#it's beautiful look at it oh muh goodness grace
tothosewholisten · 2 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 07
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Leaving for missions wasn't a thing we were particularly good at, yes. Since no one was exactly thrilled to beat more people up and put their lives on the line. After all, we were just kids who had no say. The red siren that blared around our rooms was a clear warning for us to leave, but as children, we just wanted to play.
Today was a normal day, the alarm rang and we got ready. Our loud steps could be heard all around the mansion as we went from room to room.
Diego was the first person I heard. He was running across the hallway for some reason over to his room, still in his school uniform without a care in the world.
“Coming through!” A voice told the boy almost knocking right into him.
It was Alison, already ready to go. She was sprinting down from the staircase closest to our bedrooms to hurry up her fellow sibling. “Come on, Luther!” She yelled.
Next, I heard heavier and less rushing footsteps which could only have belonged to our captor himself. “How will the Umbrella Academy ever become an effective crime deterrent if we can’t leave the house on time for missions!?” Reginald screamed out to us. He clapped his hands a couple of times as if telling us to wake up. “Come along children! Come along!”
“Behind you!” The blonde-haired boy previously mentioned runs past the clapping man towards his and Alison's rooms.
Alison panics while tearing her bedroom apart in search of something. “I can’t find my domino mask.” She walks over to Grace who stands at her door.
Grace handed her a freshly clean mask, the type we all had to use for missions and smiled. “It needed a little bit of TLC after the last mission.”
“Thanks, Mom!” The girl cheered, making her way back up the stairs.
Grace took a few steps towards the room next door, Luther's. Where he was on his carpet doing pushups. “Ready to go?” She asked him.
Luther stopped his workout and smiled at his mother while giving her a thumbs up. She took that as a sign that he would be upstairs soon, so she went to check on the other children.
Diego once again is running around like a headless chicken. “Where’s my knives?” He yells to no one.
Grace passed Vanya's room where she stood there in her school uniform because of course she couldn’t go on missions. She played a soothing song on her violin while trying to tune out the noise of us and the blaring alarm.
“Sounds beautiful, Vanya.” Grace grinned.
“Thank you, Mom.”
Next to Vanya’s was Klaus’s room. The wild child bounced on his bed laughing. Grace didn't think much of it until she looked down and saw his desk was on fire.
“Oh! Klaus!” She rushed into the room to put out the small fire with a rag sitting on his chair. Klaus thanked his mother and jumped off his bed to meet the others.
“Boys will be boys.” Grace mutters under her breath while on the way to Diego’s room. Before checking in on him, Ben walks past her.
“It—It’s stuck.” He says while trying to zip up his leather outfit. Grace stops to help him, and after a few attempts to zip it up, it finally stays zipped.
He thanks her and runs to the others. “Guys, wait for me!” He calls out.
Diego had finally put on his crime-fighting uniform and even found his knives, now he stood in front of his mirror.
He was trying to practice something. “D—Don’t mmm—.” He painfully stutters.
Grace waited at his door, instead of going inside the room because she didn't want to mess up his attempt.
“Don’t mm.. mm.. mmmm…”
He sighs. “Don’t muh— muh—“
The woman walks up to him just as he’s lost hope. “Remember, Diego, just picture the word in your mind.” She comforts.
Diego looks back at the mirror. “D-Don’t mm— muh— D-Don’t mmm.. Don’t mo-move.”
She gasps happily at him. “You did it! I’m so proud of you!” She places her cold hands on his cheeks while smiling.
But the boy stopped looking at her, instead, he looked ahead toward his room door. Grace followed his eyes and it was Reginald who stood there. He cleared his throat before leaving with Grace and Diego following after.
Diego is the final kid to walk towards the crowd, well that's what Grace thought. She followed Reginald out of the last child’s and towards another. Where she completely forgot about the last person she didn't check on, me.
Reginald doesn't even bother to rush me to go, he leaves Grace to deal with it and walks over to everyone else upstairs.
Grace knocks on my already opened door to not startle me. “Y/n? It’s time to go.” She says calmly.
“I know,” I replied with my squeaky voice. But I didn't turn to grace, instead, I kept looking out my window, staring at the people who walked on the street. Compared to me they didn't have a single care and did their day-to-day schedule without worry. And I prayed to be like them one day and free of this place.
“Is something wrong?” She gets closer to me.
I sigh. “I don’t want to go.”
She places her hands on my shoulders which were covered by the material of the lame outfits we had to wear. “Well, how about this? We can make one of your favorite foods when you get back, just the two of us!”
I slowly turned to the tall woman, eyes puffy.
“Cookies?” I sniffle.
She gave me a sadder smile than I'd seen on her face before. “Of course whatever you want.”
That immediately makes me happier, and I grab my mask and sit in my desk chair waiting for Grace to put my hair into a ponytail. Since my first mission, she told me it would be easier to fight crime when your long hair isn’t in your face. I still listen to her about that to this day.
She hummed a tune while brushing and combing my hair. “There! All done.” She exclaimed. “You look adorable as ever Y/n, but run along now you don’t want to be late.”
“Okay!” I put on my domino mask and ran out the door, but stopped at the frame.
“Thanks, Mom!”
Vanya's soft voice and concerned look broke me out of my trance. “Y/n, are you okay?” She asked me.
I blink. “You're still here? I thought you were going home.”
“Well, I was but.. I'm not sure, I guess I don't want to miss anything important. You weren’t downstairs anymore so I came up here. And I was calling your name for a while, but you didn't move. What's wrong?”
I look down at the ground, why was I over here? Somehow I'd gone from the living room couch, all the way upstairs to my room, in my head thinking about us as kids. I didn't have an answer for the girl, so instead I shook my head. “I'm good, I'm good.”
“That answer is so vague, tell me more.” She whispers while taking a seat on my bed.
I instantly break my facade at her words, and my thoughts just pour out. “I don't know, I just thought that coming here would make me feel better you know?”
Vanya nods. “Like most of my problems stem from my bad upbringing and now the cause is dead. But instead of being happy again, I'm just reopening old wounds. Like seeing all of you, and the bickering and secrets that go on. I'm just sick of it all!” I let out a frustrated groan after ending my rant, flopping on my bed next to my guest.
Vanya is a great listener, this wasn't the first time she’s been in my room in a similar situation to this. As a kid, I had so much rage and no one to tell me what to do with it, except my fellow kid Vanya. We sat in here for hours as I avoided my training and ran away from Reginald.
“I understand what you're saying.” She starts. “It’s never easy moving past bad events, don't beat yourself up for still feeling upset. And of course, no one in this family is making it easier with this whole Dad mystery.”
“Yeah, I know. I tried to tell Luther to stop chasing after this. But he won’t listen, he just has to know the truth. To be honest, at least he has something that's pushing him through life, I thought I had everything figured out. I have a job and I like it, but I don’t have any friends or real connections in the outside world. I'm only still here because this is the only excitement in my life for years.
Now I'm so unsure of everything just because I came back here. I feel like I'm not living up to my potential, I could be doing so much more. Especially since the world is ending.”
“You and Klaus are really all I have, Isn’t that sad? Almost thirty years on this planet and I'm a failure.” I crack a sad smile at her.
“That’s not true Y/n, please don’t think that.” Vanya exclaims.
“But isn't it though?” I hold my hands up and concentrate to make them illuminate a yellowish-orange glow, the kind that happens when I heal. “I could’ve done something great with these powers, maybe become the first super-powered doctor? I'm not sure but I could’ve done anything. Instead, I do a bunch of odd jobs to pay for rent and spend my hours sitting around. I had no plans after leaving here.”
Before the woman can form a sentence and answer, we whip our heads towards my closed door, a loud sound blasted its way through the hallway, it sounded like gunfire. The said noise kept getting louder and closer to us, something bad happening.
I spring up from my bed and head towards the door, carefully opening it and peeking to see if there’s anything there. What I see is definitely a sight.
I look back at the shaking Vanya and crouch down next to her. “Hey, it’ll be okay. I'm going to go and help, please stay in here till the coast is clear. Head straight out the doors and run as far away as you can, okay?”
“Yeah..” she mumbles out, flinching at each bang.
In the hallway was Diego, he groaned and grumbled as he tried to subdue two people in suits with strange masks on. One had a comically large pink dog head and the other had a blue bear head, which was equally large. The woman with the dog mask kneeled on the ground with a loaded gun in her hands as Diego attacked the man.
Diego was actually getting a few good licks before the man yelled out. “Cha-Cha! Shoot him!” What a weird name.
“Get out of the way, dumbass,” Cha-Cha remarked. This was the moment I stepped in, I ran up to Pinky and grabbed the gun from her, tossing it aside towards my bedroom. My adopted brother looks up wondering why Pinky stopped aiming her gun to see me and her starting to fistfight.
She goes for my face thinking that I wasn’t ready to dodge her fist but I was, I return my own punches right into her stomach and she falls over in agony. Not before trying to swing her feet at mine and knock me over which I am prepared for. I take a step back missing her dress shoes and ready my leg to kick her in the mask.
It looked pretty solid but I know if I had enough force she would at least get hurt also and maybe even concussed. With great accuracy I kick her right in the face, the metal-like mask makes a loud ring as her head bobbles and she hits the ground.
That kick created a huge red mark on my leg I'm sure, and probably also more damage but I didn't even feel it, and it will heal in a couple of seconds.
Thinking that she is out for the count, I go to help Diego who seems to be struggling with the non-armed man. But Pinky gets back up slowly and trips over her steps, but finds her way back to her gun. Diego kicks the blue guy into the wall, putting him out of commission for a few seconds.
Pinky cocks her gun and is ready to shoot by the time that happens. I take a step in front of Diego hoping that I'd protect him from the bullets, and calmly tell him to walk away.
“Run Diego!” I screech. He and I fled the scene making the two masked assailants follow after us, hopefully giving Vanya enough time to go down the stairs and get out of there.
“Come on!” I hear Pinky tell the woozy man, in her thick New York accent.
I follow Diego down a different hallway, away from our bedrooms as Pinky shoots at us. Her bullets break many glass cases filled with Umbrella Academy merchandise but who truly cares about that stuff anymore? While avoiding the bullets Diego jumps the hallway railing, I do the same after him and we both land on the couch in the living room below.
He drags me by my arm off the couch and we both hide behind it, against a table. From the viewpoint, Pinky and Bluey shouldn’t be able to see us and will hopefully leave us alone. But no they do not, in fact there they are right by the entrance to the living room. Must've gone down the stairs.
Diego moves the tiniest inch and the bullets start blazing us but they all hit the couch, but I move myself anyways to the direction where all of the bullets are coming from just to make sure Diego doesn’t get hit. These people are persistent. The gunfire doesn't end for ages, by this point, fluff and feathers are flying from the ripped couch.
Then suddenly it stops. The grunts from Luther and Alison could be heard from our spot as they took the two down. I stop shielding Diego, and we get up to go help.
Luther has Pinky down on the floor, but Bluey is choking out Alison.
“Let her go!” Diego screams running up to the man and giving him a few jabs and kicks to the back. I go for the hand choking her and kick at it hard a couple of times. But everything we do seems to do nothing so Diego hops on his back and punches him from there. We only get him to stop hurting Alison when Luther comes over and one hand punches him, sending us flying off Bluey.
Then Luther actually sends him flying, right to the spot where his companion is.
“Who the hell are these guys?” Alison yells at all of us.
I hear Pinky talking from the other room, “Who the hell are these people?” She asked. “I don't know, but at least we know who owns the shoe,” Bluey says back.
“You're welcome,” Luther says, mocking his brother. Yet he’s the only one huffing like a dog..
Diego puts his hands on his knees and hunches over. “I was doing fine!”
“Oh, yeah, you really had them-“
“Ever heard of a rope-a-dope?”
The two fight before another round of bullets hits the living room. Luther screams out and runs for the door closer to the living room to escape. “Get out of here now! Go!” He says to Alison who runs with him.
But he turns back to me and Diego, who is underneath me as we are still lying on the floor. I looked up at the thinking man, he was considering if he should risk it to come save us or not. But there’s no way he would make it over here without getting hit.
“Luther, just go!” I told him.
I whisper for Diego to get out of here and that I'll hold whoever remains here off. He nods and then army crawls for the door.
“I lost my gun.” Says Bluey, while Pinky stops firing to talk.
“I'm going after them.” She tells him.
The pair split off, with Bluey staying here to search for a new weapon. He heads to Reginald’s antique weapons cabinet because for some reason we just have that. I lay on the floor hoping that my playing dead look was convincing enough for him to not try and fight me.
The man picks up what can only be described as a pointy metal ball on a chain connected by a stick. I'd never bothered to go near that cabinet so I couldn’t really say what it was.
The man raises his head from his new weapon at a voice.
“Hello? Guys? Is everyone okay? Y/n?” Vanya yells from the main staircase. She walks towards the messed up living room. “Hello? Guys?”
Bluey runs to the right side of the entrance where Vanya is about to be and tries to sneak up on her.
“Vanya, look out!” I rushed at the man knocking him into the wall as Diego had done once before. After he falls into it I run up to her.
“Get behind me,” I say. Hopefully, if I could protect her she wouldn't end up getting hurt but I'm not sure if I could do that and fight him. “What are you doing here? I told you to run.”
“I couldn’t just leave you here!” She cries.
The man circles us, taking a step in and out to try and get me off my game. “Get back!” I yell at Vanya before moving to attack him again. He swings his heavy spiked ball at me, but it's too slow to hit me. I aim for his legs with a piece of glass I picked up while Diego and I running. Even though it slashes my hands and makes me bleed I slice him worse. Making him crumble down, wailing in pain.
I walk away from the down man over to Vanya. “Are you alright?” I ask.
Her eyes go wide and she screams. “Look out!” But I don't turn in time, instead I take the full force of that man's mallet and slam into the ground head first. It made me slightly black out but fearing for Vanya made me try and get back up.
Bluey held my legs down and started to hit me again and again. The pain started to get to me with every swing. I couldn’t move, I was frozen. It reminded me of training as my bashed-in skull started to bleed.
“Y/n!” Vanya screamed trying her best to get the weapon out of his hand. “Stop!”
But she isn’t strong enough, he decks her with it and she goes flying. I thought at this point, okay he thinks I'm a regular human my skull is getting bashed in and bleeding, enough is enough right? The madman keeps going.
Vanya’s cries break my heart as the man breaks my skull.
“Hey! Asshole.” A man's voice yells.
But by that time, the world gets hazy and my lifted head and dangling feet stop moving. And I black out.
“C- n you he- m?”
“Number Zero, get up training isn't over yet!”
I wake up on the ground, gasping for air holding my head to check for damage. But there was nothing? I wouldn’t have healed that quickly what’s going on. I wasn't at the academy either, I was in the middle of a forest. But instead of green grass and trees everything was blank and white.
Am I gone for good?
“What’s going on!?” I scream. No, I can’t die.
A bicycle bell could be heard in the distance as i black out. Again
“You have failed me.”
“Can you hear me, Y/n?”
Vanya’s shaking hands try to grab onto my jacket, to pull me up from the ground. By the time I woke up it seemed like the fighting was all over. I opened my eyes to see three Vanya’s.
“Is this real? Why are there three of you?” I whisper, my world spinning through the lenses of my eyes. She holds her hands to her mouth as she chokes down sobs.
“Oh my god!” Alison yells as she walks into the room.
The two of them lay me on the disheveled couch as they talk above me.
“W— happen-?”
I didn’t hear the rest of their conversation as I slipped in and out consciousness. For the first time I was scared, I’ve only ever taken this long to heal my first time dying. Concentrating seemed unreachable with the throbbing feeling in my head, so I sat there, bleeding out.
Maybe it was God's way of saying I can’t keep cheating death.
“What are you still doing here?” Diego muttered out to Vanya after pacing the room. This time I stayed awake.
“I'm just trying to help.” She replied, looking down at me.
Diego snaps and moves closer to the worrying woman. “No, you could’ve been killed.” He yelled in her face. “Or have any of us killed. Just look at what happened to Y/n! She's barely healing.”
I try to say something for myself but it comes out incoherent mumbles.
“She is a liability.” He continues while pointing at his own sister. I know he didn't mean all of that, no he’s just looking for someone to blame for his own unhappiness. Can’t say I haven’t seen it before.
“I'm fine. Don’t blame her” I grumble trying to sit up. The growing light surrounding my head, as well as my slashed hands.
“No you're not Y/n I'm taking you to Pogo after this.” Diego says. Wouldn't Grace be the better option?
Vanya looks to Alison for support. “Alison?”
Alison glances up at the woman. “I think what he’s trying to say is that this kind of stuff is dangerous..” she pauses. “You're just—“
“Not like you.”
Vanya scoffs at herself and nods before heading out of the room.
“No, that's not what I- Vanya wait.” Alison rushes behind the leaving figure.
“Vanya please.” I croak out.
Diego speaks up from his seat on the other couch. “Let her go. It’s for the best.”
Alison huffs before walking away from the both of us. Leaving me with the angry Diego for no reason.
“Why do you do that?” I confronted him. “Ow.” While holding my hand to my head.
The man doesn’t reply to my question instead he crouches down in front of my now standing figure. “Come on.” He says. Before I can protest he lightly bangs on my head causing me to go limp so that it's easy enough for him to pick me up.
He carries my dying body all the way up several flights of stairs, until we reach the operation room. Where I spent some of my most fun times at the academy.. Then he gently lays me down. “Stay here. I'm gonna look for Pogo.” He warns.
I grab onto his arm deliriously before he leaves. “Bring me Vanya.” I cried out.
He walks out anyway.
Aug 14 update:
If you'd like to be added to the tag list for rest of the series (starts at chapter 10) say taglist in the comments!
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
Graham Norton (Harry Styles x Reader)
Requested: No.
Warnings: I've written this ages ago. that should be warning enough.
My Masterlist this can also be found on my Wattpad
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The Boys of One Direction were recently on Graham Norton, and I was the last guest he would call on stage. I was slightly nervous, my palms wet and I had to prevent myself from chewing my lipstick off. I had been looking forward to that show and also sharing my time with the boys of One Direction. I had seen them only once and very brief, backstage at the VMA's last year and since then they but also my career had skyrocketed even more. Which was very nice, sure, but it also added a bit more nerves and pressure. Adding to that, I had just released my second studio album which I had not talked in public before. I rubbed my palms over my pants. My eyes trailed nervously through the room I waited for my cue, landing on the large mirror. I got up and carefully pushed untameable curls back. I had them pulled into a tight ponytail, so that they just gently touched my shoulders and wouldn't give me the opportunity to play with it. Which was a nervous habit of mine and my media-trainer had told me many times to stop with it. My critical eyes wandered down my outfit: simple white, double breasted pants which accentuated the waist nicely. The silky tie-neck blouse with the button cuffs was tucked in and the light creamy pink colour went nicely with my hair and the pants. For shoes I had decided on heels, subtle ankle-strap beauties in a nude rose. The whole outfit was elegant but not too muh, still comfortable and pretty much wardrobe malfunction proof.
I snapped up when I suddenly heard Graham's slightly muffled voice saying my name. Carefully I walked towards the door, staring into the still dark hallway towards stage. I had asked for privacy until my cue, means that my manager wouldn't have to stick around please. Just a young woman who had introduced herself as Gracie and would pick me up at my cue, but she wasn't even in sight yet. Graham seemed to simply talk about me to the boys... „She is waiting, yes. Don't worry Harry, we will bring her out soon." Loud laughter and whistling broke out and it swallowed the young mans answer. "So you guys now her? Except for Harry, obviously." Again, muffled laughter. "Yes we know her. As you said correctly, especially Harry. You could say that he's a fan." I heard Liam say, and the crowd awed. I felt my cheeks heating up slightly, a nervous chuckle escaping my lips. "Yeah it's been known..." Harry now said, sounding a bit embarrassed. „She's amazing; I can't blame you Harry. Wonderful voice, and wonderful face!" Graham said. A small smirk stole itself on my lips. "She is." Harry agreed. „She just recently started to follow him on Instagram. The lad almost started to cry." I could heard Louis and the crowd awed again. "I didn't!" Harry exclaimed quickly, embarrassment clearly evident in his voice. "You did. When he heard that she's on show with us, he totally freaked out. Stop lying." I meant to understand the heavy Yorkshire accent of Zayn. "Oh really? Well we can surely get you her number if you want to...or do you want to break into her dressing room...?" Graham jokingly suggested and I grinned. That wouldn't even be too bad...I mean it was Harry Styles. Pretty wonderful boy inside and out, everyone disagreeing was just in denial. Loud laughter was the reaction. "Oh good lord..." I could hear Harry groaning. "Shoot your shot mate!" Louis cheered jokingly, but Harry seemed not to answer anything on it. At least not something I could hear. "She can't hear us, right?" Niall asked and I felt like I could hear him grinning. A shocked gasp from probably Harry was heard. „She can't right?!" he then asked in turmoil, sounding clearly stressed out. Oh if he only knew...In this moment Gracie appeared in the hallway, waving at me. I quickly took a deep breath before mincing nervously towards her. "Wait here." Gracie said with a calming smile, pointing at a corner. The audience was now loud and I could see light falling from on stage into the dimmed hallway. "Well..." I could hear Graham say. „There's only one way to find it out. Please everybody welcome the absolutely gorgeous..." This second Gracie was back, shoving me gently around the corner towards the curtained doorframe. "Watch the step and don't trip. Good luck!" she whispered and I could only quickly thank her before stepping out into the spotlight. The crowd had rose to their feet, as well as Graham and the other guests. Even though the sudden bright light blinded me and prevented me from seeing the crowd in its full number, I could hear how loud it was. There must be many people...Graham rushed towards me in excitement, greeting me how exactly I saw it on the many interviews I had watched on YouTube. "Ooh, ooh it's beautiful to have you!" he said excitedly, smiling bright before embracing me in a hug. Laughing I returned his hug, kissing his cheek softly. „Thank you for having me!" I said loudly, my microphone was now on. I quickly glanced back towards the crowd, seeing now how many faces were watching me. I waved excitedly, a honest smile on my face. The boys were all still standing for me and I quickly turned towards them to greet them. Harry was first in line so I went up to him firstly. The hug was accompanied with loud cheering and I grinned softly. Especially when Harry kept his arms around me a bit longer than I expected him to, but I didn't mind at all. Despite my heels was he taller than me, way broader and smelled exceptionally good. Just as I thought that, I already inwardly scolded myself, even though it was not something unusual to think. I had talked about that with my bestfriend often enough to know that I surely wasn't the only person on earth, to which a good smell was a sign of attractiveness. After maybe five seconds Louis and Zayn started to whistle and Harry let go, his cheeks slightly flushed. Cute, very cute actually. After I hugged Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall, I froze for a second, not knowing where I should sit. The couch was pretty stuffed already and I had no idea where they wanted me to fit in. But before I could even to start panicking, Zayn and Niall scooted apart and offering me to sit between them. I gave them a thankful smile, trying to sit down as graceful as possible. „So welcome, welcome! How are you feeling?" Graham asked excitedly after everyone had taken their seats again. „Oh I am feeling very well. Was a bit nervous before, but I heard you talking about me so nicely when I was backstage..." I teased, glancing over at Harry, whose face dropped before a smug smirk flit over his lips. The crowd went ballistic at that and Graham chuckled amused. "It's not soundproof then huh." Harry remarked, a hint of a blush on his cheeks. "Nope." I popped the p with a little grin, slowly shaking my head. "Means that your plan on taking her backstage won't quite work now." Louis remarked, a lazy grin on his lips as he leaned back. I laughed out loud like everyone else in the studio. Except Harry of course. He had his face buried in his hands, shaking his head. "Just sod off Louis, sweet Jesus." Graham had his lips pursed, sending him a look. "The right thing to say would've been 'no I wasn't planning on doing anything like that' but you didn't. Does that mean you agree?" Harry just stared at him. "I want to go home, please somebody help." I chuckled amused, scanning the little table for my drink. I had told Graham's manager that I would just like some iced water. When I found it I leaned forwards, at the exact same second as Harry leaned forward to grab his drink. "Look at that...they now act the same. Ladies and Gentlemen we aren't even ten minutes in with our last guest and we already have all this..." Graham struggled to find the correct word, but a smug Louis was quick to help out. "Tension?" he suggested and Graham nodded in agreement. "Exactly, this tension in the studio! Amazing, truly." I felt heat creeping up my cheeks as I shook my head. "Moving on!" I said before taking a big gulp from my water. Everybody chuckled amused and Harry shot me an apologising look. I just shrugged slightly, giving him a warm smile. "Hey, no soul-mate communication here!" Liam exclaimed dramatically and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Alright, let's not ignore your wish, shall we. How about we talk about your new album?" Graham suggested, immediately inserting the cover shoot of my album. "Called Aubade, I hope I pronounced that correctly. It looks amazing however." Graham said and a agreeing murmur went through the room. "Thank you, and yeah you said that right." Graham tilted his head. "What does it actually mean then?" I sat up straighter, placing my hands neatly on my lap. I was really nervous about talking about the album now. "Well an aubade is a love song, sung at dawn. It's like the contrary of a serenade which is a love song sung during evening twilight for example." Graham's face lit up in understanding. "I feel a bit embarrassed that I didn't knew that but oh well. So what is it all about? I mean there aren't only love songs, just a few actually." I nodded slowly. "Right. It's actually...well its also a very melancholic album. There are many very personal songs on it, very sensitive and not always relying on something positive. But I feel like love isn't always positive as well, so that's quite alright." Graham and the boys wordlessly started to clap after my statement. "Very true. Have you got a favourite song for yourself?" Graham asked and I shrugged. "I don't even know...I mean, I love all of them. I think that it very much depends on the mood you are in." Graham nodded. "Question for the boys; have you listened to the album already? And you don't have to lie." He added playfully and I grinned. "I actually really have. Honestly, I  think its pretty bloody brilliant if I may say so." Louis spoke up and I gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you dear." Graham rose a warning finger at me. "Ah Miss, don't you start flirting with Louis, Harry might get jealous." Harry scoffed, looking up in fake annoyance. "God's sake can you lay off of it already!" he sighed and I grinned. "I am sorry darling." I added with a teasing smile, which he returned nonchalantly. "No problem. I, by the way also think that the album is brilliant. I think my favourite song on it is 'minutiae'. It's really beautiful." I gave him a surprised smile. "Really? I like that one as well, greatly. Wonderful song to write and warm your voice up." Harry nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah I can see that." Graham watched up amusedly. "For everyone who hasn't listened to the song yet; does one of you want to explain...?" I exchanged a quick look with Harry. "You do it. I am curious on how you interpret it." I then said, seeing Harry nervously shuffling his feet. "I mean if you like...okay. So in my mind, minutiae is a song about paying attention to the little, more hidden details in life. Like for example the tiny specks of colour in everybody's eyes, or those subtle facial expressions that don't last for a second but still are there. Or maybe the melody of somebody's voice, or how they talk when they are excited about something. Or all those nervous habits you might pick up when you watch closely...I am sorry I trailed off." Harry ended, a slightly embarrassed expression on his face. But I couldn't help but stare at him in adoration. All the things he had mentioned were so true, never had I ever heard someone talking about a song I wrote, recorded with my voice, and being so passionate about it. "Dear good, look at her, completely in awe." Graham laughed amusedly and I quickly hid my face behind my drink. "That was beautiful, exactly like I would've had explained it." His eyes sparkled happily a blissful smile on his lips. "Oh come on lovebirds!" Zayn suddenly exclaimed before he grabbed my your waist and carefully picked you up. He then placed me gently next to Harry, giving us a fake annoyed look. Niall laughed and nudged Harry's shoulder. „A dream came true...and now hug, will you!" he added with a teasing wink. I grinned, feeling very nervous once again. I then slowly and very, very cautious leaned towards Harry who immediately pulled one Arm around me and pressed me against his chest. I giggled and everyone was awing and applauding. Niall coughed, faking a hurt expression „Now, I feel lost. I love you and your music too" he said as, stretching his arm towards me. „Aw no..." I started and reached out to his hand. But Harry snatched it and didn't let go of it. „Nah. Mine." he snapped. Everyone laughed.
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bapyess1r · 4 years
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WARNINGS: SMUT! , age difference, use of substance, cursing
Sam’s POV
The last kiss from Talia left me with a tight sensation in my pants as I crossed the street to my house. As much as I would’ve loved to bend her over right then and there, I knew I couldn’t. I never had this problem with other women so why was it that this one girl could change that. Like I had some morals… She made me fall for her in only a day and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I sighed as I shuffled back into my home, not bothering to turn off the music that still played softly in the background. I sat on the couch, an extra cup of whiskey sitting before me on the coffee table. “Fuck it.” I said sitting up to grab it and drink it. Jim Beam Apple and soda… it tasted like when we kissed the first time. I groaned as the memory sent a sensation through my chest and my pants tightened once more. I grabbed a cigarette and lit it in hopes to distract myself from the thoughts and the pressure building in me. I was going to let it be but the more I left it alone, the more it started to bother me. I groaned again and let my cigarette hang from my lips. “Okay, okay! Fuck…” I said to myself. I leaned back into my couch and undid my jeans, lifting my hips up to remove them. As I pulled on my boxers, my dick damn near sprung out on its own. I hissed as the fabric graced the tip on its way down. I took a long look at it standing bright pink, painful, and proud. “Just couldn’t control yourself could you….” I lazily grabbed hold of it and began moving my hand up and down. I threw my head back in an attempt to relax, thinking of Talia and how she looked singing tonight. Her curvy body swaying to the music, the sound and tone of her voice, the light in her smile, the swing of her hips as she walked… I let out a shameless moan as smoke exited my nostrils. The ash was falling onto my chest but I didn’t care. I became more and more sensitive as I remembered the feel of her lips on mine, her body wrapped in my arms, her hands running up my chest, tugging on my shirt in a needy fashion, and then I began thinking of all the things I wished I could’ve done to her. My hips bucked from the sensation and I picked up the pace. I stomped my foot with a hard grunt the closer I brought myself to climax. I ran my fingers through my hair with my free hand and let it rest on the back of the couch as I went. My knee was bouncing impatiently as that burning feeling in the pit of my stomach began to swell. My skin was beginning to heat up. “God damn…” I whispered as my thoughts drifted to bending her over the counter, ramming into her until she cried out. With a low growl, I picked up the pace and I twitched in my hands. “Woah!” I shouted as I released into the air, making an absolute mess of myself. “Fuck…” I huffed, relaxed now that I’d relieved myself. Without thinking, I shed myself of my shirt, and cleaned up my surroundings.
I was fine for now but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last around Talia without scooping her into my arms and taking her to my bed. But for now, I had to settle for flirting and some cheeky kisses. ‘Not until she’s ready.’ I thought, finishing the last of the whisky soda. I stood up to turn off the music and lights in the house, shuffling to my room as I kicked off my boots. I fell flat onto the large plush bed and sighed, drifting off to sleep.
Talia’s POV
I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, my mouth tasting like isopropyl. My best friend wrapped around my arm like I was gonna go somewhere. ‘I guess she really did miss me.’ I chuckled, trying to sit up without rocking the boat in my head. I slapped the side of Anna’s cheek lightly, telling her to get up. “Why?! What happened?!” She whined sitting up.
“I’m starving, let’s go eat…” I said.
“Can we get pollo loco? I really want some…” she asked, stretching and wiping the drool off her face.
“Yeah, yeah….” I nodded in a hushed tone, rushing to get dressed for some reason. I tried really hard to put the pieces of last night back together. After the performance, I couldn’t remember a thing. “Do you remember anything about last night?” She responded with a smile.
“Heeellll yeah I remember some things… and some thangs.” She wiggled her eyebrows and threw her hair up in a messy bun. “ I was hanging out with Marcel- that beautiful chocolate man- Louie was with Jules playin bean bag and then you and Sam went to join and play teams, theeennnnn……” she gave me a wicked grin.
“Please tell me I didn’t strip…” I whined. I knew I could get kinda crazy when I was under the influence.
“You would’ve had your tongue not been shoved down Sam’s throat.” She grabbed her face and blushed for me. That’s when I remembered…
“Shit. We did kiss… aaagghhh!” I cried falling backwards into my bed. “Do you think he hated it?”
“From the look on his face, he far from hated it, girl. You’re ok.” She said tapping my arm. “Sooo you gonna pursue Mr. Samuel Drake?” She asked in a dreamy tone. Honestly, I wasn’t sure. I thought maybe he’d want someone with their life put together. Or a bit older…
“What do you think?” I asked her.
“Honestly… I think you should. I mean he’s different from your usual type but it’s the good kind of different. And… God. It’s like he’s got something you need… I don’t know what it is but I’m sure you’ll figure it out along the way. Even though I’ve just met him and you’ve just met him, the way he looks at you… the way he treats you… And he’s certainly one of the better looking ones-”
“You tryna say I date ugly muh fuckers-”
“Um, no bitch, I’m telling you you’ve dated some ugly muh fuckers and THATS the tea.” she said in a matter of fact tone causing me to crack up. “Listen. I say go for it. It’s early days- yes- but be headstrong about it. And don’t change for him. Be unequivocally you. Because you deserve someone who loves you like that.”
“Aww fren!” I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her tightly before getting up to shower.
“Can I shower after you?” she asked, walking towards my dresser to rummage through my tee shirts. “Also can I steal a shirt?”
“Yeah girl.” I answered, closing the door.
After we showered and got dressed, we greeted my Godfamily and headed out about our day. Both Godparents were off this weekend and I didn’t wanna get in the way of core family time. Also, Anna and I had several things to do within two days' time. We threw on our shades as we walked to my blue Jeep, enjoying the morning sunshine and breeze. “Fuck I’m nauseous and I’m starving…” I groaned as it suddenly hit me.
“Wanna smoke? We can hot box the Jeep like we used to.” she said searching through her bag and pulling out a pack of rolling papers.
“Anais Long… How’d you know I had some on me?” I chuckled, speeding up our walk to the car.
“Bitch I’m not stupid! I saw you tuck it in there!” she laughed, running after me.
In a matter of minutes, we were sitting in the Jeep, staring at the sky through the sunroof as Siouxsie Sioux played softly in the background through the radio.
“What do you wanna do today?” I asked her as a flock of seagulls flew overhead.
“I really wanna go to the beach…” she answered, sitting up to ash the blunt to me.
“The beach sounds...fine.” My voice trailed off as I was distracted by Sam headed to the docks for his morning cigarette. His muscular body clad in a white tank top and gray sweatpants. A tattoo I hadn’t seen before was exposed on his left shoulder. Anna looked up with a gasp, lowering her glasses to get a better look.
“Very fine indeed...” she said sitting forward, almost choking on the smoke. “How big do you think he is?” She asked impulsively and I cackled, punching her in the arm.
“Jesus Christ, girl!” I giggled like a little school girl as I watched him take a seat and start on his first cigarette, repeatedly looking back at the gate behind him; like he was waiting for someone…
“Oh my god, is he looking for you? GIRL HE’S LOOKING FOR YOU!” she said undoing my seatbelt.
“What are you doing?!” I chuckled.
“Well you’re not just gonna sit in here and let him look like a lost puppy. You have to go out there!” she said reaching over me and opening the door as best as she could with her short arms. “Go bitch!”
“And leave you by yourself?”
“Yes bitch leave me by myself and go get your man!” She said rather enthusiastically.
I took a deep breath as that wave of nervousness crashed over me, even more so now that we’ve kissed. “Be strong bitch!” She told me and I nodded to leave.
I hopped out of the van and walked over. The gate startled me as I opened it up, pulling on my crop top nervously, I shuffled over and sat down without saying a word. “You know normal people say ‘Good morning.’” I heard his deep voice say as I fidgeted with the fringe on the hole of my baggy jeans.
“Sorry. I’m just really high.” I excused and he belted a cute little laugh.
“Wake n’ bake huh?”
“Yeah…. wanna come?” I asked, staring at him. He pouted his bottom lip and nodded.
“I don’t have any plans for the day. Why not?” He stood up suddenly offering me a hand. I took it and with a simple flex of the arm he pulled me up with ease. A bolt of attraction shot through me as I looked up at him. Most of the guys I dated couldn’t lift me up for more than ten seconds and he did it so easily. I couldn’t just sit and stare... I had to say something.
“I like your tattoo.” I said, actually able to get a good look at it. It was a hand of card with Lucky written on a banner beneath it.
“Thanks. I got it in prison.” he smirked, heading for the gate.
“Prison?!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah. Comes with some bad memories and what not.” he said trying to shrug it off. I could tell it bothered him though. Briefly, I stopped to look him in his hazel eyes.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” I said. He gave me a warm smile and stroked my cheek.
“You’re the sweetest.” he told me and I led him to the jeep where Anna was waving like a crazy person. He popped open the back door and slid in with a grin to greet Anna.
“Good morning, handsome!” she cooed, laying it on thick for me.
“Hiya, sweetheart! Hope this Florida weather is treating you right.” he said, closing the door behind him. He slouched a bit to get comfortable.
“Oh, I love it,” she replied. “We were actually just talking about hitting the beach.”
“Ah, now that’s an idea.” he said, taking a smooth hit and acknowledging the quality of the blunt. “Even better idea: I have a boat.” he said with a slight cough as he exhaled.
“Shut the fuck up- do you really?!” Anna became ten times more excited than she already was. He nodded with a big smile.
“If you want, you could make a day of it. I’ll take you to the boardwalk.” He said, winking at me.
“YES PLEASE!” Anna squealed.
“Talia? What say you?” he asked, seeking my permission. Then I had an idea myself.
“One condition… you’re coming with us.” I said with a mischievous grin, taking the blunt between my lips. He raised an intrigued thick brow before returning the smile.
“Sounds like a deal. I’ll call up Marcel. I’m sure there’s still some food and booze left over from last night.”
“You still wanna drink?” I said looking surprised. “Old man like you still tryna kick it.”
“Listen I’m only 42. I can hang, alright.” he chuckled.
“42 THE FUCK WHERE?!” Anna exclaimed, hanging over the passenger seat. “YOU LOOK 30!”
“You’re too kind, please! Keep talkin’.” He smirked as Anna took her hit.
“Well, we need to stop and get her swimsuit from the hotel.” I said, as I watched them exchange the blunt.
“Okay. That gives me a bit of time to get everything ready. Maybe grab some ice for the cooler-”
“I got it. Don’t worry about that.” Anna nodded.
“Alright then! Well, I guess I should get started. See you ladies in an hour?”
“More than enough time.” she smiled at him.
“I love how you two just planned my whole day for me.” I chuckled, turning in my seat to start the jeep. I rolled the windows down as he got out and he stopped at my window, brushing his hand against my arm gently.
“Be safe driving, okay?” he said, quite vulnerably actually. My breathing hitched and I nodded my head as I stared into his bright eyes. He smiled kindly and patted the hood of the car to send me off before walking towards his house, lighting another cigarette.
I turned my head to back out, just to be met with Anna's large ‘tarded smile.
“God you’re such a crackhead.” I chuckled as she danced in her seat.
“He likes you, he likes you!” she sang, making me laugh. And she continued. “He likes yo booty, he wanna touch it-”
“OH MY GOD!” I screamed in laughter as we started for the hotel.
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The Tale of Cystus The Malignant Part 2: The Children of Rot
Cystus The Malignant sighed, his bulbous form heaving itself onto a broken pillar, watching as another world slowly decayed thanks to his gifts. Of course, he always made sure he had one to speak to at the end, just so he could gloat for a while. This one, though, was an oddity. Not only had he taken three souls as his audience, one was an Ogryn, large and stupid, yet oh so formidable, broken by the rot eating away at his spinal cord, the other was one of those suicidal Kriegsman, so eager to meet their demise, yet this one, barely even old enough to have hair on his chin, clung desperately to the mighty Ogryn’s arm, begging him not to let him die. The final one though, was the only that was meant to live, a commissar, so proud and righteous of his devotion to the rotting corpse who so defiantly refused to accept his own entropy. Yet Cystus spared three lives, the hulking corpse finally growing bored of the violence.
“WHYZ ‘E NOT KILLIN’ UZ BOZZ?” The Ogryn questioned, his deep voice still ringing strong, even as his lower body began to turn to mush. “I know not, Rig, but do not let your faith in the emperor falter. If he wills it, then we shall live. 517, have you anything useful to do beyond making a mockery of yourself?” The commissar barked. The Ogryn, Rig as it would seem, stiffened, muttering a simplistic prayer to himself. The Kriegsman, or rather boy, designated the number 517 stopped crying for a moment, the mucus still heavily running from his nose, boils beginning to rim his orifices. “M-my name is not 517, Kalex, it’s Cedric Inagrus. To hell with being faceless, I want to live damnit and the emperor has abandoned us!”
The last sound Cystus heard before sliding away from his perch was the commissar’s hand slapping across the boy’s face, probably bursting the giant pustules. “YOU SHALL WATCH YOUR TONGUE, BOY. THE EMPEROR-Has abandoned you, child.” The commissar froze as the monolithic shadow of The Malignant one shrouded him. “Calm thy voice, child of the stubborn corpse. You shall not die until I will it so, none of you will.” Cystus sat, the ground slightly sizzling from the fluids excreting from his slick skin.
Cystus clutched both sides of his helmet, fused to his skin. Ripping it away, he revealed the horrific face he owned. Three bulging black eyes, solid in color and endless in depth gazed into their very souls, a nurgling swimming within the topmost eye. His mouth had split into three distinct parts, tongues slathering out of each cheek, yet he spoke clearly nonetheless. “I have heard your names. You, powerful Ogryn, you go by Rig, no?” “Yezzir, daz muh name dat I did giv to mesef.” The Ogryn chimed brightly, as if forgetting that this man did this to them. “Be quiet you thick skulled meat shield! Can you not see that he is trying to taint us further with his chaos ma-“ A squelching slap from Cystus shut the noisy commissar up. Nurgle help him why did he decide on a commissar of all people. “Very good…a strong name for an undoubtedly strong warrior.” Rig grinned from ear to ear, splitting open his cheeks in the process.
“And you, young Kriegsman, you’re first designation numbers are 517?” The boy let go of Rig’s arm, it would appear these two had been friends for some time. “Death Korps of Krieg unit 517-88704-126, is my official name designation, but I said I prefer Cedric Inagrus.” Cystus softly stroked the boy’s chin with one of the claws of Syphilius, his power gauntlet permanently fused as his left hand. Where it would normally rot away anything at its touch, it retracted his ailments. “You shake as you speak, begging for answers, Cedric, yet you yourself have no identity to fear beyond a name. You truly are an oddity, but a brave one. Not many would ask of me anything, let alone speak of their chosen name… but for you, I grant you this wish. Now, cast aside your worries, you have felt not what your companions feel, the rot in you is slow, and painless. Rest easy for now, young oddity.” Cedric hesitated, yet calmed, leaning again on Rigs slab-like arm, his physical ailments receding, as were Rig’s.
“And you, you are- “I AM COMMISSAR KALEX, AND YOU WILL NOT ADDRESS ME AS SUCH. MY NAME WILL NOT GRACE YOUR PUTRID LIPS YOU SCUM SUCKING BLOA-“ Cystus shoved his right hand into the commissar’s mouth, loose, slimy skin slaking off, making him gag as it assaulted his tastes. Of course, he also screamed when his jaw broke from the size of his hand, and when his illnesses sped up rapidly, sores ripping open, revealing maggots and worms, pustules swelling then bursting. “You should learn to be more silent, Kalex. I have not even directly harmed any of you save for yourself, and I only hurt you so that you stop disturbing the tranquil silence of this world.”
The three men looked at him like he was mad, chaos and tranquility? It seemed impossible. “No…in truth, if I could spread Nurgle’s gifts as painlessly as possible, I would. I wish not to harm any of you, Nurgle’s gift is one of peace and painlessness, not of strife and agony.” The Chaos lord looked to all three men, only one truly rotting away. “Nurgle’s love is the truest thing in this universe. He promises you an end to your suffering! He gives you the realization that every moment is a joyous occasion worth laughing to…when you acknowledge that all meaning points towards entropy, and that you are always growing closer to decay, how could you not be happier? You’re very existence will fill the meaning of the universe with no effort! You can live in a perpetual state of contentedness, barely even awake. All that Grandfather asks of you is to not change, ever, and to accept your past anguishes, to allow your former blights to come back with more force, and allow his new gifts to accompany them. In time, you will notice you cannot even feel those pains any longer. That is Nurgle’s test. To withstand all of your past troubles all at once…only to realize they don’t hurt, you’ve felt his loving embrace…can your God Emperor give you the same?”
Rig’s face scrunched up, trying to find any argument, yet a life with no pain, no worries, never having to change for no stinkin’ commysar, it was so appealing “You’z right, big man. Nurgel’z got da only real luv in da world.” Cedric took in both Rig and Cystus’ words. All his life he was nobody, all his life being nobody meant he could be abused with no repercussion, just another designation number to forget about. “I…I want to feel happy…I wanna be loved by someone.” Cystus smiled at the pair, they would do nicely.
“COWARDS! THE LOT OF YOU. EMPEROR PROTECTS EVEN IN TIMES LIKE THESE. I…I WILL NOT FALTER AGAINST EVEN…EVEN THE MOST….comforting of offers... no more paperwork…no more idiot conscripts…I could finally relax…” Cystus smirked, the commissar was foolish to think he would be given the same treatment, especially when his reasoning was so shallow. “Foolish mortal, you only embrace Grandfather’s love to escape petty troubles, and in doing so, you leave others to suffer in your place. May your soul find no respite in Nurgle’s wondrous garden, and may you find yourself wedged within the cavernous arsehole of a great unclean one!” The commissar blanched as his entire body swelled outward with rot and gas. “Y-YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! I EMBRACED HIM, THAT MEANS I GET OFF EASY!” Cystus bellowed with laughter that sprayed forth great chunks of phlegm. “YOU EMBRACE NOTHING BUT YOUR OWN SELFISH DESIRES! NOW PERISH, SOUL UNFIT FOR GRANDFATHER’S LOVE!” Kalex’ body swelled once more, hair falling out in gelatinous clumps as blood vessels burst, great geysers spewing from his paper thin skin. With one last scream as his eyes bubbled and putrefied to nothingness, the avaricious, greedy Commissar Kalex toppled forward, his body bursting, any sort of fluid sizzling away before splattering on the two new apprentices of Cystus. Kalex’ bloated, broken body bubbled and dissolved to a slurry of bone and viscera before Cystus’ feet.
“Now…my children, will you embrace my gesture of good will towards you both, and join me in spreading Grandfather Nurgle’s greatest blessing?” Both Rig and Cedric heartily agreed with a resounding yes, their bodies still only turning slightly paler, bulging forth with sores hardly sprouting on them “Whaz da big oideuh Bozz? Why ain’t we getting’ all big’n goopy likez yazelfz?” Cystus took both of them by the hand, ushering them towards a ritual circle he prepared for himself to be teleported back to his personal quarters within the great Necrophagia” “Oh children, you must start with small injuries, in due time, you’re forms will be blessed by Grandfather’s gifts, and you will gain your own beautiful new bodies.” With that, the ritual circle engulfed them in flies, sending them to the Plague Lord’s ship. On the planet below, the final living soul was gone, and another message was sent to Terra: “Cystus’ children of rot have been found. Our love will spread even farther now.” The high lords looked to one another with true fear, finally deciding that they could no longer ignore him and continue their petty squabbles. They were going to send their last possible trump cards.
They were going to send the entire Ultramarine Chapter to finish off Cystus The Malignant.
Part 1:http://treasure-knights-secret-stash.tumblr.com/post/158123307019/the-tale-of-cystus-the-malignant
Part 3: http://treasure-knights-secret-stash.tumblr.com/post/158123486974/the-tale-of-cystus-the-malignant-part-3
Part 4:http://treasure-knights-secret-stash.tumblr.com/post/158671123384/the-tale-of-cystus-the-malignant-part-4-blue-to
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