#it's an hercules (disney) reference btw yes
thetrashppl · 1 year
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yesss here's some quick sketches! i need to draw him more!!! not happy yet with how i draw him... (lets imagine he has a statue somewhere where ppl keep leaving flowers to thank him for all his heroic deeds okay???)
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authenticaussie · 7 years
You posted a god!au awhile ago that had a snippet of another idea i thought was really interesting. Ace steals something from the gods and gods marco and sabo get sent after him, except they fall in love? it sounds so cool!
“except they fall in love” sighs happily yes I really Love that sort of schtick. Like!!! whoops didn’t mean to but oh no it’s Here. Feelings. Anyway it was based a LOT on the myth of Prometheus because like come ON, stealing fire….it’s totally ace omfg. So it took a while to figure out?? a plot?? ajhsdgf
ANYWAY AFTER LIKE 3000 YEARS!!!!!!!! (I’m so sorry) 
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So basically in the sort of deity system set up here, there’s three levels - you got your all-powerful fuckers ala Zeus/Poseidon/Hades (who???? Idk??? maybe one of them is Whitebeard?????????? Something like Sky/Sea/Earth and like, Dragon for Sky and Roger for Sea and Whitebeard for earth but at the moment the position for Sea is under contest ‘cause Roger just up and fucked off omfg. So Luffy’s a minor god gunning to replace him against a bunch of other gods!! But at the moment Sea is controlled by a couple of other 2nd Tier gods.)
 And they’re basically omnipotent but also they’re not allowed to interfere in the mortal world and they’re very Greek God in that they make mistakes too and That’s Just What Happens when you give ultimate power to immortal idiots. Regardless, they basically just Do Shit when they get prayed to in special places and by a heap of people. They’re the end-of-all-wars shit gods, and they Rule the. God place. Hence forth referred to as Olympus ‘cause I can’t think of a name atm and this is based enough off Greek mythology for me to get away with it haha. 
Second tier gods are like, gods of wisdom and power and war and math (////side note if I wrote this as original fic he’d be really calm and logical all the time and be an ear to the gods and talk about probability all the time but his siblings are the Fates equivalent and they FUCK WITH HIM SO MUCH WHEEZES).Anyway 2nd tier gods work as the go between for the 1st Tier and 3rd Tier gods. They do some shit in the human world, fuck around, make some miracles etc., but most of the work is left to 3rd tier godssss lIKEEE
marco and sabo!!! 3rd tier gods are really fucking specific. Like, god of stubbed toes, god of papercuts, god of singing in the shower, etc. They all are ordered around under different 2nd tier gods (eg. the god of papercuts and the god of stubbed toes would both work under the god of pain and stuff like that.) I’m not 100% sure but I think Marco’s a god of faith to family?? or like, faith to loved ones?? And Sabo’s god of forgotten memories. (He forgets things, but then he’s god of forgotten memory so he remembers them, but then he forgets them again- it’s frustrating being him). So they’re both under the gods of memory. Or. Something. SHRUGS??? USELESSLY????
Anyway, Ace has stolen fire! Which 2nd tier god Blackbeard, the god of Darkness, convinced the 1st tier gods that they should have. ‘Cause humans were dicks? And needed to live in fear and darkness so that they continued to worship gods? something like that. In actuality, fire was forming its own spirit/god/representation and he Really Did Not appreciate the competition. ‘Cause if fire formed into a God then Blackbeard had to share some of the 3rd tiers working under him, and a bunch of new gods would be created, and everything would go all topsy turvy for a while and Teach really liked how the world was coming along at the moment. He understood it and didn’t want thinks to change. 
But so, anyway, you know, forgetting memories and stuff - Sabo can track people, too, because people sometimes forget where they’d just been, or bits and pieces of it? and minor deities can look at Small Things and interfere w/ human lives, unlike 1st and 2nd tier gods, and he and Marco don’t get a lot of work so they’re waved off to go find Fire, along with a couple of other minor gods, (but they’re the ones who Actually find him, but, first,)  
They set about tracking Ace, who’s uh…..adapting to holding a Literal Godly Weapon pretty well, actually. And also getting a significant power boost just from luggin’ it around, he’s been setting stuff on fire and lifting shit up that most normal people Cannot Lift and giving everyone he meets fire and stuff and that all kiiiinda means he goes pretty slow haha, so marco & sabo catch up with him pretty easily (mistakes were made)
And so ‘cause they’re not s u p e r powerful, especially not in comparison to buffed-as-fuck by fire Ace, they follow him for a while and try and figure out a plan, and start?? Noticing some Weird As Fuck stuff. Like the joy humans feel when given fire, and that their prayers and worship seem to increase rather than decrease, and that it’s actually pretty weird that Ace managed to get away with stealing fire and now has all sorts of weird abilities that one only usually associates with a god and oh dear sweet lord he’s second tier isn’t he
This is Understandable due to the fact that like. There are so many gods. How are they supposed to know ALL of them?? Also 2nd tier gods are usually Dicks, or just plain busy, and so it’s a huge messy bureaucracy of running around and trying to find out if there even is a god of water and if so why isn’t the god of rainstorms under them instead of under Earth and who the fuck was meant to be taking control of the city this year because it just got invaded again and the Fates are laughing themselves sick in the corner gods damn it all
So Marco & Sabo are lowkey panicking towards each other and Ace is dealing with weird as fuck memories from the fire - ‘cause, see, BAM BAM BAAAAAAAAAM
The fire made him!!!!!
Well, okay, slightly more complicated than that. Remember how I mentioned that Roger fucked off? well he gave up his immortality to spend the rest of his life with a human lady called Rouge. They end up as stars when they die, together forever, but, also, there’s still the hint of a god in Roger and the slowly building concept of fire, trapped and unable to do anything, basically sent down a blessing to Rouge and Roger’s kid, and the kid was Ace! Who’s kinda, Disney hercules movie style has lots of weird shit happen to him. He’s got crazy endurance and strength and speed and Rouge is looking at Roger disapprovingly as Ace grows up and Roger’s like I didn’t!!! do it!!!
Anyway so Ace has dreams of fire and weird visions all his life and finally confides in his parents and Roger reveals a bit of godly knowledge in the form of a myth and says that fire was stolen and kept by the gods and Ace is like oh I must be getting a vision from one of them to steal it! And none of them question that this might actually be a really bad idea so they just let Ace go and the fire’s like fuck yeah, rejoining! And starts reclaiming its power/joining with Ace to make ace god of Fire, but he’s still mainly human now. And doesn’t know he’s meant to be a god haha, he’s just like oh this is cool, superpowers! Must be because of this thing I stole that really makes sense?
Anyway he’d end up being a second tier, which is why he has all these random as fuck powers, but meanwhile sabo and Marco are d YI N G BECAUSE WHAT!!!!!!!! DO THEY DO!!!!!!! And Marco and Sabo are like literally what the fuck do we do ‘cause!? They’re not powerful enough!!! to fight a 2nd tier!!! 
And then Ace gets hurt.
And gods can’t get hurt.
so Mar/Sab bust out and are like haHA you’re not a god!! You were lying!!!
when the fuck did I ever say I was a god? Ace asks, and then is like, ah dear sweet lord they’re gods I shOUL D HAVE EXPECT ED THAT ONE. And they have a little fight but Ace is still kinda injured and so they basically? Sit on him? And are like “return fire to the gods”
“Fire belongs to humanity!” / “Also like, I got??? visions of stealing it????? So some god obviously wants me to have it.”
“There’s a lot of fuckin gods man, just ‘cause one sent you visions doesn’t mean you go out and steal something from the goddamn gods. That’s why we have official translators!!!”
“Which god was it???” Sabo asks curiously, and Ace is like, ///gestures uselessly
“Idk???? fire god??? I was just holding fire. Which like. Hasn’t been a thing since Mom’s era.”
“There is no fire god.”
“What, legit????”
“Yeah, ‘legit’. Who sent you the visions?????”
“Idk, I told you!!! I just saw myself holding fire!!! And using it, and sharing it, and-”
“What, like, using it using it?”
“How else would I use it?”
Confused As Fuck Boys TM, just looking at each other, and Ace is like hey btw can you get off me now?? / “No, you’re our prisoner”
“'Cause you stole?? From the gods??? We were sent to retrieve you???”
Ace makes grumpy mumbling sounds but is like “yeah fine I’ll come w/ you bc I want an explanation, but I still want to share fire with people so we’re taking the long way.” / “Ugh fine.”
And like, marco and sabo are immortal, so it doesn’t really matter to them if they take the long way, and they found him and fire and well if he dies then that’ll be an even easier way to get fire back home?? And there’s other entrances to the gods’ domain in different places, so they just decide to head for one of those, and pick their way across the world.
And they’re first pretty snarky with each other, (especially after Ace finds out that they’re minor deities, he laughs at them once he discovers what for,) and they battle a couple of monsters together, and Ace spends late nights alone, fascinated by the twirl of fire around his fingertips, and the jar where he was keeping Fire gets smaller and smaller bc it’s bonding to him, but none of them realise until later, once they’ve started to become better friends and trust each other and have a routine;
And then marco notices and accuses ace of tricking them and Everyone is pissy and Mar/Sab are like, no we’re heading home now, before you use any more of Fire, how are we supposed to ??? Explain this???
(An alternate take to this scene was them realising that Ace was becoming a god/that fire was always meant to belong to humanity and being like “oh okay, better protect you, but how do we avoid-” *disappointed 2nd tier god shows up* “guys seriously you had like one job”.)
Anyway Ace is kind of their prisoner now and keeps trying to tell them that he didn’t steal the fire (well, apart from his initial stealing), that he was planning to fulfil their deal and he wouldn’t have broken it and Sabo’s like why should we believe a thief?? and Ace is like you believed me before!
Or, like!!!!!!!!!!! Oh maaaaaaaan Marco/Sabo manipulating Ace to go to the nearest domain entry, 'cause they’re not powerful gods and can pretend to be human and travelling together and Ace trusting them and confiding in them and Marco and Sabo confiding bits and pieces of their lives in him too and slowly starting to reveal that they are gods and being happy and slowly realising Ace is turning into a god but then 
Marco and Sabo are like no, no, no, wait, there’s actually been a mistake-??? But Ace is super fucking pissy and No-One is Listening, (and actually I like this one better so this is basically what happens). 
SO ACE IS A PRISONER AND MARCO/SABO COME VISIT HIM AND HE REFUSES TO TALK TO THEM AND THEY’RE LIKE NO, LEGIT, PLEASE LISTEN TO US??? And Ace just scoffs and is like why. You lied to me, and you tricked me, and I thought you believed me about the visions and you didn’t tell me there was no fire god???
We think you’re the fire god
And Ace just laugh/scoffs at them because seriously, out of EVERYTHING THEY’VE SAID??? This is the most ridiculous. And they ask him to fight back, or escape, and he’s like, “The punishment for disobeying the Gods is death - both here and on Earth. And besides, what am I supposed to do, try and live my life hiding from beings that are literally omnipotent???? idk about you but I don’t think that’s gonna work.”
And so Marco & Sabo go and try to talk to the 1st teir gods, but have to go through 2nd tiers, and they meet Blackbeard, who worked his way into being part of the council representing Sea atm, and they’re like look we think he’s actually a new god??? And Blackbeard is like oh no, rlly?? my goodness gracious. But gods aren’t formed from humans, tho, and sidetracks them and confuses them and delays them and then they hear the announcement for Ace’s trial/execution and Blackbeard says they’re not allowed in bc they’re only minor gods, and Marco & Sabo are like yeah but we were the ones who bought him in??? Shouldn’t we be called to testify??
“We already know how this trial will go.”
“Well that defeats the purpose of a trial!” Sabo snaps, but Marco tugs him away and they sneak in instead and Ace is kneeling down and glaring at the gods and the almost-empty jar that used to hold Fire is on a pedestal to his left, but Marco and Sabo are Really Fucking Afraid 'cause they know Ace is afraid?? And they’re like jfc how well do we…..know him?
And Ace catches them looking and the fire starts to slowly wink out, just, dying, as he lowers his head and accepts his fate and refuses to look at them, and they’re like no no no no no it can’t happen like this, he is the fire god-
And Sabo leans forwards and just, please, he thinks, he prays, and Ace jolts and looks up at him and his eyes are so wide and startled and Sabo jumps too but then-
Ace can hear his prayers.
“Please!” he thinks, desperate and angry and hopeless, and Marco frowns and steps up beside him and puts his hand on Sabo’s shoulder and he just mumbles, “He can hear my prayers,” and Marco goes stiff next to him, hand tight around his shoulder, and then both of them can hear-
“Please. Save me.”
WELP HERE COMES THE NOT-YET-BOYFRIENDS SQUAD ///sniggers. They totally just jump in front of Ace and Marco stalks forwards and is like, “You can’t have him!”
“He swore his fealty to us. Therefore, as 2nd tier gods, it’s our job to decide his punishment - if he even deserves a punishment.”
“You’re only 3rd tier gods!!!” blackbeard yells, and Sabo grins and the last of the fire winks out and Ace’s skin glows warm and bright.
“No. 'Cause Ace is a god.”
“You’re minor gods,” someone points out, “your domains are useless!”
“Forgotten memories and Faith?” Marco says, “Ace had faith in us, and the Fire forced him to forget who he was supposed to be; We were powerful enough to hide a new god.”
“when the heck did he swear fealty??????” someone else yells, and Marco folds his arms while Sabo makes the chains around Ace’s arms a forgotten memory, helping Ace stand up, “He asked us to save him. That’s fealty enough.”
“And what did he give you in return?” someone sneers, and the crowd is pressing in on them, but Ace steps forwards and there’s fire on his shoulders and in his eyes.
“My life.”
anyway they go and upend the structure of the gods omfg and ace experiments with his powers and visits his parents and tells them what went down and rouge is like ROGER, SERIOUSLY. and thwacks him on the arm bc ofc her son’s now a god jfc, and there’s!!!
Marco and Sabo are adjusting to their new roles and trying to figure out what the fuck they’re meant to be doing and they’re still kinda 3rd tier and still kinda 2nd and basically mar/ace/bo form their own little….god squad? (SNIGGERS) And their affiliations change slightly and shift to match each other and there’s quiet moments where they figure out what to do and one day sabo’s like you don’t- you know, you’re immortal. Swearing your life to us- You can have it back, if you wanted-
“I don't,” ace says, and they get it , they get the infliction of the word and what he means and so that’s the end of that.
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