#it's been so many years that i cant remember how i tag personal posts on tumblr wtf
peculiarbeauty · 3 months
not to be gay on main but i am going to be gay on main. it's positivity post time !!! i just wanted to shout out a couple amazing people who have become ultra close to me ( or were ultra close in the past and we reconnected hehe ) this is just a few names, i don't have time unfortunately to write a message for everyone on the dash but please please know that you are special to me if you are a follower. this is never in a particular order.
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@seachant - NINI i love you. you are such a breath of fresh air. genuinely a twinkling star that just happened to fall in my vicinity. lucky me tbh. thank you for giving me the chance to be friends with you and write on multiple different blogs with you. writing with your ariel here was such a DREAM of mine. i remember seeing your blog around and just adoring it. we did write previously when i wrote in the fandom but we never became close pals like we are now. seeing your posts makes my day. i'm really happy we are friends.
@dragetunge - MY DEAREST KRIS. we've been through a couple rocky roads together now but we stick together. it's really nice to talk to you. you are the reason i got into httyd. so thank you for that. i wouldn't have took the time if it wasnt for you and I REALLY NEEDED TO. you are essentially the dragon enthusiast of tumblr. i mean that like. literally. when i think of dragon enthusiasts i think of you. fgckjkfg I LOVE YOU SO MUCH KRIS. i cant wait to actually show you my island on dreamlight when it is a fully decked out like yours.
@solehr - sef, i miss you. i cant wait for you to come back and see that i wrote this for you kffdjdf i cannot forget you on this list. you and nini were the first disney blogs to welcome me. thank you for being my friend and allowing me to send you that ghibli movie dkffdj it's been such a pleasure knowing you. i hope for many more memories together. :)
@swevene - DEAREST KELSEY .. my belovedddd. i love our convos even when we are busy for an extended period of time. you check on me every so often and its really an honor to consider you a friend. thank you for being there, i really appreciate it. i hope we have many more memories !!! your beast is so important to my belle, i have to tell you. <3
@oudachi - aka my favorite ark .. in all locations of your blogs .. i could tag literally all of them rn but im not going to dkfjdf we joke about how we always come back together over the years. it doesn't really ??? matter how long we don't talk bc fate brings us back. our first meeting was back in 2015 and i remember you were the realest person i had ever met on this site. that has not changed. i think that more folks should understand how brilliant you are .. not only as a writer , but as a friend. you never leave people out. i've been left out before and it's a very terrible feeling. thank you for allowing me into your circle again after a bit of time of not talking. we picked up like it was such a short time of us not chatting like we were bffs again. i can't begin to tell you how grateful i am. seeing you thrive as well OH MAN .. i love that.
@chainmemories - toma, at this point it has to be obvious but when i came back .. you were the first to show me great excitement. making a blog after an extended leave on the site is a scary thing. it is like walking into the lion's den tbh dkfjfk plus there were a ton of big changes to tumblr so i didn't know where to start. it was scary. you wrote cuphead at this time. i've grown to really love cuphead and many other things because of you. playing mario party at least weekly is such a GENUINE pleasure. you make me feel like i have a place in the community. i can't begin to tell you how grateful i am that you are here and backing me up. i also hope that you know you are this shining star of every community you go into. there is not a community you haven't touched that you haven't left your mark on. of course my precious toma is the sunshine protag lover .. but he is also the sunshine protag in my opinion. i don't take criticism. I LOVE YOU.
@ghostbustingreen - spooky, I LOVE YOU. being in the posse with toma and you has been so so wonderful. i am grateful i get to talk to you on the daily about our interests. seeing you write our fav green plumber is wonderful YES YES. every muse you capture is brilliant though. i love writing with you on multiple of your blogs. simbaaaaaaaa. P.S. i am sorry for our latest party shindig where i continued to take the star away from you. i hope you can forgive me. i really hope our group goes strong for a long time because you guys always make me feel so much better.
@dnangelic - HI FAVVVV. thanks for putting up with me changing blogs on you so many times and still deciding to follow me and look forward to my muses. we are SO BACK on haru tbh. i love writing with you. you have such a grasp on your muse and i don't even know him that well. i wish i knew MORE tbh. the things that we have written though are truly precious and i look forward to future threads. i look forward to your responses truly. thanks for being my friend and also always hyping me up.
@matryochka - i cannot forget my favorite hype queen. dottie, you and i met in dc. you decided to follow me on my other blogs and genuinely messaged me when i was inactive there saying pretty much where tf are u dfkdjkfd WHICH I LOVE THAT. i wish more people would show interest in mutuals they care about that way. im trying to recruit you into our disney princess line up . it'll happen i know it. please know i love you so much. our little conversations are everything to me.
@jokethur - jess .. my beloved. also a hype queen and someone i met in dc. i love you. we don't talk too much rn but you are forever important to me. our conversations got me through some really dark points in my life and i can't begin to say how grateful i am for that. i hope that we have many more memories of chatting. always know i am here and ready to chat. we could stop talking for months and pick up just like that. that's how strong our friendship is <333 i love you. AND GIVE DIX A KISS FOR ME.
@pearlcure - DIORRRR my beloved. being your friend is a true genuine pleasure. IT IS PREDESTINED WE MET. we write the best girls out there. good for us. i love our convos and i love how real you are about everything. your graphics, writing, everything ABOUT YOU is amazing. im grateful we are friends and i hope for many more years together !!
@story-magic - AKA ALL OF YOUR BLOGS HERE AS WELL .. but my darling sleepy. i call you sleepy. i know that you have a name but you will forever by my favorite sleepy sloth. you keep things fair for us in the game. if i ever get down on my luck in party, you try to even the odds for me. i am so so grateful to be your friend. i know i don't tell you enough over discord and the like and you leave me a bunch of cute messages to make my day, but BEING YOUR FRIEND IS A TRUE PLEASURE i've gotta tell ya. i'm really happy we are so close !!! <3 i hope for many more memories.
@0brighta - big shoutout to you, ettie. <3 i know we arent super close but you putting me in your little shoutout post made me really feel so grateful. your blog is this shining, brilliant star. i mean that. like, DANG. shine bright like a diamond. i see that people love you and there is a reason for this believe me - you are so pure. so good natured. i wish more people were like you with their mutuals. letting people know that they matter is something a lot of people do not do tbh. you do that. thank you. <3
@naru-uzumaki - NOODLES .. we are back in action after such a long time of not talking. you and i were close back in 2016 i think?? somewhere close to there. when i saw your blog pop back up in my recommended, I LITERALLY RAN TO FOLLOW because i missed you so much. you are still this positive radiant little sun on the dash .. much like your muse. i am bias absolutely but. your writing and your heart for our favorite ramen lover is such a pleasure to witness. never ever change please. <3
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mariatesstruther · 1 year
I honestly don't get why Maria was so anti-Joel oh he's a horrible person he's done horrible things he can't be around us, but accepted Tommy fully to the point he's the father of her child when both did the same things, ran with the same people and all of that.
I mean I love the character, but that confuses the hell out of me. Why's Tommy accepted but Joel damned?
okay, so… this response took me like half hour to write. my wrists hurt, my jaw is clenched, my brain is hot. i love u anon thank u very much for this chance to vent about just why my girl maria has been so misunderstood. let’s go
i personally think this is where many people fundamentally misunderstand maria’s perception of joel. she’s not cautious of him primarily because of tommy or anything tommy has said, in my personal opinion—she’s cautious of him for and because of ellie
ive said this on my blog a few times and i think so have @steeb-stn and @clickergossip (and maybe @liveandletcry23 and @bumblepony i have a shit memory so tagging just in case) so im gonna tag them to credit their words and ideas about maria as well, but the FIRST time maria sees joel, he’s with this rando twelve year old girl who he is seemingly so protective over that she cant even be sniffed by dogs who are just trying to detect infection, which would be good for ANYBODY. that’s his first strike for untrustworthyness, because why the fuck wouldn’t he let this girl be tested???—we know why, of course, but maria doesnt. shes working on the very limited info about joel/ellie’s relationship that she has from just her own observations, and i think we need to remember that as we go through analyzing why she moves how she moves
shes knows from tommy at this point is that joel had a daughter, but it is definitely not this little girl. so why the fuck are they so close. what have they gone through. are they okay. is ellie okay. is their relationship safe for her??? THAT’s what she’s thinking about, in my opinion, while shes staring joel down at that dinner table. she’s reasonbly suspicious, and i can’t blame her for it.
i had to cut this it’s literally maybe my longest post ever so. heres the cut
ALSO, it’s not like she’s a straight up bitch to joel like some of y’all seem to make it out to be??? she never says or implies that “they can’t be around” or anything like that. she offers them clothes and food and supplies. she sets them up in a house. before dinner, she gives them a personal tour (which, to be fair, she did because she was probably trying to keep an eye on them and figure out more about whether or not ellie is safe, but who wouldnt???? i know tess would! and yall would love her for it!). tommy literally says to joel before they leave that there will always be a place for him and ellie in jackson—you cannot tell me you believe he said so without already have maria’s green light for joel and ellie to stay
ALSO, i wanna consider some other things that i haven’t seen many ppl talk about. on that walk she takes with tommy and joel and ellie, she makes it sound like tommy has been with them for at least years AND she maintains the confidence to say that residents in jackson stay off the radio—i could totally be wrong, but it seems to me from the look tommy and joel share right after that it’s obvious tommy has been talking to joel BEHIND MARIA’S BACK???? did no one else catch that??? am i misinterpreting big time??? id assume because theyre married and from the way tommy talks about jackson that he’s been in jackson for at least 3 years maybe, and we know that he only stopped radioing joel a couple months before the show’s main plotline starts, so timeline wise there had to be some overlap of tommy still radioing joel from/around jackson. idk if anyone of my mutuals has thoughts on this but i personally think it’s important to point out, because it establishes that maria likely doesn’t know or think tommy and joel kept in contact, at least not as recently as up to some months ago. she knows that tommy and joel are close, but at the same time, she doesn’t think tommy really knows or talks to joel anymore, either. so how is she supposed to extend him any trust as tommy’s brother????? how and why would she give this man any benefit of the doubt???? it wouldn’t make any sense. she’s more practical and discerning than she is naive and kind, and y’all can think what y’al want about that but i love her for it. it’s very necessary for a woman like her to be the way she is
okay, so back to your question. back to why joel is “damned” and tommy is “accepted.” let’s talk about joel for a sec
y’all like to babygirl and idolize the absolute fuck out of this man
we know that not only was he a smuggler, but he killed and tricked and took advantage of people, shamelessly and brutally. we know that tommy did so too. maria knows that tommy has done the same things. maria also knows that tommy left that life because he couldnt do it anymore, and joel continued because he could
point blank period!!!!! yall can argue with me all u want but tommy left that murder life and joel did not. im not saying this makes either brother good or bad or better than the other, i love joel sm and i think both of them have an undisputed capability to do unspeakable things in order to survive. but tommy got to a point where he hit a limit, whereas joel doesn’t seem to have one. this is at least my personal interpretation of their conversations in the game and the show
tommy DID join the fireflies, which we all know now is not any fucking better than whatever the fuck joel was doing—the difference is the reasoning, though, and considering tlou is all about reasoning and the why, we need to consider the reasoning behind tommy’s decision: he wanted to do something better, something good, something he thought had a purpose. we all know now that the fireflies are bullshit, their purpose is bullshit, and they’re willingness to kill a child for the sake of the “cure” is it’s own entire paradox of bullshit. but they were a rebel organization fighting fedra, who fucking suck, and probably had somewhat of a better reputation back when tommy was interested in joining—or maybe they didn’t, to be fair, i don’t know! the point is, tommy went to them seeking some sort of better purpose, some type of redeption; in joel’s own fucking words, “tommy’s what we used to call a joiner. had dreams of becoming a hero... wants to save the world.”
tommy is idealistic. he’s romantic. he’s optimistic, almost to the point of being fucking naive. thats why he enlisted in the army, thats why he enlisted in the fireflies—he wanted to feel good about himself and the world he was living in. he needed it to have some light at the end of the tunnel for all the bullshit to make sense. and yeah, he was wrong both times in joining up. we know that, joel knew that while it was happening, and tommy knows that in retrospect, too. i think jackson is the first place he really found true, real purpose—not the kind that is propagandized to you and goes up in smoke, but the kind that is well and truly earned. that’s why he is so loyal to jackson and to maria—they finally gave him was he desperately spent his life searching for
and im just saying, from maria’s perspective, she’s someone who lives for purpose. she lives for jackson and for it’s people and for it’s future, and she has to maintain some sense of idealism in the face of all that fucking ugliness to be able to mentally live im and run a place like jackson, to believe that it’ll work. i think that idealism she has, she sees reflected in tommy’s desperation to be a better person who’s fighting for a better life. she sees that need for redemption and goodness in him, that need for things to be fucking worth it, and hears she hears it in his story. she gets to relate to him with this in a way she doesnt GET TO RELATE with joel YET (we STILL HAVE TIME PEOPLE. WE HOLDIN OUT STRONG FOR THE JOEL AND MARIA BEST FRIEND AGENDA)
but to continue, THEN maria spends YEARS with tommy, getting to know him, getting to know his guilt. just like tess with joel, she’s sees the worst and the best of him and gets to fall in love with all of it. so of course there’s gonna be a bit of a bias and a blindspot, towards him—just like any of are other characters have weak spots for the people THEY fucking love
so that’s i guess why i think tommy is “accepted” by her, i guess, and there’s honestly way more them and their romance that i could make a whole separate post about but i’ll leave it there for now. back to joel and why he’s “damned,” which i don’t think he is
again, from what maria knows, he made an active CHOICE to stay in the lifestyle of smuggling and murdering and QZ bullshit, even after tommy chose to leave—and idk what y’all imagine joel and tess to be doing in those many years on their own, but it’s not fuckin picking flowers, for me. they’re dangerous, dangerous people—more dangerous that fedra, and more dangerous than the fireflies, if we’re being fucking real about it. and we LOVE tess and joel for this, or at least i do
but jackson is not a place where people get by with smuggling or backstreet deals or threats. it’s not supposed to be that place. we all LOVE jackson in fics and hcs and aus because it’s literally a place where joel and ellie finally get to breathe and not worry about their safety/survival first. and you know who keeps jackson that way????? MARIA. AND HE BEING FUCKING PICKING ABOUT WHO JACKSON LETS THE FUCK INSIDE
so yall just expect her to by YIPPY SKIPPY when joel, THE JOEL THE SUPER SMUGGLER MURDER COWBOY, strolls into town????? WITHOUT TESS, WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE MORE PERSONABLE AND REASONABLE ONE???? what????? she’d be crazy not to at least try to be a little intimidating, to make it clear to joel that he will not get away with any of that qz bullshit here. she’d be naive not to, and maria is anything but naive
and i know most people don’t like her for that “a bad reputation doesn’t mean you’re bad” “not always, at least” line, but i actually think it really fits so well in establishing that she’s not afraid of joel, not afraid of challenging him or making him own up to things he’s done. it’s just so so cool to me, i just can’t hate her for that????? she’s establishing with him that she knows what tommy knows about his time in the QZ, and she’s letting him know if that joel shows up here in jackson, there will be fucking problems for him. which i think is a completely fair warning????
so let’s continue. let’s talk about The Scene, the one with her and ellie, the one with the “tommy was following joel” line. ONE thing i’d like to point out about this scene—MARIA IS THE ONE TO TELL ELLIE ABOUT SARAH, NOT JOEL. AND THAT IS A BIG BIG BIG REASON FOR WHY SHE WARNS ELLIE NOT TO TRUST JOEL COMPLETELY
we know what joel and ellie have gone through, at this point, but maria has barely any idea. she sees that ellie has this fierce protectiveness and lots of secrets when it comes to her and joel, which like—can we all be fucking objective here for a second. this can SO easily and SO reasonably be interpreted as something sketchy going on between joel and ellie that maria should be concerned about.
(slight tw about older men-younger woman relationships bc im gonna be personal for a sec, its quick) we don’t know maria’s past or what she has seen or been through, but personally as someone who has been in a situation where an older man has taken advantage of my naivety in the past, i am now extremely hyper vigilant when it comes to young girls around older men in my personal life today. ellie and joel’s situation and how it looks would raise MJAOR red flags for me personally, if i was in maria’s position. that’s just a personal perspective have that really affects the way i view this scene (end tw)
and so maria finds out that joel has kept the fact that HE HAD A WHOLE ASS DAUGHTER from ellie?????? WOULD THAT NOT BE SUS AT ALL TO YALL???? i mean we know why joel doesn’t tell ellie, as gameplayers and watchers of the show, but again. maria is operating on the info she has right in front of her, which is that joel has been omitting maybe the biggest fact of his life from this young girl who is willing to defend and trust him with her entire life, even after she finds out she’s being lied to. this is alarming
so at this point, she’s questioning joel’s intentions with ellie, and in my opinion, it’s not at all unreasonable for her to do so. she then continues to press, because the red flags are flying and she wants ellie to be crystal clear on the kind of man she’s traveling with (“there are CLEARLY things you don’t know about joel” — “so then you understand my concerns”)
AND THEN ELLIE. BLESSED SMART AMAZING ELLIE COMES IN WITH THE DEFENSE—“and tommy did it too, are you worried about him?”—which like, i love this line. i love this moment. i think because i go so hard for maria a lot of y’all think i’m blind to when ellie is making points, but i 100% cheered her on when i first watched this scene, like i’m sure y’all did—because it’s true! it’s fair! if maria is going to judge joel for those things, she needs to extend the same judgement to tommy
the thing is, it’s still fucking true that, as i said earlier, tommy left that life. both the smuggling, and the fireflies—he chose to stop, while joel didn’t—he was smuggling literally up until the day him and tess found ellie, so. there’s that. she continues to judge joel and not tommy because she knows for sure that tommy has changed. she doesn’t know joel enough yet to see that he has changed, too
so then, the dreaded line: “tommy was following joel.” let’s talk about it.
i don’t love this line either, tbh! i think it’s a weak defense on maria’s part, and a weak line on the tlou hbo writers part—probably my least favorite line of maria’s overall. but i do get why she says it, and i kind of think i get the purpose??? i think????
it reminds me a lot of joel’s line, earlier, about tommy being a “joiner,” and i think it’s funny that, as opposite as joel and maria like to think they both are to each other, the way they describe tommy is pretty much the same. tommy is a “joiner” to joel and a “follower” to maria, and in all respects they both love and hate him for it. idk where i’m going with that exactly, just something interesting to think about in terms of the joel and maria best friend agenda
but i also think this line get’s taken out of context a lot, because the full line is “tommy was following joel, the way you are now.” maria says this line to lead into her main point, the really fucking important line in this scene: “be careful who you put your faith in. the only ones who can betray us, are the one’s we trust.”
maria is not saying this to “damn” joel—and i personally don’t think she is “damning” joel in the way you imply here, as there’s definitely potential for them to develop a relationship in s2 once she has more information about the truth of how he thinks of ellie. i think she’s warning ellie not to trust joel, because she doesn’t trust joel, at the end of the fucking day—and that’s about it. she trusts tommy in a way that she can’t quite trust joel yet, and why would she, at this point? it would make no sense for her to
so y’all can blame her and hate her for her distrust all you guys want (btw not necessarily talking to you, anon, ive just gotten some very nasty asks about maria from others so im talking to them rn!!!!!!!), but i’m sorry—you can’t tell me that it doesn’t at least make sense. she’s MARIA. she’s MADE OF SENSE
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mikareo · 10 months
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“ ࣭⸰ ★ post of gratitude ! <3
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⊹ ⠀⠀ hi guys! on my old blog, i'd make a post every november to spread gratitude for the mutuals i interact w most n wanted to carry that tradition onto this blog! ily all and hope that your day was wonderful today (unless ur a nanami stan bc that was rlly rough im so sorry abt that ep ajskl)
psa; if u weren't tagged in this post, pls know that i appreciate u very much and would love to interact w u more!! msg me anytime n i'll try my best to visit ur inbox in the near future!
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꒰ . . to my readers ꒱
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ thank u so much for supporting my work by reading, liking, sharing, or commenting on any of my writing! i love reading through reblogs and seeing what u guys think of my ideas,, it's so motivating n i appreciate it so much like omg sometimes u got my kickin my feet reading thru ur comments ajskl i hope to post quality content for ur enjoyment n i luv u all,, much more to come as time goes on !!!
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꒰ . . to my mutuals ꒱ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᯇ in alphabetical order
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⌗ @chigirizzz ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi val! just wanted to say that i love how supportive u are of other creators on the site,, i feel like whenever i see u on the dash ur always hyping someone up or making their day brighter! ALSO i cant believe u also know the voltage otome games bc i feel like i'm crazy sometimes bc no one know what they are LMFAO i hope u had an amazing day !!!
⌗ @doobea ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ dooby!!! i love the bright energy u bring to my dash n i think ur absolutely gorgeous (u ate that choso costume up omg ajskdlf) ur always such a pleasure to interact w n i think ur writing is amazing,, i rlly need to just binge it all one night ESP the choso fics u post bc ur writing rlly captures how much u love him LOL my fav choso worshipper <3 hope yall get married!
⌗ @hesthermay ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi pookie teehee,, i haven't answered ur text yet bc i was trying to figure out how to fry chicken (3 of them were raw ajsklf) but i will after i post this lol. ilyvm and i can't wait for u to stay w me,, i'm gonna take u to the mall n treat u to some canes chicken fingers *heart eyes* (i'm typing on my laptop forgive me) you've been w me since my org blog from sept 2020 n i act can't believe how long we've known each other now (3 years!) ur so old like ur my granny but that's ok bc ur my favorite granny ever,, sorry for violating u #ageism is not okay,, i miss u so much n i miss ur bf bc ur my mom n dad (legally) i even miss ur roommate who i actually can't rlly remember the name of but that's not the point i'm trying to make so forget i said that part,, i definitely know his name!!! also i decided that kingsley is my favorite dog u have bc he's tiny n reminds me of my doggie,, luv ya! text u in a bit!
⌗ @itadorey ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ omg hi inez, remember these? no u probably don't bc i got rlly lazy w my blog in the late days (rip aitarose) i love all of the tiktoks u send me n i love ur instagram stories bc they make me laugh n i love how much u love snoopy,, he's literally my idol n there are so many statues of him in my city it's so funny n they always make me think of u. ur my yung gravy queen,, i love u so much n i'm so glad hq tumblr let me meet u even tho it was lowkey traumatizing (yikes) our mudae days were so fun,, esp the night i let that person put the roleplay bot into my server jkals so grateful for u !!!
⌗ @kitorin ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hiiii souta!!!! i just wanted to say that i LOVE seeing u comment first on my writing posts,, like it motivates me so much bc i know i have such a large support system coming from u n ur so sweet n talented AJSJJJ u were (i think?) my first new mutual on this blog when i first made it,, n you've made coming back to tumblr such a welcoming n amazing experience! i'm so grateful to be ur mutual n i hope you've had an absolutely amazing day!
⌗ @mymegumi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ firstly BITCH ANSWER MY TEXT. secondly, happy thanksgiving! <3 wish we were spending it together but distance is real n it hates us :( miss u and can't wait to see u whenever that is lmfao like whenever plane tickets decide to stop being so expensive,, so glad we aren't beefing anymore haha that was so silly of us... anyways... whenever i do see u, i'm going to give u a big hug n then we're going to gossip abt everything that's happened since we were last together n it's going to be great bc i'm going to make u watch twice videos n ur gonna love them as much as i do bc i'm ur sister n u have no choice but to love what i love! hahaha... i love you so much n i'm so glad ur my sister #meimei n jiajia 4ever <- that's actually approved by me n that's all that matters bc i'm actually the president of the world and ur my favorite person on it jaklsdf ANSWER MY TEXT BITCH
⌗ @pokkomi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ chiu u r genuinely one of the most positive ppl i've ever met on tumblr n i love u sm for it like jaskdlfjdkl u always make my day when u reblog a post n reading ur tags is so heartwarming n it makes me want to write a million more pieces just to see what u think of them,, ur theme is absolutely adorable n i love ur alpha wolf pfp bc it's so funny n i was literally giggling when u were answering asks abt it n i saw them on my dash,, i hope that every day is an amazing day for u n if u ever need anything u can come in my pms to chat or my inbox (i will def be saying hi later in urs LOL) have an amazing amazing day n i can't wait for u to post any kind of writing in the future!
⌗ @rewh0re ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi hana!!! i'm so glad u popped into my inbox n said hi bc i always saw u interacting w ppl on the dash n i was too nervous to say hi jakfsdlkl i love interacting w u n talking abt whatever n whenever in inboxes or replies,, ur username always makes me giggle n i love it so much (i always read it as 'reo whore' for some reason asjfdkl but i love it) i send ur kuroo fics to my kuroo stan friend n she eats them up,, ur writing style is so beautiful n emotional,, i love the way u structure ur plots w metaphors n repetition n symbolism n everything u put into ur hard work it's all so amazing,, wishing u the very best day tmr ever!
⌗ @wishmemel ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAFI!!!! ik i alr said it but it never hurts to hear a million times n more! i associate u sm w sanrio like idk if mymelo is ur favorite but in my head u r the real life her ajsfkl,, ur so sweet n genuine i love interacting w u n seeing u all over my dash,, I HOPE UR BIRTHDAY WAS AMAZING !!!! ... fixing this bc im screaming bc i can't believe i mixed that up omg... anyways... LUV U
⌗ @yoisami ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ OKAY FIRST i literally LOVE ur theme like it's so cute n so fitting to ur personality i love it sm ajsfkdl saki ur so sweet n i'm so glad we're mutuals bc i always look forwards to seeing u on my dash or going to ur inbox (which i'm lacking on rn but i promise i'll visit it more soon jaskdl!!!!) the way u support ff writing on tumblr is so amazing w ur reblogs n tags,, n i look foward to reading more of ur writing in the future (hopefully i can live up to ur sweet tags!) !!! have an amazing amazing day saki !!!!!!
⌗ @y2kuromi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ screaming bc i got ur bday mixed up w another mutual but HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN LMFAO !!!! i hope that ur day was so amazing n that i'm not getting this wrong again (SORRY SAFI) !!! mimi ur so nice i'm like giggling so hard rn im so sorry,, happy happy birthday hope it was amazing!
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⌗ all of my other loves <3 ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ i love being mutuals w all of u n being a part of such a supportive writing community! ur all so talented n ur blogs r beautiful, i hope ur day was absolutely amazing n that we can interact more in the future (i will be invading ur inboxes that's a promise ajfskdl) !!!! happy november!!!
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intertexts · 4 months
oh god i just realized I forgot to send you this. behold: the worst trivia ask out of all of them:
- they spend the first. 9 whole minutes talking about the logistics of snapping someones neck irl only to learn that its not actually possible and thats just something that was make up for movies
- "this is the most guy talk we've ever had at the beginning of a rolled. i feel like we need a trigger warning for boys"
- bizly wanted them seeing tide again to feel awkward and weird! like you're going back to your parents house after not seeing them for a really long time
- talking about how dakota has so many parental figures now and grizzly goes "except for ms. g. she has my whole heart" and WITHOUT missing a beat charlie goes "no. *i* have your whole heart"
- there was apparently a group of people on twitter who made a VERY long VERY well researched document about how all the medical stuff esp involving william would work and kept tagging bizly in posts asking how things would work and hes like "man i dont know!! i write a silly superhero show im not a doctor! it all comes down to his parents built a very strange machine that was designed to view worlds unseen!" (<< quoting the dp theme song in the most EXASPERATED voice possible.)
- "WILLIAM WISP SHOULD HAVE FUCKIN WORMS IN HIM. if we were playing this realistically william would be fuckin LOCKED UP with rigor mortis and COVERED in worms and FULL OF GASSES. he should be FOUL. and FULL OF WORMS. and I DONT WANT THAT" << hes a coward for this. btw. i feel like william should be grosser
- they just keep saying more things about how william should be so grotesque. at one point charlie goes "please dont draw this. its so gross". me, looks at my 4/7 jrwi freak week canvases that are william wisp themed. um. well.
- WARM BODIES MENTION. i love that movie. charlies like "thats how i want william to work hes undead but hes like. pretty about it"
- bizly: "because we've already explored this plot thread of William Being Dead so much, i dont want him getting a heart to just automatically fix that. its not like hes just magically alive now. i havent thought of the exact consequences yet but i want there to be some drawbacks to this to keep things interesting"
charlie: "william is just thrilled right now to be feeling stuff. i dont think hes considering the possible drawbacks"
- "ive never been prouder of any of my characters than when william wisp dented drywall"
- "why didnt vyncent get a fun surgery too" "because I'm a coward"
- they were on some absolutely insane energy for this rolled they keep going on like 5-10 minute long tangents and BARELY talk about the episode other than to mention how william should be a rotting corpse. I REMEMBER NOW that this was a SIGNIFICANT factor in my being frustrated with the heart surgery thing LMAO
TERRIBLE rolled youre right!!!!! help!!! this is so funny. great rolled guys lets wrap it up. william should be wormy and u cant snap peoples necks. good job everybody. it is really funny to me that people were... expecting medical accuracy?? how do u really seriously research putting one guys heart and another guys blood inside a body that's been dead for several years. frankly i would love to see it i'm very curious.
LOWKEY I'M GLAD HE *ISN'T* A BLOATED LOCKED UP DECAYING CORPSE!!!!! PERSONALLY!!!! i fully respect ur rights and taste to think he should be rotting and worm filled and stinky but frankly i'm on charlies side w this one. hes undead and pretty about it <33
anyway. i still have many thoughts about wiwi's soul/body/wisp relationship that i will NOT start talking about now because it would get LONG. but. its always great hearing their thoughts on it. eyes emoji. but yeah i really don't want him to be just magically fixed and alive now.... we'll see!! we'll see how it goes!!!!
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seeresultssweep · 6 months
I completely understand why you want to leave tumblr and fully support you, I've been here for many years and know how toxic some parts of this site are and its such a shame that it drives away wonderful people like you. I truly do hope you're able to find somewhere you're happy to post or be online that is also conducive to your mental health!! I think everyone deserves that and if tumblr is taking a toll on you I completely understand the need to leave 🩷
You will be truly missed, not only for all your hard work on this blog but being the amazing, wonderful and helpful person that you are!! I wish you well on your journey and if you ever decide to come back down the tumblr road I hope to interact with you again someday! I am sending you a great big hug and we'll wishes 🥰🤗🩷
this is genuinely so touching, i cant thank you enough for such a kind message. it's people like you that kept me around for so long, & i'll truly miss each & every one of you that's interacted with this blog.
the internet in general is a very stressful place for me. i thought tumblr would be a good fit because of the ability to filter tags & words/phrases, but no matter how much i try to curate my experience im still left with a dashboard that upsets me. it seems like most social media is just as bad or worse, full of angry hateful people & horrible despair-inducing posts. & some of it is just a skill issue on my part, like when i get stressed & insecure seeing other people post high quality art three times a week 😅 now that i have a job i might be able to cut back on the internet a bit more - before i sort of had to use it to fend off the isolation of not being employed & not being a student, with friends who rarely spend time with me. maybe things will be better now. i hope so.
since nobody has shown any interest in taking over the blog (i thought at least one person would jump at the chance), i might just keep it on my account & check back every couple of months when i remember.
thanks again, your support means the world to me
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mokacheer · 2 months
hahaha thanks for the mass tag game @ruanbaijie this shall be fun!
aka: nine albums or songs I've been listening to lately x nine people I’d like to get to know better x tag game with no name
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1. why did you choose your url? - no idea, my theories are that i was obsessed with rosario + vampire so i took moka, and since moka is cheery/happy i just bam. i honestly don't know 💀
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. - i used to have a ton because younger me dabbled in the RP world (lets not remember those times but remember the cool people i befriended) but right now no just this blog and the other blog i help run <3 @otomokatsuhiro (if you love old anime youll immediately follow ;) )
3. how long have you been on tumblr? - since may 2012 😵 (save me)
4. do you have a queue tag? - nah
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? - an old friend of mine told me about it and actually made this blog for me. now thinking about it idk if it was her that came up with the name, if i had a different name to begin with... no clue :s
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? - its yuki!!! must i explain why?! (plus it matches my vibe here alot of mutuals say im super sweet or a ray of sunshine ((ily it makes me happy everytime i get that hehe)))
7. why did you choose your header? - it just matches the overall pink cute vibe :p
8. what’s your post with the most notes? - still to this day its a 29 frame gif of a phone ending call... here
9. how many mutuals do you have? - i counted at the beginning of the year and i believe i had 108? but now obviously its 108+ :D
10. how many followers do you have? - 17.2k+ x-x
11. how many people do you follow? - 544! i remember at one point i wanted to keep the number limited but thats so stupid!!
12. have you ever made a shitpost? - uhhhh probably when i was younger. i used to constantly post #personal text posts so idunno
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? - help me
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? - yeah a small amount of times, most would be reposters telling me "no this is my gif i made this! i wont remove this from my blog!" with my watermark clear as day in the corner lol..
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts - meh it's your blog at the end of the day, if you want to reblog something do it, if you dont dont. it's sad to see most people just like posts but they come from different platforms and fail to realize what kind of site tumblr is. hopefully eventually they will get it tho! amen
16. do you like tag games? - yes! i love that i get tagged in them but also forget alot of the time to ever get to doing them so i apologize for being late on this one hehe
17. do you like ask games? - plsssss i love seeing that notification light up in my inbox. it fills this bloggers heart with joy.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? - oh i got a few @gojosattoru (where have you been ;w; </3), @hanae-ichihara (ill always miss you <3), DEFINITELY @taohs hehehe
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? - nope, having a crush on here has never happened for me :p
20. what is the last song you listened to? - charli xcx speed drive EASYFUN remix, its sooo gud
21. what are you currently watching? - the magical girl and evil lieun. are archenemies, fairy tail 100 years quest, maybe some other misc. stuff i cant think of rn.
22. sweet/ savoury/ spicy? - all of the above, i love sweet + spicy
23. what is your current relationship status? - single times *salute emoji*
24. what is your current obsession? - SMILING FRIENDDDSSSS asjdiaoshjdajsid
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25. what are nine albums/songs you've been listening to lately? - aprils-bloom by julie areyouhome? by juno britpop by A.G. Cook right back by Frost children i like it by Frost children spring is coming with a strawberry in the mouth by Caroline Polachek magic sword by 4s4ki tome by veltpunch 365 by charli xcx
tagging: @taohs @cute-girls-from-vns-anime-manga @oneechangoddess @yuujies @scary-friend @fuwanek0 and others that wanna have fun
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atrirose · 3 months
back when enhablr used to be full of fics, headcanons and reaction. but now i see people wih the aesthetics, small texts but less works if i am not wrong.
when i see vissit a new enha writing blog, i see the themes, small texts. it's so irritating :( like how can you even see the small text... plus, the amount of symbols and other fonts they use, tsk
i am not blaming you :( but telling that mosot of enhablr has become aesthetic or something like top notch. everyone only focuses on how the blog themes, texts are but not the works.
but can i also know like what is suggestive?? isn't it like suggesting a sexual thought or something that leads to sex?? since you are an adult, i am asking you this.
but no, i literally see 15 or 16 year olds writing about suggestive stuff for enha, then telling mentions of fwb :0 i cannot believe when enhable used to have fluff fluff fluff where ever we searched.
i still remember you in my dash back in 2021, you wrote so much fluff istg, i used to wait for your works :( i wish we got that enhablr writing community back but literally wherver i see it is suggestive.
after all, this is my opinion...
hii ! at the start of the ask i thought you were shading me but ㅠㅠ yeah i understand what you mean , the fonts, themes, and small text usages has become more common now instead of the actual matter, i do use small text too but its only for the decor purposes, and my main focus (fics or hcs) are all large text with no fonts bc it is insensitive to use fancy text for those stuff and deprive people who cant read them, and i get that blogs do focus on their appearance more than the writing, bc let’s be honest people only see what they like to and if you look around if a blog ‘doesn’t look aesthetic’ people tend to ignore it even if the content is good. so bc of that many people have adopted the whole persona, i didnt change a lot except the fact i started posting a lot less and have not been active here, i think its a lot to do with adulting, all of the older members of enhablr now either have jobs/uni/exams or are just not feeling like doing this anymore.
and it’s totally fine for you to feel irritated by that, so u can js avoid those kind of blogs but you also need to remember that it’s their blog and they can chose what to do with it and how to decorate it, we can’t control that bc people have their own choices, but yeah the content being less i have seen a lot and i do agree with even tho i don’t read often i too get annoyed by the tags being flooded with nsfw content which is super creepy bc js few months ago it was all fluff as you mentioned and i hoped that the space stayed wholesome. i cant really control that but i hope people dont js see boys in that light.
suggestive to me is js a little bit more kissing/ implication of or suggestive jokes but i am not sure since i do not interact with those kind of content i might not be the best person to ask this, im sorry. but it is very uncomfortable when minors write nsfw.
HELP NOT YOU SAYING I POSTED A LOT 😛, jk anyways aww that is so sweet that i had someone waiting for me, i did post a lot of fluff and it will be a train ride if i read all my work, i will probably cringe 😔, i will always write fluff if that makes u happy if i do post in the future .. , sorry it’s js not the same anymore so i might not be the same atrirose who use to post every week. i am in touch with someone of my moots which were their with me since the start of this account or enha writer who use to flood the tag with tooth rotting fluff and well .. busy , busy , busy so i cant promise anything but hey we still have their old works you can binge. 
your opinion is totally valid.
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writernopal · 1 year
Writing Questions Tag
Tagged by @crowandmoonwriting for this one, see their post here! Thank you so much! I've been looking forward to it :D
Tagging (gently): @captain-kraken @mariahwritesstuff @elshells @outpost51 @tabswrites @sam-glade @moonluringfrost
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
Starting with the hard questions already! This is hard to pin down, but I'd say the idea behind the worldbuilding between the Faefolk and Dragon races/species in AASOAF. There is a lot I'm proud of there, and every time I think about it, I get shivers! I just wish it was less spoiler heavy so I could talk about it, but I CANT T_T (i cry). A close second would have to be The Realm of Dreams!
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
About my writing, not really! To be fair, this is because I didn't start sharing my writing with a wider audience until very recently (read: the start of this year), and a lot of people IRL still don't know I write, so I don't think there's been a lot of opportunity for that.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
My favorite part is definitely coming up with new ideas and writing pretty/poetic prose! I feel like that is where I get to flex my creative muscles the most, and it's really satisfying to come across something that fits into that part of the story just right. The part that I could leave is COPY EDITING, specifically punctuation. Commas are my great burden because sometimes they seem like they go in a spot, and then I come back to read it, and they make no sense there. Line editing, however, gets a happy little kiss on the head because I LOVE that.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
The freedom of play. It is one of the creative outlets that really feels accessible and safe to me, not to mention the possibilities of what I can create aren't bound to ANYTHING. It's a place where I have full agency. I can make or unmake it as many times as I want, twist it, turn it, bop it, you name it, I can do it! Conversely, I can also choose NOT to do it.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
"Write." It sounds largely unhelpful, but to me, this is the permission/encouragement/onus to take that thing in your hands and just do it. Leave your notions of what it should or has to be at the door and create. Make mistakes because there will be many, and when they come, reach out for help, give yourself grace, learn, be patient, and try again. Write, write, write!
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
It's okay to write for fun. This sounds silly to say now, but when I first started out, I met a few people (IRL and online) who seemed unimpressed (putting it nicely) that this was my big "Why?" It was alienating and really made me question why I was putting so much effort into my works and made me wonder if I'd made a mistake by not monetizing it, etc. Every now and then, I still interact with people who are baffled/less than kind about that concept, but it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I just wish that I could go back and give previous me a hug about it, though, because I remember it really negatively affected my confidence.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
Out of the publicly available completed pieces, I'd say Pare (horror/gore, 18+, tumblr link) is my favorite! I wish I could say AASOAF, but it's not done yet T_T
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
"Sit down and stay a while." I don't know if it can be attributed to anyone or where I first heard it, but there is something warm about it. It's a nice way to remember that it's okay to just be. You always have a seat at your own table type beat.
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
OH MAN. This is really difficult for me, but if I had to choose one, it would be Wilkes. His circumstances are unique and pretty spoiler-heavy, so I won't really get into them, but the best way to put it is that he has seen so much of the forest that all he wants to do is look at the trees, no matter the cost. His type of fixation is quite volatile because while it can demonstrate care and love, it can very easily cross the boundary into smothering and the willing abandonment of the self. To me, that is what makes him so dangerous despite looking rather noble compared to someone like Fay, who is openly cruel, because this is someone who is voraciously hungry for something. But they don't know what that thing is.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
I think she'd cry! I think she would have a hard time believing that someday she'll write her very own novels. And that people will read them. And people will make a special little place for her characters in their minds. Frankly, I think she'd be awestruck, touched, and saddened that we abandoned writing for a long time but then came back to it. It would be a very sentimental encounter, for sure!
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kurtsascot · 1 year
fic writer 20 questions
was tagged by @spookyklaine !!! thank you for the tag
tagging @daisyishedwig @bitbybitwrites @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @wowbright and anyone else thats interested seriously!!!! tag me in your answers i want to read them all
1. how many works do you have an ao3?
four !! but ive written around 10 in my life
2. whats your ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
just glee <3
4. top 5 fics by kudos
not applicable
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do !!! sometimes i just dont know what to say;; i am terrible at keeping secrets and sometimes i know if i reply i will spoil something
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
treading water- the fic itself is angst heavy so the ending is naturally not all sunshine and rainbows.
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
also, treading water. hoping to create something cute and really fulfilling c: it will have the longest ending just due to length so i think that helps default it to the happiest, no?
8. do you get hate on fics?
i havent yet thankfully
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
mhmmhm …and i dont really have a limit on what i would write? what can i say, i like steamy romances . whatever i want i write
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
i dont write them or read them, really. alternate universes though? ill eat that shit up every day
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yes actually!!! years and years ago but i dont remember what story.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i havent. on one hand it sounds like a lot of fun, but on the other hand i know myself and i have relinquishing control over my writing. i wouldnt be opposed to it, i think, if i was close with the person i was writing with!
14. fave all time ship?
klaine ; no past ship can rival klaine brainrot <3
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
succession!klaine au
16. what are your writing strengths?
its so hard to pick out your own strengths. i feel like dialogue is definitely one- i try to make everything thats said sound believable, and, ngl, it take me a while. dialogue is the first thing i write and last thing i edit.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i dont have a great vocabulary. emotional moments can be hard because i only know few words and i wantvto communicate so many things….im always googling synonyms
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i love it when other people do it, but i am not multilingual- i don’t feel like i could do it justice.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
hetalia- they are still up on fanfiction.net and at 13 yrs old, my prose was not something that should have been published on the internet. i cant take them down, though, so i go to my profile whenever i need a laugh
20. fave fic youve written?
treading water- my wip!! biggest thing ive ever written, most challenging, most fulfilling and the best ending (even tho the endings not posted yet teehee)
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totentnz · 1 year
pinned post time (remake)
used to be drthamen 
sammy, 28 (may 13th), germany, nb biace, they/she
multifandom but currently focused on cyberpunk (clearly)
info about the main OCs under the cut
since i cant seem to link tags properly im just gonna list them, im so sorry fellas
cyberpunk 2077
V full name: valerie jeanne evans scene lifepath: streetkid, "netrunner" faceclaim: royal and the serpent other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: the "small-time klepto punk from the afterlife", "the dirtgirl from heywood who found the guts to walk a few extra blocks from home" this how kerry & johnny describe streetkid v and that is exactly what she is. a troubled past, present and future, constantly pissed off with some bad habits. she's been a merc since she can remember but also had some "normal" odd jobs: repairshop for electronics, waiting tables, customer service and many others. she was the lead singer of rotten, a nu metal/ alt-metal band from night city that was doomed to fail thanks to aforementioned lead singer. she's always had a knack for technology so hacking badges and corpos came naturally to her. most people call her a netrunner, a pet-peeve of hers since it's not what she technically does. that being said, she doesnt shy away from physical altercations either though it usually ends in getting her ass beat. v spent her two years in atlanta with her brother vincent, he had convinced her to get out of nc for awhile in hopes it would help on her healing journey but the city has and always will have an iron grip on her. temperance is her canon ending (for now). while it seems nonsensical at first glance she wasn't going to take johnny's chance at a second life away from him just for her to die within months. besides, she would adapt to life behind the blackwall better than he ever could. v was always going to die young, might as well die for love, right? tags: -> otp; just the two of us - my personal flavour of silverv brainrot -> otp; mary on a cross - v & dagger (more below) -> otp; the ghost of you - v & lou (more below) -> p; a little bit happy - v & vincent -> p; my ordinary life - v & kerry -> p; rise rebel resist - rotten, the band she used to be in -> au: watch the world burn - 2020s AU -> au: generation doom - 2020s AU but more messed up -> au: say yes to heaven - happy AU johnny where gets a body, v lives, they are dating and kerry & v are best friends relations: -> vincent - twin brother also rotten's bass player -> dagger - band's lead guitarist and her ex also obsessed with kerry eurodyne (because im annoying like that) -> lou - dead ex, every day i inch closer to just scratching this ngl -> freddie - drummer of rotten, if v = johnny then freddie = kerry but ten times worse (they actually hate each other) might be kovachek's son idk sometimes i have silly ideas -> krasny - plays second guitar in the band, lowkey the mom of the friend group, will break up the fights between v & freddie, calls v a psychopath regularily Vincent (big WIP so there isnt much) full name: vincent raphael evans other: pinterest board info: same backstory as v, obviously. but unlike her he managed to heal to some extend; the polar opposite of what she is: he is happy, kind and believes that there is good in this world. moved to atlanta at some point to get away from the place and the people who hurt him (parents and v). v introduced him to the love of his life kerry and romance ensues, he even comes back to night city for a while. (i will be real with you the reason i made him initially was to romance kerry) not technically a "v" but i really dont care if you call him that. tags: -> otp; industry baby - did you know kerry and vincent are in love? relations: -> dagger - his bestie for some time, unlucky his sister broke her heart but they are still in contact -> freddie - had a crush on the band's drummer but things were messy enough already so nothing ever happened -> alexa - daughter, vincent & kerry had twins in my sims game so naturally they become somewhat canon. overachiever, became a lawyer -> rico - child (alexa's twin), rebellious nb disaster, gamer, lived in their parents house for a bit too long -> valonia - daughter, spoiled youngest child, named after v, kerry's favourite
dragon age
Athras - dragon age: inquisition full name: athras lavellan origin: dalish elf, mage (ice magic & shapeshifting) other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: athras never wanted to eventually lead her clan so when the keeper sent her to the conclave she gladly accepted. the chaos that ensued and her becoming inquisitor, thus being responsible for so many more people really put that into perspective. she wears the dirthamen vallaslin but it extends down her arms and back, in hopes that it will help with her messed up spine (scoliosis girls rise) and enhance her magic capabilities. clan lavellan specialised in potion brewing and it's a craft she follows proudly since she has zero affinity for healing magic, which is one of the main tasks for a clans first and keeper. (she might not like leadership, but she still wants to be useful to her clan) her magic manifested as ice but later on she adapted the long lost art of shapeshifting. her preferred form is that of a raven with a wolf coming in a close second. looks lowkey evil with her dark hair, pale skin, SUPER tall stature (2m) and red eyes. she likes it that way since it makes her less approachable. doesn't like most people and hates very few. tags: -> otp; dream collector - i am forever stuck in solavellan hell -> otp; let's get this bread - after inquisiton athras builds a home in the woods and falls in love with a baker in the nearest village, their name is morgan (the shipname was a placeholder) -> otp; running with the wolves - her first big love, a dalish from another clan who happens to be a werewolf, his name is ilvin -> au: nas'taron - athras takes a nap in a temple and wakes up with dirthamen in her bones, they also fuck (can you believe i wrote "what if you fell in love with the person living in your head" before cyberpunk came out because i cant) -> au: the mad inquisitor - in order to find solas and bring him to justice she injects herself with red lyrium (#girlfail) -> au: professor lavellan - modern au duh -> au: all alone in a pack of wolves - after deciding to stop solas at all costs it finally comes to a confrontation but she caves in and saves his life at the cost of her own, she wakes up in his base of operations -> au: dhru'an'adal - ancient elvhen AU (the emerald graves grow around her sleeping body btw) -> au: dinathe'dirthelan - harpy AU i never did anything with and was inspired by my friend who did a similar au (hello reed) relations: -> mareloen - mother, she left clan lavellan not long after athras was born, she would visit when they were in the area -> rasdheas - father, lowkey a vampire, don't ask me how he dresses like that, has a lame leg -> fisara - sister, joins her at haven after the conclave because she was concerned. rogue/ bard, falls in love with josie -> deshanna - keeper of the clan and thus athras' teacher (also her aunt since mareloen is her sister), wears a plague doctor mask all the time, a little weird even for clan lavellan standards -> ilvin - her first big love i mentioned before, sort of becomes warden at some point lol -> morgan - the baker i mentioned before, they leave athras somewhat abruptly, might be my dreadwolf protag who knows -> agrippa - athras finds an abandoned child in the woods near her house post trespasser, turns out he is a mage and obviously in need of tutelage, another candidate for dreadwolf protag
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I posted 425 times in 2022
73 posts created (17%)
352 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 224 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#ask - 18 posts
#alastair carstairs - 14 posts
#the last hours - 9 posts
#tlh - 9 posts
#self reblog - 6 posts
#thomas lightwood - 6 posts
#aly!! - 5 posts
#thomastair - 5 posts
#anonymous - 5 posts
#toh spoilers - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this post is thanks to the 2 presentations we did in my 2 person class today &somehow we picked the same exact theme for both presentations
My Top Posts in 2022:
judging by how many wips I have where alastair is gravely injured, you would think I hate him or want him to get hurt. the opposite is true, in fact. I want him to be taken care of. doted on, even. my man needs a break. he does so much and is constantly taken for granted. if this is what it takes for people to realize that he might not always be there, well...
58 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
this is kind of a niche reference but I want a scene for cordelia like that scene in fhsy when adaine went into her sister's memories and saw all of the times that their parents were cruel to adaine and how her sister started to loathe herself for never saying anything. I want cordelia to look back on all of the times that elias treated her as a golden child, all of the times he berated alastair and praised her in the same breath, and feel guilty. I want her to regret never being able to protect him. I want her to feel angry that she was ever in that position in the first place. I want her to be able to accept that she was a child, and alastair was a child, and it's no one's fault except Elias'. I want her to realize that it was never her responsibility to protect Alastair and it was never Alastair's responsibility to protect her, but he did and she didn't and that's a guilt that she'll just need to learn to live with. I want her to realize that it's not too late and she can still repair her relationship with her brother. it might not be living in a bunk bed at the top of a wizard's tower but I need cordelia and alastair to be able to label what happened as abuse and heal from it together.
78 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
sometimes I remember how alastairs sole advice to his sister in her marriage was "being treated badly by someone doesn't make you love them more" ...and yet there are still people who defend ch*rles 😪
86 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
apparently it's now canon that the reason elias' death year is wrong on the family tree is because some bitch named esme hardcastle asked alastair when his father died and he was like "idk he's been dead to me since like 1894" and she said "okay bet"
93 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the interaction between alastair and charles where charles tells him that barbara died and alastair asks if thomas is okay and charles goes "i thought you hated those fellows" and alastair simply says "no" despite saying to cordelia literally 15 minutes earlier "let's never talk to those terrible people ever again" is the alastair equivalent of lucie complaining that thomas wont let anyone see his tattoo and alastair saying "I'd like to see it" and thomas immediately rolling up his sleeve
309 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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terrifyingkitten · 2 years
some observations and questions from a linguist about social media algorithms
i really wanna make some sense of algorithms because im not a tech girl but we all have been exposed to a lot of algorithm in the past couple of years.
a lot of the time people think about the content creators side, like creating content that gets recommended on tiktok, and how that starts to affect mental health and you cannot ever please everyone but also your art, yada yada yada. on tumblr for example the like button is virtually useless for supporting artists. unless you specifically go into the based on your likes thing, posts die if theyre not recirculated.
its kinda like reddit where you have to join a community to post at all. here you have your own blog, there you have a shared one. honestly tumblr dash is kinda like if early facebook (((friendships))) were based on tags not previous acquaintance.
dont forget pinterest. its all just about which folder you store it in and how many folders you create and if people can use a common folder like tags and and and
then theres recommendation algos where they see what you liked and recommend stuff youd like too. thats like the amazon algo. other people who bought x and y also bought z. here the algo is assuming fluid community boundaries instead of going by the ones you put in. by which criteria do they assume communities though?
Tags. duh. like you can filter tags like trigger warnings from your dash on tumblr. thats an algo. trigger warnings were also one of the first controverses, even before gamergate really. also, DNI was invented on tumblr (dont quote me on this)
but it doesnt have to be specifically tagged to be filtered out. tiktok captions have to be censored so we know thats being considered. do they do the reverse and recommend based on words people use?
lets talk the comments now. reddit has different sorting algorithms like hot, controversial, newest, oldest. but they are all ranked on a binary/trinary. upvotes, downvotes. i say trinary because it depends. if they tally views, views with no interaction would be a thing too.
now in what ways can you interact with a comment section? remember DNI and think it through with me. comments boost small channels. youll see that person again even if you dont follow them yet. it only makes sense that liking a persons comment means that their bubble and mine overlap and get similar recs.
my fellow linguists. you know that one thought experiment? schrödingers chinese interpreter? the black box thing? we cant tell if the algo gets the reference or just gets who gets the reference.
AI got scary good at language. tom scott did a video just recently. where are we on the algorithm sigmoid curve? what will happen next? how will ai come into this? what are realistic dangers?
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aayo-whatt · 1 year
tagged by @herefortears thanks sm lovie, i love tag games
Your name: i typically go by 'aayo' online, but sometimes it's 'lucinda' (either or i don't mind-)
Your first fandom(s): uhh, in all honesty either Haikyuu, Harry Potter, or mcyt stuff- i honestly don't remember it was so long ago-
Your current fandom(s): Supernatural, Merlin, ACOTAR, TWD, Stranger Things, Throne of Glass, TGS, POTC, OUAT, Haikyuu and MHA
How did you first get into fandom? I've honestly got no idea- uhh, i just started watching/reading a bunch of series and one day i got bored and went searching (online) for someone i could rant to about everything, and who would understand what im going on about- (totally didn't started on wattpad-)
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? hmm, minimum five years, but it was really scattered and i didnt do much in the early days
How often do you read fanfics? not often enough, i try to read as many as i can, though i can almost never find the time to
Top three characters from your current fandom(s): Supernatural: gabriel, gadreel, charlie Merlin: gwaine, gwen, and merlin ACOTAR: helion, cassian (pfp), tarquin/mor TWD: glenn, maggie/carl, negan Stranger Things: robin, dustin, erica (OR eddie) Throne of Glass: fenrys, dorian, lysandra/aedion (cant choose 😭😭) TGS: rachel, hyde and lanyon for sure POTC: sobbing, i havent watched this in ages (minimum 5 years) i can barely remember these people- OUAT: regina, hook and henry Haikyuu: sakusa, suna anddd either tsumu or bokuto MHA: kaminari, kirishima, sero
Have you ever written fic for a fandom? God yes. So many that were so cringe and got abandoned, and even more that have never been published.
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? Yes. Never posted, but yes.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: aedion has the manliset man bun you've ever seen there's more, but that's a big one for me
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? idek- smth that either made me laugh so hard i nearly peed myself, smile so much my face hurt for hours afterward, want to punch [character/writer/director/whatever name] in the face so many times, or made me cry so much i could barely get out of bed days later
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? hmm, being able to all caps rant to someone about this thing you hated/loved in a fandom, or just being accepted by a group of people/person who you might not know irl, but consider family/really really good friends like holy fuck we're besties, i want to marry you platonically and we can adopt all of our blorbos even from fandoms we dont share we can all be one absolutely massive family that puts the fun in dysfunctional
(no pressure) tagging @aliens-took-my-iwa-chan @reverie-starlight @gay-destiel and anyone who'd want to join!
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wigglesforsquiggles · 2 years
4 5 12 18 !!!
4. Movie of the year?/ 5. TV show of the year?
apologies key but i rly do not consume media that often. fav tv show of the year is the only one ive actually watched a full season of - so umbrella academy s3 lmao. the visuals were amazing tho. (and i got to watch it w my gf so thats a solid bonus)
as for movie,, im wracking my brain to see what i remember watching. ill say the Batman, mostly bc my friend was and still is a riddler simp (i wish i were joking) and it made the film 10 times funner to watch
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
i joined the jellypit early this year so literally most of my mutuals count oh god kee you have been selected
i cant quite remember when i joined, but u had a v cool and mature vibe to u, like queitly confident in urself as a person. and then the tommy love or host stream happened, and i decided, whilst in a random hotel room in milton keynes with shitty wifi and in pitch black to watch it with you and bee and liveblog it. and it was one of the best experiences ive had whilst watching a stream ive ever had. and since then weve been thick as thieves
finding out ur associated w capybaras was truly a delightful experience, partly bc i didnt know how many adorable/funny pictures of them existed on the internet, and partyl bc i have a whale of a time tagging them "kee core" and other specifics to the post
u were there for the creation of Grittydook, something that has defined my existence on the internet, as it led me to writing my first fanfiction ever. also seeing u write for nanowrimo was a wonderful experience, bc the word count updates were just, so impressive.
i cant believe ive known you for less than a year, bc honeslty ur such a presence in my online life, a true icon rly. thank u for being friends w me :D
18. A memorable meal this year?
uh the one i spent 5 minutes in fits of tears because i was laughing so hard trying to explain a joke that wasnt at all funny. i was gasping in pain, breathless, unable to form words bc my friends kept asking me why i was laughing, which would set me off again. luckily i had already finished eating, but i still think of that whenever im explaining a joke.
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trollmaniac · 1 year
deciding to post this to the tumblr community to comment because this has started to frustrate me to no end.
i have an ex-friend who tried to sabotage me in high school (it failed because surprise! im a nice person who minds their business 99% of the time). she has always tried to get into some kind of singing as a professional career, whether it be songwriting, musicals, whatever. problem is she has no singing talent. because of this, she has decided to use the drag community to flaunt her “singing skills” and get the attention of as many people as possible.
before i delve into why this is an issue, let me explain: she is mentally ill. she did not have a good childhood. parents were also pretty shitty. i have tried confronting her before about this with a little “hey maybe seek therapy and/or meds, im sure all of your friends will support you” and she proceeded to tell me that all of her friends left her (supposedly because of this), tried 1 (one) therapist and found they “didnt help”, are on 3 different meds (????? okay. was this to brag to me or something? cool, i guess), and she wanted to keep this “private” (after posting it to all of her instagram followers to talk about her struggles). i tried messaging again with something along the lines of “therapy takes time and you might not have the right therapist, also all of instagram doesnt make this very private now does it” and i got blocked, of course. because she doesnt listen to any negative comments and instead cuts out those people from her life. sure, whatever, you do you hun.
my issue is this; ive been told she advertises everywhere she can that she is a Cisgender, Heterosexual Woman (cool) who is also a drag queen (not as cool). i would be cool with this if she was an ally, but shes sticking her nose into somewhere she shouldnt. because of the kind and acceptive nature of the drag community (and LGBTQ+ community and general), they took her in and allowed her to perform as a drag queen. her singing is still questionable, but now she’s parading around as what my town likes to think of as their very own LGBTQ+ drag queen icon that they can also flaunt to show our town isnt homophobic or whatever.
i would have no problem with this if she was a drag king! the point of drag is to challenge gender sterotypes, is it not (correct me if im wrong, but be nice about it lol)? but shes just…. putting on some makeup and a wig and saying “okay i can perform here now”. and you know how i said my town thinks she’s pretty neat? whoever organized the pride parade this year had her LEAD THE PARADE. and my nonbinary friend, who had just undergone top surgery, went to the parade of course because why shouldnt they participate in pride? they were damn determined to go lol. so then little miss pageant or whatever strolls up to them and their siblings during the parade and goes “omg hiiiiii do you remember me???” and “thanks so much for coming!!!!” as if it was her parade or something. like no. dont thank anyone who went. this is their parade, not yours. fuck off. but i cant tell her that. no one can, because she’ll remove them from her life. all we’ve been able to do so far is watch and be entertained from afar because she wont take any direct confrontation if it isnt praising her and her “talent”.
anyway yes im angry and yes im posting this, but im not going to tag it because part of me wants it to sink into the void of tumblr and never be seen again. i have a feeling someone is going to go and flip this whole rant to make it look like im a villain or something because i didnt source facts or i misworded something, yada yada, you get it. but if someone reads this and go “yeah, i agree, what the fuck is up with that?”, then i think that would be pretty neat.
0 notes
lafflanes · 1 year
on and off over the past 2 weeks ive been working on putting together a list of my favorite quotes/anecdotes from the 20 Years of Toontown panel because theres so many funny and memorable ones! ill split this post up into a few parts since theres lots of stuff
these quotes are from Jesse's story about the origins of Toontown Online and how it got started!
"one of the, you know, hard realities of the Walt Disney company is, if youre on a team that doesnt have anything to do, you might have a problem, you know, you may not have a job in a few months"
"right, the Hall of Presidents mmo, i dont even remember how that one worked"
"... he said 'no, you know the problem is, your team is, youre like a bunch of PANDAS, all youll eat is bamboo, and youre gonna DIE, because all you eat is bamboo. you need to be more like RATS, rats eat anything, so you need to be less like pandas and more like RATS, so you think about that'
and we're like 'okay we'll think about it' so it inspired us to make our new engine and call it the Panda3d engine. and of course we needed a file format for it so we called it 'bamboo', so you feed bamboo into the panda engine and thats what made it go"
"... and then once we got it to a certain point, we took it over to Feature Animation and said 'we need to get your buy-in, we're gonna do this Atlantis mmo'. and they were like 'ugh, we dont want you to be doing this. youre going to ruin our movie by making a game, its gonna make people think that this is for KIDS. we dont want games in this so no, youre FORBIDDEN, you cant make it'
and we're like 'oh, oh well, alright. well lets go find something that nobody really cares about' and we DID, it was Toontown Online"
"this picture is actually from one of the decks, what we did is we took this poster ... and we just put the 'online' part under it. and so talking about the inspirations for Toontown in the beginning, we were like 'Toontown Online, it makes a lotta sense, of course!'"
"when you look at this initial picture ... one of the things youll notice about the cog on the left is, that cog is not a cog, that is not a robot, thats just a person. and originally, the cogs werent cogs, they were just people, and we called them the suits, and that was the concept, the toons vs the suits
and that ended one day when we had a visit from, uh oh, Roy Disney Jr! come to the studio hes like 'hey remember that Toon Tag, that was pretty great, what are you doing now?' and we're like 'CHECK IT OUTTTT ITS TOONTOWNNNN, its all about the toons vs the suits', and all that. and hes kinda like 'huh, okay, interesting, i guess' and we're like 'okay, well that was a little weird' it wasnt the warmest meeting we ever had
and the next day, our Vice President comes in very PERTURBED, and says we have a memo here, from Roy Disney Jr who says 'this game can never ship. Toontown can never ship, because it is DISRESPECTFUL to the people who made this company great', and we all like smacked ourselves in the head and realized 'oh my god' ... and here we are with this game saying business people are the evil enemy. and so, our Vice President is like 'DEAL WITH THIS. youre going to have to do something, i dont know what youre going to do but do SOMETHING'
and we're like 'oh my god, well we cant, what are we going to do, we cant take them outta the game' ... we started brainstorming, what if its something else, what if its aliens are the enemy, thats corny, what if its robots are the enemy. we're like 'well, maybe robots' but we really want the work vs play thing and we're like 'what if its business robots... but we dont tell anybody that...'. so we wrote a letter back saying 'weve changed this' the game is different now, its going to be all about toons vs robots' and theyre like 'okay fine, whatever' and, well, we didnt tell them it was business robots!
and honestly, the game got better at this point, because we were never sure when you defeated a suit what was supposed to happen to them. Bruce Woodside had an original where when the suits got hit with too many pies, they would turn into clowns? and then shrink really small and run away? and it was like some weird dream? and it was like 'Bruce thats interesting but uh, thats probably not right'"
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