#it's called moon's child starry sky
filmsmakkari · 2 months
the tale of a princess and her fair lady
rhaenyra targaryen x velaryon!reader
Summary: The daughter of House Velaryon makes a promise to her princess
CW: None!
A/N- I have not written and published a fanfiction since I was 14... bare with and pray for me.
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The chamber was silent as a young girl with silver hair knelt before hundreds of candles beneath the stained-glass windows of the starry sept. Though she had never been a believer in gods and myths before, her love and worry filled her so deeply at present that she was brought to her knees in prayer.
Lady (Y/N) of House Velaryon had been in love with Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen for the better half of a year. They’d known each other since childhood and had always been quite close. Being the only two daughters of the great Valyrian houses in the Red Keep, they’d always felt that no one could understand them as well as each other. Their relationship, which had always toed the line between platonic and romantic, had turned into an unadulterated love affair the day Rhaenyra realized that her disdain for marriage to a man had never truly been about marriage, but more so the man.
Ever since, (Y/N) and Rhaenyra had been living in pure bliss, catching each other’s eye, walking with linked arms in public, and worshiping each other’s bodies during those private moments brought on by the cover of night. In recent days, however, the girls have been slightly at odds with each other, as (Y/N)’s parents have posed a potential marriage between Lady (Y/N) and King Viserys to strengthen the realm. Rhaenyra had hardly been able to look at her lover as she could soon become her stepmother, and she didn’t want it to be more painful by prolonging their relationship until the moment (Y/N) stood at the altar.
On this day, the 13th of the eighth moon, the princess had taken a most dangerous risk in flying to her family’s seat of power, Dragonstone, to subdue her wretched uncle Daemon, who had been squatting there for a year and who had just stolen a dragon egg for his unborn bastard child. (Y/N) had gotten wind of these plans and miraculously arrived at the dragonpit just before Rhaenyra took flight. (Y/N) had implored her princess to be safe, telling her that she would not know what to do if anything happened to her. Rhaenyra, overcome by the love and emotion she had been repressing, could not think of anything else to do but cup (Y/N)'s cheeks and pull her into a kiss. (Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock for a moment, but she quickly got over it, placing her hand on Rhaenyra’s cheek and wrapping her free arm around her waist.
How lovely that kiss was, (Y/N) sighed, remembering it. Rhaenyra had left after their lips broke, and (Y/N) had been in the sept worrying ever since. Eyes closed, she murmured promises to the seven that she would never sin again if Rhaenyra was protected.
Upon hearing a familiar voice softly calling her name, (Y/N)’s eyes fluttered open. She quickly turned her head to see none other than Rhaenyra Targaryen. Her princess. The purest love in her life. Her everything.
(Y/N) ran to her lover, immediately cupping her face and kissing her fiercely. Rhaenyra met (Y/N) with the same passion, grabbing her tightly by her waist and pulling her closer. 
Two dragons burning together under the midnight sky. 
The kiss communicated everything they had been too afraid to say. “I’m sorry.” “I miss you.” “I need you.” “I love you.”
The two girls finally broke apart for air, giggling shyly in the throes of their young love. 
Suddenly serious, Rhaenyra looked deeply into (Y/N)’s eyes. A pure shade of violet only found in those with the true blood of Old Valyria, with little flecks of blue- a trait passed down from her seafaring ancestors. She then scanned (Y/N)’s entire body, her shimmering silver hair, braided at the top, loosening into long coils past her backside—the curves of her breasts and hips, the softness of her hands, and the way her brown skin shone in the moonlight.
“A true Valyrian goddess, you are,” she said.
(Y/N) looked down shyly at the compliment. Rhaenyra lifted (Y/N)’s chin with her finger and stepped closer, leaning her forehead against hers. A moment of sweetness and intimacy. 
“Kivio naejot sagon rūsīr issa va moriot,” Rhaenyra said quietly. “Dōrī jorrāelagon mirre tolie hae ao jorrāelagon issa.”
Swear to be with me always. Never love any other as you love me.
(Y/N) exhaled. “Oh, issa dārilaros. Nyke kivio, jaehossi uēpossi arlȳssī."
Oh, my princess. I swear, by the old gods and the new.
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moonslittlestar · 4 months
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Art by Taejy_
Outside the world around them stirred, heavy rain crashed against the stained glass window. Every so often the loud claps of thunder shook the room, and bolts of lightning lit it up brightly. It wasn't night yet, though the clouds shrouded the city in darkness, the streets oddly quiet for early evening; normally around this time they'd be bursting with life, young child selling Baldur's Mouth newsletters, calling out to the city folks that walked past them as if they were invisible, all making their respective ways home or to local bars. 
This one was a hot spot for the working class to retreat after a long day's work, yet under the room on the second floor everything seemed rather silent, something Moon was not used to in his stay at Sharee’s Caress. The brothel was normally packed, full of songs and live music and so much chatter he found it difficult to hear his own thoughts the majority of the time. The peace the storm brought was a welcomed guest.
In his room a fireplace on the far wall warmed up the cold air around them, granted there wasn't much of a room to warm up, but it was something. The crackling logs under flame were just loud enough to come through the sound of rain tapping against glass, and the golden glow flickered faintly against the wooden bedframe, silk sheets and soft skin. 
Moon had become quite fond of his little room at Sharee's Caress, although the patrons did leave something to be desired about the place (most of them overly horny drunks with no manners and bad tempers) but the staff were nice and after Moon paid off his debt for a few smashed glasses and a broken chair during the first week of his stay, they seemed quite fond of him too. 
He'd not been planning to stay this long, but something about the white haired elf kept him around, or rather, something about him kept the white haired elf around, neither were sure who was keeping who around but neither had any complaints. Their personalities entwined like the finest elven chainmail; a bond that seemed completely unbreakable, almost as if they were destined to meet… if you believed in such things, which neither of them did. Mortals were off limits, but this one, this one… 
Moon placed his lips gently upon Astarion's forehead and smiled to himself. This one was worth breaking the rules for. 
When he started seeing Astarion more, Moon found himself wondering if this is how his mother fell for his father, if they broke the rules of man and God(dess)  because feelings had become involved? Were they fated? They say that nothing good ever comes from bonding with mortals, but maybe it was different for him? He wasn't a true God anyways, so maybe it didn't count? 
They lay over the covers, bodies entwined, on a king size bed on the opposite side of the fireplace. The bed was entirely too big for the room, but that had been Moon's magic at work, as the original bed was far too small for him.
Moon’s back rested up against the mound of cushions with Astarion pressed against him, his leg wrapped around Moon's, and Moon's tail wrapped around Astarion's leg. His left wing cocooned Astarion in a delicate embrace as Astarion nuzzled his head into the crook of Moon's neck. 
The scent of arcane Jasmine permeated the air around them as Moon projected a canopy of stars above them with his free hand. A soft blue hue washed over them in pulses as Moon's magic left his fingertips, his horns glowed, following suit.
“It's beautiful!” Astarion smiled, watching in awe as the night sky danced over them. He raised a hand, his fingers joining the dancing of the stars that faded around his fingertips, though it was cold in there, a strange electric current prickled at the back of his hand and his fingers as they swayed back and forth, “I don't get to see the stars much here, not like this.” He mumbled, his focus drawn to the starry sky above him. “They look so real… like I could just reach out and touch one!” He continued, waving his hand around loosely in them some more before placing it back around Moon's waist. “I wish I could see the stars like this every night” he sighed lightly. A shooting star shot past, almost too quick to see it, another followed shortly after. 
Moon hummed slightly, twisting his hand and turning the sky a little, “it is real… well, sort of I suppose?” His voice was smooth and calm. 
“Sort of?” Astarion raised his head from Moon’s chest and cocked an eyebrow, “sort of, I suppose?” He asked in a silly mocking tone.
Moon nodded slightly and hummed again, “They were once, it's a memory projection. My first night down here...” His voice trailed off. “They look much different when you are amongst them, down here they look so… small.” He continued after a long pause. 
Astarion rested his head back onto Moon's chest, a small huff escaped him as he contemplated how difficult it must have been for Moon to lose so much, to be thrown out, cast aside and have nothing, not even a name. “Luán,” a sense of sincerity attached to his words, “Thank you, for showing me this.” 
Moon nodded in acknowledgement and placed another kiss softly upon Astarion's forehead.
This was the most intimate they had been since they began seeing each other more regularly.
Astarion had been told of Moon's descent, how he'd been disowned and denounced as son and heir; how he'd fallen from grace. But not through Moon, he'd heard the stories and the songs; “The son of a Goddess and a mortal blacksmith, a great warrior born to fight for honor whenever summoned. The son that fell to Faerun and had his name stripped from him. The Demigod that was unwelcome and unworthy of that title.” They did not speak much about Moon's past, for Moon didn't like to bring it up.
Astarion understood that Moon had gone through a lot and had roamed Faerun for an unfathomable amount of time, fighting in wars man had started. He may have been cast down, but he could be summoned at any time and he was tied to his duty by a golden string. So was the life of the son of a great Goddess, even if she didn't recognise him anymore. Astarion hadn't dared ask which stories were true and which were rumors, he didn't care much to find out either. 
Mostly, they fucked; had their fun and parted ways. Emotional intimacy hadn't been a part of the equation. But this, this felt… nice?
After a few moments of silently watching the projection, Astarion kissed Moon's neck, just under his jaw. “I like this,” he smiled against Moon's skin, “I don't know what this is, but I like it.” 
Moon's tail wrapped around Astarion's thigh tightly and the glow in his horns brightened as if to say “me too”.
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berryblooo · 1 year
Mona, Albedo, and Wanderer: Truth-Seekers & Defiers of Fate
Cross-posting from HoYoLAB.
What do an alchemist, an astrologist, and a wanderer have in common?
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A lot, as it turns out, in terms of design, literary themes, and lore implications.
Allow me to connect seemingly unrelated dots between these three characters. Perhaps by the end of this you too will be eagerly anticipating an event or quest that features all three some day.
Albedo is a genius alchemist, working for the Knights of Favonius as Mondstadt's Chief Alchemist. His knowledge in alchemy goes beyond what even the Sumeru Akademiya possesses, the Art of Khemia from Khaenri'ah.
Mona is a genius astrologist and one of the few practitioners of Hydromancy. Her reputation as an astrologer led to her being asked to take on the All Things Astrological column in Fontaine's newsletter, The Steambird. Her work is revered in the Rtawahist Darshan at the Sumeru Akademiya.
Wanderer, known as ‘Hat Guy’ among the students of the Vahumana Darshan, has become an ad-hoc student of theirs after his papers refuting the popular academic theories surrounding the Tartarsuna incident became popular. He later wrote pieces about Inazuman politics that garnered acclaim. Apparently having a knack for academia, he’s been invited to Vahumana lectures and was able to serve as its representative in the Akademiya Showdown.
Appreciators of the Arts
Albedo is an artist, who has illustrated A Legend of Sword books under the pseudonym Calx and was invited to Inazuma during the Irodori Festival held after the nation opened its borders to illustrate the Five Kasen paintings.
Mona enjoys singing and does so while stargazing. During the 2.8 Summertime Odyssey event, she accepts Xinyan's offer to give her voice lessons.
During his time as Kabukimono living at the Mikage Furnace, he learned how to sword dance and would perform alongside the other blacksmiths. His talents and their excerpts, constellation, and namecard reference theater and poetry, which may indicate his interest in those arts.
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
The Geo construct Albedo creates is called the Solar Isotoma, and his 3rd Constellation is titled "Grace of Helios".
Albedo's namecard is titled "Sun Blossom".
Albedo's splash art and Solar Isotoma design features flower and sun-like imagery.
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The name, Mona, means "Moon" in Old English.
Her redesigned outfit is titled "Pact of Stars and Moon" and features crescent moon pendants on her hat and leg.
The eight-pointed star on the pendants has likely influence from the Star of Ishtar, the inspiration for Teyvat's Istaroth, who may have some connection to the three moon sisters.
Her 2nd constellation is titled "Lunar Chain".
Mona's namecard is titled "Starry Sky".
Naturally, as an astrologist, she also has countless star-related symbolism which are fairly obvious.
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Two of Wanderer's constellations have moon-related names. His 2nd constellation is "Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves" and his 3rd constellation is "Sanban: Moonflower Kusemai".
Interestingly, Wanderer's splash art is different from most other Anemo characters in that the elements surrounding him are more black and navy than turquoise, and features a galaxy and star design.
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What defines a human?
Albedo and Scaramouche are both artificial beings, homunculus and puppet respectively.
Albedo was created by his mother, Rhinedottir, using an ancient technique from Khaenri'ah called Khemia. He was part of her Primordial Human project and was the last of her (known) creations, considered her magnum opus. The only evidence of his being a creation is the pontil mark she left on the front of his throat, his one "imperfection" that makes him human. Rhinedottir considers him her son and only child left.
Wanderer was created by his mother, Ei, using an ancient technique now lost. It's implied Irminsul was used in his creation. He was the prototype puppet made for the purpose of storing the Electro Gnosis, but was deemed too weak when he cried while storing it and was thus left to sleep in Shakkei Pavilion with only a plume to signify his connection to the Shogun. He bears the Electro symbol on the back of his neck, the complement to Ei's.
It's unknown whether Albedo is immortal or ages differently than humans, while Wanderer has lived for nearly 500 years, created just after Makoto's death during the Cataclysm. He has always appeared as a beautiful young man, never aging.
In Mona's voicelines about other characters, she almost always references their constellations and interprets parts of their fate from them. The only exception is her voiceline about Albedo. It's speculated that the reason Mona doesn't comment on it is that she's aware of him being a homunculus and purposefully does not reveal his secret.
In the same vein, when Mona first meets Scaramouche during Unreconciled Stars, she is immediately able to see through his facade and tell that he is both a Fatui Harbinger and that he had killing intent towards the Traveler. After Mona teleports the group away, Scaramouche himself wonders if she was able to figure out his true identity—which, during 1.1, players take to mean him being a Harbinger. Looking back, it's likely he meant him being a puppet with powers close to Archon level.
Albedo and Wanderer both represent questions about what makes one human, on both a physical and spiritual level.
"The difference between synthetic and natural life lies in the directional flow of the life force. The energy of a natural life form flows out from within. That's why flower buds bloom and curled leaves unfold. It is the very reason we watch in wonder at blossoming flowers. Creating life artificially, on the other hand, involves — to a certain extent — the introduction of an external source of energy into the embryonic life form. When the hole where the life force was infused is sealed at the end, it leaves a mark not dissimilar to the pontil mark in blown glass wares. The alchemical substance drips and spreads out in all directions, resulting in this rather ingenious diamond shape. This mark is a sign of my artificial origins, and proof of my imperfection as a human."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act II: The Shadow Deepens
"But Subject Two wanted to become a perfected human. So, he erased the mark on both his and Subject Three's necks, for these marks were a symbol of imperfection... He so desperately craved to become a perfect human being that he forgot something: Human beings are defined by their flaws."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
"As beings who set foot in this world, how arrogant are we in desiring to control our destiny, and in desiring to create?"
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
Wanderer: In your eyes, are there any differences between humans and puppets? Nahida: Do you think there are any differences between your present self and your previous and future incarnations? If not, then what are the differences between humans and puppets? Whoever has tasted the joys and sorrows of life in the human realm is human. Whoever has loved and lost, cried with grief, howled with rage at the tragedy of death that eclipses the miracle of life... they are human, too. Wanderer: I've always believed that human lives follow a set of rules, with each person being a collection of past experiences. As a puppet living in the human world, my life is subject to the same rules. I've lived with a void in my chest my whole life. My creator didn't need me, and ever since I awoke, I've just drifted from one place to the next. But then I met you, and I finally realized that reclaiming my missing sins might be my one opportunity to become my true self. I've always felt I have an innate tendency to yearn for something more, in a way that goes deeper than for most people... But for all my soul-searching as a shugenja, I've never fully understood it. Looking at it now, it seems that I brought this curse upon myself. So I beg you... grant me this opportunity to gain a purpose. To change my destiny and end my wandering.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - The Kabukimono's Finale
Nahida: To be human is to live with imperfections. You can choose whether or not you want to be human. Wanderer: ...But humans can't live without a heart, can they? Anyway, I gave up trying to become a human a long time ago. Nahida: You understand what pain is perfectly well, even without a heart. You're just burying your feelings. The past is set in stone, but you can keep moving on. And the longer your future lasts, the shorter your past will become, until one day it is but a tiny fraction of your life.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - As Though Morning Dew
We can see the similar themes of questioning what it means to be human, of recognizing and accepting imperfections as a part of their humanity for Albedo and Scaramouche.
How does Mona tie into all this? She isn't an artificial being. (As far as we know.)
Mona's Character Story 5 talks about similar themes, namely human hearts and the laws that (supposedly) govern them.
During her apprenticeship, Mona found that the subtle abstractions of her master's teachings could explain the laws that governed the existence of all things. Human hearts were guided by these laws, and if one had great enough powers of calculation, all the mysteries of the world could be understood. Mona once believed this to be true. But when she had to strike out on her own and live day-to-day, she found herself doubting. Not everyone lived wealthy and comfortable lives. Some neither had food nor warm clothes, living no differently from beggars. And it was just such an adventurer who, when meeting Mona while she was out looking for fruits and vegetables to fill her stomach, shared half their food with her. "Out here, we've gotta have each other's backs." This was not something inscribed on these so-called principles of the world. And many other such things she encountered on her journey — the honesty of a thief, a robber's change of heart, a coward's courage, the good deeds of a wicked person... Mona began to have some doubts, but she also felt like she finally had her feet on solid ground. When she was again alone with her thoughts under the stars, she marveled that her research had been so full of holes. Perhaps she would have to continue researching the world's principles for the rest of her life.
We see these same questions brought up by Wanderer at the start of his journey of repentance.
This story of the adventurer she meets is the same one that Mona references during her mirage in the Summer Odyssey event. She divined that if he continued adventuring, he would meet his death within two years. Despite this, the adventurer continued on. Mona believes him to be dead now, since fate is immutable and that encounter was over three years ago.
It's speculated that this adventurer is none other than Joserf, who gets lost on Dragonspine and does indeed meet his death. Except that during the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms events, Albedo uses a whopperflower to bring new life to "Joserf" and reunite "him" with his son, Joel.
In doing so, is Albedo rewriting fate?
Irminsul, Fate, and the Truth of the World
We know that Irminsul is tied to the fate and truth of Teyvat, and all three characters have ties to these themes.
Mona and Albedo are both apprentices/inheritors of knowledge of Hexenzirkel members: Barbeloth and Rhinedottir. The Hexenzirkel is known to embark on Irminsul explorations (which Albedo accompanied Gold on) and at least two members, Alice and Nicole, are implied to be immune or able to know when Irminsul tampering occurs.
Mona and Albedo share a common goal: to uncover the truth of this world. Albedo was tasked with this by Rhinedottir before her abrupt disappearance after discovering the Heart of Naberius, while it's currently unknown if Mona inherited this goal from Barbeloth or if it's her own.
Both are foreshadowed to incur a dark fate in their pursuit of the truth. In Mona's Collected Miscellany, Dainsleif says, "But beware, O young seeker. You must sacrifice your all to unravel the world's secrets," while Albedo is foreshadowed to lose control of his power or be susceptible to corruption and endanger Mondstadt.
As a student of the Vahumana Darshan, Wanderer studies the truth of history.
During his time as a Fatui Harbinger, Scaramouche was sent on missions to the Abyss by the Fatui, implied to be because of his ability to withstand and recovering from damage/attacks. We know that truly ancient Irminsul is located in the Abyss.
He is implied to be created from Irminsul and can navigate the memories stored within, as seen in Inversion of Genesis.
He tried to rewrite the past/fate by erasing himself from Irminsul but learns that fate cannot be changed. This is a line we hear often in game from none other that Astrologist Mona Megistus.
In the confrontation between Dottore and Nahida in the Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, we learn that Irminsul hides the secret "truth" that "the sky and stars of Teyvat are fake".
This corroborates what Scaramouche said in Unreconciled Stars: that the stars, the sky are all a gigantic hoax. A lie.
Mona also corroborates what Scaramouche revealed: she said she was taught to talk about the false sky in her readings.
This means both the Fatui and the Hexenzirkel are aware of the false sky.
In Conclusion
Coincidentally (or perhaps not) all three were sent to Mondstadt.
Albedo was instructed by Rhinedottir to seek out Alice in Mondstadt and take up residence there.
Mona ends up in Mondstadt after being sent to retrieve something of Barbeloth's from Alice's successor (Klee) and when she accidentally reads her 50 year old diary, she feels forced to hide in the city lest she incur her master's wrath.
Scaramouche was chosen by Pierro to investigate the meteorites in Unreconciled Stars, and he speculates that the Jester not only knew what he would discover about the false sky, but that he wanted to frighten him with this information.
I believe all of this is building up the three of them meeting, whether as allies or rivals, in connection with the false sky/truth of the world plot. I feel there are too many connections between them for it not to be intentional.
Or it's all copium!
Additional tidbits that didn't fit in with the rest.
According to Mona and Klee's voicelines, Albedo and Mona are friends/colleagues and meet regularly for meals and to play with Klee.
In the Irodori Festival, Albedo paints Kuronushi of the Five Kasen based on Scaramouche's likeness, which was only revealed when Hydro was applied to the canvas. Similar to the concept of Hydromany, which divines truth in the reflection of water.
The forging technique passed down from the Raiden Shogun to the Raiden Gokaden incorporates astrology into its process.
Barbeloth, Mona's master, likes hats and helps pick them out for people. (Like Klee, and maybe Mona as well.) She would probably appreciate Wanderer's taste in hats.
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littledigest · 2 years
Asteroids Related to the Night
For those in love with the Moon and those who find comfort in the dark of the night. 🌙
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1298, 3908, 658, 69, 714, 8962, 713, 105, 78, 580
100, 3271
Nocturna 1298
Meaning nightly
Think of the word nocturnal, meaning active at night
I have Nocturna conjunct NN and Chiron. I am for sure nocturnal. I focus better and am more creative at night. I don't think I slept early, even as a child.
Nyx 3908
Named after Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night
Born from Chaos, Nyx gave birth to many gods and goddesses related to daytime, nighttime, light, and darkness.
Asteria 658
Named after Asteria, the Titaness
Her name means of the stars, starry one
Known for being one of Zeus' conquests, she became a bird and then an island. As an island, she saves her sister Leto after Leto is impregnated by Zeus and cannot find a safe haven due to Hera's wrath
Hesperia 69
Named after the Hesperides in Greek mythology
Hesperides are the nymphs of the evening and the golden light of sunsets
They tend the garden and sing
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Ulula 714
Named after the genus of owls
Owls are nocturnal birds, hunters, and symbols of wisdom in Western culture.
In African and Native American cultures, owls are symbols of death.
In Asian cultures, owls are symbols of good luck.
Noctua 8962
Named after a species of owl called Athene noctua or Little Owl (owl of Athena, owl of Minerva)
Commemorates Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and handicraft
Luscinia 713
Named after the genus of nightingales
Known for their singing and frequently used in literature and other works of art
Sing both day and night; songstresses of the night.
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Artemis 105, Diana 78
Named after Artemis, the Greek goddess of the Moon, the hunt, animals, wilderness, and children, or Diana, her Roman counterpart
Her twin is Apollo 1862, who is associated with the Sun
Artemis is also associated with the menstrual cycle and childbirth
I have Artemis conjunct my Moon. Still trying to figure out if this has been expressed in an obvious way in my life yet...caring for animals, children...
Selene 580
Named after Selene, the Greek personification of the Moon
Means light, brightness, gleam
Drives a chariot across the skies to bring the night
Her brother is Helios, the Sun god, who drives a chariot across the sky to bring the day
I have Diana (above) and Selene conjunct with each other and my Neptune and sextile Saturn. Saturn sextile Neptune could refer to materialization. My ideas may be best developed at night (?) under the moon (?)
Hekate 100
Named after Hecate, the Greek goddess of crossroads, entryways, magic, witchcraft, the night, and the Moon
She is depicted with three bodies; all-seeing, transitional, liminal
A triple deity associated with the moon (Selene, Luna), hunting (Artemis, Diana), and herself as the underworld
Associated with dogs as well (thinking dogs and wolves howling at the moon)
Ul 3271
Named after a Melanesian lunar deity
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Dreamcore/Weirdcore Wally x Reader
What a nice dream.
TW: Derealization, Scopophobia, Brief mention of Depression/Anxiety and Therapy
You remember this place... it didn't quite look like this, but you can still recognize it. The unnaturally bright grass, the various flowers, the strange insects and the sky that looks all too... blurry? You don't know how to describe it. Everything has an unnatural haze over it, so it might just be that and not the sky's fault. And the music! The cheerful music! It plays in the background, quiet, but still noticable, like you are in a show or videogame. It sounds so childish and filled with wonder!
You stand up from your place on a bench, brushing a few purple leaves off your clothes. The air is somehow both chilly and warm, with each gust that blows by having a different temperature than the last. You hear a familiar, sweet voice call out to you.
"Oh, (Y/N)? Is that you? Oh, sweetie, let me have a look at you!" A small plush bird skips over to you, looking up at you. She has no feathers, instead having a patchwork variety of bright colors to make up for it. You smile, picking her up and holding her at eye level. "Hello, Poppy! It's been a while, hasn't it?"
She flutters her felt wings, chirping "It really has! You've grown so much since we last saw you! Oh, how long ago was that...? You were just a small child, back then. Now look at you! You're all grown up! That might explain a few things..." She mumbles the last sentence, her button eyes blinking a few times, before she shakes her head and brightens up, again. "There's been a few changes around here! I guess you can say we've all matured a little while you were away. How about we go see Frank? He should be with Sally, setting up a play."
With that, you place Poppy on your shoulder and begin walking to Sally's house. The stage is right next to her lovely little home, so they should be around that area. As you walk through the dreamy neighborhood, you notice the eyes watching you. On the flowers, on the bricks that make up the path, on the trees, and on the house in the center of the neighborhood... There's eyes everywhere. You don't remember that being the case all those years ago...
Poppy let's out a chirping noise, before saying "Wally says that those eyes are that of somebody watching over us, making sure we are happy." Poppy kicks her legs, continuing "I think they are very pretty. They make the neighborhood more lively!" As you approach the house, you hear the sounds of a lady yelling out orders and an exasperated man replying to every sentence with disdain.
The stage comes into view, you see Sally dressed in her starry, purple overalls and blue moon shirt. Her head is made up by a ball of white light, which glows brighter while speaking. Due to having no face to make expressions, she waves her hands wildly whenever she speaks. Frank is a man with a multicolored flower for his own head. An eye is at the center, alongside a single eyebrow above it. He has always dressed in a very formal manner, with a black vest over a white dress shirt.
You wave to them, noticing how Sally glows a bit brighter than before. She speaks, her voice holding a dramatic tone of happiness "It's (Y/N), our lovely dreamer! I'm sure you remember me, the star called Sally Starlet?" You nod, giggling at her demeanor. Frank huffs, his petals perking up "Where have you been all this time?"
You shrug, looking to the side "Working. Growing up. I missed you all." Sally twirls, waving her arms excitedly "How has growing up been going? Some changes around here haven't been... the best..." Her arms slow down as she begins to slump slightly. "I hope things have been going better for you. Frankly does, too." You look between Sally, Frank, and Poppy...
You haven't been doing the greatest outside of this dream. In fact, this dream has started to feel more real than reality. Your therapist has mentioned that it could be your depression and anxiety that has been causing that feeling... How could you explain that to them?
You smile, laughing heartily as you say "Oh, it's been alright! Not much has been going on, really... I love my job and being independent. It's not as relaxing as visiting you all, though. I'm happy to have this time to take a break." Frankly nods, his eye crinkling to indicate a smile. "That's always great to hear. Be sure not to overwork yourself, alright? I'd be very upset if I hear that you've overdone it and hurt yourself one day." "I've been taking breaks. Don't worry." "Do you have any friends outside of our little neighborhood-?" Frank gets cut off by a noise.
You hear some footsteps behind you, causing you to turn around and see Wally walking over to you. His hair is a bright blue, a wide smile spread across his dandelion colored face. The large, blue, yellow, and red sweater is draped over his shoulders, and his red neck scarf is tied around his neck. Paint stains cover the sweater, making the smiley face embroidered on look like it's been painting, too!
The sleeves almost hit the floor as he walks over, covering his hands as he holds an ice scream cone in each hand. He holds out a cone to you, an ice scream of your favorite flavor, as he says "Welcome Home. I got you a treat!" He licks his own ice scream, which is a soft-serve apple flavor, causing it to let out an odd screaming noise. That's just what ice screams do, after all. You take the one he gave you, doing the same.
You grin, chirping "Thank you, Wally! How did you know I came to visit?" Wally tilts his head, saying "I saw you from the window of Home, walking over to Sally's." He then grins wider, continuing "You have a lot of catching up to do with the others. Not much has been going on in my life... I'm going to go back to Home. I just wanted to say hi and give you a treat." "Why don't you hang out with us?" "I'LL BE FINE ON MY OWN."
You flinch at the odd tone shift in his voice. You swear, he also seemed to change from a split second, almost like his body flickered to a different appearance. A flash of purple and black, followed by his normal self. Before you can ask about it, he's made a beeline to Home, leaving you and the rest of the group in the dust. You stand there for a second, staring at where Wally was in shock.
Poppy pats your head, before hopping off of your shoulder. "Wally has been like that for a while. It is nothing against you. He's been... he's changed the most out of all of us." Frank continues where Poppy left off "Frankly, he's been talking crazy. He's been talking about how none of this is real! I think he's lost his mind from isolating himself." Sally chuckles, adding "He'd make a great damsel in distress! Locked up in the great tower called HOME. The catch being that he's locked himself away! No witch, no dragon, and no curse! Just himself and his HOME."
You back away from the three of them. This dream is no longer comforting... it's uncomfortable. You quickly excuse yourself, saying that you want to go take a walk in the woods, on your own. Really, you just want to get away from them. What caused their sudden change in behavior? Why did they suddenly say all those things about Wally? Are they true?
Sitting on the edge of the forest, with the whispers from the woods acting as white noise. You try to figure out what to do. Really, you feel like you should've woken up by now. Usually, when you get this uncomfortable in a dream, you wake up.
Why haven't you woken up?
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eagerbby · 2 years
killing loneliness | em
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pairing| Eddie Munson x female reader
synopsis|  You’ve wanted him for so long. Dreamed of him, yearned for him, but could never have him. But now, he’s yours.
an| part 2 in my Heaven in Hiding series, we’re getting filthy in here baby. 18+ only part 1 here 
this was quickly edited at midnight so i apologize for any editing errors 
warnings| oral (f receiving), overstimulation, slight choking, protected sex, eddie munson the pussy eating king, not edited sorry folks
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Eddie Munson has always been an impatient man. Even as a child waiting for his father to visit, Eddie would sit by the open window of Wayne’s trailer ripping the wings off dead flies, every loud motor had him throwing his head out the screen less window in hope it was his fathers beat up Chevy. He’d eye the ticking hands of the old wall clock, hound Wayne with ”What time did he say, again?” and “What time is it now?”.
He’d sit in that window from the time he woke up till the sun was setting, the candescent moon peeking out from the apricot sky. He’d pick his nail beds, cuticles bloody and torn, socked toes tapping anxiously against the wooden panel walls. His father would call later, something about the truck wouldn’t start or he got held up with some business, and young Eddie Munson would slump onto the couch next to his uncle and wallow. 
Eddie Munson has always been impatient, so it should come as no surprise that he counted every waking minute since you walked out his trailer door. Thirteen days. He could tell you the exact amount of hours, minutes, seconds, since he saw you last. He can’t help himself, really. It’s what he did between his fathers visits, his way of coping with the inability to make things happen when he wants them to. 
When he closes his eyes his brain conjures up the image of you, smiling at him from the passenger's seat of his van, the twinkle in your eyes when he gained the confidence to step closer to you, you with your mouth around his cock sucking the soul from his body. He considers himself a goner, thinks it’s kinda pathetic that you flipped his world inside out in only a couple hours. A couple hours with you changed the whole trajectory of his life. 
The day after you elbowed your way into his life Eddie gathered what little courage he had and walked the short distance to your trailer. He knocked. Once. Twice. Three times. No answer. You weren’t home. He knew you worked -and had class at the community college- though he didn’t know where, so he took up camp in his front yard with his campaign notebook and his favorite book and waited. Waited the whole day, into the dark starry night, but you never came home.  
Which leads him to now, thirteen days after, and every waking minute he suffers through the memories of your hands exploring his scars. He thinks he’s never felt like this before, though he’s not quite sure of what it is he’s feeling. Love? Lust? Longing? Possibly all three. He thought, a brief fleeting thought, to ask Wayne what love feels like. His uncle is wise, something Eddie has always admired of the aging man, but he’s always been alone. Eddie’s entire life, he can never remember Uncle Wayne with anyone. Wonders if Wayne even knows how love feels. He squashed the thought like the butt of a cigarette under the toes of his sneaker and continued to wait. 
Sleep was becoming hard, tossing and turning in the late hours of the night, sitting drowsy and half brain dead on the couch early in the mornings when Wayne was just getting home from the plant. On a quiet Thursday, Wayne sat down across from his nephew with deep seated pity in his muted blue eyes.  
“Bud, I don’t know what’s going’ on with ya, but starvin’ yourself ain’t the answer.” Wayne was handling him with kid gloves, much like he did all those years ago when Eddie’s father never showed and he’d find Eddie sullenly sitting by the damn window. 
“I’m fine old man.” Eddie shrugs, pushing around soggy cereal with his spoon. “Just got a lot on my mind s’all.” He offers his uncle an easy smile but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Hate’s the worried look on his uncles face. 
“I’m here, you know. Always here for you, bud.” 
Friday after work Eddie drives to Family Video, using the excuse of his overdue movie to see his friends while they work. It doesn’t take long for them to realize something is off with the usually rambunctious metalhead. 
“What crawled up your kester?” Says Steve as he narrows his eyes, looking at Eddie from head to toe. 
“Nothing, damn. Get off my ass, Harrington.” Eddie scoffs, heeling the blue carpet under his feet. 
“Nah, somethings not right with you, Munson, you’re less annoying than usual.” Steve insists, face stony. 
“Spill it, dingbat. Something’s up, for sure. Are you having nightmares again?” Robin’s voice is hushed as she asks the last part, leaning against the counter flicking a pen between two long fingers. 
“Wait, nightmares? How often do you two talk without me?” Steve questions, not able to hide his offense. Robin only rolls her eyes, fixing the collar of her checkered blouse. 
“I need someone to talk to about all the bizzaro shit that keeps happening, Eddie’s the only one that didn’t forget about it in five point three seconds.” 
Steve visibly recoils. “I didn’t forget about it, Robin, how could any of us forget about it? Some of us are just better at-” 
Robin cuts him off with a push to the side of his head. “If you say ‘compartmentalize’ to me one more time, I’m gonna compartmentalize my foot up your ass. Eddie, please, spill.”  
“There’s nothing to spill, guys.” Eddie chuckles at the death glare Steve shoots Robin. “Just got a lot on my mind.” Eddie fiddles with the half peeled sticker pasted against the spine of the movie he rented last month. He wasn’t gonna do it, but he can’t think of any better option, so he asks about you before he can chicken out, a quick “Hey do you guys know-” before he tosses the VHS tape in his hands to Steve. 
Robin’s eyes widen as she processes his words, bouncing on the tips of her toes, elbow continuously flying into Steve’s back as he checks the overdue movie back in. 
“This isn’t Upside Down problems! This is girl problems!” Robin claps her hands together, smiling widely at the metalhead whose cheeks and ears flame red. 
“No. No. This isn’t girl problems, Rob.” Eddie points a finger at her like you would a misbehaving child, but Robin only cocks her head and widens her eyes. “Don’t look at me like that! You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Why do you wanna know about her anyways?” Steve asks, coming to lean against the counter next to Robin.
“She, u-uh, lives in the park and Wayne said he hasn’t seen her in weeks. Seems kinda worried so I was just… wondering.” He lies straight to his friends face and they know he’s lying by the twin expressions of disbelief they share. 
“You are the most atrocious liar I’ve ever met, dingbat.” Robin deadpans and Steve only shakes his head like he’s disappointed. 
“Jesus Christ, can you just answer the damn question?” Impatient, like always. 
“I’m gonna need a little more than ‘uncle Wayne’s worried’ before-” Robin starts, but this time Steve cuts her off.
“She comes in every week, buys our newest horror movie and a bag of caramel corn, and leaves. She’s not very talkative, but she’s nice.” Imagine that, The Hair giving helpful info, if you had asked Eddie last March if Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington was helpful he would have laughed in your face. “Robin knows where she works.” 
Eddie’s eyes tear to Robin, who is leveling the metalhead with a furrowed look, like she’s daring him to ask her. 
“You’re friends?” Eddie asks, trying to seem neutral but that little twitch in Robin’s upper lip tells him he’s not. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” 
“For Christsake, Robin-” Eddie starts, slapping his palms flat against the glass counter, the sound of his metal rings connecting with the glass ringing through the room. 
“We’ve been friends since high school, you know the band geek and the semi popular loner girl, we’re quite the pair.” 
“Yeah, we’re sure you both are fucking annoying together, just tell the man where she works.” Steve looks like he’s ready to go home, his eyes constantly searching out the clock on the wall. Robin ignores him, leaning over the counter like she’s gonna tell him a secret. 
“You know,” She starts, her voice tingeing on conspiracy, “You two would really get along.” 
Eddie’s stomach stupidly flutters at her words, even as he realizes she's only messing with him.
“In fact,” She continues, reaching over the counter to boop Eddie’s nose. He swats her hands away as she rambles on. “You two would actually be a really cute couple. She’s nice and hot and you’re-” She gestures up and down his six foot frame. “...well, you, I guess.” 
“I’m leaving.” Eddie snaps, snatching his black lunch box off the counter -he *was gonna offer to smoke with Robin on her break, but she blew that- before stalking towards the door. 
“You ran him off!” Steve exclaims while Eddie’s halfway out the door. “Good going, Rob.” 
“There’s a bar off Cornwallis, the Drunken Pig, try there.” Robin yells just as the glass door swings shut.
—- - 
It’s around ten o’clock, while parked outside of the skeazy bar on the edge of town, when Eddie realizes this might be considered stalking. 
He had arrived around nine but sat slumped down in the driver's seat of his van watching people trickle in and out of the neon framed building. He was hoping Robin wasn’t fucking with him like usual. Hope to see you bounce up the sidewalk any second now. Preferably alone, the thought of seeing you with someone else stuck in his brain, like a little devil Eddie sitting on his shoulder. He shouldn’t be so possessive, so jealous, but he can’t stop torturing himself over the fact that he had you if only for a brief moment. But in that moment he called himself yours and your eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. That had to mean something, right? 
That jealousy is killing his stomach, twisting it in tight sailor knots impossible to unravel, leaving him tapping unsteady beats against the black pleather of his steering wheel with ringed fingers. He didn’t really have a plan here. If he saw you, he saw you. At least then he’d confirm that you were alive and okay. But that’s where this little adventure would end because Eddie would rather jump naked into Lover’s Lake in the dead of winter than make you aware that he had found you. Through Robin of all people. That he waited here for hours in hopes that you’d show up. 
Remember that thing about Eddie being an impatient man? Yeah, well, he thinks you’re changing him. 
This is all so ridiculous, he thinks to himself, considering all that happened between the two of you just fifteen days earlier. At night, he can still feel the way your nails dragged up the expanse of his legs. His body misses your touch, craves it like an addict craves a fix. Like a dog craves a bone. He needs you so badly it’s driving him crazy.
Crazy enough to scope out a fucking bar for a glimpse of your face. 
Okay, maybe he is a freak, because who fucking does this? 
His self deprecation is cut short when the double doors of the bar swing open and you come storming out, a sour look on your face. Eddie’s heart stops.
Following behind you, with an equally sour expression, is a man. Tall and tan, with buzzed black hair and a full thick beard. The man grabs your arm as he follows after you and you twist your body as you wrench out of his grasp, pushing him hard in the chest. Eddie clenches the steering wheel with one hand, the other flinging to grip the door handle. Just in case. 
You say something to the man, speaking so softly but with such vitriol your entire face screws up in disgust. The man in front of you throws his hands up in the air, face pointed to the sky as you continue jabbing your finger into his chest. 
Eddie’s small shaky breath fills his van and the man he wishes to punch in the face for upsetting you so much drops to his knees in front of you. His hands are folded together like prayer, eyes wide as he begs you, for what Eddie doesn’t know. 
Not knowing makes his chest ache.
Eddie watches the way you sigh heavily, raking a hand over your face, down your jaw, and around to the back of your neck. Your shoulders slump, hand reaching into the front pocket of the stranger's jacket. You pull out a pen before you take the man's hand in yours, etching something onto the skin of his hand with delicate fingers. When you’re done you drop the pen in front of him and shake your head. You seem to say something that causes the man to nod before you walk around him, feet carrying you back into the bar. 
Eddie feels like throwing up. 
He doesn’t stick around much longer, throwing his van into drive and peeling out of the parking lot. He speeds down the deserted road in silence back to Forest Hills. 
— -
Day twenty-four. 
Monday morning, the sun rays cast their warmth over the carpet in Eddie’s room. Seven days till Halloween. Seven days till the show at The Hideout. Eddie hasn’t seen you since that night at the bar, his hope dashed at the sight of you with that strange man. 
It’s only nine, according to his watch, and Eddie still lays in bed in only his boxers staring up at the slow spin of his ceiling fan. He got the day off thanks to his boss, and he was actively avoiding his Automotive class after failing the last exam, allowing him to be lazy for the day. With no plans, other than meeting up with the boys later to rehearse, he allows himself to just be. To just lay in his bed, a cool draft coming in through his open window, and relax. His body feels tight, stress sitting heavily in the muscles of his shoulders and neck, and he stretches his arms over his head in an attempt to loosen them. 
He can’t stop thinking of you. 
You’ve become a plague on his mind, always there, making a home for yourself in his brain. He gave up trying to see you after that night, instead taking up sulking and pouting. Getting off work just to go home and sprawl his long body over the couch, eyes glued to the TV even though he wasn’t even watching it. 
He’s being pitiful and he knows it, but no matter what he does he can’t seem to snap out of whatever spell you’ve put him under. Sighing loudly, and scratching his chipped black painted nails across the small tuft of hair on his sternum, Eddie reaches over to his bedside table and grabs his half empty pack of smokes. He shakes one out, images of your smile flashing through his mind like a film reel, and plops it between his lips. He’s gotta get a grip on himself, he thinks, this can’t be healthy.  
Eddie freezes as he brings his lighter up to the cigarette hanging from his lips, ears perking up at the sounds coming through his window. Two voices. 
“Good mornin’, hun.” That’s Wayne, his usual gruff voice now a sing-song as he speaks. 
“Howdy, Wayne. How was work?” 
You. It’s you. 
Eddie falls to the floor as he scrambles out of bed, crawling over piles of dirty clothes and miscellaneous shit, cursing under his breath as he grips the windowsill and pulls himself up. You must be on the front porch because Eddie can’t see you from this angle. 
“Oh, you know. I don’t get paid enough for the bullshit they put me through.” Wayne chuckles, meanwhile Eddie’s struggling to find a clean pair of pants to put on. 
“I hear ya, the bar’s been working me overtime lately and then there’s my classes...” Eddie yanks his closet open, pulling the first shirt he sees off its hanger before rushing to put it over his head, stumbling down the hallway as he does so. 
“We haven’t seen much of you lately, glad to know you’re okay.” Wayne lays his hand gently on your arm as Eddie yanks the door open, his stomach exploding with fireworks when he sees you. 
You look so pretty standing on his porch in blue jean shorts and an off the shoulder long sleeve. Your eyes meet his in an instant and Eddie’s blood fights which direction to flood to -his cheeks or his dick- when you smile at him so brightly you could put the sun to shame.
“Ed, surprised you’re awake.” Says Wayne and when Eddie doesn’t respond he takes a glance between the two of you before nodding his head with a knowing smile. “I’m gonna sleep now, you two kids keep it down, yeah?” 
“Sure thing, Wayne. Good seeing ya.” You blink away from Eddie’s stare to smile at the older man. He nods at you and squeezes past Eddie who still stands in the doorway.
“Hey.” He breathes, trying to memorize every aspect of your appearance. You shake your head and pull him by his elbow out of the trailer. He shuts the door behind him, hands going to his back pockets once he's done. 
“Hi, Eddie. How are you?” You do that thing he loves, when you cock your head to the side and bat your eyes, it makes him weak in the knees every fucking time. 
“Good. Great. Yeah, yeah I-I’ve been fantastic.” He stutters through a response, eyes locked on the way you bite your lip to hide your smile. 
“A little birdie told me you’ve been asking around about me.” You say with a little chuckle and Eddie feels his heart drop to his ass. 
*Fucking. Robin. 
“W-Wayne and I were worried, is all.” Eddie tries, tries so hard to make his voice not waver as he speaks, but he can’t help being a stuttering mess. You look so pretty, and you’re so close, he can smell your sweet scent every time it gets wafted into his face by the breeze. It makes his mouth water, makes his hands tremble. He wants to snatch you to his chest and kiss the air from your lungs. Take you back to your trailer -shit he’d even settle for his van- and fuck you nice and slow. Make you take his cock and plead and beg for him to let you cum. He wants you to scream that you’re his and no one else's. 
“No need to worry, I’m a big girl ya know. I can take care of myself.” You sit down on the step, Eddie taking the cue to sit next to you.
“I-I know. Everything okay?” He presses, his arm grazing yours. 
You seem to weigh his question as you take a crumpled cigarette pack from your back pocket, shake one out and place it between your lips. You light it with a long inhale, Eddie watches the prickle of tears building in your eyes, scoots closer until your bare arm touches his.
“Want one?” You ask, voice tight, chin wavering slightly. It breaks his heart watching your face contort, he’s not sure of what he can even do to help you, so he takes the smoke you hand him and lets you light it for him. His eyes never move from yours, chocolate brown stare locked to your bloodshot eyes. 
“Angel?” He can’t hide the blatant worry in his voice, hands shaking to reach out but you’re already leaning into him, resting your temple against his shoulder. 
“My mom’s dying.” You admit, closing your eyes as Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulder. You let him pull your body into his, take another long drag of your cigarette. 
“I didn’t know you still talked to your mom.” He says cautiously, not knowing how much you’ll let him dig into your life.
“I don’t. I haven’t… shit Eddie, I don’t even remember what she looks at. I barely remember her. Just that she left…” You trail off into silence and Eddie follows, not wanting to push you, honestly surprised that you’re sharing any of this with him at all. “I have a brother.” 
“I thought you were part of the only child club, like me.” Eddie’s attempt at humor falls flat, so incredibly unfunny Eddie wishes he could rewind time and not fucking say that, and you still chuckle. 
“He’s a year younger than me.” You turn your head towards him, eyes simmering. “She had him after she left us. M-my dad used to tell me that she just wasn’t ready for the responsibility of kids and yet she had one almost immediately after she left.” 
“Maybe it was an accident.” He offers.
“Maybe she just didn’t want me.” You grumble, leaning into him even farther, hand drifting down to his thigh. Eddie tenses at the contact, breath shuddering in his chest, his heart pounds when you whisper his name and nuzzle into his chest. 
You’re vulnerable right now, looking for something to mask the pain, falling into unhealthy habits to cope but Eddie doesn’t want to be a habit. He wants to be yours. And he doesn’t want to fuck around because you’re upset, even the thought feels wrong. So he guides your hand off his thigh back to your own lap and lifts your face by your chin. 
“Have you eaten?” He asks softly, swipes his thumb against the hill over your cheek as your lip trembles. You shake your head, eyebrows furrowed in disappointment. 
“Wanna go eat? I’ll pay.” Eddie offers quietly, eyes searching, always searching, for any small hint to how you’ll respond. When you nod silently he beams, leans in and kisses your cheek. “Well come on, then. I’m feeling waffles.” 
“You come here often?” You ask with a chuckle as Eddie waves at the  waitress behind the counter. The older woman smiles at him before going back to the customer in front of her. 
“Yeah, I guess. They have the best food in town.” Eddie says, turning his attention to the tabletop jukebox, fiddling with the knobs until he finally picks a song, a soft velvety voice crooning through the speaker. You huff out a laugh as you lean back into the booth. 
“Otis Redding? Really?” 
Eddie only shrugs but his smile is bright as he crosses his arms across his chest. “I like more than just metal, you know.” 
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you, Eddie Munson?” 
He brushes his untamable hair behind an ear at this, looking up at you under his lashes, the faintest of blushes on his cheeks.
“Mornin’ Eddie, how’s your uncle?” The waitress beams as she places two plastic menus in front of you both. 
“Oh you know, Pam, always working hard.” She nods at this before her eyes meet yours.
“And whos this pretty thing, you’re girlfriend?” Eddie’s blush deepens till his face is comically red and his eyes widen when you laugh.
“We’re just f-friends.” He stutters out, handing back his menu without even looking at it. 
“What a shame.” The waitress tsks, winking at him as she accepts the menu. “The usual than?” 
Two sets of eyes lock onto you after Eddie nods, waiting for your order. You didn’t have much time to look through the menu, so you hand it back and say, “I’ll have what he’s having.” 
Pam gives a simple nod and a pearly smile as she leaves, the menus tucked under her arm as she welcomes a new customer. 
“She’s nice.” You say, smiling at him from across the table and Eddie nods, fingers fiddling with a sugar packet. 
“I’ve known her almost my whole life. Uncle Wayne would bring me here all the time when he first took me in. It, uh, kinda became our thing.” 
“Pizza fridays.” You hum, eyes cast down to the sticky tabletop, brain racing through memories.
“Pizza fridays?” 
“Yeah, uh, when I was little my dad would make the best handmade pizzas every friday. He’d listen to oldies while he would spin the dough, let me pick out whatever toppings I wanted. It was our thing. That and going to the farmers market every saturday.” 
“I liked you dad a lot.” He says softly, nudging the toe of his shoe against your leg under the table. “He was funny.” 
“He was not funny.” You laugh, meeting his eyes under the dim diner lights. “He told the worst jokes. Oh my god, he used to pick me up from school and he’d sing at the top of his lungs this, uh, Creedence Clearwater song? God, what was it called?” 
Eddie laughs, leaning back against the booth seat. “Have You Ever Seen The Rain.” 
“Yes!” You stutter out a laugh, eyebrows furrowing in confusion that he somehow knew. “H-how do you know that?”
“I witnessed it once. You pulled your book bag over your head and threw yourself into the back seat. I’d never seen him laugh that hard before.” 
“Oh my god.” You mumble as you bury your face in your hands. 
“Stop, come back.” Eddie laughs as he tries to pry your hands from your face, standing up over the table to tickle your ribs, you jerk away from his touch, giggles spilling out from your lips. “Quit being embarrassed. Your dad was so cool.” 
“He was.” You say after your laughs simper down, sighing heavily. “I know you used to read to him. He loved when you’d spend time with him like that.” 
“That man would listen to me ramble about my DnD shit for hours.” Eddie chuckles, looking out the window at the darkening sky; a storm blowing in. 
“I’m not gonna see my mom.” You say quickly, looking down when his eyes switch from the thick gray clouds to your eyes. “She doesn’t deserve to make peace with me.” 
Eddie nods once, seems to think to himself for a moment, before he reaches across the table to take your hand in his. Your body shivers at his cool touch, calloused thumb rubbing wide circles over the knuckles of your hands. 
“I support you in whatever you decide.” He speaks with such assurance you want to cry, not used to such support from anyone other than your father. Eddie looks at you earnestly, his eyes not once wavering as he makes sure you know he’s on your side. Your heart pounds inside the cage of your chest, a strange hotness tingles down your spine and through your fingertips. You want to tell him something… you’re not sure what. 
“Eddie, I-” You’re cut off by two heaping plates of waffles, topped with delicious looking fruit, being placed down in front of you. His hand leaves yours and the emptiness you feel at the loss of his touch is overwhelming. 
“Here you go, kids. Eat up.” Pam says, bubbly and happy, giving Eddie a raised brow before walking back to the front counter. 
“You want syrup, Angel?” He asks with a smile and you nod, allow him to drizzle the amber liquid over your fluffy fruit topped waffles, wishing instead he’d place his hand back in yours. 
The rain comes down in heavy sheets as Eddie pulls the van in front of your trailer, cutting the lights that cast a yellow glow across your closed curtains, he leans back into his seat. 
“Thanks for, uh, you know.. hanging out with me.” You unbuckle your seat belt and turn to face him. 
“You’re thanking me?” You ask with a small laugh, turning the knob of the radio until the sound slowly fades to a soft hum. “I should be thanking you, Eddie.” 
He shakes his head, trying -and failing- to hide his boyish grin behind his hair. “Nah, it’s the least I could do. I’m just happy you came.” 
“Me too.” You lean over a bit to place your hand on his thigh, pinky grazing the skin of his knee through the hole in his ripped jeans. “I like spending time with you, Eddie.” 
You watch his entire body tense, his knuckles cracking as he death grips the steering wheel, suddenly unable to look towards you, pensive brown eyes glued to the wet blue siding of your trailer. That feeling is back, the same one from that night almost a month ago when you had him in the palm of your hands. Expect, it feels different now, less vicious, less carnal. 
Your need for him is desperate, on a level you didn’t know it could be. You feel possessed as it leads your hand up the warmth of his thigh, the way it has you leaning over the space between the two of you to kiss right under his ear lobe. Eddie bites off a moan a little too late, the beginnings of it floating through the air- and inside your stomach a wildfire rages. You’re merely a puppet on strings to your desire for him, the invisible force too powerful to fight. 
“Angel..” He sighs all wispy and you have to clench your thighs together as you run your tongue up the thick cord of his neck. 
“Come inside.” You whisper, breath heavy with want, your trembling fingers dig into his cheeks as you turn him to look at you. His breath picks up when he locks onto your gaze, your pupils blown wide, tracing the span of his face. You pull him to you, tease him with a brush of your lips and he whimpers at the feathery touch because he’s been dying to finally kiss you. It’s exactly the reaction you want, and you give into his need with no resistance, kissing the air straight from his lungs as he gasps into your wet mouth. 
You’re quick to tangle your tongue with his, licking against the wet muscle as he fumbles with his seatbelt. He’s noisy in the kiss, moaning and groaning as you pull him closer, devour him with your lips and tongue, ignoring the clash of teeth and pain of the arm rest digging into your hip. You’re light headed by the time you pull away, smiling wickedly as his eyes flutter open, his face ruddy, his lips swollen and bitten red. He looks like a work of art and you’re determined to burn this moment into your brain.
“Come inside.” You say again, pushing his hair behind his ear. “I want to thank you properly.” 
“Y-you don’t have to…” He starts but quickly trails off, an obvious war in his mind. His gentleman morals cracking at the edges by his wanton need for you. 
“I want to, Eddie.” You kiss him sweetly this time, just a gentle peck against his lips that travels to each corner of his mouth. “Don’t make me beg, baby.” 
He wastes no time snatching the keys from the ignition, only takes a brief glance at you before he's throwing his door open and escaping into the pounding rain. 
You’re both soaked by the time you turn your key in the lock, the trailer dark and quiet as you pull him in after you, slam his wet body against the door. 
“Do you want me, Eddie?” You can’t help but ask, slipping your fingers under his shirt to feel the pillowy warmth of his stomach that quivers at your touch. 
“That's a stupid question.” He says with fake annoyance, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” 
His admission has you glowing in the darkness of your home, your smile genuine as you huff a laugh and grab his hand, pulling him down the small hallway to your room. You switch the bedside lamp on as you enter, quickly stripping from your wet clothes as Eddie stands and takes in his surroundings. 
“Hey.” You say once you're left in just your bra and underwear, tilting your head when he looks at you. “You okay?” 
Eddie blinks rapidly as he realizes you're stark appearance. 
“Jesus.” He groans, hand going down to absentmindedly adjust himself. “You’re so gorgeous, Angel.” 
You don't expect the way his words render you frozen, the way your heart clenches in your chest. You’ve never felt like this before and it so is a strange sensation. The same feeling you had in the diner when he held your hand and assured you he was there for you. 
You don’t want to think about this startling realization -that this crush you’ve harbored for him for years has shifted to something else, something completely foreign to you, something you never felt with Grant- you race to him, pull his body flush to yours as you kiss him with all the passion you can manage. 
It is the type of kiss that makes your knees buckle. The kind that awakens the butterflies in your stomach. Eddie guides you to your bed with his hand cupping the back of your head, lays you gently against your soft bedspread. 
“So fucking beautiful.” He says, eyes trailing every inch of skin exposed to the chill in your room. You watch through hooded eyes as he slips from his clothes. Slowly. Deliberately, like he’s putting on a show. He shakes his wild hair out as he throws his shirt across the room, his fingers trailing down the alabaster skin of his chest and stomach before he’s tugging at his belt. His hands still shake, his heart racing in his chest, as he fumbles with the button of his jeans. 
“Eddie, quit teasing.” You warn, sitting up and grabbing the waistband of his jeans. “Good boys don’t tease.” 
Eddie crumbles at your words, literally falling to his knees in front of you. He places sloppy kisses against the skin of your legs, so similar to what you did to him all those nights ago that it takes your breath away. You lay back, propped up on your elbows as you watch him make his way to your aching core. 
“Wanna taste you so bad.” He whispers into the swell of your mound, tongue peeking out to lick against the wet cotton of your underwear as he keeps his intense gaze on yours. He kitten licks again, this time with more pressure right where your pulsing clit lays, and you fall back as you moan.
“So sweet.” He says, but it sounds like he’s speaking to himself. “Better than I dreamed.” 
“Eddie-” You start to whine but stop when he hooks his fingers into the red lace of your underwear and smirks. 
“I fucking love these, you know. Look so pretty on you, my impatient girl.” 
He pulls them down your legs in a quick motion, tucking them in his back pocket, before shoving your legs up to your chest. It’s such a vulnerable position, so open and exposed, that it sends a violent shiver through your body.
“Starting a collection?” You attempt to tease him, trying to ease the insecurity that being like this gives you, but Eddie’s having none of it. He’s taken the reins in his calloused hands as he bites at the sensitive skin on the back of your thigh, the sharp pinch has you hissing, and you reach for him blindly. 
“Be quiet,” He hums, laying a gentle kiss against your clit. “I’m trying to focus here.” 
Your back arches as he dives in, spreading your lips apart with his thumbs as he blankets his tongue across your wet hole. He flicks the tip of it into your opening and groans deep in his chest when your pussy clenches desperately. Your grip tightens around his wrist, your other hand gripping his sheets behind your head like your life depends on it. 
He wants to eat you whole, make you feel the way he did when you were on your knees for him in his kitchen. He’d do anything to make you feel just as good, to allow you the euphoria he had felt when you sucked his tender balls into your smart mouth.
He drags his tongue up your slit, teases his way to your neglected clit, only to suck it into his mouth, a crude sound that almost makes you cringe but you don’t have the chance. Eddie suddenly nestles his middle finger deep inside, twisting it until he finds that sweet spongey part inside you, and you fall apart instantly with a choking gasp of his name. Your toes curl painfully, head dug awkwardly into the mattress as your hips leave the bed. Eddie never stops the sinful curl of his finger, his steady sucking of your clit, fucks you through it with pride in his chest and a moan stuck heavy in his throat. 
You cry out when the overstimulation starts, head still twinkling among the stars as that snap of heat burns through your core again, a second orgasm hanging by a thread. You feel like you're being dangled on the edge of a cliff, the pleasure of his tongue, that now flicks against you, so close to pain your eyes burn with pooling tears. But you don’t want him to stop, might actually internally combust if he stops. 
Eddie seems to sense your desperation as he slips another finger in, the stretch beautifully sharp, it has you dizzy and breathless. A useless mumbling mess as you beg and plead for him, nails scratching rosy red lines across his poor arm. 
“Cum.” He demands, voice ragged, locking his deep pupil blown eyes on you as you peer down at him, a hot tear sliding down your cheek. “Cum for me, please, please, please.”  His voice falls into a hushed whisper as he lowers his cum slick lips back to your clit. His chant seems to vibrate deep inside you, eyes clenching closed as you cry out. 
Your second orgasm hits you hard, harder than you’ve ever cum before. You sob as your eyes clench tight, your hot blood roaring like a freight train in your ears. You feel set aflame as you gush around his fingers, legs kicking free to tighten hard around his head. Eddie lets you suffocate him in your drenched heat, grips the top of your thigh as he ruts his painfully hard cock against the end of your bed, whimpers softly when your thighs go limp as he slows his fingers. Replacing his eager sucks with soft kisses. 
“Oh my fucking god.” You cry, your legs weak and limp as Eddie places each of your feet on the floor. You can feel how fucking wet you are, feel the way your cum and his spit drips down the curve of your ass. 
“You with me?” Eddie asks gently as he rubs your calves, hides his smug smile in your knee cap because it was him that made you cum like that. 
“Mhm.” It’s all you can manage, your body feels weightless, like you could be easily carried away into the fall breeze. The thunder outside fills the quiet of the room, the only other sound is your breathy soft gasps.
“You squirted.” He says and you can almost hear how proud he is, you can feel his big smile pressed against your knee. 
“What?” You’ve never done that before. 
“All fucking over me, Angel. Fucking hottest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.” 
“Oh my fucking god.” 
“I wanna make you do that again.” Eddie grins as he crawls over top of you pressing kisses against your hot, sweat damp, skin. “And again, and again, and again, and-” 
Eddie cuts himself off as he kisses you. Slow and passionate, it sucks the air out of your lungs before you’ve even regained it. You tuck your fingers into his surprisingly soft mop of curls, drag him in closer as you savor your taste still on his lips. 
“Mhm,” He hums, pulling away from the kiss to press his forehead against yours. “You taste divine.” 
“So do you.” You giggle, trailing your finger down his dark happy trail, finger breaking the barrier of his boxers. You grip his hard cock in your hand, slide your thumb against the wet slit of his head, the front of his boxers wet with precum. 
Eddie bucks his hips and whines, a broken sound that bounces off your eardrums, and it revs you up. Has you grinning devilishly as you push him till he’s laying flat against your sheets.
“Take your pants off, Eddie.” You say it firmly, surprising even yourself, biting back a laugh as he quickly yokes his pants down his legs, kicking them somewhere across the room before he’s doing the same to his boxers, his cock springing free to slap deliciously against his abdomen.
“Eager boy.” You muse, pulling a condom from your bedside table as you straddle him. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands once you’re on top of him, ripping open the wrapper with your teeth. His hands move from your hips to the sheets below before back to your hips. His eyes glued to your every move as he fumbles through his words.
“I- oh fuck, okay. This is happening. Shit, this is really happening.” He tips his head back with a moan as you slide the latex down his pulsing length. Snags his puffy bottom lip between his teeth. You settle on top of him, nestle his cock right between your wet folds, smoothing your hands over the mangled scar on his stomach. 
“Don’t leave me again after.” He says quietly and his eyes go wide; surprised he’s actually said this out loud. 
“It’s my house, Eddie.” 
Your gaze softens, heart a rabid drum against your ribs. You hadn’t thought leaving like you had that night would hurt him as much as it seems it had, only thought it part of your game. But you're starting to realize the game was lost that night in the back of his van when he stated plainly that Grant was an idiot for breaking up with you. Maybe it went even further back than that. All that time spent observing the boy the town hated so much, all the stolen glances and meaningless small talk at the mailbox. 
Eddie Munson had won the game a long time ago, unbeknownst to the both of you.
“I won’t leave, if you won’t.” You offer. A deal. A silent question on if he felt the same. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He smiles up at you as he says it, chocolate eyes shining brightly. 
Silently you reach down to position him at your entrance, slowly inching down his length as your pussy clenches around his thick cock and his fingers bruise the smooth skin of your waist. The stretch is glorious, you can feel all of him -every vein, every twitch, the swell of his tip as he bottoms out inside you pressed tight against your most sensitive place- completely consumed by Eddie. 
His name is the only thing you can say, whimpering it hotly as you raise up and slide back down, the feel of him dragging through your walls intoxicating. 
“I’m not gonna last long.” He pants, meeting your bounce with a thrust of his own. The pace slow but hard, and every time he hits that place inside you that makes you gasp, you fall further onto his chest until his arms are wrapped around your back. "You're pussy’s too good, oh fuck, jesus christ, so tight and w-wet.” 
“Fuck, Eddie.” You nuzzle your face into his neck and he braces his hand against the back of your head, hugging you close to his sweaty body. 
“Is this what you wanted?” His demeanor shifts instantly, his thrusts faster and deeper than they were before and his hand comes around to your throat, pulling you up till your face hovers over him. His eyes are dark, darker than you can even believe, and the intensity in his gaze will forever be burned into your memories. 
“Is this what you wanted, Angel?” He asks again, nearly hisses through his clenched teeth. “To ruin me for others? Because I am. I’m fucking yours baby. That’s what you wanted, right?” 
You gasp brokenly when his fingers find your clit, working you quickly to the edge of your third orgasm of the night. 
“Answer me.” His voice sonorous, his hips frantic as he presses his heels into the mattress to fuck up into you more earnestly. He’s so close. So close that his vision is starting to haze, his balls tight as they slam against your cheeks, but he won’t cum. 
Won’t cum until you finally fucking say it. 
“Eddie…” You whine, eyes rolling back into your head as you teeter on the edge of bliss. 
“Just say it, Angel. Say it and you can cum.” He rasps out, his fingers dance against your clit in heavy circles and its too much and not enough at the same time. You’re desperate to cum -desperate to finally come clean- and you slam his hand that's around your throat into the sheets above his head. Crash your lips against his in a messy clash of teeth and tongue but its so good. Beautiful, breathtaking, perfect. 
Screw the game. 
“Yes, Eddie, yes. You’re mine.” You’re voice is laced with possessiveness and Eddie whimpers like an obedient puppy, nodding his head as he echoes-
Time seems to slow as you cum, stars in your eyes and this blooming feeling in your heart, and you think you black out. You fall into him as he shouts your name, so cock drunk and thoroughly fucked you can just barely hear him over the ringing in your ears. He thrusts once, twice, before he’s spilling his hot seed into the condom and you can feel that too. Can feel the heat of it as he slows but never stops. Pumping into your used hole until he’s wincing at the overstimulation.
When you float back down to earth, Eddie’s rubbing soothing circles up and down your spine, humming in satisfaction to himself as he waits for you to come back to him. 
“Hey.” You whisper with a smile, kissing his neck sweetly. 
“You okay?” 
“Better. But I am gonna be sore tomorrow. Might have to call out of work.” Eddie chuckles at this, rolling your both onto your sides still wrapped up in each others arms, his softening cock still inside you.    
"Yeah, you know, I had a feeling you were gonna be sick tomorrow." He teases, rubbing his nose against your own before placing a soft kiss to your lips. When he pulls back his eyebrows are furrowed with faux concern. "You probably should call out tomorrow, I definitely think you won't be able to get out of bed in the morning." 
You laugh, cheeks hot as he winks at you. "Oh, yeah? Is that a threat?" 
Eddie shakes his head, his eyes shimmer as they look at you, admiring your beautiful features. He's definitely a goner, in too deep to even think about swimming to the surface. He's chosen to die in the glimmering sea that is you. 
"No, sweetheart, that's a promise." 
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sparrow-flight · 19 days
New Year's Wishes
[583 words, 3 minutes]
1 January 2017 Winnipeg, Canada
It is a few days past Christmas and another ten years past miracles — and yet, the Vorobyev’s Christmas miracle was present, nevertheless. Here, on the rickety deck of the small house, stood the father beneath the late-night moon. Ten long, difficult years of being wrongly kept away from his children were steeled into the lines on his face, the bags under his eyes, and the greys in his hair. His welcome back to society was no kinder. The harsh, cold wind of this still-foreign land spits in his still-foreign face, and the snow-sheeted streets bite into his ankles with each drag of his foot.
As hope of his freedom eroded over the years, the father’s chest caged the bird of his heart. There, it secretly sang for the warmth it longed for. But today, it flutters with nervous love for the ones who wait behind the door. He knocks. The bird hums against his chest.
The father sees the shutters bend for a peek out the window. Then the door flings open, and his eldest child throws themselves onto their father. With shrill glee, they call out to their siblings. The little sister scampers out of their shared bedroom into the dark of night. The older brother is more mindful, more doubtful. He turns on the light to chase away what ghost may be standing at the door. But still, his father remains. Ten years of longing bubbles as tears in his eyes and excitement on his lips.
The father finally calls out to his children, and it is birdsong to their ears.
Excitement buzzes the family awake through the night. The family flocks into the children's nest, and they chitter-chatter in the starry glow of night-lights and lamps. Questions spill out with awed confusion, and embraces make up for lost time. But eventually, the lull of sleep drifts the conversations away, like a whisper blowing a flame into smoke. The eldest and the brother sink into sleep. The father, exhausted by the storm of emotions of the day, claims the floor between the two beds as his own. But the little sister, her hair bright and orange like the sun, perches awake on her upper bunk above the eldest. Eyes wide in the dark, she lowers her soft blanket and pillow-clouds to the ground, then inches towards her father.
He smiles and welcomes her into his embrace. How can one say no to such warmth in this cold, winter night? With both their heads in the pillow-clouds, the little sister curls up against her father, trying to wrap her small sky-blue blanket over the both of them. Her father is far too tall for the blanket and his legs stick out the bottom, but his heart is warmer than ever with the little ball of fire at his chest. 
The little sister sighs with content, only a few snuggles away from sleep — but she looks up to her father for one final peep:
"Papa, you're gonna stay with us for good, right?"
The father smiles.
"Yes, my little sparrow. For as long as I can."
The father turns off the lights. He moves the blanket off him and fully wraps his daughter in its sky-blue, wishing her flame may never die. She leans on him and lets sleep take her far, far away from what she did not hear, for the second of silence before his response told her more than what his scarred lips ever could.
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keylovesstuff · 1 year
Lost and Found
Mario fandom, may I humbly offer my first contribution lol. A Peach fanfic cause I can't get my mind off this gal. A little idea that's been crawling in my brain for a while, and I finally sat myself down in front of a word doc to just write it up. So, takes place in the movie-verse until the point in the flashback where baby peach encounters the toads and just a tad bit after that.
The small blonde walked through the now abandoned town in search of just anyone at this point. Stores that were once filled with shoppers looking to purchase a variety of different things while workers assisted were now empty. The playground where she'd play and laugh with girls and boys of all ages was now filled with silence. Home, where she had awoken from a nap alone for the first time ever, was missing her mom and dad. The door was left wide open as she scrambled off the couch making a grab for her purple blanket and tying around her neck. With pink shoes now on the best way her parents showed her how to and pacifier in hand she was out the house. What started out as a fun game of hide and seek in the young child's mind, began to grow into worry as the sky went from a beautiful light blue to a bright orange.
"Mommy? Daddy? Hello" The child once again called out, peering around yet another aisle inside yet another building. The three-year old made sure that no area was left unsearched even if that meant stacking items on top of each other to reach door handles. For the tenth time in her mind, she was met with no response.
Small blue eyes began to fill up with tears as she felt her heart break in two. Sniffling, she Reached up to her cheeks to wipe away the wetness and reached inside her skirt pocket for her pacifier. It wasn't much but it did bring her some comfort as it always would. Vaguely she could hear her father telling her mother how she was getting too old for it and should have been weaned off of it ages ago. A small smile would appear on her mother's face while she cooked up a meal in the kitchen laughing as she would always promise to start the process next week only to not follow through. With another failed search in locating anyone, the girl left the store feeling exhausted mentally and physically. Little legs aching for a break after walking for what seemed like forever she finally gave in, sitting on the ground and leaning against the brick wall of the store. 
Taking the blanket from around her neck she covered her body and closed her eyes. The child's mind finally embraced the negative thoughts that started to itch at her brain after the fifth place she looked. 
No, there will be no one at the next place you go.
No matter how loud you call out, no one will answer back.
Yes you are alone and will never see anyone again.
With the last of her hope dissolving, she succumbed to sleep and let the last of her tears fall.
The cold breeze awoke her from her slumber this time, having shifted from her original sitting to lying on her side sometime in her sleep causing the blanket to slide off. Shivering slightly she wrapped the blanket as tightly around her as she could to feel warm.  Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she realized that the sky was now a dark blue and the only light came from the moon and the many of the stars in the sky.  A memory of sitting in her dads lap with her mom on his side pointing out the stars on a grassy field to them flashed before her eyes.  They began to fill up with salty water after removing her sight from the sky to look across the street when something strange caught her eye. Floating and staring was a pink pudgy starry figure that she only ever saw in the picture books her parents read to her during bedtime.  Sitting up she stared right back into the creature's black eyes as she tried to recall the name the stories gave it.
"A Duma?" She took her pacifier out and voiced aloud as its name finally came to mind. It made a sound in a language that probably no one would understand. The Luma beckoned with its entire body to follow and started off down the street. Puzzled for a moment to process things she shook her head standing up and frantically cried out "Wait, please don't go" she grabbed her blanket once again placed it around her neck and pocketed her pacifier before taking off in the direction it went.
The Luma led her to the forest that every adult, be it their families or not in the town warned every child that could walk not to enter. As it went ahead, the little girl came to a complete stop where the town ended and the forest started hesitating to cross. Sensing that she was no longer following, the Luma also came to a stop and turned to face her, repeating the beckoning gesture from before.
"Duma, I'm not supposed to go in there." She explained with a soft voice pointing a finger at the forest  that is full of unknown secrets.  "I'll get in trouble if someone sees me-"  that last word barely escaped her mouth before she promptly closed it, bringing her previous hand to cover her mouth.
The thoughts from earlier crept back into her mind, repeating the phrases she tried hard to ignore throughout the day. This time though a new thought came to her mind. What if everyone went into the forest and was just waiting for her to join them?  A new hope filled up in her chest and she looked at the Luma with a newfound determination and courage.
"Ok I'll follow you, but you gotta promise that there's anyone there" She told the creature and it responded with the same unknown sound. 
"Alright let's go then" she let out a small giggle before looking at her feet one by one as they crossed into the beginning of the forest. The girl turned to take in one final look at the empty and stared for a moment before following the Luma further in.
The two figures ventured in silence for a little while longer. The blonde child only stopped every few feet to glance around and up ahead for any sign of a familiar figure. The Luma came to a stop first and the girl bumped into its body several seconds after being distracted. 
"Hey why did we-" she started to ask but could not continue the rest of her question as she took in her new surroundings. The luma had led them to an area with a stony ground surrounded by huge pillars. What had caught her eye the most was the green object built in between the two pillars as it glowed a white light in the middle. "Wow" was the only word she could bring herself to voice.
The girl suddenly had a feeling that whatever was inside the pipe was calling to her as she started to walk forward only to be stopped by the Luma placing its body against her to keep her in place. The Luma floated lower to the ground and it took the child a few moments to figure that it must have wanted her to sit down. Sitting on the ground she crossed her legs and placed her hands in between them facing the green object. With more than decent patience for a child her age, she started squirming in place the longer they sat there the more she wanted to just get up and go into the mysterious object. From fiddling with the blanket around her body to messing with the object in her pocket to tapping her fingers against her legs, all of that could only distract her but so much from not focusing on the light. What if everyone was waiting for her on the other side and she was holding them up by waiting here? As soon as that thought entered her mind she got up and tried to make a dash as quick as her little legs could go.
All she could process was the sound of the Luma making a noise behind her and bumping into something the next moment before landing on her bottom. Rubbing her head she looked up to what had caused her to fall and what she saw took her by complete surprise left her speechless.A light blonde haired women with a bang covering one eye wearing a crown in a beautiful blue dress was levitating slightly above the ground and holding a star wand appeared in front of her with a smile. While she never knew everyone in the town, she was certain she would remember a person that could float.  The question 'who are you' was on the tip of her tongue but she couldn't bring herself to voice it aloud, It didn’t take much longer for the women above her to speak.
“Hello there little one, It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She kindly greeted the child who still stared at with a confused expression in her eyes and mouth agape in question.
 “You have gone through so much in such a short amount of time. Allow me to heal your mind.” With that said, she lowered the wand to the child's head. It began to glow as all the negative thoughts and memories left.
On one hand it felt as though nothing could hold the child back from embracing any and everything that would come her way. On the other hand it felt as though two important people disappeared and she couldn’t recall who they were or if they ever existed in the first place. The woman removed her wand when she was satisfied with her magic. The girl continued to look on with wide eyes.
“You are going to do so many amazing things and inspire so many in your future.” The woman started to say to the child who looked on with wonder filled eyes.
 “You will meet allies and foes alike. There will be many challenges you’ll have to face but you will get through them with your bravery. I have already seen it.” She assured and moved to the side to reveal the glowing green object once more.
“Go on in, They are waiting for you on the other side. Guide and Protect them. Show them what a respectable and kind leader you can be. Our paths will cross again one day” With that final promise the woman started to vanish before the girl's eyes.
When the figure faded away completely she was once again alone and had so many questions. What did all of it mean? Was everything the women said was true? Who will she meet on the other side? That last question would be answered sooner rather than later as she could finally enter the thing that was pulling her in. While she was mostly ready to take that step, there was a small part of her that was fearful of the unknown. Reaching in her pocket once more she grabbed her pacifier and put it in her mouth to feel that comfort, before taking in a small breath and stepping in. Finding herself flowing aimlessly through this portal, she took in the colors some of which she had never seen before. Despite floating in midair she felt calm and just let the current take her to its predetermined destination. Up ahead she saw another round green object similar to the one in the stoned area, The current around her started to slow down in preparation to enter the pipe again. 
The girl was finally able to stand up and walk on her own two feet the rest of the way. Clutching her hands she took in the environment around her as the exit came closer she placed her hand on the green object to hold her balance as she took a step down. Taking this time to look in front of her she noticed that these rainbowed people dressed in identical clothing and were slightly taller than herself but they had this warm and inviting presence about them that made approaching them much easier so she did. The creatures also approached her but with slightly more caution in their step following the green person who was leading the other two bent down in front of her with a smile. The woman's words of being ‘a kind person’  ringed in the back of her mind. So she did what she thought was the nicest thing and took out her cherished pacifier and stuck it in the creature's mouth who looked on in confusion. Giggling she jumped up wrapping her arms around its shoulders immediately feeling safe and secure as this person also embraced her holding her up.
“Told you that you had a way with kids” came a teasing voice from behind. “Ow what I say?” the yellow person rubbed its arm and stared offendedly at the other person that whacked him moments prior.
“Now’s not the time for jokes, you dummy this is serious.” the red one scolded the other. “Some strange person just came out of the pipe after it's been glowing all day. It could be here to kill us.” It tried to get the other to understand their point of view. “You better take that thing out of your mouth TG, it could be poisonous” he suggested to the green guy. The yellow one scoffed out a ‘really dude c’mon’ under its breath.
“Mmm” TG mouthed before shifting the child's body weight onto one side of its body removing the pacifier and sticking it back into her mouth. “Well it does just seem like an innocent baby, but better safe than sorry. Let’s head to Toadsworth. He could probably tell us what you are. Yes he can” he gave the blonde's belly a tickle drawing out that giggle from earlier. 
“No, don't make friends with it, we aren't sure of its motives yet” The red one tried again with no avail as it began to lead the way back to the others with the other two trailing behind. 
“I like the moon, it's pretty” was the first sentence the child said out loud as she pointed at the object in the sky as they all hiked back.
“Wow you do?” TG engaged with her as she nodded eagerly. “I do too, it's very pretty on nights like these” he agreed with her. Several minutes of this went on where she pointed out things she likes and he would talk with her. At one point even the yellow guy hopped into the conversation much to the annoyance of the red person.
“Hey, what are you?” she asked tapping TG’s shoulder to get his attention.
“What am I? Oh well I’m what's called a Toad. Can you say that? Toad” he mouthed it out loud to her slowly and they both repeated it several times.
“I like Toad, they're nice,” she said, nuzzling her face closer into TGs neck and wrapping her arms around him tighter. Before he could return the compliment the red toad spoke up.
“We’re here guys, let's go.” He knocked on the door three times before a brown spotted Toad with a brown mustache and red bowtie appeared in the doorway. “Something finally came out the pipe that we’ve been keeping an eye on all day. It appears to be a baby of some kind” he added as the three of them were ushered inside.
Toadsworth offered them tea as they all began to gather around the small table. The child continued clutching onto the green toad and only glanced every now and again at the mustached gentleman. The four of them conversed over tea gathering new information from the elder Toad. They first found out its gender which was revealed to them as a female and that she belonged to one of the species called humans, though with there being many galaxies and regions they could reside in, the probability in pinpointing the exact place of origin she was from would be a challenge even a guy as smart as him couldn’t figure out. They also came to the conclusion that based on how she interacted with the environment that she was on par with the toad children starting school. The red toad finally stopped giving the child a look of suspicion and after the third round of tea the host directed the conversation towards the blonde girl reaching for the kettle in the middle of the table.
“Oh how rude of me. Please accept my sincerest apologies my dear.” Toadsworth quickly got out of his seat heading over to the cabinet to grab another cup. “A gentleman must always offer a lady a drink.” He started to pour her a cup of tea before the green toad interrupted 
“I think she might be a little too young for tea or anything with caffeine for that matter, Toadsworth sir.” he said, motioning his head to the child who now had her own seat.
“You are quite right, The youth these days mustn't get used to relying on stuff like this.” Toadsworth chuckled and went over to the fridge to see what refreshments he had in there. “Oh yes I just received a carton of milk from the meadows this morning. Would you like that m’lady?” In response he got an excited round of applause from the child. 
Toadsworth offered to take care of the child for the remainder of the night and start some research in the morning for which planet she could be from and if needed within the next couple of days or weeks put together a group of toads to get this kid back home to her parents. He prepared her for bed first and then went through his nighttime routine which included grabbing a snack for bed, tonight being a fresh bowl of sliced peaches. The girl sat on the bed flipping through a picture book he gave her.
“Well my dear I’m terribly sorry for just now realizing this” He apologized, placing the bowl on the nightstand next to the bed she looked up from the book first to the food and then to him. “My fellow comrades or I failed to ask you your name. So what are you called?” he asked and she stared at him for a few moments before she opened her mouth.
“I want the Peach” she pointed to the bowl that was on the nightstand behind him causing him to reach for the bowl and present it in front of her, smiling when she reached out and grabbed a couple slices.
“Ok now back to important matters.” he cleared his throat into his fist. “What would you like us to call you for the time that you reside with us?” He tried again to get her to focus on what he was asking.
“I like Peach” She said with a smile after finishing the last bite flashing him a toothy smile and he stared at her thoughtfully for a moment.
“Alright I shall call you Lady Peach when you’re in my presence and make sure everyone calls you that as well” He told her and assumed she’d probably have a different answer to the question by tomorrow or the next couple of days.
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start-your-art · 26 days
Art is NOT a talent. It's a skill.
Absolutely nobody picks up a pencil or paintbrush for the first time and creates a masterpiece.* Nobody is born automatically "talented."
*If you're trying out a new medium like say acrylic painting and have previously built up skill drawing with pencils there ARE transferable skills and some people can still make amazing artworks their first time but there is still a learning curve! Your mileage will just vary.
But so much of what we see online and in galleries and in textbooks is finished artwork from artists that have spent years or even decades developing their craft and their skills. It's not fair to compare beginner artwork to that but we do. It's easy to feel like some people are talented and some people aren't.
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Image ID: A photo of The Starry Night painting by Vincent Van Gogh. The lower 1/3 of the painting depicts a small village. To the left is a large dark mass that stretches from the bottom of the canvas to the top. The sky is built out of thick black, blue and white brushstrokes that form swirling shapes. As well as yellow stars encircled by lighter brushstrokes and a big yellow crescent moon in the top right corner. End ID.
So how do we stay motivated to learn a skill when we don't feel talented?
Practice 1: Don't compare your work to anything else. This is ideal but really hard to do! Especially when the internet makes it so easy to access art from anywhere, anyone, and any time! And it's pretty impossible to go your whole life without interacting with art whether it's film, music, paintings, sculpture, posters, books, etc.
In practice this might mean going offline when you feel bad about your art or your work. It might mean avoiding engaging in art an hour or so before you begin work on something. Or avoiding the internet while you're working.
Practice 2: Compare your newer work to your older work. It can be really helpful to see how far you have come. But it can also still be frustrating if it's not at the level you want it to be. It can also be frustrating to see older work that's "better."
In practice this might mean keeping a folder or portfolio of work you are proud of that's easy to access whenever you need a boost of inspiration. You can also try sharing your work with friends and family if you can rely on them to express joy at seeing your work and lift your spirits when something doesn't turn out exactly as you wanted it to.
Side note: I have run into many cases on Tumblr where people say it's IMPOSSIBLE to get worse at your chosen craft. It's not. Skills aren't linear. If for any reason you have to take a break from your craft you will probably be rusty when you return to it. Sometimes trying something new with your craft won't have the results you want. And even if you practice every day and get really good at your craft, you're still human. Humans have bad days. It happens. But this is why even comparing yourself to your own art isn't perfect. (And if you are losing skills because of mental or physical health problems that can be uniquely frustrating but know that even if you can't create at the supposed "higher level" you were at before, any art you make is still wonderful and worth making and sharing!)
Practice 3: Seek out and enjoy different kinds of art! Seek out beginner art. Seek out different kinds of art!
In practice you can try following so-called amateur artists online with small follower counts and uplift each other in the comments. You can seek out new art forms and styles that don't meet the "perfect" or "highly talented" standards you set for yourself. (Hint: Linda Berry's art is great for this. She intentionally creates art the way a child might and has done small workshops at art schools demonstrating how freeing it can be to let go of notions of perfect anatomy, perfect proportion, etc).
I have one final thought:
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Image ID: A sketch on what looks like a yellowed piece of paper. On the left is a building constructed out of simple rectangles. Extending from the right of it is a simple line for the horizon with a couple tiny triangles and half circles representing boats in water. There is a flat railing made of two horizontal lines and many small vertical lines in-between that divides the water and the land. Roughly sketched plants in a gated area beside it. And a simple lamp post extending from the bottom right of the page towards the top. End ID.
If this were hanging in a museum across from The Starry Night would you think it belongs there? Do you think the artist that made this drawing is less talented than the one that made The Starry Night? What if this artist kept drawing landscapes? What if this artist took up painting? What if this artist tried experimenting with colour? What if this artist experimented with brushstrokes? What if I told you that Van Gogh was the artist that made this sketch called View of Royal Road, Ramsgate in 1876, thirteen years before he painted The Starry Night?
You can visit this page to see hundreds of his early works if you don't believe me: https://www.wikiart.org/en/vincent-van-gogh/all-works#!#filterName:all-paintings-chronologically,resultType:masonry
Practice 4: Look up old works from your favourite artists if you can. What they created when they started will likely be much different from what they're known for. And it might be something easier for you to aim for if you wish to practice to create like them.
Everyone starts somewhere.
Art is NOT a talent. It’s a skill.
Nobody is born automatically “talented.”
It’s not fair to yourself to compare your work to finished artwork made by artists that have spent years developing your craft.
So instead:
Try hard not to compare yourself to others. Minimize how much or when you engage with other art if needed.
Remind yourself of work you’ve done that you love and how much you have learned and accomplished. Work to enjoy the process of creating more than the finished product.
Seek out different kinds of art that’s made by beginner artists or that doesn’t look “perfect”. You'll be less hard on yourself for not meeting unrealistic standards.
Take inspiration from your favourite artists but not just the work they’re known for. If you can, seek out their beginner, rougher work. Their work that you admire will seem much more possible when you can understand how they got there.
Everyone starts somewhere.
My hope is that my new blog @start-your-art will be a good resource for anyone looking to start or continue their art journey.
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archiveofthelibrarian · 10 months
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Manwion had hair of silver, which at night, reflected the starry sky yet glistened gold when Laurelin waxed. His long silver waves was adored by all, Quendi and Ainur alike, rivaled only by the gold-silver hair of Artanis which was said to have captured the very essence of the Two Trees.
Love and Glass
Inspired by my conversation with @animatorweirdo as anon here.
I have conflicted feelings about this. One one hand, I love the idea and can't get it out of my head. On the other, my execution of this is questionable. So I am throwing it into the void of internet.
I tried to mimick the style in which Tolkien wrote to convey this idea's whimsical and dreamy feel in my head. Alhtough I am not sure I have succeded. Again, this is not beta read, so feel free to point out any mistakes. I
Masterpost for the fic can be found here.
DISCLAİMER: I do not own anything you recognize. This is a fanwork for entertainment purposes and should be regarded as such.
Word count: 432
Long ago, before the rising of the Sun and the Moon, all newborn elves would be brought before the Valar so that they may receive a blessing from those who crafted Arda.
With time, there grew a great love for elflings in the hearts of the Valar. And though they all loved the elves, there was no greater love than the one Manwë and Varda bore.
Their love was so great, that they wished to love a child of their own, and though they knew it was against the vision of Eru, they set out to work.
With the help of Aulë the smith, Manwë and Varda took their love, poured it into Aulë's work, and then shaped and molded it into their desire.
Finally, a child resembling an elfling came to be from the work of the Valar. Though he looked as any elfling would, he had no free will or fire of his own.
Eru, who saw the great love Manwë and Varda bore for this creation for their's, allowed him to live and have a fire of his own.
But this wayward behavior of Manwë and Varda could not go unpunished, so he allowed the child no name of his own, save for Manwion, meaning son of Manwë, so that he may know when he is called.
Blinded by their love for the little child they would call their own, Manwë and Varda paid no mind to it.
But everyone else did.
The rest of the Valar pitied him, the Maiar shed tears him and the Quendi looked at him oddly, for the Quendi valued their names above all their possessions.
But Manwion understood none of this, for he was a being of innocence and wonder. He could not understand any darkness or malice.
But that did not matter in a world pure and untainted.
What none of the dwellers of Aman, save for Fëanáro, understood was that nothing in this world could last forever.
Soon, Melkor was released from the Halls after his three ages long imprisonment and he started his plan for revenge.
No one noticed as he sowed lies and discord among the Noldor. No one until he stole the holy light and the precious prince.
Melkor, who was renamed into Morgoth, destroyed the Two Trees with the help of the spider Ungoliant and kidnapped Manwion.
As the Valar and the Vanyar wept for their loss, the Noldor took action. With their spirits ignited by Fëanáro's passionate speech, they started their journey to the eastern lands of Beleriand.
The dead bodies of the Trees stand in Ezellohar still but no one knows what happened to their joyful, pure prince Manwion.
Not even the Dark Lord himself.
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velvets-stuff · 9 months
Eeeey, someone sent me an ask asking me about fun facts about the brothers in fish in a birdcage AU, but things happened and the ask was deleted, that's why I'm answering it here!
little facts are always fun to do. (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
The first thing that comes to mind about this Martin is the way he chooses his nicknames for others, since Martin uses names of birds or fish, I will borrow the brothers from the epilogue AU to use them as an example (small apology Kazzy , it is for a greater good 🙏)... F.B!Martin possibly calls Epilogue!M “owl” because of the relationship with witchcraft that these animals have, although mainly because of the wise appearance that they have and that would remind him of that M, on the other hand, he would call Epilogue!C something like “Koi” for the Koi fish since the white and orange-reddish colors of the fish would be somewhat similar to the mark/tattoo on this C's face... with those examples I think you already understand how it works, F.B!Martin will take some element/characteristic of someone (almost always superficial) and compare it to a bird or fish 👀.
F.B!Martin is awful at babysitting, If he is put to take care of a child, it is almost guaranteed that the child will end up crying, and who will be the guilty? Definitely not the weird guy who enjoys making cruel jokes and is terrifying by nature 😀
Speaking of cruel jokes, Martin has a somewhat dark sense of humor, not in the sense that it is funny black humor, but rather that it is already unpleasant and cruel, in addition to the fact that he is generally bad at jokes, so it is practically It is impossible for anyone to laugh at his jokes 💀
In general Martin, although charismatic, does come across as rude, especially this is shown since Martin KNOWS that his jokes are not funny and tells them anyway, a little in the hope that someone will laugh, but mostly because he doesn't care. “Didn't you think it was funny? I don't care!!”
I forgot to put this in the official reference image of F.B!Martin (I'll change it when I can), but Martin canonically has a missing tooth, there is no super epic or tragic story that accompanies that, it is simply a characteristic of his design.
Sometimes, on rare occasions, Martin makes normal/non-cruel jokes, and on much rarer occasions these jokes are actually funny.
He doesn't have a bad memory, but over time he has come to forget some things, mainly the universes where he has been but also some things about his original universe, like the voices of his friends and loved ones...
This poor man has never seen the stars in his life 💀, in his original universe there was a lot of light pollution and therefore when it was night the starry sky did not exist, perhaps he could partially see the moon but nothing really impressive, therefore one of the Things he would like to do (after getting revenge on F.B! Martin obviously xd) is to see the starry sky for the first time, and if he's lucky even see a shooting star 👀
Chris bites, no, that's not a way of saying, it's not an exaggeration, he LITERALLY BITES, although he normally defends himself like any other person (with fists and weapons(?), if you're close enough, the first thing he probably does is make it bite you.
Martin calls him “Magpie”, he still doesn't know why.
Chris likes to collect precious stones, although it is enough for him that they look pretty (and if they shine better), therefore he has a small jar with stones in his bag.
The scarf he wears used to belong to his older brother (the Martin of his original universe), it was the only thing left of him, therefore he has a lot of appreciation for that scarf, to the point that he can become somewhat possessive or aggressive.
He doesn't like to read, not for the reasons you may think, but because, for some reason, Chris can't imagine the scenes that the books tell, he only sees the letters, so he ends up getting bored.
On the contrary, Chris likes drawing more, watching movies or even audiobooks, anything where he doesn't have to read something will be more interesting to him.
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spahhzy · 1 year
WhiteKnight. (Spoilers for FFXVI read at your own risk)
Jaune eyes slowly opened as he was met with the sight of sand as his ears picked up the sound of waves and feeling water lap at his boots.
Jaune barely lifted himself up from the sand before weekly, turning over on his back as he breathed heavily, his blue eyes were met with the clear night starry sky.
The last thing he remembered was beating the brother gods and using their power to get rid of Grimm, magic, and aura...
Jaune raised his left hand, the color of his skin turning a stone white as he tried to activate his aura in his hand streaks of gold stuttered before dissipating away.
Jaune just stared at his hand in resignation as he let it fall back to the sand before casting his eyes back to the clear starry sky and the moon...
The beautiful moon.
It always reminded him of her.
"Can you see it, too, Weiss?" Jaune muttered, tired as his eyes closed and his head fell to the side.
Outside of the infirmary at Beacon, Nora paced back and forth, waiting in anticipation before suddenly a cry rang out.
The cry of a baby.
A smile on her face as Nora opened the door and ran inside.
"Aren't you the most beautiful thing..." whispered Fiona as she cradled her newborn child in her arms.
"He is, isn't he?" Said Weiss as she looked on mesmerized.
"What are you going to call him?" Asked an excited Penny.
"Let me see, let me see!" said Nora, running I'm as she saw the newborn baby.
"Oh, little one! Got a smile for your Aunt Nora!?" Asked Nora excitedly.
"Shh, not so loud, Nora!" Penny said in a hushed voice.
"What!? I was only-"
"Shhh, you're scaring him!"
Weiss smiled warmly at the two before turning her eyes to see Juniper, Jaune and hers jackalope looking into the night sky.
Weiss casted her eyes to the sky and saw stars upon stars, but most of all, the moon.
The same moon Jaune promised to watch with her...
She then noticed the flickering of the metia star that she prayed to every time, the prayer being Jaune would make it safely back home...
Home to her.
The red little star flickered once more before it began to fade away from the sky.
Weiss heart stopped as she looked down as tears began pooling in her eyes as she shook her head.
The metia star didn't answer her prayer, and now it's gone...
Jaune was de-
She couldn't finish those thoughts as she put a hand to her mouth as she began to cry, her tears streaming down her face before she ran out the infirmary room with Juniper following behind her as Nora looked on already understanding what had happened she bowed her head as she began to cry.
"If need a rest, I can take him," Penny offered and Fiona nodded.
"I'll hold you too that," She said as Nora raised her heads, streaks of tears rolling down her face as she looked at the baby.
"The world is yours now. Yours to do with as your please" Nora in a quivering voice.
"That's what Ozma wanted. That's what both of them wanted. " Nora said as she made a vow similar to the one she made with Jaune before he left to go fight the brother gods, that she would see to it that this new world Jaune had given them would be one where they strive together.
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shiningwonderland · 9 months
Ren Jinguji (Repeat)
Translator: Mimi (Twitter: _mimisaurora)
August - A Midsummer Tango
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I think only of Jinguji-san.
My thoughts are utterly consumed by him.
His voice was what first attracted me to him.
It has an overwhelming presence and a natural charisma.
Not to mention, his musical talent.
I was shaken to my core when I first heard the sound of his saxophone back in April.
I feel he is taking "music" seriously....
At least that's my impression.
The air he usually has about him when he interacts with his typical girls feels synthetic...
The lonely look he sometimes displays leaves me with a strong impression.
He is kind and treats everyone equally. 
He will gently caution those who want to be special and keep them away.
He is passionate when it comes to competition, but is willing and ready to drop out to help someone going through a tough time.
He flees when you chase him, and will make sure you look at him when you turn away.
He is a mysterious, dangerous, and fascinating person.
... I still can't figure him out even after thinking about it like this….
Haruka: It’s… already 8.
I’ll go home for today and try again tomorrow.
And with that, I left the recording room.
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Haruka: Sigh... I failed to do well again today. I wonder what I should do….
Writing a song that Jinguji-san wants to sing… is super difficult. But I have to make it happen.
Otherwise, Jinguji-san wouldn't be willing to do it.
I gazed up at the starry sky, which was so beautiful that it nearly brought me to tears.
Cat: Meow…
I suddenly hear the meow of a cat.
And in the next moment.
A whoosh.
A strong gust of wind shook the trees and blew away the clouds hanging over the moon.
A stranger abruptly appeared in front of me.
Dark skin. 
A chiseled face. 
Clear eyes.
There was something foreign about this mysterious man.
???: You have lost your way. The "music" within you is stagnant.
Haruka: Huh…? Who are you…?
Cecil: Please call me Cecil, my princess.
Haruka: U-Um….
Cecil: You are a child of music. Daughter of the Muses…. I do not wish to see you stop your journey.
Your music is yours, but not only yours…. Please do not suffer alone….
The answer resides in both of your hearts. This song will show you the way. Please speak with the one you believe in…
A whoosh.
The wind picks up again, and when I glance away for a second, Cecil is gone.
Haruka: What just happened…?
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The following morning.
I woke up at sunrise and pondered to myself as I sat in front of the keyboard in my room.
I tried to play a variety of melodies, but none of them sounded right.
I would have talked to someone for advice, but my roommate Tomo-chan left for her parents' house yesterday, and Jinguji-san was probably busy on a date….
Haruka: One more time, from the top.
Ren: Are you in, Lady?
Haruka: Ah, y-yes!
Huh? Jinguji-san’s here?
W-What for?
I-I didn't know how to prepare myself.... 
B-But since he's here….
Select the phrase!
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Well, um… (+10 Love)
Ren: Did I startle you by turning up out of the blue?
Haruka: Ah, i-it’s fine. I was just thinking of seeing you.
Ren: Really? That's nice to hear. Who knows, maybe your wish found its way into my heart.
Haruka: C-Come in.
Ah, my voice is cracking.
I need to calm down.
Hang in there.
Ren: Did you mind me dropping in unannounced?
Haruka: N-No, seriously! I-I said it’s fine!!
Ugh… I’m stuttering….
It was then that Jinguji-san laughed at me again.
Ren: I have no idea what you're so uptight about... Relax a little more. I thought this was your room.
Haruka: I’m sorry….
Ren: You really don’t have to apologize. But anyway. I was sure you'd be in the recording room, but you were in your room instead today.
I was looking everywhere for you.
Haruka: Ah, s-sorry about that.
Ren: What a timid princess; like I said, there’s no need to be sorry... Well... Let's go, then.
Haruka: Uh, g-go where?
Ren: On a date.
Haruka: A date!?
Select the phrase!
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B-But this is so sudden…. (+10 Love)
Ren: Did you have something else planned?
Haruka: T-That’s not it…. I figured you were already on one.
Ren: That was the plan. However, the girl I was supposed to go out with had an emergency come up.
It would be absurd to spend a beautiful day like this alone.
Haruka: So you came here…
Surely Jinguji-san has plenty of other wonderful people in his life.
Ren: Yep, I thought that spending time with your partner every once in a while isn't a bad idea. Outside of practice, of course.
Haruka: Thank you so much.
Oh dear, I feel a little like crying.
The fact Jinguji-san remembers me is an incredible step in the right direction!
I would be happiest if we could practice together, but I am also delighted to be able to hang out with him apart from that.
Having Jinguji-san's precious time is such a luxury.
Oh, I'm so thrilled!
Ren: Now, I'll be waiting outside, so get ready and come join me. If possible, it’d be great if you could put on your finest dress.
Haruka: A-Alright.
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I was then brought along by Jinguji-san. 
The place was as gorgeous as a castle.
Red carpets.
Marble pillars.
And chandeliers.
Haruka: Ah. I-I think I’m out of place….
I came all dressed up....
But I have a feeling this is not the kind of place you can enter in such ordinary attire.
Ren: Don’t worry about that. I use this place often and know the people here, so when I book a reservation, they give me a private room.
Forgive me for putting you on edge, but it'll be just the two of us.
Don't worry about where we are. For starters, this is also the venue used for the Christmas dance party that students can attend.
It’s not a place they can normally go to. Plus, you’re looking positively adorable today, lady. Keep your chin up.
Select the phrase!
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T-Thank you. (+20 love)
Ren: I should be the one thanking you. I now have such a pretty girl all to myself. You can forget all about the music and think only of me today.
Haruka: This all feels like a dream. Bringing me to a place like this….
Ren: We won't be seen by other girls here. You can indulge yourself as much as you like, since I don't normally give you much attention.
Haruka: …Is it because all the girls are looking at you that you act so indifferent in class?
Ren: Yeah. It’s why I can't afford to give you special treatment. I don't want to see the girls fighting each other, and I don't want to get you involved in that kind of thing either.
Haruka: Oh…. I’m sorry I never realized. And um…. Thank you!
Ren: Sigh. You really don't need to thank me for that.
Haruka: But it makes me happy to know…. Ah, if Tomo-chan were here at a time like this, I would have reported it to her immediately. 
Ren: Reporting sounds a bit much. Tomo-chan is the girl you’re roomed with… what? Is she not there now?
Haruka: Well, she went back to her parents' house for summer vacation. I debated whether I should go home, too, but... I wanted to devote my time to composing….
That reminds me, aren't you going home for the summer too?
Ren: I… wouldn't want to go back to that place even if they begged me to.
Jinguji-san spits out coldly. 
...The mood changes into something different from usual.
Haruka: Um… Did you have a fight with someone at home?
Ren: There wasn't a fight, and there never would have been in the first place. I don’t matter to them.
I am merely a puppet to be handled. I never wanted to come to Saotome Academy.
They brought me here against my will for the sole purpose of turning me into a poster child for the family.
I remember that Jinguji-san once mentioned he came here for his family's sake.
And that's why he doesn't want to be an idol.
Ren: I got into a school I didn't want to go to, and sing songs I don't want to sing.
And after graduation, I'll be appearing in a lot of Jinguji-affiliated corporate commercials as an idol.
I guess the sudden surge in TV and magazine appearances prior to admission was part of the scheme.
Everyone here came with a dream.
I imagine it must be lonely not to be able to share in those dreams.
If it wasn't his own decision, but rather for the benefit of his family, I can see why he wouldn't be that committed to becoming an idol.
Jinguji-san was so radiant when he played the saxophone or sang.
I didn't believe he'd shine like that if he truly hated this. 
Perhaps it was just a selfish assumption on my part to think so.
Haruka: …You don't like to sing?...
It would be so sad if that were the case.
I would be forcing Jinguji-san to do something he doesn't want to do, if he doesn't like to sing.
I don't want to do that.
I want him to sing from his heart.
The song will never be good if he’s unwilling to do so.
Ren: …I don’t hate the singing itself…. I simply don’t want to comply with my family’s bidding and be forced into singing.
Haruka: If you really don’t want to… then don’t.
Ren: Huh…?
Haruka: If not that, then sing a song that is just for you. One your family has nothing to do with.
Ren: One my family… has nothing to do with?
Haruka: Yes, because you are you.
Ren: You’re the second person to have told me that, lady.
Though, I never meant to share these things with anyone. I dragged you here with the intention to work some magic on you.
Was I the one who was bewitched? Every time I'm with you, lady, I tend to reveal the things I've been hiding deep inside of me.
Haruka: Magic…?
Ren: Well, the magic talk is a figurative expression, but you do possess an air of mystery about you.
Haruka: Well, you said I was the second person. Is the other person someone who leaves that kind of impression as well?
Ren: Hm? No, that's not what I meant. The situation back then was different than it is now. The first person was… Masato Hijirikawa… you see.
Haruka: Hijirikawa-sama?
Ren: …That was a long time ago.
With a huff, a nostalgic expression appears on Jinguji-san's face.
Haruka: May I ask you more about it?
Ren: Are you really that interested in the guy?
Haruka: No, this is about you.
You’re super friendly and kind to everyone, but when it comes to Hijirikawa-sama… you get a little defensive.
I wanted to know why…. I've always been curious about what happened.
I worried a little about whether it was appropriate to ask such a question....
But I decided that it was now or never if I was going to.
Ren: I mean, it's nothing that serious, but... Yeah, it sure does get on my nerves to see the guy.
All right. Let's take a quick trip down memory lane.
It was around the time when our families started to be at odds with each other, and since I was close in age, I was constantly being compared.
It drove me crazy as a kid. I was being compared to someone younger than me, someone I'd never met, and they'd get mad at me, they'd scold me.
My father was a scary man. I never once saw him smile. He was always angry.
“Defeat Hijirikawa. It's the least you can do as the third son.”
“I will not have anyone in this house who can be beaten by the Hijirikawa son.”
“We only need a second son, the third is an extra.”
“I wish you'd never been born at all.”
I was despised and criticized for being the third son. In contrast, he is the heir to the family and respected within the Hijirikawa family. Why is there such a difference?
I spent my days feeling like nothing will ever be good enough.
Then one day, I met him at a party. I immediately went over to him and began to complain.
You know why? Because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be getting so much grief.
Haruka: I see….
Ren: But he turned to me and said, “It doesn’t matter where you come from. You are you.”
He even said the feud between our families was of "no interest" to him. That was quite a shocker.
In those days, all I cared about was being useful to my family and being accepted by my father.
As I recall, you said something similar at first. How you’re not interested in anything but music.
Haruka: Oh, E-Excuse me. I didn’t mean to…
Ren: You're fine, it was quite remarkable.
Haruka: I’m sorry.
Ren: Don't be sorry. I was rather glad.
Anyway, enough about that for now.... After that, we kinda started talking. We were… friends.
In hindsight, I suppose we had what you might call a good friendship.
Haruka: You're not friends now? You’re roommates.
Ren: Us? No way. He's not my friend. He and I are very different.
We are no longer children capable of abandoning our family ties and getting involved with each other. We can never go back to those honest days.
Haruka: But you're both on the road to becoming an idol.
Ren: …Sure. But he’s the eldest Hijirikawa son and I’m irrelevant. That's a huge difference.
He was the one who sat at the table during conferences between the conglomerates, where I was told not to come. He was younger than me.
I couldn’t forgive him. I couldn’t get a place at the table no matter how hard I tried, and he got a seat without doing a thing.
In spite of how well I excelled in academics and sports, my father only ever loved my older brother. 
It didn't matter what I could do, I would never be the eldest son. The only thing I truly desired was fated to be beyond my reach from the moment I was born.
Jinguji-san clenches his fist tightly.
Ren: But not him. He was born with everything. A family, a fortune, and the love of his parents.
His tone grew heated, and it gradually became more impassioned.
Ren: And yet, he left it all behind and came to the academy. I felt it was "fate" that reunited us here.
This is my chance. I may be in a different position and grade, but it's the perfect opportunity for me to beat him.
I want to defeat him. I want to win and prove that I'm worthy too….
I can support the business. That I’m part of a respectable family.
He’s on fire.
It was a passion that knows no bounds.
I had no idea he could look like this.
Haruka: Then let’s win.
Ren: Huh…?
Haruka: I will write a song that will make you shine brighter than anyone else. And then, we'll prove just how amazing you are.
We'll show you off at the graduation audition.
I am dedicating myself to achieving this goal. I will now write a song just for you, and no one else.
A song not for you as a member of the Jinguji family, but for you, Ren Jinguji, as an individual.
Now, if you like what you hear... Will you sing for me?
Ren: A song just for me….
Haruka: Yes. Everything that’s happened up to this point has nothing to do with it.
Ren: I get it. Our efforts going forward will be put to the test, and we'll only be as good as what we're currently capable of.
That sounds like fun. Alright. I'll sing it for you if I like the song enough.
Select the phrase!
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R-Really? (+20 love, +10 music)
Haruka: That’d make me really happy. Thank you!
Ren: Heh. You surely exaggerate.
Haruka: …?
Ren: Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking how you must really like music.
Haruka: I do! I love it!
Ren: … You… love it?
Haruka: Yes! I'll finish the song as soon as I can.
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A few days later.
I finish composing a song just for Jinguji-san.
Haruka: Do you… like it…?
I hope it will be ok this time…
But you never can be 100% sure.
Ren: I see…. So this is the song you made for me….
Select the phrase!
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Yes. (+20 love, +5 music)
Ren: Hm. Alright… So this… is it.
Oh my god, is it still no good…?
My heart is about to burst out of my chest.
Ren: Well, alright, you pass.
Haruka: Huh…?
Ren: What I’m saying is that I’ll sing it for you, lady.
Haruka: A-Are you serious!!
Ren: Very. I think I can beat the guy with this.
Haruka: T-Thank you!
I’m over the moon. 
Ah, I’m so glad it all worked out!
Ren: Can I have the file for this song? It won't hurt to practice once in a while.
Haruka: O-Of course. I burned it on a CD.
That’s right! If you’re going to be singing my song, that means I won the bet!
Ren: That’s also true. I guess you've cleared the first stage, huh?
Haruka: I cleared the first stage…. Ah, I’m so happy.… Now we can also practice together!
Ren: You're such a... I can't figure out how you keep letting yourself inside of my head so easily.
Jinguji-san takes my hand and gazes intently at my fingers.
Ren: Without so much as a knock, you enter, and before I even realize, you're already sitting there. Curiously, though, I don't hate it.
You're generally a quiet, inconspicuous, ordinary girl, but from time to time you can be very daring… I guess, in this case, selflessness prevails?
A-Ah, I’m sorry….
I do sometimes overstep my boundaries....
Forgive me.
Ren: However, the real battle is yet to come. If we don't pass the graduation audition, none of this will mean anything.
Haruka: Yes! Ah… Which leads me to wonder, what would have happened if I had lost the bet?
Ren: You really want to know?
Haruka: Yes, I’m a little curious.
Ren: Then my lips are sealed. I’ll let you know only if you can pass the graduation audition. If you really want to find out, you'll have to work even harder than you are now.
Haruka: Deal!
Ren: Now… I've only just arrived but... I'll be leaving soon enough for today.
Haruka: Huh…?
Jinguji-san kisses the back of my hand.
Ren: If I stick around here any longer, I might turn into a wolf. I'll listen to this song in my room.
That being said, Jinguji-san heads back to his dorm room.
Haruka: Ah! W-What’s with him today? He’s always…
My heart was racing.
He's always so cool, but also more than that....
Besides, he said he would sing my song…
Ah, finally! The day has finally come!
But as Jinguji-san said, the battle is yet to come.
This song is not in its final form. 
I will put all of my heart and soul into it, so that we can pass the graduation audition for sure!
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Mini Game
Ryuya: Today we will be trying for a more advanced level of performance. I will teach you firsthand the techniques for playing a real instrument.
Learn as much as you can from me!
Although the melody remains the same, depending on the method, the quality of the music will improve. Stay on your toes and do your best!
Okay, let's get started!
Let the music begin!
Ren: You are a wonder. Your performance is so sincere that it touches my heart. I've never heard music like this before. I wish I could listen to it all the time.
Haruka: Ah… Thank you. But… I am always happy to play for you. Please don't hesitate to ask….
It would be a great pleasure to have Jinguji-san sing along to my performance. 
Jinguji-san’s singing….
I wish I could listen to it all the time.
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Chapter End
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yawpie · 1 year
That's my girl
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fanart by @xnyymph on twitter
"That's my girl"
Sasuke breathed as he watched is girlfriend dance in the rain with their puppy after a vet's appointment. They had just got to know that their puppy's end was near due to a vital terminal illness, and that to end her pain sooner, it would be better to give her 'the injection' to slowly close her eyes and to go to a place where not a person would harm her and no illness could catch her. He always adored Sakura for who she was, for the love she showed for the people who she cared for.
He could see the pain in eyes despite the smile on her face, dancing around and playing with their puppy. He could distinguish the tears rolling of her eyes from the rain pouring down.
Coming to his sense, we looked at his watch and called out
"Sakura, it's already been 15 minutes, you'll catch a cold!"
"Five more minutes Sasuke, look at her, she's having so much fun!" she replied waving him off as she continued to run as their puppy chased her
Sighing he got out of his car to pull out an umbrella as the smell of the wet mud tingled his nose, opening the umbrella and putting it over him, he walked over to his girlfriend, putting an umbrella over her, stopping her over her tracks.
"Do you want to catch a fever tomorrow? when it's the last day for dango tomorrow?" Sasuke looked at her with worry on his face
(PS: dango is Sasuke's and Sakura's puppy's name! not the actual food)
"Don't remind me about that" she looked at him with sadness in her eyes, pouting.
"Alright alright, let's get you and dango into the car, I've got spare towels for us in there" he said as he parted her wet bangs off her face so he could see her eyes, holding her by her shoulder as Sakura carried dango, he tried to balance the umbrella to the left so that he could cover both Sakura and dango well.
Walking over to the parking lot which actually had a roof, Sasuke closed the umbrella and realised that his right shoulder was soaking wet. Sighing, he opened the bunker to get two fresh white towels out, giving one to Sakura so that she could wrap dango in it and the other, he placed it on her head and gently started to dry her hair out while she did the same to their puppy.
"Ah, would you look at that, young love"
Both of them turned to the source of the voice of the person mocking them, but only found out that it was an old couple, snickering and laughing together and holding each other's hands for support. Sasuke glared at them and was smacked at his shoulder telling him to stop as she warmly smiled at them and thanked them, for whom the old couple nodded with a smile and made their way into the apartment.
"That's my fiancée"
Sasuke said pointing at Sakura who was now staring at an art piece in the museum
"The one who's staring at a picture of a night sky like a child, yeah her" he continued, to the person who was his high school acquaintance, who seemingly accidentally met in an art museum.
"Anyways, it was nice meeting you Sasuke-San, will see you next time" Yeji said waving at him "congratulations by the way, she's really pretty!" he said as he turned around and got lost in the crowd. Smiling, he went to the place where Sakura was still looking at the painting
"What's so special about this painting, that you spent the last ten minutes staring at it?" he said as he kissed her temple, now shifting his gaze to the painting
"It reminds me of our first date"
"Our first date, in which we went stargazing, and you showed me the north star" she said as she pointed out the north star in the painting of a beautiful array of a starry night, with a Crecent moon on the left side of the painting
"And you remind me of the Crecent moon, pretty to look at- at night when you can't seemingly fall asleep with so much running over your head" she said as she laid her head on his shoulder and held his hand
"And then, after I said about the north star being the brightest star, you fell asleep idiot" Sasuke said, as he held Sakura's hand tighter, running his thumb over her engagement ring
"It was one AM at night you asshat, after you called me at the dead of night, randomly asking me out and making me sneak out of my house for the first time ever in my life, who wouldn't fall asleep?"
"But did you fall asleep after I left you home the same night?"
"n-no" she stuttered blushing, bringing out her mint eyes.
"That's my wife's cooking for ya Naruto" Sasuke said as he pointed the chopsticks at Naruto who had just casually complimented Sakura's miso soup
"Yeah, yeah teme, can you pul-leez stop being a simp for once?" Naruto said rolling his eyes
"Speak for yourself idiot, who's the bigger simp, me or you?" he said eyeing Naruto and Hinata
"Sasuke! Why do you have to turn everything into a competition when it comes to me?" Sakura said as she bought a bowl of tomato salad and seated herself at the dining table "isn't that right Hinata?" she said smirking as Hinata nodded smiling.
"How's jr. Naruto doing by the way Hinata" Sakura asked as Hinata put a hand over her swollen belly which contained a life inside (aka jr. Naruto)
"Oh! We found out his due date! It's on march 26th!" Hinata exclaimed
"That's good to hear! Can't wait for the little one" she said smiling, wondering how Her's and Sasuke's kids would be as she took a sip of her miso soup
"Speaking of babies, teme, when are you planning on having kids?" Naruto asked as Sakura choked on her soup and began coughing
"It went into the wrong pipe sorry" Sakura croaked out as Sasuke began gently tapping her back
"I'll go get some water" Sasuke said as he pushed his chair back and walked into the kitchen to get some water, coming back and placing the glass of water in Sakura's hands, Sasuke answered the question for her instead
"We haven't talked about it yet"
"Sasuke! We're going to be late, hurry up and don't forget to get Sarada's present, I'll be ready in a minute!" Sakura said as she peeped through the doorframe and went to fetch her bag
"On it!"
It was Sarada's sports day at her kindergarten and the new parents were getting ready in a rush to reach in time. After hustling, taking turns in the wrong way and Sakura muttering 'oh god we're so going to be late' a hundred times, they finally reached her preschool, in one piece.
The slowly entered the ground where other parents sat and Sarada was quick to recognise her parents and waved at them with a big smile on her face, for which to Sasuke and Sakura waved back. They had reached on time, on time as they race was about to start.
Sarada was standing ready on her track as the whistle was blown, and she dashed, faster than her classmates, this made Sasuke full of adrenaline shout
"YOU GOT THIS SARADA!!" a little louder than he intended which made all the parents look at him. Feeling all the unwanted attention he shrunk, but expanded as soon as he saw Sarada near the finishing line he regained his enthusiasm. She was milliseconds away from getting first place and he screamed
Upon hearing her husbands screams of encouragement, Sakura shook her head but with a proud look on her face. Both of them watched Sarada run in slow motion
Aaaaaaannnnddddddd shhheeeeeeee wonnnnnnnnnn!!!
Sasuke, now with tears in his eyes yelled towards Sarada as she received  the gold medal with a huge smile on her face
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as-close-to-normal · 1 month
The Minotaur’s Name
Written at 1 am because I couldn’t sleep. Terrible summary about the mythology above the cut but my actual writing is below. There are also links to a short story.
A basic summary for those who would like a refresher, or have never heard of the Minotaur. Minos was one of three sons vying to become king on the island of Crete after their father, King Aseterion, died. Minos goes to Poseidon and asks for a bull to prove his divine right to rule. He gets the bull and exiles his brothers. Minos then doesn’t sacrifice the bull as he promises he would. Poseidon becomes enraged at this and puts a curse on Pasiphae, Minos wife. Long story short, she is the Minotaur’s mother. King Minos demanded that Daedalus, father of Icarus, create the Labyrinth to house the Minotaur, a half man half bull creature. For retribution for the death of Minos’ son Androgeos, the people of Athens forced to send 14 Athenian nobles into the Labyrinth every seven years to be sacrificed. Eventually the Minotaur was slaughtered by Theseus the Athenian hero. There are multiple renditions of this story but it remains similar plot wise. (More in depth version below.)
But did you know that the Minotaur had a name? Asterion, starry one. Asterion had a life outside the labyrinth. A mother who had loved and cared for him as a child. Who probably held him as he fell asleep. He had known the warmth of the sunlight on his skin, the moon that lit up the night sky and the stars for which he was named after. But at what age was he locked up in the winding darkness?When he got older, when the horns came in ,and the tantrums became too much to handle? Or was it when the subjects began to notice the bull prince?
A child left to wander the endless twists and turns of the maze he would now have to call home. Sitting at the door by which he was first locked in crying out for his mother who wasn’t there, who would never come. Seeking an embrace he would never feel the warmth of again. At some point Asterion had to realize that no one would respond to his cries. Was it then that he started to explore, moving away from that door and into his new home.
Would he get lost at first? Making deep notches and groves the walls. So that he would know his way around the endless halls. Favorite rooms marked out with his own symbols, a language all his own unable to understand anything else. Talking to himself, making up imaginary friends and new words so he didn’t have to hear the silence. Bellowing words and shouts of glee, attempting to stave off boredom. Citizens above mistaking joy for a monster below.
When his brother died and they sent Athenians in, was he the one to strike the first blow? Scaring the solitary soul who had instinctually defended himself against their attacks. Unbeknownst why they were in his home of halls. Would they starve to death before even finding him, withering in the corners. Asterion, within the depths of the labyrinth amongst the best rooms working on a new carving in the walls.
When Theseus would come to kill him, would he be relieved? The cycle of pain and suffering broken. No longer forced to be punished for his existence, mercy for a creature such as himself. He probably decided long ago whether he would look Death in the eye as it faced him, hands at his side quietly waiting. Accepting being a monster in the myths, for peace in return.
Who decides what a monster is? The nature of a creature how virtuous or violent it is? The environment of which it was raised, kindness shown or cruelty dolled out? An age old debate among men that has plagued us for eternity. But what if man was the one who made the monster? Not nature, nurture, nor the creature itself; the societal views upon which makes us human.
“Would you believe it, Ariadne?” Said Theseus “The Minotaur scarcely defended himself.”
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The Minotaur by George Frederic Watts, oil on canvas, 1885
This would be incomplete without the short story that inspired this writing. La casa de Asterión (House of Asterion) by Jorge Luis Borges, written 1947. He was inspired by the painting pictured above.
Information for those who would like it on the Minotaur Mythology stories. I did not feel like writing a long summary.
About the painting.
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- none 😽
A/N- Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @nadeleine123n
Ch-24 ~Unexpected manoeuvre~
Later that night, Anaya was jerked awake by Tamar calling her name
“Time to go,” she said.
“Now?” Alina asked blearily. “What time is it?”
“Coming on three bells.”
“In the morning?” she yawned and got out of her hammock
“Where are we?” Anaya asked hoarsely
“Fifteen miles off the coast of West Ravka. Come on, Sturmhond is waiting.” She was dressed and had her canvas bag slung over her shoulder.
As Anaya was putting her kefta on, Tamar handed out a tawny coat in front of her, "I'm sure those people won't exactly be happy to a see a grisha from the little palace"
She put on the coat and left her kefta on her hammock, stuffing her notebook in the inside pocket. 
On deck, Mal stood by the ship’s starboard rail with a small group of crewmen. It took Anaya a moment to realize that Privyet had been wearing Sturmhond’s garish teal coat. The boy would've been hard to recognize if he hadn't been the one giving orders. He was swaddled in a voluminous greatcoat, the collar turned up, a wool hat pulled low over his ears.
A cold wind was blowing. The stars were bright in the sky, and a sickle moon sat low on the horizon. 
“What’s happening?” Alina asked.
“We’re going ashore.” Mal responded
“In the middle of the night?”
“The Volkvolny will raise my colors near the Fjerdan coast,” the captain spoke. “The Darkling doesn’t need to know that you’re back on Ravkan soil just yet.”
Sturmhond bent his head to conversate with Privyet
Anaya looked up at the starry sky. Whatever sort of trouble was coming their way, she was ready to face it. And whatever the mad captain intended to throw their way wouldn't be much of a surprise to her, she'd already seen worse.
She looked over at Rabeah, who'd been talking to the fabrikator from a few nights ago. 
She noticed Alina and Mal speaking in low voices.  Mal bent to kiss her, a sight that made Anaya grimace. Sturmhond’s voice cut through the dark. “Can we get to the cuddling later? I want us ashore before dawn.
Mal took Alina's hand and they returned to the group.
Sturmhond gave Privyet an envelope sealed with pale blue wax, then clapped him on the back. They boy appeared as he was about to cry. Tolya and Tamar slipped over the railing, holding tight to the weighted ladder secured to the schooner.
Anaya looked over the side. She was surprised to see a smaller structure, similar to the sketches she'd seen in Sturmhond's cabin, floating alongside the Volkvolny. IIt was quite an extraordinary ship. Its two hulls looked like a pair of hollowed-out shoes, and they were held together by a deck with a giant hole in its center.
Mal and Alina followed, stepping onto one of the craft’s curved hulls. They picked their way across it and descended to the central deck, where a sunken cockpit was nestled between two masts. Sturmhond gestured Anaya to follow and then leapt down after them, then swung up onto a raised platform behind the cockpit and took his place at the ship’s wheel.
Anaya looked around but was quickly relieved to find Rabeah standing near the cockpit, glancing in her direction with curiosity
“What is this thing?” Alina asked the question building up in Anaya's mind
“I call her the Hummingbird,” he said, consulting some sort of chart. "Though I’m thinking of renaming her the Firebird "
The girl's expression quickly changed but the bloke only grinned
"Cut anchor and release!” he ordered
Tamar and Tolya unhitched the knots of the grapples that held them to the Volkvolny. Anaua saw the anchor line slither like a live snake over the Hummingbird’s stern, the end slipping silently into the sea. 
“Make sail,”  Sturmhond called
The sails unfurled. Though the Hummingbird’s masts were considerably shorter than those aboard the schooner, its double sails were huge and rectangular, and they required two crewmen each to maneuver them into position.
They pulled farther from the Volkvolny.
The captain shook himself, then called out, “Squallers!”
A Grisha was positioned in each hull. They raised their arms, and wind billowed around them, filling the sails. Sturmhond adjusted the course and called for more speed. The Squallers obliged, and the vessel leapt forward. 
“Take these,” the privateer spoke He dropped a pair of goggles into Alina's lap and tossed another pair to Mal. He then handed similar pairs to Anaya and Rabeah.
They looked similar to those worn by the Fabrikators in the workshops of the Little Palace. All of the crew seemed to be wearing them, along with Sturmhond. 
Anaya pulled them on along with the others. 
The boy soom called for more speed, he seemed to be in a hurry. 
The Hummingbird sped over the water, its shallow double hulls skated from wave to wave, barely seeming to touch the surface of the sea. 
“All right, Squallers,” commanded Sturmhond, “Take us up. Sailors to wings, on my count.”
Anaya looked around in confusion, unable to comprehend what was going on
“Five!” the captain shouted.
The crewmen started to move counterclockwise, pulling on the lines.
The Squallers spread their hands wider.
A boom lifted between the two masts, the sails gliding along its length.
“Heave!” cried the sailors. The Squallers lifted their arms in a massive swoop.
“One!” Sturmhond yelled. 
The sails billowed up and out, snapping into place high above the deck like two gigantic wings
Sturmhond was laughing like a lunatic. The Squallers were calling out to each other in a volley, making sure they kept the updraft steady.
That was when Anaya finally realized, They were flying.
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