#it's TOO EARLY for the alt ending FIRST OF ALL BUT ALSO
waitmyturtles · 5 months
I'm gonna need to buy extra pairs of flip-flops to hurl at GMMTV after today. WTF.
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oldmemoria · 10 months
okay heres the fucking thing about this script controversy that some people don't seem to get.
just gonna say it blatently:
strap in babes this is gonna be a long one!
The way Miguel O'Hara is written in the leaked transcripts is blatantly racist, here's why from a Latino himself!
all wrapped up in a sweet little bow for everyone who doesn't know how to comprehend what they're reading, cheers!
er. i mean.
Miguel fans are not mad that they depicted him in a bad light and that they made it clear that he is in the wrong
Miguel has been depicted as a morally grey asshole since the early 1990s, which is when Spider-Man 2099 was initially debuted. And while yes, the movies are.... inaccurate, to say the least, it still stands.
The issue here is how he is depicted. They directly call Miguel O'Hara, a Latino man, an ANIMAL (he is directly called an animal TWICE. FUCKING TWICE.)
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[1st image id: Miguel leaps onto Vulture, Clawing his way in past the renaissance armor. he is an ANIMAL. (keep in mind ANIMAL is literally in all caps.) /end id]
[2nd image id: Miguel SLASHES at the walls of light that surround Miles. Clawing the energy field apart, an animal in the throes of bloodlust -- /end id]
I need you to really soak in the fact that he is called "AN ANIMAL" twice. I'm awful at alts and ids but I feel I must so you can read it in plain text. sorry if they suck.
Our issue is not that the writers seem to have a bias against the character. a lot of writers write characters they dont particularly like and in turn tend to write them from a foggy lense of their own perception. An example would be Kate Cary and how she didn't like Crowfeather, a character she had to write about. I'm sure some of her bias seeped through. but this is different.
writing a Latino man as a bloodthirsty animal, implied to be called a predator because they call one of the people he fights (im not sure if its miles or the vulture, im leaning towards believing the former.) his "prey", THOSE ARE ALL RACIAL STEREOTYPES. ALL OF THEM.
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[3rd image id: But Miguel can only see his prey: /end id]
There is no context to be needed here, the context is that this is miguel we're talking about and that they call him an animal. it does not matter if he is a villain or not (which he isnt, factually he fucking isnt im tired of having this conversation, fuck you). it matters that he's depicted in a racially insensitive way.
and this person brought this up pretty well actually, I didn't even think of it:
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[4th image id: Tumblr user @/404-505 saying:
i want to be so mean to them
they couldn't write miguel crossing the border and stealing a job so they wrote him crossing into another universe and stealing his own identity
they couldnt write miguel as a drug addict so they gave him spider steroids instead /end id.]
They bring up a really good point about these clear stereotypes being seemingly. . . disguised behind points that are narratively relevant? This could literally just be pure coincidence, but noting how the writers wrote him before... it isn't looking too good for them. Sorry. Not sorry.
It is clear that there is some kind of bias against miguel that led to really disgusting, racist retoric. Whether or not it was intentional or if it was a first draft or whatever, the writers, which may i remind you were white, still wrote this at some point.
it makes me question whether or not they hated him because of his "bullshit utopia", their words not mine, or because of their own racial biases.
We cannot know because miguel is the only mexican character on the cast. I know Miles is Puerto Rican, but there are differences between how they were portrayed. also Puerto Ricans and Mexicans come from competely different cultural backgrounds that share simularities but are still different dont even try i will destroy you.
Using another users words again, but:
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[5th image id: Tumblr user @/transmiguelohara says:
Don't talk to me about the Miguel parts in the script. I'm so disappointed in how the writers view him.
The difference between the way Miguel is written (antagonist, not the villain) vs Spot (the villain, whats to kill Miles' dad and everyone he knows) is soooo.....I don't know man it just screams racism in sorry. Describing Miguel as a bloodthirsty animal? Repeatedly? Treating him like he's mindless and has no motivation beyond having a hair trigger temper? It sucks man. /end id]
It also strikes me that now that we finally have a brown-skinned miguel, they write him like, well. this.
I don't really know if this is petty or not, but I want to wrap this back to the way the fandom also sees Movie Miguel.
Because TRUST ME it is not good either.
Miguel O'Hara Vs. FANDOM: Spoilers, it's been troubling since the beginning.
From the beginning (and by beginning in this case I mean since he was announced to be a character in this movie) Miguel has been continuously sexualized, beyond belief. He is repeatedly called "papi cholo" which NEED I REMIND YOU "Cholo" is a derogatory term used to call someone, usually a mexican person, a criminal or a delinquent.
FUCK YOU if you are not Latino OR hispanic and use this to describe people. from the bottom of my heart.
I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who called/ still currently call him "papi cholo" are mixing it up with "papi chulo" (white people moment.) which means something completely different but is still troubling as hell.
"papi chulo", which is slightly different in the way, just directly translates to "big daddy". Which again, Latino men being overly sexual "Latin Lovers" is ALSO A RACIAL STEREOTYPE. also its just blatant fetishization. Point blank fucking period.
Not only that but I notice a lot of art and fanfiction depicts him doing a lot of violence, or being very overbearing and demeaning, or in short terms.
a lot of people write him as physically and sexually aggressive.
fuck do you mean he growls during sex i can and will send you to space with no return.
for the millionth time
racial stereotype
halleluiah or however you spell it.
Having him say random spanish phrases you don't know the meaning or connotations of in your fanfiction is icing on the cake at this point.
fucking end me.
it isn't even only sexual depictions, since he's been shown in the movie, a lot of people seem to just see him as this guy who goes off and tries to kill children at a hairs trigger. which uh. fun fact no he fucking doesnt.
you clearly didn't watch the movie as well as you thought you did. hes just sarcastic and generally pretty level headed through the majority of his runtime, whether its implied by how characters around him act, or its just what we see on screen.
He doesn't necessarily have anger issues, the moment we see at the climax of the film is quite literally a mental break. he is not acting in a way that he usually would because he was cracking under the stress of holding the multiverse together with some scotch tape and orange glitter glue.
Also side tangent but he also has a mental break in the comics that's a little more... droopy and sad as compared to the movie, but it still happens. he has shitty mental health is what im saying. he only really lashes out angrily when hes at his wits end because that's how he grew up. he was taught to suppress his feelings and seem smaller when he was upset.
he is the result of abuse and neglect. of course he wouldn't be amazing at emotional regulation.
Which before anyone says it no, this is not an excuse for his actions. just an explaination that isn't "hes an angry animal that has it out for miles UwU" that everyone seems to have in their brain. I'm tired of you all. truly.
the sentiment that hes agressive and angry and his only emotion is anger and upsetness unless he's horny which is when he experiences all these emotions tenfold is. racist. idk how clear i have to be for people to get it through their damn skulls that the way the fandom depicts him is harmful. do i need to slap you in the face with a fish until you understand. do i need to burn your fanfiction. will you get it now that a 15 year old latino boy has to scream it in your face.
and dont even get me STARED on how inaccurately he is written
this is a more light hearted section because idk. feels like i should have it because this part is just comical, pun intended. How can you fuck up this hard guys.
I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt because "Miguel has fresh trauma!" "He only shows up for like 10 minutes!" "insert 3rd reason!" for his drastic change in demeanor and personality, which, without context, are valid reasons for him to be a little different. trauma fucks you up man. we only see 10 minutes of him. but at this point im chalking it up to complete incompetence
it doesnt take that long to read a comic book guys. you could have done a little research, I know you can do it.
first off:
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[6th image id: Miguel's SPIDER-SENSE goes off! He races to the edge if the building and peers into an empty alley -- /end id]
Unless you didn't get the total of TWO jokes that they made in ONE scene (the vulture fight scene), Miguel doesn't have a spider sense. at all. He has elevated senses, but he doesnt have a spider sense.
I cant help but laugh! this is a rookie mistake! these are seasoned writers! They could have done at least a little research, or at least remembered that he doesnt have one, no? is it that hard? or does his lack of a spider sense only matter when you're making fun of your least favorite character? thats what I thought.
this one is less funny. not to sound like a stereotypical comic nerd but this infuriated me a little bit I'm not gonna lie.
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[8th image id: tumblr user @/darksidecorner reblogged tumblr user @/spiderxpawz with:
They definitely didn't
a screenshot of the script reads:
AN INDUSTRIAL TANGLE OF HUGE PISTONS -- the literal DARK UNDERBELLY that undergrids Miguel's bullshit Utopia.
Miles doesn't know where to go... but he doesn't need to: SOMEONE YANKS him up into the safety of an alcove.
the user then continues:
This in particular made me PISSED because they quietly canonized that Miguel is CEO of Alchemax while conveniently ignoring that he did everything in his fucking power to BETTER Neuva York. Downtown wasn't built by him. It was built by people WAY before him.
I can excuse and defend some comic deviation, but THIS? Holy FUCK /end id]
I honestly cant tell if I find this part funny or pathetic because seriously. he did not do this. why are you blaming him for something he had nothing to do with. i dont think he decided "hey i should build a city for rich people over poor people because reasons" when he was like... not even alive. Alchemax did this before he was even sentient. it had always been this way since he was born. he also actively hated this decision. because he actively hates alchemax.
but right MIGUELS bullshit Utopia yeah HE did this that EVIL LITTLE BABY i cant believe him
kill me.
In conclusion:
I. . . Don't really know, to be honest. I'm still processing all this. I am genuinely disappointed and upset because this isn't okay. It never will be, and if it takes yet another blunt essay with absolutely no filter for people to understand it then so be it. I don't care if this comes off as mean. This is something I feel qualified to talk about and I will express my disappointment and anger if I want to.
All of the posts I reference I have reblogged within the last 24 hours of making this post, they shouldn't be that hard to find, but if you want the links to them here they are:
if you want your image to be removed or for your link to be removed just ask and I'll do it. but currently im kinda bummed out and tired.
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cringeborg · 4 months
Hobbledehoy 1910s Dress
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Good news! Now your fashionable early 1910s Sims can wear the ridiculously tight dress of their dreams!
Just a few little notes. First off, I considered adding a version with a peplum but never did. Might still do it in the future but we'll see.
This dress was absolutely evil and took me ages to finish because the weights and such kept getting messed up. That may be my fault for attempting to make such a tight skirt. It made me want to kill someone, but I have another WIP that makes me want to kill several someones, so the Hobbledehoy is pretty tame by comparison.
The weights still aren't perfect, especially around the ankles, but I did the best I could and I think they're acceptable. Obviously it's gonna distort if your Sim moves their legs too much, just like a real hobble skirt would probably rip if you moved your legs too much. It's also incompatible with some bulkier shoes, since they just clip through the skirt. And as always with things that use transparency, the lace on the oversleeves won't look right if your graphic settings are low.
The name Hobbledehoy started off as a joke, but I never ended up renaming the file, so it's called Hobbledehoy now. That's a real, existing word, but it has nothing to do with the Edwardian trend of ridiculously tight skirts called hobble skirts. A hobbledehoy is, according to Wiktionary, "an awkward adolescent youth".
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spockandawe · 2 years
Here's a big project I've been sitting on! All That You Love Will Be Carried Away, by our very own @ceruleancynic! And a box, naturally, building boxes for books continues to bring me immense joy.
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What we have here is not just the main fic, or the main series, but also All That You Love (The High Hope Remix) alt pov short fic by byzantienne, and, a detail that I was really excited to include: the initial comment exchange between these two fantastic authors of m the first fic in the series. Did I title that second little book 'all that you meet cute will be carried away' as a silly placeholder? Did I then get super attached and refuse to change it? Uh-
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Hell yeah, I refuse to be dignified about any of my favorite hobbies!
But the real secret delight here was that I've been looking for the right opportunity to get weird with boxes. Peller boxes, hinged slipcases, yes, fine, but those are like the box version of my sixfold book adventure. I'm still shooting for some parallel to my fourteenfold book, I'm looking for a way to go completely off the rails. I have some ideas, but it's hard, finding a good large chonk and a small number of equally sized texts, which made a unified and complete set, AND which excited me to work with. That might sound unnecessarily picky, but I swear, there was a good reason for it!
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Oh baby. Oh baby.
This worked out so perfectly. I wanted a large book at the center of things. And I wanted two small books oriented in a different direction, placed end to end, at its edge. And I got it! I didn't want to commit too early, and it would have been heartbreaking to fail, but once the big book was together, and the preliminary typesets for the two little books were almost identical? I just HAD to try.
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Tumblr is already silencing me and refusing to let me attach as many images as I want, so for this post, let's talk about the main book a little! Cute little quarto bricks are my new FAVORITE favorite thing, as I'm sure you can guess from my archives, and this one was a dream to put together.
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It had to be a three-quarter leather binding, naturally. And I was sitting on some gorgeous iridescent maroon paper for endpapers (no photos in this set, it refuses to photograph well, as is the way of pretty iridescent things). I spent some time agonizing over my other material, and whether to use two different marbled patterns, but I went with it in the end. The vibes were distinct enough but the palettes overlapped enough that I really enjoyed the effect. And with the northcott art of marbling fabrics (my beloved) I was able to use lines of symmetry to get some nice fussy cuts for the big book and the little ones. All of the books have leather endbands, matching the spine. And the big book has the big thick faux raised bands I tried out with my last svsss! I don't have enough pictures to show off all the book interiors, but I used this cover plate for the series and main fics within it.
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And then, like I showed you above, I put it all together. Marbled paper and silk moire for covering the box, a lot of very tense wrangling of glued-up paper in very small spaces, and, at one point, carefully lowering glue-covered pieces of moire bookcloth down these little pits (walls already covered) using that tab in the front like the world's awkwardest elevator shaft. But the EFFECT!
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I'm very, very pleased with myself, and delighted to have delivered this book to its new home. I've been absolutely VIBRATING with a desire to share, so! I can't be contained by tumblr's image limit. Hold on for two seconds (approx.) and I'm going to reblog this post with some wip pictures and more detail about how I worked this thing out and assembled this box and modified my initial design on the fly
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leafofkudzu · 8 months
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Hello and happy endless January! Despite how long this month may have seemed, it is almost over - and that means it's soon time for another art party hosted by my guild, Verdant Shield [VS]! We're taking a little tour of the cozy size of the jungle this time, over at Mabon Market in Caledon!
For those who aren’t familiar with art parties, they’re a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your favorite character/look together, head to the location, find someone that catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will also be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
Caledon Forest is a nice easily-accessible map for everyone, and Mabon Market even has its own dedicated waypoint (that is, Mabon Waypoint)! I imagine we'll kind of scatter out across the market and beach, so don't take my exact location in this screenshot too seriously!
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Time & Squad Details:
As we always do, we'll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People tend to arrive early and/or jump between accounts as soon as the break comes up, so don't be surprised to see tags and announcements going up ahead of schedule!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (aka 3pm Eastern Standard Time or 4 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Aemryn of Dusk for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (aka 1am Central European Time or at in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Kirslyn for an invite.
Closing Words:
A few days ago some nasty info came to the surface about various GW2 sources being scraped for AI purposes, with tumblr tags specifically being mentioned. Though I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for being discouraged and not wanting to draw at all (even this post was delayed because of it), I think at the end of the day, even if you don't post anything publicly, you still shouldn't deny yourself the company and community of your fellow creatives! If you'd like to make this art party have more of a focus on screenshots, or even just hang out and not draw at all, please feel free - your presence is what makes these parties...well, parties, after all!
If you are still interested in posting your artwork though, please check out Glaze and Nightshade as potential ways to protect yourself (and hurt AI datasets) if you haven't already! And even if you don't do that, make sure to slap signatures/watermarks/etc wherever you can. This may be a disheartening time for us, but it doesn't mean we have to stop doing what we love.
So, whether you're coming to create or just to hang out, I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday. Take care, stay safe, and see you soon! ♥
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Phoebe Buffay Is a Punarvasu Icon
A few days ago I had a realisation that Lisa Kudrow who plays Phoebe is a Punarvasu Rising (conjunct her Rahu in Punarvasu) and ever since then I can't help but notice all the Punarvasu themes in Phoebe's life.
Let's start at the very beginning. Phoebe has had a very difficult childhood. She grew up extremely poor, her mother killed herself, her biological father abandoned them, her stepfather went to jail, and she lived on the streets and did not finish high school. In an earlier post, I spoke about how Jupiter-dominant women have both daddy and mommy issues and how in general Jupiter natives tend to have difficult childhoods. Phoebe's early life is textbook Jupiter in that sense.
Even more interestingly, Punarvasu nakshatra refers to the stars of Castor & Pollux in the Gemini constellation who are thought of as twins (they're named after twin brothers in Roman mythology, one who is cruel and one who is kind once again pointing to the dual nature of Jupiter)
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In the show, Phoebe has a twin sister Ursula and even more interestingly, Phoebe is the nice & kind twin and Ursula is the mean, uncaring one.
random fun fact: Angelina Jolie wanted to name her unborn twins Castor & Pollux. Although she did not go through with it, her twins are Punarvasu Sun lol
Phoebe's childlike spirit and enthusiasm is another trademark feature. She has the joie d'vivre <33 Phoebe can be seen as too random, too loud or "too much" in general and many have said that she's their least favourite character :( but this is literally Punarvasu/Jupiter nature. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, which means every other planetary dominance type operates on a level that's a gazillion types smaller (other than Saturn but Saturn has entirely different principles) people don't understand how one person can be sooo many different things. Jupiter natives are always at risk of being too brash or too forthcoming or whatever because most people operate on small reserves of energy and genuinely do not have the ability to care as much about others/literally anything or be as eclectic. Its very amusing to me that in the alt reality episode Phoebe is a stockbroker lmfao. It shows how being a carefree hippie who deeply cares about justice and fairness is such a core part of her personality and an alternate reality Phoebe is one who works a soul sucking corporate job and gets 2 heart attacks on a single day. Its also heartwarming that by the end of that episode she's back at the cafe singing. In every reality no matter how many detours there may be, her Punarvasu nature forces her to listen to her heart (literally).
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Phoebe is not a good singer but she sings anyway. She has a very child like spirit that all Punarvasu natives have.
I have also noticed that most Punarvasus speak more than one language and have excellent pronunciation (Punarvasu's 2/4 padas lie in Gemini) or very convincing accents. Halsey (Punarvasu Moon) speaks some French (here's a clip of her singing in French) and she has a really good accent. Margot Robbie, Punarvasu Rising is also very good at doing accents. Shakira, Punarvasu Moon is another example, she barely has an accent when she speaks English despite it not being her first language. Phoebe is said to speak French on the show and is said to be good at it.
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Phoebe has a hippie-boho style and has esoteric interests. She's very spiritual and I've always thought that Punarvasu natives are like that. Miranda Kerr, Punarvasu Moon lives a very holistic wellness-focused life, I know this also depends on other placements but Punarvasus tend to have a very spiritual bend.
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She's very chaotic, random and very ditzy. That's as Punarvasu/Jupiter dominant as it gets. Phoebe is however not a doormat, she's not an airhead or someone people take advantage of, she can't be made to do anything she does not want to do. She always stands up for herself and her friends. Throughout the show you see her take a very anti-corporate stance, she supports animal rights, is a vegetarian, cares about the environment. Being passionate about social justice is a big part of a Jupiter dominant person's life.
Phoebe does not beat around the bush, she always tells it like it is. She's blunt af but not unkind or mean or selfish. In fact, she's extremely generous and compassionate.
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How many people would be willing to be their brother's surrogate? that too a brother they didn't even know they had??😭😭😭
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Phoebe marries rich, and to a man who deeply loves her. this is another Punarvasu theme. Since Punarvasu has themes of getting things right on the second try, sometimes Punarvasu natives marry twice.
On the show, Phoebe was originally married to another guy who she married because she wanted to help him get a green card. That again speaks volumes about her kindness and generosity. Punarvasu natives are so kind and giving its kind of stupid. Who the hell marries to help someone? It's very very rare.
Punarvasu natives are also known for their kindness and generosity. Keanu Reeves, Punarvasu Moon is known for this nature of his and Karina from Aespa is another example.
Karina was on a variety show this year after it was announced that she's the ambassador for Converse and she got the whole crew of some 20+ people Converse sneakers??😭😭In fact she's known for her generosity and always gifts the crew when she makes appearances on shows.
Another feature of Punarvasu natives is their random luck, these people are born with lucky charms tbh. Phoebe's massage client, who works at a stock exchange said she'd be good at trading and offered her a job that she declined bc she's not into it. Phoebe meets Mike on a blind date. Phoebe saw an ad for a roommate and thats how she met Monica and the rest of the crew. Phoebe has gone by her whole life on insane luck. Not many people who have had lives as difficult as hers get to experience the kind of blessings she has or retain her sense of enthusiasm and childlike wonder.
Punarvasu natives often have really difficult lives/experiences but it never breaks their spirit, it only makes them kinder. This is their most defining personality trait.
Also if we are to assume the character of Phoebe is Punarvasu Moon then all of her 20s she will have been experiencing her Saturn Mahadasha, and as the show ends, her Saturn mahadasha is also over (because she's past 30/31), she spent all her 20s as a masseuse who makes little money and sings at a cafe, by the end of it, she's married to a rich man and the quality of her life presumably improves.
Other examples of Punarvasu natives random luck includes, Halsey, Punarvasu Moon's song going viral on soundcloud when she was like 20 and being signed to a record company and getting to where she is now, Karina from Aespa was discovered through her IG profile by her current label, Priyanka Chopra, Punarvasu Sun won Miss World at 17-18 yrs old, Katrina Kaif, Punarvasu Sun was modelling in London as a teenager when she got a chance to work on a Bollywood film and now she's one of the biggest stars in India. Shakira, Punarvasu Moon was signed to Sony Columbia when she was 13 (look up the story of how she met that executive, it's so crazy), Caroline Polachek, Punarvasu Moon was selling CDs of her band's album out of a van for $5 which was then bought by a woman who's bf had a popular radio show and played the music on his show, which was then heard by an Apple studio executive who then used the song on an early iPod commercial which was then heard by an executive at Columbia Records who signed them. Mariah Carey, Punarvasu Moon met Tommy Mottola, head of Columbia Records at a party and gave him her demo tape, which he listened to on the car on the way home from the party, he loved it so much he turned the car around to go back and find her but she had already left the party and he spend 2 weeks looking for her, eventually found her and signed her and the rest as they say is history.
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terraco-07 · 7 months
HSBC direction and character writing
So the team has released the writer's commentary early to the public most likely because they know how inflammatory the last update is/has been and wanted to get the reasoning behind it out there. Going to be going through it piece by piece here. Disclaimer: None of my opinions and thoughts are directed at the people as individuals and any criticism is directed at the writing itself. With that said, lets start off. Haven saying “this is the update where we’re gonna see if people are really rockin’ with us or not.” Lmao yep and I can assure you that I'm not one of them. I think we're seeing the end results though of a years bleeding fandom here though. Most people who enjoyed Homestuck either didn't read the epilogues or HS2 because they knew it was something they wouldn't like and didn't care for the direction of taking away the kids victory and giving them some new battle to fight while hurting each character. Those remaining are primarily people who are curious, neutral, or liked the official releases after Homestuck ended. Among them I'm sure a fair amount have liked this because this is already a work catered to them and what they want for better or worse. Anyways, moving on. So the next part just goes over everyone liking Yiffy and her getting a voice and all that, not much to comment on here. Which is a non issue except still making Rose and Jade call their kid a type of porn and keeping that was such a choice, but hey silly candy timeline right? Okay moving on to the conversation that matters. Okay starting with Floral: "Kanaya has long earned this confrontation and she’s not going to accept anything less than the truth." JAMES: This is the funniest line in Homestuck. This is so fucking funny because she gets cut off half way through and then the you fucked my wife being memed to hell in back both took any bite out of it and visibly made me cringe to read. Kanaya is mad here but there are other ways to write it. Would have loved to see a rant about "If you loved me so much Jade why would you betray my trust? Why would you not speak to me. Now you choose to spit in my face like this?" Etc etc. I may genuinely re-write every Kanaya part in this log at some point. I did do an alt version already but that's neither here nor there. Compliments for the art which deserve it! BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP GOING "Pretty art" AND EXCUSE BAD WRITING. I've had to read "I'm just using it as a picture book" and "I skipped through the logs" way too fucking much. JAMES: This one was for the sapphics. The most important demographic that exists. ... saying this while obliterating the biggest endgame sapphic romance? But hey guys!! Kanaya's hot right? This makes it all better :) Especially considering compared to Homestuck proper the epilogues and HS2 have just felt actively hostile towards sapphics FLORAL: This scene is also only one small part of the larger puzzle, bridging between what already existed in HS2 to what we want to do deeper into HS:BC. A puzzle that most of us aren't going to want to figure out. The question of if something is bad for the first 500-1000 pages is it worth consuming will always be no. Also points of expanding the border of Homestuck 1 BUT WE NEVER GET TO SEE THIS. I'm going to hit more on this later but Rose specifically there's so little or no direct foundational build up to her current character choices.
MILES: Yeah, seriously.  I felt viscerally going in that it was really important that Kanaya get some time to just be a stone cold bitch, both in the context of this particular marital fuck-up and in general.  She deserves it. So I'm on my hands and knees begging you guys to learn how to write badass powerful women that doesn't involve them just getting angry because their wife cheated. Hands and fucking knees. This goes for any writing in general but if you have to develop a character through purely negative experiences I'm not sure you should be writing. This whole entire scenario with Rosemary is such a cheap drama soap opera point to begin with (like a lot of HS2). Why can't we let Kanaya be her own fucking person and have shit going on, do something in the war, get to have moments like this in relation to Jane.
FLORAL:  Was so excited for this panel when we were first outlining the update. I had a lot of feelings about how we should move forward from the initial Yiffy reveal, but justification for these narrative choices only matter inside of the text itself, and this is only a tip of a much larger iceberg.
That said, what has always appealed to me the most about Candy in Beyond Canon is that it’s an opportunity to explore alt. selves to the max and start finding the missing “Meat” to Candy’s unbalanced and unsatisfying narrative. The irony for me on this is it was written about the fucking Jojo ass posing Rose which is in my opinion the worst panel in the update. Rose being turned into a comical villain for the sole reason of shaking things up in Candy. Justifications in the text is a great way of putting it and before this we had very very little. The idea of telling us afterwards well it was all apart of the grand plan when barely any time ago we have Rose thanking John for how happy she was to have her life the way it is here. Rose suddenly going ahh apathy my true love and going from a loveable and complex character to this flat cardboard cut out is the biggest crime of this update. The I knew you would forgive me part too. Just. GIRL HOW?? Rose Lalonde who first lost her seer powers in Candy, second the same girl who couldn't even see her friends all dying and her failing in game over. This girl? She saw 15 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE and knew Kanaya would just get it. Roll over like a good wife and be okay. I didn't know she was a seer of time now? This is the worst line in the entire update simply because it implies that Rose has gone off the deep end in the least interesting way and is now an unreliable narrator or that Kanaya is actually going to forgive her and holy fuck that would be the actual worst way to take this. Not beating the NTR kink allegations HS2 writers. Also spoiler alert it's unsatisfying because everyone in it gets fucked over by writing choices as baseless and useless as these. You're perpetuating the problem.
HAVEN: The world hasn't felt real to Rose since she was 16, this life is like a game to her. For her, a war is just “something to do.” Also man while this was a route that I didn't like for the epilogues either there are so many other ways to handle this than the one chosen. But that would require a rewrite from the start of HS2 which already put on this shit show. I still wholeheartedly believe that none of the things listed here justify Rose's behavior to Kanaya. As the one anchor point she's had her entire adult life. FLORAL: It’s a little sad that even during a Rosemary moment, it's never really about Rosemary, huh? Then later- "There really needed to be a joke here, too, to sell the emotional drop the next page brings" Kettle, meet pot. Whatever could be the cause for nothing ever being about them and the pair being relegated to background bullshit? Who's to say indeed. But hey! They're at the forefront now, and only for the most basic and cheap drama ways. Also I loathe this mentality about there needing to be a joke. You're clearly writing this for adults at this point a joke isn't required a real look at the situation is. The gag at the end where the convo gets ended is enough to break the tension for the reader.
FLORAL: There’s catalyst events, sure, but ask a few questions and it becomes apparent everything rides on the history of smaller fights, disappointment, sweeped away passive aggressions, miscommunication and unsaid hurt feelings.
This is why writing characters in their 40’s is great and why there is so much to do in Candy. Behind all the patented Homestuck misdirection and narrative unreliability, you’re left with an offshoot full of alternate selves at their lowest, layered in apathy and evidently not saying what they think Once again we aren't shown this. We just get told about it later and that's incredibly unsatisfying as a reader. Explaining it further down the line and doing more justification later does not help this either. I think also the idea that everyone in their middle aged years is jaded and apathetic is such a lame ass direction to go in. The idea that no one is allowed to be happy after everything they went through in the game is still one of the most frustrating things. I'm asking anyone why would someone want to read that? Why do you think the fandom imploded after this and that the people left mostly enjoy either soap opera trauma or torture porn (which HS2 is both)
like sitting down with a highschool friend you lost touch with 20 years ago and have only known about through concerning Facebook posts. So we're fully aware of the problem and just going this is a feature. Got it. So the commentary ends there and I'm just kind of left feeling as hollow and empty as before. I have zero faith that we can dig into any of these characters in a meaningful way but especially the more complicated women. This reads as coming back to them 20 years later so we can write them how we want or how we envisioned them without having to come up with in text validation. Reminds me of late season Game of Thrones writing. Guys how we got here is important. Anyways in summary HS2 remains a dour, unfun read of characters going through a perpetual state of torture and emotional suffering while we forever get told "Wait but there's more!" But hey. Happy Rosemary, glad they won that poll. Maybe the little thing James is going to do for the fandom is just kill them off to save them from this torment. As a writer myself it's just painful to read and I want to re-write it all times
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 11-16 Commentary
Ep 1-10, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Ep 11
More flirting
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We meet Xiao Se's nasty Emperor dad in his youth, played by the lovely Fan Jinwei, whose Prince Chong I loved in BoY. Not sure if I'm prepared to hate him this time. He looks good tho!
We also meet Wu Xin' mom, who looks like a fractured wistful early-morning dream which is about to float away and dissappear with the slightest breath, never to be found again.
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And Luo Qingyang, (not to be confused with everyone's favorite girl crush Mianmian from The Untamed), the angry repressed big finale martial artist from BoY
Ep 12
I love the super powerful but easily spooked wooden sword wielding Mt. Wangcheng disciple, kid you *really* don't need to try study under Master Li, just because he's "the" shifu doesn't mean he's better. He will teach you nothing and isn't batting an eye at his exam candidates dying right under his eyes. Srsly, Mt. Wangcheng, the Lei family and Changfeng's Medicine Shifu's Valley seem to be the only places suitable to bring up well-adjusted, grounded kids in this universe.
Dual cultivating right in front of future wife's salad
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Damn his gaze is somehow piercing but indifferent at the same time
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(He's gonna explode and die in the future isn't he) Also see, this is what I mean. Most of the shifus in this universe are no good at teaching and guidance. These kids in their youthful vigor and angst are extremely volatile and you all just let them run rampant. They are easily suspectible to being used by bad forces and eventually create massive tragedies for themselves and everyone else.
Well I suppose Dongjun's first shifu was a great guy but 1. He didn't have enough time 2. Even if he did he was dying and sustaining himself in a contained bubble and what he could teach Dongjun about the world was quite limited.
Ahaha I have the exact same pouch! It's a cheap Aliexpress delivery pouch I got a ring sent in
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Ep 13
Omg she's TOO CUTE! This young lady and Baba from JoL2 are the prettiet babies I've seen this year!
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Local playboy realises his boyfriend from alt universe is happily married and has chosen to live a stress free life, the new boyfriend has ditched him for his future child's mom, his old boyfriend is away in a Detox Vacation and realises his carefree childhood has come to its end 😔
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Also I'm actually kinda surprised to find myself shipping this tragic pair of Dingzhi/Wenjun, and shipping HARD at that. I don't know what I expected but by the the time of BoY, all that remains about their relationship is a sordid gossip but they actually turn out to be two broken lil kids🥺 They don't even have like, a hot and hormonal romance but a one built on sweet childhood promises of protecting his little meimei and caring for her Yun gege. Poor babies😭
Ep 14
Liu Yue thinks he hides it well behind his hat but dude is practically bursting at seams for having gotten a disciple, and he's basically teaching Yue Yao how to flex well and never embarrass herself, which in addition would embarrass himself lol. He also seems to be kinda lonely and bored despite his quirky lil maid and broody bf. It's like he was born to be a social butterfly but with his current social status he cannot.
Inaccurately accurate MTL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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(Also this is so funny to me with the context that I've read the "lifting the hijab" mtl line in lots of Chinese fics where the couple gets married and that red veil lifting thing happens on the marrige bed lol.)
Dingzhi's master seems to be just as traumatised by life as Dingzhi is. Huang Yi lasohi is actually so good in roles like this. Also can we have an applause for the first genderqueer character in the show woohoo
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And then the two shifus have a date about their duel, lol
Ep 15
Baili Dongjun gotta be the naivest ML I've encountered in a while, and by naive I mean beyond the levels of your average innocent, inexperienced teen full of sunlight and getting jaded overtime such as Fang Duobing, Wu Xie, Zhang Chulan etc.
Dongjun has grown up so sheltered and full of positivity, he doesn't seem to register the gravity of things even when they are right in front of his face almost to the point of stupidity.
He provides a stark contrast against his friends, Sikong Changfeng who's been the sweetest but also most down-to-earth kid to begin with and Ye Dingzhi who's been dealing with the weight of the whole world since childhood.
That part where Dongjun saw the arrest warrant for Dingzhi who also turned out to be his long lost bff, was told by his elders that they'll take care of the matter and will bring Dingzhi to him, Dongjun was just like "Ok cool! That's settled then! I'm gonna just chill and have a drink with my new girlfriend then!" was almost funny but sad because,
Kid, you are going to be in a WORLD of hurt VERY soon. You trust strangers way too much!
I mean in BoY you see how severely Dongjun has crashed to the point of wanting to create a broth of oblivion..... I can totally see how that happened.
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Also that poster is a severe injustice to Dingzhi's GORGEOUS face lmao
Ep 16
I mostly have opinions about Master Li in this ep, which I compiled in a seperate post linked above
Also my bb Changfeng is back! And straight away he also joined the baby making game, and Dongjun has no choice but to be a good wingman to his bros at this point lmao
Changfeng chose the most comparatively normal and mundane romance arc too. She's the top courtesan for sure but still, for many young gentry she wouldn't have been anymore worth than a fling, but Changfeng just went ahead and offered her the most genuine, authentic companionship ever without a second of hesitation. And walked out head held high, with ZERO idea about how suave and sexy it made him and I'm like:
5/5 Stars No Drama
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autosuns · 5 months
Of Ambulon and Pharma and doomed amica endura
I'll preface that I'm the last person to try and explain my ships by how canon they are and this is very much the same case of me just entertaining the idea and what their relationship represents and what role they play in a wider story, this is not an invitation for discourse or a debate. It's just me rambling on why I like the ship so much, think Pharma and Ambulon are narrative foils, while using some canon stuff and word of god.
Jokes about hamburger or hot dog or literally anything regarding Ambulon's death will end in block idc I think it's obnoxious 👍
CW for robot gore, discussions of torture, you know, the package that comes with DJD and Decepticons and MTMTE.
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When it comes to Ambulon and Pharma's relationship, I think it's fair to start with bare bones, yeah?
I'm going to start with each character individually, what my take on them is, so we're all on the same page.
So, the basics are:
Ambulon was part of the failed combiner project of decepticons, the first combiner at that. He has horrible alt mode, that brings him a lot of shame, so he prefers to keep it a secret. He switched to the Autobots, eventually.
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We don't know for certain if he was created for the project, or was one of the "volunteers". What we do know though, is that he's an MTO specifically, not just constructed cold, and MTOs were a concept of war.
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Meaning, he cant be older than the war. Meaning, in my personal opinion, he was either made for some operation, then snatched by Shockwave for the project, or was created already specifically for the project.
There, I think, comes a timeline conflict. It feels unfeasible, to me, that MTOs were made this early into the war, by Decepticons. What I think happened, is that Shockwave did try to experiment on other Decepticons to figure out and develop on Jhiaxus' research, but once MTOs as a concept came into the picture, it became infinitely easier to just have an alt mode pre-made for a mech.
Unless when Shockwave said he was going to give Megatron a gestalt he meant he'll postpone it for 4mil years and do it a little before he succeeded with Devastator so Ambulon deserting LITERALLY as he is picked out for the combiner project JUST to avoid it makes this line from him especially funny:
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Boy for all we know you're not even 15 years old.
Also the idea that character like Ambulon did that out of some sort of cowardice, that THIS was his breaking point to join Autobots, feels wrong.
In-text it becomes even less likely Ambulon had a life before the project, as his name "Ambulon" seems to be the only one he ever had (judging by his statue post on Necroworld).
I think why I'm getting a Little long-winded explaining Ambulon is to draw a better picture on his experience with Decepticons, Specifically Shockwave.
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That to say, he had a horrible one. He knows better than anyone what Decepticons are capable of and how far they will go/what Megatron would allow. Especially once DJD comes into the picture.
And it just emphasizes the way Ambulon in the end of it all chose kindness. The first issues he appeared in cement it very well, especially since most of his intro we get from First Aid's point of view.
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Ambulon is tetchy, can be a gearstick sometimes
Ambulon took pity on the Decepticons he thought were hunted down by the DJD
Ambulon convinced Pharma to let them stay
The Genericons showed their scars to Ambulon specifically
Ambulon gets passionate about hate crimes concerning one's shape/alt mode
Ambulon is "tetchy" and rejects First Aid's idea because he's concerned that it's too risky
For Ambulon to put your own life on the line to save a single life is an act of selfishness (also stemming out of his concern for First Aaid, imo)
Ambulon let the Genericons share a cell
To sum it up: Ambulon is very greatly concerned for the greater good and treating people without bias, Decepticon or Autobot, especially when there's any sort of discrimination involved.
(Using Genericons and Triple M as a tool with Ambulon was a very clever foreshadowing for Ambulon's situation, but it is a general theme that runs in these issues and Ratchet's/medics character arcs, it's the functionism, one's shape and purpose in life, but it is a completely different post to make. Just let's keep the theme of one's shape and purpose in mind.)
The thing is, Ambulon is who he is by choice. His Decepticon past is always showing, whether he wants it or not, but all he wants, essentially, is to help people and treat them with kindness. He's a "gearstick", but he's a gearstick with a big spark. He saw the greater cruelty in Decepticons and made a choice to never participate in it.
Ambulon is an MTO who made his life and became what he wants to be despite everything: Decepticons, his alt-mode, biases, all of that. He's true to himself and his intentions.
I'm gonna also get this out of the way that Ambulon's established character is continuously ignored, dumbed down and twisted: the point is that I do believe JRO didn't think about him that much or that deep, and what he did with him did not retain with him into further issues. That is to say, "You're gonna let Dr DJD cut us in half?" is a dumb fucking line to come out of Ambulon specifically, makes no sense, too snarky and cruel all things considered, and while I think it's also very funny it jsut shows Ambulon's accidental insignificance. Ok. That's all.
Oh boy this one's a doozy. Okay, listen, I'll try to get more brief with it, try to get straight to the point, but Pharma has so much nuance around him on a greater scheme of things that it might also just be it's own post. SO we'll just try to focus on his persona and relations to others.
Pharma is a doctor of talent on par with Ratchet, if not actually better. He used to be friends with him, he's implied to have used to do medical service in the new institute, and eventually was stationed on Delphi by Prowl, practically abandoned by Ratchet. There, he ends up being blackmailed by Tarn, ending up killing his patients to meet the increasing quota, being led to the brink of creating a virus that he exposes the facility to in hope to close it down and escape it scot-free. Obviously, because of Ratchet, it didn't work, the rest is history.
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Unlike Ambulon with his 3 panels and a half of screentime worth talking about character-wise, Pharma is a combination of multiple things at once, his place as an Autobot, his connection to the DJD, his act, and most of his actual character we get from very few shots of him from the past and what people say of him, and just a little of his behavior at Delphi before his crime is revealed.
So I think we'll focus specifically on the Decepticon part when it comes to Pharma cuz it's much easier to talk about.
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Pharma vehemently, without hiding it, hates Decepticons.
It will go into even bigger field of speculations than trying to piece Ambulon's character together for why he hates them so much. It could both just be a thrown in line for the story to flow (Genericons) and act as a foreshadowing (DJD blackmail), the fact of the matter is, he hates Decepticons, he does not have pity for Decepticons, and if DJD did not play into his hatred, years of war for sure did.
(Also worth mentioning that in the issue #4, the paralleling story is Tailgate learning about the war and backing off on his decision to be a Decepticon. The entire build up works very well, imo, and plays into just how much it should hit you when Pharma turns out providing for DJD, along with the choice of Ambulon to not be a Decepticon anymore.)
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You see, I think Pharma is incredibly caring person. He cares for his patients and he cares for his people. He takes his work extremely seriously. He's willing to be a donor for his patient and he's still conducting research to cure illnesses when there was no legitimate point for him to do that anymore. He's not just a surgeon, but he's a virologist/epidemiologist.
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But, probably when we ask ourselves, "So if he was such a wonderful doctor, equal to Ratchet, someone Ratchet recognizes, why wasn't he the Chief Medical Officer in the first place?"
I think it's mostly his personality. It's his hubris and ego. It's also the inherent societal bias of Cybertron when it comes to jets - though this part of worldbuilding isn't that consistent, he is a forged jet AND a doctor.
And that's also why I think he doesn't believe in that "forged" functionism bullshit. BUT thats another post of its own (take a shot every time i say that in this post).
Let's just bullet point this:
Pharma is a talented doctor who's good and dedicated to his job. Practically nothing is impossible for him and it becomes a focal point of his conflict with Ratchet, too.
That said, Pharma's shape is what, I think, is responsible for his hubris. He's a jet, he's forged, he's a doctor, but he's a doctor because HE, PHARMA, is good. Nothing to do with some God. (which is different from Ratchet's internalized functionism)
Pharma hates Decepticons, he tried to kill the DJD, and it may seem like he pushed it all on Ambulon because he was a Decepticon, but I don't think that's the case. Specifically because of this:
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He does not see Ambulon as a Decepticon, and it was just panicked shitty lie he had to quickly come up with on the spot.
Pharma feels guilt for his actions, and after killing Ambulon, he's actively taunting First Aid to kill him.
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Pharma is a jet doctor trapped in the loop of self-sabotage after being exploited, psychologically tortured and left for dead, after a poor attempt of saving face. Pharma is a jet doctor who embraced his new look, but couldn't live with it, far from accepting it. Furthermore, his body is used by Adaptus himself, where the only thing he could do is trying to get his body back, to help his comrades, only to end up dying, again.
That's where I'm going to use a single word of God that makes, all in all, a lot of sense.
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"Grurdging respect" is about best way to describe Pharma and Ambulon.
Now since I've reached the image limit on this post it's relentless rambling and speculations time!
You probably can already tell where I'm going with this. I think Pharma and Ambulon direct inversions of each other.
Decepticon gone Autobot as a choice - Autobot gone rogue out of blackmail and fear of failure
MTO doing what he wants to do and taking control of his body and life, disconnected from a gestalt or his "purpose" - A forged jet trying to continue his career of a doctor despite all the odds but who's agency is continuously taken, not only by others but by his own ego
Where they overlap, is their desire to do what they want. Where they differ, is one's sincerity and other's toxicity.
Ambulon is someone Pharma would never be, and someone he, on meta level, wishes he was more like. He doesn't want to be Ratchet, even if we think a little about his obsession and desire to prove to Ratchet that he's better, he wants to be someone Ratchet would respect. And in the end of the day, it all didn't matter anymore, because clearly Ratchet never respected him enough in the first place: "waging a war on his body", taking body parts for his own gain (hands), that Pharma didn't even really care about anymore. It was personal. He wanted Ratchet to hurt.
All of this, ultimately, is justified. Little who would respond to knowing someone who betrayed you (and whom you, also, betrayed) also breached boundaries of your autonomy. It's just basic decency. I don't believe TFs never heard of that or don't follow it, in some fashion. Maybe it's more loose, but for the purpose of drama and villification of Pharma, it was convenient, I guess.
See, Pharma is just inherently, like anyone, very flawed. The circumstance he's put in and the war led to the worst of his qualities spike. And in relation to Ambulon, it's the inverse of a person who, having seen the horrors of the war, having been through the horror and the existential dread of being in a gestalt, chose kindness anyway.
"Grudging respect". A jet doctor, a genius, and an ex-soldier MTO, who made the choice of helping people. An ex-Decepticon, too, no less.
See how it could've developed into something more?
Both eager to do their job, Ambulon is a perfect stabilizer for Pharma's general emotional response to things. He may be a good doctor, but he's prone to acting and saying things before really thinking about it. Ambulon is capable of convincing him and giving a good argument, without it being personal.
"Grudging respect" with Ambulon working with one of the best doctors out there, who's work is going to be invaluable even after his death.
And if things worked out differently? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't be there to sympathize with Pharma's trauma regarding DJD? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't pity Pharma for what Tarn put him through? Ambulon? The Decepticon who was there? The one who even should fear DJD the most? The one who might've even triggered DJD once he was so close on the radar?
He might've confided in Pharma in the first place, as someone literally second in charge after him.
Pharma and Ambulon are defying Adaptus as a societal concept, among with the existential idea of your shape dictating your purpose. And within the text they don't just defy, they end up suffering the most out of it - Pharma ends up in a position where his hands are praised more than he, as a person, is, Ambulon dies by these hands, and his death dooms Pharma as well.
I hope it was comprehensive enough, i WISH i could include more images to prove my point. The amica endura would've been insane. If only the circumstance was different.
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problemduetest4life · 3 months
what time-period accurate songs do you think Jeremy listens to in TSC? I want to know ALL of your thoughts on this
Like a Bird by Bell Fury Ado ofc
jk jk that song and My Prerogative by Britney Spears are Jean songs ONLY
Okay let's get into this...
Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley and the Wailers (1980)
Jeremy is a beach boy at the end of the day. I know he can surf, I know he can in my heart. I also think Bob Marley's music hits for him because a lot of it is about peace, love, and justice. When he drives to school from his family's house this is the music he listens to fix the good vibes for the day.
Disappear by Beyonce (2008)
Jeremy is a secret sad music enjoyer. I think this is a drive home song for him.
The more I think about it The less that I was able to share with you I try to reach for you, I can almost feel you You're nearly here And then you disappear 
pre-jerejean y'all, I know you see it
Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5 (2007)
Look at the end of the day Jeremy is a white boy in the early 2000's and he is allowed to be basic! Imagine he's driving to his families house at the end of the day, where he doesn't want to be, and he's just had a painful talk with Jean and he's just belting "It's not over tonight, Just give me one more chance to make it right, I may not make it through the night, I won't go home without you" DO YOU SEE THE VISION!?!?!?
I saw your post about the alt-rock angst for bad days and I wholeheartedly agree. This is more pining and less "big sad".
Lips Of An Angel by Hinder
This is a joke but also-
Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield (2007)
I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! But when he's in a funk Cat plays this from the boombox and it always wins at least a smile out of him just because it's sooo dumb
His party music is Rihanna. Why? Because it's Rihanna. (Shut Up and Drive, Breaking Dishes & SOS to my specific) (2006&2007)
He also listens to Aaliyah because she's a queen. Like sexy Jeremy = Rock the Boat (2001). You heard it here first kids. Jeremy think's he's alone in the kitchen and is bussin it down and Jean walks in, has a whole 'nother sexuality crisis.
I truly imagine the Trojans going to bar that plays Ne-Yo, Sean Paul, Timbaland, Usher, Akon, T-Pain, Christina Aguilera, Jordin Sparks... I know they are menaces in the off-season. I promise you the student athletes with good reputations can be INSANE on the low
I don't know why but I'm gravitating towards No Doubt. Spiderwebs and I'm Just A Girl. I can see him having a baby sitter who would listen to it and he would always want to listen to it as a kid and his parents were like "omg he must have a crush on her so cuteeee" but really he's just gay and has taste.
I think Jeremy would also be like the type of person to still be softly singing along to the music while being stressed out. Like he's texting about something important but under his breath he's like "get it calculated, do the math, made a thousand songs that make ya move ya ass"
I know the Trojan's lockerroom and lift playlists are deadly too
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we-love-morioh-cho · 6 months
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Random speculation on the possible climax of The Jojolands -
The boat out at sea was one of the first visuals we got of Part 9 and, in the intro to Chapter 1, we see it again being ridden by Jodio and Dragona alone. We also get this imagery of Jodio ascending a volcano when he talks about the Mechanism - and while I think it's possible these are just metaphorical, I think it's also possible that they're hinting at the climax of the story.
I say this because Jojo loves its ocean and/or boat endings. Just off the top of my head and without going into spoilers - the endings of Parts 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 all feature the sea or characters on a boat in some way. It's not always the literal last page, but it's definitely a motif.
The volcano erupting clearly ties into the lava rock and the lava tubes. A volcano erupting would also resemble the end of Part 2 and maybe the natural disasters / calamities of 7 and 8's endings. And with the set-up that is hasn't erupted in a long time, I feel like this is a safe assumption.
It's way too early to theorize any more, but I have some random loose thoughts. With the endings we've had from recent parts, I'm guessing Part 9 will be tragic or at least bittersweet. While the story so far resembles Golden Wind a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if it incorporates some ideas from Stone Ocean's ending. We also only see Jodio and Dragona on the boat and none of the other protagonists which probably means something 😢
The Jojo Wiki claims that in an interview with Noriko Narumi, the woman who designed the Part 9 logo, she listed some proposed titles for the part. The most interesting was "MADE IN JOJOLANDS". This title was scrapped and it's possibly just a reference to the term "Made in America / the USA" - but obviously it's reminiscent of Made In Heaven. It could've just been a throwback, but if Part 9 is the conclusion to the series / the alt. universe trilogy, then I really think it's possible we might get something similar to the Part 6 ending.
A tragic ending involving two siblings out at sea? Phantom Blood and Stone Ocean both have similar conclusions and, if we are to believe that The Jojolands is the last part, I at least think it would make sense for it to follow this trend and reincorporate these ideas. I can't say if Araki would actually do something like this, but I just noticed these little connections and wanted to put them somewhere.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
GT: also, you should give rose another chance. GT: she is really great! whatever she did, she was probably just pulling her mind games on you, it's all in fun. GT: there is more to her than that, you'll see.
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Ok, you will have to admit that is a nice outfit. Humans get points for fashion too.
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You proceed to have your SECOND CONVERSATION.
This is Kanaya's first actual conversation with Rose.
This is an early Kanaya, so we know she's still pissed off. She might warm to Rose later on, but at this point, she's still full of venom, and mercilessly trolls h-
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Alright, never mind.
We've explored this conversation's dynamics before, and we all know how this story is going to end. It's a lot of fun to watch, though.
You feel pretty good about your effort. It was a measured balance of barbs and condescension. Your leader will be pleased with the report.
And she's actually reporting to Karkat, which is honestly pretty sweet. Kanaya knows how despondent he's feeling right now, and he deserves at least one win.
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You skip ahead to a point on her timeline when you suspect friendship may plausibly have been established already. You have your THIRD CONVERSATION. It does not go as well as you'd hoped.
Trouble in paradise!
This is a post-Davesprite Rose. She's absorbed her alt-self, begun her service to the dark gods, and generally has a lot more going on than the last time Kanaya checked in. She gives her the cold shoulder.
I still don't know how much of her mood here is real, and how much is an act she's putting on to satisfy a time loop. On reflection, I think it's mostly real - after all, Rose has had a rough couple of hours.
Your FOURTH, FIFTH, AND SIXTH CONVERSATIONS don't fare much better. This friendship is stalling fast. What are you doing wrong?
Anyway, Kanaya is hurt. She has three conversations that have been alluded to before. We don't get to see them, but they sound just as fruitless as the one above, which implies that Rose's bad mood is here to stay.
This is actually the best insight we've got into Rose's true state of mind since Descend. She's not doing good.
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teafromthemicrowave · 1 month
I don't know how to say it without going even more apeshit than I already did in the tags of my reblog but your New York Polycule band AU is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life and I could probably write an entire essay about it if I were more coherent (redhead/auburn Noel my beloved, romantic goth Oscar my beloved, Jarthur matching earrings my beloveds, Arthur's funky little glasses my beloveds, the comour scheme my beloved, the album/tour name my beloved, the composition my beloved, casual hanging out doodles my beloveds, everything about this entire concept my beloved) but I'm not so just rest assured that if you ever find yourself in peril, I will come to your aid with a sword in hand ready to fight in your name because you've singlehandedly mashed together so many of my favourite things and made the result so beautiful that my serotonin receptors have been making me run up and down the stairs for the past while to walk off the happy zoomies. They a look perfect. They all look so perfect and also exactly how I imagine them (long black hair John, curly hair Oscar, blond Arthur, redhead/auburn Noel. I love your brain so much. And you made them GOTH. And you made them GENDER. and you made Noel LIKE METAL. I know I already said they all look perfect but they literally look so perfect - god, that hat you gave Oscar is so good, it's so him, I love it so much.
I'm not actually a goth in the traditional sense (I don't listen to goth music unless you count Aurelio Voltaire and apparently some early Nightwish - im more of a folk-rock-punk-metal girlie) but I like to wear a lot of black and yeah I'm still some flavour of alt (the ideal gender presentation is an androgynous renfaire attendee dipped in a bucket of black paint) so seeing my blorbos like this just. Made me so ridiculously happy you have no idea. Your brain was so smart and sexy and correct for coming up with this idea. It's what they deserve. They deserve to look good and play music and straddle each other while they do each other's eyeliner and all the good stuff. I cannot wait for that playlist you mentioned.
FIRST OF ALL thank you SO much for that ask I am grinning so hard rn OHHH
I literally have so much lore to share and a fic to write, this will be a lot but I NEED TO DO THIS FOR GODS SAKE
And yeah, next to goth I also love the metal punk emo rock stuff, so BESTIE YEHAWW
projecting onto characters is my fav thing to do, that's why this au exists :D AND ITS AWESOME I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY WITH IT
And funfact! The tour name "alternate ending" is based on the same-named song by Woods of Ypres!! REALLY RECOMMED IT (the singer sounds like John too giggles cutely)
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captain-crowfish · 23 days
The Warrior Cats Phenomenon
A beloved xenofiction series that is, in reality, incredibly mediocre, is subsequently glamorized and over-inflated by the perception of adolescents, influenced by the cultural landscape at the time of the fandom's mainstream conception. The era of the early 2000s brought about the popularization of the internet, and with it came a new sub-division in alt. youth pop culture; which for the sake of this tangent I will refer to as "Alternative animal expressionism." In less formal terms, just about all the artsy kids on deviantart had a fursona that walked on four legs and was adorned with an abundance of accessories and bright colors, as well as punk/emo-resembling hair styles. This is reflective of the commonplace visual aesthetics we now refer to as MySpace/MyScene subculture. MySpace was designed as a platform for older teenagers and young adults, and just so happened to collide with the rise of Youtube, and with it came two other communities that were skyrocketing in popularity; AMVs and furries. The history of furries is too long to elaborate on here, however many of them were pioneers in developing crucial components of code still used in modern operating systems. What defines a "Furry" is debated, but mostly revolves around an enjoyment of anthropomorphized animals. arguably one of if not the most popular forms of media depicting animals with such characteristics at the time was Walt Disney's The Lion King, and the growing number of forum websites meant that multiple forums and websites were bound to surface that were entirely dedicated to The Lion King and its fans, serving as a dedicated space to discuss the film, and potentially their own fan-made characters. AMV is an incredibly broad and potentially outdated term. The Acronym "AMV" was first coined as "Anime music video." Although for reasons I will touch on a bit later it can also mean "Animated music video." Again, with the notoriety of forum websites and online fan spaces, information can much more easily be found, given, and spread. Anime was still a relatively new concept in the world of Western entertainment (and was first popularized by, you guessed it, Furries.), and until files and videos could easily be shared over the internet, the only way to watch Anime was to get your hands on a physical VHS tape, which at the time still proved to be difficult and an incredibly niche practice, especially if you wanted subtitled or dubbed Anime.
Now in the 2000's, the popularity of Anime has increased almost tenfold. And while animation is a media that can be easily translated is necessary and enjoyed by a Western Audience, Japanese music did not quite reach the same level of popularity, at least not alongside Anime. Western audiences often combined clips of various Anime TV shows and films to music, most of which was Western-made. The intent, editing style, and end result of each fan-made music video often differed greatly from each other, although a common idea was evidently present: The music landscape at the time, brought on by the newest wave of counter culture, could be relatable to the situations of the animated characters. (This was not a completely new concept, and full disclosure I do not know how people made fan made music videos before computer video editing software was invented. According to Wikipedia, "The first AMV was created in 1982 by 21-year-old Jim Kaposztas. [He] hooked up two videocassette recorders to each other and edited the most violent scenes from Star Blazers to "All You Need Is Love" by the Beatles to produce a humorous effect.") These were also sometimes referred to as "Anime mixes", particularly if they contained footage from more than one property. Similar media also included MMVs ("Manga music videos"), FMVs (literally "Fan Music Videos") and HMVs (which were obviously created for a more adult audience).
The oldest AMV on Youtube (at least that I could find) After some time, the appeal of creating a fan-made music video spread to other fandoms (again through social cross-pollination, i.e. someone who was a fan of both Anime and The Lion King was more likely to adopt these mediums), particularly The Lion King, and fan made music videos using footage from the film and its sequels began to surface, although still using the "AMV" Moniker. The next logical step for anyone who enjoyed Western mainstream animation was to include other Disney properties in fan-made music videos. But why stop at mainstream? Why stop at films? the medium soon evolved to contain and pay tribute to all kinds of Western animation, from Walt Disney to cult classics such as the likes of Watership Down, to TV shows like Avatar The Last Airbender (the latter of which was often understandably grouped in with Anime and AMVs).  In 2003, a group of authors underneath the pseudonym Erin Hunter released the first book in what would become one of the most popular and most beloved xenofiction book series of all time. Warriors: Into the Wild. Like most budding fandoms, Warrior Cats also sprouted dedicated fan websites for discussion of the series. The up-and-coming Warrior Cats fandom found itself somewhere on the spectrum between the anime and furry communities, combining the ingenuity and creative thinking with the"Sparkledog" furry art style. However, the more "visual" creative types lacked almost any pre-existing media to work with, and before 2009, fan-made music videos often consisted of picture slideshows with simple or non-existent effects and transitions, with some scattered fan-made animations here and there. And then, everything changed when a small team of artists and animators driven purely by devotion, passion, and seemingly sheer creative will, released the first episode of their new Anime-inspired, episodic retelling of the first Warriors book. SSSWarriorCats was so Anime-inspired, both in animation style, direction and pacing, perfectly straddling the balance between the Anime and furry communities, respectfully. The series, although technically incomplete, still garners an enormous fanbase to this day. Evidently Warrior Cats fans have been inspired by these animations for over a decade, and it's not hard to see why. And thus the release and subsequent releases of episodes sparked what is regarded as the “Classic” period in Warrior Cats fan animations, and also sparked the creation of “MAPs” (“Multi-Animator-Projects”), as opportunities to collaborate with fellow artists. To summarize, Warrior Cats had the ingenuity of Anime fans to create music videos out of already-existing content, but upon realizing they had none, looked to the furry, tactile-based artistic side of their fandom’s conception to create it, instead of waiting for an official adaptation to surface. (And considering what Tencent animation is doing… I’m glad they did.) In other, perhaps more unserious terminology, the Warrior Cats fandom is the cultural brainchild of the Anime and Furry communities. To summarize, Warrior Cats had the ingenuity of Anime fans to create music videos out of already-existing content, but upon realizing they had none, looked to the furry, tactile-based artistic side of their fandom’s conception to create it, instead of waiting for an official adaptation to surface. (And considering what Tencent animation is doing… I’m glad they did.) In other, perhaps more unserious terminology, the Warrior Cats fandom is the cultural brainchild of the Anime and Furry communities. The Warrior Cats Fandom continues to persist, even after two decades, seemingly out of sheer artistic will. But, of course, the question remains as to why all of this happened, why does the possibility for these ideas to occur exist in the first place? The answer is simple, The perception of adolescents that such amalgamated fan-made media can be perceived as "mature" or even "edgy" is not one that has disappeared from our culture and probably never will. Cringe culture is dead.
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i-starcreamed · 2 years
Hey, I was thinking of a oneshot request for MTMTE Rodimus, Megatron, Drift, Whirl, Tarn, Shatted Glass Optimus Prime and Bayverse Ironhide with a Cybertronian S/O who can transform into a weapon (and it depends on what weapon she turns to, depending on who the character she is with). I was thinking it could be a female S/O as well, to make it easier for you cause I'm aware that's a lot of characters lol. Thank you, have a good day/afternoon/night 🤗
oo this is a cool request! this was very fun to write especially since one of my ocs also transforms into a weapon..And I had to exclude Megatron and Ironhide since I sadly don't know how to write for them too well :(
Also I'll be uploading the oneshots separately so that the characters are easier to find and for organization purposes :D hope you don't mind. This post includes Rodimus and Drift
MTMTE Rodimus x Cybertronian!reader
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Whenever danger sets afoot on the Lost Light or any other alien planet the crew makes a stop at, Rodimus is immediately looking at you with begging optics. Every time, you would sigh and know exactly what he meant.
Today was one of those cycles, the Lost Light had to make a stop at some random alien planet. According to Ultra Magnus and your significant other, the planet belonged to a bunch of techno-organics that weren't too welcoming to cybertronians. Or rather, which you learned too late, they weren't welcoming to any intruders.
"Alright, alright listen everyone! We're under attack, this planet is apparently defensive against us, but we'll be fi-" Another explosion ringed in the background. "we'll be fine!" Rodimus announced this to the whole crew, which were itching to fight or hiding within the ship.
"We're all gonna die!"
Someone in the crowd yelled, which led to more of the crew muttering to each other and doing the exact opposite of what Rodimus wanted. His optimistic smile faltered as he sighed. You were at his side, as always. You placed a servo on his shoulder in a comforting way.
"Hey, it's alright. We should go help out there though, system's scanner says they're closing in. How about we go protect the crew, yeah?" You said with a smile.
Rodimus seemed to perk up at this. Suddenly, a knowing grin crept onto his face. 3..2..1.."Does this mean...?" His striking blue optics stared down at you expectedly. There he goes. You sigh but nod your helm.
"Yes Rodimus. I'll turn into my alt mode.."
Rodimus was the only bot you trusted enough to wield you in your alt-mode, which happened to be a rather cool-looking plasma rifle. With temperatures reaching to a scorching amount, you and him easily plundered through your attackers. Techno-organics and heat don't mix well, you learned. By the end of it, the nearby location was a nasty mess. But hey, at least you protected the Lost Light in an incredibly badass way. It's not every cycle they see a femme that can turn into a rifle and melt away at her enemies. Rodimus was proud of you, to say the least. He couldn't have a better/more badass conjunx.
He still holds you as you enter the Lost Light once again, to continue on your journey before the planet's inhabitants call for backup or something.
"Can I transform back now?"
"Hmm, nope. I need to make an announcement first, remember?"
"If you drop me again, I swear to Primus Rodimus..."
He groans, you were never going to forgive for that, were you?
MTMTE Drift x Cybertronian!reader
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Early on when you embarked upon the Lost Light, you had quickly befriended the third-in-command. You happened to bond over your love for bladed weapons and swords, combat in general. As you got closer, those feelings for each other grew. You were so trusting of him despite his past, despite everything. And yet...he didn't know what your alt-mode was. You had mentioned to the crew and himself that you took the form of a weapon. When asked what kind, you kinda said it depended and left it at that. It wasn't until today that he just had to know.
"Y/N, sweetspark?" You heard your conjunx ask a your side. Currently, you were both in his hab suite, reading some old cybertronian literature Drift recommended. You lifted your helm from the datapad and let out a short hm?
"I never mean to intrude, but I'd still like to see your alt-mode..." HE asked rather cautiously. To be fair, it's not that you were ashamed or anything of your alt mode. However, the mode you chose truly depended on who er...handled you during combat. You have been with Drift for a while, you decided it wouldn't hurt to trust him enough for this. So you sat up from your spot and placed the datapad down.
"Okay, okay Drift. Here we go.."
Your alt-mode depended on your conjunx, gears and metal turned into place as your t-cog worked out its form. Not a second later you fell into Drift's servos, his optics widened as you finished transforming. He thought you were a sniper rifle or some type of gun, he never imagined you transforming into a beautiful and intricate blade. And there you were, on his servos. He would so much compare you to the Great Sword, powerful and he would give his absolute spark to you.
He'll admit, it's a bit trippy to be with a talking sword but he wouldn't change it for a thing. A soft smile made its way onto his face
"Thank you, Y/N."
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Welcome cuties~💖
Just realized I don’t have a pinned post anymore so wanted to fix that here.
First and foremost hello! I’m a 22 year old trans girl she/her (mtf) who only had it figured out around February of 23’ so now so I’m still very early in my transition and learning as I go.
Check out my alt blog @moomoos-bookcorner
I adore soft feedism and I am currently working on gaining some weight again. My other kinks include hucow, lactation, some bimbo stuff, 💕mutual gaining💕, being an eager to please feedee.
I am also into slob, messy eating, and musk stuff but I won’t be posting any of that here because I know people aren’t fans of it (but if you like it, why not send me a dm and your favorite posts.)
I love getting asks and DMs from people but I do reserve to right to block you, don’t want to but will. I love attention and will try to respond in a timely manner. Gays, theys, girls, and trans cuties get priority however. But also I can get really down and drained so if I’m not responding to you please don’t sweat it too much I’ll eventually get back you you I’m sorry 😣
Send enough anons with a signature at the end and I’ll start tagging them as “thank you - anon”. So far hucow anon and <3 anon are taken. (Two of my favorite cuties~💖)
Also have to include this list unfortunately, DNI (do not interact)
Minors aka under 18s (this includes blogs with no age in bio)
Blank blogs (if I see nothing in your blog it’s a block, just have something in your bio)
Transphobes, homophobes, racists, bigots of any kind (go away scum)
Also please don’t send me pictures of yourself without asking the first time or starting off with that. Instant block. No exceptions.
Look forward to interacting with you all. Thank you~💕
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