deep into your person
♀ you may have great legs if you have sagittarius (9°, 21°) or capricorn (10°, 22º) jupiter
♀ jupiter-uranus people may experience fluctuations in their weight
♀ saturn negatively aspecting the moon may indicate feeling insecure over breast size; you could have been bullied for being "flat"
♀ people with saturn negatively aspecting the moon and/or venus tend to be the first ones who are ridiculed for betraying other feminines (could be through cheating, bullying, turning their back on them, not protecting them when they see injustice (i think of those social experiments where a guy takes a picture up a girl's skirt and then everyone around her just stands there without saying anything having seen the whole thing go down OR like serena joy holding down june in handmaid's tale), etc); the positive aspects tend to be the advocates and allies for women rights and justice
♀ saturn negatively aspecting venus and/or pluto could indicate shyness or insecurity over your yoni - i feel like these people are either like olivia from sex education where they think their yoni is ugly and/or they may be the type to cry / get stressed at the gynecologist's office because they feel ashamed or vulnerable in their chair
♀ saturn with negative aspects to mars, venus, and/or pluto may be in denial of their sexual preferences especially that of who their partner is or isn't (aka their character)
♀ saturn-neptune people tend to be comfortable naked, but i feel like there is slight over-awareness of clothing like a "does this look right on me?" type moments or "damn i should have worn a bra, i feel like everyone is looking at me" type deals
♀ saturn-pluto people either aren't satisfied with their sex life or they are rather kinky... or both
♀ saturn-aphrodite (1388) people may struggle with loving themselves or finding qualities they admire about themselves
♀ uranus-mc people are mass manipulators that can "brainwash" whole societies (steve jobs had a quintile between these two planets and now everyone is compelled to own his products - donald trump also has a quintile)
♀ uranus-hestia (46) people are often traditionalists who are opposed to divorce
♀ uranus-psyche (16) people could have some really twisted relationships in which no one knows who manipulated who
♀ pluto-poseidon (4341 / h47) people tend to be extremely lustful
♀ scorpio-influenced (8°, 20º) and/or neptune-pluto people can be super seductive and possibly are in the adult film industry
♀ cancer (4°, 16°, 28º) vertex and/or moon-vertex may indicate relationships with feminines or becoming a better person when emotional intimacy occurs in your relationships
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sakurapandadreams · 2 months
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
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This post indicates all the placements that can make one a good singer or one can end up have a good voice
However one placement cannot decide everything one needs to see an entire chart into consideration
Hi @xomoongirlxo here's the post you were asking for
When I have to notice such placements I tend to focus on 3 planets in particular MERCURY, VENUS & NEPTUNE. One rules communication the other artistic abilities and the last one mysticism. And that to me is a singer. Some even say Neptune is the higher octave of Venus which is even better.
🎹 Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius
Natives with this placement tend to be good at both singing and well as rapping. Be it hitting the high notes or singing a rap verse these people can do both. Highly talented individuals. Their also very good at writing lyrics or making catchy beats.
🎹 Earth or Fire Mercuries
These people just add so much energy to any song. When they write a song they uplift people with their lyrics. Dope lyrics and dope songs. I feel they also have good voices more like chill voices. Also good at singing party songs.
🎹 Mercury conjunct Neptune
These people really have the ability to heal through their voices like they could be singing a song that's really sad yet it would somehow make you feel calm as if someone is listening, as if they understand you and your troubles.
🎹 Water Descendants
For this one I would be honest I've seen many celebrities charts which have a water descendant and mind you these are iconic singers lol. But I don't have an apt explanation for it.
🎹 Aries Rising
These people are just born to perform. Most of them are really good at singing and even if they are not they really pick up quickly not only that you would just love to listen to them talk if they don't sing.
🎹 Water Moons [especially Pisces moon]
Water moons tend to have a voice that puts so much emotions into songs, the songs that make you weep or the ones that make your heart beat. Especially Pisces Moons are such great singers haven't met one that doesn't sing well.
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🎹 Saturn conjunct Rahu in the 10th house [vedic]
This placement I saw in the charts of many old singers and they had this exceptional voice. If these people nurture their artistic talents people won't be able to come close to them for competition.
🎹 Cancer Risings in vedic chart
These people have such attention grabbing voice you can try but you won't be able to stop yourself from pausing and listening to their ethereal voices. Siren like voices really powerful placement. Can also sing sad songs really well. Even if your happy if they sing it you will feel the pain & sadness.
🎹 Mercury in leo in vedic chart
These people always get the notes right very perfect for singing. Their also quite hardworking and very particular about music too like if it's a falsetto they will sing it a certain way, if they're hitting a high note to f4 then it shall be pitch perfect.
🎹 Venus and Mercury in the same sign [doesn't have to be conjunct]
These people have such an exceptional ability to sing different notes just effortlessly they don't show even a sign of discomfort on their face. Maybe it just comes naturally to them. Many singer who have this placement people love to listen to them sing even for a second. Their well liked by their fans.
🎹 Rahu in the 2nd house [vedic]
Their songs, the lyrics and their voices all together makes them a perfect singer they learn quickly too can make songs sound ethereal or if can nail songs that need to give mystical vibes.
Signs mostly seen : Pisces, Leo, Aries, Libra.
Honorable mentions : Taurus 2nd house, North node/ Rahu in Taurus.
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Credits for the images and dividers goes to the rightful owners
Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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darklordazalin · 5 months
Trinkets Chart for Darkon
I enjoy making trinket charts for DnD. I made this d100 one for my DnD game that's set entirely in Darkon, which I've called The Iron Crown. There's a lot of easter eggs in here, but thought this could be a fun thing to share on a Friday morning while I ignore my actual job.
A star chart contained within the face of an ornate compass. A question mark is placed where the moon should be.
A frail bit of parchment containing a half-created new and highly complex summoning spell.
A flute carved from the charred remains of a human tibia.
A cane topped with a silver owl that is cold to the touch.
A silver charm bracelet that contains the following charms: an ornate eye surrounded by flames, a crown set with a single amber gemstone, a skull with small garnets in its eye sockets, and a closed book.
A vial of cloudy red blood labeled “LvZ”.
A wooden box engraved with the letter “S” containing a shimmering black, outlandish traveling cloak; brimmed hat, great cloak, and silvery skull-like mask.
An ebony brooch in the shape of a dragon that does not reflect light.
A hand mirror that sometimes reflects the translucent image of a young man instead of your own image.
A mummified hand holding a black candle that cannot be lit.
A cloak that leaves tendrils of mists in your wake.
A ring in the shape of a human skull. The skull opens to reveal a coil of coppery reddish hair.
A set of dice that always roll snake eyes.
A leather hand cuff engraved with the symbols associated with each school of magic. When someone wearing it casts a spell, the associated symbol glows.  
A ticket for free admission to The Carnival
A blanket in which silently screaming faces appear under the light of the moon.
A belt that changes color and size to match any outfit.
A finger puppet of a piebald raven.
A scabbard that always keeps the blade within sharp and clean.
A plush of a skeleton wearing a crown with the label “Is No Fun, is No Blinsky!” on it.
An hour glass containing black sand that quickens the closer one is to their own death.
A green gemstone containing the spirit of an unknown entity.
Incomplete sheet music for the song ‘The King of the Dead’ written by Andres Duvall
A tarnished wedding band with the words “Life Eternal” carved on the inner band.
Long, thin, curved blade with a handle carved from a stag’s antler that inspires its owner to take up the craft of wood carving.
A silver pendant of a raven that you are loathed to part with.
An invitation to Neverwere Manor signed by Baron Eversong.
A porcelain doll with eyes that seem to follow you wherever you turn.
A bell carved from bone that makes a sound only spirits of unrest can hear.
A monocle that, when viewed through, shows every humanoid in the form of a hybrid lycanthrope.
A burial shroud that never frays.
A tea kettle that singles a funeral dirge when the water within boils.
A blood red candle that produces a black flame.
Eye glasses that, when worn, change one’s eye color to red.
A rose made of obsidian that cannot break.
A music box that, when open, plays an eerie melody as a miniature ballerina wearing a blood-stained tutu dances.
An amulet that absorbs blood.
The fingerbone of an unconsecrated skeleton.
Strange smelling perfume from Borca contained in a glass bottle in the shape of an apple.
A lantern containing floating dim, phosphorescent lights that constantly change from green to blue to purple.
A book entitled “An Herbalists Guide to the Shadow Rift” that contains alien-like drawings of bizarre plants and plant monsters.
A pair of cufflinks shaped like skulls that glow purple during a thunderstorm.
A magnifying glass that shows the user ghostly footprints on any surface they examine.
A miniature stone dragon egg engulfed in shadowy tendrils.
A quill pen that contains red ink that refills whenever someone writes with it.
A cloak clasp in the shape of a moon that changes to match the moon’s current phase.
A book entitled “Van Richten’s Guide to the Hunter” which contains a ‘how to’ guide for monsters dealing with hunters written in a comedic and often snarky voice.
A hood that, when worn, gives one a skeletal-like appearance.
A green leather pouch containing soil from an unmarked grave.
A pendant in the shape of a golden dragon skull that occasionally speaks into your mind in an unknown tongue.
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twistedastrology · 4 months
- Cancers at their worst -
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i just saw an ig post (no shade to the original poster) that said a cancer's dark side was everything they are stereotyped to be (extremely emotional/sensitive, are way too kind and always think people are judging them) and as a cancer that may be about to go neurotic again rn im gonna tell you from my personal experience what a cancer's dark side is actually like.
like i said though im going off of mostly just my experience so if this doesn't resonate, my bad- i did my best 🙏😔
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to understand the nature of a cancer at their worst, you have to actually understand water and its potential volatility.
remember when i talked abt cancers and rage and how i said cancers are fire-coded (cardinal) water? keep that in mind for just abt this entire post.
fire is pure energy, and so is water, water just has more space to hold said energy- where fire burns out quickly, water doesn't dry out that fast at all especially if you have an ocean specifically.
people who say cancers (or really any water sign honestly-) are crybabies and switch moods every 5 seconds do not understand what water really is and this topic makes me a little livid sometimes because those are the same people that made me not like my rising sign for a long time.
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to understand a cancers rock bottom, think about what water can do.
tsunamis can kill hundreds of thousands of people if they're big enough.
hurricanes, and sometimes tornadoes, form over water when the temperature is right.
the pressure at the bottom of the ocean can crush almost anything in an instant except for what has specifically evolved to live down there.
rain can lead to insane flooding (fellow floridians remember hurricane ian 2yrs ago 😕)
we have explored less of our ocean than the space around us, can you imagine what oceans on other planets would be like? especially the planets or moons that are almost Entirely water?
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water represents emotion, yes, but when we boil that down to water signs being overly emotional, it doesn't make any sense and it makes some people, at least the ones that are like me, ashamed of their water placements because our society loves to say "emotion = bad." when obviously that is not true.
But if we wanna talk about the actual dark shit, aka my jupiter in scorpio's favorite shit, u gotta strap in.
Cancers feel more rage than anything.
i talked abt this specifically in my cancers and rage post, but it's true for this as well.
to use myself as the example, whenever i feel depressed or upset for some reason (like today), it's never just that sad feeling, it is always accompanied by a distinct anger because i get pissed that i feel like shit.
but if that rage doesn't get its way, or worse, gets too much of its way, i can succumb to a state of misery or, at my worst, neurosis, where multiple god awful things happen.
im not one to stay down for long, the last and first time i went neurotic, it only lasted for a week until i snapped out of it, but it was still very damaging.
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cancers at their worst will feel an urge to self-destruct that may or may not be uncontrollable depending on other placements in the chart and of course how shitty they feel.
they will find something detrimental to do and if they genuinely can't, they will instead just mentally rip themselves open and daydream about what it would be like to just completely lose control and fall into a self-destructive spiral.
that's what happened to me when i went neurotic. one wrong decision and, having no access to anything that would take a toll on my physical body, i ripped myself to pieces in my head and almost fell in love with the act.
like gerard way said, there's something very romantic about it.
cancers can get moody, yes, but at this point they'll go mostly numb and tearing at their soul is the only thing they enjoy.
and then the pain will catch up to them.
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once that pain catches up to them, two things will happen.
they will begin to realize what they've been doing and how pointless it is, and they will activate a duality within themselves of the desire to hurt and the need for pain relief.
they will tear at themselves even more, knowing they shouldn't be doing what they are, but it's a vicious cycle.
this will happen, and then the potential for redemption begins to boil over.
after being in the dark, blissfully hidden depths of their own mental ocean, they will realize they can't breathe anymore, and they will either suffocate themselves or snap their eyes open and swim up until they see the light they deprived themselves of for however long.
once they've made it to the surface, they gasp to catch their breath, their tears being of the need for pain relief winning against their desire to hurt.
now the water is not a personal vice, but a cleansing presence that makes them feel understood. the water gets it. the water would never judge them for what they did.
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after being in the dark embrace of the depths of the ocean for so long, the light finally hitting your eyes makes color seem so much more vibrant.
- 🌙 -
all this to say that, at their worst, cancers can succumb to self destruction like no other, but they have the drive to keep them going to even them out.
they don't just cry all day or switch moods 24/7, they fall into a vat of water that, the deeper they go, reveals more and more of their very soul.
it's the deepest level of shadow work, it's the pain no one wants to go through because it's the pain of losing your personal momentum and then having to find it again in an instant before it's gone forever.
OR i could be totally wrong idk But this is my experience!!!! ✨💞💞✨💞✨💞✨💞✨ God belsls!!!!!!!!
my bad that was real dark and poetic writing now i gotta balance it out Uhhhmmmmm Legalize nuclear bombs. 💥
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missdefying · 1 year
10 days left on our fundraiser. Over $14k to go. Not gonna lie, this one hurts. We're still topping podcast charts, but between our biggest platform (Twitter) deplatforming folks who refuse to line Elon's wallet, and our issues with Seed and Spark going down during our biggest promo push and missing out on $6k in donations...we're struggling to find hope. And, to be honest, I'm also in the middle of EMDR treatment for PTSD, and I just don't have the spoons to constantly post and seek out more promo anymore. I want this to succeed, but I've also made a conscious decision that I won't sacrifice my mental health to do it. I could be angry at Seed and Spark for utterly failing at their one job, then refusing to make it right.
I could be mad at Elon for making the place where I built my career absolutely useless. I could be mad at the people who betrayed me for fucking up my mental health to the degree that I have to spend so much time on self-care just to keep my head above water that I can't fully participate in my business for now. There were so many early signs that this was the story Jen and I were meant to tell for Season 2. Little synchronicities of things that felt like signs this season was meant to be, the incredible success of our first season, and the way the story just flowed. So, instead of being angry, I'm just sad and confused. What is the future of audio drama if a hit show can't get funded for another season? People being squeezed by inflation is a monster we can't really fight. It doesn't matter how much people want another season if they can't spare funds to make it happen.
Ours isn't the only campaign suffering. Others are missing their goals, or raising far less money than they need to produce a show and pay people a living wage.
Make no mistake--the future of indie audio drama is at risk. We're almost entirely funded by the generosity of everyday people, and now those everyday people either never see we're raising money, or they simply don't have it to give.
The visibility problem can be solved with time.
The problem of corporate greed is much more complicated.
Jen and I would still very much like to hire our incredibly diverse cast and crew for another season. Those people deserve the world. And we'd love to bring a new story to our fans...and frankly, we'd love to keep making haters mad that we dare to include Black and queer people in our lead roles.
If you can, help us out. If not, we totally understand. Times are hard for everyone, but we will get through this.
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Vedic Astrology teaches us, that Strong Nodal influence, even Malefic, is one of the Main Factors of being in the public eye. "Rags to Riches".
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The Nodes, besides Jupiter, are the only Astrological position that aspects the Entire Element they reside in. For more technical explanations, read HERE.
Note that I am not remarking on the general level of happiness of the natives in this post, simply how the Nodes, especially Rahu, CAN push one towards some degree of extreme of fame regardless of any other chart factors.
Because of how Far the Nodes stretch, it gives them a unique chance to influence important points in our chart. First, a few theoretical nuggets for basic understanding.
If Ketu is in a Fire Sign, Rahu will be in an Air Sign, and vice versa.
If Ketu is in a Water Sign, Rahu will be in an Earth Sign, and vice versa.
The Nodes Fall into two camps of planets, being friendly with certain planets.
Ketu is friendly with Sun, Mars and Jupiter.
Rahu is friendly with Venus, Mercury and Saturn.
Some say Jupiter helps Rahu too so it's a wild card. Moon is neutral and flexible so it doesn't take sides.
Technically, since the Nodes also aspect each other, this is not THAT important, as either Node will help a planet...but being in the same element helps the most.
If Ketu is in a Fire Sign, it will automatically be symbiotic with Sun, Mars or Jupiter placed in any Fire Sign.
If Rahu is in an Earth Sign, it will automatically be symbiotic with Venus, Mercury or Saturn placed in any Earth Sign.
Practical Example:
My Ketu is in Gemini. It automatically Aspects my Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn and Ketu are enemies, but Jupiter and Ketu here are friendly.
My Rahu is in Sagittarius, so is Mercury, the conjunction is mutually helpful.
After researching charts of many celebrities, all of them had strong positive Nodal influence on either of the Nodes on SOME planet. The most famous ones had their luminaries involved. The stronger, the less afflicted the Luminary was, the stronger the degree of fame. Rahu tended to give earlier, younger Age huge scale fame, but often messed up these natives personal lives.
Example Celebrity One:
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I would describe level of fame as average. Rahu gives no Aspect, but Ketu aspects Saturn, Sun and Jupiter. 2 out of 3 of these planets are friends with Ketu, but Saturn afflicts the Sun. Rise in Status will be limited, but personal happiness even if imperfect nevertheless should be lasting. Fame may slowly fizzle out, as the person settles down. Their breakthrough role may be their best, as there can be struggle with career direction.
Example Celebrity Two:
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Level of fame - huge, but turbulent. Saturn aspects Rahu, while Rahu aspects Jupiter. Very good aspects to lift Rahu up, so the name of the person will carry till their death, which may be sudden and premature, due to an accident. Physical health problems and fitness may bring joy and success initially but fizzle out over time, as Ketu aspects Venus and Mars. Relationship and family life can also be troubled for that reason. Mass Media fame, but I wouldn't call this durable happiness, even with that success. The solidity of quality of legacy just isn't fully there.
Example Celebrity Three:
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Mars aspects Rahu, causing sudden reveals and disturbances/scandals in personal and intimate life, that can't be kept from the public. Rahu however aspects Saturn, which is the best position for improvement of one's status and legacy. The quality of work of this celebrity has in fact progressed wonderfully, starting with a commercial breakthrough role, going through more and more in depth, challenging, psychological roles. Will keep improving, and fame will be increased with each new creation. Regardless, problems in personal life will pop up here and there, especially since Ketu aspects nothing but Venus, breaking off partnerships periodically.
Example Celebrity Four:
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Level of Fame - Legendary. That is due to Rahu aspecting the Sun, even though they're enemies, here we see how strong an example is with Luminaries. Not only that, like in the previous example, Saturn aspects Rahu, giving fame quality and longevity. Ketu aspecting Mars, which is positive. Consistent career, quality, stable personal life and good marriage, due to Venus and Mercury helping Saturn and enhancing creative acting skills and personal life.
For those curious. People used 1 - Nina Dobrev 2 - Britney Spears 3 - Robert Pattinson 4 - Jeremy Irons
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masp161 · 1 year
Astro Observations #V
Asteroid Clymene, derived from the goddess of Fame and Fortune, might likely show where you are seen as potentially popular/famous, where and how you can achieve fame
Gemini/3rd House is associated with Society/People
Popular opinion : Sidereal birth charts describe you more
Sag Mercury will always have something to talk about, even if nothing happens in their lives. They just always have something interesting
The energy or attachment style you have with the sign in your 12th House can reflect your type of trauma and insecurity
I can easily see the dark minds of the zodiac being XXTPs or XXTJs (See Briggs Myers test) since XXTPs/XXTJs are not only mentally focused people, but that need to focus on the mind more than the heart usually tends to come from early trauma OR emotional absence of any kind. Their capacity to live on their own terms and spontaneity can be an aftermath of being left alone to deal with their trauma, forging their personality, leading to XXTPs.
Cancer/Capricorn 1st/3rd/4th/9th/10th or Mars/Saturn/Moon can often be perceived as parental, their energy. They radiate the parental energy that they lacked as a child, especially if the planets are retrograde
Pisces Mars people have a power to get revenge through karma because most of them tend to have an Aquarius Mars in their Sidereal Chart, Aquarius being the sign of Karma along with Capricorn, and Mars being the planet of intense emotions
What pisses people off about Pisces Mars is their emotional unavailability or diversity : their natural state of needing or having lots of people physically attracted to them but them not wanting anything. They also, Pisces Mars, have tendencies to just not settle for inclusivity.
Cap Pluto are a generation of pretending doms who want to rule but are submissive in bed.
Most Mutable Venuses are least likely to confess their feelings not entirely because they're not interested in love, but because they don't wanna admit or acknowledge their emotions until they're certain it's mutual. They don't like to look like fools.
What if all Libra Risings soulmate were themselves. Their 7th house, after all, is ruled by a sign representing the self.
I don't think, after all, that Saturn in your birth chart only shows how karma works for you. But rather what trace you leave on people.
The ugly part of astrology that people don't want to face is having North Node or personal planets in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th). They are indicators of the psyche. Indicators that the lifetime will be a lot of focus on the ugly parts of the self, of humanity, on healing and understanding those around us in order to understand ourselves.
My opinion :
Tropical Charts are the physicality of things, physical you, physical events
Sidereal Charts are the emotionality of things, emotional you, emotional reactions, you being you
Draconic Charts are the Ideal, the perfect you, the you with no concept of good or bad, with no concept at all, just yourself
(To be reviewed)
People with Cancer placements, Neptune in the 4th, or Neptune in Cancer can pretty much remember anything, even drunk or high.
People, in my opinion, with their north nodes in the 7th/8th/12th house have this kind of inevitable lesson, that they mastered in youth but lost over many years of trauma, to learn on how to let go of ego and work on their inner selves. And learn to let go of themselves and harmonize with the world/the universe.
Before any hate, let me explain why I didn't add the 9th/10th/11th House. To me the 9th house is about the philosophies and world views, not directly how we get to be extremely dependent of the world whether we want to or not. The 10th house is more close on how we can rely on people, but North Node in the 10th isn't necessarily involved in a spiritual AND emotional (both together) level (and in case you mention the 7th house, the 7th house is about the shadow part of ourselves and in some occasions the soul level of attachment we can have to somebody). And 11th house is more on the society/friends level. I see it also as a sort of independence house, where you can learn to not need people.
If the 2nd house is about knowing who you are and standing firm on knowing who you are, then the 8th house is the opposite : realizing you don't know who you are because you are constantly changing/evolving. Thus, people with the North Node in the 8th House, know that it's normal to feel like you don't know who you truly are because you're always changing. It's part of your journey.
Convince me otherwise, but Cardinal Moons are impulsive smartasses, especially when undeveloped or overdeveloped
Air signs, Scorpio, Pisces, Saggy and Capri LOVE doing personality tests more than the other signs (check out sun, moon, rising and dominant) generally because they tend to lack a fixed identity despite them saying they HAVE an identity. Sometimes they even redo the same tests just to be sure they won't change their score or answer. Part of them also loves discovering themselves through others (hence the internet tests).
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months
My take on Batfam, but Pirates- Bruce's Origin
The Waynes have been known across many shores for generations now having their own fleet of trade vessels under their command. Though many have sought to enjoy their wealth on land, Thomas and Martha continue to do buisness amoung the seas.
Their vessel "Lady Gotham" with her ebony planks and pure white sails to match. Manned by a hired crew and with their young son Bruce was cared for by their Quartermaster Alfred Pennyworth.
Rarely did they stray far from open waters, except for days in need of restock or where crewmates wished to close out their stay aboard Gothams deck.
Such a night the crew departed and Bruce begged his parents for a night on the ship instead of in a stuffy inn, they agreed and ushered the crew to take their rest in the town. That left the Waynes to heed the ship. They enjoyed the alone time just the three of them looking up at the starlit sky and lulled into calm by the crashing waves. It was a quiet night, it should have stayed that way. Emphasis on should have.
A crack came from the docks and distinct bootsteps landing on their deck, someone had choosen an occupied ship to try and plunder. And for that, the Waynes would pay the price.
Alfred returned with the crew that very same morning, but their happy chatter fell into a horrified hush as they saw the ripped up ropes and found the ebony planks stained crimson. They scoured the ship for a culprit and Alfred rushed to the captians quarters, hands shaking as he tried to prepare what would need to be done in their absense.
That was until he heard a shuffle from one of the crates, he didnt hesitate to grab his pistol- ready to rein down fury that rivaled Amphitrite.
His anger was snuffed out as quickly as a candle light when a shaky voice called out for him. Alfred hadnt hesitated to throw his weapons aside and rush to fling the lid open.
Inside he found the now sole survivor of the Wayne namesake, young master Bruce. The boy who had only survived because his father threw him in a crate at the first sign of danger.
With both his parents gone, Lady Gotham had no Captian and Alfred did not feel it right to "take advantage" of such a tragedy. Besides, now he had a boy to raise.
But such is the way of many youth, the sea calls to them in ways that can be ignored, but not forever. It wasnt long after Bruce had become a man and laid claim to his entire estate, he vanished, leaving Alfred in the manor his parents had never used.
Bruce spent years of his life, jumping from ship to ship and learning every trick of the trade. Exploring every inch of known coasts and then some. He allied with Navymen, Sailors, and Pirates a like.
As part of the crew, he was also witness to the horrors many men commited with the freedom of the seas. And After escaping the Lazarus in the far east he set sail with a new mission in mind.
But first, he charted a familiar path- one he never thought hed traverse again. Despite his doubts, Alfred was more than happy to accept his young captians offer to take on the seas once more.
And as such, Lady Gotham set out with her pitch black sails onto the seas, and Blackcape was born.
Blackcape became an enigma, a figure who could not possibly be human. No human would sail a ship with only a two man crew and fight pirates and navy's alike without firing a single musket. Much less sucseed.
Such as many supersticious Sailors, Blackcape became a legand. A sign of hope for the harmed, and a threat of swift justice for those who abused the seas gift of freedom.
Though- He did not stay a two man crew for long.
Pt 1 (this)- Pt 2
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fxirysforesight · 10 months
So I am basically new to astrology so can you just tell me somethings about it ?
The only thing which I know is just zodiac sign .
And have good day or good night whatever it is .
Astrology Basics:
Elements: There are Four Elements in Astrology. Each Element has 4 Zodiac Signs.
Fire Signs:
Air Signs:
Water Signs:
Earth Signs:
Modalities: Modalities are the way Zodiac signs present their energy. There are 3 Modalities in Astrology. Fixed, Cardinal, and Mutable.
Fixed: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius
Cardinal: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra
Mutable: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces
Degrees: Each Zodiac Sign has 2 or 3 Degrees that they rule;
Aries - 1, 13, 25
Taurus - 2, 14, 26
Gemini - 3, 15, 27
Cancer - 4, 16, 28
Leo - 5, 17, 29
Virgo - 6, 18
Libra - 7, 19
Scorpio - 8, 20
Sagittarius - 9, 21
Capricorn - 10, 22
Aquarius - 11, 23
Pisces - 12, 24
Inner Planets: Planets that affect YOU as a person.
Sun - Ego, Personality, Spirit, Father
Moon - Emotions, Psyche, Internal Compass, Mother
Rising - Dependent on your birth time. It shows how you navigate the world.
Mercury - Communication, Ideas, Intelligence, Siblings,
Venus - Romance, Pleasure, Desires, Aesthetic Taste
Mars - Passion, Drive, Energy, Action
Generational Planets: Planets that affect an entire generation of people.
Uranus - Innovation, Eccentricity, Unpredictability, Revolution
Neptune - Spirituality, Intuition, Dreams, Delusions
Pluto - Transformations, Rebirth and Renewal, Growth, Destruction
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all generational planets. Because of how slow they move, they are present in a specific sign for up to 30 years. For example, people born from 1995 - 2008 are part of the Pluto in Sagittarius, people born from 2003 - 2010 are part of the Uranus in Pisces, and people born from 1998 to 2012 are part of the Neptune in Aquarius generation.
Outer Planets:
Jupiter - Luck, Higher Learning, Wisdom, Prosperity
Saturn - Karma, Productivity, Discipline, Obligations, Prosperity
Orbs: Orbs are the distance at which planets aspect each other. Every astrologer uses different orbs but I personally would not go over 10 as most astrologers don't. My limit would be around 5 degrees, with orbs 3 and under being the most significant.
Hard Aspects: Aspects that cause tension and confusion in a chart.
In Order These Signs Are: Square, Opposition, Conjunction.
Square - This aspect happens in signs that are 90 Degrees from each other; An easy way to remember this is that Fire and Water do not mix, and Air and Earth do not mix. Therefore Water and Fire Signs will Square each other, and Air and Earth Signs will Square each other.
Conjunction - A mixing of energies. This is why it is called a Hard Aspect. You can take on the positive or negative energies of this aspect depending on the planets involved. The Conjunction is an aspect that comes from the joining of planets in one sign, and could sometimes happen out of sign as well. For example, Two Scorpio Sun's at 2 Degrees and 3 Degrees would be Conjunct. However, a Scorpio Sun at 29 degrees, and a Libra Sun at 1 Degree would also be Conjunct. This is called an Out of Sign Aspect.
Opposition - This aspect exists in signs that are roughly 180 Degrees, or Opposite from each other;
Aries - Libra
Gemini - Sagittarius
Pisces - Virgo
Cancer - Capricorn
Scorpio - Taurus
Aquarius - Leo
Easy Aspects:
Trine - This aspect occurs in signs that are roughly 120 Degrees from each other. Signs that are Trine, are signs that are in the same Element. Because of this, Trines bring harmony and luck and they require little effort as well. These signs are;
Aries - Sagittarius - Leo
Gemini - Libra - Aquarius
Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn
Pisces - Cancer - Scorpio
Sextile - This aspect occurs in signs that are roughly 60 Degrees from each other. Signs that are trine are in SUPPORTING elements. The easiest way to remember this is that Air and Fire support each other, and Earth and Water support each other. Sextiles bring balance and camaraderie. They also represent untapped energy. These signs are;
Aries - Sagittarius - Leo - Libra - Aquarius - Gemini
Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn - Scorpio - Pisces - Cancer
I hope this helps! <33
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kakiastro · 1 year
The Astrology of Chris Farley
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Now if you grew up in the 90s/early 2000s era, then you probably grew watching this man comedies. He passed when I young but my family still played his movie Tommy Boy all the time!
I thought this would be a cool tribute to him.
So let’s take a look shall we!
(Whole Signs)
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-He’s a Leo rising which is literally the sign that represents stardom and fame! He was warm, outgoing, had a fun personality. Their was a childlike quality about him that you just love. He was known as “the class clown” growing up and Leo always have the spotlight on them. Rising degree 5°(Leo degree) Leo degrees indicate fame in a persons chart. Now the 5° is known as short term fame which is true for him unfortunately.
His chart ruler is the Sun. He has Sun Aquarius 7h. Aquarius is the sign of the collective and society. The 7h is the house of partnerships and relationships. This tells me that his entire essence was the people closest to him. Especially his male friends. He might’ve been the more popular of his friend group. People with 7h placements tend to be really popular and well loved. His Sun is 26° (Taurus degree). Taurus energy is stubborn! He was probably very charming and he was able to get away with a lot because of it lol. His 5h which is Leo house is in Sagittarius. He may have known lots of people and sag 5h loves to travel. If he was still here, he would’ve probably met his wife in a foreign country who may have been in the entertainment industry as well.
What first stands out to me though is that Sun-Asc opposition. How he portrayed himself to the public is different than how he actually saw himself. People saw him as this outgoing and open type and he was but he was also very much a loner or he felt like he didn’t fit in. He wanted to fit in because his Sun was there! His lesson was to learn to just be himself without putting on an act.
The 2nd thing that stands out to me is his Sun-Mars Conjunction. No wonder why he had an insane amount of energy. With Saturn connected mean he had great control of his body movements. Being in Aquarius makes it even more fascinating because aqua rules over electricity!
His Pisces moon 8h tells me he was very sensitive to his surroundings and the people around him. He could probably read people very well. Hollywood toxic environment wasn’t it. He should’ve made a movie and moved to the mountains Chile. Pisces rules over substance abuse. With his moon being in the 8h, he was hurting emotionally and drugs was an escape. Scorpio/8h moons emotions are intense and overwhelming. They need to harness that pain into their power! It doesn’t help that his moon ruler Neptune is in Scorpio 4h. Too many emotions. Honestly he needed to be in a quiet environment surrounded by water. Water environments can be a healing environment for him. Therapy and journaling would’ve helped.
Saturn Aquarius 7h only backs up what I was saying earlier. Even though he was really popular, he still felt like an outcast. Saturn 25°(Aries) Aries rules over your physical body and self. Really bad self conscious issues. This poor man omg!🥲
Uranus-Part of Fortune 2h means he will be blessed with wealth and it he would get it once he’s famous (Sun Aquarius). Virgo is ruled by Mercury which rules over comedy! He also has Uranus-Pluto aspect 2h and this can also indicate huge amounts of wealth(Pluto means wealth) this can indicate abusing your finances. Uranus 2h oppose Chiron Pisces 8h, using your money to help feed your inner demons and pains.
Mc conj Jupiter Aries
Mc is the public perception of you and career. In Aries, you are seen as bold, confident, passionate, fiery and very active. Aries Mc tend to do well in any career of their choosing as long as you’re passionate about it. Anytime you have Jupiter in an angular house (1h, 4h, 7h, 10h), also the 11h, it can indicate mass fame! Mc 9h mean your journey to fame is well known and inspiring. How you became famous is talked about than your actual career lol.
Asteroid Varuna is in his 10h. Varuna is known as God-level famous. Everyone knows your name. It gives you “immortality fame”
Asteroid Fan 1h conj Part of fortune 2h. He’s blessed with having a solid fan base that will keep his memory alive even though he’s no longer here.
South Node Capricorn. In a past life, he was too hard on himself. He may have worked a lot and have health issues. 8°(Scorpio degree)
North node 12h Cancer. He was suppose to learn to go with the flow and focus on his private life. Once he got famous, I think he should’ve lived a more quiet life and not the hardcore party scene. Not saying he couldn’t have a good time but not like how he did it. Asteroid Fama conj NN and I think it’s sad that his drug addiction is a huge theme surrounding his death. The good news is that his fama is in the house of idolization so he’ll always be remembered for his comedy.
Thank you for reading! Check out my other fame post in the pinned post. I’m also open for chart readings!
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Thanks for the intel, Karkat. So we’re talking in terms of hours, rather than minutes, or days. 
The troll session is in full swing – but as I expected, we’re moving at a slower pace than the humans. By this point, I’m pretty sure John had already landed on Skaia.
CG: ANYWAY THAT WHOLE FEATURE SEEMS TOTALLY INVASIVE AND LARGELY POINTLESS TO ME, SO JUST FORGET IT. AG: Yeah ok, here we are a8out to em8ark on an espionage mission. A spying tool sounds totally useless!
Thank you, Vriska! I’m glad that at least someone on the team is taking stock of useful resources. She’d be a terrible leader - but an excellent strategist. 
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You find the kid you've been looking for. He's got a pretty sharp tongue and can't seem to keep it sheathed.
How did you know to look for Karkat, specifically? Maybe future Exiles are instinctively aware of their assigned Player - or maybe they’re all so tied up in time loops that it doesn’t really matter. 
Jack’s narration implies that he’s only been here for a few minutes - but Karkat’s already in contact with Vriska, trying to hash out a plan. I was ragging on his leadership skills a second ago, but it seems the guy’s pretty good at thinking on his feet. 
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He doesn't want you to look at it. Just look away, he says. You've got to admit. Now you're curious.
As am I. We seem to be gearing up for The Reveal, so it’s time to hazard a guess. Here are the options, as I see them:
His blood could be Red - equal to Aradia, or lower. My money’s on it being lower, since I don’t think we’re going to be doubling up on blood colors. This feels like the frontrunner to me. Unlike with the other options, it offers an obvious explanation for why he’s so terrified of anyone seeing it - hell, if I was a redblood, I’d hide it too.
Purple, higher than the two sea trolls. This would be fun, and Karkat’s choice to hide it would add an interesting new dimension to his character - but would a prince-in-disguise plotline really work, here? That would imply that he’s secretly an aquatic troll - and I don’t see a tail, fins, gills, or any other hints. Sure, he’s a water sign, but that doesn’t mean much - after all, so is Vriska. And, yeah, he could be a purpleblood who isn’t aquatic, but that’s a complicated hypothesis, which seems to go against established lore. 
Green, like his Trollian chart dictates. This seems unlikely - Trollian seems to sort users based on blood color, and if it’s sorting him according to his real blood color, then his anonymity is kind of useless, isn’t it?   
Something really weird, outside the blood system entirely. Maybe Karkat’s blood lacks any pigmentation, and is black, white or grey - or maybe it changes color. There’s no evidence for any of these, and I don’t know what they would mean, but I may as well jot them down for completeness' sake. 
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We have a winner! 
Alternia treats redbloods like shit - so why the fuck would you show your blood, if you can avoid it? 
I’m honestly not sure how he was able to avoid it. Your blood caste even dictates the type of hive you’re allowed to erect, so it has to be recorded somewhere. You can’t just hide it physically - there must be more to it than that. 
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geographerdose · 13 days
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Natasha Lyone is hands down one of my favorite actresses and people of all time
I love her authenticity, directness and straightforward, non-bullshit demeanor but like coming from a good place— like you can tell she’s a good person despite the challenges she’s faced or maybe even because of the challenges she’s faced?
At least partly because I genuinely feel people that have been through the most shit are the most humble, authentic and compassionate people of all time— obviously this can go the other way too and people can become entitled, angry and hostile—
but when these people accept what they’ve been through and take responsibly for their actions and live with humility, you get a compassionate, self-aware and bad bitch like Natasha Lyone
She’s been open about her struggles with addiction, childhood trauma/neglect/narcissitic parents and self-loathing and I AM HERE FOR IT.
Check out YouTube WTF with Marc Maron-Natasha Lyone interview, Tumblr won’t let me copy the link and I’m not restarting another post to share it but it’s SO good. I fucking love and adore Marc Maron too
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I was actually super surprised to see all the water in her chart because she comes off so fiery/airy
No publicized birth time but I strongly suspect she’s probably a Sag rising, Aries rising (possibly Gemini or Libra too)
Aries rising argument
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She’s legit so entertaining and such a joy to listen to which leads me to believe Aries rising with Sun in the first. She seems to be pretty humble though and isn’t afraid to let her true self shine or to admit her mistakes, which would make sense because the Sun isn’t really being mistreated (unless you count Pluto but I only count Saturn/Mars as maltreating) and because there is a square to Moon/Jupiter. Plus she does kind of have that Pluto-type vibe but it’s in your face with the Sun there; very intriguing and a fun contrast
I had a coworker with Sun in her first of Capricorn opposing Saturn (within 3 degrees) and omgggg she was the most judgmental and manipulative person I ever met in my life. She was the opposite of Natasha Lyone and I think this is where aspects come in (but also signs!)
Like Natasha’s Sun is unafflicted and it’s exalted in Aries, in addition to having that square from Jupiter and the Moon. Jupiter is a benefic so this is good and the Moon is neutral. But not only that, Jupiter is also exalted in Cancer and she has 29 degrees on it— ⭐️ the Leo/fame degree
I would venture to say she has a day chart because of this. Also Aries rising would make sense because she’d then have a 12th house stellium and that’s a common fame indicator
Also, though, having those planets there can help to explain potentially her struggles with addiction, as the 12th house is considered a less than great house due to its non-aspecting nature to the 1st house.
Also though I don’t think she’s an Aries rising because then her 10th house would be ruled by Saturn, which is placed in the 6th house. Another house that doesn’t aspect the 1st. I just can’t see her having as successful as a career as she has with this placement.
Libra Rising argument
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10th house would be in Cancer, with exalted Jupiter still in a day chart and would explain her success as a child actress. Not to mention her fucking IMBD credits, jfc, talk about PROLIFIC (sup Jupiter, see you doing your job…)
Also though with it being exalted in Cancer and at 29 degrees, this would point to her massive fame and success. Cancer is also at its domicile in the Moon. Very very fortunate tenth house matters. And these are entirely unafflicted by malefics.
The Sun is making a square to Jupiter/Moon so this is where the fame sneaks in, as if the 29 degrees wasn’t enough.
Yeah, she’s a Libra rising. Day chart.
3rd house Sag— she’s pretty brutal actually lol but she’s fucking hilarious. It’s interesting to see how Cancer placements play out for everyone. With a fire degree like 29, she’s def going to be more outgoing than a 28 degree Jupiter Cancer— more likely to say what’s on her mind.
4th house Cap with ruler retrograde Saturn in the 12th would explain her difficult childhood/narcissistic parents. Especially with the opposition from Mars but Venus and Mercury are here to help. She talks about it, and helps others feel not so alone, and has made her own family through friends and I think that’s really beautiful.
Verdict: Yeah, she’s 100% a Libra rising.
Also I said it up in Aries rising argument: “Pluto is is more in your face” and Libra rising would put it in her first house.
Plus, helloooo gorgeous wtf why wouldn’t she have her first house ruled by Venus?! Not to mention Venus being exalted in Pisces on top of it!!!
Ugh. I love her so much.
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medicinanocturna · 2 years
Planets in detriment
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What is the detriment essential quality of the planet, and the huge potential it is bearing you can read in this part of my blog.
Sun in Aquarius is one of a kind position. Here I wrote about how the main luminary of the chart is expressing itself when in exile.
Moon in Capricorn can be sensitive and caring to the degree that Cancer Moon cannot understand, because the Capricorn Moon is not only driven by emotions but also by the sense of inner axis and responsibility that can give even more depth to any caring feelings. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the teacher of karmic lessons. Add this to the planet like the Moon, and you will see the potential to feel out the karmic roots of the emotions. Capricorn Moon’s sensitivity is more about energies than emotions and it makes it potentially more fine-tuned with the higher planes. Saturn quality of the Moon can make it disciplined in the most humble way and thus highly susceptive to the emotional states of others. 
Mercury in Pieces can be more profound in understanding than the Mercury in Virgo or Gemini because of its strong inclination towards intuitive perception, and the ability to absorb the enormous volume of information in its own abstractly creative way instead of relying on mental understanding and structuring. Mercury in Pieces is non rational and mystical. It has a talent to discover the very depths of complicated subjects. The water quality of permeating into every millimetre makes this Mercury telepathic and empathic. It also has its own way of putting thoughts into words that can be more comprehensive and concise thanks to its poetic and artistic nature.
Opposite to Venus in Taurus, which loves lavish aesthetics, refined sensuality, and the material pleasures on all levels, Venus in Scorpio is considered to be in exile in the sign where all tangible things have little value by themselves. The intensity of the Scorpio Venus may seem rude, intrusive, and even perverted. Her major lesson in this position is to learn how to relax into trust before it let herself go into feelings and emotions. Her gift is to turn her own intensity into the sensuality that is penetrative, outspoken, and has a healing potential of cutting through the layers of the others. Scorpio Venus not only appreciates pain sexually, it knows how to disentangle it and live it through either relationships or forms of art. Her touch of love can be compared to a surgery and her aesthetics can pierce to the bones, but what it leaves you with is the naked truth. 
Mars in Libra may go much farther than the Mars in Scorpio because of its excellent diplomatic qualities, its talent to build connections and lead others in a graceful and harmonious way (in fact many successful politics and business owners hold this position of Mars in their chart). Libra’s sense of beauty differs from that in Taurus or Pieces. It very much relies on the sense of balance (Saturn exalts here). Add this sense of balance to the planet of action, Mars, and you will see the actions that can be highly efficient in any domain, be it an athlete, an entrepreneur, or an artist. This Mars’s spiritual purpose is about the sense of beauty and equilibrium, which easily makes it a peacemaker where the fight seems to be inevitable. 
Jupiter is considered being a detriment in Virgo. Virgo’s key principle is to put things under scrutiny, to break the entire picture down into pieces, and to be critical before anything else.
Jupiter is the benevolent planet, which we love for its expansive quality, its generosity, and the helicopter view. In Virgo, it can indeed seem inharmonious. However, here the Virgo can teach the Jupiter how to understand all the details as an important part of the picture, and the Jupiter will reciprocate by giving the Virgo more freedom for a larger view. In this position the Jupiter becomes a discerning teacher and benevolent. Something that Sagittarius is often lacking. The Virgo Jupiter in the leadership position will be like an eagle with a magnifying glass. This is an excellent gift for creators. While keeping the entire process of the creation in their mental sight this Jupiter stays considerate of every single step within this process, thus ensuring both the smooth acting and the polished result. A spiritual person with this kind of Jupiter in their chart will hardly become a victim of a false teaching, and vice versa will rip the masks off the fake gurus. 
For a personal examination of your chart, drop me a line…
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fixedfour · 4 months
*✧ — for 💕 anon :
thank you for sending your info!! <3
please feel free to message me if you have any questions 😌 i hope you enjoy my humble analysis!
Your Vedic chart shows you are a Cancer moon (Pushya), Virgo sun (Uttara Phalguni) , and a Pisces rising (Revati) omg!
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you have a lovely chart!! you have a bit more water influence than you may realize, with 4 total placements in water, which also includes your rising.
moon :
Your moon's nakshatra is Pushya, which is so incredibly beautiful! 💖 the moon is your mind 🤍
Pushya is considered the most auspicious of nakshatras, ruled by Brihaspati. it's flower is the lotus and is symbolized by the udders of the cow.
the very essence of this nakshatra is to nourish and has a strong emphasis on family. Cancer moons can feel that their moods/emotions are quite attached to the mom/home life.
Cancer moon is dreamy, we keep journals and become wonderfully sensitive to the world and pick up on emotions easily.
and you have your moon in the 5H! this is highly creative and very romantic! you may enjoy writing about things pertaining to that house, such as romance, or really anything that is generally artistic/creative, like cooking books/recipes. would not be surprised if you are a literary lover yourself!
KRS talks a bit about this 5H moon here.
You also have Jupiter aspecting your moon. A positive placement for Jupiter as Jupiter is helping the health of the moon overall. So let's say that your relationship with the mother/family is not good, Jupiter looking down on the moon from the 11H will offer you support from 11H connections.
all water moons are very intuitive, but you are probably more so than other counterparts. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are all the most psychic, and you have all three of these present in your chart.
ascendant / first house :
your ascendant's nakshatra is Revati! gorgeous, gorgeous placement 💘 revati is the culmination of mercurial energy in the lunar mansions and concludes the zodiac belt.
(random: but words like reverie, reverent, and resolution have the same root as the word revati, i just think that's cute since these are all 12H/Pisces themes lol!)
from The 27 Celestial Portals :
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Revati's vimshottari lord is Mercury, so you may embody mercurial energy naturally. to me, the most distinct physical characteristic feature for Revati are the eyes. depending on placement, they are usually a striking blue/green, but no matter the color they are always very entrancing and even a little mischievous.
also, your Pisces rising tells me you are probably a more introverted person, or simply you prefer long stretches of alone time in between socializing. you have saturn sitting here, in Revati as well, which is actually a beautiful placement on its own as it adds a bit of stability to an otherwise too watery disposition.
(one of my close friends has saturn in the first house and they are often told that they seem rather cold when they first meet him, so you may actually have the same reaction when it comes to first impressions)
Saturn here is directly aspecting your 7H, which houses your sun in Virgo. this can indicate a delay in marriage itself, or simply that if you get married before the age of 32, a lot of work will be needed to make the relationship sustainable in the long run.
but saturn is not 'dooming' your relationship at all, he is blessing you by making you wait lol!
also, saturn aspecting the sun in any horoscope might denote a struggle with the father, either the relationship may be broken or non-existent. there is effort needed to improve such relationship as well.
Pisces is also very spiritual though, as it's a moksha sign, so not only are you naturally drawn to all things mystical, occult, you may have found yourself drawn to it your entire life. this is emphasized even more with your ketu placement in the 12H. (makes so much sense why you are curious about your horoscope! 🥰)
another interesting prediction with Saturn in Pisces in the 1H, is that you may find more success in foreign lands, away from your birth place! long distance travel may be very, very beneficial for you. (12H is foreign connections)
this is further supported with your ascendant lord, Jupiter, being retrograde. from Brighu Naadi Sangraha:
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it is worthy to consider moving away from your birth place if you have not done so already!
sun / seventh house:
next, your sun nakshatra is uttara phalguni 🌞, which is a very interesting spot for the sun to be in! it's in the Virgo portion however, so your Sun is also under Mercurial influence!
Virgo rules the sixth house of servitude, so the Sun here is geared towards honorably helping those around them. it is actually a very humble position for your Sun, as it is sitting in the 7H. the Sun here is mildly suppressed, since the 7H is naturally ruled by Libra, the Sun's debilitation sign.
so in this case, i would gently advise to be careful of how often you are serving others before serving yourself. <3
but there is grace, because the Uttara Phalguni's vimshotarri lord is the Sun, so the Sun's personality and charm shines through regardless.
and after seeing your Sun in Virgo, I'm inclined to ask if you are a writer! In Vedic astrology, the moon is the most common significator for writing/writers, and you have Cancer moon.
Mercury is the other big indicator of writing, communications in general (Gemini, Virgo), and uttara phalguni has been a prominent placement i've seen in novelists. one popular genre is erotica, believe it or not! which is very appropriate considering the sun naturally embodies that 5H/Leo energy. uttara phalguni is symbolized by the back legs of the marriage bed, so again, that theme of romance, fun, sex is there.
again, highly creative energy though!
KRS also talks about this Sun placement here.
the Sun being placed in the seventh house can also give us some clues about your future spouse as well, in fact the Sun has a really big influence on your future partner!
Your seventh house lord Mercury is in Leo, tightly conjunct Rahu. this is such a fascinating combination on it's own!! Rahu inflates anything it touches, and Mercury is the sign of communication, and it's placed in the sixth house.
this can give them, (or you!) the ability to argue extremely well. Think, like an intense lawyer (sixth house also rules litigation). They may also be very creative as well, the influence of Leo is crazy!
Your future spouse may have significant Leo placements, or placements in Aquarius. The sign opposite of your seventh lord usually shows up in your partners chart.
darakaraka :
the planet with the lowest degrees in your chart is your darakaraka, which can indicate your spouse. your darakaraka is Mars, and it's in Scorpio/Anuradha.
immediately, i can tell you that you will find a very devoted spouse. you may be naturally attracted to the Scorpio type, the intense, silent type. you yourself may desire a very protective spouse, and Scorpio will give your spouse a shade of that (think enneagram type 8)
your spouse may actually be a bit of a dominant personality, not only because of your Scorpio placement but also because of your seventh lord in Leo. The sun is very dominant, and paired with the Sun inside your seventh house, you may find yourself dealing with ego issues/balancing with your spouse.
Your Mars is also in the ninth house, which can suggest that your spouse may be from a culture different from yours, and/or you may meet them in places dealing with the ninth house: weddings, college graduations, during foreign travel, etc.
i hope this was helpful <3
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astrologicalsstuff · 2 years
You can always spot a moon in the first. They’re entire inner self is usually on display for everyone to see. Eccentric makeup and style…
… nobody really talks about how fashionable cancers can be… these people are usually wearing the over the top outfits or have a unique style. These people are not shy about their clothing and appearance. I’ve noticed cancers often use clothing as a shell. They can also be very intimidating.
This is especially true if they have some Gemini in their chart.
Uranus in the 11th house culture is knowing everyone yet feeling distant from everyone
Your moon sign is a combination of your mothers sun and moon (elements and modalities) or just dominant placements.
Your Venus sign is either the condition of your parents relationship or for single parents with a mother it’s a combination of sun moon.
Water signs can hold weight. Pisces sun moon and Venus usually have curves. men with cancer sun can be rounder, Scorpios have boobs asf.
Mercurial risings or dominants tend to be very thin especially Virgo placements.
Capricorn sun (dominants) want someone who’s down bad for them. All the Capricorns I know usually want smone who’s obsessed with them. This is especially true with other fixed or Scorpio placements.
Libra rising men (Aquarius 5th house gemini 9th) especially with mars in an air sign they tend to be gay. I think it’s because their romantic life is considered “different” or eccentric with aquarius in the 5th And Saturn ruled in the 5th means some sort of obstacle with children. Also they would pick partners who are eccentric. And they love (5th house) in the community (Aquarius). And their perspective is usually open minded (Gemini in the 9th) I’m not saying everyone with this placement is gay
I don’t know if this is just an assumption but I currently have 3 male friends who are gay with this combination of different age groups. And 1 female. They are the only libra risings in my life.
Sexuality can also be seen between Uranus and Venus/mars aspects and placements. It can also be a promiscuity indicator.
Libra is also a Venus sign (feminine) with a trine from the house of masculine planet which I think provides a good flow with the qualities of these traits.
Libra rising Taurus rising Venus in the first… not always that attractive more conventional to be honest what aspects is Venus making to the ascendant. what house is it in with those placements? Venus trine usually indicates beauty
Aries moons usually felt powerless as a child and spend the rest of their lives subconsciously trying to regain that power.
The craziest person I ever met had no water placements and by crazy I mean I let this guy sleep at my house because he got kicked out of his and he kept breaking into my house for three months without me knowing lit the ceiling of my car on fire stole from me man handled my manager and told the cops I let him in. I literally made food for this man it was 100% unprovoked and he kept showing up at my house with his snap maps on after the cops made him leave. even though I didn’t see him after that he still told his friends he was going to send someone to get me because I “stole his stuff” when I had to empty out the stuff he left at my house and I was grounded so there was no way for me to even give them to him. this man had no remorse and no empathy. He couldn’t even understand that he was in the wrong.
Mercurial people bite their nails?
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