#it's all treated as just some funny joke and not like the horrible abuse it is
alexandersimpleton · 1 year
Hey guys, remember that time time Leland forced his high-school aged, sickly son to clear THIS
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On his feet with an overweight llama on his back? And remember how he didn't give Frederick an escort or anybody to watch him? And remember how he was in the middle of nowhere with no hospital for miles? And remember how it was broad daylight out? And remember how the gala normally happens in the fall so this was probably some time in summer? And remember how Leland made him do it AGAIN? And remember how it took so long the second time that he had to sleep outside? And remember how he immediately had to make a break for it in the morning? And remember how if Whitney wasn't there Frederick would've 100%, legitimately, actually died of exhaustion or heat stroke? And remember how Leland almost murdered his own child because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life trapped in a loveless marriage with someone who legitimately thought was going to hurt him?
Haha, yeah. What a funny thing Leland did. This is such a funny joke, and it will never be acknowledged again.
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psychotrenny · 2 months
One of the more depressing effects of systemic transmisogyny is the way some trans women get so desperate for any validation thar they start praising chasers. And not just specific chasers who gave them an apparently "good" experience, but with the entire concept of chasers as a whole. It's like they feel flattered by the idea of people seeing their transness as a positive characteristic, something that makes them attractive and special, while ignoring the way that even "best case" that attraction stems from a place of dehumanisation which sees you as merely part of a class of sex objects rather than an actual individual person. I say "best case" because for many chasers their attraction to transfeminity comes less from a desire for those associated characteristics in a vacuum, an inexplicably desire for girlcock or what have you, but from the vulnerability (both personal emotional and systemically socio-economic) that TMA people experience making them much easier to exploit and abuse
Like Pro-Chaser sentiment is a product of people completely misunderstanding what a Chaser is and what they do. No matter how lonely you are it doesn't do any good to see Chasers as some easy outlet for sex and validation; their treatment of transfems isn't just degrading but is often outright dangerous to an even greater extent than your average TME individual. Not the sort of people you want to be spending any time around
And sometimes you even see this sort of sentiment, this desire to be loved by someone who only loves you as a tranny because at least it's some sort of love you can get as a tranny, creep through when others are treating Chasers in a critical or mocking way. Like the Halimede MF twitter account's whole deal is roleplaying as a (somewhat exaggerated but still recognisable) specific sort of Lesbian Chaser; the "harmless transfeminist girl" if you will. Regardless of what you think of the bit, it's very clearly a bit. It's largely meant to be funny, but certainly not flattering to the kind of chaser Halimede embodies.
Most of the transfems I know recognise this, on one level or another, but you sometimes see girls express an almost genuine longing for her. A desperation for affection so great that it bleeds into how they treat a caricatured depiction of someone that is predatory on a fundamental level, just because it represents a "real woman" capable of feigning some shadow of respect for their identity and struggles despite the obviously dehumanising way with which this character regards trans women and their anatomy. Sure a lot of this "I want Halimede" stuff is just playing along with the joke, but some of it has enough genuine sentiment behind the irony that it makes you worry. To put it in Tumblr terms, HalimedeMF is another example of "You missed the point by idolising her". Which isn't to blame the individuals; the fact it happens at all is just another manifestation of a much larger and more horrible system. But it's saddening how attempts to criticise our oppression, even light-heartedly, can end up just reflecting it back into our faces. We need to do better than this
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This Video Misses The Point Why People Have Issues With The Val Fandom
The creators and fans wants us to hate him for what he does to Angel Dust, but at the same time tries hard to treat him like a harmless funny villain which is tone deaf. The problem is that there is a cutification going on that is making people even overlook his actions because he's their main character. Seriously, a lot of merch fetishes his abusive tendencies so no it's not unproblematic when there is a fanbase with a pandering creator trying to bank on the horrible stuff this guy does. I have laugh at these guys who say he's etertaining and well written a lot of these stans really have some stupid pills going for them.
Again what personality does he have that isn't a one note caricature of a pimp. Heck, he's not even a scumbag you can see as the reason why he has Angel on a leash. He's just a manbaby who needs to be coddled which is stupid and just "Screams Of Silence" levels of bad writing when it comes to abuse. Abusers can be smart and one thing I notice is that this series depicts them all as dumb and not realize that is counterproductive. Seriously, even if Charlie is nice it's dump to piss off the Princess Of Hell who could (should) smite him on the spot for licking her.
There is also the fact that he's paired with Angel Dust in often erotic ways with again a lot of noncon going on which again goes against the supposed message about abuse. It's again showing how tone deaf this series can be and it feels they want to win rewards for depiction without actually putting effort. And again the inconsistent writing doesn't help because he goes from a joke to threatening which is jarring and hurts again how are we supposed to take the guy seriously.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 days
How not to and how to write an asshole protagionist
Honestly I know asshole protagonists are sadly more common now, but I think Rick and Morty did it best (Wowwww shocker, I think Rick and Morty did something better than other tv shows?! Wow it's not like I'm constantly singing Rick and Morty's praises or anything…)
Now, first what exactly is an asshole protagonist? Now, I feel like the title itself is kinda self-explanatory. An asshole protagonist is a protagonist that…is an asshole. They don't portray the usual likable trait most protagionist have, and are usually prone to being assholes, hence the name. Now I assume most tv shows add asshole protagonist(s) are either so they can be unique, make the character feel more human, or for comedic purposes. Sometimes it can just be one, multiple, or all of them.
Now, first let's look at a tv show that did this poorly…sorry to everyone, I know everyone is probably glad to have forgotten this, but I'm gonna bring up Velma. Now Velma, is an asshole protagonist. She's mean, snarky, sarcastic, and is all around just an asshole and an insensitive jerk to her friends and girlfriend.
Ok now, a character who has these faults, can still be likable in a way. Now if a character gets called out on these faults and try to work on them, complex, or at least if they are actually funny when showing a character being an asshole, Velma is neither of these things, none of the jokes are funny, and everyone treats her like she's some great person when she's just a horrible person, she isn't even complex, just annoying.
Now, let's look at Rick, another example of an asshole protagionist, he's cynical, sarcastic, rude, manipulative, abusive, and just an overall asshole, but here is how Rick and Morty does it right, Rick is more than just a mean old man, he is incredibly complex, struggling with the trauma he had when he watched his wife and child blow up TWICE. And there's actually a reason as to why he's an asshole, he feels like if he cares about people, they will either die or leave him, that's obviously no excuse, but it adds reason to his actions (Meanwhile Velma was just always an asshole…)
He also gets called a lot for being an asshole, and even insults himself when he does something especially shitty, like in season 4 episode 10 after he cloned Space Beth and Beth and watched the mindblower where he shuffled them and didn't look because he didn't want to answer Beth's question on whether he wants Beth to stay and be apart of her life or if he wants her to leave, he says, and I quote
"Holy shit I'm a terrible father."
And he couldn't even go out and see them, and just sits down in the garage alone and thinks about how big of an asshole he's been in general, this is not only a powerful emotional momebut…butttt a good segueway into his redemption arc!
Now Rick in the later seasons in genuinely trying to be better, he goes to therapy, is nicer to Jerry, gentler to Morty and insults Morty a lot less, really just is nicer to Morty in general, treating him a lot more like an equal partner, treats Summer with more respect, and learns to control his anger a lot better. Now it doesn't make up for all the shitty things he does, and the show acknowledges that, but it's definitely a start, and he is not the same murderous maniac he was in say, season 4, where he just couldn't resist traumatizing Morty every 2 seconds. Meanwhile in season 7, he actually treats Morty like…gasp a person! And is actually acting like a grandpa, even spoiling Morty which is adorable.
Also…he's just funny y'all! He has a sense of humor and it's genuinely really funny, I mean ik humor is subjective but c'monnnnn
Rick is a good example of an asshole protagonist because he's funny, complex, and wants to be better, Velma is just…nothing.
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spopsalt · 9 months
Staying anonymous so I don't get harassed by SPOP fans.
Why are some of the same people who feel so bad when Entrapta is mistreated the ones who also laugh and make fun of Kyle when he was mistreated? Not to mention people shipping him with the people who ALSO mistreated him??? This poor boy can NOT get a break, and I just WISH we were able to see him not being mistreated and actually being happy, but ooohhh noooo "haha weak boy being bullied and literally abused is so funny!" I'm surprised HE wasn't the main villain with how everyone treated him.
Thanks for the ask anon! I know, at this point some of the villains are treated with more respect than Kyle, I wish I was exaggerating. I mean even when Catra was a villain Adora still respected her to an extent. And don't get me started on Shadow Weaver. Kyle, Scropia, and Entrapta are both just sweet people who get horribly mistreated. Entrapta literally gets put on a leash and restrained multiple times and it's used as a joke because putting an autistic woman on a leash is apparently funny! She also got manipulated by Catra and was tazed and sent to Beast Island (Where she could have DIED mind you) Scropia got horribly mistreated by Catra and didn't even get an apology before she just forgave Catra. And poor Kyle just gets made fun of, and like @spop-romanticizes-abuse brought up, when Adora was having a party because she was force captain in the portal reality, they force Kyle to use his ration bars to make like a weird cake, and instead of everyone pitching in, they make Kyle use it all, and nobody even eats it. It just gets knocked to the floor when Adora and Catra were fighting. The poor boy looks so skinny and weak. I know that it was in the portal reality but everyone seemed to have acted the same besides Shadow Weaver. I don't know maybe spop was trying to be funny by showing how progressive they are by making fun of a white man but it just comes across as really mean. But they really cherrypick when they want you to take mistreatment seriously, and when it's a joke. Like with Catra when she mistreats Entrapta and Scropia it's supposed to be serious. But when anyone who breathes in the show mistreats Kyle or when Entrapta is put on a leash, it's funny!
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nigaki · 1 year
One time an episode would've actually benefited from starring Blitz in the main role and they ruined it to have a rushed attempt at Millie getting a development. Which they failed too.
This episode was just terrible, a wasted opportunity to show Blitz through something more than just his relationship with Stolas, and yet another portrayal of a bitchy female character that is cruel to poor Blitzy who just wants to have a family and friends. Jokes on Viv, Barbie has right to want nothing to do with Blitz, who can choke honestly, no sympathy for him because he’s a terrible person.
The joke at the end and Barbie shaking her ass at a kid was just gross. Especially the latter. Like, I don’t care that he’s 19, that’s still a kid, and 30-40 something character is grooming him. “But it’s hell and these are terrible people!” Stella lives in hell too. She’s a terrible person too. Yet nobody laughs at Stolas’ expense and the fans are generally negative about her and want to skin her alive because abuse is bad.
That’s the problem with Helluva. It’s supposed to be hell where everyone is evil, yet some things are treated more seriously than the others. Stella's abusive behavior towards Stolas is bad, it’s treated seriously(while at the same time Loona kicking Blitz in the balls is treated for laughs) and as a way for the audience to sympathize with Stolas. Barbie flashing a barely legal kid is treated for laughs and not even in a funny or dark humor way like some other jokes in the show. Like Imps trying to murder that one old guy from Cherubs episode is comedic because the guy is a terrible person and he keeps showing that, and the jokes are more about Imps and Cherubs competing for his soul than the murder itself.
The kid in the pilot getting what he deserves is funny because despite looking like one, he isn’t exactly a kid, because for the comedic effect he’s made to act more like an adult.
None of this is present in Unhappy Campers. We’re just supposed to laugh because Barbie makes a sweet face while wiggling her butt and we can see her panties, and the kid immediately falls for it. That’s not funny, that’s just gross.
The inconsistency in tone and the confusing worldbuilding are horrible. For a place that is a root of all evil, you can never know if some actions are wrong or excused, because even the show and Viv herself don’t know that. She wants deranged demons doing shitty things and a hellish setting, yet she also wants to portray serious, real life issues in her show, not realizing she’s contradicting herself and it just doesn’t work in the form the show has right now.
We already know hellborns don’t start as evil, kids seem to be quite sweet and innocent as shown in Stolas and Moxxie’s flashbacks, but Viv just doesn’t utilize it because then she would have to actually try being more serious instead of throwing sex jokes every 10 seconds.
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anti-spop · 9 months
i've talked about this show on my main blog and how it always bugged me the way they romanticized abuse because it was a girl doing to a boy...
and that one show is pucca. yeah. pucca. (putting this under the cut if you don't want to read me ranting about a show no one really thinks about nowadays lmao)
i was the biggest pucca fan as a kid, i still have some merch with me. like i have some good childhood memories. i loved the shorts when they aired on jetix, and i was very enthusiastic for the full series they made in 2007/08. like i still love most of the characters to this day, like garu (i had a little crush on him lol), tobe and his ninja goons, abyo... they were all so funny and memorable.
but the main character, pucca? i just can't like her anymore. YES, i'm very aware she's a kid. she's like 10. i get it. i don't want horrible things happening to her or anything.
but honestly, even when i was a kid, younger than pucca even, it always bothered me how garu was the punchbag in most episodes. and the worst part is, he was always pucca's victim. at least the 2007/08 pucca cartoon romanticized stalking. pucca does the absolute worst things to get garu's attention, usually by kissing him without his consent or even outright kidnapping him, even though garu in this series never showed that he liked pucca back. EVER. if that ever happened, it was never the real garu, or he would be under some magical effect. all garu wanted was to be a ninja and go fishing or whatever. once he even preferred GOING TO JAIL than to be with pucca.
still, the show tries to shove down your throat that pucca and garu were meant to be and all the other characters encourage pucca to keep pursuing garu. none of the adults, not even pucca's uncles/guardians, try to tell her that like. kissing your crush without their consent is wrong. they just think it's cute. because she's a little girl.
to this day, when i see ppl talking about this show, they still romanticize pucca and garu's relationship. and it's really fucked up. like i know i saw through it when i was younger, but it concerns me that other kids probably didn't have the same realization, and the new fans won't either. i very rarely find people calling out the issues with pucca, and when they do, they will always be harassed by a legion of fans saying "it's just a kids show". one person even assumed i hated kids for some goddamn reason.
i know it might seem random mentioning pucca here, since it's very different from spop (pucca is definitely not on catra's level), but the fans always use the same arguments, that it's a kids show and we don't understand "true love". also because the abuser here is a girl, and to many people, women can never be abusers. (unless you're Evil and "ugly" like shadow weaver tho)
no yeah, i think pucca is in a very similar state as spop. no one thinks there's anything wrong with the main pairings. even though pucca is like, a decade older than spop, i find the fandoms very similar. they simply gloss over abuse because both pucca and spop do not take the abuse seriously. garu and adora are treated like jokes, or prizes to be earned by pucca and catra.
it's pretty disgusting.
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coralcatsea · 5 months
Random thoughts regarding different fandoms:
(I've seen/read these, I just don't engage with the fandoms that much. These are just thoughts based on what I have seen of the fandoms.).
Death Note: Endless memes. Constant poking fun at all the overthinking going on. Putting these dramatic characters in goofy scenes about cake and friendship. The jokes never get old for me. I don't see much discourse, maybe an occasional conversation about whether or not Kira was right. 😆
ATLA: Zuko getting teased. Kataang and Zutara battling it out while Zukka laughs and slowly rises higher, taking more and more people as it goes. I'm not that interested in the ships, but Sokka ships are the best. NATLA wins the "not as bad as you could've been award" and "the effects were decent". Lots of fun analysation.
Percy Jackson: I feel Nico is a fan favourite. The main discourse I've seen for the fandom as a whole is whether or not Annabeth treats Percy well and whether or not Piper is annoying. A lot of people compare Percy Jackson and Harry Potter (the characters), and those who have read both seem to agree Percy is better. Like ATLA, there's a new live-action series that is a mixed bag, but much better than the old, horrible live-action movie (and sequel) in the past.
Zelda: DOWN WITH KOROKS vs STOP KOROK ABUSE. Everyone loves Sidon senpai. Glory to Master KOHGA. Most of the stuff I see right now is BotW/TotK related, but there's still some good stuff for other games, as well as the AUs people do with different Links meeting. Midna is the best sidekick.
Hazbin Hotel: I'm wary since there's LOOOOTS of discourse in this one. The fans can be pretty funny, though. I love the song edits and that there's a whole ship tag for Vox's unrequited obsession with Alastor. I also like watching people analyse the characters and writing.
Helluva Boss: Well...I once again like watching people discuss the writing. But I am hesitant to engage with any fans because I have a weird relationship with this show and don't think I really qualify as a fan. 😅 I watch it because it's so bizarre to me I can't look away. One time I gave characters different colour schemes for fun, and I got a bunch of annoyed asks from someone taking it too seriously. 😆
She-Ra: Catra Applesauce Meowmeow is a poor little meowmeow. Cat. I like the cat memes. I also love the comparisons between Scorpia and Kronk. Entrapdak is probably one of the better ships, yet has haters for some reason. The accusations have the same vibes as Beauty and the Beast accusations.
Owl House: Tons of Lumity. Personally, I'm more invested in Eda and her relationships with the other characters. Belos and Hunter get compared to Ozai and Zuko. Hunter is very popular. Everyone side eyes Disney for what they did. HOOTY SUPREMACY HOOT HOOT.
Miraculous: The Adrien vs Marinette discourse makes my brain hurt, but I'm glad we all pretty much agree Astruc does everyone dirty. Canon? What's canon? Usually I like and try to follow canon. Not here. Who tries to follow canon in Miraculous? The fans write the show better than he does. Love all the fan comics I see for this show. Chloe could've been more interesting. We all make fun of Smooth-Brain Gabe. We came for the Love Square and then started to hate it. Then Emonette and Emodrien came and reignited our interest.
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opinated-user · 10 months
Idk, like laughing about abusive exes can be fine, the situations are often absurd in hindsight, but when it comes to sexual abuse... I just don't think there is any situation in which someone else should make jokes and laugh about that. The survivor? Sure, but not others. Especially not on a podcast??? Ignoring how it's absolutely horrible optics, we are speaking about someone who prides herself on being a safe space, so it's safe to assume that a good chunk of the audience has similar trauma. You as the podcast host need to keep that in mind!! It's already a difficult subject, but in this instance it has to be handled with extra care! And not bad trivializing jokes!
Which brings me to the 'joke'... The implication that its normal for straight men to sexually abuse and neglect their partners? That's some radfem bullshit. Women can and do abuse partners, I know of several victims, one of them being Mikayla herself? It's also really fucking disgusting towards men who cherish and love their partners. Absolving women as a whole of the perpetrator role is really not the argument you want to be making when talking about a female perp! And it's so diminishing to mikailas experiences to basically imply that she was dating someone who, of course, would abuse her, that's what these 'straight Guy types' do after all!
It's just all over infuriating!
Like I understand if mikaila doesn't want to make a big deal about it, it's a painful subject, but by publishing this anon lily has made it impossible for her to do speak up! Lily should have had a private conversation about this with her along the lines of 'i know we agreed to make fun of our exes, but I might have overstepped in this instance, if you weren't fine with it, it won't happen again' or something. She has already admitted that such a talk hasn't happened because 'mikay would tell her if it bothered her' because it's always so easy to bring these things up...
Anyways mikaila deserves better. At minimum a lily who is better to her.
i think you bring up a very important point there, anon, and that is that MO is not the one making the joke. 90 people have voted in the poll until now and literally just one thought that MO was joking. even if you believe that LO was trying to difuse the tension out of MO talking about such a serious subject, it doesn't really come across as something that MO expected or wanted on that moment, given how she doesn't laugh nor sounds more relaxed after that point. more so... can you even imagine that MO does something like that to LO when she talks about all the alledged horrible sexual abuse Lizzy subjected her too? does anyone think that she'd react positively if she was in the middle of her "i was horrifically abused, i was raped a hundred times" usual rants and MO was positively wheezing before saying that LO dated a straight guy? LO would have MO's head for breakfast faster than you can accuse anyone of being a radfem. if you do hear the rest of the podcast, nobody does that for when LO does talk about all the alledged assaults she went through. but when MO is the one talking, suddenly it's okay to spontaneusly giggle and laugh out of nowhere before her or MO said anything remotely funny. KP sounds like she's letting out small giggles only because LO is already laughing and she sounds so uncomfortable the whole time, but that may as well be my own interpretation. it... it's just gross. it makes me feel gross to hear that. it's gross that's how LO feels comfortable talking to and about her wife. it's gross the way she treats her. especially because MO was the one editing all the podcasts she was in. hours and hours of work editing what was surely a lot longer than 2 hours and not pay at all.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
I think Viv needs to work on being consistent with her characters and how their actions are treated by the fandom. I don't hate the show or anything but it needs to be addressed.
Stella almost slaps Stolas and is verbally abusive. Abuses butler whilst angry with Stolas and throwing him around. Hires Striker to kill Stolas.
Val abuses Angel sexually, financially and verbally treats people around him poorly.
Fandom: Pure Evil! They are beyond redemption (not that I want them redeemed but still).
Stolas sexually harasses Blitzo, belittles him and manipulates him into a one-sided relationship where Blitzo needs to fuck him in order to keep his business afloat. Calls Blitzo as he's getting hunted by Martha and coerces him into sex whilst Blitzo is getting shot at despite Blitzo hissing now is not a good time to call. Hurts imp butler while bitching at ex wife and not noticing Octavia slipped out of the mansion until Blitzo alerted him. Also wanted Blitzo to kill some people causing his associates trouble since they were trying to raise awareness on Climate Change.
Blitzo stalks his coworkers despite Moxxie being uncomfortable with it, belittles Moxxie and threatens to sexually assault him and Millie if Moxxie fucks up the job again.
Loona insults Moxxie, beats Blitzo down for telling her to be merely nicer to their customers and kicks him in the nuts after giving a speech to Octavia to cut Stolas slack.
Fandom: That's just how they express their love, they can't help it. Cut them some slack, they just need time to get better.
Something isn't adding up here...
The thing is, if the show was simply just a dark comedy where you can just laugh and have fun with these bad characters in Hell, I wouldn’t be so mad, but nah, we can’t have that! We have to make them forcefully moral and baby them like children, treat them like helpless traumatized babies who can do no wrong while painting certain characters as evil as if this is a kids cartoon. As I’ve said before, the fandom is a bunch of hypocrites, saying the show is set in hell yet only taking the sides of the main characters which they forgot are ALSO bad people. The problem with the show is that they try to joke around and hammer in how bad these characters are, and had the show just embraced that WITHOUT pulling some deep complex bullshit, it wouldn’t be so bad, but since Vivzie decided Helluva should be a deep emotional show you need to take seriously, that’s what ruined everything. Again, this would only work for a show like Hazbin, because that’s about redemption and being moral, but Helluva isn’t, and if you introduce your show as a “turn your brain off” comedy with characters we can acknowledge are evil, only to then turn around and try to make us sympathize with them, it doesn’t work. It’s funny because Viv said she loves villains so much, yet never portrays her main characters as such. She would rather insist that they’re “bad but not THAT bad”- deep down, and that’s what turns me off for Helluva, because how are you going to make a show about demon assassins who kill humans on earth, make comedy centered around how bad they are, yet boringly humanize them all and create one note characters that are worse than them to serve as the bad guys. I just wish Viv would acknowledge her characters are all horrible people WITHOUT pulling some moral bullshit or sappy stuff. Again, EMBRACE how bad they are, not guilt trip us into feeling bad for them.
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unsanedes · 1 year
How was Theo Raeken one of the most irredeemable villains in Teen Wolf?
I do understand how deeply rooted the pack's hatred and resentment of Theo went because he; one, manipulated them all and almost trashed their relationships for good; and two, he murdered Scott fairly easily (couldn't have been good for the ego).
SKSKSKSK, okay I'm joking on that last part because Scott doesn't have ego problems and it wasn't easy for Theo to murder him.
STILL, though, even after Theo came back from hell, everyone still treated him like the #1 threat around. Admittedly, I know that it's because he killed Scott and because he was a menace to society in season 5, but like... Scott still believed in Peter's ability to change. Scott believed PETER could change... Oh, but believing in Theo's ability to change was the hard one.
Yes, Theo did horrible things and he killed his own sister, but outside of the writing, I don't see Scott not sympathizing with him to some degree. It felt wrong that Scott didn't immediately do the math and feel bad when he realized that Theo was only 9 when he was taken by the Dread Doctors.
Scott should have been able to feel badly for him and still think he was capable of redemption like he did for Peter. The writing just wouldn't allow him to, though.
Peter was a creep towards Lydia in season 2 and Theo never had that problem. He was equally violent towards everyone and wasn't creepy with women. So, it's just funny how Jeff Davis wrote a full redemption for a grown man who had been creepy towards a teenaged girl, than one for a teenaged boy who was severely abused and traumatized by literal monsters.
PS: I say this as someone who does like Peter towards the end of the series, because having a daughter definitely changed him for the better.
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otnesse · 8 months
Might as well make a bit of a comment on this joke artwork by An1k1 on pixiv, not just as a Misty fan, but also as fairly recent Dead or Alive fan (and while I'm attracted to the opposite sex, the fanservice the game series is well known for is actually not a major factor in why I'm a fan, it's actually the overall story and the characters, having really good messages in there as well. Certainly better than Metal Gear, at least, especially after Kojima really went overboard in demonizing America in favor of communist terrorists):
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While I see how it's to some degree funny, I really think Kasumi (by that, I mean DOA Kasumi) basically taunting Misty about her... "wealth" compared to her doesn't really work at all for her character, especially knowing her overall character and background. For one thing, going by the Xtreme games, Kasumi is a bit more of a shrinking violet regarding her overall appearance, usually being reluctant to wear particularly showy outfits or, in Xtreme 2 anyway, doing pole dancing (obviously, it's not to Misaki's level, but it's still there). Flaunting her huge assets is more Tina's style, and even with most Dead or Alive characters, much less Kasumi, they're not the types to put down anyone for being less-well-endowed than themselves or insecure (for one thing, in DOAXVV at least, Kasumi is very civil with Marie Rose, who actually IS closer to Misty's figure, and in fact, is most likely going to STAY with that figure due to being 18, while Misty at least in the anime is 10, and her game self is implied to be 12 during the events of Gen I/III, and thus logically could still get a growth spurt in. And Tina in both DOA5 and DOAXVV showed herself to encourage people like Mila, Nanami, and Misaki to be the best they can be, even if it meant they may surpass her in a competition. Even Leifang, no less prideful in her looks, went out of her way to encourage Misaki to embrace her beauty without hesitation at one point rather than put her down.).
Aside from that, I'd think DOA Kasumi is more likely to be sympathetic to Anime!Misty and have a more mentor/big sis role for her mostly due to a shared background in broken families (in particular, I suspect she'd see a bit of her half-sister Ayane in her, especially regarding implied parental neglect/abandonment going by Pocket Monsters: The Animation and to a lesser extent the flashback in Princess vs. Princess as well as generally being picked on by the Sensational Sisters, and make an attempt to make sure Misty becomes a more stable adult in the future as a way of fixing a mistake in her past involving not stepping in to stop the abuse to her half-sister Ayane in the Mugen Tenshin village sooner). While Kasumi herself had a fairly good background compared to Anime!Misty, her childhood friend/half-sister Ayane did not, and was basically treated terribly by her home village in large part due to the latter's background of being a "demon child" as a result of being the byproduct of Kasumi's mom being raped by her evil uncle. This also was a major factor in why Ayane eventually feuded with her and tried to kill her until recently where they somewhat buried the hatchet (and it's implied Kasumi was not even aware of Ayane's horrible treatment by the village until that time, or even their actual familial ties for that matter, and if anything genuinely viewed Ayane as a friend during childhood).
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twst-vampire · 2 years
For Arma 🙈💎🎤📎💗💔
ty for the ask kj!
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
(there’s like a small mention of substance abuse here)
arma doesn’t want others to see how fame has absolutely beat him down, exhausted him. he often downplays his feelings and jokes to cope with how horribly he was treated during his formative years. it’s why he so boisterous about the good things he’s accomplished instead.
he doesn’t want anyone to see his moments of weakness, where he can’t help but sob silently in his office, when he feels like he can only drown his sorrows away with alcohol.
💎 DIAMOND - how rich are they? can they live the lifestyle they want to?
arma is rich enough to live the luxurious life you think a celebrity would. i mentioned it before but arma finds it a bit tacky to constantly flex money for stuff he doesn’t need. he can afford to buy an obnoxious mansion with a fountain and 6 six luxury cars but he refuses to! he’s the same way abt super fancy five-star food.
all he needs is a decent apartment and nice place to park his corvette without it getting pooped on by birds.
he doesn’t mind getting pampered every now and then, especially if he’s not paying for it. but, all the time? he’d get bored.
🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
good at singing? oh, he’s great at it! a good chunk of his career was all about singing! of course, his voice is a bit raspy due to smoking but he’s still got it!
some songs he’d sing @ karaoke
1. careless whisper - george michael
2. i was made for lovin’ you - kiss
3. hanging on the telephone - blondie
4. oops i did it again - britney spears
5. in the closet- michael jackson
6. super freak - rick james
7. one way or another - blondie
8. together forever - rick astley
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
arma loves movies! it’s hard to watch a movie with him without the guy infodumping cool facts about the production or personal stories about some actors in it. he’s a movie dweeb!
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
one thing about arma is that he’s going to let someone know that he’s into them. he’s always pretty straightforward about it, whether it just flirting or deciding to be generous and do something for them. it’s especially noticeable and he has no shame in hiding it !!
when he’s like legitimately in love, he does let himself get more vulnerable and does let himself say the most tooth-rotting mushy things. he’s also tries to find better ways to cope, as to not stress his partner out with his baggage
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
tell him that’s he’s not funny 😭😭😭
on a real note, probably his partner saying he’ll never change and giving up on him. a part of him would understand but other part of him would be devastated
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thekingofwinterblog · 3 months
what would you change in MHA, or do you think it's mostly perfect?
Holy shit there is a lot i would change about My Hero Academia if i had been writing it, or been Hori's Editor.
and for this one, im not even going to touch the final arc, which is saved mostly by the fact that every climax ultimately worked(with one exception) and it was just the road getting there that needed some mayor overhauls.
anyway, in somewhat chronological order.
Bakugo and Izuku's Relationship.
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One of the most contentious aspects of My Hero Academia, is the relationship between Izuku and Bakugo.
However, i actually thought this relationship as it was written was fine innitially, as though i came to despise Bakugo's ultimate role during the final battle, for the most part i Really liked his character... But looking back on the series, i ultimately have to agree with the haters.
This relationship was a trainwreck... or at least after a certain point.
See, it's painfully, obviously clear that Hori had an idea of how he wanted this relationship to go all the way up until their fight at night on the school grounds.
After that though... While there were moments where Bakugo showed that he had grown, ultimately Bakugo's interaction with Izuku did not fundamentally change, the only thing that changed was that now Izuku had finally stopped having a mixture between disdain and admiration for him, and now just admired him, which makes for some incredibly hard and frankly depressing reading.
there is one comedy gag page that perfectly illustrates EVERYTHING bad about this relationship post a certain point.
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This page... is funny. it's very much a crossing the line twice kinda humor where something is just so wrong that it goes right back to being hilarious.
The problem... is that this page takes place AFTER that big rematch between Izuku and Bakugo.
Thus what could be very dark comedy, instead just hammers in the point that Bakugo hasnt changed. ironically enough he's changed with a lot of his classmates, but not izuku.
He is still an abusive cunt towards izuku... only now it's not treated as a horrible flaw of his character, and instead just a wacky quirk of his.
I hate it.
I dont know what caused this direction, wheter it was Hori not having any idea of how to take bakugo after this fight, or his editor not wanting bakugo to change too much, or whatever... but whatever it is, it is terrible.
it is the worst direction you could have taken these two short of hooking them up.
There are ways to make Izuku ultimately forgiving bakugo and moving on compelling... but this sure aint it.
why is is the depressing tale, of Endeavor's storyline about trying to make up for superpowered eugenics, raping his wife to produce his third and fourth child, beating and abusing his sons, and all of their various reactions to all of it, given infinitly more depth, nuance and frankly more compelling dynamics and outcomes than izuku's most defining relationship outside of his relationship with All Might?
There are SOOO many BETTER ways to do this, wheter Izuku actually forgives bakugo or not, this frankly is one of the worst directions MHA ever went.
and speaking of Izuku's "most important" relationships...
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People joke that Izuku and uraraka has way more dynamic relationships with their respective rivals and theyre not wrong.
At all.
This relationship, is boring. very, very boring.
And that's withouth taking into account that it never gets off the ground(and frankly speaking, i DONT CARE if it does during the last few chapters.), and though they have a few nice moments during the series that shows they are good friends, ultimately they never reach even the bare minimum of the kinds of dynamics that makes "Will they or wont they?" stories fun to read.
Honestly Hori should either have gone all in of actually making their relationship a defining aspect of Izuku's journey, he should have paired izuku up with someone else, or he should have never opened the can of romance in the first place.
I honestly dont care which, so long as he had stuck to it.
I read about this exact relationship in the main pairing of Hajime No Ippo, and it was about as interesting there, as it was here.
none whatsoever.
More Arcs to let Class 1-a Develop.
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one of the biggest issues MHA has, is that Hori wasted the potential 3 years the main cast had at school, during which he had more than enough time that he could have developed his characters.
He did not need to make this series as long as One piece, but he had plenty of potential for getting more out of his school setting before he tore everything down during the first war arc.
and the biggest casualty of this rushing of the story, is that half of class 1-A never really got an arc to shine, before everything went to hell, so their development had to be crammed in at the very end.
Ultimately that worked for Aoyama, but not anyone else.
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So just for fun, i decided to make a chart of every member of 1-A who never really got any real development or arcs or at least mayor parts of arcs devoted to their development, by the time the final battle came(not counting aoyama who worked pretty in his role), and it had to be rushed, rushed, rushed.
mina, tsuyu, ojiro, Kaminari, Kouda, Satou, Shouji, Sero, Hagakure, Mineta.
10 all in all.
im not saying that all of 1-A needed the kind of arc dedication Todoroki got, but the fact that half the main cast was horribly underdeveloped with little exploration of their backstories is a travesty(i dont think we ever even learned WHY Tsuyu became a hero, which illustrates the problem quite well.).
There were room for more arcs, given Hori could have had Shigaraki's transformation period last for way, way longer.
Star and Stripe
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I really liked star and stripe, and given how her little arc ultimatly amounted to nothing, and just how broken Shigaraki ended up being during the final arc, i have NO idea why the hell her swan song wasn't there instead.
Seriously, just from a thematic standpoint, it would have made so much more sense for her final sacrifice to happen during the great climactic final battle, rather than a scirmish in the sky that had no real plot signifigance whatsoever.
Have Izuku and Eri spend some time together before she goes back.
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i dont really get this one.
From a basic storytelling perspective, izuku should would need to develop at the very least some kind of actual bond beyond bumping into her, for her going back to have its full impact.
and it wouldn be hard either. Have Izuku and mirio pick her up as a lost child, have her pal around with them during the patrol for a chapter or two, have them bond with her and us getting some idea of her personality... then boom, her going back home has WAY stronger impact as we at the very least actually know the girl.
It would be an easy, simple and effective change.
Develop the Paranormal Liberation Front
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the whole, rushing to the war arc didnt just hurt class 1-A, but also their opposition.
Hori could have devoted an entire arc to Hawks infiltration of the front, and learned how it's main non league members actually ticked, how they ended up here, and what their actual personalities were at the bare minumum.
If he had, at the very least the final arc could have had better minor antagonists who we had some connection to, rather than a bunch of nameless filler characters.
would have given a lot of the final arc's lesser fights a lot more omph thats for sure.
Im sure there is more, but at the moment i cant actually think of anything.
Anyway, there area lot of issues with MHA that could have been fixed with a redraft.
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allterrribleideas · 5 months
TADC Ep 2 Confetti Party
So we end on a funny little gag of mass murder, which is probably the least offensive thing Jax did the entire episode. Caine has a funny verbal tic (is it a tic I don't know) where he makes references to things that make no sense (hardshell hamburgers, humanoid hashbrowns) which sort of line up with his weirdly inhuman AI priorities. Everyone's back safe and sound so naturally he gives them a little confetti in celebration.
I kind of wish Gummigoo had a line about meeting god before he got snapped, I think it would have been a funny sort of idea to have a character immediately see what they think is their god only to immediately get obliterated by them. Hey guess what it's
Yeah I know I hate how I have to keep bringing him up. There's an IMMEDIATE parallel to how Jax and Caine treat NPCs here, though their motivations are wildly divergent. Jax causing the fudge monster to massacre NPCs just seconds earlier is treated as kind of like a dark joke, but still a joke. We're not really meant to go 'oh no how horrible' because on some level most of the audience probably agrees with Jax that a literal bunch of faceless dolls that are stuck in a few animation loops aren't really worth caring about beyond what immediate entertainment their death provides. Then we're hit MOMENTS LATER with Caine doing the same thing, which is a joke for us (the audience) but not for Pomni. Again it's about the context- and context can only be experienced and understood, you can't just look at a single still frame of something and have an attachment to is (usually)
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pomni come on it's confetti its fun why are you such a downer
Jax's refusal to engage with the other characters in any way but abuse means he doesn't get to have any context to fall back on. The 'LARPing' that Pomni was deriding at the start of the episode is EXACTLY that- it's building a sense of immersion and place in a world and with characters that might not actually exist, but is a necessary precondition for bonds and relationships to form. Caine doesn't really see that sort of 'big picture' because he can't or won't. He's basically a god, after all, and like Jax there's no reason for him to 'care' about stuff that's just as fake to him as the NPCs are to Jax. In the same way the funeral for Kaufmo (which happens RIGHT AFTER this scene) builds on that same theme. We, the audience, have no context for Kaufmo. He was a gag more or less, part of the dark joke of the first episode, and we (like Pomni) couldn't care about him any more than Caine cared about Gummigoo or Jax cared about faceless dolls. But we're given more information this episode and permitted to adjust our beliefs accordingly!
And now I gotta go into a big long rant about this part next
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sylvaridreams · 7 months
Gathering my thoughts from last night + this morning on Bourbon and why he tries so hard to get along with my mordrem sylvari. It hit me last night during pacing hours (the hours in which I pace) WHY he gravitates to my mordrem, and why they in turn are willing to lean on and trust him as a mentor figure. It feels so obvious now, but before I was just going with "Oh I dunno he's nice and he tries to be kind to people, he's like an uncle!"
No, it's literally because he's lived their same path, he's been torn out of his home, he's had his racial identity stripped from him, he's lived the same experience of "I can't return and I don't fit in to the person that people would prefer me to live as." He gets it and that's WHY he tries so hard, with Auru and Darlio especially. He knows their rage. He HAS their rage. My home, where I belong, was taken away with force, and I have no home to go to now, and I have to live between worlds and fit in nowhere. It's an isolating existence. So few people are going to understand it.
I don't think he's fully, properly explained to them that "I'm "human" but I'm not "a human" and I'll never be able to walk among them as one of them because of my origins," or "hey I was raised by dredge and I'm dysphoric at the thought of being a human and not a mole person," but even Auruim is eventually able to see how Bourbon recoils from being branded as human by others, and understands that it hurts his feelings a lot at the very least. None of my mordremvari are blind to how people treat each other. All three of them know what social rejection and abuse feels and looks like, they'd be able to witness how Bourbon is treated whenever he fails the social check among humans, which I think makes them feel that he IS a safe person to be around. It's not nonstop but it's blatant to them when it happens, and it allows them to reflect that "this is another victim of the world's cruelty."
Plus there's this sense of, you not only get what I'm going through, you're fighting against what they're doing to me-- I think he'd stand up for them when they're mistreated, obviously. But not just "Hey, you can't say/do this blatantly cruel thing to this person just for being mordrem" but also like, no, you can't do these subtly cruel things to them. Someone cracks an off color joke at dinner about dragon minions and people laugh, maybe none of the mordrem are even THERE to hear it, but Bourbon is like THAT'S not funny, there are mordrem in this camp and they're fighting on the same side as you. Show some respect. <- Which in turn earns HIM no respect from others, for showing sympathy to elder dragon minions.
It does take time for any of them to trust him. But he gets that. He understands an approach of carrot and stick, he remembers being 12 and starving and dying of exposure and having to be coaxed into the bandit camp with food scraps because all he'd known his whole life was "men are scary monsters that will kill you horribly if they get you." He gets it when Auruim yells at him and shoves him away and tells him to stop bothering him, I don't want to be around you, he gets it when Darlio does the same, he gets Venasis' unintentional cold rejection of him. Surrounding that shell of lonely isolation from the world is a thick layer of fear. When will the other boot drop and when will you hurt me too?
And he isn't able to bridge the gap with any of them until Mawdrey. Auruim starts growing Mawdrey and it quickly overwhelms him-- it wants people to eat, it wants blood and meat and bone, and he's scared because he loves this thing he's cultivated and the Pact will take it from him and kill it, and he's hiding in a storeroom tent with this parasite that's crawling up him killing him. Bourbon is the one that finds him, sits down and holds his hand and lets Mawdrey tear slowly into his arm as well, talks him down and tells him you're not in trouble but we have to get her off you. I know it hurts because I'm hurting too. I feel your pain right now in this moment and I'm here for it with you. Had ANYONE else found Auruim, they would have taken Mawdrey away by force to burn it, and he would never have forgiven anyone for it.
I've joked maybe not on Tumblr but elsewhere that Bourbon is forming an all-mordrem band by manner of teaching each of them to play music and/or sing, and it was mostly like hehe j/k bonk but um. They'd do it for him. 🧍‍♂️ I think he's the one and only person that all three of them can point to and say I trust him and care about him and he loves and cares about me too.
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